2 minute read
The Helsinki Statistical Yearbook compiles a wide range of statistics on various themes. It presents a comprehensive picture of Helsinki, its residents and development based on reliable statistical data. In addition to the statistics on Helsinki, the yearbook offers comparative data regarding the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki Region and Finland as a whole. Furthermore, the book contains separate sections on the major city regions in Scandinavia, the capitals of the Baltic States, as well as St Petersburg. The various themes and their development are described in a total of 257 statistical tables.
The 2021 yearbook is the 109th annual edition. Over the decades, the content of the yearbook has been revised several times, but the purpose of giving a varied description of the city and its residents based on the latest statistics remains the same. The coronavirus pandemic that began in spring 2020 and the subsequent restrictive actions are also reflected in the statistics in many ways, especially in statistics on culture and tourism.
The Statistical Yearbook of Helsinki can also be studied online (see www.hel.fi/ urbanfacts). The 1905–2008 editions are available in a digital format on the City Archives database Sinetti (www.sinettiarkisto.fi). Furthermore, the tables of the yearbook are available as open data on the Helsinki Region Infoshare web service (www.hri. fi). The latter contains all the statistical tables published in the yearbook since 2002.
Additional information on many themes covered in the yearbook can be found in the statistical and research publications of the City of Helsinki Executive Office (www. hel.fi/urbanfacts). Statistics on Helsinki by districts and sub-districts are available on the Helsinki Region Area Database (www.aluesarjat.fi). The publication Helsinki by District presents area-based information in the form of maps, graphs and tables. In addition, the Library of Urban Research and Statistics provides an information service related to urban research and statistics in Helsinki.
The yearbook is compiled by the Urban Research and Statistics Unit in the City Executive Office. The staff team for this year’s edition was headed by Statistics and Information Services Manager Ari Jaakola, and the editorial work was carried out by Information Service Secretary Solja Saarto, who also made the graphs. The layout was prepared by Statistics Secretary Sirkka Koski. I want to thank all our cooperation partners within and outside the city administration for their valuable help in providing data for the Statistical Yearbook.
Helsinki, November 2021
Ari Jaakola
Statistics and Information Services Manager