1.10.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00




1976 MERCEDES 450SL: good shape,hard and soft tops, $4,000; 541-5670314, Hermiston.

20 DAIRY Sheep for sale: $300 each, having Lambs in March 2019; call 541626-1430, Hermiston.

LIKE NEW 2 year old gas range: good condition, $250; 509-840-1738, Plymouth, WA.



4 MICHE LIN LT tires: LT 2 6 5 / 7 0 / R 1 8 , 6 5 % tread, $300; 541-5670314, Hermiston.

TOP QUALITY Limousin bulls: available now, black or red; Wilde Ranch es 541-454-2994.


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039

UPRIGHT FREEZER: like new, 21 cu. ft, en er gy efficient, $150; 541-7209608, Hermiston.

TRUCKS, 4X4’S & SUV’S DU RA MAX 2009 Chevy: crew cab, 4x4, 129k miles, new tires and custom wheels, Tri-fold Tonneau Cover, after market rear cam era, air bags, great condition, black w/ black in teri or, $25,900; 541-969-6757, Pendleton. Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so Yahweh, the God of Armies, will be with you, as you say. Hate evil, love good, and establish justice in the courts. It may be that Yahweh, the God of Armies, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.” Amos 5:14-15

Want Ad Newspaper

January 10, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 02




5 MONTH black female cat, very shy, spayed, good home only, $30; 541-567-7950

UTIL I TY TRAIL ER: like new, 5-1/2’x10’, used only twice, $1200; 541-5684657, Cove.

2007 ARTIC CAT 650H1: 3,400 miles, $4,200 or best offer; 541-969-9369, Pendleton

541-564-1031 • 541-276-3732 PIT LAB mix pup pies: 4 fe males, ready January 20th, $100; 541-6677220, Stanfield.

AN TIQUE POOL table: all redone,with light and all ac ces so ries, $1,100; 541-571-1024, Pendleton.

1971 FORD School Bus/ Camper: 300ci, 6 cylinder, $3,200 offer; 541-6639091, LaGrande.







www.BonneysAg.com • OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 2

KING BEAU­TYR­EST Su­preme: nice con­di­ tion, $225, 6 New sol­ id Ma­ple din­ing chairs, $175, gas BBQ, $60; 509-540-9861, Col­ lege Place, WA. KING SIZE Book­case Wa­ terbed: with 12 draw­er ped­es­tal, sta­ bi­lize fib­er mat­tress, great shape, $600; 541-567-7371, Her­ mis­ton.

1984 SUN­DOWN­ER horse trail­er: cur­rent li­ cense, very god con­di­ tion, $1,500 firm; 541571-2211, Stan­field. FRANKLIN COUNTY SADDLE CLUB ANNUAL TACK SWAP Feb 16, 9am-2pm. One table $25 or two for $45. Call 509-528-9113. STILL SEARCH­I NG? Find it in the Nick­el!

All That Wood .com Your Fence Connection

Cedar • Vinyl Split Rail • Privacy • Picket Ranch Rail 541-667-8191

80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

THREE HIGH Qual­ i­ ty Black An­gus Cows: bred to Fan­cy Bull, to calve late Spring 2019, $1,250 each; for more in­for­ma­tion call Bob Hod­ne­field 541-9380118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter, OR. MAKE MON­E Y! Sell that item in the Nick­el! TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage. 20 DAIRY Sheep for sale: $300 each, hav­ ing Lambs in March 2019; call 541-6261430, Her­mis­ton. TEFF GRASS, great horse hay, $8/ bale; Feeder hay, $5/ bale; Fescue mix, $5- $7/ bale. Randy, 509-2404289. Touchet,WA.

1976 MER­CEDES 450SL: good shape, needs paint, hard and soft tops, $4,000; 541-567-0314, Her­ mis­ton. 2006 TOYO­TA Prius: 145k miles, clean, runs great, ex­cel­lent mpg, in­ cludes snow tires, $4,500; La­Grande; 541-910-4148 af­ ter 5 pm. DONATE YOUR Car: fast free tow­ ing, 24hr re­sponse, tax de­duc­ tion, Help save lives! UNIT­ED STATES BREAST CANC­ER FOUN­DA­TION; 866616-6266. FOR SALE: 2005 Cam­ ry, great con­ di­tion, one own­er, $4500; 541-571-6667, Her­mis­ton. 2010 SUB­ARU Leg­ a­ cy LTD: 4 door, leath­er, heat­ed seats, AWD, moon­roof, snow tires in­ clud­ ed, 153,500 miles, $7,500; 541-5671809, leave a mes­ sage & will call back, Her­mis­ton.

SUF­FER­ING FROM an Ad­dic­tion: to al­ co­ hol, opiates, pre­ scrip­tion pain­kill­ers or oth­er Drugs? There is hope! Call to­day to speak with someone who cares; call NOW 1-855-399-8803.

STOLEN - REWARD Approximately 30 rodeo buckles, in 2009 from our trailer parked in North Star Storage, Joy Lane, Hermiston, they are all from Alaska and have the last name Barker on them, if you have seen or you do see them call Joe; 907-715-6255, Hermiston. $$$$VIA­GRA & Cialis: 105 pills for $99, 100% guar­an­tee. and de­liv­ ery in two weeks and mon­ey back guar­an­ tee, No pre­scrip­tions need­ed, Mon­ey back guar­anteed; 1-800767-1864.

9-N FORD trac­tor: runs good, new carb, 12volt, 3 pt. blade, $1,300 firm, No Texts; 541-571-3845, Her­ mis­ton. AL­FAL­FA HAY for sale: 100lb bales, no rain, no weeds; 541-5718995 or 541-567-5389, Her­mis­ton. PRE­MI­UM AL­FAL­FA: 2 tie bales for sale, has been barn stored; call 541-571-5775, Her­ mis­ton. TRAIL­ER: 4’x8’ with ramp, spare tire, new deck, $400; no text, call 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. CY­CLE BAR Sharp­en­ er: on stand, elec­ tric, No Text, $120; 541571-3845, Her­mis­ton. ENG­LISH WAL­NUTS: no sprays, $2/pound, also shelled, $6/ pound; call 541-9224553, Ir­ri­gon.

TICA REG Ragdoll cats: 1 three year old, 1 six month old, $400 each. Also 1 male, $400. All are breedable, not fixed. Ragdoll Siamese cat, 2 years old, $200. Two 14 week old kittens, $300 ea, pet only. 509985-0044. Yakima. WEIMARANER PUPPIES Purebred Weimaraner pups for sale, blue & silvers, AKC limited & pet quality, long hair also available. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, first shots & dewormed. Family raised, full registration also available. $700 for males & $800 females pet quality. $1000 males & $1200 females, AKC. Call or text, 425-330-0431 or 425-286-9433. Snohomish. BOXER puppies, $900. Beautiful fawn puppies, purebred, no papers, puppies will have first shots, dewormed, health check. 509-200-8489. Weston,OR.





$50 OFF

Service Over $250

$100 OFF Service Over $500

HARLEY SWAIN harleyswainsubaru.com 1-800-307-9696 • (541)-567-9696 1915 N First St. (Hwy 395 N), Hermiston Bottom of the hill

Saturday, January 12th. 11:00 am, preview at 9:00 am 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston, Oregon. This is an absolute auction, No reserves. Some items included are: 7000 watt diesel generator, Crocks (2,8,10,12,15 gallon), 6’ wooden propeller, Crock jugs, Treadle butter churn (complete), Shaker churn, Glass churns, Cylinder churn, Ford headache rack (new), Chucker lamp, Horseshoe lamp, Mangle (clean w/original papers, Saddlesmith saddle, Show halter, Horse blankets, New Horse boots, Automatic waterer, Grinder, Drill press, Chainsaw grinder, Vise, Weight bench, Studded tires, Work station, Tool boxes, Motorola walkie talkies, CB radios, Holley Carb, Aluminum truck wheels (22.5x12 New), Dressers, Sleep number bed (king), Vintage snow shoes, 2 refrigerators, Dining tables, Pink glass, Elvis records, Bev Doolittle poster (signed), Dyrk Godby prints (signed), Whiskey bottles, Toyota Tacoma tube steps (05/12), Fans, Heaters, Couches, Singer sewing machine, Christmas décor, Vintage jars, Snoopy table and chair, New truck chains, fence charger, Backpack sprayer, 2 6’saws, Vintage fishing rods, Vintage fishing reels, Jack a lope, Jack a buck, Portable solar charger, Air compressor, Pressure washer, Guitar, fishing rod combos,x, Too much to list.

See photos on Facebook • Mikes Auction LLC (formerly Mbz Liquidations). 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. Call Mike Zook • 541-571-6280 Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

ES­TATE SALE: Fri­day, Jan 11th, 8am-5pm & Sat­ur­day, Jan 12th, 8am-5pm, house­hold & fur­ ni­ ture all in the house with heat, tools and things in the ga­ rage; 32441 Di­ag­on­al Rd. Her­mis­ton. AUC­TION !!! Sat­ur­day, Janu­ary 12th. 11:00am, pre­ view at 9:00am, 80824 Kik Rd., Her­mis­ton, Or­e­gon. This is an ab­so­lute auc­tion, No re­serves. Some items in­clud­ed are: 7000 watt die­sel gen­era­tor, crocks (2,8,10,12,15 gal­lon), 6’ wood­en pro­ peller, crock jugs, trea­dle but­ter churn (com­plete), shak­er churn, Glass churns, Cy­lin­der churn, Ford head­ache rack (new), Chuck­er lamp, Horse­ shoe lamp, Man­ gle (clean w/origi­ nal pa­ pers, Sad­dles­mith sad­dle, show halt­er, horse blan­ kets, new horse boots, au­tomat­ ic wa­ter­er, grin­der, drill press, chain­ saw grin­ der, vise, weight bench, stud­ ded tires, Work sta­ tion, tool box­es, Mo­tor­o­la wal­ kie talk­ies, CB ra­dios, Hol­ley Carb, Alu­mi­ num truck wheels (22.5x12 New), dress­ ers, Sleep number bed (king), vin­ tage snow shoes, 2 re­ frig­era­tors, din­ing ta­ bles, Pink glass, El­vis records, Bev Doo­lit­tle poster (signed), Dyrk God­by prints (signed), whis­key bot­tles, Toyo­ ta Ta­co­ma tube steps (05/12), fans, heat­ers, couch­es, Sing­er sew­ ing ma­ chine, Christ­ mas decor, vin­ tage jars, Snoo­ py table and chair, new truck chains, fence charg­ er, back­ pack spray­ er, 2-6’saws, vin­tage fish­ing rods, vin­tage fish­ing reels, Jack­a­ lope, Jack­a­buck, port­ able so­lar charg­er, air com­pres­sor, pres­sure wash­er, gui­tar, fish­ing rod com­bos, 1975 Lar­ son boat with trail­ er, Too much to list. See pho­tos on Face­book @ Mikes Auc­tion LLC (for­mer­ly Mbz Liq­ui­ da­tions). 10% buy­ers pre­mi­um. Cred­it cards ac­ cept­ ed. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280. Ford Bon­ ney: Auc­tion­eer. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad, or if your ad is in­a d­v er­t ent­l y left out of the pa­p er, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­s pon­s i­b le for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ ror, your ad will be cor­ rect­ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied.

1981 GEN­ER­AL long log trail­ er and truck bunk: elec pads, New reach, tires 11x24.5 and wheels, $5,000 OBO; 541-676-5309, Hep­pner. AN­TIQUE POOL table: all re­ done, like new, with light and all ac­ ces­so­ries and full size cov­ er, $1,100; 541571-1024, Pen­dle­ton. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­GEN ther­a­py us­ers: In­o­gen One G4 is cap­able of full 24/7 ox­y­gen de­liv­ ery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE in­for­ma­tion kit; call 877-929-9587. BATHROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy One Day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ing, grab bars, no slip floor­ ing & seat­ed show­ers, call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion; 888-9124745.

I OWN a small business that buys and sells properties here in Hermiston, I buy homes at any price point and in any condition, I make it very easy for Umatilla County homeowners to sell their house quickly and can often make you an allcash offer, there is absolutely no cost to use my service, I buy houses without any fees to you the seller, I’m happy to help and look forward to hearing from you; Chris Fisher, C&D Property Solutions LLC, 509570-9100. A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­ lion fa­milies find sen­ ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­sors help find so­lu­tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855741-7459. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-5672230. OUR READERS are the greatest! Thanks for reading The Nickel.

BEAU­TI­FUL 3/4 Ma­ lam­ute, 1/4 Hus­ky pups: 8 weeks old, 1st shots and worm­ er, 4 males, 2 fe­males, par­ ents on site, great fam­i­ly dogs, $600; 541-571-5985 or 541656-6669, Her­mis­ton. POODLE BOUVIER cross puppies. Shots, microchip, vet check, tails docked. Non shedding. Call or text, 509-831-8862. Sunnyside. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC Golden Retriever puppies, $950 including deposit, 5 males, 2 females, first shots & deworming, ready for new homes Feb 9th. Boardman, OR. For more info & photos, www.facebook.com/ DandBgoldens/ Call Dan, 541-720-3720. 5 MONTH black female cat, very shy, spayed, good home only, $30; 541-567-7950 CHI­HUA­HUA PUP­ PIES: 2 males, 1 fe­ male, 5 weeks old, $75; 541-701-8567 or 541-701-1073, Her­ mis­ton. 3/4 BULLDOGS, READY All vaccinations have been complete, ready for their forever homes! $700 obo. 509-9107764. Toppenish. COM­ING SOON AKC Stan­dard Poo­dle pup­ pies: call to re­ serve now, health test­ed par­ ents, 2-year guar­an­tee, go to www.Our­Po­et­ic­ Poo­ dles.com for more in­for­ma­tion or call; 509582-6027, Ken­ne­wick.

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 3

GRASS HAY: $8.00 bale, 1st cut­ting Al­fal­ fa, $9.00 bale, 3rd & 4th cut­ting Al­fal­fa $10 bale, all 2 tie bales; 541-571-7601, Her­ mis­ton. NEED TO buy feed­er hay for a few cows: call Me; 541-567-8179, Her­mis­ton.



SECONDS - by the box, Lefore Family Farms, many varieties, 1 mile west of drive-in theater, Sunnyside Rd. , M-F.

BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. 56 TOP QUALITY Black Angus: 3 to 4 years old cows bred to Fancy Vermillion Angus Bulls. These cows came from western Montana rangeland country; for more information, phone Joe Chappell, 509-301-4402, MiltonFreewater, OR. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

WANT­ED: OLD wrist/ pock­et watch­es, clocks, watch­mak­ er tools, parts, Ro­lex, Ome­ga, Ha­mil­ton, Brei­tling, Il­li­nois, Mili­ tary, etc.; 509-5459929, 509-528-1387.

SER­TA VAN­TAGE iSer­ies: king size mat­ tress, 5” plat­form with low pro­file frame, paid $1500, 21/2 years old, ask­ing $500, like new con­di­tion; 541-5678628 Her­mis­ton.



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com

NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pull-type mod­ els/ parts/ tires/ man­ u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www.ba­le­wag­ on.com, 208-8802889. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. FRUIT BIN restacker, Van Doren, 3 phase, electric operated unit, stacks 4 bins high, $3500. 509727-2633. Pasco. BRUSH HOG mow­ er: 3 point, 6’ blades sharp­ened, works great, $550, no text; call 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton.

Catch Some Extra Cash Today! Now is the time to sell those good, but no longer needed items



$ 00

As Low As

15 words or less. Must be pre-paid private Party ad. Additional words at 10¢ ea. per week

1055 N. First Street , Hermiston Or 97838 • thenickelonline.com • 541-567-2230

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 4

1989 SEA R­ AY: in/ out mo­tor, fish or ski, win­ ter sale $3,100 or trade for econ­ om ­y car or truck; 541-3775555, Her­mis­ton.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

HON­DA YA­MA­HA CY­CLE­TOWN Vis­it us on­line for great deals on new Hon­ da & Ya­ma­ha pro­ducts. hon­d aya­m a­h a­c y­c le­ town.com 541-5678919, Her­mis­ton.

342 SW 1st Street Pendleton, OR 1(541)969-3073



R TRUCK STOP, INC. “The Biggest Little O CROSS Truck Stop in the West” ky Do A ucounge L D S Brutus g


FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­ liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­tact an sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive at our of­fice. You will no­t ice the dif­f erence im­me­diate­ly! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.


Friday Rib Night

Slow cooked on our BBQ pit to perfection

1/2 rack of ribs With the trimmings


Starting at 1pm

Happy hour every night 4pm-7pm

6 TVs for your footbal needs! Daily breakfast special 5am-11am daily (541) 922-3297 • Hwy 730 - Umatilla, OR

AFFORDABLE PAINTING & REMODELING: wide range of re­pairs, snow removal, pres­sure wash­ing. Any pro­ject big or small, FREE es­ ti­ mates, great prices, call Dan­ iel 541-5619272. WILL­ING TO WORK Land­scaping, fence re­pair, clear­ing, and much, much more; call Chuck 541-720-6559. AFFORDABLE YARD & Property Maintenance for all: with discounts for the Disabled and Senior Citizens. Over 40 years combined experience. including but not limited to, sheet rocking & painting, tile & carpet laying, windows, rain gutters & fencing; trimming of shrubs, roses & fruit trees; basic yard care, pressure washing & tilling; rubbish, yard debris and misc. removal. No job too Big or Small, Hermiston area, pictures of work available; 458-2191882. HAVE TRAC­TOR! WILL TRAV­EL! Disk­ing, ro­to­till­ing, seed­ing, also front end load­ er, brush/ weed mow­ing; 541-9100526, lo­cat­ed in Ir­ri­gon.

FAN­CY DUTCH Belt heif­er calf: weigh­ing ap­prox. 600 lbs. $650 or best rea­son­able off­ er; for more in­ for­ ma­ tion call Bob Hod­ ne­field 541-938-0118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter, OR. FREE: 7 chick­ens that stopped lay­ ing, and one Turkey hen; 541571-4909, Hermiston. 2W LENSTO 12 ft panels: $90 each; 541-571-1024, Monty, Pendleton BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. 56 TOP QUALITY Black Angus: 3 to 4 years old cows bred to Fancy Vermillion Angus Bulls. These cows came from western Montana rangeland country; for more information, phone Joe Chappell, 509-301-4402, MiltonFreewater, OR. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. THE NICK­EL is lo­cat­ed at 1055 N. 1st St., Hwy N 395 (next to Piz­za Hut), Her­mis­ton.

You Don’t Need

BIG BUCK$ ... Just A Little “Dough” To Advertise In The Nickel!


The Nickel PHONE: 541-567-2230

CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­ wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960. 2019 MARTIN Luther King March: Monday, January 21, 2019. Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm. Location: Hermiston First United Methodist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave, Hermiston. COKE MA­CHINE: $350; call 541-5670314, Her­mis­ton. SPEC­TRUM TRI­PLE Play: TV, In­ter­net & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per sec­ond speed, No con­tract or com­mit­ ment, more chan­ nels, faster in­ter­net, un­lim­ it­ed voice; call 1-877338-2315. COL­UM­BIA RIV­ER CIR­CUIT Fin­als ro­ deo tick­ets: at Ya­ki­ ma Val­ley Sun­dome, Fri­day, Janu­ary 11th, Sat­ur­day, Janu­ary 12th & Sun­day, Janu­ ary 13th, You choose which day you want to at­tend. $15 for both tick­ets, de­liv­ery pos­ si­ble; call Steve, 509386-3154, Wal­la Wal­ la, WA. COS­MO COW­GIRL CLEARANCE CLOS­ET Cool clothes, fab coats, hip purs­ es, eclec­tic jew­el­ry and ac­ces­so­ries. Kill­er piec­es at kill­er pric­es, vin­tage to new, den­im to fur. Wheth­er you’re head­ ing to the ro­ deo or strut­ting the run­way - we’ve got you cov­ ered! Eve­ry Fri & Sat, 11-5 start­ing Jan 11th and end­ing, Jan 26th. Ren­dez­vous Vin­tage, 210 W. Main, Echo, OR. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.


ington Pu mP

AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow female, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered. FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA. GUIDED FISH­ING trip on the Col­um­bia Riv­er: Wal­leye, Sal­mon, Stur­ geon and Steel­ head; call Be­ low The Boat Guides; 541-701-7536. BRUBAKER ARMS MFG Brubaker Arms Manufacturing in Yakima specializes in fine custom sporting arms. Classic to modern, long gun to handgun. General repairs to full custom builds. We are Central Washington’s premier gun makers. Call Bryan 912-659-4505, Ligia 405-501-8135 or www.brubakerarms. com. Yakima. AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow female, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered. COL­UM­BIA RIV­ER CIR­CUIT Fin­als ro­deo tick­ets: at Ya­ki­ma Val­ ley Sun­dome, Fri­day, Janu­ary 11th, Sat­ur­ day, Janu­ ary 12th & Sun­day, Janu­ary 13th, You choose which day you want to at­ tend. $15 for both tick­ ets, de­liv­ery pos­si­ble; call Steve, 509-386-3154, Wal­la Wal­la, WA.

LOST CAT: young male orange tab­ by col­ or, on Janu­ ary 5th in the Wal-Mart park­ ing lot. He got scared and ran off, if you have seen him; please call Bill 541-567-6890, keep try­ing. AKC SHIH TZU PUPPIES AKC Shih Tzu puppies, 2 male brindle, 1 male black & white, & w black & white female. Will be ready Feb 9th. Will have first shots. $900 with a $200 non refundable deposit. Call or text, 206-2806824. Seattle. PUR­EBRED GER­ MAN Shepherd: par­ ents from Ger­ma­ny, 3 year old male for sale, loves to play and good fam­ il­y dog, $500; call 509-778-2016, Uma­ til­la. AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow female, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered. AKC REG Golden Retriever puppies, ready to go to their forever homes Jan 21. Both parents have their certifications. Males $1000, & females $1100. Text, 509-5523614 for pictures. Located in Clarkston, WA. AKC POINTING LAB PUPS Facebook @ highdesert labs for pedigree on dam & sire. $900 ea, 6 males left. 509-947-5673, or highdesertlabs@ y a h o o . c o m , WestRichland. PIT LAB mix pup­pies: 4 fe­males, ready Janu­ ary 20th to good for­ev­ er homes, $100; 541667-7220, Stan­field.

Welcome to Lexington Pump LLC

Sales Service Installation Trenching Available & Solar Pumping Systems Who we are: • Full Service pump installation and repair from well to pressure tank or both agriculture and domestic applications. • A local dealer and installer of the best solar pump package in the market today. • Installation of pipe lines, cisterns and complete water systems for most applications. • Full line of excavation equipment for your excavation needs. • We do well rehabilitation for increased water supply and bacterial growth problems. www.lexingtonpump.com • 541-989-8448 Cell-Sam: 541-561-8881 • Cell-John: 541-561-3519 Fax: 541-989-8567 • CCB# 199519 P.O. Box 626 • Lexington, OR 97839

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

POSTAGE STAMP collection, United States & other countries, 1931-1938, great condition. Info, Jon, 509-786-1445 6pm-8pm DISH TV: $59.99 for 190 Chan­nels + $14.95 High Speed In­ter­net, Free in­stalla­tion, smart HD DVR in­clud­ed, Free Voice Rem­ ote, some re­stric­tions ap­ ply; 1-800-718-1593. HELP US HELP HER­MIS­TON: 3 mem­bers in re­cov­ery with an aver­age of 15 years sob­ er. Wish to start a re­cov­ery home in Her­mis­ton. We need a 4 to 5 bed­room house to rent and run a fresh start re­ cov­ ery home. HER­MIS­TON NEEDS IT. Please con­sid­er; call 206-3992880 or email, sheri@ bran­nan­co.com HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ ing: at Desert Lanes, January 18th at 5:30pm. Eve­ ry­one wel­come; for in­ for­ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. IN­V EN­T ORS-FREE In­for­ma­tion Pack­age: have your pro­duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ably by the Re­search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­ tur­ers, call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea Start­er Guide, sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion. DIS­PLAY FIX­TURES for sale: hard­ wood hem­lock shelv­ing, white lam­i­nat­ed salt wall with hooks and shelves; 541-2761358, Pen­dle­ton. FOR SALE: come see, new studded snow tires, mounted on wheels, and lots other misc, items; Connie Maret, 395 NE 10th Street, Hermiston; or call 541-567-8532.

LE­WIS­TON RV’S Show & Su­ per Sale: free ad­mis­sion. Thurs­day, Janu­ary 10th thru Sun­ day, Janu­ary 13th in­side heat­ ed Nez Perce Coun­ty Fair build­ing, 13th & Bur­ rell, Le­ wis­ton, Ida­ho. Huge fac­tory-to-deal­er re­ bates, top dol­ lar for trades, 150 new & pre-owned units on dis­play. True 4-Sea­ son off road trail­ ers, 5th wheels, trav­ el trail­ers, toy haul­ers, tent trail­ ers & pick­ up camp­ers. Floor­plans to fit all needs and someth­ing for eve­ry­ one’s budget. Fi­nanc­ ing on-site with low, low in­ter­est rates. EAR­ LY BIRD SPE­ CIALS avail­ able now on se­lect units at Le­ wis­ton RV, 3306 Hat­ wai Road, Le­wis­ton; 208-746-8632, www. Le­w is­t on­R VCen­t er. com POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509542-9431, also in Lewiston. 2018 SUNDANCE Ultra-Lite trailer, 28’. All extras, plus stabilizing bars & hitch included. $30,000. Text or call Marcy, 509-539-1367. TriCities.

MINI AUSSIES, born in July. All colors, boys & girl, reg & vaccinated. Baker City, OR. www. oregonaussies.net, $500- $1000. 541-5189284. GERMAN Shepherd pups, 9 wks old, AKC, excellent temperament, black & tan, $875. 509-3010638. MltnFrwtr. CHESSIE PUPS AKC reg Chesapeake Bay Retriever pups, 2 females avail, dewclaws removed, will have 1st shots, ready 01/17, $800. Call or text, 509-4300139. Kennewick. Busi­n ess cards from The Nick­el. $700 GOLDEN Boxer puppies. We have mixed Golden Retriever with Boxer to create a great family dog. Ready Jan 15. Call or text, 509-2008489. Weston,OR. 12 PUPPIES! American Bulldog/ German Shepherd/ Mastiff cross. Ready to go to their forever homes now. Beautiful fawn & brindle colors. Smart & loyal. $250 males, $200 females. Call 541-437-3032. Elgin. G E R­M A N SHEPHERD/ Hus­ky Wolf pup­ py: 1 male, has first shots and de­ wormed, $200; 541571-3957, Stan­field.

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The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 5

9-N FORD trac­tor: runs good, new carb, 12volt, 3 pt. blade, $1,300 firm, No Texts; 541-571-3845, Her­ mis­ton. GRASS HAY: $8.00 bale, 1st cut­ting Al­fal­fa, $9.00 bale, 3rd & 4th cut­ting Al­fal­fa $10 bale, all 2 tie bales; 541-5717601, Her­mis­ton. NEED TO buy feed­er hay for a few cows: call Me; 541-567-8179, Her­mis­ton. TRAIL­ER: 4’x8’ with ramp, spare tire, new deck, $400; no text, call 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. CY­CLE BAR Sharp­en­ er: on stand, elec­ tric, No Text, $120; 541571-3845, Her­mis­ton.

THREE HIGH Qual­ i­ ty Black An­gus Cows: bred to Fan­cy Bull, to calve late Spring 2019, $1,250 each; for more in­for­ma­tion call Bob Hod­ne­field 541-9380118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter, OR. TEFF GRASS, great horse hay, $8/ bale; Feeder hay, $5/ bale; Fescue mix, $5- $7/ bale. Randy, 509-2404289. Touchet,WA. FREE: 7 chick­ens that stopped lay­ ing, and one Turkey hen; 541571-4909, Hermiston.

LIKE NEW 2 year old gas range: $250; 509840-1738, Ply­mouth, WA.

WANT­ED DEAD or dy­ ing Sub­aru’s: 2002 or new­er, cash paid; 541963-9328, La­Grande.

MAY­TAG BRA­VOS Dry­er: com­mer­ cial tech­nol­o­gy with steam, like new, $150 and u-haul; 541-922-4673, Uma­ til­la.

TIME FOR A-B-C’s: “A” clas­si­fied ad “B”rings you ready “C”ash! Call the Nick­el to­day! 541567-2230.

NICE WELL Made Sofa: Neutral colors, good condition, non smoking, pet free home, $100; 541-5712594, Stanfield.

TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage.

ROUND DIN­ING table: 42” di­a­met­ er with 4 matching chairs, all wood, very good con­di­tion, $125; call or text 541-720-0026, Her­ mis­ton.

20 DAIRY Sheep for sale: $300 each, hav­ ing Lambs in March 2019; call 541-6261430, Her­mis­ton.

UPRIGHT FREEZ­ER: like new, 21 cu. ft, en­ er­gy ef­fi­cient, $150; 541-720-9608, Her­ mis­ton.


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Auction Notice!! FIRST AUCTION OF THE YEAR!! Columbia River Auction, LLC. 80571 N. Hwy 395, Hermiston, Or. Sunday January 13, 2019 - 12 p.m. Sharp!!!

100 pound Hay-Budden Anvil on stand, 225 amp AC Lincoln welder, 4000 BTU All-Pro Barrel heater, Diamond plated storage cabinet, 2 floor Jacks, Car ramps, and jack stands, Vintage Drill press, Flower Pots, Metal feed buckets, Cobbler shoe horns, 7 Vintage pipe wrenches, 5 Sat Irons, 2 wood planes, Sheep shears, C Clamps, Vintage wrenches, Chisels and hole punches, Pipe wrenches, Oil dispenser, Gear puller 4” Skill Grinder, Electrical supplies, Electric Fencing supplies, Gardening tools, 3 weed eaters, 2 leaf blowers, Small table vice, Small rototiller, 3 PC. Knotty Pine Bedroom Set, Frosted glass French Doors, Oak 10 Gun Locking Gun Cabinet Vintage Camel-back Chest, Table and 4 chairs, Outdoor dog kennel, Camping gear, 8 boxes of misc. tools, sockets, etc., 20” Ford Rims, Belt Buckles, RV stairs, Air Impact Ratchet and Hammer Set, 46” Toshiba flat screen TV with Stand, Tractor weights,Vintage feed bins, Lots of horse tack-stirrups, lead rope, blinders, Assortment of Halters, Leather working tools, buckles, etc., Horse shoe cart with supplies, Cow skull, Gopher traps, 14 animal trap, 6 Lariats, 2 De-horners, Fencing, 3/4 HP bench Grinder, Ext. Cords, Battery charger , Jumper Cables, Shop supplies, 2 ext. Ladders, 2 6ft. Aluminum ladders, Glass collectibles, Picture Frames, Craft supplies, Wide mouth Mason jars, Nice kitchenware table setting, Too many items to list!!! Come join in the fun and enjoy the heat of our NEW Frost Fighter Heater!!! Bidding starts at 12 p.m SHARP!! See ya’ll there!!!


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section

25 TRUCK Driv­er trainees need­ed: earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL train­ing, Ste­vens Trans­port cov­ers all costs; 1-877-209-1309 dri­ve4­ste­vens.com AIR­LINES ARE Hir­ ing: Get FAA ap­ proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­ nan­ cial Aid for quali­ fied stud­ents-ca­reer place­ment as­sis­ tance, call Avia­tion In­sti­tute of Main­ tenance; 888-6861704.

HEALTH­CARE CA­ REER Train­ing on­ line: start a new ca­reer in Med­i­cal Bill­ing & Cod­ing, Med­i­cal Ad­min­is­ tra­tive As­sis­tant. To learn more, call UL­ TIMATE MED­I­CAL ACA­DE­MY; 855629-5104.

LIVE- IN CAREGIVER Seeking livein caregiver for elderly couple in Kennewick. Monthly salary, plus room & board. Must be willing to assist in all aspects of daily living. Prefer Christian, non smoker. Call 509-9483464.

P H A R M A C Y TECHNICIAN: online training available! take the first step into a new career; call now 833221-0660.

GO GREEN! Get rid of those un­want­ed items, sell them in The Nick­ el in­stead of throw­ing them out! Call us to­day and place that ad! 541567-2230 or 541-2767039.

STORY OF MY LIFE, Can she, type well? Any experience with movie camera, call Bill; 541-567-6890 if no answer keep trying, Hermiston.

FRONT DESK Help: Flu­ ent in Eng­ lish and Span­ish; Call Vivi­an’s Tax Serv­ice, Her­mis­ ton for an in­ ter­ view, 541-567-8054.

COM­PUT­ER WORK from home: no sales or trav­el, great in­come, your own sched­ ule; www.us­re­mo­te­job.com

GOOD SHEPHERD Child­ren’s Cen­ter is now open to the com­ mun­i­ty: The Child­ren’s Cen­ ter is a full day learn­ing cen­ter that off­ ers child­care and pre­ school ac­tiv­i­ties. We accept child­ ren ages 6 weeks - 5 years. Our facil­ i­ ty is open Mon­ day-Fri­day, 6:45am6:00pm. If you would like more in­for­ma­tion; please con­tact Tris­ta at 541-667-3511. PLACE IT wise­l y! Our clas­si­fieds will al­low you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ ence pos­si­ble with­out us­ ing a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ ing budget; call us at the Nick­el to­day and place your clas­si­fied ad, 541567-2230, Hermiston.

Ride Away With





Sell those good, but no longer needed items in the next issue! Reg. Rate $5.00/week for 15 words or less, 10¢ per word thereafter.



1510 Grade St., Kelso 98626 517 NW Pacific, Chehalis 98532 1055 N. First Street, Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230 • thenickelonline.com Phone: 423-3141 Fax: 423-1814 Phone: 748-6616 Fax: 748-1479 A. 4 Week Special Rate

Name: ____________________Date: ______________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Credit Card Number: ___________________________ Exp. Date: ____________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

❏ Miscellaneous

❏ Manufactured Housing ❏ For Rent ❏ Recreational Vehicles ❏ Tools & Machinery ❏ Household ❏ Motorcycles & ATV's ❏ Employment & Services ❏ Boats & Accessories ❏ Pets & Animals ❏ Sporting Goods ❏ Farm & Garden ❏ Computers & Electronics ❏ Wanted ❏ Logging & Heavy Eq. ❏ Yard Sales ❏ Free Items ❏ Real Estate ❏ Lost & Found

$ 6.00 $15.00 ____ ❏ Automobiles

(First 15 Words, Pre-Paid)

B. No. Extra Words _____x 20¢ ea. C. Sub-total (A+B) D. Total

_____ _____ _____































2000 JEEP GRAND Cherokee LTD: 4x4, all op­ tions, very nice con­di­tion, $4295; 509540-9861, Col­lege Place, WA. 2006 DODGE 2500 Meg­a­cab, Brad­ford skirt­ed flatbed with 4 box­es, leath­er, Valair dual-disk clutch, 146k miles, trail­ er brake, new bat­ter­ies, edge pro­gram­mer, new steer­ ing box, well main­tained; call or text Dust­in 541-561-5153, Her­mis­ton.

CHECK THIS OUT 1994 GMC 1/2 Ton: excellent running truck, 4x4, 5.7L, manual tranny, 177k miles, clean interior, comes with exhaust manifold ready for installation, snow tires included, $2,400 OBO; 541-701-7909, Hermiston. 1993 CHE­VY 2500 Sil­ ver­a­do: 6.5 tur­bo die­ sel, 4x4, clean truck, clean ti­tle, eve­ry­thing works, runs good, $5,500 as is; 971-2184762, Her­mis­ton. CHECK THIS OUT 1994 GMC 1/2 Ton: Ex­cel­lent run­ning truck, 4x4, 5.7L, man­u­al tran­ny, 177k miles, clean in­ teri­ or, comes with ex­ haust man­i­fold ready for in­stalla­tion, snow tires in­clud­ed, $2,400 OBO; 541-701-7909, Her­mis­ton. DU­RA­MAX 2009 Che­ vy: crew cab, 4x4, 129k miles, new tires and cus­ tom wheels, Tri-fold Ton­ neau Cov­er, af­ter­ mar­ket rear cam­era, air bags, great con­di­ tion, black w/ black in­ teri­ or, $25,900 OBO; 541-969-6757, Pen­ dle­ton.

NEW CROP: Honey crisp and Fuji ap­ples: next to Bowl­ing Al­ley in Her­mis­ton, 10am2pm, $1/ pound, you can buy 1 pound or 10,000 pounds; 541626-1430. OCEAN CAR­GO Stor­ age Con­tain­ers: used, new and of­fic­es, vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery, “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. PUB­LIC AUC­TION EZ MINI Stor­age 2315 Hwy. 395 So., Her­mis­ton, OR. 97838. Sale will be held on site, Janu­ ary 22, 2019 at 11:00 am; C-9 Mel­a­nie Tart­er/ Bry­ant 1st; M-21 Mar­ quis Dan­ iels; Please call ahead to con­firm, 541-567-1003. RE­CENT­LY DI­AG­ NOSED with Lung Canc­er: and 60+ years old? call now! you and your fam­il­y may be en­ ti­tled to a Sig­nif­i­cant Cash Award; call 877648-6308 to­ day, free con­sul­ta­tion, no risk. SAVE ON Your Next Pre­scrip­tion! World Health Link, price match guar­an­tee! Pre­ scrip­tions re­quired, CIPA cer­ti­fied, Over 1500 med­i­ca­tions avail­able, call to­day for a free price qu­ote; 1-866-293-9702, Call Now! DEN­TAL IN­ SURANCE: Call Phy­ si­cians Mu­tual In­ surance Com­pa­ny for de­ tails. Not just a dis­ count plan, real cov­er­age for 350 pro­ cedures. 888-6233036 or http://www. den­t al50­p lus.com/58. ad #6118. UTIL­I­TY TRAIL­ER: like new, 5-1/2’x10’, used only twice, $1200; 541-568-4657, Cove.

FOUR STUD­DED snow tires: 205x75x15, mount­ ed on 2000 Toyo­ta Ta­co­ma, 2-wheel drive wheels, $235; 541-379-4111, Her­mis­ton.

UNLIMITED CAR Washes for as little as $17.50 a month. Wash Every Day! Great deal for Winter time, keep your car clean. Down load Everwash and choose The Clean Spot, then sign up. RE­BUILT CHEV­RO­ LET 350: Edel­brock In­ take, heads are 1.90/.160, forged pis­ tons bored 30 over, crank and rods re­ sized, ask­ ing $1,800; 509-520-3549, Wal­la Wal­la, WA. WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website free of charge! TWO 425/65R 22.5 tires: $475 each and two alu­mi­num wheels, $350 each; 541-6765309, Hep­pner. 2013 ACURA TSX By owner, price reduced! 2013 Acura TSX Special Edition, $15,000, 52k mi, professionally detailed & garaged. 509-5396169. TriCities. 2012 KIA Op­ti­ma: all op­ tions, 97k miles, $7,995; 2000 Toyo­ ta Ava­ lon, 85k miles, $3,995; 2007 Nis­ san Ver­ sa, $2,995; 541571-0425, Her­mis­ton. 4 MICHE­ LIN LT tires: LT265/70/R18, 65% tread, $300; 541-5670314, Her­mis­ton.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! OFFICE ASSISTANT • SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS • No CDL needed to start • Sign on bonuses up to $350 • Paid training • $13.40 an hour (Drivers) • Office positions DOE • Flexible scheduling

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MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


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People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 8

LOST CAT: young male orange tab­ by col­ or, on Janu­ ary 5th in the Wal-Mart park­ ing lot. He got scared and ran off, if you have seen him; please call Bill 541-567-6890, keep try­ing. AKC SHIH TZU PUPPIES AKC Shih Tzu puppies, 2 male brindle, 1 male black & white, & w black & white female. Will be ready Feb 9th. Will have first shots. $900 with a $200 non refundable deposit. Call or text, 206-2806824. Seattle. PUR­EBRED GER­MAN Shepherd: par­ents from Ger­ma­ny, 3 year old male for sale, loves to play and good fam­i­ ly dog, $500; call 509778-2016, Uma­til­la.

70 + 1 1/8 form plywood: great shape, smooth on both sides, hardware pieces, $35 per sheet; 541-5670314. Hermiston

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow female, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered.

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY JOB! Home owners, industrial & construction, visit us for all your rental needs; 80907 N. HWY 395 HERMISTON, OR., 541-969-0013.

FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA.

STOP PAY­ING more and start pay­ing less! Our clas­s i­f ied ad­v er­t is­i ng rates are hard to beat! Take a look ar­ound and we think you will agree. Call and place your ad to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow female, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509-531-5810, or 509860-0995. Messages will be answered.

CARS TRUCKS Want­ ed: 2002 and new­ er! any con­di­tion, run­ning or not, com­peti­tive off­ er, free tow­ing, we’re na­tion­wide; call now 1-888-416-2330. DONATE YOUR Car: fast free tow­ ing, 24hr re­sponse, tax de­duc­ tion, Help save lives! UNIT­ED STATES BREAST CANC­ER FOUN­DA­TION; 866616-6266. 1976 MER­CEDES 450SL: good shape, needs paint, hard and soft tops, $4,000; 541-567-0314, Her­ mis­ton. 2006 TOYO­TA Prius: 145k miles, clean, runs great, ex­cel­lent mpg, in­ cludes snow tires, $4,500; La­Grande; 541910-4148 af­ter 5 pm.







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AL­FAL­FA HAY for sale: 100lb bales, no rain, no weeds; 541-5718995 or 541-567-5389, Her­mis­ton. NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pull-type mod­ els/ parts/ tires/ man­ u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www.ba­le­wag­ on.com, 208-8802889. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. ENG­LISH WAL­NUTS: no sprays, $2/pound, also shelled, $6/ pound; call 541-9224553, Ir­ri­gon. BRUSH HOG mow­ er: 3 point, 6’ blades sharp­ened, works great, $550, no text; call 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. FRUIT BIN restacker, Van Doren, 3 phase, electric operated unit, stacks 4 bins high, $3500. 509727-2633. Pasco. PRE­MI­UM AL­FAL­FA: 2 tie bales for sale, has been barn stored; call 541-571-5775, Her­ mis­ton.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

SEN­TRY GUN safe: Web­er Gen­e­sis gas grill, new still in box; port­ able wash ma­ chine; 1989 Sea Ray boat, all in ex­ cel­ lent con­di­tion, Trades wel­ come, but Cash is king; 541-377-5555, Her­mis­ton.

2004 LOGAN 4 HORSE TRAILER Living quarters, new tires, everything works great! Nice trailer, great condition. $23,500. Steve, 509969-9850. Yakima.

ALL BOOTS and shoes: 25-50% off now at KC Art & Col­ lect­ i­ bles, 167 E Main St, Her­mis­ton, Tues-Sat, 10:30am-6:00pm; 541289-1800. BLACK METAL lock­ing mail­ box, keyed: 4 all weath­er stud­ded tires, 205/70R15 on Che­ vy10 wheels; 509-5290990, Wal­la Wal­la.

STOLEN - REWARD Approximately 30 rodeo buckles, in 2009 from our trailer parked in North Star Storage, Joy Lane, Hermiston, they are all from Alaska and have the last name Barker on them, if you have seen or you do see them call Joe; 907-715-6255, Hermiston.

STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­ dard Walk-In Bath­tub, re­ceive up to $1500 off, in­clud­ing free toi­ let, and a life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion! call us at; 1-855-5346198. THE JOHN Good­en fam­i­ly: Hel­lo Her­mis­ ton, we re­ cent­ ly lost our home to a fire on De­cem­ber 29th here in Her­mis­ton. We are a fam­ i­ ly of 3, look­ ing for a rental in the $750/month range. Cur­rent­ly we are stay­ ing at Trav­ el Lodge Inn in Her­mis­ton. Help with stay­ ing there would be so help­ ful and ap­pre­ci­at­ed, my wife Cris­teen Good­en has gone back to work and on her FB there is a Go Fund Me page with do­na­tion avail­ abil­ i­ ty to their bank. Some Won­der­ful peo­ ple in our Com­mun­i­ty have of­fered up some fur­ni­ture, bed­dings, some house­hold items, but we have no place to store things, un­til we find hous­ing, so if there is some place we could store things, that would be so help­ ful. Please feel free to call John for any ques­ tions or con­cerns or leads you may have. 503-9028585.

1984 SUN­DOWN­ER horse trail­er: cur­rent li­cense, very god con­ di­tion, $1,500 firm; 541-571-2211, Stan­ field. FRANKLIN COUNTY SADDLE CLUB ANNUAL TACK SWAP Feb 16, 9am-2pm. One table $25 or two for $45. Call 509-528-9113.

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The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


The Most

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10 990

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14 998

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1992 FORD RANGER Manual $ ,

2 322

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45 998

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Se Habla Español


The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide MIL­TON-FREE­WA­TER RE­CENT RE­MO­DEL: 4 bed­ room, 2 bath, 1,750 sq. ft. home. Large lot with room for gar­den, 30’x48’ shop/ ga­rage, plus 11’x12’ lawn equip­ment shed, $225,000; 541-3012177.

COMMERCIAL Building for sale or rent in Walla Walla, off Hwy 12 with exit ramp, approx 9000 sq.ft., 6 bays, parts rooms, offices, and more. Price reduced to $890,000. Motivated seller or renter! 509-727-4557.

FOR SALE in Her­mis­ ton: new Mar­lette, ready approx. De­cem­ber. 1493 sq ft, 3 bed­room, 2 bath, in­ cludes City lot, car­port, dri­ve­way, heat pump, En­er­gy Star ap­plianc­es, wood cab­i­ nets, $139,900, CCB# 49542; 541-567-8024.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

RE­DUCED: BY OWN­ ER home for sale, on the hill in M i l­t o n - F r e e­w a­t e r, OR. lo­cat­ed 212 Balm Ave­nue, with awe­ some view of the Blues in choice neigh­bor­hood, NEW paint in­side and out, $160,000, 4 bed­ room, 2 full baths, large util­i­ty, fire­place, 3/4 base­ ment with small at­tached shop, ap­prox­imate­ly 2,400 square feet of roo­ my liv­ ing 100x100 square foot lot, room for large ga­ rage or shop; con­ tact 509520-0121 or 541969-7927, be­fore noon, for ap­ point­ ment.

THREE BED­ROOM 2 bath Ranch style home in Stan­field: up­dat­ ed in­side, fresh paint, large lot with wa­ ter rights; call for ap­point­ ment, $167,000; 541561-1048. SEEK AND ye shall find! I shot an ar­row in the air, lost for­ev­er to my des­pair, my bow was use­less, oh how I cried, till I found anoth­er in the clas­si­fied. Call us today! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. AR­I­ZO­NA SUNSHINE: 2 acre lot with pow­ er, $7,995; low down, easy terms, un­der the warm Ar­i­zo­na sky; 928-753-7125.

FOR SALE by Own­er 2018 Fleet­ wood mo­ bile: lo­ cat­ ed in Cha­ teau­bri MH Com­mun­ i­ ty, Space #96, Her­ mis­ton. This is a cozy, 840 sq. ft., 3 bed­room, 2 bath home. Priced $56,900 un­fur­nished or $59,900 fur­ nished; call or text 503-5085923 or 719-429-5314, Her­mis­ton.

FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236.

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­ nick­el@eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­site and place it, the­nick­e­lon­ line.com

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston.

FOR SALE in Her­ mis­ton: new Mar­lette, ready approx. De­ cem­ ber. 1493 sq ft, 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, in­ cludes City lot, car­ port, dri­ve­way, heat pump, En­er­gy Star ap­plianc­es, wood cab­ i­nets, $139,900, CCB# 49542; 541-567-8024.

ADD A PHOTO or logo to your classified line ad for just $9. 20 words or less

HOUSE FOR rent near the new hos­pi­tal in Pen­ dle­ton: 3 bed­room, 1 bath on SW Ol­sen Ave., 1342 sq. ft., fenced back­yard, cov­ered deck, cen­tral heat and air, great lo­ca­ tion, $1100, first, last and de­ pos­ it, 2 year lease, negotiable, available Febuary 15th; 541-9692828, Pen­dle­ton. 2 BED­ ROOM, 1 bath Court­yard Apart­ments, Her­mis­ton: clean, stor­ age, a/c, $700/ month; call Liz or Jose 541490-8745. 3 BED­ROOM house: clean, 218 SW 5th, Pen­ dle­ ton, $750/ month plus de­ pos­ it, no pets/ smok­ing; 541-377-9699.


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

APART­MENT FOR rent in Pen­dle­ton: nice, clean, one bedroom, good lo­ca­tion, wa­ter/ sew­ er paid, no pets or smok­ing, 113 N.W. 5th, $425/ month, plus de­pos­it; 541-2763948.

VERY NICE furnished room for rent: private, located in Boardman, $450; call 541-5710163 (keep trying). SEN­IOR HOUS­ING for rent in Her­mis­ton: 1 bed­room, 1 bath apart­ ment, fresh paint, new car­pet and floor­ing in liv­ing room and kitch­ en, small stor­age unit avail­able, laun­dry facil­ i­ties on site, no pets or smok­ing in unit, W/S/G paid, $625 a month, $500 de­pos­it; please call 541-571-9406 for more in­for­ma­tion.

1 BED­ROOM apart­ ment for rent in Hermiston: ref­er­enc­es re­quired, no pets; call Frost Prop­er­ties 541561-5310.

2 BEDROOM house for rent in Pen­ dle­ ton: stor­age shed, car­port, street park­ ing, $550/ month plus $550 de­ pos­it; 541-276-9274.

HELP US HELP HER­MIS­TON: 3 mem­ bers in re­ cov­ ery with an aver­age of 15 years sob­er. Wish to start a re­ cov­ ery home in Her­mis­ton. We need a 4 to 5 bed­room house to rent and run a fresh start re­cov­ery home. HER­MIS­TON NEEDS IT. Please con­sid­er; call 206-399-2880 or email, sheri@bran­nan­co.com

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com

THREE BED­ROOM Apart­ment: ap­plianc­es in­clud­ing built-in mi­ crowave, W/S/G paid, no pets, no sat­ el­ lites, $900 a month rent, $1250 base se­cur­i­ty de­pos­it; call for pic­tures or fur­ther de­tails, 503201-2819, Her­mis­ton.


$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage 12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND PICTURES

Vivienda de trabajo Agrícola Dúplex disponible de 2 o 3 dormitorios Lavadora y Secadora disponible en la unidad Agua alcantarilla y basura pagada Restricciones de Ingresos Alquiler basado en ingresos a partir de $0 por mes Debe Calificar bajo la definición del tragador Agrícola. Por favor llamar al (541) 567-1400 Farm Labor Housing Available 2 and 3 bedroom duplex units, washer and dryer in unit, water sewer and garbage paid, income restrictions, rent based on income starting at $0 per month, must qualify under Farm Labor Definition. Please Call (541) 567-1400

2010 SUB­ARU Leg­ a­ cy LTD: 4 door, leath­er, heat­ed seats, AWD, moon­roof, snow tires in­ clud­ ed, 153,500 miles, $7,500; 541-5671809, leave a mes­ sage & will call back, Her­mis­ton.

CHI­HUA­HUA PUP­ PIES: 2 males, 1 fe­ male, 5 weeks old, $75; 541-701-8567 or 541-701-1073, Her­ mis­ton.

VIA­GRA AND Cialis us­ers: 100 gener­ic pills spe­ cial, $99 FREE ship­ ping! 100% guar­ anteed, 24/7 call now 888-445-5928, Ha­bla­ mos Es­pa­nol

3/4 BULLDOGS, READY All vaccinations have been complete, ready for their forever homes! $700 obo. 509-9107764. Toppenish.

BE­COME A Pub­lished Au­thor: we edit, print and dis­trib­ute your work in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. We do the work, you reap the re­ wards! cal for a free Au­thor;s sub­ mis­ sion kit; 866-9517214.; 866-951-7214.

BOXER puppies, $900. Beautiful fawn puppies, purebred, no papers, puppies will have first shots, dewormed, health check. 509-2008489. Weston,OR.

GOOD SHOP wood­ stove: $100; 541-6261353, text or leave mes­sage, Ir­ri­gon.

DIVORCE $135 • NO COURT! Be Divorced in 1-5 Weeks

Complete Preparation of ALL Divorce Documents. Includes: Children, Support, Division of Property & Bills, and Return to any former name. NO COURT APPEARANCES!

Legal Alternatives 503-772-5295 www.ParalegalAlternatives.com

-545-017 9 0

metal roofing & siding



Farm Labor Housing

TWO 425/65R 22.5 tires: $475 each and two alu­mi­num wheels, $350 each; 541-6765309, Hep­pner.



705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306



PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981

PRAIR­IE HOUSE Apart­ments: 1105 SW 17th Street in Her­ mis­ton. Two bed­room town­house apart­ment, cen­ tral heat and aircon­di­tion­ing, fire­place, laun­dry facil­i­ties, ga­ rag­es and sea­son­al pool. Wa­ter, sew­er and gar­ bage paid; 541567-1126.

FOR SALE: 2005 Cam­ ry, great con­ di­tion, one own­er, $4500; 541-571-6667, Her­mis­ton.





RV SPACES Space rent in­ cludes elec­tric­i­ty, TV, WIFI, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, W/S/G. Laun­ dro­ mat on-site. One block from mini-mart, res­tau­rant and lounge. 2 minutes from The Mar­i­na boat launch. Clean and quiet, $400 month, Oa­sis RV Park, Ir­ri­gon, OR 541-9222699.

541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc.


AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. down­town, stu­dios, rent $425+, all util­it­ies in­clud­ed, re­frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure; 509-248-2146.

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 11

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The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 12

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

VA­SE­LINE GLASS: Fran­cis­can ware, 4 chi­na hutch­es, fridge, west­ern books, dress­ers, cos­tume jew­el­ry, com­ics, ster­ eo speak­ers, records, win­ter coats, Ham­ley sad­dle, vin­tage cam­ era’s, 2 1930’s gas pumps, pay­ ing cash for gold jew­ el­ ry, sil­ ver­ ware, coins, sil­ ver dol­ lars, art work by Mary Corp and a whole lot more! at KC Art & Col­ lect­ i­ bles, 167 E Main St, Her­mis­ton; 541289-1800. Tues-Sat. 10:30am-6pm. Men­ tion this ad in the Nick­ el for an Ex­ tra Dis­count!

4 MICHE­ LIN LT tires: LT265/70/R18, 65% tread, $300; 541-5670314, Her­mis­ton. 2013 ACURA TSX By owner, price reduced! 2013 Acura TSX Special Edition, $15,000, 52k mi, professionally detailed & garaged. 509-5396169. TriCities. RE­BUILT CHEV­RO­ LET 350: Edel­brock In­ take, heads are 1.90/.160, forged pis­ tons bored 30 over, crank and rods re­sized, ask­ing $1,800; 509-5203549, Wal­la Wal­la, WA.

COM­ING SOON AKC Stan­dard Poo­dle pup­ pies: call to re­ serve now, health test­ed par­ ents, 2-year guar­an­tee, go to www.Our­Po­et­ic­ Poo­ dles.com for more in­for­ma­tion or call; 509582-6027, Ken­ne­wick. BEAU­TI­FUL 3/4 Ma­ lam­ute, 1/4 Hus­ky pups: 8 weeks old, 1st shots and worm­ er, 4 males, 2 fe­males, par­ ents on site, great fam­i­ly dogs, $600; 541-571-5985 or 541656-6669, Her­mis­ton. 5 MONTH black female cat, very shy, spayed, good home only, $30; 541-567-7950

Cargo Containers SAGE COURT Cargo www.hermistonrentals.info DUPLEXES for Sale 55 AND OLDER COMMUNITY Containers 541-567-3981 for Sale View our available rentals online at:


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705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 13

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advertising Covering Hermiston, Pendleton, Umatilla, Boardman, Echo, Walla Walla and Surrounding Areas

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1055 N. 1 Street Hermiston, OR 97838 st

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e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

Business Directory Drawing!




The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 14

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

2012 KIA Op­ti­ma: all op­ tions, 97k miles, $7,995; 2000 Toyo­ ta Ava­ lon, 85k miles, $3,995; 2007 Nis­ san Ver­ sa, $2,995; 541571-0425, Her­mis­ton. CARS TRUCKS Want­ ed: 2002 and new­er! any con­di­tion, run­ ning or not, com­ peti­tive off­er, free tow­ ing, we’re na­tion­wide; call now 1-888-4162330.

UPRIGHT STARR piano and bench with stor­age: 50” tall by 59” wide, 26” deep, $350 or best offer; 541-6765576, Hep­pner. SUF­FER­ING FROM an Ad­dic­tion: to al­ co­ hol, opiates, pre­ scrip­tion pain­kill­ers or oth­er Drugs? There is hope! Call to­day to speak with someone who cares; call NOW 1-855-399-8803.

Kevin’s Custom Spraying

Quality Work at Reasonable Rates Brush Control • Fall Bare Ground Weed Control Office (509) 529-6385 cell (509)520-6385

MX550 Challenger

AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow female, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered. TICA REG Ragdoll cats: 1 three year old, 1 six month old, $400 each. Also 1 male, $400. All are breedable, not fixed. Ragdoll Siamese cat, 2 years old, $200. Two 14 week old kittens, $300 ea, pet only. 509985-0044. Yakima. WEIMARANER PUPPIES Purebred Weimaraner pups for sale, blue & silvers, AKC limited & pet quality, long hair also available. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, first shots & dewormed. Family raised, full registration also available. $700 for males & $800 females pet quality. $1000 males & $1200 females, AKC. Call or text, 425-3300431 or 425-286-9433. Snohomish. POODLE BOUVIER cross puppies. Shots, microchip, vet check, tails docked. Non shedding. Call or text, 509-831-8862. Sunnyside.





MX750 Challenger

UXV 450i







Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT 9AM-5PM Huge Estate Sale Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. Antiques; Furniture; Mid Century; Jewelry; Electronics; Marbles. 7000 sq.ft of treasures! New arrivals: Custom made Forrest furniture by Russel Industries; Queen Anne cherry dining set; Nice corner computer desk; Commercial counter/ check out/ cash wrap; Body Power 3- in- 1 Trio Trainer; Fresh jewelry; Mid Century hutch; White cast iron queen bed; Lateral file cabinet; La-Z-Boy matching recliners & loveseat; Queen bedroom set; Desks; Antique hoosierkitchen queen; Antique farmhouse hutch; Cast iron bathtub; Sofas & loveseats; Vintage coats; Cairn Gnomes; Oak lighted hutch; Eastlake side tables; Stickley double dresser & nightstands; Queen Sleep Number bed; Brass bed; Mid Century Drexel accolade; Quilts; Crocks; Stationary bike; Pianos; Antique beaded purses; Vintage jewelry; Bobble Heads Nodders; Vintage sports pennants; Art supplies; Artwork; Dressers; Dining sets; Sofas; Loveseast; Bedroom furniture; Armoires; China hutches; Chairs; Side tables; Mirrors; Cedar chest, & more! Boy Scout Memorabilia; Vinyl record albums; CDs; DVDs; Books; Electronics; Ty p e w r i t e r s ; Binoculars; Cameras; Radios; Speakers; Vintage vanity; Perfumes; Compacts; Hand bags; Purses; Hats; Fenton; Depression glass; McCoy; Glen E Henn Pottery; Longaberger; Sewing machines; Notions; Serving pieces; Flatware; Fine China; Wedgewood; Limoges & more! We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. New arrivals every Fri & Sat. Photos on Facebook, https:// www.facebook.com/ ETEstateSales, look for most current dated album. ET Estate Sales, LLC, 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick, near the Cable Bridge, next to Zips. 509-539-9775.

FOUR STUD­DED snow tires: 205x75x15, mount­ ed on 2000 Toyo­ta Ta­co­ma, 2-wheel drive wheels, $235; 541-379-4111, Her­mis­ton.

1981 GEN­ER­AL long log trail­ er and truck bunk: elec pads, New reach, tires 11x24.5 and wheels, $5,000 OBO; 541-676-5309, Hep­pner.

HELP THE environ­ ment by recycling and make money too! Don’t get rid of those things you just don’t use anymore. Place an ad in The Nickel. You’ll make money and help the environ­ ment too!

A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­lion fa­milies find sen­ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­ sors help find so­lu­ tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855-7417459.

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 15

ALANIS AUTO DETAIL’S Interior / Exterior / Full Detail

AKC REG Golden Retriever puppies, ready to go to their forever homes Jan 21. Both parents have their certifications. Males $1000, & females $1100. Text, 509-5523614 for pictures. Located in Clarkston, WA. GERMAN Shepherd pups, 9 wks old, AKC, excellent temperament, black & tan, $875. 509-3010638. MltnFrwtr.




1301 6TH STREET., • UMATILLA,OR 97882

SPAGHETTI FEED All proceeds go towards Jeff's Scleroderma Battle LOCATION: Port Of Morrow Riverfront Center in Boardman

DATE: Feb 9th. 2019 TIME: Doors open at 5pm

Jeff Sepulveda is a 37 year old husband & father who lives in Hermiston & was recently diagnosed with Scleroderma. Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks & destroys healthy tissue & organs. For Jeff, it is his lungs that are paying the price. Jeff's lungs are functioning at less than 50% & has been told that he has 5 years to live. To Prolong Jeff's life, a stem cell transplant is needed. Unfortunately, the stem cell transplant is $200k out of because insurance companies consider this an experimental treatment. This $200k does not include the cost of Jeff being in the hospital for 3-4 months post stem cell transplant, the loss of income from his job, or travel back & forth out of state for appointments.

Live & Silent Auction

Donations Items From: Hukit Outfitters, Edge Rods, Port of Morrow, Fastenal, Ware’s Autobody, Affordable Family Eyewear & SO MUCH MORE!

Live Music by Cory Peterson


Per Ticket Available for advanced sale or at the door

The Nickel -January 10, 2019- Page 16

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

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2005 nissan altima

Automatic, Cruise, AC, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors, Gas Saver




2014 kia Forte eX

Great Gas Saver! Automatic, Cruise, Tinted Windows, Keyless Entry, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors



save BiG!


2006 toyota hiGhlander

3rd Row, V6, Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Rear Air Controls, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors




2008 inFiniti eX35 Journey

Local Trade, V6, AWD, Automatic, Heated Leather Seats, Navigation, Moonroof, Must See!




2017 Ford Fiesta se

Gas Saver, 1 Owner, Automatic, Cruise, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors, USB Connect, Bluetooth

only 1 at this price! $



2006 leXus is 350

Diamond Tri-Coat Pearl White Pain, Leather, Sunroof, Tinted Windows, Automatic, Cruise, Premium Wheels



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2013 dodGe turBo dart limited Leather, Sunroof, Touch Screen Controls, Heated Front Seats, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, Turbo DOHC Engine, Cruise


11 ,477

2018 toyota camry

New Body Style, Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, USB Connect, Rear Vision Camera Makes Backing Up a Breeze, Bluetooth

only 1 at this price!



2008 toyota prius

2011 kia soul

Automatic, Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors

7, 267



2014 chevrolet cruZe lt

4 Cyl Turbo, Automatic, Remote Start, Bluetooth, Alloy Wheels




2014 volkswaGen Jetta

Leather, Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Tinted Windows




2013 honda civic eX

1 Owner, Tinted Windows, Sunroof, Back-up Cam, Automatic, Cruise, Bluetooth




2014 chevrolet maliBu 2lt Leather Trimmed Seats, Tinted Windows, Bluetooth, USB Connect, Steering Wheel Controls




2006 dodGe charGer rt








Local Trade, Leather Trimmed Seating, 5.7L Hemi, Tinted Windows, Premium Wheels, Keyless Entry



Local Trade, Leather, Third Row Seating, Moonroof, Tow Package, Rear Air Controls

2011 kia Forte koup sX

Low Miles, Sunroof, Premium Wheels, Automatic, Cruise



2011 Ford edGe sel

Keyless Entry, Automatic, Cruise, Steering Wheel Controls, Sync, Bluetooth, USB Connect, Rear Vision Camera




2012 Ford taurus sel

Automatic, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry, Premium Sound




2012 toyota camry le





2011 nissan sentra Here’s the Gas Saver You Have

Been Looking For, Auto, Cruise, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors, Steering Wheel Controls

6 ,446


2007 lincoln mkX



2015 hyundai sonata se



2012 Ford Focus titanium

Leather, Tinted Windows, Sony Premium Sound, Back-up Cam, Automatic, Cruise, Premium Wheels




2012 vw Jetta tdi

Turbo Diesel, Leather, Sunroof, Tinted Windows, Auto, Cruise

turBo diesel




2012 hyundai tucson lt’d

Leather, Dual Moonroofs, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Keyless Entry




2015 scion tc coupe

Automatic, Premium Sound, Alloy Wheels, Bluetooth, Panoramic Moonroof

2014 chrysler 200

Automatic, Cruise, Bluetooth, USB, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors



2014 Buick verano





2009 volkswaGen tiGuan Panoramic Sunroof, Automatic, Cruise, All Wheel Drive, Keyless Entry, Bluetooth



2008 chrysler 300 lt’d

1 Owner, AWD, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, Premium Wheels, Power Seat, Keyless Entry, Heated Front Seats





awd P10949


2015 nissan sentra

Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Bluetooth, USB, Gas Saver




2013 Ford Fusion

Premium Wheels, Tinted Windows, Power Seats, Leather, Bluetooth, USB Connect



leather P11011

2017 chevy sonic premier

1 Owner, Push Button Start, Auto, Premium Wheels, Rear Vision Camera Makes Backing Up a Breeze

only 1 at this price!



loaded P10724

2015 toyota corolla s plus

Tinted Windows, Premium Wheels, Rear Vision Camera Makes Backing Up a Breeze, Leather, Trimmed Seats

11 , 980 shop online 24/7 at 11,737



Leather, Tinted Windows, Automatic, Cruise, USB Connect, Alloy Wheels, Premium Sound System




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8 , 754



8201 w. clearwater in kennewick


Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, USB Connect, Bluetooth

8 ,688




2006 honda pilot $



Local Trade, AWD, Automatic, Heated Leather Seats, Navigation, Moonroof

Tinted Windows, Power Seat, Back-up Cam, Auto, Cruise, Keyless Entry



Automatic, Cruise, Tow Package, Power Windows, Locks & Mirrors

5 , 895

Heated Leather Seats, Premium Andro Alloy Wheels, Push Button Start, Moonroof

All Wheel Drive, Premium Wheels, Power Running Boards, 3rd Row Seating, Leather, Tinted Windows, Navigation, Back-up Camera, Tow Pkg, Sunroof, Heated Front Seats

1997 chevrolet ck-1500


Local Trade, Automatic, Leather, Navigation, Back-up Camera, Keyless Entry, Gas Saver



2006 leXus is 350

2010 mercury mountaineer premier



2017 Ford eXplorer

One Owner, 4x4, 3rd Row Seating, Keyless Entry, Power Seats, Bluetooth, USB Connect, Sync, Rear Air Controls, Fog Lights, Steering Wheel Controls


columbia ceNter blVD.



*All financing on approved credit. Not everyone will qualify. All vehicles subject to prior sale. One vehicle unless otherwise noted. All vehicles plus tax, license, title. A negotiable documentary service fee of up to $150 may be added to each sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Colors may appear different from actual in printed photos, please see autos in person. VINs posted at dealer. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details. Expires 01-16-19.

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