The Healing World of Acupuncture by Bonna L. Nelson
Acupuncture is a JAB well done Life happens, acupuncture helps ~ Unknown Lying alone on a heated treatment bed, draped in white linen and gold polka-dot sheets, surrounded by calming, meditative music w ith singing bowls, pan f lutes, chimes and water falls, I quickly drifted away into a peaceful sleep or acunap. Though, fully dressed in loose clothing, twenty or so acupuncture needles of varying sizes inserted in my head, ears, chest, shoulders, hands, stomach, legs and feet were
working to soothe, heal and restore my body to whole health after months of cancer treatments and a year of COVID stress. Referred by a friend who was also being treated with acupuncture for cancer procedural side effects, I was amazed and grateful that many of my symptoms resolved after only a few treatments. It is thought that the insertion of extremely fine needles into the skin at specific acupunc-