Noordelike Voorstede AWSUM September 2024 uitgawe

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Sub-editor Aniena Venter

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Rowan Engledoe

Ruveix Venter

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Enrico Theart

Bryan Meyer

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Lees Northern Suburbs skoolnuus aanlyn.

Navigating nationwide education budget cuts: How schools can maximise resources

As South Africa faces widespread budget challenges in the education sector, schools across the country are being forced to rethink their financial strategies.

Recently, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) announced plans to cut 2 400 teaching jobs due to a staggering R3.8 billion budget shortfall, but this is only one example of the broader financial strain affecting all provinces. Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

With the other provinces also grappling with severe budget shortfalls, schools must stretch their funds while reducing staff and operational costs. As head of the WCED, Brent Walters, explained in a recent circular, “the current number of educator posts in the Western Cape cannot be maintained.” This mirrors the difficulties faced by education departments across the country, as schools are being asked to navigate reduced teacher numbers and frozen recruitment efforts.

Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

In this financially challenging environment, Everything School offers a unique opportunity for schools to not only streamline their procurement process, but also generate additional funding by getting real cash back, in the form of School Bucks, with every order fulfilled. 1 School Buck = 1 Rand, making it easy for schools to maximise the value of their spending. Schools can then re-utilise their School Bucks when purchasing goods through Everything School. During these tough financial times, maximizing the value of every Rand is more important than ever. Schools can easily accumulate School Bucks. For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs for learners, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks -a critical financial boost in this time of austerity.

These School Bucks can be used to purchase essential items like 2025 learner and teacher diaries, customised workbooks, or yearbooks - all of which would otherwise place further strain on already tight budgets. Alternatively, schools can save their School Bucks for larger future purchases, such as modular classrooms or branded uniforms, ensuring that their procurement efforts support both immediate and long-term goals.

For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks.

With staff reductions and fewer resources, schools are under enormous pressure to manage operations more efficiently. The challenge of sourcing suppliers, comparing costs, and securing the best deals has become a significant burden for already stretched school administrations.

Everything School simplifies this process by offering a one-stop solution for all procurement needs. From workbooks, school bags, educational toys, and classroom supplies to modular classrooms, sports equipment, and school furniture, Everything School handles everything under one roof, allowing schools to focus on what matters most—education.

According to an expert from Everything School, “Schools are in an increasingly difficult situation. With fewer staff and limited budgets, it’s becoming harder to manage procurement effectively. That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of suppliers and expertise in school procurement, we ensure that schools receive the best value for every purchase - all while earning valuable cash-back rewards.

Any school enquiries can be sent to

Laerskool Kenridge gekroon as nasionale kampioene van die ATKV-Applous-koorkompetisie

ATKV se 47ste Applous-koorkompetisie het van 24-27 Julie in Kaapstad plaasgevind. Applous is die oudste skoolkoorkompetisie in die land en het oor die jare aan skoolkore die geleentheid gebied om hul liefde vir Afrikaans en hul vreugde van koorsang uit te leef. Laerskool Kenridge se seniorkoor stap weg met die volgende toekennings:

• Beste uitvoering van die Afrikaanse komposisie

• Beste uitvoering van die voorgeskrewe werk

• Nasionale kategoriewenners vir die laerskole-meriete afdeling




Contact: 061 538 6461


Laerskool Durbanville se koor het op 24 Augustus in die Endler-saal in Stellenbosch aan die Tygerberg Internasionale Eisteddfod deelgeneem en ‘n eerste plek behaal met ‘n persentasie van 95,6%.

Laerskool Durbanville se senior toneelgroep het op 22 Julie by die Tygerberg Internasionale Eisteddfod se Toneelfees die volgende toekennings vir “Bloed is dikker as water” ontvang: Wian Carstens en Christoff Els: Beste ondersteunende akteurs, Beste tegniese aspekte, beste regie EN beste produksie by die fees. Hierdie toneelstuk was ook

Sophia Viljoen en Hendrik van Deventer (albei graad 7) het aan die NW EXPO deelgeneem wat op 1-2 Augustus 2024 by Paul Roos in Stellenbosch plaasgevind het. Die leerders het die volgende prestasies behaal:

1. Sophia: Wen `n Silwer medalje vir haar projek: Preposterous parking problem. Sy is ook kategoriewenner in die junior afdeling vir Wiskunde.

2. Hendrik: Wen ook `n Silwer medalje vir sy projek: Threading the way through school – a button`s journey.

een van 26 skole wat by PV Playhouse Theatre in Somerset-Wes opgetree het as deel van die Parelvallei Teaterfees. Daarna word hulle genooi na die finaal op Saterdag, 27 Julie - as een van slegs twee laerskooltoneelstukke. “Bloed is dikker as water” ontvang die volgende toekennings: Beste ondersteunende akteurs, Beste regie en beste produksie van die fees.

Voor: Emma Coetzee, Mia Greeff, Christina Kellerman, Christoff Els, Samuel Nel, Sophia Viljoen, Leanay de Vos, Wian Carstens.

Agter: Irené Willemse, Marianka van Eck, Hancke Els, Kara Wentzel, Karla Pienaar, Mumu Chirinda. (Afwesig: Clea Nel).

Josua Potgieter (graad 5) het op 12 Augustus in BelaBela aan die nasionale finaal van die ATKVredenaarskompetisie deelgeneem. Hy is as die algehele wenner aangewys.

Sophia Viljoen en Hendrik van Deventer
Josua Potgieter

Durbies haal SA-netbalspan

Hoërskool Durbanville het weer ‘n sterk netbalseisoen beleef. Anja Mostert en Anika Loubser is na afloop van die SA Topskole Netbaltoernooi genooi vir die top-35 spelers wat sou deelneem aan die proewe. Na afloop van die proewe is albei Durbies in die SA o.16 Netbalspan opgeneem.

SA gholfkampioenskap

Henru Walters het onlangs die SA o.17 Gholf Kampioenskap in Kimberley gewen. Henru eindig op -6 (na drie rondtes). Henru het ook die Merchant’s Cup op St Andrews in Skotland gewen. Henru het teen van die top gholfers in Engeland en Skotland gespeel en uiteindelik in die finaal van die puitjiespel geseëvier.

Outstanding Results for 2024

Durbanville – August 1, 2024 – Reddam House Durbanville is proud to announce the exceptional results of its students who sat for the Cambridge International IGCSE examinations in June 2024. With an enduring commitment to academic excellence, the results clearly underline the hard work of the students and the dedication of the teaching staff.

Durbies presteer by SA gholfkampioenskap

Hoërskool Durbanville het onlangs die Westelike Provinsie verteenwoordig by die SA Gholf Kampioenskap.

Durbanville het die WP kwalifiserende rondte op Metropolitan GC met 7 houe teenoor die naaste skool gewen en sodoende gekwalifiseer om die WP te verteenwoordig.

Hoërskool Durbanville het goeie gholf oor die twee dae gespeel en algeheel 4de plek geeindig in ‘n sterk veld wat uit 25 van die land se top skole bestaan. Baie geluk Durbies, ons is trots op julle.

ATKV Debat Landsfinaal

Hoërskool Durbanville se Debatspanne het geskiedenis gemaak deur albei die junior en senior ATKV Debat Landsfinaal te wen. Die juniorspan van Saskia Cloete, Cayla Fourie en Anouk Gerber wen die juniorafdeling van die ATKV Debat Landsfinaal.Saskia Cloete wen ook Beste Taalgebruiker onder die juniors.

Breakdown of Achievements:

• 81 Grade 11 students participated in the IGCSE examinations.

• An unbelievable 336 subject distinctions were achieved by these students.

• 44 of these students achieved an A aggregate.

• The school achieved an exceptional IGCSE grade average of 80%

• 14 students attained above 90% as their aggregate average.

• Out of the 20 subjects students wrote exams for, eleven achieved an aggregate of over 80% and another seven showcased an aggregate average between 70% and 80%.

Daarna het die seniorspan van Angelique en Genevieve Myburgh wen die seniorafdeling van die ATKV Debat Landsfinaal. Baie geluk met dié uitstekende prestasie Durbies, ons is trots op julle.

IGCSE Top 14 Results with Aggretate Averages:

1. Youkyum Kim - 96.1%

2. Mia Ivan - 95.7%

3. Karli Kennard - 95.1% (99% for Mathematics)

4. Misa von Wielligh - 94.6%

5. Anne Pienaar - 93.8%

6. Rita de Wet - 93.6%

7. Lucas Louw - 92.5%

8. Mia Rothuysen - 91.8%

9. Jade Cameron - 91%

10. Ben-George Watermeyer - 90.9%

11. Mignon Madelyn - 90.06%

12. Siphosethu Hermanus - 90.3%

13. Logan Pereira - 90%

14. Lucy Malherbe - 90% (89.9%)

Two A - Level Students Excel:

Added to these excellent results, two A Level students wrote the A Level examinations earlier, as they accelerated their A Level course in order to start their university studies in the United Kingdom and Europe at the start of the academic year in September.

The two students are:

Minkyum Kim – 95% for A Level Further Mathematics and an equal 95% for A Level Physics. Minkyum accelerated the Mathematics course by writing IGCSE Mathematics, followed by A Level Mathematics at the end of 2023. This he did to ensure a third A Level subject. Having achieved 98% for A Level Mathematics and the results for the June exams, Minkyum has received a confirmed offer of a place to study at Cambridge University. He will be completing a Computer Science degree at Trinity College. This is a phenomenal achievement given the competition there is for student places at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Talitha Vermeulen – also accelerated her A Levels to study at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. Talitha achieved outstanding A Level results in the June 2024 exams, notably – 90% for Chemistry, 86% for Mathematics and 83% for Biology. Talitha has also received confirmation of her place at Utrecht, where she will start her Science degree specialising in Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences.

Head of Reddam House Durbanville

Barry Nieuwoudt, Executive Head of Reddam House Durbanville, remarked, “ Once again, I am at a loss for words as our results are released. The anticipation that fills us all in the days before the release is eased as we look through and analyse our exceptional achievements. It is truly humbling as the head of this remarkable school, to congratulate our students year after year on how fantastically they do. A huge thank you for their dedication, resilience, and commitment and the unwavering support and excellence in education of our faculty and their parents. We are truly proud of each and every student.”

The Kim Family

The Kim family are celebrating the exceptional results of both their achievers – Minkyum achieving 95% aggregate average in his accelerated A Levels and Youkyum achieving 96.1% aggregate average for the IGCSE examinations, where he is ranked as the school’s top performing IGCSE student.

Anja Mostert
Anika Loubser Henru Walters
Braam Smit, Quwen Botha, Henru Walters, Jano Stone.
Talitha Vermeulen
Minkyum Kim
Angelique Myburgh, Saskia Cloete, Anouk Gerbeer, Cayla Fourie, Genevieve Myburgh.
Saskia Cloete

Grand Prix TSATennistoernooi

Ilke van der Merwe het van 9-11 Augustus 2024 aan die Eden Grand Prix TSA-tennistoernooi in George deelgeneem. Sy verower silwer in die enkel- en goud in die dubbelwedstryde.


Hoërskool Stellenberg se “Loslit!”-ekstravaganza!

Die droom vir Hoërskool Stellenberg om weer ’n musiekblyspel aan te bied, is hierdie jaar op 31 Julie tot 2 Augustus bewaarheid! Getrou aan die Stellenberg-styl, was dit egter nie ’n tipiese musiekblyspel nie, maar eerder ’n ekstravaganza!

Loslit, geïnspireer deur die film, “Footloose”, vertel ’n storie van tienerontwaking, tienerworsteling, dans, polsende musiek asook die tienerstrewe om ‘n eie identiteit te vind. Ons is daarvan oortuig dat almal wat saam met George Michael, Queen, Laura Branigan, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Bonnie Tyler en nog vele meer grootgeword het, en steeds van “leg warmers”, sneeu-jeans en “pofferige” klere hou, in hierdie musiekblyspel opnuut ‘n spesiale heimweë en opwinding ervaar het.

The infectious ‘80s fever quickly took hold of the cast and crew and resulted in a magical production - one that will linger in our memories for years to come! This production would never have been possible was it not for the incredible teamwork and skills of the staff involved.

Die talentvolle akteurs, ongelooflike sangers en briljante choreografie getuig van die personeel en leerders se toewyding, harde werk en deursettingsvermoë. Hierdie Loslit-herinneringe sal vir jare gekoester word.

SA Biathle- / Thriathle Kampioenskappe

Vier leerders van Hoërskool Stellenberg het 9 tot 10 Augustus aan die SA Biathle-/Triathle Kampioenskappe in Oos-Londen deelgeneem. Al vier hierdie leerders het gekwalifiseer om aan die Wêreldkampioenskappe wat 10-13 Oktober in Egipte sal plaasvind, deel te neem.


Nina Smook, Carli Neethling en Jesse Nel is by die WP-Landloopspan ingelsuit.


Die senior koor van Laerskool Gene Louw is in Julie vir die 13de keer in die afgelope 23 jaar aangewys as die algehele wenners van die Prestige-afdeling vir laerskoolkore in die ATKV Applous-koorkompetisie. Hulle het ’n punt van 93,5% behaal en ook die gesogte toekenning vir beste uitvoering van ’n Afrikaanse werk ontvang. Die koor is boonop die week vantevore by die Stellenbosch Eisteddfod bekroon met die Johanna Schoeman-beker vir die beste laerskool- senior koor. In Augustus behaal beide die senior en junior kore van die skool ’n tweede plek in hul onderskeie kategorieë van die Tygerberg Eisteddfod.

Die senior koor van Laerskool Gene Louw

Travis Eberhardt is gekies vir die Westelike Provinsie se o.13sewesrugbyspan.

Laerskool Gene Louw se o.11-skaakspan het in Julie aan die Topskoletoernooi in Atlantis deelgeneem en die tweede plek in hul kategorie behaal.

Lennert, Eugene Plowman, Luhan Pretorius en Jean-Luc van der

die Westelike Provinsie se o.12-rugbyspan.

Drie Gene Louw-hokkiespelers – Christiaan Jackson, Peyton Finlay en Jurgens Storm – het die Westelike Provinsie in Junie by die Nasionale o.13-Hokkietoernooi in Bloemfontein verteenwoordig, waar beide die WP dogters- en seunspanne goud verower het.

Laerskool Gene Louw se o.12A-netbalspan het in Augustus aan die Marius Schoeman Sportfees by Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium deelgeneem. Hulle het teen spanne van 18 skole in die o.12-netbaltoernooi meegeding en bronsmedaljes verower.

Travis Eberhardt
Christiaan Jackson, Peyton Finlay en Jurgens Storm
Laytham Lennert Eugene Plowman
Jean-Luc van der Westhuizen
Luhan Pretorius
Die o.12A-netbalspelers saam met hul afrigters en verteenwoordigers van Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium. Voor: Lente Badenhorst, Liza Wessels en Bea Ross. Agter: Grace Coulson, Marlie Terblanche, Kiara Ismaiel, Juné Dippenaar, Megan Senekal en Hannah Coetzee.
Voor: Zuribeth Pretorius, Connor Brits en Benjamin Visagie. Agter: Rafael Josling, Steyn Calitz, Tyler Grové en Christiaan de Villiers.
Westhuizen is gekies vir
Juan van Tubbergh
Liam Els o.15 Seuns
Lola Putter o.19 Dogters
Zani Venter o.17 Dogters


Interskole by Curro

Curro Uitzicht leerders - Jamie Warren, Megan Brown en Mia Marais, het met passie deelgeneem aan die hokkie interskole by Curro Langebaan en het uitmuntend gevaar! Ons is ongelooflik trots op julle!

Western Cape Gymnastics Championships

This past weekend at the Western Cape Gymnastics Championships, Jamie Steyl (Graad 2) showcased her incredible talent and hard work, earning:

• Gold - Vault

• Brinze - Bar

• Bronze - Beam

• Second overall

We are thrilled to announced that Jamie has been selected to represent at Nationals from 21-29 September 2024.

Rocket Hour

Congratulations to Marnus Engelbrecht in Grade 8 for passing his second checkpoint in the advanced course with Rocket Hour! Marnus has been excelling in his online coding classes, and we’re incredibly proud of his hard work and

150cc Junior Short Circuit Racing

On the 22nd of June 2024, our very own Bradley Mustoe raced his way to an incredible 3rd place finish in the 150cc Junior short circuit racing! Not only did he secure a spot on the podium, but he also honored as the 150cc


Primary School learner Jaimie Ord proudly represented the Cape Metro Team at the SANESA Finals held at the Stellenbosch District Riding Club from 9-11 August 2024.

We are thrilled to announce that Jaimie secured first place in her Accumulator and Competition classes! Her hard work and dedication have

Curro Durbanville Choir

Congratulations to Milah Steenkamp who shines in the Curro Durbanville Choir! Milah and the junior choir participated in the final round of the Tygerberg Eisteddfod at Endler Hall in Stellenbosch, achieving an outstanding average score of 95%. They won the Junior Choir category.

We’re proud to announce that High School learner Daniel Rhoode has made the Western Cape National SANESA Team for horse riding! He qualified for both showjumping and working hunter classes, showing incredible determination and skills. Daniel’s journey was remarkable, stepping up to a higher class and excelling in every competition. His hard work has paid off, and we can’t wait to see him


Tygerberg and Cape Town Eisteddfod Final Round

Our junior choir participated in the final round of the Tygerberg Eisteddfod at the Endler Hall in Stellenbosch and achieved an average score of 95%. They won the Junior Choir category. Both the Junior and Senior Choirs from Curro Durbanville Primary excelled at the Cape Town Eisteddfod, held at Jan van Riebeeck High School. Both choirs achieved CATEGORY WINNER status with Diplomas (95%-100%).

Chess: Top Schools Western Cape

Our Under 13 chess team have been named the Under 13 Top Schools Western Cape champions!

We are thrilled to announce that Jacques Smit has shown incredible dedication and preserverance in his Jiu-Jitsu journey! Jacques has progressed through various levels with great success and personal growth. Recently, Jacques once again passed his grading with flying colors and made the significant leap from the Teen class to the Adult class. He has now proudly earned his 4th level Adult Senior White Belt.

was deel van die finaliste. Daar was n paar rondtes en sy het elke keer baie goed

Under 16 Girls Cricket Player of the Year

Danielleh Hugo has been awarded the Western Province Under 16 Girls Cricket Player of the Year for the second consecutive year at the Western Province annual awards ceremony held at Newlands Cricket Ground on Saturday, 24 August 2024.

In addition to this incredible achievement, Danielleh also received a trophy for her team’s victory as WPCA Club League winners for the 2023/2024 season.

We are very proud to have Danielleh as a key player and leader in our school community. As the captain of the Western Province Under 16 Girls team, Curro Durbanville’s school team, and the UWC Women’s club, her dedication and passion for the game is truly inspiring!

Congratulations to our Under 15 chess team, who have been named the Under 15 Top Schools Western Cape champions!

Amelia Warrington het deelgeneem aan n sangkompetisie en sy
Scan the code and read more of our schools news online!
Amory Augustyn (Grade 3), Luchelle van Tonder (Grade 3), Alba Augustyn (Grade 2). Back:
Mev. Anine Erlank (accompanist), Mev. Jeanne Maritz (conductor).
Danielleh Hugo



Welgemoed-leerders het onlangs aan die Kyokushin Budokan Nationale SA -Kampioenskappe wat die jaar in die Wes Kaap gehou was deelgeneem.

Drie Laerskool Welgemoed Gr. 7-leerders het onderskeidelik Eerste (Lezé Calitz) , Tweede (Kayleigh Hanauer) en Derde plek (Tanika Chetty) verwerf in hulle gewigs en ouderdom divisie (u.13 - onder 50kg).

Science Expo

Welgemoed het geskitter met uitstekende uitslae by die onlangse

Laerskool Welgemoed Toneel kraai koning!

Die senior toneelgroep van Laerskool Welgemoed se toneelstuk, Huis Madelief, het onlangs weggeloop met die trofee vir Beste Laerskool produksie by die ATKV-Fraserburg Logan toneelfees in Fraserburg. Die regisseur, Jani Greeff, het ook benoemings ontvang vir Beste Nuutgeskrewe teks en Beste Regie. Annabel Swart (Gr.7) is benoem vir Beste Junior aktrise vir haar rol as Bienkie en Eben Schoeman (Gr.7) het Beste Junior akteur gewen.

Die juniortoneelgroep (Gr.4+5) het ‘n silwer tydens die ATKV-Tjokkertoneel ontvang vir hul produksie, 20 Minute.



Baie geluk aan die volgende stoeiers wat gekies is om die WP-span te verteenwoordig by die SA-kampioenskappe in September:

André Venter. Middel: Lisa van Tonder, Annabel Germishuys, Sias Vermeulen, Adrean van Tonder. Agter: Zaan-Mari de Bruyn, Mija Vermeulen, De Wet Germishuys.

South African Mathematics Challenge

Na die afloop van die tweede rondte van die South African Mathematics Challenge (SAMC) is slegs 500 gr.4-7 leerders landwyd gekies om die finale rondte te skryf. Ons is trots op ons 4 leerders wat deurgedring het: Lydia Calitz (gr.5), Eloise Bruwer (gr.6), Amé Snyman (gr.7) en John-Noah van Wijk. Lydia en Eloise het beide goud verwerf met ‘n uitslag van 95%.


Baie geluk aan Amé Snyman wat in die SAskolespan vir tennis opgeneem is. Dit wil gedoen wees!

Amé Snyman

Nelia Gerber (gr.6) is as kategoriewenner by die Tygerberg Eisteddfod aangewys in twee kategorieë, nl. beste gedig en beste poem in graad 6. Baie geluk! Eisteddfod


Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat die eerste rondte oudisies vir die Tygerberg Kinderkoor geslaag het. Hulle word nou opgeneem in ‘n oefenkoor en weer na ‘n tydperk getoets. Ons is trots op julle!

Eloise Bruwer, Amé Snyman, Lydia Calitz en John-Noah van Wijk.
Voor: Zanique Grobler. Middel: Esmé van Niekerk, Alina Robbertze. Agter: Emmabelle Woodward.
Nelia Gerber
Pierre Oosthuizen, Lara Greeff en Eben Schoeman.
Voor: Lara Greeff, McKenna Eitner, Zama Mlambo, Annabel Swart, Eben Schoeman en Rafaela Andrade-Schreuder. Agter: Azelle Kotze, Livia van Zyl, Annebel Lee, Roux Boshoff, Pierre Oosthuizen, Nicholaas Claassen, Ronald Mayer, Jani Greeff en Liezl Wolstenholme.
Eskom Stellenbosch Wetenskap-ekspo.
Lisa Jonker en Leila Viljoen (Silwer), Tanika Chetty (Goud) en Henroux Strydom en Ben Bruwer (Goud).

DISCOVER Bellville


Baie, baie geluk aan al die leerderleiers wat tot die 2024/2025-termyn verkies is. Ons is baie trots op julle en wens julle alle sterkte toe.

Anke Greeff, Carla Strydom, Lara Smith, Liya Holtman, Anina Prezens, Tamryn Lodewyk & Keanté Korkie. Middel: Amelia de Villiers, Danelle van der Merwe, Megan Miller, Jacky Roux, Carlo Aucamp, Ruhan Smuts, Stephan Naudé & Liam Duminy. Agter: Stéfan den Haan, WB Wannenburg, Kian Redelinghuys, Gideon Lotz, Corbin de Jager, Ruald Coetzee, Zak Grobbelaar & Ian van der Vinne.

• Rachel Abrahamse

• Daniel Beelders

• Alexa Bruce

• Zara-Mare Burger

• Tanner Christians

• Kellan Claassen

• Joshua Conradie

• Alicia Conradie

• Thomas Day

• Christopher Deavall

• Zorann Erasmus

• Keene Field

• Caitlyn Gardiner

• Samuel Hoctor

• Caden Jansen

• Zeta Kearns

• Isabella Kritzinger

• Keira le Roux

• Michaela Lilley

• Nathan Lock

• Marisje Louw

• Yichong Ma

• Keanan Paulse • Yu Bin Ro

• Zoe Scholtz

• Jemma Smorenburg

• Ryan Trokis

• Aaron Weideman

• Shayne Williams

• Kejin Zeng

Grade 9:

• Cassidy Hayes

• Lunje Mngoma

• Nakhokonke Ndlovu

• Luke van der Bergh Grade 10:

• Bradon Bester

• Shumirai Chirinda

• Desan Pillay

• Shayla Potgieter

Grade 11:

• Zenande Godongwana

• Jorja Goodrich

• Taei Kim

• Jesse Simpson

Grade 12:

• Logan Bezuidenhout

• Mila Harrison

• Kumele Mngoma

• Oliver Nesdale

Senior Council

Grade 11:

• Robin Appelgryn

• Carin Byrne

• Madison Hayes

• Olivia Jongsma

• Sophie King

• Ethan Saunders

Grade 12:

• Hannah Cupido

• Robyn Johnson

• Catherine Marais

• Mia Oosthuizen

• Ntsika Sazona

• Kate-Ann Wigington

Prefects for 2025

Voor: Anke van Aardt,
Voor: Ryno Higgs Anru van Niekerk, Lanique Burger, Lilly Swart, Carla Hattingh, Stefan Marais. Middel: Carla Joubert, Megan-Leigh van Greunen, Katy van Zyl, Jenna Sutherland & Jana Smith. Agter: Alex Cronjé, Von W Louw, Henré Kleynhans, Corné Smit.
Voor: Abiah Louw, Layla Fouché, Tayla van der Merwe, Anzél Claassen en Bethany February. Agter: Veon Bosman, Tiaan Botha, Wian Oelofse, Ruan Swanepoel, Hein Slabbert, Schalk de Wet
Voor: Emily Jacobs, Ivana Schonken, Phillip Aucamp, Febe Cook, Annabel Myburgh. Agter: Janco du Plessis, Marko van der Merwe, Ezra Williams.
Graad 11
Graad 12
Graad 9
Graad 10



Beide Stephanie en Nicolas Minnaar, ons swemmers van formaat, het vroeër vanjaar gekwalifiseer om aan die Wes-Kaap “Long Course”-kampioenskappe, asook die WesKaap “Short Course”-kampioenskappe deel te neem. Nicolas het by die “Long Course”-kampioenskappe 4 goue medaljes en 1 silwer medalje verower.

In die “Short Course” het hy in al die finale geswem en ‘n goue medalje losgeswem. Nicolas het ook vanjaar SA vlak 3 geswem en in al sy items die finale gehaal. Hy was onder die top-10 in 6 items, het 4de gekom in die 400 m vryslag en 5de in 200 m vryslag.

Baie geluk julle twee! Ons is sommer baie trots!

Suid-Afrikaanse Biathle en Triathle Kampioenskappe

Op 9 en 10 Augustus het twee van ons leerders, Mieka Vermeulen en Stephanie Minnaar en me. Van Eyssen, aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Biathle en Triathle Kampioenskappe in Oos-Londen gaan deelneem. Al drie van hulle het gekwalifiseer om aan die Wêreld Kampioenskappe te gaan deelneem wat in Oktober in Egipte plaasvind. Stephanie het ook ‘n brons medalje in die Triathle verower. Ons is baie trots op julle! Baie geluk

en Stephanie


Eisteddfods 2024 Landloop

Die volgende graad 12-leerders verwerf 90% + vir hulle deelname aan verskeie eisteddfods in 2024. Baie geluk. Ons is baie trots op julle!

Baie geluk aan Joshua Eitner wat ‘n goue medalje verower het by die SAkarate-kampioenskappe in die o. 17 opeafdeling!

Elsabé Dippenaar en Dani Crous het aan die WesKaap landloopkampioenskappe by Hoërskool Hottentots Holand deelgeneem. Albei dogters het pragtig gehardloop en hul beste gegee. Elsabé Dippenaar (o.14-dogters) was 7de en Dani Crous (o. 19-dogters) was 9de. Baie geluk met julle puik uitslae, dames!

Baie geluk aan Carla Louw wat die Wes-Kaap gaan verteenwoordig by die SA-gimnastiekkampioenskappe in September!


Morgan Madden het op Vrydag 16 Augustus aan die Wes-Kaapse kampioenskappe vir artistieke gimnastiek in Saldana by die White City Veeldoelige Sentrum deelgeneem. Sy het 1ste op lat, 2de op “vault” en 3de op vloer en balk geplaas. En algeheel 1ste in haar ouderdomsgroep. Sy is ‘n vlak 4 vroue se artistieke gimnas. Sy is tans nommer 1 in die Wes-Kaap. Ons is baie trots op Morgan vir haar harde werk en prestasies.


Anje Smit and Zeke Meyer wrestled in the Western Province Championships on Saturday 24 August. Anje won gold in both her categories, namely: WW Freestyle u.13 46 kg and WW President Schools 46 kg. Zeke won gold in his category, Freestyle u.9. This is prestigious results and we are extremely proud of them! Congratulations Anje and Zeke.


Anca Davids (5E) het gekwalifiseer en ‘n plek behaal in die o.13 WP span vir “Western Mounted Games.” Die beste ruiter /perd kombinasies was gekies. Anca gaan deelneem en Destinatus Privaat Skool sowel as die Wes-Kaap verteenwoordig tydens die Nationale Kompetisie te Parys, Vrystaat, gedurende die September skool vakansie. Ons is uiters trots op haar prestasie.

Baie geluk aan Emma du Toit (graad 12) wat hierdie jaar aan Podiumpret se redenaarskompetisie deelgeneem het. Sy het nasionaal ‘n tweede plek in haar kategorie behaal. Welgedaan!

o.7 Netball & Rugby Tournament

Destinations hosted their first o.7 Netball and Rugby Tournament this year on the 3rd of August. Thanks to our sponsors RSD Rugby and NSD Netball, the day was a huge success. Destinatus accommodated Mikro Primary as well as Vredekloof Primary School to enjoy this tournament.

Park Primary Sport Tournament

On 11 July, our u.13A netball and rugby team went to Mosselbay for the annual Park Primary Sport tournament. They enjoyed four days of fun, sun and sports. They have proven that they are Destined for Greatness’ .

Stephanie Minnaar en Nicolas Minnaar
Joshua Eitner
Carla Louw
Emma du Toit
Mieka Vermeulen, Me. Van Eyssen
Voor: Inge Botha, Danielle Rabie en Marissa Steyl. Agter: Janelle Jansen, Christine Delport en Luke Hauptfleisch. Elsabé Dippenaar Dani Crous
Karate Gimnastiek Redenaars
Anje Smit Zeke Meyer
Morgan Madden
Anca Davids


WP o.12 Rugbyproewe en -span

Harde werk en deursettingsvermoe word altyd beloon. Baie geluk aan Michael Bain (regs) en Ewan Nel (links) wat deelgeneem het aan die finale rondte van die o.12 WP-proewe. Om deur te dring na die laaste rondte is ‘n groot prestasie. Ewan is gekies om die WP o.12 rugbyspan te verteenwoordig by die toernooi in Riversdal gedurende September. Kenridge is baie trots op hierdie twee seuns!

Cross Country

On Saturday, 31 August, two of our runners took part in the Cross Country Western Cape Championships. Daniel van den Bergh came 12th in the under 9 boys’ group, which is a result he should be proud of. This was his first time running in such an event. Silke Aucamp came 4th in the under 11 girls’ event and will be attending SA Champs in Kimberley at the end of September. We are extremely proud of their outstanding achievements. Keep it up!


Baie geluk aan Laerskool Aristea se o.13A netbaldogters wat baie goed se speel het by Riversdal en ook aan ons o.8 netbaldogters wat baanwenners was by Bellville-Noord se mini-netbaldag op Saterdag, 3 Augustus.

o.13A Netbaldogters

More news

Athena Afrikaner won player of the tournament at the J.W.G Sports Festival hosted by Brackenfell Primary.

Congratulations to our Junior & Senior Orchestras, who performed excellently at the Tygerberg Eisteddfod by earning 3 Honours and 3 Highest Honours. Two of our photographers received trophies at the Tygerberg Eisteddfod for the best performance in their respective categories: Michael Lindeman in the category, Colour and Raidon Myburgh in the category Monochrome.

In their PSSA (Photographic Society of South Africa) competitions, Raidon Myburgh is the top performer for the 2023-2024 year.


Congratulations to Aristea photographers came 4th in the PSSA Youth Division Impala Log (National Competition) and 10th in the PSSA Youth Division International Log (International Competition) for the year 2023-2024

Presidentsverkenner - Toekennings

Die Presidentsverkenner-toekenning is ‘n nasionale toekenning vir kulturele leierskap en hierdie toekenning sal binnekort in persoon aan hulle oorhandig word. Lede van Die Voortrekkers in graad 12 verwerf die Nasionale Presidentsverkenner-toekenning nadat hulle aan die vereistes van die Presidentsverkennerproses voldoen het. Die proses sluit in die bywoning van ‘n sekere aantal Gebiedskampe, die suksesvolle voltooiing van ‘n sekere aantal spesialisasies en take, goeie getuigskrifte van die skool, kerk, Voortrekkerkommando en ‘n vereiste aantal jare diens in Die Voortrekkers. Hiermee die name van die graad 12-leerders in Hoërskool Brackenfell wat gedurende Juliemaand die Presidentsverkenner-toekenning van Die Voortrekkers verwerf het:


Novac Milakovic took part in the u.14 Gold Draw Winelands Tournament that was hosted by Tennis SA.

Novac was die no.1 gekeurde speler van hierdie toernooi. Hierdie keuring is gebaseer op vorige prestasies en uitspeelwedstryde.

Hierdie sit beslis nie in enige ou se (tennis)broek nie.

Well done, Novac. We are very proud of you.

Culture: Con Spirito Eisteddfod

Danae Coetzee het by Con Spirito Eisteddfod 91% behaal vir haar gedramatiseerde poësie. Sy het ook deur gedring na die Nasionale Forte Rondte en was ook aangewys as die item wenner vir haar Gedramatiseerde Poësie.

Alexander Huysamer (Gr 11AA) het ook deelgeneem aan die finale ronde van Con Spirito-Eisteddfod in Gauteng. Hierdie talentvolle jong man het ‘n ongelooflike 93% (A++) behaal deur die bekende Bohemian Rhapsody van Queen op die klavier te speel. Wat hierdie pianis so besonders maak, is dat hy absoluut op gehoor speel en nie note van bladmusiek af lees nie. Ons is ongelooflik trots op jou, Alexander!

Kultuur: Con Spirito



Sebastiaan Huysamer (gr. 9AA) behaal ‘n A+++ (99%) vir sy Voorbereide Lees by die nasionale, finale ronde van Con Spirito Eisteddfod wat op Woensdag, 21 Augustus, in Gauteng plaasgevind het. Baie geluk, Sebastiaan. Dit is voorwaar ‘n ongelooflike prestasie om op trots te wees!

Crystal Strydom and

best contestants for the international

Court competition, obtaining an amazing 90%!

Voor: Zingce Moyo, Ocean Peters. Agter: Patience Makhanya, Gracey-Lee van der Westhuizen, Minke Visser, Coach (Leonie Basson), Amy Kandemiri, Iman Abrahams, Madison May, Coach (Lesley Lategan)
Ewan Nel & Michael Bain.
Daniel van den Bergh & Silke Aucamp.
Anton Thierzen, Duncan Middlemost, Francisca van Zyl, Kayla Nel, Matthew Giliomee en Micke van der Westhuizen
Novac Milakovic
Sebastiaan Huysamer
Andrea Titus were selected as the Western Cape’s MEED district’s
Culture | Moot Court


Tygerberg Kinderkoor

is BAIE trots op ons


Laerskool De Tyger se Ensemble het 95% behaal by die Tygerberg Internasionale Eisteddfod. Baie geluk!! Ons is BAIE

Beide Junior en Senior kore het deelgeneem aan kooraande saam met Bellville-Noord en Die Broers. Dit was ongelooflik mooi!



Cross Country

Tiara Spannenberg u.16 and Hannah Payne u.15 will represent the Western Province on 31 August at the Western Cape trials.

ATKV Chior Competition

The Tygerberg High School Boys’ Choir, also known as The Tygerberg Mafia, are the national category winners for the third year in a row at the ATKV Applous Choir Competition. Kore van reg oor die land het vanaf 24-27 Julie dit in die Kaapstad-stadsaal, uitspook. die Tygerberg Mafia, onder leiding van Mnr. Barend van der Westhuizen, het gisteraand vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar met die louere weggestap. Hulle het ook die tweede hoogste persentasie van die aand behaal. Die ATKV Applous is die oudste skoolkoorkompetisie in die land.


Moot Court learners (Aneesah van der Heever, Jobello Ezeh and Taytum Goliath) have done us proud by reaching the provincial round of the National Schools Moot Court Competition. They produced Heads of Argument on a constitutional matter which achieved 87% and placed them in the Top 10 Western Cape schools. Jobello and Taytum will argue

Die volgende 5 skuts van Hoërskool Tygerberg is gekies vir die Weskaap Skole Skyfskiet Vereniging-span wat vanjaar aan die SA skole skyfskiettoernooi

Luciano Cabral, Hanli Huysamen, Jacques van der Merwe, Lorinda Theart, Alex Venter.
Zhane Cornelissen, Kungawo Witbooi, Cleo Adams, Mercedes Arendse and Jake Hodder.
Jovidinho Parring
nuwe lid (Jovidinho Parring) van die Tygerberg Kinderkoor. Mag dit vir jou ‘n wonderlike ervaring wees, Jovi!
Senior Koor
trots op julle
Dané Du Plessis
Dané Du Plessis (Graad 5B) het met haar kunswerk ‘n pragtige 96% behaal by die WesKaap Virtuele Eisteddfod. Baie geluk, Dané. Ons is BAIE trots op jou!


Western Cape championships for gymnastics

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Madison Wadeley, a Grade 5 student, for her outstanding performance at the Western Cape Championships for Gymnastics. Madison secured 2nd place overall and earned a silver medal in her Level 4 age category, thus obtaining her Western Province Colors. We are proud to share that Madison will represent our school at the South African National Championships in September 2024.

Madison Wadeley

Marimba News

On Saturday, August 3, 2024, our Marimba group, led by Mrs. Ananda van Zyl, participated in the “Africa section” of the Tygerberg International Eisteddfod. The group achieved an outstanding score of 95% and also secured the trophy for this section!

JJ Kotze Rugby day

The 26th Annual JJ Kotze u.11 Rugby Day took place on August 3rd, 2024. Following an intense competition involving 16 teams, we are pleased to congratulate the winning teams:

• Panorama u.11B

• Bellpark Primary u.11A

• Kenridge Primary u.11A

• Welgemoed Primary.

Asia Pacific Open Championships

We commend Abigail Schubert, Ryan Fortuin, and Jair February from Booster Kids SA for receiving the ‘Breakthrough’ award at the international APOC 2024 competition. Their exceptional performance, in the team’s inaugural year of robotics, was a notable representation of South Africa.

Horizon maths Superstars

in the first round. In the second round, 2,637 learners from 103 schools took part.

Congratulations to the top 149 performers, including:

• Dihanté Van Wyk - 142nd place

• Joshua Smeda - 36th place

• Eesa Bacus - 25th place

• Riaz-Ahmed Sirkot - 19th place.

Riaz-Ahmed also won the school’s top performance award!


Learner International Achievements

Moied won a bronze medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad, the most prestigious Maths Olympiad in the World. It was held in the UK during July. Each country send 6 contestants. Each has to individually solve 3 problems in 4 hr 30 mins over 2 days. Moied was the top 6th contestant at the competition. This has only been achieved by 50 in SA’s history to date. We are very proud of Moied’s achievement!

This year our school had 66 entries, which was the most entries from any school in the Western Cape – well done Settlers.

We congratulate our learners who, once again, did exceptionally well by achieving 6 positions in the province, with Zachary Mathys (pictured 3rd from the left) sharing 1st place. The others are Britney,

To top it all, all of these learners also obtained positions in the TOP 100 nationally. Well done to all! We are proud of these great achievements.

Liam received a medal for representing South Africa and being a part of the 8th Belt Road Teenager Maker Workshop that was held in Kunming, China. Over 36 countries from all over the world participated. This was a great opportunity for Liam to interact with many different cultures and he thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Well done Liam, we are proud of you!

ATKV Afrikaans Senior Olympiad

Stellenbosch Eisteddfod 2024

Munall Ali (pictured left) performed a piece called “Jack in the Box” on the Drumkit in the Percussion: Own Choice (14 Years) category, where she was commended for her extremely musical performance, and achieved an impressive Cum Laude (90-100%) award.

Ahmed Bagus (pictured right) performed a piece called “Flight Past” on the Timpani in the Percussion: Own Choice (13 Years) category, where his refreshing approach and fantastic work also earned him a spectacular Cum Laude (90-100%) award.

Abigail Schubert, Ryan Fortuin and Jair February.
Moied Baleg
Liam Louw
Munall Ali Ahmed Bagus
Zachary Mathys, Britney, Chitter, Ivanné Roode, Nykesha Davids, Francesca Lamour and Ashlene Plandt.
Chitter, Ivanné Roode, Nykesha Davids, Francesca Lamour and Ashlene Plandt.

Laerskool Bastion se top vier skaakspelers, Kamogelo Maruma, Ndumiso Ngidi, Brian Spence en Matthew Pieterse, het deelgeneem aan die Paarl Primêre Seunskool se Spoedskaaktoernooi op Vrydag, 23 Augustus, en die wisseltrofee verower.


Laerskool Bastion se toneelgroepe het aan twee toneelfeeste deelgeneem en kan spog met vele prestasies op die verhoog. Hulle het Maandag, 5 Augustus, by die Drostdyteater op Stellenbosch aan die Klein Libertas Toneelfees deelgeneem. Daar het Bastion sewe benoemings ontvang, wat ’n ongelooflike prestasie is aangesien hulle, as laerskool, saam met hoërskoolproduksies beoordeel is.

Die Donderdag daarna het hulle die pad gevat Montagu toe, om by die Montagu Jeugkunstefees te gaan optree. Daar het Bastion se twee produksies goud en dubbelgoud onderskeidelik ontvang, en benewens om vir alle toekennings benoem te word, het Bastion die volgende gewen:

• Beste junior akteur: Connor Matthee

• Beste junior aktrise: Leanke van Schalkwyk

• Beste ondersteunende aktrise: Stacey Wilson

• Biesenbach Trofee: ‘n Spesiale toekenning wat aan Laerskool Bastion toegeken is vir die leerders se positiewe houding en deelname by die fees.


Juan Pienaar het deelgeneem aan die nasionale eindrondte van die ATKVRedenaarskompetisie, waar hy landwyd sewende geëindig het in die afdeling vir Afrikaanssprekende leerders in Graad 6 en 7. Baie geluk Juan!

Na afloop van die WPA en Kaap Metro Skole Landloopkampioenskappe wat op 10 Augustus plaasgevind het, is Laerskool Bastion trots om vier atlete te hê wat in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe in die WP-Landloopspan opgeneem is. Die vier atlete is Dihan Stassen (o.10 seuns), Nalien Potgieter (o.12 meisies), Lindie Heersink (o.13 meisies) en Lisakhanya Mbulawa (o.14 seuns).

Landloop Boogskiet

Bastion skiet raak met boogskiet! Mikyle Tucker het Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig by die AGA (African Genesis Archery) Federasie Toernooi in Namibië. Mikyle was deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingspan wat teen Namibië, Botswana, Zambië en Zimbabwe deelgeneem het.

Connor Matthee Leanke van Schalkwyk Stacey Wilson
Kamogelo Maruma, Matthew Pieterse, Ndumiso Ngidi en Brian Spence.
Lisakhanya Mbulawa, Dihan Stassen, Nalien Potgieter en Lindie Heersink.
Mikyle Tucker
Juan Pienaar
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!
code and read more of our schools news online!
Both our Junior and Senior choirs participated in the Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod, and they did not disappoint! Our Junior Choir achieved Highest Honors, while our Senior Choir earned a prestigious diploma—the highest achievement possible! Junior choir conductor is Mrs Aneske Jacobs and Accompanist Mrs. M Prozesky. The Senior choir conductor is Mrs Annerine Burger and Accompanist Mrs. M Prozesky.
Senior choir
Junior choir

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