AWSUM Helderberg (Sep) Hoërskole

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We repair & supply radiators, condensers & oil coolers We repair fuel tanks We repair/service all makes of vehicles

Barloworld Toyota Stellenbosch Tel no: 021 861 5000 Family for life

12 Athlone Street, Gants Centre Tel: 021 854 4546

Tel: 021 872 3880

2 Kosblikkopsere

3 Dorp Str Deli

4 Hello


5 Braaidag







Fax: 086 574 4798

9 Teen AWSUM

“Local is lekker” en dis groen. Wat is nou lekkerder as ‘n dag uit met die hele familie. Daar is iets vir almal om te doen. Die lente is hier en dis tyd vir sonskyn en kaalvoet loop. Die markte in en om Stellenbosch omgewing is van die beste in die land. Elke mark is uniek en en het ‘n unieke fokus of dit nou kos is of hand gemaakte goedere en kuns is.

Bring jou mandjie saam want jy gaan orals proe en smul en saamvat huis toe. Dis ook ‘n lekker plek om geskenke te soek, want hier is iets vir almal se smaak. Moet ook nie vergeet nie dat “local is lekker” nie. Jy ondersteun jou gemeenskap en help met werkskepping. Dit is hierdie handgemaakte goedere wat werk en geleenthede skep, en bydrae tot volhoubaarheid. Nog ‘n ding om te onthou as jy in en om jou omgewing koop, dan is die produkte ook in seisoen. Jy bespaar petrol en dra by tot ‘n groen lewensstyl. Deur plaaslik te koop verminder jy jou koolstof-voetspoor. So lekker kuier en lekker koop, en dink groen!




Weg met kosblikkopsere! Om ‘n skoolkosblik vol voedsame kos te maak — waarvoor kinders nié hul neus optrek nie — is vir die meeste ma’s ‘n daaglikse uitdaging. Volg ons riglyne vir kinder-vriendelike kosblikke en hulle sal nie kan wag vir pousetyd nie! Beplan goed Dikwels word die kinders se pousekos afgeskeep omdat dit die oggend voor skool vinnig bymekaargegooi word. Beplan oor naweke, of voor jy kruideniersware gaan koop, wat jy elke dag vir hulle gaan inpak en koop daarvolgens. Werk vir elke dag ‘n gebalanseerde inpakete uit en sorg dat hulle al die nodige voedingstowwe inneem. Hou dit interessant en aantreklik Bied liewer ‘n verskeidenheid eetgoed in kleiner porsies aan as ‘n hele kosblik vol brood. Kinders hou van interessante kos — helderkleurige jellielekkers is ‘n beter opsie as sjokolade en ‘n muffin of volgraanrolletjie nou en dan gee net die nodige afwisseling van alledaagse toebroodjies. Ryg blokkies kaas en kersietamaties aan stokkies — dis vir ‘n kind baie lekkerder om dit so te eet, as wat dit los in die kosblik lê. En as jy sukkel met kinders wat nie wil eet by die skool nie, doen ‘n bietjie ekstra moeite. Maak hulle kos visueel aantreklik — dit sal ook keer dat hulle eerder iets by die snoepie wil gaan koop. Druk vorms uit kaassnye of tameletjie of maak sosaties van kersietamaties, agurkies en kouevleis of frikkadelletjies. • Dink prakties oor toebroodjievulsels — konfyt en stroop of skywe tamatie is heerlik op brood, maar as broodjies wat dit op het ‘n halwe dag in ‘n kosblik lê, sal dit die brood deurdrenk en geen kind daarvoor lus wees nie. Kies vulsels wat steeds lekker en aantreklik sal wees teen pousetyd. • Broodjies kom meestal onaangeraak terug omdat dit kinders verveel. Gebruik soms ‘n ander soort brood of verander die vorm van die broodjie. • Gebruik volgraanbrood in plaas van wit of, as hulle nie van volgraan hou nie, probeer die gemarmerde brood

wat deesdae oral beskikbaar is. ‘n Ander idee is om een sny wit- en een sny bruinbrood te gebruik vir toebroodjies. Hier is ‘n paar idees vir gesonde toebroodjievulsels: - Lae-vet kouevleis en blaarslaai met blatjang of matige mosterd. - Fyngerasperde of dun gesnyde biltong met maaskaas. - Grondboontjiebotter gemeng met heuning en gekapte neute. - Edamkaas, blaarslaai of komkommer en dun skaafsels kalkoen of gerookte hoender. - Tuna, komkommer, agurkie en krummelmaaskaas - Grondboontjiebotter en muesliblokkies Propvol proteïene en vesel. 125 ml klapper 1 blik kondensmelk 750 ml geroosterde muesli 250 ml pofrys (Rice Crispies) 60 ml heuning 60 ml grondboontjiebotter 60 ml sagte botter 125 ml ongesoute grondbone, gerooster en grof gekap 250 ml versiersuiker Smeer ‘n pan van 200 mm x 300 mm met botter en voer die bodem en kante uit met bakpapier. Sprinkel die helfte van die klapper egalig oor die bodem van die pan. Meng die res van die bestanddele (behalwe die orige klapper) in ‘n kastrol en verhit stadig tot kookpunt. Laat prut liggies vir ongeveer 15 minute, terwyl geroer word, tot dik. Skep op die klapper in die pan en versprei egalig. Sprinkel die orige klapper bo-oor en druk dit effens met jou hande op die grondboontjiemengsel vas. Bedek, en verkoel tot ferm. Sny in blokkies. Lewer ongeveer 20 blokkies. Lekkergoed Sit nou en dan ‘n lekkerny in, maar probeer om dit so gesond

moontlik te hou. Die meeste lekkers is gelaai met suiker en vet, maar daar is tog ‘n paar meer gesonde opsies. Lees etikette en kyk na vet- en suikerinhoud. Waak ook teen kunsmatige kleur- en preserveermiddels in lekkergoed. Malvalekkers, “wine gums”, jelliewurms of ‘n paar energielekkers, soos “Super C”, nou en dan kan nie skade doen nie. Pak ‘n gesonde ete Kinders is aktief en het pousekos met proteïene, koolhidrate en vesel nodig wat aan hulle die energie verskaf wat hulle nodig het. Hoe dan gemaak as hulle net in gaskoeldrank en lekkers belang stel? Flous ‘n bietjie — gee vrugtestafies, neute of jogurt in die plek van lekkers of skyfies, melkdrankies of suiwer vrugtesap in die plek van gaskoeldrank. Gee altyd ‘n vrug (of ‘n bakkie met vrugtestukkies) saam. Die meeste kinders het suikertande, maar probeer om dit op ‘n gesonde manier te bevredig. Bak hawermoutkoekies of neutestafies en pak dit in skool toe, in die plek van gekoopte winkelkoekies of lekkers. Kosblikke Koop ‘n duursame plastiekkosblik met kompartemente (of aparte klein bakkies vir droëvrugte of neute, wat binne-in pas) en ‘n deksel wat styf pas. Maak seker dit is groot genoeg sodat die hele ete in die kosblik kan pas. Draai broodjies of kouevleis en kaas apart toe in foelie of waspapier. Onthou die drinkgoed Kinders moet deur die dag vloeistof inneem. Daar is deesdae klein termoshouers by supermarkte of buitelugwinkels beskikbaar wat koeldrank, water of melkdrankies yskoud sal hou. Andersins, vries hul water of koeldrank oornag in die plastiekbottels wat jy saam met die meeste kosblikke koop. Teen pousetyd behoort dit steeds lekker koud te wees. Suiwer vrugtesap, water of voedsame melkdrankies, soos Milo, is goeie keuses vir die kosblik. ARINA DU PLESSIS en BERNICE VAN DER MERWE

Vineyard Dog Agility is a dog club, which specializes in professional dog agility training.

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For more info contact 082 469 7614

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or visit our website on

Shop 19, Stellenbosch Square, Corner of R44 and Webersvalley Road, Stellenbosch, 021 880 2264

Yotir trip to the Cape Winetiands jtist became more beatitititititi

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Stellenbosch 021 882 9111

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Just around the corner Mila the cake shop and Dorp Str. Deli in combination

Take a cruise down Dorp Street, head past De Akker, past Trumpet Tree and straight to the Black Horse Inn Centre. Here you will find the newly opened Dorp Str. Deli. When popping in, expect the unexpected. This place is not your average Stellenbosch hangout. This eatery and deli transports you to a different place where the food is great and the vibe is warm and friendly. The Deli was co-opened by the owner and baker of Milla’s Cake Shop, and the same quality baked goods can thus be found here. The place feels alive. The staff run around frantically and the chefs yell out orders as big ceramic bowls of soup leave the kitchen. As décor, packets of red and green chillies hang at the counter, which look so delicious that you ask yourself why you don’t eat chillies? Black boards and big metal lamps greet you when you enter this

cluttered haven. Dorp Str. Deli serves breakfast, lunch and dinner – a tall order for such a small space (with an even smaller kitchen). But they are making it work – so far. The open kitchen creates an inviting¬ atmosphere with its bar-like effect and large counter displaying croissants, small cakes and tiny tarts. The one word that comes to mind to describe this deli is rustic. Everything is made from recycled or organic materials. From the menus created from pieces of wood to the black tiles used as plates. Breakfast offers a wide variety of croissant options as well as bacon-and-eggs and French toast. Lunch includes hot and cold sandwiches¬, salads and a soup of the day. The menu changes daily, but look out for the French brownonion soup as well as the chilli con carne. At first glance the menu might seem expensive as prices range from R45 to R65, but don’t judge a book by its cover. The sandwiches are humongous¬ and can easily be shared between two people. The R25 breakfast, called Recession¬, is a winner with two pieces of toast, two eggs, bacon and roasted tomatoes. Do yourself a favour and try the pain au chocolat. This is truly a death-by-chocolate experience. It’s everything a croissant should be: flaky and buttery with a dark chocolate centre as well as dark chocolate on top. The variety of freshly baked muffins¬ will blow your mind. There is also a wide range to choose from such as the raspberry and banana,

Anneline Taljaard

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Bring your mom/ friend and both can get 15% discount! on presentation of this voucher

sultanas and cinnamon and the classic blueberry muffins. If you love wine, Dorp Str. Deli’s extensive wine list will make you smile over and over again. And by serving most of the wine by glass, they are putting themselves ahead of the rest. Coffee and tea features equally on the menu. An interesting assortment of teas are available in glass teapots and is served on small trays for you to enjoy. The seating inside is limited, particularly¬ during winter, as it is mostly¬ too cold to sit outside. Regardless, they are readily available¬ with takeaways, so grab a sandwich or a croissant to take home. The Deli can sometimes take quite long with food orders so make sure you have time to enjoy the full experience¬. Needless to say, they just started out so be gentle when you first visit. Dorp Str. Deli is perfect for a quick coffee with friends or an evening date. Loud and busy, but still utterly romantic¬, this little eatery has lots of potential so treat the person you love to a mouth-watering pain au chocolat. By: Wilandri Basson

54 Dorp Street, Black horse centre, Stellenbosch, Tel: 021 886 8807, Cel: 074 354 2142 , E-mail: /




Hello Stellenbosch! The wine capital of South Africa is romantic. Yes, it is. Stellenbosch is worth a visit! The cosy student town with its Cape Dutch houses and romantic vibe is a gem, and only a 40 minutes drive away from Cape Town. A nice way to start off your Stellenbosch day trip is at De Oude Bank Bakkerij, an artisan bakery run by a very passionate baker. We think it’s the best breakfast you can find in the Western Cape. Stellenbosch is a foodie-town - we have a few ideas if you’re still searching for the right atmosphere with the right bites. You will also find many good restaurants in the Winelands surrounding Stellenbosch. The Winelands around Stellenbosch produce wines that are ranked among the best in the world. Enjoy wine-tasting and most probably wine-buying at unique wine estates. There are too many favourites to name, but here a few of our favourites: Quoin Rock, Vergenoegd, Groenvlei Farm, Glenelly, Rustenberg, Waterford, Beyerskloof, Ernie Els Winery, Dornier, Warwick, Avontuurand Knorhoek. Also, Stellenbosch’s winelands are often the number one choice for weddings. Many wine estates offer fabulous wedding venues. Stellenbosch, founded in 1679, is South Africa’s second oldest town. Therefore, you will find lot’s of history here, for example in the Stellenbosch Museum (Ryneveldstreet 37 | +27 (0)21 887 2948). Here you can get a good insight of the architectural development of the city. If you’re an artlover, Stellenbosch has many galleries to visit. If you are a shopaholic, there are some nice boutiques waiting for your Stellies-shopping-spree. This town is cute enough with its little lanes to do some souvenir-shopping, if you’re here to take a few African things back home. There is lot’s to do in Stellenbosch. Go for a walk and you will be fascinated by the Cape Dutch architecture. Stellenbosch is cooler as ekke Stellenbosch is known to be quite Afrikaans, but don’t you worry, if you don’t speak it, you won’t get lost. Even though, it’s good to get a lesson before you plan to visit. Why not with Jack Parow’s music? Some people even think he is from Stellies, but he’s not.

Afrikaans rapper Jack Parow loves the Stellenbosch nightlife and we went on a pub crawl with him. But there’s more to do at night than just what Jack Parow likes, have a look at our Stellenbosch nightlife overview. Don’t drink and drive! Why not stay a night in Stellenbosch? We might have the right tip for you, if you’re searching for an affordable backpackers or 5-star hotel. Last but not least, Stellenbosch is smart! The university of Stellenbosch is one of the oldest in the countries and clever things are happening here. We spoke to the geeks of the MIH Electronic Media Laboratory about cutting-edge digital science. In case you need more information, contact the Stellenbosch Tourism & Information (36 Market Street | +27 (0)21 883 3584). by Antonia Heil Stellenbosch Art Galleries & Artists Browse our Art Galleries & Artists Listings below where you will find Art Galleries & Artists in Stellenbosch. Art On 5 Studio Gallery A wonderfully eclectic mix of Paintings and Ceramic art line the walls of this big little Gallery, Art on 5 in Stellenbosch, a Studio Gallery run by 3 local Artists exhibiting their exciting art. Don’t pass by this gem of a Gallery if you’re in Stellenbosch, its well worth a visit. Visit our Web Page for More Info, Pictures and Contact Details 7b Andringa Street, Stellenbosch The Fine Art Gallery Stephen Rautenbach’s Fine Art Gallery Stellenbosch is an exclusive space dedicated to making available pure fine art sculptures, drawings, paintings and prints. The gallery is in the historic part of, Stellenbosch, situated among pavement cafÊ’s, restaurants, other galleries and part of Stellenbosch’s traditional shopping experience. 29 Church Street, Stellenbosch The Studio Gallery Set in the historic core of stellenbosch, Stephen Rautenbach’s

Allergic Rhinitis in Children Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of the nose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust, mould or certain animal danders. Allergic rhinitis often causes cold-like symptoms, such as sneezing, itchiness and a blocked or runny nose. Some people only experience allergic rhinitis for a few months at a time because the allergens they are sensitive to, such as tree or grass pollen, are only produced at certain times of the year. Other people experience the condition all year round because they are sensitive to nonseasonal allergens, such as animal fur. In cases of allergic rhinitis, the immune system reacts to an allergen as if it were harmful. If your immune system is oversensitive, it will react to allergens by producing antibodies to fight them off. After you develop sensitivity to an allergen, whenever it comes into contact with the inside of your nose and throat, it cause the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as swelling of the mucous membrane- which blocks the airway and causes congestion, and production of


Dr. Anton van Lierop

excess mucous - which causes sneezing and a runny nose. Allergic rhinitis is triggered by breathing in tiny particles of allergens. The most common airborne allergens that cause allergic rhinitis are house dust mites (present all year round), tree and grass pollen (present in spring), animals (cats and dogs) and moulds. Some people are more likely to develop an allergy because it runs in their family. If this is the case, you are said to be atopic or to have atopy. Environmental factors also seem to play a part. Studies have shown certain things may increase the chance of a child developing allergies. These include:growing up in a house where people smoke, exposure to dust mites, exposure to pets, using antibiotics. Allergic rhinitis is usually confirmed when medical treatment starts. If the exact cause of allergic rhinitis is uncertain, you may be referred for allergy testing. The two main allergy tests are skin prick tests and blood tests. You should visit your GP if your symptoms are affecting

Baby and Toddler Homeopathic Kit

The Studio Gallery exhibits sculptures by Stephen and a select group of other sculptors and also features a number of wall sculptures, selected drawings and prints as well as a number of paintings. New sculptures by Stephen and works of art by selected artists are periodically exhibited in opening exhibitions at the gallery. Visit our Web Page for More Info, Pictures and Contact Details 44 Church Street, Stellenbosch Vincent Da Silva - Sculptor Vincent Da Silva, a young artist from Cape Town, creates sculptures which are cast in bronze. Vincent’s portfolio displays an intense awareness of and a critical engagement with his subjects. In the Gallery you will find pieces ranging from Maquette size to very large works. Vincent is continually exploring new themes. Visit our Web Page for More Info, Pictures and Contact Details Corner Ryneveld and Church Street, Stellenbosch Coetzee Johan Art Gallery Ecclesia Building, 71 Plein Street, Stellenbosch +27 (0)21 886 5656 Die Dorpstraat Gallery Oude Bank, 10 Church Street, Stellenbosch +27 (0)21 887 2256 +27 (0)82 775 2916 Smac Art Gallery De Wet Centre, Church Street, Stellenbosch +27 (0)21 887 3607 Stellenbosch Art Gallery 34 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch +27 (0)21 887 8343

your quality of life, and self-help measures have not been effective.Medication will not cure your allergy, but it can be used to treat the common symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing. These include antihistamines, corticosteroids (nasal spray or drops) and nasal decongestants. The best way to prevent an allergic reaction however is to avoid the allergen that causes it.

With this self help remedy kit you can experience rsthand a gentle but eective way of healing your children. Free from side eects, homeopathy is perfectly suited for everyday minor, acute complaints which can be safely dealt with at home. This handy combination of remedy-kit & guide can be kept in easy reach at home or on holiday. 5IF LJU JODMVEFT

For more information contact us on 021 887 2177 or or come have a look @ Natural Health Centre, 63 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch.





Wat gaan jy op Braaidag doen? Ons deel met jou `n resep. Hoenderkerriepot Bestandele: 2 Hoenders in mooi porsies verdeel 10 Aartappeltjies

As jy `n lekker resep het, deel dit met ons op ons Facebook-blad by www. Die AWSUM Kombuis mag dalk net jou resep vir die volgende uitgawe kies.

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Die 1ste aanlyn gemeenskap vir skole , kinders en ouers! Opsoek na `n prokureur, haarkapper of loodgieter in jou onmiddelike omgewing? Vind dit aanlyn! AWSUM Online het toegang tot 260 000 mense

Het jy geweet? Die internet het 50 miljoen gebruikers in slegs 4 jaar bereik? Dit het radio 38 jaar geneem om 50 miljoen mense te bereik. Sowat 8 miljoen mense gebruik die internet op `n daaglikse basis in Suid-Afrika. Dié gebruikers kry `n hoë inkomste en is tussen die ouderdom van 20 en 45 jaar.

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Wat gaan die AWSUM span op Braaidag doen? Wouri Delport: (AWSUM Products: Promotional Items) Waar daar `n rookie is, is daar `n vuurtjie – ek gaan BRAAI! Nic en Rika Papenfus: (Verkoopsagente in die Suid Kaap) Die Papenfus Suid Kaap-span, Nic en Rika, ons dogter Caitlin, en die twee stunningste 80 jariges in ons lewe, gaan braai - NOU gaan ons braai! - terwyl ons onself verlustig in die ongelooflike uitsig oor die panoramiese Knysna Heads en die lagoon. Die vleis is natuurlik kaaswors as starter, medium tot rou rump steak, boerewors en lamtjops. ‘n Griekse slaai met BAIE olywe en fetakaas is ‘n gegewe, sowel as gebraaide broodjies met tamatie, kaas en uie, sout en swartpeper na smaak. (Gebotter op die kant wat op die rooster is!) Papenfus warm aartappeldis: (Heerlik, liplekker heerlik! - veral die volgende dag):

Genevieve Lakay: (Administratief) On National Braai Day also known as Heritage Day we as South Africans gather around fires, being the central theme of the celebrating our culture and the diversity of our beliefs and traditions. Spending the day with family and friends, barbequing anywhere and preparing great feasts is the thing to do. With many delicious meals to choose from, one of my favourites would be braaibroodjies, with the cheese, tomato, onion and a dash of chutney. There’s really no excuse not to gather your family and friends and whip up feast - it’s the start of summer and a public holiday Henk de Villiers: (Grafiese Ontwerper)


Ek gaan die Maandag afvat en langnaweek maak en dan laaaaank braai.

Aartappels in skywe gesny Uie skywe, dun gesny Gerasperde cheddar kaas Knopie sampioene in skywe gesny 1 pakkie sampioensop of wit uiesop 250 ml room Sout, swart peper, garlic flokkies en Aromat na smaak

Mignon Deacon: My boere tappas braaidag (Redaktrise)


“Barry, ons gaan BRAAI!” Soos my 4jarige se elke keer as ons braai. Ek vier Nasionale Braai Dag saam met familie en vriende. Die vuurtjie word gewoonlik so by elf uur aangesteek. Ons spyskaart is dop en tjop en miskien, groot miskien n slaai. Vir die jaar sal ons n paar sappige skaap tjoppies en lekker “pork belly rib”. Ek bestel my pork belly rib so gewoonlik 3 dae voor die tyd, en my slagter weet ek verkies hom “Diamond cut” - n Dag voor die tyd spice ek hom en laat hom oornag staan in suurlemoen sap. Alhoewel dit elke dag Braai dag in my huis is, vier ons Nasionale Braai dag in Groot Samesyn waar die glase altyd vol is en die vuur altyd hoog brand - en die vrouens gedurig vra, “Hoe laat eet ons?” AWSUM BRAAI DAG AAN AL ONS LESERS!!!!!

Pak die volgende lae in ‘n oondvaste bak: Begin met aartappellaag, dan uie, sampioene, gerasperde kaas en geur elke laag voordat jy met die volgende begin. Herhaal die lae totdat die bak vol is. Meng sampioensop poeier met 350 ml warm water tot glad. Giet oor die bestanddele wat gepak is in die bak. Bak met deksel op by 180 grade Celsius totdat aartappels sag is. Haal deksel af en bak verder totdat bruin en meeste van vloeistof afgekook is. Bedien warm saam met hoofdisse en bykosse. Geniet! Meinette van der Walt: (Bemarkingsbestuurder) Moenie vergeet nie nie…Braaidag is ook Erfenisdag so ek gaan dit wat ek by my voorvaders geërf het gebruik en BRAAI!

Geniet Braaidag!

Om saam ‘n vuur te maak is soos ‘n ritueel van samekoms. Ek sal dit saam met my familie spandeer. En hierdie jaar moet elkeen iets uniek doen met vleis en ‘n bygereg. Ons tafel gaan kreun, maar dit gaan amper soos ‘n boer tappas wees. Christo Brits: (Verkoopsagent)

Lizelle Esterhuysen: (Grafiese Ontwerper) I always celebrate with my closest friends. Everyone brings their own meats and drinks and I make garlic rolls, a Greek salad and my famous potato salad. The best tip I can give from own experience is don’t start the braai too late or you’ll end up eating close to midnight! Also hide the garlic rolls (not in the oven, that’s too easy to find) because they are always eaten long before the food is ready :) Durandt van Zyl: (Besturende Direkteur) Ek het besluit om my gunsteling potjie te maak naamlik `n Hoenderkerriepot. Lees die resep in die AWSUM Kombuis.




Hoërskool Paul Roos

2013 WC Spur MTB Inter-schools: PAUL ROOS are the Champions

Hoofleiers: Clyde Schroeder (Onderhoofseun); Calvin Nell (Hoofseun); Michael Meyer (Onderhoofseun)

The final of the 4 events of the Spur MTB Inter-schools was held at Paul Roos on Saturday 24 August 2013. . The weather was great, and all the racers enjoyed the more technical nature of the course, which included some climbing, some flowing single track and a fast descent. Paul Roos continued their dominance of the league by winning overall honours. Jannes Buijs won the u/19 and Matt Lombardi the u/16 race. The other Paul Roos riders were all well placed in their various age groups. Paul Roos will now go through to the national finals in Gauteng. They will attempt to win the SA title, of which they have been the holders for the past two years. Image by Roelof Temmingh, ’n Graad 11-leerder aan Paul Roos Gimnasium: Prestasies behaal deur die leerder Musiek prestasies 1. Stellenbosch Kunswedstrydbeker vir Klaviersolo’s 2. Alet de Vos-wisselbeker vir Klavier: Skolier, Sonata/ Sonatina 3. Stellenbosch Kunswedstrydbeker vir Klavier: Senior Skolier 4. Heuer-geldprys vir Hoogste prestasie in ’n Klavierkonsert 5. Stellenbosch Kunswedstryd-geldprys vir Beste prestasie, vir twee uit drie verpligte kategorieë, nl. Groepsolo, Sonata of Klavierkonsert (hy het nie net 2 van die kategorieë vir hierdie geldprys gewen nie, maar al 3!) 6. J.B. Collins-skild vir Belowendste Klavierdeelnemer Akademiese prestasie 1ste posisie in Graad 11 Leiersposisies Leerderraad 2014 Voorsitter van Musica Perpetua Orkeskomitee 2014

Baie Geluk! Tiaan Smit (110m Hurdles) and Juan de Swardt (Pole vault) have been chosen for the South African Athletics team to participate in the Africa Junior Championships in Mauritius from 29 August 2013 until 1 September 2013.


B. Ch. D. (Stell.)


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Schalk Marais van Paul Roos Gimnasium, Stellenbosch wat die Junior Nasionale wenner is van die Taalbondeksamen 2013. fotograaf Pieter Pienaar (Graad 9)


SEPTEMBER 2013 9 Game review by KidAWSUM Saints row IV (►►►►) PlayStation 3 KidAWSUM says: You are a god in this game but don’t just think because you are a god that there won’t be challenges. It wil be really, tricky sneaky and hard to overcome!!!

Sin and punishment: Star successor (►►►►) Wii KidAWSUM says: A brother and sister fight evil monsters to get to there prize. They will kill anything in their way like gaint monsters!!!!

Fliek Resensie: Reney Warrington 2013-07-23 Title: Jimmy in Pienk Age Restriction: 7-9PG Language: Afrikaans. Director: Hanneke Schutte Stars: Tanya van Graan, Sean Cameron Michael, Gys de Villiers What starts out as a freaking funny spoof of backward plaasmense, flaming queens and lefty hippies soon turns into a heartfelt exploration of the insecurities and the heartaches felt by all. And it does not become soppy! Spoof Jimmy has cracked heels, packs boiled eggs as padkos, calls every female tannie, kisses everyone on the lips and takes his time withdrukkies. He wears two-tone shirts, a necktie with his fleece and a Leatherman on the hip! Rika, Jimmy’s love interest and lefty hippie, will eat only fruit that has fallen off the tree by itself. She faints every five minutes. Gérard Rudolf (with cravat) calls Gys de Villiers (with flamboyant wig) the sweetest, somewhat naughty nicknames – my klein windpompie,boereworsie, mof-lammetjie, miershopie, assegaaitjie, etc. Look out for Terence Bridget’s “biker” outfit. Reality TV is shredded. Dialogue The dialogue flows, it is sharp and almost never unnecessary. Balance between humour and drama. Even though the film stays funny and light-hearted

Watch dogs(►►►►►) Xbox KidAWSUM says: You are about to go on a journey of spying and thuging everywhere. You play as brilliant hacker and former thug and it is for me the best game ever!!

What is your favourite game? Sms the name to 43366 and we will announce the top 5 games in next month’s issue! throughout, it deals with some complex issues. Jimmy tries to live up to his father’s expectations. He wants to be a sheep shearer, but that is too creative according to his dad, and men are not creative! Funny, but sad. Frederique is still hurting from being chased off the family farm because he is gay. He tries to destroy Jimmy, the symbol of his heartache, but yet paints a beautiful landscape of the farm. He longs to be accepted. Bunny, a hilarious Terence Bridget, confuses hunger pains with loss, and when he coaches Jimmy on how to succeed in reality TV (and life, actually) he tells him to pretend to be super-gay, because everyone loves an ougat mof. Funny, but sad. One of the most poignant scenes was Jimmy’s mom “moving in” with her dead husband by sleeping next to his grave. The scene is, however, immediately made hilarious by the hapless debt collectors spying on her. In fact, they provide a lot of the humour throughout the film. The moral of the story? Jimmy breaks down the stereotypes and shows we are all human. The film also points to our solitary lives removed from one another and from nature – Jimmy has to hide his creative side on the farm; in the big city people no longer hug one another and they carry their dogs in little handbags; Bunny thinks he needs to be super-gay to be accepted; Frederique can’t deal with aging, so he hides away; Jimmy initially thinks being gay is unnatural and a choice, etc, etc. Conclusion Jimmy in Pienk is funny, moving and a must-see South African film. geskryf vir en gepubliseer deur litnet

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Lentemark Die Kunssentrum PJ Olivier herdenk hierdie jaar ons 60ste bestaansjaar met ‘n Lentemark op Saterdag 7 September. Almal word genooi om hierdie dag van kuns, musiek en kosstalletjies saam met ons te kom beleef. Die stalletjies, asook ‘n uitstalling van kunswerke wat ten bate van Doctors without Borders opgeveil gaan word, sal vanaf 10:00 tot 14:00 plaasvind. Die Societá Dante Alighieri bied vanaf 14:15 tot 14:45 ‘n optrede deur die Italiaanse fluitis Fernando Fracassi aan in die Anneksgebou van die PJ Olivier Kunssentrum. Kaartjies vir hierdie uitvoering is R35 by die deur of R30 indien vooraf gekoop word. Kontak info@ vir meer informasie. Om 15:00 sal Dr Ted Olivier, die President van die Botaniese vereniging van Suid-Afrika, ‘n uitstalling van Botaniese kuns deur die eerste hoof van die PJ Olivier Kunssentrum, Elise Bodley, open. Kontak die Kunssentrum PJ Olivier by of 021 886 4854 vir verdere informasie.

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Trip s & Ev e



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Hoërskool Stellenbosch



Kultuur: HSS se kultuur-prestige aand is onlangs in die Endler saal gehou. Van die skool se talentvolle jong musikante het opgetree en die aand is afgesluit met ‘n massakoor vertoning. (LINKS) Mnr Xander Kritzinger. Jowaine Smith en Herjo Schoeman, (MIDDEL) Klara Kleinhans, Calize Bosman en Estelle Kemp, (REGS) Massakoor

Sport: Hs stellenbosch vs hs montana interskole 2013 HSS het ‘n suksesvolle interskole agter die rug. Van al die wedstryde wat gespeel was, is slegs 2 netbal, 2 rugby en 2 hokkie wedstryde verloor. Ons is veral trots op die eerste dogtershokkiespan asook die eerste netbalspan. Baie geluk meisies met julle mooi oorwinnings!

Baie Geluk! AWSUM stel bekend AWSUM Online!




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Hoërskool Bloemhof


Interskole: Die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof en Oranje Meisies van Bloemfontein het oor die naweek van 16 en 17 Augustus hulle jaarlikse interskole in Stellenbosch gehou. Dit was ‘n wonderlike paar van van baie sport en goeie gees tussen die twee skole.

Boomplantweek: As deel van boomplantweek het die munisipaliteit van Stellenbosch leerders van verskeie skole in die omgewing op ‘n “boom-stap” deur die dorp geneem. Professor Brian Bredenkamp van die department Bosbou by die Universiteit Stellenbosch was die gids vir die oggend en het verskeie interessanthede vir die leerders uitgewys, waaronder van die oudste en hoogste bome in die dorp. Op die koop toe het elke leerder ‘n spekboom persent gekry en kon hulle ook ‘n Kaapse Essenhout registreer as deel van die Million Trees Project. (

Netbal: Bloemhof se eerste nebtalspan


Eskom Ekspo: Na ‘n baie suksesvolle interne Ekspo vroeër vanjaar het die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof 23 van dié projekte vir die Stellenbosch Eskom Ekspo vir Jong Wetenskaplikes ingeskryf. Die ekspo is op 22 en 23 Augustus by Paul Roos Gimnasium aangebied. Benewens die agt goue, nege silwer en ses brons medaljes wat die leerders losgeslaan het, is vyf van dié projekte gekies om aan die Nasionale Ekspo te gaan deelneem. Daar is ook agt afdelingspryse deur die Bloemhoffers verower.

Hokkie: Lisa van Zyl (Bloemhof 1ste span) en me Wilna van Heerden (skoolhoof van Bloemhof )

Lieze van Wyk en Liezl Vermeulen: Terugspoel met ‘n doel - Wen Goue medalje en Beste Senior Projek in die Afdeling Omgewingsbestuur (Graad 12)

Daniëlle Niehaus: Eggs-quisite, Eggs-ellent, Eggs-treme Eierwit – Wen Goue medalje en Beste Juniorprojek in die Afdeling Voedselwetenskappe. Projek gekies vir Nasionale Expo. (Graad 9)



o.14D wen 1-0

o.16E wen 2-0

o.19F gelykop 0-0




o.14C gelykop 0-0

o.16D verloor 0-1

o.19E verloor 0-1




o.14B wen 2-1

o.16C wen 5-1

o.19D gelykop 0-0




o.14A verloor 1-2

o.16B wen 2-1

o.19C wen 1-0




o.19B verloor 1-6




o.19A verloor 0-4

























o.16A verloor 0-2

Skaak Bloemhof 4.5 wen Oranje 1.5

Muurbal Bloemhof wen met 15-5 teen Oranje. Speler 1: Simone Rohlandt het 3-0 gewen teen Simon Relling Speler 2: Lindie Setzkon het 0-3 verloor teen Biah Crous Speler 3: Marli Koegelenberg het 3-0 gewen teen Talita Claasen Speler 4: Cornelia de Waal het 3-2 gewen teen Talitha Louw Speler 5: Anja Jordaan het 3-0 gewen teen Zume Olivier Speler 6: Zuretha Els het 3-0 gewen teen Minette Muller

Uitslae: Bloemhof vs. Oranje - 16 & 17

Augustus 2013 o.16A











































Hoërskool Rhenish

New Learner Leaders for 2014 Announced

The learners who have been elected into office for 2013/2014 were recently announced: Left: Yuanfei Xukan (Head Girl) AND Kirsten Muir (Deputy Head Girl) Right: Learner Council Back: Mrs M Lombard; Okara Opara; Jameelah Edwards; Amber Smith; Megan Fouche; Mrs Jeanette Lombard; Josephine Knappe

Middle: Amber Cupido; Kalnisha Govender; Emily Smith; Lara du Plessis; Caitlin Leslie; Kaitlyn Sparks; Nicole Taylor; Chiquita Williams; Vitoria Cabral Front: Monique Bartsch; Crystal Engel; Suzaan Hopkins; Ash Rutherford; Noluthando (Queen) Kwinana; Jessica Feldman; Nina Blom Kneeling: Yuanfei (Fei-Fei) Xukan (Head Girl); Kirsten Muir (Deputy Head Girl)


Hostel: Congratulations to the following learners who have been elected for our hostel learners. Left: Lara du Plessis (Deputy Head of Hostel) AND Crystal Engel (Head of Hostel) Right: Hostel Learner Council

Matric Committee: Meghan Ackhurst; Alexandra Sutton; Tamryn Greene (back); Claire Baillie-Steward; Danielle Burger (back); Savanna Hart (back); Savannah Buys; Daniella Teixeira; Mona-Lisa Toleni; Tess de Waal

School Cheerleaders: Nozuko Macozoma; Palesa Moloto; Mia Uys; Meggan Willard; Kayla Yolisa; Absent: Robyn Hepburn-Brown

Eskom Science Expo – 23 August 2013 25 Rhenish girls presented their projects at the regional round of the Eskom Science Expo. Two projects were judged best in their categories: Above: Suzaan Hobson and Lijan van Niekerk (Best Senior Project in Food Science) Jade Stephens and Amber Clarke (Absent for the photo) (Best Senior Project in Environmentalism)

6 learners were awarded Gold for their projects: Margo Paterson; Vanya Conradie; Suzaan Hobson; Lijan van Niekerk; Absent: Jade Stephens and Amber Clarke

5 learners were awarded Silver for their projects: Erin Meerburg; Caitlin Sleet; Casey de Langen; Shah-Noor Khan Niazi and Jessika Brtan

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We also do manicures & MediHeel pedicures 021 851 4809 Myburgh Str. Trading Post Centre shop 15A Somerset West

Sibu Bongo; Lara du Plessis (Deputy Head of Hostel); Crystal Engel (Head of Hostel); Savannah Hart; Kirsten Muir; Queen Kwinana; Fei-Fei Xukan; Lisa Uys; Sharon Mathole; Sasha Wilson; Ms Angela Sarga (Hostel Superintendent)

! M U S AW

Mentors: Sasha-Leigh Wilson; Ayesha Shaikh; Amy Meyer; Ashleigh-Jade Willets; Rachel Laemmle; Jessica Berry; Michaela Lockley; Alexandra Beeka; Carla Leonard; Absent: Paige Stephens

We are proocient in both gel and Acrylic nails


Cultural Awards – 15 August 2013: Recipients of Cultural Colours and Honours Awards

7 learners were awarded Bronze for their projects: Claire Dehosse; Shannon Morse; Emma de Clerq; Kayla-Ann Weidermann; Kelsey Nel and Shakirah Bosman; Absent: Rebecca Carter-Smith

Baie Geluk!




Hoërskool Parel Vallei

Learner Council 2014: On the 19th of August, the new learner council for 2014 were announced. The council consists of 3 learners each from grade9 to grade11 and 30 learners from grade12. As is the tradition at Parel Vallei, the head and deputy council members are voted for by the grade12 learners during the learner council camp that take place during August. The head leaders will be announced at the annual Academic Prize giving on October 17th, in the school hall. We wish the new learner council of 2014 all of the best for their task ahead and know that they will lead the school with excellence in our changing world. We are extremely proud of these Parel Valleiers- congratulations! Front row (left to right): A. Timberlake, J. Gericke, E. Gouws, A. Buchanan, M. Kreft, C. Geryling, R. Kaps, A. Ward, A. Harrison. 2nd Row (left to right): M. Black, B. Albertyn, J. Meyer, N. Rodenbach, N. de Wet, M. Verster, M. Cho, D. de Beer. 3rd Row (left to right): S. Allers, L. Erasmus, A. Truter, L. Blanckenberg, C. Bester, K. de Lorme, T. Veen, R. Keet. 4th Row (left to right): D. Erasmus, J. de Wet, L. Fourie, M. Pfeiffer, D. Schinder, C. Hawkridge, D. Potgieter, D. Patience. Back Row (left to right): A. Theunissen, P. Bronkhorst, O. Coetzee, V. Young-Pugh, M. Bufè, T. Plaatjies.

Berg- en padfietskampioen: Ivan Venter Dis nie aldag dat fietsryers uitblink in beide pad- en bergfietskompetisies nie, maar vir die passievolle trapper, Ivan Venter, is als moontlik en sy wildste drome word tans bewaarheid! In Augustus was hy gekeur om deel te neem aan die Wêreldkampioenskappe vir Bergfiets in Pietermaritzburg en nou is hy ook gekies om deel te wees van die SuidAfrikaanse span wat in September aan die Wêreld Padfietskampioenskappe in Italië gaan deelneem. Sterkte, Ivan, al die Parel Valleiers staan agter jou….


Parel Vallei dramaseisoen 2013 Parel Vallei se dramaseisoen is in 2013 teen ‘n strawwe pas aangepak. Die toneelgeselskappe het nie net uitmuntende resultate behaal by verskeie tienertoneelfeeste nie, maar ook die gehore bekoor met hul uitstekende optrede. Parel Vallei se Dramadepartement het hierdie jaar 3 uiteenlopende produksies aangebied: twee Afrikaanse produksies, Boks en Spring, en een Engelse produksie, Hyperbole. Die bekwame regisseurs was nie net wonderwerkers van hul visies nie, maar ook voltydse onderwysers by Parel Vallei en die akteurs was hardwerkende leerders wat tussen die boeke en take deur al hul energie en tyd aan repetisies en woorde leer, bestee het. Die toneelstukke was ‘n ware spanpoging en bymekaarkoms van kreatiewe siele wat mekaar vind in die poel van teaterpassie. By Parel Vallei noem ons dit TROTS. Yanou-marie Pienaar (Engels- en Kuns en Kultuuronderwyser), het die Engelse produksie, Hyperbole, op die planke gebring. Juf. Pienaar het self die teks geskryf asook die regie behartig en wek opspraak dwarsdeur die tienertoneelfeesgemeenskap met hierdie vlymskerp skreeusnaaksigheid. More about Hyperbole and the prices/awards won by this production: Imagine being able to see inside someone’s mind…this clichéd line sums up this year’s English production ‘Hyperbole’ at Parel Vallei. The play revolves around Megan, a young woman trying her utmost to write a deep and meaningful play. What you see on stage is a mixture of ideas she has for plays, the elements affecting her writing and pushy characters trying to give her writing advice, until she eventually cracks. The play is an absurd and light-hearted comedy written purely for silliness and fun. The eight extremely adept comedic actors took this production to Fraserburg and then to the Durbanville festival, where it won the award for the best production! • Cast: Megan Beaumont, Ben Albertyn, Michael Black, Michael Steyn, Leanne Schooling, Christine Knobbs, Liam Walsh and Kyla Raoult. • Crew: Beth Horn, Brett Rayner and Ruan Blanckenberg. Meer oor BOKS en SPRING en die pryse/toekennings gewen: Annelie van Zyl (Drama-, Lewensoriëntering- en Kuns en Kultuuronderwyser) produseer twee Afrikaanse produksies : BOKS en SPRING. Sy is ook die skrywer en regisseur van

albei hierdie nuutgeskepte tekste. BOKS kry die tonge los by elke tienertoneelfees en gehoorlede stap uit die vertoning en dink na oor wat hulle op die verhoog gesien het. SPRING voer die gehoor mee na die platteland waar ‘n wêreld vol leuens en geheime meebring dat elkeen ‘n traan stort. SPRING en BOKS neem deel aan Fraserburg se ysige Logan Toneelfees, die Klein Libertas Tienertoneelfees, die Durbanville Tienertoneelfees asook die ATKV-tienertoneelfees en behaal verskeie sertifikate vir toneelspel asook tegniese aspekte. SPRING wen Klein Libertas se “Beste produksie van die aand” en word genomineer vir “Beste nuwe teks”. Ben Albertyn wen die toekenning vir die “Beste akteur” van die aand en Jacques Meyer dié vir die ondersteunende akteur van die aand. SPRING dring deur na die gala-aand as nominasie vir een van die 4 beste produksies van die fees en Ben Albertyn word aangewys as BESTE AKTEUR van die fees vir sy rol as Saggrys Malan. By die Durbanville Toneelfees vaar beide produksies uitstekend en behaal ‘n reeks sertifikate- van Brons tot Goud. Aan die einde van die fees wen Ben Albertyn die Van Heerden Heunis-gedenktrofee vir uitnemendheid op die verhoog asook vir veelsydige spel in twee produksies (SPRING en Hyperbole) in twee uiteenlopende rolle. Annelie van Zyl ontvang die beoordelaarstrofee vir die gehalte werk wat sy in 2013 lewer as dramaturg en regisseur in twee sulke uiteenlopende produksies soos SPRING en BOKS, en vir die hoeveelheid tyd en energie om in dieselfde jaar twee produksies van sulke hoë gehalte se tekste te skryf en te regisseer. Ben Albertyn staan uit as ‘n akteur wat in die toekoms dopgehou moet word. Hy tree op in beide Hyperbole en SPRING en verower verskeie goue en silwer sertifikate. Hy wen telkens toekennings vir die beste akteur en beste ondersteunende akteur en word raakgesien deur professionele akteurs in die bedryf. Lees die teaterbladresensie oor BOKS tiener-toneel-2013-klein-libertas-tienertoneelfees/450657211696627 Gholfnuus: (links) Een van Parel Vallei se top gholfspelers, Craig Black, het onlangs deelgeneem aan die Internasionale Junior Afrika Ope gholftoernooi op Zebula gholflandgoed net buite Johannesburg. Daar was meer as honderd deelnemers en hy het DERDE geëindig in die 0.14- ouderdomsgroep. Saam met die trofeë wat hy gewen het, het hy ook nasionale en internasionale erkenning verwerf. Sy volgende internasionale toernooi sal in Februarie 2014 wees. Om hiervoor te kwalifiseer moet Craig ‘n baansyfer, wat vasgestel word volgens die Verenigde State se gholfreëls, behaal. Daarna sal hy ook kan deelneem aan ‘n internasionale gholftoernooi in Europa en die Wêreldkampioenskappe wat volgende jaar in Julie en Augustus sal plaasvind. Wat ‘n besonderse talentevolle gholfspeler om dop te hou!


Hoërskool Hottentots Holland



Vaarwel Mnr. Laubscher

Annali Miller, Cor-Ellis-Gardiner en Denise Greyvenstein is deur die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement as LEADonderwysers aangestel. Hulle het onderwysers van die AOO-fase in die nuwe NKV-kurrikulum (CAPS) opgelei. Annali en Cor het by die Hoërskool Brackenfell Kuns-enKultuur aangebied en Denise het by die Hoër Tegniese Skool North Pine en by die Sarepta Sekondêre Skool Afrikaans aangebied.

Mnr. Riaan Laubscher, departementshoof vir Engels, is onlangs aangestel as adjunkhoof by Worcester Gimnasium waar hy vanaf 1 Oktober 2013 diens sal aanvaar. Hy was vir die afgelope 11 jaar aan HHH verbonde waar hy vir die koördinering en onderrig van Engels Huistaal verantwoordelik was. Hy was ook by die afrigting van seunshokkie en by die bestuur van die skool se finansies betrokke. Hy is tans een van die hoofnasieners van matriekvraestelle.

Adriaan Carelse, kaptein van die o.19A-rugbyspan van die Hoërskool Hottentots-Holland, is ‘n lid van die WP Uitnodigingspan. Hulle het onlangs ‘n rugbywedstryd teen die o.18-rugbyspan van Frankryk gespeel en met 36-31 gewen. Die wedstryd het op City Park Stadion, Athlone plaasgevind.

The winner of the Toastmasters Area Showcase Evening competition was Conray Izaks, grade 11 learner at HottentotsHolland High School. Second place was awarded to Noluvo Ntsunguzi, grade 12 learner at Hottentots-Holland High School. Conray’s topic was “An Attitude of Gratitude” and Noluvo’s topic was “The Life of a Black Kid”. Four schools, Hottentots-Holland High School, Parel Vallei High School, Helderberg High School and Stellenbosch High School, participated in the competition which was held at Stellenbosch High School on 6 August 2013. During 2010 and 2012 this competition was won by Bronwyn Bennie, ex-learner of HHH. HHH has a proud history of excellent speakers!

View AWSUM online at

Reuben Pillay, grade 10 learner at Hottentots-Holland High School, completed the STCW 95 Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention course at the RED WATCH Fire Station in Simonstown. Reuben did this course through the SA Sea Cadets. He is a Petty Officer at the SA Sea Cadets in Lake Side.




Mathematics Olympiad Somerset College is proud to have five of our students invited to be on the Boland Team for the Inter-Provincial Mathematics Olympiad. They are from the left to right, Sean Richardson (Grade 10), Joshua Putterill (Grade 8), Adam Henman (Grade 11), Robert Harris (Grade 9) and Michael Burke (Grade 9). 2013 has been a year in which we have focused on encouraging participation in Mathematics Olympiads. We have offered weekly training sessions and had a great response. Eighteen individuals and twelve pairs received merits at the annual UCT Mathematics Competition this year. Joshua Putterill (Grade 8) was awarded a prize, for being the highest achiever, from Somerset College, in his age category (and 13th position overall in Grade 8). Adam Henman came in at 17th overall in Grade 11 and Sean Richardson at 28th overall in Grade 10. Adam Henman (Grade 11), Michael Burke (Grade 9) and Robert Harris (Grade 9) have all progressed to the Final Round of the South African Mathematics Foundation Olympiad. This puts them in the top 199 entrants out of the 81 578 learners from 1031 schools who entered the First Round.

Congratulations! Professional tuition in Maths and English Kip Mc Grath’s qualiied teachers create individual tutoring programmes for your child, using proven Kip McGrath methods of tuition.

Contact your nearest Centre:

Helderberg (Henri and Cecile) 021 851 0223 Stellenbosch (Andrew) 021 883 9798

At Kip McGrath Education Centres we help build the foundations for academic success. Our secret is “back to the basics” and individual attention. We offer professional tutoring for primary through to high school students and has been such a success worldwide. The rst priority is an accurate assessment of the child’s learning status and abilities. An apparent problem with mathematics may well be due to a reading de ciency and reading problems can result from all manner of causes. Parents’ concerns are established and the results of the assessments are discussed con dentially. assessme Once a problem and its causes have been identi ed, the child is placed on a program to suit his/her individual need. The programs are designed so that progress is constant and accelerated. It also gives the children the motivation to succeed. Children often experience success for the rst time at a Kip McGrath Education Centre, because they start working at their own level. Parents who bring their children to KipMcGrath Centres are grateful to have found someone who can help correct their child’s problems with school work.

Somerset College

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