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Sport en narkose
Baie skool kinders belê ‘n groot hoeveelheid van hul tyd om hul sport talent te ontwikkel. Drome van sportbeurse en ‘n professionele loopbaan as sportman of -vrou bring die Olimpiese leuse - Vinniger; Hoër; Verder – binne die bereik van jonger en jonger generasies. Ongelukkig maak die pad na sukses soms ‘n draai in die operasieteater, en baie ouers en kinders se vrees vir narkose en hoop vir vinnige herstel word hier onder die vergrootglas geplaas.
Die tipe sport wat ons beoefen bepaal tot ‘n groot mate die risikos waaraan ons blootgestel word onder narkose.
Buiten die feit dat kontaksport soos rugby die grootste bepaler is vir jou kans tot besering, is die tipe fisiologiese stres waaraan jou hart onderwerp word tydens jou voorbereiding, ‘n baie belangrike konsiderasie. Die Europese Hartvereniging klassifiseer sport in 4 afdelings om diè stres op die hart te bepaal. Uithouvermoë sport soos padfietsry, swem en driekamp het die grootste effek op die hart. ‘n Verdikking in die linker hartspier kan die kranige sportster se hart onder groter stres plaas tydens die stres van narkose en chirurgie.
Die genetiese variasie wat aan sekere atlete hul bo-menslike prestasies besorg, kan ook ‘n meer tragiese storie bevat. Sekere genetiese afwykings kan lei tot arritmiese versteurings in die hart. Gekoppel aan die verhoogde gebruik van anaboliese streroide onder skoolkinders, bly die atleet se hart die narkotiseer se grootste kommer wanneer die jong en buitengewone fikse sportster aan die slaap gemaak word vir ‘n tendonherstel of plasing van ‘n skroef in ‘n gebreekte been.
‘n Eerlike oop gesprek met jou narkotiseer oor die gebruik van opkikkers is dus van kardinale belang vir jou gesondheid. Onthou, alle gesprekke tussen jou en die dokter bly konfidensieel. Verskeie middels wat deur WADA (World Anti-Doping Association) verbied word, mag dalk as deel van ‘n standaard narkose toegedien word. Versoek dus jou narkotiseer om seker te maak jou narkose plaas jou nie onder bedenking indien jy deel van ‘n WADA toesigprogram is nie.
Die meeste kinders se gesonde fisiologie maak hulle ‘n plesier vir die chirurg en die narkotiseer om mee saam te werk.
Sekere faktore in sport soos die tipe sport, genetiese predisposisies en gebruik van opkikkers moet egter in ag geneem word om te verseker dat die besoek aan die operasietafel nie die jong sportster se loopbaan beskadig nie. Soos die geval in baie mediese situasies, bly goeie kommunikasie die beste pad tot sukses.
Dr Johan Van Der Walt Narkotiseer
Read the latest school news online at
Groot skolekompetisies met groot kontantpryse!
Netwerk24 in samewerking met Die Burger, Beeld, en Volksblad bied vanjaar weer die grootste skolekompetisies aan met nog groter kontantpryse om te wen!
Het jou skool ‘n skoolkoerant? Of dit nou digitaal is of gedruk word, ons is opsoek na die beste skoolkoerante in Suid-Afrika. En soos altyd, kan wenners wegstap met HOPE prysgeld.
Die algemene kenniskompetisie vir hoërskoolleerders is terug!
Enige leerder wat gedurende 2022 in graad 8 –12 is, kan aan die Algemene Kenniskompetisie vir 2022 deelneem. Registrasie en deelname is gratis en die vraestelle sal in Afrikaans wees. Leerders in publieke en private skole (in enige provinsie van Suid-Afrika) mag deelneem.
Registreer by www.cumlaudemedia.com.
Klik op die toepaslike skakel om leerders vir die gr. 8 & 9-kompetsie OF gr.10 & 11-kompetisie OF gr.12-kompetisie in te skryf
Hoe werk die kompetisie?
Hoër- en laerskole word genooi om ’n kort video, opgeneem met ’n slimfoon, van maksimum 8 minute (sonder enige redigering) in te skryf in een van ons twee kategorieë – die toneel- en die koorafdeling. Ná afloop van die kompetisie se sluitingsdatum op 26 September sal die topagt-skole in albei kategorieë se video’s op Netwerk24.com beskikbaar wees. Die skool wie se video van 1 tot 9 Oktober die meeste gekyk word en wat die meeste kommentaar ontvang, staan ’n beter kans om te wen. Beoordelaars sal met die hulp van die top-video-interaksies (kommentaar en kykgetalle) op Netwerk24 uiteindelik besluit wie ons wenners van die Witwarm-kunstefees sal wees.
• Toneelafdeling: R50 000 vir die wenskool en R25 000 vir die naaswenner
• Koorafdeling: R50 000 vir die wenskool en R25 000 vir die naaswenner
aangebied vir laerskoolen hoërskoolleerders. Die
graad 1 tot graad 12 het nie
• Graad 1 – 3 (Huistaal): Pieter Mostert, Laerskool Tzaneen Primary School
• Graad 4 en 5 (Huistaal): Lienke Wahl, Laerskool Paarl Gimnasium
• Graad 4 en 5 (Addisionele Taal): Busisa Mashega, Laerskool Kruinpark
• Graad 6 en 7 (Addisionele Taal): Deenash Shibsungkur, Laerskool David Brink
• Graad 6 en 7 (Huistaal): Pieter Kruger, Laerskool Mooirivier
• Graad 8 en 9 (Addisionele Taal): Rapelang Leshomo, Hoërskool Rustenburg
• Graad 8 en 9 (Huistaal): Hildegard Havenga, Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria
• Graad 10 tot 12 (Addisionele Taal): Onthatile Thaga, Hoërskool Upington
• Graad 10 tot 12 (Huistaal): Ann-ne Venter, Hoërskool Durbanville
• Graad 8 en 9 (Addisionele Taal): Akhona Mabe, Hoërskool Reitz
• Graad 8 en 9 (Huistaal): Heike Marx, Hoërskool Rustenburg
• Graad 10 tot 12 (Addisionele Taal): Joshua Coulson, Eduplex
• Graad 10 tot 12 (Huistaal): Cornelis van Dyk, Hoërskool Nelspruit
Is jy ’n Blitsbrein, ’n skolenuus-foendie, of is sang en toneelspel meer jou forte?
The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A
Vir meer inligting besoek www.cumlaudemedia.com ATKV - Redenaars landswye wenners ATKV-Redenaars is een van die ATKV se oudstes en word landswyd, sowel as in Namibië,
volgende raakpraters in
gehuiwer om hulle
te sê nie, en is as die
in hulle kategorieë aangewys.
Going on a motorhome adventure – your home away from home
At this time of year many family gatherings start to center around the conversation of what they are planning to do for the summer holidays. For many families the past adventures of a road trip in a motorhome may have to wait until the petrol price comes down a bit more. However, everyone may have the pleasure of remembering and reimagining their childhood memories going camping with their family in a caravan or motorhome.
These days it seems like more and more families are choosing to go on holiday with motorhomes. The ease of packing and knowing that your home away from home has everything you need, makes the start of the journey hassle free. Being on the open road and choosing to make a detour anywhere for a picnic or overnight stay is so much fun in a camper van. Whether you are travelling down to the coast or choosing to explore some of the backroads of the cape, South Africa has many scenic camping sites that are waiting to be explored.
Many motorhomes can cater for families up to 6 and come fitted with electricity and gas hubs as well as a microwave, air conditioner and fridge/freezer. Families with small kids especially enjoy the ease and convenience of sleeping under one roof while enjoying the great outdoors. The ease of setting up camp (they’re equipped with outside tables and chairs as well) leaves so much more time to explore your surroundings and at night the family can gather around the braai or enjoy card games around the well-lit interior of the motorhome dining table. Some people greatly value to privacy of an onboard bathroom and shower which is standard is most campers these days – so no more excuses for those needing their own WC!
With so many exotic locations and scenic drives to choose from, South Africa really is a motorhome paradise. If you have not tried it yet, you might be in for a very big and comfortable surprise.
To book your motorhome for your next family vacay, contact Bobo Campers for a reliable quote.
www.bobocampers.com info@bobocampers.com Phone 011 395 1020
Linden’s first team boys’ hockey makes history
Hoërskool Linden’s boys’ hockey first team finished off their brilliant season on the 6th of August by walking away as the Noordvaal-hockey champions in the B-devision, defeating Hoërskool Merensky of Tzaneen, 4-2 at the finals held at Hoërskool Zwartkop in Pretoria. By doing so the team made history by winning all the major titles available to them this season. Earlier this year the team also won their league as well as the Aitken & Boden B-division, winning against Hoërskool Monument, and the “Superreeks” played in term one. This is a first for any Linden team and will be remembered for a long time to come. This team, who is coached by mr Leon Keulder, has worked hard throughout the season and went on to prove themselves worthy of the title champions. The school is tremendously proud of all their achievements as well as the exceptional development of hockey as a sport in Hoërskool Linden. The team of staff and players has had a memorable season with great momentum to build on in the years to
Under 16 rugby team walks away as Noordvaal champions
The under 16 rugby team from Hoërskool Linden has ended an already successful season off as the Noordvaal winners in their division following the team’s 25-22 win in the finals against Hoërskool Riebeeckrand from Randfontein. The finals were played on Saturday, 20 August at Hoërskool Die Wilgers in Pretoria. The u/16 team were also the overall winners of the Golden Lions League by beating the same team in the final. The Noordvaal final saw tensions and emotions running high as Riebeeckrand was out to settle the score and Linden out to keep their winning record in place. Both teams put their hearts and bodies on the line, making for fantastic entertainment in a very tight match. Linden coming out on top on the given day, even though both teams would’ve been deserving is what makes rugby the special sporting code it is. The team was also surprised by the ex-Springbok and Blue
Linden’s top netball player excell at national Telkom Championships
This year three of Hoërskool Linden’s girls were selected to represent Gauteng at the Telkom Netball Championships that were held in Witband during the holidays. Nadia Potgieter, (u/17) Fikile Ntsutle (u/18) and Euané Theart (u/17) were part of the Gauteng teams that competed against teams from all over South-Africa. They all did an exceptional job in representing the province. One of the learners, Euané Theart excelled during this tournament as part of the u/17 Gauteng Delta team. Her team were crowned overall winners by settling the score with the Jaguars in the final, winning 35-23. Euané was then named the best defensive u/17 player of the tournament and subsenquently were also included in the u/17 Top 35 group after the tournament. Linden is beyond proud of Euané who has shown exceptional character both on and off the field. “We are proud of what this young lady has achieved and will continue to achieve in the year to come,” said mr Rúan Basson, Sport Manager of Hoërskool Linden.
Linden tennis stars pay a visit to Wimbledon
Two of Hoërskool Linden’s top tennis players, Ané Dannhauser (u/18) and Almé van Schalkwyk (u/15) toured London, England in July as part of the SA Schools tennis team in their respective age groups. During this special tour with Tennis SA, the girls and their team visited Wimbledon and trained and played on the clay courts against opponents from all over the world. The occasion was particularly special because some of these opponents they played against also played in the Junior Wimbledon tournament. The two girls have had an exceptional tennis season this year and we are excited to watch them in the future. Wimbledon may just be in the future for them.
Lida-Mari Badenhorst, Chanél Le Roux,
Chris Smit
Divian Pretorius
Kyle Cameron en Leonardo Carreira
Baie geluk aan die volgende o.11 en o.12 seuns wat gekies is om die Sentraal Rugbyspanne te verteenwoordig: Rugby Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat gekies is as deel van die JHB Noord Krieket Streekspan: JHB Noord Krieket Streekspan Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat verkies is tot Noord-Wes Krieket Streekspanne! • Thomas du Plessis o.9 Pieter Kalis o.9 Chris Kotzé o.10 Nkululeko Yende o.11 Frederick du Plessis o.11 Ariel Meij o.11 Bion Meyer o.11 Reatile Ramatlotlo o.12 Divian Pretorius o.12 Luke Bath o.12 Calib Sutherland o.12 Liam Peek o.13 Noordwes Krieket Pieter Kalis wat die Noord-Wes Krieket Streekspan verteenwoordig, het op 27 Augustus teen JHB Wes gespeel en het 158 lopies van 91 balle gemaak. Welgedaan Pieter! Jy maak Fonties so trots! Noord-Wes Krieket Streekspan Fonties se langasem atlete het deurgedring na die Gauteng Landloop Kampioenskappe. Ons is baie trots op Lida-Mari Badenhorst, Chanél Le Roux en Gauteng Landloop Kampioenskappe
o.11 • Frederick du Plessis • Gustav Erlank • Ariel Meij • Jayden Nel • Charl van Tonder • Wiaan van Westing o.12 • HP Brönn • Sebastian Marx • Reatile Ramatlotlo • Pieter Steyn • Levi van Vuuren
Le Roux
Excited open girls played their first hockey fixtures since 2019. These girls work extremely hard during training and play their matches with such enthusiasm. We are great full for the opportunity to play hockey and we are looking forward to the next season. It’s not about winning or losing, but rather what you gain through the experience.
Miss Schoeman Girls Open Hockey
Senior Boys Rugby Team
Junior Boys Rugby Team
Demetrius Munanka Prestige
Seuns: André Coetsee, Armand Grobler, Anton van Tonder, Dian Naude, Henro Steyn, Josh le Roux, Marcel Naude, Marco Prins, Pieter Naude, Sieg Hattingh, Simon Pretorius, Sebastian Suhr, Stian van der Walt, Tiano de Jesus, Tumelo Tsienyane en Wian Kouwenhoven. Dogter: Alexa Custers, Anouk du Plessis, Anke de Frey, Chaume Bothma, Ciska Raubenheimer, Emma Aucamp, Elani van Rooyen, Elisna Fourie, Isabelle van de Venter, Jana van den Berg, Jo-lene van der Walt, Lieneke Lombard, Megan Lotriet, Melissa Colin, Mia le Roux, Shané Mengel, Shani Jansen van Rensburg, Suné Swanepoel en Tayla Smith.
Athletics Meeting 2022
Baie geluk aan ons Studenteforum vir 2023! CLOTH NG & PROMOT ONAL SUPPL ERS
Ons kyk terug na die derde kwartaal van 2022 en deel graag ons eerstespanne en presteerders met trots.
o.15 Rugbyspan
Helpmekaar raap al die toekennings
Ons tienertonele het gisteraand by die FAK Allegretto Toneelfees se finaal, skoonskip gemaak toe hulle met die volgende toekennings bekroon is:
Beste Produksie: ‘n Einde - deel met Idees (Hugenote Springs)
Beste Regisseur: Linda van Niekerk
Beste Teks: Nico Scheepers
Beste Aktrise: Zonika de Vries
Beste Feesgees: Helpmekaar Kollege
Beste Kostuums: Vrot
Beste Leerderproduksie: Koekoes (Derde)
‘n Einde wen ook ‘n speelgeleentheid by Oppiwater Kunstefees in 2023!
New Leaders appointed
Rand Park High School announced the appointment of its new Leaders for the 2022/3 year. The Grade 11s assumed their new leadership roles on Monday, 29 August to coincide with the first Matric preliminary examination which was written on that date.
Congratulations to the Head Leaders:
Head Boy: Thomas Anderssen
Head Girl: Michaela Adolphe
Deputy Heads (Boys): Steven Robinson & Robert Graham
Deputy Heads (Girls): Aimee Young & Chizoba Nwaokorie
Front: Robert Graham and Chizoba Nwaokorie.
Back: Steven Robinson, Thomas Anderssen, Mrs G Schutte (Deputy Head Principal), Michaela Adolphe, Aimee Young.
Head Leaders Thomas Anderssen and Michaela Adolphe
o.15’s Is die kampioene van noordvaal-beker.
Die o.14A-net balspan behaal ’n tweede plek by die SA netbalkampioenskappe.
Chemené Mentz
Jayde Rosslee
Vian Singleton
o.14 Netbalspan
Vian Singleton (Gr.11) is die nuwe Afrika-kampioen in Kickboxing, nadat hy goud wen by die Africa Continental Championship.
Jayde Rosslee (Gr. 12) het as wenner van die Noordvaal-finaal, in die Senior Seuns-afdeling, geëindig. Die HMK-seunsspan behaal ‘n algehele sesde plek. Chemené Mentz (Gr. 8 ) het as wenner van die Noordvaal-finaal, in die Junior Meisiesafdeling, geëindig.
Christabel Akpoduado
CURRO AURORA Midrand: Midrand Graduate Institute, 44 Alsation Road, Glen Austein Ext 3 Tel (087) 285 6785 Email midrand@vanschaik.com Boksburg: Shop 11A, K90 Centre, Cnr Rondebult & North Rand Roads Te : (011) 826 2045 Email: vsboks@vanschaik.com Braamfontein: Rosebank College Building, Jorissen Street Te : (011) 339 1711 Email vsbraam@vanschaik.com Illovo: Shop 5A/1, Illovo Square, Cnr Rivonia Road and Oxford Road Te : (087) 284 5760 Email: vsillovo@vanschaik.com Bedfordview: 9 Concord Road East Te : (087) 288 0225 Email bedfordview@vanschaik.com Fourways: Shop G72B, Cedar Square, Cedar Road Tel (087) 284 5770 / 5771 Email: vsfourways@vanschaik.com Florida: Florida Junction, Shop 4, 380 Ontdekkers Road Te (087) 106 7350 Email: floridajunction@vanschaik.com EXAMS MADE EASY With the right stationery and the best study guide range from Van Schaik Bookstore. Study guides are available in different subjects and grades. Cheerleading The Stars
Our Primary School cheerleaders competed in Provincials competition at Curro Aurora. The results are as follows: All Girl Small - First Place, Co-Ed - First Place, Group Stunts - First place. Congratulations to all our cheerleaders. We wish them well for Nationals in Polokwane later this year.
round of applause to our Monologue Festival The Stars (Gr. 11 & 12) Winners! CLOTH NG & PROMOT ONAL SUPPL ERS
FIRST ROUND Sunday 16 October 06:00 SRI LANKA V Sunday 16 October 10:00 UAE V Monday 17 October 06:00 WEST INDIES V Monday 17 October 10:00 ZIMBABWE V Tuesday 18 October 06:00 NAMIBIA V Tuesday 18 October 10:00 SRI LANKA V Wednesday 19 October 06:00 SCOTLAND V Wednesday 19 October 10:00 WEST INDIES V Thursday 20 October 06:00 SRI LANKA V Thursday 20 October 10:00 NAMIBIA V Friday 21 October 06:00 WEST INDIES V Friday 21 October 10:00 SCOTLAND V SUPER Saturday 22 October 09:00 NEW ZEALAND V Saturday 22 October 13:00 ENGLAND V Sunday 23 October 06:00 GROUP A WINNER V Sunday 23 October 10:00 INDIA V Monday 24 October 06:00 BANGLADESH V Monday 24 October 10:00 SOUTH AFRICA V Tuesday 25 October 13:00 AUSTRALIA V Wednesday 26 October 06:00 ENGLAND V Wednesday 26 October 10:00 NEW ZEALAND V Thursday 27 October 05:00 SOUTH AFRICA V Thursday 27 October 09:00 INDIA V Thursday 27 October 13:00 PAKISTAN V Friday 28 October 06:00 AFGHANISTAN V Friday 28 October 10:00 ENGLAND V Saturday 29 October 10:00 NEW ZEALAND V Sunday 30 October 05:00 BANGLADESH V Sunday 30 October 09:00 PAKISTAN V Sunday 30 October 13:00 INDIA V Monday 31 October 10:00 AUSTRALIA V Tuesday 1 November 06:00 AFGHANISTAN V Tuesday 1 November 10:00 ENGLAND V Wednesday 2 November 06:00 GROUP WINNER B V Wednesday 2 November 10:00 INDIA V Thursday 3 November 10:00 PAKISTAN V Friday 4 November 06:00 NEW ZEALAND V Friday 4 November 10:00 AUSTRALIA V Saturday 5 November 10:00 ENGLAND V Sunday 6 November 02:00 SOUTH AFRICA V Sunday 6 November 06:00 PAKISTAN V Sunday 6 November 10:00 INDIA V Wednesday 9 November 10:00 SEMI - FINAL Thursday 10 November 10:00 SEMI - FINAL Saturday 13 November 10:00 FINAL ICC WORLD 2022 16 OCTOBER
ROUND NAMIBIA Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong NETHERLANDS Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong SCOTLAND Bellerive Oval Hobart IRELAND Bellerive Oval Hobart NETHERLANDS Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong UAE Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong IRELAND Bellerive Oval Hobart ZIMBABWE Bellerive Oval Hobart NETHERLANDS Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong UAE Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong IRELAND Bellerive Oval Hobart ZIMBABWE Bellerive Oval Hobart SUPER 12 AUSTRALIA Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney AFGHANISTAN Perth Stadium Perth GROUP B RUNNER-UP Bellerive Oval Hobart PAKISTAN Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne GROUP A RUNNER-UP Bellerive Oval Hobart
B WINNER Bellerive Oval Hobart
A WINNER Perth Stadium Perth GROUP B RUNNER-UP Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne AFGHANISTAN Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne BANGLADESH Sydney Cricket Ground
GROUP A RUNNER-UP Sydney Cricket Ground
GROUP B WINNER Perth Stadium Perth GROUP B RUNNER-UP Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne AUSTRALIA Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne GROUP A WINNER Sydney Cricket Ground
GROUP B WINNER The Gabba Brisbane GROUP A RUNNER-UP Perth Stadium Perth SOUTH AFRICA Perth Stadium Perth GROUP B RUNNER-UP The Gabba Brisbane GROUP A WINNER The Gabba Brisbane NEW ZEALAND The Gabba Brisbane GROUP A RUNNER-UP Adelaide Oval Adelaide BANGLADESH Adelaide Oval Adelaide SOUTH AFRICA Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney GROUP B RUNNER-UP Adelaide Oval Adelaide AFGHANISTAN Adelaide Oval Adelaide GROUP A WINNER Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney GROUP A RUNNER-UP Adelaide Oval Adelaide BANGLADESH Adelaide Oval Adelaide GROUP B WINNER Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne FINAL 1 Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney FINAL 2 Adelaide Oval Adelaide FINAL Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne ICC MEN’S WORLD CUP 2022 FIXTURES OCTOBER - 13 NOVERMBER
Congratulations to our new primary school prefects!
Brescia Win Sun City Tennis Tournament
The Brescia House School 1st Team Tennis players participated in the Sun City Independent High School tournament. They played with determination, grit and grace. Yvonne Mthembu, Danika Hillary, Amigra Mandtoumbi, Rufaro Chamboko, Nkumbu Musonda and Nina Moerdyk brought home the gold for Brescia House School, winners of the 2022 tournament.
Top Honours Awarded to Four Brescia Pupils
The High School ended the second term with an Awards Assembly, during which no fewer than four Honours Blazers were awarded. Congratulations to the following pupils:
• Claire Andersen: Full Colours in Academics, Music, Netball and Oratory Skills.
• Gemma Gauld: Full Colours in Academics, Drama, Hockey and Oratory Skills.
• Natasha Hultzer: Full Colours in Academics, Hockey, Oratory Skills and Orienteering.
• Kate McLeman: Full Colours in Academics, Diving, Netball and Swimming.
Fiona Lin, participated in the International Polocrosse series held in July. Fiona was part of the South Africa U-21 ladies Polocrosse team who defeated the Zimbabwe/Zambia side to seal the series win at the Underberg Polocrosse Club. Fiona participated in the SA Champs at Ngwenya Polocrosse club in Lanseria on 6 – 7 August. She has also been invited as an international guest player to participate in two USA tournaments.
Commonwealth Karate SA Tetrathlon Champion
Erin Ford, has been selected to represent South Africa in the Commonwealth Karate Competition in England, to be held in September this year. Erin was selected in the Junior Squad for Kata and Kumite and we are so proud of her selection and commitment to the sport.
On 25th and 26th June, Brescia House School pupil, Isla Thomas, competed in the South African Tetrathlon Championships held in Pretoria. The event consists of swimming, fencing, and a combined running and shooting (laser-run) event. Isla won gold for the u.15 age group and is now the current South African Tetrathlon champion.
Soccer Team
Erin Ford
Isla Thomas
Natasha Hultzer, Kate McLeman, Gemma Gauld and Claire Andersen.
Front: Amigra Mandtoumbi, Danika Hillary and Yvonne Mthembu.
Back: Rufaro Chamboko, Nina Moerdyk, Nkumbu Masonda and coach Lebo Sefoko.
Front: Morgan Gough, Chelsey Itsweng, Kyle Ramlutchman, Tlangelani Masungwini, Asharya Naidoo. Back: Sajil Ramsundara, Thuto Shebe, Daniel Flint, Aarushi Tooray, Katlego Kekana.
Ashleigh Carr, Kyle Tregoning, Joash Verasamy, Wami Nyathi, Djamal Eko, Kayin Naidoo, Jaycee Ndlovu.
Front: Keagan Taylor, Nkosana Mabaso, Asande Ncube, Bokang Xaba, Ashton Simpson, Daylin Sardinus, Jonathan Kipa. Back: Tristan Clark, Jessy Mbayo, Lwandle Ncube, Ceejay Matandirotya, Rishik Ramnarain, Ryan Chiripanyanga, Nkosi Ndlovu, Lex Kihara.
Front: Summy Francis, Thoriso Hlalele, Kian Gajathar, Evan Mckinon. Middle: Sachin Moonsamy, Ayanda Gcabashe, Aditya Kamrajh, Tamika Pillai, Kayla Mckinon. Back: Sienna Kitshoff, Kyle Ramlutchman, Keagan Jv Rensburg, Yoan Carvalho, Shayara Lakshminarayana, Dushal Beharie.
E-gaming-Minecraft team u.13: E-gaming-Minecraft team High School Primary School Prefects
Front: Michael Feiertag, Luke Coulentianos, Coben Smitherim, Kgaiso Bosii, Connor Harpur, Cuan Basson and Keanan Louw. Back: Ryan Clark, Jared Milne, Simon Pienaar, Mr Wayne van der Werken (Sponsor – 123mds), Ross Lawlor, Thabo Pule, Heinz Klingenberg, Mr Stephen Malherbe (Sponsor – 123mds), Siyabonga Phakathi, Martin Esterhuizen and Ross Gibson.
Front: Katlego Mtembu, Chestnut Dlamini and Alexis Bell. Back: Kelly Pollit, Gia Reynolds, Tayla Cooper, Kutemwa Phiri, Victoria Smith, Benita Muya and Kuhlula Baloyi.
Front: Anthony Lotter, Matt Peche, Matsobane Aphane, James Miller, Mthokosizi Shaun Mazibuko, Lwazi Baloyi, John Ross. Middle: Callum Prinsloo, Kail Kesting, Siya Ntshalintshali, Nungo Likhanya, Tshireletso Madumo, Joshua Hershelsonn, Nathan Poulter, Tyler Petersen. Back: Alejandro Sale, Reabiloe Monyeke, JC Pascal, Cameron Hogg, Ethan Leong, Jonny Hlungwane, Dean Vorwerk, Thando Manana, Cameron du Toit.
Front: Tatenda Kandava, Kayla Johnson, Alexis Liversage, Kim Sitoe, Usithandile Mhlangu, Kelly Plunket. Back: Letlotlo Mokane, Banele Mbokazi, Casey Smith, Jordan van de Werken, Jadan Gillingham, Isabella Spence, Tayla Colquhoun, Abby Neilson, Camryn Herbert.
First team Girls Hockey
team Rugby
First team Netball
We look back on our winter sport season for 2022 and share our first teams.
Boys Hockey
Aardklop Pronk Pret Podium
is by Hoërskool Zwartkop en word weer gekroon as streekwenners.
die Atterbury-teatre.
die volgende leerders bekroon as:
finaal van die Aardklop
Baie, baie geluk met al hierdie ongelooflike prestasies wat julle deur die jaar bereik het. ‘n Spesiale woord van dank gaan aan juf. Suné Senekal wat julle met soveel passie, liefde en kennis afgerig het. Ons dank aan Robert Kruger, oud-leerder, wat die toneelstuk geskryf het. Ons sien alreeds met opwinding uit na volgende jaar se Tjokker-toneel.
Voor: Tobias Kloppers, Tiaan Bezuidenhout, Mnr Eddie Du Plessis, Jaydon Jubber, Mnr Deon Gouws, Janu Henning, Angelo Erasmus. Ry 2: Schalk Henning, Jayden Barker, Ettienne Pienaar, Jayden Human, Omphile Lephoo, Keegan van Schoor, Keegan Mccarthy, Xander Davis. Ry 3: Joshua Lubbe, Cayden Streicher, Shane Ritchie, Hayden Vorster, Edward van Der Merwe, Christiaan Dreyer, Zian Maritz. Agter: Luan De Winnaar, Jaun-Paul Davids.
Voor: Zach Keyser, Jahndroux De Witt, Lloyd Lombard, Tyler Austin, Zidane Kleingeld, Renhardt Visser. Middel: Keegan v Schoor, EC v d Merwe, Lionel Hiscock, Mnr. Kobus Rademeyer, Jaydon Jubber, Christiaan Dreyer, Schalk Henning. Agter: Fernando J V Vuuren, Lukas Combrink, Cyle McGeer, Tobias Kloppers, Jacques Jansen v Ryssen.
Voor: Caitlin O’Connell, Mia Kloppers, Kara-Mia Botma, Anéldie Muller, Leandi Strydom, Yarika Kleynhans. Agter: Esti Kotze, Juf. Karen Lourens, Ella de Beer, Juf. Ezanne de Klerk, Kiara du Toit.
Voor: Nina van Niekerk, Catherine Nicholls, Jenica Pottas. Middel: Kara-Mia Botma,
Juf. Heidi Lategan, Danika Fourie, Caitlyn Maré, Juf. Zaskia Muller, Anke Prinsloo. Agter: Anéldie Muller, Zanté Yzelle, Ameli Schlebusch, Mia Kloppers, Juf. Linda J v Rensburg, Mareli King, Caitlin O’Connell, Zita Jansen, Yarika Kleynhans.
Eerstespan Netbal
eerste Rugbyspan
D12 Ligawenners
D12 Ligawenners
D12 Ligawenners
Ons kyk terug na die wintersport-seisoen van 2022 en deel graag ons eerstespanne met trots. Chillies
Eerstespan Hokkieseuns Eerstespan
Ons kyk terug na die 2022 wintersport-seisoen en deel graag ons spanne met trots. Min het Laerskool Roodekrans geweet, hoe uiters suksesvol hierdie groep leerder gaan wees, veral omdat toneel op die planke lank nie kon plaasvind, a.g.v. COVID nie. Baie, baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat ons skool se naam hoog gehou het. Julle is ’n ongelooflike groep leerders wat altyd positief en stiptelik saam met juffrou Suné geoefen het. Laerskool Roodekrans kyk op na julle en bewonder julle deursettingsvermoë. In Augustus-maand neem hulle deel aan die Aardklop Pronk Pret Podium kompetisie wat gehou
Hulle neem deel
Pronk Pret
Na baie strawwe
tree hulle as naaswennersuit die stryd en word
Gedurende Mei-maand is hulle bekroon as streekswenners in die ATKV-Tjokkertoneel vir Gauteng. Hulle wen ook die volgende afdelings in hierdie kompetisie: • Amerize Kleinsmith • Elri Venter (Klank) • Emma Knop • Hanru Meyer • Jac-Henri Engelbrecht (Beligting) • Marizelle Bianco • Marlé Reynders (Verhoogbestuurder) • Miané Jordaan • Mienke Oberholzer • Ruben Kleinsmith • Beste ensemble • Beste regisseur (Juffrou Suné Senekal) • Beste aktrise –Amerize Kleinsmith • Beste aktrise –Amerize Kleinsmith • Beste akteur –Hanru Meyer
o.11A Krieket spanEerste span Hokkiedogters o.10A Hokkiedogers
Dogters: Clerise Begg, Dané Bekker, Jodi Boatard, Danica Cronjé, Lené de Bruyn, Chané de Jager, Isabella de Sousa, Zandré Grové, Larissa Klopper, Mia Kruger, Abbygail Liebenberg, Yolindi Mostert, Suné van Dyk, Jade van Wyk, Bianca van Zyl, Yanique Viljoen, Tianette Wessels. Seuns: Ryno Beekman, Dewann Blaau, Christi Botes, Eben de Jager, Céano Everson, Roelof Jacobs, Ernst Joubert, Kagiso (‘KG”) Leepile, Reanco Louw, Emile Louw, Dian Senekal, Theunis Smal, Jayden van den Berg, Kelvin van Wyk, Morné Venter, Nathan Venter, Dylan Viljoen.
Reanco Louw (Hoofseun) Dylan Viljoen (o.Hoofseun) KG Leepile (o.Hoofseun) Clerise Begg (Hoofdogter) Abbygail Liebenberg (o.Hoofdogter) Isabella de Sousa (o.Hoofdogter)
Matriekraad vir 2023
Morné Venter
Dylan Viljoen
Marcey de Waal
Evan Retief
Stephan Uys
Dylan du Plessis
Roelf Jacobs
Ulrich van der Walt
Jody Schambreel
Jan Botes Ricardo du Plessis
HJ de Beer (k)
Michiel Burger
Tristan da Costa
Ceano Everson Daylon Myners
Kevin van Wyk Dylan de Klerk
Xander Schoeman Deon-Divan Groenwald Tylor Sefoor
Theunis Smal Conrad van Wyk
Dian Senekal Zain Henery
Christi Botes
Palesa Rapoo, Danica Swanepoel, Clazien Tijssen, Bianca Van Aarde, Zarine Visser (Hoofdogter Protefeulje: Kultuur), Michaela Visser.
Tommie Ferreira, Angelico De Gouveia, Hlubandile Mzongwana (Head Boy for Kuschke Hostel), Katlego Matshebele, Oratile Mokhobo.
Mnr. André van Schalkwyk, Farai Moyana, Francois du Toit (Hoofseun vir Cambria Koshuis), Njabulo Nene, Alexander Scriba, Mnr. Ricus Papp.
en Caleb Venter (Hoofseun).
Ons Witbulle is die Noorvaal Rugbytoernooi kampioene! Baie geluk aan ons nuwe leiers!
Ons nuwe Bekkerraad en Koshuisraad vir 2022/23 Voor: Armand Botha, Jovan Botha, Lwazi Boyce (Onderhoof Seun: Portefeulje: Sport), Theo Cloete (Deputy Head Boy Portfolio: Agriculture), Angelico De Gouveia, Christiaan Ellis. Agter: Tommie Ferreira, Gobi Kekana (Hostel Learner), Douwniel Kroukam, Hlubandile Mzongwana (Hostel Leader), Caleb Venter (Head Boy Portfolio: Leadership), Robin Venter. Voor: Maryna Erasmus, Uwana Eyo (Deputy Head Girl - Portfolio: Social & Hoofdogter for Anneks Hostel), Lee-Ann Khourie, Angel Mafatha, Thozama Mkabane (Hostel Learner), Sadi Mokhaneli (Hostel Learner), T-Ann Olivier (Head Girl vir Huis Steenekamp Koshuis). Agter: Zanelle Potgieter,
Bekker en die gemeenskap is baie trots op elke leerder wat verkies is tot die Bekkerraad en/of Koshuisraad vir 2022/23. Dit is ‘n voorreg om hierdie leerders as leiers van ons skool en koshuise te hê. Ons wens julle alle sterkte toe met die nuwe hoofstuk wat reeds in Augustus begin het! Baie geluk aan ons hoofleiers vir 2022/23: Zarine Visser (Hoofdogter)
Voor: MJ Seifert, Izak Vermaak, Reece Joubert, Aiden Houston, Alex Jonker, Adrian Marx.
Middel: Erich Helmbold, Rieco Coetzee, Nathan Curle, Edward Harding, Lian Jansen van Rensburg, Jean Lindeque. Agter: Mnr. Dewan Helm & Mnr. Shaun-Pierre Schoeman.
Voor: Juan Marais, Rayne Joubert, Wian Smuts, Schalk van Ettinger. Agter: Mnre. Wikus Garnett-Bennett, Mathew du Toit en Shaun-Pierre Schoeman.
Eerste Krieket Toerspan
Eerstespan rugby wen die Goue Leeus Super Liga
Finaliste in die D2 hokkieliga
Eerstespan netbal tydens die Jomo-liga uitspele
Finaliste in die D2 hokkietoernooi
Eerstespan NetbalEerstespan Rugby
Eerstespan Hokkieseuns
Eerstespan Hokkiedogters
Johandre Viljoen
Johandre Viljoen maak skoonskip by RACA kompitisie.
Mnr. Ruben Louw, Leanie Heymans, Catharine Coetzee, Sonja Nel, Caelee Van Wyk, Denica Dannhauser, Madison Lombaard.
Karla Van Lingen - o.13, Lene Eksteen - o.13, Morné Swart - o.13, Hugo Van Staden - o.12, Wynand Engelbrecht - o.13.
Morgan Payne
Kevin Fraser
Ruard Swanepoel
Jomo Netbal
Ons kyk terug na die wintersport-seisoen van 2022 en deel ook ons eerstespanne met trots.
Ons kyk terug na die wintersport-seisoen van 2022 en deel graag ons eerstespanne met trots.
- o.12,
- o.12,
Moseki - o.13,
- o.12. o.13
Eerstespan Hokkiedogters
M o.14: Lara Erasmus. M o.15: Hanri Pretorius (Goud), Annika Ferreira, Liani Swanepoel.
M o.16: Chenelle Axsel (Goud), Marzaan Mellet.
M o.17: Chante Prinsloo (Goud), Megan Fourie (Silwer). S o.15: Dylan Opperman (Brons).
GAUTENG SPAN S.A. Kampioenskappe Rustenburg. Die volgende atlete is ingesluit in die Gautengspan. Hanri Pretorius (o.15) 4de, Chante Prinsloo (o.17) 3de,
Markus Holtzhausen, Themba Jele, Phila Ndlazi, Collin Staines, Neo Moerane, Ricco Venter, Barney Haynes, Chulumanco Mbukushe, Donald Mwambinga, Katlego Mpete, Matthew Du Plessis, Cupa Sithole.
Onkgethile Letshabo, Onthatile Letshabo, Tshimologo Mokoena, Warrona Tshimong, Mosa Mathosi, Palesa Mangole, Didintle Mathabe, Naledi Cindi, Mashudu Mulovhedzi, Njabulo Nkomo, Lesedi Moralo, Amogelang Phogojane, Rethabile Rabaloi, Kea Tshilemba.
Mpumi Ndlovu, Lesedi Mpitso, Remmogo Tonyane, Pholoso Letlape, Thapelo Maseko, Siyanda Miya, Andile Nkosi, Neo Nkoana, Kutloano Ramokgadi, Reabetswe Mahlungu, Warren Sethole, Thando Khumalo, Reotshepile Snosi, Sakhile Masango.
u.13 Cricket Team
Geluk Norie A Capella - Prestige toekenning: A+++ Allegretto
A Capella
Mnr Morné Heunis se
in die Cup Finaal by Heidelberg Volkskool.
HOËRSKOOL NOORDHEUWEL LAERSKOOL BEKKER We look back to our winter sport season for 2022 and proudly share our first teams.
u.13 Hockey Girls
u.13 Hockey Boys
Brackenview Is it ok to feel so worried or down all of the time? During our adolescent or teenage years, we come to learn about life’s ups and downs brought about through changes in our bodies, winning and losing at sports and achievements, and disappointments in our academic performance. Life Brackenview is a dedicated mental health care facility specialising in the treatment of dual diagnosis. Our 10-bed adolescent ward o ers treatment programmes, facilitated by our multidisciplinary team, to achieve optimal outcomes through the short-term treatment of mental health care users in a tranquil and therapeutic environment conducive to their recovery. For more information on Life Brackenview and admission procedures, please contact the unit on 010 009 6200 or email natasha.gri n@lifehealthcare.co.za www.lifehealthcare.co.za 22 De Waal Street, Brackendowns, 1448 @lifehealthcare Een van Blokker se doelwagters, Morgan de Jager, is tydens die SENIOR IPT (INTER PROVINSIALE) aangewys as nommer 1 doelwagter van die toernooi! Geluk Megan!
Die o.15A Sewes-span eindig 2de in die Cup Finaal
o.15A Sewes-span
15A Sewes-span
D2 Landloopspan na Gauteng skole kampioenskappe
West Rugby
Laerskool Millennium Primary can boast with a large number of boys who were chosen for the u.11 and u.12 West Rugby teams:
Takunda Phiri, Kgatlego Rakgomo, Tshegofatso Mahlanga, Raymond Banda. Tshiamo Magagula, Alwande, Ngcobo, Tshetlho Letshwene, Thina Gandi, Junior Pelego, Thato Tola, Ashley Ludongeni, Olorato Matlha, Muxolisi Lefielo, u.12
Front: Nkosinathi Khumalo, Omphile Kgwebana, Faith Thutelo, Thabane Lebe, Kgotso Dintweng. Back: Avril Bolofo, Karabo Sepamatla, Vutomi Shikwambana, Mpho Molikwe.