Baie skool kinders belê ‘n groot hoeveelheid van hul tyd om hul sport talent te ontwikkel. Drome van sportbeurse en ‘n professionele loopbaan as sportman of -vrou bring die Olimpiese leuse - Vinniger; Hoër; Verder – binne die bereik van jonger en jonger generasies. Ongelukkig maak die pad na sukses soms ‘n draai in die operasieteater, en baie ouers en kinders se vrees vir narkose en hoop vir vinnige herstel word hier onder die vergrootglas geplaas.
Die tipe sport wat ons beoefen bepaal tot ‘n groot mate die risikos waaraan ons blootgestel word onder narkose.
Buiten die feit dat kontaksport soos rugby die grootste bepaler is vir jou kans tot besering, is die tipe fisiologiese stres waaraan jou hart onderwerp word tydens jou voorbereiding, ‘n baie belangrike konsiderasie. Die Europese Hartvereniging klassifiseer sport in 4 afdelings om diè stres op die hart te bepaal. Uithouvermoë sport soos padfietsry, swem en driekamp het die grootste effek op die hart. ‘n Verdikking in die linker hartspier kan die kranige sportster se hart onder groter stres plaas tydens die stres van narkose en chirurgie.
Die genetiese variasie wat aan sekere atlete hul bo-menslike prestasies besorg, kan ook ‘n meer tragiese storie bevat. Sekere genetiese afwykings kan lei tot arritmiese versteurings in die hart. Gekoppel aan die verhoogde gebruik van anaboliese streroide onder skoolkinders, bly die atleet se hart die narkotiseer se grootste kommer wanneer die jong en buitengewone fikse sportster aan die slaap gemaak word vir ‘n tendonherstel of plasing van ‘n skroef in ‘n gebreekte been.
‘n Eerlike oop gesprek met jou narkotiseer oor die gebruik van opkikkers is dus van kardinale belang vir jou gesondheid. Onthou, alle gesprekke tussen jou en die dokter bly konfidensieel. Verskeie middels wat deur WADA (World Anti-Doping Association) verbied word, mag dalk as deel van ‘n standaard narkose toegedien word. Versoek dus jou narkotiseer om seker te maak jou narkose plaas jou nie onder bedenking indien jy deel van ‘n WADA toesigprogram is nie.
Die meeste kinders se gesonde fisiologie maak hulle ‘n plesier vir die chirurg en die narkotiseer om mee saam te werk. Sekere faktore in sport soos die tipe sport, genetiese predisposisies en gebruik van opkikkers moet egter in ag geneem word om te verseker dat die besoek aan die operasietafel nie die jong sportster se loopbaan beskadig nie. Soos die geval in baie mediese situasies, bly goeie kommunikasie die beste pad tot sukses.
Meinette van Zyl
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The AWSUM After School Guide is another AWSUM product by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 awsum@tiemedia.co.za
Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl
Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl
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Front: Cael Janse van Niewenhuizen, Divan Potgieter (coach), Luan van Jaarsveld (c), Onesimo Oliphant (v/c), Heinrich Crouse (coach), Seth Jones. 2nd row: Stephan Schutte, Ethan Smith, Malick Mlayi, Hunter Justus, Sima Ozah, Jako Stroebel, Joliwonga Fihlani, Lolwethu Mpendu. 3rd row: Wayman Sinden, Duan Lensley, Joseph van der Merwe, Joshua Robyn, Jayden Mildenhall, Joshua Gerber, Joel Fourie. Back: Blane Clarges, Andries Potgieter, Jeanré Basson. Front: Justin Pretorius (coach), Daniël Veldsman, Luken Puren, Wilhelm Rautenbach, Eric van Rooyen (coach). Back: Simon Hoek, Phillip Jacobs. Front: Nina Strydom (v/c), Celeste de Lima (coach), Mienke Smit (c). Middle: Caydee Adams, Kiara Wolmarans, Dané Kleinhans, Sarah-Lee du Preez. Back: Mienke van Zyl, Lize Ferreira. Front: Justin Pretorius (coach), Elzani Potgieter, Britney Bezuidenhout, Zara Hendricks, Eric van Rooyen (coach). Back: Cassidy Alberts, Dené Jonck, Es-Mari Swart.We look back on our winter sport season for 2022 and share our first teams.Netball Rugby Boys Tennis Girls Tennis Dr Johan Van Der Walt Narkotiseer
At this time of year many family gatherings start to center around the conversation of what they are planning to do for the summer holidays. For many families the past adventures of a road trip in a motorhome may have to wait until the petrol price comes down a bit more. However, everyone may have the pleasure of remembering and reimagining their childhood memories going camping with their family in a caravan or motorhome.
These days it seems like more and more families are choosing to go on holiday with motorhomes. The ease of packing and knowing that your home away from home has everything you need, makes the start of the journey hassle free. Being on the open road and choosing to make a detour anywhere for a picnic or overnight stay is so much fun in a camper van. Whether you are travelling down to the coast or choosing to explore some of the backroads of the cape, South Africa has many scenic camping sites that are waiting to be explored.
Many motorhomes can cater for families up to 6 and come fitted with electricity and gas hubs as well as a microwave, air conditioner and fridge/freezer. Families with small kids especially enjoy the ease and convenience of sleeping under one roof while enjoying the great outdoors. The ease of setting up camp (they’re equipped with outside tables and chairs as well) leaves so much more time to explore your surroundings and at night the family can gather around the braai or enjoy card games around the well-lit interior of the motorhome dining table. Some people greatly value to privacy of an onboard bathroom and shower which is standard is most campers these days – so no more excuses for those needing their own WC!
With so many exotic locations and scenic drives to choose from, South Africa really is a motorhome paradise. If you have not tried it yet, you might be in for a very big and comfortable surprise.
To book your motorhome for your next family vacay, contact Bobo Campers for a reliable quote.
www.bobocampers.com info@bobocampers.com Phone 011 395 1020
Die “wolfpack” het het gedurende 2022 ‘n uitstekende seisoen beleef. Die seuns was bevoorreg om teen van die topskole in die Oos-Kaap te speel. Die seisoen het begin met wedstryde teen Volkskool, Port Rex en Westering wat gemaklik gewen is.
Dit is tydens die Graeme College Fees in Grahamstad opgevolg met ‘n opwindende wedstryd teen Grey P.E. Die telling het gedurig verander. Ongelukkig het Brandwag nie al hul kanse benut nie en verloor 27-31.
Tydens die skoolvakansie het die seuns die kans gehad om te toer. Ons jaarlikse toer is na Riversdal by Hoër Landbouskool Oakdale waar ons 3 wedstryde teen Kempton Park, Diamantveld en Lichtenburg gespeel het.
Brandwag eindig die toernooi onoorwonne met tellings van 80-12, 27-23 en 36-18. Baie geluk ook aan die seuns wat vir die toernooispan en as speler van die toernooi gekies is.
Tydens die 2de en 3de kwartaal word daar ligawedstryde teen van ons plaaslike skole in die area gespeel. Die seuns speel uitstekend en klop ‘n baie sterk Marlow 24 -22 asook vir Nico Malan 18-12. Die “wolfpack” wen ook ons jaarlikse “classic clash” teen HTS Daniël Pienaar met ‘n telling van 22-14. Ander uitslae is as volg:
• Muir 27-14
• Punt 38-5
• Pearson 21-19
Die 1ste span is ook genooi na Selborne se 150-jaar bestaanstoernooi. Ons speel skitterend en klop vir Queens College 15-0 en vir St Andrews 17-12.
Die 1ste rugbyspan speel ‘n totaal van 25 wedstryde in 2022 en verloor slegs 4 wedstryde teen Hudson Park, Grey P.E., Framesby en Outeniqua. Die seisoen word met ‘n wenpersentasie van 83,3% afgesluit. Die skool is trots op elke leerder wat in 2022 die bloktrui gedra het en baie tyd opgeoffer het om die skool se naam hoog te hou.
Die onder 15A-netbalspan het die naweek van 18 tot 20 Augustus deelgeneem aan die Kay Motsepe Nasionale toernooi. Die twee beste spanne van elke provinsie het hier deelgeneem. Daar was ‘n totaal van 36 skole. Hulle eindig 11de en is dus die 11de beste o.15-netbalspan
Brandwag se eerste hokkieseisoen terug na Covid-19 was besonder suksesvol. Ons het die voorreg
Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong
Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong
Bellerive Oval Hobart
Bellerive Oval Hobart
Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong
Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong
Bellerive Oval Hobart
Bellerive Oval Hobart
Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong
Kardinia Park Stadium Geelong
IRELAND Bellerive Oval Hobart ZIMBABWE Bellerive Oval Hobart
Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
AFGHANISTAN Perth Stadium Perth
Bellerive Oval Hobart
PAKISTAN Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne
GROUP A RUNNER-UP Bellerive Oval Hobart
GROUP B WINNER Bellerive Oval Hobart
GROUP A WINNER Perth Stadium Perth
GROUP B RUNNER-UP Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne AFGHANISTAN Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne
BANGLADESH Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
GROUP A RUNNER-UP Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
GROUP B WINNER Perth Stadium Perth
GROUP B RUNNER-UP Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne AUSTRALIA Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne
GROUP A WINNER Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
The Gabba Brisbane
GROUP A RUNNER-UP Perth Stadium Perth
SOUTH AFRICA Perth Stadium Perth
The Gabba Brisbane
The Gabba Brisbane
GROUP A RUNNER-UP Adelaide Oval Adelaide BANGLADESH Adelaide Oval Adelaide
SOUTH AFRICA Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
GROUP B RUNNER-UP Adelaide Oval Adelaide
AFGHANISTAN Adelaide Oval Adelaide
GROUP A WINNER Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
GROUP A RUNNER-UP Adelaide Oval Adelaide BANGLADESH Adelaide Oval Adelaide
GROUP B WINNER Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne
FINAL 1 Sydney Cricket Ground Sydney
FINAL 2 Adelaide Oval Adelaide
FINAL Melbourne Cricket Ground Melbourne
sportAidan Wilkinson Damian Baker Byron Forword Daniel du Toit Ashley Ostling Athenkosi Sipamla Daniel de Lange Corby van Heerden Anakin Peens Cade Hoffman Casey Keevy Jordan Allan Kenneth Garrod Joshua Durrheim Mark Brombacher Ryan Casali Joshua Bands Liyabona Matabielie Kaiden Titus Robert Stow Senz Mekuto Shaun Valentyn Daniel Gerber Ivan Ingram Goedhals de Wet Jake Barnard Douglas Harvey Daylon Myners Jack Collett Imaani Pemba Daniel Ristow Kian Cambier Matthew Kingston Mihle Matinise Tobias Nota Reece Miles Xander Elkington Mtika Oliphant Tristan van Aardt Sive Bwowe Syleshan Rajagopal First Team Rugby First Team Hockey
Saturday, the 27th of August, we had an early start to the day. Everyone was up at 05h30. The boys were presented with a filling breakfast before being on the course at 07h30 and teeing off at 08h15. The view was amazing, the wind was gusting, but the boys enjoyed every moment of it. The boys also sported their new golf shirts and caps, and looked dashing and professional.
• N. Mzananda, C. Reddy and H. Matyumza ended with a team score of 108 points after 27 holes, playing a better ball scramble drive format.
• A. Muller, J. Bristow, Z. Leverzencie and Z. Smith ended with a team score of 50 points after 27 holes.
The weather was a little calmer, the temperature had increased and there was a fair breeze about the course. It was an early morning filled with a rush to pack up and get to the course. They boys set off on the 6th teebox to complete their 18 holes.
After their 18 holes, lunch was served and the prize giving commenced.
The team of N. Mzananda, C. Reddy and H. Matyumza, ended off placing 5th in the B-division with a combined 220 points for the weekend.
• The team of A. Muller, J. Bristow, Z. Leverzencie and Z. Smith, ended with a combined score of 82 points for the weekend and placing 10th for the weekend.
The weekend concluded with positive results that can be built on. The boys enjoyed themselves and are even more enthusiastic about golf. Next year, we plan to take a male and a female team to the Fynbos Invitational.
We thank Mr R Rowe and Mr R Robinson for driving the boys to Eersterivierstrand and back safely. Your time and efforts are sincerely appreciated! Great promise lies ahead for Golf at Westering High School!
Vianco Freeman took part in the NMB Chess Trials 4 on the 12th and 13th of August, in the u.18 section. He placed first with FULL score! This was the final round of the trials and Vianco has won all of his games since Trial 1, with a record of 23/23 wins. He remains undefeated throughout the duration of the NMB trials events. For this he achieved a medal and a Trophy. Fantastic results, Vianco!
BUT...he went a step further. On 19th and 20th of August, he played in the Nelson Mandela Bay closed event. The top 10 players go on to represent the NMB u.18 team at the SA Junior Chess Championship. Vianco placed 1st, with 5/5, securing his spot in the NMB u.18 team.
With this performance, Vianco now has a record of 28/28 wins. Another medal and trophy were handed to him!
What an incredible ambassador for Westering High - we are very proud of you, Vianco!
We are very proud of Ismaeel Lagardien. He participated in the online South African Junior Closed Chess Championship, in the u.16 division. He made it through to the finals of the tournament, earning himself 3rd position and this amazing framed award.
Well done, young man. An exceptional achievement! A true ambassador for Westering and the game of Chess!
Voor: Bianca Duvenage.
Agter: Janke Pressly, Shani Coetzee en Me-Kaylen Ruiters.
Hoërskool Cradock het vier leerders ingeskryf wat Donderdag, 25 Augustus aan die Aliwal Eisteddfod deelgeneem het. Amor Coetzee, Zohnmary Wanner en Junayda Abrahams het elk ‘n sangsolo gelewer. Hulle behaal die volgende toekennings: Amor Coetzee - silwer, Zohnmary Wanner - silwer, Junayda Abrahams - trippelgoud. Zohnmary Wanner en Madison Lawn presteer baie goed in hulle verskeie klavierspel items: Zohnmary Wanner ontvang 84% en 85%. Madison Lawn behaal 85% en 87%. Hulle speel saam ‘n duet en ontvang ‘n trippelgoud toekenning, 92%. Baie geluk aan hierdie musikale leerders!
Hoërskool Cradock het van 17 – 20 Augustus 2022 weer hul jaarlikse Marilie Moolman Tennistoernooi suksesvol aangebied na twee jaar se Covid-inperkings.
Daar het hierdie jaar – op die skool se 50ste bestaansjaar – meer spanne ingeskryf as enige van die vorige jare. Dit het deeglike kopkrap en beplanning gekos om 30 spanne hier te verwelkom in ons mooie Karoo-dorpie. Daar moes altesaam 97 wedstryde gespeel word op 35 bane in en rondom Cradock oor ‘n tydperk van drie dae. Die koue weer het glad nie die spelers se ywer gedemp nie en daar is wedstryde deur wind en reën gespeel.
Louisa Pretorius van PSG, Hentie Fouché van Alpha-Pharm Osche Apteek en Pieter-Willem Moolman, pa van Marilie Moolman waarna die toernooi vernoem is, was hierdie jaar se hoofborge. TAMS Superspar en Adami het ook bygestaan met borgskappe.
Die spelers en hul afrigters en spanbestuurders is weereens in die Tuishuise gehuisves en het die samesyn terdeë geniet. Middagetes is deur Steers, Wimpy en Karoo-Express verskaf. Dirosie Logde by Buffelshoek het gesorg vir ‘n heerlike aansit-ete Donderdagaand.
Toeskouers het die dorpsbane behoorlik volgepak vir die finale wedstryde op Saterdag. Hierdie jaar se wenners van die Ricky de Klerk wisseltrofee (seuns) was Hoërskool Menlopark van Pretoria en die wenners van die Theron du Plessis wisseltrofee (dogters) was Jim Fouché van Bloemfontein. Cradock se eie dogterspan het in die finaal vasgeval om ‘n uitstekende 2de plek in die toernooi te behaal.
Hoërskool Cradock sien uit daarna om skole regoor die land weer in 2023 hier te ontvang vir lieflike tennis.
Voor: Jané de Klerk, Nicola Koegelenberg, Lehani Marais, Anné Adam.
Agter: Ineke vd Merwe, Daniella Strauss, Maré de Klerk, Irene vd Nest.
Die seuns eerstespan het as naaswenners in die CLS/Spar tennistoernooi geeindig. Die span word deur mnr. PW Roux afgerig.
Laerskool Cradock se eerstespan, wat deur me. Beance van Huyssteen afgerig word, was die wenners van die CLS/Spar tennistoernooi, wat van 24 - 27 Augustus 2022 plaasgevind het. Die toernooi is deur me. Sonet Aucamp georganiseer. Baie geluk aan al die spanne wat deelgeneem het!
Augustus 2022 plaasgevind en al die leerders van die skool het aan die Revue, “Miracles” deelgeneem.
Jan-Louis Moolman - Peter. Riegardt Oosthuizen - Oupa.
Lize Marais - Lize.
Minke Vermaak- Minke. Marizette Lategan - Tante Stienie. Francis Coetzee - Francis. Justine Human - Willy Wonka. Liané van der Walt - Sophia.
Annabel Peters - John.
Ankia van Zyl - Magriet.
Anna-Mart Jv Rensburg - Doper.
Anina Slabbert - William Wallace.
Soldaat 1 - Lunje Latile. Soldaat 2 - Yakha Maka.
Lizette Potgieter - Tannie Ella. Carla vd Merwe - Worsie.
Juan Blignaut - Captain Barbosa.
• Cindy Duvenhage - Luca
• Don-Leigh Williams - Alberto.
• Nicola Jordaan - Thys.
• Elani Ferreira - Trix.
• Kungovuyo Stemele - Soldier 1.
• Marizette Lategan - Soldier 2.
• Zunaid Muhammed - Peter se Pa. Alexi Booysen - Peter se Ma.
Nikilitha Dakuse, Kego Steenkamp, Minke Vermaak, Amy Schenk, Melea Karsten, Carla vd Merwe en Truby Willard. Voor: Nicolaas vd Walt en Innis Marais. Agter: Jac v Heerden, Leroux Botha, Janro Gerber, Jan-Louis Moolman, David de Klerk. Voor: Lienka Engelbrecht, Nerine Lategan, Lize Marais, Elani Ferreira en Luané Karsten. Agter: Nadine Kramer, Cindy Duvenhage, Minkè Vermaak, Helmine de Klerk (afrigter), Melea Karsten, Mieke du Plessis, Anina Slabbert, Carla van der Merwe en Don-Leigh Williams. Voor: Cindy Duvenhage, Sasha Lee Moorcraft en Mieke du Plessis. Agter: Truby Willard, Lianè vd W, Juf. V Huysteen, Ninke van Nuwenhuys, Carla van der Merwe. Matthew Valavi Die o.13-A netbalspan het ‘n baie suksesvolle seisoen met die interskolewedstryd teen Gill afgesluit. Die o.13 Dogtersspan het gedurende die Junievakansie aan die Elsie Coetzer Hokkietoernooi, in Bloemfontein, deelgeneem. Juf. Helmine de Klerk is die afrigter van die hokkiespan. Matthew Valavi qualified for the third and final round of the AMESA Mathematics Challenge, which took place on 8 September 2022. Eerstespan Netbal Eerstespan Hokkiedogters Kenneth Collett, JanHendrik Bezuidenhout, Niel Slabbert, Juandré Duvenage, Evan Coetzee, Corné Slabbert, Christiaan Kotze. Madison Lawn, Junayda Abrahams, Amor Coetzee, Zohnmary Wanner. Die finale Oos-Kaap-netbalproewe het op 21 Mei 2022 in Gqeberha plaasgevind. CHS het vier verteenwoordigers in die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe. Shani Coetzee (o.15), Bianca Duvenage (o.14), Janke Pressly (o.14) en Me-Kaylen Ruiters (o.14) is almal in die Oos-Kaapspanne opgeneem. Hulle sal vanaf 26 tot 29 Junie aan die All Aged SA Hoërskole-toernooi deelneem.A practically perfect ‘Mary Poppins’ stage production was the climax of a magical few weeks of rehearsals and teamwork at Union Preparatory School in Graaff-Reinet.
The show featured the school’s Grade 1 to 4 girls and boys in a range of music and dance numbers, weaved around an inspired interpretation of the mystical nanny Mary Poppins, who takes up residency with the Banks family in Edwardian 1910 London.
Prior to production, there was a little magic in the air for the casting of the Lead roles.
In addition to the role of the beloved nanny, played by Haley Krige, Bert, the dancing chimney sweep, was played by Noël Shakane, Mr Banks by Matthew Christoffels, Mrs Banks by Luthando Tapi, Michael by Ryan Collett, Jane by Gia Scheepers, ‘The Bird Lady’ by Sarah Hampton, ‘Cook’ by Kari Steyn, Martha by Lilly Hunter, Jack in the Box by Lusizo Ngqoba and the various nannies by Mellissa Marais, Jayline Swarts, Emily Raath, Kwande Sobantu, Zainab Akram and Luchae Thomas.
After two years of pandemic restrictions the young cast ensured that their performance - which was beautifully narrated by Nieke van Jaarsveld and Adam Clark - was the spoonful of sugar that everyone needed, complete with high energy routines and choreographed song and dance numbers.
Miss Merisha van der Merwe – stage director extraordinaire - praised the enthusiasm and dedication of the learners and thanked the staff for their support in creating “a truly magical experience for all involved”.
The school extends a special word of thanks to Mrs Katie Kotzé for transforming the stage into a supercalifragilistic-setting with her beautiful backdrop, Mrs Corrie Potgieter and Mrs Alet Kingwill for compiling the script, Mr JP Kruger and Mrs Sanette Brink for their assistance with the sound and lights, the UPS hospitality moms for creating a show-stopping entrance; Union High School for the use of their hall and the UHS Media Team members who ensured that every possible technical issue was in ship shape order.
Noël Shakane “Bert, the dancing chimney sweep” Haley Krige “Mary Poppins” Adam Clarke Narrator The adorable Grade 1 ‘rag dolls’. Mrs Alet Kingwill, who, as usual, Worked wonders as the production’s music director, said: “This year’s production has been a phenomenal team effort. The show was hugely enjoyed by everyone involved on stage and behind the scenes, and also by our audience of families and friends. It was a powerful evocation of our community spirit.” Graad 10 Zanri Groenewald, Xander Keyser, Jan-Theo van Tonder, Juan Stannard, Temzynne Juries en Jani van der Merwe. Graad 11 Seuns Chequin Koopman, Albrecht de Jager, Victor Dercksen, Hennie Barnard, Remé Vorster. Graad 9 Saré Viljoen, Joshua du Toit, Chris de Wet en Carla van Tonder. Graad 8 Alice du Toit, Hannes van der Merwe, Kian Keyser en Cara Nel. Graad 11 Dogters Cara Jansen, Elaine van Rensburg, Melandré Kombanie, Zenke Enslin, Malandri Lombard. Die leerlingraad vir die nuwe termyn is aangewys en ons is trots op nuwe leiers van die toekoms. die span het reeds hul opleiding voltooi as leiers van die skool en hul is opgewonde vir dit wat wag.