7.26.18 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

Want Ad Newspaper People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00

July 26, 2018 Vol. 41 No. 30


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039








1984 CORVETTE: runs ex cel lent, $4000 OBO, claw foot bath tub, 541­ 278­2131, Pendleton.

3 AXEL industrial trailer with ramps: excellent con­ dition, $3500 or best offer; 541­571­5116, Hermiston.

SMALL CHEST Freezer: good for small apartment or small space, $65; 541­ 377­0273, Hermiston.

10’ SILVER Spring mul­ ti­ fold wheelchair ramp: 600 pound capacity, light weight aluminum, folds to half its size, purchased in April 2017, like new; $300 541­567­8628, Hermiston. 2 STORAGE CONTAIN­ ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ roll­up door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful ly in su lat ed metal truck box, perfect for walk­in cooler or sealed storage. $2250; 541­571­ 3845, Hermiston.

NORCO 30FT pull trailer, 12ft slide out, very clean, $6,000. OBO, call 541­ 910­6853 La Grande

TERRIER MIX ShihTZU pup pies: 3 males, 3 fe­ males, shots, $200 each; 541­289­9323, Hermiston.

BOT TLE CALVES for sale: Angus and Limousin cross, free banding; 541­ 371­6700, Hermiston.



2007 SUBARU Tribeca: ful ly load ed, new tires, 180k miles; 541­561­ 2270, Hermiston.

PASTURE FOR rent: $45 per head, no foals or year­ lings, 3 or 4 head; 541­ 567­1464, Hermiston.



STK #18H703B




STK #18UH113

NEW LIFT Chair: Med Lift 5555, seat 20x20, seat high 20”, brown; 541­571­ 3968, Hermiston.








STK #18UH128A

STK #18H825A





STK #18H723B


STK #18H704A


STK #18H656A



STK #18UH136

STK #18UH139



STK #18UH135


PURE BRED female Ger­ man Shepherds, shots, dewormed, $350; 541­ 561­3110, Hermiston.

2014 TRAILLIGHT 200S Crossover: 22 ft. slideout, new condition; $14,500; 541­922­4471, Umatilla.


STK #18H672A


STK #18UH175

1601 Westgate • I-84 to exit #207

$7 • Sat: 9a-5p, Sun: 10a-3p • Info: collectorswest.com





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STK #18H798A


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For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

You Never Know What You’ll Find At A Collectors West Gun & Knife Show!















BUYING ALL classes of horses; J.A. Bennett Live­ stock, 541­523­6119, 541­ 519­2802.

STK #18UH119


STK #18H570A


STK #18UH108





STK #18UH144

STK #18H684A




STK #18H745A

33,913 STK #18UH142

19,422 STK #18UH145

17,900 STK #18H845A



STK #18UH143

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 2

2007 THOR 28’ 5th wheel trail­er: 1 slide, fridg/freez­ er, TV, built in cof­ fee mak­er, booth, both a couch and a hide-a-bed. 14’ awn­ ing, rear trail­er hitch, very clean, $11000; 541-289-8050 or 360-708-5586, Her­ mis­ton.

2016 KEYSTONE Bullet: Ultra lite, no pull outs, never used, everything new, in great condition, must sell, $18,000 or best offer, comes with, cover for trailer, awning and sway bars; 541-9694434 or 541-969-7415.

ATV TRAILER, 7ftx10ft, metal deck, single axle, call 541437-8181 Elgin

20 black & black/white face, top qual­i­ty, large framed cows: weigh­ ing over 1300 pounds, $1385 each, calv­ing now, will sell 2 or more, de­liv­ery avail­able, for more in­for­ma­tion phone Joe Chap­pell; 509-301-4402, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907. BOT­TLE CALVES for sale: An­gus and Lim­ ou­sin cross, lo­cal de­ liv­ery, free band­ing; 541-371-6700, Her­ mis­ton. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities.

Come See Us For All Your Powder Coating Needs: • Wheels • Truck Beds • Trailers • ATV’S • Motorcycles • Fencing • Railing Give us a call for a FREE estimate:


80496 N. HWY 395 • Hermiston

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1976 F-250 Camp­er Spe­cial: 8’ bed needs some work, runs well, good for work or pro­ ject, $1000; 541-5712190, Ir­ri­gon.

FOR SALE: 2006 Mercury Mountaineer, all wheel drive, 206,327 miles, $2600 or best offer; call Nadine, 541-667-9521 Monday - Friday 8am4:30, Boardman. 2002 FORD F350, 4x4, du­al­ly pick­ up: 7.3 die­sel, au­ tomat­ic, new tires, heavy duty ex­tend­ed hitch, 5th wheel at­ tach­ment, air bags, comes with 11.5’ Ar­tic Fox camp­er, Onan gen­era­tor, 3 way fridge, a/c, mi­ crowave, awn­ings, full slide out, pic­tures avail­able, Re­duced to $27,000 and may be sepa­rat­ed; 541969-8188, 541-9698227, Meacham. 1948 CHEVY $25,000 2000 build, fresh motor, 377 SB, 9” Ford rear end, ladder bar suspension, air ride, plumbed nitrous, 509939-5663.

AUCTION AUCTION!!! THURSDAY EVENING, July 26th. 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston, Oregon. Sale starts at 6:30 pm. A preview will be at 5:00 pm.

Some items included are; Vintage License plates (1914 to 1944), Honda 650 generator, Wagon wheels, 8’ windmill, Rose china (occupied japan), Carved 3ft eagle, carved bear, carved fish, Draw knives, Vintage carpenters box, Trunk, Parking meter, Lawn roller, Table saw, Cow/goat bells, Air compressor, Antique hay rake, Bow saw, Jim Beam collection, Patio furniture, Table and 4, Recliners (5), Artwork, End tables, Night stand, King sized adjustable bed, Whites metal detector, Lane cedar chest, Linens, Shop-vac, Cobblers tools, Airless paint system, Fishing tackle, Coolers, Shelving, Lamps, Ladders, Weed eaters, Concrete cart, 8’ tables, Bar b q’s, Propane heater, Garden tools, Crosscut saw, Axes, Mauls, Hi-lift jack, Bottle jacks, Bicycles, Refrigerator, Corning ware, Pyrex, China hutch, Corner shelf, Bedroom set, File cabinets, Binoculars, Card table and chair, Stereo, Bolt bins, Power tools, Battery chargers, Small welder, Vintage oil bottle, CB radios, Yard art, Desk, Kitchen, Tupperware (large lot), Wheelbarrow, Tractor seats, Vintage lanterns, Brass porthole, Bar stools, Brass cuspidor, Too much to list.

11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

AKC FRENCH Bulldog puppies: www.french bulldog-puppies. net,Vic/ Mary Kasser, 541-459- 5951. Drain, Oregon.

2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton.

AKC ROTTWEILER PUPPIES AKC Rottweiler puppies, avail July 17th. Champion & SchH bloodlines. Grandsire is champion European import. Sire is 155 lbs. Tails docked, up to date on vaccines, & deworming. $1750. 509930-0335. Touchet.

AL­FAL­FA HAY For Sale: $160/TON, 2 string bales, $85/bale 3x4, call 541-5671609, Her­mis­ton. HAY FOR Sale: 1st cut­ting al­fal­fa orchard grass mix, no rain, $8.00/ bale; 2nd cut­ ting, a lit­tle dry due to wind, $8.00/ bale, 10 bale min­i­mum; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ton. CUB CADET 50” and MUR­RAY 38” rid­ing mow­ers: Cub, $700; Mur­ray, $400; 541-571-2981, Her­ mis­ton. HAY: ORCHARD grass/ al­fal­fa mix, barn stored, load­er on site, $10 per bale, 32985 W. Walls Rd., Her­mis­ ton; 541-567-1132 or 541-314-2925. 3 AXEL in­dus­tri­al trail­ er with ramps: ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $3500 or best off­er; 541-5715116, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA HAY Alfalfa for sale: small bales, 25 bales/ton, 1st cutting, $7.50/bale, $175/ton, 2nd cutting $8.50/bale, $200/ton, free local delivery, 541377-0891. Pendleton. I N ­T E R ­N A ­T I O N ­A L HAR­VESTER dump rake, $150; used 5th wheel hitch, al­most new, $150; two hay tarps for 32’ trailer, $100 each; 541-5716674, Ir­ri­gon. LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­cle en­gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ ton; 541-571-3845.

BEL­GIAN MALINOIS Pup­pies for sale: born May 21st, $1,000, seri­ ous in­qui­ries only, 541571-8968, 541-5711859, Her­mis­ton. FOR SALE Chihuahua pup­pies: 1 tiny fe­male, 1 tiny male, 3 med­i­um black males, 4 month old long hair, $150 to $50; 541-571-5160, Her­mis­ton. AKC GOLDEN/ WHITE RETRIEVER PUPPIES AKC Golden/ English White Retriever puppies, 2 females, 2 males, ready Aug 7th. First shots, dewormed. Family puppies only. $1000. 509-760-6525, MosesLake. FOR SALE: small rab­ bit tree with 5 su­per nice hutch­es, 45 feed­ er rab­bits, 5 does, 2 bucks, will sac­ri­fice all for $1000 or sell in­ di­vid­ua ­ l, must see to ap­pre­ci­ate; 541-5712101, Her­mis­ton. GSP PUP­PIES with some lab mix: 4 fe­ males and 3 males, dew claws and tails docked, each pup comes with a 20# bag of food, 1st vac­ci­na­tion and de­worm­ing done, $400 each; Text only 541-371-4200, Her­ mis­ton. LOOK DOG PEN: cyclone, 6’X6’X4’, 2’ gate; $100 offer, call 541-3778008. BOR­DER COL­LIE Pup­pies, 6 weeks old, 6/29/18, $150; 541376-8358, Echo.

Batteries • Starters Alternators • Solar Centennial Trojan • Odyssey Optima • Deka

Check us out on facebook @ Mbz Liquidations for photos and more information. 10% Buyers Premium in Effect. • Credit Cards Accepted Mike Zook at 541-571-6280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

Booster Boxes • Full Line NOCO Products 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri • 9am - Noon Saturday

Hwy 395 • 2440 North First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-6041 • (800) 233-6041

10’ SIL­VER Spring mul­ti- fold wheelchair ramp: 600 pound ca­ pac­it­y, light weight alu­ mi­num, folds to half its size, pur­chased in April 2017, like new; $300 541-567-8628, Her­mis­ton. “WOW” Check out all the amaz­ing new ar­ri­vals at Fu­ture Heir­looms & K&K bou­tique at 234 E. Main, Her­mis­ ton. We car­ry unique jew­el­ry, awe­some sil­ ver & gem­stones at unbelieveable pric­es. Home decor ga­lore! One of a kind unique gift items. The bou­tique now has con­signed Coach & Michael Kors bags and has a grow­ ing se­lec­tion of qual­it­y, new & used gar­ments & shoes. Let us sell your pret­ty clothes; 541-314-1991. 1984 COR­VETTE: runs ex­cel­lent, claw­ foot bath­tub, 541-2782131, 349 SW 3rd St., Pen­dle­ton. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon. 1995 HI­TACHI 200L-3 log load­er: with grap­ ple and heel 48”, ful­ly guard­ed and woods ready, new vale body, very dry ma­chine. Un­ der­car­riage is 80%, works well and strong, cur­rent­ly load­ing trucks and fin­ish­ing jobs, has 48” cab ris­ er that tilts, must see; 541-980-7364 or 541980-9105 or 541-6765309, Hep­pner. UMA­TIL­LA HIGH SCHOOL ALUM­NI An­nual Meet­ing is: Au­ gust 23, 2018, at 2:00 pm at Rae’s Dayz Din­ er, 1290 6th St., Uma­ til­la, OR. for more info; uma­t il­la­v ik­ings@hot­ mail.com 2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. BRAND NEW 11 sheets blue polar block, 2”, 4x8, make offer; 541-377-8008. BUF­FA­LO HUNT: 5 year old Bull, ap­ prox., 1500-1800 lb., $4000; 541-667-3301, Starkey.

YARD SALE: household items, reloading items, jewelry, clothing, shoes, beds and some antiques, Friday and Saturday, June 27th and 28th, 8am - 4pm, 1340 E. Isaacs Ave. Pendleton, cross tracks on SE 10th and Frazier. ESTATE SALE FRI- SAT, 9AM-5PM Huge estate sale Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. Antiques; Furniture; Mid Century; Jewelry; Tools; Electronics; Marbles. 7000 sq.ft of treasures! New arrivals: Estate of local Doctor, antiques and art, full estate: Original signed art; Four post Spindel bed; 1880’s Tallboy dresser; Drexel bar/ server; Antique bedside comode; Drop front secretary; Antique dining set; Antique breakfront buffett; Wine racks; McCoy pottery; Extensive cookbook collection; Huge jewelry collection; Churchill Peony Chintz dinnerware; Monitor audio stero speakers. Antique dresser; Vintage drum table; Retro black chair; Wine barrel wine rack; Desks; Antique ice box; Schwinn Airdyne; Tool vault; Truck tool box; Power cords; Fire hose; Water fire extinguishers; Snake guards; Tools; HP P1600 printer; Fenton; Belleek; Snow babies; Flatware; Postcards; Mid Century Sofa Kitchen island; Waterfall dresser; Bass amp; Chrome barstools; Sleeper sofa; Pioneer stereo system; Phones; Clocks; Watches; Cameras; Binoculars; C o m p r e s s o r ; Typewriters; Flat screen tvs; Reel to reel; Bose stereo; Speakers; Elliptical; Pedal car; Beds; Dressers; Vacuums; Lamps; Grandfather clock; Piano; King beds; Vintage bar; Rugs; Sewing machines. Free pallets; Golf clubs 50% off; 50% yellowtagged items. We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. New arrivals every Fri & Sat, photos posted Thurs on Facebook, https://www.facebook. com/ ETEstatesales. Look for most current dated album. ET Estate Sales, LLC, 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick, near Cable Bridge, next to Zips. YARD SALE: Fri­day, July 27th & Sat­ur­day, July 28th, 7am-noon. Kids & adult cloth­ing, toys, tools, elec­tron­ics & more; 730 W. Stan­ dard Ave., Her­mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1957 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup: V-8, 4 speed, $5000; 541-3710715, Her­mis­ton.

CKC SAINT Bernard puppies! $1200, taking de- posits now. Call or text, 509- 832-1727. ENGLISH POINTER pups, white & orange, exc bloodlines, whelped June 22, 2018, first shots & dewormed, $200. 360-880-2441.

1957 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup: V-8, 4 speed, $5000; 541-3140715, Hermiston. 2005 CHE­VY PICK­UP 2500HD: 4x4, auto, ex­ tra cab, short bed, very clean, 16,771 miles on new mo­tor, tow pkg., 5th wheel set­up, bar step, CB Ra­dio, main­tenance records, $8995, 541-377-1227, Pen­dle­ton. 2008 JEEP RUBICON 4” lift, new 37” tires, Automatic, 92,000 miles, 10,000 pound winch, Poison Spyder tire rack, front and rear bumpers, Viair air compressor, and lots more. $26,000; 541-371-0715, Hermiston. 2009 JEEP RUBICON: 90,000 miles, hard top, air conditioning, like new BFGS, 3” lift, very clean, $21,000; 541561-6824. Hermiston.

MASTIFF PUPPIES Mom Cane Corso, Dad half Great Dane and half Boerboel. Ready July 27. First shots, tails docked and first worming done. $600 or best offer 509- 9499119. Yakima. DIF­FER­ENT BREEDS of ban­ties for sale; 541-969-8775, Pen­ dle­ton. ENG­LISH BULL­DOG Pup­pies: cur­rent on shots to give away; 914-279-5977, Her­ mis­ton. MINIATURE Australian Shepherd puppies. Registered, vaccinations, dewormed & ready now. $700- 1000. Baker City, Oregon. 541-518-9284. www. oregonaussies.net PET GROOMERS! Hand made bows, no shipping charges, you choose your own bows! Text Bess, 509783-6592.

FREE RE­MOV­AL: Do you need wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­ wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks hauled away?? Call Dave; 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton CHRIS­TEN­SEN ARMS Chris­ten­sen Arms 28 Nosl­er long range Mesa with See­kins Pre­ci­sion 20 MOA top rail. Fired 20 rounds, $1750 new with Top Rail, ask­ing $1450. Text me an­y­time; 360560-0280, I can send pic­tures, Her­mis­ton. C O N ­S T R U C ­T I O N JOB box: metal, 5’ wide, 25” deep, 26” tall, ask­ing $200; 541571-3845, Her­mis­ton. LOKI- SIBERIAN HUSKY Our boy is still missing. Please help us bring him home. Two blue eyes, neutered male, black stripe on snout, with thin white line in between. Black ring around neck that doesn’t fully connect in front, white tipped tail. Almost 6 years old. Went missing in Mabton WA on 03/09/16. We won’t give up on him. Please follow Bring Loki Home on Facebook, or call/ text 509-551-4287 if you know where he is, or have possibly seen him. Large reward.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 3

STOR­AGE UNIT SALE for non payment of rent: July 28th 2018 at 10am, 429 SE 12th, Pen­dle­ton, under the bridge. Unit #1, Kate Peck; call for in­for­ma­ tion 541-276-6973. MUL­TI FAM­I­LY YARD SALE Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, July 27th & 28th, 7am2pm? You’re not go­ing to want to miss this one!! Someth­ing for everyone: kids toys, sport­ing goods, kids bikes, car bike rack, lots of miscellaneous, kitch­en & dec­or­ a­tive items, RV trail­er hitch with sta­bi­liz­er bars, bed­ding, lots of kids clothes, vin­tage Rag­ ge­dy Ann & Andy crib set, glid­er rock­er & so much more! 39 W. Ce­ dar Dr., Her­mis­ton.

2016 KEY­STONE BUL­LET Ul­tra Lite: no pull outs, nev­er used, eve­ry­thing new in great con­di­tion, must sell $18,000 or best off­er, comes with cov­er for trail­ er, cov­er for awn­ing and sway bars; call 541-969-4434 or 541-969-7415, Pen­ dle­ton. ECHO ATV TRAIL­ER with ramps, up­ grad­ed to 2500 lb axle, new tires and spare, $800 also have Weather­guard lock­ing tool box­es, 24”wx12”dx15”h, $100 each; 541-5646163 or 509-8443906, Her­mis­ton.

MAS­SEY-FER­GU­SON 35 with Pitts­burgh 4 foot ro­to­till­er, $4500 OBO; 541-567-2993, Her­mis­ton. PAS­TURE FOR rent: $45 per head, no foals or year­lings, 3 or 4 head; 541-567-1464, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA HAY $165 a ton, first cut­ ting, 2018 crop, 4x4x8 bales, FOB, stack; 509-366-5808, Echo. SCOTT’S POWER propelled mower: 6.5 horse power, 3 in 1 mulcher, rear and side bagger, runs great, $85 or best offer; 541377-8008. Pendleton.

LOOK­ING FOR pas­ ture to rent near Her­ mis­ton: year round for 10 or more cow pairs, I will feed dur­ing win­ter; 541-371-6700. ATTENTION SHEEP & goat producers: Chuck Walker Livestock will be buying sheep & goats this Saturday, the 28th! Pickup/ hauling available. Paying market value for all classes. No commission, no shrink, no tag fees. Horses & cattle also welcome. Licensed & bonded for your protection. 8am1pm. 370 Palen Road, Zillah WA. Call for details & pricing. 509379-0397.

“WOW” Check out all the amaz­ ing new ar­ri­vals at Fu­ ture Heir­looms & K&K bou­tique at 234 E. Main, Her­mis­ton. We car­ry unique jew­el­ry, awe­ some sil­ver & gem­stones at unbelieveable pric­ es. Home decor ga­lore! One of a kind unique gift items. The bou­tique now has con­signed Coach & Michael Kors bags and has a grow­ing se­ lec­tion of qual­i­ty, new & used gar­ments & shoes. Let us sell your pret­ty clothes; 541-314-1991.

JULY 28,2018


CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW Melons Donated by Bellinger Farms Funded by Morrow County Unified Recreation District

Breakfast 6:30 – 10:00 • HOT COFFEE • Pancakes • Biscuits & Gravy • HAM & EGGS • CINNAMON ROLLS All Day Festivities to start at the park 11:00 Local Craft Vendors – Entertainment – Bingo - Kids Games – Giant Water Slide – Dunk Tank – Sno-cones – Popcorn & Cotton Candy Lots of Raffle Items, including a Custom Fishing rod & Guided Fishing Trip on the Columbia FOOD • FOOD • FOOD Hamburgers & Hot Dogs & French Fries Homemade Pies • Ice Cream BBQ Chicken, and Corn on the Cob Baked PotatoeS & Coleslaw Fresh Cut Watermelon & Cantaloupe CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW National Guard Chinook Helicopter – Humvee – Striker and Climbing Wall for the kids to enjoy!

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 4

1968 CAMERO: 327, 4 speed, 12 bolt, ask­ing $24500, NO trades; 541-240-1749, Her­ mis­ton.

3 AXEL in­dus­tri­al trail­ er with ramps: ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $3500 or best off­er; 541-5715116, Her­mis­ton.

1984 CORVETTE: runs ex­cel­lent, $4000 OBO, claw­foot bath­ tub, 541-278-2131, Pen­dle­ton.

FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-791-6133.

1995 MUS­TANG: very good body and in­teri­ or, 302 V-8, au­tomat­ic, a/c, $2600; 541-5677950, Her­mis­ton. 2007 SUB­ARU Tribe­ ca: ful­ly load­ed, new tires, 180k miles; 541-561-2270, Her­ mis­ton.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

342 SW 1st Street Pendleton, OR 1(541)969-3073


BUF­FA­LO HUNT: 5 year old Bull, ap­ prox., 1500-1800 lb., $4000; 541-667-3301, Starkey. CHRIS­TEN­SEN ARMS Chris­ten­sen Arms 28 Nosl­er long range Mesa with See­kins Pre­ci­sion 20 MOA top rail. Fired 20 rounds, $1750 new with Top Rail, ask­ing $1450. Text me an­y­time; 360560-0280, I can send pic­tures, Hermiston. Guided fish­ing trip on the Col­um­bia Riv­er: Walleye, Sal­mon, Stur­ geon, and Steelhead; call Be­low The Boat Guides; 541-701-7536.

2014 SA­LEM Trav­el Trail­er 21RBS: duct­ed A/C, heat, 2 way fridge and hot wa­ter heat­er, u shaped di­nette, slide, EZ lift hitch in­clud­ed, $12,000 OBO; 541314-0151, Uma­til­la.

AL­FAL­FA OR GRASS: small bales, $7 per bale, $175 per ton; 541379-0693, Pen­dle­ton.

ALTHAEA MASSAGE! Mobile Custom bodywork & Holistic Health Facilitation, call 541-310-8572 www. althaeamassage.com spp

TAK­ING OR­DERS: Rasp­ber­ries and Black­ ber­ries, nat­u­ral­ly raised; $28 flat, can de­liv­er, 541-922-4553, Ir­ri­gon.

1976 class A 21’ Win­ ne­ba­go mo­tor­home: very clean, lots of ex­tras, new bat­tery, runs good, must see, $2000 or best off­ er; 541-371-4822, Irrigon. REDUCED PRICE! LIKE NEW! 2013 Salem Cruise Lite, 26’ bunkhouse travel trailer, queen walk around bed & 2 bunks, sleeps 8, cd/ radio, tv, 2 door refrig, 3 burner stove, stabilizer jacks, electric with remote, Eaz-Lift Hitch. $10,900. Phone 509396-9425. Kennewick.

HAY BARN Hay for sale, call ; 541-571-5775.

BRUSH HOG mowing, 541-2401229. CHICKEN EGGS for sale: farm fresh daily, 1 dozen $3, 18 pack $4.50; 541-969-8775, Pen­dle­ton. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details.

up to




0%AllInterest Models http://www.bonneysag.com • OPEN MON - SAT

PURE BRED female Ger­man Shepherd puppy, 1st shots, dewormed, ready now, $350; 541-561-3110, Her­mis­ton. SHIH TZU PUPPIES 3 males, ready to go! Potty/ crate training practiced since 3 weeks old. First shot/ dewormer prior to home. $900. 509-961- 1930. Yakima. AKC STANDARD Poodle puppies avail now, & Aussiedoodles coming. Check us out on Facebook at https:/ /www.facebook.com/ heavensblessings poodles/ ONE LEFT! AKC CHOCOLATE LAB AKC English Chocolate Lab, male, whelped June 14th, taking deposit now. Comes from champion bloodlines. Strong, healthy pup, with stocky build, blocky heads & otter tails. Comes with up to date deworming, shots, microchipped, vet clearance, registration papers, & copies of pedigrees. Both parents hips, elbows, eyes certified. Puppy package includes food, blanket, toys & goodies. Ready to go the first week of August. $1200. 541620-1571. Call or text for more info. TER­RI­ER MIX Shih­ TZU pup­pies: 3 males, 3 fe­males, 1st shots, $200 each; 541-2899323, Her­mis­ton.

AUCTION! Thursday evening, July 26th. 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston, Oregon. Sale starts at 6:30 pm. A preview will be at 5:00 pm. Some items included are; Vintage License plates (1914 to 1944), Honda 650 generator, Wagon wheels, 8’ windmill, Rose china (occupied japan), Carved 3ft eagle, carved bear, carved fish, Draw knives, Vintage carpenters box, Trunk, Parking meter, Lawn roller, Table saw, Cow/goat bells, Air compressor, Antique hay rake, Bow saw, Jim Beam collection, Patio furniture, Table and 4, Recliners (5), Artwork, End tables, Night stand, King sized adjustable bed, Whites metal detector, Lane cedar chest, Linens, Shop-vac, Cobblers tools, Airless paint system, Fishing tackle, Coolers, Shelving, Lamps, Ladders, Weed eaters, Concrete cart, 8’ tables, Bar b q’s, Propane heater, Garden tools, Crosscut saw, Axes, Mauls, Hi-lift jack, Bottle jacks, Bicycles, Refrigerator, Corning ware, Pyrex, China hutch, Corner shelf, Bedroom set, File cabinets, Binoculars, Card table and chair, Stereo, Bolt bins, Power tools, Battery chargers, Small welder, Vintage oil bottle, CB radios, Yard art, Desk, Kitchen, Tupperware (large lot), Wheelbarrow, Tractor seats, Vintage lanterns, Brass porthole, Bar stools, Brass cuspidor, Too much to list. See photos on Facebook @ Mbz Liquidations. 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280 Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

LOOKING FOR medium sized bird: also selling large quanity of cross stitch supplies, $75 or best offer; 541-449-3955. Stanfield.

BEAT THE HEAT Multi family yard sale, Friday & Saturday 7am-2pm, 1704 West Alleluia Ave. behind the Hermiston Christian center, new items will be added for Saturdays sale, girl/teens name brand clothing, furniture, to many items to list.

PET GROOMERS! Hand made bows, no shipping charges, you choose your own bows! Text Bess, 509783-6592.

IN­DOOR YARD SALE: Sat­ur­day, July 28th, 8am-noon. $1000 Stair­Lift, queen ma­ple bed­room set, full bed with mat­tress, dolls, vin­tage 78,33,45 rpm records, baby clothes, cu­rio and chi­na cab­ i­nets, desk & sew­ing ma­chine. 1011 Ben­ ham, Rich­land.

2003 JOHN DEERE 2054: with War­a­ tah 620B pro­cess­ ing head. New mo­tor un­der 1,000 hours ago, new pump un­ der 2,500 hours ago, new fin­al drives un­ der 2,500 hours ago, new cen­ter joint un­ der 3,500 hours ago, un­der­car­riage 90% or bet­ter, this ma­chine is woods ready and cur­ rent­ly work­ing, very good, strong ma­chine, $75,000; 541-9807364 or 541-980-9105 or 541-676-5309, Hep­pner. MUJ­ER BUS­CA ca­bal­ lero Tran­qui­lo pa­cif­i­co tra­ba­jad­er de 25 a 35 anos, 541-371-0982, Her­mis­ton. LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­cle en­gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ ton; 541-571-3845. MUL­BER­RY TREE: Several nice size tree trunks for carv­ing, fur­ ni­ture or fire­wood, easy ac­cess, free, u-haul, call Car­o­lyn; 541-567-1796, Her­ mis­ton. CAR SHOW & SOCK HOP! 2nd Annual Car Show & Dance Bash Series! Stone Ridge Event Center, Pasco WA. Best in Show trophy awarded. All cars, bikes, makes, models welcome! Visit www. stonecool.rocks for details. Saturday, August 4th; Saturday, September 29th NEW OR Like New: Hum­ming­bird fish find­er $75, Scroll Saw $75, Clay throw­er with case of clays and 100 rounds $100, 8 Coy­ ote pelts, make off­er; 541-215-9559, Pen­ dle­ton.

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­ nick­el@eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­site and place it, the­nick­e­lon­ line.com VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.

YORKSHIRE Feeder pigs: $75; 2 boars, free; 541-379-0693, Pen­dle­ton. BABY CALVES FOR SALE! Limousin/ Jersey/ Holstein/ Angus. Also straight Holstein. 5 days to 5 weeks. 509-4050236. Older calves & straight beef available. Delivery possible. PASTURE CALVES For sale, call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541-256-0907. BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. THREE FAINT­ING GOATS 2 months old, make ide­al pets, will sell choice, $85 each, for more in­for­ma­tion con­ tact Bob Hod­ne­field; 541-938-0118, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter.

FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details. 20 black & black/white face, top qual­i­ty, large framed cows: weigh­ ing over 1300 pounds, $1385 each, calv­ing now, will sell 2 or more, de­liv­ery avail­able, for more in­for­ma­tion phone Joe Chap­pell; 509-3014402, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907. BOT­TLE CALVES for sale: An­gus and Lim­ ou­sin cross, lo­cal de­ liv­ery, free band­ing; 541-371-6700, Her­ mis­ton. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. LOOK­ING FOR pas­ ture to rent near Her­ mis­ton: year round for 10 or more cow pairs, I will feed dur­ing win­ter; 541-371-6700. ATTENTION SHEEP & goat producers: Chuck Walker Livestock will be buying sheep & goats this Saturday, the 28th! Pickup/ hauling available. Paying market value for all classes. No commission, no shrink, no tag fees. Horses & cattle also welcome. Licensed & bonded for your protection. 8am1pm. 370 Palen Road, Zillah WA. Call for details & pricing. 509379-0397.

2 MALE pup­pies: 3/4 Pa­pil­lon, 1/4 Shih Tzu, 10 weeks old; 1/2 Pa­ pil­lon, 1/2 Chi­hua­hua, 12 weeks old; dew­ claws re­moved, 1st & 2nd shots, wormed, best off­er; 541-9625484, El­gin. AL­BI­NO CORN Snake for sale: snake is 3.5 feet long, in­cludes ex­tra large tank with stand and all sup­plies, $250; 541-561-0237, Her­mis­ton. STANDARD Poodle/ Bouvier puppies, born 05/28/ 18. Non shedding, hypoallergenic, shots, dewormed, chipped, vet checked, $800. 509-831-8862. Sunnyside. THREE FAINT­ING GOATS 2 months old, make ide­al pets, will sell choice, $85 each, for more in­for­ma­tion con­ tact Bob Hod­ne­field; 541-938-0118, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. 100 LB Pitbulls: Hulk style blue Pitbull puppies, UKC registered, sire is 135 lbs, mom is 70 lbs, up to date on shots, dewormed. Protection dogs, or friendly companions. Free training guidance. Richland, WA. 509315-3033. 2 MALE pup­pies: 3/4 Pa­pil­lon, 1/4 Shih Tzu, 10 weeks old; 1/2 Pa­ pil­lon, 1/2 Chi­hua­hua, 12 weeks old; dew­ claws re­moved, 1st & 2nd shots, wormed, best off­er; 541-9625484, El­gin. WEIMARANER PUPPIES Family raised with kids, exc family & hunting dogs, ready to go on July 14th, last of 10 puppies. Tails are docked, dew claws removed, 1st set of shots, & vet checked. Parents are on site. Lo- cated in Snohomish, WA. References are available. We have 2 silver & 1 blue. $750 for male, $850 for female. Please call or text at 425-3300431, or 425- 2869433. 3/4 CANE Corso, 1/4 African Boerboel puppies, 2 females & 1 male left. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, will come with vet check. Ready to go 8/10/18. $800. Call or text, 509-8349879.

ESTATE AUCTION Sunday July 29, 2018 340 West Highway 203 Union, OR Clark and Daughter Auction Barn preview 9AM auction 10AM. Estate of Les Davis tons of rocks and minerals, vintage lapidary magazines, vintage carpentry tools, radial arm saw, like new bench grinder, chipper/ shredder, electric lawn mower, primitive furniture, antique oak dresser, industrial genera-tor, oak claw foot table, king size head board and foot board, roll away bed, fly tying material and flies, galvanized buckets and tubs, household items, collectibles, Rockwell jointer/planner, vintage tool boxes, vintage fishing poles and reels, very nice very unique dining room table and six chairs, and a whole lot more. View at www. clark-auctions.com. 10% buyer’s premium, cash, check or credit card. All items sold as-is where-is. Clark and Daughter Auctions Roger Clark auctioneer 541-910-0189 HUGE ES­TATE SALE 1220 NW Johns St. Pen­dle­ton, OR July 27 & 28, 8am-2pm July 29, 9am-2pm, (half price on most items) Oak Ar­ moir, rock­er, file cab­i­ net, em­pire li­brary table and chair, queen and sin­gle beds, dress­ers, easy chairs, couch­es, lamps, din­ing set with 6 chairs and 3 leafs, Vis­ io flat screen, record cab­i­net, 2 amoirs, trunks, prim­i­tives, Red Wing & oth­er crocks, stools, Pep­si col­lect­i­ bles, quilts, Pen­dle­ton blan­kets and cloth­ing, lots of good wom­en’s cloth­ing & accessories, Roseville, Hull, Mc­Coy and oth­er pot­tery, Chi­ na, sil­ver, milk glass, 30+ ker­o­sene lamp col­ lec­tion, pock­et knives, straight razors, kitch­ en & cook­ing items, small ap­plianc­es, of­fice desk and chair, craft & bead items, Fox prints & oth­er art, Pen­dle­ ton col­lect­i­bles, Ham­ ley belts, 1500 bot­tle & can­ning jar col­lec­ tion, hand, yard, gar­ den and pow­er tools, shop vac, out­door fur­ ni­ture, shop cab­i­nets, gas grill, large fish­ing col­lec­tion 30+ rods, reels, lures, nets bait box­es and more,wash­ er, dry­er, re­frig­era­tor, freez­er, small re­frig­ era­tor, 2 Sing­er sew­ing ma­chines & ac­ces­so­ ries, GI­ANT ex­er­cise bike, Christ­mas items, books, toys, hunt­ing bow, Avon and 2 yard sheds full. See pho­ tos @ Vin­tage­Court­ An­tiques.com Visa & MasterCard Bid Box on Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, Vin­ tage Court An­tiques, 541-377-0510, Pen­dle­ ton.

THOMP­SON RV is East­ern Or­eg ­ on’s lar­ gest RV deal­er: fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed for 40 years; browse our in­ven­tory on­line at www.thomp­sonrv.com, or call us at 800-4594836, Pen­dle­ton. TOY HAULER 2008 Coachmen Adrenaline Surge 29 FIB. Very clean, only 129 hours on generator, like new inside, all the amenities. New batteries, new carb on generator. No slide outs. Priced to sell, $13,000 firm. Serious inquiries only. TriCities area. 509378-9300. 2014 TRAIL­LIGHT 200S Cross­o­ver: 22 ft., 8ft. sli­de­out, like new con­di­tion, used less than 5 times, $14,500; 541-922-4471, Uma­ til­la. FOR SALE: 2003 17’ R-Vision Trail Cruiser travel trailer, easy to pull, 2600 lb dry weight, fridge, stove with oven, micro, ac, furnace, complete bathroom. All works and in great condition. Sleeps 2 adults and 1 small child. Stored under cover in Walla Walla, $6000. Call 541-9692631 or 509-5295209. NORCO 30FT pull trailer, 12ft slide out, very clean, $6,000. OBO, call 541-9106853 La Grande

xi e L

DIF­FER­ENT BREEDS of ban­ties for sale; 541-969-8775, Pen­ dle­ton. NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889. 11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­ gon. 2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­ lat­ed metal truck box, per­fect for walkin cool­er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541571-3845, Her­mis­ ton. AL­FAL­FA HAY For Sale: $160/TON, 2 string bales, $85/bale 3x4, call 541-5671609, Her­mis­ton. CUB CADET 50” and MUR­RAY 38” rid­ing mow­ers: Cub, $700; Mur­ray, $400; 541-571-2981, Her­ mis­ton. HAY FOR Sale: 1st cut­ting al­fal­fa orchard grass mix, no rain, $8.00/ bale; 2nd cut­ ting, a lit­tle dry due to wind, $8.00/ bale, 10 bale min­i­mum; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ ton.

ngton Pum


2008 FORD Fo­cus: runs well and good con­di­tion, $2000; call 541-720-4948, Her­ mis­ton. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. 1997 LINCOLN Town car: 56,000 original miles, black with all the extras, best looker on the road, always under cover, $8500; Bill 541571-3107, Hermiston. 2001 TOYO­TA Ce­li­ca GT: 240,000 miles, new tires, has un­known me­ chan­i­cal is­sue, $750 or best off­er, call or text to in­quire; 541-720-9086 Her­mis­ton. R TRUCK STOP, INC. “The Biggest Little O CROSS Truck Stop in the West” ky Do A ucounge L D S Brutus g

TOP QUAL­IT ­ Y Lim­ou­ sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­es 541-4542994, leave mes­sage.

PUR­EBRED MINI Aus­tra­lian Shepherd pup­pies: these dogs are loyal, smart, and of course very cute, males & females, nice fam­i­ly dogs, $600; 541-278-5726, Hermiston.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 5


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




CRIM­SON TRACE red las­er: fits most Pi­ca­ tin­ny & Weav­er rails, $100, new in box. An­kle hol­sters & bel­ ly band hol­sters, $25 each or $40 for both; 541-449-1314, Stan­ field. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ing Fall Chinook and Walleye. 8 hour trips, ful­ly li­ censed and in­sured; call 541-571-3933 for avail­abil­i­ty. CUS­TOM BLAGG ri­ fles: 300 Nor­ma ELR ri­fle, call or text for more in­for­ma­tion; 541314-2992, Her­mis­ton. RELOADING CLASS Save 40% on ammo costs, reload your own empty cases. Aug 5, 8am, near Moxee. $80. 509-969-6414, David.

Friday Rib Night

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The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 6

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Employment Section AC­COUNT­ING Po­si­ tion avail­able: must have ex­peri­ence with Quick­books, ac­count­ ing, pay­roll, ac­counts pay­able and re­ceiv­ able and bank rec­on­ cilia­tions. Also must have Ex­cel ex­peri­ence and gen­er­al of­fice skills. Wag­es de­pend on ex­peri­ence. Ben­e­ fits in­clud­ed; 541-3768444 or fax re­sume to 541-376-8445, Echo. CDL DRIV­ERS CDL driv­ers need­ed! Driv­ers are home da­il­y, 2 years ex­peri­ence re­ quired with clean MVR. For more in­for­ma­tion call; 541-561-7152 or 541-720-1957. J.A. Al­maguer Jr. Truck­ing LLC. 79479 Can­al Rd., Stan­field, OR. CDL DRIV­ER need­ed: Full time, lo­cal or long haul, $1000-$1200 per week. Call Ar­nol­do 541-571-9046, Her­ mis­ton.

EA­GLE RANCH is look­ing for a Ma­ chin­ery Op­era­tor: the op­era­tor will drive and con­trol farm equip­ment to till soil, plant, cul­ti­vate, and har­vest crops. The op­era­tor shall be re­quired to op­ er­ate and main­tain the ma­chin­ery. Must have a valid Driv­er li­ cense, ex­peri­ence is re­quired; of­fice: 541376-8444, fax: 541376-8445, Echo. MID COL­UM­BIA BUS is hir­ing for mul­ti­ple po­si­tions: Join us in our mis­sion to safe­ ly trans­port child­ren of Her­mis­ton, Uma­ til­la, Mor­row Coun­ty and Pen­dle­ton to and from school. Vari­ous sign on Bo­nus­es, 401k, paid train­ing, flexi­ble hours, Hol­i­ days and sum­mers off. Call to­day and start to­mor­row. 541567-0551.

JOIN ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST AGRIBUSINESS COMPANIES! Simplot Grower Solutions has the following positions available in the Umatilla area. Mechanic/Fabricator Successful candidates will perform truck and small engine repair in accordance with company standards, run diagnostics on vehicles and work well as part of a team. Responsibilities May include: * Perform minor and major repairs on trucks, trailers and small engines. * Conduct regular preventative maintenance on service trucks, including inspection. * Maintain parts inventory and cleanliness in work area. * Collaborate with shop team to diagnose problems and vehicles and plan repairs. * Perform regular diagnostic tests. * Maintain accurate records. * Laying out, cutting, fitting, measuring and welding metals to create desired shape or object. This requires attention to detail and knowledge of a variety of techniques and tools. Must have the ability to lift 50lbs, pass a background check, and drug test. $22/HR + DOE Full benefits available including: Holiday, PTO, Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, Health Savings account, Short Term Disability and Life Insurance. Job Type: Full-time All positions compensation based DOE. Apply in person at: 1013 Umatilla River Rd, Umatilla OR

JM EA­GLE Mc­Nary, OR: We are look­ ing for an en­try lev­el Qual­i­ty Con­trol In­ spec­tor; ex­peri­ence is a plus but will train the right per­son. we off­er com­peti­tive wage, af­ter 90 days pro­ba­tion you will re­ceive: no de­duct­ ible Blue Cross Blue Shield med­i­cal in­ surance, Den­tal and Vision, pre­mi­ums are af­ford­able. JM Ea­gle pays for life in­ surance for you and your de­pend­ents, short term dis­abil­it­y, long term dis­abil­it­y, ac­cid­ent & dis­mem­ ber­ment in­surance, 40 hours paid sick leave, 10 paid holi­ days and va­ca­tion up to 160 hours per year. Hours are 7am to 7pm, 36 hours one week and 48 hours the next week with a 3 day wee­kend every oth­er wee­ kend. Please come to plant lo­cat­ed at: 32140 Rox­bury Rd., Uma­til­la, OR., Con­ tact Myra Bea­gles HR, di­rec­tions: Hwy 730 East to Port of Uma­til­la (Bud Drap­ er Road) go left, con­tin­ue on to the “T” and go right. NO phone calls please.

LOCAL OTR DRIVERS HERMISTON Medelez, Inc & BJK Transport, located in Her- miston, OR, are recruiting local over the road CDL truck drivers for deliveries to Hermiston, Ontario, Idaho, Tri-Cities, Quincy. Drivers are home every night. We take pride in be- ing a family- owned company, committed to pro- viding excellent customer service. We value our em- ployees, and their dedi- cation to the company, helping them to excel in their positions, and achieve their goals. We offer competitive wages, including a safety bonus, health insurance, Aflac participation, 401k retire- ment plan, savings pro- gram, paid vacation. Qualifications include, but are not limited to: Must have or be able to obtain current CDL, 1 year driv- ing experience, no major violations within 3 years on motor vehicle record, pass pre-employment drug screen, valid Medi- cal Examiner’s Certificate. For application, please call Human Resources, 541-567-4098. We are an EEO.

ELECTRICAL Service Tech needed, and/ or Helper Trainee. We are a privately owned company in search of very motivated individuals to join our team in the agricultural industry. We design, install, repair & support every aspect of an irrigation system. Any experience with center pivots, control panels, VFD’s & telemetry, etc, would be beneficial & compensated for! We are willing to train the right individual, & offer a very competitive compensation package. Please send resume to: Skone Irrigation, 1304 E Hillsboro St, Pasco, WA 99301. Or fax, 509-546-0158. NOW HIRING DRIVERS We are a family owned & operated trucking company that has been in the Yakima Valley for 25 years. We service all 48 states & primarily specialize in the shipment of agricultural products such as produce, beef & dairy. We base our values on honesty, integrity, pride, & family. If you are tired of being promised a bunch of miles & not seeing the follow through, look us up online, or give us a call, dlmtrucking.com http:// dlmtrucking.com> , or 509-837-9080. We very well could be the last companyyou drive for.

JM Ea­gle Mc­Nary, OR is look­ing for pro­duc­tion work­ers for our PVC Pipe Man­u­fac­tur­ing Com­pa­ny. We are a large com­pa­ny with 20+ lo­ca­tions. We would like to hire seri­ous peo­ple who are in­ter­est­ ed in a ca­reer with our com­pa­ny. We have many great ben­e­fits af­ter your 90 day pro­ba­tion in­clud­ ing, 100% EPO cov­er­age with NO DE­DUCT­IBLE health in­surance through Blue Cross Blue Shield with af­ford­able pre­mi­um. Den­tal, Vision, paid life in­surance for you and your de­pend­ents, paid ac­cid­ent in­surance, paid short term and long term dis­abil­i­ty and many oth­ er elec­tive ben­e­fits, plus a gen­erous paid va­ca­ tion plan, paid sick leave and 10 paid holi­days per year. Shifts are 12 hours ro­tat­ing month­ly days to nights. One week you will work 36 hours or 3 days the fol­low­ing week you will work 48 hours or 4 days. Eve­ry oth­er wee­ kend you get a three day wee­kend. There is po­ten­ tial for over­time if de­sired. Wag­es start at $14.50 per hr. over­time af­ter 10 hours. There is po­ten­tial for ad­vance­ment with­in JM Ea­gle Com­pa­ny, we prom­ote with­in whe­nev­er pos­si­ble. We are lo­cat­ ed at the Port of Uma­til­la at: 31240 Rox­bury Rd., Uma­til­la, OR. Come in the front of­fice to fill out ap­pli­ca­tion (must be filled out on site) no ex­peri­ ence is nec­es­sary we will train. If you are a seri­ous per­son ready to com­mit to a ca­reer op­por­tun­i­ty stop by and fill out the ap­ pli­ca­tion.

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

LOOK­ING TO HIRE FARM ME­CHAN­IC Must be ex­peri­enced in trac­tor, die­sel & weld­ ing. Hous­ing, health in­surance & 401K pro­ vid­ed, please re­spond through text mes­sage only; 541-314-7422, Ar­ling­ton.

FARM MECHANIC Full- time Farm Mechanic: Tractors, trucks, implements, welding, handyman, team player. Housing, health insurance, 401k provided. Connell/ Othello, WA. kate@ johnsonag.com

& Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

www.dryboxusa.com 503-420-3940


www.DryBoxUsa.com 503-420-3940


SALES representative needed for a commercial hollow metal door shop in West Richland. Experience with commercial hollow metal doors preferred, or some understanding of the construction process, would be beneficial. Candidate needs to have a basic understanding of blueprints, and be able to create material lists, quotes, and invoicing. A basic understanding of working with suppliers, and generating purchase orders, is preferred. Strong customer service, good written and oral communications required. Email resume to sharon@ mccdoor .com DIE­SEL TECH­NI­CIAN PEN­DLE­TON Tech­ni­cians want­ed: Wood­peck­er Truck & Equip­ment has open po­si­tions for heavy duty truck tech­ni­cians with a stable com­pa­ ny. Cur­rent CDL and good driv­ing record are an ad­van­tage to ful­fill po­si­tion. Me­ chan­i­cal back­ground and shop ex­peri­ence are a plus. Tools re­ quired. Wag­es based on ref­er­enc­es, ex­ peri­ence and cer­tifi­ ca­tions. On the job train­ing, great ben­e­ fits, health in­surance and paid va­ca­tion in­ clud­ed. We are team play­ers and cus­tom­er fo­cused with a posi­ tive attitude. Pen­dle­ ton is a great place to live and raise a fam­i­ ly with low crime and a friend­ly com­mun­i­ ty. Wide open views and pret­ty sun­sets. 30 minutes from the beau­ti­ful Blue Moun­ tains and the mighty Col­um­bia River. Please re­quest ap­ pli­ca­tion at 888-9663732 or ap­ply in per­ son at 40275 Clark Ln, Pen­dle­ton, OR 97801. www.wood­ peck­er­truck.com

IN­VEST­MENT Prop­ er­ties: call Al 541-5615515.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



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(541)567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 Stop by our Showroom! 30599 Lauback St. • Hermiston w w w. m r i n s u l a t i o n . i n f o Trade Ally of

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mrinsulation@eotnet.net • CCB#97049 •Member N.E.O.H.B.V


Farm & Forest Excavation, Ponds & Ditches Maintained or Constructed, Tree & Stump Removal, Land Clearing, Logging & Mechanical Tree Thinning, Road Construction or Maintenance, Rock, Dirt, Gravel, Debris Hauling, Dump Truck, Excavating, Tree Processing equipment. Call now for quotes by the hour or job.

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115 W. Hermiston Avenue Suite 130 • Hermiston, OR

(541) 567-1837

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 8

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com

PUREBRED German Shepherd pups for sale, asking, $390. Both parents on site, 541-720-4404. Located in Hermiston, OR. BUY! SELL! Trade! With a clas­si­fied ad in The Nick­el to­day! 541567-2230.



2010 POLARIS Sportsman 500: Red & black, well taken care of, lots of new acessories, front tool compartment, $3500; 541-567-0692, Hermiston 1997 GEORGIA BOY motorhome, 36ft, gas, with 50,000 miles, has electric motorcycle hoist, $17,000 will make a deal with your choice of Harley, 3 Harleys for sale, 2006 FLH bagger, $7500, 2007 Dyna street bob, $8,000, 2012 Dyna street Bob, $9,000, 541-371-0552. Hermiston. FOR SALE: 2016 Youth Po­laris 170 RZR, low hours, great shape, ex­tras, Boy out­grew it, $4400; 541567-6243, Her­mis­ton.

2007 CHE­VY Co­balt: 2 door, 30 mpg, $3500 obo; 458-219-1580, Her­mis­ton.

AVON REP­RE­SEN­TA­ TIVE: I’ve been in busi­ ness 3 years, call 253951-8040 (Umatilla) for book or on­line; avon.com/jri­bich BRUSH MOW­ING Field mowing and brush cut­ting, call for es­ti­mates, Her­mis­ton area, 360-606-8992.

THE CLEAN Spot car wash announces the “Unlimited Monthly Wash Club”, for as little as $17.50 a month you can wash everyday, download the “Everwash” app and sign up. WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website free of charge

FOR HIRE: Dump­box, brush hog, back hoe, Free Es­ti­mates; 541567-2993, Her­mis­ton. HAVE TRAC­TOR! WILL TRAV­EL! Disk­ing, ro­to­till­ing, seed­ing, also front end load­er, brush/ weed mow­ing; 541-9100526, lo­cat­ed in Ir­ri­gon. HANDY “AL­FRE­DO”: yard work and more, free es­timates; 541571-6071.


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*Product Price – Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications.†† As required by Kawasaki, horsepower tested in accordance with SAE J1995 and rated in accordance with SAE J2723 and certified by SAE International. Utility vehicles are intended for off-road use. **See your local Cub Cadet Independent Dealer for warranty details. © 2018 Cub Cadet3PV_Q_ECOMMERCE

LIVING ESTATE Sale: Dishes: Spode Wicker Lane; Mikasa, vanilla pattern; 1930’s American Limoges, French pattern; Partial sets of Wedgewood; Several other partial sets. Art glass: Some Carnival; Tiffany. Toys from 1930’s & ’40s, most in good condition, including electric train set by Ives; 4 piece fencing set. Featherweight sewing machine with all attachments & table; Misc tools, manual & electric; Steamer trunks; Very old packing boxes; Clothing, exc quality mens & ladies; Bedding- comforters, huge selection of linens. Pots & pans; Coffee pots; Kitchen gadgets; Pepsi Cola syrup can, 1940s; Newer tv; Hermes manual typewriter; Portable typewriter in case; Misc cameras; Binoculars; Office supplies; Mid Century brass hanging lamp; Picture frames; Quality pictures; Twin bedroom set, early American; Mid Century chest of drawers, Drexel; Walnut double bed set; Drexel dining room sethutch, table, 6 chairs, exc cond. Books, all types. Old records, cds. Walnut desk, large; Filing cabinet, metal; Early 1900s old post office cage, wood/ wrought iron; Oak bean counter; Medical science tools; Lots of collectibles; Shelving; High quality yarn; Knitting/ fishing books; Mid Century drum, pearl white. Every Fri & Sat, 9am3pm until sold. 909 W 27th, Kennewick. Cash preferred. PUB­LIC AUC­TION EZ MINI STOR­AGE 2315 Hwy. 395 S. Her­ mis­ton, OR 97838, auction will be held, July 31, 2018 at 11:00 am, at ad­dress list­ ed above: Unit V-33 Mark Ste­phen Pat­ter­ son and Unit U-7 Rob­ in Gibbs, Please call ahead to con­firm; 541567-1003. HUGE MUL­TI fam­i­ ly yard sale: Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, 8am-? Vin­tage house­wares, wil­low tree, fig­ur­ines, good clothes from boys size 5 to wom­ens XL, too many items to list; 305 W. Ridge­way Ave., Her­mis­ton. YARD SALE, ECHO Mul­ti fam­i­ly yard sale: Sat­ur­day & Sun­day, July 28th & 29th, 8am4pm lots of wom­en and girls clothes, wash­er, fridge, stroll­er, car­ seat, TV & lots more. 241 S. Phiel­sen, Echo. Across the street from Echo school.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

44 CALIBER black pow­der Piet­ta: mod­ el 1851, Con­fed­er­ate Navy re­volv­er with start­er kit, brand new in the box, eve­ry­thing ex­cept pow­der & caps to start shoot­ing, $300 or best off­er; 541-4491314, Stanfield.

FOR SALE: 2015 Honda Pioneer side by side, camo, 5093 miles: 635 hours plexiglass tip out windsheild, clear rear window, winch, mirrors, doors with nets, extra large cargo box, front cargo box under hood, front and rear bumpers, asking $7000; Glen 541-9699511. FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA. UMA­TIL­LA HIGH SCHOOL ALUM­NI An­nual Meet­ing is: Au­ gust 23, 2018, at 2:00 pm at Rae’s Dayz Din­er, 1290 6th St., Uma­til­la, OR. for more info; uma­ til­la­vik­ings@hot­mail.com FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­ liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­tact an sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive at our of­fice. You will no­t ice the dif­f erence im­me­diate­ly! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

Get that Summer Break feeling in a new Toyota!

3 AXEL in­dus­tri­al trail­ er with ramps: ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $3500 or best off­er; 541-5715116, Her­mis­ton. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. WANTED: ANY parts for 1946 CJ2A Jeep; 541-566-2524, Athena. WANTED: DEAD TRUCK I am seeking a 1961’63 Chevy or GMC truck, mostly for the cab. Must be fairly rust & dent free. I do not need the motor, transmission or differential, however, for the sake of movement, a roller would be fine. 360268-9494.




APR % 0 60 mo.

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THE CLEAN Spot car wash announces the “Unlimited Monthly Wash Club”, for as little as $17.50 a month you can wash everyday, download the “Everwash” app and sign up.




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$349 mo. 36 mos.

1976 F-250 Camp­er spe­cial su­per cab: 8’ bed, au­tomat­ic trans­ mis­sion, work truck, $1000; 541-571-2190, Her­mis­ton.


$0 Security Deposit


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1. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2. You shall not make idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. This is a paid for advertisement

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The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 10


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



2014 CHEVY SPARK Gas Mizer ,

2016 RAM 2500 CREW CAB 4X4 Low Miles $ ,

2009 NISSAN MAXIMA 3.5 Leather, Moonroof, $ , Full Power


2007 MAZDA B2300 Tonneau Cover, , Sharp



2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD 1 Owner $ ,

2011 FORD EXCURSION 4X4 Loaded, $ , Limited

2015 CHEVY IMPALA LT Low Miles $ ,

2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT Leather, $ Full Power ,

2017 JEEP TRAILHAWK 4X4 Low Miles, $ Leather, & More! ,

2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE AWD 8 Passenger Seating $ ,

2012 KIA SORENTO EX AWD $ , Fully Equipped

2008 CHEVY SUBURBAN LTZ Low Miles $ ,

2013 HYNDAI VELOSTER Local Trade $ ,


2003 CHEVY 3500 CC 4X4

2017 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIER Leather, $ , Under 11k Miles

2014 SUBARU OUTBACK LIMITED Remote Start, $ , Leather


8 989


#B7762A, V#406462

10 989


#9579, V#M04927

17 888

#9517A, V#

16 555

#G7427A, V#308616

DIESEL DUALLY #B7768B, V#157737

Canopy, Low Miles

37 997

#9474A, V#291216

#9577, V#755938

21 922

#9552, V#649628

19 996

#9494A, V#223671

16 959

#9519, V#260226

9 797

#B7766A, V#845069

16 998

#G7449B, V#521859

26 950

#9529, V#681002

14 980

#7735A, V#093839

21 944

#G7397B, V#259506


Fully Equipped

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15 998

#9569A, V#9569A

18 998

#9520A, V#186946

2015 KIA K900 Fully Loaded ,

24 998

#9575, V#027556

2012 VW BEETLE Low Miles ,

14 994

#9556A, V#634472


2005 FORD MUSTANG GT Premium Wheels, $ , Full Power

9 998

#9571, V#209535

2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT Edition ,

12 947


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2016 RAM 1500 LARAMIE 4X4


Low Miles, Nav., Leather #G7436A, V#252838


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2003 MERCURY MARQUIS Runs Great $ ,

4 949

#G7450B, V#626174

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*All Vehicles Subject to Prior Sale. Tax, License, Admin F


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 11









2016 BUICK VERANO $ , #7079, V#1G4PW5SK754177765

2006 SCION TC $ ,

#7110A, V#JTKDE177860102465


2016 BUICK VERANO $ , #7076, V#154PW5SK754173683

2014 FORD FUSION $ ,

#13490A, V#3FA6P0LU8ER292725

15 324









2014 LEXUS IS 250 $ ,



19 789

#7093, V#3C4PDDBG9HT529031

12 495

#12961A, V#4S3BMBG68C3002665

19 892

#13914B, V#JF2GPAMC2F8287325

15 496

#7080, V#2FMDK4JC5DBE34958

2014 KIA CADENZA $ ,

14 876

#7021, V#KNALN4D72E5136442

Fee Extra -Offer Ends 08/01/18 *On Approved Credit

7 456

#13774A, V#JFEEP21A140020926

15 472

#13844A, V#5FNYF3H86FB006798

17 347

19 426

#13890B, V#2G1FD1E35F9237680

23 198

Eye Sight, $ , Low Miles #13914A, V#JF2SJAFC3GH4411423

18 645

#13917A, V#JF2GPACC738218243

17 325

21 842

#13842A, V#JF2GPAGC6E8346175

25 872

#7075, V#JTHCF1D2E5015381

20 687

#13926A, V#4S4BSAECXF3345793

4 871

30 465

#13576A V#JTEBU5JR4E5178118

21 436

#7011, V#JF1GPAV65F8276123

20 529

#7051, V#1C4PJMCS5GW234982


14 998

#7132, V#3NAB7AP176654781


Low Miles!

15 762

#13913A, V#1HGCR2E55EA103405

41 869

#7112, V#1C4HJWEG7HL525334

19 479

#7153, V#ZACCJABB7HPE9867

39 898

#7089, V#1GCUKREC2HF120202



1-800-307-9696 • (541)-567-9696 1915 N First St. (Hwy 395 N), Hermiston

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 12

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide FOR SALE: home build­ing site with a great view, very pri­ vate, 17,897 sq. ft., all util­i­ties avail­able, $30,000 or pos­si­ble trade; 541-276-2516, Pen­dle­ton.

FOR SALE by Own­ er: 4 bed­room, 2 bath home on 2.21 acr­es, see on zil­low. com or at 2175 NW Geer Rd., Her­mis­ ton, OR; 541-5718202.



P.O. Box 89 398 E. Ridgeway, Hermiston 541-567-4663 • 541-564-2011



3 BED­ROOM, 2 bath house for sale in Her­ mis­ton: priced to sell; call Al 541-561-5515. BY OWN­ER home for sale on the hill in Mil­ ton- Free­wa­ter, OR. lo­cat­ed 212 Balm Ave­ nue, with awe­some view of the Blues in choice neigh­bor­hood, NEW paint in­side and out, $192,500, 4 bed­ room, 2 full baths, large util­it­y, fire­place, 3/4 base­ment with small at­tached shop, ap­prox­ imate­ly 2100 square feet of roo­my liv­ing 100x100 square foot lot, room for large ga­ rage or shop, 509-5200121 for ap­point­ment. FOR SALE By Ow­ner: View the Beau­ti­ful Col­ um­bia Riv­er on 4 acr­ es, Pri­vate 3 bed­room, 2 bath su­per good sense 2007 Mar­lette home. Large cov­ered porch, new barn and chick­en house, 4 car car­port, stor­age sheds, low tax­es & util­i­ties, New roof and shared well. Seri­ous buy­ers in­quire only, $225,000; 541-561-0588 or 541561-0589, Uma­til­la.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

FOR SALE: home build­ing site with a great view, very pri­ vate, 17,897 sq. ft., all util­i­ties avail­able, $30,000 or pos­si­ble trade; 541-276-2516, Pen­dle­ton. FOR SALE BY OWN­ER Two story, ful­ly re­mo­ deled home with mas­ ter on first floor. Full base­ment, ex­tra large .75 acre lot in town. Walk­ing dis­tance to high school, mid­dle school & ele­men­ta­ry school. Lots of stor­ age, RV pad with elec­ tric hook-up, de­tached three car ga­rage with stor­age up­stairs. Kitch­ en with Hickory cab­i­ nets & gran­ite coun­ter tops, stain­less steel ap­plianc­es with dou­ ble ovens, pan­try, sol­ id white Oak floors in fam­i­ly & din­ing rooms, bath­rooms re­mo­deled, new­ly paint­ed first floor, two fire­places, one wood & one gas. This is a must see! $365,000; 541-6677509, 895 SW 7th St., Her­mis­ton. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­ la­tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­ tact an sales rep­r e­ sen­ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

FOR RENT: 2 & 3 bed­ rooms, 1 bath in Her­ mis­ton, no pets, ref­er­ enc­es re­quired, Frost Prop­er­ties; 541-5615515, 541-561-6222 or 541-561-5310. FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ers: all util­i­ties/ ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $330 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­dry mat, 6 re­mo­ deled bath­rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. MINI STORAGE for rent: 10x12, $40/ month, and 8x20 stor­ age, $65/ month, gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ton. Storage Unit 24x27 with two office spaces, one bathroom and shower. 5102 NW B-C St. #5 Pendleton, OR Available now $150.00, call for showing Preferred Property Management, Inc. 541-567-3981.

MINI STORAGE for rent: 10x12, $40/ month, and 8x20 stor­ age, $65/ month, gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ton.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. LARGE 3 bedroom apart­ment: wash­er/ dry­er hook­up, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­bage paid, no pets, $850/ month plus $1250 se­cur­i­ty de­pos­it base; call for pic­tures and de­tails 503-201-2819, Her­ mis­ton. WATERFRONT RV SPACES! Riverside Home ParkJohn Day, Oregon. 27004000 sq.ft. lots on the John Day River. Partially fenced, storage unit & pet friendly. $320 monthly includes water, sewer, garbage. Call 541575-1341. Web page: riversidemhp.jimdo. com FOR RENT: 2 bed­ room, 2 bath, duplex, central air, pri­vate yard and park­ing, some storage $850/ month, sew­er/ wa­ter/ gar­bage fur­nished; 541-2760770, Pen­dle­ton.

FOR all yOuR StORage NeedS


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Program S e c u r i tmy e d Gate

Office located at 705 S. 1st Street • Open Mon-Fri 9-5 1835 N. 1st Place • Hermiston, OR

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, refrigerators, freezers, lawn mowers, hot wa­ ter tanks, scrap... Call Dave, 541-314-5077, Her­mis­ton MUL­TI FAM­I­LY YARD SALE Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, July 27th & 28th, 7am2pm? You’re not go­ing to want to miss this one!! Someth­ing for everyone: kids toys, sport­ing goods, kids bikes, car bike rack, lots of miscellaneous, kitch­en & dec­o­ra­tive items, RV trail­er hitch with sta­bi­liz­er bars, bed­ding, lots of kids clothes, vin­tage Rag­ ge­dy Ann & Andy crib set, glid­er rock­er & so much more! 39 W. Ce­ dar Dr., Her­mis­ton. HELP THE environment by recycling and make money too! Don’t get rid of those things you just don’t use anymore. Place an ad in The Nickel. You’ll make money and help the environment too! “WOW” Check out all the amaz­ ing new ar­ri­vals at Fu­ ture Heir­looms & K&K bou­tique at 234 E. Main, Her­mis­ton. We car­ry unique jew­el­ry, awe­some sil­ver & gem­ stones at unbelieveable pric­es. Home decor ga­lore! One of a kind unique gift items. The bou­tique now has con­ signed Coach & Michael Kors bags and has a grow­ing se­lec­tion of qual­it­y, new & used gar­ ments & shoes. Let us sell your pret­ty clothes; 541-314-1991. YARD SALE: Fri­day, July 27th & Sat­ur­day, July 28th, 7am-noon. Kids & adult cloth­ing, toys, tools, elec­tron­ics & more; 730 W. Stan­ dard Ave., Her­mis­ton. STOR­AGE UNIT SALE for non payment of rent: July 28th 2018 at 10am, 429 SE 12th, Pen­dle­ton, under the bridge. Unit #1, Kate Peck; call for in­for­ma­ tion 541-276-6973. BEAT THE HEAT Multi family yard sale, Friday & Saturday 7am-2pm, 1704 West Alleluia Ave. behind the Hermiston Christian center, new items will be added for Saturdays sale, girl/teens name brand clothing, furniture, to many items to list. YARD SALE: household items, reloading items, jewelry, clothing, shoes, beds and some antiques, Friday and Saturday, June 27th and 28th, 8am - 4pm, 1340 E. Isaacs Ave. Pendleton, cross tracks on SE 10th and Frazier.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1968 CAMERO: 327, 4 speed, 12 bolt, ask­ing $24500, NO trades; 541-240-1749, Her­ mis­ton. 1984 CORVETTE: runs ex­cel­lent, $4000 OBO, claw­foot bath­ tub, 541-278-2131, Pen­dle­ton.

2007 SUB­ARU Tribe­ ca: ful­ly load­ed, new tires, 180k miles; 541-561-2270, Her­ mis­ton. 2008 FORD Fo­cus: runs well and good con­di­tion, $2000; call 541-720-4948, Her­ mis­ton.

Applewood Village Apartments 549 NW 12th Pl. Hermiston, OR 97838

We have available 3 bedroom units and are accepting applications for 2, 3 & 4 bedroom units. Phone (541) 567-1400

“WOW” Check out all the amaz­ ing new ar­ri­vals at Fu­ ture Heir­looms & K&K bou­tique at 234 E. Main, Her­mis­ton. We car­ry unique jew­el­ry, awe­some sil­ver & gem­ stones at unbelieveable pric­es. Home decor ga­lore! One of a kind unique gift items. The bou­tique now has con­signed Coach & Michael Kors bags and has a grow­ing se­lec­tion of qual­i­ty, new & used gar­ments & shoes. Let us sell your pret­ty clothes; 541-314-1991. 10’ SIL­VER Spring mul­ti- fold wheelchair ramp: 600 pound ca­ pac­i­ty, light weight alu­ mi­num, folds to half its size, pur­chased in April 2017, like new; $300 541-567-8628, Her­mis­ton.

1977 21’ Bayliner, I/O, 305 Chevy, cuddy, sink, stove, ice box. All original, excellent condition, has 8 hp Yamaha 4 stroke, electric start, power trans, new top and side curtains. Trailer has double axle. $8,500 obo. 541-571- 6814.

HOME RE­MO­DEL­ ING by An­toi­nette Bru­ton: kitch­en and baths, painting, CCB#190775; call for a con­sul­ta­tion 541969-3000.

2017 YAMAHA FJ-09: with trailer, excellent condition, many extras, make offer; 541-3797860.

ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­fes­ sion­al, qual­i­ty, on time. Call for free es­ti­mates; Own­er Shan­non Kack, 760267-6981, Ir­ri­gon, Or­ e­gon.

2016 POLARIS Ranger 900 XP, 403 miles, like new, camo, full cab doors, glass, windows, heater, defroster, mirrors, street legal kit, 4500 lb winch, pro snow plow/quick release, mud guards, spare tire, loaded. $24,999. Paul 509-531-0236. Kennewick WA.

LET US turn our Nickels into your dollars! Call us today! 541567-2330. 1997 CUS­TOM weld Vip­er II jet boat: 18’, 200 horse pow­er, can­ vas, troll­ing mo­tor, depth find­er, $15,500. Call for de­tails; 541561-5434, Her­mis­ton. 2002 17’ Starcraft fish/ ski boat. Excellent condition, 125 hp Mercury with low hours, brand new Mercury 4 stroke kicker motor, trolling motor, Bimini top, Lowrance fish finder. 541-5616809. Hermiston.

LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­cle en­gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­ anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ton; 541-5713845.

11HP 1 1/8” hor­iz­ on­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

AKC FRENCH Bulldog puppies: www.french bulldog-puppies. net,Vic/ Mary Kasser, 541-459- 5951. Drain, Oregon.

HAY: ORCHARD grass/ al­fal­fa mix, barn stored, load­er on site, $10 per bale, 32985 W. Walls Rd., Her­mis­ ton; 541-567-1132 or 541-314-2925.

FOR SALE Chihuahua pup­pies: 1 tiny fe­male, 1 tiny male, 3 med­iu ­m black males, 4 month old long hair, $150 to $50; 541-571-5160, Her­mis­ton.

PHOTO BOOTH RENTAL A d a m s Phototainment Photo Booth has a great special, $325 for 2 hours. Props, personalized pho- to strips, & attendant provided! Call now, 509- 374-7869.

Hermiston ProPerty management

541-567-0990 2372 N. 1st St., #A, Hermiston

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metal roofing & siding


1995 MUS­TANG: very good body and in­teri­ or, 302 V-8, au­tomat­ic, a/c, $2600; 541-5677950, Her­mis­ton.

1995 HI­TACHI 200L-3 log load­er: with grap­ ple and heel 48”, ful­ ly guard­ed and woods ready, new vale body, very dry ma­chine. Un­ der­car­riage is 80%, works well and strong, cur­rent­ly load­ing trucks and fin­ish­ing jobs, has 48” cab ris­er that tilts, must see; 541-980-7364 or 541-980-9105 or 541676-5309, Hep­pner.

1984 INVADER 20’ cutty cab boat and doule axle trailer,Volvo AQ125 inboard engine, 8 HP Mercury 4 stroke kicker motor (low miles), new bimini top, Eagle depth / fish finder, $3800; 541-922-4045 Hermiston.

2006 KA­WA­SA­KI Con­ cours Sport Tour­ing: 7,500 miles, $4500; 2004 Hon­da Shad­ ow Aero 750cc, too many ex­tras to list, 16k miles, $2900; both ex­ cel­lent condition; 541969-1304, Her­mis­ton.

2004 Honda VTX1300, low miles, $3800; 541-3145737. BIKE BLESS­ING & month­ly meet­ing: Chris­tian Mo­tor­cy­clist As­so­cia­tion, 6pm, 2nd Tues­day each month, at Java Junk­ies in Uma­til­la.



CLASSIC CADILLACS! ’79 El Dorado Biarritz, red with white 3/4 stainless steel top, 44k orig mi, showroom ready! $11,500; ’94 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, white with blue carriage top, blue leather upholstery, 80k miles, showroom ready! $6995; ’84 El Dorado con- vertible, red with red inte- rior, 62k mi, showroom ready! $14,500; ’85 El Do- rado convertible, black with red interior, show- room ready! $14,500. All have white wall tires, etc. Best offers. 425-3344605. LakeStevens,WA.

AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon.

1975 FIBERFORM 17.5’ tri hull boat, full canopy, 165 hp Chev straight 6 eng, depth finder, OMC stern drive, no leaks, current license, cover included, fun boat! $2500. 509-578-4612. BentonCity.





POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431, also in Lewiston.

1984 COR­VETTE: runs ex­cel­lent, claw­ foot bath­tub, 541-2782131, 349 SW 3rd St., Pen­dle­ton.


CA­DIL­LAC 2002 Deville Bar­retz: low mile­age, de­luxe mod­ el, $6000; WOLF Gas cook­ing grill, 60”x24”, old­er mod­el, set up for pro­pane, $1100 OBO; 541-571-0820, Stan­ field.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 13

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The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 14

20 black & black/white face, top qual­i­ty, large framed cows: weigh­ ing over 1300 pounds, $1385 each, calv­ing now, will sell 2 or more, de­liv­ery avail­able, for more in­for­ma­tion phone Joe Chap­pell; 509-301-4402, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907. BOT­TLE CALVES for sale: An­gus and Lim­ ou­sin cross, lo­cal de­ liv­ery, free band­ing; 541-371-6700, Her­ mis­ton. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. HEY! YOU don’t have to go far to find a great bar­gain! You can find it in the Nick­el!

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1997 GEORGIA BOY motorhome, 36ft, gas, with 50,000 miles, has electric motorcycle hoist, $17,000 will make a deal with your choice of Harley, 3 Harleys for sale, 2006 FLH bagger, $7500, 2007 Dyna street bob, $8,000, 2012 Dyna street Bob, $9,000, 541-371-0552. Hermiston. HON­DA YA­MA­HA CY­CLE­TOWN Vis­it us on­line for great deals on new Hon­da & Ya­ma­ha pro­ducts. hon­d aya­m a­h a­c y­c le­ town.com 541-5678919, Her­mis­ton. RESTORED HONDA Odyssey ATV. Call for info, 541-938-4764. MltnFrwter. 2010 POLARIS Sportsman 500: Red & black, well taken care of, lots of new acessories, front tool compartment, $3500; 541-567-0692, Hermiston

1976 F-250 Camp­er Spe­cial: 8’ bed needs some work, runs well, good for work or pro­ ject, $1000; 541-5712190, Ir­ri­gon. 2002 FORD F350, 4x4, du­al­ly pick­ up: 7.3 die­sel, au­ tomat­ic, new tires, heavy duty ex­tend­ed hitch, 5th wheel at­ tach­ment, air bags, comes with 11.5’ Ar­tic Fox camp­er, Onan gen­era­tor, 3 way fridge, a/c, mi­ crowave, awn­ings, full slide out, pic­tures avail­able, Re­duced to $27,000 and may be sepa­rat­ed; 541969-8188, 541-9698227, Meacham. 1948 CHEVY $25,000 2000 build, fresh motor, 377 SB, 9” Ford rear end, ladder bar suspension, air ride, plumbed nitrous, 509939-5663. 1957 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup: V-8, 4 speed, $5000; 541-3710715, Her­mis­ton. 2005 CHE­VY PICK­UP 2500HD: 4x4, auto, ex­ tra cab, short bed, very clean, 16,771 miles on new mo­tor, tow pkg., 5th wheel set­up, bar step, CB Ra­dio, main­tenance records, $8995, 541-377-1227, Pen­dle­ton. 2008 JEEP RUBICON 4” lift, new 37” tires, Automatic, 92,000 miles, 10,000 pound winch, Poison Spyder tire rack, front and rear bumpers, Viair air compressor, and lots more. $26,000; 541-371-0715, Hermiston.

2007 THOR 28’ 5th wheel trail­er: 1 slide, fridg/freez­ er, TV, built in cof­ fee mak­er, booth, both a couch and a hide-a-bed. 14’ awn­ ing, rear trail­er hitch, very clean, $11000; 541-289-8050 or 360-708-5586, Her­ mis­ton. ATV TRAILER, 7ftx10ft, metal deck, single axle, call 541437-8181 Elgin 2016 KEY­STONE BUL­LET Ul­tra Lite: no pull outs, nev­er used, eve­ry­thing new in great con­di­tion, must sell $18,000 or best off­er, comes with cov­er for trail­ er, cov­er for awn­ing and sway bars; call 541-969-4434 or 541-969-7415, Pen­ dle­ton. ECHO ATV TRAIL­ER with ramps, up­ grad­ed to 2500 lb axle, new tires and spare, $800 also have Weather­guard lock­ing tool box­es, 24”wx12”dx15”h, $100 each; 541-5646163 or 509-8443906, Her­mis­ton. 2014 SA­LEM Trav­el Trail­er 21RBS: duct­ed A/C, heat, 2 way fridge and hot wa­ter heat­er, u shaped di­nette, slide, EZ lift hitch in­clud­ed, $12,000 OBO; 541314-0151, Uma­til­la. ALTHAEA MASSAGE! Mobile Custom bodywork & Holistic Health Facilitation, call 541-310-8572 www. althaeamassage.com spp MAKE MON­E Y! Sell that item in the Nick­el!

BEL­GIAN MALINOIS Pup­pies for sale: born May 21st, $1,000, seri­ ous in­qui­ries only, 541571-8968, 541-5711859, Her­mis­ton. AKC GOLDEN/ WHITE RETRIEVER PUPPIES AKC Golden/ English White Retriever puppies, 2 females, 2 males, ready Aug 7th. First shots, dewormed. Family puppies only. $1000. 509-760-6525, MosesLake. FOR SALE: small rab­ bit tree with 5 su­per nice hutch­es, 45 feed­ er rab­bits, 5 does, 2 bucks, will sac­ri­fice all for $1000 or sell in­ di­vid­ua ­ l, must see to ap­pre­ci­ate; 541-5712101, Her­mis­ton. GSP PUP­PIES with some lab mix: 4 fe­ males and 3 males, dew claws and tails docked, each pup comes with a 20# bag of food, 1st vac­ci­na­tion and de­worm­ing done, $400 each; Text only 541-371-4200, Her­ mis­ton. AKC ROTTWEILER PUPPIES AKC Rottweiler puppies, avail July 17th. Champion & SchH bloodlines. Grandsire is champion European import. Sire is 155 lbs. Tails docked, up to date on vaccines, & deworming. $1750. 509930-0335. Touchet. LOOK DOG PEN: cyclone, 6’X6’X4’, 2’ gate; $100 offer, call 541-3778008. BOR­DER COL­LIE Pup­pies, 6 weeks old, 6/29/18, $150; 541376-8358, Echo.

HAY FOR Sale: 1st cut­ting al­fal­fa orchard grass mix, no rain, $8.00/ bale; 2nd cut­ ting, a lit­tle dry due to wind, $8.00/ bale, 10 bale min­i­mum; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ton. 2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. AL­FAL­FA HAY For Sale: $160/TON, 2 string bales, $85/bale 3x4, call 541-5671609, Her­mis­ton. CUB CADET 50” and MUR­RAY 38” rid­ing mow­ers: Cub, $700; Mur­ray, $400; 541-571-2981, Her­ mis­ton. 3 AXEL in­dus­tri­al trail­ er with ramps: ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $3500 or best off­er; 541-5715116, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA HAY Alfalfa for sale: small bales, 25 bales/ton, 1st cutting, $7.50/bale, $175/ton, 2nd cutting $8.50/bale, $200/ton, free local delivery, 541377-0891. Pendleton. I N ­T E R ­N A ­T I O N ­A L HAR­VESTER dump rake, $150; used 5th wheel hitch, al­most new, $150; two hay tarps for 32’ trailer, $100 each; 541-5716674, Ir­ri­gon. LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­cle en­gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ ton; 541-571-3845.



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PreferredProperty inc.


COMMERCIAL / SHOP STORAGE UNITS $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage 12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND PICTURES


PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981


2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. BRAND NEW 11 sheets blue polar block, 2”, 4x8, make offer; 541-377-8008. BUF­FA­LO HUNT: 5 year old Bull, ap­ prox., 1500-1800 lb., $4000; 541-667-3301, Starkey. FREE RE­MOV­AL: Do you need wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­ wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks hauled away?? Call Dave; 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton CHRIS­TEN­SEN ARMS Chris­ten­sen Arms 28 Nosl­er long range Mesa with See­kins Pre­ci­sion 20 MOA top rail. Fired 20 rounds, $1750 new with Top Rail, ask­ing $1450. Text me an­y­time; 360560-0280, I can send pic­tures, Her­mis­ton. C O N ­S T R U C ­T I O N JOB box: metal, 5’ wide, 25” deep, 26” tall, ask­ing $200; 541571-3845, Her­mis­ton. LOKI- SIBERIAN HUSKY Our boy is still missing. Please help us bring him home. Two blue eyes, neutered male, black stripe on snout, with thin white line in between. Black ring around neck that doesn’t fully connect in front, white tipped tail. Almost 6 years old. Went missing in Mabton WA on 03/09/16. We won’t give up on him. Please follow Bring Loki Home on Facebook, or call/ text 509-551-4287 if you know where he is, or have possibly seen him. Large reward. LOOKING FOR medium sized bird: also selling large quanity of cross stitch supplies, $75 or best offer; 541-449-3955. Stanfield. 2003 JOHN DEERE 2054: with War­a­tah 620B pro­cess­ing head. New mo­tor un­der 1,000 hours ago, new pump un­der 2,500 hours ago, new fin­al drives un­der 2,500 hours ago, new cen­ter joint un­der 3,500 hours ago, un­der­car­riage 90% or bet­ter, this ma­chine is woods ready and cur­ rent­ly work­ing, very good, strong ma­chine, $75,000; 541-980-7364 or 541-980-9105 or 541676-5309, Hep­pner.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

MASTIFF PUPPIES Mom Cane Corso, Dad half Great Dane and half Boerboel. Ready July 27. First shots, tails docked and first worming done. $600 or best offer 509- 9499119. Yakima. DIF­FER­ENT BREEDS of ban­ties for sale; 541969-8775, Pen­dle­ton.

CAR SHOW & SOCK HOP! 2nd Annual Car Show & Dance Bash Series! Stone Ridge Event Center, Pasco WA. Best in Show trophy awarded. All cars, bikes, makes, models welcome! Visit www. stonecool.rocks for details. Saturday, August 4th; Saturday, September 29th THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want!

1975 FIBERFORM 17.5’ tri hull boat, full canopy, 165 hp Chev straight 6 eng, depth finder, OMC stern drive, no leaks, current license, cover included, fun boat! $2500. 509-578-4612. BentonCity.

ALFALFA HAY $165 a ton, first cut­ ting, 2018 crop, 4x4x8 bales, FOB, stack; 509-366-5808, Echo.

1992 16’ Blue Water, new tires on trailer, tags good, runs great, $4,000; 541-3145737. GREAT BARGAINS are as close as your computer! View our entire classified listing at www. thenickelonline.com.

PAS­TURE FOR rent: $45 per head, no foals or year­lings, 3 or 4 head; 541-567-1464, Her­mis­ton.

SCOTT’S POWER propelled mower: 6.5 horse power, 3 in 1 mulcher, rear and side bagger, runs great, $85 or best offer; 541377-8008. Pendleton. AL­FAL­FA OR GRASS: small bales, $7 per bale, $175 per ton; 541379-0693, Pen­dle­ton.

Purchase Tickets at www.umatillacountyfair.net


MINIATURE Australian Shepherd puppies. Registered, vaccinations, de- wormed & ready now. $7001000. Baker City, Oregon. 541-518-9284. www. oregonaussies.net

MUL­BER­RY TREE: Several nice size tree trunks for carv­ing, fur­ ni­ture or fire­wood, easy ac­cess, free, u-haul, call Car­o­lyn; 541-567-1796, Her­ mis­ton.

MAS­SEY-FER­GU­SON 35 with Pitts­burgh 4 foot ro­to­till­er, $4500 OBO; 541-567-2993, Her­mis­ton.

Aug. 7th, 2018

ENG­LISH BULL­DOG Pup­pies: cur­rent on shots to give away; 914-279-5977, Her­ mis­ton.

LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­cle en­gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ ton; 541-571-3845.

1977 21’ Bayliner, I/O, 305 Chevy, cuddy, sink, stove, ice box. All original, excellent condition, has 8 hp Yamaha 4 stroke, electric start, power trans, new top and side curtains. Trailer has double axle. $8,500 obo. 541-571-6814

HAY BARN Hay for sale, call ; 541-571-5775. TAK­ING OR­DERS: Rasp­ber­ries and Black­ ber­ries, nat­u­ral­ly raised; $28 flat, can de­liv­er, 541-922-4553, Ir­ri­gon.

WWW.BONNEYSAG.COM 541-922-1213

SKID ROW Thursday

Aug. 9th, 2018


NED LEDOUX Aug. 8th, 2018

ENGLISH POINTER pups, white & orange, exc bloodlines, whelped June 22, 2018, first shots & dewormed, $200. 360-880-2441.

MUJ­ER BUS­CA ca­bal­ lero Tran­qui­lo pa­cif­i­co tra­ba­jad­er de 25 a 35 anos, 541-371-0982, Her­mis­ton.


CKC SAINT Bernard puppies! $1200, taking de- posits now. Call or text, 509- 832-1727.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 15

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The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 16

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

THOMP­SON RV is East­ern Or­eg ­ on’s lar­ gest RV deal­er: fam­il­y owned and op­er­at­ed for 40 years; browse our in­ven­tory on­line at www.thomp­sonrv.com, or call us at 800-4594836, Pen­dle­ton. TOY HAULER 2008 Coachmen Adrenaline Surge 29 FIB. Very clean, only 129 hours on generator, like new inside, all the amenities. New batteries, new carb on generator. No slide outs. Priced to sell, $13,000 firm. Serious inquiries only. TriCities area. 509-378-9300. 2014 TRAIL­LIGHT 200S Cross­o­ver: 22 ft., 8ft. sli­de­out, like new con­di­tion, used less than 5 times, $14,500; 541-922-4471, Uma­ til­la. THE NICKEL offers custom designed logos and business cards. Call 541-567-2230 for more information. FOR SALE: 2003 17’ R-Vision Trail Cruiser travel trailer, easy to pull, 2600 lb dry weight, fridge, stove with oven, micro, ac, furnace, complete bathroom. All works and in great condition. Sleeps 2 adults and 1 small child. Stored under cover in Walla Walla, $6000. Call 541-9692631 or 509-5295209. NORCO 30FT pull trailer, 12ft slide out, very clean, $6,000. OBO, call 541-9106853 La Grande 2007 THOR 28’ 5th wheel trail­er: 1 slide, fridg/freez­ er, TV, built in cof­ fee mak­er, booth, both a couch and a hide-a-bed. 14’ awn­ ing, rear trail­er hitch, very clean, $11000; 541-289-8050 or 360-708-5586, Her­ mis­ton. ATV TRAILER, 7ftx10ft, metal deck, single axle, call 541437-8181 Elgin

NEW OR Like New: Hum­ming­bird fish find­er $75, Scroll Saw $75, Clay throw­er with case of clays and 100 rounds $100, 8 Coy­ ote pelts, make off­er; 541-215-9559, Pen­ dle­ton.

AKC STANDARD Poodle puppies avail now, & Aussiedoodles coming. Check us out on Facebook at https:/ /www.facebook.com/ heavensblessings poodles/

CHECK THE Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains!

ONE LEFT! AKC CHOCOLATE LAB AKC English Chocolate Lab, male, whelped June 14th, taking deposit now. Comes from champion bloodlines. Strong, healthy pup, with stocky build, blocky heads & otter tails. Comes with up to date deworming, shots, microchipped, vet clearance, r e g i s t r a t i o n papers, & copies of pedigrees. Both parents hips, elbows, eyes certified. Puppy package includes food, blanket, toys & goodies. Ready to go the first week of August. $1200. 541-620-1571. Call or text for more info. TER­RI­ER MIX Shih­ TZU pup­pies: 3 males, 3 fe­males, 1st shots, $200 each; 541-2899323, Her­mis­ton. PUR­EBRED MINI Aus­tra­lian Shepherd pup­pies: these dogs are loyal, smart, and of course very cute, males & females, nice fam­i­ly dogs, $600; 541-278-5726, Hermiston. AL­BI­NO CORN Snake for sale: snake is 3.5 feet long, in­cludes ex­tra large tank with stand and all sup­plies, $250; 541-561-0237, Her­mis­ton. PET GROOMERS! Hand made bows, no shipping charges, you choose your own bows! Text Bess, 509783-6592. PURE BRED female Ger­man Shepherd puppy, 1st shots, dewormed, ready now, $350; 541-561-3110, Her­mis­ton. SHIH TZU PUPPIES 3 males, ready to go! Potty/ crate training practiced since 3 weeks old. First shot/ dewormer prior to home. $900. 509-961- 1930. Yakima. STANDARD Poodle/ Bouvier puppies, born 05/28/ 18. Non shedding, hypoallergenic, shots, dewormed, chipped, vet checked, $800. 509-831-8862. Sunnyside.

PET GROOMERS! Hand made bows, no shipping charges, you choose your own bows! Text Bess, 509783-6592. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. UMA­TIL­LA HIGH SCHOOL ALUM­NI An­nual Meet­ing is: Au­ gust 23, 2018, at 2:00 pm at Rae’s Dayz Din­ er, 1290 6th St., Uma­ til­la, OR. for more info; uma­t il­la­v ik­ings@hot­ mail.com NO­T ICE! IF an er­r or oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­ fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. Dam­a g­e s are lim­it­e d to only the cost of the advertisement.

GENTLE MAMMOTH donkeys for sale, 1 red jack, 2 black jennies. Call 509-396-1113 for details. LUCKY ACR­ES Fenc­ ing, Inc.: Pro­vid­ing main­tenance free, heavy gauge horse & live­stock pan­els & pro­ ducts built to last a life­ time. Pan­els & gates, shelt­ers & mare mo­ tels, stall fronts & di­vid­ ers, com­plete pad­dock set-ups, work­ing cor­ ral sys­tems, com­plete ar­e­na set-ups, round pens, con­tour per­i­ met­er fenc­ing, feed­ ers, sad­dle racks, & more. All pro­ducts are made of gal­van­ized, heavy gauge steel tub­ ing. De­liv­ery avail­able; 208-746-1228, www. Lucky­Acr­es.net REG­IS­TERED AQHA 6 year old geld­ing: well broke, for more in­for­ ma­tion, con­tact Bob Hod­ne­field; 541-9380118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter. DO YOU have a sofa, a sink, or a sickle? You can sell it in the Nickel. 541-567-2230. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

STILL SEARCH­I NG? Find it in the Nick­el! BRUSH HOG mowing, 541-2401229. CHICKEN EGGS for sale: farm fresh daily, 1 dozen $3, 18 pack $4.50; 541-969-8775, Pen­dle­ton. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.


boulevard $ .00 5 Minimo la Entrada

edad toda la familia, Diversión para con el padre o el tutor os añ 10 minima

do Viernes • Saba eves Domingo • Ju • 9:30 30 6: • 10:30 • 12:30

2009 JEEP RUBICON: 90,000 miles, hard top, air conditioning, like new BFGS, 3” lift, very clean, $21,000; 541-561-6824. Hermiston. 3 AXEL in­dus­tri­al trail­er with ramps: ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $3500 or best off­er; 541-571-5116, Her­ mis­ton.

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks; Call 541-314-5077, Her­ mis­ton FINALLY GOT him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold before he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-5672230.

arks & R nP

eation ecr

REDUCED PRICE! LIKE NEW! 2013 Salem Cruise Lite, 26’ bunkhouse travel trailer, queen walk around bed & 2 bunks, sleeps 8, cd/ radio, tv, 2 door refrig, 3 burner stove, stabilizer jacks, electric with remote, Eaz-Lift Hitch. $10,900. Phone 509396-9425. Kennewick.

2 MALE pup­pies: 3/4 Pa­pil­lon, 1/4 Shih Tzu, 10 weeks old; 1/2 Pa­ pil­lon, 1/2 Chi­hua­hua, 12 weeks old; dew­ claws re­moved, 1st & 2nd shots, wormed, best off­er; 541-9625484, El­gin.


1976 class A 21’ Win­ ne­ba­go mo­tor­home: very clean, lots of ex­tras, new bat­tery, runs good, must see, $2000 or best off­ er; 541-371-4822, Irrigon.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 17

Location: Community Park

1000 SW 37th Street

Time: Concessions start at

7pm and the movie at dusk.



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The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 18

SHARE YOUR Nickel with a friend! FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details. DIF­FER­ENT BREEDS of ban­ties for sale; 541-969-8775, Pen­ dle­ton. NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889. 11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­ gon. 2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

I BUY all types: of fish­ ing gear and parts; 509-366-3980, Echo. WANTED: ANY parts for 1946 CJ2A Jeep; 541-566-2524, Athena. WILL BUY Wanted: multiple copies of the banned Catholic book by Mike Gendron, Preparing Catholics for Eternity. Or banned Mormon book, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality. Text your info to 509433-1913, if you have copies to sell. NO­T ICE! IF an er­r or oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­a g­e s are lim­it­e d to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­ cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied.

WANT IT! BUY IT! Sell it! It’s all in The Nick­el. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. WANTED: ANY parts for 1946 CJ2A Jeep; 541-566-2524, Athena. WANTED: DEAD TRUCK I am seeking a 1961’63 Chevy or GMC truck, mostly for the cab. Must be fairly rust & dent free. I do not need the motor, transmission or differential, however, for the sake of movement, a roller would be fine. 360268-9494. 1976 F-250 Camp­er spe­cial su­per cab: 8’ bed, au­tomat­ic trans­ mis­sion, work truck, $1000; 541-571-2190, Her­mis­ton.

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10’ SIL­VER Spring mul­ti- fold wheelchair ramp: 600 pound ca­ pac­i­ty, light weight alu­ mi­num, folds to half its size, pur­chased in April 2017, like new; $300 541-567-8628, Her­mis­ton. 1950’S HUTCH: great condition, lighted, $350; 541-571-4836, Hermiston. DEADLINE TO place your classified ad is Tues­day at 5:00pm, to change or stop your ad is Tues. by 11:00am. 6 PIECE Rod Iron outdoor furniture: 4 high back chairs and 2 tables, heavy duty bird house, antique dresser with mirror, antique hutch w/mirror and 4’ tall dresser and ottoman, all in great shape; 541-567-7371, Hermiston. KEN­MORE WASH­ER and dry­er, $350; 541314-5895, leave mes­ sage, Her­mis­ton. NEW LIFT Chair: Med Lift 5555, seat 20x20, seat high 20”, brown; 541-571-3968, Her­ mis­ton. ONE LARGE Upright Freez­er: like new, $200, One Chest freez­er, $25; 541-2890551, leave mes­sage, Hem­i­ston. SMALL CHEST Freezer: good for small apart­ment or small space, $65; 541377-0273, Hermiston.

100 LB Pitbulls: Hulk style blue Pitbull puppies, UKC registered, sire is 135 lbs, mom is 70 lbs, up to date on shots, dewormed. P r o t e c t i o n dogs, or friendly companions. Free training guidance. Richland, WA. 509315-3033. THREE FAINT­ING GOATS 2 months old, make ide­al pets, will sell choice, $85 each, for more in­for­ma­tion con­ tact Bob Hod­ne­field; 541-938-0118, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. 2 MALE pup­pies: 3/4 Pa­pil­lon, 1/4 Shih Tzu, 10 weeks old; 1/2 Pa­ pil­lon, 1/2 Chi­hua­hua, 12 weeks old; dew­ claws re­moved, 1st & 2nd shots, wormed, best off­er; 541-9625484, El­gin. WEIMARANER PUPPIES Family raised with kids, exc family & hunting dogs, ready to go on July 14th, last of 10 puppies. Tails are docked, dew claws removed, 1st set of shots, & vet checked. Parents are on site. Lo- cated in Snohomish, WA. References are available. We have 2 silver & 1 blue. $750 for male, $850 for female. Please call or text at 425330-0431, or 425286-9433.


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LOOK­ING FOR pas­ ture to rent near Her­ mis­ton: year round for 10 or more cow pairs, I will feed dur­ing win­ter; 541-371-6700. ATTENTION SHEEP & goat producers: Chuck Walker Livestock will be buying sheep & goats this Saturday, the 28th! Pickup/ hauling available. Paying market value for all classes. No commission, no shrink, no tag fees. Horses & cattle also welcome. Licensed & bonded for your protection. 8am1pm. 370 Palen Road, Zillah WA. Call for details & pricing. 509379-0397. YORKSHIRE Feeder pigs: $75; 2 boars, free; 541-379-0693, Pen­dle­ton. BABY CALVES FOR SALE! Limousin/ Jersey/ Holstein/ Angus. Also straight Holstein. 5 days to 5 weeks. 509-4050236. Older calves & straight beef available. Delivery possible. PASTURE CALVES For sale, call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541-256-0907. BUY­ING ALL class­es of horses; J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock, 541-5236119, 541-519-2802. THREE FAINT­ING GOATS 2 months old, make ide­al pets, will sell choice, $85 each, for more in­for­ma­tion con­ tact Bob Hod­ne­field; 541-938-0118, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ou­ sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­es 541-4542994, leave mes­sage. FARM RAISED PORK & BEEF FOR SALE 1/2 or whole. 509-4050236. Call for details. 20 black & black/white face, top qual­i­ty, large framed cows: weigh­ ing over 1300 pounds, $1385 each, calv­ing now, will sell 2 or more, de­liv­ery avail­able, for more in­for­ma­tion phone Joe Chap­pell; 509-3014402, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter. SHEEP, GOATS & CATTLE WANTED Paying cash. 541-2560907.

10’ SIL­VER Spring mul­ti- fold wheelchair ramp: 600 pound ca­ pac­it­y, light weight alu­ mi­num, folds to half its size, pur­chased in April 2017, like new; $300 541-567-8628, Her­mis­ton. 1984 COR­VETTE: runs ex­cel­lent, claw­ foot bath­tub, 541-2782131, 349 SW 3rd St., Pen­dle­ton. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­eg ­ on. 1995 HI­TACHI 200L3 log load­er: with grap­ple and heel 48”, ful­ly guard­ed and woods ready, new vale body, very dry ma­chine. Un­der­car­ riage is 80%, works well and strong, cur­ rent­ly load­ing trucks and fin­ish­ing jobs, has 48” cab ris­er that tilts, must see; 541980-7364 or 541980-9105 or 541676-5309, Hep­pner. UMA­TIL­LA HIGH SCHOOL ALUM­NI An­nual Meet­ing is: Au­ gust 23, 2018, at 2:00 pm at Rae’s Dayz Din­ er, 1290 6th St., Uma­ til­la, OR. for more info; uma­t il­la­v ik­ings@hot­ mail.com “WOW” Check out all the amaz­ing new ar­ri­vals at Fu­ture Heir­looms & K&K bou­tique at 234 E. Main, Her­mis­ ton. We car­ry unique jew­el­ry, awe­some sil­ ver & gem­stones at unbelieveable pric­es. Home decor ga­lore! One of a kind unique gift items. The bou­tique now has con­signed Coach & Michael Kors bags and has a grow­ ing se­lec­tion of qual­i­ty, new & used gar­ments & shoes. Let us sell your pret­ty clothes; 541-314-1991. 2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

INDUSTRIAL WOOD working equipment: 10” contract o r s a w , 3 h p ,G r i z z l y G1023SL, several extra blades; 20” planer, 5 hp, spiral cutter head & spare, just replaced all 100 carbide c utterinserts,Gri z z l y G1033X; 8” jointer, 3 hp, digital readout, spiral cutter head, 8”x82” bed, Grizzly G0495X, new 5/2/17; Heavy duty double air filter, Grizzly G9956, remote control; Dust collector, 3 hp, 240 volt, remote control, 3450 rpm, approx 2830 CFM suction, 2 lower bags, 2 upper bags, 4 way inlet reduces 2- 4” & 2-3”, Shop Fox W1687; Over 200’ of 4” PVC duct pipe, blast gates for every machine, copper wire inside/ outside all PVC piping, grounded to all machines; Home built router table, Kreg table top & Kreg router table fence, 100+ router bits, profile bit set, raised panel door set; RouterPorter Cable 693, plunge attachment; RouterCraftsman 320, plunge base, 2 hp; RouterFreud FT1700VCE, 2-1/4 hp; Rigid 12” sliding compound miter saw, Model R4221, new in 2018; Plate jointer, Skill 1605, variety extra biscuits; Rigid oscillating belt/ spindle sander, Model EB4424; Delta DW-788 variable speed 20” scroll saw, extra blades; Delta 34-182 tenon jig; Jet slow speed sharpener, Model JSSG10, several attachments; Lots of hardwoods. Too much misc to list. Everything still hooked up & operating for you to see. Prefer not to split lot up. First $6250 obo takes all of the above. Call 509967-5809, 9am-5pm.

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY JOB! Home owners, industrial & construction, visit us for all your rental needs; 80907 N. HWY 395 HERMISTON, OR., 541-969-0013.

THENICKELONLINE. COM You can also find us on Facebook.

1976 F-250 Camp­er Spe­cial: 8’ bed needs some work, runs well, good for work or pro­ ject, $1000; 541-5712190, Ir­ri­gon. 2002 FORD F350, 4x4, du­al­ly pick­up: 7.3 die­sel, au­tomat­ ic, new tires, heavy duty ex­tend­ed hitch, 5th wheel at­tach­ment, air bags, comes with 11.5’ Ar­tic Fox camp­ er, Onan gen­era­tor, 3 way fridge, a/c, mi­ crowave, awn­ings, full slide out, pic­tures avail­able, Re­duced to $27,000 and may be sepa­rat­ed; 541-9698188, 541-969-8227, Meacham. 1948 CHEVY $25,000 2000 build, fresh motor, 377 SB, 9” Ford rear end, ladder bar suspension, air ride, plumbed nitrous, 509939-5663. 1957 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup: V-8, 4 speed, $5000; 541-3710715, Her­mis­ton. 2005 CHE­VY PICK­UP 2500HD: 4x4, auto, ex­ tra cab, short bed, very clean, 16,771 miles on new mo­tor, tow pkg., 5th wheel set­up, bar step, CB Ra­dio, main­tenance records, $8995, 541-377-1227, Pen­dle­ton. 2008 JEEP RUBICON 4” lift, new 37” tires, Automatic, 92,000 miles, 10,000 pound winch, Poison Spyder tire rack, front and rear bumpers, Viair air compressor, and lots more. $26,000; 541-371-0715, Hermiston.

BUF­FA­LO HUNT: 5 year old Bull, ap­ prox., 1500-1800 lb., $4000; 541-667-3301, Starkey. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. FREE RE­MOV­AL: Do you need wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­ wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks hauled away?? Call Dave; 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton CHRIS­TEN­SEN ARMS Chris­ten­sen Arms 28 Nosl­er long range Mesa with See­kins Pre­ci­sion 20 MOA top rail. Fired 20 rounds, $1750 new with Top Rail, ask­ing $1450. Text me an­y­time; 360560-0280, I can send pic­tures, Her­mis­ton. C O N ­S T R U C ­T I O N JOB box: metal, 5’ wide, 25” deep, 26” tall, ask­ing $200; 541571-3845, Her­mis­ton. LOKI- SIBERIAN HUSKY Our boy is still missing. Please help us bring him home. Two blue eyes, neutered male, black stripe on snout, with thin white line in between. Black ring around neck that doesn’t fully connect in front, white tipped tail. Almost 6 years old. Went missing in Mabton WA on 03/09/16. We won’t give up on him. Please follow Bring Loki Home on Facebook, or call/ text 509-551-4287 if you know where he is, or have possibly seen him. Large reward.

The Nickel -July 26, 2018 - Page 19

BOT­TLE CALVES for sale: An­gus and Lim­ ou­sin cross, lo­cal de­ liv­ery, free band­ing; 541-371-6700, Her­ mis­ton. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. LOOK­ING FOR pas­ ture to rent near Her­ mis­ton: year round for 10 or more cow pairs, I will feed dur­ing win­ter; 541-371-6700. ATTENTION SHEEP & goat producers: Chuck Walker Livestock will be buying sheep & goats this Saturday, the 28th! Pickup/ hauling available. Paying market value for all classes. No commission, no shrink, no tag fees. Horses & cattle also welcome. Licensed & bonded for your protection. 8am1pm. 370 Palen Road, Zillah WA. Call for details & pricing. 509-379-0397.

AL­FAL­FA HAY For Sale: $160/TON, 2 string bales, $85/bale 3x4, call 541-5671609, Her­mis­ton. CUB CADET 50” and MUR­RAY 38” rid­ing mow­ers: Cub, $700; Mur­ray, $400; 541-571-2981, Her­ mis­ton. HAY FOR Sale: 1st cut­ting al­fal­fa orchard grass mix, no rain, $8.00/ bale; 2nd cut­ ting, a lit­tle dry due to wind, $8.00/ bale, 10 bale min­i­mum; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ ton. 11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. 2 STOR­AGE CON­ TAIN­ERS: one 8’x7’x18’ with 7’ rollup door, $1400 one 8’x8’x20’ ful­ly in­su­lat­ed metal truck box, per­ fect for walk-in cool­ er or sealed stor­age. $2250; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton.

TWO WELL bred horses need a home: 12 year old gelding sired by Sams Sweet Bogie. Broke to ride, but needs work. 19 year old mare with Ima Easy Reb on her papers. No reasonable offer refused. 509-3661256. BentonCity. GENTLE MAMMOTH donkeys for sale, 1 red jack, 2 black jennies. Call 509-396-1113 for details. REG­IS­TERED AQHA 6 year old geld­ing: well broke, for more in­for­ ma­tion, con­tact Bob Hod­ne­field; 541-9380118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter.

3/4 CANE Corso, 1/4 African Boerboel puppies, 2 females & 1 male left. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, will come with vet check. Ready to go 8/10/18. $800. Call or text, 509-8349879. PUREBRED German Shepherd pups for sale, asking, $390. Both parents on site, 541-720-4404. Located in Hermiston, OR. YOUR BUSI­N ESS is “our” busi­ness! Call a sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive to­d ay! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

ALANIS AUTO DETAIL’S Interior / Exterior / Full Detail




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During fair they will be $30 at the carnival ticket booth

Pre-Sale Carnival Ticket Outlets:

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2 017 N iss a n F r o n ti e r sV

2015 Hyun dai santa Fe sport

2 01 3 v o lks w a g e n j et t a t di

Automatic, Crew Cab, Bluetooth, Back-up Cam, Keyless Entry

Local Trade, Automatic, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Bluetooth, USB/Aux, All Wheel Drive

Turbo Diesel, Leather, Sunroof, Premium Sound, Alloy Wheels, Tinted Windows




2010 Hyun dai Gen esis Tinted Windows, Leather, Heated & Cooled Seats, Push Button Start, Moonroof, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Loaded



2 0 07 C h e v r o l et si lv e r a d o



4X 4 P10267


3rd Row Seating, Push Button Start, Keyless Entry, Alloy Wheels, Bluetooth, USB/Aux/XM, All Wheel Drive

16, 897

2016 Honda HR-V EX Sunroof, Automatic, Cruise, USB, Bluetooth, Back-up Cam, Push Button Start




2016 Chrysler 300 s

Leather, Navigation, Touchscreen Controls, Back-Up Cam, Tinted Windows, USB


21,757 2015 acura RdX


Technology Pkg, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Push Button Start, Power Liftgate, AWD



aWd P10332

2017 nissan pathfinder sL Leather, Touch Screen Controls, 3rd Row, Premium Wheels, Rear Air Controls, 4x4, Loaded




2016 Ram 1500 Laramie Hemi, Crew Cab, This Local Trade is Loaded, Premium Sound, Factory 20” Wheels, Tow Pkg





2 01 2 g m c a c a di a s lt













2 01 3 J e e p wrangler


lOw MileS





oN LY 1 at th is Pr ICe !


2017 Subaru wrX limited Leather, Sunroof, Tinted Windows, 6 Speed Manual, Premium Sound, All Wheel Drive




2 01 5 Toyot a sequoia Local Trade, Leather, Sunroof, Premium Wheels, 3rd Row, DVD, Back-up Cam, $ Bluetooth

2 017 Fo r d F-1 5 0

Super Crew, New Lift, 20’ 35” Tires, Dual Flowmaster Exhaust, Bushwacker Flares


34 ,990


2 01 6 s u b a r u W r X Li m it e d



Tu rB o DI es eL


2 0 07 J e e p Co m m a n d e r Li m it e d Leather, Moonroof, 3rd Row, Rear Air Controls, Automatic







2018 kia Sorento

Only 6422 Miles, All Wheel Drive, 3rd Row Seating, Rear Air Controls, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, V6



aWd P10342


2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport

Automatic, All Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, USB

2.0 Turbo, Panoramic Roof, Leather, Tinted Windows, Navigation, Premium Wheels, Bluetooth











2017 acura ilX


21, 287


Sunroof, Leather, Tinted Windows, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Premium Sound, Keyless Entry, 6 Cyl, All Wheel Drive


24 ,988


2017 For d F150’s



1 Owner, Leather Seating, Moonroof, Dual Climate Controls, Tinted Windows

2 017 s u b a r u L e g a c y 3.6r Li m it e d

Automatic, Back-up Cam, 4x4, Cruise, USB/Aux/XM, Keyless Entry, Sync


2015 BmW X5 X-drive Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, USB, Dual Climate Controls, AWD



aWd P10278


28 ,977

P10353, P10215


2 017 r a n g e rover evoque

Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, 4x4, Power Liftgate, Keyless Entry, Touchscreen Controls, Turbo Engine, $ Premium Sound System

34 ,988

2017 GmC sierra 2500 Hd

2 01 5 C a di ll a c 4 Spray-in Bedliner, Premium Wheels, Tow Pkg, 4 Xshop e s c a l a dat e Lu x u r y online 24/7 Bluetooth, Navigation, Local Trade, Leather, Back-up Cam, 4x4, Navigation, 3rd Row, DVD, USB/XM www.excaliburautogroup. com Surround Camera System, Lane Departure System, Loaded

42 877 56 897 509-783-2351

mon-sat 8am-8pm • sunday 10am-6pm


your choice


8201 w. clearwater in kennewick



2017 Subaru impreza Prem.

2017 Hyundai Sedona


2014 Honda accord eXl

Sunroof, Leather, Tinted Windows, Touch Screen Controls, Bluetooth, Push Button Start, Dual Climate Controls

Leather Seating, Rear Air Controls, Dual Power Sliders, Push Button Start, Back-up Cam, Keyless Entry




2008 GmC yukon denali Leather, 20” Factory Premium Wheels, Navigation, Back-up Cam, 3rd Row Seating

2013 VW Beetle tdi

27, 897

31 ,987


1 Owner Turbo Diesel, Convertible, Navigation, Back-up Cam, Leather, Fender Premium Sound

Low Miles, Premium Wheels, Sunroof, Leather, Back-up Cam, Bluetooth, Loaded




2015 Mini countryman S Turbo Engine, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, Premium Wheels, Cruise

Low Miles, Leather, Back-up Cam, Premium Wheels, Bluetooth, USB, All Wheel Drive

23, 897




2 01 5 m e r c e d e s B e nz C3 0 0


2017 nissan rogue

All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Cruise, Bluetooth, USB/MP3/XM, Back-up Cam

Local Trade, Hard Top, Automatic

2016 dodge Charger sXt Push Button Start, Auto, Bluetooth, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry


2014 nissan Murano Local Trade, Auto, Cruise, Bluetooth, Keyless Entry, Push Button Start

2 017 D o d g e J o u r n ey sX T



Leather, 3rd Row Seating, Rear Air Controls, Alloy Wheels, Remote Start, Tinted Windows


Lifted Premium Wheels, Tow Pkg, 4x4, Automatic, Cruise















columbia center blVD.



P651659A TIME

T1 On approved credit. Not everyone will qualify. T2 With Purchase. * All financing on approved credit. All vehicles subject to prior sale. One vehicle unless otherwise noted. All vehicles plus tax, license, title. A negotiable documentary service fee of up to $150 may be added to each sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Colors may appear different from actual in printed photos, please see autos in person. VINs posted at dealer. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details. Expires 08-01-18.

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