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Braai, Suid-Afrika, braai!
FOR THE FOODIES Eksklusiewe Jan Braairesep binne
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Nasionale Braaidag & Braaitoer Epiese natuurtonele, padritavonture, vroegoggendkoffie in die buitelug, fantastiese kampeerplekke en meer braaie as wat jy jou kan indink – daar kan niks meer Suid-Afrikaans wees as die jaarlikse Nasionale Braaitoer nie, die perfekte aptytwekker vir Nasionale Braaidag, soos gereël deur die ikoniese Jan Braai. Ons het opgevang met Jan by die vertrek van sy 200-sterk kavalkade op die Nasionale Braaitoer. V Hoe het die hele Nasionale Braaidag-inisiatief ontstaan? A Ons is mal oor braai – daar is geen argument daaroor nie. As ‘n nasie is ons op Nasionale Braaidag soos geen ander tyd verenig nie. Ons deel stories, ontspan, dink na en geniet net die land wat ons die geleentheid gee om groot hoeveelhede braaihout te verbrand. En in 2017 is daar meer as een geleentheid om rondom ‘n vuur bymekaar te kom.
V Wat is spesiaal aan vanjaar se Nasionale Braaidag? A Omdat Nasionale Braaidag hierdie jaar op ‘n Sondag val, is daar ‘n hele Saterdag beskikbaar om vir die land se grootste openbare vakansiedag voor te berei. Geïnspireer deur die Nederlandse vakanse van Koningsnag net voor Koningsdag, moedig ons alle Suid-Afrikaners aan om deel te neem aan Nasionale Braainag die aand voor Nasionale Braaidag. Dit is die kans vir die braaiers van Suid-Afrika om lekker vroeg al in die Nasionale Braaidagstemming te kom. Dit is die partytjiebraai voor Nasionale Braaidag se ontspannende braai. V Maar wag, daar’s meer aan die braaibeweging – kort voor Nasionale Braaidag toer jy en ‘n 200-sterk toerende karnaval die land as die Nasionale Braaitoer. Wat gebeur tydens hierdie hierdie toer? A Dink aan dit as ‘n politieke saamtrek voor ‘n verkiesing, behalwe dat ons nie stemme soek nie, maar ‘n oproep tot miljoene Suid-Afrikaners maak om saam te kom rondom braaivleisvure en ons erfenis te vier. Nou in sy vyfde jaar, tree die Nasionale Braaitoer op as ‘n rokerige, vlamgebraaide boodskapper vir Nasionale Braaidag, met die deelnemers aan die Toer wat die braaiboodskap deur die land versprei en openbare opwinding opwek vir ons land se vinnignaderkomende grootste dag van braai. Die 2017 Nasionale Braaitoer het op 10 September in Kaapstad afgeskop en stop by ikoniese plekke soos Kaap Agulhas, Calitzdorp, Plettenbergbaai en Stormsrivier voor die finale stop in Port Elizabeth. V Wat is die doel van die Nasionale Braaitoer? A Dit gaan alles daaroor om ons visie van nasiebou rondom ’n vuur te bevorder en ten toon te stel. Dit is ‘n soort bloudruk oor hoe om erfenismaand en Erfenisdag die beste te vier. Dit gaan oor die saambring van diverse mense om die een ding te doen wat ons almal geniet, naamlik kosmaak en kuier rondom ‘n oop vuur. Dit is ook ‘n geleentheid om openbare opgewondenheid en momentum in die aanloop tot 24 September op te bou op ‘n manier wat Suid-Afrikaners laat dink oor hoe om hulle eie erfenis te vier, en hoe fantasties dit is om ‘n Suid-Afrikaner te wees.
Editorial team
Editor Marika Truter
Samantha Coetzee | 076 141 5218 Carien van Eck | 072 372 7838
Designers Rowan Engledoe Aniena Keller Nadia Matthee Ruveix Venter Coordinator Zinta Koekemoer Distribution Ryno Wolfaardt
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Distribution AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in BLOEMFONTEIN: Primary Schools: Fichardtpark, Grey College, Willem Postma, Jim Fouché, Kyrios Independent.
High Schools: Sentraal, St Andrew’s, Jim Fouché, Fichardtpark, Grey College. AWSUM News is published by the TieMedia Group, Jock de Villiers Office Building, 376 Main Road, Paarl, 7646. 021 000 1705 |
V Hoe werk die Nasionale Braaitoer nou eintlik? A Soos altyd is die roete gekies om die verskeidenheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse natuurskoon in te neem en om te fokus op belangrike geskiedkundige plekke op die roete. Die doel van die Nasionale Braaitoer is vir deelnemers om dit te geniet, maar ook om meer oor ons wonderlike land te leer.
V Hoekom moet deelnemers ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse vlag hê? A Met registrasie ontvang elke deelnemer ‘n volgrootte Suid-Afrikaanse vlag. Die deelnemers dra hierdie vlae ten alle tye. Dit is die reënboogwuif van die Toer. V Wat is die rol van Nasionale Braaidag en die Nasionale Braaitoer in ons land? A Dit is herinneringe dat ons as inwoners van so ‘n ongelooflike diverse land iets in gemeen het. Ons land het ‘n ryk en diverse erfenis en dit moet gevier word. Maar dit is belangrik om een ding te deel, en daardie een ding is die nasie se liefde vir kosmaak oor die kole van ‘n vuur. Ons het baie om te vier as ‘n nasie en as diverse mense. Watter beter manier as met ‘n Toer wat jou meer leer oor ons kollektiewe erfenis en jou mede-Suid-Afrikaners, en ‘n spesiale dag wat jou aanmoedig om dit rondom ‘n vuur te vier. V Jy is die eerste AWSUM-voorbladgesig om twee keer op ons omslag te verskyn – baie geluk! Wat dink jy daarvan? A Dit is regtig AWSUM – en sê baie oor ons liefde vir braai! Dankie – ek sien uit na meer.
Wen ‘n kopie van Jan Braai se
Vuurwerke Stuur ‘n epos aan met Jan Braai as die onderwerp.
WENNERS Chris Chameleon jy en ek en ek en jy Linda van de Merwe & Karla Basson is die wenners van Chris se CD. Geniet!!
Bacon & Cider Roosterkoek
WHAT YOU NEED (makes 8)
• 1 packet bacon (250 g of your favourite type) • 1 small packet self-raising flour (500 g) • 1 tsp salt • 1 tot olive oil • 1 bottle cider
WHAT YOU DO 1. Either braai the bacon on a grid over coals until crisp or fry it in a pan until crisp. Remove from the heat, let it cool down and chop into small pieces. 2. To your favourite mixing bowl add the self-raising flour, salt and crispy braaied chopped-up bacon. Mix this using one of your recently washed hands. 3. Add the olive oil and cider. Using one or both of your recently washed hands, mix and knead everything together. You do not need to overdo this step. Be lazy and knead as little as possible; as soon as everything is properly combined you’re good to go. 4. Use your hands and on a flat surface, shape this stretchy piece of dough into a flat rectangle or square as well as you can manage. Now use a sharp knife and cut the dough into 8 or 9 equal portions. Fix the shape of each one slightly and you’re done. Using extra flour to dust the dough throughout this process makes it infinitely easier to deal with. 5. Braai on a grid over medium-heat coals for about 15 to 20 minutes. It is important to turn the roosterkoek often, so that they do not burn, but get cooked through. The outside should be crispy and ever so slightly charred here and there, and the inside obviously done. If there is a hollow sound when you tap them, they are ready. Insert a sharp knife into one and if it comes out clean, you know for a fact that they are ready. 6. Serve warm with butter and cheese or with any braaied meat.
I am a massive fan of roosterkoek and the culinary giants bacon and cider also make regular appearances at my braai fire. Together, they will change the way you look at roosterkoek forever. The word ‘roosterkoek’ is Afrikaans for a bread roll baked on your grid over the coals of a wood fire. To my mind, the word is part of common language in South Africa and can de facto be used in all 11 official languages. Everything about this recipe is great – few ingredients, a very easy process and a fantastic tasting result. As it happens, these roosterkoek go very well with any type of braaied meat.
Jan Braai
PHOTO Matthys van Lill
© Jan Braai – The Democratic Republic of Braai, Bookstorm 2015
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FICHARDTPARK PRIMÊRE SKOOL (t) 051 522 8166 (e) Fichies wen Fast-Fivenetbal Fichies is die eerste laerskool in Bloemfontein wat Fast-Five-netbal aanbied. Dit was ‘n reuse sukses en die spelers het dit sommer baie geniet. Fichies se 0/13-netbalspelers sluit hulle seisoen af op ‘n hoë noot. Fichies wen nie net die toernooi nie, maar het definitief die beste gees tydens hulle wedstryde. Baie geluk met hierdie uitmuntende prestasie.
Fichies trots op Powell Sewes-toernooi Fichies bied Sewes-rugby (onder leiding van mnr. Herbie Miles) aan. Die toernooi is baie sterk ondersteun deur mnr. Neil Powell (SAafrigter van Sewes-rugby) en mnr. Dirk Opperman (van hoofborg, Makomota Stone). Die toernooi was ‘n reuse sukses met deurlopende wedstryde, lekker musiek, Fichie-voetjie pom-poms en positiewe ondersteuning vir al die spanne. Fichies se 0/13-rugbyspan het tweede in die toernooi geëindig. Knap gedaan!
Fichie-gholf presteer Fichies spog met drie leerders wat die een toekenning na die ander verower. Henru Walters (9), Jano Stone (9) en Tiaan Louw (6) blink uit met hulle deelname in die 0/11-Vrystaatspan. • Henru Walters is tans vierde in die 0/11- Vrystaatspan. • Jano Stone (9), wat tans derde in die 0/11 Vrystaatspan is, was eerste tydens die Bethlehem Junior Open. • Tiaan Louw (6) is tans negende in die 0/11-Vrysaatspan. Hy het aan die Junior Africa Challenge van SA Kids in San Lameer (Natal) deelgeneem. Hy was algeheel tweede in sy ouderdomsgroep en om alles te kroon is hy een van vyf spelers wat dit reggekry het om ‘n ‘eagle’ te slaan. Knap gedaan met julle puik prestasies.
PRIMÊRE SKOOL JIM FOUCHÉ (t) 051 522 5951 (e) Besonderse prestasie vir JF Juniorkoor Die ATKV Applous-koorkompetisie se finale uitslae is verlede week bekend gemaak. Die Seniorkore met die hoogste persentasie het sake by 'n finaal uitgespook. Daar word nie 'n finaal vir die Juniorkore gehou nie, maar die Top 10 Juniorkore van 2017 (landswyd) word wel bekend gemaak. Dit was vir ons 'n groot verrassing om te verneem dat Jim Fouché se Juniorkoor die 7de plek behaal het! Ons is baie dankbaar en só trots op ons klein sangertjies wat die skool se naam uitgedra het en so hoog gehou het! Jul is JF-sterretjies! Baie geluk en baie dankie vir jul volharding en pragtige gesindheid deur die jaar! Ons dank ons Hemelse Vader vir elke koorleerder se talent en dat jul bereid is om dit te gebruik tot eer van Sy Naam. Ons wil ook baie dankie sê aan Juffrouens Lise en Belinda vir hulle volgehoue toewyding en volharding met die Juniorkoor! Julle verdien voorwaar dié prestasie!
VACANCIES Sales Executives TieMedia, a fast-growing print, digital and mobile media company, is looking for enthusiastic and motivated advertising sales consultants to join our team in the Bloemfontein region.
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The job Selling advertising space across our media platforms: • AWSUM News School newspaper distributed monthly in 13 regions countrywide to parents via the learners • AWSUM Mobile App School app that is an essential information tool for schools, learners, teachers and the community The ideal candidate You are confident, well organised and can work independently and in a team. You have a strong sales approach and the ability to drive new business, develop existing relationships and hit agreed sales targets. You are also an excellent communicator with solid client care skills and attention to detail. A thorough understanding of digital advertising sales is your unique advantage. The requirements • Own, reliable car and driver’s licence • Two or more years’ experience in sales • Computer literate • Own laptop • Professional appearance and able to manage time effectively Forward your CV to | Closing date for applications: 2 October 2017
GREY COLLEGE PRIMARY (t) 051 444 3150 (e) Hokkie Grey se Hokkie 0.13A wen St Andrews 2–1. Baie geluk, Grey-linge!!!!! Die 0.13Aspan is die ligawenners.
MTB finaal
Nasionale 7’s- rugbytoernooi
Die uitslae van die Spur MTB-finaal in Bethlehem was soos volg: Sub Jnr Nippers • 1ste Neal MaCleod, • 1ste Aidain Claassen • 2de Franjo Hattingh • 2de Jean Jacques • 3de Johan Visser Koekemoer Grey Primêr wen die Sprogs Vrystaat Laerskool Spur• 3de Tian Correia reeks.
Ons kan met trots se die 0.12- span is die wenners vir die Nasionale 7’s-rugbytoernooi wat plaasgevind het te Paarl Gimnasium. Die uitslae was soos volg: • vs Van Riebeeck-strand 26–5 Semi- finaal: • vs Connect Academy 54–0 • vs Kenridge 26–14 • vs Noord-Eind 41–0 Finaal: • vs Bastion 27–7 • vs Lochnerhoff 7–5 • vs Paarl Gim 34–14
JIM FOUCHÉ HIGH SCHOOL (t) 051 1760/1 (e) Netbal JF se eerste netbalspan het gedurende die vakansie die skool op provinsiale vlak verteenwoordig tydens die Winter Games se Vrystaat-kampioenskappe in Kroonstad.
Tian Bester van JF het die Vrystaat verteenwoordig by die Karate Suid-Afrika Elite-byeenkoms in Durban. Hy het in sy divisie seunskadet ‘n derde plek verower. Hy is nou derde op die SA-ranglys in sy kadetdivisie.
Luhan Potgieter en Stephen Hiten het aan die SA Stoeikampioenskappe vir Kadette in Pretoria deelgeneem. Albei behaal 4de plek tydens die kampioenskappe.
VOOR: Annamé Fourie (Lynx o/15), Rochelle Pelser (Lynx o/19), Lize-Mari de Wet Marli Kotzé (Lynx o/19, Top 35-speler), Elizna Greeff. AGTER: Elmeré van der Berg (Nasionale o/16-span), me. Annelize Strauss (afrigter), Meghan Maasdorp (Lynx o/16), Melandri Meyer, mev. Marianna Wessels (afrigter), Micaela Meyer (0/16 VS-span).
KYRIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL (t) 051 250 4050 (e) Special memories The third term at Kyrios Independent School created some special memories. • A mother–daughter ‘Doek Tea’ that focused on the history, heritage and symbolism of the traditional ‘tuku’ or ‘kopdoek’. • The U15 soccer team came second in the Independent schools’ soccer league. • The Grade 8 class displayed their found-object hat creations for Creative Arts.
• The learners enjoyed Casual Day, while the staff dressed in school uniforms to celebrate this day. • The Grade 11 class showed that Kyrios Cares by visiting and assisting the staff at Sunflower House.
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GREY COLLEGE (t) 051 444 1513 (e) Excellent results in snooker and pool FRANCO KRIEL Protea Colors in 2017: • Under 18 Blackball Pool • Under 23 Blackball Pool • Under 19 9 Ball Pool • Qualified for his U21 Snooker Protea Colors and will play during 2018 in the World Championships.
Achievements for 2017: • FS Under 18 Champion 2017 • FS Under 18 Blackball A Colors 2017 • FS Senior Snooker Champion 2017 • SA Under 21 Snooker Champion 2017 • SA Under 19 9 Ball Champion 2017 • SA Under 23 8 Ball Runners Up 2017 • SA under 23 9 Ball Bronze 2017 • SA Player of the Tournament 2017 • Highest Snooker Break 2017
MUNDUS GROVE Protea Colors in 2017: • Under 17 9 Ball Pool • Qualified for his Under 16 Snooker Protea Colors and will play during 2018 in the World Championships. • SA Under 17 9 Ball Champion Runner-Up • SA Under 16 Snooker Champion • FS Senior Snooker Colors • FS Under 18 Blackball A Colors
Franco Kriel en Mundus Grove.
(t) 051-444 1612 (e)
Cricket Players in the Saint Andrew’s 1st and U15 A cricket teams were in scintillating form in early season victories over Union High and Saint Dunstan’s College in Bloemfontein over the weekend. South African U19 star Gerald Coetzee captured 3 for 9 and Calvin Flanegan struck an unbeaten 51 in what was otherwise a workmanlike five-wicket win for Saints over Union. Saint Dunstan’s, though, felt the full brunt of the Saint Andrew’s batsmen. Three boys, all in Grade 10, struck centuries, with Pheko Moletsane making 133, Ruan Cronje 124* and Corne Viljoen 101 as Saints compiled a massive 513 for 6 in their 50 overs. JD Bruwer then captured 5 for 21 to steer the home side to a big victory. That massive team total was matched by the Saint Andrew’s Colts, who were paced by Jayden Davids. The opening batsman made a superb career-best 214, while Nathan van der Nest weighed in with 70. With Richard Barnes and James Fleming both picking up five fours, Saints cruised to another big win. Barnes also claimed five wickets in the team’s 163-run win over Union, while Liam Graham led the batting with an innings of 85. Jayden Davids (middle) made 214 against Saint Dunstan’s College, while Richard Barnes and James Fleming picked up five wickets apiece in a big Saint Andrew’s win.
Supporting Sunflower Fund Saints’ boys helped make Sunflower Day on 15 September a success by purchasing Topes (Tubes of Hope) in support of the Sunflower Fund. The Sunflower Fund, a non-profit company, creates awareness around the need for blood stem cell donors and educates people about how they can register as a donor on the South African Bone Marrow Registry.
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Bloemfontein Grade 10 Science Olympiad The Saint Andrew’s quartet of Bradley Smith, Spencer Lee, Sizwe Letanta and Asterios Tsiftsis proved themselves to be number one in the Free State Grade 10 Science Olympiad, which was recently held at the University of the Free State. They had previously taken the honours among Bloemfontein schools, but had to face the pick of those schools and the best from the rest of the Free State in the provincial competition. Eunice pushed the Saints’ boys hard, but had to settle for second, while Sentraal edged out Jim Fouché and Oranje in sudden death to snatch third place. Commenting on her charges’ success, Saints’ Physical Science teacher Adri Combrinck says: “I love them to bits. These learners have respect for the subject, themselves and the school, which enables them to achieve first place.” The Saints team of Bradley Smith, Spencer Lee, Sizwe Letanta and Asterios Tsiftsis followed up a win in the Bloemfontein Grade 10 Science Olympiad with another victory in the Free State Grade 10 Science Olympiad.
Saints Music Academy The Saints Music Academy hosted a Music Celebration at Emoya Estate on 16 September, drawing a good crowd and enthusiastic support for the performers, who ranged in age from the very young to matric learners, and also included a number of girls from other schools who are part of the Academy. The event was a riproaring success and a win for charity too as all proceeds from the ticket sales went to Reach for a Dream.
Fundraising for CHOC Saint Andrew’s welcome Old Andrean Gordon Reid (Class of 1991) to the school on its annual Bloemfontein Reunion Weekend to speak to the boys about The Cows and the fundraising they do for the Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa (CHOC). Gordon has personally raised over R300 000 for the organisation. He challenged the Saint Andrew’s boys to join the Cows at next year’s aQuellé Midmar Mile, where they, too, could be part of the fundraising efforts for the organisation.
HOËRSKOOL FICHARDTPARK (t) 051 522 6927 (e) Graad 10’s toer na Durban Die Graad 10leerders van Hoërskool Fichardtpark het vanaf 10 tot 15 September hulle jaarlikse opvoedkundigetoer na Durban geniet. Die leerders leer meer van die natuur- en seelewe. Hulle lê besoek af by Ushaka Marine World waar hulle meer van die verskeie visspesies en seelewe leer. Hulle het ook die voorreg gehad om te sien hoe hulle ‘n haai dissekteer. Daar is ook baie pretaktiwiteite soos om te ysskaats en Ushaka se Wet @ Wild-pretpark besoek.
HOËRSKOOL SENTRAAL (t) 051 410 1800 (e) Hoofleiers
Baie geluk aan Hoërskool Sentraal se hoofleiers vir 2018. Heinrich Kotzé (Onderhoofseun Koshuis), Theo Erasmus (Onderhoofseun Stad), Mardo Botha (Hoofseun Stad en Koshuis), Leila Champion (Hoofdogter Stad en Koshuis), Lu-Zahn Jansen van Rensburg (Onderhoofdogter Stad), Marli Horak (Onderhoofdogter Koshuis).
Cara Leask en Bejamin Olivier is ingeskrewe studente van die Winter Sports Academy, Tuffindell Ski-oord, Rhodes. Die twee leerders van Hoërskool Sentraal was vanaf 23 Julie tot 11 Augustus permanent daar en het die volgende prestasies behaal tydens die SA Kampioenskappe: • Benjamin Olivier (SA Junior Kampioen) • Cara Leask (3de tydens SA Kampioenskappe).
Baie geluk aan die volgende skuts van Hoërskool Sentraal wat in hulle onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe in die Vrystaatspan ingesluit is om vanaf 1 tot 6 Oktober 2017 aan die Nasionale Bisley in Newcastle te gaan deelneem.
VOOR: A Badenhorst, N Janse van Rensburg, P Luttig, T de Wet, C du Plooy, J van Zyl, L Woityczka, J ombaard. AGTER: A Strauss, B Smit, E Pienaar, D van der Merwe, H du Plessis, R Duvenhage, G van Heerden, P Wille, C Pieterse, W Ketterer, L Venter, J Pienaar, O van Wyk.
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