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Why We Hurt and How We Heal By Dr. Greg Fors, DC Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN)

Sitting across from Kathy I could tell that she was confused and frustrated. She was only 38 years old but was already on a mixture of six different medications for her symptoms, primarily chronic pain and depression. She was also contending with many other symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia and poor memory. Looking over her history of diagnosed disorders, complaints and symptoms, I realized they all had one thing in common, chronic systemic inflammation. All healing in our body actually begins with inflammation, something we do our best to block in the U.S. by swallowing 30 billion NSAIDs each year, mostly for chronic pain issues. In the long run, this can lead to problems, for inflammation allows us to fight off infections, defeat cancerous cells, or heal a sprain/strain. Contrary to common practice, chronic inflammation cannot be reversed by taking anti-inflammatory drugs, whether prescribed or purchased over the counter, Far from healing drugs such as: aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin, Celebrex, ketoprofen, Toradol, naproxens, Feldene, Tolectin and acetaminophen tend to cause multiple and devastating side effects on our health. Diet and environmental toxins can also cause our natural healing response to turn into a disease process of chronic systemic inflammation. I explained this to Kathy, “Chronic inflammation can smolder in your tissues for years ‘just’ causing the pain and depression that now plague your life, until it sparks into a deadly chronic disease. It is a miscommunication within your neuroimmune system and can have wide spread and multiple effects on your health.” Kathy was concerned and her first question was, “how can I do this without drugs?” so I continued; “if you learn how to normalize chronic inflammation through proper diet, healing your gut through proper lifestyle changes instead of just blocking the inflammation with drugs, you can overcome your pain while preventing the development of chronic disease.” I described for Kathy how processed foods high in refined sugars, saturated fat, trans-fatty acids along with other poor dietary habits can cause inflammation and chronic pain disorders. I showed her a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found diets high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, raise systemic inflammation. To fully identify the underlying causes of Kathy's healthcare problems, I added a Urinary Organic Acid Profile and a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis to her blood lab work. These two tests established that she had unhealthy microbes growing in her digestive tract, a condition known as SIBO and dysbiosis, and a primary source for toxins that can create systemic inflammation. This condition also led to a “leaky gut”, a primary cause for the chronic inflammation. I explained further that 70% of our immune system lies in our G.I. lining and with leaky gut there can be an activation of this chronic inflammation. Kathy's blood lab work showed an elevated blood liver enzyme called GGT which, based on work at the University of Minnesota, indicated chemical toxicity, She was quite confused; she had never lived or worked in any toxic environment. I explained to her that even the air she breaths and the water she baths in exposes her to cell-damaging pollutants. Additionally “along with the food and water you consume each year, pounds of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, food additives, chemical preservatives, and industrial chemical contaminants are also consumed. According to the U.S. EPA National Human Adipose Tissue Survey, every American has been found to contain the five most deadly chemicals known, Dioxin being number one. All of the chemicals found have been shown to increase chronic systemic inflammation and adversely affect our nervous system. Utilizing a natural Functional Medicine approach to Kathy’s health concerns, she was able to restore her health. By changing her diet, nutrient levels, eliminating toxins, correcting her leaky gut, and removing food allergies, she was able to overcome her chronic inflammation, healing her pain and improving her mood and memory, unlocking the full potential of her life! This vital information to your health is covered in greater detail in my book “Why We Hurt” and also at my Why We Hurt and How We Heal! Workshops—10 AM Friday, March 27 & Wednesday, April 1st at 7 PM at the Pain and Brain Healing Center 1400 131st Ave NE Blaine. Call 763-862-7100 to register seating is limited. Dr. Greg Fors, D.C. is a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN), certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU) and acupuncture. As the clinic director of the Pain and Brain Healing Center in Blaine Minnesota he specializes in a functional medicine approach to fibromyalgia, fatigue, heart health, thyroid disorders, depression, anxiety, autism and ADHD. If you have any questions or comments regarding this article you can contact Dr. Fors at 763-862-7100. Dr. Fors is the author of the highly acclaimed book, “Why We Hurt” available through booksellers everywhere.

Tidbits of the North Metro is published under licensing agreement with Tidbits Media Inc., Montgomery, AL ● Email: ● Fax: 763-792-4795 ● Falcon Prince Inc . ● Blaine Mn ● Phone: 763-218-0033

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► On March 16, 1751, future President James Madison is born in Virginia. Madison, one of the key drafters of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, became America’s fourth president in 1809 and is considered the Father of the Constitution. ► On March 21, 1804, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte enacts a new legal framework for France, known as the “Napoleonic Code.” The Code strengthened the authority of men over their families, deprived women of any individual rights and reduced the rights of illegitimate children. ► On March 20, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln’s youngest sons, Willie and Tad, are diagnosed with the measles. The boys recovered, but in 1862, Willie died from typhoid fever. Tad died at age 18 in 1871. Lincoln’s second son, Eddie, died before his fourth birthday. Only the first born, Robert, lived to an advanced age; he passed away in 1926 at age 82.

► On March 17, 1905, future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt weds his fifth cousin once-removed, Eleanor Roosevelt. After losing her mother when she was 8 and her father when she was 10, Eleanor was raised by the extended Roosevelt family. She met her future husband when she was 2 years old and he was 4.

enormous loaf of bread. The giant bread was baked to go with the remnants of an enormous 1,200-pound block of cheese given by a group of Baptist women two years prior. ► On March 25, 1958, Sugar Ray Robinson defeats Carmen Basilio to regain the middleweight championship. It was the fifth and final title of his career. Robinson is considered by many to be the greatest prizefighter in history.

► On March 19, 1953, the movie world’s most prestigious honors, the Academy Awards, are telecast for the first time, on NBC. Previously, audiences at home could only listen on the radio. The sealed envelope system began 12 years earlier after a newspaper printed the results prematurely.

► On March 23, 1962, Pakistan’s governor, Ayub Khan, gives first lady Jacqueline Kennedy a horse named Sardar because of their common interest in horses. In her memoirs, the first lady referred to Sardar as her “favorite treasure.” She nicknamed the jet gelding “Black Jack.”

► On March 24, 1765, the British Parliament passes the Quartering Act, outlining the locations and conditions in which British soldiers are to find room and board in the American colonies. The New York assembly refused to comply with the law. ► On March 28, 1774, upset by the Boston Tea Party and other blatant acts of destruction of British property by American colonists, the British Parliament enacts the Coercive Acts, which included closing the port of Boston and giving immunity to British officials in criminal prosecution.

► On March 29, 1982, the University of North Carolina wins the NCAA men’s basketball championship with a 6362 defeat of Georgetown University. With 15 seconds on the clock, Georgetown point guard Fred Brown accidentally threw the ball to Carolina’s James Worthy, mistaking him for a Georgetown teammate. Worthy dribbled out the clock.

► On March 26, 1804, President Thomas Jefferson attends a public party at the Senate and leads a crowd in consuming an (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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► On March 27, 1973, Marlon Brando declines the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in “The Godfather.” American Indian actress Sacheen Littlefeather attended the ceremony in Brando’s place, stating that the actor could not accept the award, as he was protesting Hollywood’s portrayal of Native Americans in film.

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• Jenner first tested his vaccine in 1796. At that ttime, about one out of every ten people in England died of smallpox. He inoculated an 8-year-old boy with weakened cowpox germs. Six weeks later, he inoculated the boy with • An A English E li h ddoctor t named d Ed Edward d JJenner was th the smallpox. The boy did not come down with smallpox. He first person to realize that people who had suffered from was immune. The idea of vaccination had heavy opposition at the relatively mild sickness called cowpox were immune to • fi rst, but began to catch on after Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin smallpox. Franklin, Cotton Mather, and Napoleon Bonaparte endorsed the idea. Napoleon had all of his troops inoculated. • Thanks to vaccination, the last known case of smallpox was reported in 1977. THE STORY OF LOUIS • In the late 1800's, a doctor named Louis was doing experiments with chicken cholera. To infect the birds, he grew pure strains of the cholera germs in his laboratory. One day by mistake he injected some chickens with cholera The Minnesota Clinical Study germs that had been sitting in a flask all summer long. He Center would like you to call was surprised when the chickens did not get sick. He was about a research study of an even more surprised when he injected the chickens with a fresh, virulent strain of cholera and they still did not get investigational drug for people sick. Putting two and two together, Louis knew he had just with toenail fungus. discovered a vaccination for cholera. • Next he experimented with anthrax. Again, an To Qualify you should: accident intervened. A thermometer in an incubator was • Be 18 to 70 years of age; off kilter, though he didn't know it. He wondered why animals injected with anthrax did not come down with the • Have at least one big toenail disease— and then he found he'd been getting the germs affected with fungus; too hot. Experiments showed that if he heated the anthrax • Be willing to attend 11 clinic visits germs before injecting them, the animal would become immune. But veterinarians refused to believe him. over 60 weeks; • Frustrated, Louis challenged veterinarians to attend Participants will be compensated for their a public demonstration. All manner of newspapermen, time and travel. scientists, and doctors attended the test. Two groups of All study related evaluations will be done 25 sheep were collected on a farm outside Paris. Louis vaccinated only one group. Two weeks later, all 50 sheep by a board certified Dermatologist. were injected with a powerful strain of anthrax. After two For more information days, all of the vaccinated sheep were fine. And all of the unvaccinated sheep were either dead or dying. please call 763-502-2941 • Still, Louis wondered how the anthrax was spread Minnesota Clinical Study Center from animal to animal. Talking with a shepherd one day, he noticed a piece of the pasture grass was a different color 7205 University Avenue N.E. in one spot. The shepherd told him that it was where some Fridley, MN 55432 anthrax-infected sheep had been buried the previous year. Examining the plot, Louis noticed worm droppings, which he took home and examined under the microscope. They teeming with anthrax, which they had brought to the Steven Kempers, M.D. were surface from the buried carcasses. Louis further reduced anthrax by advising people to burn anthrax infested animals

Are Your Toenails Discolored and Thick? If so, you may have Toenail Fungus.

Page 2

rather than bury them. • Next Louis turned his attention to a dreaded disease of humans— rabies. Although he was unable to see the rabies germs through his microscope, he was able to prove they were there by transplanting drops of spinal fluid from rabid rabbits to healthy rabbits. The healthy rabbits would soon have rabies too. To make a vaccine, he removed the spinal cords of rabid rabbits and hung them to dry in sterile flasks. His first vaccination was done on a dog. He ground up a spinal cord that had been drying for two weeks, and injected it into the dog. The next day he injected a spinal cord that had been drying for 13 days, the next day one that was 12 days old, and so on. After 14 daily injections, the dog was given a dose of full-strength rabies virus. The dog remained healthy. • Shortly afterward, a young boy who had been badly bitten by a rabid dog was brought to Louis. Louis had only tried his vaccine out on a single dog and was reluctant to try it on a human. But the boy's mother was certain he would die without help. Louis administered his new vaccine, and the boy was saved. The news hit the papers and the world rejoiced to see the end of a dreaded disease. The boy grew up and became Louis's assistant. In 1940, he committed suicide rather than unlock Louis' crypt to the invading Nazi army. • Louis was a great scientist and performed many other medical services for humankind. Yet he's remembered best for discovering that germs in milk cause disease— but if the milk is heated first, the germs are killed. This process is called pasteurization, after the inventor: his full name was Louis Pasteur. • Because 3 of his 5 children died in infancy due to disease, Pasteur was inspired to spend his life trying to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. By the time Louis Pasteur died in 1895 at the age of 72, he had already saved countless lives through his discoveries. HOLLYWOOD HYPE • When Jack Warner (of Warner Bros.) was overseeing the making of the film "The Story of Louis Pasteur" his advisers grumbled that it was "just the story of a milkman" and wanted to discard the original script. They suggested instead that it be made into a love story where Pasteur is portrayed as a student in love with the medical school dean's daughter. They further suggested that at the end of the film a voice-over could announce, "And to this day, housewives all over the world are grateful to this man, because he invented pasteurized milk." Paul Muni, who was playing the lead, objected so strenuously that the idea was scrapped and the original script was filmed. For his efforts, Muni won an Academy Award for Best Actor in 1936.

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• Jonas Salk was born in 1914 in New York City. After attending the New York University School of Medicine, he decided to go into medical research instead of becoming a physician. He accepted a job at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine where his goal was to discover how many different types of polio virus existed. • At the time, polio was one of the worst public health problems in the U.S. It was especially tragic because most victims were children. Polio, first described in 1835, grew steadily more prominent as the years passed. The virus is transmitted by fecal matter, mucus, and saliva. Once in the body, it travels to the brain or spinal cord where it causes paralysis of varying degrees. • Polio didn't receive national attention until 1921 when Franklin D. Roosevelt was struck down by the disease at the age of 39. He spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair because of it, and ended up founding the March of Dimes to help fund research for a vaccine. • Salk's research led him to begin experimenting with a polio vaccine. Although there was already a vaccine available for polio, the vaccine used living but weakened strains of polio, which sometimes ended up infecting the vaccinated person with the very disease it was designed to prevent. Salk was the first to experiment with a vaccine that used polio virus strains which had been killed before being administered so there was no way for the vaccine to cause the illness. Salk's wife and three sons were among the first volunteers to be inoculated with his vaccine. • Over the course of seven years, Salk involved 20,000 doctors and health care workers, 64,000 public school workers, 220,000 volunteers, and nearly 2 million school kids in his trials of his new 'killed' vaccine. • Meantime, polio was raging. In 1952, nearly 60,000 cases were reported in the U.S., killing over 3,000 people and leaving over 20,000 survivors with some form of paralysis. Polio killed more people that year than any other communicable disease. • When the success of the new vaccine was officially announced on April 12, 1955, Salk was instantly hailed as a hero, becoming a national celebrity overnight. When he was asked in a televised interview who owned the patent to the vaccine, Salk replied: "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?" • According to one historian, the announcement led to widespread celebration: "People observed moments of silence, rang bells, honked horns, blew factory whistles, fired salutes, took the rest of the day off, closed their schools, drank toasts, hugged children, attended church, smiled at strangers, and forgave enemies." • By the summer of 1957, 100 million vaccines had been distributed throughout the United States. By 1962, polio was nearly extinct, with only 910 cases reported that year. Today, global vaccination efforts by organizations such as UNICEF and the World Health Organization have almost completely eradicated polio from the planet. • The World Health Organization estimates that there are between 10 to 20 million polio survivors worldwide. In 1977 there were 254,000 persons living in the United States who had been paralyzed by polio. As one of the largest disabled groups in the world, polio survivors helped spur the modern disability rights movement through campaigns for the social and civil rights of the disabled. • Jonas Salk subsequently spent many years researching a vaccine for HIV. In 1960, he founded the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He died from heart failure at the age of 80 on June 23, 1995.

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SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles

GOOD NEWS ON EXERCISE This will be good news for some of us: We might not need as much exercise as we thought. Research from the UK seeks to aim senior women more toward moderate exercise. This smaller study was part of an ongoing longterm study of 1.1 million women going back to 1998. At that time they were asked about how many hours they spent at various activities, and their health has been followed since then. The results are promising for those of us who’d rather not run 5 miles a day or work out at the gym with weights. The women who reported moderate amounts of exercise ended up with significantly lower risks of cerebrovascular, venous thromboembolic or coronary heart

disease events. In this case, “moderate” means doing something rather than nothing, enough activity to increase the heart rate or cause sweating two or three days a week. And we don’t need equipment or lots of time, contrary to previous studies that said we need to do 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. In this study, more frequent exercise didn’t mean lower risks -- there was little added benefit seen. One suggested doing some light gardening and then going for a walk. According to another study, even if we have limited mobility and are in our 80s, we still can benefit from a little physical activity. Slow walking and light housework count as physical activity and can have cardiovascular benefits. The idea is to reduce the time spend sitting and increase the time spent moving.

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For more information on moderate physical activity check the fact sheets at womenshealth. gov/publications. Search for physical activity. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

A husband and his wife were having a big argument at breakfast. "You aren't so good in bed either!" he shouted and stormed off to work. By midmorning, he decided he'd better make amends and phoned home. After many rings, his wife picked up the phone. "What took you so long to answer?" "I was in bed." "What were you doing in bed this late?" "Getting a second opinion."

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“Harry,” whined Mary, to her husband of 20 years. “What should I do?! I’m not ready for old age! I’m only 40 years old but I look and feel like I’m over 55! My face is all wrinkly, my back is bent over, and my hair is all thinned out.” “Well,” said Harry after looking her up and down, “There is one thing about you that still works as good as new.” “Oh Harry!” said Mary sitting down next to her husband, “you always know just what to say! What are you referring to?” “Well, your eyesight seems to be working just fine!”

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Bitzy's O Si n gn ifi ca nc e It's time to learn a few things



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Snelling g

We are all born too late to explore the earth, and too early to explore the stars. There are billions of people who have died and are now forgotten, and unless we do something significant as individuals, the same will happen to us. â˜şMost of the people on the laugh tracks you hear on TV are dead. You are listening to the dead laughing. →Our bodies have around 100 trillion cells, all of which contain more atoms than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. We recycle these cells about every 5 years or so, along with the atoms that compose them. With this rapid exchange of atoms that everyone goes through, it's therorized that everyone of us has about a billion atoms that once belonged to Socrates, De Vinci, Ghandi, and everyother person that has ever walked the earth. There are 4.45 births and 1.8 deaths every second. that's a net increase of .59 persons per second to the world population. How much every day, month, year?

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^hEͲ D ' ^</EÍ? • The word 'rabies' comes from the Latin word meaning madness. Because the virus infects the spinal cord and brain of its victims, it causes raging insanity, followed by paralysis. Victims die of respiratory failure. • Globally, 90% of rabies cases start with the bite of a rabid dog. However, in the U.S., only 5% of rabies cases come from dogs because rabies vaccines are so widely available. • Rabies can’t go through unbroken skin. People can get rabies only via a bite from a rabid animal or through scratches, abrasions, or mucous membranes in contact with saliva or brain tissue from a rabid animal. The rabies virus is short-lived when exposed to open air. It can only survive in saliva and dies when the animal’s saliva dries up. • Because the rabies virus is transmitted through saliva, the virus survives by making sure that the saliva is loaded with infection and that the animal is driven to bite whatever it comes in contact with. To ensure the saliva is thoroughly infected, the throat muscles are paralyzed, which prevents the animal from swallowing (which would dilute the virus). Attempts to drink water in spite of raging thirst cause painful spasms of the muscles in the throat and larynx. Infected animals therefore foam at the mouth because they cannot swallow, and they show a fear of water. This is why rabies has also been called "hydrophobia" meaning "fear of water." • Worldwide, an estimated 26,000 people died from rabies in 2010, down from 54,000 in 1990. The majority of the deaths occurred in Asia and Africa. India has the

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Phone: 763-502-2941 highest rate of human rabies, primarily because of stray dogs, whose number has greatly increased since a 2001 law forbade the killing of dogs. • Over the past 10 years, rabies has killed only a total of 28 people in the U.S. • About 400 to 500 domestic pets are infected with rabies every year in the U.S. Surprisingly, cats get rabies more often than dogs. In 2010, 303 cats got rabies, versus only 69 dogs. 90% of all rabies cases reported come

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Steven Kempers, M.D.

from wild animals. • Most U.S. deaths now result from bat bites, which may go unnoticed by the victim and remain untreated. Rabid bats are found in all 48 contiguous states. Other animals most commonly infected include raccoons, skunks, and foxes. Small rodents, rabbits, and possums rarely get rabies. • Rabies is a disease confined to mammals. Birds can get rabies, but they don't show symptoms and always survive. • Agencies in Canada, France, and Switzerland successfully combat rabies by air-dropping bait that is infused with rabies vaccine. Wild foxes and raccoons eat the bait and inoculate themselves. Switzerland is now virtually rabies-free after leaving chicken heads laced with vaccine out for foxes to eat. • The incubation period usually lasts from three weeks to three months but can stretch out to one to five years before the first symptoms appear, depending on how long it takes the virus to migrate to the nervous system. After symptoms present themselves, the average survival time until death is about four days. • If a person exposed to rabies undergoes rabies treatment immediately, survival is almost certainly guaranteed. But if the victim waits until symptoms set in, the mortality rate is nearly 100%. Some people with rabies have been saved by being put into an induced coma until their body was able to combat the disease. • Today a series of rabies shots – which used to entail 20 painfully deep injections into the abdomen –now consists of four not-very-painful shots in the arm.

Volunteer for an Acne Study â–Ş Volunteers, ages 12 -40 years of age are wanted for an investigational drug research study that will compare topical study medications for acne. â–Ş If you or your child has 20 or more pimples on your face, we have a 3 month study that you or your child may qualify for. â–Ş All participants are seen by a board certified Dermatologist â–Ş No cost study related evaluations â–Ş Qualified participants will be reimbursed for time and travel â–Ş Parental (or legal guardian) consent is required for all participants under the age of 18.

For more information,

Please call: 763-502-2941

Steven Kempers, M.D.

7205 University Ave. N.E.Fridley, MN 55432 For Advertising or comments: 763-218-0033 - WWW.TIDBITSTWINCITIES.COM

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� The Puritans wouldn’t allow the singing of Christmas carols.

� Ever wonder why so many coin banks are shaped like pigs? Here’s the story: In ancient times, a lump of clay was called a “pygg.� A clay bowl formed from this lump would often be used to hold loose change, and it was called a pygg bowl bank. According to legend, at a later point in history, a potter unfamiliar with the term received an order for several of these pygg bowl banks. Instead of the bowls, he made coin banks shaped like pigs; they became such a hit that they’re still around today.

� Melanie Roberts, a 41-year-old Ohio woman, was forced to have her left leg amputated. Shortly thereafter, while still recovering, she was shocked to receive a $600 bill for the funeral of her leg. Evidently, she was supposed to pay for the limb’s burial -- and the bill was even broken down into the separate costs for the plot, the minister, the hearse and the gravediggers.

� Cleopatra’s husband was her brother, Ptolemy.

â—? President George Washington reportedly was terrified at the thought of being buried alive. He insisted that his burial not take place until at least three days after his death, just to make sure he was really deceased.

â—? Washington, D.C., has a lower marriage rate than any other major U.S. city.

â—? When archaeologists discovered the tomb of King Tut, one of the objects they found inside was a bronze razor -- and it was still sharp enough to use.

� If you have trouble getting along with your in-laws, you might dream of getting payback someday. A man named Charles Webb did just that -- on a grand scale. While in high school, Webb dated a girl named Eve; Eve’s mother, however, didn’t think Webb was good enough for her daughter and did everything she could to keep them apart. The two eventually got married, and Webb wrote the novel “The Graduate� ... yes, the one that was turned into a movie starring Dustin Hoffman. The character of the drunken, promiscuous mother-inlaw was based on the woman who’d tried to sabotage his relationship for years.

â—? In Japan, a black cat crossing your path is considered to be good luck, not bad.

� You might be surprised to learn that the fastest flying insect is the dragonfly; it’s been clocked at speeds up to 35 mph.

by Samantha Weaver


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On March 6, 1810, Massachusetts enacted the first state legislation requiring vaccination. It required every town to choose three people to superintend the inoculation of all inhabitants with the cowpox vaccine. Come along with Tidbits as we get vaccinated! SMALLPOX ERADICATED • In George Washington's day, one out of every five people in London bore the scars of smallpox. George Washington himself did, although he's usually portrayed with clear skin. One out of every 3 children died of smallpox before their third birthday. • In the 1700s European people realized that if you recovered from smallpox, you would never get the disease again. Whenever a person came down with a mild, survivable form of smallpox, it was fashionable to organize smallpox parties. Friends and relatives would gather together in one house in order to catch the mild form of the disease together, and thus become immune to more deadly strains. • In that day, milkmaids were wellknown for their clear, unpocked skin. It was common for milkmaids to catch cowpox from the animals they were milking, and an old wive's tale said that people who had cowpox would never catch smallpox. Continued Pg. 2

by Janet Spencer


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