2.21.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00


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1965 THUN DER BIRD: run ning, straight body, $3,500; 541-969-2684, Baker City, OR.

AL FAL FA HAY for sale: 100lb bales, no rain, no weeds; 541-571-8995 or 541-567-5389, Hermiston.

20 DAIRY Sheep for sale: $300 each, having Lambs in March 2019; call 541626-1430, Hermiston.

February 21, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 08




BOR DER COL LIE Blue Heeler cross: 4 weeks old, ready, Feb 18th, $250; 541-786-3454, Cove, OR

HOY ER MED I CAL Lift: has nev er been used, $500; 541-571-8822, Hermiston.

WANT ED: 4 front tires/ wheels for motorcycle; call for details 541-454-0059, Arlington, OR.

TRUCKS, 4X4’S & SUV’S 2009 KIA Borrego: good condition, 6 cyl, 4x4, 125k miles, 3rd row seat, grey mid sized SUV, 5000lb tow package, new tires and battery, $6,900; 541-5711302, Hermiston.

Want Ad Newspaper

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1992 SUBURBAN: barn doors, 350 en gine, automatic, good tires, good body, runs great, $1,600; 541-656-8074, Hermiston.

541-564-1031 • 541-276-3732 2010 CHEVY Aveo: runs great, white, good for school, ask ing $2,800; 541-449-1361.Stan­field.

CORN FED Angus Steers for 9 days: natural, ready now, $2.50 lb. plus cut & wrap; 509-531-4422.

TWO 2018 late spring St. Croix/Dorper hair ewes: $175/each or $300/both; 541-219-1662, Heppner.

Beloved, if God loved us in this way, we also ought to love one another. No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love has been perfected in us. 1 John 4:11



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2 RED male Mini Pinscher pup pies: with AKC registration, $650; 509-3787801, Hermiston.

400,000 BTU GAS shop heat er: with vent pipe, $400; 541-377-0876, Pendleton.

2006 HARLEY FLHI: 6-speed, 2 into 1 Rinehart exhaust, $6,500; 541-3710552, Hermiston, OR.





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The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 2

BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. Li­ censed, Bond­ed & In­ sured, CCB# 167755; call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton. ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­ fes­sion­al, qual­i­ ty, on time. Call for estimate; Own­er Shan­ non Kack, 760267-6981, Hermiston, Or­e­gon.

AL­FAL­FA HAY for sale: 100lb bales, no rain, no weeds; 541-5718995 or 541-567-5389, Her­mis­ton. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. STILL SEARCH­I NG? Find it in the Nick­el!

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

KIM­BER­LEY BLACK Cat­tle the Ri­beye Auc­ tion An­gus bulls, sad­ dle horses, work­ ing dogs all for sale at auc­ tion. March 16th, 2019 at 1pm. vis­it www.kim­ ber­ley­black­cat­tle.com or call 208-874-2080 for more in­for­ma­tion or con­sign­ments. 20 DAIRY Sheep for sale: $300 each, hav­ ing Lambs in March 2019; call 541-6261430, Her­mis­ton.

Clyde Nobles Happy

We Love You, Your Family

WANT­ED REM­ING­ TON mod­el 81 Wood­ mas­ter; call, 541-7860376, Cove OR. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ters now book­ ing Winter Walleye and keeper Sturgeon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured; call 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow females, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered. GWP/ GRIFFON PUPS 8 females, 3 males, ready first week of March, excellent hunting, companions, temperament, & disposition. Parents on site. $400 firm. 541379-2986. Pendleton. BUSI­NESS CARDS at the Nick­el! Come check out the dif­fer­ent varieties you can choose from!

THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

UNLIMITED CAR Washes for as little as $17.50 a month. Wash Every Day! Great deal for Winter time, keep your car clean. Down load Everwash and choose The Clean Spot, then sign up. DATSUN 280ZX, t-top, red with gold metallic flecking, needs a little TLC, $1000 obo. 541626-1548. Umatilla. 1967 MUSTANG COUPE Runs great! Less than 500 miles on rebuilt original 289. New glass, tires, wheels, interior. Blower. Great little car! 509-9012076. Yakima. 1965 THUN­DER­BIRD: run­ning, straight body, in­teri­or need some TLC, $3,500; 541-9692684, Bak­er City, OR. 2006 CA­DIL­LAC DTS: one own­er, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, leath­er, clean, 103,890k miles, $4,950; call 541-9696352, Pen­dle­ton.


boulevard $ .00 5 Minimo la Entrada

edad toda la familia, Diversión para con el padre o el tutor os añ 10 a minim

SUF­FER­ING FROM an Ad­dic­tion: to al­ co­ hol, opiates, pre­ scrip­tion pain­kill­ ers or oth­ er Drugs? There is hope! Call to­ day to speak with someone who cares; call NOW 1-855-3998803. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for FREE es­ timate; 760-267-6981. Own­ er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. SNOW RE­MOV­ AL & GUT­ TERS CLEANED: We can pres­ sure wash your ve­hi­cles, motorhome, fenc­ es, misc. equip­ment, semi’s, trail­ers, very rea­son­ably priced, avail­able to the Her­ mis­ton ar­eas; call 458-219-1882. A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­lion fa­milies find sen­ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­ sors help find so­lu­ tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855-7417459. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. NEW CROP: Honey crisp and Fuji ap­ples: next to Bowl­ing Al­ley in Her­mis­ton, 10am2pm, $1/ pound, you can buy 1 pound or 10,000 pounds; 541626-1430.

2 RED male Mini Pinsch­er pup­pies: with AKC reg­is­tra­tion, up to date on shots and worming, $650; 509378-7801, Her­mis­ton. AKC GOLD­ENS AKC GOLD­ EN Re­ triev­er pup­pies ready for their for­ev­er homes March 16th, sire and dam on site, $1,000. $200 de­ pos­ it to hold pup; for more info and pics vis­ it- fb.me/alil­ lie80 or call 541-7201704, Pen­dle­ton. BOR­DER COL­LIE Blue Heel­ er cross: 4 weeks old, will be ready, Feb 18th, $250; 541-786-3454, Cove, OR. LOKI IS STILL MISSING Our Husky Loki is still missing. Please contact us at 509-5514287, or on Facebook “Bring Loki Home” if you know anything at all of his whereabouts. Missing since 3/9/16. Neutered male, 2 blue eyes, white tipped tail. Gray, white & some black. Six years old. Distinct markings on face (stripe between his eyes onto snout, & a black ring around his neck that doesn’t fully connect in the front). Thank you so much for helping us try and find our family member. We need our Loki home. Large reward! MINI AUSSIE puppies, 9 pups, 10 wks old, need good homes, 1st shots, 2nd due in 2 wks. $700 or make offer. Call me, Earl, at 509-571-6932, & we can discuss price. Yakima.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

VIA­GRA AND Cialis us­ers: 100 gener­ic pills spe­ cial, $99 FREE ship­ ping! 100% guar­ anteed, 24/7 call now 888-445-5928, Ha­bla­ mos Es­pa­nol!

BELG­I­UM MA­LAM­ UTE pup­ py for sale: pa­pered & reg­is­ tered, ap­prox­imate­ly 9 months old, up to date on shots, 541-5619569, Her­mis­ton.

BE­COME A Pub­lished Au­thor: we edit, print and dis­trib­ute your work in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. We do the work, you reap the re­ wards! cal for a free Au­thor;s sub­ mis­ sion kit; 866-9517214.; 866-951-7214.

BOXER PUPPIES Ready mid March, tails & dewclaws done. Will have vet check & first shots, & dewormed. 2 boys. Taking deposits. Asking $475. 541-4493798. Stanfield.

BEN­E­FIT FOR THE WOOLERY PRO­JECT COUN­TRY COW­ BOY ex­peri­ence: En­ joy an even­ ing of din­ner, danc­ing & live mu­ sic with Joni Harms of The Harms Way Band. Sat­ur­day, March 2, 2019, Let-er Buck Room, Pen­ dle­ ton, OR. Chuck­ wag­ on Din­ner by Par­a­dise Rose Chuck­wag­on Cater­ ing @ 5:30pm, Live Mu­sic @ 6:30pm. Tick­ets $40; face­book. com/the­w oo­l er­y­p ro­ jec­tinc

GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, black/ red, born 1/2/19, $300 each. 509-628-7536. TriCities. BULL TERRIER PUPPIES We have 7 beautiful Bull Terrier puppies! 4 females & 3 males, all colors! They’ll come with vaccinations & a vet check! Ready to go home 3/5/19, just in time for spring! You can reach me at 509-643-2342. Call or text. Non registerable, serious inquiries only! $1000. Granger,WA.

70 YEARS OLD, Kids are grown: still need your life in­surance? Or is a big Life Set­tle­ment Cash Pay­out smart­er? Cal Ben­efi­ t Ad­vance; 1-877-710-4660.

MINI AUSSIES, born in July. Boys only, reg & vaccinated. Baker City, OR. www. oregonaussies .net, $500- $800. 541-5189284.

OCEAN CAR­GO Stor­ age Con­tain­ers: used, new and of­fic­es, vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery, “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376.

AKC REG American Labrador puppies, dewclaws removed, first shots & health checked, ready to go Feb 28, yellows, blacks & chocolate available. $900. 509-318-4710. Connell,WA.




AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow females, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509-8600995. Messages will be answered. BRUBAKER ARMS MFG Brubaker Arms Manufacturing in Yakima specializes in fine custom sporting arms. Classic to modern, long gun to handgun. General repairs to full custom builds. We are Central Washington’s premier gun makers. Call Bryan 912-659-4505, Ligia 405-501-8135 or www.brubakerarms. com, Yakima. SEVERAL GUNS for sale: .54 cal; 410 ga; 12 ga; 30-06; 30/30. Call for more info, 509730-3028. WallaWalla.

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 3

2006 TOYO­TA Prius: 145k miles, clean, runs great, ex­cel­lent mpg, in­ cludes snow tires, $4,500; La­Grande; 541-910-4148 af­ ter 5 pm. 4-15” Mag rims: $30, 2 Al­loy 15” wheels, 1977 ful­ly self con­tained slide in pick­up Camp­ er, $450; 541-5714498, Ir­ri­gon. CUSTOM COAT CLOSING 2/28/19! All items need to be picked up before 2/28/19. We appreciate all of our customers support. Thank you! 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431. RE­BUILT START­ERS & Al­ter­na­tors: Do­mes­ tic & Im­ports avail­able., pric­ es start at $15.00 to $135, Die­ sels wel­ come; call Jaime at 541-571-0354, Uma­ til­la.

BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­ nett Live­ stock, 541523-6119, 541-5192802. HAMBURGER Home grown, no additives, $3.50/lb. 541-240-1229. TEFF GRASS, great horse hay, $8/ bale; Feeder hay, $5/ bale; Fescue mix, $5- $7/ bale. Randy, 509-240-4289. Touchet,WA.

STAY IN your home long­ er: with an Amer­i­can Stan­dard Walk-In Bath­ tub, re­ ceive up to $1500 off, in­ clud­ ing a free toi­ let, and a life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion! call us at; 1-855-5346198. WILL­ING TO WORK Land­scaping, fence re­pair, clear­ing, and much, much more; call Chuck 541-7206559.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

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Saturday, February 23rd. 11:00 am, preview at 9:00 am. 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston,

Absolute auction, No Reserves. Some items included are: Utility trailer, 480 Compressor, Antique Wardrobe, Vintage vanity, Navajo blanket, 2 Refrigerators, Washer / dryer, Electric range, Sentry safe, Sentry lock box, Miter saw, Windows, Cabinets, Power tools, Mechanics tools, Trail cameras, Vintage music boxes, Vintage Coast to Coast wagon, Rocker, Chairs, Vintage settee, Lamps, RV parts and appliances (used), 16” studded tires, Yard ornaments, Tool boxes w/ tools, Brace and bits, Vacuums, Pick up tool box, Metal storage box, K cups coffee NIB, Hamms beer glasses, Electrical, Coleman stoves, Catalytic heater, Electric heaters, Fans, Trap thrower, Clay pigeons.

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HARLEY SWAIN harleyswainsubaru.com 1-800-307-9696 • (541)-567-9696 1915 N First St. (Hwy 395 N), Hermiston Bottom of the hill

See photos on Facebook • Mikes Auction LLC (formerly Mbz Liquidations). 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. Call Mike Zook • 541-571-6280 Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 4

STORE CLOSING: High Desert Marine, main highway Hermiston. Now open 3 days per week, Thurs, Fri, 9am-5pm, & Sat, 9am-3pm. Almost everything in the store is 50% off. 541-567-8419

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RUGER/ MAG RESEARCH Ruger Old Army, .44 cal, 1973, used, $550; Magnum Research BFR, .46 S&W, new in box, $900. 301-4810751. Kennewick. SEVERAL GUNS for sale: .54 cal; 410 ga; 12 ga; 30-06; 30/30. Call for more info, 509730-3028. WallaWalla. LET US turn our Nickels into your dollars! Call us today! 541567-2330.









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AKC STAN­DARD Poo­dle pup­pies: ready in March, males & fe­males, tails docked,dew­claws re­ moved, health-test­ed par­ents, 2-year health guar­an­tee, life­time breed­er sup­port. Go to www.Our­Po­et­ic­ Poo­dles.com for more in­for­ma­tion or call 509582-6027, Ken­ne­wick. UKC BLUE NOSE PITBULLS Purebred blue nose Pitbull puppies, registered as American Pitbull Terriers through UKC. Dewclaws have been removed, deworming & first shots will be done. Dad can be on site if requested, along with a 1 year old male from the parents’ last litter. $1250 a pup obo. Born on 1/24/19. 9 pups total, 6 available as of 2/15/19. Great family dogs! Contact Cory at 509-788-5544. Prosser, WA. FOR SALE: Catahoula Leopard puppies for sale. 3 males left, 10 weeks old, asking $300. Text or call, 541-561-4471. cherry643@hotmail. com

CAR­BURE­TORS Re­ built by semi-re­ tired GM cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Me­chan­ic: near Pen­ dle­ton; call Doug 541429-1042. CARS/TRUCKS Want­ ed: 2002 and new­ er! any con­di­tion, run­ning or not, com­peti­tive off­ er, free tow­ing, we’re na­tion­wide; call now 1-888-416-2330. CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­ wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960.

BOOK­SHELVES: An­ tique amoire, Va­ se­ line glass, Fran­cis­can ware, 4 chi­na hutch­es, fridge, west­ern books, dress­ers, cos­tume jew­el­ry, com­ics, ster­ eo speak­ ers, records, win­ter coats, Ham­ley sad­dle, vin­tage cam­ era’s, 2 1930’s gas pumps, pay­ ing cash for gold jew­el­ry, sil­ver­ ware, coins, sil­ver dol­ lars, art work by Mary Corp and a whole lot more! at KC Art & Col­ lect­ ib ­les, 167 E Main St, Her­mis­ton, OR. 541-289-1800. TueSat, 10:30am-6pm.

DONATE Your Car to Ve­ter­ans to­day! Help and sup­port our Ve­ter­ ans, Fast-FREE pick up, 100% tax de­duct­ ible; call 1-800-2450398.

BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-5672230.

IH 345 PICKUP en­gine: au­tomat­ic trans­mis­ sion, trans­fer case and head­ ers, $500; 541705-7459, Hep­pner.

VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.

CORRECTED PHONE NUMBER 2003 FORD TAURUS: runs great, clean inside and out, $1,500 OBO; 541-420-5655, Pen­dle­ton.

Box Canyon Dairy Liquidation Internet Auction Begins to Close February 26, 2019 @ 6pm MST Official Preview Days are restricted to these dates only February 20-23 & 25-26 ~ 9am to 5pm Preview Location Only: 3492 S 1600 E, Wendell, ID 83355 Liquidation of Quality Equipment

Wheel Loaders *2016 Volvo L70H Wheel Loader *2016 Volvo L70H Wheel Loader *2014 John Deere 544K High Lift Wheel Loader *2013 Komatsu WA200PZ-6 Wheel Loader *2013 Komatsu WA200PZ-6 Wheel Loader Tractors *2017 JD 6110M MFWD Tractor *2015 JD 6110M MFWD Tractor *2015 JD 6105M MFWD *2014 JD 6105M MFWD Tractors *2014 JD 6150R MFWD Tractor *2012 JD 6230 MFWD Tractor Heavy Equipment *Case 580E Extenda Hoe *2008 Manitou Telescopic Forklift Vehicles *2017 Ford F350 4X4 Service Truck *2010 Peterbilt 367 Feed Truck *2007 Freightliner M2 Feed Truck *2005 Kenworth T800B Tractor Truck *1992 Kenworth T600 Tractor Truck *1994 Ford Super Duty Bucket Truck *1982 IH Dump Truck *2017 Ford 150 XL Single Cab *2012 JD XUV550 Mule UTV Trailers *2018 Sidump’R 36 Trailer *2018 BIW-36 Silage Trailer *2008 Loewen Honey Vac Trailer *2004 Barrett 40’ Livestock Trailer *2003 Lowen Honey Vac Trailer *NUHN Vacuum Trailer Partial Listing *(2) Miller MFG Big Bale Grapple Forks *Frontier Big Bale Fork *Sioux Portable Livestock Chute *135KW KATOLIGHT Standby Gen-Set *Portable Freezer/Refrigerator Unit *Walker T25i Zero Turn Lawn Mower *(3) Straw Spreaders *6” Diesel Portable Pump *Many Dairy Parlor Equipment Items *Livestock Chutes Gates - Panels - Stanchions *Farm Implements *Irrigation Equipment *Shop Equipment *Generator/ Welders * Milk Tanks This is an offsite auction location in Wendell, Idaho. FOR MORE PICTURES &

DESCRIPTIONS & INFORMATION & BIDDING GO TO: www.pickettauctions.com Pickett Auction Service LLC FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: (208) 455-1419

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

ESTATE SALE FRI & SAT, 9AM-5PM 25% off desks; 25% off mattresses; 25% off green tagged items this Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm! Antiques; Furniture; Mid century; Jewelry; Electronics; Marbles; 7000 sq.ft of treasures! New arrivals: Quality dining sets; Lighted large China hutch ; Pair of swivel barrel chairs; Patio furniture; Sunbrella; Vintage board games; Dressers; Bedroom sets; China hutches; King beds; Headboards; M a t t r e s s e s ; Nightstands; Mid century steel case tankard desk; Sofa tables; Bar stools; Mid century style tables; Geometrical upholstered chair; Dining table with under storage; Vintage goose decoys; Chocolate pots; Dragon ware; Nippon tea set; Noritake; Limoges; Corner computer desks; Fresh jewelry; Mid century hutch; Cast iron queen bed; Lateral file cabinet; La-Z-Boy recliner; Desks; Farm house hutch; Cast iron bathtub; Gnomes; Eastlake; Mid century Drexel; Nodders; Sports pennants; Art supplies; Easels; Artwork; Dining sets; Loveseats; Bedroom furniture; Armoires; China hutches; Chairs; Side tables; Mirrors; Cedar chest & more! Vinyl record albums; CDs; DVDs; Books; Electronics; Ty p e w r i t e r s ; Binoculars; Cameras; Radios; Speakers; Vintage vanity; Perfumes; Compacts; Hand bags; Purses; Hats; Fenton; Depression glass; McCoy; Longaberger; Sewing machines; Notions; Serving pieces; Flatware; Fine China; Wedgewood; Limoges; More! We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat. Photos on Facebook, https:// Facebook.com/ ETEstateSales, look for most current dated album. ET Estate Sales, LLC. 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick, near the Cable Bridge, next to Zip’s. WEEK LONG ES­TATE SALE in­doors, start­ing March 1st thru March 10th, 9am-5pm da­i­ly, 32328 E Pun­kin Cen­ter, Her­ mis­ton. PUB­LIC Sale EZ MINI Stor­age 2315 Hwy. 395 So., Her­mis­ton, OR. 97838. Sale will be held on site, March 5, 2019 at 11:00 am; U-34 Ro­bert Mil­ haem; Please call ahead to con­firm, 541567-1003.

BEAUTIFUL, healthy CKC Boston Terriers, red/ white, black/ white, vet checked, dewclaws removed, 1st shots, dewormed, ready to go March 9 (6 wks old), $800. 509248-3088, 509-3886741. Yakima. BOERBOEL MASTIFF Top of the line genetics & temperament. Socialized, vaccinated, dewormed, & ready for their forever homes. $1500. Yakima, WA. 509-945-5422. DID YOU KNOW? STANFIELD PUBLIC Library has over 50 NEW audiobooks, available to check-out. And id none of the 50 suit your fancy... There are 1,000’s available for digital download. All you need is your Stanfield Library card. LAB PUPS: 1/2 white, 1/2 yel­ low, will be ready March 1st; call or text for de­tails, 509521-3767, Tri-Cities. WEIMARANER PUPPIES Purebred Weimaraner pups for sale, blue & silvers, AKC limited & pet quality, long hair also available. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, first shots & dewormed. Family raised, full registration also available. $700 for males & $800 females pet quality. $1000 males & $1200 females, AKC. Call or text, 425-330-0431 or 425-286-9433. Snohomish. AKC GOLDEN part English cream, 2 shots, deworming, pad trained, born 11/22/18, $1000. 509-760-6525. MosesLake. 3/4 LAB PUPPIES 13 weeks, ready for new home! Only have 1 female (black with gray Husky markings), been dewormed & had shots. $200. Text for best response, 509947-6222. TriCities. AKC LAB puppies for sale: 7 Yellow, 4 Black. 3 Yellow females, 1 Black female. Deposit required. Hunting backgrounds, great pets. Text or call, 509531-5810, or 509860-0995. Messages will be answered.

DEN­TAL IN­ SURANCE: Call Phy­ si­cians Mu­tual In­ surance Com­pa­ny for de­ tails. Not just a dis­ count plan, real cov­er­age for 350 pro­ cedures. 888-6233036 or http://www. den­t al50­p lus.com/58. ad #6118. FI­NAN­CIAL BEN­E­Fits for those fac­ ing seri­ ous ill­ ness: you may qual­i­fy for a liv­ing ben­ e­fit loan to­day (up to 50 per­cent of your life in­surance poli­cy death ben­e­fit) free in­for­ma­ tion; call 1-855-6320124. HAP­PY BIRTH­DAY REN­DEZ­VOUS!! Let’s Cele­brate with new Vin­tage in­ven­tory and Cos­mo Cow­girl’s Clos­ et is full again! Serv­ing dec­a­dent de­ lights, and some de­ li­cious bub­bly. Sat­ur­ day, Feb. 23rd, 10am to 5pm, 210 W Main, Echo, OR. ELIM­INATE RATS/ Mice Guar­anteed: Buy Har­ris baits, traps, re­ pel­lants. Avail­able; hard­ ware stores, buy on­line; home­de­pot. com HOY­ER MED­I­CAL Lift: has nev­er been used, in­cludes ex­tra bat­tery and sling, $500; 541571-8822, Her­mis­ton. FAMILIES ANONYMOUS Families Anonymous, a 12 step recovery program for the families & friends of addicts, meets every Tuesday at Richland Seventh Day Adventist Church, located at 1807 McMurray Ave, from 7am-8:30pm. Families Anonymous is a support group designed to help individuals deal with the challenges & problems they face with an addict in their lives. The meetings & discussions are geared toward adults & adolescents, aged 16 & older. Newcomers are welcome, & there are no fees & no cost to join. Sorry, child care is not provided. To learn more, call 509-554-2948. NEED A new car, but don’t want to drive far? Check your local Nickel Want Ad paper. Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties.

Next Auction in March!!


The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 5

JAIME’S RE­BUILD­ ERS: en­gines, tran­ ny’s, heads, grind­ing, al­ter­na­tors, start­ers, elec­tri­cal jobs, Die­sel’s wel­come, weld­ing and cut­ting; 541-571-0354, Uma­til­la. 1986 CA­DIL­LAC Fleet­ wood: 16k miles on new en­ gine, eve­ ry­thing new, ra­dia­tor, belts, etc, can be seen at West Coast Auto Glass, Her­mis­ton; call 541-567-1871. ARE YOUR dol­lars get­ ting squeezed a lit­tle TOO tight? Check the Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains! 2010 CHE­VY Aveo: runs great, white, good for school, ask­ ing $2,800 or take over pay­ment; call 541-4491361 ask for Bill, Stan­ field. 2017 DODGE Car­a­ van: ful­ ly load­ ed, 3rd row seat­ing, 12k miles, $19,700 OBO; call Sat, Sun. or Mon­days only 541-561-1124, Ir­ri­gon. STUD­DED TIRES: matched pair Miche­ lin 8x16.5 10ply, $250, matched set/4, 185/75R14, mount­ed on 5x100/5x115 rims, $300, have oth­ er 14” tires and wheels; 541379-8785, Pen­dle­ton.

CORN FED An­gus Steers for 9 days: all nat­u­ral, no hor­mones, guar­anteed top qual­i­ ty, ready now, $2.50 lb. plus cut & wrap; 509531-4422.

35th AN­NUAL IDA­HO Sal­ ers Bull and Fe­ male Sale: Tues­day, Fe­bru­ary 26th, 1pm MST, Treas­ure Val­ley Live­stock, Cald­well, Ida­ ho; for more in­ for­ ma­ tion, call 208-9245106 or 208-356-4795.

HAY BAR­LEY 4x4x8 bales, ap­ prox. 1,000 lbs, call Bob 509-366-5808, Echo, OR.

TWO 2018 late spring St. Croix/Dor­ per hair ewes: $175/each or $300/both; 541-2191662, Hep­pner.


xi Le

ngton Pum


J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­ crete, foun­da­tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970-3669184 or 541-626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­ sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. CHECK THE Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains!

Welcome to Lexington Pump LLC

Sales Service Installation Trenching Available & Solar Pumping Systems Who we are: • Full Service pump installation and repair from well to pressure tank or both agriculture and domestic applications. • A local dealer and installer of the best solar pump package in the market today. • Installation of pipe lines, cisterns and complete water systems for most applications. • Full line of excavation equipment for your excavation needs. • We do well rehabilitation for increased water supply and bacterial growth problems. www.lexingtonpump.com • 541-989-8448 Cell-Sam: 541-561-8881 • Cell-John: 541-561-3519 Fax: 541-989-8567 • CCB# 199519 P.O. Box 626 • Lexington, OR 97839


You Don’t Need

BIG BUCK$ ... Just A Little “Dough” To Advertise In The Nickel!


The Nickel PHONE: 541-567-2230

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section MED­I­CAL BILL­ING Trainees Need­ed: train at home for a ca­ reer as a Med­ic­ al Of­fice Pro­fes­sion­al at CTI; 1-833-766-451, Ask­ CTI.com HS Di­plo­ma re­quired HER­MIS­TON SCHOOL DIS­TRICT Her­mis­ton School Dis­ trict is seek­ing ap­plic­ ants for on-call Cus­tod­ i­al po­si­tions: The suc­ cess­ful can­di­dates will work swing shift 16-40 hours/week. More in­ for­ma­tion and ap­pli­ca­ tion form are avail­able at: https://her­mis­ton. tedk12.com/hire The Her­mis­ton School Dis­ trict is an Equal Op­por­ tun­i­ty Em­ploy­er.

$$$ WORK FROM Home$$$$2,845 week­ly as­sem­bling in­ for­ma­tion pack­ets from home. No ex­peri­ence nec­es­sary! Start im­ me­diate­ly. Free in­for­ ma­tion 24hrs. RI­VAS PUB­LISH­ING Since 2001 www.ri­vas­pu­ blish­ing.com SEEK­ING THE RIGHT PER­SON to re­place ex­ist­ing Op­ era­tor for large ag­ri­cul­ tur­al Pes­ti­cide Ap­pli­ca­ tion Com­pa­ny: In­di­vid­ u­al re­spon­si­ble for op­ er­a­tion of large ground ap­pli­ca­tion equip­ment. Will pro­vide train­ing as nec­es­sary; Con­tact (509)-627-2242 af­ter 8am.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! DIESEL MECHANIC • SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS • No CDL needed to start • Sign on bonuses up to $350 • Paid training • $13.40 an hour (Drivers) • Office positions DOE • Flexible scheduling

• Dental insurance • Vision Insurance • Accident Insurance • Critical Care Insurance • 401k • Diesel Mechanic Exp. Rqd.


MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

AIR­LINES ARE Hir­ ing: Get FAA ap­proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­nan­cial Aid for quali­fied stud­ ents-ca­reer place­ment as­sis­tance, call Avia­ tion In­ sti­ tute of Main­ tenance; 888-6861704. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ASSISTANT Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO) is seeking a halftime office assistant in Pendleton: Varied duties include interaction with clients, screening people for eligibility, answering phones, writing reports, light accounting, and administrative support. Salary depends on relevant experience. Benefits package is excellent and includes health, vision, dental, life, and disability insurance;; a 401(k) plan; and generous leave; al of which are prorated for the half-time position. Open until March 4, 2019. Please send your resume, references, and a cover letter to: Arron Guevara, Legal Aid Services of Oregon to; pendletonjobs@ lasoregon.org LASO is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

JM EA­GLE Com­pa­ ny: is look­ ing for a Class A CDL truck driv­er with cur­rent med­i­cal card and clean driv­ ing record. Lo­ cal hauls, home each night, hours nor­ mal­ ly 7 am to 3:30 pm, Mon­ day thru Fri­day. Ex­cel­lent ben­efi ­ ts: No de­duct­ ible Med­i­cal, Den­tal, Vision, paid life and ac­cid­ent in­surance, too many ben­e­fits to list, wage DOE. To ap­ ply, come to the plant to fill out ap­pli­ ca­tion. Con­tact Myra Bea­gles in Hu­man Re­sourc­es. Plant lo­ cat­ed at: 31240 Rox­ bury Road, Uma­til­la, OR 97882. Hwy., 730 West bound to Bud Drap­er Road (Port of Uma­til­la) go left to the “T” and go right, plant will be on your left.

DITCH­RID­ER WEST­LAND IR­RI­GA­TION Dis­trict: This is a full time po­si­tion, with ben­e­fits, and a com­ pen­sa­tion range of $17 to $23 per hour de­pend­ing on ex­peri­ ence To re­quest. a job ap­pli­ca­tion, con­tact Tami Sher­er, Of­fice Man­ag­er, West­land Ir­ ri­ga­tion Dis­trict, 77096 Hwy. 207, Echo, OR 97826. Of­fice phone number 541-6672030. The job de­scrip­ tion and ap­pli­ca­tion is also avail­ able on the West­land Ir­ri­ga­tion Dis­tict web­site, www. w e s t­l a n­d i r­r i­g a­t i o n . com by click­ing on the Ditch­rid­er po­si­tion link on the home page, Prev­i­ous ex­peri­ence help­ ful but will train the right can­ didate. This po­si­tion is be­ing ad­ver­tised un­til filled.

BOOK­KEEP­ER NOW HIR­ING Full Charge Book­keep­er: Must have ad­ vanced ex­peri­ence with Quick­ books Pro ac­ count­ ing-pay­ roll, A/P, A/R, and bank rec­on­cilia­ tions; ten key & Ex­cel spreadsheets. Fa­mil­ iar­i­ty with farm records a plus. Wage $16 to $20 per hour DOQ. F/T with ben­efi­ ts; 541-3768444 or fax re­sume to 541-376-8445, Echo. OR.

FULL TIME PO­SI­TION Truck Driv­er/Mix­er Load­er of Ag­ri­cul­tur­ al Pro­ ducts: Job in­ cludes han­dling/mix­ing of pes­ticides. CDL de­ sired with tank­ er en­ dorse­ ments. Will help quali­fied in­di­vid­u­al with en­dorse­ments if nec­es­sary. This is an en­try lev­el job. $16.50 per hour, plus over­time and fuel al­low­ance; Call (509)-627-2242 af­ter 8am.


THE OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: • Driving Revenues • New Business Development • Build Business & Personal Customer Relationships


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We have an opening for a professional Assistant Administrator position at our New Roads program in Pendleton, OR. We are seeking a professional that possesses a combination of skills and credentials to provide daily managerial and administrative support. This position is responsible for the overall operations and success of the program and must be able to coordinate and maintain a professional relationship with Residential Associates, ColumbiaCare administrative staff, the State of Oregon and other professional agencies providing services. Salary $3,300-$4,300 per month/DOE and QMHA credentials. This is a salary-exempt position. HOW TO APPLY: For more details about on how to apply, please visit our CAREER CENTER page at http://www.columbiacare.org/ careercenter.html Our employment opportunities are listed by region, select EASTERN OREGON.

WE ARE now hir­ing for the 2019 FIRE SEA­ SON with the fol­low­ing po­si­tions avail­able: En­ gine Boss $20$25 per hour, DOE. Equip­ment Op­era­ tor $26.15 per hour. Wa­ter Tender Op­era­ tor $22.78 per hour. Low­boy Driv­er w/CDL $23.16 per hour. Fire Fight­er 1- $15-$20 per hour, DOE. Fire Fight­ er 2- $14.81 per hour. Flag Ve­hi­cle Driv­er $14.81 per hour. We have gov­ern­ment con­ tracts to fight Wildland Fires na­tion­wide. You have the op­ por­ tun­ i­ ty to make from $6,000 to $11,000 per month work­ing 84 hours per week dur­ing fire sea­son. Must be 18 years old, able to pass a drug test, and be driv­er in­sur­able. We can also off­er full time, year ar­ ound work in our timber man­age­ment and log­ ging com­ pa­ ny, if you are in­ter­est­ed in per­ ma­nent em­ploy­ment. Email or fax re­ sume and have DMV fax driv­ing record to 541676-5189. COLUMBIA BASIN PLUMBING Columbia Basin Plumbing is looking to hire a plumbing apprentice, & a journeyman plumber. We offer top pay, a great place to work, & benefits (life insurance, disability, medical, retirement) after 90 days! Call us today for your interview. 509619-5003. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. NOW HIRING Person to detail trucks, inside only. This is a full time position in Hermiston. For application & more information, please contact Kelly Medelez, Sr. 541-571-0938. Medelez Inc is an EOE.

NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­ curs in your clas­si­fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­ spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­ li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied. AD­MIN­IS­TRA­TIVE OF­FICE AS­SIS­TANT Le­gal Aid Serv­ic­es of Or­eg ­ on (LASO), is seek­ing a half-time of­ fice as­sis­tant in Pen­ dle­ton, OR: Varied du­ ties in­clude in­ter­ac­tion with cli­ents, screen­ing peo­ple for eli­gibil­i­ ty, an­swer­ing phone, Writ­ing re­ports, light ac­count­ing, and ad­ min­is­tra­tive sup­port. Sal­ary de­pends on rel­ev­ant ex­peri­ence. Ben­e­fits pack­age is ex­cel­lent and in­cludes health, vision, den­ tal, life, and dis­abil­i­ty in­ surance; a 401(k) plan; and gen­ erous leave; all of which are prorat­ ed for the halftime po­si­tion. Open un­ til March 4, 2019. Please send your re­ sume, ref­er­enc­es, and a cov­er let­ter to: Ar­ron Gue­vara, Le­gal Aid Serv­ic­es of Or­e­ gon: pen­dle­ton­jobs@ la­sor­e­gon.org LASO is an Equal Op­por­tun­ i­ty Em­ploy­er. $$$ WORK FROM Home$$$$2,845 week­ly as­sem­bling in­ for­ma­tion pack­ets from home. No ex­peri­ence nec­es­sary! Start im­ me­diate­ly. Free in­for­ ma­tion 24hrs. RI­VAS PUB­LISH­ING Since 2001 www.ri­vas­pu­ blish­ing.com

AVON - EARN Ex­ tra $$: Sell on­ line or in per­ son from home or work. FREE web­ site in­ clud­ ed. N o in­ ven­tory re­quired. For more info; call 855812-5674.

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


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e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 8

1992 SUB­UR­BAN: barn doors, 350 en­ gine, au­tomat­ic, good tires, good body, runs great, $1,600; 541656-8074, Her­mis­ton. THENICKELONLINE. COM You can also find us on Facebook.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale! TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

Next Auction in March!!


NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­ els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing. Call a sales rep­re­sen­ ta­tive to­day to find out what The Nickel can do for you! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. GRASS HAY: $8 a bale, all 2 tie bales; 541-571-7601, Her­ mis­ton.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. MON­TA­NA BLACK AN­GUS COWS For­ ty Six top qual­ i­ ty large framed black An­ gus cows bred to Fan­cy black An­gus bulls; These cows are 3 to 7 years old and calv­ing now. These can be seen on TriCities, WA. Craigs list un­der farm & gar­den. Will sell one or more, de­liv­ery avail­able, for more in­for­ma­tion phone; Joe Chap­ pell 509-301-4402, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter, OR. TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage.

NEED WORK: I’m an ex­cel­lent Car­pent­er, years of ex­peri­ence, have tools and ref­ er­ enc­es, very rea­son­ able pric­es; call 541571-7624 or 541-5678179, Her­mis­ton. ON THE EDGE SHARPENING I offer high quality clipper blade sharpening using the best clipper blade sharpening machine on the market. I do blades for small & large animals. I also sharpen all styles of knives: Kitchen, hunting, and pocket. Call 509-947-6439. TriCities. CALL AN­TOI­NETTE 541-969-3000: for kitch­en, bath re­mo­del and re­pairs, in­teri­or paint­ing and dry­wall; CCB# 190775, Her­ mis­ton.



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com

WE HAVE 10 Lab mix puppies that will be ready to go to their forever homes on Feb 23rd, 2019. We will take them to have their first shots. Mom is full Lab, dad is Lab & Border Collie cross. We are in Plymouth, WA. Text me at 509366-1122.

DISH TV: $59.99 for 190 Chan­ nels + $14.95 High Speed In­ter­net, Free in­stalla­ tion, smart HD DVR in­clud­ed, Free Voice Rem­ote, some re­stric­ tions ap­ ply; 1-800718-1593.

PETITE POMERANIAN puppy: female, white, 16 months old, weight 9-10 pounds, smart, potty trained, loves to play, ready for her new home, $800; 509-778-2016, Umatilla.

COUNTRY FLEA MARKET Looking for vendors for the Spring No Rhyme Or Reason Country Flea Market at the Grandview Fairgrounds, April 12th-14th. Free vendor camping. Over 100 vendors. Call 509314-5181, or email shelleigh77@hotmail. com for an application.

DANIFF PUPPIES for sale, 2 boys & 3 girls, dewclaws, first shots upon purchase, ready for their forever homes March 15th. Call for pics & more information. 509-9293528. 509-580-1916. Naches, WA. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, black/ tan & all black, born Dec 29th, parents on site, great temperament & disposition, $350. 509830-8283. Prosser.

MX550 Challenger

BATHROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy One Day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ing, grab bars, no slip floor­ ing & seat­ed show­ers, call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion; 888-9124745.

IN­V EN­T ORS-FREE In­for­ma­tion Pack­age: have your pro­ duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ ably by the Re­search & De­vel­op­ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­tur­ers, call 1-888-501-0236 for a Free Idea Start­ er Guide, sub­ mit your idea for a free con­sul­ ta­tion.





MX750 Challenger

UXV 450i







The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Ride Away With





Sell those good, but no longer needed items in the next issue! Reg. Rate $5.00/week for 15 words or less, 10¢ per word thereafter.



1510 Grade St., Kelso 98626 517 NW Pacific, Chehalis 98532 1055 N. First Street, Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230 • thenickelonline.com Phone: 423-3141 Fax: 423-1814 Phone: 748-6616 Fax: 748-1479 A. 4 Week Special Rate

Name: ____________________Date: ______________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Credit Card Number: ___________________________ Exp. Date: ____________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

❏ Miscellaneous

❏ Manufactured Housing ❏ For Rent ❏ Recreational Vehicles ❏ Tools & Machinery ❏ Household ❏ Motorcycles & ATV's ❏ Employment & Services ❏ Boats & Accessories ❏ Pets & Animals ❏ Sporting Goods ❏ Farm & Garden ❏ Computers & Electronics ❏ Wanted ❏ Logging & Heavy Eq. ❏ Yard Sales ❏ Free Items ❏ Real Estate ❏ Lost & Found

6.00 $15.00 ____ ❏ Automobiles $

(First 15 Words, Pre-Paid)

B. No. Extra Words _____x 20¢ ea. C. Sub-total (A+B) D. Total

_____ _____ _____































The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

FOR SALE in Her­ mis­ton: new Mar­lette, ready approx. De­ cem­ ber. 1493 sq ft, 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, in­ cludes City lot, car­ port, dri­ve­way, heat pump, En­er­gy Star ap­plianc­es, wood cab­ i­nets, $139,900, CCB# 49542; 541-567-8024. COMMERCIAL Building for sale or rent in Walla Walla, off Hwy 12 with exit ramp, approx 9000 sq.ft., 6 bays, parts rooms, offices, and more. Price reduced to $890,000. Motivated seller or renter! 509727-4557. LAND for sale: Her­ mis­ton, OR, Ex­clu­ sive neigh­bor­hood (with lim­it­ed amount of neigh­bors avail­able) where views are end­ less. Pic­ tures do not do this prop­ er­ ty jus­ tice, Paved road ac­ cess. Ready for you to build your dream/ forever home on this 2+ acre lot. $99,500 Call Des­ti­ny George to­ day for more de­ tails or a show­ ing! 541-980-1148. Kell­er Wil­liams-PDX Re­al­ty #18247205

SUPER NEAT: 3 bed­ room, 1 bath­ room “Boise Cas­cade” home. Up­ dates in kitch­en and bath­room, new­er car­pet in liv­ing room and hall way, cov­ered pa­tio, nice siz­ed fenced back­yard with out­side stor­age and gar­den box­es. Dead end al­ley way in back of home for ac­ cess to back yard. New roof in 2010. Great first home, move in ready! $149,900, call Des­ ti­ ny George at Kell­ er Wi­liams PDX Re­al­ty, Her­mis­ton; 541-9801146. FARM LAND for sale: Top quality soil, small home, good water rights (WIP), 46 acres, parcel 20102513001, 460 Chambers Rd, Toppenish, WA. $475,000 cash. 509952-4457. NO­T ICE! IF an er­r or oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­ fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. Dam­a g­e s are lim­i t­e d to only the cost of the advertisement.

COMMERCIAL Building for sale or rent in Walla Walla, off Hwy 12 with exit ramp, approx 9000 sq.ft., 6 bays, parts rooms, offices, and more. Price reduced to $890,000. Motivated seller or renter! 509727-4557. JUST LIST­ ED: Very cute three bed­ room, one bath­ room home, sit­ ting on .64 of an acre with a 2 car de­ tached ga­rage/shop and RV park­ing. Very pri­vate coun­try like set­ ting. Fenced yard with a gar­den area and a cov­ ered back pa­ tio with hot tub for en­ter­ tain­ ing. new roof and floor­ing in 2011, new sep­ tic in 2008. Bath­ room re­cent­ly up­dat­ed ad­ding a show­er/tub. She shed put on prop­ er­ty and com­plete­ly fin­ished with heat­ing in 2018. MUST SEE HOME!!! $225,000 Call Des­ti­ny George to­day. Kell­er Wil­liamsPDX Re­al­ty, Her­mis­ ton, 541-980-1148. THERE ARE thou­ sands of peo­ple who will read this space, next time....fill its place!

DOU­BLE­WIDE MO­ BILE: 3 beds, 2 baths, new heat pump & fur­ nace, walk-in tub, kitch­en coun­ters & floor­ing. Wheel chair ac­ces­si­ble, large porch and shed, all ap­plianc­es in­clud­ed. In Sha­dy Rest Mo­bile Home Park, Uma­ til­ la, $23,800 OBO; Call Sat. Sun. or Mon­days only 541-561-1124. FOR SALE in Her­ mis­ton: new Mar­lette, ready approx. De­ cem­ ber. 1493 sq ft, 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, in­ cludes City lot, car­ port, dri­ve­way, heat pump, En­er­gy Star ap­plianc­es, wood cab­ i­nets, $139,900, CCB# 49542; 541-567-8024. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­ la­tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­ tact an sales rep­re­ sen­ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. LOOKING FOR small house with 3 or more acres for rent or lease in Hermiston; 541-7204367.

1 BED­ROOM apart­ ment for rent in Hermiston: ref­er­enc­es re­quired, no pets; call Frost Prop­er­ties 541561-5310.

Next Auction in March!!


Vivienda de trabajo Agrícola Dúplex disponible de 2 o 3 dormitorios Lavadora y Secadora disponible en la unidad Agua alcantarilla y basura pagada Restricciones de Ingresos Alquiler basado en ingresos a partir de $0 por mes Debe Calificar bajo la definición del tragador Agrícola. Por favor llamar al (541) 567-1400 Farm Labor Housing Available 2 and 3 bedroom duplex units, washer and dryer in unit, water sewer and garbage paid, income restrictions, rent based on income starting at $0 per month, must qualify under Farm Labor Definition. Please Call (541) 567-1400



• Storage For • Business • Commercial • Household • Small RV • Autos • Boats • 5x5, 5x10, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 12x15 & 12x30 COMPETITIVE RATES • Storage For Family & Business • On Site Security Units to Choose From • Lighted 7 Day’s a Week Access • 677 • Now offering 5x5 - 12x30 units • Competitive Rates • Electronic Gated/Fenced • Access 7 Days A Week • Electronic Gated/Fenced

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$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10Storage - $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Units- 12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.

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Farm Labor Housing



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TWO BED­ROOM 2 bath for sale or rent: Pen­dle­ton. $42,000 cash or $865 a month and $865 de­ pos­ it, no pets; 541-276-7632.

ON THE EDGE SHARPENING I offer high quality clipper blade sharpening using the best clipper blade sharpening machine on the market. I do blades for small & large animals. I also sharpen all styles of knives: Kitchen, hunting, and pocket. Call 509-947-6439. TriCities.

LUNG CANC­ER? and age 60+? You and your fam­ i­ ly may be en­ti­tled to sig­nif­i­cant cash award. No risk, No mon­ey out of pock­ et; call for in­for­ma­tion 866-830-3010.

PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIES inc.


2 BED­ ROOM house: de­tached ga­rage, W/D hook­ up, no pets, no smok­ ing. can see at, 155 E Beebe, Her­mis­ ton. $800/month plus $800/de­pos­it, for ap­ pli­ca­tion; call 541-7207133, leave mes­sage.

FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236.

AKC LAB PUPPIES AKC Lab puppies, born 01/04/19, ready to go to new homes 03/01/19. Two black males, $500, 1 white male, $800, 1 champagne male, $600, 1 champagne female, $800, 1 yellow female, $600. All come with papers. Taking deposits now, asking half down to hold. Please call or text Breanna, 509-5720356. See online for photos.

NW PREPAREDNESS EXPO The 2019 Expo takes place April 13th & 14th in Prosser, WA. Preparedness vendors, informative speakers, door prizes. Are you ready for what is coming? See http:// nwpreparednessexpo. us for more information.



GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

2 BASSET Hound Chihuahua puppies: 2 females, ready for their forever homes, first shots, $80; call or text 541-561-7400, leave message, Boardman.

SPEC­TRUM TRI­PLE Play: TV, In­ter­net & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per sec­ond speed, No con­tract or com­mit­ ment, more chan­ nels, faster in­ter­net, un­lim­ it­ed voice; call 1-877338-2315.


SMALL 2 bed­room Single wide: no pets, no smok­ ing, $800/ rent, $1000 de­pos­it, $50 application fee per applicant; 541-3142020, Power City.

HEY! YOU don’t have to go far to find a great bar­gain! You can find it in the Nick­el!

REG ENGLISH Mastiff puppies, brindle & apricot colors. 509985-7303. Zillah.

PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston.

THREE BED­ROOM Apart­ment: ap­plianc­es in­clud­ing built-in mi­ crowave, W/S/G paid, no pets, no sat­ el­ lites, $900 a month rent, $1250 base se­cur­i­ty de­ pos­ it; call for pic­ tures or fur­ther de­tails, 503-201-2819, Her­ mis­ton.


705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

FOR RENT: 5th wheel in farm set­ting, wa­ter, sew­er, gar­bage, elec­ tric & pro­pane in­clud­ ed, $600 per month, $300 non re­fund­able de­pos­it, no pets & no smok­ing in unit, lo­cat­ ed in Board­man; 541561-9871.

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 11

ira mac


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The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 12

nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

5th GENERATIONS mini Nubian does: blue eyed. will be 1 year old in April, $250 each; 541-969-5633.

DATSUN 280ZX, t-top, red with gold metallic flecking, needs a little TLC, $1000 obo. 541626-1548. Umatilla.

KIM­BER­LEY BLACK Cat­tle the Ri­beye Auc­ tion An­gus bulls, sad­ dle horses, work­ ing dogs all for sale at auc­ tion. March 16th, 2019 at 1pm. vis­it www.kim­ ber­ley­black­cat­tle.com or call 208-874-2080 for more in­for­ma­tion or con­sign­ments.

1965 THUN­DER­BIRD: run­ning, straight body, in­teri­or need some TLC, $3,500; 541-9692684, Bak­er City, OR.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

TWO QUAR­TER horse: for sale or trade; call 541-5660366, Adams, OR. FRANKLIN COUNTY SADDLE CLUB ANNUAL TACK SWAP Mar 16, 9am-2pm. Call 509-528-9113. LUCKY ACR­ES FENC­ ING, INC: Pro­vid­ing m a i n­t e n a n c e - f r e e , heavy gauge horse and live­stock pan­els and pro­ ducts built to last a life­time. Panels & gates, shelt­ers & Mare Mo­ tels, stall fronts & di­vid­ers, com­plete pad­ dock set-ups, work­ ing cor­ral sys­tems, com­ plete ar­e­na set-ups, round pens, con­ tour per­i­met­er fenc­ing, feed­ers, sad­dle racks and more, all pro­ducts are made of gal­ van­ ized, heavy gauge steel tub­ing, de­liv­ery avail­ able! 208-746-1228, www.luck­ya­cres.net

Cargo Next Auction in March!! CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME. Containers TOOLS • GUNS • EQUIPMENT Cargo for &Sale MORE INFORMATION PICTURES ON FACEBOOK AT: COLUMBIA RIVER AUCTIONContainers LLC AUCTIONEER: PAUL KRAMER 541-371-4619 for Sale & Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

www.dryboxusa.com 503-420-3940


503-420-3940 www.DryBoxUsa.com


AKC REG Labrador puppies, ready 03/12/19. Puppies will have age appropriate dewormer & shots. Parents on site & proven hunters. Health guarantee contract. $750 golden, $500 black. $250 deposit, non refundable. 509831-6852. Prosser. GWP/ GRIFFON PUPS 8 females, 3 males, ready first week of March, excellent hunting, companions, temperament, & disposition. Parents on site. $400 firm. 541379-2986. Pendleton. OUR READERS are the greatest! Thanks for reading The Nickel. PUREBRED LABS, 1 black male, 2 black females, $200. Three yellow females, $300. 509-386-5948. WallaWalla. BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES AKC reg Boston Terrier puppies, ready March 10. One female & 2 males available, $1300. Call or text, 509-952-6094. Naches. LABRADOR Retriever full AKC Chocolate puppies! Shots, dewclaws, microchip, $950. labdogsrus.com, 509-307-3740. Selah.


PreferredProperty inc.

2011 RAM 1500, 120k mi, 5.7 Hemi, good cond, $13,000. Call/ text 509-308-3060. No trades. GOOD FOOD! Good for­tune! Good buys! All can be found Nickel clas­si­fieds. 1993 Che­vy Sil­ver­a­ do: 200k miles, clean en­gine, no leaks, 4x4, clean in­teri­or, very re­li­ able, gray & black, tint­ ed wind­ows, A/C, heat, CD, man­ u­ al 5 speed, $3,800 OBO; 541-2157358, Pen­dle­ton. 2010 JEEP LIBERTY 2010 Jeep Liberty Limited Edition, good cond, maintenance records available, new tires & battery, only 90k mi. No accidents, & no dents. 6 cyl, 3.7L, clear title. $10,000 obo. 509-521-3591, WestRichland. SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com 1987 CHE­VY 1/2 ton 4x4 pick­ up: $4200, 1981 Volks­wag­on Rab­bit pick­up, runs good, $1150; 541-6673301, LaGrande. 2009 KIA Bor­re­go: good con­ di­ tion, 6 cyl, 4x4, 125k miles, 3rd row seat, grey mid siz­ ed SUV, 5000lb tow package, new tires and battery, $6,900; 541-571-1302, Her­ mis­ton.

THE NICK­EL hours are: 8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri., Her­mis­ton. Dead­line is Tues. by 5pm. Chang­es & can­cel­la­tions Tues. by 11am. AUCTION! Saturday, February 23rd. 11:00 am, preview at 9:00 am. 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston, Oregon. Absolute auction, No Reserves. Some items included are: Utility trailer, 480 Compressor, Antique Wardrobe, Vintage vanity, Navajo blanket, 2 Refrigerators, Washer / dryer, Electric range, Sentry safe, Sentry lock box, Miter saw, Windows, Cabinets, Power tools, Mechanics tools, Trail cameras, Vintage music boxes, Vintage Coast to Coast wagon, Rocker, Chairs, Vintage settee, Lamps, RV parts and appliances (used), 16” studded tires, Yard ornaments, Tool boxes w/tools, Brace and bits, Vacuums, Pick up tool box, Metal storage box, K cups coffee NIB, Hamms beer glasses, Electrical, Coleman stoves, Catalytic heater, Electric heaters, Fans, Trap thrower, Clay pigeons. Too much to list. See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC (formerly Mbz Liquidations). 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280 Ford Bonney: Auctioneer NO­TICE TO: C. Mey­er, your stor­age unit is up for Auc­tion on March 7, 2019, if not paid in full.

A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­lion fa­milies find sen­ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­ sors help find so­lu­ tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855-7417459. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. NEW CROP: Honey crisp and Fuji ap­ples: next to Bowl­ing Al­ley in Her­mis­ton, 10am2pm, $1/ pound, you can buy 1 pound or 10,000 pounds; 541626-1430. SHARE YOUR Nickel with a friend! SUF­FER­ING FROM an Ad­dic­tion: to al­ co­ hol, opiates, pre­ scrip­tion pain­kill­ ers or oth­ er Drugs? There is hope! Call to­ day to speak with someone who cares; call NOW 1-855-3998803. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for FREE es­ timate; 760-267-6981. Own­ er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. SNOW RE­MOV­AL & GUT­TERS CLEANED: We can pres­ sure wash your ve­hi­cles, motorhome, fenc­ es, misc. equip­ ment, semi’s, trail­ers, very rea­son­ably priced, avail­ able to the Her­ mis­ton ar­eas; call 458219-1882.

705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 13

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(541)567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 Stop by our Showroom! 30599 Lauback St • Hermiston w w w. m r i n s u l a t i o n . i n f o Trade Ally of

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People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

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The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 14

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


2006 CA­DIL­LAC DTS: one own­er, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, leath­er, clean, 103,890k miles, $4,950; call 541-9696352, Pen­dle­ton. 4-15” Mag rims: $30, 2 Al­loy 15” wheels, 1977 ful­ly self con­tained slide in pick­up Camp­ er, $450; 541-5714498, Ir­ri­gon. CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­ wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960. 2006 TOYO­TA Prius: 145k miles, clean, runs great, ex­cel­lent mpg, in­ cludes snow tires, $4,500; La­Grande; 541-910-4148 af­ ter 5 pm.

BE­COME A Pub­lished Au­thor: we edit, print and dis­trib­ute your work in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. We do the work, you reap the re­ wards! cal for a free Au­thor;s sub­ mis­ sion kit; 866-9517214.; 866-951-7214. BEN­E­FIT FOR THE WOOLERY PRO­JECT COUN­TRY COW­BOY ex­peri­ence: En­joy an even­ ing of din­ ner, danc­ ing & live mu­ sic with Joni Harms of The Harms Way Band. Sat­ur­day, March 2, 2019, Let-er Buck Room, Pen­dle­ton, OR. Chuck­wag­on Din­ ner by Par­a­dise Rose Chuck­wag­on Cater­ing @ 5:30pm, Live Mu­ sic @ 6:30pm. Tick­ets $40; face­book.com/ the­woo­ler­y­pro­jec­tinc


Javier Tejeda 541-567-1497



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s House of Mowern Perry Allema


Jude 20, 21

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er vice@ SunshineLaborS Service m/SunshineLabor www.facebook .co on, ist m er H Grande Area of work: La nding Areas. ou and Surr ss, and more! Wheat, Mint, Gra in k or W eded, hourly pay. No experience ne g! nce in contractin 10+ years experie

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Includes 500 cards must be pre-paid 1055 N. First St Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230

20 DAIRY Sheep for sale: $300 each, hav­ ing Lambs in March 2019; call 541-6261430, Her­mis­ton. 35th AN­NUAL IDA­HO Sal­ ers Bull and Fe­ male Sale: Tues­day, Fe­bru­ary 26th, 1pm MST, Treas­ure Val­ley Live­stock, Cald­well, Ida­ ho; for more in­ for­ ma­ tion, call 208-9245106 or 208-356-4795. TWO 2018 late spring St. Croix/Dor­ per hair ewes: $175/each or $300/both; 541-2191662, Hep­pner. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. MON­TA­NA BLACK AN­GUS COWS For­ty Six top qual­i­ty large framed black An­ gus cows bred to Fan­ cy black An­ gus bulls; These cows are 3 to 7 years old and calv­ ing now. These can be seen on Tri-Cities, WA. Craigs list un­der farm & gar­den. Will sell one or more, de­liv­ery avail­ able, for more in­for­ma­ tion phone; Joe Chap­ pell 509-301-4402, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter, OR. TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431, also in Lewiston. 2017 WINDRIVER 280RLS Suitable for 4 season camping. Only used a couple times. Very high quality trailer. $38,000. 509-4300163. TriCities.

The Nickel -February 21, 2019- Page 15

70 YEARS OLD, Kids are grown: still need your life in­surance? Or is a big Life Set­tle­ment Cash Pay­out smart­er? Cal Ben­e­fit Ad­vance; 1-877-710-4660.

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THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale! 541-567-2230. OCEAN CAR­GO Stor­ age Con­tain­ers: used, new and of­fic­es, vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery, “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376.




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