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The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read®

April 2014

Issue #68

Published & Distributed Monthly by Unified Media Marketing Group ■ For Advertising Call 248-423-1765 ■ www.UnifiedMMG.com

April 6 ----------- Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet April 11-13 ----- Great Lakes Art Fair April 12-13 ----- Michigan Antique Arms Collectors Show April 13 --------- VegFest: Vegan Tastefest & Expo April 18-19 ----- Novi Gun & Knife Show April 25-27 ----- LEGO® KidsFest May 1-4 --------- International Women’s Show See our complete event lineup at www.SuburbanCollectionShowplace.com


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Q: Why do dogs dislike computers? A: They can’t stick their heads out of the windows!


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by Patricia L. Cook Whether you are dog tired (very tired), living a dog’s life (difficult life), or so busy you feel like you are chasing your own tail (working hard but not seeing progress), this Tidbits should give you a reason to go hog wild (become highly enthusiastic)!

• An idiom is “a set expression of two or more words that means something other than the literal meanings of its individual words.” The idioms we’ll explore in this Tidbits are those that deal with animals. • Watch these pages like a hawk (carefully) to see if you recognize these sayings. You may find that many are very familiar to you. You may also find some that are complete hogwash (nonsense). In trying not to beat a dead horse (engage in pointless and repetitive discussion), you may want to read these at a snail’s pace (slowly) so that you can catch the meaning of each sentence! turn the page for more!

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Page 2

Tidbits® Michigan CAT AND MOUSE (continued):



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The winner is drawn at random at the beginning of each month from all the correct contest entries received from the previous month. Must be 18 years or older to enter. One entry per household monthly. Your info will not be shared or sold to anyone. Winner’s name and city will be published in the following issue.



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• An expression that seems to have disappeared or just never caught on with current generations is “I’ll swan” or “I’ll swanee!” Mostly used in the south, this is an expression of surprise probably as a replacement for “I swear” or a curse word. If you’ve never heard this one you probably think it is for the birds (not for you.)! After all, birds of a feather flock together, (people associate with similar folks)! • Many expressions are ingrained in our vocabulary when we are only knee high to a grasshopper (very small.) Some are kept out of earshot of children because they may not be appropriate for young ears! (Those won’t be in Tidbits!) • While little children may be cute as a bug’s ear (the smaller they come, the cuter they are), some are bullheaded (stubborn) and make a beeline (go toward) to trouble. After all, when the cat’s away, the mice will play (people misbehaving without supervision). • Sometimes supervision is in the hands of the biggest frog in the pond (most important person in a group), while at other times it may be given to the leader who is as calm as a toad in the sun (calm and content). Either way, if there is conflict, it may be necessary to separate the sheep from the goats (distinguish the good from the bad). • When conflict arises, there are times when people act like animals. A dumb cluck (person acting stupid) may be pigheaded (stupidly stubborn) and try to find a scapegoat (innocent person who is blamed) when things go wrong. • A bullheaded (obstinate) person may try to butt heads (to argue fiercely) with a sheepish (embarrassed) friend only to find that she will pull the wool over his eyes ( fool him). • It is easy to get fleeced (swindled) if you don’t pay attention to what is happening to you and just ignore obvious problems. If you make yourself a sitting duck (easy target) you may end up in a harebrained scheme (foolish plan). • It is much better to have all your ducks in a row (be organized), than to go down a rabbit hole (enter a fantasy world) when you need to make decisions. • Hold on if you think we are barking up the wrong tree (have the wrong idea), fantasy worlds can be fun and engaging. Just remember that it’s a dog-eatdog world (there is a lot of competition in life) out there and you need to be careful not to be constantly chasing your own tail (working hard but not getting anything done)! • If organizing gives you a burr under your saddle (causes you to be irritated), remember that the early bird gets the worm (start early so that you have the best chance for success). • Seeing an opportunity to improve your life or your situation, sometimes requires walking on eggshells

(being careful not to offend others) or a somewhat opposite situation; taking the bull by the horns (tackling the problem). • You sure don’t need to be told that you are not the sharpest quill on the porcupine (not very smart) if you are having a hard time with an assignment. Most people realize when they struggle and have butterflies in their stomachs (feel nervous) when they have bitten off more than they can chew (taken on too hard or big a task). • Speaking of chewing, when you are hungry as a bear (really hungry), it is usually best to take your time eating anyway. Don’t be silly and wolf down your food (eat too fast) or you may find yourself sick as a horse (very sick)! • Hold your horses (be patient) when you need to wait for your food, whether at your home, someone else’s home or a restaurant. Be a good egg (nice person) not a bad egg (bad person) and avoid fighting like cats and dogs (fierce argument). Don’t bite the hand that feeds you (harm someone who is helping you)! • Take the bull by the horns (face difficulty) when you are strong and can rule the roost (be the boss), but don’t get egg on your face (be humiliated) by taking on more than you can handle. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch (don’t plan on having something until you actually get it)! • If things are going well in your family or work life, don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs (don’t destroy the source of your good fortune). Be thankful and don’t ruffle any feathers (don’t upset anyone) or you may find yourself eating crow (having to admit that you are wrong). Remember birds of a feather flock together (similar people stick together). • Don’t be a fraidy cat (a coward) when it comes to trying new things. Carefully weigh the risks and wing it (improvise) as you are learning. If you get sent on a wild goose chase (to be sent searching for something that can’t be found), then learn from your search. • It is better to let the cat have your tongue (be quiet) than to pretend to be a fat cat (rich and powerful person) when you really have nothing to brag about. After all, the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray (even careful plans can go wrong). • Many times in our everyday lives the weather can be an influencing factor in our decision making. If it is raining cats and dogs outside (raining hard) then we are likely to be as happy as a clam (contended) staying at home reading a good book or watching a movie. If the sun is shining and it is nice and warm out, we are likely to go out to have a whale of a time (great enjoyment). • See you later, alligator (good-bye for now)! After while, crocodile (good-bye to you, too)! Tidbits will be back next month. ■

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Answer on page 2



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Page 3

For Advertising Call (248) 423-1765 UP FROM THE GROUND Springtime is a welcome time of year when the grass turns green and bulbs spring to life with colorful flowers. There are also other plants that spring up as the air and ground warms for the pleasure of people and animals! • Crocus are among the first flowers to burst from their bulbs in spring when the ground gets warm. From “snow” crocuses, which are the first to bloom, to giant Dutch crocuses, the flowers brighten gardens in a variety of colors: red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, orange and more. Even though the latter are called “giant,” all crocuses are small, between 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) tall. Some have strong scents that lure bees out of their hives as early as February to start their honey-making process. • Crocus means cheerfulness. Appropriately named, the little blooms are rarely bothered by deer, rabbits and squirrels. Snow and freezing temperatures can sometimes stop the blooms, leaving the greenery to peek out alone. Also, fall-blooming crocuses reappear in the spring but without their flowers. • Some other small flowers that may sprout from bulbs even before crocus are: glory-of-thesnow, winter aconite, common snowdrop, spring slowflake and netted iris. (Notice: 3 of the 4 early bloomers have names associated with winter!)

• Along with the bulbs planted in yards, ephemeral wildflowers are beginning to pop up in forests all around North America at this time of year. Ephemeral means “short-lived.” For the spring flowering ephemerals, they make an appearance as soon as the weather is warm, leaf out, bloom, spread a little and go dormant when hot weather intrudes. Spring ephemerals prefer damp areas like stream banks. • Ephemeral wildflowers, as a group, make up one of the largest types of wildflowers. Unseen by many, they appear and disappear quickly. The small, colorful plants take advantage of sunlight that comes into forested areas before leaves grow on the trees over their heads. Once the leaves block the sunshine, the glorious display of little flowers goes away!

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• With strange common names such as Skunk Cabbage, Bloodroot, Cutleaved Toothwort, Dutchman’s Breeches and Trout Lily, many of these plants emerge in April and are gone by May or early June. They emerge again each spring and if the ground has not been disturbed, usually in larger, more colorful numbers. • Skunk cabbage is an ephemeral with an odor of rotten meat. It has the strange ability to raise the temperature inside its flowers to cause snow to melt around it. • A more pleasant ephemeral that is nice to have in a home garden is Dutchman’s Breeches. The cute little white flowers resemble pantaloons blowing in the wind. • Trout Lily is so-named for its timing to bloom when trout are running or spawning. Trout fishermen love to discover these little blooms! • Trilliums always have 3 leaves, 3 petals and 3 sepals. Most of these are native to the United States. They are a favorite snack for deer so their little blooms sometimes disappear quickly. Trilliums, as well as many other flowers, grow from rhizomes, not bulbs. A rhizome is a “horizontal underground stem which can send out both shoots and roots.” • Spring officially started on March 20th, so now is the time to head to the woods to see what has come up from the ground! ■ J A PA N E S E

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Page 4

Tidbits® Michigan Life Is Still Good Without an Appendix By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Dear Dr. Donohue: My 13-year-old son went to band camp for five days. On day three, he had terrific stomach pain and started to vomit. The instructors were alarmed and took him to the local hospital, where doctors diagnosed appendicitis. We had to give phone permission for him to have an operation. Everything went fine, and he recovered quickly. My wife and I have a few questions. Could he have eaten something that caused appendicitis? What does not having an appendix do to people? No one in my wife’s or my family has had such an operation. We’re ignorant about all this. --G.G. Answer: The appendix dangles from the first part of the colon in the lower-right side of the abdomen. It looks like a slender worm, and has an average length of 3 inches (8 cm). The function of the appendix isn’t clearly defined, but it might have a role in body immunity. Life without an appendix goes on as normally as life with one. The appendix has a hollow core, which is lined with lymphoid tissue, the same kind of


tissue found in lymph nodes. Bacteria from the colon can invade the hollow core and cause the lymph tissue to swell. Swelling cuts off blood supply, and the appendix begins to disintegrate -- appendicitis. Undigested food or hard fecal material also can block the appendix’s core and lead to the same situation. Nothing your son ate is likely the cause. All the other campers ate the same food as he, but he was the only one to develop this problem. The pain of appendicitis most often starts in the area of the navel (bellybutton) and works its way toward the lower-right corner of the abdomen. Temperature rises. Vomiting is common, and sometimes diarrhea is part of the picture. A doctor, by what he or she hears from the patient, along with the examination of the abdomen, usually can make the diagnosis. In confusing circumstances, an ultrasound is most helpful. Millions of people worldwide live without an appendix. They do quite well. So will your son. Dear Dr. Donohue: When I was about 10 years old, I got the mumps. Now I am 30 and have been married for three years. My wife and I want to have a family, but we aren’t having any luck.

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Do you think the mumps made me infertile?

-- J.Z.

Answer: In around 40 percent of men who get the mumps after puberty, the virus also travels to the testicles. That results in impaired fertility in only 13 percent. Sterility almost never happens. If both testicles are infected, then sterility might be a problem. Before puberty, testicular involvement is rare, and infertility isn’t a problem. You were only 10. It’s highly unlikely that the mumps caused you to be infertile. You and your wife shouldn’t have to handle this problem on your own. Why not consult a doctor so both of you can be examined? An answer to the question why you aren’t having the family you want will be found, and a solution, if possible, will be suggested. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475.yearly in the United States. (c) 2014 North America Synd., Inc., All Rights Reserved

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Auto Sales Expert Varsity Lincoln MKX Receives the 2014 Kelley Blue Book Cost to Own Award

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Dear Varsity Lincoln: I was on Kelly Blue Book looking to see what my car is worth and saw that the MKX I’m looking at is on the Luxury Cost to Own Award winner. Exactly what does that mean?” Answer: These awards are based on Kelley Blue Book’s 5-Year Cost to Own data for new cars for the initial five-year ownership period. While depreciation (or loss of value) and fuel costs may be the greatest expense incurred in owning a vehicle, there are other factors that can have a significant impact on a consumer’s pocketbook. Cost to Own takes into consideration depreciation, expected fuel costs, finance and insurance fees, maintenance and repair costs, and state fees for new models.

Kelley Blue Book’s 5-Year Cost to Own Awards, like all new- and used-car information provided by KBB.com, exist to help shoppers make more informed new-car buying decisions by breaking down typical ownership cost details and naming the brands and models with the lowest projected five-year total. The 5 Year Cost to Own on the Lincoln MKX is $52,346! The featurerich Lincoln MKX matches a finely finished 5-passenger cabin and 305-horsepower V6 engine with standard premium amenities like MyLincoln Touch infotainment and heated/ cooled front seats. If you’re in the market for a Luxury SUV/Crossover stop by Varsity Lincoln or call us at 248-374-3412.

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Summer Camps are now available Novi Parks offer popular camps for the community

With an unseasonably cold winter, it is time to turn the page and start thinking about summer. With over twenty-seven camps, Novi Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services is excited to offer many options that are close to home, meet every child’s interest, and are affordable. Summer Camps are a chance for your child to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally. “For 2014 we are really excited about the camps we have to offer the community” comments Greg Morris, Recreation Supervisor. “Whether it is an allaround camp like Camp Lakeshore to a sports camp offered in conjunction with the Detroit Pistons to a Musical Theatre Camp, we have something for everyone. We even have martial arts camps!” Exciting Camps for 2014 include: • Lakeshore Adventure Camp including a NEW Counselor-In-Training program for 10th-12th graders

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Please allow extra time for traffic and parking prior to egg scramble. Prizes will include candy, toys, patches, and gift certificates. Meet our park celebrities Smokey Bear and the Easter Bunny.

Introduction to Triathlons Kids, Families & Adults Ages 10+ Swimming, cycling and running are three fun and active sports that are easy for all ages and skill levels. Training for a triathlon is easier than you might think—even if you currently have zero fitness. Yes, that’s right, with no current fitness you can be ready to do your first triathlon in only 6 weeks. And you don’t have to give up your life to make it happen. This class is designed for youths, teens, adults and families with little or no experience in triathlon training. Join us for an introductory course to learn proper body position, endurance, and technique. A Recreation

dinner that includes a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches hot off the grill! All ages welcome! Free event!

2nd Annual Earth Day Celebration Nature Center Tuesday, April 22 • (5 - 7 pm) Farmington Hills will celebrate Earth day with activities, food and education for adults and kids! Activities include: Guided Excursions, rock painting, face painting, stories by the fire with Genot Picor, make your own potted plant, nature twister, earth ball, and fun with Peace, Love, and Planet. Plus, stroll the exhibitor area and learn from several exhibitors how to save money, save energy and reduce your impact on the environment. You can also purchase

Earth Day Afterglow (Food-Beer-Sustainability) Ages: 21+

Longacre House Tuesday, April 22 • (7:30 - 9:30 pm) After the Earth Day celebration, enjoy the Earth Day Afterglow at the Longacre House! The evening starts with a strolling dinner of organic appetizers followed by local food, beer, outdoor and sustainability experts who will share their take on the latest environmental/sustainability trends in Michigan. Leave feeling in tune with Michigan’s environmental movement and how it impacts you! The fee for this event is $15. Registration deadline: April 20.

• LEGO® Camps • Musical Theatre Camps • Horseback Riding Camps • Sports Camps including: Lacrosse, Challenger Soccer, Basketball, Golf, Volleyball • Detroit Pistons Basketball Camp • Martial Arts Camps • Art and Painting Fundamental Camps The 2014 Summer Camp brochure is available at cityofnovi.org. Registration is going on right now at cityofnovi.org. For more information, please contact the Novi Parks office at 248.347.0400.

For more information, please call Novi Parks at 248.347.0400 or visit www.cityofnovi.org.

Passport will be required for each vehicle entering Maybury State Park. All participants are to supply their own equipment and clothing for all events. Come to our INFORMATIONAL MEETING on Wednesday April 16th at 6:30pm at the Northville Community Center to meet the coaches and ask questions!

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For our complete Spring/Summer Brochure visit: www.northvilleparksandrec.org 700 West Baseline Rd. Northville, MI 48167

Upcoming Skate Classes and Events!

We are also excited to let you know about our annual ice show “SKATING TO WSK8 RADIO.” Show dates are Friday, May 9, at 7:00 pm and Saturday, May 10, at 4:00 pm. Tickets will be available at the Ice Arena starting April 9. For more information, call (248) 478 -8800

SAVE THE DATE Art After Dark –Friday, May 2, 7 – 9:30pm Grow with the Arts - Festival of the Arts 2014 – Saturday, May 3, 10am – 4 pm Walk with a Doc -Thursday, May 15, Noon – 1pm No Senior Left Inside - Wednesday, May 28, 9:30 am – 2 pm View a full list of programs and events in our Special Services Activities Guide! Scan the QR Code to view our Brochure!

Page 6

Tidbits® Michigan

SeniorBits by Matilda Charles

High-Tech Gadgets Track Our Health Kaiser Health News took a look recently at some of the possibilities of remote monitoring by high-tech health gadgets. These devices can fit into your cellphone and allow your doctor keep track of your health, even if you’re not in his office. For example, if your heart rate accelerates while you’re doing your daily errands, the doctor will know it when he reads the information. Some devices can tell whether we’re taking pills on time. Others fit under the mattress on our bed to check breathing

Ask Your

Realtor Robert Curran Dear Robert: I hear prices are going up in the area? Is that true? -- Maritza R., Dearborn


Answer: Yes, Maritza! I am very happy to report that home values ARE going up! In replying to your question, I consulted the statistics from our MLS for the beginning and ending of 2013. According to RCO3, there were slightly more than 120,000 sales in 2013 posted within the Metro Detroit Area. As of January 1, 2013, the average sales price of properties sold was $79,900 As of January 1, 2014, the average sales price of properties sold was $119,500


and heart rate. Still others can check our glucose levels or blood pressure. That’s not to say most doctors are jumping on these devices as being the latest and greatest. While they like the information that can be gathered, some doctors are concerned about patient privacy. The information doesn’t go straight into patient records, but the day eventually will come when it will. At this point, patients must give permission for their information to be taken and must go into the doctor’s office to have the data transferred. Soon patients will be able to send it themselves over the Internet. In a preview of coming events, one device developer already is hooked up with advertisers and labs. Insurance companies are encouraging patients to upload their information from other devices. Many of the devices aren’t yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Are you nervous about this yet? What if you knew your information would go over the Internet, or if you knew it wasn’t always covered by health privacy laws?

So, I guess it’s pretty safe to say that prices, overall, throughout the Metro Detroit marketplace are up! The BEST way to find out the current market value of your property is to call a real estate professional, who will gather the relevant details and data, and provide you with customized pricing information about your particular property. This evaluation is called a CMA (Competitive Market Analysis) and is provided to you by Century 21 Curran & Christie at NO CHARGE! So, if you’d like to know how much your home is worth today, or you’re thinking about buying a new home, Century 21 Curran & Christie would like to apply for the job! Bob Curran is the President and CEO of Century 21 Curran & Christie, ranked the #1 Century 21 Office in the Great Lakes Region and #7 in the USA in 2011.

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If you’re asked to wear one of these new gadgets, ask questions about where the information goes ... lots and lots of questions.

Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Dear Jenny: My mother-in-law is driving me crazy. She acts like my house is hers and completely takes over when she is here. Not only does she drop by constantly, she will even march into my kitchen and start doing dishes, rearranging my cupboards, even folding laundry. She insists that her way is better. I have tried to ignore it to be nice, but I feel like I have lost control -- Katie in Novi Dear Katie: Let’s cut to the chase, ignoring this is not the answer. The fact that you wrote to me proves this. When dealing with your husband’s mother, you need to be respectful but firm. The longer you let her steam roll you, the harder it will be to correct. From your email, it doesn’t sound like you have children yet but you should establish your boundaries before you do. If she thinks your cupboards are arranged wrong, image how she will be once a newborn enters the picture.

Your first step should be to discuss this with your husband and find out his feelings about the situation. Be kind, you would expect the same from him regarding your mother. Having his support will help you as you assert yourself with someone of utmost importance to him. Choose wisely as you pick your battles. Consider what issue needs immediate attention and which can wait, or even be lived with. From your examples, the kitchen seems to be a hot spot. You need to be gentle but very clear on what you want. Next time she heads for your kitchen, gently take her hand and lead her away. Explain to her that you are so appreciative of her help, but insist that you have everything under control and exactly as you like it. Tell her how much more you both will enjoy her visit if she will sit in the living room so everyone can talk. Basically, stroke her ego a bit but don’t give in. Remember, she most likely is doing this out of a desire to feel needed rather than a desire to control. She was and did everything for the early years of your husband’s life, and it can be hard to hand that over to someone else. Next month: Bad boss? Read about it in May’s column. Do you have a question for Jenny? Send an email to: Editor@TidbitsMi.com

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Page 7

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Mila Djordjevic - Age 10

Thank You! Thank you to Mila Djordjevic of Novi for sharing her drawing with Tidbits Michigan. When Mila grows up, she wants to be a graphic designer. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answer on page 2

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With Tidbits coupon. Not valid with any other discounts. Expires 4/30/2014.

Dog Vaccine Package #2

Feline Vaccine Package #2


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Dog Vaccine Package #3

Feline Vaccine Package #3

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Feline Vaccine Package #1


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Page 8

Tidbits® Michigan

We make summer learning fun, interesting, and best of all...EFFECTIVE! We provide professional one-on-one tutoring in your home! We tutor students of all ages and in all subjects, and all tutors are certified teachers or degreed professionals with a passion for teaching. Tutoring is also available at the NOVI Club Z! office. One-On-One and small groups.


15% Discount*

40 hours of one-on-one tutoring (average of 4 hours per week over 10 weeks) • Catch up & master concepts from previous grade level • Get a jump start on next school year • Tutoring in multiple subjects • Improve study and organization skills

Summer ‘Scholar’ Program

10% Discount*

30 hours of one-on-one tutoring (average of 3 hours per week over 10 weeks) • Catch up from previous school year -OR- get a jump start on next school year • Tutoring in up to two subjects • Improve study and organization skills

Summer ‘Academy’ Program

5% Discount*

20 hours of one-on-one tutoring (average of 2 hours per week over 10 weeks) • Catch up from previous school year -OR- get a jump start on next school year • Tutoring in one subject

Schedule is filling fast! Please call to reserve your spot with Mrs. Thompson & her TeamToday!

www.clubztutoring.com * Discounts are from our standard tuition rates and are available only when the entire package is purchased and paid for by June 6th 2014. Nominal registration fee for new clients.

All summer tutoring hours must be completed by August 31, 2014.

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