10.4.18 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

Want Ad Newspaper People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00




2016 JAYCO 287BHSW: bunk bed mod el! Only 6,193 lbs!! $18,995; call 541-276-4836, Pendleton.

SMALL BREED Lambs For Sale: great for the BBQ, $125 a head; call 541-656-5009, Hermiston.

FOR SALE: dressers, 40” Samsung TV $250, mini fridge $75; call 541-5675411, Hermiston.

Melisa Ann Webb NMLS #311680

Branch Manager 541.701.0545 office 509.936.6111 fax melisa@htmgroup.co SCAN TO DOWNLOAD OUR APP!

2004 OUTBACK by Keystone: 25 ft, bumper pull, 1 slide-out, $5250: 541571-1777, Ione.

Apply Online! apmcfamily.com

FORD 8N Trac tor: with front end load er, runs good, $3500; 541-5711158, Hermiston.










37,900 STK #18UH222










2015 LEXUS RC350 AWD


STK #18H642B

STK #18H628B

STK #18H1014A


STK #18UH171

HARDWOOD DINING Table with leaf and 4 matching chairs $75; 541-9224150, Irrigon.

HUSKY 5000 watt portable generator, $700; 541567-3115 or 541-5716520, Hermiston

SPLIT PINE Wood for Sale: $185/cord, cash only; 541-215-9243 or 541-969-2702, Pendleton.

FOR SALE 2000 Dodge 2500: ext cab, 190k miles, good shape, $3900; 541571-9373, Umatilla.



MILLERMATIC 251 Wire Welder: with tank and very little use, $1800; 541-3793456, Hermiston.





STK #18UH203A


2014 LEXUS IS250


29,900 STK #18H947A












$ 2008 GMC YUKON 4X4





STK #18H955A

STK #18H880A


STK #18H900A

STK #18UH200

STK #18H831A


STK #18UH120B

2015 RAM 2500 $ CREWCAB





STK #17UH183

STK #18UH197A

STK #18UH219

STK #18UH191

$ 2012 FORD F150 LARIAT





STK #18UH206


1987 Nissan Datsun D21 pick up with canopy for sale, extended cab; 541561-2270, Hermiston.



STK #18UH204


1 SET (2) 175/65R15, $75, 1 950/16.5 on Ford 8H rim, winter tread, $50; 541-449-1310, Stanfield.




STK #18UH200

1993 VW Eu ro van: 2.5, 5cylinder, 127k miles, A/C, automatic, very clean inside, straight body, runs good, needs little tlc, all new tires, asking $2700 offer 909-588-8127, for more info, Hermiston.



STK #18H850K




STK #18H862A




STK #18UH202A



34,900 STK #18H981A


“Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11

NMLS 1850

505 E. Main Street Suite A Hermiston, OR 97838

October 4, 2018 Vol. 41 No. 39


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039

48,994 STK #18UH185

12,900 STK #18UH224





$ 2011 LEXUS RX350 AWD PREM.

STK #18H721B

STK #18UH190



STK #18H503A

STK #18H863A



STK #18H1003A



STK #18H924A



STK #18H453A

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 2

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

BUY­ING MILK Bot­tles: and caps, (with named Dai­ ries) call Rich at 541-786-0204, La­ Grande. BEN­E­FIT AUC­TION SPAGHET­TI FEED Oc­tob­er 13, 2018. For house of HOPE, at Her­mis­ton As­sem­bly Fel­low­ship Hall, 730 E Hurl­ burt Ave, Her­ mis­ ton. Doors open at 4pm. Mu­sic at 5pm and auc­ tion starts at 6pm. BREAK­FAST & FLEA Mar­ket: Sat­ur­day, Oct 13th, Col­um­bia Grange, Di­ag­on­al Rd, Her­mis­ton. 7:30am3:00pm, lots of misc, baked items, tow­ els, jew­ el­ ry & etc! lunch also avail­ able, more in­for­ma­tion & ven­dors; call Pat 541-567-5706 or Clare 541-278-0615. COL­LEC­TOR TOY Show: Sat­ur­day Oc­ tob­ er 13, 9am-3pm, Re­ar­dan Com­mun­i­ ty Hall, Re­ar­dan, WA; info 509-215-0992 or 509-994-1433.


Challenger™ 400 4x4

Challenger™ 550




• 18 HP†† Cub Cadet® -certified Kawasaki® FR series V-twin OHV engine • 46" heavy-duty fabricated mowing deck delivers the Cub Cadet Signature Cut™ • Low-profile foot pan for easy access

• Subaru EX40 404cc aircooled engine • 400 lb bed capacity • 4x4, Locking differentials

• 546cc Engine • Loaded standard equipment package • Automatic CVT transmission with park • Up to 45 mph speed












DOWN­SIZ­ING SALE !! I’m mov­ing into a small­ er 120 year old house with min­i­mal clos­ ets, no shop, no ga­rage. Obviously, I can’t take all my possessions with me. An­tiques & Vin­tage, tons of DIY pro­ jects, home decor & fur­ ni­ ture, some su­per cute clothes and an ex­plo­ sion of coats. All really nice stuff at re­al­ly fair pric­ es. Well maybe some of its junk! But its good junk, on the back pa­tio at Ren­dez­vous Vin­tage, Fri­day, Oct 5th & Sat­ ur­ day, Oct 6th, 10am-5pm, 210 w. Main, Echo, OR.

2016 JAY­CO 287BHSW: One own­ er bunk bed mod­ el!! sleeps 10 peo­ple! Only 6,193 lbs!! $18,995; call 541-276-4836, Pen­dle­ton.

2016 Springdale Rear Dining 24ft Travel Trailer.In good condition. Asking $13,500 need to see to appreciate. Call or Text 541-720-7457 for information. 1993 FORD F-350 Class C Mo­tor­home: in near per­ fect con­ di­ tion, 41k miles, in­ cludes gen­era­tor, A/C ca­bin coach, like new tires, well main­ tained $11,000; 541-3790851, Pen­dle­ton. 2016 TIFFON Allegro 32SA class A motor home, exc cond, must see to appreciate! Less than 13,500 mi, $129,000. All offers are considered. Dlr. 509-554-0988. Kyle. 5TH WHEEL ’99 Sierra 35’, fair cond, $5800 obo. 509521-5397. TriCities. 2003 ARCTIC CAT 400, 4x4, 1722 original miles, $3500; 541278-4013. 2009 KEY­STONE 260FS Like new Toy Haul­er: 31’ ramp or deck, holds 5 Quads, up­grades, im­proved bat­ ter­ ies, built in air com­pres­sor, pro­pane BBQ, 40” TV, elec­tric hitch; mes­ sage 541656-7170, Her­mis­ ton.


When it comes to value and getting the most bang for your hard-earned buck, people turn to The Nickel, the same idea should apply to your tax dollars.

BONNEY'S Ag & Auto Repair 81600 HIGHWAY 395 NORTH HERMISTON, OR 97838 BONNEYSAG.COM 541-922-1213

Nobody likes paying taxes but at the very least we deserve to have people spending our tax dollars who care about our needs not theirs. During his first term as a county commissioner, George Murdock has provided Umatilla County with a balanced budget and a stable level of programs and services. What more can we expect?

GEORGE MURDOCK *Product Price – Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications.†† As required by Kawasaki, horsepower tested in accordance with SAE J1995 and rated in accordance with SAE J2723 and certified by SAE International. Utility vehicles are intended for off-road use. **See your local Cub Cadet Independent Dealer for warranty details. © 2018 Cub Cadet3PV_Q_ECOMMERCE

has earned a second term as Umatilla County Commissioner. VOTE GEORGE MURDOCK FOR POSITION 1

$$$$VIA­GRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150 FREE ship­ ping, NO pre­scrip­tions need­ ed, Mon­ey back guar­ anteed! 1-800-9431302. 1 SET (2) 175/65R15, $75, 1 950/16.5 on Ford 8H rim, win­ ter tread, $50 (not re­ caps); 541-449-1310, Stanfield. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­ sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon. AN­TIQUE HA­MIL­TON Blue­print Draft Table: Hall­mas­ter 150# Dry­ wall Ho­ ist, $130; call 509-420-0075, Her­ mis­ton. SPLIT PINE Wood for Sale: $185/cord, cash only; 541-215-9243 or 541-969-2702, Pen­ dle­ton. THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ it­ y, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale. AT­TEN­TION HUNT­ ERS: 21 cu. ft. upright Fri­gi­daire Freez­er w/ war­ran­ty(2yrs), $600 OBO, dress­ ers, 40” Samsung TV $250, mini fridge $75, and a house full of misc; call 541-567-5411, Her­ mis­ton. BLACK WAL­NUTS washed and cleaned: cracked $4/lb, un­ cracked $3/lb; 541564-9273, Her­mis­ton. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­ er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­ py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­ el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­ at­ed, thank you; 541567-2230. CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­ wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960. THE WORLDS best hemp oil, zero THC. Johnm.bocannaco. comhttp://johnm. bocannaco.com> OVER $10,000 in debt? Be debt free in 24-48 months. Pay noth­ ing to en­ roll. Call Na­tion­al Debt Re­lief at 866-243-0510.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 3 TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996

TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, refrigerators, freezers, lawn mowers, hot wa­ ter tanks, scrap metal ... Call Dave, 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton HUGE ES­TATE SALE: SOMETH­ING FOR EVE­RY­ONE Hal­lo­ween and Christ­ mas col­lect­i­bles & dec­o­ra­tions, golf cart, 4 wheel­er, an­tique brass and iron beds from the 1800’s, barn truss­es, cy­clone gates, an­tique iron and glass lamps, used fridge & stove, pro­ pane stove, turn of the cen­tury an­ tique baby bug­gy’s, lots of fab­rics, vin­tage boat & mo­tors, tan­ning bed, an­tique furniture, beds, cloth­ing, and so so much more! Oc­ tob­er 6th & 7th, 9am?, 81650 Buell Lane, Uma­til­la. YARD SALE: Sun­day, Oct 7th, 9am-3pm, 32040 Di­ag­on­al Rd, Her­mis­ton, tools, ta­ ble­saw, ro­to­till­er, bike, house/lawn fur­ni­ture, clothes and more! LILLY ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, Oct 7th, 2018. Preview 9am, auction 10am. 340 W Highway 203, Union, OR. Clark & Daughter Auction Barn. Estate of Ken Lilly. Furniture; Collectibles; Jewelry; Household items. This is a very clean estate, with everything in great condition. 1930’s General Electric floor radio in working condition; Zenith Cobra-Matic record player; WWII Navy uniforms; Lane cedar chests; 1950’s bedroom furniture; China, & a whole lot more. View at www. clark-auctions.com, have lots of pictures, with more coming. 10% buyers premium cash, check, or credit card. All items sold as is, where is. Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark,auctioneer. GA­ RAGE SALE: Oc­ tob­er, 5th-6th-7th, 8am-3pm, 202 W Laird (1 block So. of High School) Her­mis­ton. 3 fam­il­y sale that is over flow­ing with someth­ing for eve­ry­one!

IN­VEN­TORS - FREE Information Pack­age: have your pro­duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ably by the Re­search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­ tur­ers, call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea Start­er Guide, sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion. A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­ lion fa­milies find sen­ ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­sors help find so­lu­tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855741-7459. NEED HOUSE with land for Horses: Please; 541-720-4367, Hermiston. CHECK US OUT ! SHOP MAIN STREET HER­MIS­TON New items regularily... 2 table and chair sets,Vin­ tage Ped­ al Car, 2 roll top desks, Ar­tley Bass Clar­in ­ et, Star Hot Dog Cook­er, an­tique fur­ni­ ture, 2000 ster­ eo al­ bums, Ham­ley Sad­dle, misc cam­eras, an­tique floor safe, 2 1930’s gas pumps, 50” TV, misc books & shoes, 2 gas home heat­ers, ster­eo speak­ ers, mig weld­ er, books, clocks, yard tools, late 1800’s drop front desk,Vin­tage ster­ eo com­pon­ents, art work by Mary Corp and a bunch of things you didn’t know you need­ ed !!! And yes we pay CASH for gold jew­ el­ ry, sil­ ver dol­ lars, sterl­ ing and coins. Lots of an­tique fur­ni­ture that needs to find a new home, all pric­ es are sub­ ject to HUGE dis­ counts. we’re mak­ing room to have emp­ ty space. KC Art & Col­ lect­ i­ bles, 167 E Main St. 541-289-1800. Tues-Sat. 10:30am6pm DISH TV: $59.99 for 190 Chan­ nels + $14.95 High Speed In­ter­net, Free in­stalla­ tion, smart HD DVR in­clud­ed, Free Voice Rem­ote, some re­stric­ tions ap­ ply; 1-800718-1593. NEW CROP: Honey crisp and Fuji ap­ples: next to Bowl­ing Al­ley in Her­mis­ton, 10am2pm, $1/ pound, you can buy 1 pound or 10,000 pounds; 541626-1430.


5 FT. RAN­KIN Post HUS­KY 5000 watt Hole Dig­ger: 3 pt hitch, port­able generator, brand new, $675, 7ft. used very lit­tle, $700; John Deere, ad­ just­ 541-567-3115 or 541able back blade, 3pt. 571-6520, Her­mis­ton. hitch, $800, 1987 In­ter­na­tion­al Truck DT466, die­ sel en­ gine, 5x2 trans­ mis­ sion, mov­ing bot­tom, 16ftx6high, ma­nure TOOLS & EQUIPMENT spread­ er with 3 kick­ FOR EVERY JOB! er, $10,750, 5ft King Home owners, indusCut­ter brush mow­er, trial & construction, 3pt hitch, $750, 4 bale visit us for all your rental Grap­ ple hooks, $650, needs; 80907 N. HWY 11 ton Hearth Truck 395 HERMISTON, OR., JD 420 HI-CROP, 112091, Ho­ ist, two rams JDcom­ 520, 5206722, RUNS,541-969-0013. RESTORED JD B, 11975, RESTORED RESTORED, PARADE READY plete, $850; 541-5618496 leave mes­ sage, MILLERMATIC 251 Her­mis­ton. Wire Weld­er: with tank THENICKELONLINE. and very lit­ tle use, COM You can also find $1800; 541-379-3456, us on Facebook. Her­mis­ton.

TINY YORKIE puppies 2004 OUT­BACK by GREAT BUY 2018 for sale, 8 wks old. First Key­stone: 25 ft, bump­ Sil­ver­a­do Pick­up: shots & dewormed. 4 er pull, 1 slide-out and $35,000, 3,800 miles; males, 1 female. More ex­ten­sion, great con­di­ Bob Pierce 541-861pictures atgiantnickel. AUCTION ITEMS tion, $5250: 541-571- 3045, Mil­ton Free­wa­ comhttp://giantnickel. 1777, Ione. ter. com , $800 ea. 509average, 2005& CRAWLERS 26 ft Cou­ gar 5th Lawson, LF824, P/U CA­Nfree O­PY 901-3441. TRACTORS Horse,tfair, wheel: po­ lar pac, one Iron Cen­ ury2 cycle Fib­outboard er Glass JD 420 Hi-Crop,slide, 112091, restored, parade Y, average, M/Cnmotor AKC BLOODLINE nice awn­ ing,ready great Wards cus­ tom Ca­ o­py: short JD L, 640318, restored, Full bred Rottweiler tires, parade wellreadycared for, box, lock­able gun box, LA, restored,$8500 parade ready puppies, only 2JDgirls, so much down, LARGE fish­iASSORTMENT ng pole rack, ex­ OF VINTAGE 7 boys. Asking $1350si­bparade le own­ er con­tract; tras,FARM $1200 new, make JD A unstyled, pos­ restored, ready EQUIPMENT $1150, obo. JDBorn 541-561- rea­son­able off­er; 541A, unstyled,541-561-0589, 466044, roll-a-matic tricycle, 09/10/18, accepting 519-4478, Bak­er. restored 0588, Her­mis­ton. FARM SHOP TOOLS, deposits. Puppies JD A,will 502076, single front, parts tractor LARGE AND SMALL THOMP­ S ON RV is THE NICKEL WORKS! be dewormed, JDhave A, fair East­ e rn Or­ e g ­ on’s lar­ their first set of shots, JD generators JD AO, 26537, fair JD LA, RESTORED, PARADE READY 1956 WIL­LY’S PICK­ & tails are docked. gest RV deal­er: fam­i­ly Starters JD AO, 252240, fair UP box trail­er: with or Call ortext, 509-579- owned and op­er­at­ed Rebuilt carburetors JD AW,or 567231,for good,40 restoration in process with­ out tools lum­ ber rack, years; browse Full line 2300 for more info, of shop and supplies, truck and JD BW, 150569,our good,in­ restoration in process $700equipment. OBO; call for in­ ven­tory on­line at hay hauler if interested.. JD B unstyled, www.thomp 11975, restored, parade ready for­ma­tion or pho­tos ­sonrv.com, JD B,the 235395, parts THE NICK­EL gets or tractor call us at 800-459- 509-522-2144, Dix­ie, GAS AND OIL COLLECTIBLES WA. re­sults you want!JD B, 130725, single 4836, le­ton. front,Pen­ parts dtractor

JD D, 90853, runs, original (2) Visible upright gas pumps with good glass Cast curb side gas pump JD G, 10625, fair Several glass oil containers JD H, good, restoration in process Kerosene containers JD MT, fair JD R, 19066, good UNIQUE FARM & JD 420, 93700, single front, good TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996 TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996 PRIMITIVE COLLECTIBLES JD 430 Crawler, 156450, needs work, blade & bucket Branding irons Drill ends JD 520, 5206722, runs, restored Drill lids JD 1.5, 3, 6 HP ENGINES ON JD 943 TRAILER, RESTORED JD 4020, 71929, 1964, WF, DSL, RESTORED JD 620, 620379, runs, restored JD 1010 CA Crawler, 49446, good JD 4020, 71929, 1964, wide front, dsl, restored AUCTION ITEMS AC G, 7619, fair Lawson, LF824, average, free ACTRACTORS G, 28273, fair & CRAWLERS Iron Horse, fair, 2 cycle outboard Coop 3, 3715, runs, new governor JD 420 Hi-Crop, 112091, restored, parade ready Wards Y, average, M/C motor General,parade 666740,ready fair JD L,Cleveland 640318, restored, JD LA, restored, parade ready Earthmaster, 9664, fair LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VINTAGE JD AEarthmaster, unstyled, restored, WAKEFIELD, NE 68784 FARM EQUIPMENT 13617,parade fair ready JD A, unstyled, 466044, roll-a-matic tricycle, Earthmaster, parts Planter lids restored FARM SHOP TOOLS, Barbed wire AND collection JD A,Empire, 502076,5781, singleruns, front,needs parts battery tractor LARGE SMALL Cast curb side gas pump JD A,MM fair Z, single front, runs, original JD 420 HI-CROP, 112091, JD AO, 26537, fair runs, needs track repaired JD generators JD 520, 5206722, RUNS, RESTORED JD B, 11975, RESTORED JD LA, RESTORED, PARADE READY RESTORED, PARADE READY (2) Visible upright gas pumps with glass Perrin Crawler, Starters JD AO, 252240, fair Cast iron seats Rebuilt carburetors JD AW, 567231, good, restoration in process Goat carttools and supplies, truck and ENGINES Full line of shop JD BW, 150569, good, restoration in process Several parlor stoves hay hauler equipment. JD BJD unstyled, 11975, restored, parade ready W-111, on JD 953 trailer, runs, restored Many more items JD B,JD235395, parts tractor 1.5 HP, part of trio of JD 943 trailer, restored GAS AND OIL COLLECTIBLES JD B,JD130725, single tractor 3 HP, part offront, trio ofparts JD 943 trailer, restored JD D, 90853, runs, original Visible upright gas pumps with good glass JD 6 HP, part of trio on JD 943 trailer, restored(2) JD 1010, WF JOHN DEERE 620, 620379, WF, RESTORED, RUNS JD A, RESTORED, PARADE READY Cast curb side gas pump JD G, 10625, fair THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING OF ANTIQUE TRACTOR, JD 3 HP, good, free Several glass oil containers JD H, good, restoration in process EQUIPMENT AND THE ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. JD fair 3 HP, good, free Kerosene ALL containers JD MT, FARM SHOP TOOL LB, 1.5good – 2.5 HP, average VISIT: JD R,IH19066, UNIQUE FARM & MG93700, Z, generator on wheels JD 420, single front, good w ww.nixonauctioneers.com m OCTOBER 6, 2018 PRIMITIVE COLLECTIBLES Monarch fair, free JD 430 Crawler,TA, 156450, needs work, blade & MAY 7, 2016WASHINGTON • GARDEN CITY, KS FOR COMPLETE LISTING AND PHOTOS. PASCO, bucket Branding irons Johnson U, 16344, average, free JD 1010, WF






JD 4020, 71929, 1964, WF, DSL, RESTORED


SALE SITE: 1131 N Cherry Dr – Pasco, WA 99301 AUCTIONEER’S WAKEFIELD, NE 68784COMMENT: Mrs. Sayre has decided to offer her late husband’s

large collection of antique tractors, vintage farm equipment, farm shop tools, gas engines, gas pumps, toys and other miscellaneous items at public auction. ThisFIRST auction has something for everyone. Don’t miss this CLASS opportunity to own some of the west’s finest collectibles! MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND!


Holiday Inn Express 4525 Convention Pl ...............................................................#509-543-7000 Best Western Plus 2811 N 20th Ave ....................................................................#509-543-7722 Hampton Inn 6826 Burden Blvd .................................................................#509-792-1660 Red Lion Hotel 2525 N 20th Ave ....................................................................#509-547-0701 Sleep Inn 9930 Bedford St ....................................................................#509-545-9554 My Place Hotel 6830 Rodeo Dr .......................................................................#509-560-4120 ANTIQUE TRACTOR, EQUIPMENT AND Electrical hook-ups FARM SHOP TOOL for RV’s on site for $10/day with water.






AUCTIONEER’S COMMENT: Mrs. Sayre has decided to offer her late husband’s large collection of antique tractors, vintage farm equipment, farm shop tools, gas engines, gas pumps, toys and other miscellaneous items at public auction. This auction has something for everyone. Don’t miss this opportunity to own some of the west’s finest collectibles! MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND!




EMAIL: flosayre1948@gmail.com Holiday Inn Express 4525 Convention Pl ............................................................... #509-543-7000


1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com


Best Western Plus 2811 N 20th Ave .................................................................... #509-543-7722 Hampton Inn 6826 Burden Blvd ................................................................. #509-792-1660 Red Lion Hotel 2525 N 20th Ave .................................................................... #509-547-0701 Sleep Inn 9930 Bedford St .................................................................... #509-545-9554 My Place Hotel 6830 Rodeo Dr ....................................................................... #509-560-4120 Electrical hook-ups for RV’s on site for $10/day with water.





CONTACT: SALE SITE: 1131 N Cherry Dr – Pasco, WA 99301

Drill ends JD 520, 5206722, runs, restored Drill lids JD 620, 620379, runs, restored JD 1010 CA Crawler, 49446, good JD 4020, 71929, 1964, wide front, dsl, restored AC G, 7619, fair AC G, 28273, fair at 509-539-3161 or EMAIL: flosayre1948@gmail.com Coop FLO 3, 3715,SAYRE runs, new governor Cleveland General, 666740, fair or LONNIE NIXON at Earthmaster, 9664, fair Earthmaster, 13617, fair WASHINGTON LICENSE – 2641 Earthmaster, parts Planter lids Empire, 5781, runs, needs battery Barbed wire collection Cast curb side gas pump MM Z, single front, runs, original (2) Visible upright gas pumps with glass Perrin Crawler, runs, needs track repaired Cast iron seats Goat cart ENGINES TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996 Several parlor stoves JD W-111, on JD 953 trailer, runs, restored Many more items PO BOX 531, WAKEFIELD, NE 68784 — PO BOX 296, LAUREL, NE 68745 JD 1.5 HP, part of trio of JD 943 trailer, restored JD 3 HP, part Web of trioSite: of JDwww.nixonauctioneers.com 943 trailer, restored — e-mail: nixon@nixonauctioneers.com JD 6 HP, part of trio on JD 943 trailer, restored THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING OF JD 3 HP, good, free All merchandise sold “As-Is” with no warranties expressedALL or implied by theTO owner or auctioneers. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! THE ITEMS BE SOLD AT AUCTION. JD 3 HP, good, free All announcements made the day of the auction will have precedence over printed material. IH LB, 1.5 – 2.5 HP, average VISIT: Driver’s License and one other ID required for bidding number. Payment may be made with cash or check. MG Z, generator on wheels ww.nixonauctioneers.com m NO BUYERSw PREMIUM! Monarch TA, fair, free FOR COMPLETE LISTING AND PHOTOS. Johnson U, 16344, average, free




FLO SAYRE at 509-539-3161 or EMAIL: flosayre1948@gmail.com or LONNIE NIXON at



TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996 TOLL FREE 1-800-535-5996

PO BOX 531, WAKEFIELD, NE531, 68784 -- PO BOX— PO 296, NE 68745 PO BOX WAKEFIELD, NE 68784 BOXLAUREL, 296, LAUREL, NE 68745

e-mail: nixonauctioneers.com

Web Site: www.nixonauctioneers.com — e-mail: nixon@nixonauctioneers.com Web Site: www.nixonauctioneers.com

All merchandise sold “As-Is” with no warranties expressed or implied by the owner or auctioneers. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

All announcements made the day of the auction will have precedence over printed material. All merchandise sold “As-Is” with no warranties expressed or implied by the owner or auctioneers. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! All announcements LUNCH ON GROUNDS Driver’s License and one other ID required for bidding number. Payment may be made with cash or check. made the day of the auction will have precedence over printed material. Driver’s license and one other ID required for bidding number. Payment NO BUYERS PREMIUM! PREVIEW OF ALL AUCTION may beITEMS made with cash or check. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM!


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 4

1990 DODGE Car­a­ van: 3.3L, runs great, new tires, 4 mount­ed/ stud­ ded snow tires, plus ex­ tras; $1800 OBO; 503-891-6134, Uma­til­la.


boulevard $ .00 5 Minimo la Entrada

edad toda la familia, Diversión para con el padre o el tutor os añ 10 minima

do Viernes • Saba eves Domingo • Ju • 6:30 • 9:30 10:30 • 12:30

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FORD 8N Trac­tor: with front end load­er, runs good, $3500; 541-5711158, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. OAT HAY: clean 3x4 bales, $100/ton, 10 ton min­i­mum; 541-3982251, Jo­seph, OR. BRUSH HOG mowing, 541-2401229. THE NICKEL offers custom designed logos and business cards. Call 541-567-2230 for more information. C A N N I N G TOMATOES: .30 cents a pound - 30/ lb. minimum; 509301-2177, Please No Friday night or Saturday Calls, Walla Walla.


SUNDAY OCTOBER 7, 2018 • BIDDING STARTS AT 10 A.M SHARP!! 80571 N HWY 395 HERMISTON, OR Kenmore fridge/freezer, Kenmore Upright Freezer, Maytag Washer/Gas Dryer Set,Tons of paint and paint supplies including thinner, reducer, stripper, surfacer... For vehicles and household use, Numerous containers of vehicle fluids, BIG fish fishing poles!!, 2 HP laptops, Canon scanner, Vintage Cookoo Clock, Vintage Honeywell Elmo projector, Vintage Cine-Kodak projector, Numerous projector reels, Outdoor Table with umbrella, stand, side tables and 2 chairs, Concrete yard decor Outdoor fire pit, Campbell Hausfield tire Inflator, Hoover Steam Vac Shampooer, Bissell Steam and Sweep, Hoover Self propelled Wind tunnel Vac, Bissell Spotvac Pet Upholstery Vac, McCulloch Steam Vac, Hoover Bagless Wind-tunnel Vac, Fujitsu Stylistic I200, Beautiful Cherry colored coffee table with end tables, 2 Couch/sofa sets, 1 set w/matching chair, Locking Curio cabinet, Drop leaf kitchen table and 4 chairs, 26” Asus flat screen, 32” Samsung flatscreen w/remote, 32” Sony flatscreen w/remote, Dell and Acer computer monitors, 4 pc. JBL Home speaker set, GPX 5 disc Stereo and speakers, Roland Acoustic Chorus AC-33, Peavey Vypyr Amp, Pioneer and Denon Receivers, Sony turntable system, On Stage Guitar stand and String Swing stands, Bongo, 6 pc. Queen bedroom set with mattress and box, Beautiful small wood hutches, 3 5 drawer dressers, 2 knotty pine top end tables, 2 wood coffee tables, 2 near new Microwaves, 4 rocking chairs, Cute household Storage cabinets, Kitchen table with vintage claw foot base, TV armoire, End tables, Wicker furniture, Large dark leather colored couch, Large area rugs, Lamps , 4 Hope Chests, NICE Simmons Beauty adjustable full bed, Glassware, Kitchenware, Several pieces of kitchen cookware, Home decor, Knick knacks, Books, books and more books! Tons of bags to choose from Household, cleaning supplies, Yard supplies, Outdoor shelving. Need something else for your home??? Come enjoy the cooler days and search the auction barn to find everything you need!!! See ya there!


DOBERMAN puppies, ready to go, $400 obo. 2 males, 2 females available. Located in Zillah. 509-949-6479.

1987 Nissan Datsun D21 pick up with canopy for sale, extended cab; 541561-2270, Her­mis­ton.

VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.

AKC CHE­SA­PEAKE Bay Re­triev­er Pup­ pies: bred for hunt­ing, com­pan­ion, con­for­ma­ tion or per­for­mance, par­ents test­ed for OFA hips/el­ bows, DM, EIC & PRA, dew­ claws, vac­cines & de­worm­ing start­ed; 509-999-4439, Clay­ton/Deer Park, WA area.

1997 FORD F250 DIESEL 1997 Ford F250 heavy duty long bed, extended cab pickup, with 7.3L Power Stroke turbodiesel eng, 269k mi, in good cond. It has 2 fuel tanks. Lightly loaded, I have seen 22 mpg on the highway. This is a great work truck, very reliable & in great cond for its age, $4950. Rob, 509-947-2154.BntnCity.

WEIGHT MAN­AGE­MENT SUP­PLE­MENT Simp­ ly pour a pack­ et of V-Slim in your wa­ ter & go! This pro­duct is in­tend­ed to re­duce crav­ings, main­tain healthy blood-su­gar lev­ els, boost metab­ o­lism & slow cor­ti­sol pro­duc­tion.This pro­ duct is made with all nat­u­ral in­gre­di­ents, no su­cra­lose. In­cludes Gar­ci­nia Cam­bo­gia, all ve­ gan, non-GMO & Glu­ten free! To learn more about our pro­ duct or place an or­der on­line vis­it us at jvir­gil. va­sayo.com or call us at 541-303-5045, Her­ mis­ton.

OUR CLAS­S I­F IEDS help you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ence pos­ si­b le with­o ut us­i ng a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ing dol­lars! Call us to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039. TWO BLACK Female Standard Poodle Puppies: ready for their forever homes! 8 weeks old,Oct. 4th, $800; 541-571-5308, Hermiston. 2-1/2 YR old blue eyed, male Husky, $550. Current shots, & fixed. 509-438-8571. Tri-Cities.

1998 GMC 1/2 Ton: 4x4, 3 door, re­built mo­ tor, au­tomat­ic, $6000 OBO; 541-567-5184, Her­mis­ton. COUNTRY FLEA MARKET No rhyme or reason, Country Flea Market & city of Grandview are joining for a 92 vendor roster flea market on October 5th-7th, 10am5pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10am3pm, Our vendors are from all over the PNW Washington, Oregon and Idaho, you will find every handcrafted, vintage, direct sales, clothing, and repurposed unique items and so much more. Food vendors will be cooking some great food. This will be at the Grandview Country fairgrounds, 812 Wallace Way. Free admission and parking for all.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

342 SW 1st Street Pendleton, OR 1(541)969-3073

DO YOU owe more than $5000 in Tax Debt? Call Wells & As­ so­ciates Inc. We solve Tax Prob­lems! Per­son­ al or Busi­ ness! IRS, State and Lo­ cal. 30 years in Busi­ness! Call NOW for a free con­sul­ ta­tion at an of­fice near you; 1-877-746-4933. ONE CHUCK­WAG­ON: nice shape; 541-5610863, Her­mis­ton. FOR SALE Wed­ding/ Engagement set: gold with 17 di­a­monds, origi­nal­ly $3900 will sell $2200 OBO over $2000 cash, check on bank ap­ pro­ val; call Vern 406-871-6939, Bak­er City, OR. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. HER­MIS­TON MAX­ WELL Market af­ter Mar­ket Mar­ket: there is still pro­duce, cheese and oth­er mar­ket pro­ ducts to sell, so we are still OPEN Thurs­days, 4pm-7pm, across from Bi-Mart, Her­mis­ton.

2007 KEY­STONE OUT­BACK: (Syd­ney Edi­tion) 27 ft, bump­er pull camp trail­ er, one slide out, used very lit­ tle, $11995; 541-5675093, Her­mis­ton. ’90 CLASS A Dolphin motor home, road ready, only 26k miles, great condition with convection/ microwave oven, twin beds, fold out couch, generator, roof air, very livable. $11,900 obo. Call for appointment, 509727-5747. TriCities 2008 MON­TA­NA 5th wheel: 4 tip outs, arctic pack­ age, very good con­di­tion, $17000 OBO; 541-962-5619, La­Grande. 2016 COU­GAR 24SAB: only one own­ er!! rear kitch­en mod­el w/slide out! built lo­ca­ lly! $21,995; call 541276-4836, Pen­dle­ton. POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431, also in Lewiston. 2011 30 ft. KEY­ STONE trav­el trail­er: many features, large slide, front bed­ room, rear kitch­en, so­lar pan­els on roof, queen bed, light­ly used, if in­ ter­est­ed call for more in­for­ma­tion & pic­ tures, price reduced $14,395; 509-2009529, Adams. 2011 NASH 22H: Beau­ti­ful one own­ er! 4 sea­ sons w/ther­ mal pane wind­ ows, air con­di­tion­ing, fi­ber­ glass ex­te­ri­or, pow­er tongue jack, all new load range D tires only $15,995; call 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton

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80406 Hwy 395 N., Hermiston Top of the Hill

MOV­ ING SHOP and House­ hold Sale: 30 yrs. accumulation, also house­hold goods from Beach house, tools, ma­te­ri­als, too much to list. Sat­ur­day, Oct 6th 9am-3pm also Oct 12th & 13th, 9am-3pm; call 541-561-5849, lo­ ca­ tion off of Coo­ ney Lane, Her­mis­ton. YARD SALE: starts Fri­day 10am & Sat­ur­ day 9am, lots of stuff, Sign at 5th & E High­ land, Her­mis­ton. RENDEZVOUS VINTAGE Annual end of the season patio sale: huge markdowns on unique outdoor decor and great junk! Friday, Oct 5th and Saturday, Oct 6th, 10am-5pm, 210 W Main, Echo, OR. YARD SALE: Thurs­ day, Oct 4th, Noon5pm, Fri-Sun, 81550 W Sev­enth Rd, Ir­ri­gon (corn­er of Washing­ton & Sev­ enth Rd) 8-46 inch pan­ els AKC dog ken­nel with top, small air com­pres­sor, small chest freez­ er, wa­ ter ma­ chine with bot­ tles,wee­deat­er, BBQ, tools, lots of misc; 541371-4822. YARD SALE: Fri­day & Sat­ ur­ day, Oct. 5th & 6th, 8am-4pm, 1800 NE 10th #62, Her­mis­ ton, lots of stuff, niknaks, glass, clothes and so much more. YARDS Sale: Oc­tob­er 6th & 7th, 9am-4pm, rain or shine! 78855 Prin­dle Loop Rd, Her­ mis­ton, quilt­ing fab­ric, pat­ terns, books and oth­ er misc. craft sup­ plies, Mod­el 626 Sing­ er sew­ ing ma­ chine in cabinet, an­tique Sing­ er treadle ma­ chine in unique cab­i­net, home dec­o­rat­ing, lamps, small ster­eo speak­ers and much more. ALSO tires, car­bure­tors, ex­ haust sys­tem and misc oth­ er car parts. 100s OF items, 6 plus family sale! Vintage clothes; Lamps; Household; Linens; Glassware; Salt/ pepper; Lead glass window; Dolls; Baby clothes; Skads of jewelry; Costumes; Remodel items; Washer/ dryer; Bedspreads; Refrig; Pots/ pans; Electronics; Furniture; Yard art. Way too much to list! 3007 S Underwood, Kennewick, Fri Oct 5th, 8am-4pm, Sat, Oct 6th, 8am-3pm. MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale: Fri­ day Aug, 17 & Sat­ur­day Aug, 18th, 9am-2pm, 85 Tru­man Ave, Uma­til­la. Fur­ni­ ture, eve­ry­thing baby imag­in­able, kitch­en, house wares, decor, TV’s, books, clothes, re­mo­del­ing ma­te­ri­als and ap­plianc­es.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

HOME MEDICAL equip­ment: show­er chairs, 2 & 4 wheel walk­ ers, bed table, com­modes, wheel chair; 541-567-9797, Her­mis­ton. OX­Y­GEN - ANYTIME. An­y­where. No tanks to re­fill. No de­liv­er­ ies. The all new In­ o­ gen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA ap­ proved! FREE in­fo kit: 844-558-7482. AF­TER MAR­KET Sale in Her­mis­ton: pro­duce, gifts and cheese, Thurs­days 4pm-7pm across from Bi-Mart, Her­mis­ton. JOHN DEERE SNOW BLADE 46”, weights, & chains. Used once. $300 ($600 new). 509-6975048. Selah. MAIN­STREET FU­ TURE Heir­looms Clos­ ing their Doors Sale: as you all know the City is work­ ing on a pro­ ject, that closes Main Street to through traf­fic. We had al­most no busi­ ness for bet­ ter that 3 months. It is go­ ing to close again. So come to our Su­ per Sales, be­ fore our Doors Close. MY KIND and gen­ erous DAD, saved my life and kept me real, in hon­or­able and Lov­ ing bond. In­ formed, Sep­tem­ber 5th, 2018, An­drew (Pat) Mar­vin Bahr, Sep­tem­ber 6th 1924. De­cem­ber 28, 2017. Your Re­spect­ful eld­est Daugh­ter, Pa­tri­ cia Mar­ie (Bahr) Roo­ sa. NEW AU­THORS Want­ ed! Page Pub­ lish­ ing will help you self pub­ lish your own book. FREE au­ thor sub­mis­sion kit! Lim­it­ed off­ er! Why wait? call now; 866-951-7214. OCEAN CAR­GO Stor­ age Con­tain­ers: used, new and of­fic­es, vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery, “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. PREG­NANT? CON­ SID­ER­ING Adop­tion! call us first, liv­ing ex­ pens­es, hous­ing, med­ i­cal and con­tinued support af­ter­wards. Choose adop­tive fam­ i­ly of your choice, call: 24/7 888-652-0785. PUBLIC DELINQUENT Storage Unit Auction Columbia River Auction, LLC 80571 N. Hwy 395 Hermiston, Oregon 97838, 541371-4619, Friday October 19, 2018, 10 a.m Linda Schoen Lot #11, Melanie Shockman Unit#14, Mickey McConnell Unit#16, Larry Buckingham Unit#32.

2002 Che­vy Sub­ur­ban: 4x4, 5.3L, V-8, 147k origi­nal miles, leath­er, good tires, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $5100; 503522-4549, Ir­ri­gon. 2005 3/4 Ton CHE­VY Pick­up: bed­lin­er, 5th wheel, air bags, tint­ ed wind­ ows, like new con­di­tion, 113K miles, die­ sel, $25000; 541377-0273, Her­mis­ton. ATTENTION Outdoorsmen! Premium bumper, black, with 12,000 lb Warn winch with synthetic rope & remote, fits newer Chevy pickup, exc cond, $1800 obo. 509366-8827. 2015 TOYO­TA TA­CO­ MA SR5: longbed, 4 door, V-6, 1 own­er, ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion, 49k miles, ex­tras, $28,900; 541-701-4724, Her­ mis­ton. 1972 CHEV three door Suburban, excellent condition, only minor rust, strong 350 with late model 5 speed, newer clutch, new brakes, posi trac rear, nice Cragar wheels. Too much to list. Needs paint and tires. Tires look new but are starting to weather check. Runs, drives and stops nicely. Asking $4800, possible delivery. 541-786-0734 for more information or pics. 90 CHE­VY S10 Pick­ up: 4.2L, 6 cylinder, ext. cab, tint­ ed wind­ ows, ex­cel­lent shape, $4200 OBO; 509-3017973, Col­lege Place. FOR SALE 2000 Dodge 2500: ext cab, 190k miles, good shape, $3900; 541571-9373, Uma­til­la.

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 5

2013 AR­TIC FOX 990: one own­ er pick-up Camp­ er for long bed truck! on board Gen­ era­tor with 89.5 hours, ther­ mal pane wind­ ows, air con­di­tion­ing & more! ful­ly serv­iced & ready to go for only $25,900; call 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton.

ASCA Australian Shepherds: Bred to work livestock in a ranch/ farm environment. Smart, athletic, loyal, full size, healthy pups. Good family dogs. No female merles available! 509-7517361. PomeroyWA.

ECHO ATV TRAIL­ER with ramps, up­grad­ed to 2500 lb axle, new tires and spare, $800 also have Weather­ guard lock­ing tool box­ es, 24”wx12”dx15”h, $100 each; 541-5646163 or 509-844-3906, Her­mis­ton.

AKC CHO­COLATE Lab Pup­ pies: born 8/10, smart lov­ ing mom, awe­ some dad, healthy ac­ tive pup­ pies. Rais­ ing in our home, well so­cial­ized, I could go on and on but these pup­pies can brag for them­ selves. Males and fe­ males, dew claws, de­ worm­ ing and 1st shot by vet, lo­ cat­ ed in Pen­ dle­ton. $800. Seri­ous in­qui­ries only please, call or text 541-2404063.

FOR SALE or trade: 34’ motor home, sleeps 4, all the goodies, consider tent trailer, pickup, SUV, jeep. $8000 cash, 10,300 trade. Phone 509-531- 5669, email ydna1682@yahoo. com. LE­WIS­TON RV: best se­lec­tion & low­est pric­ es in the re­ gion on pre-owned RV’s, 6 Mo­tor­homes from $500 to $19,995, 35 Trav­el Trail­ers $5,995 & up, 10 toy Haul­ ers $11,995 & up, 25 5th Wheels $3,995 & up, 5 Tent Trail­ers & Pick­ up Camp­ers $3,995 & up. Le­ wis­ ton RV, Le­ wis­ton, ID; 1-800-8763426, www.le­wis­tonrv­ cen­ter.com QUICK­SILV­ER UL­ TRAL­ITE tent trail­er: ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, weighs 600 lbs, can be towed with small car, ba­sic-queen bunk, table, seat­ing, stor­age, A/C, elec­ tric H/U, no kitch­ en or bath, great start­ed camp­er, $4000 OBO; call or text 541379-5564 for info and pho­tos, Pen­dle­ton.

ONLINE AUCTION! Mike Garrison Estate Now open for bidding!

TWO EN­GILSH Set­ ters, Male; 541-5610863, Her­mis­ton. AKC GER­MAN Shepherd pups: black and tan, had shots, can de­liv­er, $550; 541856-3497 or 541-9753843, Haines.


NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­ els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889.

SAT­UR­DAY ONLY 10-6-18: Yard Sale, 311 SW Wil­ low Fork, Board­man, 8am2pm, re­clin­er, lamps, Halloween cos­tumes, ski bibs, coats and more misc.

20 PIEC­ES 5 inch Wade Rain alu­mi­num main line: 9 couplings with ris­ ers plus 10 couplings, plus new gas­ kets, 9, 4 inch West­ern Hook, alu­mi­ num main line with ris­ ers, $6800 new, sell­ing for $3000; 509-5200380 or 509-522-1480, Wal­la Wal­la.

SEEK AND ye shall find! I shot an ar­row in the air, lost for­ev­er to my des­pair, my bow was use­less, oh how I cried, till I found anoth­er in the clas­si­fied. Call us today! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. ENG­LISH WAL­NUTS: no spray, nat­u­ral­ly grown, $2 per pound; call 541-922-4553, Ir­ ri­gon. GOOD OAT Hay: small bales, no rain, $125 ton; 541-786-0297, La­ Grande.

FREE AD! Found or lost pet ads are free for the first week. Just call the Nick­el at 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

4 MOUNT­ED Tires: P235/45R18, very good tread, low pro­ file on 2002 Mit­su­bishi Rims; $300; 541-3143909, Her­mis­ton. 96 GEO PRIZM: au­ tomat­ ic, very low miles, needs a few small things fixed, $1000 OBO; 541-7202603, Her­mis­ton. OUR READERS are the greatest! Thanks for reading The Nickel. CAR­BURE­TORS Re­ built by semi-re­ tired GM cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Me­chan­ic, near Pen­ dle­ton; call Doug 541429-1042.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 6

Employment Section 25 DRIV­ER TRAINEES Need­ed! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL train­ing! Ste­ vens Trans­port cov­ers all costs! 1-877-2091309. dri­ve4­ste­vens. com DRY­LAND WHEAT Ranch in Pen­ dle­ ton, OR: is look­ing for Good Ex­peri­enced help. Com­ bine driv­ ing, Trac­tor driv­ing and shop work. Full time work and good pay, send re­sume and ref­er­enc­es to; cur­ly­ mon28@gmail.com

AIR­LINES ARE Hir­ ing: Get FAA ap­proved hands on Avia­tion train­ ing. Fi­nan­cial Aid for quali­fied stud­ents-ca­ reer place­ment as­sis­ tance, call Avia­tion In­ sti­tute of Main­tenance; 888-686-1704. DRIV­ER NEED­ED Pro­pane De­liv­ery Driv­ er need­ed. Com­peti­ tive wag­ es with ben­ e­fits. Ap­plic­ants must have CDL with haz­mat. Bring re­ sume to MidCol­um­bia Mo­bile Pro­ pane at 81756 N Hwy. 395, Her­mis­ton, OR.

HIR­ING GEN­ER­AL LA­BOR­ERS: JM Ea­ gle Mc­Nary, Or­e­gon plant is hir­ ing gen­ er­ al work­ ers for its pipe man­u­fac­tur­ing plant. Wage starts at $14.50 per hour, great ben­e­fits, good work environment and po­ ten­ tial to ad­ vance. Ap­ply at 31240 Rox­bury Road, Uma­til­la, Or. 97882 (Port of Uma­ til­ la off of Hwy. 730 & Bud Drap­er Road) Con­ tact: Myra Bea­ gles, Hu­ man Re­ sourc­es.

“ Lets truly make America great again” Lev26:14-45

The 10 Commandments

1. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2. You shall not make idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. This is a paid for advertisement

MED­I­CAL BILL­ING & Cod­ing Train­ing! train at home to pro­ cess Med­i­cal Bill­ing & In­ surance! CTI can get you job ready! 1-833766-4511 Ask­CTI.com HS Di­plo­ma/GED re­ quired. NOW HIRING BIG TRUCK MECHANICS Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, is recruiting for Mechanics to work on big trucks & 18 wheelers in our Hermiston shop. Medelez, Inc is a family owned company & operation, who takes pride in quality customer service, helping our employees thrive in their positions, & reach their goals. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings plan, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Journeyman mechanic, brake repair, clutch repair, tire repair, troubleshooting. For more information & application, please call Kathy Medelez Sr, 541571-0938, or apply in the office: 30522 Oldfield St, Hermiston, OR. Medelez, Inc/ BJK Transport is an EEO.

NOW HIRING LOCAL REFER DRIVERS Home every night! BJK Transport & Medelez Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, are recruiting local Refer Drivers, hauling Richland/ Kennewick to Boardman. Home every night! We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL. 1 year driving experience, no major violations within three (3) years on motor vehicle record, pass preemployment drug screen, valid medical examiner’s certificate. For applications, please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez Inc, BJKTransport is an EEO. FARM MECHANIC Fulltime Farm Mechanic: Tractors, trucks, implements, welding, handyman, team player. Housing, health insurance, 401k provided. Connell/ Othello, WA. kate@ johnsonag.com

Career Opportunities Currently Available at Simplot Grower Solutions a division of The J.R. Simplot Company.

Simplot Grower Solutions Now Hiring Diesel/Small Engine Mechanic Full Time Benefits Overtime Available $16.00+ DOE The J.R. Simplot Company is one of the largest privately held food and agribusiness companies in the nation, though at heart we are as small as a single farmer.

DRY­LAND WHEAT Ranch in Pen­ dle­ ton, OR: is look­ing for Good Ex­peri­enced help. Com­ bine driv­ ing, Trac­tor driv­ing and shop work. Full time work and good pay, send re­sume and ref­er­enc­es to; cur­ly­ mon28@gmail.com NOW HIRING YARD DOG DRIVERS BJK Transport & Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is now hiring full time & part time yard dog drivers in the Boardman/ Hermiston area. Two shifts, year round. Salary $15/ hr. No experience necessary. Must have reliable transportation. Duties include, but are not limited to: Backing & setting trailers. Other benefits offered, to those who qualify: Health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. For application, please call Human Resources, 541- 567-4098, or pick up at 30522 Oldfield St, Hermiston, OR. Medelez Inc/ BJK Transport is an EEO. THENICKELONLINE. COM You can also find us on Facebook.

BUSY BEE Pre­school & Child­care: us­ing Zoo Phon­ics cur­ric­u­ lum, large play­ ground & play­ room, 1001 things to do, ages 2 and up! 541-567-2002, Her­mis­ton.

COMMERCIAL REAL Estate: Hwy. 395 South, 255 N Main St, Stan­field, OR., for rent, lease or sale; call 509820-5859. WORK FROM home! No selling! No inventory! No home parties! You can work full time or part time. We offer all the tools, training and one on one mentoring for you to succeed. www. workinyouryogapants. com

SAVE ON Your Next Pre­scrip­tion! World Health Link, price match guar­an­tee! Pre­ scrip­tions re­quired, CIPA cer­ti­fied, Over 1500 med­i­ca­tions avail­able, call to­day for a free price qu­ote; 1-866-293-9702, Call Now! ROUGH CUT LUM­BER House logs, beams, poles, post, stays, cus­tom cut­ting, spe­ cial­ty lum­ber, tongue & grove blue pine, ta­ mar­ack, Doug­las fir, also fire­wood avail­ able; 541-969-9663, Pi­lot Rock. SELL­ING FRESH Mexican squash. 10am-3pm; cell 541626-1430. THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale. AT­TEN­TION HUNT­ ERS: 21 cu. ft. upright Fri­gi­daire Freez­er w/war­ ran­ty(2yrs), $600 OBO, dress­ ers, 40” Samsung TV $250, mini fridge $75, and a house full of misc; call 541-567-5411, Her­mis­ton. SOUTH BEND Metal lathe: $800, 4’x8’ 2 wheel Trail­er $100, large bench Drill Press $150, corn­er Com­put­ er desk $75; call 541276-0414, Pen­dle­ton. UPRIGHT STARR piano and bench with stor­age: 50” tall by 59” wide, 26” deep, $250; 541-676-5576, Hep­ pner. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­ sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon. AN­TIQUE HA­MIL­TON Blue­print Draft Table: Hall­mas­ter 150# Dry­ wall Ho­ ist, $130; call 509-420-0075, Her­ mis­ton. VIAGRA and Cialis Us­ ers! 100 Gener­ ic pills spe­ cial $99, free ship­ ping! 100% guaranteed, 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-4455928, Ha­bla­mos Es­ pa­nol. 1 SET (2) 175/65R15, $75, 1 950/16.5 on Ford 8H rim, win­ ter tread, $50 (not re­ caps); 541-449-1310, Stanfield. SPLIT PINE Wood for Sale: $185/cord, cash only; 541-215-9243 or 541-969-2702, Pen­ dle­ton.

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




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The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 8

BLACK WAL­NUTS washed and cleaned: cracked $4/lb, un­ cracked $3/lb; 541564-9273, Her­mis­ton. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­ er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­ py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­ el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­ at­ed, thank you; 541567-2230. MAKE MON­E Y! Sell that item in the Nick­el! IN­VEN­TORS - FREE Information Pack­age: have your pro­duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ably by the Re­search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­ tur­ers, call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea Start­er Guide, sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion.

MAS­SEY FER­GU­SON 570: 4 bot­ tom roll­ o­ ver, plow can have 5th bot­ tom, has steel trash boards, like new, $5500; 509-520-0380, Wal­la Wal­la.


SECONDS - by the box, Lefore Family Farms, many varieties, 1 mile west of drive-in theater, Sunnyside Rd. , M-F. GRASS FED BEEF Grass fed An­gus beef for sale, $2.50 car­cass weight; leave mes­sage for Ryan 541-5710278, Ir­ri­gon. ROWBURY APPLES will be at Hermiston Farmers Market: across from Bi-Mart, on Thurdsday, Oct. 4th, 4pm-7pm. Picking Criterions next week.

Kevin’s Custom Spraying

Quality Work at Reasonable Rates Brush Control • Fall Bare Ground Weed Control Office (509) 529-6385 cell (509)520-6385

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1999 KIA SPOR­TAGE: 4x4, 2 door, soft top, 100k origi­ nal miles, 2.0L, 5 speed, great run­ ner, $2750; 541314-5777, Her­mis­ton. 1987 Nissan Datsun D21 pick up with canopy for sale, extended cab; 541561-2270, Her­mis­ton. WANTED! OLDER Toyota pickup: or similar for small 4 WD hunting rig; 541-5670587 evenings. P/U CA­NO­PY Cen­tury Fib­er Glass cus­tom Ca­no­py: short box, lock­able gun box, fish­ing pole rack, ex­ tras, $1200 new, make rea­son­able off­er; 541519-4478, Bak­er. CHECK THE Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains! 1981 CHE­VY 1 ton: 350, auto, 2WD, 8’ flatbed, $1500; 541379-3456, Her­mis­ton. 1994 TOYO­TA 4Run­ ner SR5, $3000; 541310-0941, Athe­na. P/U CA­NO­PY Cen­tury Fib­er Glass cus­tom Ca­no­py: short box, lock­able gun box, fish­ing pole rack, ex­ tras, $1200 new, make rea­son­able off­er; 541519-4478, Bak­er. 1956 WIL­LY’S PICK­ UP box trail­er: with or with­out lum­ber rack, $700 OBO; call for in­ for­ma­tion or pho­tos 509-522-2144, Dix­ie, WA. 2000 YU­KON XLT: new shocks, 18 inch tires, Vor­tex mo­tor, push but­ ton 4WD, Nice!; 541-969-9132, Pen­dle­ton. GREAT BUY 2018 Sil­ver­a­do Pick­up: $35,000, 3,800 miles; Bob Pierce 541-8613045, Mil­ton Free­wa­ ter.

98 NORTHLAND POLAR 990 p/u camp­ er: great con­di­tion, range, mi­crowave, Jen­sen­ TV, up­grad­ed mat­tress, ref­er, wet bath, tons of stor­ age! $5995; call 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton. WILDERNESS TRAV­EL TRAIL­ER Self con­tained trail­er, ide­ al for Elk & Deer hunt­ing or fish­ing! First $300 cash Takes it! 541-571-2981, Her­ mis­ton. 1993 FORD F-350 Class C Mo­tor­home: in near per­ fect con­ di­ tion, 41k miles, in­ cludes gen­era­tor, A/C ca­bin coach, like new tires, well main­ tained $11,000; 541-3790851, Pen­dle­ton. 2016 TIFFON Allegro 32SA class A motor home, exc cond, must see to appreciate! Less than 13,500 mi, $129,000. All offers are considered. Dlr. 509-554-0988. Kyle. 5TH WHEEL ’99 Sierra 35’, fair cond, $5800 obo. 509521-5397. TriCities. ’07 SUNLITE 9.5’ camper, lightly used, fully self contained, ac, microwave, stove with oven, double sink, furnace, water heater, antenna & cable hookups, stereo speakers. Comes with camper cover. Asking $7900. Paul 509-3922444. TriCities. WILDWOOD Forest River travel trailer, 2017, like new, X-Lite, tow package, sleeps 10, sacrifice, $23,000. 541-887-9770. TriCities. 2016 JAY­CO 287BHSW: One own­ er bunk bed mod­ el!! sleeps 10 peo­ple! Only 6,193 lbs!! $18,995; call 541-276-4836, Pen­dle­ton.

House of Hope N.E. OR October 13th, 2018 Doors Open at 4:00 for item viewing • 5:00 - 6:00pm: Dinner and Music • 6:00pm: Live Auction begins Spaghetti Dinner - $5 per person Location: Hermiston Assembly Fellowship Hall 730 E Hurlburt Ave. Hermiston, OR 97838 House of Hope N.E. OR 501(c)(3) is a non-profit organization with a heart for providing a homeless shelter in our community. You can help make this possible, by partnering with us!

1999 KIA SPOR­TAGE: 4x4, 2 door, soft top, 100k origi­ nal miles, 2.0L, 5 speed, great run­ ner, $2750; 541314-5777, Her­mis­ton.

“Announcing The Unlimited club” Monthly Wash Club”, for as little as $17.50 a month you can wash everyday, Promo code: nickel50 for 50% off your first months membership. Go to Umatillacleanspot. com to sign up. Offer good until September 15,2018. CARS/TRUCKS WANT­ED!!! 2002 and new­er! any con­di­tion, run­ ning or not, com­ peti­tive off­er! Free tow­ing! We’re na­tion­ wide! Call now; 1-888416-2330.

POODLE/ BOUVIER puppies, born 08/20/18. Non shedding. Tails & dewclaws done, shots, microchip, vet check. $900. 509-831-8862. Sunnyside. AKC GOLDEN/ WHITE RETRIEVER PUPPIES AKC Golden/ English White Retriever puppies, 2 females, 2 males, ready Aug 7th. First shots, dewormed. Family puppies only. $1000. 509-760-6525, MosesLake. AKC ROTTWEILER puppies ready to go to their forever homes 11/7/18, at 8 wks old. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, microchipped, will come with vet certificate, current shots & dewormings, starter kit. Taking deposits now. 509396-1097.TriCities.

DONATE your Car to Ve­ter­ans to­day! Help and sup­port our Ve­ter­ ans. Fast-FREE pick up. 100% tax de­duct­ ible; call 1-800-2450398. 2010 Che­vy Ma­li­bu Lt: Ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, well main­ tained & serv­ iced regularly, moon roof & lots of ex­ tras, low miles 19k plus, $9295; call Jim 541-567-5366 or cell 425-359-0162, Her­ mis­ton.

TWO BLACK female Standard Poodle puppies: ready for their forever homes, 8 weeks old, October 4th, $800; 541-5715308, Hermiston.

MO­PAR: 383, 400, 440 en­gines & blocks, 1968 AMC, 343, 1972 Duster, pro­ ject, many en­gine parts, etc; 509440-1442, Tri-Cities.

L A B R A D O R / Catahoula cross puppies. 2 males, 4 females. Ready now! $120. Granger, WA. 509-985-6305.

SET OF 4 70R13 stud­ ded snow tires for sale: call 541-276-4978, Pen­dle­ton.

RED DOBERMAN PUPPIES Purebred Red Doberman puppies: 3 male & 3 female. Born 08/20/18, ready 10/15/ 18. Tails docked & 1st shots will be included. $500. Call or text for additional info, or pics. 541-7205571, or 509-3166403. Umatilla, OR.

’67 DODGE Dart, 2 door, exterior teal, interior white, in good cond. 509-318-0353. TriCities. 1993 VW Eu­ro­van: 2.5, 5cy­lin­der, 127k miles, A/C, au­tomat­ ic, very clean in­ side, straight body, runs good, needs lit­ tle tlc, all new tires, ask­ ing $2700 OBO 909-5888127, for more info, Hermiston.

SIBERIAN HUSKY Pup­ pies: 3 males, 2 fe­ males, 6 wks old, ready for their for­ ev­ er homes in 2 weeks, seri­ous in­qui­ries only; 541-371-6608, Her­ mis­ton.

CASE OF Norma .223, 1000 rounds, $350; 7.62x39, 600 rounds, $5 per 15 round box, brass cased; HKS speed loaders, misc new, $8 obo. Larry, 509-430-7506. TriCities. HUNTING; PISTOLS; RIFLES; MAGS Savage 110, 270 & 30.06 with scope, new in box; Sauer 200, 270; Remington 700, factory engraved; Ruger 77, 30.06 with scope. Pistols: Walther P22 with laser, 5 mags & Special Forces holster; HK 416 22, new in box; GSG 22, new in box; Ruger SR9C 9mm, new in box; Takarof 762x25; S&W 39 9mm; S&W 4516 45mm; Kimber Ultra carry 45, new in box. Rifles, new or exc cond: Enfield Jungle carbine 303; Marlin 1897 Century Limited, 1 of 3000, new in box, never cocked; Remington 03A3, 270, heavy barrel accurized; Remington 03A3 30.06 Sniper, no scope; Springfield 03A3 30.06; Mosin Nagant 9130 Sniper, no scope; Mosin Nagant 9130 Hex bbl, Mosin Nagant 9130 carbine; M1 carbine; Yugo AK47 M70AB2 underfold, new; Russian SKS model 59 with bipod; Sig original model 556, new; Sig orginal 556 heavy barrel, designated marksman, very rare, new. Safe Queens: Ishapore Enfield, 2A1, 308; PPS 44 pistol, underfold, 9mm, new; Uzi 9mm, new; Russian Saiga 12 ga; 12 round, 20 round drums mags available; Ruger 10/22, new; Springfield 187 22; Remington 510 22; Remington 511 22; Remington 512, 22. Magazines: AK47 metal 30, 40 & 75 round drums; Russian PSL sniper mags; AR15 30 round; Uzi mags; 10/22 30 round sticks, 110 round drums; M1 15 round; PPS43-44 35 round stick, 71 round drum; PTR91/G3 20 round; Springfield M14 Nato parkerized; S&W model 39;1911 45; Remington 511; Ruger SR9C, 15- 17 round; Kimber Ultra Compact 45. 509-2125024. Yakima.

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The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­ wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960. NEW CROP: Honey crisp and Fuji ap­ples: next to Bowl­ing Al­ley in Her­mis­ton, 10am2pm, $1/ pound, you can buy 1 pound or 10,000 pounds; 541626-1430. DISH TV: $59.99 for 190 Chan­ nels + $14.95 High Speed In­ter­net, Free in­stalla­ tion, smart HD DVR in­clud­ed, Free Voice Rem­ote, some re­stric­ tions ap­ ply; 1-800718-1593. CHECK US OUT ! SHOP MAIN STREET HER­MIS­TON New items regularily... 2 table and chair sets,Vin­ tage Ped­ al Car, 2 roll top desks, Ar­tley Bass Clar­i­net, Star Hot Dog Cook­er, an­tique fur­ni­ ture, 2000 ster­ eo al­ bums, Ham­ley Sad­dle, misc cam­eras, an­tique floor safe, 2 1930’s gas pumps, 50” TV, misc books & shoes, 2 gas home heat­ers, ster­eo speak­ ers, mig weld­ er, books, clocks, yard tools, late 1800’s drop front desk,Vin­tage ster­ eo com­pon­ents, art work by Mary Corp and a bunch of things you didn’t know you need­ ed !!! And yes we pay CASH for gold jew­ el­ ry, sil­ ver dol­ lars, sterl­ ing and coins. Lots of an­tique fur­ni­ture that needs to find a new home, all pric­ es are sub­ ject to HUGE dis­ counts. we’re mak­ing room to have emp­ ty space. KC Art & Col­ lect­ ib ­les, 167 E Main St. 541-289-1800. Tues-Sat. 10:30am6pm NEED HOUSE with land for Horses: Please; 541-720-4367, Hermiston.

MF-35 TRAC­TOR: with 4’ till­er, $4200 will de­liv­er; 541-5672993, leave mes­sage, Hermiston. LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­ cle en­ gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­ anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­ mis­ ton; 541-571-3845. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

FINALLY IT’S time to plant trees again, we have the trees for you, delivered onsite, planted and fertilized; 541-571-8572 or 541-980-6042. #AG-L1042745ND. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­ liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­tact an sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive at our of­fice. You will no­t ice the dif­f erence im­me­diate­ly! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039. WANT­ED We buy cheap trac­tors or us­ able parts; call 541-564-0661, Her­ mis­ton. FALL SALE: Lawn mow­ers, trail­ers, truck tool box­es, Berk­ley ir­ri­ ga­tion pump, 9N Ford trac­tor with im­ple­ ments, wood chip­pers, 3 to 20HP mo­tors, 16” 3 point post hole aug­er bit and more. (no texts please) 600 E Elm Ave, Her­mis­ton; 541571-3845.

2003 ARCTIC CAT 400, 4x4, 1722 original miles, $3500; 541278-4013. 2009 KEY­STONE 260FS Like new Toy Haul­er: 31’ ramp or deck, holds 5 Quads, up­grades, im­proved bat­ ter­ ies, built in air com­pres­sor, pro­pane BBQ, 40” TV, elec­tric hitch; mes­ sage 541656-7170, Her­mis­ ton. HEY! YOU don’t have to go far to find a great bar­gain! You can find it in the Nick­el! 2004 OUT­BACK by Key­stone: 25 ft, bump­ er pull, 1 slide-out and ex­ten­sion, great con­di­ tion, $5250: 541-5711777, Ione. 2007 KEY­STONE OUT­BACK: (Syd­ney Edi­tion) 27 ft, bump­er pull camp trail­ er, one slide out, used very lit­ tle, $11995; 541-5675093, Her­mis­ton. 2005 26 ft Cou­ gar 5th wheel: po­ lar pac, one slide, nice awn­ing, great tires, well cared for, $8500 so much down, pos­si­ble own­er con­tract; 541-561-0589, 541-5610588, Her­mis­ton. THOMP­SON RV is East­ern Or­e­gon’s lar­ gest RV deal­er: fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed for 40 years; browse our in­ven­tory on­line at www.thomp­sonrv.com, or call us at 800-4594836, Pen­dle­ton.

LABRADOR Retriever Chocolates, full AKC, shots, dewormed, microchipped, dewclaws, $1200. 509-307-3740. www. labdogsrus.com http:// www.labdogsrus.com AKC GERMAN Shorthair Pointer pups, born 8/20/18, available 10/8/18. Mostly solid liver or black, dewclaws removed, tails docked, excellent pedigrees, $600. Yakima area. 509-930-9784. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­ curs in your clas­si­fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­ spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­ li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS $250, had shots, parents on site. Text 509-947-7739, or call 509-396-7228. TriCities. WANT TO reach more readers? We can place your ad in the La Grande and Tri-Cities Nickel paper. Call for information. 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

ALANIS AUTO DETAIL’S Interior / Exterior / Full Detail


2006 FORD Es­cape: $2200; 541-567-2827, Her­mis­ton.

2005 MERCEDES E500: 97k, runs great, power everything, good tires:,$8500, call for questions; 541-567-1883. HELP THE environ­ ment by recycling and make money too! Don’t get rid of those things you just don’t use anymore. Place an ad in The Nickel. You’ll make money and help the environment too! 4 MOUNT­ED Tires: P235/45R18, very good tread, low pro­ file on 2002 Mit­su­bishi Rims; $300; 541-3143909, Her­mis­ton.

CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Or­ e­gon Trail Trad­er, 2312 Adams Ave.., La­Grande, 541-9632913. or­e­gon­trail­trad­ er@gmail.com S&W .44 MAG Model 629, 3” Lew Horton Special Edition, 1 of 1500, leather holster, 2 speed loaders, $1200. 509-528-4503.Pasco FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ing Fall Chinook and Walleye. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured; call 541-571-3933 for avail­abil­i­ty.

ATTENTION Outdoorsmen! Premium bumper, black, with 12,000 lb Warn winch with synthetic rope & remote, fits newer Chevy pickup, exc cond, $1800 obo. 509366-8827. 1998 GMC 1/2 Ton: 4x4, 3 door, re­built mo­ tor, au­tomat­ic, $6000 OBO; 541-567-5184, Her­mis­ton. 1997 FORD F250 DIESEL 1997 Ford F250 heavy duty long bed, extended cab pickup, with 7.3L Power Stroke turbo- diesel eng, 269k mi, in good cond. It has 2 fuel tanks. Lightly loaded, I have seen 22 mpg on the highway. This is a great work truck, very reliable & in great cond for its age, $4950. Rob, 509-9472154.BntnCity.






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The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide COMMERCIAL Building for lease or rent in Walla Walla, off Hwy 12 with exit ramp, approx 9000 sq.ft., 7 bays, parts rooms, offices, and more. 509727-4557.

3 BED­ROOM 2 bath Sin­ gle wide for sale: on con­ tract $19,000, cash $17,000, please call 541-276-7632 for more in­for­ma­tion, Pen­dle­ton.



P.O. Box 89 398 E. Ridgeway, Hermiston 541-567-4663 • 541-564-2011



COMMERCIAL REAL Estate: Hwy. 395 South, 255 N Main St, Stan­field, OR., for rent, lease or sale; call 509820-5859.

CRYSTAL GOLD Mine for sale, with Gift Shop & Daily Mine Tours: Authentic 1880s underground gold mine & gift shop, well-lit paved path, 550¹ drift gold-bearing quartz vein, gold & native wire silver, gold-panning, 1.4 acres, Kellogg, ID, great business opportunity! $590,000 adjoining campgroung also available, call Gail Haynes, West Valley Realty; 208661-7054.

LET US turn our Nick­ els into your dollars! Call us today! 541567-2330. FOR SALE: home build­ ing site with a great view, very pri­ vate, 17,897 sq. ft., all util­i­ties avail­able, $30,000 or pos­si­ble trade; 541-276-2516, Pen­dle­ton.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

RE­VERSE MORT­ GAGE: Home­own­ ers age 62+ turn your home eq­ ui­ ty into taxfree cash! Speak with an ex­ pert to­ day and re­ceive a free book­let; call 7-866-880-2444.

AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. down­town, fur­nished stu­ dios, rent $425+, all util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­ frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus line, se­cure; 509248-2146.

FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236.

FOR SALE BY OWN­ ER: 2204 square foot home, built in 1996, on 3.85 acr­ es, North East of Her­mis­ton, 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, plus at­tached ga­rage, sunroom stu­ dio, full base­ ment, 36x24 foot shop, air con­di­tion­ing & heat pump, would con­sid­er trade for small­er home on 1 to 2 acr­es out­side of city lim­ its. Call; 541-5677467.

BEAU­TI­FUL TOWN­ HOUSE for rent: 1600 sq ft, 3 bed­ room, 2.5 bath, W/S/G paid, $1250 a month, month­ly in­come must exceed rental amount, Board­man; 541-5611783.

TWO BED­ROOM 2 bath for sale or rent, Pen­dle­ton. $41,000 cash or $765 a month and $765 de­ pos­ it, no pets; 541-276-7632.

2002 Man­u­fac­tured home: 3 bed­room. 2 bath, 1,176 sq. ft. on lot in Pen­dle­ton; 541969-3244. TIME FOR A-B-C’s: “A” clas­si­fied ad “B”rings you ready “C”ash! Call the Nick­el to­day! 541567-2230.

LARGE 12x40 Stor­ age Unit for rent, $160/ month; 541-276-6472, Pendleton. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 2 bath single-wide on private lot. Umatilla school district, Hermiston address, $750 a month, $750 deposit; call Sam 541-5713628. FURNISHED HOUSE: for rent 3 bedroom 2 bath, single level, no smoking, no pets, $1800 a month plus security deposit; 541567-9797. Hermiston.

GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. SMALL FURNISHED room for rent in quiet country setting close to town: Non smoker, no drinking, no drugs, shared kitchen, with own pantry, $400/ month, 541-571-6906, Hermiston.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



LAKE VIEW LOT Lot for sale, Lake CDA, Idaho. Over 1/2 acre. Untouched. Includes boat dock on lake. Property held in family for decades. Water/ power included. Mature timber. $84,500. John, 208245-4040. LARGE 3 bedroom apart­ment: wash­er/ dry­er hook­up, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­bage paid, no pets, $850/ month plus $1250 se­cur­i­ty de­pos­it base; call for pic­tures and de­tails 503-201-2819, Her­ mis­ton.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. ROOM MATE: PARA HOMRES SOLOS EN EL AREA OF STANFIELD, OR, PARA MAYOR INFORMACION; LLAME 541-314-1503. RV SPACES Space rent in­ cludes elec­tric­i­ty, TV, Wi­Fi, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, sew­er, wa­ter, gar­bage. Laun­dro­mat on-site. One block from mini-mart, res­tau­rant and lounge. 2 minutes from the boat launch, clean and quiet, $375/ month base, Oa­sis RV Park; 509-667-5087. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. TWO BED­ROOM, 1 bath sin­ gle-wide for rent in Stan­field. $750 a month, $750 de­pos­ it; call Sam 541-5713628. SMALL OF­ FICE for rent: high traf­fic, easy ac­cess, Pen­dleton lo­ ca­ tion, $275/ month; 541-477-3113. SHARE YOUR Nickel with a friend!

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236.

WEIGHT MAN­AGE­MENT SUP­PLE­MENT Simp­ly pour a pack­et of V-Slim in your wa­ ter & go! This pro­duct is in­tend­ed to re­duce crav­ings, main­tain healthy blood-su­gar lev­ els, boost metab­ o­ lism & slow cor­ ti­ sol pro­duc­tion.This pro­duct is made with all nat­u­ral in­gre­di­ ents, no su­cra­lose. In­cludes Gar­ci­nia Cam­bo­gia, all ve­gan, non-GMO & Glu­ ten free! To learn more about our pro­duct or place an or­der on­line vis­ it us at jvir­ gil.va­ sayo.com or call us at 541-303-5045, Her­ mis­ton.

FOR SALE: dress­ ers, 40” Samsung TV $250, mini fridge $75, and a house full of misc; call 541-567-5411, Her­ mis­ton. HARD­WOOD DIN­ING Table with 1 leaf and 5 chairs $50 will sell chairs separately $10 ea; 541-922-4150, Ir­ ri­gon. BUSI­N ESS CARDS: start­ing at $42.50 (black & white) for 1000! Col­ or is additional charge. Come in and check out the many dif­fer­ent busi­ness cards we can make JUST for YOU!

WILL­ING TO WORK Land­scaping, fence re­pair, clear­ing, and much, much more; call Chuck 541-720-6559. HAVE TRAC­TOR! WILL TRAV­EL! Disk­ing, ro­to­till­ing, seed­ing, also front end load­ er, brush/ weed mow­ing; 541-9100526, lo­cat­ed in Ir­ri­ gon. BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. Li­ censed, Bond­ed & In­ sured, CCB# 167755; call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton.

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

OVER $10,000 in debt? Be debt free in 24-48 months. Pay noth­ ing to en­ roll. Call Na­tion­al Debt Re­lief at 866-243-0510.

RE­TIR­ING! Blaze King deal­er, new used King & Princess wood stoves, gas, pel­ let stoves, old­ er doors, fans, com­busters, stove ce­ram­ics, stove pipes, all must go; 541969-3307.Piot Rock.

& Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

www.dryboxusa.com 503-420-3940

J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: WA li­ censed, bond­ed, in­sured, li­ cense #03372302 Oregon #213691, Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­ mov­ al & ex­ca­va­tion. Call for free es­timate 970366-9184 or 541-6262030.

SMALL BREED Lambs For Sale: great for the BBQ, $125 a head; call 541-656-5009, Her­ mis­ton. STILL SEARCH­I NG? Find it in the Nick­el! TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage.

2002 Che­vy Sub­ur­ban: 4x4, 5.3L, V-8, 147k origi­nal miles, leath­er, good tires, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $5100; 503522-4549, Ir­ri­gon.

2008 MON­TA­NA 5th wheel: 4 tip outs, arctic pack­ age, very good con­di­tion, $17000 OBO; 541-962-5619, La­Grande.

2015 TOYO­TA TA­CO­MA SR5: longbed, 4 door, V-6, 1 own­er, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, 49k miles, ex­ tras, $28,900; 541-7014724, Her­mis­ton.

WILDWOOD Forest River travel trailer, 2017, like new, X-Lite, tow package, sleeps 10, sacrifice, $23,000. 541-887-9770.TriCities.

HAMBURGER 541-240-1229 Home grown, no additives, $3.50/lb.

Hermiston ProPerty management

541-567-0990 2372 N. 1st St., #A, Hermiston

BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com

Habla Español


-545-017 9 0

metal roofing & siding manufacturer


RV SPACES Space rent in­ cludes elec­tric­i­ty, TV, Wi­Fi, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, sew­er, wa­ter, gar­bage. Laun­dro­mat on-site. One block from mini-mart, res­tau­rant and lounge. 2 minutes from the boat launch, clean and quiet, $375/ month base, Oa­sis RV Park; 509-667-5087.

A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­lion fa­milies find sen­ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­ sors help find so­lu­ tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855-7417459.

NO­T ICE! IF an er­r or oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­ fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. Dam­a g­e s are lim­i t­e d to only the cost of the advertisement.

BLUE MOUN­TAIN Electric, LLC, is now do­ing Gen­er­al Con­ tra­cting in ad­di­tion to pro­vid­ing res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial elec­ tri­cal serv­ic­es. If you need a kitch­ en re­ mo­ deled, ad­di­tion ad­ded, new side­walk or dri­ve­ way poured we are the peo­ple to call. We are li­censed, bond­ed and in­sured, CCB#199270. We serve all of East­ ern Or­ e­ gon; Give us a call to­day, 541-2151722, Pen­dle­ton.


BEAU­TI­FUL TOWN­ HOUSE for rent: 1600 sq ft, 3 bed­ room, 2.5 bath, W/S/G paid, $1250 a month, month­ ly in­come must exceed rental amount, Board­ man; 541-561-1783.

VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.

BATHROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy One Day up­dates! we spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ing, grab bars, no slip floor­ ing & seat­ed show­ers, call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion; 888-9124745.





TOWN­HOUSE VIL­LA Apart­ ments: 1100 S. Hwy 395, Her­mis­ton. 2 bed­rooms, 1 1/2 baths, fresh car­pet and paint, large mas­ter bed­room, wash­er/ dry­er hook­up, heat­ed pool, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­bage in­clud­ ed, start­ing at $895 per month, no smok­ing, no pets; 541-567-4188 for more de­tails.

THE WORLDS best hemp oil, zero THC. Johnm.bocannaco. comhttp://johnm. bocannaco.com>


SMALL FURNISHED room for rent in quiet country setting close to town: Non smoker, no drinking, no drugs, shared kitchen, with own pantry, $400/ month, 541-571-6906, Hermiston.

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 11

ira mac



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The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 12

Irrigon Farm Labor AVAILABLE UNITS 2 & 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Duplexes • Washer & Dryer in Unit •Water, Sewer, Garbage paid Income Restrictions Must qualify under Farm Labor Definition.

Please call (541) 567-7595 se habla espanol

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

CASH FOR un­ex­pired Di­a­be­tic Test Strips. free Ship­ ping, best pric­ es & 24 hr pmt! BBB Ra­ ted A+; call 1-855-440-4001. www. tes­tstrip­search.com THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. SELF INK­ING rub­ber stamps: start­ing at $19.50 and up. Stop by for information.

KIM­BER­LEY BLACK Cat­tle is hav­ing Fall Fe­ male Pro­duc­tion Sale No­vem­ber 10th at 5pm. Of­fer­ing reg­is­tered, KBC in­fluenced and com­mer­cial fe­males for sale; Call 208-8742080 or vis­it www.Kim­ ber­ley­Black­Cat­tle.com for more in­for­ma­tion. NUBIAN GOATS for sale: 2 males, 7 months, ready to eat, $100 each, fe­ male 15 months old with 4 month baby, $300/pair; 541-701-1073 or 541701-8567, Her­mis­ton. WETHER LAMBS for sale: (Bar­ba­dos) 541567-5093, Her­mis­ton.

13 YEAR OLD registered quarter horse gelding: athletic, ranch horse, good in mountains, respectful, experienced rider, up to date on all care, handsome boy, $2000, motivated seller ; 541786-1714. Hermiston. HEALTH IS­SUES Force Sale of Horses: 3 Stallions, 1 Geld­ing, 4 Mares, pric­es ne­go­ ti­able, will Con­sid­er all rea­son­able off­ers; 541-561-6972, Ply­ mouth, WA. BAREFOOT HORSE Hoof Trimming. Specializing in hoof care for the health, function and longevity of your horse. Serving Washington and Oregon. Call 509-3669385. MINI HORSES for Sale: $900; call 541720-4367, Her­mis­ton. THE NICK­EL hours are: 8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri., Her­mis­ton. Dead­line is Tues. by 5pm. Chang­es & can­cel­la­tions Tues. by 11am. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

2005 3/4 Ton CHE­VY Pick­up: bed­lin­er, 5th wheel, air bags, tint­ ed wind­ ows, like new con­di­tion, 113K miles, die­ sel, $25000; 541377-0273, Her­mis­ton. COUNTRY FLEA MARKET No rhyme or reason, Country Flea Market & city of Grandview are joining for a 92 vendor roster flea market on October 5th-7th, 10am5pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10am3pm, Our vendors are from all over the PNW Washington, Oregon and Idaho, you will find every handcrafted, vintage, direct sales, clothing, and repurposed unique items and so much more. Food vendors will be cooking some great food. This will be at the Grandview Country fairgrounds, 812 Wallace Way. Free admission and parking for all. 1999 KIA SPOR­TAGE: 4x4, 2 door, soft top, 100k origi­ nal miles, 2.0L, 5 speed, great run­ ner, $2750; 541314-5777, Her­mis­ton. WANTED! OLDER Toyota pickup: or similar for small 4 WD hunting rig; 541-5670587 evenings.

Drive A Little • SAVE A LOT!

RV SALES & SERVICE, INC. 53816 W. Crocket Rd. Milton-Freewater, OR

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2016 COU­GAR 24SAB: only one own­ er!! rear kitch­en mod­el w/slide out! built lo­ca­ lly! $21,995; call 541276-4836, Pen­dle­ton. ’90 CLASS A Dolphin motor home, road ready, only 26k miles, great condition with convection/ microwave oven, twin beds, fold out couch, generator, roof air, very livable. $11,900 obo. Call for appointment, 509727-5747. TriCities POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431, also in Lewiston. 2011 NASH 22H: Beau­ti­ful one own­ er! 4 sea­ sons w/ther­ mal pane wind­ ows, air con­di­tion­ing, fi­ber­ glass ex­te­ri­or, pow­er tongue jack, all new load range D tires only $15,995; call 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton WILDERNESS TRAV­EL TRAIL­ER Self con­ tained trail­ er, ide­al for Elk & Deer hunt­ing or fish­ing! First $300 cash Takes it! 541571-2981, Her­mis­ton. 2011 30 ft. KEY­ STONE trav­el trail­er: many features, large slide, front bed­ room, rear kitch­en, so­lar pan­els on roof, queen bed, light­ly used, if in­ ter­est­ed call for more in­for­ma­tion & pic­ tures, price reduced $14,395; 509-2009529, Adams.



705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

PreferredProperty inc.


COMMERCIAL / SHOP STORAGE UNITS $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage 12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND PICTURES


PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981


DO YOU owe more than $5000 in Tax Debt? Call Wells & As­ so­ciates Inc. We solve Tax Prob­lems! Per­son­ al or Busi­ ness! IRS, State and Lo­ cal. 30 years in Busi­ness! Call NOW for a free con­sul­ ta­tion at an of­fice near you; 1-877-746-4933. HOME MEDICAL equip­ment: show­er chairs, 2 & 4 wheel walk­ ers, bed table, com­modes, wheel chair; 541-567-9797, Her­mis­ton. AF­TER MAR­KET Sale in Her­mis­ton: pro­duce, gifts and cheese, Thurs­days 4pm-7pm across from Bi-Mart, Her­mis­ton. JOHN DEERE SNOW BLADE 46”, weights, & chains. Used once. $300 ($600 new). 509-6975048. Selah. MAIN­STREET FU­ TURE Heir­looms Clos­ ing their Doors Sale: as you all know the City is work­ ing on a pro­ ject, that closes Main Street to through traf­fic. We had al­most no busi­ ness for bet­ ter that 3 months. It is go­ ing to close again. So come to our Su­ per Sales, be­ fore our Doors Close. ONE CHUCK­WAG­ON: nice shape; 541-5610863, Her­mis­ton. OX­Y­GEN - ANYTIME. An­y­where. No tanks to re­fill. No de­liv­er­ ies. The all new In­ o­ gen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA ap­ proved! FREE in­fo kit: 844-558-7482. MY KIND and gen­ erous DAD, saved my life and kept me real, in hon­or­able and Lov­ ing bond. In­ formed, Sep­tem­ber 5th, 2018, An­drew (Pat) Mar­vin Bahr, Sep­tem­ber 6th 1924. De­cem­ber 28, 2017. Your Re­spect­ful eld­est Daugh­ter, Pa­tri­ cia Mar­ie (Bahr) Roo­ sa. FOR SALE Wed­ding/ Engagement set: gold with 17 di­a­monds, origi­nal­ly $3900 will sell $2200 OBO over $2000 cash, check on bank ap­ pro­ val; call Vern 406-871-6939, Bak­er City, OR. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. HER­MIS­TON MAX­ WELL Market af­ ter Mar­ket Mar­ket: there is still pro­duce, cheese and oth­ er mar­ket pro­ducts to sell, so we are still OPEN Thurs­days, 4pm-7pm, across from Bi-Mart, Her­mis­ ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

JEWELER Family Owned Independent Jeweler

Se Habla Español

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 13

RAIN GUTTERS Inc. Mr. Insulation Co. w w w. m r i n s u l a t i o n . i n f o


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(541)567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 Stop by our Showroom! 30599 Lauback St • Hermiston w w w. m r i n s u l a t i o n . i n f o Trade Ally of

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Pet Parade

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Full Service Dog & Cat Grooming next to Oregon Trail Vet Clinic Thyann Horn Melody Philippi Tara Rumsey 80517 N. Hwy 395 Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-0829

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The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 14

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diesel 12 ,478 leatheR


2014 ford focus titanium Leather, Tinted Windows, Auto, Cruise, Bluetooth





2014 vw jetta sportwagon Automatic, Heated Leather Seats, Bluetooth, Alloy Wheels, Tinted Windows




2017 ford fiesta se




2015 mits. outlander sport

2009 toyota highlander Auto, Cruise, Rear Air, 3rd Row, Keyless Entry




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2017 nissan Versa sv






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2011 mercedes benz c300

3 at this pRiCe!




2016 nissan altimas

2010 Buick enclave CXl


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Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Dual Climate Controls, Loaded


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2010 hyundai Genesis Tinted Windows,Heated & Cooled Leather Seats, Push Button Start, Moonroof, Nav, Back-up Cam




Leather, Sunroof, Power Seats, Auto, Cruise, Premium Sound

Automatic, Cruise, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry




Automatic, Tinted Windows, Cruise, Awesome Gas Mileage





Automatic, Alloy Wheels, Bluetooth, Cruise, Awesome Gas Mileage


2014 ford focus

2016 subaru legacy


2015 chrysler 200 s


Low Miles, Premium Trim Package, AWD, Alloy Wheels, Tinted Windows

Tinted Windows, Premium Wheels, Push Button Start, Back-up Cam, Power Seat, Bluetooth, Leather



Hatchback, Local Trade, Leather, Premium Wheels, Auto, Cruise, Bluetooth, USB


13, 890 2013 vw jetta tdi


2012 ford escape

Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Allloy Wheels, PW, PL

Leather, 3rd Row, Rear AC Controls, Auto, Cruise, Keyless Entry

Twin Turbo Diesel, Leather, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Automatic, Cruise, Premium Sound


2011 audi q5 quattro



11 ,976


2012 chevrolet malibu Automatic, Premium Wheels, Leather Interior, Tinted Windows

This AWD SUV is Loaded, Panoramic Roof, Navigation, Leather Interior, Must See

2017 hyundai elantra se

1 Owner, Clean Carfax. This Elantra is an Incredibly diverse sedan. 6 Spd, Auto, Bluetooth, USB, Keyless Entry, & More!



Leather, Sunroof, Premium Sound, Keyless Entry

only 1 at this price!




2017 hyundai accent Automatic, Cruise, USB/Aux, Bluetooth, Gas Saver

2011 vw jetta sport wagon tuRBo

$ P10506


2013 acura ilx

RS Pkg, Tinted Windows, Leather, Moonroof, 4 Cyl Turbo Engine, Remote Start, Premium Wheels P10089


Local Trade, Auto, Leather, Navigation, Premium Sound, Moonroof, Keyless Entry



2014 ford escape

Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, Sync, USB

Leather, 3rd Row Seating, Rear Air Controls, Keyless Entry




2011 Ford mustang

2012 chevrolet camaro



Great Gas Mileage, Automatic, AC, Fog Lights, PW, PL, MP3

Tinted Windows, 6 Speed Manual, Dual Flowmaster Exhaust

RS Pkg, Leather Interior, Premium Wheels, Premium Sound, Fog Lights




$ P9350A

2013 hyundai elantra



2007 dodge Ram Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Alloy Wheels

Local Trade, Lather, Panoramic Moonroof, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Dual Climate Controls

Local Trade, Low Miles, Auto, Cruise, AC, PW, PDL


2009 nissan maxima Push Button Start, Tinted Windows, Sunroof

P10542, P10545, P10544 clearwater

2014 nissan Versa note



columbia ceNter blVD.



On approved credit. Not everyone will qualify. T2 With vehicle purchase. All financing on approved credit. All vehicles subject to prior sale. One vehicle unless otherwise noted. All vehicles plus tax, license, title. A negotiable documentary service fee of up to $150 may be added to each sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Colors may appear different from actual in printed photos, please see autos in person. VINs posted at dealer. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details. Expires 10-10-18.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

NEW AU­THORS Want­ ed! Page Pub­ lish­ ing will help you self pub­ lish your own book. FREE au­ thor sub­mis­sion kit! Lim­it­ed off­ er! Why wait? call now; 866-951-7214. PUBLIC DELINQUENT Storage Unit Auction Columbia River Auction, LLC 80571 N. Hwy 395 Hermiston, Oregon 97838, 541371-4619, Friday October 19, 2018, 10 a.m Linda Schoen Lot #11, Melanie Shockman Unit#14, Mickey McConnell Unit#16, Larry Buckingham Unit#32. OCEAN CAR­GO Stor­age Con­tain­ers: used, new and of­ fic­es, vari­ous siz­es, se­cure stor­age, on ground de­liv­ery, “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509-7651376. SAVE ON Your Next Pre­scrip­tion! World Health Link, price match guar­an­tee! Pre­ scrip­tions re­quired, CIPA cer­ti­fied, Over 1500 med­i­ca­tions avail­able, call to­day for a free price qu­ote; 1-866-293-9702, Call Now! ROUGH CUT LUM­BER House logs, beams, poles, post, stays, cus­tom cut­ting, spe­ cial­ty lum­ber, tongue & grove blue pine, ta­ mar­ack, Doug­las fir, also fire­wood avail­ able; 541-969-9663, Pi­lot Rock. PREG­NANT? CON­ SID­ER­ING Adop­tion! call us first, liv­ing ex­pens­es, hous­ing, med­i­cal and con­ tinued support af­ ter­ wards. Choose adop­ tive fam­ i­ ly of your choice, call: 24/7 888652-0785.


xington Pu mP

QUICK­SILV­ER UL­ TRAL­ITE tent trail­er: ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, weighs 600 lbs, can be towed with small car, ba­sic-queen bunk, table, seat­ing, stor­age, A/C, elec­ tric H/U, no kitch­ en or bath, great start­ed camp­er, $4000 OBO; call or text 541379-5564 for info and pho­tos, Pen­dle­ton. 2013 AR­TIC FOX 990: one own­ er pick-up Camp­ er for long bed truck! on board Gen­ era­tor with 89.5 hours, ther­ mal pane wind­ ows, air con­di­tion­ing & more! ful­ly serv­iced & ready to go for only $25,900; call 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton. ECHO ATV TRAIL­ER with ramps, up­grad­ed to 2500 lb axle, new tires and spare, $800 also have Weather­ guard lock­ing tool box­ es, 24”wx12”dx15”h, $100 each; 541-5646163 or 509-844-3906, Her­mis­ton. LE­WIS­TON RV: best se­lec­tion & low­est pric­ es in the re­ gion on pre-owned RV’s, 6 Mo­tor­homes from $500 to $19,995, 35 Trav­el Trail­ers $5,995 & up, 10 toy Haul­ ers $11,995 & up, 25 5th Wheels $3,995 & up, 5 Tent Trail­ers & Pick­ up Camp­ers $3,995 & up. Le­ wis­ ton RV, Le­ wis­ton, ID; 1-800-8763426, www.le­wis­tonrv­ cen­ter.com

2014 YA­MA­HA En­ duro: like new; 541561-0863, Her­mis­ton. HON­DA YA­MA­HA CY­CLE­TOWN Vis­it us on­line for great deals on new Hon­ da & Ya­ma­ha pro­ducts. hon­d aya­m a­h a­c y­c le­ town.com 541-5678919, Her­mis­ton. PLEASE BE advised that The Nickel is not affiliated with any oth­ er publication in our area, including ones that use “Nickel” in their name. If you have any questions please call us directly at 541567-2230. BEAU­TI­FUL MO­ TOR­CY­CLE trail­er: di­a­mond plate, mag wheels, .45 cal pis­ tol, like new, HP 5600 print­er/cop­i­er, has book; 541-969-9132, Pen­dle­ton. HUNTER’S SPECIAL 2016 Honda Pioneeer 700, with or without trailer, like new, low miles, low hours, $13,000 obo. 509-9482996.TriCites.

The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 15

EX­TRA FFA Pig for sale: ap­prox. 350 lbs, grain fed, $2.50 live weight, butcher­ ing ar­ ound Oct. 15th; 541571-1777 or 541-5712226, Ione. TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ou­ sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­es 541-4542994, leave mes­sage. HAMBURGER 541-240-1229 Home grown, no additives, $3.50/lb. SMALL BREED Lambs For Sale: great for the BBQ, $125 a head; call 541-656-5009, Her­ mis­ton.

1972 CHEV three door Suburban, excellent condition, only minor rust, strong 350 with late model 5 speed, newer clutch, new brakes, posi trac rear, nice Cragar wheels. Too much to list. Needs paint and tires. Tires look new but are starting to weather check. Runs, drives and stops nicely. Asking $4800, possible delivery. 541-786-0734 for more information or pics. 90 CHE­VY S10 Pick­ up: 4.2L, 6 cylinder, ext. cab, tint­ ed wind­ ows, ex­cel­lent shape, $4200 OBO; 509-3017973, Col­lege Place.

All That Wood .com Your Fence Connection

Cedar • Vinyl Split Rail • Privacy • Picket Ranch Rail 541-667-8191

80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

NEED YOUR Home Cleaned? Her­mis­ ton and sur­round­ing areas; call to­day 541571-9971 or 541-5617628.

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, hot wa­ ter tanks; Call 541-314-5077, Her­ mis­ton

ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­fes­sion­ al, qual­ i­ ty, on time. Call for free es­ti­mates; Own­er Shan­non Kack, 760-267-6981, Hermiston, Or­e­gon.

IN GOOD times peo­ ple want to ad­ver­tise. In BAD times, they need to. Call us to­day to place your ad. Your busi­n ess will ben­e­f it from it! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

Batteries • Starters Alternators • Solar Centennial Trojan • Odyssey Optima • Deka Booster Boxes • Full Line NOCO Products 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri • 9am - Noon Saturday

Hwy 395 • 2440 North First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-6041 • (800) 233-6041

BIKE BLESS­ING & month­ly meet­ing: Chris­tian Mo­tor­cy­clist As­so­cia­tion, 6pm, 2nd Tues­ day each month, at Java Junk­ ies in Uma­til­la. GOOD FOOD! Good for­tune! Good buys! All can be found Nickel clas­si­fieds.

Come See Us For All Your Powder Coating Needs: • Wheels • Truck Beds • Trailers • ATV’S • Motorcycles • Fencing • Railing Give us a call for a FREE estimate:


80496 N. HWY 395 • Hermiston

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The Nickel -October 4, 2018- Page 16

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


2009 DODGE 3500 CUMMINS 4x4, $ Leather, & More! ,


2010 DODGE CHARGER AWD Fully Loaded $ ,

2012 CHRYSLER 300 LIMITED Leather, $ Full Power ,

18 988

#G7438A, V#524221

12 998

#9604, V#318123


Fully Equipped

#G7499A, V#299028

16 863

#9602, V#263511

2015 CHEVY IMPALA Local Trade In ,

2014 SUBARU OUTBACK LIMITED Leather, $ Full Power ,

2016 MIGHT LITE TRAILER Like New $ ,

2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD 1 Owner $ ,


2015 SUBARU IMPREZA AWD Premium, $ All Weather Package ,

2014 CHEVY SPARK LS Gas Mizer $ ,


2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT Leather, $ & More! ,

2014 CHEVY SONIC LTZ Low Miles, $ Fully Equipped ,

2017 DODGE JOURNEY AWD 3rd Row Seat, $ , & More!

2003 FORD F350 S/C 4X4 Only 80k Miles $ ,

14 959


#9517A, V#187145

15 950

#G7449B, V#521839

19 950

#G7397B, V#259506

18 988

#G7487B, V#207449

12 500

#9492, V#20026

16 969

#G7459C, V#015480

2005 CHEVY EQUINOX Low Miles $ ,

6 900

#9593A, V#053556

2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN 4X4 8 Passenger $ ,

8 988

#G7441B, V#241242

2016 JEEP CHEROKEE Sport $ ,

17 950

#9597, V#361946

2016 NISSAN FRONTIER CC 4X4 1 Owner, $ Low Miles ,

22 994

#G7462A, V#779610

2005 FORD MUSTANG Low Miles $ ,

8 850

#9571, V#209535

2009 NISSAN MURANO AWD Leather $ ,

11 998

8 949

#27002B, V#406462


TRD, Under 76k Miles #9205C, V#591560

#G7480B, V#137302

2003 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Local Trade $ ,

4 444

#G7450B, V#626174

2002 FORD F350 CC 4X4


Local Trade

#G7431B, V#C15690

2013 FORD F150 SUPERCREW 4X4 XLT, Tow Pkg., $ & More ,

24 550

#9609, V#E89915

2005 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Sunroof $ ,

3 998

#9547A, V#067829

2012 VW JETTA SE Local Trade ,

8 998


11 951

#B7762A, V#132001

10 998

#B7802A, V#220236

#B7812A, V#027770

2004 DODGE DURANGO 4X4 3rd Row Seat $ ,

6 888

#G7427B, V#167743


6 750

2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER Local Trade In $ ,

12 950

#B7753C, V#093839

2015 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED Fully Equipped $ ,

13 950

#9600, V#674505

#9564A, V#318393

2005 BUICK RAINIER Local Trade $ ,

5 995

#9581A, V#101267

19 789

#9548, V#560880

15 950

#9619, V#B51874

SAVINGS AT THE TOP OF THE HILL 1-800-743-9559 (541)-567-CARS

80406 Hwy 395 N, Hermiston, OR *All Vehicles Subject to prior sale, does not include $75 dealer doc./tax./lic. fee Offer Ends 10/10/18 *On Approved Credit

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