AWSUM JHB North September 2024 Edition

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How to Boost Your Child’s Academic Success: A Parent’s Guide

Building a solid foundation for your child’s academic success doesn’t happen by accident - it’s the result of consistent, focused parental involvement from the start of their educational journey. While most parents know they should be involved, many are unsure what that involvement should look like to truly support their child’s learning and growth.

To help guide you, education expert Dr. Linda Meyer shares a proven framework that is both practical and easy to implement, ensuring your child has the best chance of academic success throughout their school career and beyond.

The ABCs of Learning: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Academic Performance

In today’s competitive world, academic success has become more critical than ever. The pressure to excel is growing, both locally and globally, with increasing demands for higher education access and job opportunities. While schools play a crucial role in shaping a child’s education, parental involvement can significantly enhance their academic performance. “As parents, we are pivotal in nurturing an environment that fosters learning and growth,” says Dr. Linda Meyer, MD at IIE Rosebank College. “Especially in the foundational years, we should ensure our children receive the right support to mould and cement their approach to learning and their educational journey.” Dr. Meyer emphasizes that supporting your child’s educational development doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s her framework to help parents build a strong foundation for their child’s academic success:

Create a Positive Environment

“The home environment is where a child’s learning journey truly begins. Creating a space conducive to studying is essential,” says Dr. Meyer. Beyond a dedicated study space, a positive environment extends to the emotional atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Children who feel supported are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

Foster a Love of Learning

Academic success is not just about grades; it’s about cultivating a lifelong love of learning. When children find joy in learning, their academic performance naturally improves. “Encourage your child’s curiosity by exploring subjects they find interesting beyond the classroom. Whether through reading, visiting museums, or engaging in science experiments at home, fostering a sense of wonder helps children develop a passion for knowledge,” explains Dr. Meyer.

Keep It Real

While encouraging children to strive for excellence is essential, setting realistic expectations is equally important. “High pressure can lead to stress and burnout, which can hinder academic performance. Work with your child to set achievable goals and break them down into manageable tasks. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to build confidence and teach valuable time management and organizational skills.”

Be Actively Involved

Active parental involvement is key to academic success. Dr. Meyer stresses the importance of attending parent-teacher conferences, monitoring homework, and staying informed about your child’s progress.“Engage in regular discussions about what they’re learning at school and show interest in their assignments. Children are more likely to take their studies seriously when parents are involved and set clear expectations.” Maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers is also crucial. “Regularly check in with educators to understand your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. A strong parent-teacher partnership provides a consistent support system that can enhance your child’s academic performance.”

Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to think critically by asking open-ended questions and discussing various topics from different perspectives.“Teaching children to approach challenges analytically gives them the tools they need to succeed academically and in life,” says Dr. Meyer.

Be a Role Model

Children often mirror their parents’ behaviors and attitudes, so demonstrating a love for learning and intellectual curiosity can inspire them to adopt the same approach. “Whether you’re reading, discussing current events, or pursuing a hobby, showing a commitment to personal growth can motivate your child to embrace learning and education,” says Dr. Meyer.

Encourage Emotional Well-being

Academic success is closely tied to emotional well-being. Dr. Meyer advises parents to encourage their children to develop social skills and emotional intelligence. “Teach your child how to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a growth mindset. Emotional support helps children thrive academically, as they’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.” Building confidence is equally important. Dr. Meyer concludes, “Celebrate your child’s efforts, not just their results. Recognizing the hard work they put into their studies reinforces the value of persistence and dedication, helping them develop a resilient mindset and an understanding that effort leads to success.”

Parental involvement is essential in fostering a child’s academic success. By creating a supportive home environment, encouraging a love for learning, and staying actively engaged in their education, parents can provide their children with the tools they need to thrive academically and in life. With these strategies from Dr. Meyer, you’ll be setting your child up for success both in school and beyond.

Navigating nationwide education budget cuts: How schools can maximise resources

As South Africa faces widespread budget challenges in the education sector, schools across the country are being forced to rethink their financial strategies.

Recently, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) announced plans to cut 2 400 teaching jobs due to a staggering R3.8 billion budget shortfall, but this is only one example of the broader financial strain affecting all provinces. Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

With the other provinces also grappling with severe budget shortfalls, schools must stretch their funds while reducing staff and operational costs. As head of the WCED, Brent Walters, explained in a recent circular, “the current number of educator posts in the Western Cape cannot be maintained.” This mirrors the difficulties faced by education departments across the country, as schools are being asked to navigate reduced teacher numbers and frozen recruitment efforts.

Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

In this financially challenging environment, Everything School offers a unique opportunity for schools to not only streamline their procurement process, but also generate additional funding by getting real cash back, in the form of School Bucks, with every order fulfilled. 1 School Buck = 1 Rand, making it easy for schools to maximise the value of their spending. Schools can then re-utilise their School Bucks when purchasing goods through Everything School. During these tough financial times, maximizing the value of every Rand is more important than ever. Schools can easily accumulate School Bucks. For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs for learners, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks -a critical financial boost in this time of austerity.

These School Bucks can be used to purchase essential items like 2025 learner and teacher diaries, customised workbooks, or yearbooks - all of which would otherwise place further strain on already tight budgets. Alternatively, schools can save their School Bucks for larger future purchases, such as modular classrooms or branded uniforms, ensuring that their procurement efforts support both immediate and long-term goals.

For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks.

With staff reductions and fewer resources, schools are under enormous pressure to manage operations more efficiently. The challenge of sourcing suppliers, comparing costs, and securing the best deals has become a significant burden for already stretched school administrations.

Everything School simplifies this process by offering a one-stop solution for all procurement needs. From workbooks, school bags, educational toys, and classroom supplies to modular classrooms, sports equipment, and school furniture, Everything School handles everything under one roof, allowing schools to focus on what matters most—education.

According to an expert from Everything School, “Schools are in an increasingly difficult situation. With fewer staff and limited budgets, it’s becoming harder to manage procurement effectively.” That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of suppliers and expertise in school procurement, we ensure that schools receive the best value for every purchase - all while earning valuable cash-back rewards.

Any school enquiries can be sent to

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Baie geluk aan Megan Kleynhans wat ‘n silwer medalje by die landloop kampioenskappe verwerf het!

Baie geluk ook aan Liam Benade van Niekerk wat 20ste was en Kevin Marais wat 17de geëindig het! Hierdie is fantastiese uitslae!


Donderdag, 5 September was die Cycle Lab fietsryreeks se jaarlikse prysuitdeling. Hierdie prysuitdeling was ‘n spoggeleentheid waar die Top skole van die reeks pryse ontvang het. Ons skool is trots op ons fietsryspan en die seuns wat in hulle afdelings goed presteer het.

Ons behaal die volgende posisies:

• Algehele Skool Posisie: 8ste

• Seunsspan: 2de

• Allstarspan (Top 5 leerders van elke skool): 3de

Die volgende leerders behaal algehele Top 5 posisies in hulle ouderdomsgroepe:

• Jayden Naudè - 1ste (Jnr-17)

• Evan Naudè - 1ste (Sub-jnr)

• Erik Breedt (Youth-16)

Kaleidoscope of Dance Eisteddfod

Ané Kouwenhoven (Graad 11) het onlangs aan die Kaleidoscope of Dance Eisteddfod deelgeneem. Hier behaal sy die volgende uitslae:

• Small group (4) “Fever”: Goud Plus

• Small group (6) “Footloose”: Goud Baie geluk, Ané.

Ruitersport Swem

Hoërskool Randburg se ruiters kompeteer jaarliks in SANESA se Gauteng-Wes liga. Ons ruiters het die liga se jaarlikse prysuitdeling bygewoon waar die top ruiters in elke kategorie, asook die Top 10 ruiters in die liga aangewys is. Die kategoriewenners word bereken deur die top 3 punte per ruiter per kategorie op te tel. Die Top 10 ruiters word geïdentifiseer deur al die punte wat die ruiter vir die jaar verdien bymekaar te tel.

Drie van ons ruiters het toekennings ontvang:

Mareli Wassermann:

• 6e plek in die Top 10

• 2e plek (silwer) in Performance Riding

• 2e plek (silwer) in Working Riding

• 3e plek (brons) in Inhand Utility

Heike Steyn:

• 1e plek (goud) in Working Riding

• 2e plek (silwer) in Working Hunter


Hoërskool Linden se Matriekraad van 2024/2025 het vandag hulle baadjies ontvang en die Erekode geteken. Baie geluk aan ons Matriekraad van 2024/2025 en veral ook aan ons dagbestuur.

Hier is ons dagbestuur leerders:


• Ariëlle van der Gugten


• Josiah Ströh

Onderhoofleiers Kultuur:

• Lomé Robberts

• Jonathan van der Merwe

Onderhoofleiers Sport:

• Almé van Schalkwyk

• Wickus Fouché

Onderhoofleiers Sosiale Sorg:

• Joané Vorster

• Gerhard van Zyl

22 van Hoërskool Linden se atlete het aan die BestMed Top 20 Egoli Grand Prix Atletiekbyeenkoms by UJ Atletiekstadion deelgeneem en hulself uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt deur die skool se naam in die eerste groot byeenkoms van die seisoen hoog te hou! Baie geluk aan die volgende atlete wat podium-plekke verwerf het:

Ameri Botha (Dogters o.14):

• Hoogspring: 3de-plek (Brons)

Willem du Plooy (Seuns o.15):

• 800m: 1ste-plek (Goud)

• 1500m: 3de-plek (Brons)

Uné van den Berg (Dogters o.16):

• Diskus: 2de-plek (Silwer)

Jeandry Opperman (Seuns o.16):

• Kort Hekkies: 2de-plek (Silwer) Ons is trots op elkeen van julle!

Megan Kleynhans het deelgeneem aan die CGA Short Course Senior Swem Kampioenskappe wat gehou vanaf 23 tot 25 Augustus 2024. Megan behaal ‘n 1ste plek in die 800m vryslag vir dogters onder 14, sy behaal ook ‘n 3rde plek in die 200m IM ( Individual Medley) vir dogters onder 14.

Ashley Novello:

• 3e plek (brons) in Equitation

Al drie hierdie meisies is ook gekies om die Gautengspan te verteenwoordig met die Nasionale SANESA kampioenskappe van 25 – 29 September 2024. Baie geluk!!

Drie van Hoërskool Linden se rugbyspelers is onlangs by die Goue Leeus IPT-spanne ingesluit! Jandré Pienaar (o.15), Keanu Thomas (o.16) en Jordan Welle (o.16) verwerf hierdeur hul provinsiale kleure op klubvlak en speel opkomende Saterdag hul eerste opwarmingswedstryd. Baie geluk met hierdie fantastiese prestasie, ons is trots op julle!

Phiané Oosthuizen het ‘n uitstekende 5de plek behaal by die “Photographic Society of South Africa” in die Junior Impala trofee afdeling. Sy het hierdie plek behaal deur al haar foto’s wat sy ingedien het deur die loop van die jaar. Welgedaan Phiané!

Tydens die SAARA- skietkompetisie wat op 31 Augustus gehou is, behaal Isabella Cilliers die algehele 2de-plek in die Dames o.20 10m Olimpieseafdeling en Jané Louw die algehele 2de-plek in die Dames o.16-afdeling. Isabella behaal ook die algehele 1ste-plek in die 3P o.20 Presisie-afdeling. Ons is trots op julle!

Evan Naudè, Jayden Naudè en Erik Breedt.
Ané Kouwenhoven
Megan Kleynhans
Megan Kleynhans
Liam Benade van Niekerk Kevin Marais
Ashley Novello, Mareli Wassermann en Heike Steyn.
Phiané Oosthuizen
Isabella Cilliers en Jané Louw
Ameri Botha
Uné van den Berg Willem du Plooy
Jeandry Opperman
Jandré Pienaar, Keanu Thomas en Jordan Welle

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Horizon Mathematics Competition Martial Arts Aquatics

On Saturday, August 24th, our Preparatory School students attended the Top 100 Ceremony of the Horizon Mathematics Competition, which was conducted at Nizamiye Primary and High School in Midrand. This year, the event saw an impressive turnout of 50 000 students. We are proud to congratulate our students for their significant achievements: Aliki Angelopoulos, who ranked 94th; Masingita Zitha, who came in 42nd; Quinn Mullen, who secured 29th place; and Austin Stevens, who finished in 15th position. Well done to all for your exceptional accomplishments!

Congratulations to Rahil Singh on his selection to represent Johannesburg North in the upcoming district cricket week. He will be playing in the u.16 Knights team.

We eagerly anticipate his performance and wish him the best of luck during the festival.

Congratulations to Lily Solomon on her excellent performance at the Central Gauteng Aquatics Junior Short Course Champs held at Reddam this past weekend. Lily competed in 9 events, achieving personal bests in all her races as well as 3 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 1 bronze. She will be competing at the SA National Short Course Champs in Durban at the end of this month. Well done Lily.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Hayley Schneider, one of our High School students, for receiving her Gauteng Provincial colours in Martial Arts. This remarkable achievement reflects her dedication and hard work, and we are immensely proud of her success. Well done, Hayley!

Our high school athletes participated in the Athletics Prestige Meeting held at Germiston Stadium, where elite competitors from various high schools gathered to determine the Top Performers. The results for our athletes are as follows:

• Davida Strong secured 1st place in the 400m event

• Annabelle Jones achieved 3rd place in the 800m event

• Tatem Nelson finished 3rd in the 100m event

• Jasmin Mpofu also placed 3rd in the 200m event

• Chanel Daws earned 3rd place in the 400m event

• Keanu Barradas secured 3rd place in the 400m event

• Jack Joubert achieved 2nd place in the 400m event

• Triston Mc Que finished 3rd in the 800m event

• Douglas Duncan claimed 1st place in the 400m event

• Ryan Masawi finished 3rd in 400m

• The u.14 girls’ relay team finished in 3rd place

• The u.16 girls’ relay team secured 2nd place

• The u.17 girls’ relay team achieved 3rd place

Well done to all the athletes who represented the school at this event. We are very proud of you!


Meisies Krieket: Almay Erasmus (Gr. 10) en Anke Oosthuizen (Gr. 8) is die eerste dogters in Helpie-geskiedenis wat verkies is tot die JHB-Suid krieketspan wat die naweek van 20 September aan die Gauteng-proewe gaan deelneem. Krieket

Seuns Krieket: Die JHB-Suidspanne is onlangs aangewys en daar is ’n klomp Helpie-spelers wat tot hierdie spanne verkies is en neem eersdaags aan die Gautengproewe deel.


Toernooikampioen twee jaar in ‘n ry: Ruben Teunissen (Gr. 12) het die afgelope vakansie aan die AGA African Championships in Namibië deelgeneem, waar hy teen vier ander lande se skuts moes meeding.

Hy het die 3D en Bullseye algeheel gewen en is vir die tweede jaar in ‘n ry as die algehele toernooikampioen aangewys.

Slimkoppe spel hul pad oop na Stellenbosch: Ses van ons leerders is uitgenooi om aan die nasionale spelfees in Kaapstad deel te neem, nadat hulle puik presteer het by die WOW-Spelfees wat op 30 Augustus plaasgevind het.

Rahil Singh
Aliki Angelopoulos, Masingita Zitha, Austin Stevens and Quinn Mullen.
Hayley Schneider Lily Solomon
Almay Erasmus
Zuan Joubert o.15
Nathan du Toit o.14
Stian van den Berg o.14
Ruben Bredenkamp o.15
Felix Husselman o.14
Anke Oosthuizen
Heinrich Minaar o.15
Keanu du Plooy o.14
Keegan van Schoor o.15
Freddie van Heerden o.14
Zandro Combrinck o.15
Frederick Zeelie o.14
Lizé Pelser Eerste plek Graad 8
Adam Korb Eerste plek Graad 9
Leané Stahmer Derde plek Graad 10
Dawid Fourie Derde plek Graad 8
Mia Ainslie Derde plek Graad 9
Nina Nieuwoudt Vierde plek Graad 10
Ruben Teunissen


Rand Park High School Honours the 2025 Learner Leadership Team

Rand Park High School celebrated the appointment of its 2025 Leaders at the Tie Ceremony held on 20 August where each elected learner received their leadership tie. The ceremony was witnessed by the leaders’ parents.

Principal, Mr Alan Wilke and Deputy Principal, Mrs Gaye Schütte, congratulated each leader on their new role within the school.

The leadership tie symbolises respect, leadership and duty. Those who wear the tie as part of their school uniform are easily identifiable as leaders and embody the qualities of responsibility, integrity and commitment to the journey they will undertake together during the year ahead.

The new leaders assume their duties immediately for the remainder of 2024 and for the duration of next year.

The Head Leaders are:

• Head Boy: Cliff Onwugbonu

• Deputy Heads: Connor Lee & Ntando Tuko

• Head Girl: Senuri Govender

• Deputy Heads: Shalati Khosa & Mutembo Nsofu


Op Maandag, 12 Augustus 2024, het 3 Graad 7 leerders en 3 Graad 6 leerders deelgeneem aan die ATKV-Uitklopspel te Laerskool Muldersdrif. Drie skole het deel geneem met ‘n totaal van 24 leerders. Uit die 24 leerders het Isabella Brits (Gr. 7) na 6 rondtes, 2de geeindig. Ons baie trots op elkeen van ons leerders, hulle was regte ‘spelsterre’, op die dag!

Baie geluk aan Anton Bazhko en Yolandé Rabie wat albei deur is na die Landloop Gauteng Kampioenskappe.

• Anton Bazhko - 1ste (Goud) in sy ouderdomsgroep

• Yolandé Rabie - 3de (Brons) in haar ouderdomsgroep

Fonties is baie trots op julle!

Fonties se Gholfspelers het op Sondag, 11 Augustus, aan ‘n junior gholftoernooi van GETS Gholf by Randpark gholfklub deelgeneem. In hulle verskeie groepe het Ineke Nel 1ste, Bion Meyer 2de, Kara Cillie 2de en Kian Joubert 3de geëindig.

Baie geluk aan elke speler:

• Cara Cillie

• Christiaan Cillie

• Nathan Du Plessis

• Ineke Nel

• Amelia J. v Vuuren

• Kian Joubert

• Bion Meyer

• Luhan Venter

• Jeandré Venter

• Erik Schoon

• Zane Stokes

• Clarabelle Hall

Fonties is trots op julle!

Fontie Skaakspelers het Saterdag, 17 Augustus aan ‘n skaaktoernooi by Laerskool Unika deelgeneem. Die uitslae is soos volg:

• Fonties o.11 het 3de plek behaal

• Fonties o.13 het 6de plek behaal • Fonties o.9 het 8de plek behaal Geluk aan Benjamin Burger, Jeandré Venter en Daniël Joubert met julle bordpryse. Julle maak Fonties trots!

Ntando Tuko, Connor Lee, Cliff Onwugbonu (Head Boy), Mrs Gaye Schütte (Deputy Principal), Senuri Govender (Head Girl), Shalati Khosa and Mutembo Nsofu.
Head Leaders
Rand Park High School’s Leaders for 2025
Anton Bazhko Yolandé Rabie


Athletics Volleyball

Congratulations to our athletes that ran at Prestige and kept the #blueflame burning.

Well done to:

• Takudzwa Chipanda who won gold in her 100m

• Gareth Mabalane won silver in both the 100m and 200m

• Jennyfer Okonkwo won bronze in her 200m We are so proud of you!

A huge congratulations to our u.15 Boys and Girls teams that placed runners up at the Johannesburg East District Volleyball Tournament. We are incredibly proud of you all!

Congratulations to the learners who participated and excelled in the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Regional Science Fair held at

19th-20th July.

• Lwandle Jili (Grade 9) - for receiving a bronze medal

• Aradhya Kaushik (Grade 9) - for receiving a silver medal

• Praise Emeruh (Grade 9) – for receiving a gold medal

• Tiro Moyo (Grade 10) – for receiving a gold medal

Well done to these learners, they have done Bryanston High proud with their hard work.

We are pleased to announce two Bryanston High learners have been selected to attend the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists International Science Fair. The ISF will be held during the holidays from 23rd – 27th September.

During the International Science Fair learners from all over South Africa will compete against each other as well as against participants from other countries.

Congratulations to:

• Tiro Moyo (Grade 10)

• Aradhya Kaushik (Grade 9)

Well done to these learners, Bryanston High wishes you all the best.



The Bryanston Pythons, a group of enthusiastic Grade 6 learners from Bryanston Primary School, recently participated in a coding and robotics competition held at Sci-Bono.

The group had been working tirelessly on their project for weeks, and their hard work paid off when they unveiled their creation – the Cubroid Drone. The Cubroid Drone was a masterpiece of coding and robotics, equipped with advanced sensors and programmed to perform a variety of tasks. The Bryanston Pythons had spent hours perfecting the drone’s movements and capabilities, ensuring that it would impress the judges at the competition.

On the day of the competition, the Bryanston Pythons arrived at Sci-Bono full of excitement and nerves. As they set up their project and prepared for the judging, they couldn’t help but feel proud of what they had accomplished together.

When it was finally their turn to present, the Bryanston Pythons confidently showcased the Cubroid Drone, demonstrating its ability to navigate obstacles, perform tasks, and respond to commands. The judges were impressed by the group’s creativity, teamwork, and technical skills, and awarded them with a well-deserved prize.

As the Bryanston Pythons celebrated their success, they knew that their hard work and dedication had paid off. They had proven themselves as talented young coders and roboticists and had set a high standard for future competitions. The Bryanston Pythons were proud to have represented their school and left a lasting impression on all who witnessed their incredible project.


Congratulations to Robert Fleming and Seyon Naidoo. They each scored 94% and 96% in their respective Eisteddfod entries for Public Speaking.

The Grade 7 Public Speakers obtained an average of 91% in two Eisteddfods this year. Their last Eisteddfod will be in October.

Well done and good luck.

Wits University on the
Eskom Science Expo
Robert Fleming and Seyon Naidoo.


Crawford International Sandton Preparatory Student Represent at the Duke University Conference

Jophiel Houvet, in Grade 7 was invited to be a keynote speaker at a conference for Duke University and global leaders representing 384 different companies. She spoke about how we as humans should always lead with heart, courage and compassion and never forget at the essence is Ubuntu and whilst we embrace AI it can never lead on our behalf.

We are incredibly proud to have Jophiel represent Crawford Sandton and showcase the incredible talent and potential of our students. She is a shining example of what it means to be a Crawfordiancompassionate, courageous, and always striving for excellence.

Crawford International Sandton College’s Annual Run 2024

What an incredible morning we had on Saturday, 31 August 2024, at Crawford International Sandton College’s Fun Run! The atmosphere was electric with energy, laughter, and a wonderful sense of community as participants came together to run, walk, and support this fantastic event. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all our staff, families, friends, and the entire community for your overwhelming support and love. Your enthusiasm and spirit truly made this event unforgettable! We also want to extend a special shoutout to all our partners for their invaluable support. We couldn’t have achieved this without you! Remember to mark your calendars for next year’s event! We look forward to making the Annual Fun Run even bigger and better! See you all at the next Fun Run!


South African Junior National Diving

We are delighted to announce that Zalika (Form V), Keratile (Form IV), Emma (From III) and Mia (Form I) have been selected for the South African Junior National Diving Squad. This is an excellent achievement for the divers and allows them to compete in the World Junior Championships Trial which will be taking place on the 26 and 27 October. The divers have all worked exceptionally hard to achieve the selection for this squad and we wish them all the best for their trials.

We are so excited to wish Amy, (Form V), the best of luck as she represents South Africa at the World Aquatics Women’s u.18 Water Polo Championships in Chengdu, China! Amy will be leaving this Thursday, right after she finishes her last prelim examination: talk about dedication! We are sure she’ll carry that same determination and excellence into the championship, which runs from 15 – 22 September. Here’s Amy looking fantastic in her green blazer, ready to make waves and showcase her talent on the world stage. Best of luck to Amy and the entire South African team! Let’s show our support and cheer them on! Water Polo Tennis

A big congratulations to the St Mary’s A and B Senior Primary tennis team for coming second and third in the Sun City Tennis Tournament, which took place from the 23 -26 August. Well done for displaying such a high level of tennis.

Our congratulations go to Annabelle in (Form I), who won the category C, (13 - 14 years) at the prestigious Victoria Bennet music competition. She stunned the adjudication panel and audience with her interpretation of the Allemande and Courante from the French Suites by J. S. Bach and the Rondo Capriccioso by Mendelssohn.

Our congratulations are extended to Amy (Form II), who is u.15 has a squash SA u.16 ranking of 9th! A remarkable achievement - well done, Amy!

Fencing ace, Nikita Form I, has been the top ranked u.13 and u.15 female fencer this year. During the August holidays, the second fencing nationals of the year was held in Cape Town. She made a calculated decision not to compete in the two younger age groups, but rather to take the opportunity to fence in u.17 and u.20 epee and foil events to gain experience. She achieved excellent results, winning the gold medal in all 4 of these events. An exceptional achievement.

Congratulations Nikita!

Zalika Emma Keratile Mia
Victoria Bennet Music Competition



There is great excitement in our High School as our Councillors for the 2025 academic year have been announced! This is a huge honour and we are thrilled to celebrate the below learners for this achievement:

• Anderson, Riley

• Baloyi, Leone

• Barends, Jenna

• Bartlett, Keegan

• Bensah, Zaneta

• Davids, Sadiyah

• Fiford, Kelly-Ann

• Gordon, Daniela

• Hassam, Diana

• Ilunga, Larissa

• Jacobs, Liyema

• Kennedy, Caitlin

• Khoza, Oratile

• Kutama, Kopano

• Magagula, Letho

• Makgoale, Mmoni

• Mataboge, Otsile

• Mkhaliphi, Bongeka

• Moyo, Bathabile

• Phalatse, Galaletsang

• Pillay, Leshay

• Ramnath, Raghav

• Rypstra, Tyler

• Seooe, Pabala

• Steenveld, Cassidy

• Wentzel, Kyle

Well done everybody, we know you will continue to do us proud!

World Fitness Federation

“Shoutout” to one of our grade 8s, Callum Diamond. Callum recently participated in the World Fitness Federation’s (WFF) Southern African Championships. He opened the event as the ‘Guest Poser’ with an incredible stage routine, and he is the Federation’s youngest Guest Poser to take part in the event! After spending 10 weeks preparing for the event, which included significant amounts of training, Callum was awarded 2 trophies. Well done, Callum!



Mathematics Competition

Our Grades 6 and 7 learners deserve a congratulations for their participation in the Wits Mathematics Competition earlier in the year. We are happy to announce that Jack Venter, Kesia Nunn, Cayden Parfitt, and Niza Sichone are the Upper Primary Level finalists. We wish them well with their preparations as they write the final round in a few weeks.


Senior Council 2024/2025


Mr & Mrs Fourways

Wow! What a night! The Mr and Miss Fourways pageant was a total blast. Our contestants slayed in both casual and formal wear! Congratulations to our winners:



We congratulate three of our exceptional high school athletes on their podium finishes at the recent Prestige Meeting held at the Germiston Athletics Stadium. Chibunna Ehirim received a Gold medal in the u.14 100m and he broke the record with a new time of 10.89! He also received a Gold medal in the u.14 200m. Darlene Shirichena received a Bronze medal in the u.14 Girls 200m and she finished 4th in the u.14 100m event.

Jamie Howard received a Bronze medal in the u.15 Girls 800m event. We had 15 athletes competing at the Prestige Meeting, and we competed against 22 other schools.

Well done to all our athletes- you have done us proud!



Callum Diamond
Jack Venter, Kesia Nunn, Cayden Parfitt, and Niza Sichone.
Kian Naicker Head Boy/ President
Liqhawe Baduza Head Girl/Deputy President Danni Teasdale

Everything School is your ultimate partner, just like our name suggests. Each transaction not only fulfils everything and anything your school needs, but also earns you valuable School Bucks. Our products include, but are not limited to:

JHB-Wes Krieket

Baie geluk aan die volgende seuns wat gekies is vir die JHB-Wes Krieketspanne, ons is trots op julle. Ons wens elke speler sterkte toe vir die res van die seisoen! Gee julle bes en onthou die KRUINER naam hoog!

Baie geluk aan Cayden Bruynius en Joshua Steyn wat opgeneem is in die IPT Goue Leeus Jeug Rugby span.

Ons is trots op julle en sterkte met die res van die seisoen!

Baie geluk aan Anda Tshandu, Renz Keyzer en Jordan Vorster wat opgeneem is in die Goue Leeus 7’s span.

Ons is trots op julle en sterkte met die res van die seisoen!

luck to Lani


who are participating in the Super 12 Laerskole / Primary Schools General knowledge quiz.

Jhb-Wes Krieket o.9: Clark Nielson, Connor Noakes, Janru Voster, Levi Prins, Declan de Jonge, Noa-Daniël Botha.

Jhb-Wes Krieket o.10: Aiden Krause, Aiden Lamont, Leo Grobler, Fabian Streicher, Liam Engelbrecht.

Jhb-Wes Krieket o.11: Jacques Lourens, Riley Joseph, Dylan de Jonge, Marais Botha.

Jhb-Wes Krieket o.12: Carter Noakes, Josua Fourie, Keagan Keulder, Jordan Ferreira, Conner Lukan, Anda Tshandu.

Jhb-Wes Krieket o.13: Cayden Bruynius

Ons wil baie geluk sê aan die volgende leerders wat deelgeneem het aan die Beeld se Kreatiewe Skryfkompetisie van 2024 in die kategorie poësie.

• Kian Bekker: 80% - 84%

• Emily Oosthuizen: 75% - 79%

• Jessica Hermann: 75% - 79%

Hierdie leerders het puik presteer en ons is uitermatig trots op hulle!

o.12 A-Span Anda Tshandu
Renz Keyzer en Jordan Vorster
Layla Serfontein
Mienke van Staden
Mieke Pretorius
Tenieke Malan
Chane Pretorius
Amone Marais
Arno Goosen
Elaina Bleeker
Kaylee-Aan Spangenberg
Kayleigh Bleeker
Lani Coetzer and Mila Potgieter
Baie geluk aan die volgende Kennies met julle toekennings! Julle is ware Kennie Kampioene! / Congratulations to the following Kennies on your awards! You are true Kennie Champions!
Mila Potgieter
Voor: Milan Shaw, Ruben Bell, Hanno de Beer, Dreyden Greeff. Agter: Divan Coetzee, Kristen Steyn, Janco Lubbe, Liam Olivier.
Kian Bekker Emily Oosthuizen
Jessica Hermann
Baie geluk aan ons Kennie Kampioene met julle “capping” vir die Goue Leeus Sewes span! Ons is ongelooflik trots op julle prestasie!
Rugby Rugby 7’s


Matriekraad van 2025

Baie geluk aan die nuutverkose Matriekraad van 2025. Ons is saam met julle opgewonde vir nuwe geleenthede en avonture wat voorlê!


• Tanika Botha

• Angelica Christians

• Aidan Da Costa

• Chloë Deyzel

• Wilmie Kasselman

• Ilanie Kruger

• Leané Malherbe

• Keira-Lee Opperman

• Lizaan Smit

• Alexia Smyth

• Courtney Sole

• Mignon van der Walt

• Kaylee van Rooyen

• Lieze Victor

• Shané Victor

• Hymne Visser


• Hugo Beekman

• Schalk Brits

• Matthew De Bruyn

• Stian Geldenhuys

• Dean Hartman

• Morné Herbst

• Kamogelo Katisa

• Emiel Loots

• Juandré Marais

• Connor Padoa

• Rieghardt Prinsloo

• Hugo Rossouw

• Henro van As

• Petri van As

• Ewan van der Walt

• Viandré van Loggenberg

Our hockey made history this year !! Well done to the u.16 team and both our First teams, Boys and Girls, who are now the Noordvaal hockey Champions!

u.16 Boys:

• u.16 boys won Noordvaal B

• Lost to HTS Witbank 1-3

• Beat Curro Vanderbijl 5-0

• Beat Stanford Lake 4-0 in quarter-final

• Beat Helpmekaar 4-1 in semi-final

• Beat HTS Witbank 3-2 in final

First Team Boys:

• First team boys won Noordvaal A

• Beat Midstream 1-0

• Beat Potch Gim 2-0

• Beat Middelburg 3-1 in quarter-final

• Beat HTS Witbank 3-1 in semi-final

• Beat Helpmekaar 2-0 in final


• Mienka Mostert


• Roehan Hoogendyk



Hoofleiers 2024/2025


• Genna Labuscagne

• Jodi Hougaard

• Kayla Lombaard

• Jade Rollison

• Andy Maarman

• Gideon Diedericks

ATKV Digi-Spanpraat

Die ATKV Digi-Spanpraat se uitslae is bekend en ons Norie-praters het fantasties presteer!

Baie geluk aan die volgende spanne:

Graad 9: Juf Victor

Nasionaal Derde Plek

• Kaylin Peterson

• Sonja Nel

• Anke Prinsloo

• Brigitte Olivier

Graad 10: Juf Bondesio Nasionaal Tweede Plek

• Jenna Cronje

• Steph Jooste

• Lienka Joubert

• Lara Erasmus

code and read more of our schools

SA landloop

aan die SA landloop-kampioenskappe in Vanderbijlpark.

Ons is ongelooflik trots op ons ruiters wat onlangs uitsonderlike prestasies behaal het by die SANESA Gauteng Wes Jaarlikse Prysuitdeling!

Elzani Kruger het nie net ‘n indrukwekkende algehele 5de plek by Gauteng Wes (vlak 1-7), en 3de plek in Working Hunter (vlak 1-7) behaal nie, maar sy het ook Gauteng klere ontvang. Sy is gekies vir twee A-spanne vir die Nasionale Span. Wat ‘n ongelooflike prestasie!

Michaela Holtshousen het ‘n silwer medalje gewen met haar 2de plek in Prix Caprilli (vlak 1-7) en is ook aangewys as lid van die Gauteng B sowel as C span wat aan die Nasionale Kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Sy het Gauteng klere ontvang vir haar uitstekende vertoning.

Leandri Herselman is ook beloon met Gauteng klere en het die C-span gehaal wat aan die Nasionale Kampioenskappe gaan deelneem.

Baie geluk aan al ons ruiters wat hulself op provinsiale vlak bewys het! Julle harde werk en toewyding inspireer ons almal!

Front: Samantha Henriques, Shawna Botha, Nerissa Wentzel, Zita Pawson, Shawna Naude, Lanali van der Merwe. Back: Boitshepo Moerane, Marseille Nel, Robin Franklin, Bonita Fick, Keila Meyer, Hannah Quinton, Danike Redpath, Hannah Smyth, Kelly Rens, Kayla Williscroft, Erin Stoffels.
Front: Jesse Roberts, Caleb Haupt. Middle: Richard Ashmead, Caleb Aitken, Obinna Nwadiogbu, Lonwabo Machine, Jordan Brooks, Bhaven Pillay. Back: Tiaan Meyer, Caleb Stirling, Marciano Capazorio, Joshua Smith, Dylan Fourie, Reece Green, Tristan de Nobrega, Matthew Marais, Nathan Potgieter, Divan Geyser, Jake Franklin.
First Team Hockey Girls
First Team Hockey Boys Skandeer
Hanri Pretorius, Lenthe Maré, Dylan Opperman, Anika Ferreira, Taya Pelser.
NORIES se trots!! Die volgende landlopers is vir Gauteng gekies om te gaan deelneem


Krieket Ligawenners

Baie geluk aan al ons krieket-spanne wat hul liga gewen het! Julle het die vrugte gepluk van julle harde werk. Ons is trots op elkeen van julle!


Gauteng West Rugby

The following boys were chosen for Gauteng West rugby teams:

Roodie Tennis is Ligawenners

o.13 Gouespan:

Baie geluk aan ons o.13 Gouespan wat as wenners by die Liga uitgestap het. Hierdie 4 seuns stap al ‘n vêr pad saam en hulle het elke jaar bewys hoe hulle tennis gegroei het.

Hulle band het onbreekbaar geword en hulle het met hierdie uitstekende prestasie gewys wat in hulle steek - hulle sluit hulle laerskool tennisloopbaan saam op ‘n groot hoogtepunt af en ons is baie trots op hulle.

o.11 Gouespan:

Baie geluk aan ons o.11 Gouespan wat as naaswenners by die Liga uitgestap het, julle het baie potensiaal en ons sien uit om te sien wat julle in die toekoms gaan oplewer.

Roodie Tennis

Ons o.13 blou tennisspan is al span wat al hulle wedstryde gewen het die seisoen. Ricco van Zyl het vir elke speler ‘n bottel geborg.

o.13 IPT Leeus-span

Baie geluk aan Liam de Bruyn wat verkies is tot die o.13 IPT Leeusspan.

Hy het sy "capping" seremonie die 20ste September 2024 by Emirates Airline Park in Johannesburg.

Die IPT toernooi begin die 23ste September tot die 28ste September in Kwazulu-Natal. Gaan hou die Roodie naam hoog Liam! Ons is baie trots op jou!

Buhle Rikhotso, Dakalo Muila, Iminathi Mtshali, Letlhogonolo Lebakeng, Kgalalelo Nkabinde, Thandokayise Merafe, Boitumelo Nyathi, Awakiwe Setheli, Omphile Lefete.
Christiaan Nolte, Janco Botha, Reese van Zyl, Daniel Schlebush.
Front: Omphile Kgwebana, Onalenna Makgetha, Phitlhelo Mmolawa.
Back: Zakhanye Setati, Omolemo Lesese, Motheo Mchunu, Kabello Sello, Luvuyo Nonyongo, Lusapho Myeza, Atlarelang Mthetho, Botlhale Mokgothu, Nkosinathi Khumalo.
o.11 Gouespan
Liam de Bruyn


Golden Lions

Congratulations to Tumelo and Ofentse for being selected for the Golden Lions u.12 Sevens teams!



Baie geluk aan Britney Daves en Londiwe Mulder wat na die provinsiale landloopbyeenkoms deurgedring het.

Dié byeenkoms sal op, 31 Augustus 2024, by Hoërskool Die Anker in Brakpan plaasvind. Ons is baie trots op julle! Britney Daves het die onder 17 Gauteng-Wes landloopspan behaal.

Londiwe Mulder het die o.19 Gauteng-Wes landloopspan behaal.

Bags kids want

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Ontmoet die Gauteng Jeugskouspan.

Congratulations to our undefeated u.14 Netball Team, who surpassed our expectations once again! Yesterday, this team played against various teams, and they only have one more round left for the Fast Five season. We are proud of you girls!


Five Netball


Tumelo Sibanda and Ofentse Ramaila.
Britney Daves
Londiwe Mulder
Johan van Staden is deur die Noordwes Skole Skuttersunie as die opkomende skud (senior seun) van 2024 aangewys. Baie geluk

SW Olimpiade


Baie geluk aan Vernon Verster, Milah Boersma en Imke Nel wat Mullies verteenwoordig het. Vernon en Milah het pragtig presteer en die Top 20 behaal, waar Imke eerste plek geneem het! Mullies is baie trots!

Baie geluk aan Janelda Basson (Gr. 7) wat 1ste plek behaal het in die ATKV-Uitklopspel Gauteng-rondte gehou op 12 Augustus.

Al die ander spellers het hul ook goed van hul take gekwyt! Dankie aan Nellie de Beer vir die geleentheid!

Gauteng-Wes Krieketspanne

Baie sterkte aan ons leerders wat Vrydag, 16 Augustus, aan die Gauteng Individuele Skaak deelneem in Benoni!

Baie geluk aan die volgende krieketspelers wat gekies is vir hul verskeie ouderdomme se Gauteng-Wes krieketspanne. Mullies is trots op julle.

Gauteng-Wes Ruitersport

Adrian Breedt

• 4th Equitation Welcome test 2

• 13th 60cm A2 Competition

Tenicke van Zyl

• 9de in equitation

• 10de in competition jumping

• 22st in A2 jumping

• 12de in dressage

Isabella Minnie

• 1ste in 70 Competition Horse

• 5de in 70 Horse A2

• 3de in 70 A2 Pony


Baie geluk aan Lian Abrahamse wat gekies is vir Sentraal Gauteng Stoei u.11 freestyle span wat gaan deelneem aan SA’s op 2628 September, in Stellenbosch. Laerskool Muldersdrif is trots op jou

Vernon Vester, Imke Nel en Milah Boersma.
Wessel van der Merwe, MJ Meyer, Joshua Steenkamp, Caleb Barkley, Tatum Stander, Chris van Rooyen, Kihan Venter en Lohen Houston. o.9
Je orge Pretorius, Blake du Toit, Luan Wohlfahrt en Lian Abrahamse.
Markus Beyers, Ruben Hartzenberg, Luke de Souza en Ruben Smith.
Aldré Wohlfahrt, Erich Helmbold, Nathan Curle en Albert Strauss.
Juan Hartzenberg
Milan Botha, Mieke van der Merwe, Joane Weideman en Wouter van der Merwe.



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