Tidewater Times November 2011
Talbot County Waterfront Farms
NEW LAND FARM Two miles outside St. Michaels - 47 acres and a prominent SSW-facing point of land and a rare boathouse on Broad Creek. Just listed. $1,995,000
SUMMERTON FARM One of the premier waterfowl hunting farms in Talbot County - 297 acres with deep water and 3 miles of shoreline on Harris Creek. $6,600,000
BALD EAGLE POINT FARM Fabulous main house, guest house, deep-water dock, registered landing strip, 128 acres, 1.5 miles of shoreline on Dun Cove & Harris Creek. $7,750,000
CONIFER POINT FARM Close to St. Michaels - 74 acres, restorable c. 1825 farmhouse, guest house, pool, caretaker house, 1/2 mile shoreline on Harris Creek. $2,250,000
Tom & Debra Crouch
Benson & Mangold Real Estate
116 N. Talbot St., St. Michaels 路 410-745-0720 Tom Crouch: 410-310-8916 Debra Crouch: 410-924-0771
tomcrouch@mris.com debracrouch@mris.com
The 2011 Christmas by the Bay Ornament For 27 years, our unique designs have been inspired by nature and represent life and scenes along the Bay.
This year’s design features a Great Blue Heron.
Some prior years are still available. Please ask a sales associate for assistance.
410.820.5202 Rt. 50 - 2 miles south of Easton
www.salisburygiftandgarden.com Tuesday - Saturday 9:30-5:30
Baker • Hickory Chair • Century • Lee • Barclay Butera • Lilly Pulitzer • Ralph Lauren Home Collection
J.Conn SCott, InC.
Fine Furniture 6 East Church St., Selbyville, DE 19975
27 Baltimore Ave. Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Monday - Saturday 9-5 • www.jconnscott.com • (302) 436-8205 4
Tidewater Times
Since 1952, Eastern Shore of Maryland Vol. 60, No. 6
Published Monthly
November 2011
Features: About the Cover Artist: Scot Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 General Manager of the Universe: Helen Chappell . . . . . . . . 9 Waterfowl Festival Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Chesapeake Dog: Mary Syrett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Spring Hill Cemetery: Dick Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Tidewater Traveler: George W. Sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Hunters of the Night: Larry Hitchens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Tidewater Gardening: K. Marc Teffeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 The Taylor Rescue: Gary D. Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Tidewater Kitchen: Pamela Meredith-Doyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Tidewater Review: Anne Stinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Departments: November Tide Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Dorchester Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Easton Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 St. Michaels Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Oxford Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Tilghman History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Caroline County - A Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Queen Anne’s County Invites You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 November Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 David C. Pulzone, Publisher · Anne B. Farwell, Editor P. O. Box 1141, Easton, Maryland 21601 102 Myrtle Ave., Oxford, MD 21654 410-226-0422 FAX : 410-226-0411 www.tidewatertimes.com info@tidewatertimes.com
Tidewater Times is published monthly by Tidewater Times Inc. Advertising rates upon request. Subscription price is $25.00 per year. Individual copies are $3. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in part or whole without prior approval of the publisher. The publisher does not assume any liability for errors and/or omissions.
South Point Farm
Stunning brick estate residence situated on nearly 100 acres on LaTrappe Creek. Elegantly proportioned view-filled rooms are graced by exquisite moldings and finishes, heart pine floors and impeccable attention to decorating details. A perfect venue for casual or formal entertaining with fabulous amenities including a gourmet kitchen. A beautiful covered brick porch overlooks the lovely grounds and waterfront. Pool, tennis court and pier with deep water dockage. This exceptional property is offered at $5,900,000. Call Attison Barnes at 410.820.6000 or 410.463.1100
410.820.6000 路 877.820.6000
Talbot Landing #7, 295 Bay Street, Easton, MD
www.CountryEstates.com 7
The finest in home furnishings, interior design, appliances, floor coverings, custom draperies and reupholstery. 902 Talbot Street, St. Michaels, MD 410-745-5192 路 410-822-8256 路 Mon. - Sat.: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. www.higginsandspencer.com 路 higginsandspencer.hdwfg.com 8
About the Cover Artist Scot Storm As a youngster, Scot Storm discovered his talent for drawing, sketching and design. These skills eventually led him to North Dakota State University where he earned a degree in architecture. While working in this field, Scot’s love of hunting and the outdoors drew him to explore the challenges of wildlife art. In 1987, as a self-taught artist, he entered the Minnesota Duck Stamp contest and placed second. Encouraged by the acceptance of his initial work, he continued to enter stamp contests and enjoyed his first top award by winning the Indiana Pheasant Stamp competition in 1991. Thereafter, Scot’s interest in wildlife art became such a passion, that in 1999 he decided to give up his career in architecture and devote himself full-time to painting. Scot was then able to challenge himself in every aspect of his creations from composi-
tion, to lighting, to the accuracy and psychology of color. His paintings of waterfowl, hunting dogs and other animals all reveal his attention to the fine details that breathe life into every image and draw the viewer into a scene. Currently, Scot has 13 Federal, State and Conservation Stamp wins. Highlights of his career include 2004-5 Federal Duck Stamp, 2005-6 Ducks Unlimited International Artist of the Year and 2010 Pheasants Forever National Artist of the Year. “Golden Moment” is the title of this months cover image. You can view Scot’s work on his web site at www.stormwildlifeart.com. 9
General Manager of the Universe by Helen Chappell I’ve got a great deal to be thankful for this time of year. For instance, if I look in the obituaries and don’t see my name, it’s a good day. I’ve been blessed with many other people and things I’m grateful to have in my life, but the beginning of the holiday season is also a time to take stock of your own behavior and remind yourself about one or two teeny, weeny little faults you might have that absolutely no one else would ever, ever notice. No, really! Except for those beensy weensy little chinks in the old armor, you’re just fine. Really. As I contemplate the Hallmark cornucopia of clichés that define the holidays, I am forced to remind myself that not only am I a recovering drama queen, I have also resigned as general manager of the universe. Older folks are probably familiar with the long-running comic strip Mary Worth, in which a genteel, white-haired lady meddles in the affairs of her friends and neighbors. Under her gentle pushy guidance, lovers are united, marital problems solved,
cures for disease are discovered, the good are rewarded and the bad punished. Is it any wonder I have a T-shirt with a picture of my pop culture goddess saying, “You look like you could use some advice”? Moi, je suis Marie de Worth! I can’t help myself. I am, after all, a writer, which is the greatest excuse in the world to ask a lot of impertinent questions and try to interfere in other people’s lives. There are things general managers of the universe do. We stay up nights worrying about other people’s problems, and we always seem to know just what other people should do. Ask me! I have the answer! 11
The Tidewater Inn Library Gallery presents the art of
Sarah E. Kagan Through November 14th
William Snyder Orndoff
French Pastel
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Orndoff Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Al Gipe & Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Orndoff
Sarah Kagan’s work also on exhibit at: Lu-Ev Gallery · The Inn at Perry Cabin · La De Da Talbot Country Club · Westphal Jewelers 410-822-5086 www.KaganGallery.com 12
General Manager
can just add to the misery. No one wants my opinion on who struck John, and if I learn to just keep my mouth shut and offer neither advice nor help, I could avoid a lot, and I do mean a lot of trouble. I come by my vocation of general manager of the universe naturally. My mother and the aunt who helped raise me were both general managers. I studied graduate level interfering at the feet of many Eastern Shore ladies who had perfected the art and made ministering to the afflicted, clucking over the affected and generally minding other people’s business with practiced finesse.
If the corn crop is ruined and the soybeans are just fine this year, the farmers don’t need my thoughts on it. If my neighbor’s wife runs off with the woman she met at the Y, it’s not my problem and there is nothing I can do about it, and any help I offer will be looked upon as an intrusion into a private and painful matter. My trainer’s girlfriend is not my business, and he doesn’t have to show me a picture of her if he doesn’t want to. The friend’s wayward child who ends up in the juvenile detention system will not benefit from my “help.” With my interfering ways, I
pattyfisher@verizon.net 410-310-3748 14
PO Box 1659 路 Easton, MD 21601 410.822.3130 路 www.cdaytonarchitect.com
Realize your dream.
New Homes Additions Renovations Historical
General Manager
ample of this to me. It seems his parishioners from Woolford used to creep up to Church Creek at night and check his trash cans for liquor bottles. Empties, one presumes ... dead soldiers. Now, what they hoped to accomplish by this I don’t know. But that’s bad general managing. If you must be a general manager of the universe, remember that you must use your powers for good, not evil. Snooping in people’s trash cans is not appropriate, unless they are celebrities, who signed up for this sort of thing and should expect it. Or, if you are a hoarder, but that’s another story entirely, and just wait until I tell you that one.
You can only learn to be a general manager of the universe from experts passing on their art from generation to generation. It’s kind of like witchcraft, although I shouldn’t say that. General managers only think they can practice magic. It’s good hard work that carries the hapless and the troubled over a bridge they had no idea they needed to cross until you came along. Some say meddling is a sign of an empty, lonely life, and general managers of the universe have too much time on their hands. A former minister told one ex-
Building A Future On Tradition A Complete Design/Build Contractor 410-479-2890 · 410-822-2905 701 Lincoln St., Denton, MD M.H.I.C. #9245 · M.H.B.R. #657
General Manager Anyway, like hoarding and other disorders, overcoming the urge to be general manager of the universe takes a lot of practice and constant vigilance. If you hear yourself advising a young friend on what school to attend and what to major in, for instance, you’re having a slip. If you start telling the cashier at Chic-Fil-A that she needs to change the color of her nail polish, you’re sliding straight to hell. Go ahead. Have a couple of margaritas and tell this guy you barely know that he’s not raising his kids the way
you think he should. You’re beyond hope. These and many other reasons are why we need to periodically take inventory of ourselves and nip that general managing backsliding in the bud, to mix metaphors.
“ A Taste of the Shore” 18k gold and hand enamelled
Shearer the
22 N. Washington St., Easton 410-822-2279 www.shearerthejeweler.com 20
Residential & Commercial Sales & Leasing / Modular Construction / Contracting Vacation & Residential Rentals / Senior Relocation Moving Services
It’s half past summer & time for a change.
We can sell you a house.
Newest Listings! 1. Cummings Rd., Wittman $725,000 2. New Rd., Wittman $345,000 3. Chestnut St., St. Michaels $499,000 4. Blue Crab Coffee Co., St. Michaels $750,000 Make Offer 5. Beauty Shop, St. Michaels $199,000
We can sell you a business.
We’ll throw in the life-coaching for free.
DAWN A. LEDNUM – Broker/Owner KATE KOEPPEN – Realtor/Broker Asst. 108 N. Talbot St. / St. Michaels, MD 21663 410-745-6702 / www.cbreplus.com 21
General Manager
A ll t hat f r et t i ng , m edd l i n g a n d i nt er f er i ng gener ally c o m e s t o nau g ht , s i nce you r vi c t i m s hav e long s i nce lear ne d t o i g nor e you r advi ce an d o ffe r s of help, how ever w el l i n t e n t i oned. P eople li ke t o m a k e t hei r ow n deci s i ons , t h a n k m e v er y m u ch. Ju s t t h i n k i n g ab ou t t hi s m akes m e w a n t t o b ang m y head on m y c o m p ut e r s cr een. Y es , I am r es olv ed, th i s h o l i day s eas on, t o hav e a n o t h e r b lack r u m dr i nk and k e e p m y t hou ght s t o m ys elf . If you w ant m y opi ni on, you c a n a s k f or i t .
Like hate, general managing only damages the vessel in which i t i s stored. W hi le t h e ge ne ral man ager f rets and s t e ws o ve r who’s goi n g to r u n t h e St ra w berry Festi val now t h at Ed na has passed, ot her s a re quie t ly assu mi n g the w or k.
MENSWEAR C u st o m Clo t h i n g & D ress Sh i rt s
Helen Chappell is the creator of the Sam And Hollis mystery series and the Oysterback stories, as well as The Chesapeake Book of the Dead. Under her pen name, Rebecca Baldwin, she has published a number of historical novels.
Alden · Bills Khakis Martin Dingman Samuelsohn Scott Barber Tervis Tumblers 1 North Harrison St., Easton 410-819-0657
MICHAEL MCGRATH, LLC bringing harmony to home creation
Langdon Farm Waterfront Over 4 acres with deep water on Dun Cove, a popular and protected anchorage near Knapps Narrows offering easy access from the Choptank River to the Chesapeake Bay. Deeded treelined driveway already in place and approved for a standard septic system (very nice to have these days!) Call Billie Jane Marton for details (c) 301-807-2886 Listing Price: $1,250,000
Fountain, Firth & Holt Realty LLC 113 E. Dover Street EASTON, MARYLAND 21601 410-822-2165
www.fountainfirthandholtrealty.com 路 alexfountain@mris.com 23
André Kertész: On Reading November 19, 2011 - January 15, 2012 Opening Reception Friday, November 18, 5:30-7pm
André Kertész Eszergom, Hungary (three boys reading), 1915
Visit www.academyartmuseum.org or call 410-822-2787 for additional information
106 South Street Easton, MD 21601
St. Michaels Tranquility Private location in St. Michaels, this water front proper ty offers all the splendors of Eastern Shore lifestyle with 300 ft. of shoreline and a private pier. $1,595,000
St. Michaels - Live the Dream! Fabulous setting on Miles River with panoramic views, dock, 8+ MLW, sandy beach, 300 ft. waterfront, S-exposure. Adjacent to country club. $1,450,000
Secluded on 2 Acres! Close to St. Michaels, super house with large kitchen, vaulted ceiling/fireplace in family room, 2-car garage and large sheds. Enjoy entertaining, large deck and fenced area. $405,000
St. Michaels Sailor’s Delight! Perry Cabin end unit townhouse with deep water boat slip on the Miles River. New kitchen, wood floors, new roof, etc. Enjoy the good life! New price. $520,000
Planning to Buy or Sell? – Call Elizabeth
Website: www.stmichaelsrealestate.net Call
Elizabeth Y. Foulds
CRS, GRI, SRES, e-PRO, Realtor®
410-924-1959 Direct or 410-745-0283 Lacaze Meredith Real Estate – St. Michaels 25
2011 Waterfowl Festival Events Subject to Change
Friday & Saturday, November 11 & 12, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, November 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Painting, Sculpture, Carving, Photography, Fine Crafts and Decoy Galleries, and the Sportsmans Pavilion are open throughout Festival hours; Tasting Pavilion across from the Armory is open Fri. and Sat., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sun., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special Events Occurring at Specific Times THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Masterclass: “Painting in Watercolor” with Adele Earnshaw and Joe Garcia. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Masterclass: “Simplifying Landscape Oil Painting” with Heiner Hertling 9 a.m. to noon - Masterclass: “Digital Photography - The Fundamentals” with Chris Vigneri 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Masterclass: “Advanced Techniques in Digital Photography” with Chris Vigneri 4 p.m. - Festival Opening Ceremony, Avalon Theatre 4:30 to 9 p.m. - Festival VIP Donor Premier Night Party 7:30 p.m. - Cocktail Decoy Auction, Academy Art Museum, 2nd floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - *DockDogs Competition, Idlewild Park 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - *Nature Activities and Live Wildlife Displays, Easton Elementary School (Indoors & Tent) 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Wine, Beer & Specialty Food Tasting in Tasting Pavilion, across from Armory 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. - *Retriever Demonstrations, Bay Street Ponds NO PARKING! 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. - *Kids Art Activities: Learning to Carve Decoys, Soap Carving, Painting Decoy Magnets, Easton Elementary School 11 a.m., 2 p.m. - *Blackwater Wildlife Refuge Animal Puppet Show, Easton Elementary School 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. - *Birds of Prey Demonstrations by Skyhunters in Flight, Easton Elementary School 27
Waterfowl Festival Schedule cont.... 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m. - *Fly Fishing Demonstrations, Bay Street Ponds NO PARKING! 3 p.m. - *Calling Contests Senior Qualifying Preliminaries, World Championship Goose Calling Contest®, Mason-Dixon Regional Duck Calling Contest, World Championship Live Duck Calling Contest®, World Championship Live Goose Calling Contest™, Easton High School Auditorium, open to the public, free, no bus transportation at conclusion of preliminaries SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 9:30 a.m. - Photography Best in Show Award, Easton Middle School 10 a.m. to noon - *Painting a Miniature Canvasback with Ed Itter, Easton Elementary School - First come, first served 10 a.m. to noon - *Kids’ Fishing Derby, Bay Street Ponds - NO PARKING! 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - *DockDogs Competition, Idlewild Park 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - *Nature Activities and Live Wildlife Displays, Easton Elementary School (Indoors & Tent) 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Wine, Beer & Specialty Food Tasting in Tasting Pavilion, across from Armory
November Featured Artist: Robert Manning
P LANSOEN SILO 2 - oil Robert Manning
Endangered Species: Agrarian Sightings Along Rt. 50 from Wye Mills to Trappe
Easton’s Promise Art Gallery
First Friday Gallery Reception November 4 · 5 to 9 p.m.
www.eastonspromiseartgallery.com · 410-820-9159 107 Goldsborough St., Easton · Open Thurs.-Sun. noon to 4 p.m. 28
11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. - *Retriever Demonstrations, Bay Street Ponds NO PARKING! 11 a.m., 2 p.m. - *Blackwater Wildlife Refuge Animal Puppet Show, Easton Elementary School 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. - *Birds of Prey Demonstrations by Skyhunters in Flight, Easton Elementary School 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m. - *Fly Fishing Demonstrations, Bay Street Ponds NO PARKING! Noon - *Junior Preliminaries, World Championship Goose Calling Contest; Mason-Dixon Regional Duck Calling Contest, Easton High School Auditorium, open to public, free Noon - 4 p.m. - *Kids Art Activities: Learning to Carve Decoys, Soap Carving, Painting Decoy Magnets, Easton Elementary School 7 p.m. - *Calling Contests Final Competition, World Championship Goose Calling Contest®, Mason-Dixon Regional Duck Calling Contest, World Championship Live Duck Calling Contest®, World Championship Live Goose Calling Contest™, World Goose Champion of Champions Contest, Easton High School Auditorium, $10 or $5 with ticket or badge (Festival VIP Donors free), open to the public, free, no bus transportation at conclusion of contests
Interior Decoration by
Stephen O’Brien ~ 28723 Emanuel Street Easton, MD 21601 410-770-5676
Waterfowl Festival Schedule cont.... SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - *DockDogs Competition, Idlewild Park 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - *Nature Activities and Live Wildlife Displays, Easton Elementary School (Indoors & Tent) 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - *Kids’ Fishing Derby, Bay Street Ponds - NO PARKING! 11 a.m. - Photography People’s Choice Award, Easton Middle School 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Wine, Beer & Specialty Food Tasting in Tasting Pavilion, across from Armory 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. - *Retriever Demonstrations, Bay Street Ponds NO PARKING! 11 a.m., 2 p.m. - *Blackwater Wildlife Refuge Animal Puppet Show, Easton Elementary School 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m. - *Fly Fishing Demonstrations, Bay Street Ponds NO PARKING! Noon - 3 p.m. - *Kids Art Activities: Learning to Carve Decoys, Soap Carving, Painting Decoy Magnets, Easton Elementary School *Great for kids!
Chesapeake Bay Properties TRAVELERS REST – Approx. 4,000 sq. ft., architect-designed Colonial, completely rebuilt in 1994 (except 1 wall and 2 chimneys) by craftsmen West and Callahan. Situated on 3.426 private, wooded ac. facing south on the Tred Avon River w/sailboat water depths and almost 500 ft. of protected shoreline. 4 BRs and 3½ baths. $1,950,000
HOPKINS NECK – An incredible transformation! This newly renovated residence boasts first floor master with second floor loft, huge great room and gourmet kitchen. Detached 2-car garage with guest quarters above. $595,000
310 AURORA STREET – Beautifully updated and renovated home with spacious entry hall, lots of windows with plantation shutters, high ceilings, wood floors and terrific full basement. Great kitchen with granite countertops and large pantry. Conveniently located in south Easton close to Idlewild Park on corner lot in Historic District. Asking $324,000 NEAVITT: Enchanting cottage built in 1890 situated on .38 acres of land in the heart of Neavitt. Thoughtfully renovated, beautifully landscaped, gorgeous fully fenced yard. This two bedroom charmer is a must see. Priced below seller’s investment. $318,000 PLEASE CALL US ON MANY OTHER EXCEPTIONAL LISTINGS OF WATERFRONT LOTS AND ESTATES or VISIT WWW.CHESAPEAKEBAYPROPERTY.COM
Kurt Petzold, Broker Sheila Monahan
Brian Petzold Sandra Julyan
Easton, Maryland 21601 410-820-8008
102 North Harrison Street 31
Caroline Count y
Fall into
Caroline is the perfect destination for heritage enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers. Here you can explore historic towns, cycle through scenic Chesapeake countryside, stroll through native gardens and paddle along pristine waterways. Two-Mile Turkey Trot
Saturday, November 19th Registration at 8:00 am, Event begins at 9:30 am Denton Elementary School, 303 Sharp Road, Denton This event is a 2-mile walk, run, or jog for all ages from Denton Elementary School to Martinak State Park & back. Other fun-ďƒžlled activities include turkey rafďƒ&#x;es, crafts, face painting, the Lil Pilgrim Wee Walk & more! Contact: www.carolinerecreation.org or 410.479.8120
www.tourcaroline.com 32
• Old-World Greenhouses • Conservatories • Botanical & Palm Houses
anything else… is just another room.
800 229 2925
www.tanglewoodconservatories.com 15 Engerman Avenue Denton, MD 21629 34
A Chesapeake Dog by Mary Syrett
An old saying has it that: “You can order a Lab (to do something), ask a Golden (politely) to do the same thing, but you must negotiate one-on-one with a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.” The independentminded Chesapeake, as the name suggests, comes originally from the Chesapeake Bay area. It is one of a few dog breeds that developed entirely within the United States.
Weighing 55 to 80 pounds and standing 21 to 26 inches tall, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is an ideal companion for hunters, anglers, families and joggers. History - The dog’s origins go back to 1807. That year, the crew of a British ship was rescued as it started to sink in Chesapeake Bay. Among the rescued were two Newfoundland puppies. George Law,
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a great dog for hunting, or for being a family pet. 35
A Chesapeake Dog
of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever’s heritage. By the late 19th century, a distinctive Chesapeake type of dog was recognized. As this was happening, hunters interested in selling ducks as food were aiming myriad weapons at waterfowl over Chesapeake Bay. Day and night, dogs were expected to retrieve as many as 100 ducks per hunt. They were strong, sturdy animals with thick, dark brown coats that braved the sometimes-frigid waters of the Bay. The American Kennel Club registered the Chesapeake Bay Retriever in 1878. The American Chesapeake Club was formed in 1918 to promote the breed. Mary-
who served on a rescue ship, the Canton, purchased the puppies from the British ship’s captain. The male was named Sailor and the female, after the rescue, was called Canton. Before returning to sea duty, Law gave the puppies to two different owners. Eventually, both animals wound up with people who were involved in waterfowl hunting. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers were developed, through crossbreeding, from these two Newfoundland dogs. Some dog enthusiasts believe that the Irish Water Spaniel, bloodhound and local mixed hound breeds form a part
by appointment ≈ 410.770.6998 36
Traci Jordan
Associate Broker
410-310-8606 - Direct 410-822-6665 tjordan@mris.com
Talbot County adjoining Easton’s town limits. 356+/- acres. Mixture of woods & tillable acreage. 3,730 +/- feet of frontage on Dixon Creek. 7 approved building lots; 19 additional DU’s; 3 bedroom, 2 bath farmhouse and numerous outbuildings. Offers Encouraged $3,900,000
NORTHERN DORCHESTER COUNTY FARMETTE 26+/- rolling acres w/ stream, 7 +/- wooded acres, 3,000+ sq. ft. barn with electric. $200,000 as is or $250,000 with 2BR/2BA apartment in barn.
Palatial brick townhouse with almost 3,500 sq. ft. of living space. 1st floor master suite, 2 additional BR’s, 2½ baths, great-room with gas FP, sunroom overlooking the patio and finished bonus room over garage. $499,900
Spacious 5 BR, 4½ bath Cape w/ 2 car garage on 3+ ac. backing to woods. An InLaw Suite with cathedral ceiling, FP, BR and BA is conjoined with the main house via the sunroom which overlooks the gardens. $395,000
Benson & Mangold Real Estate, LLC 31 Goldsborough Street, Easton 37
A Chesapeake Dog land designated the animal the official state dog in 1964. Today it is the mascot of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Physical Characteristics - Chesapeakes have a large, powerful chest that enables them to break through ice when diving. The skull is broad. Ears are located at the top of the head. The eyes are medium large and yellow or amber in color. Feet are webbed. The coat - colored brown, sedge or ash - features a dense, wooly undercoat that helps keep icy water from reaching the skin, as well as a short, thick outer coat that is about one-and-a-half inches in
The UMBC mascot, True Grit, is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.
At Candle Light Cove, your Mom and Dad can spend their time doing things they enjoy. Candle Light Cove provides Assisted Living and Alzheimer’s Care. Our residents thrive with the benefit of highly experienced nursing supervision, attentive and compassionate care managers, and a lively and diverse activities program. Time with us truly is “time well spent.” Come and see why Candle Light Cove is so widely recommended to families whose senior members can no longer live independently. For more information, call 410-770-9707 or visit us at www.candlelightcove.com e-mail: kateclc@goeaston.net
Candle Light Cove Assisted Living & Alzheimer’s Care
106 W. Earle Ave. Easton, MD 21601 38
Jane Baker
www.stmichaelswaterfront.com 410-924-0515 路 410-745-0415 jbaker@bensonandmangold.com
GO GREEN $629,000
Benson & Mangold Real Estate, LLC
211 N. Talbot St., St. Michaels, MD 21663 39
A Chesapeake Dog
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is more the strong silent type. Born with an inherent instinct to protect loved ones, a Chesapeake will bond closely with its human family. It is a strong-willed dog that enjoys setting its own agenda. The animal needs discipline and a solid foundation of obedience training to realize its full potential. Intangible Factors - The primary qualities that were looked for in Chesapeake Bay Retrievers in the 19th century emphasized function rather than appearance. The most important of those qualities involved the ability to work
length. The outer coat has an almost oily texture that sheds water and aids in insulating the animal from the wet and cold. Oils in the coat not only repel water like a duck’s feathers do, but help the dog dry out quickly, enabling it to continue swimming in frigid waters. Some people automatically assume that Chessies are closely related to the Labrador Retriever in terms of disposition. This is not entirely true. Both breeds make for loyal, happy, playful and energetic retrievers, but the similarity ends there.
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers were bred to love the water, to have great stamina, and to retrieve. 40
A Chesapeake Dog
ish behavior. These dogs can be lifelong companions - one of the best rewards being a warm, loving look from their seemingly mournful eyes. Keep in mind when taking one for a walk that Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are very strong-willed. They are obedient and intelligent, but they also have an independent streak and may have different ideas where he (or she) and you should walk. This dog is generally aloof around strangers. Still, it is affectionate toward its master and his or her family. For an owner looking for the playful qualities inherent in the retrieving breed, as well as a family protector, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a great choice. While the dog is undeniably happiest when it is swimming and retrieving out-of-doors, it is also content to be at home with its family and tends toward the quiet side when indoors. With a good, healthy start in life plus your leadership, this curious, sensitive, strongminded dog is sure to become a well-loved and loving member of the family.
in freezing water and an eagerness to retrieve. Besides these two qualities, the dogs were expected to exhibit great endurance. Over time, the reputation of the Chesapeake Retrievers spread beyond the Mid-Atlantic area. In addition to both coasts, other areas in the United States, including the Great Plains, began producing top quality animals. The dogs are friendly and easy to love. Given plenty of attention, Chessies develop warm personalities to go along with built-in independence and toughness. When away from the field, they may express themselves with clown-
O C C ART Featuring Silversmiths S Cottage Studio of Easton Through December I 12A Talbot Ln., Easton O behind the Bartlett Pear Inn N and Mason's A L By chance or appt.
Mary Syrett is a freelance writer and an avid student of nature.
and most First Fridays
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Newly Relocated Two Locations to Serve You The Tidewater Inn, Easton 路 306 Cannon St., Chestertown 410-820-7021 443-282-0225 Mon.-Sat. 10-5 Tues.-Sat. 11-5 www.mimisclosetonline.com
OXFORD, MD 1. Tues. 2. Wed. 3. Thurs. 4. Fri. 5. Sat. 6. Sun. 7. Mon. 8. Tues. 9. Wed. 10. Thurs. 11. Fri. 12. Sat. 13. Sun. 14. Mon. 15. Tues. 16. Wed. 17. Thurs. 18. Fri. 19. Sat. 20. Sun. 21. Mon. 22. Tues. 23. Wed. 24. Thurs. 25. Fri. 26. Sat. 27. Sun. 28. Mon. 29. Tues. 30. Wed.
8:33 9:36 10:42 11:47 12:13 11:59 12:41 1:21 2:00 2:38 3:18 3:58 4:39 5:22 6:08 6:57 7:52 8:51 9:52 10:55 11:55 12:49 1:43 2:37 3:31 4:25 5:19 6:14 7:11
9:27 10:26 11:22 12:49 12:45 1:35 2:18 2:57 3:32 4:05 4:39 5:15 5:54 6:37 7:25 8:16 9:09 10:04 10:59 11:54 12:53 1:49 2:43 3:35 4:27 5:19 6:11 7:03 7:53
2:53 3:59 4:03 4:54 5:16 5:46 6:26 6:33 7:31 7:15 7:31 6:51 8:25 7:23 9:14 7:52 8:21 10:00 8:52 10:43 9:24 11:24 9:59 12:05 10:37am 12:46 11:18am 1:28 12:04 2:11 12:56 1:56 2:55 3:07 3:39 4:25 4:22 5:44 5:05 6:58 5:49 8:06 6:33 9:09 7:18 8:05 10:07 8:55 11:01 9:46 11:54 10:39 12:44 11:34am 1:34 12:32 1:33 2:23
Three great locations in Oxford, Maryland to service your boating needs Bachelor Point 410.226.5592 Jack’s Point 410.226.5105 town creek 410.226.0213 Custom Boatbuilding Restoration H Repairs Slip Rentals H Haul-Outs Dry Storage
SHARP’S IS. LIGHT: 46 minutes before Oxford EASTON POINT: 5 minutes after Oxford CAMBRIDGE: 10 minutes after Oxford TILGHMAN: Dogwood Harbor same as Oxford ANNAPOLIS: 1 hr., 29 min. after Oxford CLAIBORNE: 25 minutes after Oxford ST. MICHAELS MILES R.: 47 min. after Oxford WYE LANDING: 1 hr. after Oxford KENT NARROWS: 1 hr., 29 min. after Oxford CENTREVILLE LANDING: 2 hrs. after Oxford CHESTERTOWN: 3 hrs., 44 min. after Oxford
3 month tides at www.tidewatertimes.com 45
info@campbellsboatyards.com www.campbellsboatyards.com
LUXURIOUS EASTON CLUB HOME - Granite kitchen countertops with tile floor, brick patio with lush landscaping and privacy fence, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, bonus den/bedroom, 2½ baths, living room, dining room, family room with fireplace and breakfast area. Golf course, community pool and tennis courts. $398,500
GORGEOUS HOME ON 47.55 ACRES - This home features enormous rooms including family room, office, living room, 3½ baths, 3-4 bedrooms, upstairs den/game room, upscale gourmet kitchen and 3-car garage. Room for additional home to be built and extra lot of 1.7 acres available. 30x40 workshop/shed. $898,000
CHARMING 2.76 AC. WATERFRONT HOME W/GUEST HOUSE - The main house features 3 BRs, 3 BAs, LR. DR, new gourmet kitchen and FR along with cozy den. The comfortable guest house offers a large living area, kitchen, dining area, 1 BR, 1 BA, great storage and garage. Two gems for the price of one on Boone Creek! $1,095,000
COOKE’S HOPE TOWNHOME - This 3-4 bedroom end unit townhome has spectacular views of local waterfowl in a Cooke’s Hope pond. 1st fl. master suite, upstairs massive FR and storage area. 2 upstairs BRs, dining area, K and LR with wood fireplace. Enjoy walking trails, exercise room, pool, tennis and putting green. $549,000
MEADOW BROOK ESTATES - Enjoy Eastern Shore life on this beautiful 1.62 acre lot which is waiting for your new home! 85 wooded acres immediately behind this lot with possible hunting rights for deer, turkey, squirrels, etc. Easy commute to western shore or Delaware. $99,500
FOR THE SERIOUS BOATER - This brick split-level home is on Bringman’s Cove off Island Creek (6’ MLW). Chef’s kitchen, large butcher block island, 2 fireplaces, den/office, family room, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and large game room. Beautiful gardens overlook expansive decking, double workshop and tree house. $1,995,000
Faye D. Roser, CRS, GRI
Benson & Mangold Real Estate, LLC 27999 Oxford Rd., Oxford, MD 21654 (c) 410-310-6356 or (o) 410-822-1415
roser@goeaston.net 46
Volunteers Restore Easton’s Spring Hill Cemetery by Dick Cooper
As she walks through Easton’s h i s tor ic Spr i ng Hi l l C eme ter y, F r a n D u nc a n r e ac he s dow n to pick up a cast-off plastic cup. She can’t help herself. Cleaning up this sacred ground in the heart of town has become second nature. The grass is cut, the weeds are trimmed and there is ongoing work to repair vandalized markers. But it has not always been that way. Just four years ago, the 22acre cemeter y had literally gone to seed. Weeds were high, fences had been pulled dow n and over time, vandals had knocked over hundreds of headstones. “When I buried my father here in 2007, it was a mess,” she says. “Grass was up to my knees. My granddaughter said I should do something. I thought, what can I do? So I put a business plan together and went to the fraternal organizations to raise money. We got a committee together to help, and here we are.” One of the first things the new group of volunteers, the Friends of Spring Hill Cemetery, did was replace or repair the fence around
the perimeter of the cemetery to increase secur it y. At least 250 of the histor ic headstones were knocked over, many of them breaking, some beyond repair. “People were cutting through the cemetery leaving trash behind. We found bicycles and shopping carts,” says Duncan, the wife of Talbot Count y Councilman Tom
Fran Duncan 47
Spring Hill Cemetery
“ T he c a n non w a s i n ter r ible shape when we started the cleanup,” she s a id . “ T he A mer ic a n Legion volunteered to fix it up.” Headstones throughout the cemetery mark the graves of veterans from all wars since the Revolution. Many of these headstones have been fixed with the aid of master masons like R. Drake Witte. “ He r e i s S o l o m o n B a r r o t t ’s grave,” she says as she points out a la r ge stone b et we en t wo t a l l trees. According to the plaque, Barrott was a drummer boy in the Continental A rmy, and when he died in Easton in 1851 at the age of 88, he was believed to be the last Revolutionary War veteran in Maryland.
Duncan. Now the gates are closed and locked every night. Wit h t he $50,000 t he volunteer committee has raised so far, Spring Hill Cemetery has emerged f rom an overgrow n and a lmost forgotten part of the town’s past, to become a center piece of history. The Friends of Spring Hill Cemetery have repaired the brick of f ice and nearby maintenance building, erected new signs at the entrances, removed dead trees and installed f lag poles. They enlisted the American Legion to repair the Civil War cannon that pays tribute to the dead of the North and South who are buried there.
Mark Beck Associates – Architects LLC 410-822-6481
Easton, Maryland 21601
www.markbeckresidential.com 48
TAKE THE LONG VIEW Sunset views across Newcomb Creek come with this gracious Cape Cod on 4 acres. Enjoy Georgia pine floors, 2 story entry hall, formal dining room, family room, screened porch, deck, 2-car garage, in-ground pool, multiple slip pier with 3’ MLW and much more. Easton $899,000
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Spring Hill Cemetery
Stevensville on Kent Island is said to have been named for him. Near the North Street entrance to the cemetery is the Goldsborough plot, a section distinguished by its rows of very old headstones. Duncan says that before the cemetery was opened in 1790, it had been the tradition for local landowners to have their own private cemetery on their farms. Once the central cemetery concept caught on, families had their ancestors dug up and reinterred in Spring Hill. Some of those date to the 1600s. Some of the first burials in the cemetery were the reinterred relatives of Dr. Ennalls Martin, who is buried next to his wife in the Martin family plot under a copse
“When we started cleaning up, we didn’t know there was a stone here until we cut away all of the ivy,” Duncan says. A s she did more research on the history of Spring Hill, Duncan found records and stories about the famous and powerful people who are buried there. The names of old Talbot families – Tilghman, Goldsborough, Covington, Shannahan, Wrightson and Hambleton, to name a few – are carved in stone everywhere. “ We have t h ree gover nor s of Maryland buried here,” she says. One is Samuel Stevens, Jr. who was governor from 1822 to 1826.
Spring Hill Cemetery 50
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Spring Hill Cemetery of old trees. Back off to the left of the Martins is the Baker plot. There, a tall piece of granite with a baseball, bat and glove f inely chiseled into stone marks the grave of John Franklin Baker of Trappe. Baker, who died in 1963 at the age of 77, is better known in the area as Baseball Hall of Famer Frank “Home Run” Baker, who played for the Philadelphia Athletics and the New York Yankees from 1908 to 1922 and had a lifetime batting average of .307. Boat builder C. Lowndes Johnson, a well-known Star-class racer and designer of the Comet sailboat, was laid to rest here.
Repaired headstone of Laura Jenkins - age 5.
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Benson & Mangold Real Eastate Cell: 410.310.2021 Office: 410.822.1415 barb.c.watkins@gmail.com www.easternshorehomes.com
Spring Hill Cemetery
Walking through the cemetery t h at s it s on h i g h g r ou nd ne a r an old spr ing, hence the name, Duncan points out other stones of interest. The Right Reverend Hen r y Cha mpl i n L ay, t he f i r s t Episc opa l Bishop of E a ston, i s commemorated by an elaborate monument, complete with a miter and a crow n, topped by a large cross. One couple, Helen and David Hardcastle, are buried under imposing blocks of marble. The locations where they lived before Talbot County are carved into their stones, each ending with “ETC.” “It is surprising the number of children who are buried here,” she
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Historical Society of Talbot County A Conversation with Adam Goodheart presented by Talbot County Chapter of Washington College Alumni and the Historical Society of Talbot County
Thursday, November 3 at 6 p.m. HSTC Auditorium 17 S. Washington Street, Easton T A L B O T C O U N T Y This event is free. Refreshments will be served. To RSVP call 410-778-7215 or Musuem & Gardens email alumni_office@washcoll.edu THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY
HSTC Museum 25 S. Washington St., Easton 410-822-0773 · www.hstc.org Mon. - Sat., 10 to 4
Tharpe Antiques & Decorative Arts 30 S. Washington St., Easton 410-820-7525 Tues. - Sat., 10 to 4, Sun., 11 to 4 54
“It makes me feel good to see people coming back,” she says. She says the Friends of Spring Hill Cemetery are always looking for more volunteers and donations. A nyone interested in helping out can reach her at f rancesd@ goeaston.net or by calling 410 822-4128.
says, a testament to the fragility of life 200 years ago. She pauses to pull weeds grown around a child’s marker. Volunteers have been working to repair and right vandalized stones. One volunteer, Darrin Clem, attended a class in New England to learn how to use a tripod to lift stones back on their base. “They are very heavy,” Duncan says. Among the old and fading gravestones are signs that the burial ground is still in use. Duncan points out the recent grave of an old friend. Now, the families return regularly to place f lowers and clean up a r ou nd t he g r av e s of t he i r loved ones.
Dick Cooper is a Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist. He and his wife, Pat, live and sail in St. Mic h ae l s, Mar yl an d. He c an b e reached at dickcooper@coopermediaassociates.com.
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young boy True story of a Poplar on up g in ow gr g to in go d an Island school by boat.
ect Gif t! This book covers Poplar The Perfrin t includes scovery to Current re-p pilogue) a new chapter (E and Isl ar pl Po on the Project. Reconstruction
di Island from its including the present day e future. th r new plans fo
.com/352 ww.createspace w s: tp ht at le Availab
Tidewater Traveler by George W. Sellers, CTC TV Reality Shows I recently Googled the phrase “TV reality shows” to learn that there have actually been seventy-four of those stupid, phony portrayals of real life that have made it to television over the past decade or so. Reality shows in the home; reality shows racing
around the world; reality shows in the dorm; reality shows in the kitchen; reality shows on a deserted island – all purported to be reality. Fortunately, the vast majority of such shows never made it past the first few episodes before being canned.
Eaglet trio at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Cambridge. 57
Grand In-Town Home This spacious and lovely four bedroom colonial is situated on a desirable corner lot in the town of Easton with easy access to restaurants and galleries. The home offers a large kitchen with breakfast area, formal dining and living room, a family room and inviting sunporch. Off the rear of the home you can find professional office suites and a separate inlaw suite. There are many elegant interior touches along with beautiful brick appointments on the exterior including a patio, walkways and custom brick planters.
Maurice “Bud” Wallace, Realtor 111 E. Dover Street Easton, Maryland 21601 410-829-0406 · 410-820-7707 bwallace@goeaston.net 59
TV Reality Shows
makes. Eating behaviors, sleeping habits, family interaction, sibling rivalry, squabbles over food and space, even the arrival of young into the world – every moment is captured for all to see. The family has no secrets. Anyone can intrude upon this family at will by gawking at a TV-like monitor. In fact some folks make it a vacation destination to drive to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge to observe the family of bald eagles going about their daily activities. The family lives in a large nest perched atop a tall utility pole that has been planted in the midst of a tidal marshland – a good location to be left alone. The nest is fashioned of sticks, soft mosses, feathers, grasses,
Really now – reality - alone on a deserted island, no electricity, no cell service, at the mercy of wild critters and the elements – duhhh – isn’t there an entire production crew on the reserve side of that camera lens ready with snacks and Band-Aids? The reader might surmise from this opening that I am not a big fan of TV reality shows. But . . . On the Eastern Shore of Maryland, in Dorchester County, just a short drive south from Cambridge, lives a family that has allowed unfettered video coverage of every aspect of their daily lives. A camera covers each in-home move that the family
Easton Quality Construction, contemporary 4 bedroom, 4 bath, great room with stone fireplace, formal dining room, crown moldings, living room, bonus room, deck, 2-car attached garage, shed, swimming pool, public water access to Miles River nearby. $525,000 Bonnie Lyons - CRS, GRI 111 E. Dover Street Easton, Maryland 21601 410-310-8441 · 410-820-7707 bonnielyons@lacazemeredith.com 60
Lewie & Clark
Framed Prints & Tee Shirts Exclusively in Easton at Lanham Hall Design
TV Reality Shows and leaves. It is hard to determine the actual size of this particular nest from the webcam, but nests of bald eagles can be up to nine feet across and three feet deep or high. The nest of the eagle family at Blackwater has one feature that most eagle homes cannot claim. Rising above the sticks that comprise the nest structure is a long straight stick-like projection, and mounted at the end of it is a camera. The feed from the camera can be observed at monitors inside the Blackwater visitor center. Large windows on the back side of the visitor center building allow a panoramic view across the classic Dorchester County marshland. Looking out into the marsh several hundred yards away from the visitor center one sees the utility pole with a human-made support structure at the top, and above that, an eaglemade nest. Above the nest, a sharp eye will notice the camera. In the T V reality shows, there can be no escaping the notion that the human beings know cameras are present and play to them. Do you act differently when you know a video camera is capturing your every move?!? But the bald eagle family seems not to notice the presence of the odd little box and the shiny glass lens, so they do not pose for it; they do not act for it; they do not exaggerate their actions or emotions.
Photos from the “Eagle Cam.” They go about their daily activities as they would if they were not being videoed – humans can’t do that! The result – a real reality show! Admission to the visitor center and connected observation deck is free. Use of the telescopes is free. Also free is a gallery of large glassenclosed dioramas depicting Eastern Shore wildlife and habitat. Wildlife art is displayed in abundance throughout. 63
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TV Reality Shows
Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia. The Complex includes the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge, Martin National Wildlife Refuge and Susquehanna National Wildlife Refuge. Other parts of the Complex are Barren Island, Watts Island, Garrett Island, Bishops Head, and Spring Island Divisions. Blackwater encompasses about twenty-seven thousand acres of woodland, wetland, open fields and water features. If you think you would enjoy the kind of reality show the bald eagle family offers, but just cannot make it to the marshes of southern Dorchester County, then take a look
To gain access to the popular wildlife drive and to hiking, cycling and paddling trails there is a modest fee. As a native Eastern Shoreman and Dorchester Countian, it seems really odd to me that someone would actually pay to ride through woodland and marshland. But as I have that thought, I also re a l i z e t hat a n A la sk a n nat ive probably wonders why millions of dollars are spent each year by folks who want to see a frozen river. And, Arizonans have to marvel at why anyone would pay to enter a national park of Saguaro cactus. Black water Nat iona l Wild life Refuge is a part of The Chesapeake
Access to Rt. 50 and Old Trappe Road RO U TE
Unique opportunity to own 33+/acres close to Easton, Oxford and Trappe areas. Zoned Village Center Commercial and includes a commercial building, office and a 2-bedroom, one bath home. Tons of outside storage. $985,000
Benson and Mangold
For further info. or an appointment Contact Listing Agents
Coard Benson 410-310-4909 or Marguerite Beebe 410-310-2304 cbenson@bensonandmangold.com 路 mbeebe@bensonandmangold.com 27999 Oxford Rd. 路 Oxford, MD 21654
Office: 410-822-1415 路 Web: www.bensonandmangold.com 65
TV Reality Shows
toward the viewer. On the near edge of the nest stands father osprey observing the training mission. Father occasionally glances in the direction of the camera, then back to junior, as if to say, “That’s my boy!” After half a minute or so of flapping, junior’s grip on the sticks of the nest lessens and he find himself pulled about a foot into the air. You can almost detect an expression of amazement and fear on his face. The flapping slows and he descends back to his safe haven. I’m really not a bird watcher, nor do I like reality TV, but this is a show I can highly recommend. May all of your travels be happy and safe!
for them on the Internet. You can search for “Raptor Cams.” If you do take the drive to Blackwater, don’t limit your own eagle-eye to the confines of the preserve. All throughout the area, whether on park service land or private land, one can occasionally catch sight of a bald eagle and many other critters in the wild. Neighbors of the eagle family have also allowed a camera to invade their personal space. A family of osprey bare their life activities for all to see. In addition to the Raptor Cam sponsored by Friends of Blackwater, many archival videos of the osprey family can be seen on You Tube. While writing this article I took a moment (actually one moment and three seconds, assuming a moment to be synonymous with a minute) to watch a young osprey stand precariously on the edge of the nest, f lapping his f ledgling wings. The youngster is on the edge of the nest away from the camera with his back
George Sellers is a Certified Travel Counselor and Accredited Cruise Counselor who operates the popular travel website and travel planning service www. SellersTravel.com. His Facebook and e-mail addresses are George@ SellersTravel.com.
erendipity Salon & Spa 112 Fremont St. St. Michaels, MD
410.745.2525 serendipitysalon21663@yahoo.com serendipitysalon.tripod.com 66
“Hunting Dog Approved” Sofas and Chairs by Lee - Stock and Custom Order Furniture from Classic Collections Crystal by William Yeoward Crystal Lighting by Niermann Weeks Art by Local Artists Unique Accessories and Gifts
Interior Design Services Available 13 Goldsborough Street, Easton · 410.822.2211 Open Tues. - Sat. 10-5 · www.dwellinganddesign.com 67
Hunters of the Night The Barn Owl by Larry Hitchens
“The Great Barn Owl Banding Trip” ...After I decided to “retire” four years ago, I purchased a 600mm Canon lens and one of Canon’s upscale cameras, both of which cost about the same as a small sports car. As my interest in birds of prey and wildlife photography expanded, I became fixated on owls. I read an article online entitled Owls! You Want Me to Find Owls? This was
exactly how I felt, so I proceeded to educate myself on where owls might be located and at what times I could find them. As I became more knowledgeable on the subject, discovering that some owls actually hunt during the daytime, some occupy swamps, some old pine woods, etc., I began to compile a nice portfolio of photos. But much to my dismay, I had no barn owl im-
Applying the band to a barn owl. 69
Hunters of the Night
be used in their brochures and signboards. Wildlife resource agencies in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and most recently North Carolina have used my photos for such purposes. Not long ago I got a request from the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife for some photos and it occurred to me to ask if they would be able to assist me in getting a barn owl photo. Much to my surprise the reply was “Sure, we’re getting ready to band the barn owls next week and you’re welcome to come along.” There were a few different owl boxes that the group worked with. These were constructed out of plywood with dimensions approximately 3’ long and 18” high with an entry/exit at one end and a 12” x 12” access door at the other. Some of the owl boxes were located inside barns, while others were attached to outbuildings atop posts 20 feet above ground. All the boxes were located on private farms. The bander first used a long aluminum pole with a piece of plywood and foam attached to block the entry/ exit hole, trapping the birds inside. Then he used an extension ladder to access the box. With a gloved hand and
ages. After four years of consulting friends, local farmers, farm bureaus, and running ads in the local paper, I was about to give up the search for the elusive barn owl. As my photography improved, I won a few contests and became better known. I started receiving requests from various state and federal agencies for copies of my photographs to
Adult Barn Owl 70
Own Your Own Marina! The Whitehaven Marina on the Wicomico River can be yours! * 25 slips * 2 boat lifts * 2 bedroom cottage * Beautiful sunset views * Located in historic Whitehaven * Only minutes from Salisbury * MLS # 474454 This great opportunity is available for only $524,900! Call Rob Beckey to schedule your personal showing!
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Hunters of the Night
mate age was determined by using a group of photos displaying owls at different stages of development. The owls weighed only 1 to 1-1/2 pounds, which was normal, even for adult birds. Following the banding and weighing exercise, the owls were held up for me to photograph. For the most part they were docile and fairly cooperative. The next phase of the process was to remove all material from the boxes and replace that with clean, fresh bedding. The final step was putting the owls back in the box. There are a few things that I was surprised to learn about barn owls: ¡ The average lifespan of the barn
the rest of his arm exposed, the bander reached through the 12� x 12� door and grabbed the owlet by his legs and gently drew him through the doorway. Sometimes this process could be done without a lot of fuss, and other times the bird was somewhat uncooperative. Keep in mind, all this was happening atop a 20 foot ladder. The owls were placed in pillow cases with zippers and allowed to quiet down. The next step was to place a numbered metal band on the left leg. Delaware bands the left leg and New Jersey bands the right. The owls were then weighed while still inside the bag. Their approxi-
Checking the barn owl box. 72
A Store You’ll Adore!
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Mon.-Sat. 10:30 - 5:30 Friday a bit later Sunday: 11 - 3 20 Goldsborough St., Easton 410-770-4374 75
Hunters of the Night
owlets will fledge before others. · The owlets consume 1-1/2 times their body weight every day, and their diet consists mostly of rodents. With the owlet weighing a little over a pound, and with an average of six owlets in the brood, nine pounds of rodents are caught every day by the parents. · The average brood is 6-7 owlets, which can moult their nestling down and fledge in 4 to 4½ weeks. The owls can sometimes have more than one brood a year depending on the availability of food. · Unlike most owls, the barn owl does not hoot, but hisses and screeches. The barn owl will use a beak snap to indicate anger while swaying it head side to side. · Barn owls have the best sense of hearing of all the owls and can pinpoint prey in total darkness.
owl is one to one and a half years. · The barn owl only weighs 1 to 1-1/2 pounds and is about 18” tall with a wingspan of 30-43 inches. · Their eggs are laid in succession approximately every two days. Because of this time spread, some of the
For more information about the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife, visit http://www.dnrec. delaware.gov/fw/Pages/FWPortal.aspx.
Young owlet 76
Fall Landscape Maintenance
Now is the time to think about Pruning Shrubs Pruning Perennials and Mulching
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by K. Marc Teffeau, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs American Nursery and Landscape Association
November Berry Color A group of plants that add a nice touch to the fall landscape color scheme are those that bear colorful fruits. Along roadsides and wet areas, the native American Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)
is now in full display with its bright orange red fruit. Beautyberry (Callicarpa sp.) stands out because of the round clusters of amethyst to purple berries which remain on bare stems
Beautyberry 79
Tidewater Gardening
will flower and fruit regularly with little care. Some of you might have noticed that your firethorn is not fruiting as heavily as you would like. If you have a firethorn that was once a heavy producer of fruit, observe it carefully on a sunny day to see how much shade it is receiving. As other plants begin to shade them, a significant reduction in the numbers of flowers and fruits produced will be noticed. Try to correct the situation by pruning other nearby plants to let the firethorn have more sun. It usually pays off in that the plant will again produce more berries. Contrary to many homeowner beliefs, fertilizers will not affect increasing fruit production on shaded firethorn. Often, over fertilization will result in increased susceptibility of fireblight, which is a bacterial disease that often kills the entire plant. So don’t try to fertilize pyracantha too heavily.
after willow-like leaves turn color and drop. A plant that is extensively used in the landscape as a low spreader and as an upright shrub, Cotoneaster sp. is also known for it’s fall fruit. There are more than 70 species in this genus and Cotoneaster dammeri (Bearberry cotoneaster), Cotoneaster horizontalis and Cotoneaster lacteus are all known for their outstanding display of clusters of red or orange-red fruits. Let’s not forget the Pyracantha. Commonly called Firethorn, this shrub bears clusters of red, orange, or yellow berries that are the size of peas. Glossy foliage is evergreen (semi-evergreen in cold-winter climates). Species and varieties grow 3 to 15 feet tall and 4 to 10 feet wide. With the excellent growing conditions this year, many firethorns have really fruited heavily. Most firethorns, when planted in a full sun and in a well-drained soil,
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Tidewater Gardening
vars of firethorns available that do well in our area. “Apache” is a semi-evergreen to evergreen compact shrub with bright red fruits that ripen in September and persist until December. ”Navaho” is a low-growing, densely branched, and mounded type with rich orange-red fruits and “Shawnee” produces bright yellow-orange berries that last until late winter. All these cultivars are resistant to scab and fireblight, the two major disease problems in firethorns. Pyracanthas get ratty in appearance over time, so it is important to do selective pruning. The yearly spring removal of vigorous growing branches will
If you do want to fertilize, use a material that is low in nitrogen and higher in phosphorus and potassium. The cultural requirements for firethorns are similar to those of holly. They prefer to grow in full sun in a well-drained soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Plant as a container grown plant in the spring. Because of their coarse, poorly branched root system, it is almost impossible to dig these plants with a ball of soil around the roots. So chose your location carefully as they are difficult to transplant. There are some excellent culti-
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Tidewater Gardening
shrub for berry production in the fall. Among the many species, three are top performers. For best flower and subsequent fruit production, most viburnums need to be in full sun. David’s Viburnum (Viburnum davidii) produces clusters of metallic blue fruits that appear among glossy dark green leaves.
help keep this plant compact. Prune with the natural shape of the plant in mind. Don’t prune them into squares, balls, triangles or other assorted shapes! Leave the topiary pruning to the experts. Viburnum is another excellent
European Cranberry Viburnum
This evergreen shrub reaches 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. European Cranberry Viburnum (Viburnum opulus) provides bright clusters of fleshy red fruits that hang on from autumn into winter. Its dark green leaves turn yellow, red, or reddish-purple in fall before dropping. This deciduous shrub reaches 8 to 15 feet tall and wide. Leatherleaf Viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum)has clusters of fruit which turn from scarlet to black as they age. Commonly called leather leaf viburnum, it bears long, deep green leaves with wrinkled tops and a fuzzy underside. This ev-
ergreen shrub grows 8 to 15 feet tall and 6 to 12 feet wide. It is one of the viburnums which tolerates deep shade. Every year a number of homeowners complain that their holly trees do not have berries. Hollies are dioecious plants, which means that each sex in confined to a separate plant. Therefore, to have berries on the Harriett holly you need Harry holly somewhere nearby. Most of the time, the failure of a mature female holly to fruit is because of lack of pollination. The only solution to this problem is to either replace the male plant with a female of the species or by transplanting a male plant
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Tidewater Gardening
this would be when your garden has a slope to it and there might be a chance of erosion. The alternate freezing and thawing and wetting and drying of the soil during the winter will help to improve the soil structure. Now is also a good time to work organic matter such as compost into the garden soil. Spread an inch or two layer over the garden and till it in. An alternative would be to till the soil and then sheet compost it, spreading a layer of two to three inches of compost on top of the soil. Next spring all you will have to do is rake away the compost and till the areas you will plant.
nearby to insure pollination of the female flowers. It is important that there be a male plant within 500 feet to insure good pollination. The only time you can determine the sex of a holly is when it is in bloom and even then it can be difficult. Vegetable gardening doesn’t stop now just because we have harvested most of the crops. If you didn’t plant a cover crop in September, you can still prepare the soil for next spring by rototilling it now. This will loosen the soil, making it more friable and able to absorb moisture from the fall rains. The exception to
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The remaining compost will serve as a mulch to control the weeds between the rows. By adding organic matter to the soil you will improve the soil structure resulting in better aeration, water percolation and nutrient retention and improved plant growth. The other element that you can add to the garden soil now is lime. Assuming that you did a soil test, you can add the recommended lime in November and till it under. This will give it a few additional months to react with the soil and adjust the pH before your spring crop goes in. Now is not the time to fertilize the garden. Winter
Boxelder Bugs rains and snow will leach out most of the fertilizer nutrients
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Tidewater Gardening
Although they don’t bite, eat any stored foods or bother house plants, their presence in large numbers makes them a real nuisance. When crushed they also leave a red stain that is difficult to remove from fabrics. If you need to control boxelder bugs you can spray them with either an insecticidal soap or a labeled contact insecticide. A permanent solution is to remove the boxelder tree that is attracting them to your home. It is still not too late to plant spring flowering bulbs but you better get them in soon. Happy Gardening!
in the soil, especially in sandier soils. As the days get cooler a number of outside critters try to come inside. Besides mice, we also have insect invaders like boxelder bugs. Boxelder bugs are black and red insects about 5/8 of an inch long that resemble stink bugs. Each fall they congregate in large numbers on female boxelder trees and on the sunny side of houses near these trees. Boxelder bugs frequently invade the inside of the house through openings around windows and door. This is when they become a real problem.
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Dorchester Points of Interest
Dorchester County is known as the Heart of the Chesapeake – and not just because it’s physically shaped like a heart. It’s also rich in Chesapeake Bay history, folklore and tradition. With 1,700 miles of shoreline (more than any other Maryland county), marshlands, working boats, quaint waterfront towns and villages among fertile farm fields – much still exists of the authentic Eastern Shore landscape and traditional way of life along the Chesapeake. FREDERICK C. MALKUS MEMORIAL BRIDGE is the gateway to Dorchester County over the Choptank River. It is the second longest span 91
Dorchester Points of Interest bridge in Maryland after the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. A life-long resident of Dorchester County, Senator Malkus served in the Maryland State Senate from 1951 through 1994. Next to the Malkus Bridge is the 1933 Emerson C. Harrington Bridge. This bridge was replaced by the Malkus Bridge in 1987. Remains of the 1933 bridge are used as fishing piers on both the north and south bank of the river. LAGRANGE PLANTATION - home of the Dorchester County Historical Society, LaGrange Plantation offers a range of local history and heritage on its grounds. The Meredith House, a 1760s Georgian home, features artifacts and exhibits on the seven Maryland governors associated with the county; a child’s room containing antique dolls and toys; and other period displays. The Neild Museum houses a broad collection of agricultural, maritime, industrial, and Native American artifacts, including a McCormick reaper (invented by Cyrus McCormick in 1831). The Ron Rue exhibit pays tribute to a talented local decoy carver with a re-creation of his workshop. The Goldsborough Stable, circa 1790, includes a sulky, pony cart, horse-driven sleighs, and tools of the woodworker, wheelwright, and blacksmith. For more info. tel: 410-228-7953 or visit dorchesterhistory.org. Tidewater Residential Designs since 1989
DORCHESTER COUNTY VISITOR CENTER - The Visitors Center in Cambridge is a major entry point to the lower Eastern Shore, positioned just off U.S. Route 50 along the shore of the Choptank River. With its 100-foot sail canopy, it’s also a landmark. In addition to travel information and exhibits on the heritage of the area, there’s also a large playground, garden, boardwalk, restrooms, vending machines, and more. The Visitors Center is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about Dorchester County call 800-522-8687 or visit www.tourdorchester.org or www.tourchesapeakecountry.com. SAILWINDS PARK - Located at 202 Byrn St., Cambridge, Sailwinds Park has been the site for popular events such as the Seafood Feast-I-Val in August, Crabtoberfest in October and the Grand National Waterfowl Hunt’s Grandtastic Jamboree in November. For more info. tel: 410-228-SAIL(7245) or visit www.sailwindscambridge.com. CAMBRIDGE CREEK - a tributary of the Choptank River, runs through the heart of Cambridge. Located along the creek are restaurants where you can watch watermen dock their boats after a day’s work on the waterways of Dorchester. HISTORIC HIGH STREET IN CAMBRIDGE - When James Michener was doing research for his novel Chesapeake, he reportedly called Cambridge’s
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Dorchester Points of Interest High Street one of the most beautiful streets in America. He modeled his fictional city Patamoke after Cambridge. Many of the gracious homes on High Street date from the 1700s and 1800s. Today you can join a historic walking tour of High Street each Saturday at 11 a.m., April through October (weather permitting). For more info. tel: 410-901-1000. SKIPJACK NATHAN OF DORCHESTER - Sail aboard the authentic skipjack Nathan of Dorchester, offering heritage cruises on the Choptank River. The Nathan is docked at Long Wharf in Cambridge. Dredge for oysters and hear the stories of the working waterman’s way of life. For more info. and schedules tel: 410-228-7141 or visit www.skipjack-nathan.org. DORCHESTER CENTER FOR THE ARTS - Located at 321 High Street in Cambridge, the Center offers monthly gallery exhibits and shows, extensive art classes, and special events, as well as an artisans’ gift shop with an array of items created by local and regional artists. For more info. tel: 410-228-7782 or visit www.dorchesterarts.org. RICHARDSON MARITIME MUSEUM - Located at 401 High St., Cambridge, the Museum makes history come alive for visitors in the form of exquisite models of traditional Bay boats. The Museum also offers a collection
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of boatbuilders’ tools and watermen’s artifacts that convey an understanding of how the boats were constructed and the history of their use. The Museum’s Ruark Boatworks facility, located on Maryland Ave., is passing on the knowledge and skills of area boatwrights to volunteers and visitors alike. Watch boatbuilding and restoration in action. For more info. tel: 410-221-1871 or visit www.richardsonmuseum.org. HARRIET TUBMAN MUSEUM & EDUCATIONAL CENTER - The Museum and Educational Center is developing programs to preserve the history and memory of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday. Local tours by appointment are available. The Museum and Educational Center, located at 424 Race St., Cambridge, is one of the stops on the “Finding a Way to Freedom” self-guided driving tour; pick up a brochure at the Dorchester County Visitor Center. For more info. tel: 410-228-0401. SPOCOTT WINDMILL - Since 1972, Dorchester County has had a fully operating English style post windmill that was expertly crafted by the late master shipbuilder, James B. Richardson. There has been a succession of windmills at this location dating back to the late 1700’s. The complex also includes an 1800 tenant house, one-room school, blacksmith shop, and country store museum. The windmill is located at 1625 Hudson Rd., Cambridge. HORN POINT LABORATORY - The Horn Point Laboratory offers public tours of this world-class scientific research laboratory, which is affiliated with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The 90-minute walking tour shows how scientists are conducting research to restore the Chesapeake Bay. Horn Point Laboratory is located at 2020 Horns Point Rd., Cambridge, on the banks of the Choptank River. For more info. and tour schedule tel: 410-228-8200 or visit www.hpl.umces.edu. THE STANLEY INSTITUTE - This 19th century one-room African American schoolhouse, dating back to 1865, is one of the oldest Maryland schools to be organized and maintained by a black community. Between
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Dorchester Points of Interest 1867 and 1962, the youth in the African-American community of Christ Rock attended this school, which is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Tours available by appointment. The Stanley Institute is located at the intersection of Route 16 West & Bayly Rd., Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-228-6657. BUCKTOWN VILLAGE STORE - Visit the site where Harriet Tubman received a blow to her head that fractured her skull. From this injury Harriet believed God gave her the vision and directions that inspired her to guide so many to freedom. Artifacts include the actual newspaper ad offering a reward for Harriet’s capture. Historical tours, bicycle, canoe and kayak rentals are available. Open upon request. The Bucktown Village Store is located at 4303 Bucktown Rd., Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-901-9255. HARRIET TUBMAN BIRTHPLACE - “The Moses of her People,” Harriet Tubman was believed to have been born on the Brodess Plantation in Bucktown. There are no Tubman-era buildings remaining at the site, which today is a farm. Recent archeological work at this site has been inconclusive, and the investigation is continuing, although there is some evidence that points to Madison as a possible birthplace.
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BLACKWATER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, located 12 miles south of Cambridge at 2145 Key Wallace Dr. With more than 25,000 acres of tidal marshland, Blackwater Refuge is an important stop along the Atlantic Flyway. In addition to more than 250 species of birds, Blackwater is currently home to the largest remaining natural population of endangered Delmarva fox squirrels and the largest breeding population of American bald eagles on the East Coast, north of Florida. The refuge features a full service Visitor Center as well as the four-mile Wildlife Drive, walking trails and water trails. For more info. tel: 410-228-2677 or visit www. fws.gov/blackwater. EAST NEW MARKET - Originally settled in 1660, the entire town is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Follow a self-guided walking tour to see the district that contains almost all the residences of the original founders and offers excellent examples of colonial architecture. HURLOCK TRAIN STATION Incorporated in 1892, Hurlock ranks as the second largest town in Dorchester County. It began from a Dorchester/Delaware Railroad station built in 1867. The Old Train Station has been restored and is host to occasional train excursions. For more info. tel: 410-943-4181. VIENNA HERITAGE MUSEUM The Vienna Heritage Museum dis-
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Dorchester Points of Interest plays the Elliott Island Shell Button Factory operation. This was the last surviving mother-of-pearl button manufacturer in the United States. Numerous artifacts are also displayed which depict a view of the past life in this rural community. The Vienna Heritage Museum is located at 303 Race St., Vienna. For more info. tel: 410943-1212 or visit www.viennamd.org. LAYTON’S CHANCE VINEYARD & WINERY - This small farm winery, minutes from historic Vienna at 4225 New Bridge Rd., opened in 2010 as Dorchester County’s first winery. For more info. tel. 410-228-1205 or visit www.laytonschance.com.
Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester
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Easton Points of Interest Historic Downtown Easton — The county seat of Talbot County. Established around early religious settlements and a court of law, Historic Downtown Easton is today a centerpiece of fine specialty shops, business and cultural activities, unique restaurants and architectural fascination. Treelined streets are graced with various period structures and remarkable homes, carefully preserved or restored. Because of its historical significance, historic Easton has earned distinction as the “Colonial Capital of the Eastern Shore” and was honored as #8 in the book “The 100 Best Small Towns in America.” 1. TALBOTTOWN, EASTON PLAZA, EASTON MARKETPLACE, TRED AVON SQUARE and WATERSIDE VILLAGE- Shopping centers, all in close proximity to downtown Easton. 2. THOMAS PERRIN SMITH HOUSE - Built in 1803, it was the early home of the newspaper from which the Star-Democrat grew. In 1912, the building was acquired by the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club, which occupies it today. 3. THE BRICK HOTEL - Built in 1812, it became the Eastern Shore’s leading hostelry. It is now an office building. 4. THE TALBOT COUNTY COURTHOUSE - Long known as the “East Capital” of Maryland. The present building was completed in 1794 on the site of the earlier one built in 1711. It has been remodeled several times over the years. 5. SHANNAHAN & WRIGHTSON HARDWARE BUILDING - Now Lanham-Hall Design & Antiques, is the oldest store in Easton. In 1791, Owen Kennard began work on a new brick building that changed hands several times throughout the years. Dates on the building show when additions were made in 1877-1881-1889. The present front was completed in time for a grand opening on Dec. 7, 1941 - Pearl Harbor Day. 6. FIRST MASONIC GRAND LODGE - The records of Coats Lodge of Masons in Easton show that five Masonic Lodges met in Talbot Court House (as Easton was then called) on July 31, 1783, to form the first Grand Lodge of Masons in Maryland. 7. TALBOT COUNTY FREE LIBRARY - In an attractive building on West St. Hours open: Mon. & Thurs., 9 to 8, Tues. & Wed. 9 to 6 and Fri. & Sat., 9 to 5, except during the summer when it’s 9 to 1 on Saturday. For information call 410-822-1626 or visit www.tcfl.org. Currently under renovation. 101
Easton Points of Interest 8. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TALBOT COUNTY - Enjoy an evocative portrait of everyday life during earlier times when visiting the c. 18th and 19th century historic houses and a Museum with changing exhibitions, all of which surround a Federal style garden. Located in the heart of Easton’s historic district. Museum hours: Thurs., Fri. & Sat., 10-4 p.m. (winter) and Mon. through Sat., 10-4 p.m. (summer), with group tours offered by appointment. For more information, call 410-822-0773. 9. AVALON THEATRE - Constructed in 1921 during the heyday of silent films and Vaudeville entertainment. Over the course of its history, it has been the scene of three world premiers, including “The First Kiss,” starring Fay Wray and Gary Cooper, in 1928. The theater has gone through two major restorations: the first in 1936, when it was refinished in an art deco theme by the Schine Theater chain, and again 52 years later when it was converted to a performing arts and community center. The Avalon has a year-round schedule of entertainment and cultural events. For information on current and upcoming activities, call 410-822-0345. 10. TALBOT COUNTY VISITORS CENTER - 11 S. Harrison St. The Talbot County Office of Tourism provides visitors with county information
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for historic Easton, and the waterfront villages of Oxford, St. Michaels and Tilghman Island. You can call the Tourism office at 410-770-8000 or visit their website at www.tourtalbot.org. 11. THE BULLITT HOUSE - One of Easton’s oldest and most beautiful homes, it was built in 1801. It is now occupied by the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. 12. HISTORIC TIDEWATER INN - 101 E. Dover St. A completely modern hotel built in 1949, it was enlarged in 1953 and has recently undergone extensive renovations. It is the “Pride of the Eastern Shore.” 13. 28 SOUTH HARRISON STREET - Significant for its architecture, it was built by Benjamin Stevens in 1790, and is one of Easton’s earliest three-bay brick buildings. 14. ACADEMY ART MUSEUM -Accredited by the American Association of Museums, the Academy Art Museum is a fine art museum founded in 1958 and located in historic, downtown Easton. Providing national and regional exhibitions, performances, educational programs, and visual and performing arts classes to adults and children, the Museum also offers a vibrant concert and lecture series and an annual craft festival, CRAFT SHOW (the Eastern Shores largest juried fine craft show) featuring local and national artists and artisans demonstrating, exhibiting and selling their crafts. The
Easton Points of Interest Museum’s permanent collection consists of works on paper and contemporary works by American and European masters. Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; extended hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until 7 p.m. For more information, please call (410) 822-ARTS (2787) or visit www.art-academy.org. 15. INN AT 202 DOVER- Built in 1874, this Victorian-era mansion reflects many architectural styles. For years the building was known as the Wrightson House, thanks to its early 20th century owner, Charles T. Wrightson, one of the founders of the S. & W. canned food empire. Locally it is still referred to as Captain’s Watch due to its prominent balustraded widow’s walk. The Inn’s renovation in 2006 was acknowledged by the Maryland Historic Trust and the U.S. Dept. of the Interior. It is now home to a beautiful inn and restaurant. 16. CHRIST CHURCH - St. Peter’s Parish, 111 South Harrison Street. The Parish was founded in 1692 with the present church built ca. 1840, of Port Deposit Granite. 17. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Established in the early 1900s, with several recent additions to the building and facilities, and now extensive
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Easton Points of Interest additions and modernization under construction, making this what is considered to be one of the finest hospitals on the Eastern Shore. 18. THIRD HAVEN MEETING HOUSE - Built in 1682 and the oldest frame building dedicated to religious meetings in America. The Meeting House was built at the headwaters of the Tred Avon: people came by boat to attend. William Penn preached there with Lord Baltimore present. Extensive renovations were completed in 1990. 19. EASTON POINT MARINA - At the end of Port Street on the Tred Avon River. 20. BOAT RAMP - At Easton Point, end of Port Street. 21. TALBOT COUNTRY CLUB - Established in 1910, the Talbot Country Club is located at 6142 Country Club Drive, Easton. 22. WHITE MARSH CHURCH - Only the ruins remain, but the churchyard contains the grave of the elder Robert Morris, who died July 22, 1750. The parish had a rector of the Church of England in 1690. 23. FOXLEY HALL - Built about 1795 at 24 N. Aurora St., Foxley Hall is one of the best-known of Easton’s Federal dwellings. Former home of Oswald Tilghman, great-grandson of Lt. Col. Tench Tilghman. (Private)
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Easton Points of Interest 24. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL - On “Cathedral Green,” Goldsborough St., is one of traditional Gothic design in granite. The interior is well worth a visit. All windows are stained glass, picturing New Testament scenes, and the altar cross of Greek type is unique. 25. HOG NECK GOLF COURSE - Rated FOUR STARS by “Golf Digest Places to Play.” 18 hole Championship course, 9 hole Executive course. Full service pro shop. For more info. tel: 410-822-6079. 26. TALBOT COMMUNITY CENTER - The year-round activities offered at the community center range from ice hockey to figure skating, aerobics and curling. The Center is also host to many events throughout the year such as antique, craft, boating and sportsman shows. 27. EASTON AIRPORT - 29137 Newnam Rd., just off Rt. 50. 28. PICKERING CREEK - 400-acre farm and science education center featuring 100 acres of forest, a mile of shoreline, nature trails, low-ropes challenge course and canoe launch. Trails are open seven days a week from dawn till dusk. Canoes are free for members. For more info. tel: 410-8224903 or visit their web site at www.pickeringcreek.org.
Fabulous Fashions, Jewelry and Accessories for the woman who wants to put a little fun in her life! It’s a Unique, Girly Boutique 13 N. Harrison St. Easton 410-822-6711 108
St. Michaels Points of Interest On the broad Miles River, with its picturesque tree-lined streets and beautiful landlocked harbor, St. Michaels has been a haven for boats plying the Chesapeake and its inlets since the earliest days. Here, some of the handsomest models of the bay craft, such as canoes, bugeyes, pungys and some famous Baltimore Clippers, were designed and built. The Church, named “St. Michael’s,” was the first building erected (about 1677) and around it clustered the town that took its name. Today the shipyards are still active, and the harbor is used by oystermen, fishermen, clammers and pleasure seekers in large numbers. 1. WADES POINT INN - Located on a point of land overlooking ma110
St. Michaels Points of Interest jestic Chesapeake Bay, this historic inn has been welcoming guests for over 100 years. Thomas Kemp, builder of the original “Pride of Baltimore,” built the main house in 1819. 2. HARBOURTOWNE GOLF RESORT - Bay View Restaurant and Duckblind Bar on the scenic Miles River with an 18 hole golf course and tennis courts. 3. MILES RIVER YACHT CLUB - Organized in 1920, the Miles River Yacht Club continues its dedication to boating on our waters and the protection of the heritage of log canoes, the oldest class of boat still sailing U. S. waters. The MRYC has been instrumental in preserving the log canoe and its rich history on the Chesapeake Bay. 4. THE INN AT PERRY CABIN - The original building was constructed in the early 19th century by Samuel Hambleton, a purser in the United States Navy during the War of 1812. It was named for his friend, Commodore Oliver Hazzard Perry. Perry Cabin has served as a riding academy and was restored in 1980 as an inn and restaurant. The Inn is now a member of the Orient Express Hotels. 5. THE PARSONAGE INN - A bed and breakfast inn at 210 N. Talbot
FINE OLD POSTERS and wonderful reproductions 405 S. Talbot Street – St. Michaels, MD www.fineoldposters.com
The only source on the Eastern Shore for original vintage posters! 112
CHARISMA clothing boutique Annual Dress Sale Nov. 1-23 All Dresses 30% Off
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“Why blend in when you can stand out!” 201 S. Talbot St., St. Michaels 410-745-0352 Open Daily 113
St. Michaels Points of Interest St., was built by Henry Clay Dodson, a prominent St. Michaels businessman and state legislator around 1883 as his private residence. In 1874, Dodson, along with Joseph White, established the St. Michaels Brick Company, which later provided the brick for “the old Parsonae house.” 6. FREDERICK DOUGLASS HISTORIC MARKER - Born at Tuckahoe Creek, Talbot County, Douglass lived as a slave in the St. Michaels area from 1833 to 1836. He taught himself to read and taught in clandestine schools for blacks here. He escaped to the north and became a noted abolitionist, orator and editor. He returned in 1877 as a U.S. Marshal for the District of Columbia and also served as the D.C. Recorder of Deeds and the U.S. Minister to Haiti. 7. CHESAPEAKE BAY MARITIME MUSEUM - Founded in 1965, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is dedicated to preserving the rich heritage of the hemisphere’s largest and most productive estuary - the Chesapeake Bay. Located on 18 waterfront acres, its nine exhibit buildings and floating fleet bring to life the story of the Bay and its inhabitants, from the fully restored 1879 Hooper Strait lighthouse and working boatyard to the impressive collection of working decoys and a recreated waterman’s
Entertaining Italian Style! Platters · Bowls Fabulous Wines · Delicious Foods Bindi Desserts · Limoncello Parfaits Lemon Sorbet & More! Order Now for Bindi Cakes, Tiramisu & More! Bring this ad in for a 10% discount on any food, wine or ceramic item!
If You Love Italy - You’ll Love Simpatico A Charming Italian Shop in the Heart of St. Michaels Ceramics · Wines · Foods · Desserts · Snacks Pinocchio · Linens · Handbags · Murano Glass Beads Italian Wine Tastings Every Day! WWW.SIMPATICOSTMICHAELS.COM 104 RAILROAD AVENUE · 410-745-0345 114
The Eastern Shore’s Best Selection of Women’s & Men’s Outerwear!
OPEN DAILY www.sailorstmichaels.com 214 Talbot Street, St. Michaels, MD · 410-745-2580 115
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Put a wrap on your Christmas toy shopping1 212 Talbot St., St. Michaels 410-745-6229 • www.calicotoysandgames.com 116
St. Michaels Points of Interest shanty. Home to the world’s largest collection of Bay boats, the Museum regularly hosts temporary exhibitions, special events, festivals, and education programs. Docking and pump-out facilities available. Exhibitions and Museum Store open year-round. Up-to-date information and hours can be found on the Museum’s website at www.cbmm.org or by calling 410-745-2916. 8. THE CRAB CLAW - Restaurant adjoining the Maritime Museum and overlooking St. Michaels harbor. 410-745-2900 or www.thecrabclaw.com. 9. PATRIOT - During the season (April-November) the 65’ cruise boat can carry 150 persons, runs daily historic narrated cruises along the Miles River. For daily cruise times, visit www.patriotcruises.com or call 410-745-3100. 10. THE FOOTBRIDGE - Built on the site of many earlier bridges, today’s bridge joins Navy Point to Cherry Street. It has been variously known as “Honeymoon Bridge” and “Sweetheart Bridge.” It is the only remaining bridge of three that at one time connected the town with outlying areas around the harbor.
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1-800-808-7622 路 www.StMichaelsMD.org 118
St. Michaels Points of Interest 11. VICTORIANA INN - The Victoriana Inn is located in the Historic District of St. Michaels. The home was built in 1873 by Dr. Clay Dodson, a druggist, and occupied as his private residence and office. In 1910 the property, then known as “Willow Cottage,” underwent alterations when acquired by the Shannahan family who continued it as a private residence for over 75 years. As a bed and breakfast, circa 1988, major renovations took place, preserving the historic character of the gracious Victorian era. 12. HAMBLETON INN - On the harbor. Historic waterfront home built in 1860 and restored as a bed and breakfast in 1985 with a turn-ofthe-century atmosphere. All the rooms have a view of the harbor. 13. MILL HOUSE - Originally built on the beach about 1660 and later moved to its present location on Harrison Square (Cherry Street near Locust Street). 14. FREEDOMS FRIEND LODGE - Chartered in 1867 and constructed in 1883, the Freedoms Friend Lodge is the oldest Lodge existing in Maryland and is a prominent historic site for our black community. It is now the site of Blue Crab Coffee Company. 15. TALBOT COUNTY FREE LIBRARY - Located at 106 S. Fremont
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St. Michaels Points of Interest St. has recently been remodeled. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877. 16. CARPENTER STREET SALOON - Life in the Colonial community revolved around the tavern. The traveler could, of course, obtain food, drink, lodging or even a fresh horse to speed his journey. This tavern was built in 1874 and has served the community as a bank, a newspaper office, post office and telephone company. 17. TWO SWAN INN - The Two Swan Inn on the harbor served as the former site of the Miles River Yacht Club, was built in the 1800s and was renovated in 1984. It is located at the foot of Carpenter Street in a central but secluded part of the historic district of town. 18. TARR HOUSE - Built by Edward Elliott as his plantation home about 1661. It was Elliott and an indentured servant, Darby Coghorn, who built the first church in St. Michaels. This was about 1677, on the site of the present Episcopal Church (6 Willow Street, near Locust). 19. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 301 S. Talbot St. Built of Port Deposit stone, the present church was erected in 1878. The first is believed to have been built in 1677 by Edward Elliott. 20. THE INN - Built in 1817 by Wrightson Jones, who opened and
H O L LY H O C K S 605 S. Talbot Street • St. Michaels, MD 21663
Come See Our New Look& New Location at the Mill by the St. Michaels Winery Hours: Friday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Sunday 11:30 - 4:30 (410.745.0555) 122
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Swan Cove Flowers
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Available for rent for the holidays, weekends and weekly. inquiries@tidewatervacations.com 124
St. Michaels Points of Interest operated the shipyard at Beverly on Broad Creek. (Talbot St. at Mulberry). 21. THE CANNONBALL HOUSE - When St. Michaels was shelled by the British in a night attack in 1813, the town was “blacked out” and lanterns were hung in the tree tops to lead the attackers to believe the town was on a high bluff. Result: The houses were overshot. The story is that a cannonball hit the chimney of “Cannonball House” and rolled down the attic stairway. This town “blackout” was believed to be the first such “blackout” in the history of warfare. 22. AMELIA WELBY HOUSE Amelia Coppuck, who became Amelia Welby, was born in this house and wrote poems that won her fame and the praise of Edgar Allan Poe. 23. 125 MULBERRY STREET During 1813, at the time of the Battle of St. Michaels, it was known as “Dawson’s Wharf” and had 2 cannons on carriages donated by Jacob Gibson, which fired 10 of the 15 rounds directed at the British. For a period up to the early 1950s it was called “The Longfellow Inn.” It was rebuilt in 1977 after burning to the ground. 24. ST. MICHAELS MUSEUM at ST. MARY’S SQUARE - Located in the heart of the historic 125
St. Michaels Points of Interest district, offers a unique view of 19th century life in St. Michaels. The exhibits are housed in three period buildings and contain local furniture and artifacts donated by residents. The museum is supported entirely through community efforts. Open May-October, Mon., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Fri., 1 to 4 p.m., Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sun., 1 to 4 p.m. Other days on request. Admission is $3 for adults and $1 for children with children under 6 free. 25. KEMP HOUSE - Now a country inn. A Georgian style house, constructed in 1805 by Colonel Joseph Kemp, a revolutionary soldier and hero of the War of 1812. 26. THE OLD MILL COMPLEX - The Old Mill was a functioning flour mill from the late 1800s until the 1970s, producing flour used primarily for Maryland beaten biscuits. Today it is home to the St. Michaels Winery, artists, furniture makers, a baker and other unique shops and businesses. 27. BOB PASCAL’S ST. MICHAELS HARBOUR INN, MARINA & SPA - Located at 101 N. Harbour Road, was newly constructed in 1986 and recently renovated. It has overnight accommodations, conference facilities, marina, spa and Pascal’s Restaurant & Tavern.
Specializing in choice, fresh Chesapeake Bay seafoods served in the informal Eastern Shore style by people who know seafood best!
Closed For The Season November 28th Free Dockage and Parking 126
410-745-2900 www.thecrabclaw.com
Timeless is Always Trendy
Fine New & Antique Oriental Rugs Expert Cleaning & Restoration
TALBOT ORIENTAL RUGS 108 Marlboro Avenue 路 Easton, MD 410-822-7400 127
Oxford Points of Interest Oxford is one of the oldest towns in Maryland. Although already settled for perhaps 20 years, Oxford marks the year 1683 as its official founding, for in that year Oxford was first named by the Maryland General Assembly as a seaport and was laid out as a town. In 1694, Oxford and a new town called Anne Arundel (now Annapolis) were selected the only ports of entry for the entire Maryland province. Until the American Revolution, Oxford enjoyed prominence as an international shipping center surrounded by wealthy tobacco plantations. Today, Oxford is a charming tree-lined and waterbound village with a population of just over 700 and is still important in boat building and yachting. It has a protected harbor for watermen who harvest oysters, crabs, clams and fish, and for sailors from all over the Bay. 1. TENCH TILGHMAN MONUMENT - In the Oxford Cemetery the Revolutionary War hero’s body lies along with that of his widow. Lt. Tench Tilghman carried the message of Cornwallis’ surrender from
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Oxford Points of Interest Yorktown, VA, to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Across the cove from the cemetery may be seen Plimhimmon, home of Tench Tilghman’s widow, Anna Marie Tilghman. 2. THE OXFORD COMMUNITY CENTER - 200 Oxford Road. The Oxford Community Center, a pillared brick schoolhouse saved from the wrecking ball by the town residents, is a gathering place for meetings, classes, lectures, dinner theater and performances by the Tred Avon Players. The Center is currently under renovation. Rentals available to groups and individuals. 410-226-5904 or www.oxfordcc.org. 3. BACHELOR POINT HARBOR - Located at the mouth of the Tred Avon River, 9’ water depth. 4. THE COOPERATIVE OXFORD LABORATORY - U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Maryland Department of Natural Resources located here. 410226-5193 or www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/oxford. 4A. U.S. COAST GUARD STATION - 410-226-0580.
S. Hanks Interior Design Suzanne Hanks Litty Oxford, Maryland 410-226-5400 130
5. OXFORD TOWN PARK - Former site of the Oxford High School. Recent restoration of the beach as part of a “living shoreline project” created 2 terraced sitting walls, a protective groin and a sandy beach with native grasses which will stop further erosion and provide valuable aquatic habitat. A similar project has been completed adjacent to the ferry dock. A kayak launch site has also been located near the ferry dock. 6. O X F O R D M U S E U M - M o r r i s & M a r k e t S t s . D e v o t e d t o t h e memories and tangible mementos of Oxford, MD. Closed November 13, 2011 until Oxford Day, April 28, 2012. For more info. tel: 410-226-0191. 7. OXFORD LIBRARY - 101 Market St. Founded in 1939 and on its present site since 1950. Hours are Mon.-Sat., 10-4. 8. THE BRATT MANSION (ACADEMY HOUSE) - 205 N. Morris St. Served as quarters for the officers of a Maryland Military Academy built about 1848. (Private residence) 9. BARNABY HOUSE - 212 N. Morris St. Built in 1770 by sea captain Richard Barnaby, this charming house contains original pine woodwork, corner fireplaces and an unusually lovely handmade staircase. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (Private residence) 10. THE GRAPEVINE HOUSE - 3 09 N . M or r i s S t . T h e g r a p e -
Fresh M Dail uffins y!
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Call Now and Order Your Fresh Free-Range, All Natural Thanksgiving Turkey and Homemade Pies 203 S. Morris St. Oxford · 410-226-0015 131
Oxford Points of Interest vine over the entrance arbor was brought from the Isle of Jersey in 1810 by Captain William Willis, who commanded the brig “ S ara h a nd Louisa.” (Private residence) 11. THE ROBERT MORRIS INN - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Robert Morris was the father of Robert Morris, Jr., the “financier of the Revolution.” Built about 1710, part of the original house with a beautiful staircase is contained in the beautifully restored Inn, now open 7 days a week. Robert Morris, Jr. was one of only 2 Founding Fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution. 12. THE OXFORD CUSTOM HOUSE - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Built in 1976 as Oxford’s official Bicentennial project. It is a replica of the first Federal Custom House built by Jeremiah Banning, who was the first Federal Collector of Customs appointed by George Washington. 13. TRED AVON YACHT CLUB - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Founded in 1931. The present building, completed in 1991, replaced the original structure.
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Oxford Points of Interest 14. OXFORD-BELLEVUE FERRY - N. Morris St. & The Strand. Started in 1683, this is believed to be the oldest privately operated ferry in the United States. Its first keeper was Richard Royston, whom the Talbot County Court ‘pitcht upon’ to run a ferry at an unusual subsidy of 2,500 pounds of tobacco. Service has been continuous since 1836, with power supplied by sail, sculling, rowing, steam, and modern diesel engine. Many now take the ride between Oxford and Bellevue for the scenic beauty. 15. BYEBERRY - On the grounds of Cutts & Case Boatyard. It faces Town Creek and is one of the oldest houses in the area. The by A & S Development LLC date of construction is unknown, Modular Floating Docks but it was standing in 1695. Originally, it was in the main business section but was moved to the present location about 1930. (Private residence) Screwpile Dock Systems 16. CUTTS & CASE - 306 New Component Parts Tilghman St. World-renowned Replacement Parts boatyard for classic yacht design, wooden boat construction Maintenance and restoration using composite Pressure Washing & Sealing structures. Installations Arranged
410·770·3044 8727 Brooks Drive · Easton
Tricrown Inn for Pets
“Because you really care.” Boarding for Dogs and Cats · Now Open 7 Days a Week 410-822-1921 · 27563 Oxford Road, Oxford 134
Steeped in history, the charming waterfront village of Oxford welcomes you to dine, dock, dream, discover... Antique Show and Sale Oxford Firehouse November 12: 10-5 November 13: 11-4
Christmas on the Creek December 2-4 Holiday House Tour December 4
The Oxford-Bellevue Ferry, est. 1683
More than a ferry tale!
Oxford Business Association ~ portofoxford.com Visit us online for a full calendar of events 135
NEW LISTING - Very private 21.5 acre waterfront point of land located 2 miles from downtown St. Michaels on San Domingo Creek. This offering includes 950 ft. of shoreline, southeast exposure, 4.5 +/- MLW, perc approved SDA for a 5 BR residence and the AG Transfer Tax has been paid. Permits for rip-rap and living shoreline work are nearing completion. Asking $1,695,000.
H.G-Neff Realty Henry Gibbons-Neff hgneff@mris.com 410-829-3615 Hilary Gibbons-Neff hilaryneff@mris.com 410-829-9280
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Tilghman’s Island “Great Choptank Island” was granted to Seth Foster in 1659. Thereafter it was known as Foster’s Island, and remained so through a succession of owners until Matthew Tilghman of Claiborne inherited it in 1741. He and his heirs owned the island for over a century and it has been Tilghman’s Island ever since, though the northern village and the island’s postal designation are simply “Tilghman.” For its first 175 years, the island was a family farm, supplying grains, vegetables, fruit, cattle, pigs and timber. Although the owners rarely were in residence, many slaves were; an 1817 inventory listed 104. The last Tilghman owner, General Tench Tilghman (not Washington’s aide-de-camp), removed the slaves in the 1830s and began selling off lots. In 1849, he sold his remaining interests to James Seth, who continued the development. The island’s central location in the middle Bay is ideally suited for watermen harvesting the Bay in all seasons. The years before the Civil War saw the influx of the first families we know today. A second wave arrived after the War, attracted by the advent of oyster dredging in the 1870s. Hundreds of dredgers and tongers operated out of Tilghman’s Island, their catches sent to the cities by schooners. Boat building, too, was an important industry. The boom continued into the 1890s, spurred by the arrival of steamboat service, which opened vast new markets for Bay seafood. Islanders quickly capitalized on the opportunity as several seafood buyers set up shucking and canning operations on pilings at the edge of the shoal of Dogwood Cove. The discarded oyster shells eventually became an island with seafood packing houses, hundreds of workers, a store, and even a post office. The steamboats also brought visitors who came to hunt, fish, relax and escape the summer heat of the cities. Some families stayed all summer in one of the guest houses that sprang up in the villages of Tilghman, Avalon, Fairbank and Bar Neck. Although known for their independence, Tilghman’s Islanders enjoy showing visitors how to pick a crab, shuck an oyster or find a good fishing spot. In the twentieth century, Islanders pursued these vocations in farming, on the water, and in the thriving seafood processing industry. The “Tilghman Brand” was known throughout the eastern United States, but as the Bay’s bounty diminished, so did the number of water-related jobs. Still, three of the few remaining Bay ‘skipjacks’ (sailing dredge boats) can be seen here, as well as two working harbors with scores of power workboats. 137
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The Taylor Rescue by Gary D. Crawford
Doesn’t life sometimes seem to be full of coincidences? Or maybe it isn’t as random and frivolous as that; perhaps there are little unseen connections running along the underside of the fabric of life, which, when they pop up on our side, appear to us as coincidences. Kurt Vonnegut drew our attention to such things when he described the karass, an invented word he used to refer to those curious networks of people who appear to have no official connec-
tion yet whose destinies seem to be intertwined. I suspect there are such things. We recognize members of our karass only after they touch our lives, repeatedly. It is surprising, because otherwise no connections are apparent. We just keep bumping into them unexpectedly, in different places and at different times. Many years ago, while visiting San Diego, my brother took me sailing with a couple who were friends of his. I liked them both,
Drawing of Poplar Island in 1914 by Charles Harrison. 139
The Taylor Rescue and we enjoyed a pleasant afternoon sailing through the kelp forests off Point Loma. I was often overseas in those days, however, so the chances of ever running into them again seemed pretty remote. Yet, years later when I was married and living in Arlington, my brother mentioned that those same friends had moved east. They were living just 35 minutes away, so we got together for dinner. Again, a good time was had, but we lived miles apart and had our own jobs and lives. Then, many more years later, after we had retired to the Eastern Shore, guess who we discov-
ered was living up in Centreville? Yep. That we were somehow linked now seemed undeniable, so we just accepted it. It was to their home we went for shelter that night in 2003 when the remnants of Hurricane Isabel blew through here. Nowadays the wives go kayaking together. Curiously, that was where my wife was when the phone call came with the news we’d long been awaiting – the birth of a healthy grandson in Portland, Oregon. I was bursting with the news, but there had been no way to contact her. When she finally walked in that afternoon, I just blurted it out. Then I realized someone had come in with her. Yes, my friend
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The Taylor Rescue from San Diego, now my wife’s kayak buddy, was the first person on the Eastern Shore to know we were grandparents. Oh yes, I’m pretty sure that we’re all members of the same karass. I’ve long suspected that the redoubtable Alice Bradshaw was another member of my karass. That possibility got another little boost quite recently, but to understand that, you need to know where Alice’s husband proposed to her. When I first saw Alice, she was talking with some women beside her car, parked here at
road’s end. Pointing here and there, sometimes at our house, she seemed to know what she was talking about, for her companions were listening intently. Curious, I strolled over and introduced myself. She smiled and explained that her husband, Bob Bradshaw, had grown up in our home. They had met near here, courted, married a few years later, lived a few doors up the street, raised a family of four, and then moved to Annapolis. She recalled her years in Tilghman with great fondness and said she had begun writing a book about it all, having promised her late husband that she would do so. I said I would very much like
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David Eisenhower & Julie Nixon Eisenhower December 8, 2011 Meet the speakers reception at 6 p.m. followed by a presentation at 7:30 p.m. For tickets or more information call 410-822-8061 Tickets also available online at www.cacckids.org 142
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The Taylor Rescue to read that book and encouraged her to finish it. To my surprise, she arrived at our bookstore a few years later with a backseat full of books entitled A Promise of Love. They were wonderful, and we’ve carried them ever since. Alice kept turning up. Each October, she and her daughter would drive over for Tilghman Day to sell her book, bundled up behind a card table set up for her at the church. She telephoned me from time to time, once to ask my help in getting one of her children’s stories published – which I did, in this fine magazine. Chatting with Alice was always
fun and informative. She told me about her husband’s family, one of several who came up from Hollands Island because it was washing away, and settled on Tilghman Island. She mentioned some of his brothers and sisters, whom I tried to imagine running through our home as kids. In addition to Bob, there were Lloyd, Josephine, Myrtle, and others. Although somewhat older than I – she passed away this summer at 107 – Alice never seemed old to me. I kidded with her now and again, and sometimes I was pretty sure she was pulling my leg, too. I even recorded a few of our conversations, simply because there was so much information
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Beautiful waterfront estate property with APPROVED minor subdivision consisting of four buildable lots totaling 212 +/- total acres. Nicely appointed pole building/hunting lodge constructed on the 174 +/- acre parcel awaiting construction of your estate home. Convenient to metropolitan areas and local recreation. $3,950,000. www.500windfallfarmlane.com. The Eagles’ Roost Farm: 88 +/- acre waterfront farm, bordering Fishing and Gaither’s Creeks. Subdivided into three waterfront lots (two unimproved and one improved by residence), but sold as one property. Incredible views and close proximity to the Hyatt. Deep water with pier and lift, private setting. Great hunting property with two ponds, blinds and woods. $1,950,000 1722brannocksneckroad.com Option 2: House & Lot (total 42 acres) $1,400,000
Craig Linthicum
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The Taylor Rescue there about our village in years past. I have kept those notes, of course, along with copies of the photos she was kind enough to share with me. One of her stories I like best was how Bob proposed to her. He was a waterman, a pound-netter, and one day he invited Alice out for a little boat ride. He took her out to the Sharp’s Island Light, which in those days was standing upright and had a Keeper in residence. They climbed the ladder to the deck, where Alice was welcomed aboard and given a guided tour of the lighthouse – which, as usual, she found most interesting.
Since 1982
Later, leaning on the rail looking at the Bay and nearby islands, Bob asked her to marry him. As Alice told it, Bob said she’d better say yes or she could swim home. The twinkle in her eye when she told me that made me suspect she might have said yes anyway. Just the other day, a local man came into our bookstore to pass some time, followed a few minutes later by a second man. One thing led to another and soon we were exchanging stories about the past. It was hot as blazes outside, and that led to a recollection of the winter of 1977-78, the last time the Bay froze over. They told how they had gone out on the ice with a car, towing a skiff and
Accounting · Estate Planning Tax Preparation · Small Business Services Welcoming new clients for tax-planning, preparation and advisory services. 117 Bay Street, Easton, MD
daley_weaver@verizon.net 146
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The Taylor Rescue a piece of plywood. They put the skiff into a patch of open water, dragged an oyster scrape across the bottom and hauled up a mess of oysters. These were dumped onto the ice, piled onto the plywood, and pulled ashore by the car. One day it was so cold the outboard motor froze – while it was running. That was the winter the ice locked tight around the base of Sharp’s Island Light. The incoming tide shoved the ice sheet up the Bay, pushing with terrible force against the structure until it was leaning 15 degrees to the north. People thought she was
a goner, but when the tide receded, she still stood, tilted, and has remained so for the past 34 years. All this reminded me of how Bob proposed to Miss Alice out there on the Light, and I retold the story. These wintry recollections brought to mind another icy event off the shore of Bay Hundred, but the details had become vague, so I read up on them again the next day. Back in the 1920s, several families were still living and farming out on Poplar Island. They took a beating from the weather out there, and the hurricane that came up the Bay in 1933, known simply as the August Storm, did
410-820-0790 148
The Taylor Rescue considerable damage. There was more to come. The following February, the cold came down hard and stayed for weeks. As my colleague Jim Dawson has noted succinctly, “1934, Feb. record cold month in many areas.” The supply boat that ran between Valiant’s Store on Poplar and Lowe’s Wharf on the mainland could not make it across. After being cut off for more than ten days, at the first sign of a thaw, three young men out on Poplar decided to make a run for supplies. Despite much floating ice, A.C. Taylor, Jr., Carroll New-
comb and another boy, whose name is not recorded, made it successfully to Lowe’s Wharf at Sherwood. It took most of the day to traverse those two and a half miles and they arrived cold and tired. They stocked up for the return trip the next morning and got some sleep. But that night the cold returned and by dawn most of the open water had iced over, so they waited a day, then another. After four days, A.C. became impatient and increasingly worried about his family out there on Poplar Island. Against all advice, the seventeen-year-old decided to walk out. Even Carroll could not change his mind.
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The Taylor Rescue Many people came to watch this brave but foolhardy attempt to cross the treacherous ice. After an hour of slow going, A.C. became nearly invisible in the dazzling white and people left the wharf. His friend Carroll, however, was following his progress closely through a pair of powerful marine binoculars – and that proved vital. Carroll watched A.C. make it to within several hundred yards of Poplar, but then he stopped. Time passed but A.C. was not getting closer to shore; he appeared to be stuck. Without help, Carroll knew A.C. would freeze to death.
He called for help and there was a quick response. Linwood Lambdin and Frank Fields started across the ice with a flat bottom skiff. They reached a point about two hundred yards away and talked freely with the stranded youth. He was sitting on a piece of ice about four feet square, with thin ice all around; between him and the shore there was open water. Apparently the ice had shifted with the tide and A.C. was now cut off, unable to go forward or backward. Though within shouting distance, the would-be rescuers could not break through, but they were watermen who had experienced many hardships on the water,
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The Taylor Rescue and the pitiful pleadings from the young man were heart-rending. They broke through the ice at least twenty times and tried to crawl out to him. They couldn’t reach him, and he was marooned with no chance of going in any direction. Despite his appeals and cries for help, they could do nothing but return to Sherwood. The throng gathered at Lowe’s Wharf was eager to hear of the boy’s condition, and every suggestion was discussed. Finally it was believed that Ira Harrison’s ten-foot scow at Tilghman’s Island might be able to reach the boy. Alfred Stinchcomb and
Jimmy Jackson volunteered to make the attempt. After a long struggle, they too got very close to him, but the ice was too thick to break and they could not reach him. Upon returning to shore, they said they feared no one could possibly reach the boy no matter how they went. Now already out on the ice for more than half a day, A.C. was running out of time. Archie Sinclair of Sherwood and Warrne “Pitt” Lowery of Tilghman then volunteered to make one more try using Harrison’s scow. Profiting by the experience of the other attempts, they succeeded in breaking the ice close to the boy and eventually reached him
Warren's Wood Works
8708 Brooks Drive, Easton MD M-F 7-5, Sat. by appointment · warrenswoodworks.com · 410-820-8984 154
Rio Del Mar Enterprises 8338 Elliott Road, Easton, MD 21601 410-822-8866 www.riodelmarent.com
The Taylor Rescue with the scow. Great care was taken not to capsize the little floe as they lifted the now nearly lifeless boy aboard. Through the glasses, those on shore could see that the boy had been reached and preparations were quickly made for his comfort as soon as he landed. Mr. Harrison built a fire in the office of the Sherwood Packing Company. Blankets were soon brought and a comfortable bed prepared. When A.C. reached shore, his life had almost flickered out, but he was tucked in bed and his limbs rubbed, while a car was brought to carry him
to the hospital. The examining doctors feared that both the boys’ legs would have to be amputated, but the next morning, the legs showed signs of life and amputation was not necessary. His parents were very grateful to his rescuers. There was talk in the community of some kind of award for Sinclair and Lowery, though I’m not sure if that materialized. I found nothing more about A.C. Taylor, Jr. or his family in my records, but I also did a search for Carroll Newcomb. Now, “my records” may sound impressive, but it’s all just a jumble of documents and images stored on my computer. Still, I put in his name
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The Taylor Rescue – and got a hit. To my surprise and delight, it was a photo that came up. Yes, there he is, some years after the icy adventure. Carroll stands on the deck of a workboat next to a pier with his arm around a woman, both wearing nice smiles. The caption says the woman is his wife, whose name is ... oh, my ... Myrtle Bradshaw Newcomb. Myrtle was one of Bob’s sisters, remember? Alice
again! Myrtle was her sister-inlaw. That establishes a link between young A.C. Taylor, to Carroll, to Myrtle, to Bob, to Alice. Now, this is why I’m sure we’re linked. That pier they’re tied up to? It’s the one at her parents’ home. Yes. Our pier. Gary Crawford and his wife, Susan, operate Crawfords Nautical Books, a unique bookstore on Tilghman’s Island.
Myrtle and Carroll Newcomb 158
410-745-5445 ARCHITECTURE
Life in Full Bloom Carefree Retirement Living Affordable Homes Beautifully Appointed Campus
Heritage Retirement Community 410-479-4404 www.wesleyancenteratdenton.com 425 Colonial Drive Denton, MD 21629 Part of the Wesleyan Center at Denton 160
Caroline County – A Perspective Caroline County is the very definition of a rural community. For more than 300 years, the county’s economy has been based on “market” agriculture. Caroline County was created in 1773 from Dorchester and Queen Anne’s counties. The county was named for Lady Caroline Eden, the wife of Maryland’s last colonial governor, Robert Eden (1741 - 1784). Denton, the county seat, was situated on a point between two ferry boat landings. Much of the business district in Denton was wiped out by the fire of 1863. Following the Civil War, Denton’s location about fifty miles up the Choptank River from the Chesapeake Bay enabled it to become an important shipping point for agricultural products. Denton became a regular port-ofcall for Baltimore-based steamer lines in the latter half of the 19th century. Preston was the site of three Underground Railroad stations during the 1840s and 1850s. One of those stations was operated by Harriet Tubman’s parents, Benjamin and Harriet Ross. When Tubman’s parents were exposed by a traitor, she smuggled them to safety in Wilmington, Delaware. Linchester Mill, just east of Preston, can be traced back to 1681, and possibly as early as 1670. The mill is the last of 26 water-powered mills to operate in Caroline County and is currently being restored. The long-term goals include rebuilding the millpond, rehabilitating the mill equipment, restoring the miller’s dwelling, and opening the historic mill on a scheduled basis. Federalsburg is located on Marshyhope Creek in the southern-most part of Caroline County. Agriculture is still a major portion of the industry in the area; however, Federalsburg is rapidly being discovered and there is a noticeable influx of people, expansion and development. Ridgely has found a niche as the “Strawberry Capital of the World.” The present streetscape, lined with stately Victorian homes, reflects the transient prosperity during the countywide canning boom (1895-1919). Hanover Foods, formerly an enterprise of Saulsbury Bros. Inc., for more than 100 years, is the last of more than 250 food processors that once operated in the Caroline County region. Points of interest in Caroline County include the Museum of Rural Life in Denton, Adkins Arboretum near Ridgely, and the Mason-Dixon Crown Stone in Marydel. To contact the Caroline County Office of Tourism, call 410-479-0655 or visit their website at www.tourcaroline.com. 161
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Queen Anne’s County Invites You! Old workboats putter out of fog-shrouded marinas at dawn; birdwatchers keep eyes peeled for migrating wildfowl; friendly shopkeepers peddle ripe produce or showcase fine antiques. This is Queen Anne’s County, a world of scenic shoreline and fertile farmland. Start your journey at the Chesapeake Exploration Center on beautiful Kent Narrows, home to “Our Chesapeake Legacy,” a hands-on interactive exhibit providing an overview of the Chesapeake Bay region’s heritage, resources and culture. The exhibit explores man’s relationship with the Bay, covers the early history including the settlement, importance of tobacco as a monetary staple, and explores the importance of the key industries of agriculture, commercial fishing, and current efforts to preserve the Bay. While at the Chesapeake Exploration Center, pick up a free copy of our award-winning Heritage Guide Map. Visitors and residents can explore the entire span of Maryland’s history, and spend the day, or just a few hours, touring the historic treasures, from watching the heavy stones turned by a waterwheel at the Old Wye Mill, to helping uncover history in an archaeological dig. Those historic doors are tossed open during the Historic Sites Consortium’s Open House Weekends on the first Saturday of every month, May through October (second Saturday in July), when docents conduct tours of 14 of the county’s historic gems from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also at the Exploration Center is the free map, Explore Our Great Outdoors, which directs you to our nature preserves and parks and helps you to identify native species of birds, insects, mammals, and reptiles. Chesapeake Exploration Center is also a great starting point for the highly acclaimed Cross Island Trail that spans Kent Island from the Kent Narrows to the Chesapeake Bay. Bike, blade, walk, or jog through canopied trees, marshland abundant with wildlife, and fields that grow sweet corn. Hungry? Our fabulous waterfront restaurants line the Kent Narrows, where the catch of the day moves from workboat to skillet. Enjoy a restful night in a charming B&B or comfortable hotel, and treat yourself to some casual outlet shopping, or antiquing in our slowpaced, small towns. 163
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Casseroles Make Entertaining Easy! These special and attractive casseroles give you a headstart on the holidays. With preparation and cleanup behind, invite guests for a meal that even the cook can enjoy! For most of us, it is a priority during the busy holiday season to spend time with special people.
But how many times have you bid farewell to dinner guests and realized you missed the visit? All of these casseroles can be assembled ahead and chilled overnight, and some can be made a month before and frozen. Pair with an easy make-ahead salad and dessert, and your guests will
Lasagna beef crowns 165
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Easy Casseroles
2 T. Parmesan cheese, grated
enjoy both your attention and a great meal. TURKEY CASSEROLE Serves 6-8 1 8-oz. pkg. medium-size egg noodles, uncooked 1/2 cup onion, chopped 1/2 green pepper, diced 2 T. butter 3 T. flour 3 cups milk 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated 1 T. poppy seeds Sea salt to taste Dash red pepper 3 cups cooked turkey, diced 1 4-oz. jar diced pimiento, drained
Cook noodles according to package directions. Drain well and set aside. Sauté onion and green pepper in butter in a large saucepan until tender; add flour, whisking until smooth. Cook for one minute, whisking constantly. Gradually add milk; cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until thickened and bubbly. Stir in noodles, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese and next 4 ingredients; add pimiento and stir gently. Spoon the mixture into a lightly greased 9” x 13” baking dish. Cover and chill for 8 hours. To bake, remove from the refriger-
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Easy Casseroles
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ator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Bake covered at 350° for 45 minutes. Uncover and add 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese over the top and bake for 10 more minutes or until thoroughly heated. Note: Unbaked casserole may be frozen. To bake, thaw in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Remove from the refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Follow the same baking instructions as above. TURKEY or CHICKEN CASSEROLE with DRIED CRANBERRIES Serves 6-8 This is a wonderful casserole to serve during the Christmas holidays! 1 box Uncle Ben’s Long Grain and Wild Rice mix 4-1/2 T. butter 5 T. flour 3-1/3 cups chicken broth 3 T. shallots or onion 1 lb. baby portabello mushrooms, thinly sliced 2 T. olive oil 1 cup heavy cream 1/8 t. ground nutmeg 1-1/2 T. lemon juice 3 cups cooked turkey or chicken, cubed 1 cup dried cranberries 168
Cook rice according to package directions. In a saucepan, melt butter, add flour and cook for 3 minutes, whisking constantly. Add the chicken broth and boil for 15 minutes, whisking occasionally. While sauce simmers, sauté shallots or onions in olive oil for 3 minutes and then add mushrooms and sauté an additional 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and shallots to sauce. Stir in cream, nutmeg, lemon juice, cooked turkey or chicken, dried cranberries and cooked wild rice. Spoon into lightly greased 9” x 13” baking dish. Cover and chill for 8 hours. To bake, remove from refrigerator and let stand for 30 minutes. Bake covered with aluminum foil at 375° for 20 to 30 minutes. Note: Unbaked casserole may be frozen. To bake, thaw in the refrigerator for 24 hours and follow same baking directions as above. CHEESE GRITS with SAUSAGE Serves 8 Jane Brown shared this recipe with our family years ago and it is still a favorite! 4 cups water 1 cup quick-cooking grits, uncooked 2 cups (8 oz.) shredded sharp cheddar cheese (if you can find Vermont Cabot - it is the best) 1/4 cup milk 169
Easy Casseroles 2 T. butter 2 t. Worcestershire sauce 3 garlic cloves, mashed 1 egg, beaten 1 lb. hot or regular pork sausage, cooked and drained 1 cup (4 oz.) shredded sharp cheddar cheese Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan; stir in grits. Return to a boil; cover, reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add 2 cups cheddar cheese and next 4 ingredients, stirring until cheese melts. Stir in a small amount of grits mixture to beaten egg; add to
remaining grits mixture, stirring constantly. Spoon half of grits mixture into a lightly greased 8-inch square baking dish; top with sausage. Spoon remaining grits mixture over sausage. Cover and chill for 8 hours. To bake, remove from the refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Bake, uncovered, at 350掳 for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with 1 cup cheese and bake an additional 5 minutes. SHRIMP-CRAB DIVINE Serves 10 6 cups water 3 lbs. unpeeled large fresh shrimp 1 cup rice, uncooked 1/2 green pepper, chopped
Europa Tile & Stone Sales 路 Design 路 Installation Showroom Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9-5 342 N. Aurora St., Easton 410.822.6828 europatile@goeaston.net
Easy Casseroles 1/2 cup onion, chopped 1 cup celery, chopped 2 T. olive oil 1 lb. fresh mushrooms 1 T. Worcestershire sauce 2 pimientos, chopped (or 1/2 red pepper, chopped) Freshly ground pepper to taste 1/2 t. sea salt 1/2 t. ground nutmeg (more if you like) 1 cup mayonnaise 3/4 cup light cream 1 lb. special crab meat Fresh parsley and paprika for garnish Bring water to a boil; add shrimp and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Drain
well; rinse with cold water. Peel and devein shrimp. Chop half of the shrimp, leaving the rest whole. Set shrimp aside. Cook rice according to package directions and set aside. Sauté green pepper, onion and celery in olive oil for 3 minutes and then add mushrooms. Sauté for an additional 2 minutes in a large saucepan. Combine rice, mayonnaise, cream, Worcestershire sauce, pimientos, salt, pepper and nutmeg in a large bowl. Stir the sautéed vegetables into the rice mixture. Gently stir in chopped shrimp and crab meat and spoon mixture into a lightly greased 9“ x 13” baking dish and garnish with parsley and paprika. Arrange whole shrimp on rice,
Inn Lounge Restaurant Twice Voted “...the highest rated restaurant on the Eastern Shore...” -Zagat
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Easy Casseroles cover and chill for 8 hours. To bake, remove from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Bake covered at 350째 for 35-40 minutes or until thoroughly heated. SCALLOPED OYSTERS Serves 6 When we lived in Oxford, our waterman friend, Jimmy Lempke, would bring us freshly shucked oysters by the quart. I would make this routinely for our landscaping friend Ed Cannon. 1 qt. shucked standard oysters with liquor (oyster liquid)
2-3 cups fresh saltine cracker crumbs, coarsely crushed (1/4 box saltines) 1 stick butter 1/2 cups milk Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste In a greased 2-quart casserole, place alternating layers of oysters and crackers, dotting each layer with butter and sprinkling with salt and pepper. End with a layer of cracker crumbs. Add milk until liquid ALMOST reaches to top of the casserole. Dot with remaining butter. Cover and chill for 8 hours. To bake, remove from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.
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Easy Casseroles Bake, uncovered, at 350° until browned, 45-60 minutes. SOPHISTICATED STEW Serves 6 3 lbs. round or chuck cut into large bite-sized pieces Paper bag of flour seasoned with salt and pepper 6 bacon strips 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1 oz. brandy 1 lb. baby bello mushrooms 1 10½-oz. can beef consommé 1-1/2 cups dry red wine 12 small peeled white onions 8-oz. bag baby carrots 6 peppercorns
4 whole cloves 1 bay leaf 2 T. chopped fresh parsley 1/4 t. dried marjoram 1 T. fresh thyme or 1 t. dried Shake beef cubes in flour, a few at a time, until they are well coated. In a large saucepan, fry the bacon until it begins to brown but is not crisp. Cut bacon into one-inch pieces after cooking. Place in an earthenware or heavy glass baking dish. Cook the garlic and mushrooms in the bacon fat. Remove to the casserole. Add the floured beef cubes to the saucepan and brown quickly on all sides, turning often. Re-
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move the meat to the casserole dish. Pour the brandy, beef consommé and one cup red wine into the saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring with a whisk to loosen browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Pour the liquid into the casserole dish. Add onions, carrots, peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf, parsley, marjoram and thyme to the casserole. Pour the remaining 1/2 cup of red wine over the casserole. Bake, covered, at 300° for 2 hours. Cover and chill at least 8 hours. To bake, remove from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Spoon liquid from the bottom over the meat and bake, covered, at 300° for 60 minutes or until piping hot. Remove bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves before serving. LASAGNA BEEF CROWNS with PESTO CREAM SAUCE Serves 6 This is lasagna at its most elegant
best! It is also a perfect covered dish for a potluck gathering. 1 small onion, chopped 4 garlic cloves, crushed 8 oz. baby bello mushrooms 2 T. extra virgin olive oil 1 lb. ground beef 1 lb. Ricotta cheese 1-1/2 cups Parmesan cheese, shredded 1 T. dried parsley 1 16-oz. can whole tomatoes, drained and chopped 1 egg 1 t. dried basil 1 t. dried oregano Sea salt to taste Pesto cream 1 lb. lasagna noodles, cooked and drained Pesto Cream: 1-1/2 cups fresh basil leaves 3 garlic cloves 1/4 cup pine nuts 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1-1/2 cups Half and Half
Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil
105 Federal Street, Suite A · Easton, Maryland 177
Easy Casseroles for 3 minutes and then add mushrooms and sauté an additional 2 minutes in a large saucepan. Add ground beef and brown. Drain off grease. Combine ground beef mixture with remaining ingredients, except lasagna noodles, in a medium bowl. Blend well. Spread 3-4 tablespoons of ground beef mixture down each lasagna noodle. Roll noodle up and stand each on end, side-by-side, in a lightly buttered 9” x 13” inch dish. Cover and chill for 8 hours. To bake, remove from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Bake, cov-
ered, at 350° for 30 to 40 minutes. Sprinkle with additional Parmesan cheese before serving. Note: Unbaked casserole may be frozen. To bake, thaw in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Remove from the refrigerator, let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Follow same baking instructions. For Pesto Cream Sauce: Place basil leaves, garlic and nuts in a food processor and blend well. Add cheese all at once and process until mixture becomes a paste. Drizzle oil in a very thin but steady stream through tube with processor running. Once all oil is incorporated, add half and half in same manner.
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New Ownership, New look, New Services Stop by and see us! ANNAPOLIS PAINT EASTERN SHORE 419 East Dover Street, Easton Mon.-Fri. 7-5:30, Sat. 8-3 410-820-4442 路 www.annapolispaint.com bonnie.blessing@annapolispaint.com 182
Tidewater Review by Anne Stinson
This month’s books represent the sort of grab bag you’d find in a book store or at the library – a bit of flavor for any taste. Our selections include a novel set in the Roaring Twenties; the new paperback version of the beloved book about the bond between man and dog; and a memoir based on an indomitable Jewish grandmother. Why get in a rut and confine your choices to cookbooks or bodice ripper romance novels? Variety, dear readers, is the bologna and caviar of life. Thus, you’re invited to check out some brief reviews of several books read in the gap between consumption and publication. Because your critic is basically kind at heart, three really dreadful books will not be mentioned.
rian formality on the shelf. Desperate frivolity marked the 1920s, an attempt to erase the shock of muddy trench fighting, incompetent military leadership, death and destruction in huge doses. To an older generation, the flap-
Last Proud Gallop by Gerald Sweeney. Published in 2006, Bootlocker, Inc. 260 pages. $16.95. Sweeney’s first published novel takes place in the decade that followed World War I, the event that shattered Europe but also put Victo183
Tidewater Review pers and gigolos seemed determined to discard prudery in favor of crudity. Young women bobbed their hair, rolled down their stockings and shortened their frocks. Young men drove fast cars, behaved recklessly and were openly promiscuous. Both sexes smoked, cursed and drank illegal whiskey to excess. For the wealthy young people of Manhattan and Long Island, life was one endless party. The big “cottages” built a generation earlier were the playgrounds for the rich scions of the old families. Ballrooms now were filled with the sassy, suggestive rhythms of jazz until dawn. Thundering hoofs heralded the return of
polo for afternoons that culminated in cocktails at the country clubs. Indolence and pleasure-seeking replaced the stress of the war years. Sweeney is now best known as the author of The Columbiad series, the saga of a family of Irish immigrants. His collection of seven volumes, four of them already in print, traces the progress of seven generations as they changed with the times, just as the country grew and matured. Last Proud Gallop was written in the 1960s at the beginning of Sweeney’s career and then tucked away for 50 years before publication. Despite the passage of time, the author’s style is already formed in this early work. His gift includes keen observation of the habits and mores
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Tidewater Review of its period and social milieu. The echo of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s prose is unmistakable, and Sweeney confesses that he was inspired to write the book at a time when he was in thrall to the work of that popular chronicler of The Lost Generation. Indeed, the plot of the debut novel gives away the author’s debt to Fitzgerald’s portrayal of the frenzied 1920s. The stodgy, formal behavior of “the right people” loosened as the ladies discarded their corsets to dance the Charleston. The lads who had gone from college graduation directly to the hell of combat in France let off steam with gay abandon. Withal,
the monied class retained shards of their noblesse oblige – honor still counted, one still dressed for dinner, kept a stable for their polo ponies and ignored Prohibition. The main female character in this ultimately tragic tale (the Fitzgerald pattern again) is a young man’s fantasy – the incorrigible woman, ravishingly beautiful and blatantly promiscuous. She’s the spider that traps good men and bad men in her web. The story evokes more heat than can be dispelled by dancing in the pavilion by the lake or watching the sun rise from the ocean through damp fog. The world seems to be a big party scene with heartbreaks and passion on the menu.
Bartlett, Griffin & Vermilye, Inc. William P. Griffin, Jr. · James C. “Josh” Johnson, IV Billy D. Weber
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Last Proud Gallop is exactly what its title defines. I loved it! Ditto for the man and the dog book. I Thought You Were Dead by Pete Nelson. Now in paperback. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. 264 pp., $13.95. I read this book on a shady deck at Nags Head in late August, just a week before Hurricane Irene spoiled the end of summer, and it was the perfect choice for a relaxing, nonbrain-scrambling, somnolent read. No effort demanded further than an amused chuckle from time to time. In the vein of that lazy lull, I shamelessly copy the publisher’s precis, much more brilliant than my fuzzy brain could concoct under the circumstance: “For Paul Gustavson, life is a succession of obstacles, a minefield of mistakes to stumble through. His wife has left him, his father has had a stroke, his girlfriend is dating another man, he has impotency issues, and his over-achieving brother invested his parents’ money in stocks
that tanked. Still, Paul has his friends at Bay State Bar, a steady line of cocktails, and Stella. Beautiful, blonde, long-legged Stella who always has a witty retort or a brilliant piece of advice, and she only wets herself once in a while.” That last factoid is what caught my attention. You expected maybe I should read War and Peace on my vacation? Paul and Stella have each other. That’s a very comforting arrangement, since Paul doesn’t attract many friends. The guys at the bar are not exactly bright company, but their value is that they leave Paul pretty much alone to brood over his sad sack life. Stella is always at the door to greet Paul. She’s a welcome companion when he stumbles home after the bar closes. She’s a charmer with few faults; she forgets where he’s been and if he’s not home she assumes he’s dead. His arrival is always a miracle to Stella, so she’s overjoyed to see him. That’s a good thing, because with all his other worries, plus a con-
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Tidewater Review stantly renewed hangover, things could get really miserable. With so affable a friend and the blur of liquor to mask the pain of life, all’s well that ends well for Paul. Well, almost all’s well. Good stuff happens with the sad stuff. Even Stella thinks that’s fair. One escaped tear is permitted for this delightful book. Unlimited chortles are the rule. This would be a great Christmas book for a special friend, as enjoyable in drear January as it was in August. And another giggle for the stocking stuffer: The Smartest Woman I
Know by Ilene Beckerman. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. 99 pp. $15.95. I blush when I write this, but Ilene Beckerman’s memoir of growing up with her Jewish grandmother illustrates an absolute fact. Grandmothers are priceless. Needless to say, I am one of them and, like Beckerman’s grandmother Ettie Goldberg, I hope I will be quoted by my grandchildren, yea, unto their grandchildren. And always with love. Ettie rarely complained, and then only to God. For example, Beckerman recalls every word of Ettie’s mumbling aloud, “You got a minute, God? I’m not really complaining, but it says in the Talmud that a man has 613 mitzvahs to do but a
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woman only has 3. So how come I am busy from the minute I wake up in the morning until I go to bed at night, and Mr. Goldberg, who has 613 mitzvahs to do, has enough time to go upstairs at four o’clock every afternoon and take a nap?” Ettie talks to God several times a day, her words often accompanied in the text by drawings of the diminutive (4’11”) lady with her photograph on top. Many more drawings decorate the pages, including Ettie’s words of wisdom to her two granddaughters in residence. Each pearl of advice from someone of note is usually followed by Ettie’s “She’s Jewish, you know.” Nobody knows, Beckerman writes, how the Goldbergs managed
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to move from Manhattan’s Lower East Side, to Madison Avenue between 64th and 65th streets. As Beckerman tells it, the odyssey from a pickle, a bialy and a twocents plain to a ritzy address for their candy shop came about after a struggle to save every possible penny. They bought the building with an apartment over the store, which at first was a candy store with postcards, ink, paper clips and various low-priced knickknacks. As the business began to grow and prosper, they changed the name to Madison Stationers. Most of their customers were not Jewish. Ettie shared her opinions with a broader base than God and granddaughters. Sara Delano
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Tidewater Review Roosevelt, FDR’s mother, stopped in to visit Ettie from time to time. Asked what they had in common, Ettie said, “We both have sons so we both worry.” One day the glamorous Marlene Dietrich came into the store to buy cigarettes and was waited on by Mr. Goldberg. He praised her, said he had seen every one of her movies and she had brought great pleasure into his life. When Dietrich left, Mr. Goldberg said to Ettie, “What a thrill! To think that I just waited on Katharine Hepburn!” Ettie murmured, “God, should I tell him?” After six years with Ettie and Mr. Goldberg, Beckerman finished high
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school and was off to college. Ettie made up her mind on the choice of Ilene’s school. It had to be in Boston, she said, because that’s where she would meet students who were studying to be doctors and lawyers. “Pick one!” she said. Case closed. Ettie’s word was law. When Ettie was dying in her nineties, Mr. Goldberg knelt by her bed and whispered to her, “You know, Mrs. Goldberg, I could have done worse.” Among Beckerman’s previous books about Ettie’s pearls of wisdom, Praise for the Mother of the Bride and What We Do for Love, her Love, Loss and What I Wore has been reviewed as “This small gem, worthy of a Tiffany box.” That “small gem” inspired Nora and Delia Ephron to adapt it for the Off Broadway stage. It is still running two years later. The Smartest Woman I Know is a little book with a lot of laughter and affection. Don’t pass it by. Anne Stinson began her career in the 1950s as a free lance for the now defunct Baltimore NewsAmerican, then later for Chesapeake Publishing, the Baltimore Sun and Maryland Public Television’s panel show, Maryland Newsrap. Now in her ninth decade, she still writes a monthly book review for Tidewater Times.
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3 10
18 19
25 26
“Calendar of Events” notices - Please contact us at 410-226-0422, fax the information to 410-226-0411, write to us at Tidewater Times, P. O. Box 1141, Easton, MD 21601, or e-mail to info@tidewatertimes.com. The deadline is the 1st of the preceding month of publication (i.e., November 1 for the December issue). Thru Nov. 2 Exhibit: Bob and Mary Sue Traynelis’ Woodsaics on display at the Tilghman Island Inn. An opening reception will be from 3 to 5 p.m. on October 9. For more info. tel: 410-886-2141 or visit www.tilghmanislandinn.com. Thru Nov. 4 Fall Into St. Michaels: Starting on October 14th and running through November 4th, 2011 - Scarecrows, Goblins, Jacko’-lanterns,Jack Russell Terrier Races & Dachshund Dash, 5K Run, parade, pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins coming to St. Michaels! All of the major events are free. For a full list of activities and times, please
visit http://historic.stmichaelsmd. org/Events/details/fall-into-stmichaels-10-17-2009. Thru Jan. 8 Exhibit: Watercolors by the Chestnut Street Studio Painters at the Old Brick Inn, St. Michaels. Reception on October 22 from 4 to 6 p.m. Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-3323 or visit www.oldbrickinn.com. Thru April 2012 Exhibit: Neavitt - Chesapeake Charm at the Historical Society of Talbot County, Easton. Opening reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Explore the many views of Neavitt in this exhibit. For more info. tel: 410-822-0773.
November Calendar
more info. tel: 410-745-2916.
1 Meet the Creatures with Pickering Creek at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. 4 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877. 1,8 Academy for Lifelong Learning - Great Decision Discussion Program with Steve Conn from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916. 1,8,15 A c a d e m y f o r L i f e l o n g Learning: The Art and Artifice of the Documentary Film with Robyn Mendelsohn at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. 1 to 2:30 p.m. For
1,8,15,22,29 First Step Storytime at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton (28712 Glebe Road). 10 to 10:30 a.m. for children 3 and under with an adult. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626. 1,8,15,22,29 Screen Painting for Beginners and Beyond Taught by Sharon Gilroy - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dorchester Center for the Arts, 321 High St. Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-228-7782. $40 members, $80 non-members. All levels welcome! 1,8,15,22 Academy for Lifelong Learning: Einstein’s Clocks, Poin-
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care’s Maps - Empires of Time with Ron Lesher from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916. 1-30 St. Michaels Art League Library Art Show: The St. Michaels Art League will be exhibiting the paintings created during its recent Paint the Town (PTT) competition at the St. Michaels Library branch, Nov. 1-30, during branch hours. Many paintings will be available for purchase. Artist reception is Nov. 3, 5:30-7 p.m. Art works will be judged by Matthew Hillier, a noted international wildlife painter. For more info. tel: 410-745-6496 or visit www.stmichaelsartleague. org.
Living” presented by the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland from 2 to 5:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church, 905 Gateway Drive, Chestertown. Come and let your imagination lead you through horticulture, the exhibits, displays and floral designs. Free. For more info. tel: 410-770-5258. 2,9 Academy for Lifelong Learning: Dawn of the Nuclear Age with Chip Britt at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. 1 to 2:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916. 2,9,16,23,30 Meeting: Wednesday Morning Artists meet each Wednesday at 8 a.m. at Creek Deli
2 Lecture: A Tree Grows Quickly in the Forest - Climate Change and Accelerated Tree Growth at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. There is evidence that trees in the Eastern United States are growing faster than they have in the past 225 years. Geoffrey Parker, senior scientist with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, has tracked the growth of 55 stands of mixed hardwood forests. 1 to 2:30 p.m. Registration required. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0. 2 Standard Flower Show: “The Eastern Shore - Land of Pleasant 195
Admissions Preview Thurs., November 10, 9:00 a.m. An independent co-educational K through 8th grade day school. Now accepting 2012-2013 applications for all grades. 716 Goldsborough St. Easton, MD 21601 410-822-1935 x.130 admissions@countryschool.org countryschool.org · Facebook.com/CountrySchool
November Calendar in Cambridge. No cost. wednesdaymorningartists.com or contact Nancy at ncsnyder@aol.com or 410-463-0148. 2,9,16,23,30 Pre-School Story Time at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton (28712 Glebe Road). 2 to 2:45 p.m. for 3- to 5-year-olds, no adult required. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626 or visit www. tcfl.org. 2,9,16,23,30 Social Time for Seniors at the St. Michaels Community Center, every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-6073.
2,9,16,23,30 Trivia at NightCat is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m. If you’ve got three friends with triple digit IQs, test yourselves against Talbot’s brightest. Prepare to be humbled! For more info. tel: 410690-4544. 2,16 Plant Clinic offered by the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardeners of Talbot County at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-1244. 3 A Conversation with Adam Goodheart presented by the Talbot County Chapter of Washington College Alumni in partnership
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November Calendar
Gravely. 1 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-8117.
with the Historical Society of Talbot County at 6 p.m. in the HSTC Auditorium, Easton. Free. Light refreshments will be served. For more info. tel: 410-822-0773. 3,10 Academy for Lifelong Learning - Taking a Moment: The Spiritual Art of Living the Here and Now with Carolyn Roslund and George Merrill from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Bray House, Trinity Cathedral, Easton. For more info. tel: 410745-2916. 3,10,17,24 St. Michaels Art League’s weekly “Paint Together” at the home of Alice-Marie
3,10,17,24 Workshop: Memoir Writing at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Learn how to preserve your family history by writing and sharing your stories. For more info. and to pre-register, tel: 410745-5877. 4 Pine Cone Wreath Workshop at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton (28712 Glebe Road). 10 a.m. Make a 12-15” wreath with a variety of pine cones. Materials will be provided. Please pre-register. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626.
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November Calendar 4 Lecture: Autumn Color in the Forest with Dr. Julianna Pax. This afternoon talk will include an indoor presentation and an outdoor walk in the woods to identify colorful autumn players. 1 to 3 p.m. at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. Registration required. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0. 4 First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Easton. 5 to 9 p.m. Easton’s art galleries, antiques shops and restaurants combine for a unique cultural experience. Raffles, gift certificates and street vendors! For more info. tel: 410770-8350.
4 Chestertown’s First Friday. Extended shop hours with arts and entertainment throughout historic downtown. For a list of activities visit: www.kentcounty.com/ artsentertainment. 4 Meeting: 4-H at the St. Michaels Community Center. 6 to 9 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-6073. 4 Dorchester Swingers Square Dance from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at Maple Elementary School, Egypt Rd., Cambridge. Refreshments provided. For more info. tel: 410820-8620. 5 Arts Express Bus Trip to see La Cage Aux Folles at the Hippo-
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November Calendar drome Theatre, Baltimore. For more info. tel: 410-822-2787. 5 Guided Walk at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 10 a.m. Free for members, free with admission to the general public. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0. 5 Neck District Volunteer Fire Company Annual Auction Sale at 10 a.m. 954 Cooks Point Road, Cambridge. Items include boats, furniture, sporting goods, tools bicycles, yard equipment and much much more. White elephant sale inside, along with refreshments featuring homemade soups, sand-
wiches, desserts and beverages. For further info or to donate items call NDVFC at 410-228-2434. 5 OysterFest at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. Come celebrate the Bay oyster with live music, great food, family activities, skipjack and buyboat rides, oyster aquaculture and restoration demonstrations, oyster tonging and cooking demonstrations. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916 or visit www.cbmm.org. 5 Family Crafts at the Talbot County Free Library, Easton (28712 Glebe Road). 10 to 11:30 a.m. Drop-in art activities will be
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November Calendar available for children of all ages accompanied by an adult. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626. 5 Chesapeake Cats & Dogs 5th Anniversary Party from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 300A Island Professional Park, Stevensville. Prizes, dog costume contest at noon, face painting, free food, discounted adoption fees, FUN! For more info. tel: 410-643-9955. 5 Plein Air Painting at the Arboretum - Learn how to capture the beauty of nature’s changing fall colors on canvas under the guidance of artist and art educator
Dawn Malosh from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. Registration required. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0. 5 Wine Tasting to benefit the Wye River Upper School at the Talbot Country Club, Easton. 6 to 8:30 p.m. For more info. and tickets tel: 410-748-2919 or e-mail ellensmith@wyeriverupperschool.org. 5-6,12-13,19-20,26-27 Apprentice for a Day Public Boat Building Program at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. Learn traditional Chesapeake boat building techniques under the direction of a CBMM shipwright. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916.
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November Calendar
Children’s Toys & Books
5,12,19,26 Easton Farmer’s Market from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Harrison Street public parking lot. Live music from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 5,12,19,26 The Artisans’ Market in Fountain Park in downtown Chestertown adjacent to the popular Chestertown Farmer’s Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ample parking available in the city lots surrounding the park.
7 S. Washington St., Easton
6 The Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford, will hold its annual Kirkin’ of the Tartans service. Participants
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November Calendar
For more info. tel: 410-745-2916.
in this service will enjoy the piping of Randy Welsh of the St. Andrews Society of the Eastern Shore, the singing of hymns from the church’s Celtic roots, and a Blessing of the Tartans. There will also be a Homecoming for all who have been part of Holy Trinity in the past and who wish to “come back home.” Special reception following the service. 9:30 a.m. For more info call 226-5134. 7 Academy for Lifelong Learning: Apple iPad and Motorola Xoom with Al Kubeluis at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. 10:30 a.m. to noon.
7 Brown Bag Lunch: St. Michaels Fire Department - Past and Present. Robert Murray of the St. Michaels Fire Department will speak about the past and current St. Michaels Fire Department. Noon at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877. 7 The Tidewater Camera Club will host a seminar entitled “Beyond Ordinary” presented by professional photographer Corey Hilz from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Wye Oak Room at the Talbot County Community Center, Easton. The seminar is open to the public.
Please check the club website, tidewatercameraclub.com, or contact Janet at 410-901-2223 for more information or changes in venue.
Anonymous - Mid-Shore Intergroup at the St. Michaels Community Center. 7 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-4226.
7,14,21 Tot Time at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. 10:15 a.m. for children ages 5 and under accompanied by an adult. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877.
7,14,21,28 Bingo! at the Elks Club at 5464 Elks Club Rd., Rt. 50 in Cambridge. 7 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-221-6044.
7,14,21,28 Academy for Lifelong Learning: The History of American Art - Part One with Ronald Batistoni, Ed.D. at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. 10:30 a.m. to noon. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916. 7,14,21,28 Meeting: Alcoholics
8,22 Meeting: Tidewater Stamp Club at the Mayor and Council Bldg., Easton. 7:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-822-1371. 8,22 Meeting: Tilghman Chess Club of Talbot County at the St. Michaels Community Center. 1 to 3:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-886-2030.
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November Calendar 9 Meeting: Talbot Optimist Club at the Waterview Grille at the Easton Club, Easton. 6:30 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-770-5519. 10 Soup Day at Christ Church, Cambridge. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Soup: vegetable, chicken noodle or dried lima bean; biscuits, dessert and beverage for $3.50. Carryout - call 410-228-5773. 10 P u p p e t S h o w : W h a t I A m Thankful For, at the Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. 3:30 p.m. All ages. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626.
11 Santa’s Got A Brand New Bag: Silent and Live auctions featuring gorgeous purses, jewelry, sunglasses and hats at the Talbot Country Club, Easton, to benefit the 26th Annual Festival of Trees and the Talbot Hospice Foundation. $50 per person also includes Festival admission. For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www. talbothospice.org. 11-13 41st Annual Waterfowl Festival in Easton. The ultimate weekend for the sophisticated sportsman or art lover. See a complete schedule in this issue. 12 Country Church Breakfast at Faith Chapel & Trappe United
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Methodist Churches in Wesley Hall, Trappe. 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Menu: eggs, pancakes, French toast, sausage, scrapple, hash browns, grits, sausage gravy and biscuits, juice and coffee. TUMC is also the home of “Martha’s Closet” Yard Sale and Community Outreach Store, which is always open during the breakfast and also every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to noon. 12 Second Saturday in Historic Downtown Cambridge on Race, Poplar, Muir and High streets. Shops will be open late. Galleries will be opening new shows and holding receptions. Restaurants will feature live music.
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November Calendar For more info. visit www.cambridgemainstreet.com. 12 Soup ’n Walk at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Track fall’s changing landscape. Roast turkey vegetable soup, apple date salad, rye walnut bread with orange ricotta, chocolate snack bars with cocoa sauce. $20 members, $25 general public. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0.
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12 Second Saturday Walk at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. Come on a unique journey toward understanding native plants and how they can become a greater part of your home gardening experience. Free with admission. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0. 12 2nd Saturday at the Foundry at 401 Market St., Denton. Watch local artists demonstrate their talents. 2 to 4 p.m. Free. For more info. tel: 410-479-1009. 12 Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony for the Community Photography & Digital Arts Exhibit & Competition at the Dorchester Arts Center from 6 to 8 p.m. 321 High St. Cambridge. For more info. tel: 410-228-7782 or visit www. dorchesterarts.org. 12-13 Oxford Antique Show and Sale 214
for children ages 6 to 17, and free for CBMM members and children under 6. Each person bringing a canned food donation for a local food bank will receive $3 off admission. For more info. tel: 410745-2916 or visit www.cbmm.org.
at the Oxford Firehouse. Antiques, food and beverages. In addition, the Oxford Ladies Auxiliary will have their crafts and baked goods for sale. For more info. tel: 410200-0902. 13 James L. Stewart Memorial St. Michaels Grand Prix at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. Come watch as local residents and businesses compete in a race to unload their cargo of food and beer from golf carts. The event memorializes the life of James L. Stewart, known by many before his 2010 passing as the “mayor of St. Michaels.� The event is free with general admission of $13 for adults, $10 for seniors, $6
13 Pancake Breakfast at the Oxford Volunteer Fire Dept. 7 to 11 a.m. Proceeds to benefit the Oxford Volunteer Fire Services. $8. For more info. tel: 410-226-5110. 13 Concert: the Christ Church Concert Series presents Duo Orfeo, classical guitarists at 4 p.m. The concert will be held in Christ Church on the corner of High Street and Church Street in Cam-
Holiday Gifts Wreaths Antiques Open Daily 11-6, Sun. 11-4
17 Goldsborough St., Easton 215
November Calendar bridge. Tickets are $10 for adults. Students and children are welcome and admitted free. There will be a reception following the concert in Barber Hall. Both the church and the adjoining hall are handicapped accessible. For more info. tel: 410-228-2161. or visit www. duoorfeo.com. 14 Academy for Lifelong Learning: Meet the Author with Kristina Henry from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels. For more info. tel: 410-745-2916. 15 Thanksgiving Crafts at the Talbot
County Free Library, St. Michaels. 3 p.m. All ages. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626. 15 Dinner at the Crab Claw to benefit Talbot Hospice and the Festival of Trees. 4:30 p.m. to closing. Come dine at this well-known St Michaels restaurant and enjoy the best of Eastern Shore dining with your Talbot neighbors. Event tends to sell out, so book your reservation today! For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www. talbothospice.org. 16 Habitat for Humanity Choptank ReStore Volunteer Orientation Sessions - Want to give back to your community? Have volunteer
November Calendar requirements for school? Come learn how you can be a part of the store that builds homes! 10:30 a.m. or 5 p.m. We are located at 8648 Commerce Drive in Easton. For more information or to register for a session call 410-820-6186 or e-mail restore@ habitatchoptank.org. 16 Widely publicized author, photographer, lecturer and landscape consultant, Rick Darke will illustrate how to create gardens which are compatible with the health of our creeks, rivers and the Bay. “Sustainable Practices for the Modern Landscape” will be the
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topic when Darke speaks at the Wednesday, November 16 meeting of the Talbot County Garden Club. The meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Historical Society of Talbot County and is open to the public. 16-Dec. 1 Pleasant Day’s 12th annual Festival of Wreaths featuring over 100 hand-crafted wreaths on display for silent auction. Bid on your favorite wreath and guess the dollar amount of the “Money Wreath.” Festival of Wreaths culminates with the Holiday Benefit Gala on December 1, featuring live entertainment, Taste of Dorchester featuring local restauranteurs and caterers, final silent auction
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November Calendar bidding and new this year, Tricky Tray Auction. Free Admission. Handicap Accessible. All proceeds benefit Pleasant Day Medical Adult Day Care. For more info. tel: Pleasant Day at 410-228-0190. 17 Brown Bag Lunch: Idiot Books with local publishers Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr. The Hospice House, 586 Cynwood Drive, Easton. Noon. For more info. tel: 410-745-5877 or visit www.tcfl.org. 17 Comedy at the Stoltz: Every third Thursday come see some of the hottest national comics in the busi-
ness in the Stoltz Listening Room, Avalon Theatre, Easton. The doors open at 7 p.m. The show starts at 8 p.m. $20. For more info. tel: 410-822-7299 or visit www.avalontheatre.com. 18 Grandtastic Jamboree - Enjoy all-you-can-eat Eastern Shore fare and live music at the Grandtastic Jamboree. Admission includes oyster fritters, pit BBQ, soft-shell crab sandwiches, crab soup, and draft beer. Live music to be announced. Down home cooking will be provided by the American Legion Post 91 volunteers and will feature all-you-can-eat oyster fritters, pit beef, soft-shell crab sandwiches, crab soup, coleslaw, potato
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salad and baked beans. Sponsored by the Grand National Waterfowl Association. Tickets in advance are available from the Grand National Waterfowl Association Office, P.O. Box 106, 411B Dorchester Ave, Cambridge, MD 21613. Tickets are also available at the door. Please call 410-228-0111 with questions or visit http://grandnationalwaterfowl.com/. 18 Soup Day at the St. Michaels Community Center. Choose from three delicious soups for lunch. $5 meal deal. Choose from Chicken & Dumplings, Cheese & Broccoli or Soup du Jour (either Vegetable Beef or Chili). Each meal comes with a bowl of soup, a roll and
a drink. Take out or eat in!! We deliver in St. Michaels. For more info. tel:410-745-6073. 18 Friday Nites in Caroline: The Rogues Celtic Band at the North Caroline High School Auditorium. 7 p.m. Free. For more info. tel: 410-479-1009. 18-20 Grand National Waterfowl Hunt - Enjoy a celebrity waterfowl hunt throughout Dorchester County. Call 410-228-0111 or e-mail gnwa@verizon.net or visit http:// www.grandnationalwaterfowl. com/ for more information. 19 Two-Mile Turkey Trot from the Denton Elementary School to
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November Calendar Martinak State Park and back. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the event begins at 9:30 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-479-8120. 19 Little Pilgrim Wee Walk at the Denton Elementary School. 9 a.m. For kids ages 2 to 5. For more info. tel: 410-479-8120. 19 Free Craft Saturday at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. For ages 6 to 12. Free. Registration is required. For more info. tel: 410-822-2787. 19 2nd Annual Christmas Craft & Vendor Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kent Island Elks #2576 (2525 Romancoke Rd.). Food, raffles, gift wrapping, door prizes every 30 minutes, adoptable animals, fun! To benefit Chesapeake Cats & Dogs, Inc. For more info. tel: 410-643-9955. 19 Sumi-e Painting - Learn how to meditate and relax while painting the “chi” of nature. 1 to 3 p.m. at Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. Registration required. For more info. tel: 410-634-2847, ext. 0. 18-Jan. 15 Exhibit: André Kertész On Reading at the Academy Art Museum, Easton. Opening reception on Nov. 18. The exhibition illustrates Kertész’s penchant for
the poetry and choreography of life in public and also private moments at home, examining the power of reading as a universal pleasure. For more info. tel: 410-822-2787. 20 The St. Michaels Community Center is offering a bus trip to see the fantastic production of White Christmas at Toby’s Dinner Theatre in Columbia, MD. $84 covers bus fare, bus trip, show and lunch buffet (tip not included). For more info. tel: 410-745-6073. 20 L o c a l A u t h o r s i n O x f o r d : “Scribes of the Shore” returns to Oxford with a focus on local authors and/or local subjects. 2 p.m. at St. Paul’s Church, Oxford. Free. For more info. tel: 410-226-5904. 21 Meeting - St. Michaels Art League at the Christ Church Parish Hall, St. Michaels. Tim Poly’s greatest passion is sharing what he has learned about photography. He will teach us how to see and when to click. 9:30 a.m. For more info. tel: 410-549-0515. 25 Run/Walk for Hospice begins at 10 a.m. 10K run or 5K run/walk the day after the big Turkey Day, Thanksgiving! Call the YMCA at 410-822-0566 or visit the website: www.active.com for specific registration information and details. 25 Mike Rose Magic Show at the
November Calendar Talbot County Free Library, St. Michaels. 2 p.m. All ages. Free tickets available on November 18. For more info. tel: 410-822-1626.
26 Daddy/Daughter Dances from 5 to 7 p.m. or 8 to 10 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, Easton. $30 for Dads and $10 for daughters also includes Festival of Trees admission. Refreshments, door prizes and a memorable evening of dancing. For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www.talbothospice.org.
Photo by Graham Scott-Taylor
Friday, 12/9 – Saturday, 12/10 – Sunday, 12/11 For a complete schedule of events: www.christmasinstmichaels.org 410-745-0745
25 Festival of Trees Preview Gala from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Gold Ballroom of the Historic Tidewater Inn, Easton, featuring gourmet fare, fabulous hors d’oeuvres, libations and auction items. Black tie optional. $100 per person and advance purchase is necessary. This includes Festival of Trees admission. For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www. talbothospice.org.
26 Candy Cane Lane - Holiday fun for children held at the Easton Elementary School including games, crafts and trains along with activities. Photos with Santa when available. $5 for children 12 and under. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www. talbothospice.org.
26 Mother/Son Dance at the Easton Club Waterview Pavilion. A memorable evening for mothers and sons of all ages with refreshments, door prizes and dancing. 5 to 7 p.m. $30 for moms and $10 for sons also includes Festival of Trees admission. For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www. talbothospice.org. 26-27 Homes Tour 2011 - A tour of five beautiful Talbot County homes decked out for the holidays. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $30 in advance - $35 on the day also includes Festival of Trees admission. For more info. tel: 410-819-FEST or visit www. talbothospice.org.
27 Holiday Bingo from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Easton Volunteer Fire Department to benefit Talbot Hospice. $25 for admission and games also includes Festival of Trees admission. For more info. tel: 410-819FEST or visit www.talbothospice. org. 27 Holiday Longaberger Basket & Vera Bradley Bingo at Kent Island American Legion. Doors open at noon, games start at 2 p.m. Tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door. 20 regular games, 3 special games, raffles, door prizes, Chinese Auction, 50-50 and more! To benefit Chesapeake Cats & Dogs. For info. tel: 410-643-9955.
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