AWSUM East London March Edition

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EAST LONDON & SURROUNDS THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on MARCH 2023 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa ATHLETICS FREE GRATIS PRIZEGIVING ACHIEVERS TERM 1 SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS SWIMMING CRICKET TENNIS Download past exam papers, per grade, per subject on The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books.

AWSUM gesels met Retief Goosen oor sy skooljare

Retief Goosen (The Goose), oud HTS Tom Naudé - leerder en wenner van twee Amerikaanse Ope Gholftoernooie, praat oor sy skooljare in Polokwane. Behalwe vir sy 36 oorwinnigs as professionele gholfer en sy sewe PGA Toer - oorwinnings, haal Retief ook die World Golf Hall of Fame in 2019.

Ons moet begin deur te vra oor jou skoolloopbaan. Wat sal jy altyd van jou skool onthou?

Wat ek onthou, is dat die onderwysers by my skool streng was. As jy stout was die klas, het jy pakslae gekry. Daar was `n paar onderwysers wat gholf gespeel het en ek het saam met hulle gespeel, maar ek het nog steeds deugeloop as ek stout was.

Aan watter sport het jy op skool deelgeneem?

Vir my was dit net gholf elke dag. Op laerskool het ek wel rugby gespeel. Ek was binne senter, maar het van 12 jaar oud op gholf begin fokus deur gholfboeke wat in die huis was, te lees - onder andere boeke van Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus en Gary Player. Daai dae was daar nie videos nie, so ek moes in `n spiëel oefen alles wat ek in die boeke geleer het.

Watter tipe ou was jy op skool?

Ek was maar `n stil ou op skool en my eie ding gedoen. Ek was `n prefek in my laaste jaar, so dit was lekker om stoute ouens by onderwysers aan te kla.

Vertel ons meer oor jou grootwordjare in Polokwane. Polokwane was maar klein tydens my grootwordjare. Ek kon met my fiets orals heen ry. Ons het naby genoeg aan Polokwane Gholfklub gebly dat ek met my gholfstokke en sak op my fiets kon ry en vinnig nege gate na skool kon speel.

Wat is die beste raad wat jy al ooit ontvang het en wat jy vandag met ons lesers wil deel?

Niks kom verniet nie. Jy moet hard werk.

As jy nie `n gholfspeler was nie, watter sport sou jy wou beoefen?

Gholf was alles vir my. As dit nie gewerk het nie, sou ek seker nie `n ander sport beoefen het nie. Tydens `n onderhoud met die Polokwane Review vertel Retief: “Ons het altyd vir ure gholfballe agter in die tuin geslaan en my ma het ons uitgetrap, want ons het haar gras uitgeslaan” onthou Retief. “Ek het my liefde vir gholf by my pa geleer en dan natuurlik by Francois my broer ook. Ek het vir hom gecaddy,” skerts Retief.

Wat sou jy sê vat dit van `n speler om die hoogste vlak van `n sportsoort te bereik en daar te bly?

“Dissipline en harde werk! My pa het geglo dat as jy iets wil hê, moet jy daarvoor werk en voluit daarvoor gaan. Hy het vir jou die geleentheid gegee, maar jy moes ‘n sukses daarvan maak. My pa se werketiek is iets wat oorgespoel het na my gholf. Met talent en harde werk, kan jy net suksesvol wees en ek is dankbaar daarvoor,” vertel Retief vir die Polokwane Review.

In dieselfde berig, berig die Polokwane Review dat oom Theo Goosen, Retief se pa, op 21 Desember 2022 op die ouderdom van 89 oorlede is. Tot die dag van sy dood het Oom Theo gholfraad met Retief gedeel en hy onthou hoe sy pa ‘n paar keer in Amerika en Engeland gaan gholf kyk het. “Sy tydsberekening was nie altyd so goed met die raad nie, en as ek nie goed gespeel het nie, het hy sommer sy vliegtuigkaartjie vervroeg en teruggevlieg.”

Retief Goosen is as 16 - jarige deur weerlig op die golfbaan raakgeslaan toe hy en sy neef Henri `n rondte gholf op `n Woensdagmiddag gespeel het. Toe dit op die vyfde gat begin reën, het hulle gaan skuil onder `n afdak, maar toe die reën opklaar, het hulle verder gaan speel. Dis toe wat hy deur die weerlig geslaan is en 20 minute later in die hosipitaal wakker geword het. Nadat sy neef gaan hulp soek het by die klubhuis het hy `n dokter gekry wat toevallig gholf gespeel het en Retief vertel dié dokter het sy lewe daardie dag gered. Na 3 weke wat hy nie skoene kon aantrek nie as gevolg van sy brandwonde, was hy terug op die gholfbaan en toe het sy golf vlamgevat, want mens besef jy kon dood gewees het.

Destyds het Retief die volgende wenk aan `n jong opkomende gholfer gegee: Hou jou fokus en neem die spel net hou vir hou, Vergeet van die toernooi en vergeet waar jy op die punteleêr lê.

`n Jong Retief Retief


Retief (The Goose) Goosen. Foto: Instagram Goosen saam met Gary Player (Foto: Instagram)
AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646
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This article was written by a human, and not by ChatGPT

of ChatGPT, as most people don’t really know how to use it to its full potential, that’s why we want to share some of the best ChatGPT use cases, prompts and examples with you.

ChatGPT is a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool that came out November 2022 that provides quick, well-formulated answers to a variety of questions and is going to revolutionize the way we do things and the way we communicate. This powerful tool answers questions in a conversational style. You type your question, and it types back…within seconds, no matter the question. Since its launch, the bot has amassed more than a million subscribers and more than 100 million monthly active users.

Did you know CatchGPT can give you product recommendations? Prompt it with something like “I’m looking for a new pair of running shoes. Do you have any product recommendations?” and it will give you a list of some of the best options out there. It’ll even tell you about the differences between them, so you can make an informed decision. So, no need for endless scrolling in comparison shopping.

ChatGPT can help you in the kitchen with recipe suggestions

Prompt it with something like “I have some leftover chicken and a can of black beans. Can you suggest a recipe and instructions to make?” and it will give you a list of ingredients and instructions to cook up something delicious.

You can even ask ChatGPT to tell you a joke and it will send you a joke!

ChatGPT can act as your own personal career coach. Prompt it with something like “act as an interviewer and ask me about my strengths” and it will start asking you questions as if you were being interviewed in real life. You can even ask it to help you improve your answers, so you can feel more confident and prepared for your next interview.

ChatGPT can help you improve your confidence in social situations. Prompt it with something like “I’m looking for a conversation starter. Do you have any suggestions?” and it’ll give you some examples to get a conversation going.

ChatGPT’s language translation feature is also very impressive. Type in something like “translate this sentence to French” and it will give you the French equivalent. So, whether you’re trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language or you are a business looking to expand your reach by creating content in multiple languages, ChatGPT’s got you covered.

ChatGPT can also recommend all sorts of entertainment based on your preferences. If you’re into historical fiction books, just ask it to recommend something for you. It’ll give you a list of options and it’s not just limited to books. You can also use it to discover new movies, music and more - a great way to find new enjoyable entertainment options.

With Chat GPT rising in popularity, what’s a parent to do?

There is no stopping the impact AI technology will have going forward, and Chat GPT is likely just the start of this era in education. Have an open conversation with your children and guide them through this transition so that they are aware of the risks and benefits of the technology. Explore the platform with them and work with their curiosity. Encourage your kids to use Chat GPT alongside an adults to get ideas about things they’re interested in, like music. Families can explore the tool together and try prompts that are fun, inspiring or helpful.

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Education

The topic of AI tools and how they impact education is incredibly important and we have to ask what are some of the possible impacts of AI tools like Chat GPT on teachers and students?

How do I prevent cheating and plagiarism when tools like this exist?

How do I talk to my learners about Chat GPT?

What are the pro’s and con’s?

Can we stop it being used by learners?

Should we even try and stop it?

If not, how will it likely change teaching methods and approaches?

Can it actually be harnessed for good?

Some pro’s include:

ChatGPT is like having a personal tutor right at your fingertips. It can help with homework and explain difficult concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. For example let’s say you’re struggling to understand the concept of momentum, just ask ChatGPT to explain it to you like you’re five years old and it’ll give you a simple explanation that even a child could understand and if you have any follow-up questions it can help with those too this is such a great way to get a little extra help and support with schoolwork and it makes learning more interactive and engaging.

With bullying in schools, ChatGPT can also be an amazing resource for anyone’s troubling with anxiety stress or any other mental health issues for example you could type in “feeling really anxious and overwhelmed” and it will give you some tips for managing anxiety if you’re in need of some guidance or just want talk to someone chat GPT could be a convenient way to get support anonymously.

It’s important for us to keep our readers well informed about the use
Scan this code to download A Teacher’s Prompt Guide to ChatGPT aligned with “What Works Best”
The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2024 school diaries, AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF



Stirling cricket has had an excellent season, with our 1st XIs doing particularly well.


The du Plessis twins – Juan & Olivia – won their respective 400m hurdles titles at the Eastern Cape Championships in Gqeberha. Our 1st XI cricket Our tennis boys team Our tennis girls team Our junior debaters


Oos-Kaap Atletiek

Baie geluk aan ons leerders wat na die Oos- Kaap rondte deurgedring het.

Mnr. J.W. Brand het in Januarie 2004 as skoolhoof by Laerskool Grens aangesluit. Hy het vroeg reeds die nood vir ‘n Afrikaanse dagsorgsentrum gesien om te verseker dat kinders van kleins af in Afrikaans geleer word. Mnr. Brand is ‘n kampvegter vir die voortbestaan van Afrikaans as onderrigtaal en daarom was hy die dryfveer vir die BOU van Laerskool Grens op die nuwe perseel aangrensend aan Hoërskool Grens in Baysville.

Hy het nooit moed opgegee nie en in 2022 het Laerskool Grens die voorreg gehad om in die nuwe perseel in te trek. Die droom van een Afrikaanse kampus vir kinders vanaf 1 jaar oud tot gr. 12 is verwesenlik!

Op 31 Maart 2023, na 19 jaar en 3 maande diens aan Laerskool Grens en die gemeenskap, tree mnr. Brand af. U nalatenskap is vir ons van ewigheidswaarde. U droom is ons werklikheid en Laerskool Grens sal daarop voort-BOU! Ons wens u en me. Brand ‘n geseënde aftrede toe!


Primary School of Excellence Award

Congratulations to all involved at Stirling Primary School on being awarded the Primary School of Excellence Award in our circuit for 2022.

Mr Harris proudly received the Award yesterday presented at the EC Department Of Education Awards function.

Thank you to our parents, pupils, all staff and our community that made this dream reality.

o.9 krieketspan Voor: Danyelle Prinsloo, Gisele Kayinaki, Maryse Hector. Agter: Chris Lombard, Niel de Beer, Malcolm Leach. Mnr. en me. Brand Ons o.9 krieketspan was onoorwonne verlede seisoen. Baie geluk met jou spannetjie Mnr. Knoxx. Die leerders van Laerskool Grens het heerlik afgekoel tydens ons swemgalas. Leerder tydens swemgala Our Creative Arts Leaders Our girls cricket team Our girls tennis team Our boys tennis team

Cricket Athletics


Mnr en Mej Grens

Grens High School held their annual Mnr. en Mej. Grens competition. The winners are:


The following athletes have qualified to participate as part of the Amatola team at the EC

athletics meeting in Gqeberha on 2-4 March 2023:

• De Wet Nel (200m)

• Sané Matthee (200m)

• Karmi Skein (shot put)

• Daniël van Rooyen (discus)


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City, Bonza

Front: Jacques Bosch, Zoë Griessel. Back: Gerhard Clark, Liyabona Renene, Suné du Plessis, Akho Mtakatya. De Wet Nel, Sané Matthee, Karmi Skein, Daniël van Rooyen. • Mnr. Grens : Jacques Bosch • 2nd place: Gerhard Clark • 3rd place: Liyabona Renene • Mej. Grens: Zoë Griessel • 2nd place: Akho Mtakatya • 3rd place: Suné du Plessis Champs Our 2nd team Waterpolo Our 1st team Waterpolo Congratulations to our 1st team cricket winning the Algie Cup 2023! Congratulations to our Athletes who participated in the Eastern Cape Champs in Gqeberha at NMU from 2 - 4 March 2023
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Our u13A Girls and Boys Waterpolo teams enjoyed a very successful weekend at the Knysna Oakhill Waterpolo Festival. Our girls won 8 out of their 9 matches and our boys won 6 out of their 8 matches, we are so proud!

Oakhill Waterpolo Tournament Conquesta Athletics

We are so proud of our students and teachers for the amazing ranking results we recently received from the Conquesta Maths Olympiad! Every grade came within the top 10 for Maths, as well as good rankings for our Grade 1 and 2 English.

Surfer’s Marathon

Hudson Park Primary team was announced as the school of the Surfer’s Marathon as we had the most number of participants (teachers and students) in the 5km race!

In the 5km race Bradley Victor was not only 1st junior boy, but he came 1st overall in a time of 19:41! Erin Weimann was 3rd junior girl home in a time of 22:23.


Academic Achievement: 2022 Matric Examinations

Lilyfontein received a number of awards at the BCM District Awards Ceremony held on Friday 24 February 2023. Lilyfontein School Principal, Mr. Els, represented the school to receive a trophy for Lilyfontein achieving a 100% Matric Pass rate for the last 3 years in a row, and for being one of the top performing High Schools in the district. Lilyfontein School has now achieved a 100% Matric Pass for the last 15 years.

The following educators received Certificates of Commendation of excellent results:

• Tourism Educator Mr. Lyle Coldham - one of the Top Performing Educators in the District for Tourism, achieving the second highest marks in the District.

• Hospitality Educator Mrs. Tracey Lutzke - highest marks in the District AND in the Province for Hospitality, was THE Top Performing Educator in her subject in the District and Eastern Cape Province.

Sporting Achievement: Mountain Biking

The following Lilyfontein School cyclists have qualified for the National XCO in Pretoria on 15/16 April:

• Nipper boys: Kian Botes (Gr 3), Daniel Braun (Gr 4)

• Sprog girls: Summer Gaylard (Gr 6) (Eastern Cape Provincial winner)

• Sub Jnr Woman: Ashleigh Schroeter (Gr 8) (Eastern Provincial winner)

• Sub Jnr Men: Kyle Naude (Gr 8), Daniel Heger (Gr 6)

Congratulations to Cassidy and Havilah who participated in the second round of the BCM Inter-Schools Athletics meet. Havilah has qualified to join the BCM team to compete in Mthatha for a spot in the border team.

Sporting Achievement: Athletics

The following Lilyfontein School athletes have been selected to the BCM Athletics


• Joseph Kamunga – 100M Sprint, Relay and Long Jump (Gr 4)

• Connor Timmins – Long Jump (Gr 12)

Sporting Achievement: Equestrian

Lilyfontein Grade 10 learner

Kara Freitag participated in the Westown 2022 SA Youth Championships in KZN. Kara was selected for and received her colours for the Open showing, Equitation, Dressage and 1.20 Show Jumping teams. She won the Open Show Riding and Novice Show Riding classes for the Eastern Cape and came 2nd overall. Her Dressage Team placed second in the Interprovincial Championships.

Havilah Deyi Cassidy Cloete Kara Freitag


Music exam

The following children played their Trinity College Music Exams at the end of last year and all received excellent results. The exams are recorded digitally by our music teachers and then sent to London UK, where it’s marked by an Examiner from Trinity College. These prestigious exams are recognized internationally. Our pupils achieved 7 Distinctions and 4 Merits between them. Well done!


Cricket Tour Results

During our tour to Makhanda, hosted by Graeme College in early January, in our match against Peterhouse from Zimbabe match, Lithemba Nomoyi achieved an incredibly rare cricketing feat by scoring a century, 104 runs not out, and then taking a hattrick of wickets, 3/3.

This has only ever been achieved by a handful of cricketers since the inception of the game and it is unheard of it being achieved at school level. Well done, Lithemba!

1st X1 vs Cambridge 1st XI

• Hudson Park 206/9 declared

• Osphesona Mbekwa 72

• Chumanco Macozoma 30

• Lindokuhle Notshe 26

Old Petrians Tournament

Our girls’ 1st Water Polo Team travelled to Johannesburg this past weekend, to participate in the Old Petrian’s Water Polo Tournament hosted by St Peter’s College. Our girls did extremely well to win the Shield section of the tournament, facing some tough competition en route to their victory.

• Cadin Rooi 25

• Cambridge 76 all

• Johnathan Anderson 6/11 (bowled a hattrick)

• Hudson won by 134 runs

Our water polo boys travelled to Knysna to participate in the Oakhill Chukka Water Polo festival. Their results are as follows:

• Hudson Park vs Oakhill 5-13

• Hudson Park vs Woodridge 2-11

• Hudson Park vs Westerford 4-1

• Hudson Park vs Grey 3-8

• Hudson Park vs Kingswood 7-3

• Hudson Park vs Camps Bay 3-2

• Hudson Park vs Wynberg 2-3

• Hudson Park vs Bridge House 6-4

Oakhill Chukka u.19 Festival

Front: Isabella Stanyon, Kara Batting, Sarah Barratt, Erin Batting, Mia Smit. Back: Erin Lentz (manager), Eva Moore, Jorja Wilson, Erin Horsley, Jordyn Wilson, Rania Khan, Kayden Glasgow, Erin Sincock (coach). Johnathan Anderson and Osphesona Mbekwa



2023 Clarendon Primary School Committees - Service Leadership Roles

All our school committee photo’s can be viewed online:

• Choir Monitors

• Culture

• Eco Club

• First Aid Monitors

• Gittins House

• Global Awareness

• Hunter House

• Ketchen House

• Oureach Club

• Sport Captains

• Sports Committee

View all the committee photos online. Scan here.


Aquatics and Water Polo

Six of our squash players travelled to Makhanda to participate in the Dave Hodgson Festival. The team was unbeaten throughout the festival.

Squash Tennis

The 1st Tennis Team participated in the Tjaart Voster Tennis Tournament in Cradock. We congratulate them on coming 4th in the tournament.

The 1st Team swimmers and water polo players participated in the National All Girls Aquatics Festival held in Johannesburg. The swimmers were placed 6th overall, while the 1st Water Polo


Emily Palmer, Kayla Gous, Jodi Boettger, Hannah Viviers, Megan Phillips, Jocelyn Cromhout and Abigail Munro.


Olivia Yazbek, Emma Booyens, Kiyara Campbell, Julianna Saffy, Caroline Kretzmann, Meka Loots, Jessica Schaefer and Quinn Carr.

Third row: Holley Jacoby, Kaitlyn Hayward, Josi Arnold, Chuma Magobongo, Julia Ristow, Maya Klopper, Jasmine Koch and Mrs Loryn Nel.


Ms Chelsea Knott, Kerry Elliott, Rachel Webb, Tori Voke, Alex Albers, Jenna Tarr,

Cara Knott, Demi Knott, Jessica Jones, Georgia McClure, Alice Sinclair and Sasha Earl. Georgina Do Rego, Paige Gulle, Kate van Heerden, Erin Peters, Olivia Gous, Samantha Jordan and Mia van Aardt. row: row: row: Chelsy Hendry and Mrs Kerry Voke. Front: Sisibulele Mayoli, Jenna Frachet, Julia Ristow, Kelly Hatley and Shenlyn Grotjohn Back: Emma Collins, Alison Woodin, Kaitlyn Hayward, Amy Step, Emma Hayes, Rachel Webb, Emma Bedser and Emma Booyens. The 2nd Water Polo Team took part in the u.19 Chukka Festival in Knysna. The team was unbeaten throughout the festival. 1st Team 2nd Team


Friendship Cup Water Polo Tournament

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THE PRINT OFFICE Your partner in printing

Congratulations to Merrifield boys and girls water polo teams who were the overall winners of the Friendship Cup water polo tournament held at Merrifield from 17 – 19 February. Luvuyo Rubushe (Head of water polo), Colby Braun (U.15 captain) and David Hall (1st team captain). Luvuyo Rubushe (Head of water polo), Janey Wood (U.15 captain) and Anna Ford (1st team captain). Merrifield’s victorious water polo players – boys and girls U15 and boys and girls 1st water polo teams
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past exam papers, Per grade, Per subject on The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A






All Rounders’ Ties

Three of the fine young men we have at Queen’s were awarded their All Rounders’ Ties. This is an extremely difficult award to achieve at Queen’s College, as the award looks at individual excellence in the academic, cultural and sporting spheres of school life. It is also a much sought after award, and, because of the high standard required, not many boys end up achieving it. It is true to say that it is one of the most prestigious awards that is made at Queen’s College!

Academic Honours

Two of our Grade 11 learners, Pratham Malavally and Lufezo Tafane, were awarded Academic Honours. To receive this award they both got an average of 78% in June and November exam terms. Pratham’s average was above 86% in these terms and accordingly his Honours was awarded summa cum laude.

Nangamso Ncobo completed his Grade 3 Trumpet exam with distinction. He has also been invited to perform at the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) high scorers concert at Nelson Mandela University in Gqeberha on the 5th of March.

Damian Miles Pratham Malavally Asiphesona Vena Lufezo Tafane Rowan Miles Nangamso Ncobo Our hockey captain and vice captain, Thinama Qasana and Chloe Fitzhenry Our netball captain and vice captain, Yanela Jaggers and Ashley van Heerden Sarah de Jongh was selected for the Eastern Cape Schools Tennis team The GHS SCA collected clothing and non-perishable food items to donate to the victims of the recent


you to the Early Act girls for picking up litter and keeping our school grounds clean!
Our Marimba and
Band playing at
Our u13A hockey team Phumelela Mayekiso Thabile Mashiya Suné Pautz Zinaida Stellenberg Rogan Wall Ukho Mdlulwa Taylor Dickason Erin Bradfield Luloluthando Mato Gemma Clark Paisley Edkins Erin Davidson Olona Mbhalati Kendall Meise
NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Read the latest school news online! All photos published in this edition, can be found online, so that you can share your school’s news with your whole family!
Learner Council 2023
Balmoral Girls’ Primary School



Two silvers and a bronze medal.

Four of our athletes competed in the Eastern Cape High Schools’ championships which were held in Gqeberha from 2 - 4 March. Some highlights from this meeting were as follows:

Keathan Edwards got a bronze medal in the u.14 long jump. Inam Masoma got a silver medal in the u.14 nigh jump. C-Jay Jeggels got a silver medal in the u.14 400m finals. Congratulations to the athletes for having made it that far. We hope they gained valuable experience for use in future athletic performances.



Our newly selected 1st team competed in the annual Spar Challenge held in Graaff-Reinet

Our 1st XI Cricket Team Our 1st Boys and Girls tennis teams Our u.13A tennis team Our 1stXV rugby capping ceremony


Congratulations to Zac Fletcher who took part in the 2023 SA National Sprint Triathlon Championships and Africa Cup. Zac took part in the Super Sprint (ages 12 to 15) Championship, finishing third overall and second South African, thus winning the silver SA championship medal. The event was hosted by Free State Triathlon, at Maselspoort, Bloemfontein.


Our 1st Water Polo Team The St Andrew’s debating team, consisting of Alexander Hutton, Anga Mayatula and Robert Shaw.
BUCO grahamstown 34 / 46 bathurst street, grahamstown. Tel: (046) 622 7301 AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Share this edition with someone digitally WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF
The U14A Basketball Team participated in the Jeppe basketball festival in Johannesburg



Baie geluk aan elkeen van die sprekers wat hard gewerk het om voor te berei en hul toesprake te lewer. Ons is dankbaar dat Mev. Bekker en Mnr. Dolf, oud-PJ onderwysers saam met Mev. van Vuuren as beoordelaars na ons sprekers kom luister het. Die uitslae was as volg:

• CJ Saterdag - Goud+

• Megan Fourie - Goud

• Jayden Brand - Silwer

• Avu Matiwane - Silwer

• Lulonwabo Sandi - Silwer

Sewentien van PJ se graad 7 tot 12 leerders neem deel aan Rhodes se Wiskunde Ervaring. Baie geluk aan Carissa Henning in graad 12 wat ‘n toekenning gekry het vir PJ-toppresteerder!

Rhodes Wiskunde Ervaring
Ons bestuurskomitee
Ons debatklub Ons skaakklub

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