Achievers Helderberg & Overberg 2019

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RHENISH GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL (t) 021 887 6808 (e)

Ainsley Wilson

Meri Williams Award for All Round Commitment to Rhenish

Alexandra Osborn Nikki Liebenberg Award (Exceptional Contribution to academic and cultural life of the school)

Elmarie Swanepoel Madeleine Basson 1st in Grade 12 Mathematics and Accounting Advanced Mathematics History Blumberg Cup for Senior Music Elodie Daneel Cup for Bilingualism Cup for contributing the most points to her house during the year

Meri Williams Award in Recognition of her Passion for Entrepreneurship

Chloe Adams

Louise Garlick Fellowship Medal (Courage and Determination)

Michaela Budge

Meri Williams Award for Excellence in Information Technology

Shannon Williams Ellen Fourie Cup

Nicole Louw

Sally Coldicott Cup (In recognition of a special gift, ability or achievement)

Erin Pool

Ga-Young Moon Alsona Bain Award

Phillipa Husband Trophy for Community Service

Jordyn Wolhuter

Letitia Snyman Award for All-Round Excellence and Service

Lynzee Arendse

Piya Igwe

Samantha Smuts

Saskia Sonnerer

Carli Antonopolous

Tiffany Gordon

Bertha Voigt Award (Fortitude in the Pursuit of Excellence)

Principal’s Award, 2nd in Grade 12, Buisinne Award Life Sciences, for Loyalty and Engineering Leadership, Archibald Graphics and Cup for Outstanding Design, LDP Prize for Service Mathematics, Hockey Centenary Cup, Harris Medal (Best Player) and La Guerenne Basson Cup for Best All Round Sportswoman

Jenna van Blerk

Allderman Cup for Dedication and Service to Rhenish and the Community

Rhenish Bursary

Kirsten van der Teddy Lange Walt Shield Memorial Cup for (Participation at Loyalty and Service to International Level for Rhenish Non-school Activity), Rix Cup for Best Aquatic Achievement and Swimming Centenary Cup

Meet Rhenish Girls’ High School’s head girl: Congratulations for being chosen as a leader at your school. What is your leadership philosophy? I am a firm believer that true leadership is not about a title or a platform, but rather about influencing and leading in a way that inspires leadership development amongst others. What I mean by this is that with each experience and task, you have the opportunity to recognize the leadership traits and qualities within the team with which you work. And so through the acknowledgment of these traits and strengths, leadership development is inspired. To me what separates good leaders from great ones is exactly this, not being afraid of inspiring leaders to be better than you ever were and to motivate the next generation of leaders in such a way that your ceiling becomes their floor. What are your strengths and weaknesses? I definitely think one of my strengths is my sociable spirit and my ability to interact and engage with people. Building genuine relationships with people is something I am really intentional about, as I feel that many things can be successfully achieved on the bases of a good, strong relationship. On that note my downfall or weakness used to be the difficulty I had to trust others with regards to tasks that had to be done. For example, I would have a specific idea in my mind and I’d be so stuck on it that I’d hesitate when having to delegate this task. However, over the years the opportunities I have had at Rhenish have taught me valuable skills in this area and slowly this weakness has turned into a strength. What are you looking forward to the most during your tenure as leader? The 2020 year will be a big year for Rhenish as we celebrate 160 years. This upcoming year brings major excitement as we will also be hosting many of our big sporting events for example, 4M. With this said there will be a lot of planning and organizing done to ensure that the year is a success and therefore what I most look forward to is tackling these tasks and events with the incredible team of leaders at our school. I feel that this team, the Learner Council, is a force to be reckoned with and have so much to contribute to the coming year. I am so expectant for what’s to come. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? Over the last 159 years Rhenish has developed into an excellent school rooted in sound principles and values. I feel that there is always room for growth and so I’d love to continue to build on the excellence offered at Rhenish, namely by emphasizing our rich history and traditions and in this way pride and unity will follow. In the upcoming year I’d like to put projects in place with regards to interacting with the Learner council representatives from all the schools in Stellenbosch. The purpose of these projects will be to promote cultural inclusivity in Stellenbosch and is not only in line with our values at Rhenish, but also in line with the values of our country. What do love the most about your school? Community. Community. Community. When I think about Rhenish this word immediately comes to mind. What I love most is that community at Rhenish exists in the subtlest way. It exists in the passages before tests, it exists in the everyday break time chatter, it exists out on the sporting fields when we’re one up with less than a minute to go and it exists in our ability to interact equally as Rhenishers regardless of our backgrounds. Community at Rhenish is something that is also greatly felt. Something indescribable happens when Rhenishers gather. This is community, this is Sisterhood. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? I will be aiming to achieved my highest average in my high school career. More importantly, I’ll be aiming to utilize every opportunity to better my abilities and do the very best I can in every sphere.

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What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? My message would be to lead and influence in such a way that when we leave at the end of our matric year, we can look back and say that we did the best we could and gave the very best of ourselves. I’d also like to say that during our term of office we should always keep in mind who we are serving. Above all else my wish is that this year brings the best experiences and opportunities to grow and flourish. Who is your role model? Without a doubt my role model is my grandfather. My grandfather didn’t have the easiest life, in fact, he was often faced with adversity and challenges. However, regardless of what life threw at him, he chose to find the good in every situation, he chose to see the good in every person and he treated every person he met with the utmost respect. The strength of his faith was truly inspiring. One day I hope to view life the way he did. What are your plans for after matric (2021)? I will be applying for Medicine at Stellenbosch University and hope to further pursue my athletics. If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? Spiderman. This is because unlike other superheroes, Spiderman’s heroism doesn’t come easily. This to me symbolizes how the road to greatness or success is not always smooth sailing or easy, but rather requires grit, and because of the challenges I have faced in life, this is a trait I identify with. On a regular Saturday, you will find me at…….with…….… On a regular Saturday, you will find me on the sport field with friends and family. Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? I don’t actually have a specific celebrity crush but rather people in positions of fame that I admire. One in particular being 7 x world champion Christian Taylor. I admire the fact that he remains so humble and committed to his faith even when he performs on the world’s biggest stage. Pick one: Netball, rugby, cricket or hockey? Netball Cappuccino, hot chocolate or tea? Tea Braai with friends or takeaways? Braai with friends Binge watching series or a live music festival? Live music festival Android or iOS? Android

PAUL ROOS GIMNASIUM (t) 021 887 0017 (e)

Chris Albertyn Rektorstoekenning

Gerhard Cloete

Francois du Toit

Investec / Roelou Barry-Toekennings

James Thomas-Toekenning

Francois Malherbe

Jong Navorser van die jaar

Veelsydigste Junior Sportman

Akademie, Leierskap & Rugby

Tiaan Pretorius

Stehan Odendaal Kultuur

Mihan van Zyl

Akademie, 2de in Gr. 12

Bernhard Andrag


Akademie, 1ste in Gr. 12

Carl Roothman

Redenaars / Debat

Jacques Botma

Lukas Nel


Mfundo Mashiya

Rigardt Muller

Stephen Millard

Philip van Schalkwyk

Niel Raath

Dylan de Leeuw

Ruben Fortuin

Ruan Terblanche



Atletiek / Landloop

Paul Ellis

Lonwabo Mfikili







SOMERSET COLLEGE (t) 021 842 8000 (e)

Teagan Seward-Case Junior Creative Writing Award

Lara Swanepoel

Manon van Zyl Senior Creative Writing Award

Perry Grusch

Opus Campus Award

Liesl Möller Cultural Award

Peter Freemantle

Jenna Knowles

Head Prefects Award

Pietas Award

Lara Swanepoel & Nicholas Geras Cambridge Creative Writing Award

Adam Ramsay

Burke Brothers’ Honour

Alexa Perthel The Fein Trophy

Facta Award

Peter Freemantle, Ukhanyo Mdakane & Jeanne Hugo

Kayla Prothero

The Somerset College Debating Trophy The Heather Scott Trophy for Drama

Noa Brawermann

The Good Fellowship Award for Gr.10

The Head’s Award

Sophie De Villiers, Yanti De Villiers, Cayla Kriel, Erin Mcnamara, Lara Swanepoel & Jana Van Niekerk

Gabriella Brown Sportswoman Of The Year

Jonathan van Druten

Sportsman Of The Year

Liam Watson

Outstanding Achievement in an Olympiad

Jeanne Hugo

David Stevens Good Fellowship Award for Matric, Protean Award Kerr-Peterson Inter-House Trophy

Outstanding Contribution Award

Rebecca Brody, Aninke Burger, Carla Du Plessis, Rebecca Japhet, Marc Limbert, Ukhanyo Mdakane & Jessica Norval

Jacob Enthoven Cambridge Dux Scholar

Ciara Gibson Dux Scholar

Lees die nuutste skolenuus op

Wil jy weet wat om naweke te doen? Van fietsry, hardloop tot iets vir die hele familie. Gaan na

As industries evolve and new ones emerge, the world of work is changing too, and is now calling for different set of skills. After Complex Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Creativity will become one of the top three skills that workers need by 2020. While machines and robots may be able to complete a task faster, there is no machine that can match the unique perspective and skill that a creative human being can bring to the table. Creativity is more than an endearing personality trait listed on a CV or a way to relax when we’re stressed. In the world of work, creativity is a pragmatic and soughtafter skill. In fact, the World Economic Forum listed creativity as one of the top ten skills needed to thrive career-wise in 2020. “Creativity allows a person to see the world from different perspectives, to find unique solutions to problems and to come up with ideas that can change brands and businesses in meaningful ways,” says Shevon Lurie, MD at Vega. From a career perspective, creativity is an incredibly useful skill in almost every work environment. However, creatives often find themselves pigeon-holed to certain jobs that are considered better suited to their ‘artsy’ abilities and are constantly told that

their tendency toward ‘right-brain thinking’ means they’ll be better off pursuing conventionally-creative careers (art, fashion, etc). The world needs more creatives – not just for the purpose of making it more beautiful and more interesting, but to help solve its biggest challenges and propel industries forward in meaningful ways. Getting creative for success Particularly as we enter a new and unprecedented professional landscape, creatives are in high demand in a variety of sectors and positions. In fact, creativity is a skill that offers an edge over competitors – whether you’re applying for a job or looking to start your own venture. Entrepreneurs with creative flair are undeniably better positioned to run

successful businesses. Consider the challenges involved in running a business – from making tough decisions to manging people, all while trying to build a profitable enterprise. It takes someone with creativity, who is able to see a problem from different angles and find solutions that no one else can think of, to achieve that. In the same way, employees need creativity as a skill in order to thrive in their jobs and contribute ideas and work of substance.

direction (a position that is increasingly available internally in corporate environments too), strategic planning, communications, marketing, and so much more.

Employers are searching for candidates who can do more than just adequately complete the tasks they’re given. They want sharp thinkers who can bring new and interesting perspectives to the table to solve problems and execute briefs in an excellent and outstanding way. Lurie adds that some of the many career avenues open to a creative include creative

“We encourage creative students and parents of creatives to consider all their options when it comes to choosing what to study to ensure they get a well-rounded mix of skills and insight into their fields, whether they want design games and apps, climb the corporate ladder or start an NGO.”

“There are many misconceptions around what it means to be creative, the most problematic of which is that people often believe that creativity limits a person’s career prospects,” says Lurie.

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LAERSKOOL HENDRIK LOUW (t) 021 853 1045 (e)

Nicole Chitsumba

Binnenshuise Hokkie: Dogters. Netbal Atletiek: Senior Victrix

Unathi Mankathla Kultuurleerder van 2019

Randal – John Davids

Krisjan Groenewald Binnenshuise Hokkie: Seuns, Tennis: Seuns Senior Kultuurleerder

Juliet de Jager

Johannes Smith trofee

Sumari Walser Tennis: Dogters


Madison-Lee Bützer Atletiek: Mees belowendste dogtersatleet Atletiek: Senior Victrix

Leoné Smith

Wisseltrofee vir Afrikaans Huistaal

Caleb Louw

Chudley Bender

Mario Meyer

Atletiek: Mees belowendste seunsatleet Rugby 7s

Lionsbaadjie Deursettingsvermoe & konsensieuse leerder

Simon Bester

Chenoa Roller

Atletiek: Junior Victor

Beste leerder Woordkuns

Olivia Jacobs & Mercy Davids


Atletiek: Junior Victrix

Afwesig: Boaz Sterley - Skaak, Nikalau Volsteedt - Landloop

Cassie Fairbairn Sportvrou v/d jaar

Mishé James

Emmie Jackson Shield

Saskia McDilling Musieksloolleerder 2019

Kelly-Anne Langford

Marais Westraat

Mike Wang

Atletiek: Senior Victor Veld Hokkie: Seuns Sportman v/d jaar Redenaar van die jaar

Best Mathematics Gr.7 Musiekleerder van die jaar

Raeesah Peters

Travanin Hugo

Staff Jacket for service to school & community

Veld Hokkie: Dogters

Jean-Mari van Zyl


Dux Learner

Dianei Bekker

Beste Kultuurleerder in die gronslagfase

SOMERSET-WES PRIMÊRE SKOOL (t) 021 851 2040 (e)

Matthew Barnard & Tameryn Hendricks

Egan McPherson & Jordan Boer

Junior Sportseun & Sportdogter van die Jaar

Karlien Weideman Dux-leerder

Page 6

Senior Sportseun & Sportdogter van die Jaar

Leerderraad 2020

Voor: Mchlery Dzapasi (onderhoofseun), Keagan Haupt (hoofseun), Jordan Boer (hoofdogter) en Jenna Linders (onderhoofdogter). Middel: Jadin Bester, Roché Beukes, Suri-Sukenzi Matthews, Jodan Adams, Jessy Jooste, Tamzyn Gordon, Mekayla Stevens en Leighton Brinkhuis. Agter: Will Williams, Andrea Fortuin, Chelsey Kock, Keisha September, Hayden van Dyk, Mae-Li Kleynhans en Jessica Davids.


HOËRSKOOL PAREL VALLEI (t) 021 852 1228 (e)

Academic Prize-Giving: Top Prize Winners Front: Mr. David Schenck (headmaster), Kayla van Rensburg (Dux and Parel Vallei Award – Awarded to a grade 12 learner for versatility in sport, culture, academics and leadership), Dr. Jeanette de Klerk-Luttig (guest speaker), Mr. Bruce van Rensburg (governing body chairman). Back: Jayden Daniels: Most Promising Junior Sportsman of The Year; Patricia Potgieter: Sportswoman of The Year. Kai Moolman: Investec Specialist Bank – Out of the Ordinary Award, Awarded to a grade 12 who showed extraordinary entrepreneurial/business qualities as a young leader; Carli Kilian: Suzanne en Elaine Rose-Trofee, Toegeken aan ‘n graad 12-meisie vir dekorum en goeie gedrag/ Awarded to a grade 12 girl for decorum and good conduct; Matt Titus: 2nd in Grade 12 and Suzanne en Elaine Rose-Trofee / Trophy (shared), Toegeken aan ‘n graad 12-seun vir dekorum en goeie gedrag/ Awarded to a grade 12 boy for decorum and good conduct; Dean João: Suzanne en Elaine Rose-Trofee / Trophy (shared), Toegeken aan ‘n graad 12-seun vir dekorum en goeie gedrag/ Awarded to a grade 12 boy for decorum and good conduct; And Craig de Villiers Gemeenskapsdienstrofee / Community Service Trophy Awarded to a learner who showed initiative, creativity and consistency in community service / Toegeken aan ‘n leerder wat inisiatief, kreatiwiteit en konsekwentheid getoon het in gemeenskap-diens; Ivan Coetsee: Sportman van die Jaar en Elrine Prinsloo-Leierskaptrofee / Leadership Trophy. Toegeken aan die graad 12-leerder wat in sy/haar matriekjaar met inisiatief leiding geneem en ‘n besondere poging aangewend het om ‘n positiewe stempel in die skool af te druk/ Awarded to the grade 12 learner who, in his/her matric year, with special effort and initiative, emerged as a leader and leaves a positive imprint on the school; Ronan Wademan: 3rd in Grade 12; Jan Rademan: Bulldog Award (shared), Toegeken aan die graad 12-leerder wat die gees van Parel Vallei gedurende die jaar die beste weerspieël het/ Awarded to the grade 12 learner who exemplified the spirit of Parel Vallei throughout the year; Ryan Kellerman: Bulldog Award (shared), Toegeken aan die graad 12-leerder wat die gees van Parel Vallei gedurende die jaar die beste weerspieël het/ Awarded to the grade 12 learner who exemplified the spirit of Parel Vallei throughout the year;Christian Kotzé: Junior Artes; Gerard Madsen-Leibold: Boudewijn de Vries Diensbeker / Service Trophy, Toegeken aan ‘n graad 12-leerder vir onbaatsugtige diens aan Parel Vallei / Awarded to a grade 12 learner for selfless service to Parel Vallei; Angelique Filter: Senior Artes; Absent: Marietjie Cilliers:Mees belowende junior Sportvrou van die jaar.

Lees die nuutste skolenuus op


The biggest school news network in SA

HOËRSKOOL STRAND (t) 021 853 1056 (e)

Rudolph Pretorius

12 Jaar Skoolbywoning

Liam Martin

Mees Veelsydige Sportman

Lizanne Nortjé

12 Jaar Skoolbywoning Veelsydigheid op Kultuurgebied

Henco Scholtz Beste Prestasie Buitesport

Wesley McCarthy

3de Klasposisie Gr.12

Zounica van der Merwe Sportvrou van die Jaar - Span

Chris Langeveldt Leerder van die Jaar 95,5% Hoofseun

Elandré Kemp

Sportman van die Jaar - Span

Kristin Meyer

2de Klasposisie Gr.12 Trofee vir Veelsydigheid Sportvrou van die Jaar Individueel

Michelle Olivier Sportvrou van die Jaar - Individueel

Pieter Lindeque

Volharding en Deursettingsvermoë

Marli Botha

Sportvrou van die Jaar - Individueel

André Engelbrecht

Dewald de Koker Sportman van die Jaar - Individueel

Bianca van Deventer

Volharding en Deursettingsvermoë

Mees Veelsydige Sportvrou

Adriaan Kennedy Sportman van die Jaar - Individueel

Tara Venter Hoofmeisie

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Waar was dié bekendes op skool en watter tipe tieners was hulle? Corne Krige: Ons het in Zambië gewoon, maar ek is Klein Boishaai toe toe ek 5 was. Ek was dus twee jaar te vroeg in Graad 1. 3 500 km weg van my ouers het ons eers by mense gebly na wie toe ons uitgeplaas is en naweke by my ouma. Omdat ek so ver weg van my ouers was, het sport my ding geraak. Ek het gehou van tackle van ‘n jong ouderdom af. In Graad 11 het ek vir WP 0.19-Cravenweek gespeel en in Graad 12 SA Skole. Ek het baie van sport gehou! Die groot ding met enige sport is dat jy dissipline nodig het. Paarl Boys’ High het vir my die dissipline gegee om hard te werk as jy iets wil bereik. Daardie dissipline het ‘n kritieke rol gespeel in beide my opvoeding en my sportloopbaan.

Early B: Op laerskool was ek by Triomf Primary en hoërskool by Bethelsdorp Comprehensive High. Die groot rede hoekom ek na Bethelsdorp toe gegaan het, was omdat dit die enigste skool in ons area was wat Motor Meganika as ‘n vak gehad het. Ek is mal oor enjins. My onderwysers op laerskool sou seker sê ek was griewelik en op hoërskool was ek lekker stout. Ek was die een wie almal wou laat lekker voel. Ek het baie gehou van video games en ook om in die straat speel. Partykeer het ek gaan speel in my skoolbroek wat my baie in die moeilikheid gebring het by my ma. Ek het maar altyd ‘n kans gevat en dit het my baie kreatief gemaak.

Kurt Darren: Ek was in Lyttleton Manor Hoërskool wat in Pretoria geleë is. My pa was Afrikaans en my ma was Engels, so ek het in Engels skool gegaan, maar naweke wanneer almal bymekaar gekom het, het ons gekuier in Afrikaans. Ek sal altyd my vriende van skool onthou en my onderwysers sal sê ek was ‘n soet-stout seun en ek het altyd poetse gebak met almal om my, maar my skoolwerk was altyd ingehandig. Ek sal sê ek was ‘n sorgelose tiener, in daai dae was dit nog veilig om saam met jou vriende huis toe te loop as jy die skoolbus verpas het, wat gereeld gebeur het! Ons as tieners het baie vryheid gehad en dit was regtig goeie tye.

Katlego Maboe: Ek was in Laerskool Tsepho in Potchefstroom, waarna ek in my Graad 4-jaar na Potch Central School geskuif het en toe na Potch Boys’ High. Ek was altyd daardie ambisieuse kind. Ek onthou een keer tydens ‘n saalbyeenkoms by Laerskool Tsepho, was ons gevra wat ons wil word as ons groot is, en ek het met my hand in die lug gestaan en gesê ek wil ‘n wetenskaplike word! Ek was beslis die nerd-tipe kind en ek was nooit vriende met die “cool kids” nie! Dit was ek en my boeke, want ek wou akademies en ook op die krieketveld goed presteer. Ek het nooit probeer om myself met die cool kinders te assosieer nie en ek het baie min vriende gehad.

Francois van Coke: Ek het in Bellville groot geword. Ek was in Bellpark Laerskool en in Hoërskool Bellville. Ek het goeie herinneringe van skool. Ek het ‘n klomp uiteenlopende goed gedoen en saam met unieke mense uitgehang. Ek was wild aan die begin van hoërskool, maar redelik voorbeeldig daarna. Ek het redelik goed presteer, baie buitemuurse aktiwiteite gehad, rugby gespeel en in bands gespeel. Ek was soms in die moeilikheid, maar niks te erg nie. Die punks het gedink ek is ‘n jock en die jocks het gedink ek is ‘n punk.

Rolene Strauss: Ek was in Laerskool Pionier en Hoërskool Volksrust. Ek het grootgeword in ‘n baie beskermende omgewing. My ouers het vir my en my broer grootgemaak met die wete dat ons enige iets kan bereik indien ons hard werk. Ons omgewing en ouers het bietjie naïviteit verseker maar ek sal dit vir niks in die wêreld verruil nie. Ons het ‘n reël gehad in die huis, terwyl die son skyn speel ons buite. Ek onthou vele kere waar my ma ons letterlik moes vang sodat ons in die huis in moet gaan. Ek is so dankbaar vir my kinderdae en raak emosioneel as ek moet dink ander kinders kon nie so sorgvry soos ons groot geword het nie. Ek glo sterk die feit dat ek skool gegaan het in ‘n klein dorpie het my gehelp om te oorleef in die grootmens wêreld. Om rede ons ‘n klein skool was moes al die leerders aan al die skool aktiwiteite deelneem. Ek onthou ek het eerstespan hokkie en netbal gespeel, deelgeneem aan atletiek, debat kompetisies, CSV leier, hoofdogter en ek moes fokus op my akademie om seker te maak ek word aanvaar om medies te gaan studeer. Hierdie het my geleer om my tyd goed te bestuur en hard te werk vir wat ek wil bereik in die lewe.

HOĂ‹RSKOOL STELLENBOSCH (t) 021 887 3082 (e)

Lize de Villiers

Lida Orffer Semper Altior-toekenning

Greteli Fincham

Beste Kultuurprestasie van die jaar

Anne Sharp

MR 2010 Matrikulant van die jaar toekenning

Edwin Norris

Maretha Burger

Elise le Roux & Ulrich Gaum

StelElite Skild – Meeste punte van die afgelope 5 jaar

Liam Reyneke

Beste Sportprestasie van die jaar Binneskoolse sport

Investec Specialist Bank Out of the Ordinary Award

Beste Sportprestasie van die jaar Buiteskoolse sport

Maja van Aswegen Louriertoekenning

Neige Booysen

Du Preez-trofee vir uitleef van waardes

Bike Racks | Roof Racks Roof Boxes | Luggage Shop 6 The Hub Centre, Somerset West 021 850 0514 | 076 878 3832 |


The biggest school news network in SA



Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back. - Harvey MaKay



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(t) 028 316 4911 (e)

Handré van Tonder and Esona Nompumza Elna Mentz Trophy for Gr. 7

Joanna Burman Elna Mentz Trophy for Gr. 4

Tando Mtembi

Elna Mentz Trophy for Gr. 6

Ross Walton

Elna Mentz Trophy for Gr. 5

Mignon van Zyl

Acker Trophy for Economic and Management Sciences – 92% Van Zyl Family Trophy for Technology – 92% Trophy for Arts and Culture – 92%

Lucas Winter

Top achiever of the intermediate phase Van Zyl Family Trophy for Mathematics – 98% Wightman Trophy for English Home Language – 95% Acker Trophy for Natural Sciences – 95% They share the Tina Cowley Trophy for Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal – 98%


17 SWARTDAM ROAD, HERMANUS. TEL: (028) 312 3898 | FAX: (028) 312 2353

Academic achievers Grades 4 to 7

Lucas Winter (Gr. 6), Mignon van Zyl (Gr. 7), Samira Gabow (Gr. 5) and Tiaan Lamminga (Gr. 4)

Alexa Thompson Acker Trophy for Social Sciences – 94%

Frank Swingler

Mareike Bester Trophy for Afrikaans Huistaal – 92%

Mia Lindes

Winter Trophy for English First Additional Language – 92%

LAERSKOOL SWELLENDAM (t) 028 514 1347 (e)

Top presteerders in Graad 4 - 7

Greche Willemse, Kara-Mari Beyers, Jean Mouton en Mic Veldman

Kobus Kotze en Mic Veldman

Hulle het beide ‘n gemiddelde van 85% van Gr. 4 - 7 gehandhaaf.


The biggest school news network in SA

Op die AWSUM Rusbank Lees jou skool se onderhoud met die hoofseun en hoofdogter op


Angelo Keffers Beste Gholfspeler

Grace du Toit Gr10 toppresteerder

Keaton Mostert Beste prestasie in Landloop

Anje Auret Gr9 Toppresteerder

Helene Baird Beste Veldatleet

Lathitha Plaatjies Cricketer of the year

Annick Venter Gr8 toppresteerder

Christo Franken Dux Leerder 2019

Jade David Beker vir die beste langafstand atleet

Luvo Ncambu Best performance in Cross Country

Danny Wattrus Beste seun in Tennis

Juriaan Baardman Beste Senior Rugbyspeler

Marcelle Wattrus Beste dogter in Tennis

Martine Odendal Beste Prestasie in Musiek toppresteerder gr10

Deanne van Kamp Dux leerder 2019

Jurian Mostert Beste Gholfspeler

Michail Damon Beste Baan atleet en Beste Junior rugbyspeler

Franco van Zyl Beste Prestasie in Jukskei

Kately October Beste Senior Netbalspeelster

Motsebetsi Moseki Best Junior Netball Player

HOËRSKOOL BREDASDORP (t) 028 424 1210 (e)


Jaco Swart en Jemimah Daniels

BD’s Vereer met Spesiale Toekennings

Byron Walbrugh

Evergreen Office National Trofee vir Kindliness & Courtesy

Emsie Wessels (Van der Westhuizen toekenning vir verdienstelikheid), Corné Oerson (Van der Westhuizen toekenning vir verdienstelikheid), Inge Kleinhans (Skoolhooftoekenning), JC Augustyn (Smit Trofee vir akademiese deursettingsvermoë), Marguerite Leuvennink (MOOV-Akademie skenking vir verdere studies) en Sunet Wessels (Skoolhooftoekenning en John Norman Wisseltrofee vir uitleef van Christelike waardes).

Bees, Kudu, Volstruis, Springbok Droëwors, Wieletjies Bacon Biltong Neute & Droë Vrugte


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LAERSKOOL BREDASDORP (t) 028 424 1334 (e)

BD’s Top Academic Achievers in Grade 6 & 7

BD’s Junior & Senior Sportseun en Sportdogter & Mees Veelsydige Sport Presteerder

Special Recognition to Parents & Supporters of the BD’s

Best Overall Achievers in Academics, Sport & Culture.

HOËRSKOOL OVERBERG (t) 028 212 3083 (e)

Ruan Delport

Robert Myburg

Beste redenaar: junior (4de nasionaal)

Willem Roux

Beste redenaar: Senior (2de Nasionaal) Algemene Kennis: Graad 11: Algehele wenner

Nina Theron

Onderskeidingstoekenning: Leierskap Kultuur: Veelsydigste leerder

Michaela Raven

Beste sportprestasie: buite skoolverband (Karate)

Beste seun: Karate Beste prestasie in sport en akademie: Senior Musiektrofee: Beste prestasie Onderskeidingstoekenning: Akademie Beste presteerder: Lewenswetenskap

Cobus Smith

Esté de Villiers

Junior Sportvrou van die Jaar Victrix Ludorum: Junior

Cullen Platjies

Beste sportprestasie Atleet van die Jaar Boland rugby O/19

Danel Franse

Senior Sportman van die Jaar Victor Ludorum: Senior Rugby: Senior Speler van die Jaar

Duxleerder 2019, Onderskeidingstoekenning: Akademie, Beste presteerder in: Fisiese Wetenskap, Gevorderde Program Wiskunde, Wiskunde Rekeningkunde, IT, Duits

Jordan Wynne-Vaaltyn Junior Sportman van die Jaar Victor Ludorum: Junior

Kaylee Krige Trofeë vir:

Emma Walker

Senior Sportvrou van die Jaar Beste prestasie in tennis


Dinamiese Leierskap, Veelsydigheid, Joernalistiek, Drama, Onderskeidingstoekenning: akademie, Beste presteerder in Afrikaans HT & English HL

Page 17

LAERSKOOL OVERBERG (t) 028 – 2141590/1 (e)

Danielle Viljoen

Daniella de Villiers

Elmi Theron

Gwyneth Finck

Divan Stander

Veelsydigste leerder

Akademie: Graad 4

Akademie: Graad 4

Akademie: Graad 5

Akademie: Graad 6

Carla Whiteman

Mieke Beukes

Christina van Niekerk

Jai-Lee Pillay

Paul James

Akademie: Graad 6

Akademie: Graad 7

Akademie: Graad 7

Junior Sportman Overbergstreek

Boland Krieket

Rinus Beukes

Jean Coetzee

Jadon Hart

Zeegh Schagen

Machnus Beukes

Samantha Brink

Boland Rugby

Boland Rugby

Wes-Kaap Tennis

Wes-Kaap Tennis

Medaljewenner Overberg Eisteddfod


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Lara Strydom

Fayannette Kruger

Graad 7 Dux-leerder 2019 Wiskunde, Wetenskap, Afrikaans

Stefan Stieger

Senior Sportman 2019

Hugo Bester

Graad 7 Schönken Trofee

Graad 5 Schönken Trofee

Nel Stieger

Lisa-Mari van Wyk

Beste Sportvrou 2019

Veelsydigste leerder (Kultuur, Sport, Akademie)

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Without it all the other tests could be much more difficult than they have to be! Regular Visual check ups are important for ongoing visual health.


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