NOVEMBER 2019 | Tel: 021 000 1705
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As industries evolve and new ones emerge, the world of work is changing too, and is now calling for different set of skills. After Complex Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Creativity will become one of the top three skills that workers need by 2020. While machines and robots may be able to complete a task faster, there is no machine that can match the unique perspective and skill that a creative human being can bring to the table. Creativity is more than an endearing personality trait listed on a CV or a way to relax when we’re stressed. In the world of work, creativity is a pragmatic and sought-after skill. In fact, the World Economic Forum listed creativity as one of the top ten skills needed to thrive career-wise in 2020. “Creativity allows a person to see the world from different perspectives, to find unique solutions to problems and to come up with ideas that can change brands and businesses in meaningful ways,” says Shevon Lurie, MD at Vega. From a career perspective, creativity is an incredibly useful skill in almost every work environment. However, creatives often find themselves pigeon-holed to certain jobs that are considered better suited to their ‘artsy’ abilities and are constantly told that their tendency toward ‘right-brain thinking’ means they’ll be better off pursuing conventionally-creative careers (art, fashion, etc). The world needs more creatives – not just for the purpose of making it more beautiful and more interesting, but to
help solve its biggest challenges and propel industries forward in meaningful ways. Getting creative for success Particularly as we enter a new and unprecedented professional landscape, creatives are in high demand in a variety of sectors and positions. In fact, creativity is a skill that offers an edge over competitors – whether you’re applying for a job or looking to start your own venture. Entrepreneurs with creative flair are undeniably better positioned to run successful businesses. Consider the challenges involved in running a business – from making tough decisions to manging people, all while trying to build a profitable enterprise. It takes someone with creativity, who is able to see a problem from different angles and find solutions that no one else can think of, to achieve that. In the same way, employees need creativity as a skill in order to thrive in their jobs and contribute ideas and work of substance. Employers are searching for candidates who can do more than just adequately
complete the tasks they’re given. They want sharp thinkers who can bring new and interesting perspectives to the table to solve problems and execute briefs in an excellent and outstanding way. Lurie adds that some of the many career avenues open to a creative include creative direction (a position that is increasingly available internally in corporate environments too), strategic planning, communications, marketing, and so much more. “There are many misconceptions around what it means to be creative, the most problematic of which is that people often believe that creativity limits a person’s career prospects,” says Lurie. “We encourage creative students and parents of creatives to consider all their options when it comes to choosing what to study to ensure they get a wellrounded mix of skills and insight into their fields, whether they want design games and apps, climb the corporate ladder or start an NGO.”
HELPMEKAAR KOLLEGE (t) 011 339 2226/7 (e)
Baie geluk aan ons leiers van 2020! V.l.n.r.: Adriaan Steyn, Sebastine Watney, Nikolas Germishuysen, Zack van Zyl (hoofleier), Karla Jonker (hoofleier), Lyndré Kruger, Helene van der Walt, Jenna Beukes, Moné Rossouw en Simóne Shirley. Afwesig: Vaughan McLea
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Ontmoet Hoërskool Randburg se hoofseun:
Ontmoet Hoërskool Randburg se hoofdogter:
Baie geluk met jou verkiesing as hoofleier by jou skool. Wat is jou leierskapstyl? Baie dankie. Dit is ‘n groot voorreg om as een van die hoofleiers gekies te kan word. Ek sal sê my leierskapstyl is om te lei deur ‘n goeie voorbeeld te stel. Ek hou daarvan om te lei deur ander te help en om hulle te inspireer om beter te wees as wat hulle voorheen was. Ek hou daarvan om te lei met passie en trots en alles voluit te doen.
Baie geluk met jou verkiesing as hoofleier by jou skool. Wat is jou leierskapstyl? Ek is iemand wat baie omgee en empatie het vir mense. Ek sal altyd bereid wees om te luister na ander en hul behoeftes in ag neem. Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk en swakpunte? My swakpunt is dat ek probeer konflik vermy so ver as moontlik. My sterkpunt is dat ek mense se gevoelens konsidereer en almal laat voel dat hulle behoort en belangrik is.
Wat sou jy sê is jou sterk- en swakpunte? Een van my grootste swakhede is om alles so na as moontlik aan die sperdatum uit te stel en dit veroorsaak gewoonlik ‘n opeenhoping van take. So, dit wil sê, dat my beplanning nie altyd op sy beste is nie. Definitief een van my sterkpunte is dat ek vas staan in wat ek glo en dat omgee vir die mens rondom my. Ek hou daarvan om my foute reg te maak en as ek ‘n fout wil regmaak, doen ek dit dadelik.
Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Ek sien uit na al die nuwe tradisies wat ons as Studenteforum (SF) gaan instel vir 2020. Ek sien ook vreeslik uit daarna om met al die onderwysers en nuwe graad 8’s te werk. Is daar enige iets wat jy graag sou verander by jou skool? Ek dink ons nuwe Studenteforum kan nuwe asem in die skool se gees inblaas volgende jaar.
Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Ek sien die meeste uit na die leergeleentheid. As leier leer jy baie goed van jouself sowel as ander mense en dit is waarna ek die meeste uitsien.
Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Ek geniet pouses en my kosblik die meeste!
Is daar enige iets wat jy graag sou verander by jou skool? Nee, ek is trots op my skool net soos wat hy is.
Matriek is jou laaste jaar van akademiesies oogpunt – wat sou jy graag wil bereik? My droom is om keuring te kry om Medies te gaan swot.
Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Die tradisies en die geesvang. Matriek is jou laaste jaar, vanuit ‘n akademiese oogpunt, wat sal jy graag wil bereik? Ek wil graag my matriekjaar met goeie punte afsluit, want ek wil daardie punte gebruik om eendag ‘n verskil in die wêreld te maak.
Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? My lewensmotto was nog altyd: “Nothing worth having comes easy”, en ek voel die SF’s kan dit saam met hulle dra deur die jaar wat voorlê.
Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Dit wat vir ons voorlê, is ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid, maar ons kan dit doen. Die belangrikste is om alles voluit te doen en nooit moed op te gee nie. Wees jouself en geniet die jaar wat voorlê.
Wie is jou rolmodel? Rolene Strauss is een van my grootste inspirasies, behalwe dat sy Mej Wêreld geword het, het sy nogsteeds haar drome bereik deur ‘n mediese doktor te word. Sy is nogsteeds ‘n rolmodel vir soveel jong meisies.
Wie is jou rolmodel? David Pocock (Australiese rugbyspeler)
Wat is jou planne vir 2021? My droom is om Medies te gaan swot by Tukkies.
Wat is jou planne vir 2021? Ek wil graag oorsee gaan swot, maar ek wil graag in 2021 my rugbyloopbaan begin en selfs my eie besigheid begin.
As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Ek sou Superwoman wou wees, want ek is iemand wat opstaan vir vrouens en hulle regte. Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by….. saam met….. Die huis saam met my hondjies.
As jy ‘n super-hero kon wees, wie sou dit wees en waarom? Definitief Aquaman. Die feit dat hy onder water kan asemhaal en in die donker kan sien, is vir my ongelooflik.
Wie is jou Hollywood “celeb crush”: Wie kan nou nie van Cole Sprouse hou nie?
Op ‘n normale Saterdag, sal ons jou kry by…..saam met……? Die rugbyveld saam met my goeie vriende besig om wedstryd te speel.
Kies een: Netbal, rubgy, krieket of hokkie? Obviously netbal. Cappucino, warm sjokolade of tee? Verseker rooibos tee! Braai saam met vriende of ‘n wegneemete? Uber-eats, onder die kombers en voor die televisie. Vir ure lank jou gunsteling TV-reeks kyk of ‘n musiekfees bywoon? Wanneer Spoegwolf speel, is ek heel voor in die gehoor. Android of IOS? IOS. I’ve got an “apple” in my eye.
Wie is jou Hollywood ‘celeb crush’? Margot Robbie Kies een: Netbal, rubgy, krieket of hokkie? Rugby Cappucino, warm sjokolade of tee? Warm sjokolade Braai saam met vriende of ‘n wegneemete? Braai saam met vriende Vir ure lank jou gunsteling TV-reeks kyk of ‘n musiekfees bywoon? Musiekfees bywoon Android of iOS? iOS
LAERSKOOL FONTAINEBLEAU (t) 011 791 6160/1 (e)
Nina Kuys Eisteddfod
Liam Harbron Beste Senior Gholfspeler
Kara Behrens
Karmi Müller
Junior Danser
Ziné Mostert Beste Junior Swemster
Junior Kultuurkind
Naomi Bosman Beste Junior Tennisspeelster
Adriaan Mostert Elaine Wijnbeeck
Skaakspeler Senior Swemmer Veelsydigste Seun EBW & NW & Wisk Dux-Leerder
Page 4
Senior Landloopdogter Veelsydigste dogter Kuns & Kultuur Tegnologie, Afrikaans
Chanèl le Roux Junior Landloopdogter
Franco Colin
Lara Minnaar
Beste Junior Tennisspeler
SATCH Top 10 DanceStar Wêrelddanskampioenskappe Gauteng Dance Festival Eisteddfod
Junior Landloopseun
Ayden Davel Rugbyspeler Sportseun
Marissa van den Berg Eisteddfod Lewensoriëntering SATCH Top 10 DanceStar Wêrelddanskampioenskappe
Divian Pretorius
Morné Steyn
Junior Gholfspeler
Jack Lötter
Hengelaar van die Jaar
Jan-Rudolf Britz Eisteddfod Senior Redenaar Voortrekkerpenning
Leander Viljoen Junior Swemmer Seun
Mia Kriel
Senior Tennisspeler
Christiaan van Rooyen
Ruan Visser
Senior Musiekleerder
Megan Müller Hokkiespeler
Mignon La Grange
Senior Tennisspeler Atleet van die Jaar Seun Netbalspeelster Sportdogter
Liam Smith
Senior Landloopseun
Xander van Tonder Verdienstelikheidstrofee
Kaydin Gounden Senior Danser Kultuurkind
Emma Vorster Engels
Isabelle Peek Sosiale Wetenskappe Beste Tweetaligheid
Keira Bester Beste Junior Skaakspeler
Anri Fourie
Senior Swemmer
Jennifer Jacobs
SATCH Top 10 DanceStar Wêrelddanskampioenskappe Gauteng Dance Festival Eisteddfod
HOËRSKOOL RANDBURG (t) 011 782 6226 (e)
Klarika Keyter Matrikulant van die jaar, Dux Leerling
Rikus Cronje Snr. Kultuurseun
Marlé Bosman Beste Buiteskoolse Prestasie Kultuur
Rynard Swanepoel Snr. Sportseun
Tel: 011 791 3393 |
Johnny Potsanyane Nuusmaker Van Die Jaar
Ciska Raudenheimer Jnr. Kultuur-Dogter
Shannon Botha Snr. Sportdogter
Stephan Mans Jnr. Kultuurseun
Marco Prins Jnr. Sportseun
Miscké Fourie Snr. Kultuur-Dogter
Kimberley Swanepoel Jnr. Sportdogter
(t) 011 706 6010 (e) |
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Kry al die foto’s aanlyn by
2019/11/07 14:57
(t) (0)11 577 6000(e)
HOUSES Collins: Tadiwanashe Murewa Henning: Thomas Winter Krige: Rhys du Randt Mears: Liam McCarthy Mountstephens: Munashe Mhere Penryn: Adrian Leech Pitts: Akinfolarin Adebanjo Tucker: Njabulo Dlamini Webb: Daniel McAslin Wesley: Joshua Van Tubbergh STUDENT WELLNESS Head of SRC & Academics: Sa’ad Patel Head of DTC: Andile Tshabalala Head of Discipline: Luke Caveney Head of Spirit: Andile Khuluse Head of Foundation: Ngenyasha Zvinoera Head of Sport: Motse Selamolela
Student Leadership for 2020 Headboy Devon Casey Deputy Headboy: Lesego Sithole
Executive Heads: Head of Houses – Michael Keogh Head of Committees – Willem van Ryswyck Head of Student Wellness – Wanangwa Nyasulu
COMMITTEES Head of Culture: Thato Bernado Head of Round Square: Marcel Sithole Head of Public Relations: Thomas Van Coller Head of Projects and Planning: Sango Marawa
Meet Fourways High School head boy:
Meet Fourways High School’s head girl:
Congratulations for being chosen as a leader at your school. What is your leadership philosophy? I try to lead with the mindset of leading by example and do the right thing, even if nobody is watching.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? I am a positive person that leads by example. I am committed and hard working and like to take on challenges, embracing change to make a tangible difference. I am a good listener and like to help and guide others. Clear communication, respect and empathy is something I hold close to my heart and strive to live by. In terms of weaknesses, I would say that I need to learn to pace myself in wanting to help everybody, to ensure that when I do offer help, I can give my 100% to the cause.
Jack Walther
Suzette Klingenberg
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths: I have found that I have many strong relationships with people across the whole school and through the different grades. These relationships come from being involved in all aspects of school life. This, along with giving each person I see and speak to respect, has allowed me to gain respect in return from the pupils of the school. Weaknesses: Well I’ll do almost anything for a flake chocolate. But otherwise I lack creativity. Luckily I have a strong team that can cover for me in that section. Another thing is that I’m still working on my public speaking. There is a lot of speaking to large groups of people in the position I am in so I do struggle with this and I’m actively trying to improve it. What are you looking forward to the most during your tenure as leader? Seeing what I can do for the school, while also trying to make the school year fun for the students. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? I believe that we are very fortunate at Fourways. We have a very nice school but if I can, I would love to change the minds of the pupils who think that the Councillors are just authoritarians. However, my plans to do that are underway so I hope they are successful. What do you love the most about your school? I really love the type of people that go to and work at Fourways. The teachers are amazing in ensuring the children are doing the best that they can. The pupils are very ready to help each other in all kinds of ways. For example, if our Spirit Team needs a couple of extra members for a day, many seniors are happy to step in and help in any way they can. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? I am aiming to attain an overall mark above 77% with my eyes definitely set on an 80% average. Additionally, I am aiming on getting at least 5 distinctions. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? To my co-leaders I say that we are the ones who are able to make a difference in our own way. This is the time where we now have the biggest opportunity to leave the legacy we want to leave behind. Now is our time to show people what we are all about. Who is your role model? Both of my parents are my role models, they have taught me everything that I know about being respectful and creating relationships. I would not be where I am if they hadn’t raised me the way they did. So to both my parents, thank you. Apart from them, I do look up to Ryan Reynolds. I think he is incredible and absolutely hilarious. He is one of a kind!
What are you looking forward to the most during your tenure as leader? I look forward the most to be the bridge between the students and the teachers, making an effort to listen, support and effect positive growth or change for the school. I especially look forward to sharing the special first year of high school journey with the grade 8’s – mentoring them and making their first and lasting experience of high school a memorable one. Lastly, I look forward to being part of “legends history” in ensuring that the students have pride in their school and retain a healthy school spirit that makes the school a home for all of us. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? There is a saying: “Most people fail in life, not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit”. I want to aim high and work hard to achieve it. Academics is an integral part of school and the key that unlocks one’s future. I will therefore strive to get distinctions in most of my subjects. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders? My message of motivation and encouragement would be that we all work together and be fully committed to the school and its students in our year as a counselor. Commitment is not just a word but an act. It’s the little choices we make every day that leads to the results which we all are striving to achieve, and unless there is a commitment made, there will always be empty promises and no plans. So, stay positive and be committed and you will make a difference and enjoy your last year of High School. Who is your role model? My role models are my parents, as they have always encouraged me to take part and be part of “life” that is happening all around me. They inspire me to work hard and be fully committed to things I do and to always see it through. My parents have taught me the value in having positive relationships with people, and that it generally supports positive outcomes. They gave me a positive approach to education, sport and culture and have shown me that having a balanced life in all aspects will grow me as a person. Ultimately, they have shown me that respect, kindness and compassion for yourself and others is key to a blessed life. If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? I see myself as the Marvel Super Hero “Flash”…. I love his ability to take immediate action and get things done for the better good, and to move like the speed of lightning… well that’s just a bonus! On a regular Saturday, you will find me at…….with…….… On “most regular” Saturdays you will find me at the cricket fields supporting my brother with family and friends. I would also be tutoring students through my business, Brain Notes.
What are your plans for after matric (2021)? For 2021, I plan to try and get to Canada or the United States of America to see if I’m able to study and get a job at the same time if possible.
Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? My Hollywood celebrity crush would most probably be David Beckham as he is a well-known sport celebrity, who not only is a good family man but also great businessman.
If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? I would want to be Doctor Strange. First off, Doctor Stephen Strange didn’t take no for an answer. When he wasn’t able to perform surgery anymore he searched the world for a cure. When he found the people he believed could help him, they initially didn’t let him in, but he stayed around for hours just to get in. Secondly, I like the idea that there is a whole lot that a person could do of which normal people couldn’t even think of. I enjoy the idea that you can only do this with hard work and dedication. It almost brings up the message that with belief, hard work and dedication you can achieve anything.
Pick one: Netball, rugby, cricket or hockey? I would probably say cricket, as I spent many years next to the field supporting my brother and then a few years later myself on the field, with good friends, making great memories. Cappuccino, hot chocolate or tea? I was born to drink Cappuccino! For me life begins…. after coffee. Braai with friends or takeaways? Most definitely braai with friends. Nothing beats the social aspect of good meat and laughter! Binge watching series or a live music festival? I love to watch a series at home with popcorn and a blanket! Android of IOS? IOS.
On a regular Saturday, you will find me at…….with…….… On a regular Saturday, you will find me at a family member’s house with my extended family. My whole family is very close, and we see each other almost every weekend. Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? My Hollywood celeb crush is actually between 2 ladies. One is Scarlett Johansson, while the other is Alexandra Daddario. I mean I have no idea how you could choose between these 2 stunning women! Pick one: Netball, rugby, cricket or hockey? I would have to choose rugby, out of these sports it is the only one I play. It is also probably the best sport to watch. Cappuccino, hot chocolate or tea? Definitely tea, from a young age tea was also the go to beverage at home. From morning to night, someone in the house always had a cup of tea. Braai with friends or takeaways? A braai with friends is a no brainer. The best conversations come about when you’re standing around a braai with the people you love chatting to. Binge watching series or a live music festival? I love live music festivals. Nothing gives you the same feeling as being at a concert and actually hearing and artist’s voice. It gives you an actual idea of how talented some people are! Android or iOS? I am iOS all the way. I have had both an iPhone and an Android phone and just found that I prefer the iOS side. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to Android if it’s up to me.
The biggest school news network in SA
THE LAUNCH 22 & 23 November
Cnr Cedar Road & Uranium Street, Fourways
TEL: 011 540 2000 ACM 11206071
FOURWAYS HIGH SCHOOL (t) 011 465 1104 (e)
Andrew Bradfield
Chloe Greig
Executive Award for Leadership The Semper Virtute Award Gr. 12
Rotary Shield for Service above Self The Semper Virtute Award: Gr. 12
Joshna Narasoo
Kristen Crew
1st place Life Sciences (Term 3)
Sportswoman of the Year: Gr. 12
Fezile Mthombeni
Declan Bakos
Award: Sportsman of the Year: Gr. 12
The Fairall Shield for Dedication, Enthusiasm and School Spirit: Gr. 12
Matteo Rakic Macmillan Trophy for Creativity in IT: Gr. 12
Mpendulo Masondo
Natasha Killassy
Rebecca Kernot
Per Ardua ad Astra: Gr. 12
1st Place Academics (Term 3): Gr. 12
Duncan Kilpatrick Award for Art
Matthew Riley Councillor of the Year: Gr. 12
Shahir Sewmohan
Jane Henry-Naiho
Elaine Holliday Award for Dedicated Musicianship: Gr. 12
Rotary Shield for Service above Self: Gr. 12
Jamie Nell Overall Cultural Achievement: Gr. 12
Micah Stojakovic Overall Cultural Achievement: Gr. 12
Michelle Venables Karin Robbins Trophy for the Unsung Hero Fourways Legend: Gr. 12
HOËRSKOOL MONUMENT (t) 011 953-1165 (e)
Top 10 VOOR VLNR: René Weideman, Samantha Smit, Lara Olivier, Mia Sloane, Viandré Pansegrouw, Alicia Kotzé AGTER VLNR: Nina Saby, Liza Brits, Kaleigh Page, Jeanli de Klerk
Viandre Pansegrouw
Jeanli de Klerk
Onbaatsugtige diens aan die skool (Dogter)
Ware Monumentaar (Dogter)
Henco van Wyk Ware Monumentaar (Seun)
Alicia Kotze
Zize Bartmann
Dogter met Finesse
Corne Pennels en Dehan Niemand FW de Klerk beurse
Dehan Niemand Onbaatsugtige diens aan die skool (seun)
Kaleigh Olivier
Dean van Staden
Liewer Slyt As Roes-trofee
Most Gentlemanly Conduct
44 Ontdekkers, Roodepoort (Next to Cash Built) Tel: 011 768 0776
LAERSKOOL LOUW GELDENHUYS (t) 011 782 5442 (e)
Thyra Conradie
Liza-Louise Els
Dux-leerder en Kultuurtrofee
Francois Steyn
Mees toegewyde sportpersoon
Corné van Schalkwyk
Suné Landman
(t) 011 593 5900 (e)
Husnaa Banoo Ernst And Young Trophy for Accounting: 92% The Mathematics Shield: 98% Physical Sciences Award: 93%
Sara Vanker
Tanweer Madhi
Advanced Programme Mathematics: 81%
Afrikaans Award: 94% The B E Paynter Award for History: 95%
Juanita Kenneth Consumer Studies Award: 87%
Tao-Mae van Heerden Dramatic Arts Award Top Achiever: 89%
Emma Parsons English Award: 91% Life Orientation Award: 97%
Zayyana Amod Emily Barnes Advanced Programme English Top Achiever: 88 %
Bohlale Letsie French Award Top Achievers: 73%
Mulanga Tshiswaka French Award Top Achievers: 73%
Zoe Kuhl Geography Award Top Achiever: 84%
The B E Paynter Award for History: 95% E M Mcgregor Memorial Award for Life Sciences: 91%
Aaminah Gangat Visual Arts Award Top Achiever: 85%
Nephadi Mthanti
Mbali Ndlovu
Isizulu Award Top Achievers: 90%
Isizulu Award Top Achievers: 90%
Imaan Laher E M Mcgregor Memorial Award for Life Sciences Top Achievers: 91%
Aqila Sattor
Shanon Zoghby
Mathematical Literacy Award Top Achievers: 83%
Mathematical Literacy Award Top Achievers: 83%
NORTHCLIFF HIGH SCHOOL (t) 011 476 1544 (e)
Thashil Naidoo
Accountancy, Information Technology, Physical Science, AP Mathematics, Scholar of the Year
Takunda Manditireza
Computer Application Technology
Kirsten Sydow Life Sciences
Ashlynn Wilkins
Devesh Jeavan
Afrikaans & English Bilingualism & Life Orientation Scholar of the Year
Kelly Coetzer
Consumer Studies
Matthew O’ Brien
Mathematical Literacy
AP Mathematics Mathematics
Gregory Conroy
Megan Shannon
Engineering Graphics & Design
Geography Sportswoman of the Year
Daniel Small
Sportsman of the Year
Oarona Moncho Business Studies
Amber Smit History
Paigen Kotze Visual Arts
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LAERSKOOL MULDERSDRIF (t) 011 662 1929 / 1932 (e)
Tian Nieuwoudt
(Gr.6) – Kultuurseun 2019
Deoné Mouton
(Gr.5) – Kultuurdogter 2019, Toppresteerder Redenaars, Beste Akademiese Presteerder
Hoofleiers 2020
Tian Nieuwoudt (OHS), Henri Bakkes (HS), Lente de Villiers (HD), Kayla Wolvaardt (OHD)
Chanél Pieterse
(Gr.5) – Toppresteerder Beeldende Kunste
Schalk Greef
(Gr.7) – Skaakspeler van die Jaar
Ruan van der Walt
(Gr.6) – Beste Akademiese Presteerder
Chanel Malan
(Gr.7) – Swematleet van die Jaar, Beste Akademiese Presteerder Gr. 7
Marnu Bouwer
(Gr.5) – Sportseun 2019, Gauteng Wes Distrik Beste Manlike Atleet 2019, Atleet van die Jaar, Landloop-atleet van die Jaar
Blyde Schoeman
(Gr.6) – Toppresteerder Uitvoerende Kunste, Gauteng Wes Distrik Beste Vroulike Kultuurprestasie 2019
Chanel Malan & Mia Roets (Afwesig)
(Gr.7) – Sportdogter 2019
Natalee Beuthe
(Gr.4) – Beste Akademiese Presteerder
Waar was dié bekendes op skool en watter tipe tieners was hulle? Corne Krige: Ons het in Zambië gewoon, maar ek is Klein Boishaai toe toe ek 5 was. Ek was dus twee jaar te vroeg in Graad 1. 3 500 km weg van my ouers het ons eers by mense gebly na wie toe ons uitgeplaas is en naweke by my ouma. Omdat ek so ver weg van my ouers was, het sport my ding geraak. Ek het gehou van tackle van ‘n jong ouderdom af. In Graad 11 het ek vir WP 0.19-Cravenweek gespeel en in Graad 12 SA Skole. Ek het baie van sport gehou! Die groot ding met enige sport is dat jy dissipline nodig het. Paarl Boys’ High het vir my die dissipline gegee om hard te werk as jy iets wil bereik. Daardie dissipline het ‘n kritieke rol gespeel in beide my opvoeding en my sportloopbaan.
Early B: Op laerskool was ek by Triomf Primary en hoërskool by Bethelsdorp Comprehensive High. Die groot rede hoekom ek na Bethelsdorp toe gegaan het, was omdat dit die enigste skool in ons area was wat Motor Meganika as ‘n vak gehad het. Ek is mal oor enjins. My onderwysers op laerskool sou seker sê ek was griewelik en op hoërskool was ek lekker stout. Ek was die een wie almal wou laat lekker voel. Ek het baie gehou van video games en ook om in die straat speel. Partykeer het ek gaan speel in my skoolbroek wat my baie in die moeilikheid gebring het by my ma. Ek het maar altyd ‘n kans gevat en dit het my baie kreatief gemaak.
Kurt Darren: Ek was in Lyttleton Manor Hoërskool wat in Pretoria geleë is. My pa was Afrikaans en my ma was Engels, so ek het in Engels skool gegaan, maar naweke wanneer almal bymekaar gekom het, het ons gekuier in Afrikaans. Ek sal altyd my vriende van skool onthou en my onderwysers sal sê ek was ‘n soet-stout seun en ek het altyd poetse gebak met almal om my, maar my skoolwerk was altyd ingehandig. Ek sal sê ek was ‘n sorgelose tiener, in daai dae was dit nog veilig om saam met jou vriende huis toe te loop as jy die skoolbus verpas het, wat gereeld gebeur het! Ons as tieners het baie vryheid gehad en dit was regtig goeie tye.
LAERSKOOL HELDERKRUIN (t) 011 764 2506 (e)
WOW Spelfees
Nasionale rondte: Keegan van Schoor, Lianè Kruger, Ruan Kruger en Hayden Vorster (3rde plek) in die Nasionale Rondte.
Drama / Eisteddfod
Rohan Els en Genna Labuscagne ontvang Prestige toekenning by Allegretto Eisteddfod se Provinsiale Gala Event vir hulle Engelse “Experimental Theatre” item. Genna ontvang ook ‘n Prestige toekenning vir Redenaars en onvoorbereide lees.
Mpho Mothabi Junior Gauteng kleure
Mental Maths wenner
Jayden Barker Gr 3
o/13 Rugby Goue Leeus Span
Afrigters: Mnre. Jacques Breet, Alwyn Burger en Riaan van der Watt. Spelers: Damian Bruce, Jamaal Feldman, Emden Petzer, Jarred Coetzee, Joshua Meyer, Tiaan Goosen, Werner Durrheim.
Distrik Storieskryfkompetisie wenner
Anika Luus Gr 3 – algehele wenner vir haar storie “Die katjies en die eekhoring”.
Gerhard van Niekerk
3de plek vir Euro Trampoline & 4de plek vir Double Mini trampoline vir seuns 9-10 jaar.
Dogters verkies tot Gauteng o/13 span: Chana Croje & Thristan Cronje
o/12 Rugby Goue Leeus Span
Afrigter: Mnr Corne Swanepoel. Spelers: Corne Swanepoel, Jaco Henning, Dylan van der Merwe, Brandon Peters en John-Higgs Venter.
Edward Potgieter 1ste plek by toernooi. 3de plek (SA’s) en 48ste in die wêreld vir o/11 skaak 112de vir o/12 skaak.
Zanelle Kruger – deel van die Beste Presisie span – verower goud by SA Kampioenskappe Deel van die o/14 Sporter Skut span.
Gauteng Skole Krieket
Joshua Meyer o/13, Kyle Swanepoel o/12 Tiaan Goosen o/13
SA Gym Games
Mischa Roux – o/8 het 3de plek behaal Janike Meintjies – o/8 algeheel 4de plek behaal
NEA Young Performers Award
Christiaan Naude, Gr 6 instrumental vir Gr 4-6, vir sy tjello spel. Hy is ook aangewys as die beste stryker 12 jaar en jonger. Hy is ook gekies om as solis saam met die JHB Simfonie Orkes op te tree tydens die JHB Music Festival.
Leandri Herselman, Gr 3 – 6de plek SA’s.
Katlego Maboe: Ek was in Laerskool Tsepho in Potchefstroom, waarna ek in my Graad 4-jaar na Potch Central School geskuif het en toe na Potch Boys’ High. Ek was altyd daardie ambisieuse kind. Ek onthou een keer tydens ‘n saalbyeenkoms by Laerskool Tsepho, was ons gevra wat ons wil word as ons groot is, en ek het met my hand in die lug gestaan en gesê ek wil ‘n wetenskaplike word! Ek was beslis die nerd-tipe kind en ek was nooit vriende met die “cool kids” nie! Dit was ek en my boeke, want ek wou akademies en ook op die krieketveld goed presteer. Ek het nooit probeer om myself met die cool kinders te assosieer nie en ek het baie min vriende gehad.
Francois van Coke: Ek het in Bellville groot geword. Ek was in Bellpark Laerskool en in Hoërskool Bellville. Ek het goeie herinneringe van skool. Ek het ‘n klomp uiteenlopende goed gedoen en saam met unieke mense uitgehang. Ek was wild aan die begin van hoërskool, maar redelik voorbeeldig daarna. Ek het redelik goed presteer, baie buitemuurse aktiwiteite gehad, rugby gespeel en in bands gespeel. Ek was soms in die moeilikheid, maar niks te erg nie. Die punks het gedink ek is ‘n jock en die jocks het gedink ek is ‘n punk.
Rolene Strauss: Ek was in Laerskool Pionier en Hoërskool Volksrust. Ek het grootgeword in ‘n baie beskermende omgewing. My ouers het vir my en my broer grootgemaak met die wete dat ons enige iets kan bereik indien ons hard werk. Ons omgewing en ouers het bietjie naïviteit verseker maar ek sal dit vir niks in die wêreld verruil nie. Ons het ‘n reël gehad in die huis, terwyl die son skyn speel ons buite. Ek onthou vele kere waar my ma ons letterlik moes vang sodat ons in die huis in moet gaan. Ek is so dankbaar vir my kinderdae en raak emosioneel as ek moet dink ander kinders kon nie so sorgvry soos ons groot geword het nie. Ek glo sterk die feit dat ek skool gegaan het in ‘n klein dorpie het my gehelp om te oorleef in die grootmens wêreld. Om rede ons ‘n klein skool was moes al die leerders aan al die skool aktiwiteite deelneem. Ek onthou ek het eerstespan hokkie en netbal gespeel, deelgeneem aan atletiek, debat kompetisies, CSV leier, hoofdogter en ek moes fokus op my akademie om seker te maak ek word aanvaar om medies te gaan studeer. Hierdie het my geleer om my tyd goed te bestuur en hard te werk vir wat ek wil bereik in die lewe.
Abacus Maths Arno de Beer
JEPPE HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS (t) 011 614 1938 (e)
Kyle Gericke
The Dan Swart Award for the best Art Portfolio
Yannick van Dorp
The Afeltra Award for the best Art Piece
Timothy Mwago
The Du Guigne Award for the Best Literary Essay
Calvin Harding
The Manduell Award for Entrepreneur of the Year
Mnqobi Duze, Daniel Moffett, Rorisang Rasegoete, Tameez Jhetam & Zakariyya Kayat The Sam Moss Shield for Debating
Matthew Du Preez
The Senior Haitas Award for leadership, discipline, devotion to duty and esprit de corps
Linda Ndlovu
The Meredith Trophy for Sportsman of the Year
Ian Immelman
The David Goble Award for Outstanding Creative Writing
Siyabonga Phinda The Scott Cup for School Spirit
Ushir Moonilal
The H. F. School Award for Bilingualism The Dux Award for Academic Excellence
Sibusiso Shongwe
The Warburton Trophy for Meritorious Service
Liam Stott
The Rotary Cup for Service above Self
Sebastian Prince & Kgaudise Molefe The Glendinning Award for Outstanding Achievement
Sergio Domingues & Travis Kroggel The Robbie Coelho Award for Overall Achievement in Cultural Activities
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