2023 AWSUM Career Guide

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2023 GRADE 12’S


The AWSUM After School Guide is your complete guide to deciding what to do after you leave school. Take time to read this guide carefully and discuss all the options with your parents.

It’s your path. Your future! This guide can help you to create a great future by choosing the right career.

It’s a choice that only you can make. We’ll introduce you to a broad range of options that you might light to explore in more depth. Use them as a starting point for your own research and inspiration.

The advice in this publication will give you the best chance of success in your chosen route.

Good luck!

021 000 1705 www.awsumnews.co.za 29 Regional pages: Find us Awsum School News The AWSUM After School Guide is another AWSUM product by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 awsum@tiemedia.co.za
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Ons gesels met bekende rugbyspelers en hulle deel hulle wysheid wat hulle beroep in sport hulle geleer het. Gebruik dit en pas dit toe in jou loopbaankeuses en in jou lewe vorentoe.


Wat is die belangrikste lewensles wat jou skool vir jou geleer het?

Ek glo my skool het baie klem geplaas om respek te hê vir almal en alles. As dit by sport kom, het hulle my geleer hoe om te wen en hoe om op te staan na ‘n verloor.

As Springbokkaptein, wat was die waardevolste les wat jy in daardie posisie geleer het?

Jy moet besef watter taak jy het om as ‘n ware ambassadeur vir die land op te tree. Daar is baie verantwoordelikhede maar dit laat mens ook besef as die kaptein dat jy nooit groter as die trui of die sport sal raak nie.


Wat is die belangrikste lewensles wat jou skool vir jou geleer het?

Om nederig te wees ten alle tye.

As Springbokkaptein, wat was die waardevolste les wat jy in daardie posisie geleer het?

Jy as individu is nooit groter as die Springbok embleem nie en jy moet hom op ‘n beter plek los as jou voorgangers.


Wat is die beste raad wat jy al ooit ontvang het en wat jy vandag met skoliere wil deel?

In 2015 het ons `n sielkundige by die Bokke gehad, met die naam Pieter Kruger, en hy het breinprofieltoetse met elke speler gedoen en gesit en met elke speler gesels. Die les wat hy daai dag vir my geleer het is op `n 60/40 weegskaal gebasseer – dit maak nie saak wat jy doen nie, maar as jy glo dis die beste vir jou, of dit vir jou sport of jou familie of wat ook al jy doen is, 60% van mense gaan altyd hou van dit wat jy doen en 40% gaan teen jou wees. Toe ek jonger was, het ek altyd daai 40% probeer omdraai, maar ek het vrede daarmee gemaak en geglo dat 60% is wat mens nodig het. As jy gelukkig daarmee is, sal mense jou ondersteun, maak nie saak wie wat sê nie. Jy moet net 100% vasstaan in die besluit wat jy geneem het en alles gee. Ek basseer tans my lewe op die 60/40 weegskaal en glo dit het `n ongelooflike groot verskil in my lewe gemaak en hoop dit maak `n verskil in enige leerder se lewe.


As Springbokkaptein, wat was die waardevolste les wat jy in daardie posisie geleer het?

As kaptein dink ek die belangrikste les wat ek geleer het, is jy kan nie alles self doen nie. Jy kort sterk manne om jou te ondersteun en jy moet hulle vertrou. Jy moet hulle bemagtig en dan moet jy hulle vertrou. `n Kaptein is nooit alleen nie. Dis altyd `n kaptein en sy korps wat almal saam werk om sukses te bereik. So, ek dink die grootste les is dat jy nie alles self kan doen nie. Jy moet ouens saam jou kry wat al jou spelers ken, want as jy hulle ken, dan weet jy hoe ook om hulle te motiveer. Jy moet rerig tyd maak om by elke persoon te sit en hulle te leer ken om te weet hoe om die beste uit hulle te kry.


South Africa has long been an incubator for some of the greatest sportspersons of modern times, by nurturing quality potential to new heights. Leading the charge in this regard is sport-focussed academy Balderstone Sports Institute (BSI), which offers dedicated high-school and higher learning courses to young men and women in a range of sporting disciplines including golf, football, athletics and tennis.

With its unique balance between academic knowledge and hands-on, high-quality sports coaching, BSI is ideally positioned to nurture talented individuals to their full potential by effortlessly providing the foundations needed to transition from gifted sporting potential to professional sportsperson and industry expert. “Attitude of the student and reinforcement of both academics and sporting expertise are key to the development of professional sportspersons”, says BSI founder Michael Balderstone, an accomplished sportsperson in his own right. “The need for holistic professional sporting educational qualifications that embrace sporting achievement as well as technical and industry knowledge has grown exponentially over the past several years, and BSI, with our team of academic and sporting expertise are ideally positioned to produce well-rounded and success-driven individuals that are on par with the international best practices and standards.”

“With modern day youth sport demanding an extensive training and competitive schedule, we give talented young learners the opportunity to focus on their chosen sport path whilst enabling them to get a sports academic qualification”, says Michael.

With fulltime and part-time courses of between one and three years, BSI equips young athletes with the life and sporting skills to successfully navigate the competitive sporting environment. Current programmes include:

• PGA Golf Diploma

Students on the internationally recognised PGA Diploma programme receive intensive training for their golf performance and towards a career in the golf industry.

• Greenkeeping – Sports Turf Management

This 1-year programme is a fantastic gateway into one of the highest paid careers in golf. Learners receive immense practical on-course experience at one of our partner clubs, alongside the theory element.

• Sports Management (with options to combine with the Football, Tennis or Athletics programmes)

With the continued advancements in the professionalism of sport, the industry needs qualified, competent, and ethical sports managers, administrators and industry personnel. The Higher Certificate in Sports Administration is a 1-year programme that empowers learners with the knowledge and skills required to be efficient in Business Administration.

• High Performance Football Academy

The post-matric Elite Development Programme offers training sessions with renowned coaches and experienced sports training specialists to develop players based on top European Football Clubs.

• Athletics Academy

With professional athletes as coaches, we provide for both track and field training and expertise and endurance training and development.

give talented young learners the opportunity to focus on their chosen sport path whilst enabling them to get a sports academic qualification.

• Tennis Academy

With best practice from the leading international tennis academies and the latest International Tennis Federation (ITF) training guidelines the world-class high performance tennis academy aims to help young players to reach their full potential.

“Our over-arching commitment to provide young athletes with quality programmes and professional, dedicated services and expertise continues to be the centre-point of all that we do, and we look forward to expanding our offering to other areas of the athletic and supporting fraternities based on these principles, in future”, Michael concluded.

According to the internationally recognised The Business Research Company’s research on the sports market, the global sporting fraternity market size is set to grow from $486.6 billion in 2022 to $512.1 billion in 2023, with further growth forecast to bring the industry’s value to $623.6 billion by 2027. This places sporting careers at the centre of a consistently growing demand for sportsmen and women, as well as supporting roles in areas such as sports sciences, management, and coaching.
SPORTS QUALIFICATIONS & PROGRAMS PGA Golf Diploma | Sports Management | Sports Turf Maintenance | High Performance Football Academy www.bsisports.com | info@bsisports.com | 011 485 1067/8 “ “

Get more info online!


Each institution has a QR code providing more information about the business. You can simply scan the QR code with your Camera app to read more about the institution online.


Simply open your camera app, point it at the QR code like you’re going to take a close pic of it (but don’t) and wait for a message to pop up. Then click it.

WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION APPLY NOW! PAYMENT PLANS. TEXTBOOKS INCLUDED. National Call Centre 0861 BOSTON | 47 Support Centres Nationwide Boston City Campus (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1996/013220/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997). Registration Certificate No. 2003/HE07/002. *Candidate for accreditation of specific programs. • Postgraduate • Degrees • Diplomas • Higher Certificates • Occupational & Short Learning Programmes boston.ac.za Accredited by the British Accreditation Council. Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs, United States of America.* Serious about Education. Serious about You.


A somatologist is a professional with a three-year diploma accredited by the Council of Higher Education. It is a sought-after qualification that develops a holistic therapist who approaches the body in a scientific manner.

A somatologist is unique in their expertise because of the focus on dermatology as a subsection of three years training in anatomy and physiology. According to Somatology Programme Co-ordinator, Mrs Zoya Nell, “40% of the subject is dedicated to the largest organ of the body – the skin”. The somatologist is in a unique position to analyse, address and achieve results for the face and body.

The intensive training equips the therapist with the foundational skill of recognising abnormalities of the skin in its texture, colour, and secretions. This includes recognising lesions on the skin that may develop into harmful tumours, i.e., squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A potential precursor to SCC is solar keratosis, a very common lesion that develops on skin that has been exposed to excessive sun for many years, e.g., the scalp, neck, and forehead. Solar keratoses are dark coloured, rough textured lesions that develop in patches of various sizes. They are treated medically using photodynamic therapy. This is a combination of light sensitising medication and a form of light therapy like laser or intense pulsed light therapy.

A somatologist also has the knowledge to recognise when a naevi (mole) changes in appearance which may indicate a malignant lesion. The somatologist is not equipped to diagnose any medical skin conditions but may be the first line of defence for the client by referring them to a medical professional for analysis and treatment.

As a dermal aesthetician, which requires an additional fourth year of study, the therapist is equipped with advanced knowledge and skills to address concerns of the deeper layers of the skin. A dermal aesthetician is qualified to perform treatments such as microneedling, laser therapy, dermaplaning and specialised chemical peels that move beyond the uppermost layers of the skin. This therapist is uniquely qualified to assist in a medical practice and work alongside a medical

professional specialising in medical aesthetics. This therapist is also able to perform treatments such as cryotherapy, benign lesion removal and carboxytherapy.

One more aspect to mention, a holistic approach requires a therapist to consider lifestyle, exercise, nutritional habits, and stress levels when analysing a client’s concerns. Often a client is not even aware of aspects of their face and body that affect their life experiences physically and emotionally. The somatologist is trained to identify and address all of these within the professional boundaries that stop short of distress and disease.

Clearly a somatologist/dermal aesthetician is a specialist in the field of the body and skin addressing concerns that affect the face and body, including stress and lifestyle habits that contribute to these.

Trusting your therapist starts with trusting their knowledge, expertise, and integrity. All of these are part and parcel of a quality foundation set in quality education.

Qualification: Advanced Diploma in Dermal Aesthetics

Education and Development Practitioner’s Certificate (UNISA) Member of CIDESCO and SAAHSP Assessor and Moderator



Grade 11 and 12’s often express fears about “choosing the wrong career”.

Read this carefully: You are not choosing a career for life in matric. Career development is a life-long process.

If you do have specific career in mind, research it well. Choose a study are area that you are interested in and good at.

Whether you are not sure about what you want to do career-wise or not, it is essential to research the content of a course you are considering.

- DIESELWERKTUIGKUNDE - ELEKTRIES - GEREEDSKAPMAKER - OUTO-ELEKTRIES - SWEIS - MEGATRONIKA - MEULMAKER - PAS-EN-DRAAI - IT-ONDERSTEUNING- EN NETWERKSPESIALIS - KUBERSEKURITEITSPESIALIS - DATA- EN WOLKSPESIALIS AMBAGTE INLIGTINGSTEGNOLOGIE @Sol-Tech @_sol_tech www.sol-tech.co.za JOU SUKSESSTORIE BEGIN HIER! DOEN NOU AANSOEK! Online Theory In-class Practical Create beautiful looks Transform lives Get certified by an industry leader with more than 45 years of experience in academic excellence. We combine the best of both: Online self-paced learning plus in-class practical sessions for personal time with an expert trainer at our campuses in Stellenbosch and Pretoria. Isa Carstens® Academy is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997. Registration Certificate Number: 2000/HE07/025. Qualifications registered by SAQA ID Number: 111453 (Level 5), SAQA ID Number: 83046 (NQF Level 6) & SAQA ID Number: 97898 (NQF Level 7) Why Isa Carstens® Academy? short courses entrepreneurship in the beauty & wellness industry Your career as a Nail Technician or Lash & Brow Specialist will elevate your technical and artistic skills. Pave the way for your future while making an impact on people’s lives. Your career as a Hair Removal Therapist or Massage Therapist will unlock job opportunities in a growing industry, Getting the best foundational training and practice is key to providing quality service and building your brand. If you have always dreamed about starting your own business, then completing any of the Short Courses offered at the Isa Carstens® Academy can make your dream come true. Who says work cannot be fun?



Located in the beautiful Banhoek Valley, Stellenbosch, the ICA maintains a philosophy of excellence in all aspects of the culinary arts. Rated Africa’s Best Culinary Training Institution (2021), we provide specialized chef training courses based on classic gastronomic principles, coupled with innovative thinking and creative flair. The average lecturer-to-student ratio of 1:6 ensures focussed, individual attention, leading to sought-after graduates that breathe inspiration into the culinary world, setting the benchmarks for others to follow. A choice of 3 culinary specialization fields in the 3rd year provides graduates with expanded career options within the professional culinary arena. To be the best, learn from the best.

Email: info@icachef.co.za

Contact no.: 021 885 1414

Website: www.icachef.co.za


Did you know that 99,3% of CTIA graduates are successfully employed? Here’s our recipe for success.


• 4 state-of-the-art campuses across South Africa

• A full virtual campus for online training

• Oodles of creativity and innovation

• Exceptional skills training

• A big splash of innovation

Step 1: Visit our websiteand find the campus and course that most closely matches your needs.

Step 2: Enrol at one of our amazing campuses.

Step 3: Get to know the lecturers, support staff and fellow students.

Step 4: Embark on the best training experience of your life.

Email: info@ctia.co.za

Contact no.: 062 082 1964

Website: www.ctia.co.za



Operating since 1995 HTA School of Culinary Art, an Internationally and Locally Accredited Chef School, run under the leadership of Stephen Billingham, Honorary President of the South African Chefs Association, is one of South Africa’s leading Chef School and Training Centres, conveniently situated in Ferndale, Randburg. HTA offers a number of accredited programmes that will equip budding Chefs with the skills and knowledge for a successful career in the world of Professional Cookery whether in a Restaurant, 5 star Hotel, Game Lodge or Resort, as a Food stylist, or their own Catering business.

Email: enrol@htatrain.co.za

Contact No.: 011 285 0937/16

Website: www.htachefschool.co.za


Our goal is to enrich your life and empower each learner with the culinary abilities that will form a foundation upon which they can build their career as senior managers and industry leaders. In pursuit of this, our purpose-built training facilities provide a creative and challenging learning environment.

Our campuses:

• Boksburg

• Pretoria

• Rosebank

• Nelson Mandela Bay

• Durban

• Cape Town

Email: chef@capsicumcooking.co.za

Contact No.: 011 234 1896

Website: www.capsicumcooking.com


We offer students the opportunity to participate in an immensive service of hospitality-centric academic programme that delivers a rich, practical learning experience. A hospitality and service management qualification prepares you for a successful career and the enormous diversity of the hospitality industry means you’ll always have a wide range of career options across a range of sectors.It is a career without limits. Just about every organisation has a large service component and a significant need for world-class, skilled professionals and you get to see the world. Travel, tourism, and hospitality are among the most dynamic sectors in the world.

Email: enquiries@iiehsm.com

Contact No.: 011 234 1896

Studying the culinary arts is essential for several reasons if you’re looking to become a professional chef. Attending a culinary school will teach you the required skills and knowledge of a chef or consider a career in hospitality management.
Website: www.iehsm.com the QR code and get more information online!

Good Hope Studies runs the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) course for English language teachers, the most popular training course worldwide.

We offer a full-time course, an online course as well as supplementary courses such as the grammar course for our CELTA candidates.

The CELTA teacher training course is approved and moderated by Cambridge English Language Assessment, part of the University of Cambridge. In contrast to other TEFL / TESOL courses, the CELTA course is recognised worldwide and is often a requirement when teaching abroad at an English language school.

Experienced trainers, great facilities and a convenient location are key advantages when doing a teacher training course in Cape Town at Good Hope Studies.

Whether you’re from the North or South, our state-of-the-art campuses in Centurion and Mbombela or in Durban and Stellenbosch, have everything you need for a global career in hospitality.

With superbly equipped training kitchens and experienced chefs and instructors, secure parking, areas for students to relax and free Wi-Fi, learners will have the best training experience of their lives.

Join the CTIA family after school to hone a career in the culinary arts. You can study full-time, part-time and online – whatever works for you!

Your CELTA training will combine solid theory with the practical training that will make the crucial difference to your confidence and effectiveness when you get into the classroom.

The course is recommended for anyone who wants to start teaching English as a foreign language at one of the many English language schools in Cape Town or abroad. CELTA certified teachers from South Africa are highly appreciated at English language schools around the world.

Our teacher training centre is situated at our English Language school, which is situated at 05 st Georges Mall, City Centre, Cape Town.

Should you wish to enrol for the course you need to be 18 years or older and have a minimum of a matric. We have a number of course dates for 2024, please contact us at bookings@ghs.co.za for further information and application forms.

Become a CELTA English teacher and visit the world Good Hope Studies

Start your teaching career with the most widely recognised qualification

Become a CELTA certified English Foreign Language (EFL) teacher

The Cambridge administered course only takes 4 weeks

Get advice on finding jobs - locally and overseas

INDUSTRY FOCUS Are you looking for a career change? Are you looking to travel abroad? #takeagapyear KICK-OFF YOUR HOSPITALITY CAREER WITH THE BEST CULINARY SCHOOL! Scan the QR code to find out more.
Tel: +27 (0)62 082 1964 Email: info@ctia.co.za www.ghs.co.za/teachertraining mailbox@ghs.co.za 021 - 683 1399


Your plans for 2024 might include moving away from home and live in the area where the tertiary institution is. As this is likely to be the first time you will live away from home for an extended period of time and it’s understandable that you might be unsure ant not sure how you will cope. Here are some things you need to consider.

Do you have a bank account?

As a student you take first steps towards being an adult. One of these steps is getting your own bank account for dealing with your finances yourself. A lot of bank institutes have special student accounts with a lot of benefits for students and especially designed for the needs of students. The biggest advantages is definitely that you don’t have to pay for your bank account. So your bank account is free.

Examples of student bank accounts:

• FNBy Account (FNB Student Account)

• Standard Bank Student Achiever

• ABSA Student Silver Account

• Absa MegaU Account

• Nedbank Unlocked.ME

• Investec Youth Account

Do you know how to budget?

One of the first things you should do is to figure out a budget to live by. There are loads of apps (like Goodbudget and Mint) and sites that have advice on how to do this. Typically, you’ll need to account for things like travel, food, housing (along with bills potentially, depending on your living arrangements) and any contracts you pay.

Find somewhere to live

If you’re going to be living away from home, you want to make sure you find somewhere safe. If there are a few of you from the same town or school, you may be able to rent a place together. It’s worth contacting estate agents in the area, as they may be able to offer you more advice on renting. Make sure you do your research, check places out in person and ask questions, as you don’t want to be stuck somewhere dodgy.




Are you passionate about wildlife, exploration, and adventure? Choose a wildlife career in the ‘Big 5’ industry.


Pursue a career as a field guide taking guests on safari in the African bushveld. Matriculate and join a Bushwise course, living in a Big Five game reserve, studying wildlife, animal behaviour, guiding principles and more. We run 23- and 50-week FGASA programs that will kick-start your career. You’ll spend your days on game drives and bush walks, earning certifications and gaining essential knowledge and skills. You can start a career in field guiding, conservation, or wildlife.

Bushwise is a FGASA-accredited training provider in Hoedspruit, South Africa.

Save R30K when you mention code BWAWSUM22! Valid until 31 December 2022.

Email: info@bushwise.co.za

Contact no.: 021 300 7972

Website: www.bushwise.co.za


Renowned as the pioneer and leader in safari guide and wildlife training in Africa, EcoTraining has led the pack for over two decades. The courses offered by EcoTraining are diverse, and certainly with something for every level of interest. Courses range from accredited career courses to shorter nature Programmes. Their tented camps are truly wild, unfenced and you share the space up close and personal with wildlife.

So, whether you’re starting your career, furthering it, or looking to deepen your understanding of the natural world, you will be thoroughly inspired and leave enriched and energized after your course with EcoTraining.

Email: enquiries@ecotraining.co.za

Contact no.: 013 752 2532

Website: www.ecotraining.co.za


Eco Ranger is the leader in providing quality Wildlife related education in Africa. The one-stop academy right in the bush! Our professional integrated training exposes students to Theoretical, Practical and direct Work Integrated learning and develops essential professional skills that enable graduates to bridge the science & management gap and promote the sustainable utilisation of natural resources. Educational and training programs adhere to prescribed curricula and are approved by SAQA, the educational authority in South Africa.

Both our campuses are located next to the Kruger National Park on a private game farm that is our Klaserie Campus and the Malalane Campus.

Email: admin@ecoranger.co.za

Contact no.: 076 789 5589

Website: www.ecoranger.co.za

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My Goals

opwindende studentelewe Skop voltydse studies af op die Centurion-kampus || Studieaansoeke vir 2023 is reeds oop Akademia MSW (Maatskappyregistrasienommer: 2005/024616/08 ) is by die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding as privaat hoëronderwysinstelling geregistreer ingevolge die Wet op Hoër Onderwys, 1997 Registrasienommer: 2011/HE08/005.


Aviation drives global tourism, business travel and trade, it’s an engine for growth and it could be your path to success, career fulfilment and financial freedom. Like any developed industry, aviation offers opportunities for people with varying skills and personalities.

Careers in aviation include:

Cabin Attendant

Cabin attendants create a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for passengers while supporting the flight crew.


A pilot isn’t just a taxi driver of the skies, they also complete important pre-flight,inflight and post-flight technical check

Customer Service Agent

Customer service agents are the face of their airline and a key part of the workings at the airport.

Cargo Manager

A cargo manager is responsible for loading and off-loading air cargo and they get to drive a forklift!

Airport Safety Officer

A safety officer must constantly put out fires and make sure that all safety standards are met.

Airport Manager

An airport manager makes sure that the entire airport is running smoothly as a business.

Air Traffic Navigation Officer

An air traffic navigation officer is responsible for keeping the skies safe by directing airplanes to avoid air collisions.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

An engineer or aircraft- maintenance technician ensures that the airline’s fleet is safe, reliable and airworthy.



Flight attendants have one of the most glamorous jobs out there. You get to travel the world, meeting new people and staying in cool hotels, all while looking good in your stylish uniform. Glamorous as it is, it is hard work. Flight attendants’ main responsibility is creating a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for passengers.

Are you an outgoing, friendly person?

• Can you handle conflict in a reasonable way, without arguing?

• Do you enjoy helping others?

Great people skills are the most important requirement for being a flight attendant.

How old do you have to be to become a flight attendant?

First in a long list of flight attendant requirements is the minimum age. All flight attendants must be at least 18 years of age, but the minimum age can be higher depending on the airline – but never higher than 21 years. For example: at United Airlines, you must be 19.

How tall do you have to be to be a flight attendant?

Flight attendants must be tall enough to reach overhead safety equipment. Typically flight attendants range between five foot three to six foot one. There may be a lower height restriction at some regional airlines where the aircraft type operated has a maximum height allowance of 5’10”.

Flight Training Schools In South Africa:

• Cranfield Aviation Training

• Aviacom Flight Academy

• Big Sky Cabin Training Academy

• EPT Aviation Training

• Flitedux

• Future Flyers

• High Flyerz Academy

• Skyy Aviation Academy

• Cabin Crew Training

• Flysaa Cabin Crew Training

Being a pilot is a passion. It requires years of dedicated study, training and hundreds of hours of flight time. A pilot’s job is a lot more than safely flying an aircraft from take-off to landing. For every flight, the pilot must complete pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight technical checks to meet the strict aviation safety regulations. You have dozens, if not hundreds of people’s lives in your hands, so safety is vital. No pressure!

A pilot is not simply the taxi driver of the skies. He or she is also involved in strategic planning to ensure fl ights are profi able, with most seats fi lled and scheduled at times most convenient for passengers. They also plan flight paths according to the weather, decide cargo distribution and seating plans, and communicate with the control tower for take-off and landing.

While a pilot can fly a small plane singlehandedly, most large commercial flights will have a Captain and a First Officer, or Co-Pilot. The captain flies the plane, handling take-off and landing, while the co-pilot helps with navigation.

To become a pilot you need to matriculate with mathematics, science and geography. From there, you’ll want to move on to an aviation academy, where you will study towards your pilot’s qualifi cations and start racking up flying hours.

Airlines that recruit cadets are your best option and depending on the airline, you could become a Junior First Officer at 1000 hours and move on to Captain after attaining 2500 to 3000 hours!

Like we said – becoming a pilot takes passion and dedication!

You must be able to work well under pressure – after all, you have all those people relying on you every time your plane takes off. You need to be a team player as well as a good leader. Besides leading your team on the plane, you’ll have to work with other teams on the ground and in the control tower.

You need to know what pilot training programs are being offered in the country and which among those is the most suitable for you. This is where you should take into account what your aviation goal is. Do you want to obtain a Private Pilot License (PPL) or a Commercial Pilot License (CPL)? Are you seeking to work for an airline? If yes, then an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) is for you.

List of options for what you can potentially do with a pilot license:

• Airline pilot for large airlines or smaller regional ones

• Corporate or business aviation pilot

• Cargo pilot

• Charter / Air taxi pilot

• Flight instructor

• Medical/ Air ambulance pilots

• Agricultural pilot and many more Sources: www.aviationfly.com, www.flyairlink.com


The Academy of Aviation is a registered ATO with SACAAATO No. 1056 established in 2008. Do a future career and study to be a Remote Pilot, qualify to operate drones with this licence.

We also do Flight Attendant training, work while seeing the world. Our offices are based in Honeydew, Johannesburg and we have state of the art facilities, accommodation available on site.

We are passionate about developing future aviators and have trained many aviators over the past few years. Our Motto is “We Do Not Negotiate Safety” and “Training Excellence With A Difference.”

The aviation industry is one of the most awesome industries to be build a career in, with various options within it. So make sure you train to be an aviator with our amazing institution.

Email: info@theacademyofaviation.co.za

Contact no.: 010 023 2154

Website: www.theacademyofaviation.co.za

Take your career to the skies. You could work in one of the most exciting industries on earth as a pilot, cabin attendant, engineer, airport manager, cargo manager or customer service agent. There are a host of opportunities for dynamic young people interested in aviation.
Don’t choose what
Choose who
you want to do.
you want to be.




Generally, engineers are highly sought after in South Africa in many fields. They are needed in the environmental and infrastructural segments. Their problem-solving skills are essential for any organisation looking to remain relevant and expand its territories in the competitive world.


South Africa is a growing economy, and many of its companies are looking to operate within its standards. As a result, companies employ personnel that help them minimise environmental hazards. Secondly, they assess the health and safety of employers.


Commercial finance managers are critical in an organisation because they are responsible for full planning. They also analyse markets trends and competitors.


Overall, a finance manager helps a company establish its strengths and weaknesses. Most companies also need finance managers to oversee their essential functions, monitor their cash flow, and create accurate financial reports to their continued viability.


Accountants are also among the most south after personnel in South Africa. Usually, they provide technical accounting skills required in handling money and providing companies with accurate financial information. Overall, companies need them because they provide essential advice on a wide range of financial matters.


Every organisation is, undoubtedly, going digital. As a result, IT specialists have become in demand over the past few years. They create and manage software programmes for many companies. Unlike other jobs, software developers can be employed in many fields. It is also worthy to note that this is among the jobs that will be in demand in the next 10 years in South Africa.


Cloud computing is under IT, and many people tend to avoid such areas for many reasons. Mostly, it is because of the technicality needed in the field. For this reason, there is a shortage of such specialists in the country now that many people are using tools hosted on the cloud.


Data scientists gather and analyse large sets of unstructured and structured data. They combine their math knowledge and technical computer skills to help companies make objective decisions. Top companies in need of data scientists include Nedbank, FirstRand, and PBT Group.


Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. Cloud networks are prone to security targets nowadays. As a result, each company is looking towards safeguarding its information.


What jobs are in high demand right now? The retail, hospitality, and tourism sectors are among the leading employers of customer service personnel. Usually, such people hardly miss job opportunities. Some people underestimate such jobs, not knowing how important they are.


Supply chain planning is always a priority for any big corporation. Usually, logistics managers oversee all the distribution and storage of a company’s products. They are also regarded as vital because they help meet customers’ needs.


Content creation is another fast-growing sector not only in South Africa but also in the world. Most of them have extensive SEO skills, which are most sought after by many online firms nowadays. Others are social media stars who boast massive followings across various social media platforms and earn from their posts.


Marketing is a broad area. There are many employment opportunities in the sector. The experts usually conduct demographic analysis and product promotion. Additionally, you can secure employment in many industries such as hospitality, tourism, technology, and more.


These are senior-level project managers, whose roles include monitoring the progress of a construction project, making strategic decisions, and providing guidance to the junior staff. It falls under project management courses that are in demand in South Africa.


Plant supervisors oversee the operations of a plant. Structural engineering is another sector to consider when looking for a job opportunity. Overall, plant supervisors oversee the operations of a plant. They also offer guidance to the subordinate staff. Also, they manage the inventory of all plant supplies.


Many organisations are trying to establish their presence online due to the effects of the 2020 pandemic. Thus, many searches for brand managers to help them achieve that. Overall, the brand managers adopt a brand strategy for a firm’s target market.


Nowadays, most firms are focusing on customer centricity. Their main objective is to create products that cater to their customers’ specific needs.


Production and demand planning go hand in hand. Considering the ever-changing consumer needs, demand planners are lifesavers. Primarily, they drive the demand and inventory levels.


Nursing is generally a four-year-long course in South Africa. COVID-19 pandemic saw the country lose many people for many reasons, and the scarcity of nursing assistants was among the reasons. So, you can be sure that nursing is among the courses that are in demand in South Africa.


Technical sales managers are also high in demand in South Africa in 2022. Primarily, they negotiate client pricing, generate new sales leads, and forecast sales revenue.

Source: www.briefly.co.za. They hare news that matters on Politics, Entertainment, and Lifestyle

Here is a list of the most in demand jobs in South Africa based on the current hiring trends in various fields.


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When Tramayne Monaghan’s boss summoned him to the 18th floor, he didn’t know what he was in for. But he left that office with a promise never to wear a suit again and, at 26 years of age, went on to become the youngest CFO at the world’s largest video game vendor and one of the most financially valuable companies in the world.

As a young girl, Itumeleng Barnard can still remember seeing pictures of London and telling her parents: ‘I’m going to work there when I grow up!’ Today, she’s bringing Southern African textiles to the UK’s renowned fashion runways by enabling designers to ship their materials and prints to British soil.

Growing up in East London, Jared Tubb never dreamed he’d live in America let alone be part of a team whose business is utilised by over two million people around the world every day. Yet that’s what being the Director of Finance at an internationally known company worth a $113 billion means to him.

So what do these young business leaders have in common?

They are Chartered Accountants [CA(SA)].

Choosing your future career is daunting – make sure it’s one that has scope to grow and endless opportunities for employment

With the CA(SA) designation behind your name, not only do you have a passport to the international business world but you also have you the ability to:

• Be your own boss or be THE boss,

• Earn a premium salary (right from the start),

• Turn your passions and hobbies into a career,

• Work anywhere in the world you want, and

• Make a tangible and positive difference in this world.

A recent government notice sent out by the Department of Home Affairs listed chartered accountancy on its scarce skills careers list. This means there’s an exceptionally high demand for this unique type of skillset in the country, but not enough qualified individuals available to fill those positions – an enviably situation to find oneself in when you’re living in a country with an unacceptably high unemployment rate such as ours.

Ultimately the CA(SA) designation is about skills, not about jobs. The CA(SA) designation is about making a difference. And that means, with those for letters behind your name, you really can do just about anything.

More about how to become a CA(SA) can be found at www.saica.org.za.

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It’s Getting Meta: brands are betting big on the metaverse. What is the future of jobs in the Metaverse.




reality (AR) users worldwide

The estimated revenue opportunity of the metaverse by 2024


56% 60%

Percentage of influences that currently participate in the metaverse

Amount of NFT sales that were generated worldwide in 2021

Percentage of Gen Z would like to explore virtual worlds created by their favourite brands


Estimated shipments of AR and VR devices by 2024

One of the most signifi cant technological developments on the horizon is the shift from Web2

to Web3. As this seismic shift takes place, experiences on the internet are increasingly expected to be more immersive, three-dimensional and virtual. And the full realization of Web3, will be the metaverse.

The Metaverse is being touted as ‘the next evolution of social connection’ by Facebook themselves, who have subsequently rebranded themselves Meta in an all-in strategy to redefine their identity. Since Facebook rebranded to Meta, a handful of multinational companies have announced their move:

• Adidas launches NFTs (non-tangible tokens) and buys a plot on the Sandbox Metaverse

• Nike has partnered with the Roblox video game platform to build a virtual world called Nikeland and has already filed several trademark applications to produce and sell Nike-branded virtual footwear, apparel and accessories.

• Warner Bros., in preparation for the launch of the film In the Heights, launched a virtual block party hosted on Roblox.

• Fortnite has hosted several virtual music events, including concerts and premieres

• Coca-Cola auctioned off valuable memorabilia in the form of NFTs

• Walmart and Amazon (paywall) recently announced plans for metaverse shopping experiences.

• McDonald’s recently indicated their entry into the metaverse. Imagine getting together with friends at a virtual restaurant to hang out and order some virtual food. As you consume that food, you may receive “buffs” or “power ups,” like special powers for game quests or a temporary new look for your avatar, and at the same time, that food you ordered virtually is on its way from a delivery service to your real-world door.

• Hyundai launched Mobility Adventure, a metaverse space on Roblox featuring Hyundai Motor’s products and future mobility solutions. The collectively shared virtual space lets users meet and experience Hyundai’s mobility offerings and customize their avatars.

• Disney filed a patent for a “virtual-world simulator,” which reproduces one of the company’s theme parks into a 3D realm

Whatever the Meta looks like, it provides a lot of opportunities for jobs in tech. Here are a few of the most interesting ones.

Software Engineer (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality)

At face value, a lot of Software Engineers are going to be required who have an in-depth knowledge of augmented reality and virtual reality, and the large amounts of data that this would entail. Meta, and the associated companies as part of the project, would need Software Engineers with key experience such as system design, AI, natural language programming (NLP), user interface design and more. The gaming sector is a space where a lot of these engineers possess these skills and experience.

Research Scientist

The future of the Metaverse is much bigger than most would imagine and we’re going to need a lot more brainpower. Harnessing the power of AR and VR, the Research Scientist would have to create and develop an incredible amount of seamless architecture to enable the system to work, the foundation of which all other functionality will be built upon. Candidates will need to be able to build, then scale prototypes using technology at the confluence of computer vision algorithms for 3D computational photography, neural rendering, scene reconstruction, computational imaging, visual-inertial odometry, state estimation, sensor fusion, mapping and localization... and those prototypes would need to get bigger with time.

Hardware Engineers

The Metaverse isn’t just code. To make it work, there is a lot of hardware that will be required, from the initial user interface (VR headsets, sensors etc) to the gargantuan amount of server and data storage space that will be required to fully realise a digital world. The physical architecture will be just as vast as the digital architecture. Just imagine the size of the server farms that will be required to get this project off the ground, and the number of VR headsets…

Metaverse Cyber Security

The internet in its current form isn’t the safest place. The Metaverse will be no different, with cyber-attackers, fraudsters and scammers no doubt licking their lips at the prospect of having a brave new virtual world in which to extort and steal. Given that the data captured in the Metaverse means that everything from location data to motion capture (even brainwave patterns as has been trialled by Elon Musk, among others) to biometrical and financial information could be floating around in the virtual realm, the cybersecurity element of it is crucial. People will be required to block attacks and ensure laws are adhered to, or in some case written from scratch.

Having a background in standard cybersecurity as well as a degree-level grounding in law would make you an ideal candidate for this role.

Metaverse Planner/Storyteller

Sitting bored in a virtual recreation of your home is just the same as sitting bored in the real thing, and this is where the Metaverse Planners and Storytellers come in. Less to do with having software development skills and more your ability to craft compelling narratives, a Metaverse Storyteller would be the author of why people return. Offering a massive open world is one thing (World of Warcraft-style) but driving people back is another. Thinking in terms of quests, scenarios, team games and stories… even psychology and meditationbased activities. If you’re thinking of becoming a Metaverse Storyteller, having a good background in literature, and working for a gaming company would be an excellent start.

Will I be able to have a job within the Metaverse itself?

It’s a possibility. Consider that you could be a teacher exclusively within the virtual world, logging on each day to teach a class of students from every corner of the world. There could also potentially be guides working full time on the platform, offering advice and hosting guests of the virtual realm and leading them on engaging adventures. All with no commuting necessary!

The Metaverse could change how you approach all work

The Metaverse has the potential to completely diminish the negatives associated with remote working. While Teams or Zoom calls have certainly helped bring people together through a time of unprecedented separation, they can suffer from an inability to perform quick communication, read body language and freely collaborate in the same was as in-person working. In the Metaverse, this could be remedied, with team members joining as avatars in 3D workspaces through VR headsets and motion sensors. This has the potential to break down the barriers of distance and time.

Sources: www.morson.com, www.forbes.com/www. alistdaily.com, www.earlymetrics.com

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