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Virtual sport series to showcase national school talent “The Showcase is a concept that was born during the Covid-19 pandemic and has grown to the first of its kind talent identification platform in South Africa”, says Gerhardi Odendaal, CEO of Old School Group, the host of The Showcase. “We designed this platform for athletes to improve their own ability at their own pace and to inspire kids that would not normally get the chance to showcase their talents to enter. Bobby Skinstad, Robbie Fleck and VanesMari Proudfoot have put their support behind this initiative and we are proud to combine their skills and knowledge, together with our industry specialists, within the programme”. The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport. Drills include the vertical jump, broad jump, sprinting, etc. and leaners submit the results of each test/showcase on the Showcase website and follow their results on a weekly leader board.
“So many times, we see talent that gets lost in the crowds at schools. Now kids can enter and compete individually, and we present the best performers for contracting by talent seekers”.
The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport.
“Children between the ages of 12 and 18 can showcase their athleticism and fitness as part of this unique programme and make their talents visible to top recruiters. This also builds self-confidence and enables youngsters to perform on a broader platform to measure their performance against other learners across the country”, van Zyl concluded. For more info visit
The 3 phased series consist of:
Phase 1: 10-week period where learners will complete sport specific conditioning drills The AWSUM School News platform and The Phase 2: The top performing entries from Phase 1 Showcase recently came together to give kids from will participate at a live event against each other and all over the country and all walks of life, irrespective have the opportunity to showcase their talents in of their background or status of the school they front of an audience of talent seekers, agents, varsity attend, the opportunity to compete against each and high school recruiters, bursary givers, scouts and other. “Think about it, for the first time ever a learner Twin Citi Ad can compete against a learner professional sports team coaches. from HTS Middelburg Unprecedented Asset Disposals ( Assoper attachment with the listing of equipment assets – We also do valuations) Phase 3: A 4-day camp will allow playersand to develop from Hoërskool Namakwaland in Springbok, skills and get tips from the best in the sports industry. it madeOur perfect sense to join this initiative”, says email is Durandt van Zyl, CEO AWSUM. Facebook link of
Cell number 072 248 0595 Chico or 082 837 1906 Glenda
CONTENT OF THE GUIDE: • • • • • • •
Institutions per fields of study Institutions per type of study Gap year options Au pair options Accommodation options Career content News relating to life after school
70 Athletes from schools in SA selected for sport showcase series, phase 2
• • • • •
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Curro celebrates Class of 2020’s top achievers with esteemed online awards Traditionally, Curro’s top achievers were celebrated at a prestigious gala event in January each year. While this year’s event required a format change, there was certainly no less reason to celebrate virtually. The Matric Awards honoured learners from Curro schools who have completed the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) and National Senior Certificate (NSC). Writing the IEB exams, learners from Curro Schools and Curro Select Schools achieved an exceptional 99.5% pass rate. A total of 85.6% of these learners qualified for university studies (Bachelor’s Degree Pass). • Top IEB academic achiever: Rachel Neleah van Zyl, from Woodhill College in Tshwane. • 2nd place: Cathrine de Klerk, also of Woodhill College, attained an overall average of 94.57%. • 3rd place: Securing third place with an was Curro Aurora’s Nicole Elizabeth Krause with an overall average of 94.29%. All three Top IEB achievers in top 1% nationally
VAN LEEUWENHOF AKAD Baie geluk met jou verkiesing as hoofleier by jou skool. Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? In hierdie onsekere en moeilike tye, is dit soms moeilik om opgewonde te raak oor dinge wat nie verseker is nie, maar ek sien baie uit om te ervaar hoe God my gebruik as ‘n leier by die skool. Ek probeer regtig elke dag die beste weergawe van myself wees en al die uitdagings wat oor my pad gaan kom en hoe ek dit gaan hanteer, gaan moontlik na groei en ontwikkeling lei - dis baie exciting! Ek is ook vreeslik opgwonde om te sien hoe ek en my mede-leiers ons take gaan aanpak en met nuwe manière van goed doen vorendag kom. Is daar enige iets wat jy graag sou verander by jou skool? Ek is baie lief vir my skool en sy mense en daar is niks wat ek regtig sou verander nie, maar meer afdakke/skuilplek wanneer dit reën sou nie sleg wees nie. Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Ek hou nogals daarvan dat ons ‘n klein skool is. Daar is soveel meer geleenthede en hegte bande word gevorm. Ons is soos one big happy family. Ons snoepie is ook next level!
Rachel Neleah van Zyl
Cathrine de Klerk
Nicole Elizabeth Krause
Matriek is jou laaste jaar- van ‘n akademiese oogpunt, wat sal jy graag wil bereik? Ek sal baie graag onderskeidings in al my vakke wil behaal.
Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Moenie toelaat dat moeilike tye jou onder kry nie. Die Here is in beheer en Hy het ‘n plan vir elkeen van ons. Hou moed en byt vas. Ons moet juis die tyd gebruik om die beste van ons jaar en leierskap te maak. Wie is jou rolmodel? Dis baie moeilik om net een mens uit te sonder, want daar is soveel mense wat my op soveel verskillende maniere inspireer en motiveer. Alhoewel, ek kyk regtig op na my ouers. Hulle het ‘n positiewe uit kyk op die lewe, leer my hoe om ander lief te hê en getuig van God se genade. Ek leer elke dag so baie by hulle. Wat is jou planne vir na skool? Ek beplan om Bedryfs Ingenieurswese of BCom Internasionale Besigheid te gaan swot. As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Wonder Woman. Omtrent niks kan daai vrou keer nie. Ek wou nog altyd vlieg en om bulletproof wapenrusting te hê, sal nie sleg wees nie. Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’? Ek verkies boerseuns, maar as ek regtig moet kies dan sal dit Liam Hemsworth wees.
Benoni High’s rising star takes on big league at F400 Karting Challenge Het iemand AWSUM gesê?
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Meer as 2000 skole landsw nuus deur AWSUM.
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102 skole maak gebruik van ons tegnologie, AWSUM App vir skole awes in 2019, vir En ons 150 interskole uitg yd, wys ons is sportgeleenthede landsw passievol oor skolenuus!
By: Joan Smith Other fourteen-year-olds may while away the hours behind a gaming computer trying out ‘F1 2020’ or ‘Dirt Rally 2’, but Christian David Padayachee is into the real thing. Christian Padayachee, a grade 8 learner from Benoni High School, took to the racetrack for the first time in 2015 but, due to financial constraints, only officially started racing in the F400 Karting Challenge in 2018. From the first time that Christian was given the opportunity to drive a friend’s kart, he knew that this was something that he would excel in. Christian’s passion, talent, dedication and love for the sport fueled his desire to eventually make it to the ultimate podium in motorsport. We may very well see the making of another Jody Scheckter, South African-born F1 champ of 1979. Some of Christian’s accomplishments include a first place in the F200 Kart Challenge Vereeniging Kart Circuit Race in October 2019, a second place in the F200 Kart Challenge Zwartkops Race Circuit in March 2019, a third place in the F300 Kart Challenge Vereeniging Kart Circuit Race in February 2020, a first place in the F300 Kart Challenge Zwartkops Race Circuit in February 2021 and another first place in the F300 Kart Challenge Formula K Race Circuit in March 2021.
Adriaan Minnie Hoofseun
Deakin de Witt
Leshana Steyn
Jeané Zeelie
Connor Herbst
Deluca Martini
Doné Botha
Liz-Né Hattingh
Louis Theron
Jade Clasen
Duan Olivier
Abigail de la Porte
Edward Kotze
Louwtjie Bekker
Amelia van Vuuren
Hanru van Dyk
Luwan van Zyl
Jano Nell
Mizelle HepburnNaudé
Amoné Venter-Nel
Ané van Niekerk
Jauné-Wayne Lundie
Stian van Breda
Johnathan van Tonder
Wilanie Barnard
Danielle Jacobson
Leroné Geers
Zoey van Niekerk
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HOËRSKOOL JEUGLAND Top 10 Leerders - 2020
Kiara Brits Gr. 8 - 88.44%
Urvaksh Gopichund Gr. 8 - 86.11%
Serantie Smith Gr. 8 - 85.11%
Jamie-lee Pillay Gr. 8 - 82.57%
Anchke Zietsman Gr. 8 - 81.56%
Morgan Biccard Gr. 8 - 81%
Daniël Robinson Gr. 8 - 80.67%
Shané Claassen Gr. 8 - 80.33%
Duncan Schubach Gr. 8 - 79.78%
Mariska Nieuwenhuys Gr. 8 - 79.56%
Corné can zyl Gr. 9 - 92%
Liencke Pretorius Gr. 9 - 87.78%
Cara Govender Gr. 9 - 86.22%
Eloïse Jansen Gr. 9 - 85.89%
Tshiabu Nsenda Gr. 9 - 85.89%
Tanya Hoffman Gr. 9 - 85.11%
Nikita Nel Gr. 9 - 85.11%
Tebogo Nkosi Gr. 9 - 84.11%
Hailey de Klerk Gr. 9 - 83.78%
Monique Strydom Gr. 9 - 82.33%
Duan Ruthenberg Gr. 10 - 96.63%
Savannah Jacobson Gr. 10 - 90.43%
Gemma Lemmens Gr. 10 - 86.29%
Carin de Beer Gr. 10 - 85.43%
Gideon Luies Gr. 10 - 82.86%
Jayden Valentini Gr. 10 - 80.43%
Thalia Hefer Gr. 10 - 80.14%
Chané de Goede Gr. 10 - 80.14%
Dioné du Plooy Gr. 10 - 79.86%
Lionel Schubach Gr. 10 - 79.71%
Jeanté Fourie Gr. 11 - 89.43%
Johanri Otto Gr. 11 - 83%
Heleen Ferreira Gr. 11 - 80.86%
Minuette du Toit Gr. 11 - 80.71%
Lekgale Matlou Gr. 11 - 80.71%
Ivan Gagiano Gr. 11 - 79.86%
Elanie Snyman Gr. 11 - 79.14%
Brandon vd Vyver Gr. 11 - 79%
Bianca Els Gr. 11 - 79%
Anja Du Venage Gr. 11 - 78.57%
Anri Broekman 9 ondersk. Gr.12
Hanno Nieuwoudt 8 ondersk. Gr. 12
Karla Koekemoer 6 ondersk. Gr. 12
Natasha Moolman 6 ondersk. Gr. 12
Bianca Ferreira 5 ondersk. Gr. 12
Bianca Botha 5 ondersk. Gr. 12
Kristin Serfontein 5 ondersk. Gr. 12
Kayla van der Merwe 4 ondersk. Gr. 12
Gregory Slawson 4 ondersk. Gr. 12
Danelle Fraser 4 ondersk. Gr. 12
Dene Botha 4 ondersk. Gr. 12
Norman Mc Laggan 4 ondersk. Gr. 12
HOËRSKOOL KEMPTON PARK Personeel met beste prestasie in hul onderskeie vakke in Ekurhuleni-Noord Distrik Kempies-personeel het die volgende toekennings ontvang na die 2020-eindeksamen vir beste vakprestasies in Ekurhuleni-Noord.
Klarissa Swanepoel 10 onderskeidings
Klarissa het 10 onderskeidings behaal in die eindeksamen 2020 – voorwaar ‘n uitsonderlike prestasie! Wat dit méér besonders maak, is die feit dat die impak van Covid haar nie gestuit het nie. Sy het ook ander toekennings behaal: sy is 4e onder die topleerlinge in Ekurhuleni-Noord, en 6e in Ekurhuleni. Verder is sy die toppresteerder in Engels eerste addisionele taal in Ekurhuleni en EN, en die toppresteerder in RTT in EN.
Gr 8 inhuldiging 19 Maart 2021 Kempies se nuwe gr 8’s is as volwaardige Kempies ingehuldig tydens ‘n tradisionele seremonie op die rugbyveld, wat deur talle ouers bygewoon is. Nadat hulle hul skoolbaadjies aangetrek het, het hul onder die groot klok op die aantreeblad deurgestap, as simbool van die begin van hul skoolloopbane as Kempies.
MaxProf Rekenaarsentrum Voor: Me Yolandi Pretorius (GVS), Me Hettie Smit (Afrikaans), Me Isabella Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen (Afrikaans), Me Rae Brodie (Engels), Me Vanessa Rossouw (Toerisme) en Me Wilna du Plessis (RTT en IT). Agter: Me. Ronelle Oosthuizen (RTT), Mnr Jaco Taljaard (IGO), Me Bettie Vivier (Engels), Me Debbie Doman (Engels), Me Heidi Harmse (Engels), Me Linda Ernst (Afrikaans), Me Jolanda van Staden (Ontwerpkuns), Me Alma Bodenstein (Afrikaans), Me Zelna van der Westhuizen (RTT) en Me Amanda Kruger (IGO). Inlas: Me Wendy van Blerk (Ontwerpkuns).
Danksy ‘n groot skenking van Maximum Profit Recovery kon ‘n splinternuwe rekenaarsentrum, spesifiek vir RTT, by Kempies in gebruik geneem word. 35 nuwe rekenaarstasies is deur MaxProf geborg.
Me Zelna vd Westhuizen, Me Ronelle Oosthuizen, Me Wilna du Plessis, Me Monique Bekker.
RCL 2021
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St Andrew’s School for Girls swimmers invited for Olympic Trials
Congratulations to St Andrew’s School for Girls old girl Kerryn Herbst (2020) and grade 11 student, Hannah Robertson, who have been invited to swim at the Olympic trials in Port Elizabeth in April.
Edenvale High School is the best performing high school in the city Edenvale High School is proud to have been awarded 1st place in Best Performing High School in the City of Ekurhuleni! Dr Harmer received the award last night (10th March) at the Godfrey Pitje Academic Excellence Awards. This truly captures our “Good to Great” vision. Thank you to all who make Edenvale High School great and well done class of 2020!
Zayn Cronje
Marnin Gouws
Allan Heath
Divan Pieterse
Anton Prinsloo
Wesley Robbertze
Deacon-Lee Roos
Jason Schroeder
Tyron Steyn
Johan Swanepoel
Duan van Eyk
Mitchell van Wyk
Christo van Zyl
Given Visser
Tanja Botha
Lise-Mari Claassen
Kayla de Bruin
Jillian De La Porte
Amoré van Wyk
Angelica Hertz
Jané Holloway
Elizma Horn
Daphné Janse van Rensburg
Gabriana Lightbody
Dané Luies
TRADING HOURS: Monday - Friday: 07:30 - 17:00 Saturday: 07:30 - 13:00 Sunday: CLOSED
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Abigail Otto
Mariska Spinner
Zané Slabbert
Isabella Stevens
Jackqualine Visagie
Q & A with Y
FROM ST BENEDICT’S COLL Congratulations on being selected as a leader at your school. What are you looking forward to the most during your term as a leader? To hopefully be a role model to the younger grades so they can aspire to be in a position like Head boy. I have always wanted to represent my school at the highest level and I’m truly honoured to be in such a position. I love a good challenge and I’ve heard that being head boy puts a lot more responsibility on your shoulders, so I can’t wait to be faced with various obstacles to see how well I can manage myself. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? There isn’t necessarily anything I would want to change, but rather I would like to improve on an aspect of the school. I want to help revive school pride amongst the boys. Boys need to be proud of wearing the badge. Another thing I would like to change about the school is boys being more involved in the school. I love my school and try to take part in as many activities as possible so I hope I can encourage the College boys to have the same view towards the school and start participating more because they want to. What do you love the most about your school? The boys that attend St Benedict’s and the great relationships I have made, the brotherhood. Another thing I love about
Bennies is the huge amount of support the teachers and coaches provide. We often take for granted how much work goes on behind the scenes for us to have a sports practice or to learn in class. In saying that I am truly grateful for all the staff. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? My goal is to hopefully achieve an overall average above 80% with at least 5 distinctions. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? We should strive to be a role model for someone else. A great quote by Mahatma Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world”. If you want to go out and change the world or in our context change the school for the better don’t let anything stop you. It all starts with you, your ideas and what you truly believe in. Who is your role model? My brother is my role model. He set the path for me and without him, I don’t think I would be in the position that I am in. He was the one that got me hooked on sport, the one that taught me respect and overall he is the one that is always there to support me and give me guidance.
Armand Waters
Henrico du Preez
Lee-Ann Bull
Daniel Smith
Declan Malan
Emgard Janse van Rensburg
Nathan Botha
Ragel Nel
Roelof Botha
Mia Earle
Claudene Fouché
Tiaan Opperman
Luzanne van Zyl 7 onderskeidings
Renet Kotze
4 onderskeidings
Mieke Vorster
6 onderskeidings
Tarien Kriel
4 onderskeidings
Kanika de Lange 5 onderskeidings
Chanté Koekemoer
Kayla Beyer
5 onderskeidings
Keanan Heymans 3 onderskeidings
Lee-Ann Marais 5 onderskeidings
Dené du Preez 3 onderskeidings
Quintus Cronjé 3 onderskeidings
3 onderskeidings
Anje Visser
4 onderskeidings
Madeleine Tredoux
Ernst Enslin
4 onderskeidings
Christi van Zyl 3 onderskeidings
Leané van Eyk 4 onderskeidings
Liam Brooks
3 onderskeidings
3 onderskeidings
Leerlingraad – Dogters 2021 Linél Claassens, Marilize Engelbrecht, Chloè Gleave, Desirè Hauptfleish, Syntechè Hodson, Logan Ligthelm, Monique van Vuuren, Leyla Smith, Chloè Simpson, Kara Roberts, Layla Potgieter, Ashley Potgieter.
Hooleiers 2021 - Dogters Synteché Hodson, Kara Roberts, Layla Potgieter, Linél Claassens (Hoofdogter).
Leerlingraad – Seuns 2021 Albie Botha, Ronaldo Botha, Jaden de Witt, Quentin Dietrechsen, Shaun Grobler, Dandrè Louw, Tristan Munro, Tyron Munro, Johandrè Niewenhuys, Zayne van der Merwe, Albert Van der Westhuizen, Ruben van Schaik.
Hooleiers 2021 - Seuns Tristan Munro (Hoofseun), Tyron Munro, Albie Botha, Johandré Niewenhuys.
Uitvoerenderaad 2021
Voor: Claudia Ribeiro, Leonida Kleyn, Elaine Hartkopf, Dan Tsimanga, Johannie van der Merwe, Stefan Horn, Preuyt Alberts, Hope van Biljon, Xain Schoeman en Jacqueline Moodley. Middel: Mariesa Manenti, Shaazia Patel, Marlouise Engelbrecht, Tenita Botha, Jennifer Klein, Duncan Nel, Danelle Gouws, Caslin Sibeko, Hanna van Zyl en Abigail Gabrielli. Agter: Marleu Jacobs, Ryno Botes, Njabulo Mavuso, Damiand Davis, Zamanathi Mthethwa, Christiaan Gryffenberg, Sibusiso Kgomo en Chris Rielly.
Matriekuitslae van 2020
Izak van der Merwe 6 onderskeidings 2020 Dux-leerder
Jasmine Mackenzie 4 onderskeidings
Atlete wat uitgeblink het op die baan Voor: Elske Stander (links), Zané Jooste en Mari Stoltz. Agter: Stefan Horn, Petri Stoltz, Suné Bekker, Owami Mbatha, Marinus Botha en Harald van der Merwe.
Christians in Action groep
Donè Harris 3 onderskeidings
Xander Kriel 3 onderskeidings
Grade 9 subject choices: why you should start considering them now In a few months’ time, Grade Nine learners will be required to make important decisions about which combination of subjects they will be pursuing through to their final Matric exams. This is an important first milestone on the road to building a career, an education expert says, adding that while the decision would normally be left until later in the year, the world has changed so dramatically that Grade Nines should start thinking about this significant decision sooner rather than later. “The world changed last year – not just because schooling and work were disrupted and not just because both had to happen from home in ways never imagined before. The world changed because we are unlikely to go back to what we experienced in 2019,” says Natasha Madhav, Senior Head of Programme: Faculty of ICT at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest private higher education provider. “It has long been said that one needs to prepare young people for jobs that do not exist, but this has never been a concept that has been crystallised in a way that really helped one make decisions. Perhaps it is clearer now to focus on preparing for a world of work that is changed and focusing on industries and skill sets that are and will be in demand, rather than on jobs with names that are familiar to us. “So, for instance, law has not vanished as a field, but most lawyers now need to consult online as easily as they do in person and they can collaborate in real time with colleagues all over the place. They also need to be advising people on both physical and digital implications of what they do.”
“The basic instruction is the same – develop an understanding of fields you are interested in and the things you are good at. Then look for jobs and careers that seem future-focused. Then, look for institutions that not only offer future-oriented curricula, but whose teaching and learning and assessment are explicitly directed at a changing world”. This then links to smart subject choices, Madhav says. “If your field is likely to be scientific and technical and analytical, you are still well served to include maths and science and perhaps a technology subject. If your field is problem-solving and solution-oriented, then subjects like history and design or visual arts will provide that skill set. If you are looking for both, you will need both. Higher education institutions are not going to move away from some of the standard demands for particular high-demand disciplines or fields, so be sure that you understand what you need for admission and include these in your choices. One of the key issues to consider is the fact that automation is on the rise, and that technological adoption by companies will transform jobs and indemand skills in future. And, as noted by the WEF in their most recent Future of Jobs report, skills gaps will continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years. As noted in the report: “The top skills and skill groups which employers see as rising in prominence in the lead up to 2025 include groups such as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem-solving, and skills in self-management such as active learning,
resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility… On average, companies estimate that around 40% of workers will require reskilling of six months or less and 94% of business leaders report that they expect employees to pick up new skills on the job, a sharp uptake from 65% in 2018.” So where to start researching which careers will exist when you matriculate, and which of them might interest you? “A good place to start, on top of doing online research, is to find a higher education institution that has already demonstrated that they produce technically proficient and in-demand graduates, whose skills are aligned with what is required in the workplace because of their close industry connections. In other words, an institution whose curricula are up-to-date at all times, and that is able to quickly and resiliently respond to our fastchanging world. You will know who they are as they will confidently speak about change and flexibility and adaptability and about the link between study and work,” says Madhav. “By speaking to a student advisor at such an institution, which crucially must also be able to demonstrate that meaningful learning continued during lockdown, learners will be able to discuss their current interests and strengths, and then get advice and insight into which fields will be in high demand in future, and which subjects they can choose later this year, which will give them access to these fields.”
LAERSKOOL CONCORDIA 2020 Top Presteerders
Annelie Neuhoff
Vione van Rooyen
JC du Toit
Meagan Hamilton
Aurelius Beneke
Jessica Viljoen
Juahn Trytsman
Michaela Marx
Blaine van der Westhuizen
Justin Pretorius
Riane van Aswegen
Carsten Dold
Kaden van Zyl
Rocco Roux
Caylen Theunissen
Kara van Heerden
Ruben Delport
Christopher Green
Liam Botes
Shaniqua-Lee Steenkamp
Ewan Vermaak
Liam Koch
Ashleigh du Plooy
Lienke van Niekerk
Zander Jansen van Vuuren
Ivan Steenkamp
Marise Helberg
Zoe Pienaar
Jano Thoerien
Martinique Nel
Zonika Weingartz
LAERSKOOL GOUDRAND PRIMARY Leerlingraad 2021 / Student Council 2021
Morgan Louw
Rumané Hattingh
Kayla Tintinger
Tokozile Ngobane
Nicole Mulder
Teshantey van Pruten
Jayden Pohlman
Storm van Nieuenhuizen
Motheo Motsheme (hoofdogter)
Misbah Muhammed
Nathan le Roux Hoofseun / Head boy
Clarice de Beer
Jantes Oostuizen
Andre Ferrera
Veronique Nel
Adrian Cronje
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Edenvale High School swimmer deliver phenomenal swimming
Jade Dreyer top achievers in AdvTech Group of Schools
Congratulations to Kaden Rennie, a grade 9 learner at Edenvale High School. Kaden competed in the SA National Junior Age Group Regional Championship over the weekend of 26-28 March.
ADvTECH Group, a leader in private education and resourcing honours the Class of 2020 with a prestigious award. The group honoured the cream of the top achievers within its school’s division. Dedicated teaching staff and the determination of pupils resulted in excellent results for the ADvTECH Schools Division. This includes matriculants in 28 high schools: Abbotts College, Crawford International Schools, Elkanah House School, Glenwood House College, Maragon Mooikloof, Pecanwood College, Pinnacle Colleges, Southdowns College, Trinityhouse and Tyger Valley College brands.
He entered 4 events: • 50m Breaststroke • 100m Breaststroke • 100m Freestyle • 200m Individual Medley He achieved his personal best times in every race! Kaden came home with 3rd place for the 50m Breaststroke and 5th place for the 100m Breaststroke.
Edenglen High’s star athlete
Among the students was Jade Dreyer from Abbotts College Claremont. Jade wrote the NSC final matric exams. She achieved 6 distinctions with an average of 88,3%. As the award winner, she received a crystal trophy and certificate as well as a R5000 cash prize sponsored by ADvTECH. “We applaud Jade’s hard work and commitment to achieving astounding results in the 2020 National Senior Certificate exams and wish her all the best in her future endeavours”, says Ivan Horn, Principal of Abbotts College Claremont. Jade is currently enrolled at Varsity College studying Project Management. She plans to study Psychology at the University of Cape Town once her Project Management course has been completed.
Edenglen High’s 100m and 200m runner Kaylee Le Roux was selected to represent central Gauteng at the ASA (Athletics South Africa) Championships in Paarl. Kaylee will also be running under 18 and not her age group, which is U16. Kaylee was selected to run 100 and 200 m. Well Done Kaylee and we cannot wait to see your amazing results.
CONTENT OF THE GUIDE: • • • • • • •
Institutions per fields of study Institutions per type of study Gap year options Au pair options Accommodation options Career content News relating to life after school
LAERSKOOL A.G. VISSER Graad 7 leerlingraad
Voor: Klariez Kitching, Larisa Lourens, Engela Jordaan, Phia du Pisanie Agter: Kelly Pelser, Leoni Ford, Leanka Pretorius, Petra-Ann le Roux, Erin Kelly, Rachelle Kleinhans, Amanda van Wyk, Lindsey Barrett.
Voor: Samkelo Dlamini, Ernest Boy, Xander Ross, JP Deloprt. Agter: Janco de Klerk, CJ Stuart, John Blackie, Ruan Nortjé, Tyron van der Merwe. Heel agter: Handré Gryffenberg.
VAN HOËR VOLKSKOOL H Hoe het jy verlede jaar se Covid-seisoen ervaar? Dit was baie taai vir spelers, asook al die afrigter gewees. Ons kon darm ‘n paar T20 wedstryde inkry wat bietjie gehelp het, maar die honger om op op die veld te kom, was groot. Hoe vorder hierdie jaar se voorbereiding in ag genome die beperkinge van die Covid regulasies? Met vriendskaplike wedstryde wat gespeel kon word, kon ons ‘n paar beurte inkry en van die junior manne op die veld kry wat defnitief beter was as geen wedstryde. Hoe lyk julle span vir 2021? Baie jonk en vol energie. Wat sal die sterkpunte van jou 2021span wees? Ek glo dis ‘n paar “gutsie” spelers met baie fight. As afrigter is dit presies wat jy wil hê. Wat is spesiaal omtrent Hoër Volkskool Heidelberg en om daar afterig? Behalwe dat ek self ‘n trotse Volkies Heidelberg old boy is, wat dit ‘n voorreg maak om hopelik te kan terug investeer, is dit ‘n skool met ‘n lang en `n ryk krieketverlede vol tradisies.
Heidelberg het self ‘n baie positiewe krieketgemeenskap wat baie help, veral met ondersteuning en ‘n passie vir die game. Wat is die moeilikste aspek van `n skole afrigter se taak? Ek dink eerstens om ‘n liefde te kweek onder kinders vir die game en tweedens om spelers te kry om net die game te geniet, fear of failure uit te skakel en in hulle self te glo. Wat kan die skool en ouers hierdie jaar te wagte wees van jul span? Positiewe krieket met ‘n “never quit attitude.”
Q & A met APTEIN
VAN HOËR VOLKSKOOL H Wat is jou beste herinnering tydens jou krieketloopbaan? My 189 teen KES 0/16A in 2020. Hoe voel dit om uiteindelik teen anders kole, na die 2020 - Covid – regulasies te speel? Dis altyd lekker om weer te kan baklei vir ‘n wen. Hoe gaan dit met julle seisoen sover? Sover het ons 1 wen, 1 verloor en een gelykop.
Wat maak jou span en skool spesiaal? Ons gees op en van die veld af. Wat motiveer jou om altyd jou beste te gee? Om ons kreet te skree na ‘n wen. Wie is jou krieketheld? Sonder twyfel Quinton de Kock. Buiten krieket, wat is jou ander belangstellings? GOD, gholf en gym.
Is jy `n natuurlike leier? Bv: `n goeie oog vir veldwerkplasings, die rotering van boulers en om situasies tydens die wedstryd te identifiseer en tea naliseer? In my opinie ja, maar dit bly ‘n interessante game en mens bly leer met elke wedstryd en dit versterk my as mens, as leier en as krieketspeler. Waaraan dink jy terwyl jy op die krieketveld is? Wat ek kan doen om my span se huidige situasie in die wedstryd te kan verbeter. Wie is elke jaar julle moeilikste opponente? Hoërskool Marais Viljoen.
Kies een? • `n Toeskouer wees by `n T20, 1-dag of Toetswedstryd? T20 •
Energade, SteriStumpi of Red Bull? Steristumpi
Wie is die beste krieket speler? AB de Villiers, Virat Kohli, Steve Smith of Ben Stokes? AB de Villiers
Mnr. & Mej. Volkie
Baie geluk aan Francois Potgieter wat aan die FPTG Friesperd Nasionale Skou Kampioenskappe deelgeneem het en met die 0/18 Groot Kampioen kinder ruiter kroon weggestap het.
Na ‘n uitstekende en suksesvolle Mnr. & Mej. Volkie geleentheid onder die leiding van Me. E. Dalhouzie is die volgende Volkies gekroon: Mnr Persoonlikheid: LJ Hay Mej Persoonlikheid: Zené vd Merwe Mnr Fotogenies: Dian la Grange Mej Fotogenies: Miné Fourie 2de Prins: Ruduwaan Rogers 2de Prinses: Marli van Tonder 1ste Prins: Daniël Jordaan 1ste Prinses: Danél de Wet Mnr Volkie: De Wet Muller Mej Volkie: Clarise Wucherpfenning
Francois Potgieter
Junior SA swemkampioenskappe
Leerder op plaaslike distrik se VRL Baie geluk aan wat verkies is tot Tesourier by die D7- onderwysdistrik se VRL. Ons is trots op jou!
Mnr. & Mej. Volkie 2021 De Wet Muller en Clarise Wucherpfenning
Baie geluk aan Simoné Moll wat 2 silwer en 1 brons medalje verower het tydens die Junior SA swemkampioenskappe wat 26 - 27 Maart plaasgevind het.
Simoné Moll
Marli du Plessis
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Monnette van de Venter 8 Onderskeidings
Arielle Viljoen 4 Distinctions
Michaela Jade Flynn 3 Distinctions
Chantè Strydom 3 Onderskeidings
Charney Breytenbach 4 Onderskeidings
Cherize Swart 4 Onderskeidings
Zianci van Zyl 3 Onderskeidings
Danie Booysen 4 Onderskeidings
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