AWSUM Laeveld September 2024 Edition

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How to Boost Your Child’s Academic Success: A Parent’s Guide

Building a solid foundation for your child’s academic success doesn’t happen by accident - it’s the result of consistent, focused parental involvement from the start of their educational journey. While most parents know they should be involved, many are unsure what that involvement should look like to truly support their child’s learning and growth.

To help guide you, education expert Dr. Linda Meyer shares a proven framework that is both practical and easy to implement, ensuring your child has the best chance of academic success throughout their school career and beyond.

The ABCs of Learning: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Academic Performance

In today’s competitive world, academic success has become more critical than ever. The pressure to excel is growing, both locally and globally, with increasing demands for higher education access and job opportunities. While schools play a crucial role in shaping a child’s education, parental involvement can significantly enhance their academic performance. “As parents, we are pivotal in nurturing an environment that fosters learning and growth,” says Dr. Linda Meyer, MD at IIE Rosebank College. “Especially in the foundational years, we should ensure our children receive the right support to mould and cement their approach to learning and their educational journey.” Dr. Meyer emphasizes that supporting your child’s educational development doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s her framework to help parents build a strong foundation for their child’s academic success:

Create a Positive Environment

“The home environment is where a child’s learning journey truly begins. Creating a space conducive to studying is essential,” says Dr. Meyer. Beyond a dedicated study space, a positive environment extends to the emotional atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Children who feel supported are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

Foster a Love of Learning

Academic success is not just about grades; it’s about cultivating a lifelong love of learning. When children find joy in learning, their academic performance naturally improves. “Encourage your child’s curiosity by exploring subjects they find interesting beyond the classroom. Whether through reading, visiting museums, or engaging in science experiments at home, fostering a sense of wonder helps children develop a passion for knowledge,” explains Dr. Meyer.

Keep It Real

While encouraging children to strive for excellence is essential, setting realistic expectations is equally important. “High pressure can lead to stress and burnout, which can hinder academic performance. Work with your child to set achievable goals and break them down into manageable tasks. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to build confidence and teach valuable time management and organizational skills.”

Be Actively Involved

Active parental involvement is key to academic success. Dr. Meyer stresses the importance of attending parent-teacher conferences, monitoring homework, and staying informed about your child’s progress.“Engage in regular discussions about what they’re learning at school and show interest in their assignments. Children are more likely to take their studies seriously when parents are involved and set clear expectations.” Maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers is also crucial. “Regularly check in with educators to understand your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. A strong parent-teacher partnership provides a consistent support system that can enhance your child’s academic performance.”

Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to think critically by asking open-ended questions and discussing various topics from different perspectives.“Teaching children to approach challenges analytically gives them the tools they need to succeed academically and in life,” says Dr. Meyer.

Be a Role Model

Children often mirror their parents’ behaviors and attitudes, so demonstrating a love for learning and intellectual curiosity can inspire them to adopt the same approach. “Whether you’re reading, discussing current events, or pursuing a hobby, showing a commitment to personal growth can motivate your child to embrace learning and education,” says Dr. Meyer.

Encourage Emotional Well-being

Academic success is closely tied to emotional well-being. Dr. Meyer advises parents to encourage their children to develop social skills and emotional intelligence. “Teach your child how to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a growth mindset. Emotional support helps children thrive academically, as they’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.” Building confidence is equally important. Dr. Meyer concludes, “Celebrate your child’s efforts, not just their results. Recognizing the hard work they put into their studies reinforces the value of persistence and dedication, helping them develop a resilient mindset and an understanding that effort leads to success.”

Parental involvement is essential in fostering a child’s academic success. By creating a supportive home environment, encouraging a love for learning, and staying actively engaged in their education, parents can provide their children with the tools they need to thrive academically and in life. With these strategies from Dr. Meyer, you’ll be setting your child up for success both in school and beyond.

Navigating nationwide education budget cuts: How schools can maximise resources

As South Africa faces widespread budget challenges in the education sector, schools across the country are being forced to rethink their financial strategies.

Recently, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) announced plans to cut 2 400 teaching jobs due to a staggering R3.8 billion budget shortfall, but this is only one example of the broader financial strain affecting all provinces. Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

With the other provinces also grappling with severe budget shortfalls, schools must stretch their funds while reducing staff and operational costs. As head of the WCED, Brent Walters, explained in a recent circular, “the current number of educator posts in the Western Cape cannot be maintained.” This mirrors the difficulties faced by education departments across the country, as schools are being asked to navigate reduced teacher numbers and frozen recruitment efforts.

Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

In this financially challenging environment, Everything School offers a unique opportunity for schools to not only streamline their procurement process, but also generate additional funding by getting real cash back, in the form of School Bucks, with every order fulfilled. 1 School Buck = 1 Rand, making it easy for schools to maximise the value of their spending. Schools can then re-utilise their School Bucks when purchasing goods through Everything School. During these tough financial times, maximizing the value of every Rand is more important than ever. Schools can easily accumulate School Bucks. For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs for learners, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks -a critical financial boost in this time of austerity.

These School Bucks can be used to purchase essential items like 2025 learner and teacher diaries, customised workbooks, or yearbooks - all of which would otherwise place further strain on already tight budgets. Alternatively, schools can save their School Bucks for larger future purchases, such as modular classrooms or branded uniforms, ensuring that their procurement efforts support both immediate and long-term goals.

For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks.

With staff reductions and fewer resources, schools are under enormous pressure to manage operations more efficiently. The challenge of sourcing suppliers, comparing costs, and securing the best deals has become a significant burden for already stretched school administrations.

Everything School simplifies this process by offering a one-stop solution for all procurement needs. From workbooks, school bags, educational toys, and classroom supplies to modular classrooms, sports equipment, and school furniture, Everything School handles everything under one roof, allowing schools to focus on what matters most—education.

According to an expert from Everything School, “Schools are in an increasingly difficult situation. With fewer staff and limited budgets, it’s becoming harder to manage procurement effectively.” That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of suppliers and expertise in school procurement, we ensure that schools receive the best value for every purchase - all while earning valuable cash-back rewards.

Any school enquiries can be sent to Click on the video to Watch Now!


Nellies 0.12A dogters is Mpumalanga kampioene vir 2024.

Hokkie Mpumalanga kampioene

Welgedaan aan Juf. Willine en Juf. Zinske en hulle o.12A Hokkiespan wat die naweek as Mpumalanga kampioene vir 2024 gekroon is.

Tydens die groepfase het ons vir Delmas 2-0 gewen. In die tweede wedstryde, wen ons 3-2 teen Oranjegloed.

In the semi-final we beat TP Straaten 4-1 and in an exciting final, Nellies won, 4-3 against Kragbron. Well done girls, we are so proud of you!

Tehila du Toit, Joené Schoeman, Chanelle White, Carmi Roux, Isabella Houy, Mieke Koekemoer, Alia Leeuwner, Luka Buys. Agter: Juffrou Zinske Lee, Lia Alberts, Milla du Toit, Jané du Preez, Hailey Viljoen, Bea Henning, Juffrou Willine Joubert en Nica Prinsloo.

Nellies is Mpumalanga kampioene!

Laerskool Nelspruit se Xerox o.13A seunshokkiespan is Saterdag gekroon as die Mpumalanga kampioene van 2024. During our first pool game, we won 3-0 against CR Swart.

In ons tweede groepwedstryd verloor ons 0-1 teen Oranjegloed. In the semi-final we played for position 1-4 against TP Stratten and won 1-0.

In die finaal het ons teen Middelburg te staan gekom vir posisie 1 of 2. Speel 1-1 en moes toe “8 seconds” formaat volg, waarna die Nellies uiteindelik 3-2 wen!

Won the Mpumalanga u.13 Boys Playoffs and advanced to the Top schools / Champ of Champs. Well done boys, we are so proud of you!


Ons Top Entrepreneurs van die jaar

Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat by 2024 se Entrepreneursdag uitgeblink het: Verkoopspersoon van die jaar: Carla Barnard. Beste bemarker van die jaar: Nicholas van Eyssen. Entrepreneurs van die jaar: Crumble & Cream (Lushke Neethling, Zizo Repingo en Simone Lourens). Carla Barnard Nicholas


Dux’e ontvang Erebaadjies

Mnr. Morné van der Merwe en me. Charlotte Fourie (BK-voogde) het op Maandag 2 September erebaadjies aan die Dux’e van 2024/2025 oorhandig. Dit is ‘n groot voorreg om hierdie baadjie te kry, en ons glo dat elkeen dit met trots sal dra.

NHS Sewes-rugbyspan beïndruk by NWU-toernooi

Die sewes-rugbyspan het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die NWU-toernooi. Tydens die prysuitdeling het die organiseerders die span geloof en gesê dat NHS van die beste sewes-rugby van die toernooi gespeel het. Alhoewel die span aanvanklik oënskynlik buiteperde was, het die spelers gou die teendeel met uitstekende rugby bewys.

Uitslae: Poel wedstryde

• Wen teen Merensky 41 - 12

• Verloor teen Grey 7 - 31

• Wen teen Eldoraigne 42 - 5


• Wen teen DHS 17 - 12


• Wen teen Westville 26 - 12


• Verloor teen Grey College 19 - 29


• Jordan Pretorius - Puk Dream Team

• André Smit - “Biggest Hit” van die Toernooi

• Die span wen silwer medaljes


behaal 4de plek

NHS se junior ATKV-debatspan eindig nasionaal vierde, nadat hulle Afrikaans Hoër Meisieskool in die finaal van die ATKV-Debat geklop het.

Tiano Laufs, Schalk Venter, Dylan Blom, Matt Steinbrucker, Liam Hoffman, Johann Roets, Janco Wendelstad, Carlo Van Wyk, Kian van Rooyen, Michail Smit, Zander Blom, Lauritz Jansen en Dandre Louw.
Lushke Neethling, Zizo Repingo en Simone Lourens.
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Leiers/Leaders for 2025

Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders. Congratulations to the following learners.

Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders met hul prestasies.



Marighe Rall Mpumalanga Kleure vir Dans Mpumalanga Colours for Dance


Congratulations to Muhammed Bapu (u.13) Kehan Brits (u.13) and André de Kock (u.12) who have been chosen to represent Ehlanzeni at the Mpumalanga Cricket Festival in Middelburg from the 20th to the 22nd of September.

Julle hou die Lanies se naam hoog!

Kehan Brits and André de Kock


Baie geluk aan Lourens Jansen van Vuuren wat uitgenooi is om aan die Nelspruit Eisteddfod Gala-aand deel te neem!

Wat ‘n uitsonderlike prestasie!

Jy hou ons Lanie-naam hoog!

ATKV Redenaars

Ons hou al ons duime styf vas vir jou vandag, Yusra!

Yusra neem vandag aan die finale rondte van die ATKV Redenaars deel by Klein Kariba.

We are extremely proud of you!

On the Tip of Your Tongue

Congratulations to our speakers, Matangi Renjeesh Kumar and Amanda Sandleni, who are going through to the finals of the On the Tip of Your Tongue Competition!

The Lanies are so proud of you! Well done!

We wish you the best of luck!

Marizaan Britz Mpumalanga Kleure vir Dans Mpumalanga Colours for Dance 5x Presige Toekkennings 5x Prestige Awards

Congratulations on your acceptance to the NWU Rugby Institute. Baie geuk met jou aanvaarding tot die NWU Rugby Instituut.

Tlotlo Ratshwene
Shanique Sam Hoofdogter Head Girl
Rhys Cooper Hoofseun Head Boy
Iris Fernandes Onderhoofdogter Deputy Head Girl
Benjamin Beukes Onderhoofseun Deputy Head Boy
Amé Quinn Onderhoofdogter Deputy Head Girl
Michael Swanepoel Onderhoofseun Deputy Head Boy
Iris Fernandes Koshuis Hoofdogter Hostel Head Girl
Asanda Shiba Koshuis Hoofseun Hostel Head Boy
Muhammed Bapu,
Matangi Renjeesh Kumar Amanda Sandleni

Congratulations to the newly elected 2025 Uplands College School and Boarding Mentors

The 2025 Uplands College mentor election process was recently undertaken, with results announced last week. Uplands offers a holistic experience which is structured to provide young people with every opportunity to enter the world. Leadership is a core value that is critical in the journey and during an in-depth election process, nine Grade 11s were selected to lead the school as school mentors, and fifteen were selected as the boarding mentors within the four boarding houses: Bishop, College, Founders and Goss. During the election process, all Grade 11s are invited to apply. The Grade 11s and college staff nominate a shortlist, after which a final round of voting by the whole of the college takes place. “The position of Mentor is the highest honour/position a school pupil can aspire to. It is a recognition of the esteem in which they are held by staff and pupils and the potential they hold for real leadership in the school.” - Mr Allan Laing, Head of Uplands College.


Meet our 2025 Leaders!

We are excited to introduce the Scholar and Boarding Executive Committees for 2025, who were officially announced during Friday’s Assembly. These remarkable scholars are ready to lead with passion, responsibility, and a dedication to making our school community stronger than ever! Mark your calendars for their #inauguration ceremony on Wednesday, 9 October, where the Heads of School and SRC will be announced. Let’s #celebrate and #support them as they step into their roles next term, guiding us through an inspiring year ahead!

Front: Khumo Motlhodiemang, Achel Sawunyama, Xitiko Myakayaka, S’nenjabulo Hlatshwayo, MaryAngel Leopeng, Nyad Amade. Middle: Leo Mashiri, Nicole Chilengue, Tintswalo Mbetse,
Mia Jackaman, Zoe Zitha, Erin Durek. Back: Darell Awogu, Gabriel Buchanan, Luke Barnard, Jayden Marsh, Joshua de Beer, Toby Smith, Neo Mohuba.
Hannah Adams Scholar Executive
Stefano De Brito Boarding Executive
Sheena Dos Santos Boarding Executive
Brian January Boarding Executive
Dariel Lau Boarding Executive
Siyabonga Mabuza Boarding Executive
Simukhonze Mdluli Scholar Executive
Lukhanyo Mlangeni Scholar Executive
Lukhanyo Mlangeni Boarding Executive
Sinhle Mona Boarding Executive
Melody Mugabe Boarding Executive
Phumelele Nkonyane Boarding Executive Lys Banza Scholar Executive
Kenya Ngubane Scholar Executive
Celenhle Nxumalo Scholar Executive
Celenhle Nxumalo Boarding Executive
Mieke Reingruber Scholar Executive
Xhazisa Sigudu Boarding Executive
Kabo Tong Scholar Executive

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What a weekend to remember!


We embarked on an early morning journey to Buffelspoort ATKV resort this past weekend, eager to serve up some tennis fun! Despite the chilly weather, our hearts were filled with warmth and excitement.

It was a truly blessed weekend, filled with great tennis, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments. We’re still basking in the joy of it all!

• Boys B Team - 7th

• Mixed team - 5th

• Girls Team - 3rd

• Boys A Team - 1st


Radikale Redenaars

Baie geluk aan Leila Du Plessis en Gustav Kruger (beide Graad 7) wat deur is na die Radikale Redenaars streeksfinaal op 24 Augustus, by Hoërskool Oosterland in Secunda!

“Public speaking is the art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary.” – Evan Esar Sterkte vir die finale rondte!

Congratulations to Jehané Erasmus and Camryn Griebenow in Grade 11, who have advanced to the regional round of Radikale Redenaars. The regional final will take place on Saturday, August 24th, at Secunda. We are also very proud of Franco Rawlinson in Grade 12 and Camryn Griebenow, who have automatically qualified for the National round taking place in October. You make us proud!

Makabongwe Nyalungu (MK) achieved Prestige results (above 90%) in 4 different Vocal Sections of the Nelspruit Eisteddfod:

• 2 x 90% • 1 x 98% • 1 x 100%.

Makabongwe Nyalungu and Tenielle Samuels sang a duet and achieved Prestige results of 92%, won the Section, and each received a medal. These results are a wonderful celebration of natural and raw talent. They demonstrate awesomeness, excellence, and perseverance! We are proud of both of you!


Baie geluk aan Zoe Morgado (Graad 7) wat BRONS in die o.13 Meisies kategorie gewen het! Jou harde werk en toewyding het vrugte afgewerp, Zoe! Jy het ons almal trots gemaak! “Landloop is nie net ‘n wedloop nie, dit is ‘n reis van uithouvermoë, deursettingsvermoë en om buite perke te stoot.”

Elke deelnemer het ‘n ware vertoning van talent, karakter en skoonheid ten toon gestel. Hul uitstekende werk om hul ware karakter te onthul, het vanaand ‘n dawerende sukses gemaak. Hulle is werklik ‘n voorbeeld van die gees van Curro Nelspruit. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle en dankie vir julle toewyding om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap en hierdie uitdaging met vasberadenheid aan te gryp.

Wenners van die Mnr. en Mej. Curro Nelspruit: Camryn Griebenow en Nathan Cooper Kategorie wenners:

• Zain Anwar - Presence

• Mia Moller - Character

• Nathan Cooper - Charity

• Nicholas Skakal - Diligence

Gustav Kruger Leila Du Plessis
Jehané Erasmus
Camryn Griebenow
Franco Rawlinson
Makabongwe Nyalungu
Asemahle Tekwane
Tenika Smith Vice chairperson
Lerato Singwayo Chairperson
Lesedi Shongwe
Mieke Schoeman
Shania Pillay Sport Thammy Ndaba Lebo Moselakgomo
Sothalanga Manikela
Refiloe Malope
Potego Makwela
Seema Maha Singh Marketing
Michelle Favard Outreach
Jeanika de la Rey Zeni Simelane Tyrel van der Heever
Banele Zikalala
Tayla Cerqueira Culture
Amukelani Nyathi Vice chairperson
Wandile Nkosi
Siyabonga Mogashoa
Thando Mkhwanazi Chairperson
Lee Mathebula
Linhle Malinda Social Muano Malala
Siya Maisane Sport
Akani Madonsela Treasurer Khalil Jamal Ethan Fulton
Reamogetse Dolamo
Gustav de Beer
Mpilo Sibiya Values, traditions & safety
Kaylin Wells Academic Taylor Van Deventer Secretary
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Everything School is your ultimate partner, just like our name suggests. Each transaction not only fulfils everything and anything your school needs, but also earns you valuable School Bucks. Our products include, but are not limited to:


Baie geluk aan ons o.12-krieketspan!

Ons o.12-krieketspan het die Mpumalanga-semifinaal gehaal na 'n ongelooflike seisoen! Die span het uitstekend gevaar en in die tweede plek geëindig, nadat hul net een wedstryd verloor het. We are extremely proud of your determination, teamwork, and hard work! Good luck with the semifinals, Laeveld is behind you!


Laeveld se 1ste seuns- en dogterstennisspan het vir die eerste keer in 42 jaar op toer gegaan, en dit was ‘n belewenis wat elke kind terdeë geniet het. Hulle het hul staal gewys by die ATKVBuffelspoort Tennistoernooi, waar daar 5 skole in die meisiesafdeling en 10 in die seunsafdeling was. Na 3 dae se intense wedstryde het ons meisies die medalje verower, met Primêre Skool Jordania van Bethlehem wat die toernooi gewen het. Die seuns het aanvanklik eerste in hul poel geëindig na 2 dae, maar het ongelukkig in die semifinaal verloor teen Curro Nelspruit en het uiteindelik ‘n puik 3de plek behaal. We want to thank our coaches for their tireless dedication, our parents for their ongoing support, and our sponsors who backed our tennis teams all the way. Your involvement made a big difference!


Laeveld se Hokkiespanne Se Uitsonderlike Prestasies in Ehlanzeni Liga en Mpumalanga Uitspele. We are incredibly proud of our hockey teams’ exceptional performances in the Ehlanzeni League and Mpumalanga Playoffs this season!

Ehlanzeni Liga / League:

• o.12 Seuns: Het in ‘n indrukwekkende 2de plek geëindig ná ‘n harde eindstryd teen Laerskool Lydenburg

• u.12 Girls: Secured a solid 3rd place with excellent dedication

• u.13 Boys: Ended the league in 4th place, showing great consistency

• u.13 Girls: Finished the season in 5th place, with admirable effort

Laeveld is trots om te sê dat 3 van ons 4 ligaspanne vir die Mpumalanga-uitspele gekwalifiseer het, waar hulle steeds geblink het:


• o.12 Seuns: Het na ‘n sterk poging in die 10de plek geëindig

• o.12 Dogters: Het die uitspele in die 7de plek met goeie deursettingsvermoë afgesluit

• o.13 Seuns: Het ‘n indrukwekkende 5de plek behaal

Ons is uiters trots op al ons spelers vir hul harde werk en deursettingsvermoë hierdie seisoen. ‘n Spesiale dank aan die afrigters, spelers en ouers vir jul ongelooflike ondersteuning.

Ons sien uit na wat 2025 vir ons gaan inhou!


AKAS Spellingkompetisie

AKAS Spellingkompetisie gereël deur Mpumalanga Onderwysdepartement -Afrikaans, aangebied deur Laerskool Nelspruit op Dinsdag, 27 Augustus 2024. Laerskool Witrivier het 16 leerders ingeskryf om aan hierdie kompetisie deel te neem. 2 leerders elk vir Afrikaans Huistaal vanaf Gr 4 tot Gr 7 en 2 leerders elk vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele taal vanaf Gr 4 tot Gr 7. Ons leerders het oor die algemeen goed gevaar.

Katelyn Mclaughlan, Gr 7, het derde in die Eerste Addisionele Taal afdeling geëindig. Leandri Pretorius, Gr 7, het derde geëindig en Jeani Willemse het met die louere weggestap as wenner vir Gr 7 in die Afrikaans Huistaalafdeling.


Provinsiale landloopatlete wat aan Nasionale kampioenskappe deelgeneem het op Saterdag, 7 September 2024:

• Dian Botha

• Lee-Anne Botha

• CJ Riekert

• Amahle Dlamini

• Bradley Sidell

• Phiwo Hlatswayo

• Hanna Badenhorst

• Ciska vd Merwe


Congratulations to the following swimmers who participated in the Inter Provincial Swimming Tournament in Tzaneen on Saturday, 24 August 2024:

Maricus Seaman:

• 3 x individual silver medals

• 1 x individual gold medal

• 2 x relay medals for 2nd places

Katelyn Mclaughlan Leandri Pretorius Jeani Willemse

• Esti Raath

• Lisa Raath

• Danicka Groenewald

• Anuschka de Klerk

Ons atlete het hul beste gelewer in baie strawwe wedlope teen die bestes van elke provinsie.

Dit was vinnige roetes met min bulte en deelnemers moes wind en stof trotseer.

Engelse Redenaarskompetisie

Die skool se jaarlikse Engelse Redenaarskompetisie het in die personeelkamer plaasgevind op Woensdag, 4 September. 40 kinders het toesprake van die hoogste kaliber gelewer en die beoordelaars so beïndruk dat dit dikwels moeilik was om die wenners van elke afdeling te bepaal. Dit het gewissel van lighartige onderwerpe soos: “Hoe my ouers my in die verleentheid stel” tot ernstige kwessies soos “Media se rol in die druk veral op dogters ...”

Die beoordelaars het ook opgemerk hoeveel deelnemers hul redenaarsvaardighede oor die jare ontwikkel het. Laerskool Witrivier wil graag al die dogters en seuns wat aan die geleentheid deelgeneem het gelukwens. Hulle ontwikkel ‘n belangrike vaardigheid om voor ‘n gehoor op te tree.

Casey McCarthy:

• 1 x individual bronze medal

• 2 x individual medals for 4th places

• 2 x relay 1st places both in record time


Mpumalanga Top Schools Inter Primary Chess League took place at Laerskool Middelburg on Saturday, 31 August 2024. White River Primary School’s girls’ team (6 players) ended 5th in Mpumalanga. We are very proud of you! It was a very cold day with a lot of thinking, getting up early and coming back late in the afternoon. Thank you for your good behaviour and your hard work during the season.

Maricus Seaman and Casey McCarthy
Congratulations to Malebo Seretlo for
Joe Naduvileparambil and Ntsako Mkhabela with your
Pumas Sevens Team
Wandile Mabunda for being selected to
part of the Pumas Sevens team. We are extremely proud of you!
Congratulations to Mmbaledi Mashego for being selected to be part of the Pumas Sevens team. We are extremely proud of you!



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