About the Cover Photographer Terry Schaefer easy as carrying a flip phone in his pocket. As technology expanded, so did the ease of ‘capturing the moment’ with a camera in your current portable phone. And today’s photographic quality provides professional grade photographs that some of the higher priced digital cameras generate. The front cover picture was taken in the February 2021 ice storm that provided a landscape of sparkling illuminations from changing light during the day. It was taken with a Nikon Coolpix P900, f3.5 1/60s at 4:43 p.m. after the rain shower stopped.
Terry Schaefer has been using photography as his creative expression since high school when he was introduced to the process of developing black and white film. His first ‘ah-ha’ moment was seeing his images appear when working in a darkroom. This experience of producing images seen through the lens and developed in front of your eye instilled a sense of accomplishment and creativity in a simple process. This introduction to the world of ‘capturing the moment’ expanded into college with more inclusive journalistic work for his school’s newspaper and yearbook. Terry’s dream was to contribute to the remarkable photography provided in the publication of the National Geographic magazine. Though in graduating during an economic recession (1975), and military service requirements, his passion was put on hold for several years. After moving to the Midwest, he realized that his passion for carrying a camera was still active. He converted his bathroom into a part time darkroom, while carrying his Single Lens Reflect camera with him regularly. He loves the whole process. As the digital age emerged, his habit of carrying a camera was as 9