6 7 18 issue

Page 1

Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

FREE! Want Ad Newspaper

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00



150CC Two seater Scooter: with sidecar, $3,500, only 303 miles; 809 W Juniper Ave., Hermiston.

1st CUTTING Alfalfa and Alfalfa grass hay: no rain, 2-tie bale, $8.00/bale; 541571-7601.


2001 JAY CO 24’ 5th wheel: slide out, air, self con tained,$4,900; 541969-2339, Hermiston.



Feeders: Mice, Rats, Pinkies, Mealworms, Superworms, Roaches. Call for prices 541-720-4902.

6 TON John Deere Hay Wagon: 20 ft., good bed and tires, $1,000; 541276-0790, Pendleton.

NORCO 30FT pull trailer:12ft slide out, very clean, $8,000; call 541910-6853, La Grande.


2012 BUICK La Crosse: sport model, all options, pearl white color, leather in teri or, 2 sets of tires, $15,000 or best offer; 541371-4822, Irrigon.

Peter took him to one side and began to talk to him. He said, `Lord! May God stop it! This must never happen to you.’

Matthew 16:22



STK #18UH079

18,915 STK #18UH057





2015 LEXUS RX 350 PREMIUM STK #18UH089











STK #18UH073


STK #18UH091




STK #18H397A









ROTTWEILER puppies: 2 females, available, asking $550! Call/ text, 541-7017533. Irrigon.

MATCHING BROWN Reclin ers: in great shape, $300 or $175 each, 541701-4448, Hermiston.

Melisa Ann Webb NMLS #311680

Branch Manager 541.701.0545 office 509.936.6111 fax melisa@htmgroup.co

NMLS 1850

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505 E. Main Street Suite A Hermiston, OR 97838 1 9 9 1 T O Y O TA L a n d Cruiser: 220K, automatic, a/c, $4,500; 818-8001700, Stanfield.

WORKING BLUE Heeler: sweet, loving, she need some cows to work! $75 or offer; Hermiston.

WHIRLPOOL WASHER: Kenmore dryer, $400 for set; 541-429-1778. Pendleton.


STK #18H291A


STK #18UH049B



STK #18UH075












STK #18H252A




STK #18UH065

STK #18UH048B



STK #18UH096



STK #18UH051A


STK #18UH080


STK #18UH090


STK #18H224A



STK #18H370A



FOR SALE 2005 Ford F150: long bed with tool box, $2500; 541-5612270, Hermiston.






1946 CUS TOM pick up: turn key, 350 Chev ro let mo tor, tur bo 350 transmission, tunnel ram duel Edelbrock 4 barrel, new glass seals, black primer, wood flat bed and side rails, $7,000 or best offer, 541-561-5826, Hermiston.



June 7, 2018 Vol. 41 No. 23


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039






STK #18UH071











STK #18H514A

STK #18H463B

STK #18UH077A

STK #18H661A


13,644 STK #18UH081


4,983 STK #18H483B

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 2

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


Javier Tejeda 541-567-1497



11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. 1977 COM­BO STOCK trail­er: clean, new tires, new wir­ing, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $2,800 OBO; 541-571-7420, Her­mis­ton. FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details.

Caterpillar D4D: excellent condition, angle blade, $15,000 delivery available; 541-561-7437.

FEED CORN, 2000 pound tote, whole $180, ground $220, de­liv­ery avail­able; prev­ i­ous buy­ers...please bring bags back. 541561-7437, Her­mis­ton.

P.O. Box 408 838 Hermiston, OR 97


82053 Hwy 395 Hermiston, OR

e of Mowers LLC


Perry Alleman

YARD SALE: Fri­ day, Sat­ur­day & Sun­day, June 8-9-10, 8am4pm, 340 High Street, Adams. misc., fur­ ni­ture, art sup­plies, tools, 15hp boat mo­ tor, rock pol­ish­er, rock saw and so much more! ESTATE AUCTION JUNE 9th, Clarkston, Washington. 2005 Toyota Tacoma Extended Cab 2WD, 61,000 miles; 2012 Chevy Sonic, 41,000 miles; collectibles; power tools; antiques; firearms. Photos www. TigerAuctioneering. com. Absentee bids 208-503-0235.

AKC LABRADOR puppies. All colors. $900.www. northwestlabradors. com 509-386-6644. MltFrwtr. AKC LABRADOR RETRIEVERS Beautiful Yellow Labrador Retriever puppies! Ready June 16th. Full release, 1st shots, dewormer, & dewclaws removed. Both parents are great hunters & family dogs. $850, which includes a $200 non-refundable deposit to hold. 509521-3505. Connell. AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies. Current vaccinations, tails docked. Female, $1400, male $1200. Call/text, 509-5911363. TriCities. GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS AKC registered, champion bloodlines. The ultimate family & hunting dogs. Parents fantastic hunters. Beautiful, smart, ready to go! $500. 509-9674778 or 509-554- 1479.

Family Owned and Operated Since 2003


atkovich Harlene Rogers M 541-922-5581 541-571-5580 Mt 6:33 Phil 4:6,O7wner

BIG ESTATE MALE SALE: Fri­ day & Sat­ ur­ day, June 8 & 9, 9am-3pm, 190 NW Third, Ir­ri­gon, (off Col­ um­bia Lane.) Camp­ing gear, shop full of hand and pow­er tools, pow­ er saws, small trac­ tor, con­ crete blocks, red blocks, cur­ rents DVD’s, cloth­ing, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous, much more, all clean.

DO YOU want to boost your brain pow­er? The brain is the com­ mand cen­ter of our body, and our health. A healthy, hap­py brain ben­e­fits vir­tu­al­ly eve­ry area of the body. Mi­ cro­ Life Neu­ro provides the nu­ tri­tion the brain needs. Fea­tur­ing our pro­prie­ tary li­po­somal de­liv­ ery tech­nol­o­gy for ad­ vanced bi­o­a­vail­abil­i­ty, Neu­ro de­liv­ers clin­i­cal­ly prov­en, brain-boost­ing nu­tri­ents that your body re­quires for clar­i­ty, mem­o­ry, and cog­ni­tive func­tion. Wheth­er it’s a com­plex task, a de­ mand­ing work as­sign­ ment, or an im­ port­ ant so­cial gather­ing, Neu­ ro gives you the brain­ pow­ er you need. Feel free to reach out and con­tact us per­sonal­ly or vis­it our web­site for in­for­ma­tion and plac­ing or­ders; 541-303-5045, j v i r­g i l . v a­s a y o . c o m <http://jvir­g il.va­s ayo. com>, Her­mis­ton. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR.


‘97 Toyota Camry .......................... $1,999 ‘02 Chevy S10 ............................... $3,699 ‘07 Ford Taurus.............................. $4,599 ‘01 Pontiac Grand Prix ................. $3,499 ‘04 Ford Taurus.............................. $3,499

‘03 Mercury Sable ......................... $2,999 ‘01 Volkswagen Jetta .................... $1,999 ‘02 Honda Odyssey ...................... $1,598 ‘99 Nissan Quest ........................... $1,999 ‘98 Toyota Camry .......................... $2,999

‘11 Chevy Impala LT

‘08 Ford F150

Jude 20, 21

541-922-642ne2sday - Saturday

pm Wed ereovtnicet.neet Hours: 10am - 5:30ine Lna• b s@ owrerS mo h go s re n O u a, S ill at m ner 1271 6th St. • U na Moreno, O w


3.5L V6, Automatic, Loaded! $

4.2L V6, Automatic

‘02 Nissan Xterra XE

‘04 Honda Civic




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ervice@ SunshineLaborS Service m/SunshineLabor www.facebook .co on, Grande Hermist Area of work: La nding Areas. and Surrou more! Mint, Grass, and Work in Wheat, eded, hourly pay. No experience ne g! nce in contractin 10+ years experie


V6, Automatic, 4WD, Loaded $

4 Cyl., Automatic, Loaded

‘05 Ford Taurus

‘08 Chevy Cobalt



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V6, Automatic, Low Miles, Loaded



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Affordable Used Cars From Our Family To Yours Open 7 Days A Week 10am-9pm 330 SW 11th St., Hermiston 541-567-5657 • 541-571-8616

VIN #’s Posted At Dealership. Vehicles Subject To Prior Sale. Prices Good Thru 6/20/18

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

STOR­AGE UNIT default & auction sale notice: C&L Storage, 1740 NW Geer Rd., Her­mis­ton, OR. 97838, thru A-1 Prop­ er­ty Man­age­ment, here­ by provides le­ gal no­tice un­der ORS 8.687 et seq ef de­fault­ and int­ ent to sell the cont­ents of the fol­low­ ing stor­age units lo­cat­ ed on Geer Rd., Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 97838: #7 John Pack­ard, #20 Jef­ frey Schoen, #74 John Pack­ ard, #130 Mis­ti Whit­beck, #136 Je­sus Es­ca­lante, #140 Kim­ber­ly Mans­field; A sale of the cont­ents shall oc­cur to sat­is­fy amounts due un­der the lease agree­ ment and all amounts al­ lowed by law. The sale shall be held on Sat­ ur­ day, June 9, 2018 at 10:00 am., a date 15 or more days af­ter the first pub­ li­ca­tion of this no­tice, at the stor­ age units. This is a pub­ lic sale and the land­ lord will be ac­ cept­ ing bids on the cont­ents in whole. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, con­tact A-1 Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment, 398 E. Ridge­way, Her­mis­ton, OR. 97838, 541-5674663. YARD SALE: Fri­ day, Sat­ ur­ day, June 8th & 9th, 8am-2:30pm, 200 SE 11th Street, Her­ mis­ton, Vin­tage items, green por­ce­lain barn lamps, De­pres­sion glass, trunk, house­ hold items and much more! DO YOU want to re­vi­ tal­ize your da­i­ly per­ for­mance? If you’re like most peo­ ple, you’re look­ing for an en­ er­ gy boost to take on your da­ i­ ly tasks, im­prove over­all per­ for­ mance, and say good­bye to con­stant fa­tigue. Most en­er­gy pro­ducts only pro­vide short-lived en­er­gy with ac­com­pa­ny­ing jit­ ters and harsh crash­ es. Mi­cro­Life En­er­gy, how­ev­er, con­tains prov­en in­gre­di­ents that pro­vide nat­u­ral, sus­tained en­er­gy to help you con­qu­er your day, eve­ ry day! Feel free to reach out and con­tact us per­sonal­ly or vis­it our web­site for in­for­ma­tion and plac­ ing or­ ders; 541-3035045, jvir­gil.va­sayo. com <http://jvir­gil.va­ sayo.com>, Her­mis­ ton.

12x6x6 DOG Ken­ nel: with metal roof $500, 1985 4wheel pop up camp­er, excellent con­ di­ tion, $2,000, well jack plate, 350 ft elec­ tric depth gauge, $100, Back­hoe pull be­hind pick­ up style, works great, $2,000; 541567-1983 or 541-5711463, Her­mis­ton.

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 3

’85 GMC 3/4 ton, 4x4 with 6.2L diesel. Daily driver, runs good & in good shape. Good tires with aluminum rims. Aluminum headache rack. All original, no lift, no damage. Dual fuel tanks with aux tank. Tool box in the bed. Good looking, reliable truck. Asking $4000. In much better shape than most. 8000 MINT Com­ ic 509-783-3332. Prosser Books: with com­put­er cata­logue mar­ket val­ 1931 MODEL A ue, $22,000 ask­ ing. Coupe. Restored, new $8,000; 541-701-4448, paint, stored in garage Her­mis­ton. 20 years. Runs great. $12,500. davidray TRIN­I­TY LUTHER­AN b u r n s 1 2 2 0 @ g m a i l . CHURCH Va­ca­tion com, Pendleton. Bi­ble School: June 1115, 9:00-12:00, 485 W. 1959 FORD F100 PU Lo­cust Ave., Her­mis­ Cus­ tom: needs re­ ton, any ques­tions call stored, rare V-8, auto, 541-567-9660. $7900 OBO, 541-9386563 days, 541-938#7 John Packard, #20 6957 eves., ask for Jeffery Schoen, #74 Tim, Mil­ton Free­wa­ter. John Packard, #130 Misti Whitbeck, #136 1962 CHEV C10 Jesus Escalante, #140 factory short box Kimberly Mansfield. fleetside pickup. New A sale of the contents carpet, new seat shall occur to satisfy upholstery, new door amounts due under & window rubber, the lease agreement chrome tilt wheel, new and all amounts steering components, allowed by law. The new tires, 283 cu.in sale shall be held on Chev motor, 350 turbo Saturday, June 9, 2018 trans with shift kit, 12 at 10:00 a.m., a date bolt Chev rear end, 15 or more days after new wiring harness, the first publication body is very straight. of this notice, at the Clear Washington title, storage units. This $10,500 obo. 509-945is a public sale and 3442. Yakima. the landlord will be 1997 FORD F250 accepting bids on the contents in whole. For 4x4 Ext cab, lots of further information, new parts, good solid contact A-1 Property dependable truck, auto Management, 398 E. trans, 273,322 mi, Ridgeway, Hermiston, $6750 obo. Call or text 509-539-4961. OR 97838 (541)567- Bill, TriCities. 4663.

AKC GOLDEN Retrievers. 5 males left. $1500. Father’s sire is a world champion. Benton City, WA. 909-2627968.

1972 FORD F100 pu Sport­Cus­tom: shows 78,240 miles, 390 V-8, origi­nal paint and in­teri­or, sharp truck! $9900; 541-938-6563 days, 541-938-6957 eves., ask for Tim, Mil­ ton-Free­wa­ter.

BOS­TON TER­RI­ER Pups AKC: 1 male, 1 fe­male, beau­ti­ful­ly marked, vet checked, wormed and first shots, ex­cel­lent blood lines, 6 weeks old on June 3rd, $1,000 each; Pen­ dle­ ton 503-440-2082.

BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-5672230. CNC ROUTER 15” table: with software, cost $850+, asking $500; 541-701-4448, Hermiston. SLAB WOOD for sale: $25 per pick­ up load. You load; 541-9220853 or 541-571-9066, Ir­ri­gon.

PUREBRED DOBERMAN PUPPIES Born 4/19. Tails docked, dewclaws, first shots, 2 black males, 1 black female, $600. Call or text, 509781-2395. Prosser. AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies. Current vaccinations, tails docked. Female, $1400, male $1200. Call/ text, 509-8201034. TriCities.

FORD NAA tractor with loader and 4 implements $3750 or best offer; 509-5208530, Washington. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. 5.5 TON Grass Hay for sale: $165 per ton, 2 string bales; 541-5617281.

HUSKY PUPS FOR SALE Eight beautiful Husky pups, ready to go. First shots given. Exc health. For more info, call 509-831-6544 or check online, www. giantnickel .com

MR. BIG Trees: If you don’t want to wait for your trees to grow, we have trees for you! Delivered on-site, planted, fertilized, # AG-L1042745ND; 541-571-8572, 541980-6042.

ASCA AUSSIES, full size, ranch raised, bred to work livestock. Available June 8th. WW Australian Shepherds. $750. 509751-7361. Pomeroy.

FREE DIRT and rock want­ed: call Jim; 541809-8295, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter.

BORDER COLLIE PUPS ABCA registered parents, field trial championship bloodlines. 3 males, 2 females, black/ white & tricolor. 1st vaccine & dewormer. Ready June 12. $500. 509-945-3399. dabl74@hotmail .com Yakima.

FREE FREE FREE Hay bales for gar­ den mulch or bed­ding. Not for an­i­mal feed­ing or used for arch­ery shoot­ ing; con­tact Troy 541567-7534, 8am-5pm, or Sat­ur­day 8am-1pm. FRESH EGGS: $2.50 per dozen; call 541571-7420.

1960 CORVETTE, not number matching. 509-945-3800. Harrah. 1996 GRAND Cherokee, 1990 Cherokee, 1982 Wagoneer, 1972 Winnebago, need full size camper; 541-9832603. 2003 DODGE Car­ a­ van Sport: seats 7 pas­seng­ers, pow­er slid­ ing side door, tow pack­age, new al­ter­na­ tor, bat­tery, eve­ry­thing works, drives good, $2,800; 541-571-1722, Her­mis­ton.

20’ SILVERLINE on Calkins trailer, 1979, runs like new & is in very good shape for age. New battery, pole holders, life vest, etc. $2700. 509-947-8737. TriCities. 5TH WHEEL RV 2013 Open Range 318 RLS Light, 33’, 3 slides, ac/ heater, microwave, stove, oven, big refrig, washer/ dryer hookup, big wr closet with drawers, lots of storage, rear trailer/ cargo box hitch, tinted windows, power awning, big outside pass thru storage space, 5th wheel hitch, new tires. Like new condition, can pull behind a short box &/ or 1/2 ton pickup. All ready to go camping or live in, everything works. Why buy new at over $42,000 when you can buy this one for $29,500 obo? Text only 541-786-0601. See in Kennewick Huge RV Sale! June 8th-17th, Post Falls Greyhound Event Center. 300+ new and used RVs. Call for sale pricing and incentives, 833-566-3368, dlr 6006.



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com

Celebrate Good Grades! Our Earn While You Learn Program Is Available in June & July Only! Pays $1.00 into an open Youth Savings Account for every top grade that our 1st-12th grade students receive on their end-of-the-year report cards. Up to $50.00 annually. Learn all the details online or stop by your local branch.



2003 PON­TI­AC Grand Prix: White, 4 door se­ dan, 3.1V6, clean in­ side and out, Runs and drives great! new bat­ tery, needs al­ter­na­tor, $1,800; call Da­vid 541429-0998, Stan­field.

HAY: ORCHARD grass/ al­fal­fa mix, barn stored, load­er on site, $10 per bale, 32985 W. Walls Rd., Her­mis­ ton; 541-567-1132 or 541-314-2925.

Interior / Exterior / Full Detail

1301 6TH STREET., • UMATILLA,OR 97882

2008 HON­ DA Ci­ vic four door, leath­ er, sun roof, 5 speed, 130k miles, 35MPG, straight, clean and runs great, sal­vage ti­ tle, $4,200/off­ er, call or text; 541-561-5321, Echo.

2001 JAY­CO 24’ 5th wheel: slide out, air, self con­ tained, hitch avail­able, $4,900; 541969-2339, Her­mis­ton.

HAY FOR Sale: 1st cut­ ting al­fal­fa orchard grass mix, no rain, $8.00/bale, 10 bale min­i­mum; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ton.



1946 CUS­ TOM pick­ up: turn key, 350 Chev­ro­let mo­tor, tur­bo 350 trans­mis­sion, tun­ nel ram duel Edelbrock 4 bar­ rel, new glass seals, black prim­ er, wood flat bed and side rails, $7,000 or best off­er, 541-561-5826, Her­mis­ton.

www.communitybanknet.com Member FDIC

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 4

2004 VOL­ VO XC70: new tires, 3rd seat, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, 137K miles, $6,000 or best off­ er; 509520-7312, Wal­la Wal­ la. CAR DOLLY, excellent shape, $600 obo. 541571-6814.

61/2 FT ATV: 3 fold alu­ mi­num ramp, $45, E-Z load hitch with brack­et for a trail­er, $50; 541969-3676, Pen­dle­ton. CUS­TOM BUILT: Mer­ cedes VW Dune bug­ gy, 1800cc, two carbs., new mo­tor, new clutch, $3700; 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton.



Vanguard by Weatherby 300 mag Rifle, Winchester model 94 30/30, Marlin model 25 22LR, Benelli 12 gauge Automatic shotgun, Browning 30.06, NR Davis & Sons 20 gauge Double barrel Shotgun, Vitta Davide Over and under 12 gauge Italian Shotgun, Springfield 12 gauge Shotgun, Mossberg model 835 12 gauge Shotgun, Remington model 1100 16 gauge Automatic Shotgun, Cabela’s Sidney 54 Caliber Muzzleloader, Champion 12 gauge Single shot Shotgun, Matlin Super Goose 10 gauge Bolt Action, Weatherby .338 mag Bolt Action, Winchester model 24 16 gauge Shotgun, Ruger .SuperBlackhawk .44 mag Revolver, Foley Lawnmower Grinder, Foley Carbide Tip Grinder, Vollmer Dornhan tooth grinder, Foley Router Bit Grinder , Belsaw Grinder, Foley Knife Grinder, Foley 387 Saw Filer, Baldor Bar Shop Grinder, 310 Foley Saw Grinder, Roto-phase Generator , Model 314 Foley Grinder, Foley Automatic Power Setter, Foley Dip Tank, 12 110V Electric motors, 5HP 60G Air Compressor, Several assortment bins, Approx. 100 saw blades,Grinding wheels galore! 300lbs of chainsaw chain, Chainsaw bars of all sizes, 7 spools of pull rope, Sledge hammers and hammers, Lrg Assortment of hand tools, Router and motor controller, Parts cleaner, Large Belt Sander, 2 Craftsman Roll around Tool Boxes, Craftsman Roll around Work Station, Craftsman Tabletop Drill Press, Makita Scroll Saw,Craftsman Disc Sander, Craftsman 2 1/4HP Skilsaw, NIB Dovetail Machine, Milwaukee Heavy Duty Sawsall, Craftsman Model 315 Router, Dewalt Grinder, Craftsman jigsaw in case, Craftsman Work Station, Caldwell Lead Sled site stand, Gun sighting Table, Small Gun safe, 4 MEC reloaders-Sizemaster, Grabber, 2 600 Juniors, Load-All, Large assort. of hunting knives, Burris Spotting Scope, Vortex Viper 16×50 Scope, Tru Glo 30×50 Scope, Antler Sheds, 70 Boxes of Ammo, Duck Calls, Turkey Calls, Elk Calls, Pheasants Forever, Turkey Federation and NRA statues, Big Boar mounts, Fish mounts, 2 Dog kennels, 7 Ducks Unlimited prints, Beautiful 10 Gun Wood Gun Cabinet, 4 gun cases, Tritonics Dog Trainer, Duck and Turkey Decoys, Lrg flat screen Tv, Kegorator, Complete Whiskey Still, 20 Chainsaw projects, Beer Stein Collection, German Yard Glasses, Cast Clydesdale Beer Wagon, 4300 Trek Bicycle, Eureka Pine Lodge Tent, Sony Car speakers, Weber Genesis Gold BBQ, Patio Table w/ umbrella and side table, 1/2 Cord Wood, Yard Swing w/canopy 72 boxes Compacted fuel, 8 Canisters Coleman Propane, Hot Tap Instant Shower System, 2 Coleman Lanterns, 2 Foldout cots, Sleeping bags and mats, 6 propane tanks, 7 water jugs, Large Coleman cooler, 50 gallon fresh water barrel, 2 Camp Kitchens, 3 Camp Closets, Denali 3X Camp Chief cook stove, Expedition 2X Camp Chief cook stove 2 Turkey Deep Fryers, The Big Chief Electric Smokehouse, Brinkman and Coleman Oven, 2 Cast Iron Dutch Ovens, 2 Double Burner Propane Heaters, Canoe, Come make your dream Mancave into a reality at Columbia River Auction, LLC

1988 CHE­ VY 4x4: $1,000, Farm­hand Wheel Rake, $500, 10’ New Hol­land Swath­er, $1200: 541-561-1445, Her­mis­ton. 1991 TOYO­TA Land Cruis­er: Origi­nal clean body in­ teri­ or, no rust, 220K, au­tomat­ic, a/c, $4,500; 818-800-1700, Stan­field. 1992 FORD XLT, runs very good, with 20ft gooseneck, 12 strap winches, $5,000. will consider trade for small pickup. 4-SPD Browning transmission, in good condition, $800.  1946 Wills Jeep, CJ2, with PTO winch, $2,200. or $1,800. without winch, possible trade?  Call 541-620-0548. 2000 Chev­ro­let 1500 Z71: Sil­ver­a­do, 4WD, match­ing ca­no­py, $5,995; 541-720-1922, Her­mis­ton. DESERT NIGHTS SPECIAL ’53 Ford F100 4.6L engine, coil over suspension, disc brakes, ac. ps, 3.73 rear posi, Magflow exhaust, tilt hood. $35,500. See picture at Giantnickel.com. Call Ron, 509-9481070. TriCities


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AKC GOLDEN/ English, white Retriever puppy. First shots, dewormed. Family puppy only. 509-760-6525 or 509855-3874. MosesLake.

L A W N­M O W­E R , ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­ cle en­gine re­pair: rea­ son­able rates, all work guar­ anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ton; 541571-3845.

BEAUTIFUL ROTTWEILER Beautiful AKC Rottweiler puppy, 1 female left, 12 weeks old, first 3 shots, up to date dewormings, microchipped, dew claws removed, tail docked. 509-396- 1097.

HZ DRILLS FOR SALE JD 16” HZ drills with Stoess hitch. $7500. 541-379-4020, Paul. Echo,OR.

AKC Labrador puppies, ready now. 1 male, light yellow. 2 yellow females, 1 light yellow female. $800 limited registry. $1200 full registry. 509949-0211 after 3pm weekdays, & anytime weekends AKC MINI SCHNAUZERS Male & female, salt/ pepper, AKC limited registration, non shedding, mega coated, up to date deworming/ shots. Ready for new families on June 1st. $1200. 509-539-4241. Burbank,WA. AKC REGISTERED Lab pups, incredible waterfowl & family dogs. See at at waterwalkerlabs.com, $1500. Call Mark, 509901-7821. God bless. GOLDEN YORKIE PUPPIES For sale: Golden Yorkie puppies. Tails docked, dew claws removed. They have passed their 6 wk vet check, & are ready for their forever homes. $800. 509-948-8729. Hermiston. CKC PURE Yorkshire Terrier pups, registered, males, $900 firm. Shots current, tails docked, dewclawed. 509-5947283. Yakima.

KU­BO­TA B6000 trac­ tor & ro­to­till­er:, 2cy­lin­ der, die­sel, 17hp., runs good, $2,200 or OBO; 541-564-8153, Chuck, Her­mis­ton. LUCKY ACRES FENCING, INC. Providing Maintenance free, HEAVY GAUGE horse and livestock panels and products built to last a lifetime. Panels & Gates, Shelters & Mare Motels, Stall Fronts & Dividers, Complete Paddock Setups, Working Corral Systems, Complete Arena Set-ups, Round Pens, Contour Perimeter Fencing, Feeders, Saddle Racks, and more. All products are made of Galvanized, Heavy gauge steel tubing. Delivery Available! 208-746-1228, www. luckyacres.net NEW HOL­ LAND bale wag­ ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­ els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889. PAS­ TURE FOR rent: $45 per head, no foals or year­ lings, close in; 541-567-1464, Her­ mis­ton. PIGS FOR SALE Pot hogs & feeder pigs for sale. 509-4050236. Delivered. BUTCH­ ER HOGS for sale; 541-561-9871, Board­man.

Welcome to Lexington Pump LLC

Sales Service Installation Trenching Available & Solar Pumping Systems Who we are: • Full Service pump installation and repair from well to pressure tank or both agriculture and domestic applications. • A local dealer and installer of the best solar pump package in the market today. • Installation of pipe lines, cisterns and complete water systems for most applications. • Full line of excavation equipment for your excavation needs. • We do well rehabilitation for increased water supply and bacterial growth problems. www.lexingtonpump.com • 541-989-8448 Cell-Sam: 541-561-8881 • Cell-John: 541-561-3519 Fax: 541-989-8567 • CCB# 199519 P.O. Box 626 • Lexington, OR 97839

AUCTION is Saturday June 9th at 10 am. The following is a list of units and tenants. A2 Misty Fisher, A8 Shurlee Sanders, A21 Theresa Blazka, A27 Bridget Fulmer, A29 Luis Paredes, B41 Jennifer Corcoran, B47 Steven Kauffman, B48 Kara Sowell, B53 Lorena Flores, B57 Ronald Morse, B61 Cuauhtemoe Romero, C76 & 2 RV spaces Kathryn Maes C92, Kenneth Heransen C93, Scott Brown RV9, Tyler Fitzgerald RV13, Perry Britton RV18, Annette Stanley RV28, 401 6th Street Umatilla. STORAGE UNIT DEFAULT AND AUCTION SALE NOTICE C & L Storage, 1740 NW Geer Road, Hermiston, OR 97838, thru A-1 Property Management, hereby provides legal notice under ORS 8.687 et seq ef default and intent to sell the contents of the following storage units located on Geer Road, Hermiston, Oregon 97838: DO YOU want to boost your brain pow­ er? The brain is the com­ mand cen­ ter of our body, and our health. A healthy, hap­py brain ben­e­fits vir­tu­al­ly eve­ry area of the body. Mi­ cro­ Life Neu­ ro provides the nu­tri­tion the brain needs. Fea­tur­ing our pro­prie­tary li­po­somal de­liv­ery tech­nol­o­gy for ad­vanced bi­o­a­ vail­abil­i­ty, Neu­ro de­ liv­ers clin­i­cal­ly prov­ en, brain-boost­ing nu­tri­ents that your body re­ quires for clar­i­ty, mem­o­ry, and cog­ni­tive func­tion. Wheth­er it’s a com­ plex task, a de­mand­ ing work as­sign­ment, or an im­ port­ ant so­ cial gather­ing, Neu­ro gives you the brain­ pow­er you need. Feel free to reach out and con­tact us per­sonal­ly or vis­it our web­site for in­for­ma­tion and plac­ ing or­ ders; 541-3035045, jvir­gil.va­sayo. com <http://jvir­gil.va­ sayo.com>, Her­mis­ ton. FEEDERS: MICE, Rats, Pinkies, M e a l w o r m s , S u p e r w o r m s , Roaches. Call Amy for prices 541-720-4902. CAR SHOW & SOCK HOP! 2nd Annual Car Show & Dance Bash Series! Stone Ridge Event Center, Pasco WA. Best in Show trophy awarded. All cars, bikes, makes, models welcome! Visit www. stonecool.rocks for details. Saturday, July 11th; Saturday, August 4th; Saturday, September 29th

YARD SALE: Fri­ daySat­ ur­ day, June 8th & 9th, 9am-4pm, 879 SW 14th Place, Her­ mis­ton. BUSTING AT THE SEAMS AUCTION PART 2 Sunday June 10,2018 pre-view 9AM auction 10AM. 340 West Highway 203 Union, Oregon Clark and Daughter Auction Barn. This is the rest of Dub Cates personnel property. Bring your trucks and trailers because there is lots of good stuff to take home. If you do not have a trailer we have added two trailers to the sale. 2003 Starlight cargo trailer converted to a camp trailer 9X21 dual axle, 1986 Big Tex flatbed trailer duel axel 12X7, kitchen table and chairs, wool blankets, linens, fabric, thermal drapes, cabi-nets, file cabinets, dressers, bed, night stands, end tables, cast iron fry pans and dutch ovens, fishing poles and reels, fishing tackle, stainless steel pots and pans, stainless steel kitchen ware, chain saw, trail camera, GPS’s, roll top desk, cedar wardrobe, large jewelry box, binoculars, camera stuff, leather shaving strobes, new Coleman stoves, Coleman lanterns, new kitchen ap-pliances, collector plates, books, love seat, recliners, Genie Load Lifter, Craftsman air compressor, pneumatic tools, power tools, hand tools, crab pots, floor jack, chain binders, comealongs, ammo boxes, storage cabinets, drill press, oxygen bottles, acetylene bottles, torches, gauges, ATV windshield, tool boxes full of tools, bench grinder, large roll of mule tape, large roll of wire screen, new truck tire chains, reloading press on metal stand, Power Plate whole body vibrator, Ladders, John Deere garden tractor with snow blower and rototiller, and a whole lot more. View at www.clarkauctions.com. 10% buyers premium, cash, check or credit card. All items sold as-is whereis. Clark and Daughter Auctions Roger Clark auc-tioneer 541-9100189  MOV­ ING SALE: Fri­ day-Sat­ur­day, June 8th & 9th, 8am-4pm, Eve­ry­thing must go !!!! 60 years of treas­ ures, tools, fur­ni­ture, dish­es, pic­tures, dec­ o­ra­tions, clothes, ski’s and much more. DON’T FOR­GET the Elk’s Park­ing lot sale, June 9th, 8am-3pm, 280 E Main St., Her­ mis­ton. An­tiques, food, drinks to I need this and much more !!!!

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

FOR SALE Large Traeg­er BBQ-075: Cooks and smokes, come with some pel­ lets/accessories, $500; 541-443-5612, Pi­lot Rock. FOR SALE: Su­ per Splash pool, 13x21, in ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, comes with eve­ ry­thing in­clud­ing pool accessories, $500 OBO, You haul; Call Tam­my 541-701-8472, Her­mis­ton. FREE RE­MOV­AL: Do you need wash­ ers, dry­ ers, stove, dish­ wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks hauled away?? Call Dave; 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton FRESH BAKED CIN­NA­MON ROLLS Fun­drais­er forHer­ mis­ton’s Eclipse 10U Trav­ el team is earn­ ing mo­ nies for their 2017 sea­son. $10 per do­ zen, or­ ders due by June 7th, and de­ liv­ ery will be June 21st. Call for or­ders: Man­di Per­ry; 541-561-6643, Jer­ry Wood­ward; 541571-8557, Raeann Haa­gen­son; 541-7209328. The Eclipse Team play­ ers and coach­es Thank You for your sup­port. HAP­PY FA­THERS Day Brunch: Col­ um­ bia Grange in­vites You and Your Fam­ i­ ly to a Fa­ thers Day Straw­ ber­ry Belg­i­um Waf­fles Brunch at 12:00pm3:00pm, at the Grange Hall, 32339 Di­ ag­ on­al Blvd., Her­mis­ ton. Ques­ tions? call Mon­day thru Fri­day, day­ time only, 541567-5922 or 541-5678663. HAVE IN­FOR­MA­TION: on Raphaels por­trait of a young man also Eu­ rope’s lost art col­lec­ tions; 541-567-9004, Her­mis­ton.

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, refrigerators, freezers, lawn mowers, hot wa­ ter tanks, scrap... Call Dave, 541-314-5077, Her­mis­ton ESTATE SALE Items include: Furniture; Household items; Lawn & garden equipment; Automotive parts; Shop tools; Extensive crafting supplies; Hospital bed; Walkers & lift chair. Sat June 9, 8am-5pm at 3320 Polo Greens Ave, West Richland. HUGE YARD Sale: Fri­ day thru Sun­day, June 8-10, 9am-4pm, 46511 Horse­shoe Lane, Pen­ dle­ton, (be­hind Lucky 7 Trail­er Park.) BIG YARD SALE: 3 DAYS! Fri­day, Sat­ur­day, 9am5pm, Sun­ day 9am12noon, 1030 SW 11th Street (at the Of­fice) Her­mis­ton, Co­le­man elec­tric fur­nace for mo­ bile home, Ken­ more re­frig­era­tor, Or­ gan, tons of eve­ry­thing at great pric­ es, Cash Only. HUGE “5 GALS” Yard Sale: Fri­day, June 8th Only, 7am-1pm Leaf Lane (out Orchard Ex­ ten­sion)



Hwy. 395 N. - Hermiston

541-567-7534 8:00 to 5:00 M-F Sat 8:00 to 1:00

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 5

1998 KOMFORT 30’ 5th wheel, trailer, ac, 2 slides, queen walk around bed with 3” foam mattress pad, sleeps 4, 2 tvs, refrig with separate freezer. Ready to go make those memories. Never smoked in & no pets. 509- 282-0224. DE­LUXE TOW dol­ ly: break­a­way tongue for stor­ age, like new, cost $4000 new, sell $1000; 541-922-2616, Ir­ri­gon. ’01 COLEMAN Taos tent trailer: Good shape. New tires, bearings repacked. Has roof ac. Ready to go. $2500. 509-4383648. Tri- Cities.


FOR SALE 2005 Ford F150: long bed with tool box, $2500; 541561-2270, Her­mis­ton. JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2002 Overland Edition, 4x4, 146k mi, 3” lift, custom bumper with winch. Loaded, runs & drives great. New brakes, battery. $5200. Mike, 509- 307-2662. Yakima. 1975 FORD F250 Rang­er PU:, camp­er spe­ cial, has 82,521 miles, 390 V-8, auto AC, origi­ nal paint, $5900; 541-9385653 days, 541-9386957., eves, ask for Tim, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter.

F1B Goldendoodle: The most hypoallergenic of the Doodles. Will be ready to come home June 10th. Vet checked, 1st shots, & dewclaws removed. $500 deposit & $500 when they go home. 509-308-7655. TriCities. AKC GSP PUPPIES! AKC registered German Shorthaired Pointer puppies. World champion bloodlines. Beautiful, smart, & ready to go! The ultimate hunting & family dogs. Parents are excellent hunters, and both on site. Family raised. $750. 509-8301562. Toppenish.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

342 SW 1st Street Pendleton, OR 1(541)969-3073

up to




0%AllInterest Models

HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ ing: June 15th, at Pan­da Inn in Her­mis­ton, 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come; for in­for­ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. LADY Look­ ing: for a man to com­pli­ment each oth­er in life; 541371-0982 M&M STOR­AGE UNIT DE­FAULT SALE: Cher­ yl Wun­ der - Unit #9, lo­ cat­ ed at M&M Stor­age Units at 30437 Union Street, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 97838 on June 9, 2018 at 10:00 am at the stor­ age units; 541-567-2122, Her­mis­ton. NEW AU­THORS want­ ed! Page Pub­lish­ing will help you self-pub­ lish your own book. Free au­thor sub­mis­ sion kit! Lim­it­ed off­er! Why wait? Call now, 866-951-7214.

http://www.bonneysag.com • OPEN MON - SAT

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 6

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Employment Section AC­COUNT­ING Po­si­ tion avail­ able: must have ex­peri­ence with Quick­books, ac­count­ ing, pay­roll, ac­counts pay­able and re­ceiv­ able and bank rec­ on­ cilia­tions. Also must have Ex­cel ex­peri­ence and gen­er­al of­fice skills. Wag­es de­pend on ex­peri­ence. Ben­e­ fits in­clud­ed; 541-3768444 or fax re­sume to 541-376-8445, Echo. LOOK­ING FOR OF­FICE MAN­AG­ER! Small car deal­er­ship in Her­mis­ton look­ing to hire an honest, re­ li­able, mo­ti­vat­ed and pro­fes­sion­al in­di­vid­u­ al to work part or full time dur­ing the week, no wee­ kend work! Pre­fer­ably knowl­edge­ able with fi­nanc­ing and clos­ing deals. Must be able to have ex­cel­lent team build­ ing skills! Bi­lin­gual is a plus. For more in­for­ma­tion; 541324-5127.

CROP PRO­DUC­ TION Serv­ic­es: 30854 Feed­ ville Road, Her­ mis­ ton, OR 97838,is seek­ing ap­plic­ants for the fol­ low­ ing po­ si­tions: CDL Driv­er/ Haz­ard­ous Ma­te­ri­ al Pre­ferred, full time po­si­tion w/ben­e­fits, in­clud­ing health in­ surance & 401K, pay DOE. Dry Fer­til­iz­ er Plant Op­era­tor/ CDL Pre­ ferred, full time po­si­tion w/ben­ e­fits, in­clud­ing health in­ surance & 401K, hour­ly + over­time. For more in­ofr­ma­tin con­tact: Crop Pro­duc­ tion Serv­ic­es-Of­fice 541-567-2510 or Todd Win­ters541-3148557. LICENSED JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN WANTED Industrial, Residential, C o m m e r c i a l . Competitive wages, plus benefits.Call Johnson Electric 541963-0324.

EA­ GLE RANCH is look­ ing for a Ma­ chin­ery Op­era­tor: the op­era­tor will drive and con­ trol farm equip­ment to till soil, plant, cul­ti­vate, and har­ vest crops. The op­era­tor shall be re­ quired to op­ er­ate and main­tain the ma­chin­ery. Must have a valid Driv­er li­ cense, ex­peri­ence is re­quired; of­fice: 541376-8444, fax: 541376-8445, Echo. HELP WANTED MAINTENANCE I Hermiston School District is seeking applicants for a fulltime Maintenance worker.  Competitive salary w/benefits package.  See our web-page for more info and how to apply. www. hermiston.k12. or.us <http://www. hermiston.k12. or.us> /employment

Hiring Event Friday June 8th, 2018 10 am 7223 N. Railroad Ave Pasco, WA 99301 Local CDL Drivers Needed Now Day & Night Positions Good Wages Bring: License, Medical Card, and I-9 documents Call 541-567-4098

MAIN­TENANCE I: Her­mis­ton School Dis­trict is seek­ing ap­ plic­ants for a full-time Main­tenance work­er. com­peti­tive sal­ary w/ ben­e­fits pack­age. See our web-page for more info and how to ap­ply. www.her­m is­t on.k12. or.us/em­ploy­ment

BUSINESS FOR SALE Residential repair and remodeling business since 1994. Tools; Equipment; Vehicle; Communication system; Customer list and 2 years consultation. Central WA 250k. ahrng94@ charter.net

A D M I N I S T R AT I V E ASSISTANT: If you like challenges, can multitask and are not afraid of hard work please apply. Carolleen Lovell, Certified Public Accountant, LLC in Hermiston, serving our individual and small business clients with their tax and accounting needs, is seeking an administrative assistant to join our team of professionals. The position requires a responsible individual with exceptional customer service skills. Applicant must possess good communication and organization skills and have working knowledge of Microsoft Office software programs. the position requires the applicant to work with several supervisors on a variety of projects. This is a part-time position. January through April the hours are Monday-Friday, 8AM to 5PM. May through December the hours are Monday-Friday, 10AM to 3PM. Hourly pay range is $12.00$14.00 depending on experience. Please fax your resume to (541) 567-0523 or email it to brandi@ carolleenlovell.com

IN­VEST­MENT Prop­ er­ties: call Al 541-5615515.

REAL FINDS found in the Nick­e l eve­ry week! You will find great deals on just about an­y­t hing that you could want. Pick up a Nick­el week­ly and save your­s elf some mon­ey! RENT A Cen­ter of Her­ mis­ ton is hir­ ing for a Cus­tom­er Ac­count Rep ASAP, $12 to $15 per hour, vis­ it RAC­ Careers.net to ap­ ply or call 509-901-9182. Must speak flu­ent Span­ish.

NUEVA PULGA en Hermiston Buscamos Gente Interesados en Puestos Grande lugar terrenos de la fieria Para más información al (541)720-6024. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­ curs in your clas­si­fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­ spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­ li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied. LICENSED JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN WANTED Industrial, Residential, C o m m e r c i a l . Competitive wages, plus benefits.Call Johnson Electric 541963-0324. AC­COUNT­ING Po­si­ tion avail­ able: must have ex­peri­ence with Quick­books, ac­count­ ing, pay­roll, ac­counts pay­able and re­ceiv­ able and bank rec­ on­ cilia­tions. Also must have Ex­cel ex­peri­ence and gen­er­al of­fice skills. Wag­es de­pend on ex­peri­ence. Ben­e­ fits in­clud­ed; 541-3768444 or fax re­sume to 541-376-8445, Echo. MAIN­TENANCE I: Her­mis­ton School Dis­trict is seek­ing ap­ plic­ants for a full-time Main­tenance work­er. com­peti­tive sal­ary w/ ben­e­fits pack­age. See our web-page for more info and how to ap­ply. www.her­m is­t on.k12. or.us/em­ploy­ment

THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ it­ y, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

MOV­ ING SALE: Fri­ day June 8th & Sat­ur­ day June 9th, 8am-?, 130 S Myer, Ir­ri­gon, bi­ cy­cle rack, lot­sa odds and ends.

ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT 9AM-5PM Huge estate sale. Antiques; Furniture; Mid Century; Collectibles; Appliances; Marbles; Jewelry; Tools; Electronics & more. Check it out: 7000 PENDLETONOREGON. sq.ft. of treasures! COM New arrivals: Elliptical P e n d l e o n O r e g o n . trainer; Desks, desks, com a hub of desks; Leather information about Loveseat; La-ZBoy Cannabis Legalitation electric recliner; in Pendleton. The Refrigerator; Vintage purpose of the site is pedal car; Huge to provide information buffet display cabinet; about marijuana rules Antique armoire; and the cannabis Drop leaf dinette set; industry. Mission style bedroom furniture; Orthogel TWO WHIS­ KEY Fest Solutions mattress; tick­ets: July 14th, $129 Beds; Dressers & each, text only; 541- more! Golf clubs & 377-7400, Pen­dle­ton. accessories; Antique Arts & Crafts mission VIAGRA USERS, why chair; Vacuums; pay more? Forty 100 Lamps; Grandfather milligram tabs, $169. clock; Piano; Antique Call 1-800-607-2519 cabinet; King beds; open every day. Antique rocking chair; Filing cabinets; AN­TLER BUY­ER Royal Doulton; BNSF Rick Hen­drick­son, railroad plates; Marble deer, elk, and moose, top tables; Yard & all grades; 541-215- garden; Dressers; 5807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. Patio furniture; Cement benches; Cement 12x6x6 DOG Ken­ nel: fountains; Statuary; with metal roof $500, Bikes; Vintage bar; 1985 4wheel pop up King Posturepedic camp­er, excellent con­ mattress; Wine rack; di­ tion, $2,000, well Drop front secretary; jack plate, 350 ft elec­ Rugs; Antique mirrors; tric depth gauge, $100, Sewing machines; Back­hoe pull be­hind Victrola; Harman pick­ up style, works Kardon; Flat screen great, $2,000; 541- tvs; Clocks; Dinette 567-1983 or 541-571- sets; Loveseats; 1463, Her­mis­ton. Bedroom furniture. We buy estates & sell 8000 MINT Com­ ic the contents every Fri Books: with com­put­er & Sat, 9am-pm. New cata­logue mar­ket val­ arrivals every Fri & ue, $22,000 ask­ ing. Sat, photos posted $8,000; 541-701-4448, Thurs on Facebook, Her­mis­ton. https://www.facebook. com/ ETEstatesales. TRIN­I­TY LUTHER­AN Look for most current CHURCH Va­ca­tion dated album. ET Bi­ble School: June 11- Estate Sales, LLC. 15, 9:00-12:00, 485 W. 422 W Columbia Dr, Lo­cust Ave., Her­mis­ Kennewick, near ton, any ques­tions call Cable Bridge, next to 541-567-9660. Zips. Parking in back, off Bruneau Ave. 509#7 John Packard, #20 539-9775. Jeffery Schoen, #74 John Packard, #130 MOV­ ING SALE: Sat­ Misti Whitbeck, #136 ur­day, June 9th, 8amJesus Escalante, #140 4pm, 685 W Di­ vi­ sion Kimberly Mansfield. Ave., Her­mis­ton, liv­ A sale of the contents ing room and bed­ shall occur to satisfy room fur­ni­ture, ta­bles, amounts due under the ap­plianc­es, kitch­en lease agreement and items, moun­ tain bike, all amounts allowed by lots of camp­ ing gear law. The sale shall be and so much more to held on Saturday, June see. 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., a date 15 or more days MULTI FAMILY after the first publication YARD SALE of this notice, at the 240 Willow Drive, storage units. This Stanfield, Friday, is a public sale and Saturday and Sunday, the landlord will be 8am-5pm, to many accepting bids on the items to list. contents in whole. For further information, MUL­TI FAM­I­LY Yard contact A-1 Property Sale: Fri­ day & Sat­ ur­ Management, 398 E. day, June 8-9, 8amRidgeway, Hermiston, 5pm, 359 NW 10th St., OR 97838 (541)567- Her­mis­ton. 4663. OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Used, new and offices. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. “We sell, rent, buy and move containers.” Insta Stor, Inc. 509-765-1376.

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



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The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 8

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

2006 MAZ­ DA Mia­ ta: Red 2 door con­ vert­ able, 51K miles, $8,500, No Saturday calls, 541-720-3099, Her­mis­ton.

OLD­ER WIN­NE­BA­ GO: re­mo­deled in­side, rub­ber roof, $1,200 or best off­ er; 541-3714822 or 541-371-6641, Ir­ri­gon.

TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­ peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon.

STARCRAFT AR-1 TRAVEL TRAILER 2012, 17’, with Aqua Shield Aqua Long sectionalized tent, excellent condition. Asking $6500. Make offer. 509-378-1670. TriCities.

2012 BUICK La­ Crosse: sport mod­ el, all op­tions, pearl white col­or, leath­er in­teri­or, 2 sets of tires, $15,000 or best off­er; 541-3714822, Ir­ri­gon. POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431, also in Lewiston. UP­HOL­STERY WORK in my home: free es­ ti­mates, guar­anteed work, au­to­mo­biles, fur­ni­ ture, etc.; 541-567-2199, an­y­time, Her­mis­ton. 2001 PLY­MOUTH Breeze: 4 cyl., au­ tomat­ic, air, de­pend­ able, $1,500, cash only; 541-720-8103, Her­mis­ton.

NORCO 30FT pull trailer, 12ft slide out, very clean, $8,000. OBO, call 541-9106853 La Grande OVER 60 inexpensive used RVs in stock. www.AS-ISRV.com or call Bill’s cell 208-6609811.

1988 CHE­ VY 4x4: $1,000, Ford 8N Trac­ tor, $1,800: 541-5611445, Her­mis­ton.

FOR SALE: 2006 Mercury Mountaineer, all wheel drive, 206,327 miles, $3500 or best offer; call Nadine, 541-667-9521 Monday - Friday 8am4:30, Boardman. 2011 TA­ HOE LT 4x4: 5.3 V-8, sun­roof, DVD play­er, 3rd seat, clean, $23500; 541-938-6563 days, 541-938-6957 eves., ask for Tim, Mil­ton Free­wa­ter.

TRAVEL TRAILER 29’ 2016 Bullet Ultralite, by Keystone. 12’ slide, 14’ awning, entertainment center, standard appliances. Ample storage. Sleeps 6. $21,500. 509- 3719562. TriCities.

TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­ peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon.

QUICK­SILV­ER UL­ TRA­LIGHT tent trail­ er for sale: weighs only 600 lbs., can be towed with small car, used only 4 times, won­ der­ful con­di­tion, can show in Pen­dle­ton or send pho­ tos, re­ tailed $13,000 new, ask­ ing $6,000; call 541-379-5564.

SUPERBLY maintained 1979 Ford E-350 1 ton truck (think small beer truck), 351 Windsor, with sleeping berth, ramp, mechanically sound, exc shape, owned for 23 years (used for antique shows)- great for toy hauler! Must see to appreciate! 541- 4817460 or 541-300-0837.

All That Wood .com Your Fence Connection

Cedar • Vinyl Split Rail • Privacy • Picket Ranch Rail 541-667-8191

80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

’84 CHEV pickup K20 4x4. Rebuilt 350 motor, 101k original miles, new radiator, turbo 400 trans, pwr windows/ doors, new interior seats, headliner, new pwr steering pump, new brakes, runs great. $6000 obo. 509896- 2016. Bickleton. ONE OWNER 2000 Ford Ranger ext cab, 4x4, 94k mi, at, ac, $7990. 509948-0336. Dlr.

PORT­ABLE POST hole dig­ger Hon­da pow­ ered, 10x36” bit, $250; 541-571-1983 or 541-571-1463, Her­ mis­ton.

FREE TO Good Home: 4 year old black Lab, nur­tured, house broke, great fam­i­ly dog, loves eve­ry­one; 541-2544303, Board­man.

RAN­KIN 3-POINT 5ft. back blade, 1 row hy­ drau­lic poa­ta­to dig­ger, 2-10x24 trac­ tor tires, land pride 6 ft. 3 point ro­to­till­er, 43” 3 point un­der cut­ter, 23 wood box­es, 12Wx20Lx8D; 541-567-8967, Her­ mis­ton.

GSP POINTER DOGS Hunting dogs, papered AKC pure blood, champions & exc family dogs. 1st shots, tails docked & dewclaws removed. Ready to take home. 509374-7936. Burbank,WA.

CUSTOM SWATHING 541-969-8179 SUM­MER­VILLE PIGS: barbecue, butch­er and breed­ers, gen­tle to han­dle, 541-534-9421 or 541-786-8335. 6 TON John Deere Hay Wag­ on: 20 ft., good bed and tires, $1,000; 541-276-0790, Pen­dle­ton. 1st CUT­TING Al­fal­fa and Al­fal­fa grass hay: no rain, 2-tie bale, $8.00/bale; 541-5717601. AL­FAL­FA SEED: $2.00 a pound; Call Phil, 509-301-6699, Touchet, WA. BRUSH HOG mowing, 541-2401229.

LOOKING FOR male Siamese cat to breed our female cat. 509727-0192. TriCities. AKC LAB PUPPIES 1 male, 1 female black Lab puppies. Ready to go home. Both parents are excellent hunters. $800. Text or call, 509205-7601 MINI PIN pup­ pies for sale: 6 months old, great per­son­al­i­ties, up to date on shots, 2 neutered males, 2 fe­ males, great pups! 541-379-1217 or 541377-1811, Pi­lot Rock. PURE GREAT Pyrenees pups, all white, ready for loving homes now, $350 each. 509-628-7536. TriCities.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

AKC ENGLISH LABRADOR Chocolate males and females also black females born 4/1/18. Dewclaws removed, first shots and dewormed, ready to go. $1000 for limited (no breeding) $1,200 for breeding. Parents are DNA tested. Call or text, 509-222-0224 or 509-222-0225. TriCities.

WANT­ED We buy cheap trac­tors or us­ able parts; call 541-564-0661, Her­ mis­ton.

ROTTWEILER puppies: 2 females, available, asking $550! Call/ text, 541-7017533. Irrigon.

TENDER FOR SALE 7 ton, 2 compartment, self- powered seed (or fertilizer?) tender. Good condition. $1999. 541- 379-4020. Paul. Echo,OR.


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We accept most insurances including Medicare!

ROTTWEILER PUP­ PIES: for sale, $550 each;541-720-4921, Her­mis­ton. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907. S T A N D A R D POODLES available now! 2 litters with great bloodlines, white, black, chocolate, 1 very rare mud! First shots done, AKC available. 509-7929577 Tri-Cities YORKIE PUPPIES For sale: Yorkie puppies. Tails docked, dewclaws removed. They have passed their 6 wk vet check, & are ready for their forever homes. $800. 509-948-8729. Hermiston. STILL SEARCH­I NG? Find it in the Nick­el!

CNC ROUTER 15” table: with software, cost $850+, asking $500; 541-701-4448, Hermiston. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-5672230. AUCTION is Saturday June 9th at 10 am. The following is a list of units and tenants. A2 Misty Fisher, A8 Shurlee Sanders, A21 Theresa Blazka, A27 Bridget Fulmer, A29 Luis Paredes, B41 Jennifer Corcoran, B47 Steven Kauffman, B48 Kara Sowell, B53 Lorena Flores, B57 Ronald Morse, B61 Cuauhtemoe Romero, C76 & 2 RV spaces Kathryn Maes C92, Kenneth Heransen C93, Scott Brown RV9, Tyler Fitzgerald RV13, Perry Britton RV18, Annette Stanley RV28, 401 6th Street Umatilla. STORAGE UNIT DEFAULT AND AUCTION SALE NOTICE C & L Storage, 1740 NW Geer Road, Hermiston, OR 97838, thru A-1 Property Management, hereby provides legal notice under ORS 8.687 et seq ef default and intent to sell the contents of the following storage units located on Geer Road, Hermiston, Oregon 97838: DO YOU want to boost your brain pow­ er? The brain is the com­mand cen­ter of our body, and our health. A healthy, hap­ py brain ben­e­fits vir­tu­ al­ly eve­ry area of the body. Mi­cro­Life Neu­ro provides the nu­tri­tion the brain needs. Fea­ tur­ing our pro­prie­tary li­po­somal de­liv­ery tech­nol­o­gy for ad­ vanced bi­o­a­vail­abil­i­ty, Neu­ro de­liv­ers clin­ i­cal­ly prov­en, brainboost­ing nu­tri­ents that your body re­quires for clar­i­ty, mem­o­ry, and cog­ni­tive func­tion. Wheth­er it’s a com­ plex task, a de­mand­ ing work as­sign­ment, or an im­ port­ ant so­ cial gather­ing, Neu­ro gives you the brain­ pow­er you need. Feel free to reach out and con­tact us per­sonal­ly or vis­it our web­site for in­for­ma­tion and plac­ ing or­ ders; 541-3035045, jvir­gil.va­sayo. com <http://jvir­gil.va­ sayo.com>, Her­mis­ ton.

NO­TICE OF Pub­ lic Auc­ tion: June 15, 2018, 10am, by Round Up Rentals and RV Stor­ age, 80535 N. Hwy. 395, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 97838, (dri­ ve­way bet­ween Elm­ er’s Ir­ri­ga­tion and Grow Bright). Prop­ er­ ty of Keith Se­ nechal, RV Space #2, 1999 Honda Civic and Ja­ mie Haines, RV Space #19, Cas­cade Pick­up Camp­er (old­er mod­el); cash or mon­ ey or­ der only, Her­mis­ton. NUEVA PULGA en Hermiston Buscamos Gente Interesados en Puestos Grande lugar terrenos de la fieria Para más información al (541)720-6024. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT janitorial equipment, appliances, furniture, Northland pickup camper w/ slide, Lance pickup camper, 18’ Open Road motorhome, pickup canopy. All selling at auction June 10th, Clarkston, W a s h i n g t o n . Photos www. TigerAuctioneering. com. Absentee bids 208-295-1910. SHOP SALE: Fri­ day & Sat­ur­day, June 8-9, 809 W Ju­ nip­ er, Her­ mis­ ton, 17” wheels, small trail­ er, wood, small re­frig­era­tor, 7KW ONAN Gen­era­tor, & Misc. UMA­TIL­LA SELF Stor­ age Auc­tion: Saturday June 9th at 10 am 2541 Hwy 730, Uma­ til­la, Or­e­gon. Unit A2 Misty Fisher A8 Shurlee Sanders A21 Theresa Blazka A27 Bridget Fulmer A29 Luis Paredes B41 Jennifer Corcoran B47 Steven Kauffman B48 Kara Sowell B53 Lorena Flores B57 Ronald Morse B61 Tido Morris C92 Kenneth Heransen C93 Scott Brown RV9 Tyler Fitzgerald RV13 Perry Britton RV28 Osvaldo Hernandez RV31 Scott Taylor For more in­for­ma­tion con­tact Uma­til­la Self Stor­age, PO Box 307, Uma­til­la, OR 97882, 541-922-2643. MOVING SALE: June 30th & July 1st, 7am-6pm, 213 Klickitat, Umatilla, Everything must go! furniture, housewares, clothing all sizes, hiking gear, groceries, 18 speed bicycles, bedding, low prices, offers considered,. YARD SALE: Fri­ day, June 8th, 8am-5pm, Ca­si­day Bat­tery park­ ing lot, Her­mis­ton, tools only, all sorts of misc. tools, ra­di­al saw used twice $350, No ear­ly Sales.

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

SLAB WOOD for sale: $25 per pick­ up load. You load; 541-9220853 or 541-571-9066, Ir­ri­gon. FEEDERS: MICE, Rats, Pinkies, M e a l w o r m s , S u p e r w o r m s , Roaches. Call Amy for prices 541-720-4902. CAR SHOW & SOCK HOP! 2nd Annual Car Show & Dance Bash Series! Stone Ridge Event Center, Pasco WA. Best in Show trophy awarded. All cars, bikes, makes, models welcome! Visit www. stonecool.rocks for details. Saturday, July 11th; Saturday, August 4th; Saturday, September 29th FOR SALE Large Traeg­er BBQ-075: Cooks and smokes, come with some pel­ lets/accessories, $500; 541-443-5612, Pi­lot Rock. FREE RE­MOV­AL: Do you need wash­ ers, dry­ ers, stove, dish­ wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks hauled away?? Call Dave; 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton FRESH BAKED CIN­NA­MON ROLLS Fun­drais­er forHer­ mis­ton’s Eclipse 10U Trav­ el team is earn­ing mo­nies for their 2017 sea­ son. $10 per do­ zen, or­ ders due by June 7th, and de­liv­ery will be June 21st. Call for or­ders: Man­ di Per­ ry; 541-5616643, Jer­ ry Wood­ ward; 541-571-8557, Raeann Haa­gen­son; 541-720-9328. The Eclipse Team play­ ers and coach­ es Thank You for your sup­port. HAP­PY FA­THERS Day Brunch: Col­ um­ bia Grange in­vites You and Your Fam­ i­ ly to a Fa­ thers Day Straw­ ber­ry Belg­i­um Waf­fles Brunch at 12:00pm3:00pm, at the Grange Hall, 32339 Di­ ag­ on­al Blvd., Her­mis­ ton. Ques­ tions? call Mon­day thru Fri­day, day­ time only, 541567-5922 or 541-5678663. HAVE IN­FOR­MA­TION: on Raphaels por­trait of a young man also Eu­ rope’s lost art col­lec­ tions; 541-567-9004, Her­mis­ton. HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ ing: June 15th, at Pan­da Inn in Her­mis­ton, 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come; for in­for­ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. LADY Look­ ing: for a man to com­pli­ment each oth­er in life; 541371-0982

WAREHOUSE SALE: New aftermarket sheet metal, bumpers, and lights; Tools; Sunnen seat & guide machine; engine parts; cyl heads; radiators; DuPont paint products; Antique Standard Motor Products; Metal & wood shelving; 1966 Chevy P.U.; June 7 & 8, 7:30-5:00, Kilmer’s Auto Parts, 84191 Hwy. 11, MiltonFreewater. WE ARE host­ ing an Es­ tate Sale for Mona King: Fri­ day & Sat­ ur­ day, June 8th & 9th in the West High­ land area, 22 Birch Drive, Her­mis­ton. Vin­tage and an­tique man­tel wall clocks, col­lec­tor dolls, dis­ play cases, cu­rio cab­i­nets, queen bed set, din­ ing room set, lamps, jew­el­ry, kitch­en uten­sils, the grand­est cup­board & buf­fet, brass fig­ures and much more. give us a call for more de­ tails and do a pre­view; Your Friends at KC Art & Col­lect­a­bles, 167 E. Main St., Her­mis­ton. 541-289-1800. YARD SALE: Sat­ ur­ day, June 9th, 8am5pm, 31401 Jo­ seph Court, Her­mis­ton (lo­ cat­ ed off of E. Pun­ kin Cen­ter fol­low pink signs), lots of boys and girls clothes, toys, books, puz­zles, ju­nior size jeans 1-7, and oth­er miscellaneous items! Cash only. YARD SALE: Thurs­ day - Sun­ day, June 7,8,9,10, 10am-6pm. 1750 SW 11th St., Her­mis­ton glass­wares, clothes and lots of mis­ cel­la­ne­ous. BIG ESTATE MALE SALE: Fri­day & Sat­ ur­ day, June 8 & 9, 9am-3pm, 190 NW Third, Ir­ri­gon, (off Col­um­bia Lane.) Camp­ ing gear, shop full of hand and pow­ er tools, pow­ er saws, small trac­ tor, con­ crete blocks, red blocks, cur­ rents DVD’s, cloth­ing, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous, much more, all clean. YARD SALE: Fri­ day, Sat­ur­day & Sun­day, June 8-9-10, 8am4pm, 340 High Street, Adams. misc., fur­ ni­ture, art sup­plies, tools, 15hp boat mo­ tor, rock pol­ish­er, rock saw and so much more! ESTATE AUCTION JUNE 9th, Clarkston, Washington. 2005 Toyota Tacoma Extended Cab 2WD, 61,000 miles; 2012 Chevy Sonic, 41,000 miles; collectibles; power tools; antiques; firearms. Photos www. TigerAuctioneering. com. Absentee bids 208-503-0235.

1962 OLDS Cut­ lass F85 con­vert­ible: RARE 215 V-8 HP mo­tor, auto, pow­er top, origi­nal con­di­ tion, $9900, 541-9386957 eves., as for Tim, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter.

THOMP­ SON RV is East­ern Or­e­gon’s lar­ gest RV deal­er: fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed for 40 years; browse our in­ven­tory on­line at www.thomp­sonrv.com, or call us at 800-4594836, Pen­dle­ton.

1986 HON­ DA Pre­ lude: 2.0L en­gine, one own­er, all op­tions, low miles, al­ways ga­ raged, $4,100, in­ ter­ est­ed par­ties only; text 509-240-0700, Wal­la Wal­la.

OUR CLAS­S I­F IEDS help you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ence pos­ si­b le with­o ut us­i ng a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ing dol­lars! Call us to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

1987 Corvette: 350CI, Auto, plumbed with nitro, good condition, if interested please call; 541567-3474. $10,500.

CAR­BURE­TORS Re­ built by semi-re­ tired GM cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Me­chan­ic, near Pen­ dle­ton; call Doug 541429-1042. 1998 TOYO­TA Cam­ry: 4 cy­lin­der, au­tomat­ic, runs, drives, looks good, all serv­ iced and tuned up, ready to go, $2,300 firm only; 541-720-8103, Hermiston. FORD 9” dif­fer­en­ tial: with 28 or 31 splines, 2:75 or 3:50 gears $75, new 9” 31 spline po­si­track unit $300, new 28 spline, po­si­ track unit $300, 31 spline spool $35; 541-701-4448, Her­ mis­ton.

TOY HAULER ’08 COACHMEN Adrenaline Surge, 29FIB, like new inside. Upgraded queen mattress, new RV batteries, new carb on 4 kw generator, with only 129.5 hours on generator. Used very little. Must sell. $14,000 obo. Pictures available by request. 509378-9300. TriCities area. Serious inquiries only.

WORK­ING BLUE Heel­er: sweet, lov­ing, she need some cows to work! $75 or OBO; Her­mis­ton.

One HP Gus­to­facine deep well pump: 125 feet wire and start­ ing switch, $400; 541-2760790, Pen­dle­ton.

GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES Male & female Goldendoodles ready Memorial Day. Facebook at Old Mountain Doodles and Poodles. 509-250-2082. Goldendale. I HAVE 6 full breed Bull Terriers ready for new homes. Males are $600, females are $700. Please call me for more info at 509-2054251. TriCities.

FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details.

YEL­ LOW LAB pups: both par­ents AKC reg­ is­tered, no breed­ing rights on fe­male point­ ing lab. 5 males, 3 fe­ males, born April 29th, ready to go June 16th, $500; 541-626-1399, Hep­pner.

11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

21/2 HP TABLE rout­ er Shap­ er with Bits, $150; 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton.

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY JOB! Home owners, industrial & construction, visit us for all your rental needs; 80907 N. HWY 395 HERMISTON, OR., 541-969-0013.

Come See Us For All Your Powder Coating Needs: • Wheels • Truck Beds • Trailers • ATV’S • Motorcycles • Fencing • Railing Give us a call for a FREE estimate:


80496 N. HWY 395 • Hermiston

WE BUY used RVs, all makes and models. For top dollar, low hassle service, Wes cell 253-740-5756. 2001 JAY­CO 24’ 5th wheel: slide out, air, self con­ tained, hitch avail­able, $4,900; 541969-2339, Her­mis­ton. 20’ SILVERLINE on Calkins trailer, 1979, runs like new & is in very good shape for age. New battery, pole holders, life vest, etc. $2700. 509-947-8737. TriCities.




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*Product Price – Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications.†† As rated by Kohler, all power levels are stated in gross horsepower at 3600 RPM per SAE J1940 as rated by engine manufacturer. Utility vehicles are intended for off-road use. **See your local Cub Cadet Independent Dealer for warranty details. © 2018 Cub Cadet3PV_Q_ECOMMERCE

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 10


2012 VW BEETLE Low Miles ,

14 994



14 954

#9522, V#191779




2017 NISSAN VERSA Fully Equipped ,

2002 DODGE 1500 Q/C 4X4 Leather, $ , More!!


2016 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED Low Miles, $ , Lots of Extras!

2017 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT Leather, Sunroof, $ , Full Power!

2013 FORD F150 SUPERCREW 4X4 XLT, $ , Lots More!

2015 GMC YUKON DENALI DVD, Sunroof, $ , Nav., & Much More!



14 989


#9556A, V#634472

2016 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN Stow-N-Go Seating! $ ,

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

#9546, V#839938

38 991

#G7405B, V#297617

10 997

#B7726A, V#229775

44 949

#9494, V#171712


Low Miles!

#9512C, V#676887

21 969

#G7411B, V#D50179

2016 CHEVY CRUZE Limited ,

13 478


#9477, V#229775

44 951

#G7332A, V#661880

2006 FORD ESCAPE 4X4 Low Miles $ ,

9 767

#9430B, V#B48572

2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ Leather, $


#9486, V#167333




Under 14k Miles, Leather, Convertible #B7710A, V#127351


10 989

#9525, V#917149

4 996

#G7450B, V#626174


2003 GMC DENALI Leather, Much More! ,

5 998

#B7722A, V#711262

8 988

#9557A, V#25214B

2009 HONDA CIVIC Gas Mizer ,

8 864


2004 DODGE 1500 4X4 Local $ , Trade

13 996

#9487B, V#178568

2011 RAM 1500 Q/C 4X4 Low Miles $ ,

19 993

#8506A, V#650013

#G7416A, V#520003



#9538A, V#175218

2013 MINI COOPER Low Miles, , Leather, More!

12 770


#B7753C, V#683968




#B7766A, V#845069


2005 FORD EXPEDITION 4x4, $ , Eddie Bauer

5 998

#9723B, V#106716



#9558, V#146677


2013 MAZDA MAZDA3 Auto, Air, , PW, PDL

11 900


#9560, V#712306

1999 VW BEETLE Manual ,

2 998


#9493A, V#414755

2015 SCION XB Like New ,

17 997


#G7459B, V#077456

2009 CHRYSLER 300 , xx

9 998


#9523A, V#077456

SWAINMOTORS.com SAVINGS AT THE TOP OF THE HILL 1-800-743-9559 • (541)-567-CARS (2277) 80406 Hwy 395 N, Hermiston

*All Vehicles Subject to Prior Sale. Tax, License, Admin


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 11










#13673A, V#4S4BRDKC8B2317606



Crew Cab LTZ


22 343


Low Miles


18 498


2011 FORD F150 SUPER CREW FX $ ,


#13907A, V#1GNSKBE07DR248973

#13842A, V#JF2GPAGC6E8346175

Low Miles

#7125, V#4S3GKAB60H3617294


25 998

#7141, V#1FTFW1ET5BFD16306



#13898A, V#JF25JADC5FH826922



16 789

#7132, V#3NAB7AP176654781

20 679

#7123, V#4S3BNAC68H0365172

16 235

#7131, V#5NPE24AF4HH491696

#7136, V#5TDDK3DC5GS128677

2013 CHEVY 1500 4X4 $ ,


#7114, V#3GCPKTE78DG115947

#12961A, V#4S3BMBG68C3002665

#13913A, V#1HGCR2E55EA103405

2017 CHEVY 1500 4X4 $ ,


2002 FORD F150 $ ,

26 343

40 189

#7089, V#1GCUKREC2HF120202


15 668 $22,068

#7105, V#2B3LA73WX7H651971


#7130, V#2C4RDGEGXHR710048


29 946

Limited, $ , Low Miles #13883A, V#4S4BSAKC9H3296299


25 998


Low Miles!


6 991

#7127, V#4S4BSACC5H3418865

#7115, V#1FTRW07C42KA89049





28 914

Limited, Loaded $ , Low Miles, #13895A, V#4S4BSANC8G3211673


10 125

#13882A, V#3FADP4EJ49118473


EyeSight, Low Miles #13691A, V#JF2GPADC6H826389

20 873

#13890B, V#2G1FD1E35F9237680

HARLEYSWAINSUBARU.com SAVINGS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL Fee Extra -Offer Ends 06/20/18 *On Approved Credit

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1-800-307-9696 • (541)-567-9696 1915 N First St. (Hwy 395 N), Hermiston

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 12

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide 2/2 SIN­ GLE WIDE homes with add ons, large fenced yard with pri­va­cy fence, stor­ age bldg., new wood­ en floors and kitch­en. Some new wind­ ows, 2 year old fur­nace and a wood­stove. Quiet lo­ ca­ tion in park set­ ting, 1500 NE 10th St., #23, space rent $315/mo. in­ cludes W/S/G, seri­ous in­qui­ries only, $27,500 ne­go­ti­able, 541-7010195, Hermiston. 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, 1200 sq. ft., home on 1+ acre, 18x24 de­ tached ga­ rage, East The­a­ter Lane, Ap­point­ ment only, $149,500; 541-667-9600, Her­ mis­ton.

For Sale by Owner: 3 bedroom, 1 bath home in Hermiston. 1132 sq ft on .42 acre lot, with a 224’ storage shed and a well for irrigation. Near schools and parks. $150,000; Call 509-832-1685

FOR SALE: home build­ ing site with a great view, very pri­ vate, 17,897 sq. ft., all util­i­ties avail­able, $30,000 or pos­si­ble trade; 541-276-2516, Pen­dle­ton.

3 BED­ ROOM, 2 bath house for sale in Her­ mis­ ton: priced to sell; call Al 541-561-5515. FOR SALE by Own­ er: 3 bed­room, 1 bath home in Her­mis­ton, 1,132 sq ft on .42 acre lot, with a 224’ stor­age shed and a well for ir­ ri­ga­tion. Near schools and parks, $150,000; call 509-832-1685, Her­mis­ton.

1-2 Bedroom Apartments Now accepting applications for affordable housing. Rent based on income. On-site laundry, washer/dryer hookups in units, located near grocery store, pleasant, shaded environment. Washington Park Apartments 923 Cowl St. Milton-Freewater Oregon 97862 PH: 541-215-0260

3 bedroom, 2 bath home: 1800 sq. ft., 1 1/2 story stucco home, on north hill, kitchen and bath recently updated, amenities include, fireplace, 2 decks, fenced yard, asking $189,900; 541-3777423, Pendleton.

HER­MIS­TON IR­RI­ GA­TION Dis­trict wa­ ter rights: $3,000 per acre, 360-921-9928, Her­mis­ton. PARK LIKE Set­ ting on 2 acr­ es: Old­ er 4 bed­ room, 2 bath mo­ bile home with wa­ ter rights, well, 40x30 shop with RV hookup, $140,000, own­ er will not car­ry con­tract; 541-561-2937, Her­ mis­ton.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your mortgage ? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? call Homeowner’s Relief Line now for Help! 855-794-7358

FOR SALE: new 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, 1493 sq. ft., ap­ plianc­es, En­er­gy Star heat pump, Ald­er wood cab­i­nets, car­ port, shed, in­ cludes city lot, CCB 49542; $134,900; 541-5678024.

THREE BED­ROOM 2 bath, 1288 square foot dou­ ble wide mo­ bile home: in Mil­ ton Free­wa­ter, elec­tric heat, cen­ tral air, stor­ age shed, car­port and nice porch. Located in Vil­la­dom Sen­ior Park, must be 55 years old. $15,000 or best off­er, will be avail­ able May 28th; please call 509952-5610.

FOR SALE by Own­ er: 3 bed­room, 1 bath home in Her­mis­ton, 1,132 sq ft on .42 acre lot, with a 224’ stor­ age shed and a well for ir­ri­ga­tion. Near schools and parks, $150,000; call 509-832-1685, Her­ mis­ton.

2018 MARLETTE manufactured home for sale: 3 bed 2 bath, 1496 sq.ft., carport and concrete, double lot, asphault parking, $170,000; 541-5615310. TOLLGATE, OR CABIN $49,900. Year- round getaway, on leased lot, newly renovated, new carpet, upgraded windows, propane fireplace, open concept, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 55+ community. Open house 5/27/18, 1pm-3pm. Listing on www.zillow.com, see at 60502 Chalet Lane, Weston, OR.

BUY HOUSES I buy houses, rentals, mul­ ti-plex, RV and mo­ bile home parks for cash, in any con­ di­tion, in Or­e­gon & Washing­ ton. I can close quick­ly de­pend­ ing on your needs, I can struc­ ture any deal to make it a winwin for both of us. Prov­en in­ves­tor, not an 800 number and leave a mes­sage; call to­day, 541-304-2500. 2/2 SIN­ GLE WIDE homes with add ons, large fenced yard with pri­va­cy fence, stor­ age bldg., new wood­ en floors and kitch­en. Some new wind­ ows, 2 year old fur­nace and a wood­ stove. Quiet lo­ ca­ tion in park set­ ting, 1500 NE 10th St., #23, space rent $315/ mo. in­ cludes W/S/G, seri­ous in­qui­ries only, $27,500 ne­go­ti­ able, 541-701-0195, Hermiston.

2 bed­ room 1 bath: new­ er with city view, dish wash­er, A/C, wash­er dry­er, $775/ month, 1st and last, de­pos­it, no pets, avail­ able June 15th; 503931-2088, Her­mis­ton. STORAGE J&K War­e­hous­ing vari­ ous siz­ es of storage units avail­able, in busi­ ness over 30 years, on-site security; 541567-3667, Her­mis­ton. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yakima, W a s h i n g t o n . Downtown, furnished studios, rent $425$625. Allutilities included, refrigerator, microwave, bus line, secure, mini storage available. (509) 2482146. B E A U­T I­F U L  U P S ­ CALE Town­house for rent in Board­man with ga­ rage and big back­ yard, 3 bedroom, 21/2 baths, $1,300 per month plus deposit, includes W/S/G and lawn care. Three times monthly rent income verification required; 541-561-1783. FOR RENT: 3 bed­ room, 2 bath­ room house with ga­ rage in Her­mis­ton, no pets, no smok­ ing, $1,150/ month; 540-720-0292 or 541-720-0473 even­ ings only. FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $330 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

LARGE SHOP for rent in Her­mis­ton: 40x70, 2800 sq ft., plus 800 sq. ft. stor­ age area, large of­fic­es, gas heat, on one acre, 795 Hen­ sel Rd., off Geer Rd, Her­mis­ton; 360-3354831. B E A U­T I­F U L  U P S ­ CALE Town­house for rent in Board­man with ga­ rage and big back­ yard, 3 bedroom, 21/2 baths, $1,300 per month plus deposit, includes W/S/G and lawn care. Three times monthly rent income verification required; 541-561-1783. MINI STORAGE for rent: 10x12, $40/ month, and 8x20 stor­ age, $65/ month, gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541-567-6065, Her­ mis­ton. ROOM 4 rent: wifi, ca­ ble, elec­tric/gar­bage in­clud­ed, $400 per month, $100 clean­ ing de­pos­it, $35 back­ ground check; 541371-7896, Her­mis­ton. RV SPACES Space rent in­ cludes elec­tric­i­ty, TV, Wi­Fi, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, sew­er, wa­ter, gar­bage. Laun­dro­mat on-site. One block from mini-mart, res­tau­rant and lounge. 2 minutes from the boat launch, clean and quiet, $375/ month base, Oa­sis RV Park; 509-667-5087. WANT TO live off grid: work for rent/utilities; call 541-983-2603. SMALL OF­ FICE for rent: high traf­fic, easy ac­cess, Pen­dleton lo­ ca­ tion, $275/ month; 541-477-3113. STORAGE J&K War­e­hous­ing vari­ ous siz­ es of storage units avail­able, in busi­ ness over 30 years, on-site security; 541567-3667, Her­mis­ton. AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yakima, Washington. Downtown, furnished studios, rent $425$625. Allutilities included, refrigerator, microwave, bus line, secure, mini storage available. (509) 2482146.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

MOVING SALE: Min­ ing high-bank­ er w/ pump $250, 4’ hand sluice $40, Three 4’ sluic­ es $40, 15x21 wall tent with wood and pro­ pane stove $1,500; 541-571-4506 or 541-567-9245; 235 NW 9th St. Her­mis­ton,

For Sale: To­ tal gym, good shape $200, stair step­per $50; 541-7200524, Her­mis­ton. FRESH BAKED CIN­NA­MON ROLLS Fun­drais­er forHer­ mis­ton’s Eclipse 10U Trav­ el team is earn­ ing mo­ nies for their 2017 sea­son. $10 per do­ zen, or­ ders due by June 7th, and de­ liv­ ery will be June 21st. Call for or­ders: Man­di Per­ry; 541-561-6643, Jer­ry Wood­ward; 541571-8557, Raeann Haa­gen­son; 541-7209328. The Eclipse Team play­ ers and coach­es Thank You for your sup­port. SAV­AGE Mod­el 110: 7mm Remington Mag, Ni­kon scope com­bo, sight­ ed in once, very ac­cu­rate,paid $900 ask­ing $550; 541-3798924, Stan­field.

BK HOME IN­SPEC­TIONS 30 years ex­peri­ence as Or­e­gon con­trac­tor. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­ sured, CCB# 212820; for sched­ul­ing please call or text Bruce @ 541-314-6228 or bkho­ meins­p ec­t ions@out­ look.com BRUSH MOW­ING Field mowing and brush cut­ ting, call for es­ti­mates, Her­mis­ton area, 360-606-8992. D’HAND­Y­MAN PAINT­ ING & Re­mo­del­ing: wide range of re­ pairs and main­tenance, pres­sure wash­ing. Any pro­ ject big or small, FREE es­ti­mates, call Dan­iel 541-561-9272. HAVE TRAC­TOR! WILL TRAV­EL! Disk­ing, ro­to­till­ing, seed­ing, also front end load­ er, brush/ weed mow­ing; 541-9100526, lo­cat­ed in Ir­ri­ gon.

BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. BABY CALVES FOR SALE! Limousin/ Jersey/ Holstein/ Angus. Also straight Holstein. 5 days to 5 weeks. 509-405-0236. Older calves & straight beef available. Delivery possible. MOUN­TAIN PAS­ TURE for 35 pair: south slope ready to turn out now, NO Fri­day or Sat­ur­day night calls please; 509-301-2177, Wal­la Wal­la. PASTURE CALVES For sale, call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541256-0907. PUREBRED BLACK Angus bulls, 18 months old, low birth weight, delivery available; for more in­for­ma­tion call Joe Chap­pell 509-3014402, Mil­ ton-free wa­ ter.

1976 APOL­LO 22’ Cut­ ty Cab boat and trail­er: re­built en­gine, all new parts and out drive. New elec­ tric tilt mo­ tor and can­ vas top. 7” col­ ored depth find­er. Ape­Lco Lor­an C nav­i­ga­tor. $6,000 cash or cash­ iers check; 541-922-2616, Uma­til­la. 2012 ULTRA LIMITED Black with Screamin Eagle intake filter and exhaust pipes, other addons. Low mileage, $14,800. 509-5310029. TriCities 20’ SILVERLINE on Calkins trailer, 1979, runs like new & is in very good shape for age. New battery, pole holders, life vest, etc. $2700. 509-947-8737. TriCities. EIDE BOAT LOAD­ER: Eide au­tomat­ic boat load­ er mod­ el 204/205, like new, new mount­ ing hard­ ware, many pic­ tures on Craigs list ID# 6552153949, $850; 541-523-9235, Bak­er City. 1989 SEAYR­ AY 18ft ski/fish boat: $3,600; text only 541-3777400, Pen­dle­ton. 2001 RINK­ER Fies­ta Vee 242 Cruis­er fish­ ing boat: 350 GM Merc drive, sleeps 4, bath & kitch­en, clean, runs good, $14500; 541938-6563 days, 541938-6957 eves., ask for Tim, Mil­ ton Free­ wa­ter.

FOR SALE: Sig­na­ture re­clin­ing chair $75, and Sig­na­ture love­ seat $350, Wil­ kins Mis­ sion style frames, both in great shape: 509-520-1182, Col­lege Place, WA.


MATCH­ING BROWN Re­clin­ers: in great shape, $300 or $175 each, 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton.


P.O. Box 89 398 E. Ridgeway, Hermiston 541-567-4663 • 541-564-2011

MOV­ ING SALE: 48” blonde wood 50’s dress­er/mir­ror $100, 3 piece Lane sec­ tion­al w/end re­clin­ ers ex­cel­lent con­ di­ tion $550, metal bunkbed/daybed with good mat­ tress­ es used lit­ tle $400, Vi­bra­body Slim­mer $1,200, 235 NW 9th St., Her­mis­ton, 541571-4506 or 541567-9245.


RE­MO­DEL & FARM items for sale: wheel lines, gates, in­teri­or doors & trim, light­ ing fix­tures, toi­let, shelv­ing and mir­ rors; 360-7493606, Her­mis­ton.


call us before your next barn -545-017 9 0 or shop purchase w


FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133.

BA­SIC YARD work and hand­y­man serv­ic­es by the hour, or job, low rates and dis­ counts for Sen­ior Cit­i­zens and Disa­bled; 458-2191882, Her­mis­ton area 20 mile ra­dius.

ATTENTION SHEEP & goat producers: Chuck Walker Livestock will be buying sheep & goats 2 Saturdays/ month. June 9, June 23. Paying market value for all classes. No commission, no shrink, no tag fees. Horses & cattle also welcome. Licensed & bonded for your protection. 8am-1pm. 370 Palen Road, Zillah WA. Call for details & pricing. 509379- 0397.

17’ PAR­TY barge pon­ toon boat with trail­ er and tarps, per­ fect fish­ing boat, $5495; 509-520-8530, Dix­ ie, Washing­ton,


DO YOU want to re­vi­ tal­ize your da­i­ly per­ for­mance? If you’re like most peo­ ple, you’re look­ing for an en­ er­ gy boost to take on your da­ i­ ly tasks, im­prove over­all per­ for­ mance, and say good­bye to con­stant fa­tigue. Most en­er­gy pro­ducts only pro­vide short-lived en­er­gy with ac­com­pa­ny­ing jit­ ters and harsh crash­ es. Mi­cro­Life En­er­gy, how­ev­er, con­tains prov­en in­gre­di­ents that pro­vide nat­u­ral, sus­tained en­er­gy to help you con­qu­er your day, eve­ ry day! Feel free to reach out and con­tact us per­sonal­ly or vis­it our web­site for in­for­ma­tion and plac­ ing or­ ders; 541-3035045, jvir­gil.va­sayo. com <http://jvir­gil.va­ sayo.com>, Her­mis­ ton.

AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE -Now Hiring Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­ sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon.

400 POUND Hol­ stein grass calves; 510-2994041, Stan­field.

“we will beat any written quote!”


metal roofing


GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ters now book­ ing spring Chinook, Steelhead & spring Wal­leye. 8 hour trips, ful­ly li­censed and in­ sured; call 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty.

HOME RE­MO­DEL­ ING by An­toi­nette Bru­ ton: kitch­en and baths, painting, CCB#190775; call for a con­sul­ta­tion 541-969-3000.


CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Or­ e­gon Trail Trad­er, 2312 Adams Ave.., La­Grande, 541-9632913. or­e­gon­trail­trad­ er@gmail.com

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 13


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PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



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The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 14

W H I R L P O O L WASHER: Kenmore dryer, $400 for set; 541-429-1778. Pendleton. THE NICKEL WORKS! YOU SE­ LECT your com­fort: on a nice king size bed, dual com­ fort con­trols, 6 draw­er base, ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, $249; 541-5710602, Her­mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stove, dish­wash­ers, hot wa­ ter tanks; Call 541-314-5077, Her­ mis­ton THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want! GIVE­A­WAY ABAN­ DONED 1985 Com­fort 5th wheel, trail­er: you tow; 541-449-3744, Stan­field.

Hermiston ProPerty management

541-567-0990 2372 N. 1st St., #A, Hermiston

Habla Español


WEATHER­BY 300 Mag­num Mark V: with las­ er etched stock, less than one box of shells fired through it, beau­ti­ful gun, $1,500/ or pos­ si­ ble trade for Ul­tra Lite or Hang Glid­ er; etc; 541-231-8630, Uma­til­la. WIND­HAM ARMS Nato AR-15: .223 Three 30 round clips, ammo and case $1000 OBO, Weather­ by 300 Mag Ri­fle with scope and sling $500, Mar­ lin 22 Long Ri­fle with scope $165, 54 Cal­ i­ ber Black Pow­ der Ri­ fle $200, Mar­lin 30-30 Ri­fle lev­er ac­tion $300, 12 Guage Pump Shot Gun $250, all guns must need reg­is­tered; 509-430-7010, Her­ mis­ton. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039.

FOR all yOuR StORage NeedS


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Office located at 705 S. 1st Street • Open Mon-Fri 9-5 1835 N. 1st Place • Hermiston, OR

TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­ es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907. 15 LARGE framed black Angus cow/ calf pairs, will sell 2 or more, delivery available; for more in­for­ma­tion call Joe Chap­pell 509-3014402, Mil­ ton-free wa­ ter. WAGYU 1 BRED Cow: second calve cow, high percentage Wagyu, due this month $3200; High percentage Wagyu bull, 17 month old, ready to work, $2400, offered by Lone Pine Ranch; 541-962-6057. Baker City. CORN FOR your livestock: Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of .13cents/ lb. 509-5391333. TriCities. 400 POUND Hol­ stein grass calves; 510-2994041, Stan­field. ATTENTION SHEEP & goat producers: Chuck Walker Livestock will be buying sheep & goats 2 Saturdays/ month. June 9, June 23. Paying market value for all classes. No commission, no shrink, no tag fees. Horses & cattle also welcome. Licensed & bonded for your protection. 8am1pm. 370 Palen Road, Zillah WA. Call for details & pricing. 509379- 0397.

HOUSE CLEAN­ING services: call Ver­o­ni­ca, ref­er­enc­es avail­able; 541-561-5578, Her­ mis­ton area. FINALLY GOT him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold be­ fore he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-5672230.

Guided fish­ing trip on the Col­um­bia Riv­er: Walleye, Sal­mon, Stur­ geon, and Steelhead; call Be­ low The Boat Guides; 541-7017536. HON­ DA PS75S: 4 stroke out­ board, blue & white, runs good, starts easy, with gas can, $450; 541-9693676, Pen­dle­ton.

LOOK­ ING FOR help with your spring time pro­jects? call Al­fre­ do at 541-571-6071 & let’s talk.

JET PUMP BOAT 1995. Regal XP Rush jet pump boat. Ready to go! Call/ text 509790-8333. Toppenish.

WILL­ING TO WORK Land­scaping, fence re­pair, clear­ing, and much, much more; call Chuck 541-720-6559.

ARE YOUR dol­lars get­ ting squeezed a lit­tle TOO tight? Check the Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains!

LEARN HOW to mod­i­ fy un­want­ed be­havior! One on one coach­ing or group ses­sions, par­ ent­ing coach avail­able. Only pay when be­ havior chang­ es; 541571-5582.

MIN­KO­TA TER­O­VA I Pi­lot: 60” shaft, $700; 541-567-1983 or 541571-1463, Her­mis­ton.

HOME RE­MO­DEL­ ING by An­toi­nette Bru­ ton: kitch­en and baths, painting, CCB#190775; call for a con­sul­ta­tion 541-969-3000. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE -Now Hiring Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­ sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon. BA­SIC YARD work and hand­y­man serv­ic­es by the hour, or job, low rates and dis­ counts for Sen­ior Cit­i­zens and Disa­bled; 458-2191882, Her­mis­ton area 20 mile ra­dius.

NICE SKI Boat: 22’, V-8, in­ board, out­ board, two axle trail­er, $4,000; 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton. PRICE REDUCED Apparently I was asking too much for my Harley 2012 Ultra Limited, 21,600 miles, Screamin Eagle intake and exhaust. $11,900. 509-531-0029. TriCities. 1977 21’ Bayliner, I/O, 305 Chevy, cuddy, sink, stove, ice box. All original, excellent condition, has 8 hp Yamaha 4 stroke, electric start, power trans, new top and side curtains. Trailer has double axle. $10,000 obo. 1989 Hewescraft, 16’ closed bow, 115 hp Mercury outboard jet, new top and side curtains, $8000 obo. 541-571-6814



705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

PreferredProperty inc.


COMMERCIAL / SHOP STORAGE UNITS $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage 12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND PICTURES


PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981


AKC LABRADOR puppies. All colors. $900.www. northwestlabradors. com 509-386-6644. MltFrwtr. AKC LABRADOR RETRIEVERS Beautiful Yellow Labrador Retriever puppies! Ready June 16th. Full release, 1st shots, dewormer, & dewclaws removed. Both parents are great hunters & family dogs. $850, which includes a $200 non-refundable deposit to hold. 509521-3505. Connell. LOOKING FOR male Siamese cat to breed our female cat. 509727-0192. TriCities. GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS AKC registered, champion bloodlines. The ultimate family & hunting dogs. Parents fantastic hunters. Beautiful, smart, ready to go! $500. 509-9674778 or 509-554- 1479. AKC GOLDEN Retrievers. 5 males left. $1500. Father’s sire is a world champion. Benton City, WA. 909-2627968. AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies. Current vaccinations, tails docked. Female, $1400, male $1200. Call/text, 509-5911363. TriCities. HUSKY PUPS FOR SALE Eight beautiful Husky pups, ready to go. First shots given. Exc health. For more info, call 509-831-6544 or check online, www. giantnickel .com ASCA AUSSIES, full size, ranch raised, bred to work livestock. Available June 8th. WW Australian Shepherds. $750. 509751-7361. Pomeroy. BORDER COLLIE PUPS ABCA registered parents, field trial championship bloodlines. 3 males, 2 females, black/ white & tricolor. 1st vaccine & dewormer. Ready June 12. $500. 509-945-3399. dabl74@hotmail .com Yakima. AKC REGISTERED Lab pups, incredible waterfowl & family dogs. See at at waterwalkerlabs.com, $1500. Call Mark, 509901-7821. God bless. PUREBRED DOBERMAN PUPPIES Born 4/19. Tails docked, dewclaws, first shots, 2 black males, 1 black female, $600. Call or text, 509781-2395. Prosser.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

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The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 15

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Local Trade, Automatic, Power Window, Power Lock, Gas Saver



Local Trade, Leather, Automatic, Cruise, Rear Air Controls, Sunroof



2014 nissan sentra Auto, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Bluetooth, USB, Gas Saver









Local Trade, Navigation, Backup Cam, Leather, Premium Wheels, Sunroof, All Wheel Drive










Leather, Navigation, BackUp Cam, 3RD Row, Auto, All Wheel Drive, Prem. Wheels, Loaded Up!



2008 Chevrolet equinox Auto, Cruise, A/C, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, All Wheel Drive




2012 Ford escape XLt

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2011 bmW 328i


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2012 honda CRV eX Sunroof, Bluetooth, Keyless Entry, Automatic, Cruise






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2011 honda accord eXL Leather, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Premium Wheels, Loaded




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2012 Chrysler 200 Tinted Windows, Automatic, Keyless Entry, Cruise

Auto, Cruise, Folding Seats with a Touch of a Button


Local Trade, Automatic, Cruise, Tinted Windows, Premium Sound System P10028



Automatic, Bluetooth, Keyless Entry, Sync, Alloy Wheels


2012 Kia soul + Local Trade, Automatic, Cruise, Bluetooth, USB, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry

Auto, Cruise, A/C, Power Window, Power Door Lock, Keyless Entry

Leather, 3rd Row Seating, Rear Air Controls, Remote Start, Loaded Up P9953



2015 Volkswagen Jetta

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2007 nissan maxima

2008 Chevy Impala Lt2

Leather, Sunroof, Tinted Windows, Rear Spoiler, Premium Sound P9957



Local Trade, Remote Start, Rear Spoiler, Automatic, Cruise

Auto, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Alloy Wheels, Great Value




Local Trade, Automatic, Cruise, Leather, Sunroof

Leather Seats, Backup Cam, Remote Start, Bluetooth, Premium Wheels P10059A


2011 mazda cX9 Grand touring

2013 GmC terrain

Backup Cam, Automatic, Cruise, Bluetooth, Keyless Entry, All Wheel Drive P10007


2013 toyota Camry se

2011 Cadillac aWd Cts premium



Premium Wheels, Tinted Windows, Auto, Sport Package

2017 Chevy sonic premier Leather, Premium Wheels, Auto, Bluetooth, Back-up Cam



Leather, 3RD Row Seating, Remote Start, Rear Air Controls


2012 mazda touring

2012 toyota Camry Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Power Windows, Power Door Locks



Sunroof, Tinted Windows, Bluetooth, Automatic, Cruise


Tinted Windows, Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Bluetooth

2007 Volkswagen eos

2011 Kia sorento



Hard Top Convertible! Leather, Local Trade, Power Seat, Premium Sound System

Backup Cam, Automatic, Cruise, Air Conditioning, Power Windows, Power Door Locks



2009 Gmc acadia sLt





2012 hyundai sonata



columbia center blVD.



On approved credit. Not everyone will qualify. * All financing on approved credit. All vehicles subject to prior sale. One vehicle unless otherwise noted. All vehicles plus tax, license, title. A negotiable documentary service fee of up to $150 may be added to each sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Colors may appear different from actual in printed photos, please see autos in person. VINs posted at dealer. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details. Expires 06-13-18.

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 16

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


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Thomas James Wood




advertising Covering Hermiston, Pendleton, Umatilla, Boardman, Echo, Walla Walla and Surrounding Areas

Sebrina Hall owner

Le Bella Cupcakes Cupcakes

Want Ad Newspaper

Ashley Ochoa

Hermiston/Pendleton/Walla Walla

1055 N. 1 Street Hermiston, OR 97838

(541) 567-2230 fax (541) 564-8403

e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

Business Directory Drawing!


Fax: 541/ 567-4400



Cell 541-561-4789

CCB #73234

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RAWLEY STANLEY 79516 Prindle Loop Rd. Hermiston, Or 97838

P.O. Box 1154 Hermiston, OR 97838

2035 NW Geer Rd. Hermiston OR 97838 Owners Jay & DebbieTracy debjaytracy@charter.net

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. 1977 COM­ BO STOCK trail­ er: clean, new tires, new wir­ing, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, $2,800 OBO; 541571-7420, Her­mis­ton. FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details.

FORD NAA tractor with loader and 4 implements $3750 or best offer; 509-5208530, Washington. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. 5.5 TON Grass Hay for sale: $165 per ton, 2 string bales; 541-5617281. FREE DIRT and rock want­ed: call Jim; 541809-8295, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. FREE FREE FREE Hay bales for gar­ den mulch or bed­ding. Not for an­im ­ al feed­ing or used for arch­ery shoot­ ing; con­tact Troy 541567-7534, 8am-5pm, or Sat­ur­day 8am-1pm. FRESH EGGS: $2.50 per dozen; call 541571-7420. HAY FOR Sale: 1st cut­ ting al­fal­fa orchard grass mix, no rain, $8.00/bale, 10 bale min­i­mum; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ton.

AKC MINI SCHNAUZERS Male & female, salt/ pepper, AKC limited registration, non shedding, mega coated, up to date deworming/ shots. Ready for new families on June 1st. $1200. 509-539-4241. Burbank,WA. BOS­TON TER­RI­ER Pups AKC: 1 male, 1 fe­male, beau­ti­ful­ly marked, vet checked, wormed and first shots, ex­cel­lent blood lines, 6 weeks old on June 3rd, $1,000 each; Pen­dle­ton 503440-2082. AKC GOLDEN/ English, white Retriever puppy. First shots, dewormed. Family puppy only. 509-760-6525 or 509855-3874. MosesLake. BEAUTIFUL ROTTWEILER Beautiful AKC Rottweiler puppy, 1 female left, 12 weeks old, first 3 shots, up to date dewormings, microchipped, dew claws removed, tail docked. 509-396- 1097. AKC Labrador puppies, ready now. 1 male, light yellow. 2 yellow females, 1 light yellow female. $800 limited registry. $1200 full registry. 509949-0211 after 3pm weekdays, & anytime weekends

L A W N­M O W­E R , ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­ cle en­gine re­pair: rea­ son­able rates, all work guar­ anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ton; 541571-3845.

GOLDEN YORKIE PUPPIES For sale: Golden Yorkie puppies. Tails docked, dew claws removed. They have passed their 6 wk vet check, & are ready for their forever homes. $800. 509-948-8729. Hermiston.

HZ DRILLS FOR SALE JD 16” HZ drills with Stoess hitch. $7500. 541379-4020, Paul. Echo,OR.

ROTTWEILER puppies: 2 females, available, asking $550! Call/ text, 541-7017533. Irrigon.

HAY: ORCHARD grass/ al­fal­fa mix, barn stored, load­er on site, $10 per bale, 32985 W. Walls Rd., Her­mis­ ton; 541-567-1132 or 541-314-2925.

CKC PURE Yorkshire Terrier pups, registered, males, $900 firm. Shots current, tails docked, dewclawed. 509-5947283. Yakima.

THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­chant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541567-2230, 541-2767039. M&M STOR­AGE UNIT DE­FAULT SALE: Cher­ yl Wun­ der - Unit #9, lo­ cat­ ed at M&M Stor­age Units at 30437 Union Street, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. 97838 on June 9, 2018 at 10:00 am at the stor­ age units; 541-567-2122, Her­mis­ton. NEW AU­THORS want­ ed! Page Pub­lish­ing will help you self-pub­ lish your own book. Free au­thor sub­mis­ sion kit! Lim­it­ed off­er! Why wait? Call now, 866-951-7214. THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale. OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Used, new and offices. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. “We sell, rent, buy and move containers.” Insta Stor, Inc. 509-7651376. PENDLETONOREGON. COM PendleonOregon. com a hub of information about Cannabis Legalitation in Pendleton. The purpose of the site is to provide information about marijuana rules and the cannabis industry. TWO WHIS­ KEY Fest tick­ets: July 14th, $129 each, text only; 541377-7400, Pen­dle­ton. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. FOR SALE: Su­ per Splash pool, 13x21, in ex­cel­lent con­ di­ tion, comes with eve­ry­thing in­clud­ing pool accessories, $500 OBO, You haul; Call Tam­my 541-701-8472, Her­ mis­ton.

DIVORCE $135 • NO COURT! Be Divorced in 1-5 Weeks

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’85 GMC 3/4 ton, 4x4 with 6.2L diesel. Daily driver, runs good & in good shape. Good tires with aluminum rims. Aluminum headache rack. All original, no lift, no damage. Dual fuel tanks with aux tank. Tool box in the bed. Good looking, reliable truck. Asking $4000. In much better shape than most. 509-783-3332. Prosser 1962 CHEV C10 factory short box fleetside pickup. New carpet, new seat upholstery, new door & window rubber, chrome tilt wheel, new steering components, new tires, 283 cu.in Chev motor, 350 turbo trans with shift kit, 12 bolt Chev rear end, new wiring harness, body is very straight. Clear Washington title, $10,500 obo. 509-9453442. Yakima.


FEED CORN, 2000 pound tote, whole $180, ground $220, de­liv­ery avail­able; prev­ i­ous buy­ers...please bring bags back. 541561-7437, Her­mis­ton.

AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies. Current vaccinations, tails docked. Female, $1400, male $1200. Call/ text, 509-8201034. TriCities.

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 17

1997 FORD F250 4x4 Ext cab, lots of new parts, good solid dependable truck, auto trans, 273,322 mi, $6750 obo. Call or text Bill, 509-539-4961. TriCities.

1931 MODEL A Coupe. Restored, new paint, stored in garage 20 years. Runs great. $12,500. davidray burns1220@gmail. com, Pendleton. 1959 FORD F100 PU Cus­ tom: needs re­ stored, rare V-8, auto, $7900 OBO, 541-9386563 days, 541-9386957 eves., ask for Tim, Mil­ton Free­wa­ter.

CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Or­ e­gon Trail Trad­er, 2312 Adams Ave.., La­Grande, 541-9632913. or­e­gon­trail­trad­ er@gmail.com GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ters now book­ ing spring Chinook, Steelhead & spring Wal­leye. 8 hour trips, ful­ly li­censed and in­sured; call 541571-3933 for avail­abil­ i­ty.

1946 CUS­TOM pick­up: turn key, 350 Chev­ro­let mo­tor, tur­bo 350 trans­ mis­sion, tun­nel ram duel Edelbrock 4 bar­rel, new glass seals, black prim­er, wood flat bed and side rails, $7,000 or best off­er, 541-5615826, Her­mis­ton. 1996 GRAND Cherokee, 1990 Cherokee, 1982 Wagoneer, 1972 Winnebago, need full size camper; 541-9832603.

1998 KOMFORT 30’ 5th wheel, trailer, ac, 2 slides, queen walk around bed with 3” foam mattress pad, sleeps 4, 2 tvs, refrig with separate freezer. Ready to go make those memories. Never smoked in & no pets. 509- 282-0224. 2001 JAY­CO 24’ 5th wheel: slide out, air, self con­ tained, hitch avail­able, $4,900; 541969-2339, Her­mis­ton.

Drive A Little • SAVE A LOT! RV SALES & SERVICE, INC. 53816 W. Crocket Rd. Milton-Freewater, OR

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80406 Hwy 395 N., Hermiston Top of the Hill

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 18

MOVING SALE: Min­ ing high-bank­ er w/ pump $250, 4’ hand sluice $40, Three 4’ sluic­ es $40, 15x21 wall tent with wood and pro­ pane stove $1,500; 541-571-4506 or 541-567-9245; 235 NW 9th St. Her­mis­ton, WIND­HAM ARMS Nato AR-15: .223 Three 30 round clips, ammo and case $1000 OBO, Weather­ by 300 Mag Ri­fle with scope and sling $500, Mar­ lin 22 Long Ri­fle with scope $165, 54 Cal­ i­ ber Black Pow­ der Ri­ fle $200, Mar­lin 30-30 Ri­fle lev­er ac­tion $300, 12 Guage Pump Shot Gun $250, all guns must need reg­is­tered; 509-430-7010, Her­ mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

2008 HON­ DA Ci­ vic four door, leath­ er, sun roof, 5 speed, 130k miles, 35MPG, straight, clean and runs great, sal­vage ti­ tle, $4,200/off­ er, call or text; 541-561-5321, Echo. 1960 CORVETTE, not number matching. 509-945-3800. Harrah. 2003 DODGE Car­ a­ van Sport: seats 7 pas­seng­ers, pow­er slid­ ing side door, tow pack­age, new al­ter­na­ tor, bat­tery, eve­ry­thing works, drives good, $2,800; 541-571-1722, Her­mis­ton.

BUYING VINTAGE & high quality stereo equipment: Receivers, amplifiers, turntables, speakers,etc. www. epic-audio.net Phone 509-579-0055 DES­PERATE­ly NEED: someone to mow back yard twice a month in Pen­dle­ton; 541-2764848. GO GREEN! Get rid of those un­want­ed items, sell them in The Nick­el in­stead of throw­ing them out! Call us to­day and place that ad! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

MAKE MON­E Y! Sell that item in the Nick­el!

2003 PON­TI­AC Grand Prix: White, 4 door se­ dan, 3.1V6, clean in­ side and out, Runs and drives great! new bat­ tery, needs al­ter­na­tor, $1,800; call Da­vid 541429-0998, Stan­field.

& Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

www.dryboxusa.com 503-420-3940

LOOKING FOR male Siamese cat to breed our female cat. 509727-0192. TriCities. WANTED: ’05 or newer Ford wrecked with 6L turbo diesel engine. 509-783-0330. TriCities.


503-420-3940 www.DryBoxUsa.com


1972 FORD F100 pu Sport­Cus­tom: shows 78,240 miles, 390 V-8, origi­nal paint and in­teri­or, sharp truck! $9900; 541-938-6563 days, 541-938-6957 eves., ask for Tim, Mil­ ton-Free­wa­ter. 1988 CHE­ VY 4x4: $1,000, Farm­hand Wheel Rake, $500, 10’ New Hol­land Swath­er, $1200: 541-561-1445, Her­mis­ton. 1991 TOYO­TA Land Cruis­er: Origi­nal clean body in­ teri­ or, no rust, 220K, au­tomat­ic, a/c, $4,500; 818-800-1700, Stan­field. 1992 FORD XLT, runs very good, with 20ft gooseneck, 12 strap winches, $5,000. will consider trade for small pickup. 4-SPD Browning transmission, in good condition, $800.  1946 Wills Jeep, CJ2, with PTO winch, $2,200. or $1,800. without winch, possible trade?  Call 541-620-0548. 2000 Chev­ro­let 1500 Z71: Sil­ver­a­do, 4WD, match­ing ca­no­py, $5,995; 541-720-1922, Her­mis­ton. ONE OWNER 2000 Ford Ranger ext cab, 4x4, 94k mi, at, ac, $7990. 509948-0336. Dlr.

20’ SILVERLINE on Calkins trailer, 1979, runs like new & is in very good shape for age. New battery, pole holders, life vest, etc. $2700. 509-947-8737. TriCities. 5TH WHEEL RV 2013 Open Range 318 RLS Light, 33’, 3 slides, ac/ heater, microwave, stove, oven, big refrig, washer/ dryer hookup, big wr closet with drawers, lots of storage, rear trailer/ cargo box hitch, tinted windows, power awning, big outside pass thru storage space, 5th wheel hitch, new tires. Like new condition, can pull behind a short box &/ or 1/2 ton pickup. All ready to go camping or live in, everything works. Why buy new at over $42,000 when you can buy this one for $29,500 obo? Text only 541-786-0601. See in Kennewick DE­LUXE TOW dol­ ly: break­a­way tongue for stor­ age, like new, cost $4000 new, sell $1000; 541-922-2616, Ir­ri­gon. OVER 60 inexpensive used RVs in stock. www.AS-ISRV.com or call Bill’s cell 208-6609811.

KU­BO­TA B6000 trac­ tor & ro­to­till­er:, 2cy­lin­ der, die­sel, 17hp., runs good, $2,200 or OBO; 541-564-8153, Chuck, Her­mis­ton. LUCKY ACRES F E N C I N G , INC. Providing Maintenance free, HEAVY GAUGE horse and livestock panels and products built to last a lifetime. Panels & Gates, Shelters & Mare Motels, Stall Fronts & Dividers, Complete Paddock Set-ups, Working Corral Systems, Complete Arena Set-ups, Round Pens, Contour Perimeter Fencing, Feeders, Saddle Racks, and more. All products are made of Galvanized, Heavy gauge steel tubing. Delivery Available! 208-746-1228, www. luckyacres.net NEW HOL­ LAND bale wag­ ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­ els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889. PAS­ TURE FOR rent: $45 per head, no foals or year­ lings, close in; 541-567-1464, Her­ mis­ton.


PIGS FOR SALE Pot hogs & feeder pigs for sale. 509-4050236. Delivered.


BUTCH­ ER HOGS for sale; 541-561-9871, Board­man.


HUGE Discounts & SUPER Selections! Don’t Miss This Sale!


List Price Blowout

2014 285RLS Bullitt ................................. ........$23,900........$19,900 1 Slide, Rear Living 2012 30BHS Cougar..........................................$25,900........$23,900 2 Slides, Bunk Model, CLEAN 2012 2109 Viking Tent trailer CLEAN..............$5,295..........$4,795 2012 31K Forest River Sandpiper .......... ........$21,900........$19,900 Double Slide 2011 26RLSWE Hideout .......................... ........$15,900........$12,900 Slideout, Rear Living Room PRE-OWNED 5TH WHEELS: List Price Blowout 2009 304BHS Cougar .............................. ........$19,900........$15,900 2015 27.5RLTS Jayco Eagle HC ............. ........$27,900........$24,900 2 Slides, Bunks, Lots of Extras! Triple Slide, Rear Living, 1 Owner 2008 15 Fleetwood Arcadia S/C.......................$8,495..........$7,995 2011 24L RLS Cougar .............................. ........$23,900........$21,900 Slide, Tent Trailer, Bath, LOADED 2 Slides, Generator, W/D, Rear Living 2007 27Q Prowler LYNX ...................................$13,900........$11,900 2008 36 Montego Bay Triple Slide .......... ........$19,900........$17,900 Slideout 2004 Triumph 2 Slides DLX Model ......... ........$17,900........$14,900

2016 GTS2800 Sunseeker, LIKE NEW.... ........$84,900........$79,900 Class B, 4 Slides, 3,567 Miles 2012 524M Winnebago View Slide ......... ........$64,900........$59,900 Mercedes Diesel, 35,839 Miles 2008 30.6 BT Cruiser Triple Slide ........... ........$57,900........$54,900 Class B, LOADED 2003 331C Winnebago Minnie ................ ........$32,900........$29,900 V10, 52,738 Miles, Jacks, Camera


Serving the Area for 40 Years! Plus



RAN­KIN 3-POINT 5ft. back blade, 1 row hy­drau­lic poa­ta­to dig­ ger, 2-10x24 trac­ tor tires, land pride 6 ft. 3 point ro­to­till­er, 43” 3 point un­ der cut­ ter, 23 wood box­ es, 12Wx20Lx8D; 541567-8967, Her­mis­ ton. CUSTOM SWATHING 541-969-8179 SUM­MER­VILLE PIGS: barbecue, butch­er and breed­ers, gen­tle to han­dle, 541-534-9421 or 541-786-8335. 6 TON John Deere Hay Wag­ on: 20 ft., good bed and tires, $1,000; 541-276-0790, Pen­dle­ton.

Let Smiley’s Help You Get Ready For Summer 1.800.338.6562 No Sales Tax in Oregon

1st CUT­TING Al­fal­fa and Al­fal­fa grass hay: no rain, 2-tie bale, $8.00/bale; 541-5717601.

Corner of Croket Rd & M-F Hwy 11 • Milton Freewater Oregon

AL­FAL­FA SEED: $2.00 a pound; Call Phil, 509-301-6699, Touchet, WA.



PORT­ABLE POST hole dig­ger Hon­da pow­ ered, 10x36” bit, $250; 541-571-1983 or 541-571-1463, Her­ mis­ton.


F1B Goldendoodle: The most hypoallergenic of the Doodles. Will be ready to come home June 10th. Vet checked, 1st shots, & dewclaws removed. $500 deposit & $500 when they go home. 509-308-7655. TriCities. GSP POINTER DOGS Hunting dogs, papered AKC pure blood, champions & exc family dogs. 1st shots, tails docked & dewclaws removed. Ready to take home. 509374-7936. Burbank,WA. AKC LAB PUPPIES 1 male, 1 female black Lab puppies. Ready to go home. Both parents are excellent hunters. $800. Text or call, 509205-7601 MINI PIN pup­ pies for sale: 6 months old, great per­son­al­i­ties, up to date on shots, 2 neutered males, 2 fe­ males, great pups! 541-379-1217 or 541377-1811, Pi­lot Rock. PURE GREAT Pyrenees pups, all white, ready for loving homes now, $350 each. 509-628-7536. TriCities. AKC ENGLISH LABRADOR Chocolate males and females also black females born 4/1/18. Dewclaws removed, first shots and dewormed, ready to go. $1000 for limited (no breeding) $1,200 for breeding. Parents are DNA tested. Call or text, 509-2220224 or 509-2220225. TriCities. ROTTWEILER PUP­ PIES: for sale, $550 each;541-720-4921, Her­mis­ton. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907. S T A N D A R D POODLES available now! 2 litters with great bloodlines, white, black, chocolate, 1 very rare mud! First shots done, AKC available. 509-7929577 Tri-Cities YORKIE PUPPIES For sale: Yorkie puppies. Tails docked, dewclaws removed. They have passed their 6 wk vet check, & are ready for their forever homes. $800. 509-948-8729. Hermiston. FREE TO Good Home: 4 year old black Lab, nur­ tured, house broke, great fam­i­ly dog, loves eve­ ry­one; 541-254-4303, Board­man.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

’01 COLEMAN Taos tent trailer: Good shape. New tires, bearings repacked. Has roof ac. Ready to go. $2500. 509-4383648. Tri- Cities. 61/2 FT ATV: 3 fold alu­ mi­num ramp, $45, E-Z load hitch with brack­et for a trail­er, $50; 541969-3676, Pen­dle­ton. NORCO 30FT pull trailer, 12ft slide out, very clean, $8,000. OBO, call 541-9106853 La Grande TRAVEL TRAILER 29’ 2016 Bullet Ultralite, by Keystone. 12’ slide, 14’ awning, entertainment center, standard appliances. Ample storage. Sleeps 6. $21,500. 509- 3719562. TriCities. Huge RV Sale! June 8th-17th, Post Falls Greyhound Event Center. 300+ new and used RVs. Call for sale pricing and incentives, 833-566-3368, dlr 6006. STARCRAFT AR-1 TRAVEL TRAILER 2012, 17’, with Aqua Shield Aqua Long sectionalized tent, excellent condition. Asking $6500. Make offer. 509-378-1670. TriCities. QUICK­SILV­ER UL­ TRA­LIGHT tent trail­ er for sale: weighs only 600 lbs., can be towed with small car, used only 4 times, won­ der­ful con­di­tion, can show in Pen­dle­ton or send pho­ tos, re­ tailed $13,000 new, ask­ ing $6,000; call 541-379-5564. THOMP­ SON RV is East­ern Or­e­gon’s lar­gest RV deal­er: fam­i­ly owned and op­ er­ at­ ed for 40 years; browse our in­ven­tory on­line at www.thomp­ sonrv.com, or call us at 800-459-4836, Pen­dle­ton. TOY HAULER ’08 COACHMEN Adrenaline Surge, 29FIB, like new inside. Upgraded queen mattress, new RV batteries, new carb on 4 kw generator, with only 129.5 hours on generator. Used very little. Must sell. $14,000 obo. Pictures available by request. 509378-9300. TriCities area. Serious inquiries only. CUS­TOM BUILT: Mer­ cedes VW Dune bug­ gy, 1800cc, two carbs., new mo­tor, new clutch, $3700; 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton. OLD­ER WIN­NE­BA­ GO: re­mo­deled in­side, rub­ber roof, $1,200 or best off­ er; 541-3714822 or 541-371-6641, Ir­ri­gon.

08 HON­DA TRX700XX 4 wheel­ er: very fast, comes with up­ grades and set of sand tires, $4,500 OBO 509-8320075, Uma­til­la. 2004 HONDA REBEL 250 6900 miles, like new, saddle bags, visor, passenger seat. $1950 obo. 509-713-3964. TriCities. BIKE BLESS­ ING & month­ly meet­ing: Chris­tian Mo­tor­cy­clist As­so­cia­tion, 6pm, 2nd Tues­ day each month, at Java Junk­ ies in Uma­til­la. THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale! 541-567-2230. CLEAN 2008 150cc Scoot­er: two seat­er, low miles, with side­ car, $3,000; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ ton. HON­DA YA­MA­HA CY­CLE­TOWN Vis­it us on­line for great deals on new Hon­ da & Ya­ma­ha pro­ducts. hon­d aya­m a­h a­c y­c le­ town.com 541-5678919, Her­mis­ton. LIKE NEW John Deere: side by side Gator, 2014, 12 valve inline 3 cyl., with only 40 miles, 16.4 hours, has doors, mirrors and dump bed, $12,000; call 541-561-2128, Irrigon. M E C H A N I C S SPECIAL: 71 Honda CL350, with 2 parts bikes, and one title, $495; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

DESERT NIGHTS SPECIAL ’53 Ford F100 4.6L engine, coil over suspension, disc brakes, ac. ps, 3.73 rear posi, Magflow exhaust, tilt hood. $35,500. See picture at Giantnickel.com. Call Ron, 509-9481070. TriCities FOR SALE 2005 Ford F150: long bed with tool box, $2500; 541561-2270, Her­mis­ton. JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2002 Overland Edition, 4x4, 146k mi, 3” lift, custom bumper with winch. Loaded, runs & drives great. New brakes, battery. $5200. Mike, 509- 307-2662. Yakima. 2011 TA­ HOE LT 4x4: 5.3 V-8, sun­roof, DVD play­er, 3rd seat, clean, $23500; 541-938-6563 days, 541-938-6957 eves., ask for Tim, Mil­ton Free­wa­ter. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­ peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. ’84 CHEV pickup K20 4x4. Rebuilt 350 motor, 101k original miles, new radiator, turbo 400 trans, pwr windows/ doors, new interior seats, headliner, new pwr steering pump, new brakes, runs great. $6000 obo. 509-8962016. Bickleton.

RECYCLE! Cardboard, Newspaper, Glass, Tin, & Aluminum

NOW 8 Locations to Serve You

The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 19

WORK­ING BLUE Heel­er: sweet, lov­ing, she need some cows to work! $75 or OBO; Her­mis­ton. GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES Male & female Goldendoodles ready Memorial Day. Facebook at Old Mountain Doodles and Poodles. 509-250-2082. Goldendale. I HAVE 6 full breed Bull Terriers ready for new homes. Males are $600, females are $700. Please call me for more info at 509-2054251. TriCities. NEED A new car, but don’t want to drive far? Check your local Nickel Want Ad paper. Cover­ ing Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties. YEL­ LOW LAB pups: both par­ents AKC reg­ is­tered, no breed­ing rights on fe­male point­ ing lab. 5 males, 3 fe­ males, born April 29th, ready to go June 16th, $500; 541-626-1399, Hep­pner.

07 SIL­VER­A­DO all alu­ mi­num Cus­tom Built Horse trail­er: 3H, 8W, 10 ft. SW, raised roof, 60-30-30 tanks, Oak cab­i­net­ry, 2 bat­ter­ies, 2 pro­ pane tanks, 1 own­er, very low miles, al­ways stored in­doors. Our loss is your gain, $46k, $65k new; text 509-240-0700, Wal­la Wal­la. AQHA HORSES for sale, mares & fillys. North Pasco, call 509531-5211. DOU­BLE REG­IS­ TERED 5 yr. Min­ ia­ ture Mare: with foal, well bred, sweet, easy to han­ dle, well man­ nered. Her colt is sil­ ver/black, very cor­rect, $2100; 541-571-4902, Her­mis­ton. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. IN TO­DAY’S com­peti­ tive mar­ket place, you can’t af­ford NOT to ad­ ver­tise in the Nick­el.

2006 MAZ­ DA Mia­ ta: Red 2 door con­ vert­ able, 51K miles, $8,500, No Saturday calls, 541-720-3099, Her­mis­ton. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­ sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­ pez Trans­mis­sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. 2012 BUICK La­ Crosse: sport mod­ el, all op­tions, pearl white col­or, leath­er in­teri­or, 2 sets of tires, $15,000 or best off­er; 541-3714822, Ir­ri­gon. POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509542-9431, also in Lewiston.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-985-6262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. BRUSH HOG mowing, 541-2401229. TENDER FOR SALE 7 ton, 2 compartment, self- powered seed (or fertilizer?) tender. Good condition. $1999. 541- 379-4020. Paul. Echo,OR. WANT­ED We buy cheap trac­tors or us­able parts; call 541564-0661, Her­mis­ton. One HP Gus­to­facine deep well pump: 125 feet wire and start­ ing switch, $400; 541-2760790, Pen­dle­ton. FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details. 11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

WWW.BONNEYSAG.COM 541-922-1213


1.99% OAC

$80/MONTH 1. Hermiston, 310 E. Elm Next To Wal-Mart. 2. Hermiston, Orchard Ave., behind Hermiston Red Apple. 3. Stanfield, N. Barbara, by Police Station. 4. Echo, across from Park at City Hall. 5. Umatilla, Hwy. 730, next to Columbia Red Apple Market 6. Umatilla County, Hwy. 395 at Transfer Station. 7. Irrigon, S. Main, next to City Hall. 8. Boardman, NE Front Street


Newspaper: Loose or placed in grocery sacks. (No plastic sacks, please) Cardboard: Flatten all boxes (Sorry, we cannot accept waxed cardboard.

GLASS BOTTLES & JARS... Bottles & Jars Only:

Give 'em a rinse (Labels are O.K. to leave on.) Separate them by color – clear, green, or brown. (Sorry, but we cannot accept pyrex, china or window glass.)

ALUMINUM ....... Aluminum cans, TV trays, foil, etc. are acceptable. Please flatten all cans to save space.

TIN....................... Rinse cans. Remove both ends. Flatten can.

W/$500 DOWN

$4,999 OAC



THE 2018 MXU450i


Lids are also accepted.

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The Nickel -June 7, 2018 - Page 20

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‘16 Nissan Sentra SR

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STK# H6168P

‘07 GMC Sierra 4x4

Lifted, Aftermarket Wheels & Tires


STK# H6055TA


STK# H6156P

Leather, 80k Miles

STK# H6158P


STK# H6149PA

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Se Habla Espanol!

All photos are for illustrative purposes only. All prices plus tax, license, title and up to $150 doc fee. Offer expires 6/20/18.


‘14 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4

Leather, Sunroof


Leather, Nice!

18k Miles, V6, Auto

‘15 VW Passat

AWD, 32k Miles

‘12 Chrysler 300

‘14 Chevy Camaro

18k Miles


STK# T6004P

STK# H6042TA

‘17 Mazda 3

‘16 Chevy Cruze LT

STK# T5989P

STK# H6044TA

‘13 Ford Explorer 4x4

4 Cyl., Auto, Leather

STK# T2440A

STK# H6179P

‘10 Lincoln Navigator L AWD

4 Cyl., Auto

STK# T5940P

STK# H6016PA



All photos are for illustrative purposes only. All prices plus tax, license, title and up to $150 doc fee. Offer expires 6/20/18.

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