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Oxford Business Association July 2023 Calendar

All Month - ‘From Colonial Past to Present, Oxford in Business’ Fri-Mon, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Oxford Museum, 101 S. Morris St. More info at www.oxfordmuseummd.org/
All Month - Pope’s Tavern - Tuesday Pizza night, Thursday Open Mic night; 503 S. Morris; 410-226-5240, www.oxfordinn.net/dining/
7/1 - Cars and Coffee - Come out and enjoy cars, coffee, and camaraderie. Sponsored by Prestige Auto Vault, Doc’s Sunset Grille and Eat Sprout. Oxford Community Center. Free; 8:30 -10:30. www.oxfordcc.org; 410-226-5409.
7/1 - Mystery Loves Company 32nd Birthday Party - with authors Susan Reiss and Bill Rapp. Noon - 2 p.m.; 220 S. Morris St. www.mysterylovescompany.com or 410-226-0010.
7/3 - Fireworks - Begin around 9 p.m. Bring a blanket or lounge chair and set up along the Strand or in Town Park. Rain date 7/5 .
7/7 - Justin Ryan - on the porch at Pope’s Tavern; 503 S. Morris; 410-226-5240, www. oxfordinn.net/dining/
7/8- Memories and Musings: Library Lore - Oxford Museum, members only. 5 - 6:30 p.m., St. Paul’s Church. RSVP to theoxfordmuseum@gmail.com by 7/5.
7/9 - Pancake Breakfast - Oxford Volunteer Fire Department, 8 - 11 a.m.
7/10 - Bring Your Own Piece Furniture Painting Class - $65, includes 4 oz. jar of paint.
5:30-8:30 p.m. Limit of 3 participants. The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www.treasurechestoxford.com or call 410-924-8817.
7/15 - An Old Fashion Carnival - Cotton candy, sno-cones, lemonade, hot dogs, hamburgers, carnival games, tractor rides, fire truck display and more; OVFD Auxiliary; 2nd St & E. Pier St., 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. For information call 302-233-8450.
7/16 - Oxford Paint Out - A Plein Air Easton Event - Painting all-day, all around town; exhibit and sale at Oxford Community Center, 5-6:30 p.m. www.pleinaireaston.com/
7/20 - Beginner Chalk Mineral Paint Class - $45, all materials provided. 5:30 - 8 p.m. Limit of 3 participants. The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www. treasurechestoxford.com or call 410-924-8817.
7/25 - Ice Cream For Breakfast Day - Scottish Highland Creamery beginning at 9 a.m. Breakfast themed ice cream flavors. Wear you’re your PJ’s and get free sprinkles. 111 S. Morris St.
7/26 - SILK All-in-One Chalk Paint Demo - 5:30- 6:30 p.m., $10. Limit of 6 participants. The Treasure Chest, 111 S. Morris St. For more info or sign up, go to www.treasurechestoxford. com or call 410-924-8817.
7/28 - Book Luncheon with Laura Lippman - Doc’s Sunset Grill. Presented by Mystery Loves Company. https://lauralippman.com/ ; Tickets available at www.mysterylovescompany.com/ or call 410-598-7267.
Check restaurant and shop websites or facebook for current days/hours. Oxford Kids Camp in session. Please drive carefully!