AWSUM Joburg North - Achievers - November edition

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HEAD OFFICE The AWSUM After School Guide is another AWSUM product by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Christelle van Wyk Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd 021 000 1705 29 Regional pages: Find us Awsum School News

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The importance of maths and science in shaping one’s future Maths and science are often considered the two most difficult school subjects that are so often avoided by students, yet they can have a significant impact on what a learner can do when they leave school.

“Out of the 64 countries, South African learners in Grade 5 scored an average of 374 for mathematics, and 324 for science – far below the 400 basic threshold”

Cultivating a curiosity through maths and science Young people have a natural curiosity about the world around them. Learnings from maths and science ‘plant the seed’ in gaining an understanding of the order of things and how they work. These skills are honed on the education journey and applied in scenarios that go beyond the classroom, such as in the kitchen, garage, in nature and the rest of tangible reality. “Maths and science give learners more choice when it comes to applying to study at university,” says Prof Muronga. “Without them, they would not be eligible for programmes and apprenticeships in the fields of science, engineering and even commerce, as many higher education institutions place a strong emphasis on maths and science,” says Prof Muronga. #myCKlife






“What many learners and parents fail to realise is that maths and science are enabling subjects that are a gateway to higher education and beyond,’’ says Prof Muronga. “They lay the foundation in applying knowledge when encountering complex principles competently in the school curriculum, at university and later on in life.”

While only 41% of Grade 9 mathematics learners demonstrated that they had acquired basic mathematical knowledge, and just 36% of learners in Grade 9 science learners had acquired basic science knowledge.

Maths is also beneficial in other areas including problem-solving, quantifying and interpreting data, the comprehension of text, debating, project management, and personal finance. Science and technology can cultivate creativity, observation, analytical research, and can also have an impact on society such as sustainability and environmental conservation.


This mainly comes down to misconceptions and negative perceptions of maths and science, rather than one’s ability or aptitude for the subject. “Our youth are brought up to believe that maths and science are too difficult, that it has no real value in the real world and, therefore, they are not worth the effort,” says Prof Azwinndini Muronga, Executive Dean of Science at Nelson Mandela University.

The performances of learners in maths and science are well below par compared to other countries. Out of the 64 countries, South African learners in Grade 5 scored an average of 374 for mathematics, and 324 for science – far below the 400 basic threshold – despite being older than their counterparts.


STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) skills are critical in today’s fast-paced world, but it is evident that learners in South Africa are showing less of an appetite for subjects like maths and science.



Sanjay Parbhu

Matthew Hendricks

Nicole Muchabaiwa

Jenna Kinloch

Rewon Dangalla

Claire Wasserman

Euan Stein

Kiyana Moodley

Kaylee Pott

Onika Njobe

Tatum Fandam

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Mikhail Williams

Paris Roos

Daniel Fell

Leeto Tenehi

Scott Bray

Siki Poswa

Gemma Lombard

Bahle Buthelezi

Amy Britz

Caitlin Arendse

Enreth Daniel

Matriekafskeidrok Gauteng kompetisie! skolenuus Ons nooi ons alle matriekmeisies om ‘n foto van hulself in hul rok in te stuur en jy kan dalk wegloop met ‘n R1 000 kontant as jou rok aangewys word as die wen-rok. Skryf sò in: •

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Meer as 2 000 skole landswyd deel direk hulle skolenuus met AWSUM wat dan op die aanlynplatform geplaas word. Na sewe jaar is dié platform gegroei tot die grootste skolenuus platform in Suid-Afrika.

Grade 1 - 7 Top Achievers

Die nuus-platform het ontstaan na die sukses van skoolkoerante regoor die land, waar ons nie al die nuus kon publiseer nie, maar skole graag weier as hulle direkte area blootstelling wou gehad het, sê Durandt van Zyl, uitvoerende hoof van TieMedia wat die AWSUM handerlsnaam bestuur. Lees die nuutste skolenuus op die grootste skolenuus platform in Suid-Afrika, naamlik

Die wenners sal 12 Januarie 2022 aangekondig word en saaam met die top 10 finaliste op geplaas word.


Zayaan Doodha Grade 7

Safiyyah Adams Grade 6

Mustafa Adams Grade 5

A5 Full Colour Diaries from R40,80 Our customised full colour diaries can be personliased for your school or business.


Hafsah Manjra Grade 4

Maleehah Butt Grade 3

Farhan Khan Grade 2

Priyal Kanjee Grade 1

HOËRSKOOL LINDEN Nuutverkose dagbestuur vir 2021/2022 Hoofdogter 2022

Hoofmeisie: Megan Botha

Hoofseun 2022

Hoofseun: Franco Vosloo. Hoofmeisie: Megan Botha Onderhoofseun Sport: Reinhard van Zyl. Onderhoofmeisie Sport: Jodie Vermeulen Onderhoofseun Kultuur: Bernard Greeff. Onderhoofmeisie Kultuur: Fikile Ntsutle Onderhoofseun Sosiale Sorg: Henno Klopper. Onderhoofmeisie Sosiale Sorg: Chantei Hoffmann

Marlè Bosman

Arno Janse van Rensburg

Hoërskool Randburg Hoofdogter

Hoërskool Randburg Hoofseun

Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool?

Matriek is jou laaste jaar- van ‘n akademiese oogpunt, wat sal jy graag wil bereik?

Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool?

Om die tradisies weer terug te bring veral na Covid en om ‘n goeie voorbeeld te wees.

Ek wil my Wiskunde-punt verbeter en meer vertroue kry in my akademie.

Om te sien hoe die skool saam groei na die streng inperkings en saam die res van die matrieks op ‘n groot jaar eindig.

Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk-en swakpunte?

Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers?

Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk-en swakpunte?

Ek is baie hardwerkend en doelgerig, maar ek is soms vergeetagtig! Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Al die tradisies en die gees onder die leerders.

Hou net aan hard werk want jy sal die vrugte pluk en ‘n Randjie gaan lê nooit nie! Wie is jou rolmodel? My ouers. As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Iron man, want hy is baie intelligent. Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by… saam met… by Highland dancing. Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’? Tom Holland.

Hoofseun: Franco Vosloo

Sterk: Hardwerkend,wil altyd die regte ding doen en ek bly kalm onder stresvolle situasies. Swak: Kan aandagafleibaar wees en kan op tye te kieskeurig wees. Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Die sterk tradisies en hoe ons almal as ‘n skool bymekaar kan kom op ‘n dag soos interhoër of pienkdag. Matriek is jou laaste jaar- van ‘n akademiese oogpunt, wat sal jy graag wil bereik? Ek sal graag ses of sewe onderskeidings wil behaal. Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Dat ons nou amper aan die einde van ons skoolloopbaan is en dat ek hulle met die gedagte wil los: “Jy stop wanneer jy klaar is en nie wannneer jy moeg is nie.” Wie is jou rolmodel? My Pa.

As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Professor-X, sodat ek mense se gedagtes kon lees. Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by... by die krieketveld saam met ‘n paar van my beste vriende. Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’? Taylor Swift.

Wat is jou planne vir na skool? Om Chemiese Ingenieurswese te studeer of selfs bio-chemie.

Lees die onderhoude met al die nuutverkoese hoofleiers regoor die land aanlyn, op

HOËRSKOOL RANDBURG Matriekprysuitdeling

Zander Jansen van Rensburg Matrikulant van die jaar 2021 Dux leerder van 2021

Kamo Raborifi Beste senior Rugbyspeler

Shannon Botha Senior Netbalspeelster 2021

Celeste Ackermann Beste senior Ruiter

Petrus Pretorius Beste senior Krieketspeler

Chloë Morrow Beste Eisteddfod prestasie

Xander van der Westhuizen Beste senior skut.

Johnny Potsanyane Tienertoneel: Erekleure Trofee: Toneelspeler van die jaar

Banele Twala Tienertoneel: Erekleure Trofee: Toneelspeler van die jaar

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Lees die onderhoude met die 2022 hoofleiers van regoor die land, aanlyn op

NORTHCLIFF HIGH SCHOOL Matric Valediction Prize-winners Diligence Awards

Landen Viljoen Mathematics, Science, Accountancy, Advanced Programme Mathematics

Pride Mncube Cutural Activities, Sportswoman of the year

Hlumelo Mjikeliso Fiona Johnston Memorial Award

Mione Janse van Vuuren John Bartlett Trophy

Kiarra Naidoo History

Scout Yatt Geography

Laurie Ann Shaw IT

Cassandra Hanmer 100% attendance for 5 years, Life Sciences (Biology), Consumer Studies

Simone Parfett Mathematical Literacy

Polia Gizdova Lynn Croly Trophy, Optimus Omnium, English, FNB Award Bilingualism, Afrikaans & LO

Keira van Niekerk Engineering Gaphics & Design, Service to the Community

Rebecca Byker Design School Floating Trophy, Creative Writing

Ziain de Beer Alan Lacey Award

Dashayin Naicker Business Studies

Michael Naidoo CAT

Robin Swartz Consistent Diligence

Amy Botes & Polia Gizdova Scholar of the Year

Sarah Mc Phail Visual Art

Werno van Wyk Sportsman of the Year

• Amy Botes • Rebecca Byker • Kerryn Cowper • Bhavika Dayal • Ziain de Beer • Renee de Villiers • Kate Fletcher • Hlalefo Ganare • Polia Gizdova • Cassandra Goris • Anton Gunther • Cassandra hanmer • Connor Ho-Tun • Sarah Hutton • Kayla jameson • Lithemba kika • Sapna Koobair • Bakang Lesejane • Rebaone Madumo • Sarah McPhail • Claire McPhail • Claire McLaurin • Deborah Moyo • Ashley Newland-Nell • Calvin Norris • Taherah Peffer • Tshegofatso Pela • Emma Pretorius • Phemelo Ramokoka • Megan Raubenheimer • Corbin Sinequan • Robin Swartz • Keira van Niekerk • Bradley Verster • Landen Viljoen • Courtney Whitfield • Fletcher yatt • Scout Yatt • Luke Ziegler

Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards (Pupils who have achieved averages over 80%) • Grant Booysen • Amy botes • Rebecca Byker • Polia Gizdova • Cassandra Hanmer • Joshua Lewis-Enright • Kiarra Naidoo • Ashley Newland-Nell • Simone Parfett • Laurie Ann Shaw • Keira van Niekerk • Landen Viljoen

HOËRSKOOL RANDBURG Matriekprysuitdeling

Zander Jansen van Rensburg Matrikulant van die jaar 2021 Dux leerder van 2021

Kamo Raborifi Beste senior Rugbyspeler

Shannon Botha Senior Netbalspeelster 2021

Celeste Ackermann Beste senior Ruiter

Petrus Pretorius Beste senior Krieketspeler

Chloë Morrow Beste Eisteddfod prestasie

Xander van der Westhuizen Beste senior skut.

Johnny Potsanyane Tienertoneel: Erekleure Trofee: Toneelspeler van die jaar

Banele Twala Tienertoneel: Erekleure Trofee: Toneelspeler van die jaar


Pedri Crause Fietsryer van die jaar Sportman van die Jaar

Herman du Plessis Gholfer van die jaar

Lehan Kruger Beste toneelspeler & Kultuurseun 2021

Diego Cupido Beste senior agterspeler 2021

Johané Fritz Beste Dogter Toneelspeler 2021

Teshawn de la Rey Beste senior dogter Hokkie-speler

Steven de Jong Beste senior seun Hokkie-speler

Marnique Hibbert Beste Senior Joernalis

Connor Dirker Beste Senior krieketspeler

Christian van Zyl Veelsydigste Matrikulant op kultuurgebied

Michaela Meiring Veelsydigste Matrikulant op kultuurgebied

Anika de Beer Kultuurdogter 2021

Jayde Rosslee Beste seun in Landloop

Emilie Nelson Beste dogter in Landloop

Ella Baburoglu Hoof se toekenning

Michaela Staal Beste dogter muursbalspeler

Chené Erasmus Noodhulp

Ruan Welman Senior voorspeler van die jaar in Rugby

Erin du Plessis Ruiter van Jaar

Anje van Jaarsveld Beste senior skaakspeler

Roeloff le Roux Skut van die Jaar

Gené Coetzee Beste dogter in landloop, Sportvrou 2021

Carmen Jordaan Veelsydigste graad 12 op sportgebied

Aldy Esterhuizen Beste speler in Netbal

Edrich du Preez Senior seuns swem

Bernelee Doster Senior dogters swem

Francois Malan Beste senior seun tennisspeler 2021

Isabella Venter Beste senior dogter tennisspeler 2021

Ulrich Krause Erewapen

Bernice Joubert Erewapen

Ruan Botha Erewapen

Mignon van Staden Deursettingvermoëtrofee

Motlatsi Moloi 1959 Helpietoekenning

TRINITY HOUSE RANDPARK RIDGE The Foundation Phase 2020 awards were held at the school under Covid 19 protocols. We would like to thank and congratulate also our learners who received awards and their parents for their continued support. A very big thank you to all foundation phase educators for their commitment and effort through out this very difficult year.


for Graphic Designers starting out in the industry Het iemand AWSUM gesê? A career in graphic design can unlock a world of opportunities, placing designers in the driver’s seat of creative brand design and visual communication. The industry is ever-changing, so those who see the world through a creative lens need to stay abreast of the latest developments.

Meer as 2000 skole landswyd deel hulle nuus deur AWSUM

The role of a graphic designer has shifted over time beyond designing innovative solutions. Graphic designers need to be flexible, wellrounded and creatively differentiated individuals capable of working within this rapidly evolving discipline.

For this reason, here are five career tips graphic designers entering the workforce should know to stay on top of their game.

4. Be entrepreneurial and think ‘strategy’ The world is full of potential and opportunities. You can start out on your own as a designer or team up with others who are looking for opportunities. You can also make use of freelance opportunities that knows no borders. To remain competitive in the market, designers need to understand users to produce design work that not only delight but also persuade.


SA’S NO.1 HIGHER EDUCATION GUIDE Choose the right field of study that will suit your interests and abilities.


Content of the guide: • • • • • • •

Institutions per fields of study Institutions per type of study Gap year options Au pair options Accommodation options Career content News relating to life after school

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1. Apply creative thinking and be curious

5. Care for people and the planet Your work can also make difference Gaan na www.awsumn to society and the environment. Make you understand the world you ons nuus lees 120 000 mense sure plan to design for and the people in this world. Learn how to research the eliks aanlyn maand different audiences you are going to

Designers are known for their out-ofthe-box ideas. By adopting strategic thinking, designers can develop visually innovative ways of producing concepts and apply complex problemsolving to overcome business challenges with creative flair. Never be afraid to try out new ideas and always be eager to learn something new.

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2. Be versatile and flexible

Today, graphic designers need to be versatile and flexible due to the ever-changing nature of the discipline. Designers need to understand how to design for different media such as print, motion and screen by using the latest software and technologies.

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Make sure you can work collaboratively with other team members of the same discipline and other disciplines. In today’s world, the ability to work with others is a very important skill, whether it is in person or virtually. Make sure that you can demonstrate this ability to your future employer or on your first job.


Alicia Mitha

Caitlin Anderson

Caitlyn Jones

Gabriella Reis

Hritik Mitha

Jayden Maistry

Jessica Gray

Kayla O’Dwyer and Mrs Nadia Johnson (Grade controller)

Kayla O’Dwyer

Kavya Kaushik

Lesedi Gololo

Luyanda Gumede

Mandisa Hendile

Shannon Guilia

Tanna Dove

Toni Holmes

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Top Achievers

Rutendo Chiota Top 10 Full Culture Colours Eisteddfod 2021: Best Female

Amisha Jivan Top 10 Full Culture Colours Top 10 Academic Achiever Top 4 Advanced English

Entleh Ndlovu Top 10 Full Culture Colours

Awande Buthelezi Top 10 Full Culture Colours Eisteddfod 2021: Best Male

Somaan Khan Top 10 Full Culture Colours Top 10 Academic Achiever Honours Blazer

Zinzile Ntombela Top 10 Full Culture Colours Best Eisteddfod Public Speaker

Tawana Mberi Top 10 Full Culture Colours Top 10 Academic Achiever Top 4 Advanced English

Nwayitelo Nkuna Top 10 Full Culture Colours Sandton Rotary Poetry Winner

Shanna Withers Top 10 Full Culture Colours Top 10 Academic Achiever Top 4 Advanced English

Tinodaishe Makaure Top 10 Full Culture Colours Top 10 Academic Achiever

Sanrika Matai Northcliff Rotary Poetry Winner Top 10 Academic Achiever

Deeyah Naidoo Top 10 Academic Achiever Top 4 Advanced English

Nkem Williams Top 10 Academic Achiever

Kwanda Ntombela Top 10 Academic Achiever

Bohlale Mtati Top 10 Academic Achiever

BRESCIA HOUSE SCHOOL Top Achiever Just before the Matrics commenced their 2021 final exams, Brescia House School proudly awarded an honours blazer to Grade 12 pupil, Mutsa Mutevedzi.

Njabulo Sibiya Brescia House School Head Girl 2022 What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? Getting to know girls in all grades better and being able to be someone they feel comfortable coming to, along with working with my grade to make the school maintains its inclusive and welcoming environment that encourages everyone to see their inner potential. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? I wish to just keep spreading a message of nurturing self-potential and of giving your best.

Mutsa Mutevedzi Mutsa achieved full colours in four disciplines: Academics, Drama, Debating and Oratory Skills, thereby earning the prestigious white blazer.

If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? I would probably be the Black Panther. I love how every blow the hero takes is regenerated to charge the suit as a weapon to fight back. I also love the story of the Black Panther being that the mantle is passed through generations to the most worthy warrior to protect not just themselves, but their community.

Claire Andersen

Lefa Tshabalala

Brescia House School Deputy Head Girl 2022

Brescia House School Deputy Head Girl 2022

What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I am mostly looking forward to the opportunities that this position will present me with. Opportunity to not only grow as an individual while learning how to be an effective and memorable leader, but also to impact the lives of so many around me. Furthermore, I think being in this position will give me many skills and lessons on team work and leadership that I can take with me into adulthood.

What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I am excited to see how the people within our school grow and become more confident with the help of not only the head girl and deputy head girls, but with the whole Brescia House School Matric class of 2022.

If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? I would want to be Iron Man, for I think he is a great example of the good someone can bring to the world if they use their gifts and genius to invent and aspire to help other people. Furthermore, he is also a great example of someone who loves and cares deeply, being ready to sacrifice anything to protect those he loves. On a regular Saturday, you will find me at… with…Most likely with my friends or family, either having lunch or going for a drive and singing in the car.

What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? My message of encouragement to my coleaders would be to know they were chosen for a reason, and that they are a going to be amazing leaders. I have already seen them in action in the years that have passed and how gracefully they have led amongst their peers. I am excited to see how well they will lead in the year ahead. Who is your role model? My role models are my mother and Pastor Steven Furtick. My mother is a leader herself in many aspects like at work, church along with at home. She has shown me the great strength found within a woman when she leans on God, and this is something I hope to carry for the rest of my life. Pastor Steven Furtick is the leading pastor of Elevation Church. He continues to speak of an inner power and purpose God has personally placed in every individual and made an impact in many people’s lives.

(Left to right) Lefa Tshabalala (Deputy Head Girl), Njabulo Sibiya (Head Girl) and Claire Andersen (Deputy Head Girl).

Who is your role model? I often look to different role models for various attributes that I aspire to obtain, but generally I can say that my parents are my main role models. Specifically my Dad, because I am in awe at how hard he has worked and how far he has come in his career to be at a point now that he can go and do so many wonderful things. I find his discipline and perseverance incredibly inspiring and I hope that I can achieve the same in my own career.

What do you love the most about your school? I particularly love the sisterhood at Brescia. From the first day I came to the school, I felt welcomed and ever since have felt like I am a part of a family.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? I would say that my strengths would be interacting with people, supporting people, and my commitment. My weaknesses would be my lack of time management. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? I would not necessarily like to change things at my school, but I would like to reinforce the newer systems or find new ways to go about existing things. What do you love the most about your school? I love the sense of sisterhood and companionship amongst the students, and even the teachers too. The idea that we all go through our struggles and successes together, which I feel truly represents that sense of team spirit and compassion for one another. We never let the tough times wear us down too much, and mostly, we never allow it to happen to our peers. It is incredible to see the amount of times Brescia students and staff members will check up on you and force you to take care of yourself when you are struggling.

What do you love the most about your school? The opportunities that it provides to the students, the quality of education and, most importantly, the people at our school. The students in my grade are supportive and kind people and are extremely excited for 2022, and the energy has spread to the younger grades, which has made us all more excited to be leading for the rest of this year and next year. If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? Doctor Strange because his powers interest me a lot.

What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? We truly have got this! Our grade has a beautiful energy and relationship, and we can achieve amazing things. And to Njabulo and Claire, I am extremely excited and honored to be leading with you two. You two truly are beautiful people inside and out and I am excited to grow with each other and grow our school together. Who is your role model? My Mother.

Read interviews with the newly chosen head leaders from all over the country online on


Lesedi Mashamaite Honours for Academics (4 years over 80%)

Chisumino Momberume Overall Cultural Achievement

Daniella Gabriel Top Afrikaans Student

Siphesihle Skosana Honours for Academics (4 years over 80%)

Nadya Stolarczyk Sportswoman of the Year

Mitchell Neilson Re-award Academic Honours

Travis Krumples Sportsman of the Year, Triple Honours

Brian Gates Top Engineering Graphics and Design Student

Nicole Jeger Re-award Academic Honours

Taylor Holton Half Colours - Photo Journalism

Tadiwanashe Chingwe Top Geography Student

Cameron Neilson Re-award Academic Honours

Kamohelo Mafejane Full Colours - Soccer

Jemimah Pritchard Top Geography and Top Visual Arts Student

Ashley Santangelo Re-award Academic Honours

Lubomir Zlatev Full Colours - Track and Field

Malaika Muleya 1st for Tourism

Florence Mulenga Full Colours - Cross Country and Netball

Bree Porter Double Honours: Honours Outdoor Hockey

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Siyabonga Phakathi Fourways High School Head Boy


Congratulations on being selected as a leader at your school. What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I am mostly looking forward to the learning through the journey that I am about to walk. I am looking forward to inspiring my fellow students and future Fourways leader that they can achieve anything that they out their mind to. Is there anything you would like to change at your school?

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Yes, to name a few; I aim to create an inclusive and diverse school environment for all my fellow students. I aim to create culture that is unique to our school by showing mutual respect between students and staff. What do you love the most about your school?

If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why?

The people. Everyone who makes the institution. Everyone at our school that is a true Fourways Legend. We can be free and have opinions.

Iron Man – He is intelligent and fights for what he believes in.

What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? Focus on who you are and would rather impact that you would you rather do. Who is your role model? I don’t really have a role model. I just believe in myself and always push myself to be the best person I can achieve and work to the best of my abilities.

On a regular Saturday, you will find me at my house with my family. Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Amandla Stenberg

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