The hols are over and it’s THAT time of year again. But it’s not all that bad. Pepe Sofianos reckons school’s the place to chill with your crew, so best to just grin and get on with it and have fun with these brill buys.
THE PERFECT PREP Shaving with soap is convenient but clogs up the razor blade so create a smooth and cushioned surface over your skin for a safe and smooth razor ride with Loving Touch Teenz Invigorating Shaving Gel, R43.99 and Loving Touch Teens Hydrating Shave Creme, R31.99.
HOW TO SHAVE WITHOUT NICKS OR CUTS It is easiest when you first start shaving to sit on the edge of the bath with your legs inside the tub near the taps. Rinse your legs in warm water and apply shaving cream or gel evenly, covering the front and back of your legs. Use short smooth strokes and work up towards your knee in the direction against hair growth and lift your razor slightly above the skin between strokes to avoid cuts. Remember to rinse the razor under the tap after each stroke to get rid of the hair stuck in the razor. When you’re done rinse both legs off and apply moisturiser. Always rinse the razor thoroughly before storing it away.
Celeb girl crush Demi Lovato regularly changes her hairstyles with fun vibrant in-your-face colour extensions.
We all love smooth underarms and silky legs with no stubble in sight and the quickest, easiest way to keep them hairfree is to shave. Now there’s a Loving Touch Teenz twin blade disposable razor in Softgrip, R23.99 or Crystals, R16.99 --- perfect for busy teenagers who are on the move.
You’ve seen him in Star Trek but have you ever seen Zachary Quinto looking this cool and laidback in trendy ripped cut-offs?
Punk princess and pop star Pink has made these OTT flared bell sleeves her latest signature look.
… all the bits ‘n pieces to get your work station or desk really snatched.
@ PEPE SAYS Want a quick foolproof way to glitz up your after-school hair? Just clip in some coloured hair extensions and you’re good to go. Just like that!
Try these from Clicks, R39.99.
Go on, time to rise and shine! The school year has begun and you’re back in uniform. So make the most of it and put your best foot forward with high-voltage shiny school shoes because if you have to conform you might as well get 10/10 for it. Keep your new school shoes looking slick and sassy with Lion Quality Shoe Polish in Black or Brown, R R9.99 and R16.99. When your mom says “Shine those shoes!” you can do the right thing in no time with this easy polish that provides a long-lasting shine and protects your shoes from water damage and scuffing.
TREND ALERT Did you know school shoes are a big fashion look RN? They’re hot to trot after school with your ripped jeans or skinny pants. So all the more reason to shine them up.
Yellow tunic with flared bell sleeves, R440, Truworths.
No, we’re not talking about the old school bell. These bells are attached to your arms in the form of flashy flared sleeves. Flared bell sleeves are the hottest way to up your dress code and you’ll find them very flattering whether they’re short and fanned out on a basic white T or long and luscious on swirly dresses. Ring your bells from a selection at H & M, Mr Price, The FIX and Forever 21.
Shorts are what down It’s not all doom and gloom guys… time is all One of the best parts of heading back about and to school is shopping for new school this summer stuff. Start your classes for 2018 you’ll be into in style with these must-have desk fitted cut-offs goodies from Mr Price Home. that are torn, distressed, Skull pencil ripped, you holder, name it. Just R149.99 when you and skull thought they Check out a selection pens, R49.99 couldn’t do each. Skull of distressed cut-offs more with sharpener, at H & M, Mr Price shorts… R49.99. and Cotton On. * All prices are correct at time of going to print. Merchandise from selected stores. Stocks may be limited.
Iced berry
Makes 8 to 10 slices INGREDIENTS Terrine • 1 large Madeira sponge cake, or panettone • 300g each ripe strawberries, blueberries and raspberries • 2 litres vanilla ice cream, slightly softened
INGREDIENTS Topping • 250g frozen raspberries • 200g fresh or frozen blueberries • 200g sliced strawberries • 1 tablespoon icing sugar
METHOD Line a 900g loaf tin with cling film, making sure it overlaps the sides of the tin so that you can fold it over the dessert.
Place a layer of vanilla ice cream onto the base of the tin and on top of that place a few thin slices of sponge cake. Cover with a row of strawberries, and next to that a row of blueberries, and next to that a row of raspberries. Cover the berries with vanilla ice cream and continue layering as before till the loaf tin is full. Press down firmly to make sure you seal all the holes. Fold the cling film over the top. Place the tin in the freezer and freeze till really hard. Remove the terrine from the freezer 15 minutes before you want to serve it. Dip quickly into warm water and unmould it onto a platter. Top with the berries and give it a good shaking of icing sugar. TIP: For easier slicing, dip your knife in hot water. © Cooking with Jenny Morris, Sunbird Publishers 2011, Text & Images Jenny Morris 2011
by Jenny Morris @jennymorrischef
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RHENISH PRIMARY SCHOOL (t) 021 883 3152 (e) Chess champ! Alexander van der Merwe (Grade 7) played in the South African Junior Chess Championships (SAJCC) in Johannesburg from 4 to 9 January as part of the Western Province U/14A team. He won his board prize and his team came second, which is already an achievement. What was, however, truly remarkable is that Super Chess Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura from the United States took part in the largest simultaneous exhibition (101 games!) ever to be held in South Africa at the SAJCC on 7 January. Nakamura is currently ranked 8th in the world. Alexander also participated in this simultaneous exhibition and was one of two players who beat Nakamura, which is truly remarkable. It is extremely rare for a chess player to get an opportunity to play a Super Chess Grandmaster, let alone win. This is therefore an achievement that Alexander will cherish for a very long time!
Alexander van der Merwe (centre) (with his cap).
LAERSKOOL LOCHNERHOF (t) 021 854 7316 (e) Eerste dag in Graad 1 pret!
Tweelinge Lochnerhof het vanjaar ses tweelinge in Graad 1. VOOR: Mienke Fourie, Anriëtte Meyer, Joey Steyn, Lara Cronje, Kiara Smit en Beukes Coetzee. AGTER: Jason Fourie, Juané Meyer, JW Steyn, Jana Cronje, Micke Smit en Kian Coetzee.
LAERSKOOL EIKESTAD Eikestad se sportseun, Dawid Kriel, en sportdogter, Anica Venter, vir 2017.
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Top 10 atlete van Laerskool Lochnerhof se interhuis wat op 26 en 6 Januarie 2018 plaasgevind het. Victrix en Victor Ludorum.
Die Lochiewenners is baie opgewonde oor hul nuwe klas.
Nuwe wenners sit stroopsoet en luister.
VOOR: Chloe Chatburn, Ané Ter Haar en MiaMickay Steenkamp. MIDDEL: Nathaniël Oktober, Divan Lampbrecht, Immanuel Prinsloo en Ewald Ter Haar. AGTER: Michaela Birch, Kyle Smith en Leila van Aarde.
Michaela Birch, Kyle Smith en Leila van Aarde.
(t) 021 887 4610 (e)
Leerlingraad vir 2017
Ons sluit 2017 af Eikestad sluit 2017 goed af met heerlike pretdag en pretdraf!
(t) 021 853 1045 (e)
Leerderraad 2018
VOOR: Nina Odendaal (Onderhoofdogter), Etienne Potgieter, Petri Rossouw, Chaewon Lee, Zoey Bensch, Dalen de Klerk. TWEEDE RY: Jaden Arends, Leejay Petersen (Deputy Head Boy), Chloé Pretorius, Inge Braasch, Keziah de Waal, Leoné Hugo (Hoofdogter). DERDE RY: Amber Crafford, Daniella Kadima, Kim Coetzee, Faith Rider, Candice Dalton. VIERDE RY: Schalk Bezuidenhout (Hoofseun), Henk du Plessis, Ryan Jack, Alex Hön. AGTER: Louise Cronje, Justin Ingham, Wynand du Toit.
Rouvé Bergmann, Nina Odendaal (Onderhoofdogter), Leoné Hugo (Hoofdogter), Schalk Bezuidenhout (Hoofseun), Leejay Petersen (Deputy Head Boy), Rudie Bergmann.
Kry ons skool app nou by Soek AWSUM App for Schools Registreer en kies Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof
HOËR MEISIESKOOL BLOEMHOF (t) 021 887 3044 (e)
Bloemhof-tennisspeler op pad na Afrika-beker Rochelle Pienaar (15), ’n kranige tennisspeler en Graad 10-leerder aan die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, het in Desember aan verskeie toernooie deelgeneem en op Tennis Suid-Afrika (TSA) se 0.16ranglys tot die nommer 3-posisie landwyd geklim. Sy het ook die nommer 1posisie in die dubbels behaal. Op grond hiervan is sy in die SA 0.16-span opgeneem wat tussen 5 en 17 Januarie in Gaborone, Botswana deelgeneem het. Die spelers van hierdie span het eers aan ’n Internasionale Tennisfederasie (ITF)toernooi deelgeneem, waar Rochelle die goue medaljes in beide die enkel- en dubbelspel verorwer het. Daarna is sy as die nommer 1-speler van die SA 0.16span aangewys wat aan die Suider-Afrika Junior Streekskampioenskappe deelgeneem het. Rochelle is ook in hierdie kampioenskappe onoorwonne en tree saam met haar spanmaats Michaela Loubser (privaat) en Jessica Portwig (Hoërskool Helpmekaar) as die oorwinnaars uit die stryd. Hierdie 0.16span kwalifiseer om later vanjaar aan die Afrika Kampioenskappe in Tunisië deel te neem.
Matrikulante van 2017 Die HMS Bloemhof se matrikulante van 2017 het weer eens bewys dat gesonde werksetiek en deursettingsvermoë tot puik prestasies lei. Gabby Smuts (95.8%) en Rita van der Walt (94.2%), ons topleerders, is albei op die WKOD se merietelys en 15 leerders (10.2% van die klas) slaag met ’n gemiddeld van 90% of meer. Die uitslae is as volg: • 147 kandidate voltooi en slaag die eksamen – 100% slaagsyfer • 146 kandidate slaag met matrikulasievrystelling – 99.31% • 107 leerders (73% van die groep) slaag met ‘n B-gemiddeld of hoër • 62 leerders (42.17% van die groep) slaag met 4 of meer A’s • 58 leerders (39% van die groep) slaag met ’n A-gemiddeld • 3 leerders het 8 A’s | 26 leerders het 7 A’s | 13 leerders het 6 A’s | 10 leerders het 5 A’s
Nuwe Graad 8’s amptelik verwelkom Die HMS Bloemhof verwelkom vanjaar 148 nuwe Graad 8’s – die grootste Graad 8-inname tot op hede. Saam met hul ouers is hulle amptelik op Dinsdag, 16 Januarie in die Bloemhof Sentrum verwelkom, waar elke nuwe leerder die geleentheid gehad het om die skool- en adjunkhoof te ontmoet. Die Graad 8’s het ’n besige verwelkomingsweek gehad wat atletiek, boeresport en ’n oorslaap in die skoolsaal ingesluit het. Akademiese verpligtinge het Maandag amptelik begin. Hailey Hine (13) beskryf die verwelkomingsweek as “die beste ooit”. Sy meen die oorslaap was die lekkerste, en al was almal skrikkerig vir die Blue Lady, Bloemhof se skoolspook, was sy nie bang nie. “Ek het baie nuwe vriende gemaak en dit regtig baie geniet.” Hailey sê sy het Bloemhof gekies omdat die skool akademies sterk is en omdat die koor baie goed is. “Ek gaan vanjaar ook skaak en netbal vir die skool speel,” sê sy. Emma Basson (13) deel Hailey se opinie dat die hoërskoolervaring sover baie pret is. “Dit het my verwagtinge oortref, veral omdat hier ’n aangename atmosfeer is. Almal is baie vriendelik en jy ontmoet baie nuwe vriende.” Graad 8’s word tradisioneel by nuwe hoërskole ontgroen, maar by Bloemhof word ’n spesiale oriënteringsprogram gevolg om te verseker dat die oorgang vir die nuwe leerders doelgerig en pret is. “Ek was baie bang vir dit wat voorlê,” erken Abigail Reynolds (13), “maar die ervaring was baie lekker en dit was ongelooflik om te sien hoe almal saamwerk. Die feit dat die onderwysers jou aanmoedig om aan alles deel te neem, al is jy nie baie goed daarin nie, maar dit nog lekkerder. Die susterskap wat ek ervaar, is baie spesiaal.” Die skoolhoof, me. Wilna van Heerden, is ook opgewonde oor die nuwe Graad 8’s: “Vir enige skoolhoof is dit ’n riem onder die hart om te sien daar is nog lig en drome in ons kinders se oë. Dis nou ons kosbare verantwoordelikheid om nie daardie lig te laat verdof nie, maar juis die regte mentors te wees om daardie drome te laat verwesenlik.”
Emma Basson
Hailey Hine
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(t) 021 853 1056 (e)
Nuwe personeel
Toutrek HS Strand se eerste toutrekkompetisie het in Melkbosstrand in warm weersomstandighede plaasgevind.
Die skool se toutrekspanne het vir die eerste keer in die nuwe HS Strand-kleredrag vir toutrek deelgeneem.
Leana du Toit (NW, Wisk), Iwaan Schell (Tegnologie, LO), Lorinda van Wyk (Skeppende Kuns, Musikale Teater), Niehan Koekemoer (Besigheidstudie, EBW, WG) en Willene Theart (Drama).
Wiehann Meyer – Krieketspeler van formaat In 2016 het Rewayne Viljoen die Boland se 0.17-Plattelandspan gehaal. In 2017 het Wiehann Meyer hierdie prestasie herhaal. Dit is voorwaar ‘n groot prestasie vir HS Strand se krieket. Wiehann Meyer het aan die toernooi in Nelspruit deelgeneem en hom as veelsydige speler onderskei. As bouler en kolwer was hy een van die sterre van die Boland se 0.17Plattelandspan wat die toernooi onoorwonne afgesluit het. As kolwer het hy sy merk gemaak deurdat hy ‘n baie vinnige lopietempo gehandhaaf het, ‘n groot bate in eendagkrieket. Hy het amper ‘n lopie per bal aangeteken. As bouler het hy eweneens groot indruk gemaak. In die naelbytstryd teen die Vrystaat se Plattelandspan wat die Boland naelskraap met 3 lopies gewen het, het Wiehann 3 paaltjies vir 23 lopies ingeoes. Voorwaar goeie boulwerk. Dit is ‘n verblydende tendens dat die Strand provinsiale krieketspelers begin oplewer.
(t) 021 852 1228 (e)
Merietetoekennings en Top 10-vakprestasies Parel Vallei is wéér een van die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)-topskole in die Wes-Kaap en is bekroon met die volgende merietetoekennings en vakprestasies: WKOD Top 10-vakprestasies: • Besigheidstudies: Kirsten Moffitt: 4de • Verbruikerstudies: Katja Majewski: 4de en Stephania Kolatsis: 8ste • Ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp: Stefan le Roux: 5de • Ontwerp, Sarah Swanepoel: 6de • Lewenswetenskappe, Chanél Roos: 8ste • Informasietegnologie, Charl du Toit: 10de • Rekeningkunde, Chanél Roos: 10de Wes-Kaap-merietetoekennings: • Een van die topskole: 12de in die Wes-Kaap • Grootste vordering in Inligtingstegnologie • Twee leerders, Chanél Roos en Juan Swanepoel, haal, die Minister se Top Meriete-lys!
Me. Anetha Prinsloo (Graad 12-graadhoof ), mnr. David Schenck (skoolhoof), Chanél Roos, Juan Swanepoel en me. Debbie Schäfer (Wes-Kaapse Minister van Onderwys).
Nuwe bulhondjies! Baie welkom aan elkeen van ons 267 nuwe Graad 8leerders! Mag 2018 die begin vir julle wees van vyf wonderlike jare by Parel Vallei waar julle kan groei en ontwikkel in gees, siel en liggaam van bulhondjies tot sterk bulhonde!
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Me. Helen Zille (Premier van die Wes-Kaap), mnr. David Schenck (skoolhoof), me. Debbie Schäfer (Wes-Kaapse Minister van Onderwys) en mnr. Brian Schreuder (Hoof van die WKOD).
‘n BLUE THREADwelkom!
VOOR: Luka Nel, Reneé van Zyl (prefek), Mashudu Mashavhathakha. MIDDEL: Jenna Blaauw, Vivica van Balla, Moses Kossmann, Nathan Savosnick, Cole Cloete, Michael Adendorff. AGTER: Cait O’Malley, Ariane le Riche, Amy Katts, mnr. David Schenck (skoolhoof).
Parel Vallei is opgewonde oor die nuwe, bekwame onderwysers wat by ons aansluit! Ons hoop dat hulle baie gelukkig sal wees en hulself ten volle en met uitnemendheid sal uitleef in alles wat hulle aanpak.
VOOR: Madeleine Wessels (Wiskunde), Liana Kriel, (Wiskundige Geletterdheid), Jo-Ann Franken (Fisiese Wetenskappe), Theresa Brown (sekretaresse), Adel van Wyk (Afrikaans). AGTER: Darryl Spijkers (Drama), Wernhard van Rooyen (IT), Chrisna Alberts (Netbal), Meagan Jackman (Lewensoriëntering), Jonathan Schenck (Geografie).
(t) 021 887 3082 (e)
Matriekuitslae • Al 118 kandidate slaag • 25 A-gemiddeldes
• 99 % kwalifiseer vir verdere studie • 85,6 % kry universiteitstoelating
• 221 A-vakgemiddeldes • Afrikaans Huistaal: 14de in SA Top 20-skole
A-kandidate teenwoordig by die ere-kleurefunksie: VOOR: Henk Lategan, Alana van der Merwe, Jana van der Merwe, Jurgens Pieterse, Phillip Lotriet, Danielle Luttig. MIDDEL: Louw Kirsten, Nikita Cronje, Jané Janse van Rensburg, Gabby Myburgh, Sandri Steenkamp, Simoné Smit, Ine-Mari Mocke, Nadia Meyer. AGTER: Annarine Goldie, Jesse Adams, Lorraine de Waal, Nicola Bekker, Elizma Voigt, Emma Stofberg, Jana van Tonder, Catelyn Oberholzer, Timothy Morris, Le Roux Kloppers. AFWESIG: Doné Menezes.
2-11 MAART 2018
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Hoërskool Stellenbosch Huis Du Preez-koshuis OPEDAG 2018 20 Februarie 17:30 SLUITINGSDATUM VIR AANSOEK OM TOELATING VIR 2019: 23 MAART 2018 RSVP:
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Showing: From 9 February 2018 Directed by: Enrique Gato Produced by: Álvaro Augustín, Ghislain Barrois, Nicolás Matji, Ezequiel Nieto, Edmon Roch, César Vargas. SHOWING Screenplay by: Javier Barreira, Gorka Magallón, Ignacio del SOON! Moral, Jordi Gasull, Neil Landau Starring: Kerry Shale, Ariel Winter, Bruce Mackinnon, Mac McDonald, Liza Ross, Cheech Marin, Adam Jones Summary: Tad travels to Las Vegas to see his friend Sara’s latest discovery: a papyrus that proves the existence of King Midas, who turned everything he touched into gold thanks to the power of a magical necklace. But the happy encounter between Tad and Sara is disrupted when the evil Jack Rackham steals the papyrus and kidnaps Sara to force her to find the necklace, a source of infinite wealth. Genre(s): Animation Rating: TBA
CHARTS Birth name: Edward Christopher Sheeran Born: 17 February 1991 (Age 26), Halifax, England Genres: Pop, Folk Pop
Perfect Artist: Ed Sheeran
No Name Artist: NF
Havana (feat. Young Thug) Artist: Camila Cabello
Supplies Artist: Justin Timberlake
Meant to Be (ft. Florida Georgia Line) #8 Artist: Bebe Rexha
Filthy Artist: Justin Timberlake
Finesse (Remix) (feat. Cardi B) Artist: Bruno Mars
Bad at Love Artist: Halsey
Thunder Artist: Imagine Dragons
#10 Let You Down Artist: NF
MALCOLM STUURMAN CELL: 083 229 8631 TEL: (021) 852 5163 Address: Shop 14 Fountain Square, Main Road, Somerset West
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VACANCIES Sales Executives TieMedia, a fast-growing print, digital and mobile media company, is looking for enthusiastic and motivated advertising sales consultants to join our team in the Helderberg region. The job Selling advertising space across our media platforms: • AWSUM News School newspaper distributed monthly in 13 regions countrywide to parents via the learners • AWSUM Mobile App School app that is an essential information tool for schools, learners, teachers and the community The ideal candidate You are confident, well organised and can work independently and in a team. You have a strong sales approach and the ability to drive new business, develop existing relationships and hit agreed sales targets. You are also an excellent communicator with solid client care skills and attention to detail. A thorough understanding of digital advertising sales is your unique advantage. The requirements • Own, reliable car and driver’s licence • Two or more years’ experience in sales • Computer literate • Own laptop • Professional appearance and able to manage time effectively Forward your CV to | Closing date for applications: 15 February 2018