AWSUM Helderberg (Sep) Laerskole

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Barloworld Toyota Stellenbosch Tel no: 021 861 5000 Family for life

Tel: 021 872 3880

2 Kosblikkopsere

3 Dorp Str Deli

5 Make a Tangram

7 Braaidag

Fax: 086 574 4798


“Local is lekker” en dis groen. Wat is nou lekkerder as ‘n dag uit met die hele familie. Daar is iets vir almal om te doen. Die lente is hier en dis tyd vir sonskyn en kaalvoet loop. Die markte in en om Stellenbosch omgewing is van die beste in die land. Elke mark is uniek en en het ‘n unieke fokus of dit nou kos is of hand gemaakte goedere en kuns is.

Bring jou mandjie saam want jy gaan orals proe en smul en saamvat huis toe. Dis ook ‘n lekker plek om geskenke te soek, want hier is iets vir almal se smaak. Moet ook nie vergeet nie dat “local is lekker” nie. Jy ondersteun jou gemeenskap en help met werkskepping. Dit is hierdie handgemaakte goedere wat werk en geleenthede skep, en bydrae tot volhoubaarheid. Nog ‘n ding om te onthou as jy in en om jou omgewing koop, dan is die produkte ook in seisoen. Jy bespaar petrol en dra by tot ‘n groen lewensstyl. Deur plaaslik te koop verminder jy jou koolstof-voetspoor. So lekker kuier en lekker koop, en dink groen!




Weg met kosblikkopsere! Om ‘n skoolkosblik vol voedsame kos te maak — waarvoor kinders nié hul neus optrek nie — is vir die meeste ma’s ‘n daaglikse uitdaging. Volg ons riglyne vir kinder-vriendelike kosblikke en hulle sal nie kan wag vir pousetyd nie! Beplan goed Dikwels word die kinders se pousekos afgeskeep omdat dit die oggend voor skool vinnig bymekaargegooi word. Beplan oor naweke, of voor jy kruideniersware gaan koop, wat jy elke dag vir hulle gaan inpak en koop daarvolgens. Werk vir elke dag ‘n gebalanseerde inpakete uit en sorg dat hulle al die nodige voedingstowwe inneem. Hou dit interessant en aantreklik Bied liewer ‘n verskeidenheid eetgoed in kleiner porsies aan as ‘n hele kosblik vol brood. Kinders hou van interessante kos — helderkleurige jellielekkers is ‘n beter opsie as sjokolade en ‘n muffin of volgraanrolletjie nou en dan gee net die nodige afwisseling van alledaagse toebroodjies. Ryg blokkies kaas en kersietamaties aan stokkies — dis vir ‘n kind baie lekkerder om dit so te eet, as wat dit los in die kosblik lê. En as jy sukkel met kinders wat nie wil eet by die skool nie, doen ‘n bietjie ekstra moeite. Maak hulle kos visueel aantreklik — dit sal ook keer dat hulle eerder iets by die snoepie wil gaan koop. Druk vorms uit kaassnye of tameletjie of maak sosaties van kersietamaties, agurkies en kouevleis of frikkadelletjies. • Dink prakties oor toebroodjievulsels — konfyt en stroop of skywe tamatie is heerlik op brood, maar as broodjies wat dit op het ‘n halwe dag in ‘n kosblik lê, sal dit die brood deurdrenk en geen kind daarvoor lus wees nie. Kies vulsels wat steeds lekker en aantreklik sal wees teen pousetyd. • Broodjies kom meestal onaangeraak terug omdat dit kinders verveel. Gebruik soms ‘n ander soort brood of verander die vorm van die broodjie. • Gebruik volgraanbrood in plaas van wit of, as hulle nie van volgraan hou nie, probeer die gemarmerde brood wat deesdae oral beskikbaar is. ‘n Ander idee is om een sny wit- en een sny bruinbrood te gebruik vir toebroodjies. Hier is ‘n paar idees vir gesonde toebroodjievulsels: - Lae-vet kouevleis en blaarslaai met blatjang of matige mosterd. - Fyngerasperde of dun gesnyde biltong met maaskaas. - Grondboontjiebotter gemeng met heuning en gekapte neute. - Edamkaas, blaarslaai of komkommer en dun skaafsels kalkoen of gerookte hoender. - Tuna, komkommer, agurkie en krummelmaaskaas - Grondboontjiebotter en muesliblokkies Propvol proteïene en vesel. 125 ml klapper 1 blik kondensmelk 750 ml geroosterde muesli 250 ml pofrys (Rice Crispies) 60 ml heuning

60 ml grondboontjiebotter 60 ml sagte botter 125 ml ongesoute grondbone, gerooster en grof gekap 250 ml versiersuiker Smeer ‘n pan van 200 mm x 300 mm met botter en voer die bodem en kante uit met bakpapier. Sprinkel die helfte van die klapper egalig oor die bodem van die pan. Meng die res van die bestanddele (behalwe die orige klapper) in ‘n kastrol en verhit stadig tot kookpunt. Laat prut liggies vir ongeveer 15 minute, terwyl geroer word, tot dik. Skep op die klapper in die pan en versprei egalig. Sprinkel die orige klapper bo-oor en druk dit effens met jou hande op die grondboontjiemengsel vas. Bedek, en verkoel tot ferm. Sny in blokkies. Lewer ongeveer 20 blokkies. Lekkergoed Sit nou en dan ‘n lekkerny in, maar probeer om dit so gesond moontlik te hou. Die meeste lekkers is gelaai met suiker en vet, maar daar is tog ‘n paar meer gesonde opsies. Lees etikette en kyk na vet- en suikerinhoud. Waak ook teen kunsmatige kleur- en preserveermiddels in lekkergoed. Malvalekkers, “wine gums”, jelliewurms of ‘n paar energielekkers, soos “Super C”, nou en dan kan nie skade doen nie. Pak ‘n gesonde ete Kinders is aktief en het pousekos met proteïene, koolhidrate en vesel nodig wat aan hulle die energie verskaf wat hulle nodig het. Hoe dan gemaak as hulle net in gaskoeldrank en lekkers belang stel? Flous ‘n bietjie — gee vrugtestafies, neute of jogurt in die plek van lekkers of skyfies, melkdrankies of suiwer vrugtesap in die plek van gaskoeldrank. Gee altyd ‘n vrug (of ‘n bakkie met vrugtestukkies) saam. Die meeste kinders het suikertande, maar probeer om dit op ‘n gesonde manier te bevredig. Bak hawermoutkoekies of neutestafies en pak dit in skool toe, in die plek van gekoopte winkelkoekies of lekkers. Kosblikke Koop ‘n duursame plastiekkosblik met kompartemente (of aparte klein bakkies vir droëvrugte of neute, wat binne-in pas) en ‘n deksel wat styf pas. Maak seker dit is groot genoeg sodat die hele ete in die kosblik kan pas. Draai broodjies of kouevleis en kaas apart toe in foelie of waspapier. Onthou die drinkgoed Kinders moet deur die dag vloeistof inneem. Daar is deesdae klein termoshouers by supermarkte of buitelugwinkels beskikbaar wat koeldrank, water of melkdrankies yskoud sal hou. Andersins, vries hul water of koeldrank oornag in die plastiekbottels wat jy saam met die meeste kosblikke koop. Teen pousetyd behoort dit steeds lekker koud te wees. Suiwer vrugtesap, water of voedsame melkdrankies, soos Milo, is goeie keuses vir die kosblik. ARINA DU PLESSIS en BERNICE VAN DER MERWE

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Do you want to advertise in the AWSUM Newspaper? Contact us on 021 872 3880




Just around the corner Mila the cake shop and Dorp Str. Deli in combination

Take a cruise down Dorp Street, head past De Akker, past Trumpet Tree and straight to the Black Horse Inn Centre. Here you will find the newly opened Dorp Str. Deli. When popping in, expect the unexpected. This place is not your average Stellenbosch hangout. This eatery and deli transports you to a different place where the food is great and the vibe is warm and friendly. The Deli was co-opened by the owner and baker of Milla’s Cake Shop, and the same quality baked goods can thus be found here. The place feels alive. The staff run around frantically and the chefs yell out orders as big ceramic bowls of soup leave the kitchen. As décor, packets of red and green chillies hang at the counter, which look so delicious that you ask yourself why you don’t eat chillies? Black boards and big metal lamps greet you when you enter this

cluttered haven. Dorp Str. Deli serves breakfast, lunch and dinner – a tall order for such a small space (with an even smaller kitchen). But they are making it work – so far. The open kitchen creates an inviting¬ atmosphere with its bar-like effect and large counter displaying croissants, small cakes and tiny tarts. The one word that comes to mind to describe this deli is rustic. Everything is made from recycled or organic materials. From the menus created from pieces of wood to the black tiles used as plates. Breakfast offers a wide variety of croissant options as well as bacon-and-eggs and French toast. Lunch includes hot and cold sandwiches¬, salads and a soup of the day. The menu changes daily, but look out for the French brownonion soup as well as the chilli con carne. At first glance the menu might seem expensive as prices range from R45 to R65, but don’t judge a book by its cover. The sandwiches are humongous¬ and can easily be shared between two people. The R25 breakfast, called Recession¬, is a winner with two pieces of toast, two eggs, bacon and roasted tomatoes. Do yourself a favour and try the pain au chocolat. This is truly a death-by-chocolate experience. It’s everything a croissant should be: flaky and buttery with a dark chocolate centre as well as dark chocolate on top. The variety of freshly baked muffins¬ will blow your mind. There is also a wide range to choose from such as the raspberry and banana,

sultanas and cinnamon and the classic blueberry muffins. If you love wine, Dorp Str. Deli’s extensive wine list will make you smile over and over again. And by serving most of the wine by glass, they are putting themselves ahead of the rest. Coffee and tea features equally on the menu. An interesting assortment of teas are available in glass teapots and is served on small trays for you to enjoy. The seating inside is limited, particularly¬ during winter, as it is mostly¬ too cold to sit outside. Regardless, they are readily available¬ with takeaways, so grab a sandwich or a croissant to take home. The Deli can sometimes take quite long with food orders so make sure you have time to enjoy the full experience¬. Needless to say, they just started out so be gentle when you first visit. Dorp Str. Deli is perfect for a quick coffee with friends or an evening date. Loud and busy, but still utterly romantic¬, this little eatery has lots of potential so treat the person you love to a mouth-watering pain au chocolat. By: Wilandri Basson

54 Dorp Street, Black horse centre, Stellenbosch, Tel: 021 886 8807, Cel: 074 354 2142 , E-mail: /


+27 280 7364 BESOEK ONS WINKELS: Somerset Wes: Décor Centre, Jigger Ave, The Triangle Tel: 021 824 5566 Stellenbosch: Fabriekswinkel, Plankenburg Tel: 021 886 6890

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Allergic Rhinitis in Children Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of the nose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust, mould or certain animal danders. Allergic rhinitis often causes cold-like symptoms, such as sneezing, itchiness and a blocked or runny nose. Some people only experience allergic rhinitis for a few months at a time because the allergens they are sensitive to, such as tree or grass pollen, are only produced at certain times of the year. Other people experience the condition all year round because they are sensitive to nonseasonal allergens, such as animal fur. In cases of allergic rhinitis, the immune system reacts to an allergen as if it were harmful. If your immune system is oversensitive, it will react to allergens by producing antibodies to fight them off. After you develop sensitivity to an allergen, whenever it comes into contact with the inside of your nose and throat, it cause the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as swelling of the mucous membrane- which blocks the airway and causes congestion, and production of

Dr. Anton van Lierop

excess mucous - which causes sneezing and a runny nose. Allergic rhinitis is triggered by breathing in tiny particles of allergens. The most common airborne allergens that cause allergic rhinitis are house dust mites (present all year round), tree and grass pollen (present in spring), animals (cats and dogs) and moulds. Some people are more likely to develop an allergy because it runs in their family. If this is the case, you are said to be atopic or to have atopy. Environmental factors also seem to play a part. Studies have shown certain things may increase the chance of a child developing allergies. These include:growing up in a house where people smoke, exposure to dust mites, exposure to pets, using antibiotics. Allergic rhinitis is usually confirmed when medical treatment starts. If the exact cause of allergic rhinitis is uncertain, you may be referred for allergy testing. The two main allergy tests are skin prick tests and blood tests. You should visit your GP if your symptoms are affecting

Be seen online at

your quality of life, and self-help measures have not been effective.Medication will not cure your allergy, but it can be used to treat the common symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing. These include antihistamines, corticosteroids (nasal spray or drops) and nasal decongestants. The best way to prevent an allergic reaction however is to avoid the allergen that causes it.

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At Kip McGrath Education Centres we help build the foundations for academic success. Our secret is “back to the basics” and individual attention. We offer professional tutoring for primary through to high school students and has been such a success worldwide. The rst priority is an accurate assessment of the child’s learning status and abilities. An apparent problem with mathematics may well be due to a reading de ciency and reading problems can result from all manner of causes. Parents’ concerns are established and the results of the assessments are discussed con dentially. assessme Once a problem and its causes have been identi ed, the child is placed on a program to suit his/her individual need. The programs are designed so that progress is constant and accelerated. It also gives the children the motivation to succeed. Children often experience success for the rst time at a Kip McGrath Education Centre, because they start working at their own level. Parents who bring their children to KipMcGrath Centres are grateful to have found someone who can help correct their child’s problems with school work.

Yotir trip to the Cape Winetiands jtist became more beatitititititi tititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititi tititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititi tititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititi titititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititi tititi titititititititititi titi titititi titi tititi •tititi’ti titititi titititi titi tititititititi titititi titititititititi titi fftiti tititititititi’ti tititititititi tiffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffftititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititi ti titititititi titititititititititi titi titititititititititititititititititititititititi tifffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftititititititititititititi titititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititititi tititititititititititititititititititititititititititi

Shop 19, Stellenbosch Square, Corner of R44 and Webersvalley Road, Stellenbosch, 021 880 2264

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How to make a Tangram: Tangram Template Print out onto card and cut very carefully along the lines to separate the seven pieces

A boat

A house

A dog How to play Print out one of our Tangram templates - either in colour or black and white - onto cardstock. Cut out very carefully along the lines. Now use the seven pieces to make “pictures” - either inventing your own or using our printable Tangram puzzle pages as a challenge (you will find 10 puzzle pages below). Younger children can lay the Tangram pieces over

A rabbit

the printed puzzle pages and move them around until they fit; older children can just use the printed page as guidance. Teachers - you can always print these patterns out in greyscale if you are using them in the classroom! Why not print out a set of the tangram puzzle pages, laminate them, and keep them as time-fillers for children who have finished their work early? Our tangram templates should fit


exactly if younger children want to use the tangram puzzle pages below as a base to build their tangram pictures on. Tangram Pattern boat, house, dog and rabbit: Can you make this picture of a boat, using the seven triangles in our tangram printable? Lay your pieces over the top of the picture for extra help.

B. Ch. D. (Stell.)


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Wat gaan jy op Braaidag doen? Ons deel met jou `n resep. Hoenderkerriepot

As jy `n lekker resep het, deel dit met ons op ons Facebook-blad by www. Die AWSUM Kombuis mag dalk net jou resep vir die volgende uitgawe kies.

Bestandele: 2 Hoenders in mooi porsies verdeel 10 Aartappeltjies 10 Droë Appelkosies 4 Gesnipperde uie 4 Eiervrugte 2 Mooi Patats 2 Skudde Perskeblatjang 2 Skudde Worcestersous 1 Skud Borrie 2 Skud Anys 3 Skudde Kerriepoeier 3 Skudde matige, soet mosterdsous (klaar gemeng)


Metode: Braai die hoender 5 minute in die pot tot ligbruin. Voeg aartappels, uie, patats, eiervrug en appelkosies by. Laat prut 40 minute. Meng die sous en ander bestandele en giet oor. Laat alles 10 minute saam prut en sit dan saam met rys, klapper en gekrummelde grondbone voor. Bon appétit!


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Game review by KidAWSUM Rayman Legends (►►►►) Grade 1 - 4 PlayStation 3 KidAWSUM says: An absolutely fantastic game!!!! This game is made for child entertainment. It is the funniest game ever. You can slide, jump and so much more. I hope you will like this game as much as I do!

Kinect Rush (►►►►) Grade 1 - 4 Xbox KidAWSUM says: The most fun game for kids I have ever seen! It has woody the sheriff in town, Buzz Lightyear a galactic inforcer, Lightning Mc Queen the fastest car in the world and mator his best friend,the incredables and Ratatouille!! It has so many kid movies in this you will think you are in Disney land!

Ratchet and Clank: Into the nexus (►►►) Grade 4 - 7 PlayStation 3 KidAWSUM says: It is not out yet but I know it will be better than all of the other ratchets. It has have new gadgets weapons and lots of other cool stuff!! Super Mario Galaxy 2 (►►►►) Grade 1 - 4 Wii KidAWSUM says: This is the sequel to the best game ever made, and this one is the best. There is nothing wrong with this game it is absolutely awesome!!! And I believe you will love it!!! Rise of the Guardians (►►►) Grade 4 - 7 Wii KidAWSUM says: This is a heart warming event even though he is as cold as ice. Go on an adventure with jack frost, sand man, tooth fairy, easter bunny and santa against the evil boogie man!!

Madden NFL 25 (►►►) Grade 4 - 7 Xbox KidAWSUM says: This game is made for kids aged 12. It is one of the sportiest games that a kid could ask for and I think you will love it.

We love games!

What is your favourite game? Sms the name to 43366 and we will announce the top 5 games in our next issue!

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Beaumont Primary School

During the third term each teacher had an SPCA tin on her table. Learners were encouraged to bring their small change to fill the tins. Every year before the winter, we also have

Our Head Prefects: Edward van Antwerpen, Stephen Norman, Nina Smit and Shanon Barry.



a Jersey Drive. Everyone looks through their cupboards and donates warm clothes for those less fortunate than ourselves. The grade 2 learners (picture on the left) with

their SPCA collection. The grade 5 learners (picture on the right) with the warm clothing collected.

Save the rhino Maxine (Gr 3) and Kristin (Gr 1) Kern have been making rhino-shaped fridge magnets which they sell to the public. All proceeds go to the ‘Save the Rhino Foundation’. Their

project has caught on very well and Maxine has just received an order from Jeep SA for 300 magnets to be sold at their Century City branch! We are very proud of our girls!

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We are an eco school! Beaumont has been an Eco School for the past five years. Our Green Flag flies proudly at the main entrance. This year the Grade 3 learners and their educators planned a food garden outside their classrooms. With the help of their parents they landscaped the area with tyres, brought in top soil and compost and planted herbs and vegetables. The produce is harvested by the learners and sold to the staff. We are very proud of our young eco warriors who have combatted soil erosion, used recyclable products and created a constant source of food at the school. Each class also has an earthworm farm. The learners feed the earthworms with vegetable waste. The earthworm “tea” is used in their garden.

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Laerskool Eikestad


Bainskloof kamp 2013

Rugby: Eikestad onder 10 A Rugby teen Stellenbosch

Leerderraad 2013

Onder 11 Hokkiepan

Onder 11 Tennisspan wat Dubbels Toernooi gewen het

Robbie Wessels besoek ons skool!

Netbal: Eikestad aangewys as wenners by Durbanville se onder 10 netbaldag.

Eikestad kom 4de by die SAOU jaarlikse vasvra.

Skaak: Eikestad speel skaak teen Bishops.

Rugby teen De Hoop.

Bennie Aucamp: Skoolhoof – Laerskool Eikestad

Eikestad maak hul harte oop tydens Clothing for Children projek.

View AWSUM online at

By Laerskool Eikestad glo ons dat uitnemendheid by omgee begin. So groei ons saam as personeel, leerders en ouers! Ons glo verder dat kinders se oë moet blink en straal van geluk. Mag ons saam as skole binne die breë gemeenskap hierdie doelwitte met kernwaardes nastreef en uitbou. Ons is saam hier om die beste vir ons kinders te bied deur die idee van dienende leierskap!


Laerskool Stellenbosch

Azrea presteer in Landloop: Azrea Sylvester het die jaar pragtig in landloop presteer. Sy het 3 van die 5 wedlope vir dogters 0/11 wat 3km hardloop gewen. Daar neem tussen 110 en 130 dogters aan elke wedloop deel. Haar beste prestasie was toe sy die Boland Kampioenskappe gewen het. Sy neem nou vir die Wes-Kaapspan aan die SA kampioenskappe deel. Dit vind op 21 September 2013 in Bloemfontein plaas.

Onoorwonne Hokkiespanne: Die o/11-hokkie seunspan het hierdie seisoen onoorwonne afgesluit. Hulle het altesaam 8 westryde gespeel waarin hulle ‘n total van 38 doele aangeteken het met slegs 9 doele teen hulle. Knap gedaan manne, julle maak ons trots! Beide die o/11A– en B– dogters hokkiespanne het ‘n onoorwonne seisoen gehad. Die A-span het 39 doele vir hulle en net 7 teen hulle gekry. Die B-span het 12 doele vir hulle en net 1 teen hulle gekry. Hulle is kookwater! Ons is baie trots op die dogters!



Nuwe musieksentrum! Ons is een van die min bevoorregte skole met ‘n skoolhoof wat ‘n musiekdroom kan laat realiseer. Nooit het ons gedink dat ‘n gewone stukkie grasperk in so ‘n groot musiekwonder kon verander nie. Op 18 April 2013 is dit finaal as Laerskool Stellenbosch sy eie Musieksentrum in gebruik geneem. Die Musieksentrum is geopen met ons eie musiekpersoneel se opvoering en ons kon nie vir beter vra nie. Valient Swart en Roelof Temmingh jr. het as gaskunstenaars by die opening opgetree.

Uitstekende rugbyseisoen vir 0/13: Ons o/13A-rugbyspan het vanjaar ‘n baie goeie seisoen beleef. Twee van ons spanlede, Johann Bouwer en Damien Swartz, was op-geneem in die WP o.13-B span. Hulle het altesaam 29 wedstryde gespeel, waarvan hulle 22 gewen, 3 verloor en 4 gelykop gespeel het. Hulle het slegs 97 punte afgestaan en 563 punte aangeteken. Dit is voorwaar ‘n uitstekende prestasie en ons is trots op dié span. Baie geluk Stellies. Hier is ons span saam met die afrigters en ‘n oud-Stellies leerder, Reinhardt Arndt. Hy was vanjaar die kaptein van Grey kollege, Bloemfontein, se eerste rugbyspan. Reinhardt het ons leerders toegespreek tydens die Groot Brag.

Stellies spog met pragtige stemme: Julia Louw (links) en Saskia Marais (regs) is onlangs in die Tygerberg Kinderkoor opgeneem. Ons is voorwaar trots op hierdie twee leerders met hul pragtige sangtalent en wens hulle sterkte toe met al die oefeninge en optredes.

Dont forget to take this AWSUM home to your parents!

Opgewondenheid oor Revue 2013 Die graad 1 tot 7-leerders en die opvoeders is baie opgewonde oor die Revue wat 10-13 September 2013 plaasvind. Die produksie is uitverkoop en ons glo dat dit ‘n reuse sukses sal wees. Ons almal lag saam met die nors hoof van Laerskool Skitterbos. Sal juffrou Ritteltit die frons van sy voorkop kan af dans en sing? Hier is twee van ons hoofrolle (links) Talyah Greyling (juffrou Grafier) en Greteli Fincham (‘n verteller). Opgewondenheid oor die produksie seëvier in die skool.

Baie geluk!




BUCO Louwtjie Rugby 7’s Toernooi: Op Saterdag, 31 Augustus 2013, het die heel 1ste BUCO Louwtjie rugby 7’s toernooi hier op die velde van Laerskool Hendrik Louw plaasgevind. Tien goeie laerskole het hul spanne vir die toernooi ingeskryf wat beloof om een van die mooistes op die jaarlikse kalender te word. Deelnemende skole was: Hendrik Louw (gasheer), Fish Hoek, Gene Louw, Gordonsbaai, Kenridge, Methodist

Laerskool Hendrik Louw

Gimnastiek: Baie geluk aan Dané van der Westhuizen met haar goue medalje wat sy verwerf het by die Boland Ritmiese Gimnastiek Kampioenskappe. Sy is ook aangewys as algehele wenner in haar ouderdomsgroep.

Ballet: Congratulations to Sonwabiso Ntiyantiya for achieving Level 1 Silver (Distinction) at the American Academy of Ballet Performance Awards during August 2013.

Performing Arts : Jolindi Snyman (verbonde aan Rhapsody Dance Centre) het onlangs aan die Performing Arts deelgeneem. Sy verwerf die volgende uitslae:

Duet 12 and under – Ballet Bronze • Diploma (90-100%) • Kategoriewenners Modern 11-12 years • Diploma (90-100%) • 1ste in kategorie HIP HOP 11-12 years • Honours • 3de in kategorie

Primary, Paarl Boys, Panorama, Sun Valley en Worcester-Oos. The school expresses a sincere thank you to BUCO a local build and hardware supplier. Back (fltr) Dwain Brown (coach), four of our Springboks, Philip Snyman, Seabelo Senatla, Ruwellyn Isbell and Jamba Ulengo; Stephan de Villiers and JG Gilomee (coaches), together with our 7’s team.

Revue 2013

Ballet 11-12 years • Diploma (90-100%) • 1ste in kategorie

MTB Challenge: Hendrik Louw again achieved two podium positions during the final regional event of the Spur Schools MTB league held at Paul Roos Gimnasium in Stellenbosch on Saturday, 24 August 2013. Michaela Lubbe (left) finished 2nd and Salmay Hindle (right) 3rd in their division on a short, fast and very technical course. Salmay accumulated the most individual points overall in the series.

On 5 - 8 August, Hendrik Louw Primary paid tribute to retiring principal Lewellin Brown, with a trip down ‘Memory Lane”. Just over 2000 people attended the 4 evenings at the school. (Above and right)

Ice Skating: Congratulations to Rebecca Uys who was awarded for participation in Grade 3 – Group 1 Ice Skating at the WP Club Championships 2013.


Laerskool De Hoop



Watch “That Band”!

De Hoop maak skoonskip by toneelfees

De Hoop Primary has formed three new bands. These innovative groups have recently made their debut at the Helderberg Eisteddfod and have done extremely well. They were awarded two gold plus and one cum laude. Here “That Band” is rehearsing. In their category, they were awarded a medal for the song, “Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone.” They were also invited to perform at the prize winner’s concert. The musicians include Hardus van Staden on acoustic guitar, Hendré Baard on cajon, Johan Heyns on keyboard and Hanju Potgieter on electrical guitar. Be sure to watch these up and coming stars.

Lank lank gelede het daar 3 dramagroepe begin oefen aan toneelstukke wat opgevoer moet word by die Toneelfeeste op Montagu, De Kuilen en Villiersdorp. Hulle name was “Die geheimsinnige eier”, “Spookhouse” en “Speeltoneel”. “Spookhouse” en “Speeltoneel” is douvoordag met ‘n sleepwa vol dekor hier weg om die eerste indrukke op die beoordelaars te gaan maak. Na ‘n uiters suksesvolle optrede het hulle die beoordelaars laat besef De Hoop het gekom om toneel te speel. Saam met die katte en honde se reën het ons die pad Montagu toe aangedurf. “Die geheimsinnige eier” kon darem droogvoets optree. Die inhoud van hierdie eier het die beoordelaars heeltemal onkant gevang en ons wen die volgende toekennings: Beste Ondersteunende Akteur, Beste Akteur, Beste Regisseur en Beste Produksie. Mnr. Barnard se liggie was maar flou die volgende dag,

want hy moes twee dae se beligting doen. Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat ook nominasies ontvang het: Beste Ondersteunende Aktrise / Supporting actress: Hildegard Pretorius (Geheimsinnige eier); Rebeka Novitzkas (Spookhouse) Beste Ondersteunende Akteur / Supporting actor: Jonathan Louw (Geheimsinnige eier) Beste Akteur / Best actor: Jacob van der Westhuizen (Spookhouse); Ruan Pieterse (Speeltoneel) Beste Aktrise / Best actress: Kirsten Munro (Spookhouse); Saskia van Zyl (Geheimsinnige eier) Volgende stop: De Kuilen Toneelfees. De Kuilen Toneelfees 2013 Laerskool De Hoop se drie dramaproduksies het die beoordelaars se harte warm gespeel tydens die onlangse

De Kuilen Toneelfees. Ons is baie trots op al drie produksies se uitstekende repliek. Die geheimsinnige eier het Vrydagmiddag die gehoor aan hul voete gehad met hul vermaaklike produksie. Die beoordelaars was veral beïndruk met die gevatte teks, vernuftige regie en die energieke toneelspel. Luké de Beer is genomineer vir beste akteur. Spookhouse, the English production, received an excellent adjudicators report and their script was also nominated for best script award. Their witty dialogue had the audience in stitches! Die akteurs van Speeltoneel het hul harte uitgespeel en ook baie goeie repliek ontvang. Die tegniese versorging, onder meer beligting en klank, het spesiale vermelding ontvang. Hardus van Staden het ‘n hond uit ‘n bos toneelgespeel en hy ontvang die wisseltrofee vir die beste ondersteunende akteur.

De Hoop se skaakspanne het aan die interskole teen Beaumont deelgeneem. Al ons spanne het skoonskip gemaak. Hier is Alano Smit druk besig om oor sy volgende skuif te dink.

Selfs nie eens die snerpende koue kon ons ouers se geesdrif demp nie. Hier beleef ons naelbytoomblikke op die hokkieveld tydens interskole teen Laerskool Beaumont. De Hoop het bykans al die wedstryde gewen. Die O/13A -seunspan moes egter die knie buig!

De Hoop competed on the Stellenbosch astro at the Top Schools hockey tournament. The u/13 boys team decisively won all their matches. Here Philip Conradie is in fierce defense of the ball.

Mila Conradie en Mieke Basson is lojale ondersteuners en bemoedig hul maats tydens hokkie interskole.

De Hoop Primary boasts with a picturesque view of a snow covered Hottentots Holland Mountain range.

The senior choir competed at the Helderberg Eisteddfod where they excelled. Here the choir is dressed for the occasion.




Laerskool Lochnerhof

Lochies lees AWSUM!

Afrikaanse week: Tydens Afrikaanse week het Lochies behoorlik gekook in Afrikaans. Op die foto is Melissa Botha, Tiaan , en Li – Mari Geldenhuys in hul prettige uitrustings.

Netbal: O/11A netbalspan is aangewys as die wenners van die Metropool-Oos streek. Hulle het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die WP finale, waar hulle algeheel 5de geëindig het. Op die foto vlnr: Joané Brand, Tara kruger , Anel Swart, Me J van Zyl (afrigter) Melissa Botha. Voor: Jamé Levendal, Joy Arnolds, Felicia Hartnick.

COMPLIMENTARY 2 WEEK VOUCHER (The old Taylors Health and Fitness on the R44 next to La Romantica and Engen) • Brand new gym equipment • New management • Spinning, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, • Body Conditioning • Free Assessment and Personal Training Program

Die groepie leerderleiers het babakleure en speelgoed, wat by skool ingesamel is, aan Cotlands in Somerset- Wes gaan oorhandig: Op foto a.v.l.n.r: Danel Lambrechts, Jeandri Aggenbag, Me Coleen Dorfling, Sasckya Viljoen, Mijean Ludeman, Carli Viljoen en voor Matthew Cordy.

Wil jy jou Ouma in Pretoria die AWSUM Koerant wys? Sy kan dit aanlyn lees by

Present this voucher at reception to take up the offer. Contact: or phone 021 880 2422


Somerset West Primary

Choral Verse: Our Gr 7 girls did us proud when they achieved 95% for their ‘Jabberwocky’ item and 96% for their ‘Tyger’ item in the Helderberg Eisteddfod. “This is what ensemble is all about…!” was just one of the positive comments the adjudicator made on the day.


Netbal: Die 0/13C-Netbalspan het derde geeïndig by die Helderberg Internation School Sportdag wat op Saterdag, 24 Augustus aangebied was.

! M U S W A

Mev. Colleen Jonker lees baie aandagtig die eerste uitgawe waarin SWPS verskyn.

Summies Showcase SWPS hosted a show ‘SUMMIES SHOWCASE’ directed by Mrs L. de Villiers Summies Showcase – what and extraordinary event -filled with laughter, great voices and lots of dancing. The audience was always entertained and there was never a dull


moment. Even the teachers, Mr Olivier in particular, could not help but join in the fun. The Gr 7 play is a fantastic way to end off the year. It is filled with many unusual characters, including my favourite character, Peter Papenfoes. We all had fun even though

it was hard work in the beginning. The play is a wonderful opportunity for the children to explore their talents and express themselves. It is truly an event that will never be forgotten. (written by Zelmarie Barnard, Gr 7)

Cross Country: Breyton Poole, produced a thrilling performance at the 2013 Western Province Schools Cross Country Championships to finish third in the boys thirteen years age group. This performance earned him a place in the Western Province Primary Schools Cross Country Team and also his fourth provincial cap of the season. So far this year he already earned Western Province colors for athletics, hockey and rugby. He will now represent the SA Cross Country Championships on Saturday, 14 September 2013.

Maths Olympiad: Somerset West Primary School hosted a well-organised Maths Olympiad on Friday, 23 August 2013. This event, which was sponsored by Waltons for the fourth year, was attended by seven schools in the Helderberg. Groups, consisting of four learners, were asked to solve activities to test their mathematical skills. The winning school was Helderberg Primary.




Wat gaan die AWSUM-span op Braaidag doen? Wouri Delport: (AWSUM Products: Promotional Items)

Genevieve Lakay: (Administratief)

Waar daar `n rookie is, is daar `n vuurtjie – ek gaan BRAAI!

On National Braai Day also known as Heritage Day we as South Africans gather around fires, being the central theme of the celebrating our culture and the diversity of our beliefs and traditions. Spending the day with family and friends, barbequing anywhere and preparing great feasts is the thing to do. With many delicious meals to choose from, one of my favourites would be braaibroodjies, with the cheese, tomato, onion and a dash of chutney. There’s really no excuse not to gather your family and friends and whip up feast - it’s the start of summer and a public holiday

Nic en Rika Papenfus: (Verkoopsagente in die Suid Kaap) Die Papenfus Suid Kaap-span, Nic en Rika, ons dogter Caitlin, en die twee stunningste 80 jariges in ons lewe, gaan braai - NOU gaan ons braai! - terwyl ons onself verlustig in die ongelooflike uitsig oor die panoramiese Knysna Heads en die lagoon. Die vleis is natuurlik kaaswors as starter, medium tot rou rump steak, boerewors en lamtjops. ‘n Griekse slaai met BAIE olywe en fetakaas is ‘n gegewe, sowel as gebraaide broodjies met tamatie, kaas en uie, sout en swartpeper na smaak. (Gebotter op die kant wat op die rooster is!) Papenfus warm aartappeldis: (Heerlik, liplekker heerlik! - veral die volgende dag): Bestanddele: Aartappels in skywe gesny Uie skywe, dun gesny Gerasperde cheddar kaas Knopie sampioene in skywe gesny 1 pakkie sampioensop of wit uiesop 250 ml room Sout, swart peper, garlic flokkies en Aromat na smaak Metode: Pak die volgende lae in ‘n oondvaste bak: Begin met aartappellaag, dan uie, sampioene, gerasperde kaas en geur elke laag voordat jy met die volgende begin. Herhaal die lae totdat die bak vol is. Meng sampioensop poeier met 350 ml warm water tot glad. Giet oor die bestanddele wat gepak is in die bak. Bak met deksel op by 180 grade Celsius totdat aartappels sag is. Haal deksel af en bak verder totdat bruin en meeste van vloeistof afgekook is. Bedien warm saam met hoofdisse en bykosse. Geniet! Meinette van der Walt: (Bemarkingsbestuurder) Moenie vergeet nie nie…Braaidag is ook Erfenisdag so ek gaan dit wat ek by my voorvaders geërf het gebruik en BRAAI!

Henk de Villiers: (Grafiese Ontwerper) Ek gaan die Maandag afvat en langnaweek maak en dan laaaaank braai. Mignon Deacon: My boere tappas braaidag (Redaktrise) Om saam ‘n vuur te maak is soos ‘n ritueel van samekoms. Ek sal dit saam met my familie spandeer. En hierdie jaar moet elkeen iets uniek doen met vleis en ‘n bygereg. Ons tafel gaan kreun, maar dit gaan amper soos ‘n boer tappas wees. Christo Brits: (Verkoopsagent) “Barry, ons gaan BRAAI!” Soos my 4jarige se elke keer as ons braai. Ek vier Nasionale Braai Dag saam met familie en vriende. Die vuurtjie word gewoonlik so by elf uur aangesteek. Ons spyskaart is dop en tjop en miskien, groot miskien n slaai. Vir die jaar sal ons n paar sappige skaap tjoppies en lekker “pork belly rib”. Ek bestel my pork belly rib so gewoonlik 3 dae voor die tyd, en my slagter weet ek verkies hom “Diamond cut” - n Dag voor die tyd spice ek hom en laat hom oornag staan in suurlemoen sap. Alhoewel dit elke dag Braai dag in my huis is, vier ons Nasionale Braai dag in Groot Samesyn waar die glase altyd vol is en die vuur altyd hoog brand - en die vrouens gedurig vra, “Hoe laat eet ons?” AWSUM BRAAI DAG AAN AL ONS LESERS!!!!! Lizelle Esterhuysen: (Grafiese Ontwerper) I always celebrate with my closest friends. Everyone brings their own meats and drinks and I make garlic rolls, a Greek salad and my famous potato salad. The best tip I can give from own experience is don’t start the braai too late or you’ll end up eating close to midnight! Also hide the garlic rolls (not in the oven, that’s too easy to find) because they are always eaten long before the food is ready :) Durandt van Zyl: (Besturende Direkteur)

Geniet Braaidag!

Ek het besluit om my gunsteling potjie te maak naamlik `n Hoenderkerriepot. Lees die resep in die AWSUM Kombuis.

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