3.28.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00




2006 CA DIL LAC DTS: one owner, excellent condition, $4,950; 541-9696362, Pendleton

CAT 212 ROAD Grader: everything works,must see $3,000; 541-656-8074, Hermiston.

20 SMALL 2 tie bales of grass hay, $200, you load; 541-561-3748. located in Hermiston.

541-564-1031 • 541-276-3732 2007 SUZUKI Forenza: 4 door, great shape, runs good, $1,500; 541-8051378, Irrigon.

FOR RENT: 7 acr es of prime irrigated land. perfect for melons; 541-5672502 ask for Al.


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039

TOP QUALITY Limousin bulls: available now, black or red; 541-454-2994, leave message.

RECREATION & RV’S 2000 KIT ROAD Ranger: 26ft, 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer, very very good condition, no leaks, everything works, new batteries Solar charge kit, 2-12V flat screen TV’s, good tires & brakes, long range antenna w/booster, 90 gal fresh water tank, off grid ready, Serious Inquiries Only, $5,000 firm; leave message, 541-786-3948, Umatilla, OR. Because it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer on his behalf, Philippians 1:29

Want Ad Newspaper

March 28, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 13




BOSTON TERRIER: ready for her forev­ er home, 8 weeks old, $1000; 541-969-1010.

500 GALLON trailer mount ed Fire Pump er: $2800; 541-938-5736, Milton-Freewater, OR.

BEAU TI FUL WAL NUT dining room table and 6 chairs, $795; 541-5675990, Hermiston.

TRAINING OR Shock collar: New in Original box cost, $65, sell for $30; 541-792-0625, LaGrande.

OLDER UPRIGHT Piano: you must haul, $100 or best offer; 509-553-9369, Umatilla.

CORNER ARMOIRE: American made, dis­ tressed white finish, $100; 408-218-3445, Pendleton.







www.BonneysAg.com • OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 2

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

GUIDED FISH­ING trip on the Col­um­bia Riv­er: Wal­leye, Sal­mon, Stur­ geon and Steel­ head; call Be­ low The Boat Guides; 541-701-7536. AT­TEN­TION TURKEY HUNT­ERS Rem­ing­ton 870 Ex­press Mag­ num 12 gauge pump ac­tion shot­gun: fired once, ask­ing $325; 541-377-2315. CASH FOR antlers: buying all grades of Elk, Deer and Moose, Pendleton and Walla Walla areas, call or text Tom; 541-3974963, currently paying $14/lb, for brown Elk. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ters now book­ ing Winter Walleye and keeper Sturgeon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured; call 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty.

1929 ORIGI­NAL MOD­ EL A Coupe: no rust, new tires, glass, nice in­teri­or, runs and drives ex­cel­lent, $16,900; 503-7283562, Clats­ka­nie, OR. 1986 CA­DIL­LAC Fleet­ wood: 16k miles on new en­ gine, eve­ ry­thing new, ra­dia­tor, belts, etc, can be seen at West Coast Auto Glass, Her­mis­ton; call 541-567-1871 or 541422-7557. 1993 HON­DA Pre­lude: good con­di­tion, air, alarm, sun­roof, $1200 or best off­er; 541-5718767, Her­mis­ton. 2006 CA­DIL­LAC DTS: one own­er, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, leath­er, clean, 103,890k miles, $4,950; call 541-9696362, Pen­dle­ton. MECHANICS SPECIALS For Sale, clean title: 1980 Chevy Pickup, 1997 Plymouth Breeze, 2000 Dodge Dakota, 2005 Dodge Stratus, 2000 Hyundai Sonata, needs some bodywork; for information call 541571-0354, Umatilla. 2006 TOYO­TA Prius: 145k miles, clean, runs great, ex­cel­lent mpg, in­ cludes snow tires, $4,500; La­Grande; 541-910-4148 af­ ter 5 pm.

FOR SALE: 6 week old Chihuahua/Rottweiler mix puppies, $150 or best off­ er; 541-5715160, Hermiston.

BLACK WAL­NUTS washed and clean: cracked $4/lb, un­ cracked $3/lb, plus ship­ping; 541-5649273, Her­mis­ton. ELIM­INATE RATS/ Mice Guar­anteed: Buy Har­ris baits, traps, re­ pel­lents. Avail­able; hard­ ware stores, buy on­line; home­de­pot. com

ABCA 1 female red and white and 1 female liver and white border collie puppies, top stock dog bloodlines, shots and worming current, $600; for more information and pictures call 541-910-4140, LaGrande, Oregon. MALE 1/2 Po­mer­a­nian & 1/2 Chi­ hua­ hua: 6 months old, shots are up to date, comes with dog car­ri­er, $250; call 541-786-5677, Cove. MAS­TIFF PUP­PIES Eng­lish Bull­mas­tiff Cross: born 1-10-19, fawns & blacks, both par­ents on site, males $400, fe­ males $500; 541-449-1228, even­ ings & mes­sage. 541377-4958, call or text, Stan­field, OR. GER­MAN SHEPHERD Pup­pies: 6 weeks old, have 1st shots, they are ready for their for­ ev­ er fa­ milies, $350; 541571-8767, Her­mis­ton.

A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­ lion fa­milies find sen­ ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­sors help find so­lu­tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855741-7459. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for FREE es­ timate; 760-267-6981. Own­ er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. 1 - H A M L E Y ’ S SADDLE: 2-1930’s gas pumps, win­ ter coats, records, ster­eo speak­ ers, vin­tage cam­era’s, west­ern books, com­ic books, cos­ tume jew­ el­ry, dress­ers, book­ shelves, chi­ na hutch­ es, 2 an­tique ar­moire, 2 1800’s dressers, Va­ se­line glass, Fran­cis­ can ware, pay­ing cash for gold jew­el­ry, sil­ver­ ware, coins, sil­ver dol­ lars, art work by Mary Corp and a whole lot more! at KC Art & Col­ lect­ ib ­les, 167 E Main St, Her­mis­ton, OR. 541-289-1800, Open, Tues­day thru Sat­ur­day - 10:30am-6:00pm. OLD­ER UPRIGHT Pia­no: you must haul, $100 or best off­er; call for in­for­ma­tion 509553-9369, Uma­til­la.=

GARAGE SALE: Friday March 29th, 8am-3pm, clothes, books, toys, tools, to many items to list, no early birds, 565 E. Catherine Ave. Hermiston. ESTATE - MOVING SALE 110 NE Furnish, Pendleton. Saturday March 30th, 8am3pm and Sunday March 31st, 9am-3pm, Sunday will be half off most items. North Main to Furnish then right, the first house on the right. Jacobean dining set, table, 3 leaves, 6 chairs, buffet and china cabinet, stick and ball table, game table, Eastlake table, waterfall set with vanity and seat, dresser and bedside table, antique iron bed, smoking stand, couch, coffee table, retro chair, Desert Rose China, Louwelsa-Weller jardiniere and stand 32” tall, Mission oak desk, 2 mirrors, coatrack, wicker shelf, McCoy, depression glass, Fostoria American, sterling and silver-plate kitchen and household, cookware, Popeye and Dionne Quints games, lamps, small primitives, art, costume jewelry, sewing items, linens, cobalt glass, stoneware, hand and garden tools, vintage outdoor tables and chairs, power tools, Bull Durham, Stihl weed eater and more. See pictures at Vintage Court Antique Estate Sales, bid box on Saturday, Visa and MasterCard accepted; 541-377-0510. ES­TATE LIQ­UI­DA­TION SALE MUST BE SOLD Fri, April 5th & Sat, April 6th, 8am to 6pm, 1041 SW Joshua, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 95 years of col­lect­ing treas­ures and so much more!

The Women of the Moose area are putting on a potato bar with the help of the loyal Order of Moose THE LODGE DOORS WILL BE OPEN AT 3PM THE POTATO BAR WILL BE OPEN FROM 5-7PM Mark Stevenz an Elvis Empersonator, will be playing from 7pm - 9pm ELVIS ADMISSION: 3$ POTATO BAR (INCLUDES ELVIS): $8


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

500 GAL­LON trail­er mount­ ed Fire Pump­ er: 10hp elec­tric start, has some hose, needs more, $2800; 541-9385736, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter, OR. HAVE TRAIL­ER will trav­el: free es­ti­mates; call 541-561-0962, Stan­field. IN­V EN­T ORS-FREE In­for­ma­tion Pack­age: have your pro­duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ably by the Re­search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­ tur­ers, call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea Start­er Guide, sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. DISH TV: $59.99 for 190 Chan­ nels + $14.95 High Speed In­ter­net, Free in­stalla­ tion, Smart HD DVR in­clud­ed, Free Voice Rem­ote, some re­stric­ tions ap­ ply; 1-800718-1593. FI­NAN­CIAL BEN­E­ FITS for those fac­ ing seri­ous ill­ness: you may qual­i­fy for a liv­ing ben­e­fit loan to­day (up to 50 per­ cent of your life in­surance Poli­cy Death Ben­efi­ t) free in­ for­ma­tion; call 1-855632-0124. BE­COME A Pub­lished Au­thor: we edit, print and dis­trib­ute your work in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. We do the work, you reap the re­wards! call for a free Au­thor’s sub­ mis­ sion kit; 866-9517214.; 866-951-7214. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-5672230. GOOD FOOD! Good for­tune! Good buys! All can be found Nickel clas­si­fieds. STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­ dard Walk-In Bath­tub, re­ceive up to $1500 off, in­clud­ing a free toi­ let, and a life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion! call us at; 1-855-5346198. VIA­GRA AND Cialis us­ers: 100 gener­ic pills spe­ cial, $99 FREE ship­ ping! 100% guar­ anteed, 24/7 call now 888-445-5928, Ha­bla­ mos Es­pa­nol!

CAT 212 ROAD Grad­ er: eve­ry­thing works, elec­tric start pony, mo­ tor tan­ dem axle, die­ sel, $3,000; 541-6568074, Her­mis­ton. 45 - BLACK COWS 45 High Qual­ i­ ty cows weigh­ ing over 1,350 pounds each. More than half have spring calves at their side. Bal­ance are calv­ing eve­ ry day. The cows are very gen­ tle, and good moth­ers. For pic­ ture & more info log onto craigs list, TriCities, WA. un­der farm and gar­den; or call Joe Chap­pell 541-3014402, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter, OR. GAR­DEN RO­TO­TILL­ ING: start­ ing at $65; give me a call 541314-2020.

ATTENTION TREE LOVERS Mature trees ready for Spring, delivered to desired location planted and fertilized with no hassle to you; call Al Phillips, 541-571-8572 or Don Jorgensen, 541-980-6042. #AGL1042745ND JOHN DEERE 975 five bottom switch plow; 12’ Eversman land plane; Straight bar sub soiler; 843 eight row corn head; Four 20.8x38 tires; Four 14.5” mounted on rims; 24.5x32 tire; 1/2”- 2” irrigation tubes. 509945-3800. Harrah. LOOK­ING FOR Spring & Sum­mer pas­ ture: for 25 head of An­gus cows; call 541729-7937 or 541-2152214.

2007 SU­ZU­KI Fore­ nza: 4 door, great shape, runs good, 151,000 miles, $1,500; 541-805-1378, Ir­ri­gon. CAR­BURE­TORS Re­ built by semi-re­ tired GM cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Me­chan­ic: near Pen­ dle­ton; call Doug 541429-1042. 2013 CADILLAC XTS 4 DR 2013 Cadillac XTS, 4 dr sedan, AWS premium collection, low 28,500 mileage, good cond, asking $22,000. SIDI, DOHC, V6, VVT trans, 6 spd auto, current city/ highway average mpg is 22.9 for this car. Call 509-783-2374 to see, or for additional info.

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 3

PERFECT CAT: black, spade, short haired female, good home only, $30 (and getting better) 541-567-7950, Hermiston.

KLA­MATH BOAT: 12 ft, with trail­ er and Oars, all weld­ed alu­mi­num; $1,000; OBO; 541454-2585, Ar­ling­ton, OR.

SEEK­ING RE­TIRE­ MENT home: 30 lb, 16” tall black Schip­ perke, fe­male, spade, 12-1/2 year old sen­ior, sweet lov­ ing, old girl needs re­ homed. Her own­er has Canc­er and can’t take care of her an­y­more. She loves to cud­dle, yo­dels, bye bye, walk­ ies, bathes and clips, beau­ti­ful pas­sive, peace­ful dis­ po­si­tion, ex­cel­lent with all peo­ple; if in­ter­est­ed please call, 541-3101066, Pen­dle­ton.

DEAD­LINE for classi­ fieds is 5pm Tuesday.

CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­ wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960. JAIME’S RE­BUILD­ ERS: en­ gines, tran­ ny’s, heads, grind­ ing, al­ter­na­tors, start­ers, elec­tri­cal jobs, Die­sel’s wel­ come, weld­ ing and cut­ting; 541-5710354, Uma­til­la. MASTER MECHANIC Semi retired, will trade, auto repair, for firewood; call Doug 541-429-1042. SHOW OR DRAG CAM­ARO 1968 RS Cam­aro: Pro Street, full cage, runs in the 9’s. $40,000; 541-276-2516, Pen­ dle­ton, OR. DONATE Your Car to Ve­ter­ans to­day! Help and sup­port our Ve­ter­ ans, Fast-FREE pick up, 100% tax de­duct­ ible; call 1-800-2450398.

BOSTON TERRIER: Elle is brindle, 8 weeks old, she has a spunky playful personality, she’s ready for her forever home, current on shots and worming, $1,000; call or text 541-969-1010. ABCA 1 RED and white & 1 liv­er and white Bor­ der Col­ lie pup­ pies: 2 fe­males $600 ea. Top stock dog blood­ lines, shots and worm­ ing cur­ rent; for more info and pic­tures, call 541910-4140, La­Grande, OR. ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, AKC field bred, liver/ white, Beavercreek Kennels, $500 males, $600 females, armajam48@ gmail.com, or 541-5197560. BakerCity, OR.

2 HONDA generators, EU2000i & EU2000i Companion, with silver covers, cart, 2 set parallel cables, dc charging cord, less than 1 hour usage, new $2400, now $1800. 509-947-3452.

STORE CLOSING: High Desert Marine, main highway Hermiston. Now open 3 days per week, Thurs, Fri, 9am5pm, & Sat, 9am-3pm. Almost everything in the store is 50% off. 541567-8419.

Auction Notice!! Columbia River Auction, LLC. 80571 N. Hwy 395, Hermiston, Or. Sunday March 31, 2019 - 12 p.m. Sharp!!!

Sears, Roebuck&Co. Model 583.15 20 gauge Shotgun, Marlin 32 Special Rifle, Winchester Model 20 .410 Rifle, 1910 5 Drawer Dresser, Highback Tiger Oak Full size bed frame, 15 Vintage wooden crates, 1 Vintage wooden Coca Cola Crate, Gramma and Pa’s Rocking Chairs, 4 Vintage Oak Chairs, Eclipse 8 Day Striking Alarm Clock, Montgomery Ward 31 Day Clock, Bench top Drill Press, Scoop Balance Fairbanks Scale with weights, Model A gas tank, Toledo Cross cut saw, Craftsman 10” table saw, Black&Decker Radial arm Saw, PortaBand Bandsaw, Craftsman 15” Drill Press, Craftsman 10” Scrollsaw, 2 Routers with Tables, Anvil Vice Combo, 9 PC. 3/4” Jumbo Drive Socket Set, 21 PC. 3/4” Jumbo Drive Socket Set, Hand Ratchet/Pipe die set; 3/8” to 2”, Vintage Tap&Die set, 3 welding hoods, 12” bandsaw/sander, Small Lathe, Bench Grinder, Heavy Duty 5 gal Gumbo pot, 961 Ocean City Reel on Octagon pole, 14 ft. Fishing Rod, Haddon Pal Fishing pole w/Dam Quick 550 Reel, 2 Vintage Retractable Fishing poles, Bow Saw, Oxycetylene Hoses, Unique Insulator Collection, Vintage Fly-by Torpedo, Daisy BB Gun Small Assortment of Ammo, Hundreds of pieces of Vintage car parts, 3 Roll around tool boxes , 3 aluminum ladders, 1 vintage wooden ladder, Set of 4 205/75r15 Studded Tires, Like New Set of 4 205/75r15 Toyo tires on Chrome Moon Rims, 2 Vintage Spoked wheels, Force 9.9hp Boat Motor, Like New Whirlpool Chest Freezer, 3 Antique Gas Cans, 30 Gallon air compressor tank with motor, Sentry Safe with Combo, Antique Tools some with Ford Stamp, Extra Large open box end wrenches, Drill motors, Paint mixers, Welding rods, Jack stands, Every hand tool imaginable!!!!, Grinders, Staple Guns, Ammo boxes, 7 Burning Barrels, Vintage Budweiser Reader Board, 14 Assortment Bins, Sawsall, Corner clamps, Pole climbing spurs, 5 Aluminum pipe wrenches, 2 shop Vacs, Worm drive Craftsman skillsaw, Live animal trap Boxes and buckets and cans of nuts, screws and bolts and nails, Vintage Chain Fall, Shackles, Shakespeare Sigma 15 Five speed motor, Tractor seat, Vintage Shipping crate, Popcorn Tin, 2.5 Hp Chainsaw, Folks, this is only the beginning of our diggings thru this outstanding estate find!!! C’mon down Sunday afternoon and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather with us here at Columbia River Auction, LLC.!!!

Batteries • Starters Alternators • Solar Centennial Trojan • Odyssey Optima • Deka Booster Boxes • Full Line NOCO Products 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri • 9am - Noon Saturday

Hwy 395 • 2440 North First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-6041 • (800) 233-6041


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 4

ZIE­MAN TILT 2-Place Snow­mo­bile trail­er: ride on ride off $1,400; call 541-805-1378, Ir­ri­ gon. GREAT BARGAINS are as close as your com­ puter! View our entire classified listing at www. thenickelonline.com.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

342 SW 1st Street Pendleton, OR 1(541)969-3073

LESS THAN 8k miles! 2004 Rexair motor home: 502 Vortec eng, Allison overdrive trans, new tires, always stored inside! Large onboard generator, 2 slide outs, lots of storage! Queen bed & queen hide-a-bed sofa, full shower, full kitchen. Loaded! $39,500. 509-5399970. Tri-Cities. 1990 JAYCO: 35ft, 1 slide, good condition, everything works, set up in nice trailer park, rent $320, includes everything, asking $5500; 541-561-3534, please no texts. 1996 COM­PAN­ION by Kit: 30 ft. fifth wheel, 14 ft. slide, di­nette, couch, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, ask­ ing $12,500; 541571-7576, Her­mis­ton.

1967 COUGAR XR7, $7999, fresh paint & excellent body work in the original light blue metallic. Engine is 289, 4 bbl with Edelbrock intake & carburetor, auto trans. Just 500 miles on engine overhaul done by professional shop. Needs vinyl top & brakes. Interior is original leather. Serious inquiries only. Call 509-302-8733 to buy this beauty. TriCities. THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale. WANT­ED DEAD or dy­ ing Sub­aru’s: 2002 or new­er, cash paid; 541963-9328, La­Grande.

ONCE FIRED: mili­tary 5.56 mm/223 Rem­ ing­ ton brass. Mixed head­stamps. Prim­ers have been re­ moved and brass is clean. Prim­er pock­ets still have mili­tary prim­er crimp. Re­load­er must swage the prim­ er pock­ets be­fore re­ load­ing. May be some re­sid­u­al brass tum­bler me­dia in prim­er pock­ ets. $85/1000 rounds; call 541-962-5070, La­Grande, OR.

AKC YELLOW Lab puppies, 4 females, 3 males, ready to go 4/26. Taking deposits. $750. 509-430-4596. Tri-Cities.

STORE CLOSING Final days for High Desert Marine, main Hwy 395 Hermiston, March 28th & 29th, 9am-5pm, and Saturday, March 30th, 9am-3pm, crazy clearance prices, stop in and wish Rod & Carolyn a happy retirement from 2-3pm.

1 1/2 YEAR old neu­ tered 7/8 Ger­ man Short Hair, 1/8 Lab: cur­ rent on shots and worm­ ing, very smart and loves at­ten­tion, $150; 541-571-4902, Her­mis­ton.









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CHOW CHOW pup­ pies: beau­ti­ful fe­males & males, ready now, vet checked and 1st shots; call to­day 530357-2421, Red­ding, CA. LABRADOODLES F1B, yellow/ white, born 3/11/19. Absolutely stunning. Must call right away; they’ll go fast! $1800 each. Brian, 509-9304290. Yakima. ASDR REG Australian Shepherd puppies. Beautiful. Ready April 21st, dewormed, vaccinated, $550. 509-301-5140. Lowden,WA.

STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING And Re­pair. 2” & 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened, to lay flat, eas­ie ­r to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­pair. 3” Ames, Pierce, Wade hand line cou­plers. Re­bates avail­ able, for straight­ en­ ing and re­ pair; call 541-786-1128 or 541963-5494, La Grande. LAYING HENS: 11- 2 yr. old hens, $4 each, take 1 or take them all, 2- movable Chicken houses, $25 each; 541377-0129, Pendleton. TWO USED Ag-Pro spray­ers: 1- tan­dem axle field spray­er with 40 ft. boom, 120 gal­lon wa­ter tank also Ag-Pro spray­ er w/ex­tra long hose, 60 gal­ lon wa­ ter tank, both spray­ ers are like new con­di­tion; for pic­tures & more in­for­ma­tion, log onto craigs list, TriCities, WA. un­der farm & gar­den; or call Bob Hod­ ne­field 541-938-0118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter, OR. WANT­ED DEAD OR ALIVE Rid­ing mow­ers, ro­to­ till­ers, push mow­ers, free im­me­diate pick­up, cash paid for some, tu­ne-ups and re­pairs avail­able; 541-5712981, Her­mis­ton.

Are you thinking about a new building? Get started at ClearyBuilding.com!













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SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing in the Nickel!



MXU 450i 4X4

AUSSIE- COLLIE PUPPIES 8 Australian Shepherd/ Border Collie puppies for sale, 3 girls & 5 boys, born 2/9/19, pick up 3/30/19. First round of vaccines & dewormed. $400. 509551-6683. Pasco.

KUBOTA L3400HST, 34HP, 4WD tractor w/ hydro transmission, R4 tires, front loader, backhoe w/mechanical thumb, Low hrs 290, $24,250.00; 541-5713008.





Official ATV Of



CAPTAIN JONNY’S Halibut bus: in MiltonFreewater watch for him at taco stand on Hwy. 11, or Jalisco Market, 857 20 Hwy. 399, remember he is half price of the retail stores, Halibut, sea bass, Ling cod; call 503-860-1851 to order ahead. COME GROW with US! First Com­mun­i­ty Church of God: Lov­ ing God and lov­ ing oth­ers... in­vites you to “Wor­ ship and Word” on Sun­days, at 10:30am, 13 SW 8th Ave, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter, OR. Simp­ly teach­ing the Bi­ble Simp­ly. AVOID A $1 bill­ing fee by pay­ing for your ad when you place it or by that Fri­day by 12pm. HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, couch­es, free es­ti­ mates; call 541-5610962, Stan­field. LIFE ALERT: 24/7. One press of a but­ton sends help fast. Med­i­ cal, fire, bur­glar. Even if you can’t reach a phone. Free brochure; call 844-296-6478. CREDI­TOR NO­TICE: Pur­su­ant to ORS 115, this no­ tice is to no­ ti­ fy credi­ tors against the Es­ tate of Carl­ ton Re­ ece Mor­ gan. If you have any un­ paid claims against said es­ tate, you are here­ by no­ti­fied to pres­ent full dis­ clo­ sure of said claim to the Per­ son­ al Rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Es­ tate of Carl­ ton Re­ece Mor­gan, 32374 East Loop Rd, Her­mis­ ton, Or­e­gon 97838. If no claims are pre­sent­ ed to the per­son­al rep­ re­sen­ta­tive with­in 45 days, start­ing 02/28/19 (be­gin­ning date of this ad), any clams against said es­ tate may be barred.

Lube, Oil, & Filter Complimentary Car Wash & Vacuum!



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80406 Hwy 395 N., Hermiston Top of the Hill

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

LOTS OF fabric, consigned new jewelry, women and mens clothing, lots of queen and king size flat sheets, many good dishes, books, old beer steins, air staple guns, tools, drill press, battery operated stuffed animals, cordless drill, lawn cart, chain saw, cabinet doors, carpet shampooer, vacuum cleaner, weed eater, Christmas decorations, generator, numerous itemstoo much to mention! Friday March 29th- Sunday March 31st and next weekend April 5th and 6th. 738 E. Catherine, Hermiston. ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT, 9AM-5PM This Fri & Sat, 9am5pm! Antiques; Furniture; Mid century; Jewelry; Electronics; Marbles. 7000 sq.ft of treasures! Quality furniture: Drexel; Heritage; Thomasville; Mid century; Teak, & more! New arrivals: Mid century; Danish teak furniture; SAX; Torring; Artex & more. Stressless chair; Schwinn Airdyne; Leather electric double recliner sofa; Leather electric recliner chair; Thomasville formal dining set; Floral loveseat; Antique dining set with carved lion heads; Antique drop front secretary; Oak antique buffet sideboard; Mid century Drexel China hutch; Mahogany heritage heirloom tables; Vintage cedar chest; Glass front bookcase credenza; Contemporary industrial tv credenza; Drexel nightstand; Tallboy dresser; Drexel sofa; Drexel mirror; Reclaimed wood dining set; Leathercraft leather sofa; Mersman tables; Maple China hutch ; Sewing cabinets; Bookshelves; Dressers; Maple dining set; Twin adjustable base bed; Ryobi band saw; Craftsman tool box; Dressers; China hutches; King beds; Headboards; Nightstands; Bar stools; Desks; Cast iron queen bed; File cabinet; Desks; Farm house hutch; Cast iron bathtub; Dressers; Dining sets; Loveseats; Bedroom furniture; Armoires; Chairs; Mirrors. We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat. Photos on Facebook, https:// Facebook.com/ ETEstatesales, look for most current dated album. ET Estate Sales, LLC, 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick, WA. Near the Cable Bridge, next to Zip’s. 509-5399775.

DEN­TAL IN­ SURANCE: Call Phy­ si­cians Mu­tual In­ surance Com­pa­ny for de­ tails. Not just a dis­ count plan, real cov­er­age for 350 pro­ cedures. 888-6233036 or http://www. den­t al50­p lus.com/58 Ad #6118. OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers.” In­ sta Stor, Inc. 509765-1376. www.in­stas­ tor.net SCHOL­AR­SHIPS AVAIL­ABLE THE HER­MIS­TON Ro­ tary Club Foun­da­tion: has mul­ti­ple schol­ ar­ship op­por­tu­ni­ties for grad­u­ates of West Uma­til­la and Mor­row Coun­ty schools. These schol­ar­ships are avail­ able to all col­lege lev­ el stud­ents in­clud­ing trade school stud­ents. Up­per Di­vi­sion Stud­ ents in­clud­ing ju­nior, sen­ior and gradu­ate lev­els. Low­er Di­vi­sion Stud­ents in­clud­ing fresh­ man and soph­ o­more. Trade and Tech­ni­cal School Stud­ ents - any age stud­ent. Ap­ ply on­ line at http:// www.her­m is­t on­r o­t ar­ y­club.com. You may also down­load a hard copy of the ap­pli­ca­tion form and guide­ lines. Mail ap­pli­ca­tion and sup­port­ing docu­ments to: Her­mis­ton Ro­tary Club Foun­da­tion, PO Box 142, Her­mis­ton, OR 97838. Ap­pli­ca­ tion must be re­ceived by APRIL 1, 2019. In­ ter­views will be sched­ uled be­gin­ning the third week in April. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. SAVE ON your next pre­scrip­tion: World Health Link. Price match guar­an­tee. pre­ scrip­tions re­quired. CIPA cer­ti­fied. Over 1500 med­ i­ ca­ tions avail­able; Call to­day for a FREE rice qu­ote. 1-800-293-9702 Call Now! NW PREPAREDNESS EXPO The 2019 Expo takes place April 13th & 14th in Prosser, WA. Preparedness vendors, informative speakers, door prizes. Are you ready for what is coming? See http:// nwpreparednessexpo. us for more information. HAVE 10K in debt: cred­it cards, med­i­cal bills, per­son­al loans, be debt free in 24-48 months; call Na­tion­al Debt Re­lief! Know your op­ tions, get a FREE debt re­ lief qu­ ote; call 1-888-714-8597.

GERMAN Shepherd puppies, black/ tan & all black, born Dec 29th, parents on site, great temperament & disposition, current shots & dewormings, $350. 509-830-8283. Prosser. BLUE HEELER PUPPIES Purebred Blue Heeler puppies, born 03/22/19, 5 males, 2 females, taking deposits now! Will have first set of shots, dewclaws removed, & tails cropped. Ready to go first week of May. For more info, call/ text, 509-619-5533. ABCA/ AKC Border Collie pups, ready to go April 20th, 2019. First shots, dewormed. 5 females, 3 males, $500- $675. 3 black/ white, 1 red, 4 blue merle. Parents on site. 509-830-2968. TriCities. AKC Labradors, ready to go! We have 4 black females & 1 black male, & 1 yellow male. $900 each. Puppies are microchipped, first shots, dewclaws removed. Check out Labdogsrus .com, or call or text. 509-8766459.

ONLINE AUCTION! Beverly Balmer Estate Walla Walla Antiques Furniture Glassware


MaconBros Auction. com

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 5

DOWN SIZING farm; 93 F-250 Ford diesel, with canopy, $4000, 2 refrigerator units, 1 walking and 1 on 12ft trailer, 2 5th wheel 24 ft. trailers, 1 25hp international tractor, 1 16 ft. 20 yard dump trailer with leaf sucker, 2 wood chippers, 2 table saws,band saw, 2 routers, antique drill press, Raspberry and garlic plants; call 541571-2300. Stanfield. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $280/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. G A R D E N ROTOTILLING: ready for your garden, give me a call, 541-3142020.

WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website free of charge!

1992 MERCEDES Benz 300 TE, E Class, silver/ silver, runs exc, $4800 obo. 509-3665126. BntnCity.

BRUBAKER ARMS MFG Brubaker Arms Manufacturing in Yakima specializes in fine custom sporting arms. Classic to modern, long gun to handgun. General repairs to full custom builds. We are Central Washington’s premier gun makers. Call Bryan 912-659-4505, Ligia 405-501-8135 or www.brubakerarms. com, Yakima.

FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­play for your busi­ ness, large or small. Cir­c u­l a­t ion of over 16,000 in Uma­t il­l a, Mor­r ow, & Gil­l iam coun­ties. For more in­f or­m a­t ion, con­t act an sales rep­r e­s en­ ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.


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2016 TRAILER, Timberidge, 26’ M-260-CIS, Outdoor RV manufactured, 2 slides, kitchen & lounge, kitchen island, rear u-dinette, front bedroom, 2 outside doors, many accessories, call for details. Excellent condition, $45,000 new. $26,500. 509-947-3452. 2005 COU­GAR 5th wheel for sale: one slide, 26’ 244 po­lar pack­ age, has air and so­ lar, queen bed, mi­ cro and TV, very nice unit, $8,500 or best off­er; 541-561-0589, Her­mis­ton.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section JM EA­GLE Com­pa­ny: is look­ ing for a Class A CDL truck driv­er with cur­rent med­i­cal card and clean driv­ing record. Lo­cal hauls, home each night, hours nor­mal­ly 7 am to 3:30 pm, Mon­day thru Fri­day. Ex­cel­lent ben­e­fits: No de­duct­ible Med­ic­ al, Den­tal, Vision, paid life and ac­cid­ent in­ surance, too many ben­ e­fits to list, wage DOE. To ap­ ply, come to the plant to fill out ap­pli­ca­ tion. Con­tact Myra Bea­ gles in Hu­man Re­sourc­ es. Plant lo­ cat­ ed at: 31240 Rox­ bury Road, Uma­til­la, OR 97882. Hwy. 730 West­bound to Bud Drap­er Rd. (Port of Uma­til­la) go left to the “T” and go right, plant will be on your left.

PIANO PLAYER to begin June 2nd. Apply at Hermiston United Methodist Church. 8am-noon Monday thru Friday.

HIR­ING CDL Truck Driv­ ers: must have 2 years ex­peri­ence haul­ ing, dou­bles, tank­ers and flat­beds; 541561-8430, Irrigon, OR.

LO­PEZ TRANS­MIS­SION Se necesita un Ayu­ dante de Me­chan­i­co, con o sin experiencia; 541-567-1698.

PENDLETON TRAN­SIT Bus driv­er’s want­ed for newly expanded in city Pendleton transit routes, Full & parttime positions, no split shifts like school bus routes, CDL and Non-CDL routes, M o n d a y - F r i d a y, daytime schedules, Drug free workplace and backround checks, Wage $10.50 - $13.00+, contact Matthew @ Let’er Bus Dispatch; 541-2766476.




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THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want! DRIVERS NEEDED Walla Walla Nursery is seeking full time, part time, & seasonal CDL drivers to provide exceptional customer service to Independent Garden Centers in the Pacific Northwest. Base rate: up to .555 per mile (including safety, administration & performance bonuses) plus an additional $14 per stop. Benefits: 1 to 2 night trips, home Saturdays, medical, dental, vision, & 401k benefits, vacation pay, incentive bonuses available. Requirements: Must possess a current Class A CDL, physically able to lift up to 60 lbs in all weather conditions, pre- employment drug screening, background check & medical examination required, 3 year motor vehicle report is required upon application, must be able to speak & write in English, or taking ESL courses. 2 years driving experience preferred, but not required. Apply today! Applications are available for pick up at 4176 Stateline Rd, Walla Walla, WA.

HEALTH­CARE CA­ REER Train­ing on­line: start a new ca­ reer in Med­i­cal Bill­ing & Cod­ ing, Med­i­cal Ad­min­ is­tra­tive As­sis­tant. To learn more, call Ul­ timate Med­i­cal Aca­de­ my, 855-629-5104. 2019 FIRE SEA­SON WE ARE Now Hir­ing The fol­low­ing po­si­tions are avail­able: En­gine Boss $20.00 - $25.00 per hour, DOE. Equip­ ment Op­era­tor $26.15 per hour. Wa­ter Tender Op­era­tor $22.78 per hour. Low­boy Driv­ er w/ CDL $23.16 per hour. Fire Fight­ er 1- $15.00 -$20.00 per hour, DOE. Fire Fight­ er 2- $14.81 per hour. Flag Ve­hi­cle Driv­ er $14.81 - $16.00 per hour, DOE. We have gov­ern­ment con­tracts to fight Wild-land Fires na­tion­wide. You have the op­por­tun­i­ty to make from $6,000 to $12,700 per month work­ ing 95 hours per week dur­ ing fire sea­son. Must be 18 years old, able to pass a drug test, and be driv­er in­ sur­ able. We can also off­ er full time, year ar­ ound work in our tim­ber man­age­ment and log­ ging com­pa­ny, if you are in­ter­est­ed in per­ma­nent em­ploy­ment. Email re­ sume to: bru­ceyoun­glog­ ging@live.com and have DMV fax driv­ing record to (541)-676-5189.

YOUR BUSI­N ESS is “our” busi­ness! Call a sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive to­day! PRO­FES­SION­AL TRANS­POR­TA­TION INC. (PTI) is look­ing for driv­ers in the Her­mis­ ton area (with­in 40 minutes of Her­mis­ton), to trans­port rail­road crew mem­bers. This is an on call po­si­tion, and pays $12.00/hour for the hours worked. PTI op­er­ates 24 hours a day, sev­ en days a week, 365 days a year. This work is ide­ al for those seek­ing a sup­ple­men­tal in­come, like Ve­ter­an’s, those looking for a second job, or those who are re­tired, just look­ing for someth­ing to keep them busy. PTI is cur­ rent­ly hir­ing both Full & Part time em­ ployees, with a fo­cus on af­ter­ noons, even­ ings and wee­kends. A quali­fied can­ didate will have a cur­rent state driv­er’s li­ cense with 5 years driv­ing ex­peri­ence, the abil­i­ty to pass a back­ ground check, pass pre-em­ploy­ment and ran­ dom drug tests, and the abil­i­ty to com­ mu­ni­cate Eng­lish, both verb­al­ly and in writ­ing. To ap­ply call Mer­an­da @ 541-215-7885 or call 1-800-471-2440, op­tion #1.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS AVAILABLE BENEFITS • Part Time (full-time available) • Accident Insurance • Paid Training • Critical Care Insurance • Sign on Bonus up to $350 • Dental • Flexible Scheduling • Medical Plan • No CDL Required to Apply • Vision DIESEL MECHANIC • 401K • Full-Time Position • Wage DOE • Diesel Mechanic Exp. (Required)

HIR­ING GEN­ER­AL La­bor­ers: JM Ea­ gle Mc­Nary, Or­e­gon plant is hir­ing gen­er­al work­ ers for its pipe man­u­ fac­tur­ing plant. Wage starts at $14.50 per hour, great ben­efi­ ts, good work en­vi­ron­ ment and po­ten­tial to ad­vance. Ap­ply at 31240 Rox­bury Road, Uma­til­la, Or. 97882 (Port of Uma­til­la off of Hwy. 730 & Bud Drap­ er Road) Con­tact: Myra Bea­gles, Hu­man Re­sourc­es. AIR­LINES ARE Hir­ ing: Get FAA ap­proved hands on Avia­tion train­ ing. Fi­nan­cial Aid for quali­fied stud­ents-ca­ reer place­ment as­sis­ tance, call Avia­tion In­ sti­tute of Main­tenance; 888-686-1704. FIRST COM­MUN­I­TY Church of Mil­ton-Free­ wa­ter: is a vi­brant, lov­ ing, and grace filled Gos­pel com­mun­i­ty that is cur­rent­ly search­ing for a WOR­SHIP LEAD­ ER who plays the acous­tic gui­tar, sings, and desires to grow with us. This is a parttime po­ si­ tion that has great po­ten­tial; Please call or email Pas­ tor John at: jrre­main­hum­ ble@gmail.com or 765-490-7184. LO­PEZ TRANS­MIS­SION Se necesita un Ayu­ dante de Me­chan­i­co, con o sin experiencia; 541-567-1698. HEALTH­CARE CA­ REER Train­ing on­line: start a new ca­ reer in Med­i­cal Bill­ing & Cod­ ing, Med­i­cal Ad­min­ is­tra­tive As­sis­tant. To learn more, call Ul­ timate Med­i­cal Aca­de­ my, 855-629-5104.

AVON - EARN Ex­ tra $$: Sell on­ line or in per­ son from home or work. FREE web­ site in­ clud­ ed. N o in­ ven­tory re­quired. For more info; call 855812-5674. BE­COME A PUB­ LISHED Au­thor: we want to read your book! Dor­ rance Pub­ lish­ing. Trust­ed by Au­ thors since 1920. Book man­u­script sub­ mis­sions cur­rent­ly be­ing re­viewed, com­ pre­hen­sive serv­ic­es: Con­sul­ta­tion, pro­duc­ tion, pro­mo­tion & dis­ tri­ bu­ tion; call for your free au­thor’s guide, 1-877-256-3023, or vis­it www.dor­ran­cein­ fo.com/pa­cif­ic HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, couch­es, free es­ti­ mates; call 541-5610962, Stan­field. ARE YOUR dol­lars get­ ting squeezed a lit­tle TOO tight? Check the Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains! HUGHES­NET SAT­EL­ LITE In­ter­net for Busi­ ness: 25mbps for just $69.00/mo. Get more data. FREE off­ peak data. Built-in Wi­Fi for wire­less de­vic­es. Free stan­dard in­stalla­tion; call 1-844-363-8714. INVENTORS FREE in­for­ma­tion pack­ age: have your pro­ duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ably by the Re­search & De­vel­ op­ ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­ fac­ tures; call 1-888378-5369 for a Free idea start­ed kit. Sub­ mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion.



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The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 7

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1055 N. 1 Street Hermiston, OR 97838 st

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e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

Business Directory Drawing!




The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 8

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Ride Away With





Sell those good, but no longer needed items in the next issue! Reg. Rate $5.00/week for 15 words or less, 10¢ per word thereafter.



1510 Grade St., Kelso 98626 517 NW Pacific, Chehalis 98532 1055 N. First Street, Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230 • thenickelonline.com Phone: 423-3141 Fax: 423-1814 Phone: 748-6616 Fax: 748-1479 A. 4 Week Special Rate

Name: ____________________Date: ______________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Credit Card Number: ___________________________ Exp. Date: ____________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

❏ Miscellaneous

❏ Manufactured Housing ❏ For Rent ❏ Recreational Vehicles ❏ Tools & Machinery ❏ Household ❏ Motorcycles & ATV's ❏ Employment & Services ❏ Boats & Accessories ❏ Pets & Animals ❏ Sporting Goods ❏ Farm & Garden ❏ Computers & Electronics ❏ Wanted ❏ Logging & Heavy Eq. ❏ Yard Sales ❏ Free Items ❏ Real Estate ❏ Lost & Found

6.00 $15.00 ____ ❏ Automobiles $

(First 15 Words, Pre-Paid)

B. No. Extra Words _____x 20¢ ea. C. Sub-total (A+B) D. Total

_____ _____ _____































The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­GEN Ther­a­py Us­ers: In­o­gen One G4 is cap­able of full 24/7 ox­y­gen de­liv­ ery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE in­for­ma­tion kit; call 877-929-9587. BATHROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy One Day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ing, grab bars, no slip floor­ ing & seat­ed show­ers, call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion; 888-9124745.

The Clean Spot is by far the best Laundromat in Umatilla. We are the cleanest, brightest laundromat with the most machines for your convenience. Come in today, and any day, for the best experience in Umatilla. POLK SOUND Bar: $50, gas weed eat­ er, used 1 year, $150, Cos­tco hear­ing aids, $100; 541-567-1427, Her­mis­ton. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad, or if your ad is in­a d­v er­t ent­l y left out of the pa­p er, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­s pon­s i­b le for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ ror, your ad will be cor­ rect­ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied. BLACK WAL­NUTS washed and clean: cracked $4/lb, un­ cracked $3/lb, plus ship­ping; 541-5649273, Her­mis­ton. ELIM­INATE RATS/ Mice Guar­anteed: Buy Har­ris baits, traps, re­ pel­lents. Avail­able; hard­ ware stores, buy on­line; home­de­pot. com

TWO FAM­I­LY yard sale: Friday, March 29th and Saturday March 30th, 8am1pm, both days, 994 E. Hurl­burt Ave., Her­ mis­ton lots of clothing, jewelry, gaming system, games, books, pictures and much more! SCHOL­AR­SHIPS AVAIL­ABLE THE HER­MIS­TON Ro­ tary Club Foun­da­tion: has mul­ti­ple schol­ ar­ship op­por­tu­ni­ties for grad­u­ates of West Uma­til­la and Mor­row Coun­ty schools. These schol­ar­ships are avail­ able to all col­lege lev­ el stud­ents in­clud­ing trade school stud­ents. Up­per Di­vi­sion Stud­ ents in­clud­ing ju­nior, sen­ior and gradu­ate lev­els. Low­er Di­vi­sion Stud­ents in­clud­ing fresh­ man and soph­ o­more. Trade and Tech­ni­cal School Stud­ ents - any age stud­ent. Ap­ ply on­ line at http:// www.her­m is­t on­r o­t ar­ y­club.com. You may also down­load a hard copy of the ap­pli­ca­tion form and guide­ lines. Mail ap­pli­ca­tion and sup­port­ing docu­ments to: Her­mis­ton Ro­tary Club Foun­da­tion, PO Box 142, Her­mis­ton, OR 97838. Ap­pli­ca­ tion must be re­ceived by APRIL 1, 2019. In­ ter­views will be sched­ uled be­gin­ning the third week in April. BREAKFAST/FLEA MARKET Columbia Grange, Hermiston, Saturday April 6th, 7:30am3:00pm, books, towels, baked goods, candy, Easter baskets, call Pat; 541-567-5706 or Doris 541-567-8663.

MINI AUSSIES, born in July. Boys only, reg & vaccinated. Baker City, OR. www. oregonaussies .net, $500- $800. 541-5189284. 5 AKC REG. ROTTWEILER PUPS Born 2/5, ready 3/19, parents on site, $1300. 509-8319425 (Spanish), 509831-1829 (English). Granger.

Standard AKC Aussie puppies, heavy champion bloodlines, 2 blue merle males, 1 red merle male, 1 red tri female (rare blue eyes), 2 black tri females, $1000-$1500; (541)861-3550 or (509)540-2040. AKC REG Rottweiler puppuppies, will be ready for their forever homes in May. Will be current on shots & dewormings, tails docked, dewclaws removed, puppies come microchipped & will have vet check certificate. Accepting $500 deposits now. Limited reg, $1200, full reg, $1700. 509-3961097. TriCities.

ENTIRE GUN COLLECTION Merwin & Hulbert .38 caliber, nickel 90%, with money belt holster, circa 1880s; Iver Johnson .32 cal, nickel 75%, circa 1890s; Winchester model 1890, .22 cal, circa 1903; Winchester model 1906, rare nickel frame, .22 cal, circa 1919; Remingtons 1100, 20 & 12 gauge, circa 1970s; Springfield Marshal, marked 30-40 Krag with bayonet, circa 1902; Interarm Mark X 375 H&H cal, circa 1970s; Savage 2503000, circa 1930s; Geo Leonard percussion half stock rifle, cal .32, 30-3/8” octagonal bbl, circa 1850s; Colt marked holster, 6” pocket model; German race starter cap pistol, circa 1930s; Stevens 12 gauge single shot; Daisy pellet gun, pump action. All guns in good/ very good cond. All sold as one lot, through a FFL gun shop or dealer in Kennewick, WA. No exceptions, please! $12,500 value, $7500 firm. Cash only. 509378-5044.

FOR RENT: 7 acr­es of prime ir­ri­gat­ed land. per­fect for mel­ons; call even­ings, 541-5672502 ask for Al. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. FORD N-SER­IES Trac­ tor: with front load­er and back blade, $3,000; call 541-8051378, Ir­ri­gon.

KLA­MATH BOAT: 12 ft. with trail­ er and Oars, all weld­ed alu­mi­num, $1,000 or best off­ er; 541-454-2585, Ar­ling­ ton, OR. PLACE IT wise­l y! Our clas­si­fieds will al­low you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ ence pos­si­ble with­out us­ ing a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ ing budget; call us at the Nick­el to­day and place your clas­si­fied ad, 541567-2230, Hermiston.

NEW NEW NEW: 1982 Pa­dar mo­tor­ home, 32 ft, 454 Che­ vy with 400 tur­ bo, has less than 200 miles on re­ built en­gine and trans­mis­ sion. New Co­le­man 5000w gen­era­tor, used less than 2hrs., great ap­plianc­es, ve­ hi­cle is in good con­ di­tion, $4,000 or best off­er; 541-626-3100 or 541-922-0150, Uma­til­la, OR.



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com

AKC GOLDEN Retriever puppies, ready 4/12, $900. Pad trained, AKC limited. 509-760-6525. MosesLake.



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Want Ad Newspaper

Ashley Ochoa

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1055 N. 1st Street Hermiston, OR 97838

(541) 567-2230 fax (541) 564-8403 e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

D.I.Y. Designer Fabrics


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(509) 528-7121 Custom Upholstry available Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am-6pm



1055 N. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97838 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide MO­TI­VAT­ED SELL­ ER: Beau­ti­ful 2 story home. 4 bed­ rooms, 2.5 bath­ rooms. Open floor plan, 2,374 sq. ft. of spa­ cious liv­ ing, in a de­ sir­ able neigh­ bor­hood. $299,000. Call Des­ti­ny George at Kell­er Wil­liams Re­ al­ty - Por­tland Cen­tral, Her­mis­ton to­day; 541980-1146. SHARE YOUR Nickel with a friend!

TWELVE 1 acre lots in Ir­ri­gon, Or­e­gon: lo­cat­ ed near High School, $185,000 (must buy all 12) will not finance; call 541-379-0851.

DRY LAND farming, 46 acres for sale, near Wilson Creek, WA. Grassland & grazing. Can be developed, will need a well, septic & electric, $40,000. Two lots in Lake County, OR for sale, each lot is 20 acres, $15,000 ea. Please call 509-4203535.

GREAT VIEW: build your Dream Home on this very pri­vate lot in de­sired neigh­bor­hood, Pen­dle­ton. OR. 17,897 sq. ft., all util­i­ties avail­ able, $30,000, pos­ si­ ble trade/car­ ry con­ tract? 541-276-2516.

CHECK THE Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains!

Custom-Cut Materials -545-017 9 Available For Pick-Up 0 0


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LOCATED IN La­ Grande, Or­e­gon: 7,000 sq. ft. shop, with 2-100 ft. bays, plus small­er bay with new­ er Car Ho­ist. Sit­u­at­ ed on 2 acr­es+, 2,250 sq. ft. stor­age build­ing. $379,000; 541-3790851.

COMMERCIAL Building for sale or rent in Walla Walla, off Hwy 12 with exit ramp, approx 9000 sq.ft., 6 bays, parts rooms, offices, and more. Price reduced to $890,000. Motivated seller or renter! 509-727-4557.

FOR SALE BY OWNER 4600 sf. 2 story on full basement home, 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath, on 10,000 sf. lot, 1291 E Newport Ave, Hermiston, $399,900, check zillow.com <http://zillow.com> for more details; Call 541571-3062 to arrange showing.

3 BED­ROOM, 2 bath house available, wash­ er/ dry­er hook­ups, fenced yard, $1100 a month, first and last months rent, $500 se­ cur­i­ty de­pos­it, pets allowed with additional deposit. Call 541-5671609.

SPA­ CIOUS 4 BED­ ROOM Home: 2.5 bath­ rooms, 2,143 sq. ft., sit­ ting on a large lot in a Nice Neigh­ bor­hood. Tons of clos­ ets for stor­age ga­lore! Fam­i­ly and liv­ing room on the main floor with all bed­rooms up­stairs. Beau­ti­ful land­scaped front yard with wa­ ter fea­ture, and a ful­ly fenced back yard. Has a pa­tio for en­ter­tain­ing! Wired for a hot tub! Ma­hog­an ­ y wood floor down­ stairs with car­ pet up­stairs. $256,900; Call Des­ti­ny George, Kell­er Wil­liams Re­al­tyPor­tland Cen­tral, Her­ mis­ton, 541-980-1148.

MO­TI­VAT­ED SELL­ ER: Beau­ti­ful 2 story home. 4 bed­ rooms, 2.5 bath­ rooms. Open floor plan, 2,374 sq. ft. of spa­ cious liv­ ing, in a de­ sir­ able neigh­ bor­hood. $299,000. Call Des­ti­ny George at Kell­er Wil­liams Re­ al­ty - Por­tland Cen­tral, Her­mis­ton to­day; 541980-1146. DRY LAND farming, 46 acres for sale, near Wilson Creek, WA. Grassland & grazing. Can be developed, will need a well, septic & electric, $40,000. Two lots in Lake County, OR for sale, each lot is 20 acres, $15,000 ea. Please call 509-4203535.

Sagebrush Storage LLC Ask about our newest textured products!

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KENNEWICK * Some restrictions apply.





80400 Sagebrush Rd Hermiston, Oregon 97838

I AM looking for small house with 3 or more acres for rent or lease in Hermiston; 541-7204367. RV SPACES Space rent in­ cludes elec­tric­it­y, TV, WIFI, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, W/S/G. Laun­ dro­ mat on-site. One block from mini-mart, res­tau­rant and lounge. 2 minutes from The Mar­i­na boat launch. Clean and quiet, $400 month, Oa­sis RV Park, Ir­ri­gon, OR 541-9222699. 2+1 apar­ta­men­tos de renta: en Uma­ til­ la, $1000 por mes y $850; lla­mar a Nan­cy at, 541-314-7225. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236. HUGHES­NET SAT­EL­ LITE In­ter­net: 25mbps start­ing at $49.00/mo. Get More Data, Free off-peak data. Fast down­load speeds. Wi­ Fi built in! Free stan­ dard in­stalla­tion for lease cus­tom­ers! Lim­ it­ ed time; call 1-855977-6826. 3 BED­ROOM, 2 bath house available, wash­ er/ dry­er hook­ups, fenced yard, $1100 a month, first and last months rent, $500 se­ cur­i­ty de­pos­it, pets allowed with additional deposit. Call 541-5671609.

DE­LUXE STONE and Wood Du­plex: fire­ place with wood stove, 2 bed­ rooms, 1 bath, re­cessed wash­er & dry­er, to­tal lawn care, w/s/g fur­ nished, cov­ ered park­ ing, good Her­mis­ton lo­ca­tion, pri­ vate BBQ, $1,100; 541-567-8179. TWO BED­ROOM 2 bath for sale or rent: Pen­dle­ton. $42,000 cash or $865 a month and $865 de­ pos­ it, no pets; 541-276-7632.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. A PLACE for Mom: The na­ton’s lar­gest sen­ior liv­ing re­fer­ral serv­ice. Con­tact our trust­ed, lo­cal ex­perts to­ day! Our serv­ ice is FREE/ no ob­li­ga­tion; call 1-844-374-3428. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. FROM MOTOR HOMES to garden gnomes, The Nickel has what you’re look­ ing for!

All That Wood .com Your Fence Connection

Cedar • Vinyl Split Rail • Privacy • Picket Ranch Rail 541-667-8191

80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Vivienda de trabajo Agrícola Dúplex disponible de 2 o 3 dormitorios Lavadora y Secadora disponible en la unidad Agua alcantarilla y basura pagada Restricciones de Ingresos Alquiler basado en ingresos a partir de $0 por mes Debe Calificar bajo la definición del tragador Agrícola. Por favor llamar al (541) 567-1400 Farm Labor Housing Available 2 and 3 bedroom duplex units, washer and dryer in unit, water sewer and garbage paid, income restrictions, rent based on income starting at $0 per month, must qualify under Farm Labor Definition. Please Call (541) 567-1400

WES­LO MO­MEN­TUM Ex­er­cise bike: brand new, has nev­ er been rid­ den, $100 or best off­er; 253-315-2437, Her­mis­ton. M1 GARAND/ .22 REVOLVERS M1 Garand, Springfield, nice shape, $1150; Two North American Arms mini .22 LR revolvers, $235 & $200. 301-4810751. Kennewick.

CORN­ER AR­MOIRE: M E T R O P O L I T A N Amer­i­can made, dis­ SCOOTERS: have two, tressed white fin­ish, 2003 and 2005, low good for eith­ er tv or mileage, $600 each; MANAGEMENT call for details; 541com­put­er, $100; 408278-1168, Pendleton. 218-3445, Pen­dle­ton.

PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981

BERNEDOODLE puppies (Bernese Mountain dog mom & Standard Poodle dad). Born Feb 24th. Raised with puppy culture, health tested parents, vet checked, vaccinated, & health guarantee. $1500$2000. Pictures & prices on website, campdoodlewoods. com, 509-830-0403. Pasco.

AF­FORD­ABLE PAINT­ ING and RE­MO­DEL­ING: any pro­ject big or small, we also do pres­ sure wash­ing. FREE es­ti­ mates, Great pric­es; call Dan­iel 541-561-9272. BK HOME SERVICES Buying/Selling Home? General handyman services; 541-3146228 OR Registry #1164875-96.

SEVERAL LATE Mod­ el Trav­el Trail­ers for Sale: 2016 Jay­ co mod­ el 212QBW, $8,500, 2016 As­pen Trail mod­el 2810 BHS, $14,000, 2017 As­ pen Trail mod­el 2810 BHS, $14,500, 2018 De­na­li mod­el 2611 BH, $19,000, 2018 Ko­ diak mod­ el 201 QB, $15.500; Drakes RV in Pen­dle­ton 4701 NW A Ave. 541-278-8170.

DANIFF (GREAT Dane/ English Mastiff) puppies available. 2 fawn boys, 1 brindle boy, 2 black boys, & 2 black girls available. 509-9874384. TriCities.

BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. Li­ censed, Bond­ed & In­ sured, CCB# 167755; call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton.

MANY A small thing has been made LARGE by the right kind of ad­ver­ tis­ing. That right kind of ad­ver­tis­ing is the Nick­el! Call us to­day! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.


PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIES inc. 541-567-3981


705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

Farm Labor Housing

JOHN DEERE 6410 & 6420, both are in NFWD, with 640 loaders. 509-9453800. Harrah.

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

SMALL TWO bed­room sin­gle wide: lo­cat­ed in Pow­ er City, no pets, no smok­ing, $800/rent, $1000/de­pos­it, $50 ap­pli­ca­tion fee per ap­ plic­ant; 541-922-2020.

20 SMALL 2 tie bales of grass hay, $200 you load; 541-5613748. Hermiston

BEAU­TI­FUL WAL­ NUT din­ing room table and 6 chairs: with hard & soft cov­ er, $795; Oak kitch­en table and 4 chairs, with hid­den ex­ten­ sions, $500; 7ft tall Wal­ nut hutch with three glass shelves, $295. Mov­ ing, have lots of small­ er items at very very low pric­ es; leave a mes­sage 541-567-5990, Her­ mis­ton, OR.


$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10 $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Storage Units12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.

Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St.



HELP THE environ­ ment by recycling and make money too! Don’t get rid of those things you just don’t use anymore. Place an ad in The Nickel. You’ll make money and help the environ­ ment too!

FRO­ZEN GRASSFED whole cow ham­burg­er: 1.5 lb. pack­age, $5, Si­ man­gus Mur­ray Grey heif­ ers, steers; 541567-6787, Her­mis­ton.


THREE BED­ROOM Apart­ment: ap­plianc­es in­clud­ing built-in mi­ crowave, W/S/G paid, no pets, no sat­ el­ lites, $900 a month rent, $1250 base se­cur­i­ty de­ pos­ it; call for pic­ tures or fur­ther de­tails, 503-201-2819, Her­ mis­ton.

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 11



PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

(On Select Units) *CALL FOR MOVE-IN SPECIAL DETAILS (On Select Units)


On Your Lot, On Time, Built Right!


509- 820-3389 W A : h i l i n h t 8 41j A • O R : 2 1 0 2 9 7

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 12

TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage. BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. HAMBURGER Home grown, no additives, $3.50/lb. 541-240-1229. LOOK­ING FOR Spring & Sum­mer pas­ture: for 25 head of An­gus cows; call 541-7297937 or 541-215-2214.

FIN­ISH­ING TOUCH Serv­ic­es: land­scap­ing, lawn main­tenance, gut­ters, sprin­kler in­ stalla­ tion, snow re­ mov­ al; call for free es­ti­mates, 541-5619718. TRACTOR IMPLEMENTS Bush Hog Rz60 mower, $600; Land Pride tiller, RTA 2562, $1500; Bear Cat 3 point chipper/ shredder 70554, $1500; 3 point bin forks, $250. 509582-3778. TriCities.

PAS­TURE 4 RENT: 5 to 10 head, No horses; 541-561-0588, Her­ mis­ton.

CAT 212 ROAD Grad­er: eve­ry­thing works, elec­ tric start pony, mo­tor tan­dem axle, die­ sel, $3,000; 541-656-8074, Her­ mis­ton.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

LOOK­ING FOR Spring & Sum­mer pas­ ture: for 25 head of An­gus cows; call 541729-7937 or 541-2152214.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

YARD SALE: Thurs­ day, March 28th & Fri­ day, March 29th, 8am3pm, 905 W Lath­ rop, Her­mis­ton. ONE DAY SALE SAT­UR­DAY ONLY Yard Sale, Sat­ur­day only, March 30th, 8am to 3pm, 1283 SW 6th Street, Her­mis­ton. THE NICK­EL can help you: 1. Save mon­ ey. 2. Save time. 3. Sell items you don’t need. 4. Find things at a val­u e; 541-5672230, 541-276-7039. BAR­GAIN HUNT­ERS DREAM YARD SALE Sat­ur­day only, March 30th, 9am-2pm, 245 Chu­kar Cir­cle, (South Hill) Uma­til­la. 1st sale in over 10 years, 3 fam­i­ly, camp­ing, pick­up rims, Coach purse, cloth­ing, some plus size, dish­es, small kitch­en ap­plianc­ es, house­hold, vin­tage, old and new items.

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SCHWINN THREE wheel Adult bi­cy­cle: like new, 3 speed with rear bas­ ket, $200; 541-310-0941, Athe­ na. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ters now book­ ing Winter Walleye and keeper Sturgeon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured; call 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. STORE CLOSING: High Desert Marine, main highway Hermiston. Now open 3 days per week, Thurs, Fri, 9am5pm, & Sat, 9am-3pm. Almost everything in the store is 50% off. 541567-8419. GUIDED FISH­ING trip on the Col­um­bia Riv­er: Wal­leye, Sal­mon, Stur­ geon and Steel­ head; call Be­ low The Boat Guides; 541-701-7536. AT­TEN­TION TURKEY HUNT­ERS Rem­ing­ton 870 Ex­press Mag­ num 12 gauge pump ac­tion shot­gun: fired once, ask­ing $325; 541-377-2315. CASH FOR antlers: buying all grades of Elk, Deer and Moose, Pendleton and Walla Walla areas, call or text Tom; 541397-4963, currently paying $14/lb, for brown Elk.


PreferredProperty inc.

**STOP STRUG­ GLING on the stairs:** give your life a lift with an Acorn Stair­ lift; call now for $250 off your stair­lift pur­chase and Free DVD & brochure, 1-844-840-9241. EARTH­LINK High speed in­ter­net: as low as $14.95/month (for the first 3 months) Re­ li­able high speed fib­ er op­tic tech­nol­o­gy. Stream vid­eos, mu­sic & more; call Earth­ link to­ day, 1-844-7148597. SPEC­TRUM TRI­PLE Play: TV, in­ter­net & voice for $29.99 each, 60 MB per sec­ ond speed, no con­ tract or com­mit­ment, more chan­nels, faster in­ter­ net, un­lim­it­ed voice; call 1-855-412-2412. DON’T SPEND money to store those unwant­ ed items! Sell them in the Nickel and keep YOUR money in YOUR pocket! STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­ i­can Stan­dard walk-in Bath­tub. Re­ceive up to $1500 off, in­clud­ing a free toi­let, and a life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion; call us at 1-855-9820329. USED FROST FREE chest freez­er: like new, ask­ ing $285 or best rea­son­able off­er, for more info. and pic­ture, log onto craig’s list TriCities, WA. un­der farm & gar­den: or call Bob Hod­ne­field 541-9380118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter, OR. USED Re­frig­era­tor: it’s old­er, but works good, $25; 541-377-0129, Pen­dle­ton.

FOUR PAN­EL (10x10x6 ft.) chain link dog pen with gate: $150, in­su­lat­ed dog house, $75; even­ ings 541-792-0625, La­ Grande.

CALL AN­TOI­NETTE 541-969-3000: for kitch­en, bath re­mo­del and re­pairs, in­teri­or paint­ing and dry­wall; CCB# 190775, Her­ mis­ton.

LABRADOODLE AKC REG Lab puppies, dewormed, dewclaws & shots. Full registration. Mom is black, dad is yellow, both parents hunt. Ready April 13th. $700. Call or text, 509834-3134, or 509-7283532.

WILL­ING TO WORK Land­scaping, fence re­pair, clear­ing, and much, much more; call Chuck 541-7206559.

REG AKC Chocolate Lab puppies, 4 females, 5 males, $800- $850. Born 01/23/19. Parents on site. Call or text Chris, 509-366-0551. Sunnyside. PUPPIES Adorable puppies will be ready for their forever homes 3/29/19. Eight males & 3 females, mom & dad on site, $800. 509969-8089. Selah. TRAIN­ ING OR Shock col­lar: New in Origi­nal box cost, $65, will sell for $30; 541-792-0625, La­Grande. AKC STANDARD POODLE AKC Standard Poodle puppies coming soon! Both parents on site, AKC reg, health tested. Puppies are due 03/22/19, & will have dewclaws removed, tails docked, & come with a 6 wk first shot & vet check. Expected colors are white, cream, beige, & possibly apricot & red. Will be accepting deposits after litter is born, please call or text if interested. 509460-1255. Prosser.

FIN­ISH­ING TOUCH Serv­ic­es: land­scap­ing, lawn main­tenance, gut­ters, sprin­kler in­ stalla­ tion, snow re­ mov­ al; call for free es­ti­mates, 541-5619718. LAWN MOW­ING and Weed Eat­ing: Pen­dle­ ton & Pi­lot Rock area; call even­ings 541-4433279. LAWN MOWING Moe’s mowing service is taking on new clients in the Pendleton area. Please call for free estimate; 541-3777022. GAR­DEN RO­TO­TILL­ ING: start­ ing at $65; give me a call 541314-2020. J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­ crete, foun­da­tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­ mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­ timate 970-366-9184 or 541626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­fes­sion­ al, qual­it­ y, on time. Call for estimate; Own­ er Shan­ non Kack, 760267-6981, Hermiston, Or­e­gon.

705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 13

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People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 14

FREE LIFT chair: you haul it, needs a bolt re­ placed that I have; call 541-314-1452, Her­ mis­ton. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­ la­tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­ tact an sales rep­re­ sen­ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039. SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing. Call a sales rep­re­sen­ ta­tive to­day to find out what The Nickel can do for you! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

LAYING HENS: 11- 2 yr. old hens, $4 each, take 1 or take them all, 2- movable Chicken houses, $25 each; 541377-0129, Pendleton.

PYRENEES/ AKBASH male pup, born 12/5/18, first shots. Near goats, chickens. $195 cash. Prosser, WA. 503-467-8693.

45 - BLACK COWS 45 High Qual­i­ty cows weigh­ ing over 1,350 pounds each. More than half have spring calves at their side. Bal­ ance are calv­ing eve­ry day. The cows are very gen­ tle, and good moth­ers. For pic­ture & more info log onto craigs list, Tri-Cities, WA. un­der farm and gar­ den; or call Joe Chap­pell 541-3014402, Mil­ton-Free­ wa­ter, OR.

PASTURE CALVES For sale, call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541256-0907.

GAR­DEN RO­TO­TILL­ ING: start­ ing at $65; give me a call 541314-2020.

BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802.

TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage. PAYING CASH FOR SHEEP & GOATS Paying cash for sheep & goats. 541-2560907. Cattle also.

CAMP TRAILER, 2015 Rockwood by Forest River, solid side A frame, folds down, attachable screen room, boat carrier, atv platform, stove, microwave, refrig, heater, ac, water. $10,800. Call 541-566-2238, lv msg. Weston,OR. 2000 KIT ROAD Rang­ er: 26ft, 5th wheel or goose­neck trail­er, very very good con­di­tion, no leaks, eve­ry­thing works, new bat­ ter­ ies So­ lar charge kit, 2-12V flat screen TV’s, good tires & brakes, long range an­ten­na w/ booster, 90 gal fresh wa­ ter tank, off grid ready, Seri­ous In­qui­ries Only, $5,000 firm; leave mes­sage, 541-7863948, Uma­til­la, OR.

CUSTOM DALE Harwood Western saddle, 15-1/2” seat, 7/8 rigging, basket stamped, Morun stirrups, matching breast strap, like new, $7200. 509-578-0200. TriCities.

OLDER MARE: not ridden much in several years, great disposition, good with kids, loads easy, $150 rehoming fee; 541-5613748. Hermiston.

2 HONDA generators, EU2000i & EU2000i Companion, with silver covers, cart, 2 set parallel cables, dc charging cord, less than 1 hour usage, new $2400, now $1800. 509-947-3452.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

2016 TRAILER, Timberidge, 26’ M-260-CIS, Outdoor RV manufactured, 2 slides, kitchen & lounge, kitchen island, rear u-dinette, front bedroom, 2 outside doors, many accessories, call for details. Excellent condition, $45,000 new. $26,500. 509-947-3452.

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­ nick­el@eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­site and place it, the­nick­e­lon­ line.com

PYRENEES/ AKBASH male pup, born 12/5/18, first shots. Near goats, chickens. $195 cash. Prosser, WA. 503-467-8693. REHOMING RARE female plum headed parakeet. Must have bird experience. Knowledge about plum heads a plus! She will go with her cage, no exceptions! Her cage is her place of comfort. I am rehoming her because she can be loud. I work from home taking live calls. Her rehoming fee is $200 with her cage, toys, & food. 425-418-2240. AKC ENGLISH Golden Retriever puppies, ready to go to their forever homes. Current on vaccinations, deworming, & have been vet checked. Please call or text, 509528-4928. Connell. PERFECT CAT: black, spade, short haired female, good home only, $30 (and getting better) 541-567-7950, Hermiston. FOR SALE: 6 week old Chihuahua/Rottweiler mix puppies, $150 or best off­ er; 541-5715160, Hermiston. MALE 1/2 Po­mer­a­nian & 1/2 Chi­ hua­ hua: 6 months old, shots are up to date, comes with dog car­ri­er, $250; call 541-786-5677, Cove.

MX550 Challenger

WANT­ED: bids on top­ping my front Yard Trees; call 541-5712655, even­ings, Ir­ri­ gon. CARS/TRUCKS Want­ ed: 2002 and new­ er! any con­di­tion, run­ning or not, com­peti­tive off­ er, free tow­ing, we’re na­tion­wide; call now 1-888-416-2330. DONATE YOUR car, truck or boat: to Her­it­ age for the Blind. free 3 day va­ca­tion, tax de­ duct­ible, free tow­ing, all pa­per­work tak­en care of; call 1-866871-1497. GOT AN old­er car, van or suv: Do the hu­mane thing, donate it to the Hu­mane So­cie­ty; call 1-877-511-3782. WANT­ED: Bids to in­ stall a new roof on my house; call 541-5712655 even­ings, Ir­ri­gon. DONATE YOUR car for Breast Canc­er: help Unit­ed Breast Canc­er Foun­da­tion ed­u­ca­tion, pre­ven­tion & sup­port pro­ grams. Fast Free Pick­ up, 24/hr. re­ sponse, Tax de­duc­tion; 1-844-478-7513. REAL FINDS found in the Nick­el eve­ry week! You will find great deals on just about an­y­thing that you could want. Pick up a Nick­el week­ly and save your­self some mon­ey!

STARTING AT $ 160mo. STARTING AT $ 225mo.

MX750 Challenger

UXV 450i


STARTING AT $ 265mo.



Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

JOHN DEERE 975 five bottom switch plow; 12’ Eversman land plane; Straight bar sub soiler; 843 eight row corn head; Four 20.8x38 tires; Four 14.5” mounted on rims; 24.5x32 tire; 1/2”- 2” irrigation tubes. 509945-3800. Harrah. FOR RENT: 7 acr­es of prime ir­ri­gat­ed land. per­fect for mel­ons; call even­ings, 541-5672502 ask for Al. KUBOTA L3400HST, 34HP, 4WD tractor w/ hydro transmission, R4 tires, front loader, backhoe w/mechanical thumb, Low hrs 290, $24,250.00; 541-5713008. STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING And Re­pair. 2” & 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened, to lay flat, eas­ie ­r to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­pair. 3” Ames, Pierce, Wade hand line cou­plers. Re­bates avail­ able, for straight­ en­ ing and re­ pair; call 541-786-1128 or 541963-5494, La Grande. JOHN DEERE 6410 & 6420, both are in NFWD, with 640 loaders. 509-9453800. Harrah. FIN­ISH­ING TOUCH Serv­ic­es: land­scap­ ing, lawn main­tenance, gut­ters, sprin­kler in­ stalla­tion, snow re­mov­ al; call for free es­ ti­ mates, 541-561-9718. TWO USED Ag-Pro spray­ers: 1- tan­dem axle field spray­er with 40 ft. boom, 120 gal­lon wa­ter tank also Ag-Pro spray­ er w/ex­tra long hose, 60 gal­ lon wa­ ter tank, both spray­ ers are like new con­di­tion; for pic­tures & more in­for­ma­tion, log onto craigs list, TriCities, WA. un­der farm & gar­den; or call Bob Hod­ ne­field 541-938-0118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter, OR.

1994 DODGE diesel: 3/4 ton, 4x4, $4000 offer; 541-561-3534, please no texts.

1997 CHEVY 1500: Similar to photo, extended cab, 5 speed, for parts, $1100; 541371-0715. ONE OWNER 2005 NISSAN Titan SE crew cab, 131k mi, clean eng, no leaks, 4x4, clean interior, black & gray, tinted windows, ac, heat, Cd, auto, new brakes, shocks & trailer controller Sept 2018, $9750 obo. 509460-7071, call/ text. Kennewick.

1999 BLAZER: 2nd owner, 4x4, leather interior, A/C, runs great, 4.3L engine, clean inside and out, 220k miles, serviced regularly, $1500; call 541-720-7253 or 541720-7909, Hermiston. 2000 TOYO­TA Ta­co­ ma pick­up: sin­gle cab, 192,000 miles, has ca­ no­py, $2,500; call af­ter 4pm, 541-377-1434, Pi­lot Rock, OR.

1960’s CJ-5: Project Jeep, 350 Chevy motor, 4 inch lift, needs work, $2500; 541371-0715. THENICKELONLINE. COM You can also find us on Facebook.

The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 15

2003 HONDA RUCKUS: $3400; 541-314-8727, Ir­ri­gon. 2007 HD FLHT standard, twin cam, 103 cubic inches, 6 speed, fuel injected, vance & Hines duels, very good sounding, on board CD stereo, tow pack, pictures available, $8300 offer or trade for fast boat, phone for pictures; 541-371-1493. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster parts, all new: Rear comfort shocks; Saddlebag supports; Mustache engine guard; Badlander seat, distressed brown. $200 for all. New Harley leather jacket, denim jean style, XL, $150. 509-967-5358. WestRichland. 2010 AR­TIC CAT Prowl­er: side by side, 550 EFI, full cab, great con­di­tion, $5,500; call 541-310-0941, Athe­ na. 2013 POLARIS RANGER XP: 900 EFI, heated seats, full, cab, power windows, fully loaded, $13,000; 541310-0941, Athena.

CALL AN­TOI­NETTE 541-969-3000: for kitch­en, bath re­mo­del and re­pairs, in­teri­or paint­ing and dry­wall; CCB# 190775, Her­ mis­ton. AF­FORD­ABLE PAINT­ ING and RE­MO­DEL­ ING: any pro­ject big or small, we also do pres­ sure wash­ ing. FREE es­ti­mates, Great pric­ es; call Dan­ iel 541561-9272.

ANTIQUE WOOD cook stove in exc cond, with all the pieces & tools! Early 1920s Montgomery Ward Royal Gray 6 burner range with oven, water tank, & warming compartments. Aquamarine enameled doors & trim. $1000 obo. Call Roger, 541910-0189.

NW CLEAN­ING: in­side and out­side, com­mer­ cial and res­i­den­tial, call for Free es­timate; 458-219-1453.

BEAU­TI­FUL WAL­ NUT din­ing room table and 6 chairs: with hard & soft cov­ er, $795; Oak kitch­en table and 4 chairs, with hid­den ex­ten­ sions, $500; 7ft tall Wal­ nut hutch with three glass shelves, $295. Mov­ ing, have lots of small­ er items at very very low pric­ es; leave a mes­sage 541-567-5990, Her­ mis­ton, OR.

BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. Li­ censed, Bond­ed & In­ sured, CCB# 167755; call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton.

CORN­ER AR­MOIRE: Amer­i­can made, dis­ tressed white fin­ish, good for eith­ er tv or com­put­er, $100; 408218-3445, Pen­dle­ ton.

BK HOME SERVICES Buying/Selling Home? General handyman services; 541-3146228 OR Registry #1164875-96.

1990 JAYCO: 35ft, 1 slide, good condition, everything works, set up in nice trailer park, rent $320, includes everything, asking $5500; 541-561-3534, please no texts. LESS THAN 8k miles! 2004 Rexair motor home: 502 Vortec eng, Allison overdrive trans, new tires, always stored inside! Large onboard generator, 2 slide outs, lots of storage! Queen bed & queen hide-a-bed sofa, full shower, full kitchen. Loaded! $39,500. 509539-9970. Tri-Cities. 1996 COM­PAN­ION by Kit: 30 ft. fifth wheel, 14 ft. slide, di­nette, couch, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, ask­ ing $12,500; 541571-7576, Her­mis­ton. 2005 COU­GAR 5th wheel for sale: one slide, 26’ 244 po­lar pack­age, has air and so­lar, queen bed, mi­cro and TV, very nice unit, $8,500 or best off­er; 541-561-0589, Her­mis­ton.

ABCA 1 RED and white & 1 liv­er and white Bor­ der Col­ lie pup­ pies: 2 fe­males $600 ea. Top stock dog blood­ lines, shots and worm­ ing cur­ rent; for more info and pic­tures, call 541910-4140, La­Grande, OR. MAS­TIFF PUP­PIES Eng­lish Bull­mas­tiff Cross: born 1-10-19, fawns & blacks, both par­ents on site, males $400, fe­ males $500; 541-449-1228, even­ ings & mes­sage. 541377-4958, call or text, Stan­field, OR. ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, AKC field bred, liver/ white, Beavercreek Kennels, $500 males, $600 females, armajam48@ gmail.com, or 541519-7560. BakerCity, OR.




1/2 the price of retail stores $9 a pound (5 & 10lb bags) CALL AHEAD AN D SAVE $5

4X4 EFI CUB CADET 2012 Volunteer V- twin 750cc, 32 hp, only 38 hours, new cond, lots of extras, $13,500. Please call 509-9480197. WestRichland. 2014 SIDE by side Polaris Ranger 900cc. 83 hours, 550 miles, lots of extras, $14,900. 541-566-2238, lv msg.

GER­MAN SHEPHERD Pup­pies: 6 weeks old, have 1st shots, they are ready for their for­ ev­ er fa­ milies, $350; 541571-8767, Her­mis­ton.



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The Nickel -March 28, 2019- Page 16

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



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