7.11.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00




17 GOLD EN SEX LINK laying hens: 2 years old, $3.50 each; call 541-5649273, Hermiston.

1988 CHEVY custom van for part ing out: $1000; 541-938-7170, Mil tonFreewater.

WEINER PIGS: for sale please contact Juli; 541561-9871, in the Boardman area.

LO CAL RANCH raised Natural Locker Beef for sale: for more information call; 541-561-5288, Echo.

1962 CHE VY Nova (no post): partially restored, $5,000; 541-379-6274, Hermiston.


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039

LIMOUSIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail able now. Wilde Ranches; 541454-2994.

YARD & GARAGE SALES YARD/DECK SALE: lots of guy stuff, tools, fishing gear, bass boat with gas and electric motors, life jackets and lots of lures, hot tub, upright freezer, variety of small appliances and housewares, Saturday, July 16th, 8am-4pm, Hat Rock Mo bile Home Court, space #26. Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to him be the glory in the assembly and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

PETS FOR SALE Chi hua hua puppies: call for more information, 541-571-5160, Hermiston.


2002 HARLEY Davidson Fat Boy: ex cel lent condition, $4,800; 541-5648153, Hermiston.

Want Ad Newspaper

July 11, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 28 TRUCKS, 4X4’S & SUV’S 1974 CHEVY: short bed, 4x4, pro ject, $1,000 or best offer; 541-571-5116, Hermiston.

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FREE KIT TENS: adorable, 8 weeks old, litter box trained; 541-5612909, Hermiston.

2010 HAR LEY DAVIDSON Street Glide trike: excellent condition, $18,000; 541-676-5382, Heppner.

1991 FORD DIESEL F250: club cab, pick-up nev er been dented, $5,000; 541571-5116, Hermiston.







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The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 2

1993 FORD Rang­er: 4x4, good con­di­tion, 116,000 easy miles, new rub­ber, 4.0 liter, V6, auto, $1,950 or best off­er; 541-5673684 or 541-571-3578, Her­mis­ton. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust, for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­ mis­ sion, closed Sat­ ur­day & Sun­day. 541567-1698, Her­mis­ton, OR. FOR SALE: 1998 Toyo­ta Ta­co­ma, 187,000 miles; $2,000; 541-626-1430, Her­ mis­ton.

TAK­ING OR­DERS: lo­ cal rasp­ber­ries, black­ ber­ries, no sprays, nat­ u­ral­ly grown, $28 flat; 541-922-4553, Ir­ri­gon. SAM’S PEACHES You pick, we pick, 7 days a week, 8am6pm, at 53012 Coun­ty Road, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter, OR; 541-938-7955. GO­ING OUT of busi­ ness sale: House of Mow­ers is clos­ing our doors. Sale pric­ es on all in store in­ ven­ tory, new and used. Eve­ry­ thing must go, no rain checks, while sup­plies last, Wed­nes­days thru Sat­ur­days, 10:00am5:30pm; 541-9226422, Uma­til­la.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1998 FORD Es­cort wag­on SE: au­tomat­ic, air con­di­tion­ing, AM/ FM, cassette, pin strip­ ing, mag wheels, white col­or, 117,000 miles, excellent con­di­tion, $4000; 541-969-3373, Pen­dle­ton. BIG LOTS - BIG SALE Sun­day, July 14th, 20% off the en­ tire Store. Join our Re­ wards and shop Sat­ur­ day! 8am-10pm, both days... CAR­BURE­TORS RE­ BUILT: by semi-re­tired GM cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Me­chan­ic, near Pen­ dle­ton; call Doug 541429-1042.

Auction!! Saturday, July 13th. 5:00 pm, preview at 3:00 pm. 80824 Kik rd. Hermiston, Oregon.

Food vendor will be Eats and Treats from Touchet, WA.H&R Pardner 12 ga. (NIB), Sporterized Spanish Military rifle, 5 Gates, New street lights, 3 pt. spray tank, Milwaukee grinder, Band saw, Pressure washer, 2 Freezers, 2 Homelite chainsaws, Electrical components, Painted ponies, New artist canvas (various sizes, Day bed, Wood splitter, Dodge Ram brush guard, Golf clubs, Fishing rods, TY collectables, Gund, 2 children’s rockers, TY display, Sandicast, Power tools, Hand tools, Bar clamps, power miter saw, Lexmark laser printer, Wooden shelf, Stereos, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Crafts, Garden trailer, Cabela’s meat mixer, Back packs, Paints, Pellet guns, Live trap, Nail kegs, tires, Marx train set, Espresso machine, 12 place china set, Folding chairs, Poultry plucker, Bar B Q, Lots of new items, More items coming in until auction day.

2017 Re­flec­tion 5th wheel: half ton to pull, An­der­son hitch, 3-slides, au­tomat­ ic lev­el, 2-tv’s, ra­dio plays cd’s and movies, large awn­ing, out­door speak­ers, $52,000; 541-561-1743 af­ter 5pm, Her­mis­ton.

1996 ITASCA 31’ motorhome in super condition, new tires, new batteries, good tags, electric steps, rear camera, lots of extras, $12,000; 541701-4448, Hermiston. 2000 FOR­EST RIV­ER 5th WHEEL RV; 30 ft., air, large awn­ ing, self con­tained, new bat­ter­ ies, two slides, clean, very good cond­ tion, $6500; 541-215-2890 Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter. 1986 TAURUS camp trail­er: 18 foot, sleeps 5, $2,000; 541-3100941, Athe­na. 1998 FLEET­WOOD DIS­COV­ERY Mo­tor­ home: 34ft., die­sel, clean., lots of base­ ment stor­ age, wash­ er and dry­er, low use and mile­ age, $22,000 or best off­er; 541-5716024, Her­mis­ton, OR.

QUAL­IT ­Y CHRIS­ TIAN day­care and preschool. now accepting reg­is­tra­tion for the 2019/20 pre­school year, also have 2 day­ care open­ ings avail­ able, been in busi­ness since 1999, call for in­for­ma­tion; 541-5670609. Her­mis­ton. WE BUY HOUSES FOR CASH Are you fac­ ing fore­ clo­sure? Re­lo­cat­ing and need to sell fast? get­ting a di­vorce? A tired land­lord? Be­hind on tax­es or mor­tgage pay­ ments? We can help! Give us a call to­ day; 541-775-6998. PAL­LET OF in­cense: sticks, cones, oils, burn­ers, too much to list, $300 takes all, pal­let of fig­ur­ines, hun­ dreds of small fig­ur­ines, dogs, cats, bears, birds, an­gels, pic­ ture frames, too much to list, $300 takes all, Snap On tool chest, top and bot­tom with cov­er, was do­mes­tic and im­ port tech for over 30 years, over $50,000 in­ vest­ ed, will sell for $25,000, must see, also have piles of shop man­u­als, make off­er, Me­guiars pol­ish­ er and bag with sets of Me­guiars pro­duct and car­ri­er, $400, 3m paint gun, with lots of tips, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 with ex­tra lids and cups, also 3m chip guard gun and pro­ ducts, $400; call 541969-3842. Pen­dle­ton.

All That Wood .com Your Fence Connection

See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC. • 10% buyers premium.• Credit cards accepted. • All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. • Call Mike Zook @ 541-571-6280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer.

Cedar • Vinyl Split Rail • Privacy • Picket Ranch Rail 541-667-8191

80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

MOV­ING SALE: fur­ni­ ture, yard items, tools, tel­e­visions, too much to list, 755 N. Dunne, Stan­field; 541-4493744. BIG LOTS - BIG SALE Sun­day, July 14th, 20% off the en­ tire Store. Join our Re­ wards and shop Sat­ur­ day! 8am-10pm, both days... MU­TLI-FAM­I­LY SALE M c­N a r y / U m a­t i l­l a Or­e­gon: Sat­ur­day, July 13th only, 7am2pm, 24 Di­a­blo Ct., 36 Di­a­blo Ct., 109 Rio Sen­ da, crafts, beads, clothes for the whole fam­i­ly, books, house­hold items, et­ce­tera, stop by and say HI! YARD/DECK SALE: lots of guy stuff, tools, fish­ing gear, bass boat with gas and elec­ tric mo­tors, life jack­ets and lots of lures, hot tub, upright freez­er, var­ ie­ ty of small ap­ plianc­ es and house­ wares, Sat­ur­day, July 16th, 8am-4pm, Hat Rock Mo­bile Home Court, space 26. Turn at store, drive past two roads and turn left at third road, then left again at first cross­ road. Gray dou­blewide across from big lot. LIV­ING ES­TATE SALE Fri­day, July 13th and Sat­ur­day, July 14th, 8am-4pm, 33439 E Col­um­bia Lane, Her­ mis­ton. Hand­craft­ed wood fur­ni­ture, also mis­cel­la­ne­ous wood and wood slabs, Table saw, Mit­er saw, house­ hold items ga­lore, an­ tiques and so much much much more! Plus a Pil­ grim Open Road 34’ 5th wheel: 3 slides, four sea­sons in­su­la­ tion, very very good con­di­tion, $15,000/off­ er. Check it out at the sale!

L A­B R A­D O O­D L E PUP­PIES: mini to med­i­um size, born April 4, 2019. UTD vac­ cines and de­ worm­er, ve­teri­nar­i­an health check-up. Par­ ents on-site. Black or brown, $800, Blue Me­ rles, and Phan­ toms are more; 541571-8797, Her­mis­ton, OR. CATS 4 PETS: healthy, lov­ing, 2 fe­males spade, 1 male, must be Good Home, $20 each; 541-567-7950, Her­mis­ton. AUS­TRA­LIAN SHEPHERD PUPS (ASCA), avail­able for their for­ev­er homes, July 30th, 1 blue Mer­ le fe­male, 1 red Mer­ le male, bred to work, won­der­ful dis­po­si­tions, par­ ents DNA test­ ed and on-site, tails docked, dew­claws re­ moved, 2nd set of shots and worm­er. 30 day mon­ey back guar­ an­ tee, get your de­ pos­its in Now for your great fam­ i­ ly dog! For more in­for­ma­tion; call 541-561-4589 Hep­ pner. ASCA REGISTERED A u s­t r a­l i a n Shepherds: 10weeks old, tails and dew claws re­moved, up to date on vac­ci­na­tions and de­worm­ings. Very ver­sa­tile bred dogs, top blood­lines. Con­tact us for more information; Please call 541-566-2090 or vis­it us  @  can­yon­ ranchaus­sies.com FOR SALE Chi­hua­hua pup­pies: call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541-5715160, Her­mis­ton. BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES! AKC, CKC, ABCA reg, 2 black/ white females, 1 black/ white male, 4 tri females, $500. Ready to go after July 9th. 509-831-5757. Sunnyside.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

WANT­ED Re­spon­ si­ble teen for yard work for the sum­mer: equip­ment pro­vid­ed; call even­ings 541-5673253, Her­mis­ton.

BERNESE Mountain Dog cross puppies for sale. First shots & dewormer. $200 ea. Can deliver to Pasco. 208-740-4357. Vale,OR.

IN NEED of house clean­er in Ir­ri­gon, Or­ e­gon: gen­er­al house keep­ing, 3-4 hours, eve­ry 2 weeks, most any day and hours are ac­cept­able; 541-9224521.

AKC STANDARD POODLES 3 gorgeous male pups, full AKC registration, 14 weeks old, crate trained, all shots, parents health tested & on site. $975. Call/ text, 509-460-1255. Prosser. BLUE HEELER Catahoula pups, born 5/14/19, $300 for males (8), $350 for females (4). Will be excellent ranch & family dogs. 509-7148531. Prosser.

The Clean Spot is the best Laundromat in Umatilla. The cleanest, brightest with the most machines for your convenience. 7th and Switzer, Umatilla.

AKC YELLOW Labrador puppies, born June 18th, new homes at 7 weeks Aug 6th, parents both OFA, puppies first shots & dewormed. Price & info, call 541886-7201, or 541-3981314. Wallowa, OR.

THE PIPE GUYS lo­ cal­ ly owned and op­ er­at­ed: Mo­bile pipe press­ing, 2” to 6”, “big or small, give a call;” 541-561-3508.

YORKIES Registered. Tiny, Toy & Teacup, sweet babydoll faceslook like little teddy bears! They come with first shots & puppy kit. Serious inquiries only please! Must call 509-5512888. TriCities.

RE­CENT­LY DI­AG­ NOSED with Lung Canc­er: and 60= years old? Call now! You and your fam­i­ly may be en­ ti­ tled to a sig­nif­i­cant CASH AWARD. Call 877-628-6308 to­day. Free Con­sul­ta­tion. No Risk.

Family Owned and Operated Since 2003 ‘02 Ford Windstar .......................... $2,999 ‘06 Dodge Stratus ......................... $2,699 ‘06 Ford Focus ............................... $4,999 ‘02 Jeep Liberty ............................. $4,999 ‘06 Nissan Sentra .......................... $3,999

PUB­LIC NO­TICE OF SALE NORTH STAR STOR­AGE 30979 Joy Lane, Her­ mis­ton, OR. 97838, July 19th, 2019 at 12:30pm. Per­son­ al Prop­er­ty of: N15Cole Har­vey, P22Cha­rles Di­gre­gorio, K22- Stepha­nie Jack­ son. Ten­ants can pay in full up un­til the auc­ tion. Please call the day be­fore the auc­ tion to check on auc­ tion sta­tus; 541-2897766. SOUTH HILL Yard Sale: 1655 Mc­Far­ land, Uma­til­la, Fri­day, July 12th & Sat­ur­day, July 13th, 8am-8pm, lot­sa stuff, fab­ric, sad­dles, dish­es and more, fol­ low signs from Pow­er­line, bring cash! JACK­POT PLAY­DAY MINI-SER­IES Uma­til­la Sage Rid­ ers. 1st ser­ies ev­ent: Sun­day, July 14th, start time: 1:00 pm. Admission is FREE. Bar­rel rac­ing, pole bend­ing, fig­ure 8, stake race. Mem­bers $8/ev­ent, Non-mem­ bers $10/ev­ent. For more information email: sage­ri­ders­se­ cre­tary@hot­mail.com. Ar­e­na lo­cat­ed: 81907 N High­way 395, Her­ mis­ton.


‘99 Nissan Quest ........................... $1,999 ‘05 Ford Taurus.............................. $3,799 ‘03 Chevy Impala .......................... $3,999 ‘02 Chevy Cavalier ........................ $2,999 ‘08 Ford F150................................. $5,999


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Affordable Used Cars From Our Family To Yours Open 7 Days A Week 10am-9pm 330 SW 11th St., Hermiston 541-567-5657 • 541-571-8616

VIN #’s Posted At Dealership. Vehicles Subject To Prior Sale. Prices Good Thru 7/24/19

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 3

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 4

1988 CHE­VY cus­tom van for part­ ing out: good up­hol­stery, good 400 trans­mis­sion, 350 en­gine needs as­sem­ bled, $1000; 541-9387170, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter. UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­tions, email Uma­ til­la­Vik­ings@hot­m ail. com or call Ja­ net at 541-567-3968. (1) YEAR ONE Crate En­gine for sale. Chev­ ro­let 350 has less than 1200 miles on it and is still in car. Has ex­ tra cam, MSD street fire, HEI dis­trib­ut­er and rodchester carb. $3,695 this is a hot rod­der en­gine with over 400 horse­pow­er. I am not a hot rod­der! Call Burt 541-4542715. 1993 JEEP Grand Cher­o­kee: V8, air con­ di­tion­ing, good tags, $750; also very clean 1986 Pon­ti­ac Sun­bird con­vert­ible, new tires, new tags, 112,000 ac­ tu­al mile­age, sweet lit­ tle car, $900; 541-3145777, Her­mis­ton.

HANDY AL­FRE­DO: need help with your pro­jects? paint­ing, car­ pen­try, fenc­es, decks stain, roof­ing; call for free es­timate 541-5716071. DO YOU NEED A MECHANIC ? CAN’T AF­FORD the big $$$ (mon­ey) re­ pair shops? Look no fur­ther. Call John­ny’s Auto, LLC, in Her­mis­ ton, OR. You’ll get great serv­ice, qual­i­ty work, plus sav­ings with John­ny’s flat rate; Get an ap­point­ment now; 541-303-1473. FIELD MOW­ ING or over grown lots: in­ clud­ing sage­brush and some slopes, Uma­til­la and Mor­row coun­ties, free es­ti­mates; 541379-8785. AL­TER­A­TIONS AND IRONING 20 years of ex­ peri­ ence, and done at my home; Call Delores for more in­for­ma­tion at 541-561-7441, Her­ mis­ton. BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. li­ censed, bond­ed & in­ sured, CCB# 167755; Call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton.

OREGON UTAH CCW CLASS Saturday, July 27th • 9:00am COST: $85 A Person WHERE: Oxford Suites 1050 N. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 360-320-4498 srcfirearms@gmail.com Sign up today! Walkins welcome. “An armed society is a polite society”


xington Pu mP

1998 FOUR­ WINDS IN­FIN­IT ­ Y Class A mo­ tor ­home: gen­era­tor, 2 air con­di­tion­er, walk in show­er, cap­tain seats, awn­ing, 34FT. long, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $10,900 off­er; 541571-4663. MOBILE GUY RV REPAIR Over 20 years e x p e r i e n c e RVIAA certified, Onan certified. mobileguy4v@gmail. com. 509-212-4466. Yakima. 1997 GEORGE Boy Class A mo­tor­home: 32’, Che­vy Chas­ sis, 454 cubic inches, 34,563 miles, clean, $13,000; 541-3768132, Echo. 2006 CROSLEY Paradise Point, 36’ 5th wheel, very good cond, new awnings, 2 sildes, rear entry, $10,000 obo. 509840-3775, or 509-8402855. TriCities. MO­BILE GUY RV REPAIR Mo­bile Guy RV Re­pair; 509-212-4466. 1985 CHE­VY TRANS­ VAN Mo­tor­home: 19’, V-8, gen­era­tor, air con­ di­tion­ing, 115k miles, new mas­ter cy­lin­der, new tune-up $5,000 or best off­er; Wayne 541720-2615, pay­ments pos­si­ble, Her­mis­ton. 2017 Re­flec­tion 5th wheel: half ton to pull, An­der­son hitch, 3-slides, au­tomat­ ic lev­el, 2-tv’s, ra­dio plays cd’s and movies, large awn­ing, out­door speak­ers, $52,000; 541-561-1743 af­ter 5pm, Her­mis­ton. 1997 GEORGE Boy Class A mo­tor­home: 32’, Che­vy Chas­ sis, 454 cubic inches, 34,563 miles, clean, $13,000; 541-3768132, Echo.

Welcome to Lexington Pump LLC

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PIG FEED: Purina show edge, 35- 50 pound bags for $450 or $13 per bag; 541561-4336, Her­mis­ton. LO­CAL RANCH raised Nat­u­ral Lock­er Beef for sale: for more in­for­ ma­tion call; 541-5615288, Echo. FORD TRAC­TOR: 641 Work­mas­ter: with buck­et, scrap­er, and brush hog, runs great, $3650, see at 1210 E. Pun­kin Cen­ter Road; 541-571-1819, Her­ mis­ton. ALL NAT­U­RAL grass fed An­gus beef: no sup­ple­ments, hor­ mones, or an­ti­bi­ot­ ics. 1/4, 1/2 or whole. $3.25 per pound hang­ ing weight, we pay all pro­cess­ing fees; call Greg 541-969-8526, Pi­lot Rock. STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING and RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande. 44 TONS Oat hay with some Al­fal­fa, 90# aver­ age, $9.75 per bale, no rain, load­er on site; 541-561-7265, Her­ mis­ton. FOR SALE: Hon­da ro­ to­ till­ er, $300, we paid $550; 541-626-1430, Her­mis­ton. 1970 FORD 4000 trac­tor: 55HP, 3-point PTO, pow­er steer­ing, new rear tires, runs great, ask­ing $3,000; no texts 541-5713845, Her­mis­ton.

YARD SALE: Sat­ur­ day, July 13th, 7am1pm, Wil­ton cake pans, all kinds of cas­ tles, cars, but­ter­flies, card mak­ing stamps and sup­plies, cloth­ing, toys, house­hold; 305 SE 9th Drive, Her­mis­ ton. SUMMER BAZAAR Sat­ur­day, July 20th, 9am-3pm, Sun Ter­ race, 1550 NW 11th Street, Her­mis­ton. Fresh pro­duce, baked goods, plants, crafts, tex­tiles, jew­el­ry, di­rect sales(Scent­sy, Tup­ per­ware, Lip­Sense and more). 20 plus ven­ dors, for more in­for­ma­tion email; moon­_ stars49@ya­ hoo.com ES­TATE SALE: July 18, 19 & 20, 3 days, 8am-4pm, will be wood­work­ing tools, tools, la­pid­ary equip­ ment, rocks and more; For more in­for­ma­tion, pic­tures, and lo­ca­tion, see east­ern or­e­gon, craig’s list or call 503369-1007, for more in­ for­ma­tion. PUB­LIC SALE E-Z MINI STORAGE 2315 Hwy. 395 So., Her­mis­ton, OR, 97838. Sale will be held on site, July 16, 2019 at 11:00am, please call day of to verify sale. B-13, Zachariah Vazquez. MOV­ING SALE All sum­mer long, Tues­ day through Sat­ ur­ days, 9am-4pm, 951 W Nel­son Lane, Her­ mis­ton, when it’s gone, it’s over.

AKC LABRADOR puppies, 3 males, dark yellow, light yellow, & 1 black. Dewclaws, wellness vet check, 2 dewormings & first shots. Ready now. Serious calls only. No texts! $700 for full AKC papers, $500 for limited. 509-426-0008 after 4pm weekdays. AKC MINIATURE Schnauzer male puppies, first booster shot, several dewormings, AKC Reunite microchipped, good start on potty & crate training, puppy grooming & puppy pack. 509-539-4241. Burbank,WA. PUREBRED PYRENEES Puppies, 9 wks old, ready for new home. Shots & dewormed. Raised with livestock. Great with children & family. Great protectors. Males, $600, females, $650. Call or text, 360-3591628. LET US turn our Nick­ els into your dollars! Call us today! 541567-2330. JOY­FUL SPAYED St. Ber­nard mix: 1 year old, wants a farm or ranch home; call 541567-8466 for in­for­ma­ tion - good watch dog. FREE KIT­TENS: ador­ able, 8 weeks old, three black, one gray, lit­ter box trained; 541561-2909, Her­mis­ton. RAGDOLL KITTENS These 4 adorable Ragdoll/ Siamese kittens, 2 girls, 2 boys, were born on May 9th, & are now looking for their forever homes. They are extremely loving, & enjoy playing. Also, they’re litter trained, & are eating solid foods. There is a fee of $500 for males, & $550 for females. 509-947-6568. TriCities.

HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, yard de­bris, fur­ni­ture, ap­plianc­es, you name it, and more! For free es­timate call; 541-5610962. SENIOR DIVORCED White male 70: nice looking, clean cut, retiree army veteran, nice retirement, in good health. Wished to meet retired female for long term relationship, must be able to relocate, no homeowners please. Must be serious and sincere for replys, no games. Write Mike’s with phone number: PO Box 457, Tumwater, OR 98501. BATH­ROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy, one day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ ing. Grab bars, no slip floor­ing & seat­ed show­ers; Call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion 888-912-4745. SPEC­TRUM TRI­PLE Play! TN, In­ter­net ‡ Voice for $99.97/ mo. Fas­test In­ter­net. 100 MB per sec­ond speed. Free Pri­me­time on De­mand. Un­lim­it­ ed Voice. NO CON­ TRACTS; Call 1-877338-2315 per vis­it http://tripleplaytoday. com/news CELEBRATION OF LIFE for RAY ANDERSON Friday, July 19, 2019 - at 11:00 am. Spillway Park at McNary Dam. Please share with us your stories about Ray during his career with the Corp of Engineers and his passion for Cribbage. Sincerely, Teresa Moncrief and Family.

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­tions, email Uma­ til­la­Vik­ings@hot­m ail. com or call Ja­ net at 541-567-3968. 7 YORKSHIRE feed­ er pigs: $80; 541-3790693, Pen­dle­ton.

LARGE ES­TATE Auc­ tion: Sat­ur­day, July 13th in Craig­mont, Ida­ho. Fire­arms, gun safe, Lo­gan 14 lathe, mill­ing ma­chine, drill press­es, band saws, bear­ing press, weld­ing equip­ment, shop tools, black­smith­ing tools. 1997 Che­vy ex­tend­ed cab 1 ton du­al­ly, vin­ tage Volks­wa­gens,, pro­ject cars, mo­tors, an­tique fur­ni­ture & col­lect­i­bles. See list & pho­ tos at www.ti­ ger­auc­tion­eer­ing.com (WA. Lic# 2730) Ab­ sen­tee bids; 208-5030235.

MINI Pinschers, AKC bred, new arrivals! 2 red, 1 black/ tan, all females, $450 & $395. Text for pics, 541-9800397.

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GA­RAGE DOOR: 10’x8’, in­su­lat­ed, good shape, in­ cludes all hard­ware, $250; 541289-0500, Her­mis­ton. BECOME A P U B L I S H E D AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work… You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 866951-7214


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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies, female $1400, male $1200. For more info, please call/ text, 509-8201034. Tri-Cities. AKC CANE CORSO PUPS Vet checked, dewormed, tails docked, first vaccination, 6 weeks. 509-833-3814. Yakima. ADORABLE, fluffy, friendly Shih Tzu puppies avail now. 1 male left, $700. 509366-5997. TriCities. FOUR YORKIE­POO male pup­ pies: cute, fluffy, shots cur­rent, ready July 14th, $800; for pic­tures text 541969-0231. LIVE­STOCK GUARIAN DOGS (LGD) Pup­pies for sale: brin­ dle or blonde col­ors, they are ready for their for­ev­er homes. Up to date on shots and worm­ing. These are pro­tec­tive, hard work­ing guard­ian herd dogs. $600. Spe­ cial formed, 4 way cross blood­line of Span­ish Mas­tiff and Anat­o­lian with some Great Pyrn­ nese and Ak­bash; For ques­ tions call or text 541-656-7134, Ir­ri­gon, OR. AKC GERMAN Shorthaired Pointer pups! 1 male, $500; 1 female, $600, all liver (good for upland & waterfowl), hall of fame national field champions. Pups intelligent, driven. Selective breeding. Pics on giantnickel. com, 509-967-4778; 509-967-1446.

YARD SALE Everything you need for a baby girl, lots of girl clothes siz­es new­ born to 7, shoes siz­es inf­ant to 3 in big kids, crib set, crib sheets, high chair, sit and stand dou­ble stroll­ er, toys, bot­tles and books, new­born baby boy clothes, scrap­ book kits, 3-draw­er dou­ble wide fil­ing cab­ i­net, dec­o­ra­tive mesh with wreath frames, col­lec­tor’s M&M dispensers and much more. Someth­ ing for eve­ry­one! Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, 8am-2pm; 51 NE Alora Drive, Her­mis­ton. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­day, July 13th, 9am-4pm, 81110 Coo­ney Lane, Her­mis­ton. Pool filt­ er and pump, wash­er, dry­er, furniture, Futon, clothes for men, wom­ en and kids, tires and wheels, 2000 F350 front & rear bump­ers, all alu­mi­num work table and much more. SAT­UR­DAY ONLY YARD SALE July 13th, 8am-2pm, 1578 E Main St, Her­ mis­ton. Tools, cloth­ing, kids clothes, baby crib, sleep­ er sofa, shoes, bi­cy­cles, wall mi­ crowave, house­ hold items and much much more. ESTATE SALE Fri, July 12 & Friday, July 19th, 8am2pm, 3510 Mt. Daniel Rd, West Richland. Appliances; Antiques; Furniture; H o u s e w a r e s ; Camping; BBQ; Yard equipment; Golf clubs; Engineering tools; Exercise equipment; China; SW art; WSU memorabilia.

HUSQ­VAR­NA CHAIN­ SAW: “Let’s make a DEAL” we have yard art, two sets of golf clubs, Ham­ ley’s sad­dle, 2-1930’s gas pumps, com­ ic books, cos­tume jew­el­ry, dress­ers, book shelves, record albums, 2-Very Nice Chi­na cab­i­nets priced at $160 each, 2 - an­ tique ar­ moires, 2 1800’s dress­ers, Va­se­ line glass, Fran­cis­can ware, pay­ing CASH for gold, gold jew­ el­ ry, coins, silverware, and silver dollars. Art work by Mary Corp, plus so much more! Come SEE US at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main Street, Downtown Her­mis­ton; 541-289-1800, Open: Tues­days thru Sat­ ur­days, 10:30am to 6:00pm.

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 5

VIN­TAGE SCHWINN bi­cy­cles: late 50’s, ear­ ly 60’s; 541-663-9091, La­Grande. 1939 DODGE RUNS GREAT Runs great! 4 dr, suicide doors, flathead six, 107k orig mi, 2nd owner, 1939 license plates, elec fuel pump, turn signals, seatbelts (backseat). Wide whit wall tires, $7900. 509531-0556. TriCities. TIME FOR A-B-C’s: “A” clas­si­fied ad “B”rings you ready “C”ash! Call the Nick­el to­day! 541567-2230. TWO FAM­IL ­ Y Yard Sale: Fri­day, July 12, 7am-noon. Beat the ear­ly birds and shop, 6pm-8pm on Thurs­day even­ing, 32857 Baxt­er Road, Her­mis­ton.

DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply 1-800-718-1593 GET YOUR yard sale kit at The Nickel, 1055 N. First Street, only $4.99.

FARM FRESH Eggs: $3.50 per do­zen or $5.00 per 18 pack; call Greg 541-969-8526, Pi­lot Rock.

LIM­OU­SIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail­able now. Wilde Ranch­es; 541-4542994.

55 IN­TER­NA­TION­AL 350 trac­tor: runs good, works good, live PTO 3pt., pow­ er steer­ing, $2500; 541443-2179, Pi­lot Rock.

PASTURE CALVES FOR SALE Call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541-256-0907.

1ST CUT­TING Al­fal­ fa: 1200 pound bales, $175 per ton; 541-3771353, Stan­field. DEAD or ALIVE WANT­ED: rid­ing mow­ ers, ro­to­till­ers, push mow­ers. Free pick­up, Cash paid for some. Tune-ups and re­pairs avail­able; call 541571-2981, Her­mis­ton. JOHN DEERE Hay trailer: 20ft, new bed, good tires; call 541276-0790

LOOK­ING FOR a re­ spon­si­ble hand­y­man in the Her­mis­ton area, part time, 3-4 hours once a week, $10 per hour; 541-289-3216. MO­BILE GUY RV REPAIR Mo­bile Guy RV Re­pair; 509-212-4466.

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The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section MED­IC ­ AL BILL­ING Trainees Need­ed: Train at home for a ca­reer as a Med­i­cal Of­fice Pro­fes­sion­al at CTI! 1-833-766-4511 Ask­CTI.com NOW HIRING REGIONAL RAW OPEN TOP DRIVERS Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting Regional Raw Open Top Drivers, hauling Hermiston, Portland, Ontario, Idaho. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For application, please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE.

TRUCK DRIV­ER TRAINEES NEED­ED: at Ste­vens Trans­port! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Train­ing! No ex­peri­ence need­ed; 1-844-452-4121, dri­ ve4­ste­vens.com NOW HIRING LOCAL HARVEST DRIVERS Home every night! Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting local harvest drivers, Pasco area. Home every night! These driving positions start out seasonal, but can turn into full time. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, & other benfits for FTE’s. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For application, please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE.

NOW HIRING HARVEST MACHINE MECHANICS Medelez Custom Harvesting is looking for Mechanics to work on harvest equipment at both of our locations, in Hermiston & Pasco. These are full time positions. We offer competitive wages, including health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. For application, call 541-567-4098, or in person, 30522 Oldfield Street, Hermiston, OR. Medelez Custom Harvesting is an EEO. DITCH RID­ER MAIN­TENANCE: Stan­field Ir­ri­ga­tion Dis­ trict is look­ing for a selfmo­ti­vat­ed per­son with a CDL & Pes­ti­cide Ap­ pli­ca­tors Li­cense, to fill a po­si­tion on our field crew. Ba­sic knowl­edge of ir­ri­ga­tion prac­tic­es, gen­er­al main­tenance, and op­er­at­ing equip­ ment is a plus, but we can teach you. Pay DOE; For more info call (541)449-3272 or stop by the of­fice at 100 W Coe, Stan­field. Ap­pli­ca­ tion dead­line 7-26-19.


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AIR­LINES ARE HIR­ ING: Get FAA ap­ proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­ nan­ cial Aid for quali­ fied stud­ents - Ca­reer place­ment as­sis­tance; CALL Avia­tion In­sti­tute of Main­ tenance 888686-1704. NOW HIRING LOCAL HARVEST DRIVERS Home every night! Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting local harvest drivers, Pasco area. Home every night! These driving positions start out seasonal, but can turn into full time. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, & other benfits for FTE’s. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For application, please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE. UMA­TIL­LA RE­UN­ION 2019 SAVE THE DATES Uma­til­la High School Alum­ni As­so­cia­tion Re­un­ion: July 26th, 27th and 28th; for ques­tions, email Uma­ til­la­Vik­ings@hot­m ail. com or call Ja­ net at 541-567-3968.

BODY/ PAINT TECH We are looking for a qualified body & paint person for a growing company in Yakima to join our current team! Must have at least 3 years experience, have a love of classic cars, & a desire to build something great, not just your everyday restoration. We do not do collision work, so you must have the knowledge of how to do complete paint jobs. If this sounds like you, give us a call at 509902-1016 to schedule an interview. NOW HIRING OTR REEFER DRIVERS Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting Over the Road Reefer Drivers, hauling WA, OR, CA, AZ. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For a p p l i c a t i o n , please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS AVAILABLE BENEFITS • Part Time (full-time available) • Accident Insurance • Paid Training • Critical Care Insurance • Sign on Bonus up to $350 • Dental • Flexible Scheduling • Medical Plan • No CDL Required to Apply • Vision DIESEL MECHANIC • 401K • Full-Time Position • Wage DOE • Diesel Mechanic Exp. (Required)


MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

MAIN­TENANCE (LME or bet­ter pre­ferred) Job De­ scrip­tion: This po­si­tion is re­ spon­si­ble for sup­port­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing of PVC pipe. En­sure ar­ound the clock cov­er­age by per­form­ing da­ i­ly plant rounds, pro­mot­ing and uti­liz­ing the work or­der & pre­ven­ta­tive main­tenance sys­tems, trou­bleshoot­ing prob­lems with pumps, mo­ tors, valves, heat ex­chang­ ers & sys­tems. Oth­er re­spon­ si­bil­i­ties in­clude re­plac­ing and re­pair­ing dys­func­tion­al or in­ef­fi­cient equip­ment and sup­port of the En­gi­neer­ing group.This po­si­tion is a vari­ able shift po­si­tion, ro­tat­ing eve­ry 2 months. Shifts are 12 hours; 7:00-7:00. The work week is a 36/48 hour work week. This po­si­tion will re­quire holi­day and al­ter­ nat­ing wee­kend shifts. Only those will­ing to work nights, wee­kends, and holi­days should ap­ply. Job Re­quire­ ments: The suc­cess­ful can­ didate must pos­sess a High School Di­plo­ma or GED, at least two years re­ cent in­ dus­tri­al Main­tenance work ex­peri­ence as an in­dus­tri­al me­chan­ic, main­tenance ap­ pren­tice, or equiv­al­ent. The ap­plic­ant must have spe­cif­ic hands-on work ex­peri­ence in main­tenance, trou­bleshoot­ ing and pre­ven­ta­tive main­ tenance. The can­didate must also pos­sess knowl­ edge of au­to­mat­ed equip­ ment and OSHA re­quired Safe­ ty train­ ing as well as prev­i­ous ex­peri­ence weld­ ing, fab­ri­cat­ing, and work­ing with pumps, valves, and mo­ tors. The can­didate must be or­gan­ized and de­pend­able, have dem­on­strat­ed prob­lem solv­ing abil­i­ty, good writ­ten and ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Can­didate must have their own tools. Phys­ i­ cal de­mands re­quire the abil­i­ty to lift 50 lbs., climb lad­ders and stairs, and use me­chan­ i­cal pow­er and hand tools. Qual­i­fy­ing po­si­tions off­er: *A 401(k) and pri­vate pen­ sion plan. *No de­duct­ible med­i­cal, pre­scrip­tion drug, den­tal and vision. Pre­mi­um paid short term dis­abil­i­ty, long term dis­abil­i­ty, life in­ surance for you and your de­pend­ants, and many oth­er elec­tive ben­e­fits. *Paid sick, va­ca­tion and 10 holi­days. *Pro­fes­sion­al growth and de­vel­op­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties through train­ing and our Ed­ u­ca­tion As­sis­tance Pro­gram *Wage DOE. Ap­ply in per­ son at: 31240 Rox­bury Road Uma­til­la, OR. 97882 Ap­ply bet­ween the hours of 7:00am and 2:30pm

START YOUR own CBD busi­ness: be ahead of the game, be your own boss; call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541294-8245, Her­mis­ton. NOW HIRING LOCAL HARVEST DRIVERS Home every night! Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is recruiting local harvest drivers, Pasco area. Home every night! These driving positions start out seasonal, but can turn into full time. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, & other benfits for FTE’s. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have, or be able to obtain, current CDL; 1 year driving experience; No major violations with 3 years on motor vehicle record; Pass pre employment drug screen; Valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate. For application, please call Human Resources, 541-5674098. Medelez, Inc is an EOE. MED­I­CAL BILL­ING Trainees Need­ed: Train at home for a ca­reer as a Med­i­cal Of­fice Pro­ fes­sion­al at CTI! 1-833766-4511 Ask­CTI.com

BUSY BEE Preschool and child care has 2 openings for children age 2 or over, 1001 things to do, call for interview; 541-5672002.

START YOUR own CBD busi­ness: be ahead of the game, be your own boss; call for more in­for­ma­tion, 541294-8245, Her­mis­ton. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039.

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 7

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People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!

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The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 8

YARD and HOME SERV­IC­ES Rea­son­ably priced yard and some home care: $15/hour, of­fer­ ing dis­counts for Sen­ ior Cit­i­zens and the Disa­bled. Mow­ing, edg­ing, weed eat­ing, re­mov­al of leaves and weeds from veg­et­able and flow­ er gar­dens, gen­er­al yard de­bri re­mov­al. Clean­ing of rain gut­ ters, pres­ sure wash­ ing - vi­ nyl sid­ ing, fenc­es, decks, dri­ve­ ways, side­walks and most an­y­thing, just ask! Snow re­mov­al in the win­ter. Call to­ day 458-219-1882 or 541-303-4885 Her­ mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1962 CHE­VY Nova (no post): par­tial­ly re­ stored, strong mo­ tor and trans­mis­sion, new parts and wir­ing, $5,000; 541-379-6274, Her­mis­ton.

FOR SALE: 1994 Toyo­ta T100, reg­u­lar 5 speed, 4x4, metal tool­box across back, $2000, Call Ke­vin at; 541-310-7015, af­ter 4:30pm, Pen­dle­ton.

TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust, for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed Sat­ur­day & Sun­day. 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, OR. 1991 MER­CURY CA­ PRI: con­vert­ible, 5 speed man­u­al, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, 34,600 miles, hard top in­ clud­ ed, $3800, 509-2403637, no Sat­ur­day calls.



1960’s CJ-5: Project Jeep, 350 Chevy motor, 4 inch lift, needs work, $2500; 541371-0715. 1995 FORD F150, Eddie Bauer XLT super cab, 2 wd/ 4 wd, auto trans, 5.8L V8, EFI, ac, pw, pdl, tilt, cc, bed liner, long bed, dual fuel tanks, custom chrome bumper, running boards, windshield visor, tow pkg, includes studded snow tires mounted on rims, 126k mi, runs great. $2500. 509290-1837. Pasco.

OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: used, new, and of­fic­es. Vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers”. In­sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. AIR BOURNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 19 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Pay­ ment plans avail­able, for free es­timate; call 760-267-6981. Own­ ers Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­mis­ton, OR. MO­BILE HELP: Amer­ i­ca’s Prem­i­er Mo­bile Med­i­cal Alert Sys­tem. Wheth­er you are home or away. For safe­ ty and peace of mind. No long term Con­tracts! FREE Brochure; Call to­day! 1-855-5346198. 20 PAIRS Glo­ria Van­ der­bilt jeans: size 14 short, for more in­ for­ ma­tion; call 541-5678466, Her­mis­ton.

FIRST CUT­TING Grass hay, 5 ton avail­ able, $175 ton (22 bales) you load, you haul, sin­gle bales $10; Last year’s grass hay, barn stored, no rain, $8 per bale; gas pow­ ered wood split­ ter, new 6hp en­ gine with re­build­able 5hp en­gine $550; 541-314-7922, Her­mis­ton. STIHL WEED Eat­er: very very good con­ di­tion, $150; call 541566-0459. GRASS AL­FAL­FA: 1st cut­ting, $9 per bale, grass al­fal­fa, 2nd cut­ ting, $10 per bale; 541571-7601, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA SEED Fine stemmed. $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-301-6699. JOHN DEERE 2010, rebuilt eng, ps, new clutch, pressure plate & throwout bearing, new front tires, hydraulic pump replaced, tractor in good shape. 509492-1563. BntnCity.


YAKIMA: HEALTHY, beautiful CKC Boston Terriers, dewclaws removed, 1 red/ white female, 1 red/ white male, will have 1st shots & vet check, will be ready to go on July 14th. $800. 509248-3088; 509-3886741. SAINT DANE PUPPIES! Born June 18, taking deposits, $750. Call/ text for details, 509733-0401. Toppenish. G E R­M A N SHEPHERD pup­ pies: 3 males, 1 fe­ male, 8 weeks, up to date on shots, $280; 541-571-1908, Her­ mis­ton. FLANDOODLES, Standard Poodle & Bouvier cross puppies, $800. 509831-8862. Sunnyside, Washington. L A­B R A­D O O­D L E PUP­PIES: mini to med­i­um size, born April 4, 2019. UTD vac­ cines and de­ worm­er, ve­teri­nar­i­an health check-up. Par­ ents on-site. Black or brown, $800, Blue Me­ rles, and Phan­ toms are more; 541571-8797, Her­mis­ton, OR.

FARM AUCTION July 21, 2019, preview 9am, auction starts 10am. Craig Loop Rd, Summerville, OR. Watch for signs. Ken & Betty have the farm for sale, & need to sell off the extras. Case 430 tractor with loader; Rotary mower; Far King snow blower; Gopher getter; Plow; Back blade; Post hole auger; DR rapid fire log splitter; Telescope; S10 Chevy Tahoe pickup; 1968 Chevy C20 pickup, great shape, with reserve; Triumph Spitfire; Ford super cab 4x4 pickup; Work Pro pressure washer; Hustler zero turn lawn mower with bagger system; Radial arm saw; Canning jars; Live trap; Fishing poles; Camp tent; Camping equipment; Trailer mounted chipper with dump box behind; Car dolly; Large trailer; Fence stays; Mercedes 300 SD; Ladders; Shop full of great stuff, & a whole lot more. More being added every day. View at www.clarkauctions.com. We will try & update as we get further into the setup. 10% buyer premium. Cash, check or credit card. All items sold as is, where is. Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, auctioneer. 541-910-0189.

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The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 9

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1510 Grade St., Kelso 98626 517 NW Pacific, Chehalis 98532 1055 N. First Street, Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230 • thenickelonline.com Phone: 423-3141 Fax: 423-1814 Phone: 748-6616 Fax: 748-1479 A. 4 Week Special Rate

Name: ____________________Date: ______________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Credit Card Number: ___________________________ Exp. Date: ____________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

❏ Miscellaneous

❏ Manufactured Housing ❏ For Rent ❏ Recreational Vehicles ❏ Tools & Machinery ❏ Household ❏ Motorcycles & ATV's ❏ Employment & Services ❏ Boats & Accessories ❏ Pets & Animals ❏ Sporting Goods ❏ Farm & Garden ❏ Computers & Electronics ❏ Wanted ❏ Logging & Heavy Eq. ❏ Yard Sales ❏ Free Items ❏ Real Estate ❏ Lost & Found

6.00 $15.00 ____ ❏ Automobiles $

(First 15 Words, Pre-Paid)

B. No. Extra Words _____x 20¢ ea. C. Sub-total (A+B) D. Total

_____ _____ _____































The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide WIL­DER­NESS RE­ TREAT: bor­ders Uma­til­la Na­tion­al For­est in Gar­ field Coun­ty, Washing­ ton, near Troy, Or­e­gon. Own­er con­tract. 20 acr­ es $89,500 or 40 acr­es with lake $200,000; 509751-6751.



Irrigon Trabajo Agrícola 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838 Ahora aceptamos solicitudes para viviendas con fondos federales. Unidades de 2, 3, y 4 habitaciones con renta según los ingresos cuando estén disponibles. Se aplican restricciones de ingresos y de esundiantes. Ingresos de la Granja/ Agrícola. Las unidades son dúplex con lavadora y secadora en la unidad.

Teléfono del proyecto: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda”

UP­DAT­ED HOME COUN­TRY SET­TING 3 bed­room, 2 bath, home in quiet lo­ca­tion, 740 E Wood in Stan­ field, OR. $149,900; Seri­ous in­qui­ries only; 541-561-1048, MAG­NIFI­CENT RE­TAIL SHOP SALE OR LEASE 2,800 square foot building, 7,000 square foot lot, located in great down­town Stan­field, restaurant, an­tique, or west­ern, $165,000 MANAGEMENT or rent for $1,500 per month; 818-800-1700.

PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981 541-567-3981


$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10Storage - $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Units- 12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.



705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIESinc.

Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St.





SUMMER TIME adventure! Just bring your clothes & food! Open from April to the end of October! 38’ Thor 5th wheel, 3 slideouts, Naches Wonderland C a m p g r o u n d membership. Newer carpet, recliners, bed, & refrig. Well maintained. Private hedges, 2 large storage sheds, extra refrig, freezer in shed, new bbq, fire pit & gazebo frame. No lawn to mow! Fake grass on large portion of lot. Nice deck, patio furniture, & railing for steps. All necessities to start your summer adventure will be left with trailer! Everything you need to enjoy the great outdoors! Right across lane from river front! Extra large lot! Very nice heated swimming pool, play area for everyone, restroom facilities with showers. $26,500 asking price. Only serious inquiries, please! Call & leave msg at 509-531-3481; 509-586-6925.

FOR SALE OR RENT 2 bed­room, 2 bath mo­bile home, $765 per month, plus $765 de­pos­it or for sale for $42,000; 541-2767632, Pen­dle­ton. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want!

541-567-3981 or find us on the web at; www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. MINI STORAGE FOR RENT 10x12, gated, lighted, secure; 541-567-6065, Hermiston. AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. Down­town, stu­dios, rent $450. All util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure. Ask about the Sa­voy Ho­tel also. (509) 248-2146. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 er month. $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wifi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­room and showers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 855-741-7459

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. EX­TRA LARGE fur­ nished room for rent: large bath­room, in coun­try, am­ple park­ ing, 2 miles to Board­ man. En­ joy gar­ den & area view. No smok­ ing, drugs or pets, ref­ er­enc­es re­quired; 541571-0163. 2 BED­ROOM one bath mo­bile home: see at 1500 NE 10th, #46, Her­mis­ton, nice park, cov­ered pa­tio, fenced yard, $750 month, $500 de­pos­it. you must live like an adult; text only to 503-8302906. ROOM­MATE WANT­ ED to share very clean small home in Her­mis­ ton: call 503-267-6017.


HER­MIS­TON HOME FOR RENT: 2 bed­rooms, 1 bath, 800 sq. ft., has wash­er and dry­er, dish­wash­er, des­ig­nat­ed dri­ve­way, storage shed, large yard, no smok­ing, no pets: $850 per month; 503-267-6017.

CALL FOR More Information

FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/Sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $308 and up per week, plus first, last, and de­pos­it, call Til­li­ cum Inn Annex, Uma­ til­la; 541-922-3236.


BEAU­TI­FUL TOWN HOME: in Board­man, OR. 3 bed­room, 2&1/2 bath, ga­rage, W/S/G paid, $1250 per month, in­come re­quire­ments, 3 times the month­ ly rent; 541-561-1783.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

RIV­ER VIEWS: nice three bed­room, 1 bath du­plex for rent in Board­man, w/s/g paid, $1050/month, in­come re­quire­ment, 3 times the month­ly rent; 541561-1783. SIN­GLE FAM­I­LY home in Uma­ til­ la: clean 3 bed­room, 1 bath, at­ tached sin­ gle car ga­ rage, cen­ tral air, cov­ ered back porch, large fenced yard. No pets or smok­ing, $1,000 per month, plus $1,100 de­ pos­it; 509-948-5867. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. STOR­AGE BUILD­ ING for Rent: 45’x30’ shed lo­ cat­ ed in the coun­ try near Uma­ pine, Or­e­gon. 18’w x 14’ tall ac­cess door, plus one walk thru door, all un­der lock and key. For more in­ for­ma­tion; phone Roff Real Es­tate Prop­er­ ty Man­age­ment 541938-6655, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 er month. $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wifi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­room and showers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. 2 BED­ROOM, 1 bath du­plex in Pi­lot Rock, Or­e­gon: $750 month, $500 de­pos­it, no pets/ smok­ing; 541-5715171.

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 11

HIGH­LAND CAT­TLE: raised for nat­u­ral, grass fed beef. Own­ er re­tir­ing, $250 each. Cow/calf pairs, $400; 509-765-1376.

3 FAM­I­LY YARD SALE Fri­day, July 12th & Sat­ur­day July 13th, 9am-3pm; 445 W. Her­ mis­ton Ave.

THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

TWO BULLS FOR SALE HERE­FORD BULL (polled) bred at Coly­ er Ranch, Ida­ho, born Janu­ary 13, 2017, $3,000 and 1 Here­ ford Bull (horned) bred at Gohr Ranch, Ma­dras, born Janu­ ary 22, 2016, $3,500; call 541-922-8850 or 541-720-3779, Her­ mis­ton.

GA­RAGE & ES­TATE sale: Fri­day, July 13 and Sat­ur­day, July 14, 9am-4pm. No ear­ ly sales gate locked, 33872 Hicks Lane, Her­mis­ton.

STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­dard Walk-In Bath­tub. Re­ceive up to $1,500 off, in­clud­ing a free toi­let, and a Life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion; Call us at 1-855-5346198.

WEIN­ER PIGS: for sale please con­ tact Juli; 541-561-9871, in the Board­man area. SUF­FOLK TEX­EL CROSS SHOW LAMBS Lambs will be 5 to 6 months old for Uma­til­ la Coun­ty Fair. Most­ly twins, some sin­ gles, to be weaned mid to late May, and will have had 3 dos­es of CD te­ ta­nus, eat­ing creep, hay and grass; Stage Gulch Suf­folks; call Jan Mills, 541-4493559. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. GRASS CALVES FOR SALE All sizes, all prices. Free delivery. Call for details. 541-256-0907. NICE HEALTHY pigs: all siz­es, wean­ers to adult sows; call 541534-9421, Sum­mer­ ville, OR. SHEEP & GOATS Paying cash for sheep & goats. 541-2560907. Cattle also. LIM­OU­SIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail­able now. Wilde Ranch­es; 541-4542994.

! ! AUC­TION ! ! Sat­ur­day, July 13th, 2019, auc­tion start 5:00pm, pre­ view at 3:00pm. 80824 Kik Road, Her­mis­ton, Or­e­gon. Food ven­ dor will be Eats and Treats from Touchet, WA. H&R Pardn­er 12 gauge, (NIB), Spor­ ter­ized Span­ish Mili­ tary ri­fle, 5 gates, new street lights, 3 Pt.. spray tank, Mil­ wau­kee grin­der, band saw, pres­sure wash­er, 2-freez­ers, 2-Homel­ite chain­saws, elec­tri­cal com­pon­ents, Paint­ ed Po­ nies, new ar­ tist can­vas (vari­ous siz­es), day bed, wood split­ ter, Dodge Ram brush guard, golf clubs, fish­ ing rods, TY col­lect­ a­bles, Gund, 2 child­ ren’s rock­ers, TY dis­ play, San­di­cast, pow­er tools, hand tools, bar clamps, pow­er mit­er saw, Lex­mark las­er print­er, wood­en shelf, ster­eos, Rag­ge­dy Ann and Andy, crafts, gar­den trail­er, Ca­be­ la’s meat mix­er, back packs, paints, Pel­let guns, live trap, Nail kegs, tires, Marx train set, Es­pres­so ma­ chine, 12 place chi­ na set, fold­ing chairs, Poul­try pluck­er, BBQ. Lots of new items, More items com­ing in un­til auc­tion day. See pho­tos on Face­book at Mikes Auc­tion LLC. 10% buy­ers pre­mi­ um. Cred­it cards wel­ comed. All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. Call Mike Zook at 541-5716280. Ford Bon­ ney: Auc­tion­eer.

RECORD in the pri­va­cy of your home: a song, a mes­ sage to fam­i­ly, friends or loved ones. A will, agree­ ments, all onto CD’s; call for more in­for­ma­tion 458-2191870, Her­mis­ton.

JOHN DEERE 1020 diesel tractor with loader, strong engine, $8500. Prosser. 509781-0226. NH 1068 harrow bed hay stacker, gas, good tires, new brakes, ugly but stacks hay, $9500. Randy, 509-240-4289. Touchet,WA. ORCHARD ladders, 12’ alum, 18 avail, $100 ea; 20 hp Cornell pump with 3 phase electrical panels, $1500; 8000 grape grow tubes, 30”, .50cents ea. Call/ text, 509-396-8694. BntnCity.

VIA­GRA and CIALIS US­ERS: 100 Gener­ic Pills SPE­CIAL $99.00, FREE Ship­ping! 100% guar­anteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-4455928 Ha­bla­mos Es­pa­ nol.

CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $300/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities.

LIFE­WAY MO­TOR­IZED SCOOT­ER Gold­en Life­way mo­ tor­ized scoot­er, $600, long life bat­tery, good tires; 541-567-9338, Her­mis­ton.

FIRST CUT­TING al­fal­ fa: no rain, no leaves, small bales, $8 per bale $200 per ton; 541-379-0693, Pen­ dle­ton.

CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Con­di­tion Ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and New­er. Na­tion­wide Free Pick Up! Call Now; 1-800864-5960. DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 888-6233036 orhttp://www. dental50plus.com/58


Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units. Income and student restrictions apply. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer’s in the unit

Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 2 & 3 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Onsite laundry facility.

Project phone #: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900

Project phone #: 541-481-2118 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900

“Equal Housing Opportunity”

AKC LAB puppies: AKC chocolate & black Labs. Dam chocolate, sire charcoal. $600. Dewclaws, first shots, & first deworming. 509438-4380. TriCities.

ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE information kit. Call 877-929-9587

WE WELCOME APPLICANTS! Applewood Village 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838

BLACK CURRANT berries, make great jams & jellies, $2 per pound, picked. 509582-6403. TriCities.

Boardman Apartments 331 NW Boardman Ave Boardman, OR 97818

“Equal Housing Opportunity”

KU­BO­TA L245BT: full cab, snow plow, rear plat­form, trail­er hitch, winch, good tires, runs great, $4000 or best off­er, call even­ings; 541-571-3688.

1991 FORD DIE­SEL F250: club cab, pickup nev­er been dent­ ed, fifth wheel ready, camp­ er ready $5,000 or best off­er; 541-5715116, Her­mis­ton. 1985 CJ-7 258 six cyl, with fuel injection, 4 spd manual trans, hard top & bikini top, Warn winch, new tires, wheels & brakes, runs great. 509-2229737. TriCities.

HEALTH FORCES SALE: 2012 Che­vy Sil­ver­a­do 1500: this truck is LIKE NEW, 4x4, Vor­tex V-8, great tires, low mile­ age at 18,900, pris­tine ca­no­ py, HDX West­in Grille Guard, non smoker, ga­raged, tow pack­ age, Weather­tech floor mats, front lev­el kit, al­ ways serv­iced, rear air bag, new plates clean ti­tle, $19,900; call 503410-9359, Her­mis­ton.

’62 FORD 2 ton flatbed with hoist, all orig, 292, 4 spd x 2 spd, $2500; ’90 GMC cargo van, 18’Lx8’Wx8’H, power lift gate, diesel, 5 spd, ex-furniture mover, $3500. 541-571-6814. Hermiston.

(2)1956 FOUR door Chev­ro­let cars: one runs with a 6 cy­lin­der, auto trans­mis­sion. The oth­er is a parts car, buy them both for the price of one, $3,495, they are both pro­ject cars; call Burt at 541-454-2715.


Morrow Estates 212 NE Anderson Circle Boardman, OR 97818 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units. Income and student restrictions apply. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer hook-ups in the unit and an on-site laundry facility. Project phone #: 541-481-2855 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 12

2002 HAR­LEY Da­vid­ son Fat Boy: origi­ nal 59,000 miles, great shape, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, clear Or­e­gon ti­tle, $4,800; 541-5648153, Her­mis­ton. HY­DRAULIC MO­TOR­CY­CLE LIFT has nev­er been used, brand span­kin new $400; for de­tails, 541564-1010, Her­mis­ton. THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want! 2007 HAR­LEY DA­ VID­SON Elec­tra Glide Stan­dard FLHT: twin cam, 103 C.I., 6 speed, fuel in­ject­ed, Vance & Hines Dress­er du­als ex­ haust, very good sound­ing on board, CD ster­eo, tour pack, $7500/off­ er, or trade for fast Boat, for pic­ tures and in­for­ma­tion; Call 541-701-0350, Her­mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

WANT­ED ROLL­A­ WAY bed: rea­son­ably priced, and in good con­di­tion; 541-4436911, Pi­lot Rock. CARS & TRUCKS WANT­ED!!! 2002 and New­er! Any Con­di­tion. Run­ning or Not. Com­peti­tive Off­er! Free Tow­ing! We’re Na­tion­wide! Call Now; 1-888-4162330. WANT­ED Re­spon­ si­ble teen for yard work for the sum­mer: equip­ment pro­vid­ed; call even­ings 541-5673253, Her­mis­ton. DEAD OR ALIVE WANT­ED: rid­ing mow­ers, ro­to­till­ers, push mow­ ers. Free pick­up, Cash paid for some. Tune-ups and re­pairs avail­able; call 541-571-2981, Her­ mis­ton.



Irrigon Farm Labor 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 2, 3, & 4 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Income from Farm/Agricultural. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer’s in the unit. Project phone #: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, foun­da­tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970-3669184 or 541-626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­ sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­fes­sion­ al, qual­i­ty, on time. Call for es­timate. Own­er Shan­non Kack; 760267-6981, Her­mis­ton, OR. BUSI­N ESS CARDS: start­ing at $42.50 (black & white) for 1000! Col­ or is additional charge. Come in and check out the many dif­fer­ent busi­ness cards we can make JUST for YOU! J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, foun­da­tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970-3669184 or 541-626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­ sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. HANDY AL­FRE­DO: need help with your pro­jects? paint­ing, car­ pen­try, fenc­es, decks stain, roof­ing; call for free es­timate 541-5716071.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981

TWO FAM­IL ­ Y Yard Sale: Fri­day, July 12, 7am-noon. Beat the ear­ly birds and shop, 6pm-8pm on Thurs­day even­ing, 32857 Baxt­er Road, Her­mis­ton. ENORMOUS YARD and BARN SALE Multi Family: did I say “multi family?” Friday, July 12th & Saturday, July 13, 7:30am-???pm, 79846 Powerline Rd, Hermiston. Antiques, collectibles, absolutely treasures for all man kind! 60 years of accumulation... MOV­ING SALE: fur­ni­ ture, yard items, tools, tel­e­visions, too much to list, 755 N. Dunne, Stan­field; 541-4493744. BIG LOTS - BIG SALE Sun­day, July 14th, 20% off the en­ tire Store. Join our Re­ wards and shop Sat­ur­ day! 8am-10pm, both days... YARD/DECK SALE: lots of guy stuff, tools, fish­ing gear, bass boat with gas and elec­ tric mo­tors, life jack­ets and lots of lures, hot tub, upright freez­er, var­ ie­ ty of small ap­ plianc­ es and house­ wares, Sat­ur­day, July 16th, 8am-4pm, Hat Rock Mo­bile Home Court, space 26. Turn at store, drive past two roads and turn left at third road, then left again at first cross­ road. Gray dou­blewide across from big lot. MU­TLI-FAM­I­LY SALE M c­N a r y / U m a­t i l­l a Or­e­gon: Sat­ur­day, July 13th only, 7am2pm, 24 Di­a­blo Ct., 36 Di­a­blo Ct., 109 Rio Sen­ da, crafts, beads, clothes for the whole fam­i­ly, books, house­hold items, et­ce­tera, stop by and say HI!

BUY­ING ALL class­es of Horses: J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock; 541-5236119, 541-519-2902. HEIS­ER SAD­DLE: like new, ab­so­lute­ly the best I have ever seen, dou­ble rigg, ex­cel­lent wool, 15” seat, all strings, ful­ ly carved, ride or col­lect, must see to ap­ pre­ ci­ ate, $1900; 541-5711819.

9MM GLOCK 43: per­ fect con­ceal car­ry, $400, call or text; 541303-3047 or 541-5712699, Board­man. AN­TLER BUY­ER Buy­ ing all grades of elk, deer and moose. Pen­dle­ton and Wal­ la Wal­ la ar­ eas, call or text Tom; 541-3794963. Fol­low on on Face­book or In­stgram at Tom’s An­tler Biz.

4 HORSE 2 com­part­ ment trail­er: with sad­ dle rack, good tires, clean, great shape; 541-276-0790, Pen­ dle­ton.

NEED A new car, but don’t want to drive far? Check your local Nickel Want Ad paper. Cover­ ing Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties.

JACK­POT PLAY­DAY MINI-SER­IES Uma­til­la Sage Rid­ ers. 1st ser­ies ev­ent: Sun­day, July 14th, start time: 1:00 pm. Admission is FREE. Bar­rel rac­ing, pole bend­ing, fig­ure 8, stake race. Mem­bers $8/ ev­ent, Non-mem­bers $10/ev­ent. For more information email: sage­ri­ders­se­cre­tary@ hot­mail.com. Ar­e­na lo­ cat­ed: 81907 N High­ way 395, Her­mis­ton.

FREE MO­TION 860 tread­mill with wifi; $300. Nor­dic­track Olyp­ti­cal Elite 10.7; $350. Call or text; 541303-3047 or 541-5712699, Board­man.

DECK­ER PACK sad­ dle: com­plete in ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $250, cash only; 541-2890987, Her­mis­ton. PACK MULE: ex­peri­ enced moun­tain trail, has packed bear, elk, deer and ridge planks. She high­lines, easy to catch and stays in camp; 541910-0026, Pen­dle­ton. ORCHARD GRASS hay, early cut, no rain in hay shed, $12/ bale, 90 lb, 2 string. Touchet, WA. Randy, 509-240-4289. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. VERY GENTLE riding donkeys. 509-5829007. Tri-Cities.


Buttercreek Apartments 405 SW 11th Street Hermiston, OR 97838 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1 & 2 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Onsite laundry facility. Project phone #: 541-567-7595 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

AS­TOR­IA SAL­MON Over 1 mil­lion Sal­mon pre­dict­ed for the Col­ um­bia Riv­er in Au­gust & Sep­tem­ber. Come join us for some of the worlds best fish­ ing. Call soon for best dates, Brian at Lie­ bert’s Guide Serv­ice; 971-221-7799. 9’x18’ POOL with sand filt­er, $350, call or text; 541-303-3047 or 541571-2699, Board­man. BRUBAKER ARMS MFG Brubaker Arms Manufacturing in Yakima specializes in fine custom sporting arms. Classic to modern, long gun to handgun. General repairs to full custom builds. We are Central Washington’s premier gun makers. Call Bryan 912-659-4505, Ligia 405-501-8135 or www.brubakerarms. com, Yakima. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad, or if your ad is in­a d­v er­t ent­l y left out of the pa­p er, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­s pon­s i­b le for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ ror, your ad will be cor­ rect­ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied. FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA. HEAVY DUTY in­ver­ sion table for sale: $100 or best off­er; 541-567-1587, Her­ mis­ton.

HOT SPRINGS Hot Tub: 8’x8’, 6 per­son, ex­cel­lent in­teri­or, 13 jets, has 2 leaks that need to be re­paired, all elec­tron­ics work good, great pro­ject for a handy man, $100 u-haul; 541-567-8628, Her­mis­ton, AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. COME TO the Uma­ til­la Pub­lic Li­brary: and learn all about Me­te­or­ites! Meet Sci­en­tist Dick Pugh as he pres­ ents and shows you $15,000 worth of me­te­or­ites, that you can hold and han­dle! Wed­nes­day, Au­gust 7, 2019, 7:009:00pm, 700 6th St., Uma­til­la, OR. 541922-5704. Think you have found a me­te­or­ ite? Bring it with you and let the Sci­ en­ tist con­firm it. PAL­LET OF in­cense: sticks, cones, oils, burn­ers, too much to list, $300 takes all, pal­let of fig­ur­ines, hun­ dreds of small fig­ur­ines, dogs, cats, bears, birds, an­gels, pic­ ture frames, too much to list, $300 takes all, Snap On tool chest, top and bot­tom with cov­er, was do­mes­tic and im­ port tech for over 30 years, over $50,000 in­ vest­ ed, will sell for $25,000, must see, also have piles of shop man­u­als, make off­er, Me­guiars pol­ish­ er and bag with sets of Me­guiars pro­duct and car­ri­er, $400, 3m paint gun, with lots of tips, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 with ex­tra lids and cups, also 3m chip guard gun and pro­ducts, $400; call 541-969-3842. Pen­ dle­ton. U-PICK BLUE­BER­RIES Now Open, $2 per pound. Hours: Mon­ day-Fri­day, 6:30amnoon & 5-8pm; Sat­ ur­day, 6:30am-8pm; Sun­day, 7am-2pm. 29555 Min­ne­ha­ha Rd., we can also pick for you! 541-567-3146; call/email for pric­ ing www.kandk­b lue­b er­ ries.com PTO WOOD chip­per: 3 point hitch, good run­ ning con­di­tion, han­ dles up to 4 1/2 inch, paid $1965 ask­ing $1000; 541-571-0702. ELIM­INATE GUT­TER clean­ing for­ev­er! Leaf­ Filt­ er, the most ad­ vanced de­bris-block­ ing gut­ter pro­tec­tion. Sched­ ule a FREE es­timate to­day. 15% off and 0% fi­nanc­ing for those who qual­ i­ fy. PLUS Sen­ior & Mili­tary dis­counts; call 855995-2490.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 13

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1055 N. 1st Street fax (541) 564-8403 e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com Hermiston, OR -97838 Call for a free estimate Residential & Commercial • Parking Lots • Drive-Ways buy• Decks some &papers read...but readEquipment the Nickel& to buy! • People Sidewalks Patios to • Sheds & Barnsthey • Heavy Trailers

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 14

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

SIX (6) PER­SON hot tub: does have a small leak, take it away free; 541-567-5847, Her­ mis­ton. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039.

What: A Pair of Gold Buckle Passes to the Farm City Pro Rodeo Includes: • free entry to rodeo • covered VIP seating for the rodeo • refreshments (Beer/Wine/Soda and mixed drinks for small cost) • hors d’oeuvres • $250 value Cost: $25 per ticket; 5 tickets for $100 Who: 4 winners will be drawn for a pair of tickets • 1st winner has first choice of which evening Wednesday, August 7th, through Saturday, August 10th • 2nd winner has second choice • 3rd winner has third choice • 4th winner has remaining evening When: Drawing will be held on August 1st. You do not need to be present to win. Why: Wrestling programs are buying new competition wrestling mats

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80857 HWY 395 N. HERMISTON, OR


2010 HAR­LEY DA­VID­ SON Street Glide trike: dark red, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, 17,286 ac­tu­ al miles, 6 speed, elec­ tric re­verse, $18,000; 541-676-5382, Hep­ pner, OR. 2002 HAR­LEY Da­ vid­son Fat Boy: origi­ nal 59,000 miles, great shape, ex­ cel­ lent con­di­tion, clear Or­e­gon ti­tle, $4,800; 541-564-8153, Her­ mis­ton.

This Week’s Entertainment! th

1987 CHEVY 1/2 ton pick­up: 2004 29’ 5th wheel, cou­gar Tim­ber, $9,500, Or­gan­ic Buf­ fa­lo eat, 1/2 or whole, $4 a pound; 541-6673301. La­Grande. F150 LARIAT CREW 2008 4 wd, 5.4L Triton V8, all amenities, new tranny, 1 owner, always garaged, newer tires & battery, black exterior & interior, locking sliding Tonneau cover, truck looks & runs like new, serviced at 5k increments with synthetic oil, all records available, 151k miles, $16,900. You won’t find another one in this good of condition. 509591-5188. BentonCity. 1974 CHE­VY: short bed, 4x4, pro­ject, $1,000 or best off­er; 541-571-5116, Her­ mis­ton.

LOOK­ING FOR a re­ spon­si­ble hand­y­man in the Her­mis­ton area, part time, 3-4 hours once a week, $10 per hour; 541-289-3216. IN­VEN­TORS - FREE I N ­F O R ­M A ­T I O N PACK­AGE: Have your pro­duct idea de­vel­ oped af­ford­ably by the Re­ search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and­ pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­ tur­ers; Call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea­ Start­er Guide. Sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion. WIND­OWS: NEW En­ er­gy sav­ing wind­ows! Beau­ti­fy your home! Save on month­ ly en­ er­gy bills with NEW WIND­OWS from 1800Re­mo­del! Up to 18 months no in­ter­ est, re­stric­tions ap­ply; call to­day 1-866-3350996.



Martin Gerschwitz ROCK

Music in the Parks is funded by: Morrow County Unified Recreation District and Portland General Electric and is sponsored by North Morrow Community Foundation In the event of inclement weather, Boardman performances will be held at the SAGE Center and Irrigon performances will be held at the Irrigon Senior Center.


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2007 Cadillac Escalade 2003 Porsche Boxter

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1975 19 FOOT Bay­ lin­er: 265 horse­pow­ er Mer­Cruis­er I/O and trail­er, great for fam­i­ly and fish­ing, $1,750; 541-379-6274, Her­ mis­ton.

1991 V-HULL 21’ inboard/ outboard Chev V8, ski riggers, runs well, with TND 2 axle trailer, $3,500; 541701-4448, Hermiston. USED BOAT Trail­er: in good con­di­tion, meas­ ures 16’ long x 6’ wide, fits boat size max­i­mum 13’ long x 51/2’ wide, only $600 or best of­fer; 541-969-7746, Pen­ dle­ton, OR. 14 FOOT alu­mi­num: elec­tric troll­ing mo­tor and trail­er, $950; 541379-6274, Her­mis­ton.

FOR SALE: 2000 Skeeter ZX202, 200 Yamaha Vmax 3.1 liter, dual console, 24 volt, 82lb thrust, Motorguide trolling motor, Lowrance HDS 8 at console with structure scan, Lowrance HDS 7 touch at bow, new lower unit with less than 5 hours, Hot-foot, pro trim, dual live wells, new tires and bearings last year on trailer, $13,500; 541-561-1669, Irrigon.

1992 LUND 17.5’, Tyee, 120 & 6 hp two stroke motors, lots of extras, $9200 obo. 509-930-9045. Yakima. OUR CLAS­S I­F IEDS help you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ence pos­ si­b le with­o ut us­ing a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ing dol­lars! Call us to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

2002 DODGE Ram: 1/2 ton, 4x4, gas, 4 door, 5 speed, man­u­al, runs nice, new clutch plate, new heat­er core, fac­tory ca­no­py, nice, $3900; 541-571-1819, Her­mis­ton. 1986 FORD ECO­NO­ LINE 1/1 ton: 9 pas­ seng­ er van, new car­ bure­tor, fresh tune-up, new coil, new­ er tires $800 or best off­er; James 458-219-1882, Her­mis­ton.

HEALTH FORCES sale: 2012 Chevy Silverado 1500: this truck is like new, 4x4, Vortex V-8, great tires, low mileage at 18,900, pristine canopy, HDX western brush guard, non smoker, garaged, tow package, Weather-Tech mats, front level kit, always serviced, rear air bag, new plates, clean title, $19,900; call 503410-9359, Hermiston. 2002 HONDA CRVEX, silver, very good cond, good tow vehicle, $3750; Complete $2500 tow pkg, $250; Snow tires, set, mounted 16” 8 hole wheels, $400. 509-840-3775; 509840-2855. TriCities. SHARE YOUR Nick­ el with a friend. You’ll each be happy to the end! 1992 FORD F350: 4x4, crew cab, 7.3 tur­bo Die­sel, fi­ber­glass ca­ no­py, tool box $4,200 or best off­er; 509-4308970, Her­mis­ton. 2001 FORD Rang­er: clean, 4X4, air, CD, short bed with cov­ er, runs great, $7000; 541-561-5453 or 541571-0702.

G R A N D ­F A ­T H E R CLOCK: Em­peror, pen­du­lum swing, tri­ple chime, weight dri­ ven, ca­ble wind, 8ft tall 2ft wide, $1000; 541-5710702. HHS CLASS of 1974 try­ing to locate some class­mates, to inv­ite them to our 45th re­un­ ion, the last wee­kend of July 2019. If you have any in­for­ma­tion on the fol­low­ing peo­ ple; please con­tact Bruce Wil­cox 541720-0514. Debbie Ste­phens, Steve Ralls, Ma­rion Chilc­ ote, Tami Wagn­er John­son, Gail Pe­ter­ son Wil­son, Bert Cha­ vez, Rachel Humph­ reys, San­ dy Smith Mar­tin, Greg Stultz, Bill Dreg­ er, Judy Grimm, Sher­ri Hick­ ey, Eve Mes­seng­er Pier­a­tat, Den­ise Nun­ er, Vick­ie Nut­ter, Jeff Otis, Val Hall St. John, Chris­tie Hess and Bill Zim­mer­man aka Par­ rish. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. OLD­ER YOUTH sad­ dle: good con­di­tion $60; 1991 Ya­ma­ha 4-wheel­er, Champ mod­el, 98cm $500; ce­ment mix­er $60; yard trail­er $75; 16x8 Amer­i­can Rac­ing Boyds Bil­ let wheels, six shoot­er style $500; stair step­ per Free, 2 horse sheets $20 each; all items in ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion; call 541-922-3049, Uma­ til­la.

The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 15

SERTA MOTION Slim bed with adjustable power base: paid $1,028 new, one week old, will consider reasonable offers; 541-564-0887, Hermiston. AN­TIQUE DRESS­ ER with mir­ror: needs some TLC and a lit­tle love; call with rea­son­ able off­er 541-5640887, Her­mis­ton. WIND­ER­MERE LIFT chair: brown in col­or, like new, paid $849, ask­ing $500; 541-5678347, Her­mis­ton. OAK DIN­ING ROOM SET Table with (2) leafs, 6 chairs, Hutch and Chi­na cab­i­net $950, Am­ber Glass­ware Chi­ na, ap­prox­imate­ly 65 piec­es $250; 541-6565143 Her­mis­ton.

WEIN­ER PIGS: for sale please con­ tact Juli; 541-561-9871, in the Board­man area. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. PASTURE CALVES FOR SALE Call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541-256-0907. HIGH­LAND CAT­TLE: raised for nat­u­ral, grass fed beef. Own­ er re­tir­ing, $250 each. Cow/calf pairs, $400; 509-765-1376.

MOV­ING AP­ PLIANCE Sale: Ken­ more side by side fridge, ice mak­er, with bot­tom freez­er, also range oven, good shape on both, $700/ both or best off­er; 541922-2826, Ir­ri­gon.


WANT­ED AN­VIL: Forge, pot bel­lied stove, large caul­ dron or duth oven; 541-6639091. FOR GREAT re­sults in your busi­ness, try a dis­p lay ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­ duce a dis­p lay for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­c u­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­l iam coun­t ies. For more in­f or­m a­ tion, con­tact an sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­ tice the dif­ference im­m e­d iate­ly! 541567-2230 or 541276-7039.


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The Nickel -July 11, 2019- Page 16




Manual Tranny, 00 MO & More! Sale Price $12,998 W/$640 Down for 72 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

#9650A • V#130941

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Tow Pkg., Leather, 00 MO Matching Canopy Sale Price $22,998 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 5.99% APR OAC**

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Low Miles 00 MO Sale Price $15,950 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

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DVD, Quad Seating, 00 MO & More! Sale Price $17,855 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

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Under 9,100 Miles! 00 MO Sale Price $16,980 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

#9661 • V#590982




Under 7,700 Miles, 00 MO 3rd Row Seat Sale Price $21,482 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

#9689 • V#278583




Sahara, Auto, 00 MO Lots More! Sale Price $29,950 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

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13 850


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**APR based on a 750 credit score or higher. *All vehicles subject to prior sale, does not include $75 dealer doc./tax./lic. fee. Offer Ends 7/17/19.

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