AWSUM Boland & Surrounds September Edition 2024

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How to Boost Your Child’s Academic Success: A Parent’s Guide

Building a solid foundation for your child’s academic success doesn’t happen by accident - it’s the result of consistent, focused parental involvement from the start of their educational journey. While most parents know they should be involved, many are unsure what that involvement should look like to truly support their child’s learning and growth.

To help guide you, education expert Dr. Linda Meyer shares a proven framework that is both practical and easy to implement, ensuring your child has the best chance of academic success throughout their school career and beyond.

The ABCs of Learning: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Academic Performance

In today’s competitive world, academic success has become more critical than ever. The pressure to excel is growing, both locally and globally, with increasing demands for higher education access and job opportunities. While schools play a crucial role in shaping a child’s education, parental involvement can significantly enhance their academic performance. “As parents, we are pivotal in nurturing an environment that fosters learning and growth,” says Dr. Linda Meyer, MD at IIE Rosebank College. “Especially in the foundational years, we should ensure our children receive the right support to mould and cement their approach to learning and their educational journey.” Dr. Meyer emphasizes that supporting your child’s educational development doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s her framework to help parents build a strong foundation for their child’s academic success:

Create a Positive Environment

“The home environment is where a child’s learning journey truly begins. Creating a space conducive to studying is essential,” says Dr. Meyer. Beyond a dedicated study space, a positive environment extends to the emotional atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Children who feel supported are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

Foster a Love of Learning

Academic success is not just about grades; it’s about cultivating a lifelong love of learning. When children find joy in learning, their academic performance naturally improves. “Encourage your child’s curiosity by exploring subjects they find interesting beyond the classroom. Whether through reading, visiting museums, or engaging in science experiments at home, fostering a sense of wonder helps children develop a passion for knowledge,” explains Dr. Meyer.

Keep It Real

While encouraging children to strive for excellence is essential, setting realistic expectations is equally important. “High pressure can lead to stress and burnout, which can hinder academic performance. Work with your child to set achievable goals and break them down into manageable tasks. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to build confidence and teach valuable time management and organizational skills.”

Be Actively Involved

Active parental involvement is key to academic success. Dr. Meyer stresses the importance of attending parent-teacher conferences, monitoring homework, and staying informed about your child’s progress.“Engage in regular discussions about what they’re learning at school and show interest in their assignments. Children are more likely to take their studies seriously when parents are involved and set clear expectations.” Maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers is also crucial. “Regularly check in with educators to understand your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. A strong parent-teacher partnership provides a consistent support system that can enhance your child’s academic performance.”

Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to think critically by asking open-ended questions and discussing various topics from different perspectives.“Teaching children to approach challenges analytically gives them the tools they need to succeed academically and in life,” says Dr. Meyer.


a Role Model

Children often mirror their parents’ behaviors and attitudes, so demonstrating a love for learning and intellectual curiosity can inspire them to adopt the same approach. “Whether you’re reading, discussing current events, or pursuing a hobby, showing a commitment to personal growth can motivate your child to embrace learning and education,” says Dr. Meyer.

Encourage Emotional Well-being

Academic success is closely tied to emotional well-being. Dr. Meyer advises parents to encourage their children to develop social skills and emotional intelligence. “Teach your child how to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a growth mindset. Emotional support helps children thrive academically, as they’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.” Building confidence is equally important. Dr. Meyer concludes, “Celebrate your child’s efforts, not just their results. Recognizing the hard work they put into their studies reinforces the value of persistence and dedication, helping them develop a resilient mindset and an understanding that effort leads to success.”

Parental involvement is essential in fostering a child’s academic success. By creating a supportive home environment, encouraging a love for learning, and staying actively engaged in their education, parents can provide their children with the tools they need to thrive academically and in life. With these strategies from Dr. Meyer, you’ll be setting your child up for success both in school and beyond.

Navigating nationwide education budget cuts: How schools can maximise resources

As South Africa faces widespread budget challenges in the education sector, schools across the country are being forced to rethink their financial strategies.

Recently, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) announced plans to cut 2 400 teaching jobs due to a staggering R3.8 billion budget shortfall, but this is only one example of the broader financial strain affecting all provinces. Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

With the other provinces also grappling with severe budget shortfalls, schools must stretch their funds while reducing staff and operational costs. As head of the WCED, Brent Walters, explained in a recent circular, “the current number of educator posts in the Western Cape cannot be maintained.” This mirrors the difficulties faced by education departments across the country, as schools are being asked to navigate reduced teacher numbers and frozen recruitment efforts.

Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

In this financially challenging environment, Everything School offers a unique opportunity for schools to not only streamline their procurement process, but also generate additional funding by getting real cash back, in the form of School Bucks, with every order fulfilled. 1 School Buck = 1 Rand, making it easy for schools to maximise the value of their spending. Schools can then re-utilise their School Bucks when purchasing goods through Everything School. During these tough financial times, maximizing the value of every Rand is more important than ever. Schools can easily accumulate School Bucks. For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs for learners, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks -a critical financial boost in this time of austerity.

These School Bucks can be used to purchase essential items like 2025 learner and teacher diaries, customised workbooks, or yearbooks - all of which would otherwise place further strain on already tight budgets. Alternatively, schools can save their School Bucks for larger future purchases, such as modular classrooms or branded uniforms, ensuring that their procurement efforts support both immediate and long-term goals.

For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks.

With staff reductions and fewer resources, schools are under enormous pressure to manage operations more efficiently. The challenge of sourcing suppliers, comparing costs, and securing the best deals has become a significant burden for already stretched school administrations.

Everything School simplifies this process by offering a one-stop solution for all procurement needs. From workbooks, school bags, educational toys, and classroom supplies to modular classrooms, sports equipment, and school furniture, Everything School handles everything under one roof, allowing schools to focus on what matters most—education.

According to an expert from Everything School, “Schools are in an increasingly difficult situation. With fewer staff and limited budgets, it’s becoming harder to manage procurement effectively. That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of suppliers and expertise in school procurement, we ensure that schools receive the best value for every purchase - all while earning valuable cash-back rewards.

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Everything School is your ultimate partner, just like our name suggests. Each transaction not only fulfils everything and anything your school needs, but also earns you valuable School Bucks. Our products include, but are not limited to:

Ritmiese gimnastiek

Melandi van Eeden (12 jaar) het Saterdag, 27 Julie aan ’n ritmiese kompetisie deelgeneem, waar sy uitstekend presteer het. Sy verwerf ‘n goue medalje vir haar Free Dance (Vlak 8) asook twee silwer medaljes vir Tou en Bal (Vlak 8). Sy is ook deel van Infinity klub se Junior groep en hulle het met die silwer medalje weggestap in die Ope Groep afdeling. Hiermee kwalifiseer sy om die naweek van 9 Augustus aan die Wes Kaap kampioenskappe te Wynberg deel te neem.


Horse riding


Die volgende gimnaste het aan die Wynland Gimnastiekkampioenkappe deelgeneem waar hul uitstekende resultate behaal het:

Vlak 5: Lily Grace Victor (12 jaar) Vloer – goud, brug en balk - silwer, spronge - brons, algeheel silwer.

Vlak 4: Chloe Lewis (12 jaar) – Balk en spronge – goud, brug – brons, algeheel goud.

Vlak 4: Zita Roland (7-9 jaar) Vloer, balk, brug, spronge – goud, algeheel goud.

Vlak 5: Mia de Bruyn (11 jaar) Balk – goud, vloer en spronge – silwer, brug – brons, algeheel goud.

Vlak 5: Jean Louis Pieterse (12 jaar) Spronge, vloer, rekstok, p-bar – silwer.

Emma Erasmus and Summer Sowter represented Winelands Team at the finals and had the following results:

Summer placed in the following classes:

• 2nd In-Hand Utility

• 3rd Equitation 50cm

• 3rd place Working Riding Showing class

• She also took part in Dressage Introductory level and 50cm jumping

Emma placed:

• 1st in both her 80cm show jumping classes

• 1st and 2nd in her two Dressage level 3 classes

• 3rd Equitation 80cm level 3

Sun City Tennistoernooi

Die 1ste tennisspanne het deelgeneem aan die Sun City toernooi waar hul uitstekende uitslae behaal het. Die dogters is aangewys as die wenners van die toernooi, terwyl die seuns derde was.


o.13A Kapteine

Ons o.10 – o.13 rugby-,netball-, en hokkiespanne sowel as ons eerste skaakspan en seuns en dogters tennisspanne het op 23 Augustus 2024 na Laerskool Park in Mosselbaai vertrek en die naweek op alle gebiede kompeteer. Hier is al ons kapteine en onder-kapteine van ons o.13 spanne.

Theolin Edwards is opgeneem in die o.12 WP rugbyspan wat die vakansie gaan deelneem in Riversdal.


Twee van ons leerders het aan die SA Kampioenskappe deelgeneem:

Petri Coetzee (o.11) en JC Esterhuizen (o.12) het beide silwer medaljes verower.

Madison Lambrechts het aan die Curro Durbanville Chess Rapid toernooi deelgeneem en ’n algehele 3de plek verower vir Junior dogters o.12. Sy wen die trofee as beste vroulike speler van die dag. Sy het ook deelgeneem aan die SA Open Kampioenskappe en verower ’n derde plek in die o.12 afdeling. Skaak


Baie geluk aan hierdie ballerinas wat Silver + verwerf het vir hulle groepdans, “Skyful of stars “ by die Paarlvallei Eisteddfod, vir die ouderdom 7-8 jaar.

WP Rugbyspan WP 7’s Rugbyspan Goju-Kai Nasional Karate Kampioenskappe

Zachery September en Chergeo Fransman is ingesluit in die WP 7’s span wat die vakansie aan ‘n toernooi gaan deelneem.

Mia Neethling het aan die Goju-Kai Nasional Karate Kampioenskappe in Bloemfontein deelgeneem. Sy verower ‘n brons medalje in haar afdeling.

Theolin Edwards Zachery September
Chergeo Fransman
Mia Neethling
Melandi van Eeden
Emma Erasmus en Summer Sowter.
Voor: Van Rheede Potgieter, Kyle Liebenberg. Agter: Joshua Hattingh, Liam Lang en Liam Lingenfelder.
Voor: Munke Blom, Melandi van Eeden. Agter: Anouk Thirion, Mienke Troskie en Leané Troskie.
JC Esterhuizen en Petri Coetzee.
Madison Lambrechts


Faith is one of the cast members in the new Afrikaans movie “Die dekonstruksie van Retha Blom.” Silverskermfees

National Teaching Awards

Faith Beukes attended the Blue Carpet Event at the KykNet “Silverskermfees”.

We are extremely proud of Mrs Botha for achieving this award! Mrs Botha is the provincial winner of the National Teaching Awards. Excellence in Technology-Enhanced, Teaching and Learning! We are so proud to have her as part of our team!

World Robotics Olympiad

Ons is uiters trots op hierdie Larries wat uitgenooi is na die “World Robotics Olympiad South Africa Final”! Rumé

Faith Beukes
Mrs. Botha
van der Wal, Lara de Waal en Kira Barnes gaan La Rochelle op 13 September 2024 in Johannesburg verteenwoordig!
Rumé van der Wal, Lara de Waal en Kira Barnes
Geluk aan ons leiers vir 2025
Voor: Zahrah Docrat, Mari Joubert, Lamees Dulvie, Larike Smith, Kara Smith, Leigh Adams, Ivy-Ann Oats. Agter: Claire le Roux, Lael Frankfort, Sasha Bayman, Iselle Acker, Aninka Muller, Mekayla Griffiths, Gretha du Toit.
Gr.12 Senior Raad
Voor: Ivy-Ann Oates, Ronel Strauss, Claire le Roux, Elizabeth-Anne Rademeyer, Kara Smith, Mari Joubert. Agter: Rachel Beverley, Aninka Muller, Iselle Acker, Jana Herselman, Larushkah du Plooy, Gretha du Toit.
Hanaan Gaffoor, Tinette le Roux, Kylie Basson, Ilke de Villiers, Hayden Arendse, Corin Joseph.
Gr.11 Senior Raad
Demi Williams, Paula Jacobs, Line de Villiers, Zarah van Zyl, Nelia Kotze, Dané Meintjies, Siba Ngcumbe.
Gr 9 & Gr 10 Junior Raad

Insterskole Wenspanne Montagu Koor Toer

Die Eskom Ekspo vir jong wetenskaplikes is ‘n wetenskapskou waar leerders ‘n kans het om projekte oor hulle eie leergierigheid en ontwerpe uit te stal. 16 van ons leerders het deelgeneem aan die streeksekspo te Saldanha op 6 en 7 Augustus.

Die volgende leerders het toekennings ontvang:

• Prys vir energie: Rikus van Zyl en Johan Esterhuizen

• Hoogs aanbevole projek: Alto Louw en Ben Cronje

• Brons: Inge Truter, Antoinette Kriek, Junel Smith en Rosemarie Neethling

• Silwer: Tara du Toit, Beulah van Niekerk, Zané de Beer, Jani Visagie en Annabel Basson

• Goud: Johan Esterhuizen, Rikus van Zyl, Winsor Solomon en Eric Kruger Ons is bitter trots op ons wetenskaplike Rockies!

Baie geluk! Julle is sowaar goeie Rockies waarmee ons graag spog.

Voor: Christina van der Merwe, Leighagan Fluks, Kerryn Busch, Carli Vorster. Agter: Sunelle de Bruyn, Anike van der Merwe, Janke Kotze, Riané Lighthart, Lize-Mari Batt, Suzette Visser (Afrigter).
Voor: Zani da Fontes, Annabel Basson, Minke da Fontes, Mila-Mari van Lill, Jana Steyn, Mieke Neethling. Middel: Marzé Kohn, Mia Steyn, Minelle Meeding, Mila Maritz, Danielle Schwartz (VC), Cayleigh Petersen, Tashlynn Solomons (C), Anandi van der Merwe (Afrigter), Sergio Arendse (Afrigter). Agter: Jean-Mari Pienaar, Marzane Horn (Afrigter), Marné Conradie.
Hierdie drie leerders, Du Preez Erasmus, Jani Visagie en Jana du Toit, het al meer as 50 merietepunte. Dit word verkry deur o.a. goeie sportmanskap, akademiese prestasies en goeie dade. Hul word nou gesien as graadseniors.
Eskom Ekspo




Ons het hierdie kwartaal ons Hartenbostoer gehad en al ons spanne het uitstekend gevaar en baie pret gehad. Ons o.13A-netbalspan was die toernooiwenners! Vier van ons leerders is in die Prestigespanne opgeneem. Sage Jones (beste AV) en Liané Coetzee (beste HV) is in die Prestige Netbalspan opgeneem en Chrisaan Visser (beste “left striker”) en Liané Coetzee (beste “centre back”) is in die Prestige Hokkiespan opgeneem.

Ons vier ons 75ste verjaarsdag

Die aand het ons ‘n steakete saam met oud-leerlinge gehad: Die oudste Sub A-leerders wat die ete bygewoon het verskyn op die foto. Die naweek is met ‘n kerkdiens afgesluit.

Everything School is your ultimate partner, just like our name suggests.

Each transaction not only fulfils everything and anything your school needs, but also earns you valuable School Bucks.

Connecting schools with the right providers.


Sage Jones en Liané Coetzee
Chrisaan Visser en Liané Coetzee
Voor: Juno Abrahams (Onderhoofseun), Geon Fouché (Hoofseun), Lumé Anderson (Hoofdogter), Anine Bester (Onderhoofdogter). Agter: Mnr. J.F. Bruwer (Skoolhoof)
Voor: Dr. Giepie Pienaar, Edie Malan(1950), Hugo Rust. Agter: Carina Payne (Louw), Piet Krynauw.
Die leiers van Laerskool Hugo Rust is aangekondig.
Ons het 27 bome geplant. Saterdag, 31 Augustus het ons ‘n lekker sportdag gehad en heerlik basaar gehou saam met NG Kerk Wellington-Noord.
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!

Paarl Vallei Eisteddfod

Hugenote Laerskool se kore het uitstekende uitslae by die Paarl Vallei Eisteddfod behaal. Die Seniorkoor het Cum Laude verwerf en die Juniorkoor het ‘n Goud Plus-toekenning losgesing. Hulle passie, harde werk en uitstekende dissipline het uitnemende vrugte afgewerp.

Koorfees 2024

Musiek is meer as net klanke - dit is ‘n hartservaring. Hierdie waarheid het vanjaar weer gestalte gekry toe Hugenote Laerskool vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar hul Koorfees aangebied het. Die gaskunstenaar, die bekroonde Anna Davel, het ekstra luister aan die fees verleen. Die massakooritem saam met hierdie Suid-Afrikaanse diva het die aand op ‘n hoendervleis-hoogtepunt afgesluit.

Philip Louw, ’n graad 3-leerder, het uitstekend by die Tygerberg Eisteddfod presteer. Hy behaal 96% vir sy gedramatiseerde prosa en ‘n enorme 99% vir sy gedramatiseerde voordrag. Ons is geweldig trots op hierdie ongeëwenaarde prestasie!

We are extremely proud of Dené Cilliers for her outstanding performance at the Western Cape Women’s Chess Championships! She earned a well-deserved medal as the best female in the u.12 section.

Steffan Moolman het aan die XCO Cups Finaal in Knysna deelgeneem. Nie net het hy ‘n eerste plek in die o.12-afdeling behaal nie, maar is ook as algehele kampioen in die Wes-Kaap XCO Cups aangewys.


Baie geluk aan Liam Petersen wat in die Boland o.12Brugbyspan opgeneem is.

Karli Bester Gr. 12
Amalie du Plessis Gr. 12
Phumi Dyonta Gr. 12
Mienke J van Rensburg Gr. 12
Emma Kemp Gr. 12
Leani Pienaar Gr. 12
Retha vd Spuy Gr. 12
Marilu Zeeman Gr.12
Neil-Willem Buchner Gr.12
Stiaan Coetzee Gr. 12
Paul Conradie Gr. 12
Stiaan du Bruin Gr. 12
Albert Lourens Gr. 12
Andy Myburg Gr. 12
JC Smith Gr. 12
Heymish Zyster Gr.12
Lauren Andrews Gr.11
Miale Bindemann Gr.11
Jana Blom Gr.11
Lana Botha Gr.11
Shiloh Cloete Gr.11
Areebah Crombie Gr.11
Nita Joubert Gr.11
Hassan Abbas Gr.11
Jozef de Beer Gr.11
Henre Kotze Gr.11
Daniël Loedolff Gr.11
Lian Luyt Gr.11
Coden Morilly Gr.11
Kishtan Williams Gr.11


VRL 2025

Koshuisprefekte 2025

Baie geluk en voorspoed aan ons koshuisprefekte vir 2025.

Senior Koshuisprefekte

• Kody Nell

• Stephan Griesel

• Jeandré le Roux

• Henry Rudder

• Janco Moggee

• Blake de Kock

• Heinrich Bezuidehout

• Diwan Grobbelaar

• Janco Basson

• Jacques Retief

• Gerdian Coetzee

• Geo Williams

• Dewet Bruwer

• Pieter Bergh

• Ruan vd Westhuizen

• Danie Thiart

• Adam van Schalkwyk

• Jayden Brits

• Malan Goosen

• Aragon Gerber

• Henré Swart en

Matriekraad 2025

• Derico Messina

• Afwesig: Krause Ohlhoff.

Junior Koshuisprefekte

• Francois Prins

• Aleit Stander

• Jaeger Coetzee

• Juan Visagie

• Adrian le Roux

• Kobus Conradie

Baie geluk en voorspoed aan ons Matriekraad vir 2025.

Henré Swart en Derico Messina. Afwesig: Krause Ohlhoff.


Marius Schoeman 7’s toernooi. 31 skole het deel geneem aan die toernooi wat twee dae duur. Die groeprondes word Vrydag en die uitkloprondes Saterdag gespeel.

Die o.17’s eindig eerste in hul groep. In die uitspeelronde speel hulle teen Forward Foundation en wen die wedstryd 40-10 en dring sodoende deur na die kwarteindronde. Hulle kom teen Milnerton te staan en wen met 3312 wat hulle moet toelaat om kragte teen Affies in die halfeindstryd te meet.Die halfeindstryd was ‘n uitmergelende stryd waar die o. 17’s vir Affies in ekstra tyd met 31-26 voor was. Hulle val vas in die eindstryd teen Paarl Gym en eindig algeheel 2de in die toernooi uit 31 skole. Ons is baie trots op hierdie seuns! Baie geluk ouens!

Dewet Bruwer, Jeandré le Roux en Heinrich Bezuidenhout. Aleit Stander, Francois Prins en Jaeger Coetzee. Edrich Rix, Ruan Nel en Matthew Geldenhuys. Etienne vd Merwe, Liam Mostert en Stef Ohlhoff.
Kody Nell, Stephan Griesel, Jeandré le Roux en Heinrich Bezuidenhout, Blake de Kock, Dewet Bruwer, Pieter Bergh en Jayden Brits. Janco Basson,

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