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JULY 2018 | Tel: 021 000 1705
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Jean de Villiers is Suid-Afrika se 54ste Springbok kaptein en ‘n baie belangrike leier vir Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby. In 2014 raak Jean die 5de speler wat 100 toetse vir Suid Afrika speel en was twee keer SA rugbyspeler van die jaar benoem (2008 en 2013). Jean tree uit in 2016 maar los ‘n wonderlike nalatenskap vir Suid-Afrikaanse rugby. Deesdae kan die ou Spirngbok steeds op TV gesien word as ‘n SuperSport aanbieder. AWSUM het vir Jean ‘n paar vrae gevra net voor die Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl en Paarl Boys High interskole wat 30 Julie tot 4 Augustus in die Paarl afspeel. Jy was in Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl, hoe het die skool jou rugbyloopbaan beïnvloed? Ek het groot geword in ‘n huis waar rugby altyd relevant was. Van kleintyd af wou ek rugby speel en Paarl Gim het my blootgestel aan rugby. Die feit dat ek op ‘n redelike groot platform kon speel, veral met interskole, het my gehelp om later professioneel te speel en natuurlik op ‘n baie groter platform te speel. Paarl Gim het ‘n groot invloed gehad daarop en ook die afrigting wat ek gekry het van ‘n jong ouderdom af totdat ek klaar gemaak het, was ook baie belangrik vir my.
As ‘n hoë profiel speler, hoe hanteer jy die aandag en roem? Dis moeilik. Die belangrike ding is om nie jouself te sien as iemand wat belangrik is of belangriker is as iemand anders nie en mense met respek te hanteer. In my geval het dit stadig gegroei en later word dit meer en meer en saam met dit groei jy as mens ook. Ek dink elke liewe persoon word maar gedefinieer oor wie hulle is en nie wat hulle is nie of watter trui hulle aantrek nie. Dit is ‘n belangrike begin punt vir enige iemand om mense met respek te hanteer, maak nie saak wie hulle is nie en hopelik ontvang jy respek terug.
Beskryf asb vir ons lesers die gevoel om teen Paarl Boys’ High te speel in die grootste interskole ter wêreld. Ek dink elke jaar bou dit op tot interskole en die wete dat interskole baie belangrik is. Ek het altyd baie trots daarin gehad om goed te doen by interskole. Ek was bevoorreg om in my hele skoolloopbaan net een keer teen Boys High te verloor, en dis defnitief iets waaroor ek baie trots is.
Vertel asseblief vir ons oor jou lewe na rugby. Supersport is ‘n goeie manier vir my om nog steeds betrokke te bly by rugby sonder die druk van ‘n speler of afrigter. Ek geniet dit. Rugby is absoluut my passie. Ek is voltyds aangestel by Citadel Wealth Management en Supersport is net iets wat ek op die kant doen. Die realiteit is rugby hou op en jy het nog ‘n baie lang lewe oor na dit. Ek is net baie bevoorreg dat ek geleenthede gekry het na rugby en ‘n nuwe loopbaan kon bou.
Vertel ons bietjie van jou familie en kinderjare. My pa het ook vir WP rugby gespeel en ek het defnitief in ‘n huis grootgeword waar daar baie rugby mense deur is. Ek kan nie regtig ‘n tyd in my lewe onthou waar rugby nie daar was nie. Ek was bevoorreg om eerstespan by Paarl Gim, Cravenweek en SA 19’s saam met my broer te speel in dieselfde jaar en dit is ook iets waaroor ek baie trots is. My ma was ook baie sportief. Sy was aanvanklik ‘n onderwyseres by Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle met ander woorde ons het baie tyd op La Rochelle se sportvelde spandeer en het baie sportliefhebbers in ons familie. Wanneer het jy besluit jy wil ‘n profesionele rugbyspeler word? Ek dink nie dis rerig ‘n besluit wat jy neem nie, dis maar ‘n voorreg wat jy kry op ‘n stadium en die belangstelling moet daar wees. Ek het altyd gehoop om eendag vir Suid-Afrika te speel nog voordat rugby professioneel geraak het. Ek was bevoorreg om in die middel van my matriek jaar ‘n kontrak van die WP te ontvang en was basies ‘n professionele speler sedert die laaste paar maande van my matriek jaar. Hoe sal jy dit beskryf om in ‘n Wêreldbeker toernooi te speel? Ek is baie bevoorreg om gekies te word het vir vier wêreldbekers. Dit is die grootste platform wat ‘n rugbyspeler op kan deelneem en ‘n baie groot voorreg. Ongelukkig het ‘n wêreldbeker maar gewoonlik vir my bietjie sleg uitgedraai weens beserings. In 2003 het ek beseer geraak voordat ons vertrek het maar dit was ‘n hoogtepunt vir my om in 2015 die span as kaptein te kon lei en om deel te gevorm het van die 2007 span wat die wêreldbeker gewen het. Dit was weereens ‘n voorreg wat nie veel mense al ervaar het nie. Buiten beserings, wat in jou rugbyloopbaan was nie so aangenaam nie? Ek dink die beserings is maar die een ding wat baie uitstaan en die verlange na jou familie. As gevolg van toer saam die span mis mens jou kinders se mylpale. Dit is teleurstellend om juis dit op te offer, maar die voordele wat jy het as rugbyspeler is meer as die nadele. Defnitief daardie mylpale wat ek gemis het is iets waaroor ek spyt is en seker ook die feit dat ek nie my graad klaar gestudeer het op universiteit nie. Ek dink dit is iets wat baie belangrik is maar as ek my lewe kon oorhê sou ek verseker dit verander het.
Editorial team
Samantha Coetzee | 076 141 5218
Aniena Keller Nadia Matthee Ruveix Venter Coordinator Zinta Visser Andre Hanekom Distribution Yolande Brittnell Steyn
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Distribution AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in JOHANNESBURG, SANDTON AND RANDBURG: Primary Schools:
St Peter’s Boys, King Edward Prep, Craighall, Fontainebleau, Bryanston, Jan Celliers, Louw Geldenhuys.
High Schools: Northcliff, King Edward, Randburg, Linden, St Peters College, Bryanston, Fourways, Parktown Boys’, Helpmekaar Kollege. AWSUM News is published by the TieMedia Group, Jock de Villiers Office Building, 376 Main Road, Paarl, 7646. 021 000 1705 |
Enige ander sport wat jy geniet? Ek het provinsiaal geswem, van die ouderdom 7 tot omtrent 16. Ek was eerstespan krieket kaptein en ek het tweekamp provinsiaal gedoen. Ek het maar alle sporte probeer selfs atletiek. Ek verkies maar die spansport maar rugby is die een wat nog altyd uitgestaan het. Wat is jou wens vir SA rugby? My wens is dat hulle weer nommer een sal raak, dit is maar almal se droom om die beste te wees. Die mense weer die trots in die springbokspan kan sien en kan voel. Rugby het so baie al gedoen in die verlede, en partykeer word mense baie negatief oor rugby maar ek dink nie dis nodig nie. Ek dink ons vat sport partykeer te ernstig op, so my wens sal wees dat die mense net die bokke kan ondersteun en dat die Springbokke weer nommer een raak. Wat was die hoogtepunt van jou loopbaan? Daar is nie baie mense in die wêreld wat al 100 toetste gespeel het nie, dit is redelik spesiaal. My 101ste toets was op Nuweland teen Australia en ek het twee drieë gedruk. Ons het die wedstryd gewen en ek kon met my twee dogtertjies uitdraf. My vrou was daardie stadium verwagtend met ons seuntjie. My ouers, my broer en my vriende was almal daar en dit was net ‘n kombinasie van alles waarvoor ek voor lief is op een dag. Wat is jou toekomstige droom vir jou loopbaan. Wat sal jy nog graag wil bereik? Ek wil suksesvol wees in die lewe na rugby. Om ‘n goeie pa en ‘n goeie man vir my vrou te wees is iets wat belangrik is. Om ‘n verskil in mense se lewens te kan maak. Ek het daardie platform gehad as springbok rugbyspeler en ek dink die verantwoordelikheid as Suid-Afrikaner is om jou deel te doen om SA ‘n beter plek te maak. Hopelik kan ek dit ook doen.
HOËRSKOOL RANDBURG (t) 011 782 6226 (e)
(t) 011 791 6160/1 (e)
Goue Leeus Wenners! Fonties se o/11 Rugby span is die Goue Leeus Premier Liga Wenners vir 2018. Die seuns het die seisoen 23 wedstryde gepeel en slegs een verloor in die Super 12! Dit is ‘n uitmuntende prestasie en ons is besonders trots op hulle!
o/11 Goue Leeus Wenners FRONT: Deacon Viljoen, André Naudé, Joshua Wigget, Andreas Kuys, Brendan Jooste, De Wet van Eeden. MIDDLE: Jayden Todd, Jaundré Reyneke, Curwin Hill, SW Steyn, Nicholas le Grange, Christopher Goosen, Ethan Botha. BACK: Wilco van der Merwe (afrigter), Gustav Jones, Cameron Salmain, Tayrian de Beer, Günther Erlank, Max Nel, Luan Kotzé, Reinhardt Terblanché (afrigter).
(t) 011 788 7223/4 (e)
HOËRSKOOL LINDEN (t) 011 888 1433/4 (e)
Visiting Baragwanath Hospital
Lindenkoor sing by die Wêreld Koorspele
Some of our staff, on behalf of Craighall Primary School, had the most humbling experience by visiting the Baragwanath Hospital to hand out the 167 blankets. The blankets were received with such gratitude in particular due to the fact that each blanket was made with love. Each blanket was handed to a baby or child ensuring that it will go home with them when they leave to give them comfort and warmth forever. A huge thank you and hug to every child and parent who gave their time to making the blankets, you put a smile on so many beautiful little faces.
Hoërskool Linden se koor het die voorreg gehad om op ‘n internasionale verhoog by die Wêreld Koorspele op te tree. Behalwe vir hulle prestasies in al drie kategorieë waarin hulle deelgeneem het, was hulle ook puik ambassadeurs van hulle land, skool en mense. Die Lindenkoor het in drie kategorieë deelgeneem en die volgende uitslae behaal: • Musica Sacra - Goud en ‘n vyfde plek teen volwasse kore. • Gemengde Jeugkore – Silwer. • “Music of Spirit and Faith” – Silwer. Die koor was ook bevoorreg om deel te neem aan die afsluitingseremonie in die Sun Arena, Tswane. Dit was ‘n groot kompliment om deur Michael Dingaan, Michael Barrett en André van der Merwe gekies te word om deel te wees van die 1000 stemme by die afsluiting van die Wêreld Koorspele. “Dankie aan almal betrokke vir julle insette, toewyding, opbouende ondersteuning en hope energie. Dit was ‘n positiewe belewenis en ervaring,” sê mnr. Duncan Fourie (koorleier en dirigent). Die koor se fokus verskuif nou na Lindenkoor se 25ste bestaansjaarviering in September.
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ST PETER’S GIRLS PREP SCHOOL (t) 011 367 6631 (e) Mandela Day Service A service to commemorate and celebrate the centenary, of the birth of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was held at St Peter’s Prep on Wednesday, 18 July. Mr Greg Royce (Rector of St Peter’s Prep Schools) gave a moving account of facts relating to Madiba’s history and how he was treated during his incarceration. He then referred to Mandela’s generous and forgiving attitude towards his captors after he was released from prison. The Cadet Choir sang a beautiful, traditional Setswana hymn called Ke nna yo Morena and a few girls, who had written poems, read them to the assembled group at the Mandela Tree. The ‘Mandela Tree’ was planted at St Peter’s Prep, after Nelson Mandela’s death, in his memory. Tyler Wratten, a Grade 7 pupil, wrote a poem for her English teacher – in honour of Nelson Mandela, our leader and role model.
ST PETER’S BOYS PREP SCHOOL (t) 011 705 3423 (e) St Peter’s Boys Prep Breaking I.C.E In true St Peter’s style, we are constantly changing and making adjustments to our school programme to ensure that we offer a dynamic, well-rounded education that all boys thrive in. This unique I.C.E programme allows the boys to widen their horizons, explore new experiences and adds another dimension to their learning. It fosters enjoyment and stimulates their creative minds. We decided to give the cultural programme a make-over in order to incorporate 21st century skills. I.C.E stands for Inquiry, Creativity and Experimenting. We decided on this name, as these are vital 21st century skills for the boys to be exposed to and inquiry forms a big part of our curriculum. Incorporating the I.C.E programme at St Peter’s allows boys to be exposed to new experiences and possible hobbies that they might have never considered. Timetable schedules have also been altered in order for EVERYONE to be able to join in on the fun. We have a wide range of sessions to allow for a variety of topics. Some of the new sessions are: Inquiring Minds, Cooking, Sewing, Yoga, Inquiring into different Cultures, Creative Sketching, Mosaics, Sculpturing, Stem Engineering, Creative Minds, Body Basics, Mad Scientist, Makerspace, Drama and Robotics. We felt it was important that the boys took a final product home after their block session The boys never want to miss these creative sessions where they are able to experiment and learn something new and have so much fun while learning!
ST PETER’S COLLEGE (t) 011 807 5315 (e) Music Tour On 22 June, the choir and orchestra team totalling 46 students departed from OR Tambo International Airport on a 5-day tour to Oudtshoorn and the surrounding area. They stayed over in Oudtshoorn and Prince Albert. They experienced the adventure tour in the Cango Caves, had a stargazing experience offered by professional guides, drove through the Outeniqua pass and the Swartberg pass, visited the Meiringspoort waterfall, spent a couple of hours on the beach in Herold’s Bay and participated in the most fabulous African drumming session. The team performed in the streets at Prince Albert, also at the NG Moederkerk in Oudtshoorn (a national heritage site) as well as conducted performances during community service activities. The students spent 3 hours at the Oudtshoorn community centre teaching songs and movements to approximately 90 children who were either homeless or orphans from 8 -18 years of age. Our students also donated warm clothes and spent time playing games and serving students with all sorts of goodies ranging from chocolate to toys. The music team also spoiled the elderly with a concert at Coronation Old Age home and showered them with gifts of chocolate and hand cream. Some of the most rewarding elements of the tour were the conversations about the experiences which ranged from; community service, geographical phenomena in the Swartberg pass, the beauty of the cango caves, the karoo stars, planets and moon. The tour was a fun and impactful and experience for all of us.
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(t) 011 706 6010 (e)
Athletics season is underway Athletics season is underway and our athletes are in full swing training their hearts out. We are desperately looking for running spikes, secondhand or new. If anyone has a pair lying around that they no longer use and would be happy to donate to the #trueblue team we would be so grateful!
Matric jackets
Our first athletics camp took place at Camp Konka this past weekend. Our athletes learnt specialised skills and running techniques. Plenty of team bonding took place and loads of fun was had by all. What an amazing opportunity ahead of our athletics season!
(t) 011 465 1104/07 (e)
Some of our special matrics in their gorgeous Matric jackets! #goldenjubilee#50 #BlueFlame
Three destinations, one eye-opening country and a million memories to tell our kids one day. Thailand can’t be explained, but rather has to be experienced. On our way to every tourist attraction we experienced almost every form of transport from taxi’s to tuk-tuks, sky trains, long-tail boats, ferries, speed boats, bamboo rafts, rubber dinghies and of course trains and airplanes. From our arrival to our departure it was non-stop, sense-tingling experience filled with all the sensations, smells, tastes, feels and visuals that Thailand had to offer. It is an incredible environment filled with colour, culture and especially food. You could physically taste the food just from smelling the air. Believe me, when Thai people mean spicy, they MEAN spicy, but it is always accompanied by a bowl of rice, whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, there’s always rice. Bangkok is a bustling city known for its temples and floating markets, while Chiang Mai gave us a taste of the rain forests and adventure like white water rafting. All the temples we visited are difficult to describe in size and ornate decorations, - colourful doesn’t even begin to describe the mesmerizing structures that hypnotized our eyes, and all the ornately decorated stupas and sacred sites. Let me not forget to mention the millions of markets and shopping malls that emptied our wallets. Stalls selling fruits and different food (sometimes even still alive) line the streets mingling with other stalls selling anything from clothing to flowers, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Despite some rainy weather, the tour around the different islands in Phuket was magical and simply photogenic, and we have the pictures to prove it. We felt as though we were in the floating mountains of Pandora, it was breath taking. A swim in the ocean proved the water to be warm and refreshing, not to mention exciting. On our flight back home I realised that I have brought a part of Thailand home with me, and I have left a part of me there. On behalf of the Thailand Tour group we can undeniably and unquestionably say that we would go again without hesitation, and we express our utmost gratitude to Mr. Guthrie, Mr. Clayton, Ms. Skillicorn and Mrs. de Bruyn for making this fantasy a reality. To many memories; To Thailand. Editorial by Nina Ottesen, Grade 11 Pupil
LAERSKOOL JAN CELLIERS (t) (0)11 646 3336 (e)
Dit was ’n Mandela-dag “100”! Vir ons skool was dit ‘n voorreg om deel te kon wees van hierdie 100-jaar-vieringe. Die skool het hul Mandela-dag program begin met ‘n 100-formasie op die sportveld as ’n huldeblyk aan mnr. Mandela. Die dag se aktiwiteite het ook die oorhandiging van goedere wat deur leerlinge en ouers geskenk is ingesluit. Die skenkings is ten bate van die Helen Joseph-hospitaal se “Joyful Harvest”-projek. Ander aktiwiteite op Mandela-dag vir ons leerlinge, het ook ‘n besoek aan Parksorg-ouetehuis in Parktown ingesluit, deur die skool se junior koor. Die koor het die inwoners met hul klein engel stemme vermaak. #trotsjancelliers #madiba100 #dieverskilbeginbyjou
Jan Celliers Laerskool en Pre-Primêr “100” formasie vir Mandeladag 2018
KING EDWARD VII SCHOOL (t) 011 551 5800 (e)
KES Pipe Band remember the fallen at Delville Wood Memorial Parade 25 July 2018 King Edward VII School Pipe Band took part in a very special remembrance service in Mombela over the weekend 20-21 July. The memorial parade was in honour of the fallen soldiers during The Battle of Delville Wood and was held in Kaapschehoop along with the Stevenson-Hamilton Pipe Band & the MOTHS. We will remember them. Lest we forget.
Skenkings aan Helen Joseph-hospitaal vir die “Joyful Harvest”-projek.
Jan Celliers junior koor sing by Parksorg ouetehuis
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NORTHCLIFF HIGH SCHOOL (t) 011 476 1544 (e)
LAERSKOOL LOUW GELDENHUYS (t) 011 782 5442 (e)
A-team athletes
Louwtjies kompeteer teen internasionale kore
Our A-team athletes participated in a meeting hosted by Trinity Randpark on Wednesday 25 July and the results were as follows: • Northcliff A - 276 Points • Bryanston - 192 • Trinity Randpark Ridge - 119 • Edenglen - 89 Damen-Marco Botes won all three his races. Precious Emekpo, Stephanie Maggs, Bevahn Ryan and Christ-Vie Kubanza won two each. Four of our 1500m teams and five of our relay teams also won their respective events. Congratulations to all who participated!
Die Louwtjie seniorkoor het op Woensdag, 11 Julie om 15:00 in die ZK Matthews Ouditorium by Unisa opgetree.Hulle het deelgeneem aan die “World Choir Games” Hulle het ‘n hoendervleis optrede gelewer. Op 14 Julie was hulle ook deel van die “Parade of the nations” Wat ‘n ongelooflike ervaring! Ons is so trots op hulle. Dankie aan al die ouers, onderwysers en ondersteuners. #louwtjietrots
Leigh McMorran Congratulations to our very own Leigh McMorran who has represented South Africa to the International Open Water Swimming Challenge which was held at Lake Bled in Slovenia. 17 countries took part in the competition. Leigh was one of the youngest members of Team South Africa and she delivered such an exceptional swim that she took the Silver Medal in the 5km event. Well done Leigh - we are very proud of you!
Ons spoggerige nuwe uitrustings
PARKTOWN BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL (t) 011 642 4531/2 (e)
HELPMEKAAR KOLLEGE (t) 011 339 2226/7 (e)
National Science Competition
Feedback and results from the MINQUIZ 2018 (South Africa’s Premier National Science Competition) which culminated this past weekend. Grade 12 learner Ireton Liu captained his Gauteng team to take 1st Place in the competition. Congratulations to Ireton and his team on this outstanding achievement!
Die Helpies is baie opgewonde om hierdie jaar vir die eerste keer, as skool, aan die Telkom 94.7-fietswedren deel te neem. Dit is ten bate van Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis, waar hoop gegee word vir hawelose, getraumatiseerde en kwesbare kinders. Ons doelwit is om R20 000 vir Abraham Kriel in te samel. Vat hande met ons en maak ‘n skenking deur na die volgende skakel te gaan: Daar is belastingsvoordele vir individue en maatskappye. Die fondsinsameling sluit op 17 November 2018. Kontak Carien Wessels ( vir meer detail.
Tienertoneel: Ons Tienertoneel, Net Nóg Een, met teks en regie deur matrikulant Pieter Hougaard, is aangewys as deel van die Top 6 uit 25 toneelstukke by die Noordheuwel Streeksfees, Aardklop Pronk Podium-kompetisie. Hulle het meegeding teen ander top toneelskole vir ‘n plek by die Aardklop Nasionale Kunstefees.Hierdie Helpie-tienertoneel het ‘n derde plek in die streeksfinaal verwerf. Baie geluk!
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BRYANSTON PRIMARY SCHOOL (t) 011 7061263 (e) Staff team building ... potjie and archery competition
Mandela Day
Inter house cross country, on a crisp winter’s day...
Well done to our boys on their speech and presentation at Bryanston Primary Schooltoday for Mandela Day. The topic was “You’re never too young to make a difference”. So proud.
KING EDWARD VII PREPARATORY SCHOOL (t) 011 648 1000 (e) Rugby Congratulations to Coach Thando, selected as Head Coach of the U13 “Dreamteam” selected from the various Prep rugby sides who played in the K.E.S. Rugby Fest. Congratulations to Kevashen Govender, Jason Rowe, Bryce Bennet, Tiaan Marais, Jonah Carr, Declan Gillespie, Connor Hawthorn & Dylan Piek on their selection to the side touring Ireland in December. Well done, Gents! Top 10 – Term 2 2018 Grade 4: • 10 – Daniel Brouckaert • 9 – Ryan Morley • 8 – Daniel Soekoe • 7 – Dominic Michael • 6 – Ethan van der Wiel • 5 – Ethan James • 4 – Taig David • 3 – Zaeem Cajee • 2 – Uthmaan Mayet • 1 – David Elvin Grade 5: • 10 – Harry Wilkins • 9 – Alexio Adriao • 8 – Eli Venturini • 7 – Keaghan McDermott • 6 – Reece Small • 5 – Ameer Loonat • 4 – Amaan Tayob • 3 – Sky Segal • 2 – Dylan Hughes • 1 – Adam Gunn
Grade 6: • 10 – Dennis Chung • 9 – Raymond Gordon • 8 – Karabo Mamaregane • 7 – Zayaan Ismail • 6 – Veer Daya • 5 – Rameez Adamjee • 4 – Declan Gillespie • 3 – Zayyaan Patel • 2 – Daniel Eykelhof • 1 – Ammaar Mayet. Grade 7: • 10 – Joel Bragin • 9 – Ethan Duminy • 8 – Steven Gunn • 7 – Caleb James • 6 – Zaid Loonat • 5 – Rocco Gnudi • 4 – Zubair Said • 3 – Joshua Wyngaard • 2 – Jonah Carr • 1 – Jason Rowe
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