Volkskool vs Union High - AWSUM Spesiale Uitgawe 2024

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welkom by interskole 2024

Boodskap van Henriëtte Malan, Hoof van Hoër Volkskool:

Mens kan die elektrisiteit van Interskole aanvoel. Oral sien ons die opwinding en afwagting op elke Volksie se gesig - soos potensiële energie wat net wag vir die fluitjie om af te gaan sodat die vonke kan spat.

Wat ‘n voorreg is dit nie dat ons skole nét hiér op die platteland jaarliks kan deel in gesonde kompetisie, sportmanskap en vriendskappe met ‘n Interskole wat drup van tradisie en ‘n hele gemeenskap bymekaar trek.

Vanjaar speel Volkskool gasheer tot Interskole en wens ons elke Volksie alle sterkte toe met jul deelname. Waar ook al jy jou deel doen vir Interskole 2024 – doen dit met oorgawe, doen dit uit liefde en doen net jou bes. Ons wens ook Union alle voorspoed toe en bedank julle by voorbaat vir jul gesonde kompetisie en positiewe karakter.

Interskole is ‘n reuse onderneming en kan ons dit nie doen sonder die ondersteuning van elke leerder, onderwyser, ouer, oud-skolier, borg en die gemeenskap nie. Julle maak van interskole die tipe sukses wat daartoe lei dat toeskouers jaarliks hierheen stroom om die titaniese stryd van twee trotse Karoo skole te beleef. Hierdie elektriese gevoel van trots, kameraadskap en eenheid is die kern van die ervaring wat beide skole ons leerders vir langer as ‘n eeu bied. As hoof kan ek net dankie sê en in nederige bewondering staan.

Mag 2024 weereens bewys wat in elkeen van ons steek, wat dit vat om ‘n Volksie te wees en die voorreg wat ons het om die tradisie van Interskole lewendig en gesond te hou! Kom ons hou God die middelpunt van ons bedrywighede en herinner mekaar dat die Groot Geheim is om Op te kyk.

A Warm Welcome to Interschools 2024 from the Headmaster of Union High School.

As we stand on the cusp of another exhilarating Interschools week, the air is thick with anticipation and excitement.

Since 1919, this cherished tradition has grown into a beacon of camaraderie and spirited competition, drawing individuals back to the town of Graaff-Reinet from every corner of South Africa and even from abroad. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of our school and the timeless allure of this remarkable event.

This year’s sporting contests promise to be intense and closely contested. Our learners have poured their hearts and souls into this season and are eager to conclude it on a high note. It is a chance for them to shine, to revel in the applause of supportive spectators and to etch their names into the annals of Interschools history.

We wish all participants the very best and look forward to witnessing displays of sportsmanship that reflect the highest

ideals of the Union Schools.

We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to this year’s hosts and our traditional Interschools rivals, Volkskool. Thank you for all your efforts in planning this event and best of luck to all your teams.

To all visitors, we extend our warmest welcome. It fills us with immense pride and joy to see so many former learners returning to their alma mater, rekindling old friendships and forging new ones. Your presence here enriches the atmosphere, turning a competitive event into a joyous reunion. We hope that your time with us is filled with nostalgia, laughter and the creation of new, treasured memories.

Welcome to Interschools 2024. May this week be a celebration of unity, excellence and the enduring spirit of the Union Schools.

Mev Henriette Malan
Mr William Pringle


Best of luck to Hoër Volkskool and Union High School for Interschools 2024!

"Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else."

Hoe is die samestelling van julle span vir Interskole? Is daar enige beserings?

Ons is gelukkig en het geen beserings nie so almal is vir Interskole beskikbaar.

Is julle gelukkig met julle resultate die jaar?

Ons is dankbaar vir `n baie goeie seisoen sover. Natuurlik is Interskole die hoogtepunt van ons jaar.

Wat verwag jy Saterdag van Union?

Interskole is altyd `n taai stryd tussen die twee spanne. Ons verwag `n harde wedstryd soos enige ander jaar.

Wat beteken dit vir jou om kaptein van Volkskool te wees?

Dit is ‘n eer en ‘n voorreg om Volkskool se eerstespankaptein te wees. Ek streef daarna om almal, ondersteuners en vorige spelers, trots te maak op ons skool en op ons span.

Baie mense sal wil weet hoe julle dag van die groot wedstryd verloop tot julle uitdraf. Het julle enige rituele of tradisies?

Ons benader dit soos enige ander wedstryd. Ons probeer al die ander spanne van die skool deur die loop van die dag ondersteun.

Hoe hanteer julle as span die verwagtinge van julle ondersteuners en toeskouers?

Natuurlik probeer ons om nie die ondersteuners teleur te stel nie. Ons fokus op ons eie doelwitte en bly positief.

Na watter bekende speler (enige sport) kyk jy na op en hoekom?

Ek kyk op na Antoine Dupont van Frankryk omdat hy dieselfde posisie as ek speel en ook die kaptein van sy span is.

Wat kan die skool en ouers hierdie Interskole van julle span verwag?

Ons wil graag opdraf en die skool, ondersteuners en oudskoliere trots maak om ‘n Volksie te wees deur goeie en opwindende rugby te speel.

Hoe berei julle span in die week tot aanloop van Interskole voor?

Ons hou ons voorbereiding net soos enige ander week. Die geleentheid is groot genoeg, so ons probeer dinge so normaal as moontlik hou.

Waar sou jy sê lê julle krag hierdie jaar?

Ek glo ons speel as `n span en die spelers speel vir mekaar. Die fokus is om saam ons doelwitte te bereik.

Wie het die grootste invloed op jou as afrigter in jou lewe al gehad? Is daar iemand na wie jy opkyk?

Ek het nie `n spesifieke persoon waarna ek opkyk nie. God my grootste anker.

Die kinders waarmee ek werk inspireer my. Om te sien hoe hulle groei, hard werk, karakter bou en dit geniet om te speel, maak alles die moeite werd.

Watter boodskap dra jy aan jou span oor net voor hulle op die veld hardloop?

Gaan uit en “express” julleself as `n span. Die werk is gedoen. “Een man maak nie ‘n span nie.”

How is the composition of the team for this weekend? Are there any injuries? The composition of the team for this weekend is strong. We have trained hard, and everyone is in top form. We do have a few players carrying minor injuries, but nothing that will keep them off the field. They are warriors and will give their all for the team.

Are you happy with your results as team of the year?

As a team, we always strive for excellence, so we can’t say we’re completely satisfied with our results. However, we have learned valuable lessons from our losses and have celebrated our victories. We have grown as a team throughout the season, and that is something to be proud of.

What do you expect from Hoër Volkskool on Saturday?

We expect Hoër Volkskool to come at us with everything they’ve got. We know they will be physical, disciplined, and determined. But we are ready to face them head-on and show them that we want it more!

What does being captain of Union High School mean to you?

It is an honour and a privilege to lead this team and represent our school. It means embodying the values and traditions that have been instilled in us since our days in Union Pre-School. It means being a role model, a motivator, and a support system for my teammates. It means giving my all, on and off the field, to make our school proud.

Many people will want to know how your day goes from the big game to your run. Do you have any rituals or traditions?

As every 1st XV, we have our fair share of rich and ancient traditions throughout the week of interschools. Leading up to the match on Saturday, these traditions instil a sense of meaning and purpose in us, which motivates us even more. Through tradition, we are reminded that we are one team, one union!

How do you as a team deal with the expectations of your fans and spectators? We thrive on the belief of our supporters and will do everything in our power to make them proud come the day and come the hour!

Which famous player (any sport) do you look up to and why?

There are many famous players whom I admire, but if I had to choose one, it would be Richie McCaw, the legendary All Blacks captain. I look up to him not only for his exceptional skills and leadership on the field but also for his humility and dedication to the game. He always led by example and never gave up, no matter the circumstances. He showed me that true greatness is not just about individual achievements but about the impact you have on your team and the legacy you leave behind.

What can the school and parents expect from your team this weekend?

They can expect a cohesive team that is hungry, determined to prove a point, and represents both their school and community with pride. This is a team that will leave the field with no regrets..

How does your team prepare in the week leading up to big game such as this weekend against Volkskool? Our preparation is consistent with how we approach any other game. We focus on keeping the young men levelheaded and ensuring the occasion doesn’t overwhelm them.

Where would you say your strength lies this year? It’s a combination of both the backline and forwards.

Who has had the biggest influence on you as a coach in your life? Is there someone you look up to? I won’t mention any names, but there are definitely a few, especially among the coaches I’ve worked with over the years.

What message do you convey to your team just before they run on the field? Rugby is a simple game; don’t complicate it. Leave everything on the field, so when you walk off, you have no regrets.


van der Merwe
Ben-Lee Jooste
Juan Stannard
Casper Bekker

Voor: Andrew Vaaltyn, Spa Jaftha, Juninho Pieterse, Christiaan Prinsloo.

Tweede ry: Uelyn Lamont, Lugaston Baartman, Hilmar Klerk, Jayden Booysen, Imaan Jacobs.

Derde ry: Martyn van der Walt, Ryan Barnard, Andries Botha, Wynand van Antwerpen, Ivaan Japtha, Malan Meyer, Luke Karelse.

Vierde ry: Stephan Vosloo, Cecil Kemp, Louw Borchards (kaptein), Zandré Lambrechts, Navin Davids. Agter: Jan-Robert Coetzer.

Volkskool - o.14A Rugby

Voor: Divan Erasmus (o/k), Cobus Viljoen (kaptein).

Tweede ry: Keerin de Pearce, Armand Nel, Clinton Stevens, Laughton Booysen.

Derde ry: Hugo Lambrechts, Henry Erasmus, Phillip Ehlers, Arno Slabbert, Tiaan Erasmus.

Vierde ry: Jayden Stroebel, Daniel Nell, Johan Viljoen, Abel van der Merwe. Agter: Tristan Lodewyk, AW Lambrechts, Luandré Rademan.

Union High School - u.19B

Union High School - u.14A Rugby

Curtlee Lephota, Ronan Ewers, Sephe Ziswana, Onikwa Mlenzana, Zephaniah Kallies, Iminathi Koneit, Caleb Jansen, Xhanti Nazo and Matthew Oosthuizen.
Back: Dumisa Mala, Alex Neill, Noah Edwards, Dylan Kivedo (Captain), Qhamani Makhambi, Ndondanda Speelman,
Ayabonga Desha, Alchano Japhta and Phillip Kayster.
Back: Landile Petela, Keenan Japhta, Alejandro Mentoor (Captain), Imitha Mtati, Luyolo Khali, Qhama Jacobs, Caleb van Zeeberg, Amyoli Sizila, Aiden Jaftha and Mpho Majola.

Voor: Algeron Basterman, Jacothan Tarentaal en Jako Steynberg. 2de ry: Gert Theron (k), Ezra Jacobs, Christiano Bezuidenhoudt, Danico Jaftha, Shane Flemmer en Pieter Nel. 3de ry: Johan Nel, Daunelio Deysel, Vincent Pienaar, Conrad Stevens en Jamie Mdudumani. 4de ry: Duré Goliath, Shaheen Jaftha, Diniso Matayi en Showin Ferendale (o-k). Agter: Reanco Terblanche, Christiaan Swiegers en Jan-Hendrik Lategan.

Volkskool - o.16A Rugby

Voor: Johan Jansen, Requelme Afrika en Dé-Shaan Maarman. 2de ry: Hannes van der Merwe, Wright Jafta, Schalk de Jager, Philip Le Roux en Stefanus Naudé. 3de ry: Aidan Thiart, Divan Serfontein, Max-Zane Janse van Vuuren, Ruben van der Ahee en Louwen Wolfaardt. 4de ry: Cameron Swartz, Erik Swanepoel, Curtley Jacobs en Hyren Klaasen. Agter: Mattheus van der Merwe, Rudolph-Hein van Eeden en Caleb Jantjies. Afwesig: Janru Groenewald.

Union High School - u.15A Rugby

Front: Declan Lewis, Warren Barlow, Leander Kraai, Ifeanyichukwu Illunga, Lulonke Vumazonke, Alex Hunter, Junior De Bruin, Luke Nhlabathi, Kyle Finnis, Lumko Ngqameni.

Back: Khazimla Mbulawa, Liyabona Noveve, Toka Ledwaba, Dwayne Koeberg, Hayden August, Christian Boshoff, Angus Kretzman, Jacquin Smith, Callum Jacobs. Absent: Qhama Solomon.

Union High School - u.16A Rugby

Back: Athayanda Mahlati, Similo Mvandaba, Elvandré Meyer, Liso Booi(VC), Peter-Daniel Clegg, Yonela Wana, Liam Hornebrook, Sibabalwe Mbutye, Yaaseen Kazi (C) and Luca Kinghorn.

We are More than Tyre Experts!

Front: Lebogang Booysen, Josh Arends, Masixole Bhayi, Maqhawe Norman, Tafadswa Munzvenga, Sophephela Vimbi and Neelon Fourie.

Watter boodskap dra jy aan jou span oor net voor hulle op die baan hardloop?

Julle het so baie oudskoliere, HVS ondersteuners, personeel en ons afrigters wat almal bankvas agter julle staan. Gee jou alles, speel jou hart uit, GENIET dit, speel vir daai wen! Julle het die nodige talent. GLO DIT!


Waar sou jy sê lê julle krag hierdie jaar?

Ons krag lê verseker in die Here. As ons identiteit in telborde, omstandighede of mense gelê het, het julle nie vandag ‘n span gesien wat keer op keer hulle kop optel en opdaag en hulle beste gee nie.

Lees die volle onderhoud aanlyn op www.awsumnews.co.za

Hoe is die samestelling van julle span vir Interskole? Is daar enige beserings?

Ons het ‘n volle span die jaar. Hier en daar het ons beserings gehad, maar elkeen van ons speel ons harte uit tot aan die einde van die wedstryd.

Is julle gelukkig met julle resultate die jaar?

Ons het hoogtepunte en laagtepunte beleef die jaar, maar elke wedstryd het ons iets uitgekry. Dit het ons gevorm tot die span wat ons vandag is.

Wat verwag jy Saterdag van Union High?

Ek verwag ‘n taai wedstryd en op die einde sal dit die span wees wat dit die graagste wil hê wat die kragmeting gaan wen, en ons wil die beker weer huistoe bring.

Wat beteken dit vir jou om kaptein van Volkskool te wees?

Dit was vir my `n groot voorreg om as kaptein gekies te word en ek het al baie deur die seisoen geleer oor wat dit beteken om ‘n goeie kaptein te wees. Ek is dankbaar dat die span my ‘n kans gegee het en my bygestaan het.

Baie mense sal wil weet hoe julle dag van die groot wedstryd verloop tot julle uitdraf. Het julle enige rituele of tradisies?

Voor die wedstryd het ons gewoonlik ‘n spanpraatjie, ons doen dan ons kreet om nog Volksie-gees te kry en dan is tyd om te fokus.

Hoe hanteer julle as span die verwagtinge van julle ondersteuners en toeskouers?

Ons weet die verwagtinge is baie hoog, maar ons gaan ons beste tot die einde toe gee. Ons gebruik ook die energie van die toeskouers om tot op die laaste minuut te baklei.

Na watter bekende speler (enige sport) kyk jy na op en hoekom?

Ek kyk op na Irene van Dyk wat 1994-1999 vir Suid-Afrika netbal gespeel het. Dit is groot druk om kaptein te wees en ook om die Doel te wees wat die punte moet aanteken. Sy kon beide rolle baie goed vertolk.

Sanet Grobler (K) D
Chanté Lomberg Izienne Pienaar HD
Keizia Swartz S
Nomza Koopman VV
Lenique Pienaar HV
Cleo van Heerden V
Jamie-Lee Gerber R

Voor: Averill Botha Middel: Sethu Mali, Elzahn Dinjana , Ilze Vorster, Lanicia van Breda, Zenobia Homveld (K). Afwesig: Reece Afrika.

Voor: Jordan Casling, Nicole Jacobs, Chandré Mali. Middel: Keycia Koopman, Jacelinn White, Aviwe Reid, Mbali Sylvester (K).

Agter: Lara Vosloo, Sanmané Scholtz, Eidoleen Ali.

Voor: Janéske Bester, Jaylynn Arnolds, Nahzira Hoogbaard. Middel: Zoey Boesack, Amethyst Mahona. Agter: Jordan Shannon, Elné Viljoen (K), Leché Marais.

Voor: Veruschka Meshilinie (K), Emma Goliath. Middel: Keisha Fortuin, Logan Bokbaard, Chrissie Dampies. Agter: Lenarsha Saku, Chloe Maarman.

Zanri Groenewald (kaptein)

Saré Viljoen (onderkaptein)

Wat kan die skool en ouers hierdie interskole van julle verwag?

Daar gaan goeie hokkie op die dag gespeel word deur albei skole. Dit gaan ‘n wedstryd wees met hoë intensiteit en baie aksie.

Hoe berei julle span in die week tot aanloop van interskole voor?

Interskole-week is ‘n week wat baie besig is en baie angstigheid kan veroorsaak, so geestelik gaan ons probeer weg breek van enige iets wat kan lei tot angstigheid en net fokus op die wedstryd. Fisies, het ons al baie wedstryde agter die rug waar ons verskillende sisteme getoets het. Dit wat vir ons werk het ons gehou. Ons gaan die “game plan” goed bespreek en almal se gevoel kry. As almal saamstem gaan ons fokus grootliks lê om seker te maak dat elke speler hul rol in die span verstaan.

Waar sou jy se lê julle krag hierdie jaar?

Ek dink ons krag lê in ons ondervinding. Ons eindig hierdie jaar met tien spelers wat meer as vyftig wedstryde vir die eerstespan gespeel het en een speler wat haar honderdtal maak. Ons het ook drie spelers wat in provinsiale spanne deelgeneem het waarvan een vir die SA-span gekies is.

Wie het die grootste invloed op jou as afrigter in jou lewe gehad? Is daar iemand na wie jy opkyk?

Matt Cook, Canberra Chill (Aus) se vroue hoofafrigter. Hy is ‘n ongelooflike afrigter, en nog `n beter mens. Hy is baie nederig en help altyd waar hy kan.

Watter boodskap dra jy aan jou span oor net voor julle op die baan hardloop? Interskole is ‘n groot geleentheid om te speel as eerstespanspeler. Gryp elke oomblik aan en “back yourself”!

J.V Rensburg
Carla van Tonder
Kieran Bruinders
Alice du Toit
Cara Nel
Lua Bouwer
Lisa Steynberg
Jani van der Merwe
Marlie Nel
Anishka Luiters
Alecia Louw
Anna-May Hayes

What can the school and parents expect from your team this weekend?

Our team is ready to deliver their best performance of the year at interschools. We have been training hard, focusing on both our skills and unity. You can expect a disciplined, high-energy game where the players will showcase their dedication, sportsmanship, and my strategic plays to outsmart Volkskool.

How does your team physically and mentally prepare in the week leading up to a big game such as this weekend against Volkskool? Physically, our preparation includes intense training sessions focused on agility, strength,

and endurance. We incorporate specific drills to enhance our technical skills and game tactics tailored to our opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. Mentally, we build confidence and teamwork through motivational videos, visualization techniques, and strategic discussions. Where would you say your strength lies this year? Our strength lies in our positive team dynamic and solid defence. The first team girls have developed a strong understanding of each other’s playing styles, allowing our attackers to play with confidence and aggressiveness. Additionally, our defense has been particularly strong, providing a reliable backbone for the team.

Who has had the biggest influence on you as a coach in your life? Is there someone you look up to?

The biggest influence on me as a coach has been my dad. His dedication to sport, strategic mind, and ability to inspire and bring out the best in players and managers, while running a business and raising a family, has always inspired me. A daily influencer in my life has been my wife; without her unwavering support, understanding, sacrifices, and love for the game, I would not be able to do what I love. I also look up to professional coaches like Sir Alex Ferguson, whose leadership and ability to build winning teams have been incredibly inspiring.

Misha Newton
Caytah-Leigh Koeberg
Tyra Binney
Leigh-Ann Murray
Mia Botha
Sarah Jacobs
Amber Slater
Joy Merifield
Amy Waddelow
Tara Ferreira
Aaminah Steele
Kenza Neill
Sadé May
Charlize Vorster

Volkskool - o.16A Hokkiedogters

Voor: Gaby Hall (k) en Deidré Alberts (o.k). Middel: Riani Serfontein, Shana-Leigh Lange, Libby van der Mescht, Hestri Pearson, Jaymee Barnard en Nazlee Wevers.

Agter: Sarah van Eeden, Inké-Lirie Ferreira, Kate-Lynn Kruger, Danel de Koker en Leoné Lategan.

Volkskool - Dirigente

Voor: Ilze Vorster, Chris de Wet, Lisa Steynberg en ons Koedoe’tjie, Mark Blom.

Middel: Zanri Groenewald, Anishka Luiters, Hyren Klaasen, Caleb Jantjies.

Agter: Anna-May Hayes, Carla van Tonder, Saré Viljoen.

Union High School - Cheerleaders

Alulutho Matushe, Qhamani Makambi, Emihle Wolfkop, Tyra Binney, Josh Basson, Lolitha Saki, Sonwabise Mroro, Vuyo Njeje and Lelomso Ngceba.

Union High School - 2nd Hockey Team

Front: Ntombazana Speelman, Leshay Fourie, Ambesiwe Tokwe and Alulutho Skade.

Back: Olwethu Madikane, Megan Nortjé, Sarah Willmot (c), Farronique Booysen, Chloe Tainton and Silindokuhle Khali.

Absent: Hlumelo Kwini.

Union High School - u.16A Hockey Team

Front: Amber Bezuidenhout, Sinalo Khali, Kirsten Collett, Jourdan-Bethany Koeberg, Jemma Grootboom and Rebecca Copeman.

Back: Lisa Vutula, Zakithi Sishi, Jamae-Mari Davids, Jasmine Abercrombie, Megan Putter, Jade Slater, Melissa Naudé, Samantha Charles and Xarah Hoffman.

Union High School - u.14A Hockey Team

Front: Carlen Prinsloo, Cayla Newton, Nadine Murray, Antonia Adams, Mieke-Leigh Blom, Cu-Shan Hoffman and Aaliyah Japhta.

Back: Kyla Putter, Sinalo Blaauw, Isabella Hulleman, Onika Jantjies, Zoë Mills, Unabantu Maneli and Kwakhanya Ntlonti.

Absent: Kayleigh Hartley.

Hoe is die samestelling van julle span vir Interskole? Is daar enige beserings?

Die samestelling van ons span is soos dit die hele seisoen was en daar was gelukkig geen ernstige beserings nie.

Is julle gelukkig met julle resultate die jaar?

Dit was harde werk, maar ons het goed gevaar en ons is baie trots op wat ons as span bereik het. Elke wedstryd het vir ons geleenthede gebied om te groei en te verbeter.

Wat verwag jy Saterdag van Union High?

Ek dink Saterdag se wedstryd gaan ‘n groot uitdaging wees en ons moet hard werk en fokus om ‘n goeie vertoning te lewer. Dit gaan `n opwindende stryd wees. Ek verwag dat Union ook hulle seisoen se hoogtepunt tydens Interskole wil bereik.

Wat beteken dit vir jou om kaptein van Hoër Volkskool te wees?

Dit beteken baie vir my om kaptein van my span te wees. Dit is ‘n groot eer en verantwoordelikheid. Ek geniet dit om my spanmaats te lei en hulle te motiveer om hulle beste te gee op, en van die veld af.

Baie menses sal wil weet hoe julle dag van die groot wedstryd verloop tot julle uitdraf. Het julle enige rituele of tradisies?

Ons het `n paar tradisies voor enige wedstryd soos `n motiveringspraatjie, gebed en kreet om ons gees te lig en fokus te vestig.

Hoe hanteer julle as span die verwagtinge van julle ondersteuners en toeskouers?

Ons fokus daarop om hard te werk en goed te presteer vir ons ondersteuners en toeskouers. Dit beteken dat ons onsself toewy aan ons oefeninge, strategiese voorbereiding en die spel self. Deur hard te werk en ons beste te gee, hoop ons om die ondersteuners trots te maak en ‘n positiewe impak op hulle te hê.

Na watter bekende speler (enige sport) kyk jy na op en hoekom?

Roger Federer is ‘n goeie rolmodel, omdat hy nie net ‘n uitstekende tennisspeler is nie, maar ook ‘n beskeie en nederige persoon is wat respek en bewondering afdwing. Sy professionaliteit, toewyding aan die spel en sy betrokkenheid by liefdadigheidswerk maak hom ‘n inspirasie vir baie mense wêreldwyd.



How is the composition of the team for this weekend? Are there any injuries?

At the start of Term 3, three players were injured and were out for a couple of weeks. Fortunately, everyone is now fit and ready to play.

Are you happy with your results as team of the year?

Yes, I am very happy with the team’s results throughout the year. We have all worked really hard, facing tough opponents.

What do you expect from Volkskool on Saturday?

I expect them to play to the best of their abilities, and there might be a slight change in their structure as they try to “rattle” us.

What does being captain of Union High mean to you?

Being captain of Union High School’s first hockey team means a lot to me. Since I first started playing hockey for Union, I have always looked up to every first team captain. Being captain has required me to embody leadership, responsibility, and communication while remaining composed.

Many people will want to know how your day goes from the big game to your run. Do you have any rituals or traditions?

Every year, we stay at the hostel from Sunday to Saturday morning. We always play a mini-game against the u.10s, which is always so much fun. We also have a braai at one of the player’s houses, where we bond and sometimes shed a few tears as the realisation hits the matrics that it’s our last interschools. We love blasting music every day of the week to hype us for the big game on Saturday.

How do you as a team deal with the expectations of your fans and spectators?

As a team, we know that whenever we play, our spectators, fans, and school expect us to bring our “A-game” every time. We uphold high expectations for ourselves and strive to execute every game to the best of our abilities. When facing tough opponents, we don’t see ourselves as underdogs but as the team that will put up a good fight and make it challenging for the opposition.

Which famous player (any sport) do you look up to and why?

My role model is Taheera Augousti. She is one of the most talented hockey players of all time. She made the South African team at the age of 17, and now, at 19, she is representing our country at the Olympic Games. She is very humble and kind and loves taking pictures with people who look up to her.

Volkskool - Eerstespan Tennisseuns & Tennisdogters

Volkskool - Skaakspan

Volkskool - Vasvra

Mia Prinsloo.
Voor: : Jacques Serfontein, Keisia Holster, Layton Mishilinie (kaptein) en Jan Nel. Agter: Michyle Mostert, Michayle Maarman en J.P. Theron.
Voor: Jani van der Merwe (kaptein), Middel: Zanri Groenewald en Alecia Louw. Agter: Carla van Tonder, Lisa Steynberg, Saré Viljoen.
Voor: Kian Keyser. Middel: Xander Keyser en Louwen Wolfaardt. Agter: Rudolph-Hein van Eeden, Jan-Theo van Tonder (kaptein) en A.J. de Jager.
Christiaan Prinsloo, Darion Jooste, Rikus Kleyn (reserwe), Freddie van der Mescht (kaptein), Anishka Luiters.

Union High School - Tennis First Team

Union High School - Speech Teams

Union High School - Chess Team

Union High School - Quiz Team

Vincent Clarke, Joshua Neill, Peter-Daniel Clegg, Sobuhle Nyambali, Tristan Hope and Richard Murray.
Shaakir Khazi, Na’eem Mahomed, Trystan Hulleman, Erin Gedult and Tara Ferreira.
Lina Tadesse, Ben Kroon, Jasmine Abercrombie, Gerda Clarke, Stephan Vorster, Nina Japhta, Josh Arends and Kwakhanya Ntlonti. Absent: Neelon Fourie.
Amber Bezuidenhout and Ben Lemke (juniors).
Joy Merifield and Asive Dwane (seniors).
Nadine Murray, Cayla Newton, Tara Ferreira, Caytah-Leigh Koeberg, Misha Newton and Mia Botha.

Laer Volkskool - o.13A Hokkiedogters

Voor: Stacey Jansen, Karlien Serfontein, Uné Groenewald (Kaptein), Kiana Ngemntu, Nelé Wolfaardt.

Agter: Lillah Viljoen, Janika van Zyl, Karien Swiegers, Dante Dercksen, Zenicke van Schalkwyk, Angela Vorster, Ancois Viljoen.

Laer Volkskool - o.13A Rugby

Voor: Jarrod Gerber, JP Lombard, Melrion Kitchu, Drian Gildenhuys (kaptein), Jaydin Pieterse, Izak Naudé, Eben Lötter.

Agter: Christo Nel, André Wolfaardt, Daniel Pieterse, Samuel Pearson, Pedri van der Merwe, Sebastian van Heerden, Markus van der Ahee, Stephen Marais.

Union High School - u.13A Girls’ Hockey

Front: Miley Burger (Captain), Amelia King, Haley Krige, Chanté Bezuidenhout, Abonani Matushe, Rachel Wenham, Logan Marais, Emma Burger and Taylor Jacobs.

Back: Klara van Jaarsveld, Kungawo Lisa, Maribel April, Hermon Wolde, Kari Stern.

Union High School - u.13A Rugby

Front: Khwezi Molonga, Avethandwa Jack, Natneal Wakoyo, Khazimla Jantjies, Caleb Reid, Aidan Ferreira and Ryonn Naude.

Back: Murray Hope, Midange Nazo(VC), Jordan Maritz(C), Joubert Vorster, Lukhona Bulembu, Dante Mills, Mbuso Tini and Lwandle Dali.

14:00 Tennis - o.10 seuns & dogters (HSV)

16:30 Skaak - Gr 1 - 4 (HVS saal)

18:00 Skaak - Gr 5 - 12 (HVS saal)

14:00 Tennis - Junior 1ste seuns en 1ste dogters (HVS)

14:00 Junior 2de seuns en 2de dogters (Botanies)


09:30 Weppie Preppie (HVS Astro)

10:30 o.7A /o.8C (HVS Astro)

11:00 o.8B /o.9B (HVS Astro)

11:30 o.8A /o.10C (HVS Astro)

12:00 o.9A /o.10B (HVS Astro)

12:30 o.10A (HVS Astro)

13:00 o.13B (HVS Astro)

14:00 o.13A (HVS Astro)

15:00 3de Netbal Hokkie vs UHS 2de (HVS Astro)

16:00 Senior Old Girls (HVS Astro)

11:00 Tennis - Senior 1ste en 2de dogters (UHS Brumner, AKH)

11:00 Tennis - Senior 1ste en 2de seuns (HVS)

11:00 Tennis - Senior 3de seuns en dogters (Botanies)

18:30 Vasvra & Redenaars - Senior span Hoërskool (HVS)

10:00 Weppie Preppie (HVS A-veld) 11:00 o.7A (HVS C-veld)

11:30 o.8/o.9B vs Union o.8A (HVS C-veld)

12:30 o.9A (HVS C-veld)

13:30 o.11B (HVS A-veld)

14:30 o.13B (HVS A-veld)

15:30 3de Rugby (HVS A-veld)


09:00 Hokkie - o.16B vs UHS o.14A (HVS Astro)

10:00 Hokkie - o.16A (HVS Astro)

11:20 1ste Hokkie (HVS Astro)

08:00 Rugby - o.11A (Botanies)

09:00 Rugby - o.13A (Botanies)

10:00 Rugby - o.14A (Botanies)

12:20 Rugby - o.15A (Botanies)

13:20 Rugby - o.16A (Botanies)

14:30 Rugby - 2de Rugby (Botanies)

15:30 SNR Rasieleiers & Sjampanje (Botanies)

16:00 Rugby - 1ste Rugby (Botanies)

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