mission statement
“to respect and value creators while providing quality products and service for customers.�
current logo.
The current logo, while not bad, has room for improvement. It feels slightly dated and most importantly, does not remain consistent across different platforms. While the horse head stays consistent the text is frequently rearranged. Sometimes it takes the form of the logo in the center, but on the spines of books or in oddly shaped places, it may be rearranged in any way necessary to make it fit. Sometimes the horse head is dropped entirely in these situations.
logo concepts.
The logo must maintain the friendly feeling that is integral to Dark Horse while also helping give the logo a modern upgrade. Additionally, it must be able to be positioned in many different places without needing to be changed for each situation.
final logo. version 1.
version 2.
The new logo contains two elements allowing for versatility while also maintaining consistency.The Dark Horse text includes a horse head within the D, allowing it to be used independently while still including the horse head, which has been used in Dark Horse marketing consistently. Additionally, the horse head may be used independently of the text as a snapshot logo that can be easily placed on any book cover, spine, or website.
future goals.
continue building online presence. create events that allow Dark Horse to directly interact with fans create a set of easily recognizable elements for Comic Cons and similar events.