Northern Cape and Freestate Top Matrics edition 2022

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NORTHERN CAPE & FREE STATE THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on CLASS OF 2022 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa FREE Congratulations to the Matric Class of 2022! TOP ACHIEVERS 2022 INSIDE! TOP ACHIEVERS FROM SCHOOLS IN THE NORTHERN CAPE & FREE STATE T: 051 433 1132 | E: | A: Unit 1 & 2, Block B, Hilton Park, Corner of Gruis and Long Street, Hilton, Bloemfontein, 9301 ARTS & CRAFTS | STATIONERY | BACK TO SCHOOL | OFFICE SUPPLIES | SHREDDING | BINDING | LAMINATING | PRINTING


Husnaa Haffejee - Al-Falaah College

Top two learners, Husna Hafejee of Al-Falaah College in KZN and Grace Kelly Prowse of Rustenburg Girls’ High in the Western Cape tied first place and were crowned the top achievers in the country for the Class of 2022’s NSC exams.

My name is Husnaa Haffejee and I recently graduated from Al-Falaah College as the Head Girl of the class of 2022. I am honoured to have been acknowledged as one of South Africa’s top achievers. I can’t fully express my gratitude to first and foremost Allah (SWT), and to my parents, family, principals, teachers and peers who have offered me their support and guidance.

I joined the Al-Falaah College family in grade 5, my parents having decided to return from England to South Africa where they grew up. Alhamdulillah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah (SWT), I have maintained my position as top student ever since. As such, I received a full scholarship throughout my high school career.

I believe that my faith has played a significant role in the success I have achieved. Islam teaches us to strive to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave, and instils within us as Muslims an appreciation for learning and teaching. This has definitely helped me to remain focused and motivated throughout my schooling career.

Al-Falaah College consistently offered me opportunities to develop and showcase my skills. I have represented the school in numerous competitions. In grade 6, I received a gold medal for placing amongst the top 1% in the world in the international ICAS examination. During my matric year, I participated in the National Afrikaans Olympiad and Alhamdulillah placed first in KZN and third in the country. This achievement was notable as I was the only nonAfrikaans name amongst the top achievers. I hold this particular achievement dear to me

Dink nuut oor drukwerk by jou


as when I initially returned from England, I did not know a single word of Afrikaans and was tackling an unknown subject.

I would like to especially thank my parents, who have always stood by me and encouraged me to pursue my ambitions. Whenever I doubted myself, they were always there to reassure me of my abilities and I will be eternally indebted to them. I would also like to thank my grandparents, who have always kept me in their duas, my wonderful sister who I could not do without and family and friends who have supported me. As they say, no man is an island, and I could not have come this far on my own.

Alhumdulillah, it has been an honour and a privilege to be a student of Al-Falaah College. I will always cherish the memories and lessons that I have learned there, and I look forward to using my education to make a positive impact in the world. I am excited for the next chapter in my life, and in shaa Allah with the support of my loved ones and the guidance of my faith, I will be able to achieve great things.

Please scan the QR code to read the full interview.

Die Skole Ondersteuningsentrum het onlangs die voorbeeld gebruik: om klein veranderinge aan die manier waarop inhoud oorgedra word te maak, is soos om `n kamer aan `n ou huis aan te bou. Ja, dit lyk goed, en elke kamer het sy funksie en ons doen ons bes met wat ons het. Wanneer jy egter uit die staanspoor en vir ‘n spesifieke doel ‘n nuwe, moderne, ontwerpte huis binnestap, sal jy nie terugtrek na jou ou huis toe nie, maar eerder die ou huis afbreek en van nuuts af bou.

Hoe vernuwe jy drukwerk by jou skool?

Werksboeke, addisionele leermateriaal of skryfboeke is `n kopseer vir elke skool. Nie net neem dit ure om dit by die skool te bind nie, maar dit kan ook binne `n paar weke uitmekaar val. Met vandag se tegnologie is die prys vir swart en wit boeke basies dieselfde as vir kleur.

Die bindwerk verseker ook dat jou boeke waaraan jy so hard gewerk het, die hele jaar sal hou!

Raak kreatief met voorblaaie!

Afrikaans Klaswerkboek Kwartaal 4

Het jy geweet skole kan deesdae die skryfboeke van die leerders laat druk met die skool se kleure op die voorblad? Dit skep nie net eenvormigheid by die skool nie, maar is reeds gelamineer en daarom hoef dié boeke nie oorgetrek te word nie. Die skool kan self besluit hoe breed die lyne moet wees en verkoop dan dié boeke weer aan die leerders as deel van `n fondsinsameling vir die skool.

Die prys vir die boeke hang af van die hoeveelheid boeke wat bestel word. Jy sal nie glo hoe bekostigbaar dit is nie.

Alle grootte boeke is beskikbaar - van die 32-blad tot die 192-blad boeke. Die

E-pos vir `n kwotasie vir jou skool.

< Skandeer hierdie QR-kode en blaai saam met ons deur `n paar voorbeelde

AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Share this edition with someone digitally WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF HEAD OFFICE The AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 Email: OUR TEAM Advertising Coordinator Elmaré Dippenaar Tammy Venter Lauren Adams Distribution Charl Paulse Editor Meinette van Zyl Sales Quintus Brand Marlie Brand Tina Human Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Carina Pio Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd Schools Coordinator Melinda Huysamen The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Read the latest school news online at Layout & Design Aniena Venter Rowan Engledoe Ruveix Venter Enrico Theart Anzèl Heyns TM 95 Long street Kimberley 053 8311303
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Catherine Emma Nel - Eunice High School

Catherine Emma Nel wat verlede jaar aan Eunice gematrikuleer het, is as die topleerder van die Vrystaat aangewys.

Baie geluk met die prestasie. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras?

Baie dankie. Ek het deurlopend hard gewerk en gehoop vir ‘n mooi resultaat, maar is oorstelp met die uitkoms.

Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar?

Om te midde van onsekerheid oor die toekoms nog steeds gefokus te bly.

Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Het jy ‘n spesiale “stuck hack” wat jy kan deel?

Ek het my werk herhaaldelik hersien en dikwels vroeg in die oggende reeds my dag begin met `n sessie.

Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom?

Biologie was beslis my gunsteling vak gewees, want die inhoud het my gefassineer.

Watter drie hoogtepunte staan vir jou uit tydens jou hoërskooljare?

Die vriendskap en samesyn wat ek in Eunice beleef het, was beslis `n hoogtepunt vir my.

Dit was `n hoogtepunt om in graad 10 weer skool te kon bywoon na die COVID-19 pandemie om bietjie normaliteit te kon beleef.

Nog `n hoogtepunt was toe ek as dux-leerling in matriek aangewys is.

As jy matriek oor kon doen, wat sou jy anders doen?

Ek is baie tevrede en geseënd met hoe my matriekjaar verloop het.

Wat en waar gaan jy 2023 studeer?

Ek gaan medies by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat studeer.

Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2023 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer?

Om so hard te werk soos wat jy kan en die res in God se hande te plaas. Walk in faith; not in fear



Lize - Mari Loots - Hoërskool Diamantveld

Lize - Mari Loots wat verlede jaar aan die Hoërskool Diamantveld gematrikuleer het, is as die topleerder van die Noord-Kaap aangewys.

Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras?

Ek was totaal en al verras! Ek het redelike goeie uitslae verwag, maar na sekere van my vraestelle, veral die tweede Wiskunde vraestel, was ek seker dat my punte bietjie laer as gewoonlik sou wees. Ek het glad nie gedink dat ek so goed gedoen het nie en ek het selfs nie eers verwag om in die Top 20 te wees nie.

Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar?

My grootste uitdaging was om my fokus op my leerwerk te hou gedurende die rekordeksamen.

My pa is gedurende hierdie eksamen in die hospitaal opgeneem vir gesondheidstoetse, nadat hy in 2021 vir byna ‘n maand kritiek in ICU was en danksy God se genade vir ons gespaar is. Ons het die aand voor my Wiskunde toets baie slegte nuus ontvang oor ‘n terugslag in sy gesondheid, so ek het vir ‘n paar dae vreeslik gesukkel om my aandag by die eksamen te hou.

Sy gesondheid was genadiglik weer baie beter tydens die eindeksamen en hy was ook tuis by ons. Ander uitdagings was om ‘n balans tussen leerwerk en ontspanning te vind, sodat ek nie myself uitbrand voor die laaste toetse verby is nie. Dan is daar natuurlik ook die uitdaging van die keuse tussen uitgaan saam vriende en pret hê, of eerder ‘n aand voor die boeke.

Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Het jy ‘n spesiale “study hack” wat jy kan deel?

Ek het ‘n mengsel van die auditiewe, leesen-skryf, asook die kinetiese leerstyl gebruik.

Ek is iemand wat vinnig gefrustreerd raak as ek vir ‘n lang tyd moet stilsit en net op een ding konsentreer, daarom het ek gevind om YouTube videos oor my leerwerk te kyk terwyl ek byvoorbeeld kosmaak of ander takies in die huis

doen, my baie help. Dit het gehelp dat ek die “basics” van my werk verstaan voordat ek net ure voor die boeke sit. Dit het my leertyd verkort en my begrip omtrent my leerwerk versterk. Dis maar die “study hack” wat my gehelp het en dan ook baie oefening vir vakke soos Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskappe.

Watter drie hoogtepunte staan vir jou uit tydens jou hoërskooljare?

Meestal my toer na die VSA tydens my matriekjaar. Ons het Boston, New York, Washington en Orlando besoek waar ons wêreldberoemde attraksies besoek het en baie pret gehad het. Tweedens, al die opwinding saam vriende en familie tydens sportbyeenkomste, motorfietsresies en fietswedrenne. En laastens die groot prestasie en eer om die top matrikulant in die Noordkaap te wees en die vrugte te pluk vir al die harde werk wat ek deur die jare ingesit het, sodat ek nou na skool kan leer wat ek graag wil leer.

Wat is jou boodskap vir die klas van 2023 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer?

Werk elke dag hard en moenie agter raak nie. Fokus in die klas en vra onderwysers vir ekstra hulp wanneer jy dit nodig het. Moenie skool verby wens nie, geniet elke oomblik daarvan en gebruik elke geleentheid wat na jou kant toe kom. Gebruik die talente waarmee God jou geseën het, hetsy dit in sport, akademie of kultuur is en bedank hom elke dag daarvoor. Dink aan jou drome vir die toekoms wanneer jy mismoedig raak en wil opgee. Doen net jou bes en jy sal baie ver kom!

Lize-Mari Loots 7 Onderskeidings Jakolien Harmse 3 Onderskeidings Alicia Brandt 6 Onderskeidings Anneri du Plessis 5 Onderskeidings Nadia du Plessis 6 Onderskeidings Lisa van Staden 4 Onderskeidings Jaden-Leigh Summers 3 Onderskeidings DUX


Terms & conditions apply.

98.6% Slaagsyfer persentasie

10 Aantal A - Gemiddeldes

28 Aantal B - Gemiddeldes

83.8% Baccalaureus Toelatingspersentasie

15.3% Diploma Toelatingspersentasie 108 Aantal A - Vaksimbole 226 Aantal B - Vaksimbole



Baie geluk aan Lize-Mari Loots wat aangewys is as die top akademiese leerder in die Noord-Kaap met ‘n gemiddeld van 93%. Sy is ook aangewys as die top kandidaat vir toerisme.

Alicia Brandt is 8ste in die Noord-Kaap aangewys met ‘n gemiddeld van 88.6%.

Lize-Mari Loots en Alicia Brandt


Congratulations to the Class of 2022 on your outstanding IEB Final Examination Results

The Class of 2022 obtained a grade average of 64%, with 92,5% of the candidates obtaining Bachelor’s Degree Passes. The group of 42 also achieved a stunning 43 A symbols and 72 B symbols.

Congratulations to our Dux Pupil, Matthew Block, who obtained an aggregate of 89,01%, with

A further congratulations to Anika Tiedt on being placed in the Top 1% of Candidates in South Africa for Afrikaans FAL! We are tremendously proud of each of you and all your hard work, dedication and commitment!

For the 12th consecutive year, St Patrick’s CBC has achieved a 100% pass rate!


Terms & conditions apply.

distinctions in • Mathematics - 96% • Afrikaans FAL - 92% • Physical Sciences - 91% • Accounting - 90% • Life Orientation - 89% • Further Studies Mathematics - 88% • Life Sciences - 85% • English - 80%
Matthew Block 8 Distinctions 89,01% Christopher Holroyd 6 Distinctions 84,34% Culum Jansen 5 Distinctions 79,05%
42 Number of candidates 43 Subject A’s achieved 72 Subject B’s achieved


NCH Class of 2022 Results

Northern Cape High School has the most learners that are included in the Provincial Top 20, which includes four (4) of our learners. Faheema Wookey was announced Top Accounting student in the Northern Cape Province. The school achieved a total of 120 Level 7’s. The pass rate for 2022 was 88,44% of which 66,48% achieved a BD pass. A 100% pass rate was achieved for the following subjects this year; AFAL, EFAL, LO, ACC, IT, TOURISM, ART.


Topmatrieks 2022

Total candidates: 87

Pass rate: 96,5%

Total distinctions: 29

Matric learner with the most distinctions /Dux-learner: Louise Brummage

Jamie-Leigh Saal 4 A’s Faheema Wookey 7 A’s & 4th Position in Provincial Top 20 Gavin Swarts 7 A’s & 12th Position in Provincial Top 20 Kaylin Souden 3 A’s Kaila Lameyer 5 A’s Lehlogonolo Masitisho
A’s Mohomed Rahiman 7 A’s Onneile Diphoko 5 A’s Aaron Kunnath 6 A’s & 19th Position in Provincial Top 20 Zeta Cole 7 A’s & 12th Position in Provincial Top 20 Louise Brummage A-gemiddeld en 4 onderskeidings Darius Jacobsohn A-gemiddeld en 4 onderskeidings Cassidy Koeberg 3 A’s Ashley Jooste 4 A’s Baie geluk aan ons 2022 matrikulante. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle!
KIMBERLEY BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL Kimberley 124 Phakamile Mabija Road, Kimberley, Northern Cape Tel: (053) 802 0400 Congratulations to the Matric class of 2022! GRAB YOUR FIRST SET OF WHEELS at Motus Isuzu Kimberley! 25134 ADMAKERS.COM Model/s shown may differ. E&OE. Delano Fynn – 076 289 1922 | Dré Louw – 078 555 0226 Katleho Hlakudi – 074 757 6614 | Mornay Pinetown – 082 815 2832 We are proud to share with you the results of our learners. 82.9% pass rate | 45.97% Bachelor’s degree passes | 100% pass rate in 5 subjects | 29 Subject distinctions | Tendaishe Mhuriro top learner for music in the NC Province Matric Top 6 Achievers Tendaishe Mhuriro 6 Level 7’s, 1 Level 6, Top music learner in NC Sabelo Sithole 4 Level 7’s, 3 Level 6’s Elliah Ferris 3 Level 7’s, 3 Level 6’s, 1 level 5 Caleb Ericksen 4 Level 7’s, 1 Level 6, 2 Level 5’s Waylan Muller 2 Level 7’s, 3 Level 6’s, 1 Level 5, 1 level 4 Kerapetse Khumalo 3 Level 7’s, 2 Level 6’s AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Share this edition with someone digitally WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF

2022 NSC Matric Exams in numbers


Matric Results - Class of 2022

Well done to the class of 2022! You can be extremely proud of yourselves!

NSC Matric exams pass rate per province

in the Northern Cape, 4 Distinctions

Total Candidates: 151

Pass rate: 98%

Total subject distinctions: 163

of scripts produced 9.8m
of writing centres Number of matrics registered to write 6 900 10.4m 922 034
Number of question
printed Number
76.4% 88.50% Freestate 84.40% Gauteng 83% Kwazulu-Natal 81.40% Western Cape 79.80% North West 77.30% Eastern Cape 76.80% Mpumalanga 74.20% Northern Cape 72.10% Limpopo
Northern Cape Placed 1st
3rd in the
in the Frances Baard

Topmatrieks / Top Matrics 2022

Class of 2022 - Top Achievers

Solomon Khumalo 80,13% - 4 A’s Refilwe Mokokong 76,54% - 3 A’s Chrislyn Majiedt 75.43% - 2 A’s Gemiddelde / Average B’s - 14 K. Mienies, J. Kotze, D. Roux, N. Snyman, O. Gaosenkwe, H. Opperman, D. Steyn, S. Vilander, C. Collen, L. Jantjies, C. Malthare, E. Ontong, I. Qwelane en S. Thuthulo E. du Preez 84.7% - 6 A’s (Behaal hoogste prys in Afrikaans Huistaal in die Provinsie) A. van Niekerk 84.4% - 5 A’s HSK is baie trots op al ons Gr. 12 leerders van 2022 / KHS is very proud of all our Gr. 12 learners of 2022. We are proud of our matric class of 2022.
87.4% Pass rate 55% Bachelors pass 45 Subject distinctions 95.6% Pass rate 67% Bachelors pass 31 Subject distinctions and Top academic school ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT 3rd position.



Graad 12 Presteerders

Die skool is uiters trots op die harde werk wat elke leerder ingesit het in 2022, veral die Matrieks van 2022. Baie geluk met julle uitstekende prestasies! Die skool spog hierdie jaar veral met Renier Snyman wat wonderlike uitslae vier, dan ook 2 leerders met A-gemiddeldes en 4 leerders met B-gemiddeldes. Daar is 20 vak A-simbole en 10 LO A-simbole in totaal verwerf deur hierdie groep. Baie geluk almal!


Matriekuitslae 2022

93,8% Slaagsyfer

Nommer 1 in die John Taolo Gaetsewe Distrik

2 Leerders met 7 A simbole

2 Leerders met 4 A simbole

4 Leerders met 3 A simbole

7 Leerders met 2 A simbole

15 Leerders met 1 A simbool

Kgarametja Mothupi Gem - 88,7%

(Nommer 6 in Noord-Kaap)

Resegofaditswe Moeti Gem - 85,6%

(Nommer 20 in Noord-Kaap)

Lees daaglikse skoolnuus aanlyn!

Renier Snyman 8 Onderskeidings Caitlin Nieuwoudt 3 Onderskeidings Cecilia du Plessis 3 Onderskeidings Dedré Fielies 2 Onderskeidings Barend Wright 3 Onderskeidings Annemi Bennie 1 Onderskeiding Nadia Visser 1 Onderskeiding Christine Wright 1 Onderskeiding Jaques Louw 1 Onderskeiding MJ Geldenhuys 1 Onderskeiding JD Strever 2 Onderskeidings Ané van Zyl 2 Onderskeidings
AWSUM NEWS Die grootse skolenuus platform in S.A
Bianca Jv Rensburg 1 Onderskeiding


Topmatrieks 2022


Matriekuitslae 2022




Douglas Gekombineerde skool is vir die tweede jaar in ‘n ry vereer om ‘n posisie te beklee in ons provinsie se ranglys. Die skool staan tweede in die Pixley Ka Seme provinsie en is ook tweede onder die top akademiese skole in die Noord-Kaap. Verder word hul vereer deur twee leerders wat onder die Top 20 van die Noord-Kaap val. Bennie Badenhorst is derde en Jozua Engelbrecht is sestiende in die Noord-Kaap. vrystellings vak onderskeidings slaagsyfer Bennie Badenhorst 8 Onderskeidings, 3de in die Noord-Kaap, Beste leerder in Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal in die Noord-Kaap Jozua Engelbrecht 7 Onderskeidings, 16de in die Noord-Kaap Marelize Harris 3 Onderskeidings Nerine Myburgh 3 Onderskeidings Reagan Jantjies 2 Onderskeidings Larochelle Brümmer 1 Onderskeidings Jay-Leigh de Wee 1 Onderskeidings Giel van Rhyn 1 Onderskeidings Curt Baatjies 1 Onderskeidings Timothy Urquhart 1 Onderskeidings Jano Kock Beste leerder in Noord Kaap: Wiskundige Geletterdheid 93% Karolien Nel (5 vak A’s) 83,7% Marcell Schreuder Beste leerder in Noord Kaap: Besigheidstudie 98% Sumarie van der Merwe (4 vak A’s) Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022.


Top Matric Achievers

We are proud to share with you the results of our learners.

Total candidates: 42 | Pass rate: 97.6% | Total distinctions: 53% pass with average of 60% and more | 73.8% Pass with average of 50% and more.

Matric learner with the most distinctions/Dux-learner:



Curro is delighted that its Matric Class of 2022 recorded an exceptional 98.63% pass rate for the 2022 academic year.

This achievement is based on the performance of its 1893 learners who wrote the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) exams last year.

Among the triumphant achievers are nine learners who each bagged a spot on the IEB’s Outstanding Achiever’s list. Learners who made it onto this prestigious IEB list have all achieved within the top 5% in 6 or more subjects and scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation. Among the learners are Isabella Campbell from Heron Bridge College who obtained 9 distinctions, Natasha Honey from Curro Hazeldean who achieved 8 distinctions and Mohamed Ismail Salejee from Heritage House who also obtained 8 distinctions as well as a 99% for Mathematics.

In addition, 12 other Curro learners received recognition as part of the IEB’s Commendable Achievements, meaning they’ve achieved within the top 5% in 5 subjects and scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation.

A world of opportunity at their feet

The majority of Curro’s learners (67%) achieved a minimum of a C-average and 190 learners achieved an A average. Curro’s talented learners can now access some of the best tertiary education available to pursue their dreams and build bright futures.

Curro’s academic faculty is incredibly proud of its learners’ results. “We commend our learners who have proven their talent and acumen to produce remarkable results. It has been wonderful to watch our learners grab every opportunity to learn, grow and succeed in the classroom. The sheer calibre of these learners is evident in their results, and these qualities will stand them in good stead as they take on new challenges as leaders of tomorrow,” says Cobus Loubser, Curro Holdings CEO.

“We are extremely proud of our entire Class of 2022 and wish them all the best,” concludes Loubser.

Ansuné Stolk 7 Distinctions – 90.29% Darian van Wyk 7 Distinctions - 86.43% Johanné Strydom 4 Distinctions - 80.29% Isabella Campbell
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Husnaa Haffejee - Al-Falaah College

Top two learners, Husna Hafejee of Al-Falaah College in KZN and Grace Kelly Prowse of Rustenburg Girls’ High in the Western Cape tied first place and were crowned the top achievers in the country for the Class of 2022’s NSC exams.

My name is Husnaa Haffejee and I recently graduated from Al-Falaah College as the Head Girl of the class of 2022. I am honoured to have been acknowledged as one of South Africa’s top achievers. I can’t fully express my gratitude to first and foremost Allah (SWT), and to my parents, family, principals, teachers and peers who have offered me their support and guidance.

I joined the Al-Falaah College family in grade 5, my parents having decided to return from England to South Africa where they grew up. Alhamdulillah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah (SWT), I have maintained my position as top student ever since. As such, I received a full scholarship throughout my high school career.

I believe that my faith has played a significant role in the success I have achieved. Islam teaches us to strive to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave, and instils within us as Muslims an appreciation for learning and teaching. This has definitely helped me to remain focused and motivated throughout my schooling career.

Al-Falaah College consistently offered me opportunities to develop and showcase my skills. I have represented the school in numerous competitions. In grade 6, I received a gold medal for placing amongst the top 1% in the world in the international ICAS examination. During my matric year, I participated in the National Afrikaans Olympiad and Alhamdulillah placed first in KZN and third in the country. This achievement was notable as I was the only nonAfrikaans name amongst the top achievers. I hold this particular achievement dear to me as when I initially returned from England, I did

not know a single word of Afrikaans and was tackling an unknown subject.

I would like to especially thank my parents, who have always stood by me and encouraged me to pursue my ambitions. Whenever I doubted myself, they were always there to reassure me of my abilities and I will be eternally indebted to them. I would also like to thank my grandparents, who have always kept me in their duas, my wonderful sister who I could not do without and family and friends who have supported me. As they say, no man is an island, and I could not have come this far on my own.

Alhumdulillah, it has been an honour and a privilege to be a student of Al-Falaah College. I will always cherish the memories and lessons that I have learned there, and I look forward to using my education to make a positive impact in the world. I am excited for the next chapter in my life, and in shaa Allah with the support of my loved ones and the guidance of my faith, I will be able to achieve great things.

Please scan the QR code to read the full interview.


Lerato-Elize Spanneberg 7 A’s, 17de uit Top 20 NK, 3de Klasposisie Uppies, 87,9% Gemiddeld Bea Engelbrecht 6de Klasposisie Uppies, 81,6% Gemiddeld Onthatile Thaga 9de Klasposisie Uppies, 80,4% Gemiddeld JD Carr 7 A’s, 15de uit Top 20 NK, 2de Klasposisie Uppies, 88,1% Gemiddeld Kaylene Carr 4de Klasposisie Uppies, 85,7% Gemiddeld Jolize Swanepoel 7de Klasposisie Uppies, 80,6% Gemiddeld Mar-Zanne Strauss 7de uit Top 20 NK, Uppies Dux leerling, 89,6% Gemiddeld Devenayagie Suleni Moodley 7 A’s, Top Achiever English HL, 5de Klasposisie Uppies, 84,3% Gemiddeld Janko Botma 7de Klasposisie Uppies, 80,6% Gemiddeld Baie geluk aan ons 2022 matrikulante. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle! Matriekuitslae: Klas van 2022

• Volledige Oogtoetse • Kontaklens Passings

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Maak seker jy lees die nuutste skole nuus in jou omgewing op die AWSUM nuuswebwerf!


Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A


1 Leerder behaal in 6 vakke A’s

2 Kandidate op Noord-Kaap Top 20 merietelys

4 Provinsiale vaktoekennings vir beste prestasies gelewer

8 Kandidate behaal ‘n A (Gem. 80%) in die 2022 NSS eksamen

AWSUM wil die topkandidate en matrieks van 2022 wat A-simbole behaal het, asook almal wat die eksamen geslaag het, gelukwens met julle uitstekende prestasie!


AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A
Baie geluk aan ons 2022 matrikulante. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle! 22 Kandidate slaag met ‘n B 4 Leerders behaal in 7 vakke A’s Emae Fourie Gem. 91%, Behaal 2de plek in die Noord-Kaap, 7 vak A’s Marco Engels Gem. 89.2%, Behaal 5de plek in die Noord-Kaap, 7 vak A’s Beneatha Barnard Gem. 83.7%, 7 vak A’s Elizma Boshoff Gem. 83.4%, 7 vak A’s Mia Poolman Gem. 81.1%, 5 vak A’s Abigail Basson Gem. 80.7%, 6 vak A’s Mieke Basson Gem. 80.5%, 4 vak A’s Adrian Joubert Vakprestasie in Elektriese Tegnologie en Tegniese Wetenskappe Michael Van Zyl Vakprestasie in Ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp Jaden Greeff Gem. 82.1%, 5 vak A’s

Matriekuitslae 2022

e g u a r a n t e e t h a t t h e q u a l i t y o f t h e g l a s s w e f i t i n y o u r v e h i c l e i s a s g o o d p i e c e o f g l a s s w e a r e r e p l a c i n g W e n e v e r c o m p r o m i s e o n q u a l i t y W e u s e m a n u f a c t u r e d a n d S A B S a p p r o v e d q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s m i s e y o u r s a f e t y , t r u s t t h e p r o f e s s i o n a l s w i t h y o u r w i n d s c r e e n u r h i g h l y t r a i n e d a n d a c c r e d i t e d t e c h n i c i a n s a r e s t a n d i n g - b y t o a s s i s t

Baie geluk aan ons 2022 matrikulante. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle! Kaylé Botha 7 Onderskeidings Ruhan Young 5 Onderskeidings Liandré Long 6 Onderskeidings Juan Harmse 4 Onderskeidings Dikeledi Molete 5 Onderskeidings Karissa Calitz 3 Onderskeidings Tsholofelo Pula 5 Onderskeidings Keitumetse Julius 3 Onderskeidings Boitseko Senamela 5 Onderskeidings Jolene Soloman 3 Onderskeidings
om , 139 Jan Hofmeyr 057 355 2501 083 264 3433 057 352 6241 | | 141 Arrarat Road Dagbreek, Welkom | SCAN ME! BAIE GELUK AAN ONS TOP MATRIEKS!


Topmatrieks 2022

Baie geluk aan ons 2022 matrikulante. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle!

Peace of mind


Over one thousand Teneo Matric students, wrote and passed their final examinations through 2 examination boards, IEB and SACAI.

Teneo’s North Star is academic excellence. 2022 has been a noteworthy year for Teneo with many milestones achieved. Our biggest cohort of Matric students to date have written their Final examinations. This is the fourth consecutive year for Teneo students writing SACAI Matric exams, our second year of British International Curriculum A levels and our first cohort of IEB matriculants.

For the past four consecutive years, Teneo’s matriculants have consistently improved on their overall academic performance. Teneo’s 2022 Matric pass rate is remarkable when one considers that all our Matriculants only joined Teneo in the last 4 years from other schools, and that Teneo accepts all students without exception, including late in the year, and with diverse learning abilities. Notably 31% of our total 2022 student base reported learning barriers including autism, dyslexia, anxiety, depression as well as visual and audio barriers.

2 Teneo students in the top 5 Matrics (1st & 2nd place)

Congratulations to SA’s top Matriculant Danielle Vierbergen who joined Teneo in 2021, and achieved a 93.43% average with seven distinctions.

Top 10 National SACAI Students 2022

• 1st place - Teneo student Danielle Vierbergen with 93.43% (7 distinctions)

• 2nd place - Teneo student Clarissa Jannae Iyer with 88.71% (6 Distinctions)

• 5th place - Teneo student Kayla De Lange with 84.57% (6 Distinctions)

• 9th place - Teneo student Danika Chetty with 82.42% (5 Distinctions)

14 Teneo SACAI Matriculants achieved 4 to 7 distinctions. Overall, we were pleased that Teneo’s pass rate was 9% higher than the 72% SACAI average pass rate. 39% of all SACAI Matric distinctions from Teneo students.

• 59% of Teneo Matriculants achieved Bachelors Pass

• 30% of Teneo Matriculants achieved Diploma Pass

12% of Teneo Matriculants achieved Higher Certificate Pass

IEB Pass Rate Kick Off with a Bang!

We are thrilled to announce the results of our first class of IEB Matrics. The top Matric at Teneo was Blessing Ibegbuna with 5 distinctions and an aggregate score of 83%. Well done, Blessing!

Teneo achieved an 82% IEB pass rate! 60% of our IEB Matriculants received a Bachelor’s Pass.

Teneo placed 40% of the top 10 Matrics in SA Danielle Vierbergen Teneo’s Top IEB Matriculant for 2022Blessing Ibegbuna
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Matrieks van 2022: 100% fiks vir die lewe en gereed vir die toekoms!

Bethlehem Voortrekker Hoërskool is geleë in die hart van die Oos-Vrystaat en is toonaangewend op akademiese gebied. Jaarliks word tientalle van ons matrieks toegelaat tot die beste tersiêre instansies in die land. In die kernvakke: Wiskunde, Fisiese Wetenskappe en Rekeningkunde, het ons matrieks hul merk gemaak met goeie gemiddeldes en talle onderskeidings. In vakke soos Lewenswetenskappe, Besigheidstudies, Engels FAL, Lewensoriëntering en Wiskundige Geletterdheid, het hul ook nie teruggestaan vir ander skole in die provinsie nie met tien en meer onderskeidings.

Akademiese uitnemendheid is die topprioriteit by Bethlehem Voortrekker Hoërskool. Maar die bemagtiging van elke leerder, strek veel verder as die uitslagadvies. Ons strewe daarna om ons leerders selfstandig en lewensfiks te maak en voor te berei vir die hoogs kompeterende wêreld buite die skoolgronde en help hul dus om hul volle potensiaal in ‘n gelukkige, lewenskragtige omgewing waar ‘n gesonde balans tussen akademie, sport, kultuur en sosiaal heers, te bereik. Voortrekker leerders is dus nie net eksamengereed nie, maar juis toekomsgereed.

‘n Hoogsbekwame personeel is die dryfkrag agter elke leerder om hier weg te stap met toerusting wat Ewigheidswaarde het. Non sibi sed Patriae: Dis nie verniet ons leuse vir meer as 120 jaar nie. Ons doen dit nie vir onsself nie, maar vir ons kinders en ons vaderland.

BVHS bied ‘n wye beroepsgerigte vakkeuse aan om aan 100% van die leerders toelating tot tersiêre studies te bied. BVHS is ook ‘n komprehensiewe skool omdat ons oor ‘n Dienste-afdeling, wat Gasvryheidstudies en Toerisme insluit, en oor ‘n volledige Tegniese afdeling, beskik. Welgedaan aan hierdie Tegniese leerders wat ook nou spog met ‘n N3-teorie kwalifikasie. Dit is een van die unieke geleenthede wat BVHS aan ons streek se kinders bied.

Hierdie gees van uitnemendheid blyk besonder duidelik uit die uitstaande uitslae van die 2022 gr.12-klas van BVHS. Nie alleen behaal hulle ‘n 100% slaagsyfer met 165 onderskeidings tussen die groep van 148 nie, maar 100% van hulle kwalifiseer ook om aan tersiêre instansies te gaan studeer. 82.43% het toelating vir graadstudies behaal, 15.54% vir diplomastudies en 2.03% vir sertifikaatstudies.

Jaarliks tel BVHS onder die Vrystaat se topskole wanneer die matriekuitslae bekend gemaak word Wian Burger, ons Dux-leerder, bevind hom onder die Top 100-leerders in die Vrystaat. Wian behaal 8 onderskeidings in Afrikaans Huistaal (88%), Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal (92%), Wiskunde (92%), Fisiese Wetenskap (96%), Lewenswetenskappe (90%), IGO (96%), Rekenaarstegnologie (92%) en Lewensoriëntering (87%). 2 leerders behaal sewe onderskeidings, 1 ses onderskeidings, 6 leerders het vyf

drie elk. Die 2’s en 1’s voltooi die ryke oes!

elk, 6 het 4 A’s

8 Onderskeidings Jennifer
5 Onderskeidings Joneen
4 Onderskeidings Ayesha Aziz Muhammed 3 Onderskeidings Azel Buitendag 3 Onderskeidings Jana
3 Onderskeidings Mohammed
2 Onderskeidings Seipati Motsoeneng 2 Onderskeidings Christine
2 Onderskeidings Hawe Geleta 7 Onderskeidings Dawie
5 Distinctions Dané
7 Onderskeidings Jana
5 Onderskeidings Danie Hattingh 6 Distinctions Xander v
5 Onderskeidings Izet
5 Onderskeidings Ruan
4 Onderskeidings
Wian Burger
Noorah Hack
v Graan
Bealise Bothma 5 Onderskeidings
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trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. 98,4% Slaagsyfer | 71% Baccalaureus |
die Vrystaat en onder
Matriekuitslae 2022
Caitlyn Koster 4 Onderskeidings Monique Crause 3 Onderskeidings
Megan van Biljon 7 Onderskeidings Carla Crous 6 Onderskeidings Lizanne Campher 5 Onderskeidings Megan Alexander 5 Onderskeidings Juan de Vries 5 Onderskeidings Abigail Weyer 4
Seratehi Nketu 6 Onderskeidings Willem Erasmus 6 Onderskeidings Liebré Potgieter 6 Onderskeidings Ons is
24,3% Diploma Nommer 1 Rekeningkunde skool in
top 10 skole in
in die Vrystaat.


Topmatrieks 2022

Ella Steynberg 7 Onderskeidings Top 50 in die Vrystaat Top 50 in die Vrystaat Gustav Hauptfleisch 7 Onderskeidings Baie geluk aan ons 2022 matrikulante. Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen van julle! 100% Slaagsyfer | 181 Onderskeidings / Distinctions | 81,95% Universiteitstoelating / Admission to University Onosetale Akeke 7 Onderskeidings Lilandi de Klerk 7 Onderskeidings Elana Enslin 6 Onderskeidings Hendré de Boer 6 Onderskeidings Carli Grové 7 Onderskeidings Bianca Jacobs 6 Onderskeidings Markus de Villiers 5 Onderskeidings Lineo Kokonyane 7 Onderskeidings Alana Hansen 5 Onderskeidings Thabo Mosethe 5 Onderskeidings Tineke Bakker 6 Onderskeidings Carlo van der Merwe 5 Onderskeidings Franco de Boer 6 Onderskeidings
“ “
Lizaan van Deventer 5 Onderskeidings
The class of 2022 has the highest number of Bachelor passes attained in the entire history of the NSC examinations (38.4%)
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Topmatrieks 2022

Ons kondig met trots aan dat die matriekklas van 2022, 100%-slaagsyfer behaal het. Drie leerders is onder die top 100 van die Vrystaat en het 84.9% van die leerders universiteitvrystelling gekry. Die uitstaande akademiese prestasies van die klas van 2022 het opnuut die gehalte van ons leerders bevestig. Híérdie prestasie is ‘n bewys van die onblusbare geesdrif van toegewyde personeel, leerders en ouers.


Class of 2022

We are proud of our Matric Heroes.

Matric Results 2022

Top Learners with 2 or more distinctions: Liam Doherty, Johnny Du Plessis, Matthew Erasmus, Jan-Willem Greyvenstein, Ethan Howard, Ioannis Ioannides, Tumelo Kasumba, Junior Lemao, Andro Louw, Bonang Mphaka, Katleho Nhlapo, Connor Norman and Thesele Setsabi.

Yi Xuan Wu 7 Distinctions Ashlee Bell 4 Distinctions Tinya Chuang 6 Distinctions Meadow Maartens 4 Distinctions Nthabiseng Kibinye 5 Distinctions Boitumelo Mtsatse 4 Distinctions 4 A’s, 81% Average
Baie geluk
die klas van 2022 met hul pragtige uitslae:
100% Slaagsyfer 139 Leerders 128 Onderskeidings 84.9% Vrystelling Top 100 in die Vrystaat: 3 leerders Toppresteerders Onderskeidings
Number of Candidates 59 Bachelors passes 91,5% Class Average 67,6% 88 Subject A’s
We are proud of our Class of 2022.
Total no of candidates: 50 Pass rate: 100% Total distinctions: 86 Dux-learner Yi-Xuan Wu 7 distinctions
Boitumelo Mtsatse received the Allan Gray Scholarship to further her studies in Computer Science.

Pass rate: 99,1%

Total distinctions: 210

Matric learner with the most distinctions / Dux-learner: Mikael von Eschwege, 8 PLUS an IBE subject distinction. (AdMaths) Best German, Physical Sciences and Afrikaans Home Language Learner.

Top Matrics 2022 GREY COLLEGE | GREY KOLLEGE AWSUM NEWS Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Maak seker jy lees die nuutste skole nuus in jou omgewing op die AWSUM nuuswebwerf! PROPERTIES 082 900 6008 Connecting hearts and homes. Annette Kasselman : Connecting hearts and homes. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GREAT ACHIEVEMENT! Jy is u itge nooi! Alle voornemende Graad 8’s en ouers is welkom om die Grey’t-familie tydens ons OPEDAG te ontmoet. ‘n Opwindende kampustoer wag op jou . Kom ervaar Grey vir ‘n dag! #ViveLeGrey#1855#Stabilis
Well done to the class of 2022! You can be extremely proud of yourselves! - Cal Warwick
EUNICE HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 100% Pass rate for 37 consecutive years | 6 Learners in the Free State Top 50 | 154 Candidates 336 Distinctions | 97,4% Bachelor’s Pass | 70,64% Grade Average | Top Achiever in the FS | Top 10 School in the FS Board Medalists for 2022 (5 distinctions excluding LO) Catherine (Emma) Nel 8 Distinctions Nr. 1 in the FS Khanyisile Nyatshoba 6 Distinctions Lize Ferreira 8 Distinctions Caitlyn Grant 6 Distinctions Masego Lephalo 6 Distinctions Sunica Bruwer 7 Distinctions Zanke Ferreira 5 Distinctions Yi-Shiuan (Mia) Huang 8 Distinctions Maia Wolvaart 7 Distinctions Cara Katzke 7 Distinctions Antoiné Geel 6 Distinctions Feng Mei Chuang 7 Distinctions Zenobia Slabbert 7 Distinctions Therese Hamer 6 Distinctions AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Share this edition with someone digitally WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF 066 238 3685 | Biolink Brain Training Bloemfontein DEVELOP ROCK SOLID COGNITIVE, EXCUTIVE FUNCTION & CORE LEARNING SKILLS Congratulations Top Matrics We wish you a Awsum New Beginning NEW MEMORIES NEW BEGINNINGS NEW HOME Office no: 051 436 0443 Aadilah Khan 7 Distinctions Juanita Kruger 7 Distinctions

Matriekuitslae - Klas van 2022

Hoërskool Fichardtpark behaal `n 99,4% slaagsyfer vir die matrieks en 83,6% leerders kwalifiseer vir graadstudies. Ons is baie trots op al ons Matrieks van 2022. Op die Akademiese front sien on suit na `n jaar waar ons as personeel sowel as ouers die pad saam met ons leerders kan loop om die fondasie blokke te bou vir `n standvastige toekoms.


Topmatrieks 2022

99,4% slaagsyfer

83,6% leerders kwalifiseer vir graadstudies

Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. 100% Slaagsyfer | Aantal kandidate: 218 | Aantal kandidate wat slaag: 218 | 355 onderskeidings | 91,3% Universiteitstoelating.

Niël Arlow 8 onderskeidings Bennie Viljoen 8 onderskeidings Marius Smith 6 onderskeidings Dawie botes 8 onderskeidings Charne Fernandes 6 onderskeidings Rashaan de Koker 5 onderskeidings Sipho Magqibelo 5 onderskeidings Simone Germishuys 4 onderskeidings Natasha Viviers 4 onderskeidings Monique Cronje 4 onderskeidings Blane Storm 4 onderskeidings Ninke Botha 9 Onderskeidings Larindi Crafford 7 Onderskeidings Mieke Swarts 7 Onderskeidings Dirk Hugo 7 Onderskeidings Janita van Staden 7 Onderskeidings Yvé Kriel 8 Onderskeidings Beànke du Toit 7 Onderskeidings Lourens van Niekerk 7 Onderskeidings Charlize Rossouw 7 Onderskeidings Sutiné Venter 7 Onderskeidings Anica van der Zwaard 7 Onderskeidings Gerhard Ceronio 6 Onderskeidings Ruan Nieuwoudt 6 Onderskeidings Cloete janse van Vuuren 6 Onderskeidings Logan van Wyk 6 Onderskeidings Henry-Allan van Eck 7 Onderskeidings Carissa Erasmus 6 Onderskeidings Roedine van der Merwe 6 Onderskeidings Stephan LaGrange 6 Onderskeidings Zandalé van Zyl 6 Onderskeidings Angelique Strydom 6 Onderskeidings

One thing I think helped me achieve these top marks, was the consistency of my studying. All throughout high school, I made sure that I kept on top of my work and that I was understanding the fundamentals of every topic. This meant that I felt confident in matric that my foundations were solid for each subject, allowing me to just expand my knowledge through the grade 12 curriculum.

Kelly Grace Prowse from Rustenburg Girls’ High The 2022 overall NSC top learner for public schools


Kelly Grace Prowse - Rustenburg Girls’ High

How does it feel to be the top achiever from the Class of 2022 nationwide?

It feels incredible to have achieved the prestigious title of being the top learner across the country for 2022. It was an immense privilege to have attended the top achievers event, however, achieve an award like this one has gone far beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. I feel incredibly proud of my achievements and elated by my brilliant results.

What was your greatest challenge in matric?

My greatest challenge was definitely trying to stay motivated throughout the long year of matric. With the many sets of exams, it was easy to feel burnt out and tired, as well as to feel disheartened from some poor results. Trying to bounce back from a bad exam and stay stimulated learning the same content for many months was not easy.

If you could re-do your matric year, what would you do different?

The only thing that I think I would have done differently is that I wouldn’t have stressed so much. Thankfully I learnt early on in the year that stress only holds one back from achieving of their full potential. Once I learnt to manage my nerves and clear my head before an exam, I felt that all forms of testing seemed to go much smoother.

What is your message to the Class of 2023 who want to achieve the best like you did?

My first piece of advice would be to not see school as a chore. Challenge yourself, challenge your teachers and always find ways to extend your knowledge. The more you make the work interesting for yourself by reading up extra material, the more motivated you will feel and the better you will do. My second piece of advice would be to pace yourself.

Matric is a long year with many sets of exams and tests so don’t go all out at the beginning because you will face burnt out by the end. If you stay consistent, keep up with the workload and do a little bit of work every day, I am sure you will achieve some great results.

What life quote do you live by?

Normality is a paved road: it is comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow. – Vincent Van Gogh

Please scan the QR code to read the full interview.

Top two learners, Husna Hafejee of Al-Falaah College in KZN and Grace Kelly Prowse of Rustenburg Girls’ High in the Western Cape tied first place and were crowned the top achievers in the country for the Class of 2022’s NCS exams.
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76.4% 88.50% Freestate 84.40% Gauteng 83% Kwazulu-Natal 81.40% Western Cape 79.80% North West 77.30% Eastern Cape 76.80% Mpumalanga 74.20% Northern Cape 72.10% Limpopo “ “
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NSC Matric exams pass rate per province

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