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- Hoërskool Outeniqua - George Voorbereiding - Hoërskool Oudtshoorn - Laerskool Wesbank
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Slaggereed skool toe 15 Januarie was `n groot dag vir baie van ons AWSUM-lesers.
Hobbies = Balance in 2014
Acne in teenagers
Get your sleep this year
FOMO Calendar
Financial Section
AWSUM Kombuis
e h t l l a t u o k c e Ch s w e n l o o h c s t lates inside
Graad 8’s reg vir die hoërskool
Die Graad 1’s het hulle eerste skooldag oorleef Graad 8’s was met groot opgwondenheid hoërskool toe Die Graad 7’s eindig hulle laerskool-loopbaan in 2014 voor hulle die hoërskool aandurf Die Graad 12’s begin 2014 planne maak vir na-skool. En moenie vergeet van al die pa’s en ma’s wat die kinders moes afsien skool toe nie.’
Almal is slaggereed vir die jaar wat voorlê! Ons deel graag met julle `n paar fotos van die eerste skooldag van 2014 en vanaf die AWSUM redaksie span wens ons elke leser `n AWSUM jaar toe!
Opgewonde in Graad 1
Hobbies = Balance in 2014 Tick this list in 2014 One New Year’s resolution all of us should keep is to have a proper work or school - life balance. Balancing work and life means making time for work, making time for family and making time for yourself and when you choose a hobby you can find a way to express your personal interests. Other advantages include time to relax to reduce stress levels, a physical hobby can promote exercise and you can also find new skills and uncover hidden talents. You may also meet new friends, keep your brain sharp or make money. The benefits are endless.
hobby. Here are a few options: • If you like adventure and exploration, try hiking or camping • Establish your own movie club and watch a movie once a week. Make popcorn, put on your pj’s and then talk about the movie afterwards. • Scrapbooking is also a popular family hobby. Print family photos and decorate scrapbook pages together.
Don’t make procrastination the thief of your time. Get up from the couch and make 2014 AWSUM! Choosing your hobby Hobbies should never interfere with time spent working or with time spent with the family. Write down you schedule to find time that you can devote to your hobby. Hobbies for the family The whole family can participate in a
Editor Meinette van der Walt 021 872 3880 | meinette@tiemedia.co.za Graphic Designer Lizelle Esterhuyzen 021 872 3880 | lizelle@tiemedia.co.za AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools:
BOLAND: Primary schools: Worcester Noord, Courtrai, Noord-Eind, Hugenote, Worcester Oos, Paarl Girls’, Worcester Voorbereiding, Paarl Gimnasium, Paarl Boys’, WA Joubert, Hugo Rust High Schools: Paarl Gimnasium, HTS Drostdy, Paarl Girls’ High, Montana, Worcester Gimnasium, Paarl Boishaai, Swartland, Boland Landbou, La Rochelle, New Orleans
• • • •
More hobbies to choose from: • Gardening: whether you live in the city or countryside, it’s easy to enjoy gardening. • Photography is the perfect hobby for someone with a creative eye. Search online for a photography course near you. Learn to play an instrument. There are so many to choose from! Is your New Year resolution to lose weight? Maybe it’s time to join an organised sport. Master a new language! Sign up for pottery or cooking classes
Maybe you are more a people-person and enjoy meeting new people. Take a hobby that involves other people: • Wine Tasting • Flea markets • Bingo • Bowling • Team sports • Book Clubs
If you want to be certain, you Primary schools: Stellenbosch, Eikestad, Beaumont, De Hoop, Somerset should never get married. You College, Hendrik Louw, Lochnerhof, Somerset West Primary High Schools: Paul Roos, PJ Olivier Kunssentrum, Stellenbosch, Bloemhof, should never change jobs. In fact, Rhenish, Parel Vallei, Somerset College, Hottentots Holland you might as well just stay home. SOUTHERN CAPE: Primary schools: Park, Hartenbos, George Voorbereiding, Outeniqua, Because I don’t know anybody Albertinia, Wesbank, Van Rheede, Oudtshoorn Noord, van der Hoven, who is certain. That need to be Hartenbos, Volschenk, Blanco, Knysna, George-Suid, Glenwood High Schools: Outeniqua, PW Botha, York, Albertinia, Punt, Oudtshoorn, certain is just procrastination. Langenhoven Gimnasium, Knysna, Langenhoven Riversdal, Glenwood
NORTHERN SUBURBS: Primary schools: De Kuilen, Labiance, Bellville Noord, Mikro, De Tyger,
Mark Burnett
Welgemoed, Fanie Theron, Aristea Edgemead, Brackenfell, Durbanville Voorbereiding, Gene Louw High Schools: HTS Bellville, Belville, Brackenfell, DF Malan, Tygerberg, Eben Donges, Stellenberg, Settlers, Durbanville, De Kuilen
Meet your Southern Cape consultants:
Sometimes, the smallest of household tasks are overlooked therefore the New Year signifies a fresh start in the home and is the perfect time to tick them all off your list until the next year rolls around. Here are 10 simple but essential housekeeping chores you might not have remembered to do: 1. Rotate the mattress. Standard mattress guidelines usually tell you to rotate your mattress once every three months (some even sooner), but just doing it once a year is better than not at all. 2. Wash your pillows. Feather, down, and synthetic pillows should be washed at least once a year to eliminate oils, residue, dead skin, and dust that inevitably settle in the pillows and make them sag. 3. Replace your toothbrushes. If you don’t remember changing your toothbrush or toothbrush head within the last six months, change them all, including any toothbrushes you regularly travel with. 4. Replace worn towels, bedding, or linens. Now is a good time to take stock of your inventory and replace, repurpose, or give away any linens that are worn, ripped, stained, or otherwise unused, collecting dust in the closet. It is also a good time to reorganize your linen closet, whether by room, color, size, or season.
windows and doors will eventually fade from the bright, hot rays streaming in (even if it’s indirect light), so it’s important to spin them around 180 degrees (after you air them out, of course!) and expose the other side to sun for even fading. 8. Clean and oil your wooden cutting boards and wooden implements. Now that the season of gluttony is past us and your meals might be returning to a more manageable and normal serving size, give your cutting boards a good scrub using our all-natural solution, then oil them up to ensure they’ll last through the next holiday season. 9. Donate unwanted household goods. Gather up your unused canned goods, ill-fitting clothes, outgrown toys, obsolete electronics, and recent gifts you have a feeling you’ll never use, and drop them off at the appropriate food banks, charities, thrift stores, or electronic recycling centers. 10. Clean out your receipt drawer. To be prepared for tax time (and maybe give yourself a little motivation), clean out your receipt drawer to make room for new receipts. Toss out any that don’t apply to your tax deductions, and digitize the ones for major purchases (such as computers) for insurance purposes.
5. Refresh closet sachets, or make new ones. Cedar, lavender, and all other closet or drawer sachets lose their scent (and thus their effectiveness) within three to four months, so it’s always a good idea to refresh or replace them regularly. 6. Air out your rugs. UV rays are an excellent (and green and free) source of disinfectant. You can’t exactly throw a rug into the washer, but you can easily haul it outside, fling it over a railing (or on a clean surface), and give it a few hours in direct sun to air it out and kill any bacteria in the fibers. 7. Spin rugs near windows and doors so they get even sun fade. Rugs placed near
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Theo Smouse| 072 947 7325| theo@tiemedia.co.za Helderberg: Debbie Germishuys 076 198 9171|debbie@tiemedia.co.za Ayesha Brinkhuis | 071 898 9522 | ayesha@tiemedia.co.za Southern Cape: Nic Papenfus | 073 190 2650 | nicpa@tiemedia.co.za
Rika Papenfus
Rika Papenfus | 083 320 8753 | rika@tiemedia.co.za Isabella van den Berg | 079 625 9125 | isabella@tiemedia.co.za Northern Suburbs: Liza Schreuder | 076 614 2317 | liza@tiemedia.co.za Christo Brits | 084 616 0876 | christo@tiemedia.co.za Visit our website at www.awsumonline.co.z AWSUMNews - Find us on Facebook!
Nic Papenfus
Isabella van den Berg
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Wellness Beauty
Acne: a common teenage problem If you’re a teen, chances are pretty good that you have some acne. Almost 8 in 10 teens have acne, along with many adults. So what is acne, and what can you do about it? Acne is a condition of the skin that shows up as different types of bumps. These bumps can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts. Teens get acne because of the hormonal changes that come with puberty. If your parents had acne as teens, it’s more likely that you will, too. The good news is that, for most people, acne goes away almost completely by the time they are out of their teens. The type of acne that a lot of teens get shows up on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest. If a pore gets clogged up and closes but bulges out from the skin, you’re left with a whitehead. If a pore gets clogged up but stays open, the top surface can darken and you’re left with a blackhead.
increases sebum production). Other myths talk about what helps make acne better. Acne isn’t really helped by the sun, it won’t help it go away permanently — and some people find that the oils their skin produces after being in the sun make their pimples worse. Prevention Wash your face once or twice a day with a mild soap and warm water. Don’t scrub your face hard with a washcloth, and scrubbing may actually make it worse by irritating the skin and pores. If you wear makeup or sunscreen, make sure it’s labeled “oil free,”“noncomedogenic,” or “nonacnegenic.” Sometimes even though they wash properly and try lotions and oil-free makeup, people get acne anyway — and this is totally normal. Treatment
Sometimes the wall of the pore opens, allowing sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells to make their way under the skin — and you’re left with a small, red bump called a pimple.
A doctor can treat the acne with prescription medicines. Some girls find that birth control pills help to clear up their acne. At Skinlogic the new LED treatment technology is also showing excellent results.
Myths about acne
If you look in the mirror and see a pimple, don’t touch it, squeeze it, or pick at it. It can be pretty tempting to try to get rid of a pimple, you can cause even more inflammation.More important, though, picking at pimples can leave tiny, permanent scars on your face.
There are a few myths out there about things that cause acne — like the one about eating chocolate causing acne. Stress doesn’t usually cause acne either (although it can make existing acne worse because stress
Live healthy with your own vegetable garden Wouldn’t we all love to cook with organic vegetables, but our busy schedules force us to buy not so fresh veggies from the local supermarket. Growing your own vegetable garden isn’t only a fun-filled activity, but also rewarding when you can cook out of your garden. We share a few tips with you to get that garden going: 1. Soil For most types of gardens, the perfect soil is a quality light loam made up of nutrient-rich organic matter and a composition of relatively equal amounts of sand, silt and clay. In general, the more organic matter the better. Not sure what kind of soil you’re working with? Simply grab a handful of moist (not saturated) soil and squeeze. If the clump falls apart as soon as you open your hand, you’re dealing with a very sandy soil; if the clump stays intact, then your soil contains too much clay. Loamy soils hold together to some degree, but crumble when poked; that’s what you want to see. Once the soil type is determined, you should run a basic soil test to determine its pH as well as the nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous levels. Many universities and extension offices offer soil testing, but home tests (obtained at your local nursery or online) are satisfactory. 2. Which is better – seeds or seedlings? It’s certainly easier to start your vegetable garden by planting directly into the garden, by-passing indoor seed starting and transplanting. However some vegetables take several months to mature from seed, so it’s just not practical to direct sow them in the garden where the growing season is short. That’s why, when it comes to long season plants like tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, most gardeners either start their own plants indoors or purchase seedling from the nursery.
The choice between direct seeding and transplanting seedlings comes down to 2 basic questions: 1. Does the vegetable transplant well? 2. Is your growing season long enough for the vegetables to mature when planted from seed? Vegetables that are usually direct seeded: Beans, beets, carrots, corn, cucumbers, garlic, lettuce, micro greens, peas, pumpkins, radishes, squash, turnips and watermelons. Vegetables that transplant well: Basil, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, chives, collards, eggplant, mustard, onions, parsley, peppers and tomatoes. 3.Garden VS Containers and pots You don’t need a plot of land to grow fresh vegetables. Many vegetables lend themselves well to container gardening. With some thought to selecting bush or dwarf varieties, almost any vegetable can be adapted to growing in a pot. Even if you want your favorite full-size variety, if you give it a large enough pot and plenty of soil and water, it will grow just fine and reward you with plenty. You can use soil in your container vegetable garden, but potting mixes are much better. Peat-based mixes, containing peat and vermiculite, are excellent. 4.No space? Do it indoors! Growing edibles indoors gives you year-round access to seasonal favourites.
Jean de Villiers shares tips on how to Be sure to get your sleep this year An increase in the amount and quality of for one’s health, including obesity, ensure a healthy new year shut-eye should be at the top of everyone’s hypertension, heart and blood vessel “As a professional rugby player, it is very important for me to eat the right food and stay in shape,” says Jean de Villiers, Captain of the national rugby team and Resolution Health Medical Scheme representative. “Apart from the set meals compiled by our fitness trainer when we are on tour, I try to eat four to six small meals which include fresh fruit and vegetables as well as a balance of protein and carbohydrates when at home. Obviously I try to steer clear of junk foods but do spoil myself occasionally with a pizza. After all everyone deserves a treat every now and again.” According to de Villiers, eating foods that are low in calories do not necessarily mean you are doing the right thing for your body. “The foods you include in your diet need to be nutritious and provide energy that is sustainable. For example, when we are doing intense training I take some whey protein and glutamine supplements to help with recovery. It also assists me to be fresh for the next day’s training,” he says.
of golf requires anything between three and five hours of walking, translating into a good workout while doing what you love most. “Training forms a very big part of my life and in a normal week we would have six to 10 training sessions and then a game on the weekend. A typical training session would include spending time in the gym combined with on-field sessions. Each session would last anything from 60min to 120min and the intensity would vary,” says De Villiers. Healthy adults should ideally aim for 30minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day, five times a week with the aim being to increase the resting heart rate for the entire period. This threshold is usually around 180 beats per minute minus your age, provided the individual is otherwise healthy.
New Year’s Resolution list as numerous studies have proven the physical and emotional health benefit of getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep per night. This is according to Doctor Jacques Snyman, clinical advisor for Resolution Health Medical Scheme.
“Various studies have proven the power of regular, sufficient and quality sleep with results showing a marked increase in memory, learning, creativity, productivity, emotional stability and physical health. In fact, the Ryerson University of Toronto found that curing insomnia in people with depression doubled their chance of a full recovery,” Snyman highlights. It can even help you to lose weight with a Brigham Young University study revealing that higher quality sleep of 8.5 hours a night is associated with a lower body fat percentage. An inadequate amount of sleep can also result in a number of negative implications
De Villiers also highlighted the importance of exercise in leading a healthy lifestyle, particularly in light of a recent survey finding that 49% of South Africans do not exercise at all. “You don’t necessarily have to visit the gym five times a week to work on your fitness levels. You can incorporate exercise into your hobbies as well. For example, apart from my rigorous training schedule, I like to be active during my downtime by playing a round of golf with my mates and walking my dogs. In fact, an average 18-hole round
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disease and diabetes, as well as possible harmful effects on mental health. Sleeping tips
• Where possible, stick to a regular routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time • Incorporate a relaxing pre-sleep ritual into your daily routine. Examples include having a warm bath, reading a book or having a warm cup of herbal tea • Exercise daily • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and heavy meals 2 – 3 hours before bedtime • Create a sleep inducing environment: dark, quiet and cool Getting sufficient sleep is one of the easiest ways to improve your lifestyle and basic health. Thankfully, it’s a rather enjoyable activity to add to your New Year’s Resolution list and not hard to incorporate into your everyday life.
Do you suffer from FOMO? No need to stress. Here is what’s happening in your area: Cut out this cycling and race calendar to stick to your new years resolutions Cycling events:
em Vir di
ing ou of miss
Saturday, 15 February
Cheetahs V Lions
Saturday, 15 February
Sharks V Bulls
Friday, 21 February
Crusaders V Chiefs
Friday, 21 February
Cheetahs V Bulls
Saturday, 22 February Saturday, 22 February Saturday, 22 February
Highlanders V Blues Brumbies V Reds Sharks V Hurricanes
19:35 19:40 17:05
Saturday, 22 February
Lions V Stormers
Sunday, 23 February
Waratahs V Force
ROUND 2 (BYE: Rebels)
Book your ticket! 1 - 5 March: Cricket at Newslands South Africa VS Australia (5-Day Test
Klein Karoo Toyota Leopard Crawl MTB
15 Feb, 06:30
Wesbank Primary School, Oudtshoorn
Isuzu Ride the Rock
7 - 9 Feb
Lighthouse to Lighthouse MTB
8-9 Feb
Danger Point, Gansbaai
Garden Route 300
21-23 Feb
Schoemans Hoek Half Marathon & 10km Run & Walk 10km Run & Walk
25 Jan, 06:00
Schoemans Hoek
Cango Marathon
22 Feb, 06:00
Festivals: Who doesn’t love summer in the Western Cape! Don’t miss out on these festivals: Proe Mosselbaai
28 Feb - 2 March
US Woordfees
6-16 Maart
29 March - 5 April
Diaz Marathon, 10km Run/Walk and 1 Feb, 07:00 5km Fun Run
Santos Beach, Mossel Bay
61 ‘To Hell and Gone’ Moon Walk
14 Feb, 18:00 Prince Albert & The Hell
Outeniqua Wheelchair Marathon, Half Marathon & 10km Challenge
Mount View (Old Tourist) 15 Feb, 08:00 Resort & Lifestyle Village, York Street, George
For the more social people... Markets in your area: Milkwood Village Friday Night Market
Sunday Market @ Rademarchers
Mauritz Lammers Antique Shop
Farm Market | Die Plaasmark
George Show Grounds
Market Lane crafts and food
Outeniqua Farmers’ Market
Wild Oats Community Farmers Market
Harkerville Saturday Market
The Friday Supper and Craft Market
Advertise your upcoming events in the Southern Cape region to 63 000 readers by adding it to our FOMO Calendar from as little as R250 per event.
Other The Barn, Mossel Bay
1 Feb
Leanie May
The Barn, Mossel Bay
14 Feb
Matthys Roets
Diaz Festival
20Jan - 2 Feb
Mossel Bay
Send an email to awsum@tiemedia.co.za or phone 021 872 3880
Financial R
Teach Your Kids How to Become an Entrepreneur These days everyone wants to how to become an entrepreneur, and with good reason: Being a CEO in your twenties or thirties, or the next Mark Zuckerberg or Mark Shuttleworth, is certainly a far more attractive proposition than being an entry-level employee in a corporation, where promotion opportunities are limited at best. An entrepreneur is defined as “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.”But
how does the spirit of entrepreneurship develop? And can you, as a parent, instil this spirit into your child’s development? Inspire them from a young age. As a parent you’ll want to encourage any budding business talents early on whether your child eventually grows up to be an entrepreneur or not, the qualities they possess – leadership, idea generation, calculated risk taking and perseverance – are valuable to have in any future career. A fun exercise to start teaching your
child how to become an entrepreneur is to try turn a hobby of theirs in to a small business enterprise. Think of a fun activity that both you and your child can do together and enjoy (baking, arts and crafts, beading, etc.) and create a product that you can try sell at a local market. Getting your kids involved in commercial activities from a young age can have only positive impacts on developing his or her entrepreneurial spirit.
In our generation we were all taught in school that failure is bad.However, in the entrepreneurial arena, failure can be a very good thing if a positive lesson is learned from it. Allowing your children to fail will force them to create new ways to accomplish their goals and learn from their mistakes. This will lead to confident children who know how to persevere when times are tough. To find out more about business principles and being an entrepreneur, contact Wilhelm at 0861643527.
Healthy lunchbox ideas for school or work Have a healthy approach for lunch in 2014. It is possible to pack your child a nutritious lunch box that will actually come home at the end of the day empty and eaten. The AWSUM Kombuis shares a few ideas. Homemade Granola Bars Preparation time: 2 hours
Frozen Fruit Cups Preparation time: 30 minutes
The Cafeteria Club Preparation time: 5 minutes
TIPS: • •
• Ingredients: • Ingredients:
• • •
• •
• •
1/2 cup peanut butter or sunbutter 1/3 cup honey 1/4 cup coconut oil (or another oil of your choice) 1 cup oats 1 cup total of any combination of: sesame seeds, coconut flakes, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, mini chocolate chips
In a medium sized saucepan, melt together peanut butter, honey and coconut oil. Remove from heat and add one cup of oats. Choose your favorite combination of coconut flakes, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, dried fruit and mini chocolate chips, to equal a total of ONE CUP. (I just got out my one cup measuring cup and poured in the ingredients until the cup was full.) Pour in and stir well. Stir well, then spread mixture into a 8×8 or 9×4 pan. Chill for two hours, then cut into bars. Wrap in plastic wrap for a quick grab and go snack!
kidspot.com heavenlyhomemakers.com food.com
• • • •
2 cans crushed pineapple, undrained 2 packages frozen sweetened sliced strawberries, thawed 1 can fruit cocktail, undrained 1 can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed 3/4 cup thawed lemonade concentrate 6 medium firm bananas, cubed
In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Pour into foil-lined muffin cups or individual plastic beverage glasses. Freeze until solid. When ready to serve, thaw for 30-45 minutes before serving. (10 servings.)
Wrap: oven roasted turkey breast, low sodium ham, 1 slice crumbled center cut bacon, 1 tablespoon guacamole on half a whole wheat wrap and tomato mozzarella skewer (cut one lower sodium part-skim mozzarella stick into fourths and skewer with cherry tomatoes alternately) + 8 vanilla wafers.
Save the cheese for the skewers, and opt for tasty guacamole instead of mayo for the wrap. Slice the wrap into medallions and skewer on toothpicks for less mess at lunchtime.
Lunch Box Planner MONDAY
• thursday
morning tea
• Lunch
Sip & crunch
Think about what your child likes to eat at home and try to translate that into a lunch box option. Vegetables are often overlooked in the lunch box. Try cutting up some carrot sticks or putting in a handful of cherry tomatoes. While the humble apple is a great lunch box filler (sturdy and hard to squash), consider cutting softer fruit up and putting it into a smaller container for protection. Berries and kiwi fruit survive very well this way. Dairy can be hard to include, particularly in hot weather. If you can’t safely get a yoghurt into the lunch box, make sure you offer dairy when she comes home from school. Last night’s leftovers in a container with a small spoon can make a welcome change to the parade of endless sandwiches. Try putting together a small picnic in her lunch box - slices of tomato, ham, grated carrot, grated cheese and some bread and butter - so she can build her own sandwich. Stick to water in the drink bottle - most juices are full of sugar and make the drink-bottle smelly. They also don’t do a very good job of quenching thirst. Homemade pikelets are a great snack - easy to make ahead of time, they’re filling and don’t require any extra toppings.
<< PLAN AHEAD with this handy lunch box planner
Movies showing
Watch the following movies at a cinema near you! Frozen (3D) Parental Guidance Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit No persons under 13 (Violence) Schuks! Your Country Needs You Parental Guidance 7-9 (Language) The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D) PG 10-12 (Violence) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Parental Guidance The Wolf of Wall Street No persons under 16 Last Vegas 12A
2 1 7 2
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7 1 2
Suffering from FOMO (Fear of missing out)? Be sure to get the AWSUM Events calendar for January and February inside!
3rd Tide
27th, Mo 00:20 (High Tide)
06:15 (Low Tide)
12:40 (High Tide) 18:55 (Low Tide)
28th, Tu
01:25 (High Tide)
07:20 (Low Tide)
13:40 (High Tide) 19:50 (Low Tide)
29th, We 02:15 (High Tide)
08:15 (Low Tide)
14:35 (High Tide) 20:35 (Low Tide)
30th, Th
03:00 (High Tide)
09:00 (Low Tide)
15:20 (High Tide) 21:20 (Low Tide)
31st, Fr
03:45 (High Tide)
09:45 (Low Tide)
16:05 (High Tide) 22:05 (Low Tide)
1st, Sa
04:30 (High Tide)
10:30 (Low Tide)
16:45 (High Tide) 22:45 (Low Tide)
2nd, Su
05:10 (High Tide)
11:15 (Low Tide)
17:30 (High Tide) 23:25 (Low Tide)
3rd, Mo
05:55 (High Tide)
11:55 (Low Tide)
18:10 (High Tide)
4th, Tu
00:05 (Low Tide)
06:35 (High Tide)
12:40 (Low Tide)
18:55 (High Tide)
5th, We
00:50 (Low Tide)
07:20 (High Tide)
13:30 (Low Tide)
19:45 (High Tide)
6th, Tu
01:35 (Low Tide)
08:10 (High Tide)
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7th, Fr
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8th, Sa
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10th, Mo 01:05 (High Tide)
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13:15 (High Tide) 19:25 (Low Tide)
11th, Tu
07:45 (Low Tide)
14:00 (High Tide) 20:00 (Low Tide)
1st Tide
01:50 (High Tide)
4th Tide
6 5 6 7
4 1
2 2 5
3 4 8
3 2 1 9
5 6
! s e i k e g g e r Skolenuus, Laerskole
Laerskool Park
Laerskool Volschenk
Laerskool Hartenbos
George Voorbereiding
Laerskool Wesbank
Laerskool George-Suid
Laerskool Outeniqua
Glenwood Primary
Laerskool Park
2 JANUARY 2014
Park verwelkom hulle nuwe Graad 1’s Lyk hulle nie te pragtig nie!!!
Welkom aan Park se nuwe juffrouens! Welkom! Juffrou Elmarie.
Juffrou Irna Odendaal en Anri Odendaal.
Laerskool Hartenbos
Welkom aan ons nuwe graad 1’s
Shop 39 + 40 Langeberg Mall 044 6954276
47 Marsh Street Mossel Bay 044 6911540
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Glenwood House School
Our 2014 school year has begun We are off to an amazing start and we here at Glenwood House are very excited for our upcoming year. We look forward to our first big sporting event, the annual Interhouse Gala, taking place on the 31st January, this year for the very first time in our own swimming pool. Later this term, we will enjoy an outing to Hartenbos Supertubes when all learners from Grade 1- 7 will have great fun in the sun, while we make the most of the last days of summer. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our learners, new learners, parents and staff. We look forward to a great year ahead.
Our teachers are encouraged to take teaching outside the classroom and pupils enjoy a variety of outings throughout the year. The Grade 6 class of 2013, went on an informative tour of the Cango Caves.
First day in big school. Michael Helling and Bianca Vegter are excited to start their primary school career. Both are the third sibling to enter Glenwood House. A total of 47 Grade 1’s joined our family at the start of this term.
First day Glenwood House Pre-preparatory welcomed many new faces on the first day. Others were excited to be coming back to Little Glens for another year. Standing here, pretty in pink, are Grade 0 friends: from left to right: Kyla Hamilton, Rose Denn, Samantha Skorpen and Katie van Niekerk.
Award ceremony At our Preparatory Academic Award Ceremony held at Eden Place in December, Siân (left) and Caera Grindlay received the prestigious Headmaster’s Award.
Welcome to Senior Primary. Here are some of the Grade 4’s looking very smart. In front from left are: Cara Mostert, Geneen Young, Kim van Helsdingen, Kent Jordaan, Nicole van Helsdingen and Naledi Manyube . Standing from left behind them is Matt Roux, Luard Elstadt, Seth Haddad and Justin Scholtz.
SCIEX exhibition Glenwood House was proud to host our second SCIEX exhibition. Last year the focus was on the importance of water in our community. Showing off their Water Purification project is Nina Potgieter and Lindy Prinsloo.
Maths is fun! The Grade 3’s enjoyed making their own pizzas during a maths lesson about fractions. About to taste their yummy creations with Mrs Mitchell, are (from left): Nicole van Helsdingen, Katinka Pretorius, Natalie Lombard, Jordan Barnett.
Rugby Mr Wagner’s U/11 rugby team of 2013 are gearing up to welcome visiting schools to our Glenwood U/13 Rugby Festival which takes place in April this year. This is a highlight on our sports calendar and we look forward to two days of action-packed rugby.
Athletics At our Interhouse Athletics meeting held at the end of 2013, Mr Symes congratulated the following athletes for their outstanding achievements: from left: Kirsten Barbour (Junior Vitrix) Julia Maritz (Senior Vitrix), Luke Gauché (Senior Victor) and Walter Moolman (Junior Victor). Left: Letterland During the first few weeks of Gr 1, learners are taken on a journey to Letterland to discover the wonderful world of phonics. Mrs Lewis looks on as Fireman Fred, Lucy Lamp Lady, Kicking King and all the other letters get into the spirit of reading.
School spirit Bowzer, our bulldog mascot, is often seen encouraging and supporting our pupils at sports events. Here are some of our Foundation Phase pupils building their school spirit.
Spelling In the 2013 SA National Pick n Pay Spelling Championship, Derick Hill impressed all with his remarkable spelling abilities and was crowned the best speller in South Africa. Well done, Derick. We are very proud of you.
4 JANUARY 2014
2014: Wie is ons en waarheen is ons oppad? Hierdie vraag sal vanjaar as riglyn dien vir Laerskool Blanco. Die doel en uitkoms van elke aktiwiteit, klas of bedrywigheid moet baie duidelik wees. Ons glo almal het ‘n heerlike vakansie geniet en lekker uitgerus. Onderwysers, kinders en ouers van Laerskool Blanco is baie opgewonde oor die jaar. Weereens sal daar uitdagings wees, maar met hierdie familie is alles moontlik. Die skool se inskrywings het vanjaar ‘n goeie positiewe groei getoon. Meeste van die klasse het die maksimum leerders wat die skool kan hanteer. Dit is vir ons dan ook ‘n goeie aanduiding dat kwaliteit onderrig geskied en ouers wat vertroue in die skool het.
Laerskool Blanco
Welkom aan ons graad 1’s
Graad 1 klasse Elke klas het vanjaar 25 kinders onderskeidelik. Meeste van die leerders is reeds vertroud met die skool aangesien hulle die Graad R klasse in 2013 bygewoon het. Die oorskakeling is dan net soveel makliker. Van huil en bangwees was daar geen sprake nie!
Skaak Jan Abraham Mostert en Henu Pretorius het gedurende Desember aan die Nasionale toernooi in Durban deelgeneem en die SWD se 0/10- en 0/12 span onderskeidelik verteenwoordig. Elkeen het besonder goed gespeel waartydens 2100 kinders deelgeneem het. Heelwat kinders toon baie belangstelling in skaak en die skool moedig dit aan. ‘n Buite-afrigter neem die spelers onder hande gedurende skoolure.
Welkom aan ons nuwe sportorganiseerder Mnr. Christo Kemp het vanjaar by Laerskool Blanco aangesluit. Mnr. Kemp is die nuwe sportorganiseerder by die skool. Die skoolsport word op ‘n hoë vlak bedryf en ons glo met sy insette en kennis, dat daardie hoë standaarde gehandhaaf en uitgebou sal word. Ons sien dus uit na ‘n goeie jaar op die sportveld.
Regs: Prefekte Die 2014 leiers van die skool. Mia Clarke en Nelis Smit is ons hoofleiers vir 2014. Elkeen is baie opgewonde rakende die pligte en verantwoordelikhede wat opgedra is. Gedurende die jaar word die kinders aan verskeie opleidingsgeleenthede blootgestel. Dis ons visie dat elkeen hulself so ontwikkel om ook in die Hoërskool hul stempel af te druk.
Regs: WP Jukskei-span Johan Jördens het gedurende Desember die 0/13 WP Jukskei-span verteenwoordig. Hy was ook kaptein van die span wat 4de op die Nasionale toernooi geëindig het. Hy verwerf dan ook sy S.A. kleure vir ‘n 2de jaar agtereenvolgens. Johan is ‘n goeie voorbeeld aan almal dat harde werk sukses meebring. Ons is baie trots op jou!
George Voorbereiding Regs: Skaak Michael Sweetbert het ook die SWD o/10-span in skaak op die Junior Nasionale Skaakkampioenskappe te Durban verteenwoordig. Hy het die wonderlike prestasie behaal om al sewe sy spelle te wen. Hierdie prestasie het meegemaak dat hy ook die Bordprys vir Bord 7 op die toernooi verower het. Hy het ook aan die individuele kompetisie deelgeneem en hom baie goed van sy taak gekwyt.
Skaak Conrad Holm van Voorbereidingskool George het die Desembervakansie aan die Junior Nasionale Skaakkampioenskappe te Durban deelgeneem. Hy het die SWD o/10-span op Bord 7 verteenwoordig en het 4 van die 7 spelle gewen.
Laerskool George-Suid
Welkom aan ons nuwe graad 1’s
Die Leerderraadslede van 2014 het die waarde van groepsdinamika op die Leerderraadskamp ondervind en besef dat dit baie belangrik is vir suksesvolle samewerking en positiewe leierskap!
Die kruis op Heroldsbaai het ‘n groot impak op ons leerders gemaak en het baie waarde toegevoeg tot geestelike ontwikkeling! Hierdie leerders besef dat as hul vanjaar hul bes doen, God die res sal doen! Hul poog om van vanjaar ‘n groot sukses te maak en om hul Laerskoolloopbaan op ‘n hoogtepunt af te sluit!
Kan die vlamvat van ‘n vuurtjie nou so uitdagend en fassinerend wees! Ja, beslis vir hierdie stadskinders van ons! Op die Leerderraadskamp is vinnig geleer wat geduld en vindingrykheid is!
Me. Lerina Kirsten het die nuwe Gr. 1’s in haar klas sommer dadelik op hul gemak gestel. Hul eerste skooldag sal hul beslis nog lank onthou!
Wilmien Bester was slaggereed vir die uitdagings van haar eerste skooldag! Met haar spontane glimlag het sy gewys dat sy uitsien na dit wat alles op haar wag!
Dit kan mos nou net lekker wees! ‘n Hele klomp maatjies bymekaar vir die hele dag! Wat ‘n lekker begin vir jou Laerskoolloopbaan!
FANTASIA DANCE EXPERIENCE @ Cool Kidz After Care We provide expert training and tuition of a high standard for dedicated and committed pupils from Grade 4: Teenagers and Adults are welcome Classes: Monday – Friday (Extra Class by appointment on Fridays & Saturdays) Venue: 6 Fichat Street, George South Elizabeth – Principal Dancer: (Christian dancing on Friday afternoons) Show dancing 082 454 0145
Nuwe personeel Baie welkom aan mnr. Calvin Steyn, mnr. Francois de Swardt en mnr. Okkie van der Merwe! Hierdie nuwelinge op ons LGSpersoneel is dinamies en entoesiasties oor die nuwe skooljaar wat voorlê! Ons weet dat hul ‘n groot bydrae tot die sukses van LGS sal lewer!
`n Nuwe skooljaar Hierdie seuns en dogters was baie opgewonde om hul Gr. 5-jaar aan te pak! ‘n Eerste dag in die nuwe skooljaar is darem altyd ‘n hoogtepunt!
Lester: SA Dance Champ: (South African dance champion from Natal) Modern, Hip Hop, Free Style, Rock & Roll, mime, drama and even salsa and Michael Jackson, as well as (Fire Dancing for Adults Only) 079 686 9880 REGISTER NOW FOR 2014, LIMITED SPACE REGISTRATION FEE: R100.00 / Year CLASSES START 1 FEBRUARY 2014 PRICE PER LESSON: R 25.00 nowthatsentertainment12@gmail.com
6 JANUARY 2014
Hoofleiers Baie geluk aan die hoofleiers van Laerskool Outeniqua wat tydens die Senior Prysuitdeling bekendgemaak is. V.l.n.r: Esti Louw (hoofdogter), Alouise Campher (onderhoofdogter), Xander Botha (onderhoofseun) en Christo Lamprecht (hoofseun).
Laerskool Outeniqua
Life Community Services Al die leerders van Laerskool Outeniqua het hande gevat met Life Community Services om vir minderbevoorregte kinders ‘n beter kerstyd te verseker. Speelgoed, kos en ander geskenke is tydens die vier Kerssangdienste ingesamel. Saam met mnr. J Smit (skoolhoof ) verskyn die volgende CSV prefekte. Ager : A J Steynberg Voor: Blaine Steyn, Demi Steyn, Kayla Swanepoel, Amore Reinecke en Elma Lamprecht.
Noah se ark Noah se ark het geland by Laerskool Outeniqua en ‘n paar van sy passasiers afgelaai vir ‘n drama wat deur die gr. 4 klas opgevoer is in die Lewensvaardighede-klas.
Uitstappie na die Oranjerivier ‘n Groep Gr 7’s, onderwysers en ouers van 2013 van Laerskool Outeniqua het die jaar afgesluit met ‘n 3 dae uitstappie na die Oranjerivier waar hulle die waters by Onseepkans aangedurf het.
Outeniqua leerders hou troue! Die graad 6 leerders van 2013 het as deel van hul Lewensvaardighede assessering ‘n tradisionele true met ‘n gevolg, troukoek en ‘n “onthaal” opgevoer. V.l.n.r. Kayla de Lange, Caila Reinstorff, Jani van Heerden, Esti Louw, Ruach Roux, Ian Pautz
Stella Louwrens Blommedag Vriendelike gesiggies van Outeniqua Laerskool met van die 700 ruikers wat tydens Stella Louwrens Blommedag afgelewer is by oue tehuise. V.l.n.r: Olivia Boardman, Jamie-Lee de Kock, Huibrie Kooij.
Graad 4 klas Récayla Blom, Marco de Lange, Tahlia Blom en Armand Erasmus van Laerskool Outeniqua is druk besig om te kyk wat vir hulle wag in graad 4.
“CREDIT PUSH” Vermy boetes en rentes. Maak seker dat jou e-filing betalings profiel korrek opgestel is om die “credit push” te kan akkommodeer.
Rugby Die onoorwonne 0/11 rugbyspan van Laerskool Outeniqua van 2013 hier in aksie tydens die laaste wedstryd van die seisoen. Hier is Jean-Louis van der Watt op pad doellyn toe.
Junior Prysuitdeling Baie geluk aan dié alle leerders (gr 4 tot 6) van Laerskool Outeniqua wat tydens hul Junior Prysuitdeling trofeë gewen het.
Laerskool Volschenk
Welkom aan ons graad 1’s!
Nuwe onderwysers
Laerskool Volschenk spog hierdie jaar met 62 gretige gr.1-leerders. Hulle is in twee klasse ingedeel en is baie opgewonde om te leer lees, skryf en somme doen! Hulle juffrouens is mee. Elsabé Erasmus en Lima Eksteen, albei ervare onderwyseresse.
Juf. Elsabé Erasmus en haar klas.
Juf. Lima Eksteen en haar klas.
Mev. Susan Grové is tydelik in die gr. 7-pos aangestel totdat die aanstelling van ‘n nuwe departementshoof afgehandel is. Die vorige departementshoof, mnr. Danie van der Nest, is verlede jaar as skoolhoof aangestel.
Die Vollies het sommer op die tweede skooldag al ywerig begin oefen vir die kleure-atletiek wat op 23 Januarie plaasvind.
Die graad 1’s het lekker gespeel en party het gekyk hoe die groter kinders op die rugbyveld speel.
Me. Madilien Roos, ‘n student van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, het gedurende die eerste twee weke van die kwartaal in die gr.1-klas geproef en dit baie geniet.
Laerskool Vplschenk spog hierdie jaar met vyf stelle tweelinge! Hulle is: Voor (vlnr) Kian en Shae Coetzer (gr. 6), Karla en Sanel Engelbrecht (gr. 1). Middel: Tinka en Morris-Henry Fox (gr. 6), Justin en Jamy Riddels (gr. 7). Agter: Gerbrand en Carla Conradie (gr. 7).
Die OLSO-klas van Laerskool Volschenk en hul juffrou, mev. Denise Kloppers, het gedurende die vierde kwartaal pragtige handwerk gedoen wat by Stilbaai se Kersmark verkoop is. Baie dankie aan almal wat hulle so wonderlik ondersteun het.
8 JANUARY 2014
Laerskool Wesbank
Gr. 7-leerders verlaat skool in 2013 en is gereed vir hoërskool.
Welkom aan die 95 nuwe graad 1’s wat opgewonde is oor die skool!
Charné Byleveld Verteenwoordig SA in Griekeland en Kanada by Commonwealth Games en verwerf goue medalje in Kumite. Verwerf SA-kleure en word aangewys as Oudtshoorn se Laerskole Sportvrou van die jaar.
Graad 1-tweeling, Andreas en Lida Engelbrecht saam met hulle ouers. Elke graad 1-leerder wat skool toe kom, moet eers die ou skoolklok lui. Die dag as hulle die skool verlaat, moet die klok weer gelui word.
`n Terugblik op ons 2013 prysuitdeling
Congratulations to our prefects for 2014
Knysna Primary School Sport Trophy Winners: Back L to R: Sanja Greeff, Tayla Kapp, Donné de Wet, Magnus Muller, Charné de Wet, Siyavuya Dyani, Cameron Lombaard and Amy Stofberg. Middle L to R: Thomas Ferguson, Elizabeth Lightley, Morgan van Nooy, Kyle Taylor, Marco Garstman and Monique Fechter. Front L to R: Stehan le Roux, Kimberley Kayster, Tristan Stubbs, Kanika Grieve, Shelby Sofianos and Mattheus de Beer. (photos taken by Marissa from Foto First)
Knysna Primary School Special awards winners: Back L to R: Shelby Sofianos, Tristan Stubbs, Kulungile Willie, Magnus Muller and Slade van Rooyen Front: Kayla van Wageningen and Sanja Greeff (Photos taken by Marissa at Foto First)
Knysna Primary School Junior Trophy winners: Back L to R: Harry Tanner, Wiaan Erasmus, Jade Das Fontes, Righardt Stander, Jake Barnard, Olivia Smith and Robyn Hazell. Middle: Daniyal Greeff and Chelsea Philipson Front: Keane Grieve, Morgan Melville, Justine Kieswetter and Matthew Bosman (photos taken by Marissa from Foto First)
WESBANK FIETSWEDREN 15 FEBRUARIE 2014 Ons verwag weer BAIE pad- en bergfietsryers by ons jaarlikse gesinsdag. Padfiets : 100, 60 en 30 km Bergfiets : 72, 45 en 18 km Prettrap : 13 en 5 km Pretstap : 5 km
MATRIEKUITSLAE Baie geluk aan die 20 graad 7’s van 2008 wat A-gemiddeld in 2013 se matriekeksamen behaal het. Ons is trots op al ons oudleerders wat pragtig presteer het!
Laerskool Knysna
Knysna Primary School is proud to introduce their head prefects of 2014 Cameron Lombaard – deputy headboy Emma de Villiers – headgirl Marco Garstman – headboy Eveleen dos Santos – deputy headgirl (photos taken by Marissa – Foto First)
Knysna Primary School Academic Achievers: Back L to R: Jessica van Strijp, Andrea Wolmarans, Sanja Greeff, Famke Beukes, Belinda Mynhardt, Micha-Maud White and Anje Boshoff Front: Demi Knoetze and Slade van Rooyen (Photos taken by Marissa from Foto First)
Toekennings vir Kultuur Agter vlnr: Eleesh Gandhi, Elisma Beyleveld, Kulungile Willie, Kayla van Wageningen en Linzey Barnardo. Voor vlnr: Emma de Villiers en Amber Kayster.
Baie geluk!