AWSUM Joburg South - Achievers - November edition

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Matriekafskeidrok Gauteng kompetisie! skolenuus

Randhardt hoofleiers vir 2022

Ons nooi ons alle matriekmeisies om ‘n foto van hulself in hul rok in te stuur en jy kan dalk wegloop met ‘n R1000 kontant as jou rok aangewys word as die wen-rok. Skryf sò in:

Hoofseun: Ruan Mulder. Onderhoofseuns: Jared Mentz, Hannes Jansen en Zavier Swanepoel.

Epos ‘n vollengte foto in JPEG-formaat aan

Merk die onderwerp van die epos: Matriekafskeidrok 2021

Skryf in die boodskap van die epos die meisie in haar rok se naam, van en die naam van haar hoërskool.

Alle inskrywings is gratis.

Die wenners sal 12 Januarie 2022 aangekondig word en saaam met die top 10 finaliste op geplaas word.

Meer as 2000 skole landswyd deel direk hulle skolenuus met AWSUM wat dan op die aanlynplatform geplaas word. Na sewe jaar is dië platform gegroei tot die grootste skolenuus platform in Suid-Afrika. Die nuus-platform het ontstaan na die sukses van skoolkoerante regoor die land, waar ons nie al die nuus kon publiseer nie, maar skole graag weier as hulle direkte area blootstelling wou gehad het, sê Durandt van Zyl, uitvoerende hoof van TieMedia wat die AWSUM handerlsnaam bestuur. Lees die nuutste skolenuus op die grootste skolenuus platform in Suid-Afrika, naamlik

Vereeniging Gimnasium kies nuwe leiers vir 2022 Hoofdogter: Lienke Olivier. Onderhoofdogters: Rumay van Vuuren, Mieke van Helden en Nihke Dirker.

Glenvista 2021 Heads

Praises Obi (Headboy)

Charlize Angela Kings (Headgirl)

Neo Silokwani, Dehan Ackerman, Tyron Willemse, Megan Hattingh, Elzaan vd Hoven, Ninke v Wyk.


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RECEIVE THE AWSUM NEWSPAPER ON YOUR PHONE Lees die onderhoude met die 2022 hoofleiers van regoor die land, aanlyn op

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1st Row: Amy-lee El-Salhi , Jayden Griewe, Kayla Moodley, Praises Obi , Lily De Melo, Omolemo Zwane, Tylin Naidu, Tiisetso Jijana. 2nd Row: Ms. Budhoo, Jaiuri Rampersad,Danica Ellapen,Diya Dayah,Acalia Williams, Ketia Bikouta, Nqobile Dube, Ropafadzo Hove, Naledi Mokgopo, Gail Amisi, Nabeel Mahomed, Mr. Ho. 3rd Row: Banste Magata, Nolwazi Nosenga, Mosima Manthata, Pinelle Bikouta, Zamokuhle Nghlangothi, Lesedi Mokotedi, Palesa Vinger, Bontle Rampolokeng, Gundo Tshavhungwe, Nobuhle Madondo. 4th Row: Keneiloe Maphoroma, Lehlohonolo Mofokeng, Vanessa Mkhwanazi ,Hopolang Meje, Mbali Ngwenya, Arpita Makan, Keketso Phateng, Charmaine Chinyanda, Taliyah Frieslaar. 5th Row: Brayden Green, Prabhakar Salikram, Nikhil Parshotum, Ethan Graca, Caleb Calvin, Jineshan Virasamy,Kefilwe Mandco,Naledi Keswa,Lino Baptista, Chritiana Ogbonna. 6th Row: Christian Dougans, Ben Lai, Liam De Saldana, Yakisha Singh, Amarachi Okafor, Zito Macovela, Siphesihle Nyandeni, Uche Nnanna, Jessica Kaninda, Llungalami Lekoape, Emmanuel Okoye, Reabetsoe Molape. 7th Row: Mayuri Balakistan, Giovania Esemued, Percival Chukwu, Langalethu Ngcobo, Chiwendu Mbaoma, Jemima Makinda, Quentin Williams. Absent: Charlize Kings, Boitumelo Moagi, Adeeba Ansari, Ruqaiyah Kokora, Blessing Coker.

HOËRSKOOL MARAIS VILJOEN HIGH SCHOOL Top Akademiese Presteerders in hul graad

Mignon Mentz Hoogste gemiddeld in Gr. 8

Michael Taljaard Hoogste gemiddeld in Gr. 9

Jaun Oosthuizen Hoogste gemiddeld in Gr. 10

Shenize Bekker Hoogste gemiddeld in Gr. 11

Reneuwe Phoku 8 Onderskeidings Gr. 12

Corné Jansen 7 Onderskeiding Handhaaf 90% + gemiddeld Gr. 12

Tiaan le Roux 7 Onderskeidings Handhaaf 90% + gemiddeld Gr. 12

Brooklyn Harvey 7 Onderskeidings Handhaaf 90% + gemiddeld Gr. 12

Louise de Villiers 8 Onderskeidings Handhaaf 90% + gemiddeld, Hoogste gemiddeld in Gr. 12 Veelsydigste Leerder

Leoné Greeff 8 Onderskeidings Handhaaf 90% + gemiddeld Gr. 12

Izelle Oosthuizen 8 Onderskeidings Gr. 12

Michael du Plessis 8 Onderskeidings Gr. 12

Keisha du Plessis 7 Onderskeidings Gr. 12

Danette Mocke 7 Onderskeidings Gr. 12

Francois Krause 7 Onderskeidings Gr. 12 Veelsydigste Leerder

Chanell McGregor 7 Onderskeidings Gr. 12

Shanen de Bruyn Hoërskool Stoffberg Hoofdogter Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Ek sien daarna uit om my idees te deel gedurende my tyd as hoofdogter van Hoërskool Stoffberg en om deel te wees van groot besluite wat geneem word en die beplanning van enige projekte, funksies, ens. Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Ons geesvang by bv by sportbyeenkomste en op dae wanneer ons iets nuuts inbring of doen wat nog nooit tevore gedoen is nie. Matriek is jou laaste jaar van ‘n akademiese oogpunt, wat sou jy graag wil bereik? Ek wil graag onderskeidngs in al my vakke behaal en ook ‘n algehele gemiddeld van 80-100% hê. Ek wil graag hê my punte moet goed genoeg wees om in ‘n IVY-League-skool aanvaar te word. Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Aan ons onderhoofleiers en ons ongelooflike sterk DK-span: Gee glad nie om oor wat ander van jou sê nie en weet dat jy jou DK-balkie verdien en moenie bang wees om dinge aan te spreek of besluite te neem, want jy is bang jy verloor vriende nie. Geniet jou laaste jaar ten volle en maak dit een om te onthou. Wie is jou rolmodel? Ek het nie een spesifieke rolmodel nie, maar ek kyk op na verskillende mense se eienskappe, soos Kendall Jenner se onafhanklikheid en Elon Musk se leierskap. Wat is jou planne vir na skool? My planne vir na skool is om BCom Besigheidstudies oorsee te studeer.

As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Ek sou Harley Quinn wou wees, wat DC bevestig het is ‘n gesertifiseerde super-hero, want sy is ‘n intelligente dame wat beslis ‘n krag is om mee rekening te hou en wat onafhanklik in haar eie wêreld leef. Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by… saam met… Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal jy my ‘out-and-about’ kry by byvoorbeeld winkels, vriende/vriendinne se huis/my huis, ‘n vakansie oord, ens. saam met vriende/ vriendinne en/of familie. OF Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal jy my in die gerief van my eie huis vind wat huiswerk doen en flieks in die agtergrond kyk. Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’? My Hollywood ‘celeb crush’ is Drew Starkey.

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LAERSKOOL ORION Hoofleiers 2022


Adrian Kok

Amélie Kritzinger

Connor Griffin

Jua Rautenbach

Katelin Heymans

Luan Bruyns

Matthys de Koker

Seymoné Spanjer

HOËRSKOOL DR MALAN Hoofleiers 2022 Veels geluk aan Dokkies se Nuwe Hoofleiers vir 2022! “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” - John C. Maxwell. Mag jul met trots die pad vir 2022 wys.

Braydon Anley Hoofseun

Carla van Zyl Hoofdogter

Anzelle van Wyk

Liandi van Wyk

Kaylen Theunissen

Joné Hepburn

Carla Coetzer

Cara Nienaber


Keegan du Plessis

Xavier Nel

Waldo Dreyer

Douglas McFarlane

Divan Booyens Shené v Staden - Gekies vir die o.16A Gautengspan en Tersia Owens - Gekies vir die o.19A Gautengspan.

DINAMIKA Sianne Mileham (Si-Si)

Joshua “Bees” Swanepoel

Dinamika Head Girl

Dinamika Hoofseun Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool?

What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader?

Om ‘n voorbeeld te wees en om nuwe hoogtes saam die skool te bereik.

I’m so excited to share my ideas and good ethics. I want everyone to share my enthusiasm about Dinamika and what great students we have. We are putting Dinamika on the map through honesty, integrity and loyalty.

Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk- en swakpunte? My swakpunt is dit vat my ‘n rukkie om gemaklik te raak rondom mense. My sterkpunte is ek funksioneer goed onder druk en is baie hulpvaardig.

Is there anything you would like to change at your school? I would like to make positive changes and look into the interests of students and accommodate everyone’s hobbies.

Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by… saam met…Langs die veld met my span.

What do you love the most about your school? I would say I enjoy my sport the most and our school spirit. What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? We are the difference! We are change. We stand together and encourage to share opinions and leave a legacy. Who is your role model? My granny is my role model. What are your plans after matric in 2023?

If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? Catwomen. She is fearless and not afraid of taking risks. On a regular Saturday, you will find me at… with…with friends and family, sharing and making memories. Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Shawn Mendes…Mmmm

I would like to pursue a career in education and I want to coach hockey and athletics. ai163783024012_Wk47_Newspaper_Ad_With_Bleed.pdf 1 2021/11/25 10:50:41

Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Ek is ‘n groot sportsliefhebber so ek geniet my rugby, atletiek en krieket. Ek geniet ook die skool se gees en kultuur. Dit is net iets anders. Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? A leader leads by example and not by force. Wie is jou rolmodel? My pa. Wat is jou planne vir na skool? Ek wil graag verder gaan studeer en ‘n graad ontvang en miskien rugby te speel vir die universiteit. As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Hulk want hy pak altyd sy vyande aan en is nooit bang vir nuwe uitdagings nie.

Waterstone College (High School) Head Prefects for 2022

Head Girl – Melissa Nagar, Deputy Head Girl – Kyra Mol Head Boy – Tlotliso Maleme, Deputy Head Boy – Luke Cable


Tlotliso Maleme

Waterstone College Head Girl

Waterstone College Head Boy

What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader?

What do you love the most about your school?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I’m most looking forward to working with the incredible prefect group we have at Waterstone College. We have an exceptionally strong group of leaders, each with unique strengths and together we can make a massive impact in the school. We are a very united grade, and I’m looking forward to bringing the same level of unity to the school as a whole. I’m also very excited to meet the new grade 8’s of 2022 and guide them through the beginning of their high school journey. We have many exciting and spirit-fuelled ideas that will be implemented to make 2022 the most memorable year yet!

I love all the people here! Everyone in this school makes the school what it is. When I was elected as head girl, I received such immense support and love from everyone in this school. The teachers here are also so dedicated and show such care for every student. Most of all I love that in my school you can really feel the values of FIRE (Faith, Integrity, Respect and Excellence) that we strive to uphold.

I’m an over-thinker. Not sure if this a strength or a weakness! Probably a strength. I’m also curious, ambitious and always seeking to grow. I’m a little introverted and quiet and this could be seen as a weakness by some. Another weakness of mine is that I am not very good at sport, which is a tough trait when growing up in a family where most people have some sort of sports award.

Who is your role model?

Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for?

Eleanor Roosevelt- She wasn’t afraid to speak out in a time when women were politically suppressed and stood up to adversaries by taking an active stand in campaigning for women rights.

I’m always aiming to improve my marks. Even if it’s minimal. So, my goal is to keep improving and not let my average drop.

What are your plans after matric in 2023?

What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders?

I have a deep interest in the health field and admire the perseverance of healthcare workers especially during this pandemic. I therefore want to pursue a degree in the Health Science field after matric.

You were recognized as leaders, a trait you had before the badge. So when things get rocky, don’t doubt your own abilities, but also remember that you’re not alone; it’s okay to ask for guidance or advice.

If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why?

Who is your role model?

Wonderwoman- She shows that women can be strong, powerful and assertive, while still being kind and caring.

I have several, including my grade controller Mr. Farrand, a good friend of mine, Sizwe, my former head boy, Mulo and the living legend himself, Jacob Collier

Who is your Hollywood celeb crush?

Who is your Hollywood celeb crush?

Leonardo Di Caprio- He absolutely stole my heart when watching the Titantic.

Danielle Rose Russel...

What are your plans after matric in 2023? I have several universities in mind, including WITS and UKZN, where I plan to study Astrophysics, but I’m also really interested in Psychology and Philosophy. What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I’m excited to implement the ideas of the prefect body and I believe we can make a change, starting with the grade 8 orientation!

LAERSKOOL ELSPARK Prysuitdeling 2021

Carla Aldum Gr. 7 - Dux-leerling, Jukskei, Voortrekkers Skaak & Hokkiespeler van die jaar

Marli Horn Graad 6 Engelse Redenaars beker Preforming Arts Team SA: SA kleure

Luan Clark Graad 7 Kolwer, Veldwerker & Krieketspeler vd jaar Claudia-Joy v Coller Jaco Engelbreght Graad 7 Graad 7 Rugby, Rhino Week Boogskiet Bouwler van die jaar span, SA Stoei

Mikayla Basson Graad 5 Preforming Arts Team SA: SA kleure

Graad 1 klas Toppresteerders

Katelyn Graham Graad 5 Beste Akademiese prestasie in Graad

Miné du Plessis Graad 5 Afrikaanse redenaars beker

Graad 2 klas Toppresteerders

Zurita Nel Graad 7 Hokkie: Moedigste speller

Anja Bezuidenhout Graad 7 Hokkie: Beste voorspeler

Carli van Rooyen Graad 7 Hokkie: Beste vordering

Reinder Jacobs Graad 6 Boogskiet: Beste seuns skut

Lo-Shay Louren Graad 6 Beste Akademiese prestasie in Graad Tennis: Provinsiale kleure

Jodine Jv Rensburg Graad 4 Beste Akademiese prestasie in Graad, Sentraal Gauteng Jukskei span

Ruben Cornelius Engelse Redenaars Trofee

Henro Kidson Afrikaans Redenaar Trofee

Johnathan Sanders Grondslagfase se Dux-leerling

Leila-Marie Roos 3de keer Volle ereklere & ontvang haar swart baadjie

Graad 3 Toppresteerders per vak

Graad 3 Toppresteerders

Graad 3 3 Jaar 100% skoolbesoek

MARIST BROTHERS LINMEYER National Eisteddfod Academy of South Africa

Shaun Da Silva Gr. 12 1 Gold

Dario Gouveia Gr. 8 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

Ayush Harduth Gr. 11 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

Julian Schwark Gr. 8 2 Gold

Danilo Figueira Gr. 10 1 Silver

Rebecca Kühn Gr. 7 2 Diploma

Khushil Mistry Gr. 9 1 Gold + 1 Silver

Liam Tehini Gr. 7 2 Gold

Junior & Mini Councillors 2022

Jennifer Cumming Grade 10 Junior Councillor

Katleho Matona Grade 10 Junior Councillor

Shayur Moodley Grade 6 Mini Councillor

Ryan Naidoo Grade 6 Mini Councillor

Zayana Variava Gr. 9 2 Gold

Prem Mistry Gr. 7 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

Mishana Harduth Gr. 9 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

Caleb Paterson Gr. 6 1 Gold

Khehal Budhia Gr. 9 1 Gold

Martim Couto Da Silva Gr. 6 1 Diploma

Joshua Kühn Gr. 9 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

George Joe Erumeda Gr. 6 1 Diploma + 2 Gold

Avinash Jose Gr. 5 1 Gold

Brendon Barnard Gr. 9 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

Kiano Patudo Gr. 4 1 Diploma + 1 Gold

Mihla De Oliveira Gr. 9 4 Diploma

Taylan Andrews Gr. 4 2 Diploma

Grade 12 Valediction Mass and Prize Giving Ceremony Front: Shamta Patel, Ishika Bhawan, Vuyisile Sebe, Heerani RamaPanchia Back: Gabriela Scrooby, Stuart Teichmann, Uwen Du Plessis, Miguel Adriao.

Giovanni Casasola & Leandro Amaro.

ALBERVIEW PRIMARY SCHOOL Gr. 1 - 7 Top 10 Achievers

Grade 7 Front: Imani Noma Tshabangu 88.57%, Tahira Hussain 88.14%, Eva Kapunda 88.04%, Swazi Dineo Motsoane 86.53%, Wawi Nomcebo Mamane 86.18%. Back: Letlotlo Molemo Mofokeng 86.14%, Farren Pieterse 85.74%, Gaelyn Gloria Terblanche 85.57%, Trent Ayden Schultz 85.50%, Bahle Khanyisile Ndaba 85.44%.

Grade 4 Front: Ashton Evan Bouw (Absent) 91.56%, Mulalo Mudzanani 89.28%, Shevan Kayla Jordaan 88.67%, Jenil Harisunker (Absent) 88.65%, Dineo Moloto 88.29%, Josh Darian Chetty 87.84%. Back: Sashika Elizabeth Chanda 87.57%, Minenhle Dimakatso Tshabangu 87.38%, Mia Rodriguez 86.80%, Kady Marie Louw 86.69%.

Grade 6 Front: Abby Grant 93.03%, Shainaabh Hussain 91.97%, Scarlett Leigh Dippenaar 90.32%, Ondela Pantsi 90.26%, Jade Kelly Henning 89.51%. Back: Mputu RocheTshimbalanga 88.81%, Daniel Katzke 88.57%, Nadia Tariro Moyo (Absent) 87.60%, Moabi Edmond Moabi 87.10%, Travis Michael Roebuck 86.79%.

Grade 3 Front: Unathi Kylee Zwane 96.20%, Ntando Peter 93.01%, Praise Mandizira 91.36%, Jordan Govender 90.54%, Morgan Jane Rhiannon Roebuck 89.14%. Back: Kamsiyochukwu Elizabeth Vuyo Amalukwue 89.06%, Trevor Mutshail Yav 88.51%, Kamsiyochukwu Claudia Udemba 88.05%, TIIsetso Letlotlo Kalela 87.71%, Buntu Buthelezi 86.82%.

Grade 5 Front: Johnny Emad Sadalla 94.77%, Tiahra Mason 92.69%, Manqoba Percy Mhlanga 88.80%, Emmanuella Muakana Mudibu 86.99%, Dominic Joseph Naidoo 86.64%. Back: Kamohelo Oupa Hlongwane 86.22%, Malik Keorapetse Mzee Kawawa 84.79%, Miyolo Hlanganyana 84.64%, Arya Makan (Absent) 83.56%, Jayme Estrella Roebuck 83.56%, Morgan-Leigh Jordaan 83.19%.

Grade 2 Front: Sophia Katzke 90.09%, Shaun Nkanyiso Edwards 89.40%, Khwezi Bontle Gumede 88.73%, Nkanyezi Busiswa Samkelo Nkosi 87.64%, Atlehang Boshielo 86.51%. Back: Sakalesh Senthilkumar Arunadevi 86.28%, Milton Tshimbalanga 85.36%, Lihle Nkazimulo Madikila 84.99%, Gomolemo Mokokosi 84.93%, Thabitha Hlelo Dube 84.67%.

Grade 1 Front: Abongile Okuhle Mamane 95.54%, Kiran Tristan Vlotman 93.50%, Francis Chukwudalu 93.44%, Alexis Skye Bush 92.81%, Liya Rodriguez 92.60%. Back: Mahlogonolo Dibakoane 91.71%, Lonwabo Kganya Nelisa Nontongo 91.01%, Mpilenhle Lwazi Nokuthula Masina 90.94%, Jonear Emad Awad Saadalla 90.89%, Rethabile Reabetswe Maleka.90.74%.

ALBERTON HIGH New Leaders & Top Achievers

Amber Norton President

Keelan Lebotschy Highest marks in Physical Sciences, GEO, Accounting, Maths, LO. Trophies for Accounting, Creative Articulation, GEO Mapwork & best matriculant overall.

Amogelang Matwetlane President

Teagon Spykerman v.President Academics

Erica Alberts Highest marks in Eng, Business Studies, LO. Trophies for best matriculant & Top 10 number 1.

Massinissa Ferka v.President Academics

Pravir Padayachee Mathematics, Information Technology, Life orientation, Sally Schultz Trophy

Nikita Binedell v.President Cultural

Bontle Bonoyi Highest marks in Economics, Best Snr Netball player & Sportswoman fo the year.

Cameron Barr v.President Cultural

Ashton de Kock v.President Sport

Ethan Weimers v.President Sport

Andrea Augustine & James Correia Mayor’s Award for Service to the school and the community.

Sade Johnson v.President Welfare

Marco Wagner v.President Welfare

Amber Taylor & Joel Barron Headmaster’s Award for Leadership.

VEREENIGING GIMNASIUM Prysuitdeling Presteerders

Vereengiging Gimnasium se 2021 sportsterre.

Anje Holtzhausen Veelsydige Junior sportdogter

Boka Molapo Senior Netbal speelster van die jaar

Charles vd Walt Veelsydigste Senior Seun

Chirese Blom Veelsydigste Senior Dogter & Atletiekkapteine 2022

Jason Bowers Beste Senior Seun Atletiek, Beste Senior Seun Landloop & Sportseun van die jaar

Kamo Thipe & Chirese blom Atletiekkaptein en -kapteine 2022

Shikira Gebhardt Senior Dogter Atletiek, Veelsydige Senior Dogter & Sportdogter van die jaar


Front: Lené Posthumus, Ethan Kruger, Kaylee Putter, Chloé Claassens, Zelné Bezuidenhout, Ashley Holloway, Christopher Small, Ryan MacDonald, Luan Botha, Chloé van Onselen, Tineke Coetzee. Back: Mnr L. Erasmus, Luann le Roux, Arno van Zyl, Danika Potgieter, Léanke MacDonald, Janke Louw, Mioné Frisby, Llewellyn Tolmay, Rochelle Kloppers, Johan Bam, Junior Meyer, Conrad Pieters, Christiaan Els, Kaitlyn Lloyd, Marinus Grobbelaar, Roché le Roux, Me. A. Strydom.

HOËRSKOOL TRANSVALIA Gr. 12 Top 20 & Prysuitdeling Toekennings Michaela Jeffrey Duxleerling, Beste akademiese prestasie: 1ste - 94% Afr 90%, Eng 95%, LW 94%, Wisk 96%, FW 93%, Geo 89%, Rek 92%, LO 98%

Micaela de Jager 9de - 87,57%

Danél Lötter 18de - 83,43%

Devon Kleynhans 10de - 87,43%

Tharien Oosthuizen 19de - 82,57%

Kanya Lourens 2de - 92,43%

Ellen Wille 3de - 91,86%

Joanie Redelinghuys 4de - 90,43%

Michaela Grobbelaar 5de - 90,29%

Shané Dimond 6de - 90,0%

Alissa Brink 7de - 88,71%

Leandrie Hillebrand 8ste - 87,86%

Cara Faurie 11de - 86,29%

Emré Holz-Leite 12de - 85,29%

Twané van Wyk 13de - 85,29%

Nerike Bosch 14de - 85,14%

Mariska v Niekerk 15de - 84,71%

Andrea-Gail Cadwell 16de - 84,14%

Zanri Venter 17de - 83,43%

Chantené van Zyl 20ste - 82,0%

Toiné Swart Beste sportprestasie binne skoolverband, Atletiek, Landloop, Krieket, Hokkie

Marsharé Pienaar Beste sportprestasie buite skool verband, Netbal, Fast five, Ringbal, Ringtennis, Aksie Netbal

Ellen Wille Veelsydige sport leerder, Hokkie, Atletiek, Swem, Tweekamp

Micaela de Jager Veelsydige kultuur leerder, Cheerleaders, Dans, Redenaars, VCSV, WOW

Shané Dimond Veelsydigheid trofee, Atletiek, Landloop, Netbal, Klub atletiek, Klub landloop, Kultuur, Akademiee, Leierskap

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Disclaimer: Mercedes me Connect Services are Disclaimer: Mercedes Services are to renew. complimentary for up me to 3Connect years, with your choice complimentary for up 3 years, overview with yourof choice to of renew. The services listed areto a general the list services The listedfor areMMC a general overview of the list of services that services are available and do not necessarily reflect the that are available for MMCfor andyour do not necessarily reflect the services that are available vehicle. The availability services that are available for your vehicle. The other availability of these MMC services is dependent, amongst factors, of MMC services amongst other factors, on these the equipment fittedistodependent, each vehicle. on the equipment fitted to each vehicle.


LAERSKOOL TOTIUS Tinique Vrey Laerskool Totius Hoofdogter

Baie geluk met jou verkiesing as hoofleier by jou skool. Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Om ‘n goeie voorbeeld te wees. Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk- en swakpunte? Sterkpunt: Ek is hardwerkend Swakpunt: Ek is saggeaard Is daar enige iets wat jy graag sou verander by jou skool? Om ‘n knie hoogte denim te dra in somers vrydag drag. Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? My skool werk, vriendinne en sport.

Kara Ox

Na watter hoërskool gaan jy in 2023?

Hoërskool Driehoek Hoofdogter

Sover Hoërskool Driehoek. Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers?

Waarvoor sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as `n leier by jou skool?

Matriek is jou laaste jaar- van ‘n akademiese oogpunt, wat sal jy graag wil bereik?

Ek sien verskriklik uit daarna om die graad 8’s volgende jaar te ontgroen, maar die groentjiekonsert gaan die hoogtepunt wees.

Ek sal graag 6 onderskeidings aan die einde van my matriek jaar wil hê.

Wie is jou rolmodel? My Pa

Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers?

As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom?

Soos my ouma altyd sê :”Haal net asem, dan gaan jy nie dood nie.” Wanneer jy oorweldig voel, haal net diep asem, en vat een ding op `n slag.


Wie is jou rolmodel?

Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’?

My rolmodel is Anne Frank. Een van my gunsteling aanhalings is:” I don’t think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains .” Dit inspireer my om altyd die goed in moeilike situasie te soek.

Tom Holland (Spiderman)

Is daar enigiets wat jy graag sou verander by jou skool? Ek sal graag mentorskap in die skool wil inkorporeer deur elke matriekraadlid `n VLR lid (8-11 graadleiers)te gee om te mentor.

Hou aan werk en jy sal wen.

Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by… saam ouers by boeremarkte of visvang

Wat is jou planne vir na skool? Ek beplan om aktuariële wetenskap by die Universiteit van Pretoria te studeer. Wie is jou ‘celeb crush’? Tom Hiddleston.

Kevin Gouws Laerskool Totius Hoofseun Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool?

Kelson Bridges

Om my skool se naam hoog te hou, om elke dag by die skool te kan wees en om saam my mede-leiers `n verskil te kan maak en hulle te lei na die beste van my vermoë.

Hoërskool Driehoek Hoofseun Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool?

Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk- en swakpunte?

Ek is opgewonde om saam met die matriekraad te werk om dinge te laat gebeur en lekker te laat gebeur. Ek is net so opgewonde om die leerders in Driehoek beter te leer ken met die aktiwiteite wat ons gaan doen. Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk- en swakpunte? My sterktepunte: • Ek is baie sosiaal en hou daarvan om in spanne te werk • Ek is ‘n bok vir sport en probeer om so veel as moontlik orals betrokke te wees • Ek hou baie van praat • Ek is mal daaroor om planne te maak en dinge te reël, alhoewel... My swakpunte: • Ek is baie sleg met vooruit beplan • Ek hou baie van praat • Ek het baie swak tydsbestuur en los dikwels dinge tot op die laaste minuut

My sterkpunt is om altyd netjies en skoon te wees en om orde te hê in die skool asook ander te motiveer. My swakpunt is ongelukkig my klein hart. Ek kry almal te gou jammer, wil altyd help. Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool?

Is daar enige iets wat jy graag sou verander by jou skool? Ek wil graag meer verantwoordelikhede aan die graad 8 tot 11 VLR’e toevertrou. Hulle is ook leiers en staan ‘n kans om eendag deel van die matriekraad te wees. As ons hulle nou al betrokke kry kan hulle goeie opleiding kry om die skool verder te lei na ons ekspedisie in die grootmenswêreld in.

Wie is jou rolmodel?

Wie is jou ‘celeb crush’?

My rolmodel is Dory van Finding Nemo. Sy inspireer my om ‘n beter vis te wees en sy het ‘n baie belangrike filosofie wat ons almal in ons lewens kan toepas: “Just keep swimming.” Lewe word soms moeilik en oorweldigend, maar as jy gaan ophou swem, gaan jy verdrink onder die wêreld se probleme.

Ek en Taylor Swift gaan eendag trou. Baie min mense weet dit, maar amper al haar liedjies gaan oor my. Behalwe All Too Well, natuurlik. Ek sal nooit Taylor Swift se hart breek nie

Om elke dag die onderwysers te kan sien, hulle doen so baie. Min kinders waardeer dit. Om daar te kan wees vir ander en `n voorbeeld te stel. Skool is lekker!!! Na watter hoërskool gaan jy in 2023? Ek wil graag Hoërskool Transvalia toe gaan. Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Begin elke dag met gebed, staan saam en werk in ‘n span om positief te wees en mekaar te ondersteun. Wie is jou rolmodel? Siya Kholisi en My Ouers

As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? SUPERMAN - Ons doel en mikpunt is dieselfde om die wêreld ‘n beter plek te maak en dat almal in vrede kan saam lewe. Mense of skoolkinders te help in nood. Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by… saam met…my familie waar ons tyd saam spandeer. Daar is niks beter as familietyd nie. Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’? Ariana Grande (Sanger).

HOËRSKOOL DR. E.G. JANSEN Hoofleiers 2022

Corné Venter Hoofseun

Michelle Lubbe Hoofdogter

Henco Potgieter o.Hoofseun - Akademie

Kimé Steenkamp o.Hoofdogter - Akademie

Kyle Smith o.Hoofseun - Sosiaal

Ruan Tredoux o.Hoofseun - Kultuur

Vinette de Kock o.Hoofdogter - Kultuur

Layton Smith o.Hoofseun - Sport

Megan du Buisson o.Hoofdogter - Sport

Joanique du Toit o.Hoofdogter - Sosiaal

LAERSKOOL BAANBREKER Leiers & Toppresteerders

Nuwe Leiers 2022

Voor: (Hoofdogter) Gabrielle Wessels (o.Hoofdogter) Abbey Meyer Agter: (Hoofseun) Luhandru Barnard (o.Hoofseun) Deon Venter.

Carli Gouws Sy ontvang Provinsiale kleure as lid van die Oos-Gautengspan vir hokkie.

Gizelle Smith is gekies vir die o.14 Ekurhuleni skaakspan en Keagan Smith is ook deel van die o.12 span, wat die provinsie teenwoordig by die SA’s in Birchwood Hotel volgende jaar.

Voor: Bismark Jv Rensburg. Agter: Andre Pretorius & Deacann Pagel. Die 3 seuns is deel van die o.13 Easterns Krieketspan.

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