6.20.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00



LO CAL RANCH raised Natural Locker Beef for sale: for more information call; 541-561-5288, Echo.

05 DODGE NEON SXT: needs some work, $1000 cash; call 541-561-5347, Boardman.

John L BaLLard

PIGS FOR Sale: all sizes, weaners to adult sows; 541-534-9421, Summerville, OR.

aw ly L i m e Fa fens s e• e c r D Divo iminal cident c Cr I•A I U D

FIRST CUTTING orchard grass hay: no rain, $8.50 per bale; 541-449-1212 or 541-571-3050­Stan­field.


2005 NIS SAN Al ti ma: 233,000 miles, needs clutch, $700; 541-9699045. Athena

L IM OU SIN BU LLS: Polled, black or red,Wilde Ranches; 541-4542994.

GA RAGE SALE: Thursday, June 20, Friday, June 21, and Saturday, June 22, 9am-3pm, 915 W Madrona Ave, Her mis ton, fish ing gear, mens tools, upright freezer and more! IRRIGON YARD sale: Friday, June 21 & Saturday, June 22, 825 Brandon St, Irrigon. 8am-6pm, hunting, fish­ing­and­camp­ing­gear,­ lawn mower and miscellaneous. You fathers, don’t provoke your children to wrath, but nurture them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4


June 20, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 25




BOR DER COL LIE: Female, 1 year old, started on cattle, $250; 541-5714126, Hermiston.

1985 CLASS C mo torhome; $1,800; 541-3033047 or 541-571-2699, Boardman.

1987 CHER RY 1/2 ton p i ck­u p :­ 2 0 0 4 ­ 2 9 ’­ 5 th­ wheel, $9,500, 541-6673301. LaGrande.



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PUR EBRED BLUE/red Nose Pitbull puppies: in Boardman, $300; call 541561-5347.

1998 FLEETWOOD DISCOV ERY Mo tor home: 34ft., diesel, $22,000; 541571-6024, Hermiston, OR.

2012 CHEVY Silverado: 78,000 miles, nice condition, $19,900 offer; 503410-9359, Hermiston.





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The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 2

05 DODGE NEON SXT: needs some work, $1000 cash; call 541-561-5347, Board­ man.

1st CUT­TING GRASS Hay: 2 string bales, $160 per ton, (no sin­ gle sales) 541-5617281 Her­mis­ton, OR. CUS­TOM BAL­ING small and large acreag­ es; Call Steve, 509-386-8507 or 208695-7939.

FATHERS DAY SPECIAL Unlimited car washes as low as $17.50, download EverWash app then choose The Clean Spot and wash away, 7th and Switzler, Umatilla; 541571-4299. RE­BUILT START­ ERS and Al­ter­na­ tors: do­mes­tic & Im­ ports avail­able. Pric­ es start at $15.00 to $135.00; Call Jaime at 541-571-0354, Uma­til­la. CAR­BURE­TORS RE­ BUILT: by semi-re­tired GM cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Me­chan­ic, near Pen­ dle­ton; call Doug 541429-1042.

LAST YEARS grass hay: barn stored, $9 per bale, this years grass hay, $10.50 a bale, you haul; 541314-7922, Her­mis­ton. 1ST CUT­TING Al­fal­ fa: 1200 pound bales, $175 per ton; 541-3771353, Stan­field. WANT­ED DEAD OR ALIVE Rid­ing mow­ers, ro­to­ till­ers, push mow­ers. Free pick­up, Cash paid for some. Tu­neups and re­pairs avail­able; 541571-2981, Her­mis­ton. MASSEY Ferguson 35, power steering, 2 spd, 2 stage clutch, exc cond, 4 cyl diesel, $3950; Ferguson 30, 30 hp, 4 spd, very good cond, $2850. 509-7863966. Prosser.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

USED BOAT Trail­er: in good con­di­tion, meas­ ures 16’ long x 6’ wide, fits boat size max­i­mum 13’ long x 51/2’ wide, only $600 or best of­fer; 541-969-7746, Pen­ dle­ton, OR.

FOR SALE: 2000 Skeeter ZX202, 200 Yamaha Vmax 3.1 liter, dual console, 24 volt, 82lb thrust, Motorguide trolling motor, Lowrance HDS 8 at console with structure scan, Lowrance HDS 7 touch at bow, new lower unit with less than 5 hours, Hot-foot, pro trim, dual live wells, new tires and bearings last year on trailer, $13,500; 541-561-1669, Irrigon.

FREE COM­POST­ ED ma­nure and hay: you haul, we can load; 541-938-6529, West­ on, OR. KAY­AK PE­LI­CAN en­ forc­ er, 120X, used 3 times, $500; 541-9699045, Athe­na.

2007 HONDA Element, 132k, good/ exc cond, awd, 4 cyl, auto, very clean, meticulously maintained, $8500 firm. 541-566-9251. VIN­TAGE SCHWINN bi­cy­cles: late 50’s, ear­ ly 60’s; 541-663-9091, La­Grande. 2005 BUICK CEN­ TURY: clear ti­tle, less then 82,000 miles, clean, 3.1 V-6, auto, cruise, a/c, am/fm cd, $3,000 off­ er, cash; 541-443-7000. UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­ tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­ tions, email U m a­t i l­l a­V i k­i n g s @ hot­ mail.com or call Ja­ net at 541-5673968. NATHAN NASH: please call Mike; 541969-6565. HUS­KY PICK­UP TOOL BOX: with head­ ache rack, $400; 541314-2103, Uma­til­la.


The Verkist Estate. Saturday, June 22nd. Auction at 11:00 AM. Preview at 9:00 AM. 57613 Hwy 204, Weston, OR. Hwy 11 to 204 exit. 10 miles east of Weston. Follow signs

94 Dutchmen 30’ travel trailer, Dump truck, Chevy pick up, Dump trailer (14’x6.5’inside), 2 ATV trailers, Ford 2000 tractor, 3 Air compressors, Honda 1000 generator, 2 Honda powered 7000 watt generators, Scrap iron, Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Vintage manure spreader, Fuel tanks, Miller bobcat 225T welder, Miller tig welder, ESAB Plasma torch, Bolt bins and contents, Tap and die set, Caterpillar 1150 engine, 2 pic-nic tables, Skookum blocks, Rigid 802 pipe threader, Freezers, Pack saddles and boxes, Barrels of food grade wheat, DeWalt radial arm saw, Logan metal lathe, R C Hoe saw grinder, Hobart meat grinder, Coleman camp gear, Grain mill, Master Machinery wood lathe, Small atlas metal lathe, KTS drill press, Oxy/ Acetylene set, Craftsman sanding station, Ramset dyna drill, Parker band saw, Milwaukee, DeWalt, Craftsman, Makita, Ryobi, Black & decker, Black walnut logs, Black walnut lumber, survey equipment, Vintage snow shoes, Crosscut saws, Wilton vise, Ships wheel, Wooden airplane prop, Ladders, Horse collars, Hames, Gates and panels, Vintage implements, Cordsman Egan planer. Every thing goes. All items sold as is where is.

See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC. • 10% buyers premium.• Credit cards accepted. • All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. • Call Mike Zook @ 541-571-6280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer, Washington Lic. # 3030

BLACK & BROWN AKC STAN­DARD POO­DLE PUP­PIES: New lit­ ter ready for new homes in Au­ gust, males &fe­ males,health-test­e d par­ents,2-year health guar­an­tee, life­time breed­er sup­port,$1500 each,tak­ing de­pos­its now! More info:www. O u r­P o­e t­i c­P o o­d l e s . com 509-582-6027 AUS­TRA­LIAN SHEPHERD ASCA, pup­ pies born june 10th, 2 females, red merle and a blue merle, and one solid colored red male, working bloodlines, parents on site, wonderful dispositions, 30 day money back gaurantee; for more in­for­ma­tion call 541561-4589. Heppner. WEI­MAR­AN­ER PUP­ PIES: par­ents on-site, ex­cel­lent tem­pera­ ment, ranch raised fam­i­ly dogs, will hunt, $450, Union, OR; 541562-5970 please leave clear mes­sage. PUR­EBRED BLUE/red Nose Pit­bull pup­pies: in Board­man, $300; for more in­for­ma­tion call 541-561-5347. AKC ENGLISH Cream Golden Retrievers, dewclaws removed, first shots & dewormed, health certificate. 1 male ready to go home now! $1500. Call for additional info. 509318-4710. Connell, WA.

NATHAN NASH: please call Mike; 541969-6565. 2 FENDER GUI­TAR Am­pli­fi­ers: 1 Acous­ta­ so­nic Jr. like new, with spe­cial ef­fects, $275, 1 Fender Pass­ port 300 PRO, 450 watts, for larg­ er groups, $395; call 541-276-5372, Pen­dle­ton. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. G R A N D­F A­T H E R CLOCK: Em­peror, pen­du­lum swing, tri­ple chime, weight dri­ ven, ca­ble wind, 8ft tall 2ft wide, $1000; 541-5710702. HEY! WE have yard art: golf clubs, 2 sets ready for the course, Ham­ley’s sad­dle, 2-1930’s gas pumps, com­ ic books, cos­ tume jew­el­ry, dress­ ers, book shelves, 2-Very Nice Chi­ na cab­i­nets priced at $160 each, 2-an­tique ar­moire, 2-1800’s dress­ers, Va­se­line glass, Fran­cis­can ware, pay­ ing cash for gold jew­ el­ ry, sil­ ver­ ware, coins, sil­ ver dol­ lars. Art work by Mary Corp, plus a whole lot more! Come vis­ it us at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main Street, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 541-2891800, hours, Tues­ day thru Sat­ur­day, 10:30am-6:00pm.

MINI YARD sale: 285 W. Ne­va­da Ave., Ir­ri­ gon, Fri­day June 21st, Sat­ur­day June 22nd, 7am-2pm. BLACK CAT FIRE­WORKS is back: opens June 23, 10am-dark, at Fies­ta Foods park­ing lot. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­ day only, June 22nd, 8am-3pm, 583 E Re­ ed­er Drive, Her­mis­ ton, crafts, clothes and much more! FAM­I­LY JACK­POT RO­DEO June 22, 2019, Starts 10:00am, Non-Me­ mebrs are wel­ comed. For pre-reg­is­tra­tion forms, go to Uma­ til­ la Sage Rid­ers Face­book page. Mutton Bustin, Calf/Steer riding, cow riding, goat tying, hide race, Cowboy Triathlon, Barrels, Poles. There are some free gam­ing ev­ents too. For more info., email: sage­ri­ders­se­ cre­t ary@hot­m ail.com Ad­mis­sion is FREE. JACK­POT pay­ing 1 spot for eve­ ry 5 en­ tries. Uma­til­la Sage Rid­ers, 81907 N High­ way 395, Her­mis­ton. PUB­LIC SALE E-Z MINI STORAGE 2315 Hwy. 395 So., Her­mis­ton, OR, 97838. Sale will be held on site, July 2, 2019 at 11:00am, please call day of to verify sale. U-46: Kier­stin Ay­ers, U-34; Ro­bert Mil­haem.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

ES­TATE AUC­TION!!! The Verk­ist Es­tate. Sat­ur­day, June 22nd. Auc­ tion at 11:00 AM. Pre­view at 9:00 AM. 57613 Hwy 204, West­ on, OR. Hwy 11 to 204 exit. 10 miles east of West­on. Fol­low signs. 94 Dutch­men 30’ trav­ el trail­ er, Dump truck, Che­ vy pick up, Dump trail­er (14’x6.5’in­side), 2 ATV trail­ ers, Ford 2000 trac­tor, 3 Air com­ pres­sors, Hon­da 1000 gen­era­tor, 2 Hon­da pow­ ered 7000 watt gen­era­tors, Scrap iron, Cop­per, Alu­mi­num, Brass, Vin­tage ma­nure spread­ er, Fuel tanks, Mill­er bob­cat 225T weld­er, Mill­er tig weld­ er, ESAB Plas­ma torch, Bolt bins and cont­ents, Tap and die set, Cat­ er­pil­lar 1150 en­gine, 2 pic-nic ta­bles, Skoo­ kum blocks, Ri­gid 802 pipe thread­er, Freez­ ers, Pack sad­dles and box­es, Bar­rels of food grade wheat, De­ Walt ra­di­al arm saw, Lo­gan metal lathe, R C Hoe saw grin­der, Ho­bart meat grin­der, Co­le­ man camp gear, Grain mill, Mas­ter Ma­chin­ ery wood lathe, Small atlas metal lathe, KTS drill press, Oxy/ Ace­ ty­lene set, Crafts­man sand­ing sta­tion, Ram­ set dyna drill, Park­ er band saw, Mil­wau­kee, De­Walt, Crafts­man, Maki­ta, Ryo­bi, Black & deck­er, Black wal­nut logs, Black wal­nut lum­ ber, sur­vey equip­ment, Vin­ tage snow shoes, Cross­ cut saws, Wil­ ton vise, Ships wheel, Wood­en air­plane prop, Lad­ ders, Horse col­ lars, Hames, Gates and pan­els, Vin­tage im­ple­ments, Cords­ man Egan plan­er. Eve­ ry thing goes. All items sold as is where is. For pic­ tures and up­ dates go to Mikes Auc­tion LLC on Face­ book. No ear­ ly sales. Pay­ ment by: Cash, Check, Cred­it Cards. A 10% Buy­ers pre­mi­um will be in ef­ fect. Mike Zook: 541-571-6280, Ford Bon­ney: Auc­tion­ eer. Washing­ton Lic. # 3030

VAL­CO ALU­MI­NUM boat: 12 ft., 8hp Hon­ da mo­ tor, E-Z load­ er trail­er, oars and cov­er $1,250; 541-562-1444, Union, OR.

1975 FIBERFORM: one owner, inboard/ outboard, clean title, low hours, trailer, covered storage, great fishing boat, $2000; call 541-561-6542, Hermiston. 1986 17 FOOT Blue Finn aluminum boat: comes with 1996 Force 90hp outboard, bow mount trolling motor, live well, 2 down riggers, newer Laurence fish finder, all new carpet and pedestal seat, everything works, $5500 offer; 541-9101477. 12ft ALU­MI­NUM fish­ing boat: with trail­er, 1-gas, 1-e­lec­ tric and 1-troll­ ing mo­tor, fish find­ er and life jack­ ets, $1,000 or best off­er; 541-276-0798, Pen­ dle­ton.

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 3

LOST SERENGETI sunglasses June 12th Walmartin Pendleton; $25 for return, umdamaged. 541-9698526.

BOR­DER COL­LIE: Fe­ male, 1 year old, start­ed on cat­tle, $250; 541-571-4126, Her­ mis­ton. AKC REG. GER­MAN SHORT­HAIRED POINT­ ER PUPS: 5 males ready now, liv­ er patched, white & ticked, pa­ pered, pur­ebred, docked, dew­claws re­moved, 1st shots, wormed, Na­tion­al Cham­ pion­ship blood­lines, males $700. Ex­ cel­ lent hunt­ ing dogs, train­ing ad­vice avail­ able. Please call (leave mes­sage if no an­swer) 509-9815443

LET’S GET HEALTHY VI­DA­BODY SLIM­ MER: like new! builds and tones mus­ cles, burns fat, builds bone mass, used by As­ tro­ nauts to re-tone mus­ cles, (new $1600), ask­ ing $500 or best off­er; 541-571-4506, Her­mis­ton, OR. T U R­Q U O I S E STRANDS for jew­el­ry mak­ing: 35 avail­able, will sell individually, aver­age 8 inch­es, $8$10 each; 541-9222902, Uma­til­la.

LA­BA­DOOLE PUP­ PIES: mini to med­ i­um size, date of birth is 4-14-19, 9 weeks old, ready now, up to date on vac­cines/de­worm­er, ve­teri­nar­i­an health check-up, dog­gie door trained, pri­mar­ i­ly lit­ter box trained, par­ents adult weight is 30 pounds, $1000 for black and cho­ co­ lates, $1800 for blue mer­ le male, $1800 for black and brown phan­ tom fe­ male.

LINE DANCE CLASS DROP IN $5 Fri­ days: 6:30pm-7:30pm at Well­ ness Wave, across from Wild­horse Ca­si­no, Pen­dle­ton, OR; 541-310-0389, ask April. 2012 CHE­VY Sil­ver­ a­ do: 78,000 miles, very nice con­di­tion, mold­ ed mats, brush guard, great tires, $19,900 or best off­er; 503-410-9359, Her­ mis­ton.

The Umatilla County Peer Support Network would like to thank our community sponsors for their donations to out annual 5k/10k marathons that benefit UCPSN, The Warming/Cooling Station, and Desert Rose Ministries. Your generosity has allowed the three agencies to better serve community members who benefit from these services. This year we are inviting you to drop off donations and attend our open house located at 1195 N. 1st Place in Hermiston, June 4th-7th. We will be calling with the details.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Pet Rescue Schnell Mini Storage Main Stylin’ Nook Obies Nelly’s Ruty’s Cottage Flowers His Design H&P Cafe Echo Church Great Clips Stanfield Center Market

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• • • • • • • •

Les Schwab Walmart Hermiston Parks & Rec. Coca-Cola Pilot Travel Center Home Depot Safeway Affordable Family Eyewear • Fiesta Foods • Lifeway’s Inc. • Lifeway’s Employees

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MINI NU­BI­AN 5th gen­ er­a­tion DOE Goats: 1 year old, $200 each; call 541-969-5633 for more in­for­ma­tion, Adams, OR. FAM­I­LY JACK­POT RO­DEO June 22, 2019, Starts 10:00am, Non-Me­mebrs are wel­ comed. For prereg­is­tra­tion forms, go to Uma­til­la Sage Rid­ ers Face­ book page. Mutton Bustin, Calf/ Steer riding, cow riding, goat tying, hide race, Cowboy Triathlon, Barrels, Poles. There are some free gam­ ing ev­ents too. For more info., email: sage­ ri­ ders­s e­c re­t ary@hot­ mail.com Ad­mis­sion is FREE. JACK­ POT pay­ing 1 spot for eve­ ry 5 en­tries. Uma­til­la Sage Rid­ ers, 81907 N High­way 395, Her­ mis­ton.

BEEF JUST in time for Bar­ beque Sea­ son: or­ der now so beef has time to hang and cure for 4th of July and oth­ er sum­ mer cel­e­bra­tions. I have High­lan­ders, An­gus, and Red De­ von beef! $4.99/lb. hang­ ing weight, plus cut & wrap. Hand cut to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Call Jim for more in­ for­ma­tion 541-2764637. CUS­TOM BAL­ING small and large acreag­ es; Call Steve, 509-386-8507 or 208695-7939. LAU­RI­ER MA­CHINE for pick­ ing up round bales: 31 ft bed, picks from both sides, makes 2 rows, $5500; New Hol­ land 1046, self-pro­pelled bale wa­ gon, $3600; call 541454-2994, Ar­ling­ton, OR.

2014 CHE­VY IM­PA­LA Ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, white, 40,500 miles, $10,500; 541-3792441, Pen­dle­ton. OR. 2016 CHE­VY CRUZ: 40k miles, new TOYO tires, great con­di­tion, $13,000 or best off­ er; 541-561-5763, Ione, OR. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­ peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust, for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed Sat­ur­day & Sun­ day. 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, OR. FIRE­STONE WIN­TER Force stud­ ded tires: 225x60x17 on Ford wheels, 16” & 17” ca­ ble chains; 541-5671148, Her­mis­ton. 2005 NIS­SAN Al­ti­ma: 233,000 miles, needs clutch, $700; 541-9699045. Athe­na

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 4

2000 FORD SU­ PER duty XLT: ext cab, 7.3l die­ sel, 6 speed man­u­al trans­ mis­ sion, 2WD, 95% rub­ber on tires, long bed, tool box, p/s, a/c, elec­tric eve­ry­ thing, ful­ ly load­ ed $4,750 or best off­er; call Mr. Bill 509-3866950 or 541-9387974, Mil­ton-Free­ wa­ter, OR.

LIM­OU­SIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail­ able now. Wilde Ranch­es; 541-4542994.

FIRST CUT­TING orchard grass hay: no rain, $8.50 per bale; 541-449-1212 or 541571-3050 Stan­field.

LAMBS FOR sale: 541-922-0853, Ir­ri­gon.

BRUSH HOG Mow­ ing: Cus­tom Mow­ing, and Spe­cial­ized Bal­ ing; Call Steve for a FREE es­timate to­day! 509-386-8507 or 208695-7939.

PIGS FOR Sale: all siz­es, wean­ers to adult sows; call 541-5349421, Sum­mer­ville, OR.

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NICKEL HOURS: 8:30am-5pm, Mon.-Fri. HAR­ROW BED FOR HIRE Cus­tom stack­ing avail­ able, 2-tie and big bale har­ev­sting; Call 541561-5133, leave mes­ sage. LO­CAL RANCH raised Nat­u­ral Lock­er Beef for sale: for more in­for­ ma­ tion call; 541-5615288, Echo.

HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ing: Ix­ta­pa Mex­i­can Res­tau­rant, June 21st, at 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come; for in­for­ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. SINCERE SENIOR Divorced white male, retired Army veteran in good health, wishes to meet sincere retired female for lifetime commitment, age/ weight unimportant. Must be able to relocate. No homeowners, please. Must be serious & sincere for replies. No games! Write Mike’s, with phone number: PO Box 4457, Tumwater, WA 98501. GET YOUR yard sale kit at The Nickel, 1055 N. First Street, only $4.99.









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2008 CHE­VY HHR Wag­ on: 118k miles, au­tomat­ic, air blows cold, new tires, clean ti­tle, runs/drives great, 4cyl., straight body, very nice in­ teri­or, ask­ing $2800 or best off­ er; 520869-1522, Her­mis­ ton. 2004 DODGE RAM Truck: 2500 die­ sel, 167k miles, one own­er, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, must see, in­ cludes many ex­ tras, $15,000 or best off­er; 541-815-8391, Echo. DEN­NY CULP MA­CHINE SHOP We are PROUD to use Amer­i­can Made pro­ ducts in our work. Old­ field Road, Her­mis­ton; 541-567-1887 VW OWNERS (Bugs, buses, baja’s, dune buggys, rail buggys & trikes): I have rebuilt engines mild to wild! VW repairs. Also VW parts- new & used. If you need help call 509-948-3123. 2016 FORD FUSION $13,750 obo. Vin #3fa5p0hdxgr223983. This car looks & runs like brand new. We don’t smoke, so this car has never been smoked in, & it is immaculate. As you can see in the pictures, it is a beautiful car. The car averages 31- 33 mpg. It has the EconoBoost engine, so it gets great mileage, & still has lots of power. If you have questions, please let me know. Thank you for reading. 801-8219568. WestHaven, Utah. 1988 CHE­VY: 4x4, runs, $1000, Woods back­hoe at­tach­ment, $2500, Ford 8N trac­ tor, runs, $1600; call 541-561-1445, Her­ mis­ton.

IR­RI­GON YARD sale: Fri­day, June 21 & Sat­ ur­ day, June 22, 825 Bran­don St, Ir­ri­gon. 8am-6pm, hunt­ing, fish­ing and camp­ing gear, lawn mow­er and mis­cel­la­ne­ous. VERY LARGE YARD SALE 1631 2nd St., Uma­ til­la, Uma­til­la Mar­i­na en­trance, Fri­day, Sat­ ur­day, Sun­day 9am, Mov­ing and ga­rage sale, Qual­i­ty cheap cloth­ing, mens, wom­ ens, childrens, $1, $2, $3, tools, toys, kitch­ en, cook­ books, gar­ den­ ing tools, hunting bow, all kinds of antiques, bulk Christ­ mas, fur­ni­ture, col­lect­ i­bles, build­ing, ranch, wag­on wheels, fishing mar­ine, vin­tage out­ boards, books, in­ su­la­tor col­lec­tion, gold scales, pro­ duce scales, lit­tle chief. grill from Spurs. YARD SALE: Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, June 21st and 22nd, 8am3pm. Books, movies, LP records, la­ dies clothes (some size large), ac­tion fig­ures, Hot wheels, oth­ er col­lect­ible toys, kite, watch­ es, lots of mis­ cel­la­ne­ous, 2010 NE Gil­les­pie Lane, Her­ mis­ton. PUB­LIC NO­TICE OF SALE NORTH STAR STOR­AGE 30979 Joy Lane, Her­ mis­ ton, OR 97838, June 21st, 2019 at 12:30pm. Per­son­al Prop­er­ty of. N15- Cole Harvey, P22- Charles Digregorio, n­ ants can pay in full up un­til the auc­ tion. Please call the day be­ fore the auc­ tion to check on auc­tion sta­tus; 541289-7766. MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale: Friday and Saturday, 8am-3pm, new and used items, lots of stuff. 31142 Cecil St., Hermiston.

FOR SALE Chi­hua­hua pup­pies: call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541-5715160, Her­mi­son. “BLUE” FRENCH BULLDOG Available & ready now for their forever homes! 4 AKC females, reg “Blue” French Bulldog puppies, 8 wks old, $4500. Come with AKC registration, breeding rights, immunizations, dewclaws removed, deworming & 1 year health guarantee. Can take credit card. 208-503-9426. rprevels@yahoo.com, Facebook, French Bulldog Nevaeh. Silverdale, WA. CAT UTO­PIA cat adop­tion ev­ent and cab/bot­tle fun­drais­er: Sat­ur­day, June 22nd, 9am-1pm, Her­mis­ton Pet­sense. ADORABLE, fluffy, friendly Shih Tzu puppies avail now. Females $900; Males $800. 509-366-5997. TriCities. I HAVE a few beautiful AKC French Bulldog puppies available. They all come with 1 yr health guarantee, shots, deworming, health check, puppy start kit, & life time breeder support, anytime. These babies’ parents have been health tested for MCR!, DM, HUU, & JHC, & both are negative for all four. We also test for cystinuria 3 gene, & are both negative. Our babies come pre spoiled. We are located in Ellensburg, WA. We do deliver & ship. Feel free to call with questions, 503-583-5091. Also, for reference & more pictures & videos, you can also go to our business page, facebook. com/ OceanBlue-Bullies.

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GET­TING MAR­RIED: can’t af­ford a new set of rings? Nice leath­ er re­ clin­ er, used one year, cost was $500, will sell for $250; call 541-676-5142

2 LABS, 1 year old, male & female, current on all shots, house trained, family friendly dogs. For more info, contact 541-571-1611. Hermiston.

MOV­ING SALE un­til June 30th: 1910 NE Geer Rd, Her­mis­ton, 7am-7pm, 7 days a week, fur­ni­ture, dish­ es, com­ plete house­ hold. 541-656-5536.

PTO WOOD chip­per: 3 point hitch, good run­ ning con­di­tion, han­ dles up to 4 1/2 inch, paid $1965 ask­ ing $1000; 541-571-0702.

ASCA AUSTRALIAN Shepherds. Traditional Aussies. Very smart & athletic, bred to work livestock on a farm/ ranch, family environment, $750. Parents also pictured, giantnickel. com. 509-751-7361. Pomeroy,WA.

25 YEARS OF LIV­ING LET THE SALE BE­GIN! EVE­RY­THING MUST GO! 3 days in Ir­ri­gon, OR: at 74775 Washing­ton Lane. Shop for special treas­ ures in­side, out­side, and in the car­port. Thurs­day, June 20th, Fri­day, June 21st and Sat­ur­day, June 22nd, 10am-6pm, So much stuff, way way to much to list.

AIR BOURNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 19 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Pay­ ment plans avail­able, for free es­timate; call 760-267-6981. Own­ ers Shan­ non & Cas­ sie Kack; Her­mis­ton, OR. NEW BLAZE King wood stove: King clas­ sic $400 off, wood stove pipe, Vi­ nyl floors @ .78 sq ft, Ny­lac car­pet clean­er $12.99, all in stock; 541-567-7534, Her­ mis­ton. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, couch­ es, and more! For free es­timate call; 541-561-0962, Stan­ field. 5000 LIVE STREAMING TV CHANNELS Free 24 hour trials! For any device. $39/ mo. Refer 4 for free, or earn money. Includes Spanish. No contracts. See tvfor-free.com, 509-570-1922. Try for free. 4th AN­NUAL Yard Sale Ma­nia: Sat­ur­day, June 29th, 9am to 5pm, to par­tic­i­pate; con­tact Mar­lene, 541-4492178. You don’t want to miss this!


ington Pu mP

MASTIFF PUPPIES For sale: Italian Cane Corso Mastiff/ French Mastiff pups, read for forever homes. These adorable babies come will be very large dogs! $1200. Please call for more info, 509-3670041. Yakima. AKC GERMAN Shorthaired Pointer! 4 males. $500; 3 females, $600, all liver (good for upland & waterfowl), hall of fame national field champions. Pups intelligent, driven. Selective breeding. Pics on giantnickel. com, 509-967-4778; 509-967-1446. MINI AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS Ready now, born 2/4/19, 2 black tri males, $600 ea, & 2 red merle females with blue eyes, $650 ea. Come with breeding rights & papers. Call or text, 509-619-9780. Kennewick. AKC reg­is­tered lab pup­pies born May 23, 2019. We have sev­en blacks and four cho­ co­ lates. They have had their dew claws re­moved and will have first shots and well pup­py vis­it. They will be ready to go July 23rd. Call Bruce at 541-980-7364 or 541676-5309 for in­for­ma­ tion and pric­es.

YARD SALE ATHE­NA Thurs­ day June 20, Fri­ day June 21 and Sat­ur­day, June 22, 8am-5pm, 423 E High Street, Athe­na, OR, lots of good stuff. SALE: Sat­ur­day, June 22nd, 795 W Di­vi­sion Ave, Her­mis­ton, 9am2pm, cof­ fee table, house­ hold and decor, Mor­so mod­el F & misc. STOR­AGE UNIT PUB­LIC AUC­TION Uma­til­la Self Stor­age, June 29, 2019, starts at 10:00am. Sale will be held on site, Jct. I-82 & Hwy 730, Uma­til­la, Or­ e­ gon 97882. Michael Lutz A7, Lau­ren Bra­dley A25, Rob Fir­ po B38, Car­o­lyn Stow­er Pells C77, Kay­dee Mc­Neil B47, Heath­er Am­brose C66, Mike Watts C77. TOPS YARD Sale: Friday June 21 & Saturday June 22, starts 8am, 480 SW 9th St, Hermiston. SHOP SALE IR­RI­GON, OR­E­GON Thurs­day, Fri­day, and Sat­ ur­ day, June 20, 21 and 22. 8am - 4pm, 375 NE 5th, Ir­ri­gon. Tools, books, oil lamps, fish­ing plugs, poles, cast iron pots and pans, dutch ovens, hunt­ ing gear, ammo, guns, tube ra­dio, hot wheels, salt/pep­ per shak­ers, & lots lots more.

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 5

BEST PORK ar­ ound: Closest you can get to or­gan­ic with­out the price. We sell by the hang­ing weight. You buy and de­ter­mine how you want it cut and wrapped. Sell­ ing by half or whole. I am ask­ ing $2.99/lb. plus cut and wrap! Call Jim for de­ tails, 541-2764637. UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­tions, email Uma­ til­l a­Vik­i ngs@hot­m ail. com or call Ja­ net at 541-567-3968. GRASS AL­FAL­FA: 1st cut­ ting, $9 per bale, grass al­fal­fa, 2nd cut­ ting, $10 per bale; 541571-7601, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA SEED Fine stemmed. $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-301-6699. BUTCHER HOGS for sale: call Juli 541561-9871, Boardman, OR.


FORD SIDE Steps: fit 2007-2014 Ford F-150 trucks, with 6 ft., box, $200; 541-571-4506 Her­mis­ton, OR. 2012 KIA SOR­EN­TO: high mile­ age 335k, runs great and looks good, nev­ er had is­ sues, KBB $6,000, sell­ing for $3,500; seri­ ous buy­ ers call 509520-3247, Wal­ la Wal­ la, WA. 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 1 owner, bought new, 120k mi, auto, 4 cyl, tint, new tires, bought the rims, all maintenance up to date & done by Toyota of TriCities, clean, reliable, great ride. Call Marianne at 509737-7778.

CAT­ TLE HOOF trim­ ming table: $750, Live­stock scale, fits in al­ley, $800, Pro­pane stock wa­ter heat­er, $200; 541-454-2994, Ar­ling­ton, OR.

2011 TOYO­TA RAV4: 4x4 well main­ tained, new tires, 121k miles, $8500 or best offer; text for an ap­ point­ ment, 541-720-1239, Her­mis­ton, OR.

SUF­FOLK TEX­EL CROSS SHOW LAMBS Lambs will be 5 to 6 months old for Uma­til­ la Coun­ty Fair. Most­ly twins, some sin­gles, to be weaned mid to late May, and will have had 3 dos­es of CD te­ta­nus, eat­ing creep, hay and grass; Stage Gulch Suf­folks; call Jan Mills, 541-449-3559.

1996 FREIGHTLIN­ ER FL70 truck: 12 ft. flatbed with sleep­er, set up to haul goose­ neck trail­ er, $12,500; 1987 Cir­ cle J stock trail­er, 12 ft. pull type, $2,500; 541-454-2994 Ar­ling­ton, OR.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

2007 HONDA Element, 132k, good/ exc cond, awd, 4 cyl, auto, very clean, meticulously maintained, $8500 firm. 541-566-9251. TOYO­TA TUN­DRA Crew cab ca­no­py: brown col­ or, $1,500 or best off­er; 541-7200748, Her­mis­ton, OR.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section START YOUR own CBD busi­ ness: be ahead of the game, be your own boss; call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541294-8245, Her­mis­ton. NOW HIRING REGIONAL RAW OPEN TOP DRIVERS Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting Regional Raw Open Top Drivers, hauling Hermiston, Portland, Ontario, Idaho. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For a p p l i c a t i o n , please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE.

AL­TER­A­TIONS AND IRONING 20 years of ex­peri­ence, and done at my home; Call Delores for more in­for­ma­tion at 541-5617441, Her­mis­ton. CDL TRUCK driv­er need­ed: for this fire sea­son ­to haul equip­ ment with low­ boy and/or op­er­ate wa­ter tender on fires. Low­ boy wage, $23.72 per hour and wa­ter tender wage, $23.33 per hour. Able to work up to 14 days straight on fires or be a flexi­ble fill-in for a few days at a time. Must have good driv­ ing record, med­i­cal card, and be drug test­ ed. Send re­ sume to bru­c eyoun­g log­g ing@ live.com and re­ quest DMV to fax 3 year driv­ ing record to: 541-6765189. UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­tions, email Uma­ til­l a­Vik­i ngs@hot­m ail. com or call Ja­ net at 541-567-3968.

WANTED: SHOE repair person &/ or leather repair person. 509-5720836 for details. NOW HIRING BIG TRUCK MECHANICS Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, is recruiting for Mechanics to work on big trucks & 18 wheelers in our Hermiston shop. Medelez, Inc is a family owned company & operation, who takes pride in quality customer service, helping our employees thrive in their positions, & reaching their goals. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401K retirement plan, savings program, & paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Journeyman Mechanic; Brake repair; Clutch Repair; Tire Repair; Troubleshooting. For more information & application, please call Kelly Medelez Sr, 541571-0938, or apply in the office, 30522 Oldfield St, Hermiston, OR. Medelez Inc/ BJK Transport is an EEO.


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BODY/ PAINT TECH We are looking for a qualified body & paint person for a growing company in Yakima to join our current team! Must have at least 3 years experience, have a love of classic cars, & a desire to build something great, not just your everyday restoration. We do not do collision work, so you must have the knowledge of how to do complete paint jobs. If this sounds like you, give us a call at 509902-1016 to schedule an interview. NOW HIRING OTR REEFER DRIVERS Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting Over the Road Reefer Drivers, hauling WA, OR, CA, AZ. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For a p p l i c a t i o n , please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE.

RANCH FARM HAND want­ed: Pi­lot Rock area. Must have valid driv­ers li­cense; Call 541-443-4461, leave de­tailed mes­sage. NOW HIRING LOCAL HARVEST DRIVERS Home every night! Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting local harvest drivers, Pasco area. Home every night! These driving positions start out seasonal, but can turn into full time. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, & other benfits for FTE’s. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For application, please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE. THE NICK­EL can help you: 1. Save mon­ ey. 2. Save time. 3. Sell items you don’t need. 4. Find things at a val­u e; 541-5672230, 541-276-7039. IN NEED of house clean­er in Ir­ri­gon, Or­ e­gon: gen­er­al house keep­ ing, 3-4 hours, eve­ ry 2 weeks, most any day and hours are ac­cept­able; 541-9224521.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS AVAILABLE BENEFITS • Part Time (full-time available) • Accident Insurance • Paid Training • Critical Care Insurance • Sign on Bonus up to $350 • Dental • Flexible Scheduling • Medical Plan • No CDL Required to Apply • Vision DIESEL MECHANIC • 401K • Full-Time Position • Wage DOE • Diesel Mechanic Exp. (Required)


MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

MAIN­TENANCE (LME or bet­ ter pre­ ferred) Job De­ scrip­tion: This po­si­tion is re­ spon­si­ble for sup­port­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing of PVC pipe. En­ sure ar­ ound the clock cov­er­age by per­form­ing da­i­ly plant rounds, pro­mot­ing and uti­liz­ing the work or­der & pre­ ven­ta­tive main­tenance sys­ tems, trou­bleshoot­ing prob­ lems with pumps, mo­ tors, valves, heat ex­chang­ers & sys­tems. Oth­er re­spon­si­bil­ i­ties in­clude re­plac­ing and re­pair­ing dys­func­tion­al or in­ef­fi­cient equip­ment and sup­port of the En­gi­neer­ing group.This po­si­tion is a vari­ able shift po­si­tion, ro­tat­ing eve­ry 2 months. Shifts are 12 hours; 7:00-7:00. The work week is a 36/48 hour work week. This po­si­tion will re­quire holi­day and al­ter­ nat­ing wee­kend shifts. Only those will­ing to work nights, wee­kends, and holi­days should ap­ply. Job Re­quire­ ments: The suc­cess­ful can­ didate must pos­sess a High School Di­plo­ma or GED, at least two years re­ cent in­ dus­tri­al Main­tenance work ex­peri­ence as an in­dus­tri­al me­chan­ic, main­tenance ap­ pren­tice, or equiv­al­ent. The ap­plic­ant must have spe­cif­ic hands-on work ex­peri­ence in main­tenance, trou­bleshoot­ ing and pre­ven­ta­tive main­ tenance. The can­didate must also pos­ sess knowl­ edge of au­to­mat­ed equip­ ment and OSHA re­ quired Safe­ ty train­ ing as well as prev­i­ous ex­peri­ence weld­ ing, fab­ri­cat­ing, and work­ing with pumps, valves, and mo­ tors. The can­didate must be or­gan­ized and de­pend­able, have dem­on­strat­ed prob­lem solv­ing abil­i­ty, good writ­ten and ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Can­didate must have their own tools. Phys­ i­ cal de­mands re­quire the abil­i­ty to lift 50 lbs., climb lad­ders and stairs, and use me­chan­ i­cal pow­er and hand tools. Qual­i­fy­ing po­si­tions off­er: *A 401(k) and pri­vate pen­ sion plan. *No de­ duct­ ible med­i­cal, pre­scrip­tion drug, den­ tal and vision. Pre­ mi­ um paid short term dis­abil­ i­ty, long term dis­abil­i­ty, life in­surance for you and your de­pend­ants, and many oth­er elec­tive ben­e­fits. *Paid sick, va­ca­tion and 10 holi­days. *Pro­fes­sion­al growth and de­vel­op­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties through train­ing and our Ed­ u­ca­tion As­sis­tance Pro­gram *Wage DOE. Ap­ply in per­ son at: 31240 Rox­bury Road Uma­til­la, OR. 97882 Ap­ply bet­ween the hours of 7:00am and 2:30pm

BUSY BEE Preschool and child care has 2 openings for children age 2 or over, 1001 things to do, call for interview; 541-5672002. EL RE­FU­GIO DE RO­SA­RIO Soy Osiris Ber­mu­dez pro­vee­dora de cui­da­ do de ni­nos cer­tifi­ca­da por el es­ta­do de Or­e­ gon. Ten­go va­cantes para ni­nos de 6 mes­es en ade­lante; 541-5611865, Her­mis­ton QUAL­I­TY CHRIS­ TIAN day­care and preschool. now accepting reg­is­tra­tion for the 2019/20 pre­school year, also have 2 day­ care open­ ings avail­ able, been in busi­ness since 1999, call for in­for­ma­tion; 541-5670609. Her­mis­ton. THE REF­UGE OF RO­SA­RIO I am Osiris Ber­mu­dez child care pro­vid­er, cer­ti­fied by the state of Or­e­gon, I have va­ can­cies for child­ren 6 months and old­ er; 541-561-1865, Her­ mis­ton. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­ la­tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­ tact an sales rep­re­ sen­ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

START YOUR own CBD busi­ ness: be ahead of the game, be your own boss; call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541294-8245, Her­mis­ton. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039.

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 7

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The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 8

79 FORD F150 Rang­ er pick­ up: 460 mo­ tor with au­tomat­ic trans­ mis­ sion, $1200; call for info. 541-481-5812, Board­man.

ORCHARD ladders, 12’ alum, 18 avail, $100 ea; 20 hp Cornell pump with 3 phase electrical panels, $1500; 8000 grape grow tubes, 30”, .50cents ea. Call/ text, 509-396-8694. BntnCity. 1118 NEW Holland swather, 14’ hay header, with conditioner, 2649 hours, 2nd owner, exc cond, $10,000. 509674-8515. CleElum.

1960’s CJ-5: Project Jeep, 350 Chevy motor, 4 inch lift, needs work, $2500; 541371-0715.

JOHN DEERE 1020 diesel tractor with loader, strong engine, $8500. Prosser. 509781-0226.

2012 CHE­VY Sil­ver­a­ do: 78,000 miles, very nice con­di­tion, mold­ ed mats, brush guard, great tires, $19,900 or best off­ er; 503-4109359, Her­mis­ton.

CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $280/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities.

TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust, for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­ mis­ sion, closed Sat­ ur­day & Sun­day. 541567-1698, Her­mis­ton, OR.

NH 1068 harrow bed hay stacker, gas, good tires, new brakes, ugly but stacks hay, $9500. Randy, 509-240-4289. Touchet,WA.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

PAYING CASH FOR SHEEP & GOATS Paying cash for sheep & goats. 541-2560907. Cattle also. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. GRASS CALVES FOR SALE All sizes, all prices. Free delivery. Call for details. 541-256-0907. BLACK AN­GUS Steer: long year­ ling, ap­prox­imate­ly 900 pounds, $1,000, 541720-2217, Her­mis­ ton. PASTURE CALVES FOR SALE Call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541-256-0907. MINI NU­BI­AN 5th gen­er­a­tion DOE Goats: 1 year old, $200 each; call 541969-5633 for more in­for­ma­tion, Adams, OR.


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LIFETIME WARRANTY! 31 COLORS to choose from! Miramac Metals, Inc

2 FENDER GUI­TAR Am­pli­fi­ers: 1 Acous­ta­ so­nic Jr. like new, with spe­cial ef­fects, $275, 1 Fender Pass­ port 300 PRO, 450 watts, for larg­ er groups, $395; call 541-276-5372, Pen­dle­ton. BLACK CAT FIRE­WORKS is back: opens June 23, 10am-dark, at Fies­ta Foods park­ing lot. NATHAN NASH: please call Mike; 541969-6565.

The Clean Spot is the best Laundromat in Umatilla. The cleanest, brightest with the most machines for your convenience. 7th and Switzer, Umatilla. G R A N D­F A­T H E R CLOCK: Em­peror, pen­du­lum swing, tri­ ple chime, weight dri­ven, ca­ble wind, 8ft tall 2ft wide, $1000; 541-5710702. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. 2012 CHE­VY Sil­ ver­a­do: 78,000 miles, very nice con­di­tion, mold­ed mats, brush guard, great tires, $19,900 or best off­ er; 503410-9359, Her­mis­ ton.

JAIME’S RE­BUILD­ ERS: en­gines, tran­ ny’s heads, grind­ing, al­ter­na­tors, start­ers, elec­tri­cal jobs, die­sels wel­come, weld­ing and cut­ting; 541-571-0354, Uma­til­la. NATHAN NASH: please call Mike; 541969-6565. HUS­KY PICK­UP TOOL BOX: with head­ ache rack, $400; 541314-2103, Uma­til­la.

THE UMA­TIL­LA Mu­ seum is open for the 2019 sea­son: Tues­ day through Sat­ur­day, 10am to 4pm. June through Sept. Come by to see the new displays and en­ joy Your Uma­til­la His­tory. MOV­ING SALE All sum­mer long, Tues­ day through Sat­ ur­ days, 9am-4pm, 951 W Nel­ son Lane, Her­ mis­ton, when it’s gone, it’s over.

2014 CHE­VY IM­PA­LA Ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, white, 40,500 miles, $10,500; 541-3792441, Pen­dle­ton. OR. AVOID A $1 bill­ing fee by pay­ing for your ad when you place it or by that Fri­day by 12pm. VIN­TAGE SCHWINN bi­cy­cles: late 50’s, ear­ ly 60’s; 541-663-9091, La­Grande. 2005 BUICK CEN­ TURY: clear ti­tle, less then 82,000 miles, clean, 3.1 V-6, auto, cruise, a/c, am/fm cd, $3,000 off­ er, cash; 541-443-7000. UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­ tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­ tions, email U m a­t i l­l a­V i k­i n g s @ hot­ mail.com or call Ja­ net at 541-5673968. 2007 HONDA Element, 132k, good/ exc cond, awd, 4 cyl, auto, very clean, meticulously maintained, $8500 firm. 541-566-9251.

CAT UTOPIA FUNDRAISER YARD SALE Saturday, June 29th, 9am - 5pm, 160 E Furnish, Stanfield, buy a pawprint and enter to win door prizes, donations gladly welcomed; for more information contact Marlene, 541-4492178. MOV­ING YARD SALE C&C Sec­ ond Hand, 30654 Bag­ gett Ln., Her­mis­ton. June 21st & 22nd, 8am-?. For more in­for­ma­tion, call Dale; 503-369-1007. MUL­TI-FAM­I­LY GA­RAGE SALE 430 East Ta­mar­ack Court, Sat­ur­day, June 22nd, 8am-4pm. One day only, lots of hand tools, pow­ er tools, shov­els, rakes, fur­ni­ ture, books, house­ hold, items, 2 gui­tars, and much more!


1699 E. Ainsworth, Pasco • 509-545-0170 • MIRAMAC.COM

SAINT BERNARD PUPPIES Full Saints, $800. Call/ text Karla at 509-8766890. WallaWalla. WANTED: ADULT Labrador, any sex or color. 509-967-2723.

PUREBRED TOY AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS Ready for their forever home, all colors, up to date on shots, wormed, tails docked, parents on site, international bloodline, excellent quality animals; for more information and pictures call 541-969-8775. FLANDOODLES, Standard Poodle & Bouvier cross puppies, 8 weeks old, $800. 509831-8862. Sunnyside, Washington. AKC LABRADOR PUPPIES Ready for new homes now! 5 AKC Labrador male puppies available, 3 yellow males, 2 black males. AKC Kanyon’s Texas Ranger & AKC Kanyon’s Rebel’s Hired Gun. $1200 full AKC papers, $800 limited AKC papers. See more about our dogs at Kanyonkennels labradors. com, call after 4pm. 509-9490211. No texts please. Selah, WA.

Cargo All That Wood .com Your Fence Connection Containers Cargo Cedar • Vinyl Sale Splitfor Rail • Privacy • Picket Ranch Rail Containers 541-667-8191 for Sale 80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

MOV­ING SALE: come check­ out all the col­ lect­i­bles, fur­ni­ture and mis­cel­la­ne­ous. Just about eve­ ry thing is for sale, make off­ers, in­ clud­ ing our 2 bed­ room, 2 bath home and land. Call me Tom at 541-303-3688 or drive by, 520 5th Street, Uma­ti1­1a. 38” HDTV, fan, bak­ ers rack, end ta­ bles, com­put­er desk, king size bed, plus and just many items to list.

& Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

www.dryboxusa.com 503-420-3940 Superior Quality & Expertise

PUR­EBRED PO­ MER­A­NIAN: pups are ready for their new for­ ev­ er homes, 1 black male & fe­male, 1 white fe­ male, they are very smart and lov­ing, $600 each; call/text for more in­for­ma­tion 509-7782016, Uma­til­la, OR.

BEAUTIFUL CFA Persian kittens, 10 wks old, first shots, 3 cream points with beautiful blue eyes, 2 males, 1 female, 1 red male, $500 ea. Also 1 black Persian kitten male, $300. We are in Yakima. 509-901-0004.


www.DryBoxUsa.com 503-420-3940


The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Ride Away With





Sell those good, but no longer needed items in the next issue! Reg. Rate $5.00/week for 15 words or less, 10¢ per word thereafter.



1510 Grade St., Kelso 98626 517 NW Pacific, Chehalis 98532 1055 N. First Street, Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230 • thenickelonline.com Phone: 423-3141 Fax: 423-1814 Phone: 748-6616 Fax: 748-1479 A. 4 Week Special Rate

Name: ____________________Date: ______________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Credit Card Number: ___________________________ Exp. Date: ____________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

❏ Miscellaneous

❏ Manufactured Housing ❏ For Rent ❏ Recreational Vehicles ❏ Tools & Machinery ❏ Household ❏ Motorcycles & ATV's ❏ Employment & Services ❏ Boats & Accessories ❏ Pets & Animals ❏ Sporting Goods ❏ Farm & Garden ❏ Computers & Electronics ❏ Wanted ❏ Logging & Heavy Eq. ❏ Yard Sales ❏ Free Items ❏ Real Estate ❏ Lost & Found

6.00 $15.00 ____ ❏ Automobiles $

(First 15 Words, Pre-Paid)

B. No. Extra Words _____x 20¢ ea. C. Sub-total (A+B) D. Total

_____ _____ _____































The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide FOR SALE by owner: 26 unit mobile home park located in Pendleton Oregon, all mobile homes included, some are RV spaces, $650,000; 541-379-0851.



Irrigon Trabajo Agrícola 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838

I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime.

Ahora aceptamos solicitudes para viviendas con fondos federales. Unidades de 2, 3, y 4 habitaciones con renta según los ingresos cuando estén disponibles. Se aplican restricciones de ingresos y de esundiantes. Ingresos de la Granja/ Agrícola. Las unidades son dúplex con lavadora y secadora en la unidad.

Teléfono del proyecto: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda”

THE NICK­EL hours are: 8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri., Her­mis­ton. Dead­line is Tues. by 5pm. Chang­es MANAGEMENT & can­cel­la­tions Tues. by 11am.

PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981 541-567-3981


$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10Storage - $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Units- 12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.



705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIESinc.

Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St.





UP­DAT­ED HOME COUN­TRY SET­TING 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, home in quiet lo­ ca­ tion, 740 E Wood in Stan­field, OR. $149,900; Seri­ous in­ qui­ries only; 541-5611048, NACHES RIVERFRONT $22,500 for 40’ of riverfront property on the Naches River, nestled in the beautiful Yakima Valley. Fish from your yard! Enjoy fun in the sun! Campground includes playground, heated pool access, & park bathrooms with showers. This property is part of a membership association, open from March- October. Property dimensions are 40x70’. Property includes 8x10’ shed (with power), 30/ 50 amp rv power, water, timed irrigation. Email lana.hilts@ q.com, serious inquiries only.

SUMMER TIME adventure! Just bring your clothes & food! Open from April to the end of October! 38’ Thor 5th wheel, 3 slideouts, Naches Wonderland C a m p g r o u n d membership. Newer carpet, recliners, bed, & refrig. Well maintained. Private hedges, 2 large storage sheds, extra refrig, freezer in shed, new bbq, fire pit & gazebo frame. No lawn to mow! Fake grass on large portion of lot. Nice deck, patio furniture, & railing for steps. All necessities to start your summer adventure will be left with trailer! Everything you need to enjoy the great outdoors! Right across lane from river front! Extra large lot! Very nice heated swimming pool, play area for everyone, restroom facilities with showers. $26,500 asking price. Only serious inquiries, please! Call & leave msg at 509-531-3481; 509-586-6925.

AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. Down­town, stu­dios, rent $450. All util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure. Ask about the Sa­voy Ho­tel also. (509) 248-2146. HOUSE FOR rent in Her­mis­ton: 2 bed­room, 1 bath­ room, call af­ ter 5:30pm, se ha­ bla es­ pa­nol; 541-289-8269. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 er month. $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wifi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ room and showers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at; www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/Sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $308 and up per week, plus first, last, and de­pos­it, call Til­li­ cum Inn Anexx, Uma­ til­la; 541-922-3236. HOUSE FOR rent: 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, stove, fridge, city wa­ ter, no pets or smok­ ing, $1000, first, last, and $1000 de­pos­it; 541-571-7448.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. LARGE 2 Bed­room 1 bath du­ plex in Mil­ ton-Free­wa­ter, OR: new heat­ ing and air con­di­tion­ing, lo­cat­ed in south end of town, pleas­ant neigh­bor­ hood, off street park­ ing, yard/wa­ter serv­ice pro­vid­ed. Elec­tric must be in Ten­ ants name be­fore oc­cu­pan­cy. $700 month, $500 de­ pos­it; 509-520-0121. OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: used, new, and of­fic­es. Vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers”; In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. ROOM FOR rent: Her­ mis­ ton area, wash­ er/dry­er, wifi, shared kitch­en and fam­i­ly room, $375 plus $150 de­pos­it, 541-6567005. 2 BED­ ROOM, 1 bath du­ plex in Pi­ lot Rock, Or­e­gon: $650 month, $500 de­pos­it, no pets/ smok­ing; 541-5715171. 4 BED­ROOM 2 bath home for rent in Her­ mis­ton: no smok­ing, drugs or pets, ref­ er­ enc­es are re­quired, $1,200 per month, first, last, plus $1,500 de­ pos­it; 541-571-3515.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

EX­TRA LARGE fur­ nished room for rent: large bath­ room, in coun­try, am­ple park­ ing, 2 miles to Board­ man. En­ joy gar­ den & area view. No smok­ ing, drugs or pets, ref­ er­enc­es re­quired; 541571-0163. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 er month. $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wifi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ room and showers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. LARGE 2 Bed­room 1 bath du­ plex in Mil­ ton-Free­wa­ter, OR: new heat­ ing and air con­di­tion­ing, lo­cat­ed in south end of town, pleas­ant neigh­bor­ hood, off street park­ ing, yard/wa­ter serv­ice pro­vid­ed. Elec­tric must be in Ten­ ants name be­fore oc­cu­pan­cy. $700 month, $500 de­ pos­it; 509-520-0121. AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. Down­town, stu­dios, rent $450. All util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure. Ask about the Sa­voy Ho­tel also. (509) 248-2146. FOR RENT 10,000 SQ.FT COMMERCIAL Commercial space in Milton Freewater, next to Hwy 11 & City Park (up the street from former Tree Top Buildings). 10,000 sq.ft of wide open, unobstructed floor space. Office space, 2 full bathrooms, & ample parking out front. For more info, contact Quantum 9 Land Co, LLC. 541566-0255, ext 219, or 503-709-6305. FOR RENT: Just outside Hermiston, in country setting, 4 bdrm, 1.5 bath house. New carpet, master bdrm, utility room, fenced yard, $1100/ mo, first & last. $800 deposit. 541-5615940, call or text. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-3705454. Call anytime. RIV­ER VIEWS: nice three bed­ room, 1 bath du­plex for rent in Board­ man, w/s/g paid, $1050/ month, in­come re­quire­ ment, 3 times the month­ ly rent; 541-561-1783.

YARD SALE Sat­ur­day June 20th, 8am-2pm, 80830 S. Ed­ wards Rd. Her­ mis­ton, qual­i­ty items, wom­en’s and men’s cloth­ing, small to large, kids cloth­ ing & items, Midi key­ board, wom­ ens shoes, 81/2 - 10, pa­tio mis­cel­la­ne­ous, to many items to list.

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 11

J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, founda­tions, stamp­ing, staining, flat work, curbs, remov­ al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970366-9184 or 541626-2030. Licensed, bond­ed, insured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. HAR­ROW BE­D FOR HIRE Cus­tom stack­ing avail­ able, 2-tie and big bale har­ve­sting; 541-5615133, leave mes­sage.

4TH ANNUAL STANFIELD/ECHO YARD SALE MANIA Saturday, June 29th, list your sale; 541449-2178 or Facebook Yard Sale Mania. YARD SALE: girls clothes size 0-8/10, bed frame, books (kids and adults) baby items and more. Friday and Saturday, June 21st and 22nd, 7am-1pm, 29412 Bridge Rd., Hermiston. ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT, 9AM-5PM Huge Estate Sale! Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. Save 100s on quality furniture: Dux; Ethan Allen; Thomasville; Drexel; Hooker Lane; La-Z-Boy; Lexington & more. New arrivals: Beautiful king size sleigh bed; Antique serpentine front tallboy dressers & nightstands; Mid century modern chairs; MCM side tables; Matching sofa & loveseat; Contemporary modern sofa; Lexington Armoire; Gorgeous pair of side chairs; Large statement wall mirror; Area rugs; Corner shelf; Vintage clothes. Other great stuff: Thomasville formal dining set; La-Z-Boy sectional sleeper sofa; Lexington 4 post queen bedroom set; Thomasville 4 post king bed; Michael Amini living room set; Dressers; Sofas; Dining sets; Bedroom furniture; Nightstands; China hutches; Armoires. ET Estate Sales, LLC. Open Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat, 9am5pm. Photos on Facebook, facebook. com/ETEstateSales, look for most current dated album. ET Estate Sales, LLC 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick, WA. Near the Cable Bridge, next to Zip’s. 509-539-9775.

STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING AND RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­ bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­ pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande. CALL AN­TOI­NETTE: 541-969-3000, for kitch­en re­mo­dels, bath re­mo­del and re­pairs, in­teri­or paint­ing and dry­wall. CCB #290775, Her­mis­ton. CUS­TOM BAL­ING small and large acreages; Call Steve, 509-386-8507 or 208695-7939. THE UMA­TIL­LA Mu­ seum is open for the 2019 sea­son: Tues­ day through Sat­ur­day, 10am to 4pm. June through Sept. Come by to see the new dis­ plays and en­ joy Your Uma­til­la His­tory. DO YOU NEED A MECHANIC ? CAN’T AF­FORD the big $$$ (mon­ ey) re­ pair shops? Look no fur­ther. Call John­ny’s Auto, LLC, in Her­ mis­ton, OR. You’ll get great serv­ice, qual­i­ ty work, plus sav­ings with John­ny’s flat rate; Get an ap­point­ ment now; 541-3031473.

LABRADOODLES & Goldendoodles, $1000 to $1200. Check us out on Facebook at https:// www.facebook.com/ doodleblessings/ or 509-217-6268. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES! Ready July 10, first shots, 4 males, 3 females, parents on site. $300. 541-5711908. Hermiston. AKC MINIATURE Schnauzer puppies, ready to go mid June. Males, $850. Taking deposits. Black & silver, could go salt & pepper. 509-937-2124 PUR­EBRED PA­PIL­ LION: one black and white fe­ male left, 8 weeks, dew­ claws re­ moved, $700; 541962-5484, El­gin. CHOCOLATE LAB PUPPIES Chocolate Lab puppies for sale, males $800, females $900. Mother is chocolate, father is silver. Contact Ed at 509-832-1287. Prosser. BERNEDOODLES! These beauties are 8 wks old, & ready for their forever homes now! Only 5 remaining! These are well adjusted little ones, that are playful, & handled often by adults & children. Bernedoodles are a great cross breed, they are smart, very playful, but also shed minimally, if at all. All have been dewormed, v a c c i n a t e d , vet checked, & microchipped. They come with a genetic defect guarantee. The parents are an 85 lb Bernese male & a female 65 lb Standard Poodle. They are both OFA tested hips & elbows, & DNA tested. Located in Morton, WA. Call 360-5580509 for more info.

WE WELCOME APPLICANTS! Boardman Apartments 331 NW Boardman Ave Boardman, OR 97818

Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 2 & 3 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Onsite laundry facility. Project phone #: 541-481-2118 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

2006 CHEV DU­RA­ MAX 2500: 4x4, short bed, crew cab,very clean, 103k miles, new tires, new tur­bo, new glo plugs, very good con­di­tion, well main­tained, $24,000 firm; call Cha­rles 541-567-2608, 541561-3315, Her­mis­ ton. 2001 FORD Rang­ er: clean, 4X4, air, CD, short bed with cov­ er, runs great, $7000; 541-561-5453 or 541571-0702. 2000 FORD SU­ PER duty XLT: ext cab, 7.3l die­ sel, 6 speed man­u­al trans­ mis­ sion, 2WD, 95% rub­ber on tires, long bed, tool box, p/s, a/c, elec­tric eve­ry­ thing, ful­ ly load­ ed $4,750 or best off­er; call Mr. Bill 509-3866950 or 541-9387974, Mil­ton-Free­ wa­ter, OR. 1987 CHEVY 1/2 ton pick­up: 2004 29’ 5th wheel, cou­gar Tim­ber, $9,500, Or­gan­ic Buf­ fa­lo eat, 1/2 or whole, $4 a pound; 541-6673301. La­Grande. 2003 FL50 Freightliner, 70k mi on new engine, very good shape, trailer saver Air Ride hitch, $15,000 obo. 509-308-6335; 509539-0363. BntnCity. ’62 FORD 2 ton flatbed with hoist, all orig, 292, 4 spd x 2 spd, $2500; ’90 GMC cargo van, 18’Lx8’Wx8’H, power lift gate, diesel, 5 spd, ex-furniture mover, $3500. 541-571-6814. Hermiston.

1998 FLEET­WOOD DIS­COV­ERY Mo­tor­ home: 34ft., die­ sel, clean., lots of base­ ment stor­ age, wash­ er and dry­er, low use and mile­ age, $22,000 or best off­er; 541-5716024, Her­mis­ton, OR. 1985 CLASS C mo­ tor­ home; $1,800, call or text for more in­for­ ma­tion or pho­tos; 541303-3047 or 541-5712699, Board­man. 2017 JAYCO Jay Flight 27BHS. This trailer is in great cond! Has a single slide. Has two double sized bunk beds. Sleeps 11. Dry weight 6229. Asking $23,000. Kelly 509302-3107.

9MM GLOCK 43: per­ fect con­ceal car­ry, $400, call or text; 541303-3047 or 541-5712699, Board­man. AN­TLER BUY­ER Buy­ ing all grades of elk, deer and moose. Pen­dle­ton and Wal­ la Wal­ la ar­ eas, call or text Tom; 541-3794963. Fol­ low on on Face­book or In­stgram at Tom’s An­tler Biz. THE NICKEL WORKS! BROWN­ING CIT­ORI Su­per­light Feath­er: 20 gauge, 26 inch bar­rels, over/un­der In­vec­tor Chokes, $1,695; call or text 541-571-0782 or 541-561-3333, Wal­ la Wal­la.


Morrow Estates 212 NE Anderson Circle Boardman, OR 97818 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units. Income and student restrictions apply. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer hook-ups in the unit and an on-site laundry facility. Project phone #: 541-481-2855 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 12

AAMSBURG CORGIS has available: AKC registered, Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies, born 4-1-19, out of champion bloodlines, & are clear for DM, eyes, VWD & hips; call 509-588-6430 to set up an appointment to see puppies!

2017 Re­flec­tion 5th wheel: half ton to pull, An­der­son hitch, 3-slides, au­tomat­ ic lev­el, 2-tv’s, ra­ dio plays cd’s and movies, large awn­ing, out­door speak­ers, $52,000; 541-5611743 af­ter 5 pm, Her­ mis­ton.

2 LABS, 1 year old, male & female, current on all shots, house trained, family friendly dogs. For more info, contact 541-571-1611. Hermiston.

VINTAGE 1968 ALO­HA CAMP­ ER: great condition, $1,800 offer, cash; leave mes­ sage at 509-760-8799, Stan­ field.



Irrigon Farm Labor 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 2, 3, & 4 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Income from Farm/Agricultural. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer’s in the unit. Project phone #: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

FREE MO­TION 860 tread­ mill with wifi; $300. Nor­dic­ track Olyp­ti­cal Elite 10.7; $350. Call or text; 541-303-3047 or 541-571-2699, Board­man. FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. ORCHARD GRASS hay, early cut, no rain in hay shed, $12/ bale, 90 lb, 2 string. Touchet, WA. Randy, 509-2404289. 11 YR old red roan gelding, grade, broke, patterned, Court Horse, $2000 obo. 541-566-0366.

WE WELCOME APPLICANTS! Applewood Village 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838

Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units. Income and student restrictions apply. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer’s in the unit Project phone #: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981

MILL­ER WELD­ER SCP-200c: with Ho­ bart 27 wire feed, cart, bot­tle with Ar­gon and spool of wire, can text pic­tures, $1,500; 541571-7576, Her­mis­ton.

BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. li­ censed, bond­ed & in­ sured, CCB# 167755; Call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton.

4th AN­NUAL Yard Sale Ma­nia: Sat­ur­day, June 29th, 9am to 5pm, to par­tic­i­pate; con­tact Mar­lene, 541-4492178. You don’t want to miss this!

HIGH QUAL­I­TY: wal­ nut and oak boards 1 inch thick, 12 ft length boards, vari­ ous widths; call to see, leave a mes­sage 541567-1683 Her­mis­ton.

ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­fes­sion­ al, qual­it­ y, on time. Call for es­timate. Own­er Shan­ non Kack; 760267-6981, Her­mis­ton, OR.

CONTRACTOR SALE! Contractor & multiple family yard sale! Supplies; Cabinets; Flooring; Furniture, new & vintage; Household goods; Decor, new in box; Jr Fox chest protector; Amazon Echo; Jetted tub; Kids toys. This sale has it all! Starts at 9am- no early bird sales. 2209 W 15th Ave, Kennewick.

CRAFTS­MAN Lawn Mow­ er: brand new!, 21”, paid $250 ask­ing only $200 or best off­ er, comes with origi­nal box and pa­per­work; 541-656-5985. MIS­TAKES sometimes hap­pen. Please check your ad the first day it runs. If an er­ror oc­curs in your ad, please no­ti­ fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. PARKING LOT sale: Antique & user tools for everyone! Rescheduled if it rains. 7am-11am, Sat, June 22nd, 2019. Located at 5528 West Van Giesen, West Richland. User & collectible tools for: Leather workers; Wood workers; Machinists; Carvers; Metal working; Metal & wooden woodworking planes; Plow; Finishing; Bench; Woodworking chisels & gouges; Carving knives & chisels; Leather working tools, including 100s of stamps, from Craftool, Kelly Tool Co, Baron Tool Co; Leather creasers; Edgers; Braces; Bits; Hand drills; Machinist calipers; Mics; Squares; Slicks; Hatchets; Saws. ACE­TYLENE TORCH: like brand new, ex­ tra long hos­ es, have some full tanks, owned out­ right, (will sell separately) $500; 541561-6542. Hermiston.

J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, founda­tions, stamp­ing, staining, flat work, curbs, remov­ al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970366-9184 or 541626-2030. Licensed, bond­ed, insured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. HELP THE environ­ ment by recycling and make money too! Don’t get rid of those things you just don’t use anymore. Place an ad in The Nickel. You’ll make money and help the environment too! CUS­TOM BAL­ING small and large acreages; Call Steve, 509-386-8507 or 208695-7939. THE UMA­TIL­LA Mu­ seum is open for the 2019 sea­son: Tues­ day through Sat­ur­day, 10am to 4pm. June through Sept. Come by to see the new dis­ plays and en­ joy Your Uma­til­la His­tory.


Buttercreek Apartments 405 SW 11th Street Hermiston, OR 97838 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1 & 2 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Onsite laundry facility. Project phone #: 541-567-7595 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

PARKING LOT sale: Antique & user tools for everyone! Rescheduled if it rains. 7am-11am, Sat, June 22nd, 2019. Located at 5528 West Van Giesen, West Richland. User & collectible tools for: Leather workers; Wood workers; Machinists; Carvers; Metal working; Metal & wooden woodworking planes; Plow; Finishing; Bench; Woodworking chisels & gouges; Carving knives & chisels; Leather working tools, including 100s of stamps, from Craftool, Kelly Tool Co, Baron Tool Co; Leather creasers; Edgers; Braces; Bits; Hand drills; Machinist calipers; Mics; Squares; Slicks; Hatchets; Saws. SOLD THE FARM AUCTION Sunday, June 30, 2019, 9am preview, auction 10am, 340 West Highway 203, Union, OR. Clark & Daughter Auction Barn. Chris & Myra Christenson have some really cool items! Chariot from the Elgin Stampede; Horse drawn sleigh; 2 restored drag saws; Vintage Coca Cola cooler chest icebox, circa 1936; Miller welder on stand; 12” wood planer; Extra large cast iron pot; 2 wood stoves; 2 gun cabinets; 2 saddles; Antique cast iron bed with frame; Antique wagon parts; Jewelry; Antique tools; Safe; Globe; Meat saw; Purses; Household items; Couch; Washer/ dryer; Refrig; Freezer; Platform scale; Power tools; Saddle makers bench; Pipe vice; China cabinet; Kitchen wares; A few surprises & a whole lot more! There is something for everyone. 10% buyers premium. Cash, check, or credit card. All items sold as is, where is. View at www.clark-auctions. com, Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, auctioneer. 541-9100189.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 13

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e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 14

2011 TOYO­TA RAV4: 4x4 well main­ tained, new tires, 121k miles, $8500 or best offer; text for an ap­ point­ ment, 541-720-1239, Her­mis­ton, OR. 2012 CHE­VY Sil­ver­a­ do: 78,000 miles, very nice con­di­tion, mold­ ed mats, brush guard, great tires, $19,900 or best off­ er; 503-4109359, Her­mis­ton. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust, for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­ mis­ sion, closed Sat­ ur­day & Sun­day. 541567-1698, Her­mis­ton, OR. 79 FORD F150 Rang­ er pick­ up: 460 mo­ tor with au­tomat­ic trans­ mis­ sion, $1200; call for info. 541-481-5812, Board­man. THENICKELONLINE. COM You can also find us on Facebook. 2006 CHEV DU­RA­ MAX 2500: 4x4, short bed, crew cab,very clean, 103k miles, new tires, new tur­ bo, new glo plugs, very good con­di­tion, well main­ tained, $24,000 firm; call Cha­ rles 541-5672608, 541-561-3315, Her­mis­ton.

DECK­ER PACK sad­ dle: com­plete in ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $250, cash only; 541-2890987, Her­mis­ton. FAM­I­LY JACK­POT RO­DEO June 22, 2019, Starts 10:00am, Non-Me­ mebrs are wel­comed. For pre-reg­is­tra­tion forms, go to Uma­ til­ la Sage Rid­ ers Face­ book page. Mutton Bustin, Calf/Steer riding, cow riding, goat tying, hide race, Cowboy Triathlon, Barrels, Poles. There are some free gam­ing ev­ ents too. For more info., email: sage­ ri­ ders­s e­c re­t ary@hot­ mail.com Ad­mis­sion is FREE. JACK­ POT pay­ing 1 spot for eve­ ry 5 en­tries. Uma­til­la Sage Rid­ ers, 81907 N High­way 395, Her­ mis­ton. BUY­ING ALL class­es of Horses: J.A. Ben­ nett Live­ stock; 541523-6119, 541-5192902. IF YOU are a senior citizen and still have your horse, without a trail riding companion, so am I, please call; 541-910-0026, Pendleton. 3 MINI, 2 horses, $900-$1200 each. 541-720-4367.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

WEI­MAR­AN­ER PUP­ PIES: par­ents on-site, ex­cel­lent tem­pera­ ment, ranch raised fam­i­ly dogs, will hunt, $450, Union, OR; 541562-5970 please leave clear mes­sage. FOR SALE Chi­hua­hua pup­pies: call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541-5715160, Her­mi­son. BLACK & BROWN AKC STAN­DARD POO­DLE PUP­PIES: New lit­ ter ready for new homes in Au­ gust, males &fe­ males,health-test­e d par­ents,2-year health guar­an­tee, life­time breed­er sup­port,$1500 each,tak­ing de­pos­its now! More info:www. O u r­P o­e t­i c­P o o­d l e s . com 509-582-6027 AUS­TRA­LIAN SHEPHERD ASCA, pup­ pies born june 10th, 2 females, red merle and a blue merle, and one solid colored red male, working bloodlines, parents on site, wonderful dispositions, 30 day money back gaurantee; for more in­for­ma­tion call 541561-4589. Heppner. PUR­EBRED BLUE/red Nose Pit­bull pup­pies: in Board­man, $300; for more in­for­ma­tion call 541-561-5347.

MOUNTAIN BIKE, vintage Klein Pinnacle. Frame by Gary Klein, Chehalis, WA. Exc cond, comes with luggage carrier, trunk bag, Rockymount bike tray & wheel mount for your vehicle roof rack. Included Silca tire pump. A steal at $425. 509-760-2191, call or text. Yakima. THE NICK­EL is lo­cat­ed at 1055 N. 1st St., Hwy N 395 (next to Piz­za Hut), Her­mis­ton. L&J SPORTS CARDS All must go, Jim Beam De­cant­ers, NAS­CAR, Die­cast, au­to­graphed base­balls, sports plaques and pho­ tos, call; 541-567-2717, Her­mis­ton. 9’x18’ POOL with sand filt­er, $350, call or text; 541-303-3047 or 541571-2699, Board­man. BRUBAKER ARMS MFG Brubaker Arms Manufacturing in Yakima specializes in fine custom sporting arms. Classic to modern, long gun to handgun. General repairs to full custom builds. We are Central Washington’s premier gun makers. Call Bryan 912-659-4505, Ligia 405-501-8135 or www.brubakerarms. com, Yakima. 9MM GLOCK 43: per­ fect con­ceal car­ry, $400, call or text; 541303-3047 or 541-5712699, Board­man.

1985 HON­DA Gold­ wing GL 1200 (lim­it­ed edi­tion) mo­tor­cy­cle: very good con­di­tion, al­ways been un­der cov­er­age, $2,800; 541-567-5881, Her­ mis­ton. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2019 Har­ley Elec­ tra Glide stan­ dard: 1,150 miles, lots of af­ter mar­ket parts! $23,500; Call or text Zack, 541-7202685. 2013 VIC­TORY cross Coun­ try tour: low miles 12,214, in great shape and a pret­ty blue color, ask­ ing $10,000, call Jay; 541-377-9570, Lex­ ing­ton. YA­MA­HA ATV: 4x4, 400cc, high, low and re­ verse, $500; call 541-481-5812, Board­ man. MOTORCYCLE 2015 Triumph Triple street R ABS. Just serviced, & new tires. Exc cond. Includes battery tinder. $6995 obo. 509-948-5538. 2013 VIC­TORY cross Coun­ try tour: low miles 12,214, in great shape and a pret­ty blue col­or, ask­ ing $10,000, call Jay; 541-377-9570, Lex­ ing­ton. SU­ZU­KI ATV: 250cc, dif­fer­en­ tial lock, re­ verse, needs work, $250; call 541-481-5812, Board­man.




This Week’s Entertainment!th


Azetatos Latino Rock

Music in the Parks is funded by: Morrow County Unified Recreation District and Portland General Electric and is sponsored by North Morrow Community Foundation In the event of inclement weather, Boardman performances will be held at the SAGE Center and Irrigon performances will be held at the Irrigon Senior Center.

HEY! WE have yard art: golf clubs, 2 sets ready for the course, Ham­ley’s sad­dle, 2-1930’s gas pumps, com­ ic books, cos­ tume jew­el­ry, dress­ ers, book shelves, 2-Very Nice Chi­ na cab­i­nets priced at $160 each, 2-an­tique ar­moire, 2-1800’s dress­ers, Va­se­line glass, Fran­cis­can ware, pay­ ing cash for gold jew­ el­ ry, sil­ ver­ ware, coins, sil­ ver dol­ lars. Art work by Mary Corp, plus a whole lot more! Come vis­ it us at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main Street, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 541-2891800, hours, Tues­ day thru Sat­ur­day, 10:30am-6:00pm. LINE DANCE CLASS DROP IN $5 Fri­ days: 6:30pm-7:30pm at Well­ ness Wave, across from Wild­horse Ca­si­no, Pen­dle­ton, OR; 541-310-0389, ask April. HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ing: Ix­ta­pa Mex­i­can Res­tau­rant, June 21st, at 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come; for in­for­ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. SINCERE SENIOR Divorced white male, retired Army veteran in good health, wishes to meet sincere retired female for lifetime commitment, age/ weight unimportant. Must be able to relocate. No homeowners, please. Must be serious & sincere for replies. No games! Write Mike’s, with phone number: PO Box 4457, Tumwater, WA 98501. LOST SERENGETI sunglasses June 12th Walmartin Pendleton; $25 for return, umdamaged. 541-9698526. T U R­Q U O I S E STRANDS for jew­el­ry mak­ing: 35 avail­able, will sell individually, aver­age 8 inch­es, $8$10 each; 541-9222902, Uma­til­la.

YARD SALE: Fri­day June 21, Sat­ur­day June 22 & Sun­ day June 23, 8am-5pm, 1696 Vin­ cent Lane (off Di­ag­on­al bet­ween Town­ send & Ott), hunt­ing, fish­ing, camp­ ing, we have to much to list. YARD SALE & SOME ES­TATE ITEMS Sat­ur­day Only, June 22nd: 9am-2pm, 2712 NE Riv­er­side Ave, Unit #66, This sale has trin­ kets and treas­ures for eve­ry­one who comes! Also have farm fresh eggs 4 sale. RE­TIRE­MENT MOV­ING SALE Fri­day, Sat­ur­day & Sun­ day, June 21, 22, 23, 9am-5pm, 225 W Lo­cust Street, Stan­field. We have lots of things to sell, there is someth­ ing for eve­ry­one. Sen­try gun safe 21x16x58.5’ tall, $250. Bron­ co $800/off­er, 2 vin­tage dress­ers w/mir­ror, $50/ off­ er, like new gen­era­tor, 1350 watt, $200. GA­RAGE SALE: Thurs­ day, June 20, Fri­ day, June 21, and Sat­ur­day, June 22, 9am-3pm, 915 W Ma­ dro­na Ave, Her­mis­ton, fish­ing gear, mens tools, upright freez­er and more! MOV­ING AND BEST OFF­ER SALE... Fri­ day, June 21- Sat­ ur­ day, June 22 - and Sun­ day, June 23 , 8am-??, 808 W Her­ mis­ton Ave, fur­ni­ture, clothes, ap­plianc­es and more! MINI YARD sale: 285 W. Ne­va­da Ave., Ir­ri­ gon, Fri­day June 21st, Sat­ur­day June 22nd, 7am-2pm. BLACK CAT FIRE­WORKS is back: opens June 23, 10am-dark, at Fies­ta Foods park­ing lot. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­ day only, June 22nd, 8am-3pm, 583 E Re­ ed­er Drive, Her­mis­ ton, crafts, clothes and much more!

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AKC ENGLISH Cream Golden Retrievers, dewclaws removed, first shots & dewormed, health certificate. 1 male ready to go home now! $1500. Call for additional info. 509318-4710. Connell, WA. I HAVE a few beautiful AKC French Bulldog puppies available. They all come with 1 yr health guarantee, shots, deworming, health check, puppy start kit, & life time breeder support, anytime. These babies’ parents have been health tested for MCR!, DM, HUU, & JHC, & both are negative for all four. We also test for cystinuria 3 gene, & are both negative. Our babies come pre spoiled. We are located in Ellensburg, WA. We do deliver & ship. Feel free to call with questions, 503-583-5091. . Also, for reference & more pictures & videos, you can also go to our business page, facebook. com/ OceanBlue-Bullies. ASCA AUSTRALIAN Shepherds. Traditional Aussies. Very smart & athletic, bred to work livestock on a farm/ ranch, family environment, $750. Parents also pictured, giantnickel. com. 509-751-7361. Pomeroy,WA. MASTIFF PUPPIES For sale: Italian Cane Corso Mastiff/ French Mastiff pups, read for forever homes. These adorable babies come will be very large dogs! $1200. Please call for more info, 509-3670041. Yakima. CAT UTO­PIA cat adop­tion ev­ent and cab/bot­tle fun­drais­er: Sat­ur­day, June 22nd, 9am-1pm, Her­mis­ton Pet­sense. ADORABLE, fluffy, friendly Shih Tzu puppies avail now. Females $900; Males $800. 509-366-5997. TriCities.

GET­TING MAR­RIED: can’t af­ford a new set of rings? Nice leath­ er re­ clin­ er, used one year, cost was $500, will sell for $250; call 541-676-5142 HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, couch­ es, and more! For free es­timate call; 541-561-0962, Stan­ field. 5000 LIVE STREAMING TV CHANNELS Free 24 hour trials! For any device. $39/ mo. Refer 4 for free, or earn money. Includes Spanish. No contracts. See tvfor-free.com, 509-570-1922. Try for free. 4th AN­NUAL Yard Sale Ma­nia: Sat­ur­day, June 29th, 9am to 5pm, to par­tic­i­pate; con­tact Mar­lene, 541-4492178. You don’t want to miss this! PTO WOOD chip­per: 3 point hitch, good run­ning con­di­tion, han­ dles up to 4 1/2 inch, paid $1965 ask­ ing $1000; 541-5710702. AIR BOURNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 19 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Pay­ ment plans avail­able, for free es­timate; call 760-267-6981. Own­ ers Shan­ non & Cas­ sie Kack; Her­mis­ton, OR. NEW BLAZE King wood stove: King clas­ sic $400 off, wood stove pipe, Vi­ nyl floors @ .78 sq ft, Ny­lac car­pet clean­er $12.99, all in stock; 541-567-7534, Her­ mis­ton. BLACK CAT FIRE­WORKS is back: opens June 23, 10am-dark, at Fies­ta Foods park­ing lot. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.

OLDER 700 ser­ies Ken­more dry­er: runs good, $100; 541-5616100, Her­mis­ton. QUEEN CHER­RY wood set: ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, specialty mat­tress, mirror, night­ stand, dress­ er, High Boy, $750; 541-9699344, Pen­dle­ton. SET OF BUNK BEDS FOR SALE Light var­nished wood, stairs, and 4 draw­ ers attached on end, ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion, hard­ ly used, $400; 541567-2636, Her­mis­ton. GO GREEN! Get rid of those un­want­ed items, sell them in The Nick­ el in­stead of throw­ing them out! Call us to­day and place that ad! 541567-2230 or 541-2767039.

BEAUTIFUL ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Like new, large, approximately 50” tall by 52” wide, holds 32” TV, multiple storage, $135 or best offer; 541-907-6212, Umatilla. NATHAN NASH: please call Mike; 541969-6565. 50 Gal­lon PRO­PANE Wa­ ter Heat­ er: new in box, $300; Call 541454-2994 Ar­ling­ton, OR. WANT­ED DEAD OR ALIVE Rid­ing mow­ers, ro­to­ till­ers, push mow­ers. Free pick­ up, Cash paid for some. Tu­ neups and re­ pairs avail­able; 541-5712981, Her­mis­ton. VEN­DORS WANT­ ED: for the First Ar­ti­ sian Fes­ti­val, July 20, 2019, Athe­na, Or­e­ gon; con­tact Di­a­na for ap­pli­ca­tion, 541566-9231 or email: bdal­l en99@ya­h oo. com

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 15

1998 FLEET­WOOD DIS­COV­ERY Mo­tor­ home: 34ft., die­ sel, clean., lots of base­ ment stor­ age, wash­ er and dry­er, low use and mile­ age, $22,000 or best off­er; 541-5716024, Her­mis­ton, OR.

1996 FREIGHTLIN­ ER FL70 truck: 12 ft. flatbed with sleep­er, set up to haul goose­ neck trail­ er, $12,500; 1987 Cir­ cle J stock trail­er, 12 ft. pull type, $2,500; 541-454-2994 Ar­ling­ton, OR.

2006 32’ 5TH WHEEL Arctic Fox Silver Fox Edition 5th wheel with 2 slides & the hitch is included. New tires & batteries, lots of extras to get you started. Lots of storage. Queen bed, microwave oven, 3 burner cook- top, 2 TVs, propane/ electric refrigerator, ac, Arctic package, outside shower & large fresh/ gray/ black water tanks. $14,000. Call 509-628-8024, TriCities.

’62 FORD 2 ton flatbed with hoist, all orig, 292, 4 spd x 2 spd, $2500; ’90 GMC cargo van, 18’Lx8’Wx8’H, power lift gate, diesel, 5 spd, ex-furniture mover, $3500. 541-571-6814. Hermiston.

ARE YOUR dol­lars get­ ting squeezed a lit­tle TOO tight? Check the Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains! CAMP­ER: Sleeps 8 adults, $2500, for more in­for­ma­tion text; 509-240-2450 or text call home, 541-8613155 2015 JAYCO 5TH WHEEL 33’ long, front living room, 4 slide outs, double door refrig/ freezer, queen bed, lots of storage! Very nice! $35,000. Call 509-438-1178 to see! TriCities. 2016 Outdoors RV Creek Side 23RKS travel trailer. Durable, well built, solar ready, 4 seasons trailer. Extra ground clearance, with fully enclosed underbelly for off road adventures. Well kept, lightly used. $23,000. 503-724-8272. Hermiston. ’88 CONQUEST Gulfstream motor home, 29’, runs exc, nice shape, $5650. 509-901-7821. 1985 CLASS C mo­ tor­ home; $1,800, call or text for more in­for­ ma­tion or pho­tos; 541303-3047 or 541-5712699, Board­man.

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VEN­DORS WANT­ED: for the First Ar­ti­sian Fes­ti­val, July 20, 2019, Athe­na, Or­e­gon; con­tact Di­a­na for ap­pli­ca­tion, 541-566-9231 or email: bdal­len99@ya­hoo.com WANT­ED DEAD or ALIVE Rid­ing mow­ers, ro­to­ till­ers, push mow­ers. Free pick­up, Cash paid for some. Tu­neups and re­pairs avail­able; 541571-2981, Her­mis­ton. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­ liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­tact an sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive at our of­fice. You will no­t ice the dif­f erence im­me­diate­ly! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

2001 FORD Rang­ er: clean, 4X4, air, CD, short bed with cov­ er, runs great, $7000; 541-561-5453 or 541571-0702. TIME FOR A-B-C’s: “A” clas­si­fied ad “B”rings you ready “C”ash! Call the Nick­el to­day! 541567-2230. 1987 CHEVY 1/2 ton pick­up: 2004 29’ 5th wheel, cou­gar Tim­ber, $9,500, Or­gan­ic Buf­ fa­lo eat, 1/2 or whole, $4 a pound; 541-6673301. La­Grande.

BROWN­ING CIT­ORI Su­per­light Feath­er: 20 gauge, 26 inch bar­rels, over/un­der In­vec­tor Chokes, $1,695; call or text 541-571-0782 or 541-561-3333, Wal­ la Wal­la. AN­TLER BUY­ER Buy­ ing all grades of elk, deer and moose. Pen­dle­ton and Wal­ la Wal­ la ar­ eas, call or text Tom; 541-3794963. Fol­ low on on Face­book or In­stgram at Tom’s An­tler Biz. MOUNTAIN BIKE, vintage Klein Pinnacle. Frame by Gary Klein, Chehalis, WA. Exc cond, comes with luggage carrier, trunk bag, Rockymount bike tray & wheel mount for your vehicle roof rack. Included Silca tire pump. A steal at $425. 509-760-2191, call or text. Yakima.


2003 FL50 Freightliner, 70k mi on new engine, very good shape, trailer saver Air Ride hitch, $15,000 obo. 509-308-6335; 509539-0363. BntnCity.


1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com

Family Owned and Operated Since 2003 ‘02 Ford Windstar .......................... $2,999 ‘06 Dodge Stratus SXT ................ $2,699 ‘06 Honda Civic ............................. $5,999 ‘99 Nissan Quest ........................... $1,999 ‘02 Honda Odyssey ...................... $1,698


‘00 Kia Spectra ..................................$999 ‘01 Dodge Durango....................... $3,999 ‘06 Ford Focus ............................... $4,999 ‘97 Toyota Camry .......................... $2,999 ‘03 Chevy Silverado ...................... $4,999


www.LorenasAutoSales.com ‘08 Chevy Cobalt

‘08 Honda Accord EXL

5 Speed Manual, CD, Satellite Radio



‘11 Toyota Camry



‘07 Nissan Quest



AT, 4 Cyl.

‘10 Toyota Corolla

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‘06 Nissan Sentra



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Affordable Used Cars From Our Family To Yours Open 7 Days A Week 10am-9pm 330 SW 11th St., Hermiston 541-567-5657 • 541-571-8616

VIN #’s Posted At Dealership. Vehicles Subject To Prior Sale. Prices Good Thru 7/3/19

The Nickel -June 20, 2019- Page 16




Under 56k Miles, 00 MO Moonroof, & More! Sale Price $10,990 W/Ø Down for 72 Months @ 4.99% OAC**




Leather, Eyesight, 00 MO Moonroof, & More! Sale Price $24,975 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**

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Under 43k Miles, 00 MO Full Power! Sale Price $24,980 W/$500 Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**

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2015 CHEVY 1500 4X4



Local Trade, Air, 00 MO & Lots More! Sale Price $26,955 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**

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Custom Wheels, Lifted Sahara #G7611A • V#257612



Heads Up Display, Leather, Moonroof #9666A • V#101524

#9652 • V#409857

2016 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 Under 1,200 Miles $ ,

10 550

#9618B • V#433769



#B7858A • V#321295

#B7797A • V#142543



Local Trade, 00 MO Low Miles Sale Price $34,960 W/$999 Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**




Auto, Nav., 00 MO Moonroof Sale Price $18,980 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**

Fully Loaded 00 MO Sale Price $22,995,X W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**




Fully Equipped, 00 MO Gas Mizer Sale Price $14,965 W/Ø Down for 72 Months @ 4.99% OAC**

#9692 • V#777662

Clip this coupon and receive a $100 PREPAID VISA GIFTCARD with your vehicle purchase of $5000 or more.

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15 900

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2000 CHEVY 2500HD



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Under 7,700 Miles, 00 MO 3rd Row Sale Price $22,995 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% OAC**

#278583 • V#9689

#9673A, V#309640


1 Owner, 00 MO Gas Mizer Sale Price $12,915 W/Ø Down for 72 Months @ 7.99% OAC**



#9698 • V#A86076



#9587B • V#826933




Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




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15 995


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1-800-743-9559 (541)-567-CARS

80406 Hwy 395 N, Hermiston, OR

**APR based on a 750 credit score or higher. *All vehicles subject to prior sale, does not include $75 dealer doc./tax./lic. fee. Offer Ends 6/26/19.

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