Overberg - 1st Quarter School Highlights 2021

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Virtual sport series to showcase national school talent “The Showcase is a concept that was born during the Covid-19 pandemic and has grown to the first of its kind talent identification platform in South Africa”, says Gerhardi Odendaal, CEO of Old School Group, the host of The Showcase. “We designed this platform for athletes to improve their own ability at their own pace and to inspire kids that would not normally get the chance to showcase their talents to enter. Bobby Skinstad, Robbie Fleck and VanesMari Proudfoot have put their support behind this initiative and we are proud to combine their skills and knowledge, together with our industry specialists, within the programme”. The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport. Drills include the vertical jump, broad jump, sprinting, etc. and leaners submit the results of each test/showcase on the Showcase website and follow their results on a weekly leader board. The AWSUM School News platform and The Showcase recently came together to give kids from all over the country and all walks of life, irrespective of their background or status of the school they attend, the opportunity to compete against each other. “Think about it, for the first time ever a learner from HTS Middelburg can compete against a learner from Hoërskool Namakwaland in Springbok, so it made perfect sense to join this initiative”, says Durandt van Zyl, CEO of AWSUM.

“So many times, we see talent that gets lost in the crowds at schools. Now kids can enter and compete individually, and we present the best performers for contracting by talent seekers”.

The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport.

“Children between the ages of 12 and 18 can showcase their athleticism and fitness as part of this unique programme and make their talents visible to top recruiters. This also builds self-confidence and enables youngsters to perform on a broader platform to measure their performance against other learners across the country”, van Zyl concluded. For more info visit www.theshowcase.co.za

The 3 phased series consist of: Phase 1: 10-week period where learners will complete sport specific conditioning drills Phase 2: The top performing entries from Phase 1 will participate at a live event against each other and have the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of an audience of talent seekers, agents, varsity and high school recruiters, bursary givers, scouts and professional sports team coaches. Phase 3: A 4-day camp will allow players to develop skills and get tips from the best in the sports industry.

CONTENT OF THE GUIDE: • • • • • • •

Institutions per fields of study Institutions per type of study Gap year options Au pair options Accommodation options Career content News relating to life after school





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70 Athletes from schools in SA selected for sport showcase series, phase 2

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Rûens Kollege leerders Q & A met leer nuwe rugby – en netbalvaardighede APTEIN JAEGER COETZEE KRIEKETK DORP

VAN LAERSKOOL BREDAS Wat is jou beste herinnering tydens jou krieketloopbaan? Dat ek die voorreg gehad het om teen ’n ander span van ’n ander land te kon speel saam met baie goeie spanmaats. Die Engelse skole toerspan van Cheam Prep kom speel jaarliks ’n wedstryd by ons.

Wie is elke jaar julle moeilikste opponente? Laerskool Hermanus.

Hoe voel dit om uiteindelik teen ander skole, na die 2020 - Covid – regulasies te speel? Ek is opgewonde om weer saam met my spanmaats te speel, veral omdat dit vir die meeste van ons spelers die laaste seisoen is van ons laerskoolloopbaan.

Wat motiveer jou om altyd jou beste te gee? Ek wil hoër hoogtes bereik en as ek my beste gee en ek maak foute, kan ek daaruit leer sodat ek harder kan oefen op die oefenveld.

Hoe gaan dit met julle seisoen sover? Ons het onlangs ons eerste wedstryd gespeel waar ons ongelukkig nie die wedstryd gewen het nie, maar dit was wonderlik om weer op die veld te wees.

Buiten krieket, wat is jou ander belangstellings? Ek is mal oor atletiek en hou ook baie van rugby.

Is jy `n natuurlike leier? Bv: `n goeie oog vir veldwerk plasings, die rotering van boulers en om situasies tydens die wedstryd te identifiseer en te analiseer? Ek glo so, want ek het ’n goeie oog vir veldwerkplasings en rotering van boulers omdat ek deurentyd die wedstryd analiseer. Ek hou ook daarvan om my spanmaats te motiveer. Waaraan dink jy terwyl jy op die krieketveld is? Hoe om die opponent ’n harde wedstryd te gee.

Wat maak jou span en skool spesiaal? Dat ons saam staan as een span en dat hulle my afrig, sodat ek my spel kan verbeter en ons speel al jare saam.

Rûens Kollege se kwartaal sluit af met ‘n netbalkliniek aangebied deur Reg en Jenny Sharp van NetballSA. Die dogters het speel-speel nuwe vaardighede aangeleer en pragtig gelyk in hul hempies wat geborg is deur Hanskraal Free Range. Baie dankie aan ons nasionale afrigters en AJ en Elmien du Toit, wat dit alles moontlik gemaak het.

Rûens Kollege se seuns het ook hulle rugby vaardighede vir die komende seisoen tydens ‘n tweedaagse rugbykliniek geslyp. Opregte dank aan Mnr. Erhardt Muth van Paul Roos Gimnasium, Mnr. Johan Orsmond asook Mnr. Dirk Brits vir die waardevolle insette wat hulle gelewer het. Baie dankie aan André Wessels van Inteligro wat die hempies geborg het.

Wie is jou krieketheld? Quinton de Kock.

Kies een? • `n Toeskouer wees by `n T20, 1-dag of Toets wedstryd? 1-dagwedstryd. • Energade, SteriStumpi of Red Bull? SteriStumpie. • Wie is die beste krieketspeler? AB de Villiers, Virat Kohli, Steve Smith of Ben Stokes? AB de Villiers.

Hoërskool Swellendam vier hulle 106ste verjaarsdag Hoërskool Swellendam is nou al 106 jaar ‘n landmerk en tuiste van leerders in die pragtige dorp. Volgens die geskiedenis boeke is die presiese dag en datum van die skool se totstand koming nie so maklik nie. Die webtuiste bevestig egter dat die eerste hoër

onderwys in 1862 plaasgevind het. Eers in 1904 is ‘n skool gebou vir die verenigde skole opgerig waar Graad 1 tot matriek onderrig is. In 1915 het die gebou amptelik sy status as hoërskool gekry. Veels geluk!

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HOËRSKOOL GRABOUW Boys to Men (B2M) ‘n Mentor program wat by ons skool geloods word nl. Boys to Men(B2M). Hierdie program beloof om ons leeders te bemagtig om meer verantwoordelike keuses te maak vir hul toekoms.

Fietse ontvang HS Grabouw het 15 fietse, valhelms, reflektor baadjies, fietsherstel pakkie en fietspompe ontvang. Hierdie fietse gaan nou die dryfveer wees agter ‘n inisiatief om leerders bloot te stel aan fietsry en ook die moontlikheid van bergfietsry. HS Grabouw se leerders is opgewonde en kan nie wag om hierdie fietse pad toe neem nie.

Wilhern Rispel, Sulayman Delport, Vinchesto -Lee Titus, Reeve Wyngaard, Ifraim Ceylon, Abulele Ngewu, Charl Karelse, Fabian Willemse, Chadwill Davids en Tyrese Kock.

Mini-krieket toerusting HS Grabouw se sportbeampte, Danielle Williams, neem mini-krieket toerusting en uitrusting in besit wat vanaf Boland Krieket Unie aan die skool geskenk was. HS Grabouw se mini-krieket afrigters het ook elk ‘n sweetpak en pet ontvang. Ons spreek ons opregte dank en waardering uit teenoor Boland Kriekek Unie, en spesifiek Yolandi vd Westhuizen wat hierdie inisiatief gedryf het.



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HOËRSKOOL HERMANUS Announcement of 2021 Boland Junior Squash Team

Bass Angling During the weekend of the 7th of April, two of our pupils competed at the Bass Angling Clanwilliam national test. We are extremely proud of Bernard Joubert and Cevin Barnard on their accomplishment under extremely tough circumstances. Both these boys have been included in the Junior Protea Bass Angling Team for 2021! We wish them all the best for the upcoming International Test vs Zimbabwe.

Ashton Roets

Chante Roux

Karla Van Wyk

Marinus Neethling

Rohann Swart

Ryan Ingles

Vaughn Kuhn

Bernard Joubert

Cevin Barnard

2021 Dusi Canoe marathon Matthew Privett (Grade 11) took part in the 2021 Dusi Canoe marathon from Camps Drift in Pietermaritzburg to Blue Lagoon in Durban over three legs from the 18th to 20th March 2021. The Dusi is 120 km long, the biggest canoeing event on the African continent, and one of the world’s most popular river marathons. It is a unique race in that participants have to be strong paddlers, be able to handle big rapids and be strong enough to run with their boats over rough terrain through the Valley of a Thousand Hills. Most of

these portages are through thick bush on steep and undulating terrain, and several of them are around 4km in length. This was Matthews first Dusi and he paddled with his father, Sean in a double (K2) kayak. They had an excellent first day finishing fifth overall in the double category. Unfortunately on day 2, two broken paddles in Mamba Gorge meant time lost but they came back strongly on Day 3, again finishing in the top five in their category and ending up 13th overall in the senior K2 division.

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CURRO HERMANUS Top Academic Achievers for term 1 Curro Hermanus are very proud of their Top Academic Achievers for term 1 in Grades 9 to 12. The IEB tests and assessments are of very high standard and these learners did exceptionally well.

Front: Alexa Vivier, Raynier Erasmus, Neha Dhoolab, Elizabeth Montgomery, Chevonne Erasmus. Back: Stephanie Hodson, Kerin Helmbold, Ethan Higham, Hayden Oehl ,Ra’ees De Witt, Daniel Cornell

LAERSKOOL HERMANUS PRIMARY SCHOOL Western Cape Cavaliers (Boland) Tennisspan Hierdie leerders van Hermanus Laerskool is opgeneem in die Western Cape Cavaliers (Boland) Tennisspanne. U.13 Dogters U.13 Seuns U.11 Dogters U.11 Seuns Roxy Bredenkamp Jean Joubert Caelan Bredenkamp Lukas Calitz Sophia Thorpe Wilhelm Mostert Heike Keulder Nicholas Delplanque Surita Lamprecht Thomas Henn Elke Keulder

Hulle het op 13 en 14 Februarie deelgeneem teen Cape Metropole (WP) en meeste van die spelers het oortuigend gewen. Die jaarlikse Synergy Cup vind in Julie plaas tussen Western Cape Cavaliers, Western Cape Metropole, Eden en Noord-Kaap. Jean Joubert en Roxy Bredenkamp is ook beide opgeneem in die u.13 Interpro span wat 6-9 Augustus in Bloemfontein deelneem.

Hoofleiers 2021

Elke Keulder - Hoofdogter Surita Lamprecht - Onderhoofdogter Luan van Vreden - Hoofseun Wilhelm Mostert - Onderhoofseun

VALUE OF THIS PRIZE IS R7000.00 10 winners ages 6 - 11 (Value per child u/12 is R300 p/p) 5 winners ages 12 - 18 (12 years and older considered as adults)

Did you know that South Africa is also known for the Marine Big 5? The Dyer Island ecosystem off Gansbaai in the Western Cape is home to many marine species. Marine Dynamics Shark and Whale tours offer a Marine Big 5 tour to explore the world-famous Dyer Island and Shark Alley, searching for different marine animals. Some of these species can be seen throughout the year, while others only visit this area for a few months. The Marine Big 5 is made up of very big marine mammals, large predators with many teeth, playful furry characters, feathery tuxedowearing friends and more friends with flippers who whistle to each other. Can you guess who they are?

What are the Marine Big 5 of South Africa? A. Stingrays, whales, sharks, seals, dolphins | B. Whales, sharks, seals, dolphins, penguins | C. Sharks, seabirds, seals, dolphins, turtles

Send your answer to -



Morné de Wit het Maart aan die SA Kids kompetisie op De Zalze deelgeneem en met 8 houe in die ouerdomsgroep 7-8jr gewen.

Baie geluk aan Michael Kleyn wat sy Bruin Belt by SA JKA Assossiasie verwerf het.

Op Devondale het hy 3de plek gekry uit ‘n groep van 18 kinders ouderdom 8-13jr. Daar was slegs 1 hou tussen elk van die top 3. Hy was 2 jaar jonger as die 2 kinders voor hom!

`n Droom van 3 netbalbane/tennisbane in wording Ons sien baie uit na ons 3 netbalbane/tennisbane, wes van die rugby velde. We would like to thank the construction company, working in 4th Avenue on the storm water pipes, for their contribution towards our project. We are positive that final construction will start soon.

Morné de Wit


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Eerste Gholfspan

Voor: Mnr. S. Vermeulen, Brian Vermeulen (o/k), Mnr. C. Van Niekerk, Retief Swart (k) en Mnr. M. van der Vyver. Middel: Kyle Arends, Chadwill Abrahams, Angus Strydom en Rico Jaars. Agter: Jaco Nortje, Francois Rossouw, Ashwin Lourens, Andre Bothma, Jacques Vermeulen, en Jurie Groenewald.

Retief Swart, Juf. L. van Schalkwyk, Kevin Goliath, Anelmari van Niekerk en Johané Beukes.

Eerste Tennisspan

Mieke Saayman, Lohann Fourie, Anja Geyer, Phillip Fourie, Minke Du Toit, A.J. Basson, Anelmarie van Niekerk en Janru Retief.



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Voor: Matthew Coad, Mnr Rowan Minords, Conrad Bothma en Willem Louwrens. Agter: Mnr Willie Brooks, Danté Snyman, Devan Craig, Dian Augustyn, Zack Jooste, Llewellyn Gabriels, Zayden Roman, Francois Basson, Cheston Kapot, Jaeger Coetzee en Mnr Jacques Taljaard.

Eerste Tennisspan

Voor: Nina Terblanche, Beate Uys, Zoë Bothma en Jané-Mari du Toit. Agter: Mnr Janco de Villiers (hulp-afrigter), Adam du Plessis, Andre Fourie, Christiaan Swart, Zach Jooste en Me Sonette Coetsee (hoofafrigter).


Congratulations to our top 20 Meisies: Anje Auret, Kim Boshoff, Anke Both, Carolé Franken, Thea Koning, Anlie Lemmer, Lisa Nieuwoudt, Lizzy Thomson, Abigail vd Linde, Lisakhanya Zitha. Seuns: Tobie Burger, Leaton Cupido, Gideon Grobbelaar, Wicus Immelman, Pierre Kotze, Keaton Moster, Kayden Petersen, Rohan Spamer, Jessie van Kamp, Hanno van Rooyen.


Voor vlnr: Nina Strydom (Onder-hoofdogter), Yara du Plessis, (Onder-hoofdogter), Stefan Stieger (Hoofseun), Tilde Kok (Hoofdogter) Hugo Bester (Onder-hoofseun). Middel vlnr: Joy Hans, Aldonè Klotz, Ewald Groenewald, Emily Kellerman. Agter vlnr: Mikayla Massyn, Leandry Otto, Riana du Toit en Megan Massyn.

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102 skole maak gebruik van ons tegnologie,

AWSUM App vir skole awes in 2019, vir En ons 150 interskole uitg yd, wys ons is sportgeleenthede landsw passievol oor skolenuus!

LAERSKOOL OVERBERG Prefekte vir 2021

Jan Malan Viljoen Hoofseun

Layla Dramat Hoofdogter

Rossouw De Wet Onderhoofseun

Gwyneth Finck Onderhoofdogter

Johnél Visagie

Stehan le Roux

Benje Crous

Ana de Kock

Caryn Damons

Sebastian Snyman

Nina Coetzee

Hugo Eksteen

Heleni van Niekerk

Chanté Macdonald

Zané von Willigh

Kara Kritzinger


Aldrich Opperman

Courtney de Wet

Erin Arendse

Anisha Botha

Emily Meets

Lee West

Arnold Muriva

Carla Whiteman

Joshua le Roux

Miné le Grange

Chanél SchmidtDumont

Isabella Brink

Natalie Bester

Nina Visser

Chanté de Bruyn

Jana Neethling

Reenan Hendricks

Chloé Sleenhoff

Jana Smal

Reynardt Hancke

Mariana Swart

082 922 7779

Alida Swart

082 776 7574

Martin Swart Snr 082 776 7575 Martin Swart

076 402 4491

Swellendam properties is a well established estate agency in the Overberg, South Africa. The dedicated team has been in the property business for a number of years and has extensive local knowledge. Contact us first for all your property needs.

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Esinako Qotyiwe - Onderhoofdogter, Ella Bekker - Hoofdogter, Jean Moutin - Hoofseun en Jaco de Wet - Onderhoofseun.

Komitee Voorsitters (Kwartaal 1)

Alet Lourens, Nika Kruger, Kara Liebenberg, Anje van Wyk, Alex Gale, Rihan Cilliers en Luka Steenekamp. (Afwesig: Reinier van der Merwe)

o.13 Krieketspan

Mnr. Stephan Viljoen (afrigter), Coenrad Bekker, Joubert Beckett, Ashwill Marcus, Rihan Cilliers, Cayleb van Zyl, Nick van Zyl, Henri Swart, D’Niel van Zyl, Myburgh Eksteen, Danlyn Stewart, Owen Volschenk, Benji du Toit, Daniel Kotze, Eljenin Mert, Zondagh Zaaiman, De Villiers Louw en Luka Steenekamp.


Jeanne Gouws, Elske Burger, Alet Lourens, Mnr. Benjamin Deysel (afrigter), Mev. Charisma Heyns (afrigter), Jean Mouton, Kian Steenekamp, Henri Swart, Jaco de Wet, Luka Steenekamp, Johani Steyn, Marné Augustyn, Jana van Niekerk, Maritz Engelbrecht, Erasmus Engelbrecht en Zondagh Zaaiman.

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HOËRSKOOL SWELLENDAM Leerders presteer in atletiek


Marli Swart het die afgelope tyd aan drie byeenkomste deelgeneem. Op 20 Maart, tydens die ASA op Dal Josefat, kom sy 4de in die 800m en op 24 Maart tydens ENDURO, op Coetzenburg ontmoet sy vir Elana Meyer en ook van die land se beste atlete. Sy leer baie deur baie goeie atlete te sien deelneem. Op 27 Maart, tydens die ASA op Dal Josafat, neem sy deel aan die 1500m en 2 ure later aan die 400m. Sy behaal in albei hierdie items ‘n derde plek. Marli sê sy het baie geleer uit hierdie ongewone seisoen, veral as dit by beserings kom. Sy sê: “’n Mens moet eers kan verloor voor jy kan wen.”

Andre Loots neem deel aan Swellendam Gholfklub se klubkampioenskappe. Hy wen Afdeling C.

Andrea is ‘n graad 10-leerder wat spesialiseer in hoogspring. Sy het gedurende hierdie seisoen aan 4 byeenkomste deelgeneem. Hierdie Boland-atleet het ook gekwalifiseer vir die ASDA Twizza-nasionale kampioenskappe wat op 7 – 10 April plaasgevind het.

Marli Swart

Andrea Boshoff

Marli Swart

Grade 9 subject choices: why you should start considering them now In a few months’ time, Grade Nine learners will be required to make important decisions about which combination of subjects they will be pursuing through to their final Matric exams. This is an important first milestone on the road to building a career, an education expert says, adding that while the decision would normally be left until later in the year, the world has changed so dramatically that Grade Nines should start thinking about this significant decision sooner rather than later. “The world changed last year – not just because schooling and work were disrupted and not just because both had to happen from home in ways never imagined before. The world changed because we are unlikely to go back to what we experienced in 2019,” says Natasha Madhav, Senior Head of Programme: Faculty of ICT at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest private higher education provider. “It has long been said that one needs to prepare young people for jobs that do not exist, but this has never been a concept that has been crystallised in a way that really helped one make decisions. Perhaps it is clearer now to focus on preparing for a world of work that is changed and focusing on industries and skill sets that are and will be in demand, rather than on jobs with names that are familiar to us. “So, for instance, law has not vanished as a field, but most lawyers now need to consult online as easily as they do in person and they can collaborate in real time with colleagues all over the place. They also need to be advising people on both physical and digital implications of what they do.”



“The basic instruction is the same – develop an understanding of fields you are interested in and the things you are good at. Then look for jobs and careers that seem future-focused. Then, look for institutions that not only offer future-oriented curricula, but whose teaching and learning and assessment are explicitly directed at a changing world”. This then links to smart subject choices, Madhav says. “If your field is likely to be scientific and technical and analytical, you are still well served to include maths and science and perhaps a technology subject. If your field is problem-solving and solution-oriented, then subjects like history and design or visual arts will provide that skill set. If you are looking for both, you will need both. Higher education institutions are not going to move away from some of the standard demands for particular high-demand disciplines or fields, so be sure that you understand what you need for admission and include these in your choices. One of the key issues to consider is the fact that automation is on the rise, and that technological adoption by companies will transform jobs and indemand skills in future. And, as noted by the WEF in their most recent Future of Jobs report, skills gaps will continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years. As noted in the report: “The top skills and skill groups which employers see as rising in prominence in the lead up to 2025 include groups such as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem-solving, and skills in self-management such as active learning,

resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility… On average, companies estimate that around 40% of workers will require reskilling of six months or less and 94% of business leaders report that they expect employees to pick up new skills on the job, a sharp uptake from 65% in 2018.” So where to start researching which careers will exist when you matriculate, and which of them might interest you? “A good place to start, on top of doing online research, is to find a higher education institution that has already demonstrated that they produce technically proficient and in-demand graduates, whose skills are aligned with what is required in the workplace because of their close industry connections. In other words, an institution whose curricula are up-to-date at all times, and that is able to quickly and resiliently respond to our fastchanging world. You will know who they are as they will confidently speak about change and flexibility and adaptability and about the link between study and work,” says Madhav. “By speaking to a student advisor at such an institution, which crucially must also be able to demonstrate that meaningful learning continued during lockdown, learners will be able to discuss their current interests and strengths, and then get advice and insight into which fields will be in high demand in future, and which subjects they can choose later this year, which will give them access to these fields.”







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