AWSUM March Edition - Eastern Cape 2022

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MAART 2022

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o.13A Krieket

Jeffreysbaai wen VCS met 100 lopies.JB kolf eerste en teken 180 vir 7 paaltjies aan in hulle toegelate 20 beurte. Baie geluk aan Daniël Veldsman wat 110 lopies (nie uit nie) aangeteken het! Ook aan Connor Viljoen wat 13 lopies gekry het. Die beste boulers was Tiaan Jordaan (4 vir 13) en Linus Arries (2 vir 4).Die wedstryd is in ‘n pragtige gees gespeel. Agter: Derek Drake ( afrigter), Cezario Prinsloo , Blake Webb, Connor Viljoen, Baie dankie aan Daniël Veldsman, Tian Jordaan, Rio Jacobs CapeCross Animal Voor: Divan Jansen, Linus Arries, Guan Brown , Luan Westerdale, Marques Hospital en PSG vir die Luiters , Oliver Clayton. span se kriekethemde!


Laerskool Jeffreysbaai se skaakspan het koning gekraai by die Loerie Skaaktoernooi, gehou in George, op 19 Februarie. Hulle het skole soos Outeniqua, George-Suid en Denneoord uitgestof om bo aan die rangleer te eindig.

Agter:Joseph van der Merwe, Justin Vermeulen, Wilhelm Rautenbach. Voor: Jean le Roux en Pedro Stuurman

Agter: Daniël Veldsman, Philip Jacobs Voor: Johan Potgieter, Heino Cilliers , Wilhelm Rautenbach, Stephan Schutte, Cael Jansen van Niewenhuysen, Edrich Jansen , Neelsie Vosloo, Simon Hoek

Sarah Baartman Distriksbyeenkoms

Die volgende atlete van Laerskool Jeffreysbaai het medaljes ontvan by die Sarah Baartman Distriksbyeenkoms.

Gold: Hunter Justus (100m), Ané Prinsloo (high jump), Misha Tefsa (shotput), Kima Strydom (200mH), Nina Strydom (100m, 200m, long jump), Christopher Cornelius (150m), Joshua Robyn (shotput) Zenande Mdidimba (70mH), Caleb Makoba (80m, 100m), Karlien Smit (70 mH), Abigail Jones (high jump), Seth Jones (75 mH), Daniël Veldsman (70mH, long jump, high jump) Absent: Johan Ferreira (shotput)

Silver: Hunter Justus (150m), Erik Venter (150 mH), Joseph vd Merwe (shotput), Dané Kleinhans (shotput), Logan Bain (shotput) Elzé Veldsman (75 mH), Tian Jordaan (shotput), Asa Mutakusi (70mH, 100m), Malick Mlayi (80mH)

Bronze: Enya Kruger (800m), Kima Strydom (75mH), Inge Janse van Rensburg (shotput), Storm Frolick (200mH) Zenande Mdidimba (high jump), Leah Meintjies (80m)

Boelies – Help so jou kinders Baie ouers is nie bewus daarvan dat hul kind moontlik ‘n slagoffer van afknouery in die skoolomgewing kan wees nie – totdat dit te laat is. Kinders wil nie altyd hul ouers vertel dat hulle afgeknou word nie, uit vrees vir wat die boelie aan hulle sal doen as hulle uitpraat, of omdat hulle skaam of verleë is daaroor. Daar kan baie redes wees waarom jou kind jou nie wil vertel dat hy afgeknou word nie: daarom is dit jou werk as ouer om ‘n oog (en ‘n oor) op jou kind te hou. Wees bewus! Afknouery is ‘n wêreldwye probleem en SuidAfrika is beslis geen uitsondering nie. Volgens ‘n Unesco-verslag1 word bykans 250 miljoen kinders en jongmense jaarliks op ‘n globale skaal afgeknou. Navorsing toon dat boelies daarop uit is om sekere kinders te treiter en af te knou weens verskeie redes, soos verskille in etniese en kultuurgroepe, liggaamlike voorkoms, of seksuele of geslagsoriëntasie.

Gevolge – Die skade wat die slagoffer se selfbeeld opdoen, kan lank voortduur en kan daartoe lei dat die slagoffer homself van skoolaktiwiteite onttrek, of ook aggressief begin raak.

Afknouery kan verskeie vorme aanneem, naamlik:

‘n Boelie situasie word gekenmerk deur 6 definiërende faktore7, nl.:

Fisies (skop, slaan of boks);

Verbaal (noem kinders name, dryf die spot met hulle of maak dreigemente);

Intensie om iemand skade te berokken – Die oortreder vind genot daarin om die slagoffer te domineer en uit te tart. Intensiteit en die duur van die situasie – Die boelie hou aan met sy gedrag oor ‘n lang periode en die afknouery veroorsaak dat die slagoffer se selfbeeld ‘n knou kry. Mag oor die slagoffer – Die boelie het mag oor die slagoffer a.g.v. ouderdom, fisiese krag, grootte of geslag. Kwesbaarheid van die slagoffer – Die slagoffer is meer sensitief vir ‘n getergery, kan himself nie voldoende verdedig nie en het fisiese of sielkundige eienskappe wat hom meer kwesbaar maak vir boelies en viktimisering. Gebrek aan ondersteuning – Die slagoffer voel geïsoleerd en blootgestel. Soms is die slagoffer bang om afknouery te rapporteer uit vrees vir vergelding.

Emosioneel (sosiale uitsluiting, intimidasie deur gebare of dreigemente);

Rassistiese afknouery;

Seksueel; en

Kuberafknouery (deur die internet op sosiale media soos Facebook; of deur selfone met haatboodskappe of afdreiging)

Vyf tekens wat kan aandui dat jou kind ‘n slagoffer van afknouery is 1. Ongewillig om skool toe te gaan As jou kind dit normaalweg geniet om skool toe te gaan en ewe skielik nie meer wil gaan nie, kan dit daarop dui dat hy by die skool afgeknou word.

Besoek gerus vir meer inligting.

2. Veranderinge in slaappatrone

5. Punte wat daal

Studies toon dat 36% van kinders wat slagoffers van afknouery is, slaapprobleme het. Kinders wat afgeknou word, kan soms parasomnia of nagmerries ervaar. Afknouery kan ook tot depressie by kinders lei, wat dan kan veroorsaak dat kinders sukkel om te slap of dat hulle te veel slaap.

Akademiese prestasies of punte wat daal, kan die gevolg wees van kinders wat bang is om skool toe te gaan, juis omdat hulle afgeknou word. Die skool word ‘n omgewing van vrees en angstigheid, eerder as ‘n omgewing waar daar geleer en genot ervaar word.

3. Verandering in geaardheid As ‘n ouer moet jy jouself afvra of jou kind se geaardheid verander het en of hy buierig is terwyl hy voorheen gelukkig of toeganklik was. Só ‘n verandering kan die gevolg wees van hormonale veranderinge, veral by tieners, maar dit kan ook ‘n teken wees dat iets of iemand jou kind seermaak. 4. Vriendverskuiwings Hou jou kind se vriendegroep dop, want só kan jy agterkom wie hy ignoreer. Jou kind kan homself van ‘n vorige vriendegroep distansieer.

Ander waarskuwingstekens van afknouery sluit die volgende in: •

Onverklaarbare beserings soos kneusplekke, snye en krapmerke;

Verlies aan eetlus of verandering in eetgewoontes;

Vernielde of verlore skoolboeke, klere, of elektroniese toestelle; of

Gereelde klagtes oor maagpyn, hoofpyn, naarheid of dat hy siek voel.

NICO MALAN HIGH SCHOOL Sarah Baartmanbyeenkoms

Bredasdorp Senior Dubbelstoernooi 2022

Baie geluk aan die volgende atlete met hul mooi prestasies by die Sarah Baartman atletiekbyeenkoms by die Oval in Gqeberha • 22 atlete ontvang goue medaljes: Cearon Felix 400m, Ben Genis 400mH, Joshua Napoleon 800m, Jané Venter 400H, Jeannique Rossouw HS, Darius Pretorius 400mH, Joshua Swarts SG, Bryan Katoo 100m 200m, Jaden Witbooi VS 110H, MJ Marx 200m, Talya Ferreira SG, Cindy Strydom 800m HS, Lianca Rose GS, Chrislie Ferreira 100m 200m, Minandi Venter 300H 90H, Ané De Lange HG, Alet Bezuidenhout 90H DS HS, Luné Nel 300mh, Isabella Muller DS, Engela Dempsey HS, DJ Zietsman HS, Wesley Aucamp GS • 16 Silwer medaljes: Earon Felix 200m, Keano Blaauw 200m, Jaden Nel SG, Dandré du Preez 200m, Restone Kriege 400mH, MJ Marx 100m, Minandi Venter VS, Fioné van Zyl 90MH, Janneke Craddock HG, Soné Jacobs 3000m, Amoré Coetzee 200m, Chloë Luiters SG, Christiaan de Lange 300mH, Francois Smith GS, Jané Venter 200m • 5 Brons medaljes: Alarno Primo HS, Erich van Zyl HS, Dandré du Preez 100m, Joani Jacobs 3000m, Keano Blaauw 100m

Die volgende leerders het vanjaar aan hierdie toernooi deelgeneem. Ons bou verskriklik goed met Nico Malan se tennis diepte. Baie geluk en dankie aan elk van die volgende leerders, hul ouers, onderwysers en Seal Tennis Academy. Seuns: 1. George Pieterse, 2. Elandré van Loggerenberg, 3. Jayden Olivier, 4. MC Ferreira, 5. JM Pieterse Dogters: 1. Danelle Sterley, 2. Chrisna Sterley, 3. Miché Genis, 4. Uné Bezuidenhout, 5. Shani Viviers Ons is in ‘n groep ingedeel saam met Augsburg, Swartland, Bredasdorp, Strand en Pearson. Elke kragmeting bestaan uit 9 wedstryde (4 dubbels en 5 gemengde dubbels). Wen Pearson 5/4 in westryde, Wen Augsburg 9/0, Verloor teen Bredasdorp 4/5, Verloor teen Strand 4/5, Verloor teen Swartland 1/8 Baie geluk aan George wat aan die wenkant was vir 6 wedstryde en Jayden wat betrokke was in 7 oorwinnings.

Jayden Olivier

Miché Genis

Krieket (Nico Malan vs Woodridge - 16 Feb 2022) 1stes: • Nico Malan kolf eerste en teken 136/4 aan in hul toegelate 20 beurte. Woodridge teken 127/5 aan. • Nico Malan wen met 10 lopies. • Goeie kolfwerk deur JD van Zyl met 68 lopies nie uit nie. Tjaart Steyn en JD van Zyl neem elk 2 paaltjies. • Jonothan Bester also played his 50th cap match against Woodridge. 2des: • Woodridge kolf eerste en teken 123 lopies aan. Nico Malan teken 88 lopies aan. • Woodridge wen die wedstryd met 35 lopies. • Jaden Witbooi neem 3 paaltjies. o.14: • Woodridge kolf eerste en teken 102/8 aan in 20 beurte. Nico Malan teken die wenlopies aan met slegs 5 paaltjies plat en wen dus die wedstryd met 5 paaltjies. • Goeie vertonings deur Juan Eygelaar, Ivan van Staden en Erich van Zyl wat elk 2 paaltjies neem asook Ruan Nel met 30 lopies en Estian van Staden met 25 lopies. Baie geluk aan Nico Malan wat 2 uit die 3 wedstryde wen!

LORRAINE PRIMARY Cricket Tour THUMBS UP... to a super cricket tour of the Southern Cape. Lorraine’s u.11A cricketers convincingly won both their tour matches. This is a special achievement as it was the boys’ first school cricket tour. Baie geluk met jul pragtige vertonings. Dankie vir die puik ouer ondersteuning.

Front: JT de Lange, Kian Swanepoel, Dustin Swanepoel, Jayden Freeman, Nthando Sikosana. Back: Chase Finkelstein, Ayabukwa Ncezula, Mr. R. Dods (coach), Ruben van Pletzen, Rikus Aylward, Zaine Stoltz, Josh Hickman.



Geluk aan ons 2022 hoofleiers!

Dis die streekspan wat gaan deelneem aan die OP atletiekbyeenkoms.

Josh Potgieter (Onderhoofseun), Dieter Voigt (Hoofseun), Igna Lotter (Hoofmeisie), en Jani Erasmus (Onderhoofmeisie)

Lienke Vosloo (Dogters o.11) 70mH en hoogspring, Ané Viljoen (Dogters o.10) gewigstoot, Dewandré Witbooi (Seuns o.13) 200mH, Desnay O’Grady (Dogters o.12) 1200m en Mia le Roux (Dogters o.11) gewigstoot

Krieket Eerste krieket span.

Voor: Lihandro Bradley, Dundré Deysel, Dieter Voigt, Landon Koekemoer, Josh Potgieter, Rynhardt Boshoff. Agter: Wian Engelbrecht (Afrigter), Ruan Oliphant, Jayden Enslin, Dewandré Witbooi, Stephan Greyvenstein, Luke Nortje, Nicholas Knoetze, Juan Saayman (Hulp Afrigter)

MUIR COLLEGE Muir College Athletes Excel Muir College learners who have qualified to compete at the P.E. Metro Athletics Meeting at the Westbourne Oval on Saturday, 26 February

Under 14: Onke Marola - 400m. Under 15: Tyler Jansen - 100m. Under 16: Sinenjongo Ndabambi - 3000m. Under 17: Isa Marola - 100m, 200m, 800m. Lyle Meintjies - 100m, 3000m. Connor Griffiths - 400m. Under 19: Sibusiso Colepi - 1500m, 5000m. Sinawo Jonas - 1500m. Oyintando Maseti - 200m. Liyabona Kasibe - High Jump. Alex-Jay Minnie - Triple Jump

Muir Athletes Shine At Provincial Competition Alex-Jay Minnie, u.19 Triple Jump and Isa Marola, 200m won silver medals at the Provincial Athletics Championship.

Kariega/ Despatch District Athletics

Shotokan Karate Results Lionel Martin received a Silver for Kumite and his Shodan 1st Dan Black Belt. Eshaan Prag received a Bronze for Kata and his Shodan 1st Dan Black Belt.

Sprinter, Qhumani Phuwani represented the Kariega/Despatch District Athletics in the u.10 100m race at the Westbourne Oval.

Alex-Jay Minnie and Isa Marola

Qhumani Phuwani

Eshaan Prag

Lionel Martin



Eerste Krieketspan


Die eerste krieketspan, die Flames, is Dinsdagaand, 8 Februarie 2022, tydens ‘n spesiale geleentheid as volwaardige eerstespanspelers ingelyf en het dan ook hulle uitrustings ontvang. Hierdie span is nog baie jonk en ons sien daarna uit om die beste in hierdie spelers uit te bring en die span na hoër hoogtes te brei. Ons bedank vir menere Eugene van Rooyen (UD SPORT), Kobus Matthee (MATKEM), Hugo Marx (BODY FUEL EXPRESS DESPATCH) en Gerrit Rautenbach (SYMARA) vir hul volgehoue finansiële ondersteuning en oop hand teenoor die skool en die Despatch- gemeenskap. Dit is vir elke krieketspeler ‘n eer en ‘n voorreg om die eerstespanhoed te dra.

Geo Michau, ’n matriekleerling aan die Hoërskool Brandwag, het ’n vonkel in die oog oor sy eerste verskyning op televisie wat in sig is. Dié aspirantakteur het oor 12 maande aan ’n aanlynprojek, aangebied deur ABS Produksies, gewerk om sy toneelspel te slyp. Geo het die projekleiers genoeg beïndruk dat hy gekies is om ’n rol te speel in ’n teaterstuk wat op DSTV se kanaal 147 uitgesaai gaan word. Geo het op 5 Maart in Pretoria vir ’n 4 uur lange werkswinkel aangemeld, waarna die televisieopname gevolg het.

Geo Michau

Krieket Brandwag 1ste tn. DF Malherbe 1ste (T20) Brandwag kolf eerste en teken 90 lopies aan in 20 boulbeurte. Beste kolwers: 1. Matthew Bauman met 17 lopies nie uit nie. 2. Cameron Knoetze met 21 lopies. DF Malherbe kolf tweede en teken 50 lopies aan, almal uit na 14 boulbeurte. Beste boulers: 1. Aidan Boshoff met 3 paaltjies. 2. Lourens Preller met 3 paatjies. Brandwag wen dus die wedstryd met 40 lopies. Ons Eerste Krieketspan

Sportfees 2022 Na twee jaar kon Hoërskool Despatch se jaarlikse Sportfees weer plaasvind. Dit was fantasties om te sien hoe spelers van verskillende skole weer op die rugby- en hokkievelde asook op die netbalbane uitdraf. Baie dankie aan elke liewe feesganger wat kom ondersteun het, die verskillende skole wat ons as gaste kon ontvang asook elke onderwyser, ouer en leerling wat so hard agter die skerms gewerk het om hierdie geleentheid moontlik te maak. Ons maak volgende jaar weer so.

Brandwag Eerstespan

Oos-Kaap Kampioenskappe Brandwag se middelafstandatlete wat die Nelson Mandela Metro verteenwoordig het by Oos-Kaap kampioenskappe. • Keanu Welch – Goud (2000m hindernis), • Kara Fourie – Goud (1500m hindernis) • Wiehan Maree – Silwer (2000m hindernis) • Christiano Brown – Silwer en Brons (1500m en 3000m) • Janco Landman – Brons (1500m hindernis) • Marné Koen – Goud (800m) Silwer (400m) • Rihaaz Dennis – 4de in 400m

Tennis Baie sterkte aan Zoey Scriven, Keani Schoultz en Lutkin Kemp wat deel vorm van die OP o.15tennisspan. Hulle gaan van 18-22 Maart aan die SA skole-tennistoernooi in Pretoria deelneem. Blaas Hoog Die Vlam.

Ons Eerste Tennisspan

Zoey Scriven, Keani Schoultz en Lutkin Kemp

Rihaaz Dennis

Kara Fourie

Christiano Brown

Keanu Welch

Wiehan Maree en Janco Landman

Marné Koen

PEARSON HIGH SCHOOL NMMHS Athletics Championships Pearson did extremely well at the NMMHS Athletics Championships. Even with the fierce competition Pearson athletes managed to obtain 66 Medals – 25 Gold, 23 Silver and 18 Bronze. Athletes who obtained more than 1 Gold medal performance includes: • Giselle Pheiffer - 400m and 200m Girls u.16 • Megan Hough - 1500m and 3000m Girls u.15 • Kyra Oosthuizen - Long Jump and Triple Jump Women u.19 Our top athlete was Izaan Lamprecht in the 100m, 200m and 300mH Girls u.14 with three gold medals. She obtained the 7th best performance by a girl in the 300mH (46.96s) with 851 Points. Overall, she obtained the 10th best performance by all athletes. Best boy performance was Kian Rademeyer with 1st position in Shotput (13.30m) Boys u.16 with 754 Points. We are also proud to announce that three Pearson athletes have been selected for the EPA Provisional Track & Field Team 2022 which will compete at the ASA Championships later this term: • Keira van Heerden - Girls u.16 400m • Kiara Herman - Girls u.20 5000m • Maria Venter - Girls u.20 and Women’s High Jump

Highgate Interprovincial Biathlon

1st Team Water Polo Pearson High School 1st team faced Collegiate Girls’ High School in Gqeberha, in their annual water polo derby. After the first half of the game which seemed to be clearly in Collegiate Girls’ High School’s favour with the score being 1-5 to Collegiate, Pearson High School showed determination at the start of the second half of the game. Pearson High School fought back in a nail biting 3rd quarter and managed to scrape the lead 6-5. Going into the last quarter of the game, Coaches Delaine Mentoor (current Olympic Ladies’ Water polo Coach) and Erin Harty (South African National Ladies player) were determined for these girls to come out as victors from this nail biting game against rivals Collegiate Girls’ High School. Coaches Seko Zondani and Christy Rawstron of Collegiate Girls’ High School were highly encouraging of their girls to show strength and determination. However, Pearson High School managed to find the rhythm of the game and managed to come out victorious with a win of 10-7 against Collegiate Girls’ High School. Well done to both teams. It is encouraging to see Gqeberha water polo growing from strength to strength.

Pearson High School Waterpolo First Team

1st Team Cricket

The Highgate Interprovincial Biathlon was held in Oudtshoorn on Saturday 5 February, and Pearson High School had strong representation in the event with six learners taking part. • Anke Serfontein was selected as the EP Team Captain for this event. • Jodi Wilson finished 3rd in the girls u.19 category. • Anke Serfontein finished 1st in the girls u.19 age group. • Connor Bagley 1st in the boys u.17 age group. • Tayla Wilson was also selected to represent the Eastern Province in this event, but unfortunately had to withdraw due to injury. Pearson High School Cricket First Team

1st Team Tennis

Kaleb Bezuidenhout, Connor Bagley, Anke Serfontein, Kylie Klaasen, Jodi Wilson and Elne Reynolds

Pearson High School Tennis First Team

HOËRSKOOL D.F. MALHERBE HIGH SCHOOL Megan Fourie laat Boland se krieketpaaltjies spat! Na die o.19 kriekettoernooi in die Paarl het die OP-afrigter vir Megan genooi om by die dames OP krieketspan se oefengroep aan te sluit. Megan het Saterdag die 22ste Januarie 2022 haar debuut vir die OP-Dames krieketspan teen Boland in ‘n amptelike 50 boulbeurt wedstryd gemaak. Sy het ‘n fantastiese debuut gehad en het 3 paaltjies vir 26 lopies in haar 10 boulbeurte geneem.

Megan Fourie

Eerstespan Krieket Ons eerste span het 4 uit hulle 5 Saterdae wedstryde gewen. Top kolwer was Tiaan Strydom met 34 gemiddeld. Die top bouler, Royce Prinsloo se beste was 6/24.

Simon Ferreira, Josh van Tonder, Duan van den Berg, Richard Swart, Wouter Voges, Rualdt Smith, Reghardt Klinkenberg, Tiaan Strydom, Ahston Fourie, Royce Prinsloo. Afrigters: Duaan Beer and Johann Leonard

WESTERING HIGH SCHOOL Cricket Achievers u.14A special mentions: Allen Smith and Aiden Groener are our leading run scorers. Dylan Klutyts is the leading wicket taker. u.15A special mention: O.Mzobe as our leading wicket taker and Perez De Maar as our leading run scorer and Joshua Smit who has been exceptional. 1st boys special mention: Kelvin Van Aas on making the EP u.16 indoor cricket team, Dyalan Boyce and Hamza Khan on being included in the Gelvandale Hub team whom won the u.16 regional tournament. Hamza Khan is our leading run scorer and Dillon Lippert and Dayalan Boyce our leading wicket takers. The girls at Westering High School has shown massive growth in the past few weeks. We had over 50 girls join cricket this season. Our numbers are very encouraging even though the results might not show, we are still winners.

Athletics We have also had outstanding results with athletics and the following athletes have done very well: • A.Lagardien u.14 - 100m & 200m • D. Kluyt u.14 - high jump • K. Ndela u.16 - long jump • L.Titi u.17 - 110m hurdles • C. De Vlam u.17 - 400m • H. Boyana • D.Hatting u.19 - high jump • T. Pillay u.19 - 200m • M. Van Rooyen u.15 - 90m hurdles • K. Domingo 400m & 800m • R. Williams u.16 - 400m • T.Steyn u.17 - long jump

1st Cricket Boys

Aasif Lagardien & Dylan Kluyt

1st Cricket Girls

LAERSKOOL KABEGA PRIMARY SCHOOL 2022 Leaders Our head leaders for 2022.

Eastern Cape Nippers Championship Lyra Harmse participated in The Eastern Cape Nippers Championship held in East Londen 19 - 20 Feb. 2022. She won 3 Gold medals : 1) 1st in Beach Long Run (2) 1st in Beach Sprints (3) and they were 1st Team home in the Taplin Relay. She will be participating in the Nippers National Championship to be held @ Kings Beach in PE from 20 - 26 March 2022.

Lyra Harmse

Eastern Cape Schools Provincial Championship Congratulations to Chante Strydom! She is a grade seven learner at our school that will be taking part in the girls u.13 100m at the Eastern Cape Schools Provincial Championship on the 11-12 March 2022. Chante is not only a good athlete but also good netball player. She represented Kabega at the EP netball tournament in 2021, in Johannesburg. For the past three years she has made the Eastern Cape Team. 2019(Cradock)/ • • EP for athletic 2020 (Cradock) /SA for athletics 2020 • EP for netball 2021 (Johannesburg)

Chante Strydom

River Mile 2022 We took part in the River Mile on the 27th of February 2022. 32 learners did the across the river race (60m), 4 the mile race (1.6km), half mile race.

Xakeena McQuinto (Deputy head girl), Amanda Chellan (Head girl), Leonard Trethewey (Head boy), Zackery Hendricks (Deputy head boy)

GREY HIGH SCHOOL Grey’s Mountain Biking Club raise R230,000 for CHOC Grey’s Mountain Biking Club organised a charity ride in aid of CHOC in January 2022, and managed to raise an amazing R230,000. Thank you to Mrs Suzie du Plessis (Master in Charge of Mountain Biking), Grey staff, parents, boys and everyone else that supported this worth cause. The cheque was formerly handed over during assembly on Monday 21 Feb to Mrs Lynne Gadd Claxton and Mr Jamie Loots from CHOC.

Front – William Wedderburn, Ishaan Raga, Timothy Barner, Rowan Farrell, Tanner Howard, AJ Ferreira, Rhys Burrell, Pieter Strydom and Ethan Claridge Back – Luke Evans, Luke Cunningham, Jaryd Loenen Francois de Villers , Dervan Hamer, Ms Dominique Ridgeway (staff), Mr Fenner Barnard (staff), Ms Lynne Gadd Claxton (CHOC), Mrs Suzie du Plessis (MIC Mounting Biking), Mr Jamie Loots (CHOC), Mr Richard Rautenbach (staff), Ndaba Mandaba, Alex Milne, and Joshua Williams Photo credit - Tyler Horrmann

Nelson Mandela Bay River Mile The Grey High School swimmers must be congratulated on winning the schools team award at the 2022 NMB River Mile with 8 boys making the top thirteen.

Matthew Wolfe (5th), Gary Watchurst (8th), Christian Davidson (1st), Clinton Eales (13th), Luke Norris (12th) Not pictured: Conor Craig, Connor Moynihan and Connor Barnardo (3rd)



Kingswood 1st XI Square off against Graeme 1st XI

Senior Athletics

Graeme won the toss and elected to field first. Our batters batted at a blistering pace, score at roughly six runs per over. Batting at that pace allowed us to set the game up beautifully.

Big congratulations to Esinako Jadi for qualifying for South African Schools Athletics Championships to be held in Gauteng Province from the 15th to the 18th of March 2022. He will be competing in the u.15 3000m. This is a great milestone for him personally as well as Graeme College. Our Head of Sports, Mr Nico van der Meulen, says he has no recollection of a Graemian who has made SA Schools in the last half century. We wish Esinako the very best of luck as he jets off to Gauteng on Sunday with the Eastern Cape Athletics delegation.

• • •

KC 1st innings 189 Jean-luc Basson 66 Angus Johns 43

On the field, our bowlers came out with great energy, bowling with great discipline and focus yet again! • • •

Graeme 1st innings 77 all out Luke Kelly 6/17 Bukho Nkwinti 2/12

Kingswood batted for 4 overs declaring with a lead of 145 • KC 2nd innings 34/2 • Jean-luc Basson 19* • Angus Johns 15* Graeme batted with way more intent in the 2nd innings, and put our bowlers under some pressure. However, our boys stuck to their disciplined lines and lengths and got the 5 wickets they needed for an outright victory. • • • •

Graeme 2nd innings 135/5 Luke Kelly 2/29 Bukho Nkwinti 1/21 Ben Hough 1/26

Result: KC won by 11 runs

Esinako Jadi

Provincial Athletics Championships Jarod Botha, Luke Kelly, Jean-Luc Basson, Matthew loon, Brian Bennett, Ben Hough, Angus Johns, David Bennett, Bukho Nkwinti, Brad Goss, Matthew Collett

Kingswood Athletes compete in Eastern Province Athletics League 14 Kingswood College athletes competed in the EPA League in Gqeberha on the weekend. Results: • Taryn Hurly: 1st place in u.18 3000m ran personal best time of 11:22.30s • Kyle Heyns: 3rd place in u.16 100m and 1st place in u.16 1500m • Nana Abebreseh: 3rd place in u.20 long jump, 2nd place in u.20 shot put, 2nd place in u.20 100m • Dominique de Jongh: 3rd in u.18 shot put • Mufudzi Muzonzini: 2nd place u.18 Long jump • Gary Woods 3rd place in u.18 3000m We congratulate all our athletes who took part in this event.

Nana Abebreseh Long Jump

The following athletes competed at the Provincial Athletics Championships that took place 3 - 5 March in Gqeberha. Well done boys, we are extremely proud of you all! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Esinako Jadi – 1500m and 3000m Matthew Koopman – Long Jump Ayamila Bill – Shotput and High Jump Likhona Mhono – 100m Mihali Xalabile – Long Jump and Triple Jump

HOËRSKOOL HANGKLIP Eastern Cape Athletic Championships

Provinsiale Grens O.19 Krieketspan

Sterkte aan al ons atlete wat deelneem aan die Oos-Kaap atletiek kampioenskappe. Best of luck to all our athletes competing in the Eastern Cape athletic championship.

Baie geluk aan Giané Hartzenberg (graad 11) wat verkies is tot die Provinsiale Grens O/19 krieketspan! Ons is baie trots op jou!

Agter: Iliso Ngceke; Uluthando Gaba; Kamva Mdingi; Jordan Warren; Ruan Pretorius; Henrique Jekels; Duran Heyns Voor: Charlton Douwkers; Jessica van der Merwe, Michey du Preez; Mikayla Cooper; Tanika Heyns; Sinead Holborn; Charné Pautz Afwesig: Melandie van Staden, Preddie Mbodila

1st Team Cricket

Agter: Blake Butler; Lenovan Brecht; Amahle; Jadin Jekels; Ayabulela Kalipa; Darren Wittstock; Justin Coetzee; Libongo Cetywayo Voor: Maurice Rowland; Caleb Brecht; Declan Buys; Khanya Bikitsha; Daniel Watkins

QUEEN’S COLLEGE BOYS’ PRIMARY SCHOOL Prefect Body 2022 Congratulations to all the boys who were chosen to be our leaders for 2022.

Aluve Mzileni

Asisipho Vena

Caleb Waller

CJ Davids

Eric Koshy

Juan van Biljon

Likho Peter

Luke Goldschmidt

Lulutho Magqwanti

Nande Thiwani

Ruan Barber

Sanda Dyani

Tyler von Cullwitz

Vincenzo Loutz



Girls’ High School Athletes achieved the following excellent results at the Eastern Cape Athletics Championships in Gqeberha: • u.19: Amy Styles – 2nd 400m, 3rd 200m, 3rd 100m • u.17: Usisipho Matoti - 3rd High Jump. Marquerite van Eeden – 5th 400m Heat; Hayley van Schoor - 4th 400m • u.15: Stella Emmanuel – 2nd Shot Put. Chante van Deventer – 3rd Discus • u.14: Emily Dicks - 2nd Discus, 3rd Shot Put

Girls’ High School 1st team swimmers Amy Styles and Hannah de Jongh participated in the Hudson Park sprint/ relay Gala. The girls had an extremely good day in the pool but unfortunately did not place in the top 8. Amy Styles and Hannah de Jongh

Debating The Girls’ High Grade 11 Debaters participated in an Adjudication Workshop at Dicla Training & Projects, about 10 minutes outside of Queenstown. By completing this workshop, the debaters are enabled to adjudicate debates performed by other learners. This workshop was attended by Justine Kaba, Imi Tolibadi, Lesedi Sonyoni and Snayo Magwentshu.

Amy Styles and Hayley van Schoor

Justine Kaba, Imi Tolibadi, Lesedi Sonyoni and Snayo Magwentshu


Mr Tyler Stellenberg, Luke Du Preez, Luthando Yase, Siyanda Matoti, Jed Stone, Mihlali Matoti, Mvelo Mabandla, Mr Richard Fietze.

Athletics Our Athletes have performed admirably this year and special congratulations to the following Queenians who have been selected to attend the SA National Schools’ Athletics meeting in Germiston from 16 - 19 March. • • • • •

Siphosethu Mancotywa (100m & 200m) - u.15 Joshua Jordaan (400m) - u.15 Ayathanda Mtyando (100m) - u.17 Tyler Manthe (Pole Vault) - u.17 Michael Adzraku (200m) - u.19

National Debating Championships Pratham Malavally, Lufezo Tafane (Seniors) and Hlalanathi Panya (Junior) participated in the National Debating Championships over the end of year holiday. Among the 15 debaters from the Eastern Cape, Lufezo Tafane was ranked third. Among the 150+ senior debaters in South Africa, he made it to the National trial squad of about 20 participants. These trials took place this last weekend, where only 5 debaters were selected to represent South Africa. Unfortunately, Lufezo was not selected to the top five, but we congratulate this young man on his achievements and on representing his school at this high level. As a Grade 10, he has the opportunity to try again, both this year and again next year. Wishing Lufezo and all his fellow debaters all the very best for the coming year.

Lufezo Tafane

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Congratulations to the following two learners who scored and pushed through the BCMSA athletics team to the Cradock Eastern Cape round. Border wishes you a good journey and prosperity with your athletic participation. May it be well with you. Enjoy every moment of it. Grens is very proud of you two! We hope you come back with an Eastern Cape medal.

Grens Laer het hul gate uit geniet om uiteindelik weer aan atletiek te kan deelneem!

Maryse Hector and Heinro van Heerden

Hoërskool Grens Sportfees

Baie geluk aan die volgende vyf seuns wie die naweek aan Hoërskool Grens se sportfees deelneem. Grens wens vir julle voorspoed toe met julle wedstryde. • Ashley Nance - o.15 • Bruce Potgieter - o.14 • Mondré Cramford - o.14 • Kewin Fourie - o.14 • Ahlumile Tatasi - o.14

Bruce Potgieter, Kewin Fourie, Mondré Cramford, Ashley Nance, Ahlumile Tatasi

HOËRSKOOL GRENS Swem Die volgende leerders is tot die Buffalo City Aquatics Hoërskole-swemspan verkies en het aan die Oos-Kaap Interprovinsiale proewe in Gqeberha deelgeneem. • • •

Mariné Greeff Willem Kloppers Enzo Joubert

Hoërskool Grens Atlete Behaal Oos-Kaap Span Die volgende atlete is tot die Oos-Kaap atletiekspan verkies. Hierdie span sal 17-19 Maart 2022 aan die Suid-Afrikaanse atletiekkampioenskappe in Germiston deelneem. • •

Baie geluk met hierdie uitstekende prestasie.

Amori Matthee (verspring) Zoë Griessel (400m)

Hoërskool Grens is baie trots op hierdie atlete.

Zoë Griessel

Willem Kloppers, Mariné Greeff, Enzo Joubert

Amori Matthee

HUDSON PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL Cricket The u.13A cricket side has started off the season on a high note, claiming victory in all four games that they have played. The team’s spirit and determination to succeed has grown, they have learned to stay humble and continue to learn more about the game.

Download past exam papers Per grade Per subject

Mitchell Myerscough (Bowler) and Tiaan Wessels (Wicket Keeper) u.13A

Waterpolo The u.13A waterpolo girls attended the Kingswood Festival in Grahamstown.



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Front: Leah Smith, Abby Batting, Kayden Glasgow, Taylor Emslie, Kelly McGill, Hannah Weppleman (Coach) and Sherelle Smith (Mangeress). Back: Kirsty Ikin, Christine Emslie, Amy Fortuin, Sarah-Jane Mouton, Hannah-Mae Boyce, Bailey Lake



Our u.15 Water Polo boys and girls travelled to Knysna this weekend for the Oakhill u.15 Water Polo Festival held at the Knysna Waterfront on Friday, the 25th and Saturday, the 26th of February. Their results are as follows: u.15 Boys Oakhill Chukka Festival results 1. Lost to Pearson (1 – 4), 2. Lost to GREY PE u.15B (1 – 5), 3. Lost to St Andrews u.15B (1 – 7), 4. Lost to Glenwood (4 - 10), 5. Lost to Oakhill (2 – 9), 6. Lost to Kingswood (1 – 10), 7. Beat FAIRMONT (3 – 1), 8. Drew with WOODRIDGE (3 – 3), 9. Lost to Merrifield (1 – 6) Won 1, Drew 1, Lost 7

On Thursday, the 3rd of March, two of our athletes represented Border in the Eastern Cape Athletics Championship in PE, and achieved the following results: • Luyolo Tokota came 7th in the boys’ u.15 100m Sprint • Lebokgang Madikane came 1st in the boys’ u.17 Long Jump, with a distance of 6.62m. He will be representing the Eastern Cape at the SASA National Champs in Germiston from 16-19 March 2022. Faith Nxoyi, Isabella Stanyon, Jordyn Wilson, Amber Preston, Sarah Barratt, Kara Batting, Erin Batting, Mia Smit, Jorja Wilson, Rania Khan

u.15 Girls Oakhill Chukka Festival results 1. Beat Oakhill (12 – 1), 2. Beat Woodridge (8 – 2), 3. Beat DSG (7 – 4), 4. Beat Springfield (10 – 1), 5. Beat Fairmont (13 – 1), 6. Beat Collegiate u.15B (12 – 0), 7. Beat Merrifiled (13 – 0), 8. Beat Southern Cape Invitational (9 – 2) Won 8 The Batting sisters were in top form with Erin Batting scoring 36 goals in total and her sister, Kara, scoring 23. Mr Khanyisa Mumlwana was, over the weekend, appointed as the coach of the Buffalo City Water Polo u18 Boys’ Currie Cup team: The Currie Cup is to be held in East London from the 25th to the 28th March. We are proud to have Mr Mpumlwana as a member of staff and wish him well in this incredible role as Border coach. Congratulations to our Hudsonians on their selection to the u.18 water polo Currie Cup Team, which will compete from 25-28 March 2022 in East London: Mr Mpumlwana (Head Coach) Devinito Jafta Ahlumile Rebe (non-travelling reserve)

Cricket Hudson Park High School vs Stirling Hudson Park 1st XI - 324 all out (Thozama Totana 184; H Bune 44; O Mbekwa 28; L Nomoyi 25) Stirling 136 all out (AK Ratyana 6/36; A Twani 2/37) Hudson Park won by 188 runs in the 1st innings Totana’s remarkable score was the highest recorded by a Hudson Park player. He hit an amazing 20 sixes and 7 fours for 148 runs in boundaries.

Front: Mr Mpumlwana, Gino De Ascencao, Cwengan Mngonyama, Thando Frans, Mrs Stegmann Back: Jordan Dorning, Jadan Grobler, Nathan Whelan, Liam Goddard, Thando Ncula, Benjamin Howe

Ahlumile Rebe (non-travelling reserve), Mr Mpumlwana (Head Coach), Devinito Jafta

Lebokgang Madikane and Luyolo Tokota

We have another talented young player in our midst. His name is Iminathi Jumba and plays at u.14A level. Here’s what our Head Of Cricket had to say about this talented young player: Iminathi Jumba produced one of the finest junior cricket knocks in recent years, scoring a faultless 135 not out for Hudson u.14A against Dale u.14A this weekend. Coming in to bat at 4, he carried his bat through the innings and was the main reason Hudson was able to post a daunting 247, allowing Hudson to win by 150 runs in the end. Iminathi is a classy left handed batsman, and also bowls quality leg spin. He has all the qualities to be another successful cricketer from Hudson Park High School.

Thozama Totana

Iminathi Jumba


Prefect Body 2022

The Final Summer Series Surf Contest took place on Sunday 13 February. Congratulations to Bella Johnson who placed 4th in the u.10 girls division and Adam Johnson who placed 3rd in the u.12 Boys division. Both Bella and Adam have been selected to represent Buffalo City at the upcoming Grom Games being held on the 27th March at Nahoon Beach.

Adam Johnson

Bella Johnson



























LILYFONTEIN SCHOOL Academic Achievements


Lilyfontein School achieved outstanding matric results in 2021, due in large part to the passion, dedication and hard work of our amazing team of educators, who received a number of achievements and commendations:

On Saturday 12 February Lilyfontein’s u13A cricket team played Stirling u13A at Stirling, with Lilyfontein winning by 104 runs. Congratulations to the team and to coach Mr Mark Schaefer on the victory. Special mention to Jack Bosazza who made 200 runs off 132 balls not out, and Corbin Tidbury who made 97 runs off 89 balls. Between them they made a total partnership of 202 runs. Corbin took 3 wickets for 37 runs after 10 overs and Daniel Phillips took 2 wickets for 62 runs after 10 overs.

Overall Achievements: • Certificate of Commendation for being one of the best performing high schools in the 2021 NSC examinations (in Quantile 4 & 5) • Certificate of Commendation for achieving 100% pass rate in the 2021 NSC examinations. Certificates of Achievement: • Afrikaans FAL (100% pass with 5 Distinctions) • English Home Language (100% pass with 1 Distinction) • EGD (100% 6 Distinctions, Distinction average for subject) Certificates of Commendation: • Hospitality (100%, 4 distinctions, Top Performing Educator in 2021 NSC Examinations) • Tourism (100%, 6 Distinctions, 4th in the ‘Top 6 Schools’ in the district) Certificate of Special Recognition: Hospitality (For 2021 Izwi Lethemba/Icamagu Radio Lesson Presentation) •

Corbin Tidbury and Jack Bosazza

Special Mentions: Mathematics (100%, 3 Distinctions, 3rd best results in the district. Only school in the district to • score 100% pass rate for both Grade 11 and 12). Maths Lit. (5 Distinctions), Physical Science (4 Distinctions), Life Science (4 Distinctions), isiXhosa • (2nd group of learners ever to finish Matric with isiXhosa at Lilyfontein, with 4 out 7 achieving B aggregates) A total of 51 Distinctions and 63 B Aggregates in total. We are so proud of our High School educators and would love give them some well-deserved recognition for the above achievements.

Nolly Bokweni, Cheryl Jacoby, David Daniels, Lizca Friend, Ashleigh Daniel, Donald Matthewson, Nic Els (Principal), Anita Middleton, Monique Moss, Lyle Coldham, Tracey Lutzke, Christina Matthewson

Lilyfontein u.13A Cricket Team


Outdoor Club

The Merrifield Golf team took part in the Selborne College Jubilee Golf Tournament that took place at Olivewood in February.

Establishment of a Merrifield College Outdoor Club as part of the college’s extra mural activities. Outings create opportunities for students to learn valuable outdoor skills and develop environmental awareness.

Merrifield Golf Team

First Team Tennis Tournament Merrifield hosted the Merrifield Boys & Girls 1st Team Tennis Tournament which took place across four venues in East London. Congratulations to the Merrifield Girls team who took second place, and the Merrifield Boys team who placed 6th. Merrifield player Devina Pillay was named the top girls player of the tournament.

Merrifield Outdoor Club



Congratulations to Merrifield College Grade 12 student Devina Pillay who has been selected into the SA U18 national tennis squad.

Merrifield hosted the second round of BCM Chess trials in February. Congratulations to Nathan Sparg who ranked third in the U18/U20 age group, and Liyanda Zumani who came third in the U14/ U16 B section.

Byron Emslie and Calvin Richardson

Devina Pillay

Nathan Sparg and Liyanda Zumani

Oakhill Merrifield College Waterpolo teams took part in the Oakhill Waterfront Chukka Festivals that took place in Knysna over several weekends.

Anna Ford

Academic Honours and Excellence

House Captains

The pictured Merrifield students celebrated 2021 Grade 11 Academic achievements, having achieved academic honours and academic excellence prizes.

Congratulations to the following Merrifield College students who have been elected as Orion and Aquila house captains for 2022. They are, from left to right: AQUILA: Deputies Byron Emslie and Leah Ramsay, captains Sebastian Harris and Harriet Muwonge; ORION: captains Sarah-Jane Marais and Pablo Battiss, and deputies Migcobo Malusi and Joshua Weldon.

(Left to Right) AQUILA: Deputies Byron Emslie and Leah Ramsay, captains Sebastian Harris and Harriet Muwonge; ORION: captains Sarah-Jane Marais and Pablo Battiss, and deputies Migcobo Malusi and Joshua Weldon. Grade 11 Academic Honours and Academic Excellence Recipients

CLARENDON PRIMARY SCHOOL Sport Captains and Vice Captains


We are proud to announce our new sport leaders. Good luck to you all!

The 1st Water Polo Team was placed 4th overall at the St Peter’s Tournament.

Surfer’s Challenge Sascha Mortimer took part in the Surfer’s Challenge. She was placed 4th overall as woman and 1st as junior.

Amber Viviers Hockey Captain

Holly McClure Squash Captain, Hockey Vice Captain

Amy Gulle Tennis Vice Captain

Elizabeth Cairns Tennis Captain

1st Water Polo Team

Sascha Mortimer

SA Schools Rowing Championships

Seven squash players participated in the Tecnifibre Bloemfontein Junior Open Squash Tournament. Kelly Emslie is the number 3 u.19 girl in South Africa.

u.14 rowers Lunathi Dudumashe Netball Captain

Asante Tofi Netball Vice Captain

Shahaa Harms Athletics Captain

Nqobile Mqingwana Athletics Vice Captain

Tecnifibre Bloemfontein Junior Open Squash Tournament

National Aquatics Festival The Aquatics Team that travelled to Durban to take part in the National Aquatics Festival.

Kayla Gous Water Polo Captain

Kate Booyens Water Polo Vice Captain

Jodi Boettger Swimming Captain

Emily Palmer Swimming Vice Captain

Kelly Emslie

Swimming The Swimming Team that took part in the Hudson Park Gala.

Rochelle Koshy Chess Vice Captain

Thando Voyi Chess Captain

Zoë Webber Squash Vice Captain

1st Tennis Team

BCM Athletics Team

The 1st Tennis Team that travelled to Cradock for a tournament.

BCM Athletics Team that took part in the ECSA Athletics Meeting in Port Elizabeth.

SELBORNE COLLEGE Waterpolo Tournament

Athletic Championships

The Reef Cup 1st Water Polo Tournament was hosted by St David’s, Johannesburg from 3 to 6 March 2022. Selborne College won the Final vs St Albans 6-3, to win the Reef Cup for 2022. Josh Carr, Gabriel Kriel, Reece Miles and Connor Voke were selected for the tournament team. Josh Carr was Goalkeeper of the Tournament and Connor Voke was Attacker of the Tournament.

Congratulations to Okwam Qavane, Kungawo Badli And Zuko Badli on their qualifying selection to attend the National Championships in Gauteng.

The Parktown Indigo U15 Water Polo Tournament was hosted in Johannesburg 4 to 6 March 2022. Selborne College won the final vs St Johns 6-3, to win the Parktown Indigo U15 Water Polo Tournament.

Eastern Cape School Athletics Championship (4 and 5 March 2022) Herewith the results: • Kungawo Badli (u.14) - 1st in the 100m and 200m • Zuko Badli (u.15) - 1st 4 x 100m and 3rd 400m • Dante Deere (u.17) - 6th in Discus, Grant Day - 6th in Shot Put, Dewan du Preez (u.17) - 5th in Shot Put, Sililitha Ntshuntshe 5th in Long jump • Okwam Qavane (u.19) - 1st in 100m and 4 x 100m

Gabriel Kriel, Jodhua Carr, Connor Voke and Reece Miles.

Tennis Achievers

1st Cricket Team

Selborne and Clarendon hosted the sixteenth edition of the tournament, one of the few tournaments in the country that emphasises the mixed doubles format.

Selborne and Clarendon hosted the sixteenth edition of the tournament, one of the few tournaments in the country that emphasises the mixed doubles format.

Leaders Headboys & Deputy Headboys



Nontokozo, Nilan, Reece and Matthew’s artworks received awards at the World School Children’s Art Exhibition in the Republic of China, Taiwan and Taipei. Ntsika’s colourful city was chosen for the 2022 Santam Calendar.

Congratulations to the Stirling Primary Prefects for 2022.







Olivia Berndt, Leila Blignaut, Kate Croney, Michaela De Abreu, Nina Hart, Christina Human, Giselle Hurly, Danielle Kennedy, Julia Kockott (head girl), Mischa Lubbe, Sophie Mcquirk, Zingce Mheshe, Kate Pretorius, Mischka Sam, Rebecca Schenk, Nicola Schwartz, Olivia Smallie (deputy head girl), Akho Sobuza, Eden Stead, Oyena Tshoni, Marin Vine, Cayleigh Wanckel, Imange Zantsi, Kaleb Chipps (head boy), Cade Clarke, Brad Collins, Joshua Edwards, Matthew Goldswain, Arron Louw, Hlelo Moyake, Khazimla Nomji (deputy head boy), Mohamed Peer, Israel Peter, Gabriel Schultz, Sithe Shwababa, Joshua Smith, Nico van der Venter, Kyle van den Berg, Liam Viviers and Israel Williams. Also in the picture: last year’s head girl - Usenalo Bokoda, deputy head girl - Grace Loxton, Mr Grant Buckley and Mr Rod Harris.

Well done to Ziraar Bhyat (u.8), Lexi Ogilvie (u.10), Camilla Heuer (u.12), Jed Ogilvie (u.12) and Reynard van Vuuren (u.14) on being selected for the Buffalo City Grom Games Team. In the Summer Series, Stirling pupils obtained the following placements: Ziraar Byhat 4th (u. 8), Jacob Malherbe 3rd (u.8), Lexi Ogilvie 2nd (u.10), Jed Ogilvie 4th (u.12), CamillaHeuer 1st (u.12), Jordan van Eek 2nd (u.12) Gemma Miles 7th (u.12) and Reynard van Vuuren 6th (u.14)


Our Top 8 Tennis girls took part in a tournament at Kingswood College. Our u.13A team came 1st and our u.13B team came 2nd. Well done, girls.


EC Champs results

Henri Kok - 3rd (u.9 boys), Nathan Stead - 2nd (u.10 boys), Kyra-Lily Meyer - 4th (u.11 girls), Camilla Heuer 2nd (u.12 girls), Eden Stead - 3rd (u.12 girls) and Liam Palmer - 4th (u.12 boys)

Cycling Callum Reed won the u.15 road and time trial races at Eastern Cape Cycling Champs.

Callum Reed


1ste Krieketspan

3 van Marlow se topatlete is ingesluit in die OP-span wat deelneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skoleatletiekkampioenskappe in Germiston. Anrich Lategan neem deel aan die seuns-15 spiesgooi, Paul Steyn aan die seuns-15 100mH en Léhan Griessel aan die mans-19 110mH. Marlow het Saterdag, 5 Februarie, met die volgende atlete deelgeneem aan die 2de ASA liga byeenkoms in Gqeberha. Marlow verower 4 goud, 3 silwer en 4 brons medaljes by dié byeenkoms. Marlow se top atleet is Paul “Dumpy” Steyn met ‘n tyd van 14,44 sekonde in die 100m hekkies vir seuns onder-16. Hier verskyn Marlow se atlete wat aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem het. Sittende : Alexander Labuscagne.

Tennis Henco Fourie, o.16 leerling van Hoër Landbouskool Marlow is gekies vir die o.19 OP Aloe Span (Tennis) wat vanaf 18 - 22 Maart 2022 aan die Nasionale Toernooi gaan deelneem in Pretoria. Ons is baie trots op Henco wat op so jong ouderdom reeds die o.19 span gehaal het. OP o.15 Tennis - Burgert van Heerden het die afgelope naweek, vanaf die 1ste Februarie tot die 6de Februarie 2022, deelgeneem aan die Nasionale o.15 Summer games in Bloemfontein. Hy het met trots die Oos-Kaap verteenwoordig as een van ses seuns. Die span het baie goed gevaar en het in die semi-finaal, die Wes-Kaap oortuigend geklop. Hulle het ongelukkig in die finaal teen Gauteng verloor en verower die silwer medalje. Marlow is baie trots op Burgert!

Voor: Chenun Temengo, Charl Esterhuizen, Raymontio Mentoor, Braydon Slinger en Izak Steyn. Middel: Kyle Swartz, Heinrich Wagenaar, Leonard Booysen, Veron Schwartz, Adrian Cherry, Kunga Venkile en Stefan Vorster. Agter: Paul Steyn, Dante Roux, Francois vd Ryst, SJ de Koker, Aiden de Villiers en Hermanus Steyn.

OP o.15 Tennisspan

Henco Fourie





Laerskool Cradock bied op 11 en 12 Maart 2022 die OP Laerskole Atletiekkampioenskappe, op Cradock aan. Atletiekspan wat CLS by die OP Laerskole Atletiekbyeenkoms verteenwoordig is as volg:

CHS athletes who competed in the Eastern Province Championships.

Voor: Vulari Jacobs, Lexie Fourie, Hanlo Moolman, Mienke Vermaak, Aokeelee Prince. Middel: Luan Moolman, Lienca de Klerk, Nicolaas van der Walt, Morne George, Adriano del Giudice, Francois Venter, David de Klerk. Agter: Anoyolo Lamani, Nadine Kramer, Olwais Mohammed, Nicola Jordaan, Tuane Taai, Mia Vorster, Willem van Aardt

CLS o.13A Krieketspan

Janarde Bouwer, Fanie Alberts, Johan Carstens, Evelna Watson

CHS First team cricket

Swemspan Laerskool Cradock swemmers blink uit by die Karoogala. Die volgende swemmers van CLS het aan die Karoogala deelgeneem. Ongelukkig is die Driehoekige Inter-Distrikte Gala, wat op 2 Maart sou plaasvind, uitgestel tot verdere kennisgewing.

Front: Breyton Booysen, Denzell Meyers, Mbalentle Mdingi, Sibu Poyo Back: Mr Raymond Tom, Uthi-Mna Wana,Raywin Booysen, Emile Coetzee, Jaco Slabbert, Siba Poyo, Luhandré Olivier, Revan Block, Niel Slabbert, Mr Steve Arries

CHS Tennis Teams

Luan Moolman, Hanlo Moolman, Nicolaas van der Walt, Luca del Giudice, Hendre Gerber, Adriano del Giudice, Liane van der Walt en Annabel Pieters

Anné Adam, Maré de Klerk, Irene van der Nest, Nicola Koegelenberg, Shani Froelich, Ineke van der Merwe, Lehanie Marais

Corné Slabbert, Christiaan Kotze, Kenneth Collett, Jan-Hendrik Bezuidenhout, Evan Coetzee, Niel Slabbert, Juandré Duvenage



Laer Volkskool se eerstespan seuns en dogters het Vrydag, 25 Februarie 2022, vir die eerste keer in hulle nuwe Eeufeesklere gespeel tydens n wedstryd teen Laerskool Jeffreysbaai. Baie dankie aan Karoo 4x4 fitment center asook Retief Geelbek Merino’s vir die borg van die klere.

Baie geluk aan Wian en Eben Lotter wat Saterdag, 26 Februarie 2022, aan die AGA-Oos Kaap Boogskiet Kompetisie deelgeneem het. Die kompetisie was aangebied deur Hoër Volkskool se Boogskietklub. Wian behaal goud en Eben silwer in die afdeling vir laerskoolseuns. Die uitslae is soos volg:

Voor: Ancois Viljoen, Mynette Viljoen, Chenoa Jeffrey Agter: Alecia Louw, Carlien Oosthuizen, Dante Dercksen

Die uitslae is soos volg: • Seuns wen enkels 4-0 • Seuns wen dubbels 2-0 • Wen dus 6-0

Bullseye • Wian behaal 253/300 (Goud) • Eben behaal 213/300 (Silwer)

• • •

3D-afdeling • Wian behaal 202/300 (Goud) • Eben behaal 169/300 (Silwer)

Dogters wen enkels 5-1 Dogters wen dubbels 2-1 Wen dus 7-2

Baie geluk aan elke speler. Trots op julle.

Voor: Francois Naude, Pieter Nel Agter: Petrus Wolfaardt, Louis de Wet

Baie geluk aan albei van julle. Ons is trots op julle.

Eben Lotter en Wian Lotter

Karoo Gala Laer Volkskool wil eerstens baie dankie sê aan almal wat iewers betrokke was by die gala, hetsy as swemmer, spanbestuurder, beampte of ondersteuner. Sonder hierdie vier elemente kan geen gala ‘n sukses wees nie. Hiermee die uitslae van die Karoogala op 22 Februarie 2022. Die skole wat aan die Laerskole-kompetisie deelgeneem het, was Laer Volkskool, Union Prep/High, Cradock Laerskool, Gill Primary en Homeschool. Die totale punte was: 1. Laer Volkskool - 350 | 2. Union Prep/High - 343 | 3. Gill Primary - 191 | 4. Cradock Laerskool - 147 | 5. Homeschool - 66 • • • •

Daar is ‘n ses (6) rekords verbeter onder die seuns en twee (2) onder die dogters. Zenicke van Schalkwyk het die o.11 - 50m Rugslag rekord met 4 sekondes verbeter. Die Victor Ludorum is Jakobus Reynolds (H/S) met ‘n totaal van 36 punte. Victrix Ludorum is Carlien Oosthuizen (LVS) met ‘n totaal van 30 punte. Zenicke van Schalkwyk

Baie geluk aan al die swemmers en rekordhouers!

Carlien Oosthuizen

HOËR VOLKSKOOL Atletiek Bekerwenners Hoër Volkskool het ons jaarlikse kleureatletiekbyeenkoms gehou. Die deelnemers was almal baie opgewonde om na twee jaar weer bietjie aktief te wees en daar was baie meer inskrywings as gewoonlik. Die dag het lekker koel begin maar dit was vinnig toe die karooson op ons neergefel het. Na afloop van die jaarlikse kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms by Hoër Volkskool se bane, is die volgende atlete as top presteerders aangewys:

Marlie vd Merwe Senior Victrix Ludorum

GP Borcherds Senior Victor Ludorum

Mikha Enslin Junior Victrix Ludorum



Annelie Viljoen: Beste veld-itemprestasie in gewigstoot. Victor Dercksen: Beste veld-itemprestasie in gewigstoot.

Annelie Pieterse kwalifiseer vir die NASP SA Nasionale span wat 1 tot 3 Julie aan die “ALL AFRICA CHAMPIONSHIPS” op Kimberley deelneem. Spanne van Namibie, Zimbabwe en Botswana skiet teen SA. Sy neem deel in die Hoërskool klas en is een van 16 skuts in die span.

Hannes vd Merwe Junior Victor Ludorum

Annelie Viljoen

Victor Dercksen


Karoo Gala aangebeid deur HVS

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22 Februarie het die jaarlikse Karoogala weer na Covid hervat. Die skole wat aan die Hoërskole-kompetisie deelgeneem het, was Hoër Volkskool, Union High, Cradock Hoërskool, Gill College en Marlow. Die totale punte was: Meisies: 1. Union High 190 | 2. Hoër Volkskool 168 | 3. Gill College 17 | 4. Hoërskool Cradock 15 Seuns: 1. Hoër Volkskool 224 | 2. Union High 101 | 3. Marlow 59 | 4. Gill College 19

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Frikkie de Wee: Vinnigste 100m asook die beste baanprestasie op die dag. Malandri Lombard: Vinnigste 100m asook die beste baanprestasie op die dag. Elize de Jager: Vinnigste 1500m vir dogters. GP Borcherds: Vinnigste 1500m vir seuns.

Annelie Pieterse

Algeheel wen Hoër Volkskool met - 392 2. Union High - 291 3. Marlow - 59 4. Gill College met - 36 5. Cradock Hoërskool - 15 • • • Frikkie de Wee, Malandri Lombard, Elize de Jager, GP Borcherds

Daar is slegs een rekord verbeter deur Marlien Crewe-Brown in die 50m Borsslag-item. Die Victor Ludorum is Izak Hattingh (HVS) met ‘n totaal van 36 punte Victrix Ludorum is Marlien Crewe-Brown (HVS) met ‘n totaal van 38 punte.

Izak Hattingh (Victor Ludorum) en Marlien CreweBrown (Victrix Ludorum)

UNION PREPARATORY SCHOOL Junior Athletics Arnott retains title at Junior Interhouse Athletics Day Union High School’s annual Junior Interhouse Athletics Day was held on Thursday morning, 27 January. Despite the sweltering heat, our young athletes were determined and enthusiastic, delivering some outstanding results on the day. A total of six new reocrds were set by our junior athletes: • Mia Botha broke the u.12 100m as well as u.12 1200m records; • Cu-Shan Hofman set a new record in the u.12 150m event; • Nadine Murray gave an impressive performance in the u.12 Long Jump to set a new record; • Dvallene Fas broke the u.11 Shot Put record; • Keanu Linch claimed the record in the u.13 100m as well as u.13 200m events; and • Owen Paxton set a new record in the u.12 Long Jump event.

The top individual performers of the day were: • u.13 Victor Ludorum – Keanu Linch • u.13 Victrix Ludorum – Imivuyo Nondlazi • u.12 Victor Ludorum – Owen Paxton • u.12 Victrix Ludorum – Mia Botha • u.11 Victor Ludorum – Jordan Maritz • u.11 Victrix Ludorum – Miley Burger Our u.13 athletes also ran the 400m track event for the first time ever, with Kuhle Nqumashe coming in first among the girls and Keanu Linch among the boys. At the end of the day, Arnott won the day with 522 points, a mere three points more than Daly’s total tally of 519. The Junior Department extends its thanks to all the parents who volunteered to help on the day. It is simply not possible to host an event such as this without their help. There was also a large number of Grade 7 learners assisting at the various events on the day, their contribution to the success of the day has not gone unnoticed.

Jordan Maritz u.11 Victor Ludorum

Grade 5 learners Samantha Gilfillan and Rachel Wenham in the 1200m.

UNION HIGH SCHOOL River Mile Swimmers Go the Extra Mile Eleven Union High School swimmers took on the 98th River Mile at the Sundays River Cannonville Slipway this past Sunday morning, 27 February, joining hundreds of other swimmers who competed in this year’s edition of Africa’s oldest open-water swimming event.

• The 14 to 29 Years age group saw Hannah Bodenstein and Kendall Krige crossing the finish line together, in what was their very last River Mile for Union. They claimed the 27th and 28th spot, respectively, in the 25th minute. Tyra Binney, Brigette Oelofsen and Alexandra Imrie finished shortly after, coming in 34th, 35th and 36th, respectively.

• Ben Lemke came 7th in the Boys 13 & Under age group with his time of 22:49 minutes (53rd place overall). • The 14 to 29 Years age group saw JJ Liebenberg coming in 45th, Max Price 48th and Dylan Petitt 51st. • Mecoli Vorster and Rebecca Copeman, who both competed in their very first river Mile in the Girls 13 & Under category, swam very well, with Mecoli coming in 13th with a time of 24:22 minutes and Rebecca coming in 16th with her time of 26:54 minutes.

The school is extremely proud of these swimmers for their participation in this event, even more so of the ‘newbies’ who entered. we are also gratefusterkoek to the many parents who joined us for the day. Of course, a River Mile outing wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Nanaga Farm Stall, where the learners and accompanying members of staff enjoyed the tasty home-made pies and roosterkoek on offer, before hitting the long road home.

Hannah Bodenstein, Kendall Krige, Rebecca Copeman, Mecoli Vorster

Ben Lemke

Is jou kind dalk die boelie? Dit is nie altyd maklik om te erken dat jou kind dalk ‘n boelie is nie. As ‘n ouer wil jy nie hê jou kind moet ‘n boelie bly vir die res van sy lewe nie, want situasies kan vererger soos ‘n kind ouer word. Dit is daarom belangrik om op te let of daar enige van die bogenoemde tekens by jou kind verskyn en om deurlopend hul gedrag te moniteer. Kinders weet dat dit verkeerd is om ander af te knou en dit is juis waarom hulle kies om dit te doen wanneer ouers nie in die omtrek is nie. Dit lei tot ‘n toename in kuberafknouery, want die internet word gesien as ‘n ouervrye omgewing. Omdat ouers in die duister gehou word oor wat die kinders daagliks aanvang op die internet en op hul selfone, het hulle geen beheer oor die situasie en die negatiewe gevolge wat kuberafknouery vir kinders het nie. Ouertoesig is noodsaaklik om afknouery te stop. ‘n Kind wat self ‘n boelie is:

Jou kind is moontlik `n boelie wanneer hy:

Het vriende wat ander afknou;

ander vriende by hul groep uitsluit;

Word gereeld na die hoof se kantoor gestuur, of moet bly vir detensie ná skool;

Blameer ander mense of kinders vir hul probleme;

aanhou met onaanvaarbare en onaangename gedrag wanneer jy reeds vir hom gesê het om daarmee op te hou;

Is behep met sy populariteit en reputasie onder leerders;

Is baie kompeterend;

Raak betrokke by fisiese of verbale bakleiery;

Word vinnig kwaad of aggressief;

Het skielik nuwe besittings of ekstra geld wat nie verduidelik kan word nie; of

Neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir sy optrede nie.

onverdraagsaamheid en minagting toon teenoor kinders wat as anders of vreemd beskou word;

gereeld ander kinders spot of tart;

deurlopende aggressiewe en wrede videospeletjies speel;

diere seermaak; of

skinder of ander kinders seermaak.

Dogters of seuns kan boelies wees of gedrag van afknouery toon. Seuns is meer geneig om ander direk af te knou met fisiese aksie soos om te slaan of te skop, terwyl dogters eerder indirek betrokke raak deur skinderstories te versprei of deur ‘n kind uit die groep te sluit. Afknouery by kinders begin al so vroeg as kleuterskool of die eerste paar jare van laerskool.


Behandel ander soos jý graag behandel wil word (Matteus 7:12).


Beskerm jou teen ’n tong wat jok en om in waarheid te wandel.

2. BORSHARNAS VAN GEREGTIGHEID Beskerm ons harte teen beskuldigings en aanvalle.


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Om oor gevaarlike struikelblokke te kan loop en die boodskap van Jesus aan ander oor te dra.


Help ons om nie te twyfel nie en om te glo in God se getrouheid van sy Woord.




Om ons denke te bewaar, want sonde begin by ons denke. Help ons om tussen goed en kwaad te onderskei.


Die Woord van God (die Bybel) wat ons teen die vyand beskerm, maar wat ook gebruik word om wonde te genees.


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