AWSUM Helderberg September 2023

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THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on SEPTEMBER 2023 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa HELDERBERG FRESH EGGS NOURISH THE MIND Repair and Respray of Mags/Steel Rims. Your Specialists in Strand! • • FREE GRATIS Spesiale bylaag: Krieketwêreldbeker 2023 - Slegs in die September-uitgawe! AWSUM verjaar!

`n Ou historiese gebou in die Paarl word AWSUM se nuwe hoofkantoor

AWSUM het die laaste paar maande `n ou historiese gebou in die Paarl gerestoureer om te dien as ons hoofkantoor. Die grootste uitdaging was die nuwe laag verf wat die mure, plafonne en dak sou kry en sonder die kundige hulp van JF Paints sou dié taak nie maklik gewees het nie. Elke mens wat al in hulle lewe gebou of gerestoureer het, weet dis nie `n maklike taak nie, en die een uitdaging na die ander staar jou in die gesig. So, as mens een minder kwessie het om jou oor te bekommer, het jy soveel meer tyd om op ander dinge te fokus en dis wat JF Paints vir ons beteken het - van die dag

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Hours : Mon - Fri 8:30 - 17:00 Sat & Public Holidays 8:30 - 14:00


Die idee om AWSUM tien jaar gelede te begin, het begin omdat my kinders op laerskool was en ek opgelet het dat die hoofstroom en plaaslike media nie regtig skole op grootskaal en op `n konstante basis ondersteun het om aan leerders die nodige erkenning te vir hulle prestasies te gee nie. Ja, daar was bietjie nuus geplaas, maar dit het vir my gelyk of die bietjie wat geplaas word, net geplaas word om skole “gelukkig” te hou.

Ek het gesien dat daar by elke skool baie gebeur in terme van sport, akademie en kultuur. Ek wou dat skoolnuus sy eie platform moes hê en wou `n koerant begin wat sonder ander nuus kon oorleef - `n koerant wat positiewe nuus deel. Ons almal weet dat negatiewe of slegte nuus en skandes en korrupsie koerante verkoop. Die risiko was groot. Neem in ag dat ons geen kennis oor koerante, uitleg, pryse vir advertensies en vele ander aspekte gehad het nie. Ons het nie eers die verskillende diktes van papier waarop koerante gedruk word verstaan nie.

Ons wou anders wees, so daarom wou ons op die ouers fokus en was dit van kardinale belang dat die koerant deur die skole saam met die leerders huis toe gaan en nie op winkelrakke lê nie.

Hierdie syfers vertel ons storie:

Ons druk elke jaar 4 koerante vir 22 streke landswyd.

Ons druk elke jaar in Februarie 8 provinsiale koerante spesiaal net vir matriekuitslae. Ons druk 50 spesiale interskole uitgawes per jaar.

Ons jaarlikse beroepsgids is `n spesiale uitgawe waar ons saam met na-skoolse instansies saamwerk om studierigtings met matrikulante te deel.

2.5 miljoen ouers volg elke jaar ons nuus aanlyn op

Tien jaar gaan in `n oogwink verby en daar is baie wat ons in dié 10 jaar geleer het en baie waarop ons trots is. Soos ons aanlyn skolenuusplatform wat ons vyf jaar terug begin het om daagliks onbeperkte nuus vanaf skole te deel. Ons deel hier oor die 2 000 skole se nuus en prestasies.

Ons wil graag dankie sê aan al die skole, hulle bemarkers, asook die duisende adverteerders wat ons deurlopend ondersteun. Sonder hulle, asook ons toegewyde personeel, sou dié 10 jaar nie moontlik gewees het nie.

Ons het groot planne vir die toekoms en ons sien uit na die volgende 10 jaar.

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Learners Place At Eskom Young Scientists Expo

Founders’ Day is always a special day at the school, not only because we commemorate the founding of the school, but also because the new prefects are announced. The 2024 head leaders are Henry Jones and Kiara Mahoney.

Front: A Leibrandt, A Jansen, H Jones, K Mahoney, J Joao, Z Els.

Second Row: Z de Freitas, L Kruger, K Steyn, A Hsueh, L Albertyn, A Botha, M Krog, J Lavies.

Third Row: D Moodie, J Ruzvidzo, G Lopes, D Bamberger, R Lamprecht, S Eksteen, T Prag.

Back: M Westraat, A Holzapfel, R Steenkamp, W Malherbe, B Morris, J Bate.

2023/2024 Prefects Hokkie

Die Top 8-produksies van die ATKV-Tienertoneel vir 2023 sluit twee van Parel Vallei se dramastukke in. Beide Wegwêreld en 23kg dring deur na die landswye finaal.

Die twee beste produksies met slegs leerders, word ook na die nasionale finaal genooi, wat tussen 3 en 6 Oktober in die Lyric-teater by Gold Reef City in Johannesburg plaasvind. Die bestes word dan tydens ‘n spogprysuitdeling op 6 Oktober aangewys.

Paul Strydom se Slaansak is een van die Top 2-produksies met slegs leerders, wat tydens die nasionale finaal sake moet uitspook.

tans vir Hoërskool Parel Vallei se eerste hokkiespan en is aan die einde van die o.18nasionale toernooi gekies vir die o.17 SA-hokkiespan.

Parel Vallei was well-represented at this year’s Eskom Young Scientists Expo. Anouk Terblanche received an award for the best senior project in Earth Sciences as well the best project in Water & Sanitation. Dillon Le Roux received a gold medal and was invited to enter her project for the International Science Fair. Chaeyoon Lee, Anouk Terblanche, Sarah Harris and Lelam Tsupe all received bronze medals for their projects.

Chaeyoon Lee, Anouk Terblanche, Sarah Harris and Lelam Tsupe. Anouk Terblanche Slaansak 23kg Dillon Le Roux Matthew Temmis Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn! / Scan the code and read more of our school’s news online!


Sport at Curro Somerset West continues to grow from strength to strength as our learners thrive in the different sporting categories on offer.

• Our u.18 netball team has gone unbeaten this term, winning the 4 matches played. Congratulations to our learners for their hard work and dedication to the game.

• Our soccer teams have been in top form this term, our u.18 team went unbeaten winning 2 matches and 1 draw. We are very proud of these learners and their achievements.

• From one playing field to another, the primary school E-sport teams at Curro Somerset West have been making waves in the gaming world with their remarkable performances in Minecraft’s Player VS Player mode. With a total of 10 exhilarating matches played, these young gamers have truly showcased their dedication and skills. Team 1 = Winning 1, tying 3. Team 2 = 5 Wins. Our learners’ commitment to excellence sets a shining example for all of us.

Primary School E-Sport Teams



u.13 A-Netball

WP u.12 Rugby u.12 A-Netball District Netball Cape Town Netball

Three netball girls have been selected to represent the respective Cape Town Primary Schools Netball teams. Congratulations to Direll Levendal (u.12 Doves Team), Anita Nqweniso (u.11 Disa Team) and Oratile Manganeng (u.11 Disa Team).

Coach Kaylin, Dimpho Matsoso, Lemari Fourie, Emihle mkhanda, Sonwabise Madosi, Beauquisha Petersen, Khanna Nhlapo, Lilitha Nodikana, Kaitlin Mor Front: Aiden Lin, Tristan Jansen van Rensburg, Daniella Strydom, Liam Rossouw, Altus Bester. Back: Ayla-Daniel Ramouthar, Dirk van Daalen, Noah Bootsen, Luphumlo Nkwalase. Kelsey Lodewyk and Nikolai Steenkamp Leighton Hendricks Liam Sauls and Jonathan Gibson Oratile Manganeng, Anita Nqweniso and Direll Levendal. Shivaan Govender and Skylar Tandy Kelsey Lodewyk (Gr. 3 Afrikaans Redenaars wenner) and Nikolai Steenkamp (Gr. 3 English Public speaking winner). Leighton Hendricks has been selected for the Western Province u.12 Rugby team. Liam Sauls (Gr. 2 Afrikaans Redenaars wenner) and Jonathan Gibson (Gr.2 English Public speaking winner). u.12 A-Netball Team Jacobs Transport Tournament winners. u.11 A-Netball team District winners. u/13 A-Netball Team proudly showing off the score after a hard-fought victory against Hendrik Louw during the annual Inter Schools. Shivaan Govender (Gr. 4 English Public speaking winner) and Skylar Tandy (Gr. 4 Afrikaans Redenaars wenner). Front: Oratile Raphuthing, Zain Mehmood, Voughan Arendorff, Caleb Roziers, Faizaan Latief, Anothando Willie (Captain). Back: Coach Alcardo, Omontle Morule, Cody Claassen, Coach B, Andakhe Matiso, Kimi de Villiers, Jarod Haywood, Keegan le Roux. Soccer u.18 Netball u.18

Rola Winter Inter-schools

u.13 Hockey Girls
Nevé van Heerden, Nina Coetzee, Kathryn Hodsdon, Ella Dunlop, Gemma Harington, Olenka Rautenbach, Arianne Eagar (v/c), Mrs M. Smuts (coach), Megan Bennie (c), Miss M. Ellis (assistant coach), Emma Wilcock (v/c), Emma Pieterse, Holly Adamson-Kain, Emily Barlow, Nina Watts (goalkeeper), Leila Els, Jessica Hodson From left to right: Trent Ridgway, Adam Couzis (v/c), William Grindrod, Simon Keyser, Kai Villareal, Christian Coetzee, Cole Victor, Juan Basson (c), AJ Ridgway, Mr Dwain Brown (headmaster), Mr Stefan de Villiers (coach), Mr Garth Louw (coach), Alex Stemmet, Xander McLachlan (v/c), Jarred Gobey, Tristan Donian, Michal Grobler, Jack van Niekerk, Jaiden Roopnarain, Ross du Toit, Noah u.13 Netball Team Reiley Ransom, Jemma van Rhyn, Olenka Rautenbach, Mrs L. Kotze, Nina Coetzee (c), Mrs T. Baard, Lizé de Villiers, Emma Pieterse (v/c), Morgan Bekker u.13 Chess Team Front: Jennifer Orwin, Ms Candice Lange (coach), Phoebe van Straten. Back: Albert van der Spuy, Yi Zheng, Tristan Donian, Max Immelman, Matthew Orwin (c).
Rola Winter Inter-schools against De Hoop from Wednesday 23 to Saturday 26 August 2023.
u.13 Hockey Boys Caleb Kotzé, Cruz Bainbridge (v/c), Adriaan van Wyk, Hugo Wentzl, Andro Herselman, Nathan Phillips, Thomas Purnell, Janno Botha (c), Rohan Möller, James Miller, Sebastian van der Merwe, Gideon de Bruyn, John-Peter De Smidt, Andrew-James Cocks, Luke Peckham
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Eskom Ekspo: Stellenbosch Streekspan

Mienke Engelbrecht, Mieke Groenewald en Heidi Oosthuizen is gekies as deel van die Stellenbosch streekspan. Hulle gaan in Oktober aan die Eskom Ekspo vir Jong Wetenskaplikes kompetisie in Boksburg deelneem.

0/13A Hokkiespanne

Lochnerhof is baie trots op ons 0/13 A- seuns en dogters. Hulle het ‘n goeie seisoen gehad en het geweldig baie gegroei.

Hokkie: Streekspanne

en Kiara Smit het die Helderberg 0/12 streekspanne tydens ‘n hokkietoernooi teen die Westelike Provinsie se streekspanne verteenwoordig.


Rugby Wêreldkampioen!

Mieke Carr (graad 8) is na afloop van die “Dance World Cup” in Portugal as wêreldkampioen in haar afdeling “Junior Dancer Jazz Solo” gekroon!

Asof dit nie genoeg is nie, het sy ook ’n 3de plek in die afdeling “Showdance Solo” en 8ste plek in “Lyrical Solo” behaal. Welgedaan, Mieke!

Mieke Carr, het ook vanaf 2 tot 6 Augustus aan die World Lyrical Dance Federation se finaal in Ierland deelgeneem. Mieke behaal die volgende puik uitslae:

• o.16 Solo Jazz Level 2 - Eerste plek met goud.

• o.16 Solo Acro Intermediate - Eerste plek met goud.

• o.16 Solo Lyrical Level 2 - Eerste plek met goud.

• o.16 Jazz Improv - Eerste plek met goud. • Haar duet, sowel as twee groepe waarin sy gedans het, het ook goud ontvang.

Gino Cupido (graad 12) laat die rugbygemeenskap regop sit met sy prestasies op die rugbyveld, wat vanjaar ongekende hoogtes bereik het. Hy het die besondere prestasie gelewer om Suid-Afrika in twee formate van die spel te verteenwoordig. Hy was deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse 7’s-span wat van 4 -11 Augustus aan die Statebondspele deelgeneem het. Hy is ook na afloop van die Craven-week in die SA-skolespan opgeneem wat Suid-Afrika by die Internasionale Toernooi van 15 - 19 Augustus verteenwoordig het.

Toutrek Ringbal

Melizza van der Merwe en Marconette Els het op Maandag 28 Augustus, as trotse lede van Suid-Afrika se Protea-toutrekspan, na die Wêreld Toutrek Kampioenskap vertrek om vanaf 30 Augustus tot 3 September te Sursee in Switzerland, deel te neem.


Hoërskool Strand is baie trots op Jaydan Steenkamp (graad 10) wat Suid-Afrika van 20-23 Julie by die “International Youth Atlantic Cup” in Nottingham, Engeland verteenwoordig het. As lid van die o.20-manspan, het hy na afloop van die toernooi met ’n welverdiende silwer medalje weggestap.

Ons bemarker (én gewaardeerde oudleerder) me. Anso Kemp, is een van slegs twee SuidAfrikaanse netbalskeidsregters wat vanjaar vir die tweede keer die fluitjie tydens ’n Wêreldbekertoernooi die praatwerk laat doen het.

Me. Kemp is by die Netbal Wêreldbekertoernooi deur die skeidsregters afgevaardig om tydens die Kersligseremonie die eed namens die skeidsregters af te lê en die kers aan te steek.

Wat ‘n eer! Maande se fisieke en geestelike voorbereiding maak dit vir hierdie vaardige skeidsregter moontlik om gemiddeld 5 tot 7 km tydens ’n wedstryd te hardloop. Voeg hierby haar ervaring en kundigheid – dan het jy ’n internasionale skeidsregter van formaat!

Me. Loraine Verwey (finansiële beampte by Hoërskool Strand) het onlangs aan die SAringbalkampioenskap in Pretoria deelgeneem. Na afloop van die toernooi is sy in die SAmeesterspan opgeneem, wat op 19 Augustus en 2 September aan twee SA-vertoonwedstryde deelgeneem het. Me. Verwey is ook die voorsitter

Mieke Groenewald en Heidi Oosthuizen Mienke Engelbrecht Micke Smit en Kiara Smit Micke Smit Gino Cupido Jaydan Steenkamp Melizza van der Merwe en Marconette Els
o.13A Seuns o.13A Seuns Me. Anso Kemp Me. Loraine Verwey



Thursday, 5 October England v

Friday, 6 October Pakistan v

Saturday, 7 October Bangladesh v

Saturday, 7 October South Africa v

Sunday, 8 October India v

Monday, 9 October New Zealand v

Tuesday, 10 October England v

Tuesday, 10 October Pakistan v

Wednesday, 11 October India v

Thursday, 12 October Australia v

Friday, 13 October New Zealand v

Saturday, 14 October India v

Sunday, 15 October England v

Monday, 16 October Australia v

Tuesday, 17 October South Africa v

Wednesday, 18 October New Zealand v

Thursday, 19 October India v

Friday, 20 October Australia v

Saturday, 21 October Netherlands v

Saturday, 21 October England v

Sunday, 22 October India v

Monday, 23 October Pakistan v

Tuesday, 24 October South Africa v

Wednesday, 25 October Australia v

Thursday, 26 October England v

Friday, 27 October Pakistan v

Saturday, 28 October Australia v

Saturday, 28 October Netherlands v

Sunday, 29 October India v

Monday, 30 October Afghanistan v

Tuesday, 31 October Pakistan v

Wednesday, 1 November New Zealand v

Thursday, 2 November India v

Friday, 3 November Netherlands v

Saturday, 4 November New Zealand v

Saturday, 4 November England v

Sunday, 5 November India v

Monday, 6 November Bangladesh v

Tuesday, 7 November Australia v

Wednesday, 8 Novemebr England v

Thursday, 9 November New Zealand v

Friday, 10 November South Africa v

Saturday, 11 November Australia v

Saturday, 11 November England v

Sunday, 12 November India v

Wednesday, 15 November SEMI

Thursday, 16 November SEMI FINAL

Sunday, 19 November FINAL

- 19 NOVEMBER2023 VS COUNTRY VENUE v New Zealand Ahmedabad v Netherlands Hyberabad v Afghanistan Dharamsala v Sri Lanka Delhi v Australia Chennai v Netherlands Hyderabad v Bangladesh Dharamsala v Sri Lanka Hyderabad v Afghanistan Delhi v South Africa Lucknow v Bangladesh Chennai v Pakistan Ahmedabad v Afghanistan Delhi v Sri Lanka Lucknow v Netherlands Dharamsala v Afghanistan Chennai v Bangladesh Pune v Pakistan Bengaluru v Sri Lanka Lucknow v South Africa Mumbai v New Zealand Dharamsala v Afghanistan Chennai v Bangladesh Mumbai v Netherlands Delhi v Sri Lanka Bengaluru v South Africa Chennai v New Zealand Dharamsala v Bangladesh Kolkata v England Lucknow v Sri Lanka Pune v Bangladesh Kolkata v South Africa Pune v Sri Lanka Mumbai v Afghanistan Lucknow v Pakistan Bengaluru v Australia Ahmedabad v South Africa Kolkata v Sri Lanka Delhi v Afghanistan Mumbai v Netherlands Pune v Sri Lanka Bengaluru v Afghanistan Ahmedabad v Bangladesh Pune v Pakistan Kolkata v Netherlands Bengaluru FINAL 1 Mumbai FINAL 2 Kolkata FINAL Ahmedabad FIXTURES
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South Africa squad for ICC World Cup 2023: Full SA team list

Cricket South Africa have announced their 15-man squad for the ODI World Cup 2023 with Temba Bavuma set to lead the Proteas challenge.

















Taking a senior role in the team is a no-brainer, says Proteas’ Kagiso Rabada

Proteas fast bowler Kagiso Rabada was awarded Test player of the year at the 2023 Cricket South Africa Awards and following his featuring in the top five Test wicket takers in the world this past season, the award was well deserved. Proteas fast bowler Kagiso Rabada told IOL Sport that it is his ‘will to win’ that continues to make him one of the best fast bowlers in the world.

Rabada has been playing for the Proteas for a good nine years and from the time he made his Proteas debut at the Adelaide Oval, it was clear that Rabada was cut from a different cloth; he was always on a league of his own.No one will forget his match winning performance in Perth in 2016 at the tender age of 21.

Post 2018, international cricket handed Rabada an important lesson that results won’t always go your way. Rabada says their 2019 World Cup campaign, which saw them knocked out before they could finish their round robin fixtures, taught him to rid of self-doubt and accept that on the day there’s a possibility you could end up on the losing side. “Personally, the 2019 World Cup taught me not to doubt and accept that there’s either defeat or success, and it’s about keeping success in your mind at all times.” said Rabada.

His eleven-wicket haul against Australia at St. George’s Park Cricket Stadium in 2018 will forever be remembered, but most importantly it was clear from those early years that Rabada was a different kind of beast.

Source: IOL Sport, written by Ongama Gcwabe

The ups and downs of the past couples of seasons have not taken anything away from what makes Rabada special and he told IOL Sport that he attests all his success to his ‘will to win’.

“For myself I think what makes me so different and successful is my will to win,”said Rabada. “I mean, everyone is different but if you ask me what drives me it’s definitely my will to win.” He added.

“It’s all about welcoming the youngsters into the squad and making them feel a part of the team and making them understand where we want to go so that we are all in the same boat.” He added.

“Identity is important because it becomes what you go back to when things are going slightly off track,” explained Rabada. “It’s something you enhance when things are really going your way. It works as a reference; it acts as a compass as to what you want to achieve as a team.” He added.

There’s no doubt that the Proteas squad has the talent to go all the way in the World Cup this time around, but that journey starts with them coming up with their identity and their style of play and letting the rest take care of itself.

Looking at the squad, Rabada’s nine-year international experience will come in handy. Rabada says it’s a no brainer that he now has to step up and be the senior player in the team. “Because of my experience, how long I’ve been playing and what I’ve done, taking the senior player role is a no brainer for me,” said Rabada.

South Africa legends predict Proteas’ fortunes at World Cup

South African legends Jacques Kallis and Faf du Plessis have shared their thoughts on how the Proteas could fare at the upcoming ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 in India. South Africa head into the marquee tournament in India with a nice blend of youth and experience to pick from.

As good as the squad will be, the legendary all-rounder Kallis, speaking exclusively to the ICC, said the key for South Africa would be to stay true to their brand of cricket. “The one thing that needs to change for South Africa to be successful in a Cricket World Cup is to carry on playing the cricket that we’ve played going into the World Cup,” he said. “We have a history of playing good cricket leading into the World Cup. For some reason, things change. Maybe we want it too much. “I think players wanted too much and you’ve gone outside of the area you need to be doing. Maybe going outside of their roles because they wanted too much.”

Kallis had a valuable piece of advice to the current crop of players: “Stick to your roles. Trust the partner next to you. And just play the cricket you’ve been playing.” Kallis believes South Africa’s traditional strength – their pace attack – will once again be key for their hopes. “South Africa’s strength to me is going to be in our bowling attack,” he said. “We’ve got some quality pace bowlers that can blow away the opposition’s top-order. And I think they are going to play a major role if South Africa are going to get far, if we do get far (in the tournament).”

Kallis’ optimism was matched by former South Africa captain Faf du Plessis. “South Africa’s white-ball team is in a strong place,” du Plessis told the ICC. “They’ve got some real experience going into that World Cup.” Du Plessis, however, did warn that adapting to the conditions in the sub-continent would be the biggest challenge for Temba Bavuma’s men.

“The challenge for all teams that are not from the subcontinent is obviously always the challenge of going to the subcontinent,” he said. “Especially 50-over cricket. I find with T20 cricket, the surfaces are a bit more even. And you get some really good pitches. With 50-over cricket, you can get that wear and tear and the spinners really come into their own.”

Du Plessis however added that the home team, India, and serial winners Australia would be the teams to beat. “I think South Africa has got a really good side,” he said. “It will be hard to get past a team like India in home conditions. The other team you can never write off is Australia, with them being so successful in ICC events.”


Everyone is different but if you ask me what drives me it’s definitely my will to win.
Kagiso Rabada. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix



Year Host Final Match playing Team  Result Captain Player of the Tournament 1975 England  West Indies vs Australia West Indies won by 17 runs Clive Lloyd Clive Lloyd (West Indies) 1979 England  West Indies vs England West Indies won by 92 runs Clive Lloyd Viv Richards (West Indies) 1983 England  India vs West Indies India won by 43 runs Kapil Dev Mohinder Amarnath (India) 1987 India  Australia vs England Australia won by 7 runs Allan Border David Boon (Australia) 1992 Australia and New Zealand  Pakistan vs England Pakistan won by 22 runs Imran Khan Martin Crowe (New Zealand) 1996 Pakistan India and Sri Lanka Sri Lanka vs Australia Sri Lanka won by 7 wickets Arjuna Ranatunga Sanath Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka) 1999 England  Australia vs Pakistan Australia won by 8 wickets Steve Waugh Lance Klusener (South Africa) 2003 South Africa  Australia vs India Australia won by 125 runs Ricky Ponting Sachin Tendulkar (India) 2007 West Indies  Australia vs Sri Lanka Australia won by 53 runs Ricky Ponting Glenn McGrath (Australia) 2011 India Bangladesh & Sri Lanka  India vs Sri Lanka India won by 6 wickets Mahendra Singh Dhoni Yuvraj Singh (India) 2015 Australia and New Zealand  Australia vs New Zealand Australia won by 7 wickets Michael Clarke Mitchell Starc (Australia) 2019  England England vs New Zealand England won in Super Over Eoin Morgan Kane Williamson ((New Zealand)
1975: N/A 1979: N/A 1983: N/A 1987: N/A 1992: Semi-final 1996: Quarter-final 1999: Semi-final 2003: Group stages 2007: Semi-final 2011: Quarter-final 2015: Semi-final 2019: Group stages
engines cars that buds.
West Indies captain Clive Lloyd holds the trophy aloft at Lord’s in 1975 after receiving it from HRH Prince Philip


The Cricket World Cup has thrown up some great moments down the years. Here are our top 5.

5 Wasim Akram Destroys England in 1992 Final

Pakistan’s progress through to the 1992 World Cup final was far from smooth. Rain saved them from suffering an almost certain defeat against fellow finalists England in the group stage, while they needed Australia to beat West Indies just to reach the last four. They then stunned New Zealand in the semifinals, with a young Inzamam-ul-Haq leading them home in an unlikely run chase at Eden Park, Auckland. Wasim Akram hit a quick 33 in his side’s innings of 249-6 in the final against England at the MCG, though that is not the reason why he makes the list. England had slipped to 69-4 in their reply, but Allan Lamb and Neil Fairbrother repaired the early damage with a fifth-wicket stand worth 72. However, Akram put paid to any glimmer of hope England had of lifting the trophy. The left-arm seamer dismissed Lamb and new batsman Chris Lewis in successive deliveries, both bowled on the angle. Pakistan went on to win the match by 22 runs, allowing skipper Imran Khan to lift the trophy.


Sachin Tendulkar Carried Around Mumbai in 2011

Bowing out as a champion on home turf was the fairytale finish to Sachin Tendulkar’s World Cup career. In his sixth and final tournament, the Little Master was finally able to get his hands on the trophy as India chased down Sri Lanka’s total of 274-6 with 10 balls to spare. Although he had contributed just 18 runs with the bat, Tendulkar was obviously the centre of attention in the celebrations. The veteran batsman was carried around the Wankhede Stadium, his home ground in Mumbai, by his team-mates during the lap of honour. Virat Kohli rather beautifully summed up what the moment meant to both the player and the country as a whole, via Cricket Country: “Tendulkar has carried the burden of the nation for 21 years. It is time we carried him on our shoulders.” No player has managed more than Tendulkar’s tally of 2,278 runs in World Cup action.

3 Herschelle Gibbs Hits 6 Sixes in 2007

A huge 221-run win for South Africa over the Netherlands in 2007 would not be so memorable were it not for the stunning batting feat produced by Herschelle Gibbs. The right-hander became the first player to hit six sixes in an over of international cricket during the group game in Basseterre. Daan van Bunge was the bowler on the receiving end of the record, the leg-spinner having no answer as Gibbs continuously launched him over the rope. A short boundary at Warner Park might have helped, but the ruthless display of hitting brightened up a day when rain had forced a delayed start to proceedings. Despite the match being cut to 40 overs each, South Africa still made 353-4. Jacques Kallis made an unbeaten hundred, though his efforts were overshadowed by those of Gibbs. Gibbs contributed 72 from 40 balls and managed only one other maximum in his innings before being dismissed by Luuk van Troost.


Mike Gatting Regrets Playing the Reverse Sweep in 1987

England have become accustomed to falling just short in the World Cup; they have reached three finals and lost them all. The closest they came to getting their hands on the trophy was back in 1987, when they took on Australia in front of a packed house at Eden Gardens. 1

Having held their Ashes rivals to 253-5, England looked to be on course for victory when skipper Mike Gatting and Bill Athey were together at the crease. The pair put on a 69-run stand for the third wicket to carry the score to 135-2 by the time Australia skipper Allan Border came on to bowl his left-arm off-spin. Facing the first delivery from his opposite number, Gatting opted to go for an adventurous reverse sweep. He made contact with the ball but only managed to deflect it into the air via his own shoulder, allowing Australia wicketkeeper Greg Dyer to take the catch. The wicket proved costly; with Gatting gone for 41, England lost their way and ended up finishing seven runs short of their target.

South Africa Suffer in the Rain in 2003

The weather has never been too kind to South Africa at World Cups. In 1992, they were denied the opportunity to reach the final when the rules for bad weather worked against them. They had been on course to beat England in Sydney, but delays in play resulted in them eventually being left needing an impossible 21 from one ball. Move on to the 2003 tournament, the Duckworth-Lewis method had been put in place to make sure the side batting first did not gain an unfair advantage.

The Proteas were hosts and needed a win in their last group game, against Sri Lanka, to reach the Super Six. The threat of rain was a distraction for them as they tried to reach a target of 269, though a six from Mark Boucher off Muttiah Muralitharan seemed to put them ahead of the requirement. But they had only 229 on the scoreboard—the par total according to the Duckworth-Lewis method (h/t Cricket Country). Boucher, though, thought it was enough. He did not get a single run from the following delivery, the last of the over. The umpires took the players from the field after that, leaving South Africa to sit and watch as their dreams of glory washed away.

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Tennisspan o.13A Rugby o.13A Hokkieseuns Kaptein Xavier Basson, Onderkaptein: Ruben Erasmus


Matriekraad 2023/2024

Voor: Emily Winter, Aadilah Daniels, Celsey Farao, Jana Koekemoer, Robyn Bleach, Kiara Horn.

Agter: Isabella Eksteen, Jean Retief, Theo Kilian, Freddy Carstens, Melgard Keller, Bouwer van Niekerk, Emma van der Merwe, Gideon Lamprecht, Emma Joubert, Lucia Visser.


Baie geluk aan Otto Veldtman wat aan die WesKaap Gimnastiek Kampioenskappe vlak 5 in die ouerdomsgroep 15 jaar en ouer deelgeneem het. Hy behaal ‘n eerste plek in die pommelperd (9.35), ‘n tweede plek in spronge (9.4) en ‘n tweede plek in ringe (8.2). Hy kwalifiseer hiermee vir die SuidAfrikaanse Kampioenskappe. Mooi so, Otto! Sterkte met SA’s!


VRL-voorsitter: Isabella Eksteen, Hoofmeisie: Emma van der Merwe en Hoofseun: Gideon Lamprecht.

Tennis: Gerrie Berner Dubbelstoernooi

Hoërskool Stellenbosch se eerste seuns- en dogterspan neem deel aan die Gerrie Berner Dubbelstoernooi aangebied deur Hoërskool Dirkie Uys. Hulle eindig algeheel 1ste uit 10 skole!


• Wen Hoërskool Dirkie Uys 41 - 21.

• Wen Hoërskool Bredasdorp 52 - 10.

• Wen Hoërskool Swartland 40 - 22.

• Wen HTS Drostdy 36 - 26.

• Wen Hermanus Hoërskool 42 - 20.

Finale posisies:

1. Hoërskool Stellenbosch.

2. Hoërskool Swartland.

3. HTS Drostdy.

4. Hoërskool Dirkie Uys.

5. Hoërskool Hermanus.

6. Hoërskool DF Malan.

7. Hoërskool Upington.

8. Hoërskool Bellville.

9. Hoërskool Bredasdorp.

10. Hugenote Hoërskool.


Voor: Melgard Keller, Tristan Truter, PF Strauss, Wynand Horn, Marinus Toerien, Martin Botha. Agter: Stefan Vorster (Edge Tennis Akademie) , Emma van der Merwe, Nina van der Merwe, Rieze Steyn, Emma Smith, Lila van der Merwe en Lara Rohlandt.


Laerskool Swartland Primary Fast 5 en Sewes Rugby Netbal

Die o.13-Netbaldogters wen goue medaljes en die o.13-Rugbyseuns wen die Plaat trofee. Jean Goussard word aangewys as Agterspeler van die toernooi! Baie geluk aan al die spanne!

Ons stel bekend semester 2 hoofleiers.

o.12A wen die trofee-afdeling by Mikro 7’s toernooi.

Otto Veldtman Ghita du Preez Hoofdogter Arné Dreyer Onder-hoofdogter Aidan Fry Hoofseun Jack Venter Onder-hoofseun o.13-Rugbyseuns o.13-Netbaldogters o.12A Netbal Jean Goussard

Hockey: All Stars Tournament

The u.16A Rhenish Girls’ High School team participated in the Bloemhof Fairtree All Stars Tournament. The team was unbeaten and took on Stellenberg High School in the final, where they walked away as champions, winning the encounter 2-0.


Grace de Jongh, a grade 11 learner at Rhenish Girls’ High School, recently participated in the National SA Short Course Championship held in the Western Cape. She swam to the finals for all the events and won gold for her 50m Backstroke, making her a SA Champion.

Katerina Combrinck, a grade 12 learner at Rhenish Girls’ High School, has been selected for the U18 Boland Surfing Team. She will participate in the SA Junior Surf Championships in Jeffrey’s Bay from 4-8 October 2023.

Oscar Paymans (Grade 8) was selected to represent Boland Squash at the u.14 Inter Provincial Tournament in Johannesburg from 23 - 27 June 2023. The tournament was a great experience, and Oscar met players from all over South Africa as well as from Zimbabwe. The squash was challenging as he played at number 3 for his team and faced players who are ranked in the top 10 for South Africa.

Baylee Engelke, a grade 12 learner at Rhenish Girls’ High School, has been selected to participate in the SA Senior IPT Tournament as part of the SA u.21 squad from 21 - 26 August in the Zulu Kingdom.

Cross Country Tag Rugby Science Hockey

Sarah Krone, a grade 12 learner at Rhenish Girls’ High School, recently participated in the TagRugby World Cup. The South African Mixed Open Team finished fifth.

Harriet Smit, a grade 9 learner, has recently represented the Boland Cross Country team at the Western Cape Championships in George. She ended fifth in her category and has been selected for the Western Cape Cross Country team.

Angenitha Roos, a grade 12 learner at Rhenish Girls’ High School, recently participated in the Royal Society of South Africa’s National School Science Essay Competition. She took her research talents to the next level and wrote an essay that earned the second prize and a whopping R4000.

Rhenish Girls’ High School is proud of its first team, u.16A and u.14A sides, who have finished the year at number four, number ten and number five in the country, respectively.

Catalina Lamers (Grade 8) took part in the SA National Youth Cycling Championships in East London, 7 - 9 July. She won bronze in the u.15 girls’ time trial, gold in the u.15 girls’ criterium and gold in the u.15 girls’ road race.


Josh Messina (Grade 11) recently returned from an Athletics tour to Belgium where he competed in 6 different races, two of which were part of the Bronze Continental League. He achieved fantastic results:

• 400m in a time of 53.07 (PB) and 2nd place in the junior men’s category.

• 800m in a time of 1:56.70 (PB) and 5th overall in the open men’s category.

• 1000m in a time of 2:39.77 (PB) and 1st place in the junior men’s category.

• 1500m in a time of 4:08.12.

Josh’s 800m performance ranks him as 11th best in South Africa u.18 and his 1500m performance ranks him as 28th best in South Africa u.18.

Stellenbosch Eisteddfod

Boland Squash Cycling Academics

Josie-Mae Schlaphoff (Grade 6) took part in the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod and received Cum Laude for both her entries. She was invited to the special prize giving where she received the M. Koen trophy for Solo Singing Girls 11 years, the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod medal for Musical Theatre and the JP Smit trophy for the best rendition of a folk song 7-12 years.

Tyla Shepstone (Grade 10) was awarded the Kennedy-Lugar Scholarship to attend Hoover High School in Des Moines, Iowa.

Grace de Jongh Katerina Combrinck Baylee Engelke Harriet Smit Sarah Krone Angenitha Roos Frankie Henn u.14A Captain u.16A Rhenish Girls’ High School team
SA Senior IPT Tournament
Josie-Mae Schlaphoff Josh Messina Oscar Paymans Catalina Lamers Tyla Shepstone
Scan the code and read more of our school’s news online!

Leerderraad 2024

Baie geluk aan die nuutverkose leerderraad van PRG onder leiding van Riley Norton (hoofseun), Oliver Reid (onderhoofseun) en Christiaan Cronjé (onderhoofseun).


Nog nuus!

PRG's u.15 Chess Team participated in the Western Cape Top Schools' Chess Tournament. They won 6 board prizes and walked away as winners. Well done to the u.15 team!


Baie geluk aan Mark Lester! Mark is gekies om Boland te verteenwoordig by die ASA Nasionale Landloop-kampioenskap.


Veels geluk aan Kalu Ueckermann wat weggestap het met die eerste prys vir kontemporêre sang by die WKOD Provinsiale Vaardigheidskompetisie. Hy het teen 10 leerders in die finaal gekompeteer


Baie geluk aan die o.17- sewesspan wat vir Grey Kollege 33-10 in die finaal van die Marius Schoeman-toernooi gewen het. Geluk ook aan Gert Kemp wat as speler van die toernooi aangewys is.



Hoofleiers Kwartaal 3

Baie geluk aan Dalinda Nel en Edwin Hertzog wat verkies is as hoofleiers vir kwartaal 3.

Elto Towers Mikro Rugby- en Netbaltoernooi

Laerskool Eikestad se o.10A tot o.13A rugby- en netbalspanne het op Saterdag, 2 September 2023, deelgeneem aan die Mikro 7’s rugby- en netbaltoernooi. Eikestad se spanne het uitstekend gevaar en die seisoen op ‘n hoogtepunt afgesluit.


• o.10A netbal – Wen die trofee-afdeling

• o.11A netbal – 2de plek in die trofee-afdeling

• o.13A netbal – Wen die trofee-afdeling

• o.10A rugby – 2de plek in die trofee-afdeling

• o.11A rugby – 2de plek in die trofee-afdeling

• o.13A rugby – 2de plek in die plaat-afdeling

Die o.13 A en B seuns- en dogtershokkiespanne het vanaf die 26ste tot 29ste Julie in die Suid-Kaap deurgebring en teen verskeie skole in die omtrek gespeel. Daar was baie goeie hokkie gespeel en spelers het hul beste gegee. ‘n Totaal van 12 wedstryde was gespeel waarvan Eikies 10 gewen het en slegs een verloor en een gelykop gespeel het.

o.13A Netbal

Voor: Mnr AC Blume, Christiaan Rode, Hilton Smyth, Ivan Radley, Louw Smit, Rohan van Loggerenberg, Henry du Plessis, Joshua Smit, Tatenda Kasinamunhu, Ethan Vlismas, Caleb Waugh, Dian Winkel, Me Johandri Kriek, Mnr André van Staden. Agter: Steffan Thielen, Reuben Sendzul, Christian Kolbé, Francois Dercksen, Samuel Badenhorst, Oliver Reid, Riley Norton, Christiaan Cronjé, Nicolaas van der Westhuizen, Stefan van Heerden, Adam October. Casper Wepener and Reuben de Wit Casper Wepener was ranked third in the Western Cape debating tournament and was chosen as trialist. Reuben de Wit came 10th in the Western Cape debating tournament and was also chosen as a trialist. o.13A Rugby Dalinda Nel en Edwin Hertzog

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