8.15.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00


541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039

Want Ad Newspaper

August 15, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 33








QUALITY GRASS/Alfalfa hay for sale: 2 tie bales, $230 a ton loaded; 541430-2488, Hermiston.

WANTED DEAD or dying Subaru’s: 2002 or newer, cash paid; 541-963-9328, LaGrande.

LIMOUSIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail able now. Wilde Ranches; 541454-2994.

YARD SALE across from Hermiston swimming pool: clothes, all sizes, horse tack, Saturday only!

3 LOVING healthy cats: $20 each, 2 spayed females, 1 male; Tim, 541567-7950, Hermiston.

MINI CHOPPER: 4.5HP Subaru engine, $350, 2 wheel trailer $125; 541701-4448, Hermiston.

SEC TION AL COUCH: older but in good shape, $50 or best offer; 928-8530020, Umatilla.

MULTI-FAMILY yard sale: Friday & Saturday 8am2pm, 31142 Cecil St., Hermiston. New & used items, cologne & perfume, backpacks, crafts & lots more!

541-564-1031 • 541-276-3732 FIREWOOD YOU haul: $185 per cord, most ly Douglas Fir, ; 541-4227441, Heppner.

2003 FORD Taurus SES: four door, good condition, $2800 or best offer; 509430-8970, Hermiston.

WEINER PIGS: for sale please contact Juli; 541561-9871, in the Boardman area.

Or don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20



AQUARIUM FOR sale: 20”Hx12.5”Wx36”L, $75, or best off er; 541-4434301, Pilot Rock.

2016 HARLEY Davidson Sportster 1200: like new, 4,500 miles, $8,600; 541922-4854, Umatilla.

IMMACULATE BROWN Microsuede couch: like brand new, $125; call 541567-5511, Hermiston.







www.BonneysAg.com • OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 2

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

2005 PROWL­ER Trav­ el Trail­ er: 18ft., good con­di­tion, dual axle, sleeps 4-6, $7200 cash; 541-589-4948, Her­mis­ton.

AUCTION NOTICE!!! 80571 N HWY 395 • Hermiston, OR SUNDAY August 18, 2019 Bidding starts at 10 a.m SHARP!!!

Vintage Seamstess Manequin, 5 blocks of Lead, Table top Vice, Makita Plain, Milwaukee Grinder, Weller Sauder Gun, 20 “ Scroll Saw, Large Assortment of hand tools including but not limited to files, punches, chisels hammers, saws, end wrenches, box wrenches, ratchets, sockets, screwdrivers, drill bits galor, rivet guns, etc!!! Craftsman Woodworkers Vice, Nice Queen Sized mattress and box with headboard, 360 Seylor Fish Hunter Raft , 5 Fish nets, 3 Crab pots, 11 Tackle box w/ tackle, 4 Large Bouy’s, Boat Fuel tank and fuel line, Bruce Anchor, Rope retraction poles, 2 fish finders, 4 sets of pole holders, Boat wench, Vintage fishing poles, Tons of rope!!!! Nice Lockport Block and Tackle, Air tank and air hoses, Heavy duty straps, Household locks, door knobs, hinges, wall anchors, Painting supplies , RV Extension cords, heavy duty extension cords, Shop lights, Electrical repair supplies, Plumbing repair supplies, 3 shop vacs, Chains and shackles, Vintage Let Er Buck sign, 1960’s Aviation Equipment, Military suits and jackets, Flack jacket, US Army Holsters, shirts, pants, 6 pairs of leather Army boots, 8 Military Duffle bags, 6 ammo boxes, Military rifle and pistol cleaning equipment, Military medical stretcher, 9 leather cartridge cases, 7 military knife sheaths, Vintage Ammo, 14 ammo clips, 90° Military Flashlights, US Army Cookware, Mummy bag and 3 military issued sleeping bags, US Army Tent, Military Issued Combat Meals, 11 tool boxes, Hitch Luggage Rack, Jumper cables , Car Repair Supplies, Garden supplies and tools, Honda 214 HRA , 3 bicycles, Banzai Gushing Geyser Water park, Camping Supplies-nice Coleman stove, Coleman lanterns and heater, 2 Exterior Showers, Set of Vintage Skies, 2 garden hose Reels, Vintage train cars with track and controller , Fold up outdoor wooden tables, Guitar & bongos, Wash basin with bowl and pitcher, Gas boy Gas pump, 27 Extra Large Mirrors, Cop car backseats, car dividers and bumpers. Too many AWESOME items to list!!! C’mon down to Columbia River Auction, LLC. and spend your day with us!!!

2003 FLEETWOOD SOUTHWIND 36’, 490 workhorse, 2 slides, 2 TV’s, In Motion satellite, split bath, very large shower, queen bed, excellent condition, $25,000; 541-2781846. 1998 FLEET­WOOD DIS­COV­ERY Mo­tor­ home: 34ft., die­ sel, clean., lots of base­ ment stor­ age, wash­ er and dry­er, low use and mile­ age, $22,000 or best off­er; 541-5716024, Her­mis­ton, OR.

1996 FORD As­pire: 4 cy­ lin­ der, 5 speed, 37 miles per gal­lon, runs great, $1,150 ;541429-1042, Pen­dle­ton. 2012 PRIUS C THREE 2012 Toyota Prius C model Three. Summer Rain Metallic color, 45k mi, exc cond, custom chrome rims (have original rims also). Always garaged, original owner. Gets 50 mpg. Bought an electric car, so don’t need this one. Call 509-521-1918. 2000 TOYO­TA SIEN­ NA: 210k miles, one own­er, $2000; call bet­ ween 8am-5pm, 541571-3973, Her­mis­ton. 1976 COR­VETTE SEATS: com­plete with tracks, $275 or best off­er; 541-288-3001, Pen­dle­ton.

C H I H U A H U A PUPPIES: Tiny bundles of Joy, white with apri­cot mark­ings, 1 long haired male, 1 short haired male, shots and wormed; 541-561-5116, Her­ mis­ton. AMER­I­CAN BUL­LY/ ENGLISH BULL PUPS Now ready for pick up! First shots given, $1500; 541-701-5513, Stan­field. GER­MAN SHEPHERD pup­ pies: ready now, born June 7th, cur­rent on shots, $300; 541571-8767, Her­mis­ton. AQUARIUM FOR sale: 20”Hx12.5”Wx36”L, $75, or best off­er; 541443-4301, Pi­lot Rock. WANT­ED: NEU­ TERED med­i­um to small dog and one Manx neu­tered kit­ten or cat; 541-567-2978, Her­mis­ton. LIVE­STOCK GUARD­IAN PUP­PIES for sale: brin­ dle or blonde col­or­ing, ready for their new fa­ milies now. Shots/worm­ing up to date. These pups will be large in size, pro­tec­tive, hard work­ ing, (LGD) Livestock Guard Dogs. Ju­di­cious breed­ing, 4 way cross blood­ line of; Span­ ish Mas­tiff and Anat­o­ lian, with some Great Pyrn­nese and Ak­bash, $600; For ques­ tions call or text 541-6567134, Ir­ri­gon, OR.

PORT­ABLE OX­Y­GEN Con­cen­tra­tor may be cov­ered by Med­i­care! Re­claim in­de­pen­ dence & mo­ bili­ ty with the com­ pact design & long-last­ing bat­tery of In­ o­ gen One. Free in­for­ma­tion kit! Call 1-877-572-8073.

The Clean Spot is the best Laundromat in Umatilla. The cleanest, brightest with the most machines for your convenience. 7th and Switzer, Umatilla. TREAD­MILL, $100; doc­tors of­fice scale, $50; fu­ ton, $70; yard cart, $30; 10 inch table saw, $75; 1/2 drill mo­ tor, $30; com­ pound mit­er saw, $40; pock­et knives, 2 for $6; lawn mow­ er, $50. Cash only, call af­ter­noon; 541-443-2165, Pi­lot Rock. 2 - 100LB AN­ VILS: $400 each; call 541571-3545, Uma­til­la. AIRLINES ARE HIRING Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial Aid for qualified students Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-6861704


10% BUYERS PREMIUM HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED MORE INFORMATION & PICTURES ON FACEBOOK AT: Columbia River Auction, LLC Auctioneer: Paul Kramer • 541-571-5771 •541-379-4994


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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 3

MUL­TI-FAM­I­LY yard sale: Fri­ day & Sat­ ur­ day 8am-2pm, 31142 Ce­cil St., Her­mis­ton. New & used items, col­ o­gne & per­fume, back­ packs, crafts & lots more! ES­TATE SALE Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 17th and Sun­day, Au­gust 18th. 8am to ??, both days. 80116 Prin­ dle Loop Road, Her­ mis­ ton, OR. Qual­i­ty items of eve­ ry kind, house­ hold, fur­ni­ture, and so much more, a com­ plete home that is full. Eve­ry­thing has to go!!! MOV­ ING SALE: 158 E. Main St., Fri­ day, Au­ gust 16th, 8:30am4pm! Vin­tage piec­es, dis­ play units, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous! HUGE GA­RAGE SALE CASH ONLY NO EAR­LY SALES Fri­day, Au­gust 23rd and Sat­ur­day, Au­ gust 24th. 8am-4pm, Thurs­day, Au­gust 29th thru Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 31st. 8am-4pm. The merg­ ing of 2 house­ holds, due to get­ ting hitched, so now the purg­ing be­gins. Imag­ine a 3 car ga­ rage, full from top to bot­ tom by an Ev­ ent Plan­ner - Mar­ried De­ sign­er? Wow! Sew­ing no­tions and ma­te­ri­al, dis­ play props, silks by the tub, $20 each, Christ­ mas trees and or­na­ments from the clos­ ing of a year ar­ ound Christ­mas decor shop, lamps, qual­i­ty fur­ni­ture, home decor, kitch­en place set­tings, dish sets, pot & pan sets, table linens, table decor, pa­tio fur­ni­ture, com­fort­er bed sets, bed linens, beau­ty sa­ lon sup­plies and sa­lon chairs, books and On & On & On & On. 1611 2nd Street. (near the Mar­i­na) Uma­til­la, Or. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­ day, Au­gust 17th, 8am1pm, 680 SE 9th Drive, Her­mis­ton. Teen girls clothes, S-M, boys clothes, shoes, kitch­en gadgets, bed­ding, and lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous. MOV­ING SALE 158 E. Main St., Fri­ day, Au­gust 16th, 8:30am-4pm! Vin­tage piec­es, dis­play units, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous! IN­SIDE MUL­TI Fam­i­ly Yard Sale: Fri­day, Au­ gust 16th & Sat­ur­day, Au­ gust 17th, 9am4pm. Bed­room, din­ing and liv­ ing room fur­ ni­ture, tread­mill and way too much to list... 79479 Can­ al Road, Stan­field. Di­rec­tions; (do not use GPS) take High­land Ex­ten­ sion, go straight, over RR Tracks, con­tin­ue to Can­al Road, go left on Can­al, shop is 1st big build­ ing on your right.


10 a.m. - 7p.m.

Saturday Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

11 a.m. - 5 p.m.


10 a.m. - 6 p.m.











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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 4

TOW­NIE ELEC­TRA mens bi­cy­cle $150, Next wom­ens La­Jol­la Street Cruis­er bi­cy­cle $75, both bikes in Ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion; 530383-6824, Uma­til­la.


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FOR SALE: 2019 30’ Cougar 5th wheel trav­ el trailer, sell­ing due to health rea­ sons; 541571-6520, Hermiston.

COM­PLETE COW DIS­PER­SAL OF­FER­ING ALL of my 67 top qual­i­ty An­gus and An­gus cross cows, and Fan­ cy bulls for de­liv­ery to new buy­er bet­ween Oc­tob­er 10th - 20th of 2019. For pic­ tures and more de­tails, log onto Craigsl­ist, TriCities, Washing­ton, un­der farm & gar­den or phone me; Bob Hod­ ne­field, 541-938-0118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter, OR.

NEED MORE SPACE? Need more space around your home? We have lots. We can accommodate your needs. Come visit our flat, lighted, fenced facility with a 24 hour off site security system. 14 x 42 Storage Units, 14 x 42 Covered Storage Spaces, Open Outdoor Storage. Blagg Storage Facility, 801 SE Nye Ave. Pendleton. 541379-0092.

REG­IS­TERED BLACK An­gus for sale: no pa­ pers, 2-4 year olds and 1-2 year old ready to calve in April 2020, $1200 each; 541-5617337, Stan­field.

AVISO: Jugar con exceso puede resultar en conducta patóloga de garitear y causar daño emocional y monetario. Para pedir ayuda, llame al 1-800-547-6133.

xi Le

LIM­OU­SIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail­ able now. Wilde Ranch­es; 541-4542994.


2018 SUN­SEEK­ER RV by For­ est Riv­ er: 24’, Ford E450, 2 slides, 3200 miles, like new, $59,500; 541429-1193, Pen­dle­ton.

Welcome to Lexington Pump LLC

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JAIME’S RE­BUILD­ERS: en­gines, tran­ny’s heads, grind­ing, al­ter­na­tors, start­ers, elec­tri­cal jobs, die­sels wel­come, weld­ ing and cut­ ting; 541571-0354, Uma­til­la. DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNIT­ ED BREAST CANC­ER FOUN­DA­ TION! Your do­na­tion helps ed­u­ca­tion, pre­ ven­tion & sup­port pro­ grams. FAST FREE PICK­ UP, 24-hour re­ sponse, TAX DE­DUC­ TION. 1-844-478-7513 FRANKS SEW­ER SERV­ ICE Is a 3rd gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness. We pro­vide prompt, cou­rteous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can rely on! Main­ tenance is al­ ways cheap­er than re­place­ ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ ment be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541-567-8612. 2012 MAZ­DASPEED 3 Tour­ ing, 5 door, pearl white, 99,300 miles, most­ly high­way, Wal­ la Wal­ la/ Spo­ kane in­ spec­tion re­port from Lu­trell’s Auto in Wal­la Wal­la in late July 2019, in­teri­or de­tail­ing in late July 2019, spare set of all weath­ er tires, 2.3 liter, DOHC 16 valve, 4 cy­lin­der Tur­bocharged mo­ tor, 6 speed man­ u­al trans­mis­sion, 263 horse­pow­er, 280 lb-ft torque, 265 watt 10 speak­er Bose au­dio sys­tem, Sir­ius XM ena­bled, blue­tooth, rem­ote key­less en­try, push but­ton start, auto on/off head­lights, auto wip­ers, piv­ot­ing adap­ tive Xe­non head­light & much more! 509-5402550, Wal­la Wal­la.

AKC BOS­TON TER­RI­ ER Pup­pies 3 males & 3 fe­males, dew­claws re­moved, first shots, vet check, health guar­an­tee, JHC clear, $1300 each; Call 509486-4578, text 509279-9080 or email; mutts12@ya­hoo.com PUR­EBRED GER­ MAN Shepherd pup­ pies: AKC reg­is­tered, $950, males and fe­ males; 541-667-7496, Her­mis­ton. AUS­TRAI­LIAN SHEPHERD (ASCA) Red Mer­le male pup­py: reg­is­tered, hand­some, 9 weeks old, crate and pot­ ty trained pup. Splen­did mark­ings, out­stand­ing dis­po­si­tion, re­mark­able work­ing dogs, ju­di­cious breed­ ing, par­ ents on site; for more in­for­ma­tion call or text, Piv­ot­ing in Time Aus­sies, 541-5614589, Hep­pner, OR. GER­MAN SHEPHERD PUP­PIES, 4 males, 3 fe­males, 8 weeks old, good tem­pera­ments, 1st shots, healthy & ready now! Par­ ents on­site. Fe­males $400, males $425. 509-7604031 Mos­es Lake. MALTESE MALE My dad is no longer able to care for his dog. Bran is a 6 yr old AKC Maltese. No training was done. 509-5540102. TriCities. 2 AKC Labrador Retrievers, chocolate is 7, silver is 4. Neither one is fixed. They do good in the house. Would be best if they didn’t go to the same place. Pick up only. $500 ea. They are current on shots, & will come with all paperwork. Call or text, 509-386-6644.

AUC­TION NO­TICE !!! 80571 N HWY 395 • Her­mis­ton, OR. SUN­ DAY, Au­ gust 18, 2019. Bid­ ding, starts at 10 a.m SHARP!!! Vin­ tage seam­stess ma­ne­quin, 5 blocks of lead, table top vice, Maki­ ta plain, Mil­ wau­kee grin­der, Well­er DISH TV: $59.99 for saud­ er gun, 20“ scroll 190 chan­nels + $14.95 saw, large as­sort­ment High Speed In­ ter­ of hand tools in­ clud­ net. Free in­stalla­tion, ing but not lim­ it­ ed to Smart HD DVR in­clud­ files, punch­es, chi­sels, ed, Free Voice Rem­ ham­ mers, saws, end ote. Some re­stric­tions wrench­ es, box wrench­ ap­ply; 1-800-718- es, ratchets, sock­ ets, 1593. screw­driv­ers, drill bits ga­lore, riv­et guns, etc!!! TV for FREE with Crafts­man Wood­work­ SmartView Antenna! ers Vice, nice queen siz­ Potentially watch ed mat­tress and box with over 60 channels. head­board, 360 Sev­ylor Completely free of Fish Hunt­er Raft, 5 fish monthly subscription nets, 3 crab pots, 11 costs(after purchase tack­ le box w/ tack­ le, 4 & set-up). Special large bouy’s, boat fuel Savings for Print tank and fuel line, bruce Readers: 57% an­chor, rope re­trac­tion off! Visithttp:// poles, 2 fish find­ers, 4 smartviewdeal.com/ sets of pole hold­ ers, pacific boat winch, vin­tage fish­ ing poles, tons of rope!!!! WINE & CHEESE nice Lock­ port Block Umatilla Museum’s and tack­le, air tank and 2nd Annual Wine & air hos­ es, heavy duty Cheese Tast­ing Ev­ent! straps, house­hold locks, Fri­day Au­gust 16th, door knobs, hing­ es, 6-9pm, $10 per per­son wall an­chors, paint­ing at the door. sup­plies, RV ex­ten­sion cords, heavy duty ex­ten­ SPEC­TRUM TRI­ sion cords, shop lights, PLE Play! TV, In­ter­net elec­tri­cal re­pair sup­plies, & Voice for $99.97/ plumb­ing re­pair sup­plies, mo. Fas­test In­ter­net. 3 shop vacs, chains and 100 MB per sec­ ond shackles, vin­tage Let’er speed. Free Pri­me­time Buck sign, 1960’s avia­ on De­mand. Un­lim­it­ tion equip­ment, Mili­tary ed Voice. NO CON­ suits and jack­ets, flack TRACTS; Call 1-877- jack­ et, US Army Hol­ 338-2315 per vis­ it sters, shirts, pants, 6 http://tripleplaytoday. pairs of leath­ er Army com/news boots, 8 Mili­tary duf­fle bags, 6 ammo box­ es, SAVE ON YOUR Mil­i­tary ri­fle and pis­ NEXT PRE­SCRIP­ tol clean­ing equip­ment, TION! World Health Mili­tary med­i­cal stretch­ Link. Price Match er, 9 leath­ er car­ tridge Guar­an­tee! Pre­scrip­ cases, 7 Mili­ tary knife tions Re­ quired. CIPA sheaths, vin­tage Ammo, Cer­ti­fied. Over 1500 14 ammo clips, 90° Mili­ med­i­ca­tions avail­able. tary flash­lights, US Army CALL To­day for a Free cook­ware, mum­my bag Price Qu­ ote, 1-877- and 3 Mili­ tary issued 587-0293. Call Now! sleep­ing bags, US army tent, Mili­ tary Issued QUAL­I­TY CHRIS­ com­ bat meals, 11 tool TIAN day­ care and box­es, hitch Lug­gage pre-school: now rack, jump­er ca­bles , car ac­cept­ing reg­is­tra­ re­pair sup­plies, gar­den tion for the 2019/20 sup­plies and tools, Hon­ pre­school year, da 214 HRA, 3 bi­cy­cles, also have 2 day­ Ban­zai Gush­ing Geys­ care open­ings avail­ er Wa­ter sark, camp­ing able, have been in sup­plies-nice Co­le­man busi­ ness for over stove, Co­le­man lan­ 20 years; call for in­ terns and heat­er, 2 ex­ for­ma­tion 541-567- te­ri­or show­ers, Set of 0609. Her­mis­ton. vin­tage skies, 2 gar­den hose reels, vin­tage train VIA­ GRA and CIALIS cars with track and con­ US­ERS: 100 Gener­ic troller, fold up out­ door Pills SPE­CIAL $99.00, wood­en ta­bles, gui­tar FREE Ship­ping! 100% & bon­ gos, wash ba­ sin guar­anteed. 24/7 with bowl and pitch­ er, CALL NOW! 888-445- Gas boy gas pump, 27 5928 Ha­bla­mos Es­pa­ Ex­tra large mir­rors, cop nol. car back­seats, car di­vid­ ers and bump­ ers. Too AP­PLY­ING for So­cial many AWE­SOME items Se­cur­i­ty Dis­abil­i­ty or to list!!! C’mon down to Ap­peal­ing a De­nied Col­um­bia Riv­er Auc­tion, Claim? Call Bill Gor­ LLC. and spend your don & As­soc., So­cial day with us!!! 10% Buy­ Se­cur­i­ty Dis­abil­i­ty At­ ers pre­ mi­ um has been tor­neys, 1-888-678- im­ple­ment­ed, more in­ 1284. FREE Con­sul­ta­ for­ma­tion and pic­tures tions. Lo­cal At­tor­neys on Face­book at: Col­um­ Na­tion­wide [Mail: 2420 bia Riv­er Auc­tion LLC, N St NW, Washing­ton Auc­tion­eer: Paul Kram­ DC. Of­fice: Bro­ward er, 541-571-5771 • 541Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] 379-4994. WANT TO buy a big pur­chase but don’t have the means to haul? We can help! De­liv­er­ies or re­mov­als to meet your needs. TO and FRO Haul­ ing and De­liv­ery; 541-6565679.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

EX­PERI­ENCED CAR­ PENT­ER: Her­mis­ton area, have equip­ment, small jobs pre­ ferred, sheds, decks, doors, done right, very very rea­son­able, many ref­er­enc­es; 541-3142411. ERRAND BOYS yard work, firewood, cleaning, video and photo editing, scrap removal, deliveries, etcetera; 509-8205859 or 541-571-1965. LAWN­ MOW­ERS and more: 2 RV bat­ter­ies, 2 elec­tric chain saws, 2 edgers, rid­ing mow­er wheels; Call 541-8612029, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter. DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 888-6233036 orhttp://www. dental50plus.com/58 BATH­ROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy, one day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ ize in safe bath­ ing. Grab bars, no slip floor­ing & seat­ed show­ers; Call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion 888-912-4745. DEN­TAL IN­SURANCE from Phy­si­cians Mu­ tual In­surance Com­pa­ ny. NOT just a dis­count plan, REAL cov­er­age for 350+ pro­ cedures. Call 1-855-553-9250 for de­ tails. www.den­ tal50­plus.com/pa­cif­ic AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. **STOP STRUG­GLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a lift with an ACORN STAIR­ LIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your stair­ lift pur­ chase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-877-8601961.

MULTI-FAMILY Street Yard Sales on South Hill Umatilla: Pierce Ave & Powerline Rd. Friday, August 16th & Saturday, August 17th, 9am-5pm, enjoy some music and a snack while shopping. Tools, clothes, PC games, fishing tackle and so so much more. PUB­LIC SALE E-Z MINI STORAGE 2315 Hwy. 395 So., Her­mis­ton, OR, 97838. Sale will be held on site, September 17, 2019 at 11:00am, on site, please call day of to verify sale. K-19, Michael Ellwood. YARD SALE across from Hermiston swimming pool: clothes, all sizes, horse tack, Saturday only! HUGE 2 family YARD SALE 674 W. Hartley Ave., Hermiston. Friday 8am-4pm, Saturday 8am-11am & Sunday 8am-3pm. YARD SALE: Thurs­ day, Au­ gust 15th to Sun­day, Au­gust 18th, 8am-Noon da­i­ly, 711 Sloan Ave, Uma­til­la.

MORK­IES 2 FE­ MALES: ready for their new homes, $800; call for more in­for­ma­tion 509-847-5586, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. PUR­EBRED MINI DACHSHUND pup­pies ready Au­gust 30th: mul­ti­ple col­ors, cur­ rent on shots and worm­ing, de­liv­ery pos­si­ ble, fe­males $350, males $275; call or text 541720-0425, Board­man. CAGES, CRATES, carriers for pets, pigs, poultry or? usefull to new, $10-$50; 541567-6787. SAINT DANE PUPPIES Known as the gentle giant. Large breed, beautiful colors available. Looking for good homes. Parents on site. $400. 509733-0401. Toppenish. AKC GER­MAN shepherd pups: black and tan, had shots, can de­liv­er; 541-8563497 or 541-975-3843, Haines, Or­e­gon.

2003 FLEETWOD SOUTHWIND 36’, 490 workhorse, 2 slide, 2 TV’s, In Motion sattelite, split bath, very large

2012 CA­DIL­LAC CTS: load­ed, all wheel drive, 36,000 miles, ask­ ing $18,000; 541-6566773, Her­mis­ton. 1994 CA­DIL­LAC Seville: runs good, in­ teri­ or good, 181,000 miles, $4000 off­ er; 541-561-1199, Ir­ri­gon.

GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. FOR SALE: Spring­ field Ar­mory 1911 MILSPEC .45ACP, stain­ less steel, has ex­ tra mag­a­zine and hol­sters, $550; 541-561-2938 call or text, Her­mis­ton. AN­TLER BUY­ER Buy­ ing all grades of elk, deer and moose. Pen­dle­ton and Wal­ la Wal­ la ar­ eas, call or text Tom; 541-3794963. Fol­low on Face­ book or In­ stgram at Tom’s An­tler Biz.

LOCK­ER LAMBS for sale: grass fed, re­ serve yours now! Lim­ it­ ed number left; call 541-430-2488, Her­ mis­ton. PASTURE CALVES FOR SALE Call for pricing and details. Free delivery. 541-2560907. WEIN­ER PIGS: for sale please con­ tact Juli; 541-561-9871, in the Board­ man area. GRASS CALVES FOR SALE All sizes, all prices. Free delivery. Call for details. 541-2560907.









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08 MON­TA­NA 5th wheel for sale: 4 slide-outs, whirl­pool wash­er/dry­er, ex­cel­lent shape in­side and out! $18,500; 541276-2516, Pen­dle­ton.

RE­BUILT START­ERS and Al­ter­na­tors do­mes­tic & Im­ports avail­able. Pric­es starting at $15.00 to $135.00; Call Jaime at 541-571-0354, Uma­ til­la.

1 Only!

MOV­ING SALE 158 E. Main St., Fri­ day, Au­gust 16th, 8:30am-4pm! Vin­tage piec­es, dis­play units, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous!

& Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

TIER­RA LIN­DA HOMES RV SPOTS AVAIL­ABLE We will have brand new homes avail­able soon at Tier­ra Lin­da Es­tates in Her­mis­ton. For more in­ for­ma­tion, stop by 445 E. Jen­nie Ave., Her­mis­ton.

WANTED DEAD or dying Subaru’s: 2002 or newer, cash paid; 541-963-9328, LaGrande.

$65 $85

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

IN­VEN­TORS - FREE I N­F O R­M A­T I O N PACK­AGE: Have your pro­duct idea de­vel­ oped af­ford­ably by the Re­ search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and pre­sente to man­u­fac­ tur­ers. Call 1-888-3785369 for a Free Idea Start­er Guide. Sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion.

WANT­ED: AIR­STREAM trail­er, 16’ to 23’; 541379-4111, Stan­field.

$2,199 $2,750

NEIGH­BOR­HOOD YARD SALE Fri­day, Au­gust 16th and Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 17th, 8am-5pm, West Al­le­luia Ave, Her­mis­ ton, be­ hind the Her­ mis­ton Chris­tian Cen­ ter.

MOV­ING SAl­E: Thurs­ day, Au­gust 22nd- Sat­ ur­day, Au­gust 24th, 9am-5pm, 2005 Lo­ cust St., Uma­til­la. Com­plete work­out bench, 2 queen bed frames, en­ter­tain­ment cen­ ter, speak­ ers in all dif­fer­ent siz­es, ster­ eo equip­ ment, puz­ zles, shoes, boots and clothes, Sir­ius car kit, Nuwave cook­ware, au­tomat­ic self clean­ ing lit­ter box, work out tapes, games, jack­ets and coats!

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 5

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The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section TRUCK DRIV­ER TRAINEES NEED­ED at Ste­vens Trans­port: Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Train­ing! No ex­peri­ence need­ed; 1-844-452-4121, dri­ ve4­ste­vens.com SLEEP AT HOME TRUCKER Washington Trucking is hiring local big rig drivers in Spokane, Tri-Cities, Arlington, Centralia, & Vancouver WA. WA Compost is hiring in Arlington, Darrington, Mount Vernon, & TriCities. Both have new pay scales. Call 800-344-5510, fax 425252-4604. Collette@ washtruck.com

MED­I­CAL BILL­ING Trainees Need­ed: Train at home for a ca­reer as a Med­i­cal Of­fice Pro­fes­sion­al at CTI! 1-833-766-4511 Ask­CTI.com HEAD COOK – Re­ spon­ si­ ble for all as­ pects of meal pre­ pa­ra­tion and home de­liv­ered meal co­or­ di­ na­ tion at the Sen­ ior Meal Site in Ir­ ri­ gon. Abil­i­ty to pre­pare meals that are nu­ tri­ tious, ap­pe­tiz­ing and served on time. 10 hours per week. Call CA­PE­CO at 541-2785666 for in­struc­tions to ob­tain an ap­pli­ca­ tion.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! $500 SIGN ON BONUS SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS AVAILABLE BENEFITS • Part Time (full-time available) • Accident Insurance • Paid Training • Critical Care Insurance • Sign on Bonus up to $350 • Dental • Flexible Scheduling • Medical Plan • No CDL Required to Apply • Vision DIESEL MECHANIC • 401K • Full-Time Position • Wage DOE • Diesel Mechanic Exp. (Required)


MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

FOOD PRO­GRAM AS­SIS­TANT - Re­ quires op­er­a­tion of a car­ go van, box truck, fork­lift, and vari­ous pal­ let jacks to safe­ ly load, trans­port, and un­load food and re­lat­ ed pro­duct. Pro­duct will be picked up from donors and dis­trib­ut­ ed to partn­ers and the com­mun­i­ty mem­bers with­ in a four coun­ ty serv­ice area. 32 hours per week. Call CA­PE­ CO at 541-278-5666 for in­ struc­ tions to ob­ tain an ap­pli­ca­tion. PRE­SCHOOL TEACH­ER/ DI­REC­TOR Po­si­tion for 2019-2020 school year at Uma­til­la Com­mun­i­ty Pre­school in Uma­til­la, Or­e­gon, es­tab­lished in 1963. As­so­ciate de­gree or equiv­al­ent ex­peri­ence in ear­ly child­hood de­ vel­op­ment re­quired, send in­for­ma­tion to; Uma­til­la Com­mun­i­ty Pres­by­te­rian Church, PO BOX 358, Uma­til­ la, OR 97882. Call for in­for­ma­tion; 541-9223250 or Car­ o­ lyn at 541-922-5977. OUR CLAS­S I­F IEDS help you to reach the lar­gest au­di­ence pos­ si­b le with­o ut us­i ng a lot of your ad­ver­tis­ing dol­lars! Call us to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.


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AMERICORPS NEEDED The Edith Bishel Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired. Our mission is to enrich the independence & quality of life for people who are blind, or have low vision. We are a 501c3 non profit organization that has proudly served the Southeastern Washington counties of Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla, Columbia, Yakima, & Klickitat for the last 30 years, & remain the only provider of services for this population. Americorps members will provide services that enhance & expand the independent living skills possessed by the BLV population in our service areas. This service will increase everyone’s capacity to live independently & “age in place”. Activities will include, but are not limited to, assisting the Resource Coordinator & Independent Living Skills Teacher in the following areas: Community outreach, education, & recruitment; Digital & social media advertisement & engagement; Assessing center based activities & adding more as appropriate; Cofacilitating group socialization & support activities; Helping with assistive technology; Accessing the low vision clinic; Store & other center activities; Assisting with tracking & evaluation activities; Direct & logistical support of resource development activities; Assisting with communications & resource & referral services; Providing/ coordinating route & transportation of Independent Living Skills Teacher. Program benefits: Training; Education award upon successful completion of service; Child care assistance, if eligible; Health coverage; Stipend. A car recommended, prohibits paid work outside of the sponsoring agency at any time, & permits attendance at school during off hours. Send resumes, with cover letters, to paul@ edithbishelcenter.org. No phone calls or drop ins.

AS­SIS­TANT COOK – Re­spon­si­ble for all as­ pects of meal pre­ pa­ra­tion and home de­liv­ered meal co­or­ di­na­tion at the Sen­ior Meal Site in Mil­ tonFree­wa­ter. Abil­i­ty to pre­pare meals that are nu­tri­tious, ap­pe­tiz­ing and served on time. 25 hours per week. Call CA­PE­CO at 541-2785666 for in­struc­tions to ob­tain an ap­pli­ca­tion. FOOD PRO­GRAM AS­SIS­TANT - Re­ quires op­er­a­tion of a car­ go van, box truck, fork­lift, and vari­ous pal­ let jacks to safe­ ly load, trans­port, and un­load food and re­lat­ ed pro­duct. Pro­duct will be picked up from donors and dis­trib­ut­ ed to partn­ers and the com­mun­i­ty mem­bers with­ in a four coun­ ty serv­ice area. 32 hours per week. Call CA­PE­ CO at 541-278-5666 for in­ struc­ tions to ob­ tain an ap­pli­ca­tion. SLEEP AT HOME TRUCKER Washington Trucking is hiring local big rig drivers in Spokane, Tri-Cities, Arlington, Centralia, & Vancouver WA. WA Compost is hiring in Arlington, Darrington, Mount Vernon, & TriCities. Both have new pay scales. Call 800-344-5510, fax 425252-4604. Collette@ washtruck.com THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. HEAD COOK – Re­ spon­ si­ ble for all as­ pects of meal pre­ pa­ra­tion and home de­liv­ered meal co­or­ di­ na­ tion at the Sen­ ior Meal Site in Ir­ ri­ gon. Abil­i­ty to pre­pare meals that are nu­ tri­ tious, ap­pe­tiz­ing and served on time. 10 hours per week. Call CA­PE­CO at 541-2785666 for in­struc­tions to ob­tain an ap­pli­ca­ tion.

ENA CARE P R E S C H O O L Opening September 1st, 2019! Accepting children 2-5 years old, Monday- Friday, call 541-701-8458, Hermiston. BUSY BEE Preschool and child care has 2 openings for children age 2 or over, 1001 things to do, transportation to elementary schools, call for interview; 541567-2002.

DUE TO health is­sues only: We have de­ cid­ ed to sell our port­able toi­let busi­ness. This has not been a easy de­ci­sion and it’s be­ ing done with bro­ ken hearts! We are lo­cal­ly owned and well es­tab­ lished. The busi­ness has the po­ ten­ tial and in­ven­tory to grow. The busi­ness will be priced for quick sale; For all in­qui­ries, please call me at 541-571-8735. We will only re­ lease in­for­ma­tion to seri­ous in­qui­ries. LOOK­ING FOR A RU­RAL LIFE­STYLE? Long Creek Lodge Mo­ tel, Long Creek, Grant Coun­ty, Or­e­gon. HWY 395 N, Mal­ heur Na­ tion­al For­est re­crea­ tion­ al area, 9 rooms, small apart­ment, laun­ dry, large lot, park­ing, $475,000 or best off­er; 541-421-9212, Lodge, or 541-421-1804. THERE ARE thou­ sands of peo­ple who will read this space, next time....fill its place! COMPLETE ESPRESSO SETUP FOR SALE All equipment nearly new, must go as complete package. Dual head 220 volt coffee machine, grinder, blender, all inventory included in price! Lots of misc items. Currently mounted on mobile espresso cart, included in price. Ready to go, priced to sell! Call Jerry for details. 509837-3626.

LARGE MUL­TI-FAM­I­LY YARD SALE Lot of new and gent­ly used wom­ens cloth­ing, house­holds and fur­ni­ ture, to many items to list. 1402 E. Main, Her­ mis­ton. Sat­ur­day Au­ gust 17th, 8am-1pm. ECHO YARD SALE SATURDAY ONLY Au­gust 17, 310 S Bo­ nan­za Street, 8 am to 1 pm. Items for a craft­ er’s par­a­dise, 48” LCD TV, upright freez­ er, small tow trail­ er, gas BBQ, tread­ mill, tents, an­tique car jack, cloth­ ing, house­ wares, and more. YARD SALE: Fri­day, Au­ gust 16th and Sat­ ur­day, Au­gust 17th, 8am-Noon, 575 W Moore Ave, Her­mis­ton, games, toys, fur­ni­ture and so much more. ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT, 9AM-5PM Huge estate sale, Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. Save hundreds on quality furniture: Ethan Allen; Thomasville; Drexel; Lane; La-Z-Boy. 75% off blue tagged items, 50% off orange tagged items, 25% off green tagged items. 25-50% off select furniture. New arrivals: Pine log bed; Pine dresser; Pine log furniture; Oak Morris chair; King dual adjustable base bed; Bakers rack; BAr stools; Vintage sofa; Sofa tables; Portable air conditioners; Set of 8 dining chairs; Arch chrome lamp; Washer/ dryer; Commercial meat slicer; Sewing table; Antique Oak halltree/ umbrella stand; Mid century Howard Miller grandfather clock; Mid century blond bedroom set; Vintage drum table; Drop front secretary desk; Sectional sofa; Industrial bar table & chairs; Wood log furniture; Leather tufted sofa; Buffet; Wing back chair; Industrial cart; Bronze & copper Cocobolo/ Rosewood custom bar; Electric theater seats; Cocobolo/ Rosewood massive custom hutch; Outdoor metal yard art; Curio cabinet; Bookshelves; Wagon wheels. Other great stuff: MCM side tables; Dressers; Sofas; Dining sets; Bedroom furniture; Nightstands; China hutches; Armoires; End tables. We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat. Photos on Facebook (https://facebook. comETEstatesales). Look for most current album. ET Estate Sales, LLC, 423 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick. Near the Cable Bridge, next to Zip’s. 509-539-9775.

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

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The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 8

1997 TRAILS WEST Weekender Horse Trail­er : Goose­neck, 2 horse slant, liv­ ing quar­ters, full kitch­en and bath, rear tack room, new tires, clean in­ side and out, in­ cludes pro­pane tanks, $9,000; call or text 541-561-5453, Her­ mis­ton. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

TER­RY TRAIL­ER: 24ft, needs some work, worth the el­bow grease, rea­son­able off­er/trade con­ sid­ ered; call 541215-3315, Pen­dle­ton. PRICE RE­DUC­TION 1997 AL­PENL­ITE: 29ft, 14’ slide, new tires, pos­si­ble hitch in­clud­ ed, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, used very lit­tle, $9,000 or best off­er; 541-5712881 or 541-571-4836, Her­mis­ton, OR.

1940s HORSE & BUGGY Leather tack, single & double, good condition, $200 takes all! 509-539-5004. TriCities.

28 ft MO­ TOR HOME: 1989 Trav­el Craft, class C, 49,500 miles, gen­era­ tor, roof and cab air, runs god, awn­ings, good tires, new heavy duty shocks, no leaks, lots of up­ grades, a real Must See! Tags good un­ til 04/20; 541-922-3400, Uma­til­la.

BUY­ING ALL class­es of Horses: J.A. Ben­ nett Live­ stock; 541523-6119, 541-5192902.

1999 WINNEBAGO 34’ Triton V10 Ford, 199k mi, 2 slides, generator, $17,900. 208-4200427. WestRichland.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

I M M A C U L AT E BROWN Microsuede couch: like brand new, $125; call 541-5675511, Hermiston. WALK-IN TUB: like new, 2016 Safe­ Step walk-in tub, mas­ sage jets, LED lights, $1700; 541-310-7938, Athe­na.

3 LOV­ ING healthy cats: $20 each, 2 spayed fe­ males, 1 male, must go to good home or stay here; Tim, 541-567-7950, Her­mis­ton.

SEC­TION­AL COUCH: old­er but in good shape, $50 or best off­er; 928853-0020, Uma­til­la. BRAND NEW Sofa: clas­sy pas­tel col­or flor­ al pat­tern $200, Oak pie keep­er, 3 shelves and glass doors, an­ tique knobs $40, Oak Cu­ rio cab­i­net, with draw­er, glass front $30, one1960’s full size bed with head­board, dress­er, night­stand and mir­ror, plus so much more, also some free items; call and leave mes­sage 541-449-3955 I will call you back, Stan­field.

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD (ASCA) Red Merle male puppy: registered, handsome, 9 weeks old, crate and potty trained pup, splendid markings, outstanding disposition, remarkable working dogs, judicious breeding, parents on site; for more information call or text, Pivoting in Time Aussies, 541-561-4589, Heppner, OR. TERRIERS, black & white, born June 2nd, ready for their new homes now. First shots & dewormed already. Double registered. $500 for pets. Special discount to elderly. No texts on this line. 509582-9707. TriCities. 6 ADORABLE kittens, mother Desert Lynx, father Siamese. Litter box trained, & loved by grandkids. Asking $250. 509-547-3918. Tri-Cities.

PRO­TECT YOUR HOME AND FAM­I­ LY with Viv­ int Smart Home. Call 844-4756160 to­day to re­ceive a FREE $50 GIFT­ CARD with your pur­ chase. Use pro­ mo code: FREE50 THREE ad­join­ ing 40’x9’ high cube climate con­trolled ship­ ping con­tain­ers: In­su­ lat­ed, cooled/ heat­ed, wired, plumbed. Good for job site/ port­ able of­fice space/ stor­age of vul­ner­able items. $16,500 OBO for all 3. Call 509-833-3486, an­y­time. Ya­ki­ma area.

HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, yard de­bris, fur­ni­ture, ap­plianc­es, you name it, and more! For free es­timate call; 541-5610962. FDA-Reg­is­tered Hear­ ing Aids. 100% RiskFree! 45-Day Home Tri­al. Com­fort Fit. Crisp Clear Sound. If you de­cide to keep it, PAY ONLY $299 per aid. FREE Ship­ ping. Call Hear­ing Help Ex­ press, 1-877-598-1669

SENIOR DIVORCED White male 70: nice looking, clean cut, WANTED: retiree army veteran, INTERNATIONAL nice retirement, in good SCOUT 800 health. Wished to meet 1965- 1971, parts or retired female for long whole. 509-551-9307, term relationship, must or email: GoLuke@ be able to relocate, no frontier.com homeowners please. Must be serious and UMA­TIL­LA COUN­TY sincere for replys, no Road Dept. is hold­ ing games. Write Mike with their An­nual Ve­hi­cle phone number, PO Auc­ tion. Dates: July Box 4457, Tumwater, 30 – Aug 16, 2019.  WA 98501. Ve­hi­cle will be lo­cat­ed at Coun­ ty Road Dept.  TWO GREAT new 3920 West­ gate Pen­ offers from AT&T dle­ton, OR.   You are Wireless! Ask how wel­come to come and to get the Next in­spect the ve­hi­cle bet­ Generation Samsung ween the hours of 8:00 Galaxy S10e FREE. am – 4:00 pm. Mon­ FREE iPhone with day-Fri­day. Please see AT&T’s Buy One, Give someone in the Shop One. While supplies to ob­ tain a bid sheet.  last! CALL 1-866Bids will be opened on 798-3650 or www. Aug 19th all bid win­ners freephonesnow.com// will be no­ti­fied that day.  pacific 2003 FORD Taurus SES: four door, good con­di­tion, $2800 or best off­ er; 509-4308970, Her­mis­ton.




$50 OFF

Service Over $250

ELIM­INATE GUT­TER clean­ing for­ev­er! Leaf­ Filt­ er, the most ad­ vanced de­bris-block­ ing gut­ter pro­tec­tion. Sched­ ule a FREE es­timate to­day. 15% off and 0% fi­nanc­ing for those who qual­ if­y. PLUS Sen­ior & Mili­tary dis­ counts; call 855995-2490.

YARD SALE: Au­gust 16th & 17th, 8am?, 1215 SW 11th St. #102, (Vil­ lage Park), Her­mis­ton. MOVING AUCTION Sunday, Aug 25, 2019. Preview 9am, auction 10am. 340 West Highway 203, Union, Oregon. Clark and Daughter Auction Barn. Sold the property & moved, now is the time to sell high quality items not needed at the new home. Freezer; Heaters; Outdoor cooking equipment; Floor jack, new; Refrig; Hide-abed couch; Chair & a half; Beautiful oak bdrm set; Iron patio furniture; Wood chairs; Reloading bench & reloading equipment; End tables; 5th wheel tailgate; Accordion; Canopy hoist; Sewing table; Alum truck box; Yard tools; Small trailer; Gun racks; Kitchen appliances; Cinder blocks; Large storage cabinet; Round picnic table; Antique kitchen hosier cabinet; Reloading supplies; Ammo; Fishing poles & reels; Tools, & a whole lot more. View at www.clark-auctions. com, 10% buyers premium, cash, check, or credit card. All items sold as is, where is. Clark and Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, auctioneer. 541-9100189. YARD SALE: Sat­ur­ day, Au­gust 17th, 8am to ??, 610 E Wilshire Ave, Her­mis­ton, ap­ plianc­es, mi­crowave, din­ ing table with chairs, clothes, toys and so much more! BIG YARD SALE Fri­day, Au­gust 16th & Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 17th, 8am-4pm, 1386 E. Main St., Her­mis­ton. Lots of fur­ni­ture (some shabby chic), bench­ es, clothes, exercise equipment, mis­cel­la­ ne­ous items! MOV­ING SALE: 158 E. Main St., Fri­ day, Au­ gust 16th, 8:30am4pm! Vin­tage piec­es, dis­ play units, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous! MOV­ING SALE 158 E. Main St., Fri­ day, Au­gust 16th, 8:30am-4pm! Vin­tage piec­es, dis­play units, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous!

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The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

BE­COME A pub­lished au­thor! Pub­li­ca­tions sold at all major sec­ u­lar & spe­cial­ty Chris­ tian book­stores. CALL Chris­ tian Faith Pub­ lish­ing for your FREE au­thor sub­mis­sion kit. 1-877-649-9268.

AKC JACK Russells, 4 male pups, short legged, rough coat parents, PLL & SCA clear, shots & worming current, 8 weeks on Aug 26, $1000- $1400. Yakima, 509-4537114; 509-833-1726.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

HUGH­ES­NET Sat­el­lite In­ter­net FOR BUSI­ NESS. 25mbps for just $69.99/mo! Get More Data. FREE Off-Peak Data. Built-in Wi­ Fi for wire­less de­vic­es. FREE Stan­ dard In­ stalla­tion. CALL 1-844363-8714.

GOLDEN DOODLE puppies, $1200. Ready now! 3 black females avail. Please call or text Jenny for more info, 509-2008489. Weston,OR.

PAYING CASH FOR SHEEP & GOATS Paying cash for sheep & goats. 541-2560907. Cattle also.

Put on your TV Ears & hear TV with un­ matched clar­i­ty. TV Ears Origi­ nal were origi­nal­ly $129.95 - NOW WITH THIS SPE­CIAL OFF­ER are only $59.95 with code MCB59! Call 1-855866-8985. DISH Net­work $59.99 for 190 Chan­nels! Add High Speed In­ter­net for ONLY $14.95/ month. Best Tech­nol­o­gy. Best Val­ue. Smart HD DVR In­clud­ed. FREE In­ stalla­ tion. Some re­ stric­tions ap­ply. Call 1-855-978-2703. FRANKS SEW­ER SERV­ ICE Is a 3rd gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness. We pro­vide prompt, cou­rteous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can rely on! Main­ tenance is al­ ways cheap­er than re­place­ ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ ment be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541-567-8612. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­GEN THER­A­PY US­ERS! In­ o­ gen One! Only 2.80 pounds. FREE in­ for­ ma­ tion kit; Call 877929-9587. EN­ JOY 100% guar­ anteed, de­liv­eredto-the-door Oma­ha Steaks! Save 75% plus get 4 FREE Burg­ ers! Or­der The Fam­i­ly Gour­ met Ban­ quet - ONLY $59.99. Vis­itwww. Oma­h Steaks.com/Fa­ mi­ ly136 or call 1-877701-4335 & men­ tion code 58390AAA.

LAB/ GERMAN SHORTHAIR 5 male German Shorthair/ Labs. Ready after Sept 6, $100, first shots, dewclaws removed, tails docked. 541-384-2272; 831578-6451. Oregon. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, black/ tan & all black, born 6/24, parents on site, great temperament & disposition, current shots & dewormings, $350. 509-830-1220 Prosser. WW AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS Old school standard Aussies. 45 years of selective breeding. Family oriented working Aussies. Ranch raised, introduced to cattle, ride well, very obedient, extremely smart & athletic. Parents pictured, grandparents retired, on site. 509-751-7361. Pomeroy, WA. ST. BER­ NARD PUP­ PIES, 4 fe­ males, 6 males, pur­ebred, ready Au­gust 23, pup­ pies will grow to be ap­prox­imate­ly 130 lbs, $800 each. Pic­ tures avail­ able upon re­ quest. 509-722-3932. Fruit­land, WA. STANDARD AUSSIES Purebred Standard Australian Shepherds! 9 weeks old, & ready to go. Have had shots & deworming, dewclaws & tails removed. 2 red tri girls, 3 black tri girls, & 2 red tri boys to choose from. $500. Located in Touchet. 509-540-5628.

Batteries • Starters Alternators • Solar Centennial Trojan • Odyssey Optima • Deka Booster Boxes • Full Line NOCO Products 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri • 9am - Noon Saturday

Hwy 395 • 2440 North First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-6041 • (800) 233-6041

MAKE MON­E Y! Sell that item in the Nick­el!

CAGES, CRATES, carriers for pets, pigs, poultry or? usefull to new, $10-$50; 541567-6787. MINI NU­BI­AN buck­ling and doel­ ings goats for sale: call 541-5714877, Her­mis­ton.


2004 ALPHA Ideal Gold 5th wheel, 34’, with 3 slides, satellite dish, central heat & air! Remodeled inside. All brand new curtains, rods, high quality leather dual electric slide couch, hardwood bistro table with bar stools, queen sized bed, lots of storage! Designed to live in full time! Must see to appreciate! $12,500 obo. 509-237-4335. TriCities.

1987 JD 6622 hillside combine, field ready, 3400hr, $14,000. Westfield WR100-61 grain auger $4200 like new. Westfield WR100-31 grain auger $2600 like new. Email awodom@ gmail.com or call 509251-2478.

2003 FLEET­WOOD SOUTH­WIND 36’, 490 work­horse, 2 TV’s, In Mo­tion Satellite, split bath, very large show­ er, queen bed, ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, $25,000; 541-2781846, Pen­dle­ton.

HES­TON 8200 Hay Swath­er: new sick­le drive and guards, air con­di­tion­ing cold, new en­gine and hy­drau­ lic oil filt­ers, en­gine starts quick, $88,975; 509-520-0380, Wal­la Wal­la.

ALFALFA SEED Fine stemmed. $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-301-6699.

DONATE YOUR car to Ve­ter­ans To­day! Help and sup­ port our Ve­ter­ans. Fast-FREE pick-up. 100% tax de­ duct­ ible. Call 1-800245-0398. OWN­ER PASSED away leav­ ing a 1990 Ca­dil­lac Brougham behind: ex­cel­lent shape, new wind­shield and ra­dio, ex­cel­lent gas mile­ age, good tires, see at; West Coast Auto Glass in Her­mis­ton. EDEL­BROCK 3704 Performer SB, TBI in­ take man­i­fold $175; 1998 Che­ vy 350 Vor­ tec for bolt main short block, $350; 541-4291042, Pen­dle­ton.

“TO­ TAL GYM” For Sale: like brand new, $325: call 541-7010148, for more in­ for­ ma­tion. FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360791-6133. Centralia. WA. TOW­NIE ELEC­TRA mens bi­cy­cle $150, Next wom­ens La­Jol­ la Street Cruis­ er bi­ cy­cle $75, both bikes in Ex­cel­lent con­di­tion; 530-383-6824, Uma­ til­la.





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The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide FOR SALE by Own­ er Hermiston: 4.89 acr­ es, 3 bed­ room, 2 bath, Mar­ lette home, ce­ment foun­da­ tion, full wa­ter rights, fenced yard, timed un­der­ground sprin­ klers, $300,000. Con­ tract op­tion pos­si­ble? Seri­ous in­qui­ries only; call 541-5714944.

5 TIM­BERED moun­ tain re­crea­tion acr­es at Pov­ er­ ty Flats: just off the I-84 Free­ way, has pre-sep­tic ap­pro­val, needs well, for in­for­ma­ tion call; 541-379-1380, please leave mes­sage. WA­ TER RIGHTS: 9.3 acr­ es Cold Springs Reservoir in Her­ mis­ ton; 360-921-9928.

ON-SITE MANAGER • Storage for Family & Business • On Site Security Lighted • 5x5, 5x10, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 12x15, 12x30 • Access 7 Days a Week • Competitive Rates • Electronic Gated/Fenced


2315 Hwy. S. 395 • Hermiston Mailing Address: P.O. Box 443, Hermiston, OR 97838 FAIR SPECIAL

$20 OFF Move In Special on our 12x15 and 12x30 for Aug.

WIL­DER­NESS RE­ TREAT: bor­ders Uma­til­la Na­tion­al For­est in Gar­field Coun­ty, Washing­ton, near Troy, Or­e­gon. Own­er con­tract. 20 acr­ es $89,500 or 40 acr­ es with lake $200,000; 509-7516751.

RIV­ER­SIDE - Month­ ly RV Spaces, John Day, Or­e­gon: 30 x 70 Lots or larg­er, stor­age unit in­clud­ed, some fenced lots, pets wel­ comed, ad­ja­cent to Thrift­way gro­cery store and riv­er­front com­mon ar­eas. $200 de­pos­it, $320 month­ ly rent - wa­ ter sew­ er & gar­bage in­clud­ed. Res­i­dent re­spon­si­ ble for elec­ tric. John Day is in the mid­ dle of Ocha­co, Mal­hu­er & Uma­til­la Na­tion­al For­ests. Sports­man’s Par­a­dise! Email: riv­ e r­s i­d e­h o­m e­p a r k @ gmail.com Web­page: MANAGEMENT riv­e r­s i­d emhp.jim­d o. com Tel: 503-7047541.

PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981

PRI­VATE RV space for rent in pri­ vate coun­ try set­ ting: $350 per month plus ref­er­enc­es; 360-921-9928, Her­ mis­ton.

VAC­ ANT LOT ready for you to move your home in! Call Cha­ teau­bri Mo­bile Home Park; 541-567-9704, Her­mis­ton.

10 ACR­ES zoned res­ i­den­tial: city util­i­ties avail­ able, 2055 NW Geer Rd., Her­mis­ton. Rental in­ come $3000 per month plus farm in­ come; 360-921-9928.

HUNT­ERS! RUS­TIC A-FRAME HUNT­ING CA­BIN OR SALE, Ea­gle Cap Wil­der­ness area, lo­cat­ed in Bould­er Park area on For­ est Serv­ ice lease land. Price Re­ duced! Now just $27,500. Call Chuck; 208-577-1799 Med­i­cal Springs, Or­e­gon.

LOOK­ING FOR A RU­RAL LIFE­STYLE? Long Creek Lodge Mo­ tel, Long Creek, Grant Coun­ty, Or­e­ gon. HWY 395 N, Mal­ heur Na­tion­al For­est re­crea­tion­al area, 9 rooms, small apart­ ment, laun­ dry, large lot, park­ing, $475,000 or best off­er; 541-4219212, Lodge, or 541421-1804. SIN­GLE WIDE 3 bed­ room, 2 bath mo­ bile home for sale, re­ mo­ deled in­ side and out, call Cha­teau­bri Mo­bile Home Park; 541-5679704, Her­mis­ton.

DUE TO health is­sues only: We have de­cid­ed to sell our port­able toi­ let busi­ ness. This has not been a easy de­ci­ sion and it’s be­ing done with bro­ken hearts! We are lo­cal­ly owned and well es­tab­lished. The busi­ ness has the po­ ten­tial and in­ven­tory to grow. The busi­ness will be priced for quick sale; For all in­ qui­ ries, please call me at 541571-8735. We will only re­lease in­for­ma­tion to seri­ous in­qui­ries.

FOR SALE by own­ er in Pen­dle­ton, Or­e­ gon: lo­ cat­ ed on Hwy. 11, over 6.5 acr­ es of ground, in­ cludes 16,000 square feet of build­ ings. 2 large shops, large stor­ age build­ing, plus 30’x40’ new­er of­fice, most­ly fenced. 1.5 miles from Pen­dle­ton, $445,000; 541-379-0851. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. THE NICKEL WORKS! RV SITES Se­quim: 30 & 50 amp, wa­ ter, 80 Gold­ en Sands Blvd., Dun­ge­ness Beach avail­able; 360-7971330.



$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10 $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Storage Units12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.



705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIES inc.

Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St.






PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



A PLACE FOR MOM. The na­tion’s lar­gest sen­ior liv­ing re­fer­ral serv­ice. Con­tact our trust­ed, lo­cal ex­perts to­ day! Our serv­ ice is FREE / no ob­li­ga­tion. CALL 1-844-374-3428. BEAU­TI­FUL TOWN HOME: in Board­man, OR. 3 bed­room, 2&1/2 bath, ga­ rage, W/S/G paid, $1250 per month, in­come re­quire­ments, 3 times the month­ ly rent; 541-561-1783. ROOM FOR RENT Furnished, private bath, washer and dryer, utilities and internet included, $400 per month; 949-9819102, Dayton, WA. THREE BED­ROOM, 2 bath Her­mis­ton home: 2 car ga­rage, avail­able Sep­tem­ber 1st, $1400 month; call 541-7208797 or 541-922-8323. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month. $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi-fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ room and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/Sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $308 and up per week, plus first, last, and de­pos­it, call Til­li­ cum Inn Annex, Uma­ til­la; 541-922-3236. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at; www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. 1 BED­ROOM apart­ment: ref­er­enc­es re­quired, no pets, Frost Prop­er­ties; 541-561-5310 or 541561-6222, Her­mis­ton. TIER­RA LIN­DA HOMES RV spots available. We will also have brand new homes avail­ able soon at Tier­ra Lin­da Es­tates in Her­mis­ton. For more in­for­ma­tion, stop by 445 E. Jen­nie Ave., Her­mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

FOR RENT Pendleton: 3 bed­ room house, clean, wash­ er & dry­ er, no pets, no smok­ ing, $750 plus de­pos­it; 541-377-9699. THREE BED­ROOM two bath, Dou­ ble­ wide home in Ir­ ri­ gon avail­ able: nice neigh­ bor­ hood, 1 acre, all ap­plianc­es, car­port, on city wa­ ter, heat pump, fenced. no pets, no smok­ ing, $1,000 month, with $1,000 de­ pos­it, late fee, $50; call even­ings or wee­kends 541-571-7448. RV SPACE FOR RENT Accepting applications for an extra large RV space, located in Country Squire Estates, 1500 NE 10th Street, Hermiston. $350 per month, water, sewer, garbage paid; 541-567-4188 for more details. EX­TRA LARGE fur­ nished room: very clean, room for two. Large bath, lots of stor­age, nice view, lots of park­ing, great yard with no chores! Two miles out­side of Board­ man, no smok­ ing or pets; 541-571-0163.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. EX­TRA LARGE fur­ nished room for rent: large bath­room, in coun­ try, am­ ple park­ ing, 2 miles to Board­man. En­ joy gar­den & area view. No smok­ ing, drugs or pets, ref­er­enc­es re­ quired; 541-571-0163. IN SEARCH OF RENTAL In search of rental or lease in Ir­ri­gon/ Uma­til­ la area , 3 bed­room, al­ lows dogs (2), landlord sold house and have to move; 541-429-2464, Leave mes­sage or text. NEAR­LY 7000 square foot build­ing on 2 acr­ es on HWY 11 out of Pen­dle­ton, Or­e­gon. $1,600 per month plus de­ pos­ it, call for more de­tails; 541-379-0851. MINI STOR­AGE FOR RENT 10’x12’, $45 per month, gated, light­ ed, se­cure; 541-5676065, Her­mis­ton. FOR RENT Dayton area, double wide: Available around 8/10, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, $725/ month, first & last months rent plus deposit. 509-3824972.

SEA­SWIRL BOAT: 181/2 ft. 175hp, in­board mo­tor, plus 9.9 kick­er 4 stroke mo­tor, $4,000 or best rea­son­able off­ er; 541-571-2881, Her­ mis­ton, OR.

1991 V-HULL 21’ inboard/ outboard Chev V8, ski riggers, runs well, with TND 2 axle trailer, $3,500; 541701-4448, Hermiston. PORTA BOAT: 12ft, oars, oar locks, anchor, hanging rack, electric motor and 2 crab traps, $750; 530383-6824, Umatilla. 12’ aluminum boat with trail­er: 9.8 Mer­cury out­board, Min­n Ko­ta troll­ing mo­tor, fish find­ er, many accessories, turn key, $1000 or best off­er; 541-398-1289, West­on.

2004 WELDCRAFT 350 jetboat: new in 2005, 2900 hours, new automatic bow mount, new Yamaha 9.9 kicker with T-11 autopilot, automatic down riggers, crab pot winch, new canvas, $32,000; 541701-1580. 16’ KEITH Steele drift boat with anchor, oars & trailer. serial #73453, $1600. 509-961-9595. Selah. 23’ ALUMAWELD COLUMBIA 2016, 225 Mercury Verado pump, 9.9 Pro Kicker, 4 guide seats, pole holders, brand new batteries, 10.5” Lowrance gps/ ff, fresh water wash down, hand sink, extras. Ready for fall Chinook! $49.5k obo. 509-3085713. Toledo, WA. YOUR BUSI­N ESS is “our” busi­ness! Call a sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive to­d ay! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: used, new, and of­fic­es. Vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers”. In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. AT&T In­ter­net. Start­ing at $40/month w/12-mo agmt. In­cludes 1 TB of data per month. Get More For Your HighSpeed In­ter­net Thing. Ask us how to bun­dle and SAVE! Geo & svc re­stric­tions ap­ply. Call us to­ day, 1-833-2718592. HUGH­ES­NET Sat­el­ lite In­ ter­ net - 25mbps start­ing at $49.99/mo! Get More Data. FREE Off-Peak Data. FAST down­load speeds. Wi­ Fi built in! FREE Stan­ dard In­stalla­tion for lease cus­tom­ers! Lim­ it­ed Time, Call 1-855977-6826. START SAV­ING BIG on Med­i­ca­tions: Up to 90% Sav­ ings from, 90DAY­MEDS! Over 3500 med­i­ca­ tions avail­ able! Pre­ scrip­tions Re­quired. Pharm­a­cy check­er Ap­proved; Call to­day for your FREE Qu­ote; 844-584-5104. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. C R A F T M AT I C Adjustable Beds for less! Up to 50% Off Leading Competitors. #1 Rated Adjustable Bed. Trusted Over 40 Years. All Mattress Types Available. Shop by Phone and SAVE! CALL 1-866-886-8704 Get DI­ RECTV! ONLY $35/ month! 155 Chan­nels & 1000’s of Shows/Movies On De­ mand (w/SE­LECT All In­clud­ed Pack­age). PLUS Stream on up to FIVE Screens Si­ mul­ta­ne­ous­ly at No Ad­ di­ tiona l Cost. Go to www.Sat­el­lite­Deal­ Now.cm/Pa­cif­ic or call 1-855-780-9289.

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 11

P U R E B R E D PEMBROKE Corgi’s: born July 4th, 2 males available, black-tri, vaccines, worming current, $950 on pet contract; call or text 541571-0599 Irrigon, OR. MINI AUSSIE PUPS Reg., vaccinated, socialized, born late March. Boys & girl avail, $700-$1200. Younger litter also avail. Two 1 yr old males avail, $400. Partial delivery avail. www.oregonaussie. net 541-518-9284. BakerCity, OR. GORGEOUS CKC Yorkie male puppies, will be ready for forever homes Aug 21. $950. Yakima. 509457-6052. MASTIFF PUPPIES Cane Corso & Presa Canario mix, vet checked, tails, first shot & worming done, ready 7/28. Call 509949-9119. Yakima. GERMAN Shepherds, beautiful black/ sable colors, both parents on site, not papered, 5 males, 4 females, now available at 8 weeks &7/19/19), $500. Please call 509840-2129 after 5pm for viewing appointment. Christina.rivas2@ gmail.com PUREBRED GOLDEN Retriever puppies, only 3 males left! Current shots, price reduced, $800. Ready to go! 509-250-5053. Eltopia,WA. NAPR REG. Border Collies, born 5/7/19, 3 shots, dewormed, $300. Near Pendleton, Oregon. Can travel. 541-969-0783. BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES I have 3 Boston Terrier puppies avail that don’t have deposits on them. They are 5 weeks old, 2 females & 1 male, dewclaws have been removed. They will be ready Sept 1. You can text me at 253-5070540. I am located in Kennewick.

For Sale

I AM looking for a room to rent at a reasonable rate, reliable and responsible; 541-7016084, Hermiston. WANT­ED: NEU­ TERED med­i­um to small dog and one Manx neu­tered kit­ten or cat; 541-567-2978, Her­mis­ton. GREAT BARGAINS are as close as your computer! View our entire classified listing at www.thenickelonline. com. IN NEED of house clean­er in Ir­ri­gon, Or­ e­gon: gen­er­al house keep­ ing, 3-4 hours, eve­ ry 2 weeks, most any day and hours are ac­cept­able; 541-9224521. WANT­ED: Rang­er pick­up, in de­cent con­ di­ tion, 4x4 ok; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. LAWN HELP NEED­ED! Look­ ing for someone to help with lawn care in Her­mis­ton. Most­ ly pull­ ing weeds and trim­ming bush­es, oc­ ca­sion­al lawn care. Equip­ment pro­vid­ed, $15 per hour; 971-2269517 or 503-332-5167, leave mes­sage. CARS & TRUCKS WANT­ ED!!! 2002 and New­er! Any Con­di­tion. Run­ning or Not. Com­ peti­tive Off­er! Free Tow­ing! We’re Na­tion­ wide! Call Now; 1-888416-2330. WANT­ ED: Coins or cur­ren­cy, pre­fer US, will pay more than a pawn shop; 541-7014448.

’34 Three window coupe, 350 engine, auto trans, air conditioning, power windows, keyless entry, glass body, Kenwood stereo/ subs/ amp, $22,900. Yakima 509-965-3012. 1997 FORD TAURUS: needs re­ pair, good com­mut­er, two sets of tires, $400, cash only; 541-371-0476, Her­ mis­ton. CDL CLASS A driv­ er want­ed part time same ro­ute eve­ry­day, home eve­ry night, $200 plus per day, ro­ute starts in Her­mis­ton and ends in Her­mis­ton. Con­tact Ar­ nold at 541-571-9046, Her­mis­ton.

29ft. COU­GAR trav­el trail­ er: in great con­ di­ tion, this is a must see trail­er, has sin­gle slideout, $5,900 or best off­ er; call 541-966-4007, Pen­dle­ton. MOBILE GUY RV REPAIR Over 20 years e x p e r i e n c e RVIAA certified, Onan certified. MobileGuyRV@gmail. com. 509-212-4466. Yakima. 1997 PROWL­ER 26H: with slide out, in ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, in­cludes EZ-Lift hitch, $5900; call 541-443-4282, Pi­ lot-Rock.

FOR SALE: 2001 Toyo­ta Rav4, 124,000 miles, has all pow­ er op­tions, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, man­u­al trans­ mis­sion, ask­ing $5200; 541-561-5849, Her­ mis­ton. 1996 FORD As­pire: 4 cy­ lin­ der, 5 speed, 37 miles per gal­lon, runs great, $1,150 ;541429-1042, Pen­dle­ton. 2012 PRIUS C THREE 2012 Toyota Prius C model Three. Summer Rain Metallic color, 45k mi, exc cond, custom chrome rims (have original rims also). Always garaged, original owner. Gets 50 mpg. Bought an electric car, so don’t need this one. Call 509-521-1918. LOOKING FOR a job and in a pickle? Try checking in the Nickel!

1996 ITASCA 31’ motorhome in super condition, new tires, new batteries, good tags, electric steps, rear camera, lots of extras, $12,000; 541701-4448, Hermiston. 1989 36FT Al­le­gro mo­ tor­home: ren­o­vat­ed to live in not camp­ing, no hold­ ing tank, house­ hold fridge and real toi­ let, $3000 off­ er; 509240-3740, Hermiston. REAL FINDS found in the Nick­el eve­ry week! You will find great deals on just about an­y­thing that you could want. Pick up a Nick­el week­ly and save your­self some mon­ey!


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist

Remodeled Mobile Home in Park. 3 Bed 2 Bath, New Waterline, Roof. Must See to Appreciate!! CALL 541-276-7632 FOR APPOINTMENT


The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 12

WANT­ED: AIR­STREAM trail­er, 16’ to 23’; 541379-4111, Stan­field. 2003 FLEETWOD SOUTHWIND 36’, 490 workhorse, 2 slide, 2 TV’s, In Motion sattelite, split bath, very large TER­RY TRAIL­ER: 24ft, needs some work, worth the el­bow grease, rea­son­able off­er/trade con­ sid­ ered; call 541215-3315, Pen­dle­ton. 1999 WINNEBAGO 34’ Triton V10 Ford, 199k mi, 2 slides, generator, $17,900. 208-4200427. WestRichland. TIER­RA LIN­DA HOMES RV SPOTS AVAIL­ABLE We will have brand new homes avail­able soon at Tier­ra Lin­da Es­tates in Her­mis­ton. For more in­ for­ma­tion, stop by 445 E. Jen­nie Ave., Her­mis­ton. 08 MON­TA­NA 5th wheel for sale: 4 slideouts, whirl­ pool wash­ er/dry­er, ex­cel­lent shape in­side and out! $18,500; 541-2762516, Pen­dle­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

FRANKS SEW­ER SERV­ICE Is a 3rd gen­ er­a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness. We pro­ vide prompt, cou­rteous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­peri­ ence you can trust from a guy you can rely on! Main­tenance is al­ways cheap­er than re­place­ ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ ment be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541-567-8612. YARD SALE Friday, August 16th and Saturday, August 17th, 9am to 5pm, and Sunday, August 18th, Noon to 5pm, we have something for everyone! 78869 Agnew Rd., Hermiston. PARK­ ING LOT Sale: Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 17th. Sale will be at the Agape House, 500 Harp­ er Road, Her­mis­ton. Sale be­gins at 8:00 am, sale ends at 11:00 am, cloth­ ing, fur­ ni­ ture and bins of knick-knacks, cloth­ ing will be 5 items for $1.00, fur­ni­ture priced as marked and bins of knick-knacks will be you name the price!

2000 TOYO­TA SIEN­ NA: 210k miles, one own­er, $2000; call bet­ ween 8am-5pm, 541571-3973, Her­mis­ton.

MINI CHOP­PER: 4.5HP Sub­aru en­gine, $350, 2 wheel trail­ er $125; 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton.

DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNIT­ ED BREAST CANC­ER FOUN­DA­ TION! Your do­na­tion helps ed­u­ca­tion, pre­ ven­tion & sup­port pro­ grams. FAST FREE PICK­ UP, 24-hour re­ sponse, TAX DE­DUC­ TION. 1-844-478-7513

FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­ liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­tact an sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive at our of­fice. You will no­t ice the dif­f erence im­me­diate­ly! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

PRO­TECT YOUR HOME AND FAM­I­ LY with Viv­ int Smart Home. Call 844-4756160 to­day to re­ceive a FREE $50 GIFT­ CARD with your pur­ chase. Use pro­ mo code: FREE50 1976 COR­VETTE SEATS: com­plete with tracks, $275 or best off­er; 541-288-3001, Pen­dle­ton. JAIME’S RE­BUILD­ERS: en­gines, tran­ny’s heads, grind­ing, al­ter­na­tors, start­ers, elec­tri­cal jobs, die­sels wel­come, weld­ ing and cut­ ting; 541571-0354, Uma­til­la.

Har­ley Da­vid­son Sport­ster Evo­lu­tion 1200: 75 origi­nal miles, runs great, looks great, clean ti­tle; call for more in­for­ma­tion. Also have a good lit­tle trail bike, would be ex­cel­lent for hunt­ing camp or a ca­ bin, rea­son­able off­er/ trade con­sid­ered; call 541-215-3315, Pen­ dle­ton. 2016 HAR­LEY Da­vid­ son Sport­ ster 1200: like new, 4,500 miles, $8,600; 541-922-4854, Umatilla.

The 3 day UHS all-school reunion ended July 28 and was a tremendous success! On behalf of the alumni association and the reunion committee, we would like to acknowledge the individuals and groups that contributed to this success. Some of these groups were the Umatilla School District and staff, including UHS cheerleaders, baseball team, robotics team, G&G Smokehouse Catering, Java Junkie’s catering, Umatilla Banner Bank, Ron Burg and the Hermiston Airport staff. They were all instrumental in making this a memorable gathering.

2010 HAR­LEY DA­VID­SON SPORT­STER 2010 Har­ley Da­vid­ son 1200 Sport­ ster low, less than 30,000 miles, looks and runs great, clean ti­tle, black, $5000; 509-420-6607, West Rich­land.

We especially want to thank those that participated in the fund-raising raffle which helps sustain our ability to award scholarships every Spring. The main purpose of our non-profit organization is to award scholarships to students who desire higher education. For additional information regarding The Umatilla High School Alumni Association, you may contact Janet Nagy, President, (541) 567-3968, or write to P.O. Box 1144, Umatilla, OR, 97882. The annual meeting is August 23, 2019 in the conference room at Desert Lanes Bowling Alley, Hermiston, at 5:30pm.

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981

’99 FLSTF Fatboy. New paint, 23k mi, lots of new chrome, recently serviced, last of 80 cu.in Evolution, beautiful bike. No rides. Asking $4500 obo. Call after 12pm, 509-405-2609. Prosser. OUR READERS are the greatest! Thanks for reading The Nickel.

ELIM­INATE gut­ter clean­ing for­ev­er! Leaf­ Filt­ er, the most ad­ vanced de­bris-block­ ing gut­ter pro­tec­tion. Sched­ ule a FREE Leaf­Filt­er es­timate to­ day. 15% off & 0% fi­ nanc­ing for those who qual­i­fy. PLUS Sen­ior & Mili­tary Dis­counts. Call 1-855-473-9789. BLACK­BER­RIES U-PICK & WE PICK 77598 S. Edwards Rd., Stanfield; 541379-9411. RE­CENT­LY DI­AG­ NOSED with Lung Canc­er: and 60= years old? Call now! You and your fam­i­ly may be en­ ti­ tled to a sig­nif­i­cant CASH AWARD. Call 877-628-6308 to­day. Free Con­sul­ta­tion. No Risk. FIRE­WOOD LODGE­ POLE for sale: get your or­ ders in now, free de­ liv­ ery in Her­ mis­ton, Pen­dle­ton area; ques­ tions call 541-314-2545, Her­ mis­ton. HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ing: Desert Lanes Bowling Alley, August 23rd, at 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come; for in­for­ma­ tion call Mar­ ian 541567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. FIRE­WOOD YOU haul: $185 per cord, most­ ly Douglas Fir, call or leave mes­sage in even­ ing; 541-4227441, Heppner. WANT EX­TRA in­ come? re­ tired man, look­ing to rent a spot to park my RV at a pri­ vate res­i­dence where I have ac­cess to pow­er, sew­er, wa­ter, trade for ground keep­ ing, etc.. is also an op­tion, 509240-3740, Her­mis­ton. ¡DIRECTV Te Trae El Mejor Fútbol De México por Univision! Paquete “Más ULTRA”, Todo Incluído $45.00/ mes, más impuestos. Incluye Más de 240 canales! Llame al numero 1-888-738-8122 o televisionviasatelite. com/pacific.

BLUE HEELER Catahoula pups, born 5/14/19, 5 males left, $300 firm. Will be excellent ranch & family dogs. 509-7148531. Prosser.

FIELD MOW­ ING or over grown lots: in­ clud­ing sage­brush and some slopes, Uma­til­la and Mor­row coun­ties, free es­ti­mates; 541379-8785.

LABRADOODLE PUPPIES 1 boy, 1 girl, vet checked, ready 8/8, current on vaccines, dewclaws removed, hypoallergenic, $1500. 541-571-5308. Hermiston.

ERRAND BOYS yard work, firewood, cleaning, video and photo editing, scrap removal, deliveries, etcetera; 509-8205859 or 541-571-1965.

AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier male puppy, $1000. For more info, please call/ text, 509820-1034. TriCities. GERMAN Shepherds, Czech/ DDR, whelped 6/18/19, two females avail, hip guarantee, current on vaccines/ deworming, $1400 limited registration. 509-837-8494. Sunnyside. CANE CORSO/ African Boerboel puppies, born July 16. They’ve had tails docked, & will be dewormed, & come with first shots prior to going home. Asking $800. Please call or text, 509834-9879, or 509-8954378 for more info. BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN kittens, 7 wks old, 3 males, 2 cream points, 1 red & 1 cream point female, CFA reg. Will have their first shots & vet checked before going to their new homes at 9 weeks old on Aug 25. $550 pet price, or $850 with breeding rights. $100 will hold one. We are in Yakima. 509-901-0004. AKC REGISTERED ROTTWEILER PUPS Champion bred, both top & bottom. These are gorgeous pups, beautiful heads, nice bone, with perfect scissor bites. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, 2nd series of shots & 4th deworming. Now ready for their new homes! Three females, $1500. 509698-4123. Selah. AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies, $950. 509-831-8862.

FOR all yOuR StORage NeedS


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J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, foun­da­tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970-3669184 or 541-626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­ sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. SEEK AND ye shall find! I shot an ar­row in the air, lost for­ev­er to my des­pair, my bow was use­less, oh how I cried, till I found anoth­er in the clas­si­fied. Call us today! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. CALL AN­TOI­NETTE: 541-969-3000, for kitch­en re­mo­dels, bath re­mo­del and re­pairs, in­teri­or paint­ing and dry­wall. CCB #290775, Her­mis­ton. ARE YOU in need of 24 hour se­cur­it­y? I got you cov­ ered, retired sin­ gle man, has mo­ tor­home and will come to you, 509-240-3740, Her­mis­ton. FRANKS SEW­ER SERV­ ICE Is a 3rd gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness. We pro­vide prompt, cou­rteous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can rely on! Main­ tenance is al­ ways cheap­er than re­place­ ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ ment be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541-567-8612. AL­TER­A­TIONS and IRONING 20 years of ex­ peri­ ence, and done at my home; Call Delores for more in­for­ma­tion at 541-561-7441, Her­ mis­ton. BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. li­ censed, bond­ed & in­ sured, CCB# 167755; Call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton. BE­COME A PUB­ LISHED AU­THOR! We edit, print and dis­ trib­ ute your work in­ ter­na­tion­al­ly. We do the work...You reap the Re­ wards! Call for FREE Au­thor’s Sub­ mis­ sion kit; 866-9517214. WILL DO light haul­ing, yard clean­ing and help you move; 541-3100830, Pen­dle­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 13

advertising Covering Hermiston, Pendleton, Umatilla, Boardman, Echo, Walla Walla and Surrounding Areas

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The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 14

FREE GA­RAGE SHELV­ ING: 5 - bring your own drill, take apart, load and haul away; 541-449-3955 leave mes­sage.

1987 JD 6622 hillside combine, field ready, 3400hr, $14,000. Westfield WR100-61 grain auger $4200 like new. Westfield WR100-31 grain auger $2600 like new. Email awodom@gmail.com or call 509-251-2478.

NO­T ICE! IF an er­r or oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­a g­e s are lim­i t­e d to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­ cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied.

STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING and RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­ bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­ pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande. OAT HAY: no rain, $125 a ton, 541-7860297. La­Grande.

SPEND A Quarter of what you would else­ where, and place your ad in the Nickel! Clas­ sified ads starting at $4 per week! Display ads starting at $13.70!

QUAL­I­TY GRASS and Al­fal­fa hay for sale: 2 tie bales, $230 per ton load­ed; 541-430-2488, Her­mis­ton.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

ASDR MINI Aussies, 9 wks old, $700 ea. 208-920-9161. MiltonFreewater. BOERBOEL MASTIFF PUPS E x c e p t i o n a l quality Boerboel puppies. Loyal & loving guardians & protectors. The Boerboel is a hardy, low maintenance breed with an amazing temperament. $1200. Located in Yakima. Tboyle07@hotmail. com, 509-945-5422. AKC ENGLISH Bulldog puppies, 10 weeks old, located in Pasco. $2500. Text, 509-366-6696. SWEET KIT­TENS: Two - 4 month old kit­ tens, free to good home only, 1 male long hair gray Tab­ by, 1 fe­ male short hair Cal­i­co; 541-5617337, Stan­field.


Metal Roofing & Siding Manufacturer Custom-Cut Materials Available For Pick-Up the Next Day!

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Our knowledgeable sales staff can assist you on your next project. DELIVERY AVAILABLE!* Call us before you start your next project!


7.5KW ONAN Gen­era­ tor: re­ built and wired, elec­ tric start, 110-220 volts, $850 firm; 541701-4448 Her­mis­ton. FOR SALE: sheet­ me­tal fab­ri­cat­ing equip­ ment and tools, breaks, rolls, shears, spot­weld­ers, pitts­burg, enough equip­ ment to start a small shop, call for more in­for­ma­tion; 541-561-5849, Her­ mis­ton. 580 CASE backhoe, new rear tires, contained. Quick change forks & bucket. Repacked cylinders. Tight machine. $12,950. 509-3782107; 509-378-1256.

MORTAR MIXER Barely used Essick mixer, Honda motor, was new, 3 small jobs, stored, $1995 firm; contact by email, jakelegger@msn.com HD6-B CRAWLER, 2 spd reverse trans, free spool Carco winch, with arch, straight laid, with brush blade attachment, $7995. 509-378-2107. 509378-1256. GO GREEN! Get rid of those un­want­ed items, sell them in The Nick­el in­stead of throw­ing them out! Call us to­day and place that ad! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039. LT-15 WOOD-MIZER saw mill, like new, only 25 hours. New, $8195, sell $6995. 509-3782107; 509-378-1256.

1987 JD 6622 hillside combine, field ready, 3400hr, $14,000. Westfield WR100-61 grain auger $4200 like new. Westfield WR100-31 grain auger $2600 like new. Email awodom@gmail.com or call 509-251-2478.

28 ft MO­ TOR HOME: 1989 Trav­el Craft, class C, 49,500 miles, gen­era­ tor, roof and cab air, runs god, awn­ings, good tires, new heavy duty shocks, no leaks, lots of up­ grades, a real Must See! Tags good un­ til 04/20; 541-922-3400, Uma­til­la.

BECOME A P U B L I S H E D AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work… You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 866951-7214

STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING and RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­ bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­ pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande.

PRICE RE­DUC­TION 1997 AL­PENL­ITE: 29ft, 14’ slide, new tires, pos­si­ble hitch in­clud­ ed, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, used very lit­tle, $9,000 or best off­er; 541-5712881 or 541-571-4836, Her­mis­ton, OR.

PI­LOT ROCK Community days and re­un­ion wee­kend; Au­ gust 16-18, Sat­ur­dayVen­dors, dog rac­es, beard and mus­ tache com­pe­ti­tion, quilt shows, duck rac­es, car show. emai; Pcom­mu­ ni­t y­d ay_re­u n­i on­w ee­ kend@ya­hoo.com

OAT HAY: no rain, $125 a ton, 541-7860297. La­Grande. QUAL­I­TY GRASS and Al­fal­fa hay for sale: 2 tie bales, $230 per ton load­ed; 541-430-2488, Her­mis­ton. GRASS CLOVER MIX 2nd cutting hay for sale: no rain, no weeds, covered, 2 string bales, $7.00 each; call 541-7200524 Hermiston. WA­ TER RIGHTS: 9.3 acr­ es Cold Springs Res­er­voir in Her­mis­ ton; 360-921-9928. ALUMINUM PIPES & IRRIGATION PUMPS 17, 3”x40’ hand lines, make offer; 700’ of 4”x30’ mainline, $1.25/ ft; 500’ of 6”x30’ mainline, $1.75/ ft; Two 15 hp pumps, 360 gpm at 120 foot head, 1 open motor, other fully enclosed, $250 & $350. Three phase, 220, or 440 volt. Various valve openers & fittings, individually priced. 509-366-4066. WestKennewick.

2004 ALPHA Ideal Gold 5th wheel, 34’, with 3 slides, satellite dish, central heat & air! Remodeled inside. All brand new curtains, rods, high quality leather dual electric slide couch, hardwood bistro table with bar stools, queen sized bed, lots of storage! Designed to live in full time! Must see to appreciate! $12,500 obo. 509-237-4335. TriCities. 2003 FLEET­WOOD SOUTH­WIND 36’, 490 work­horse, 2 TV’s, In Mo­tion Satellite, split bath, very large show­ er, queen bed, ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, $25,000; 541-2781846, Pen­dle­ton. 29ft. COU­GAR trav­el trail­ er: in great con­ di­ tion, this is a must see trail­er, has sin­gle slideout, $5,900 or best off­ er; call 541-966-4007, Pen­dle­ton. MOBILE GUY RV REPAIR Over 20 years experience RVIAA certified, Onan certified. MobileGuyRV@gmail. com. 509-212-4466. Yakima.



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House of Mowers lawnmower repair business, is for sale! Includes thousands of dollars of new parts as well as lots of hard to find used parts, used lawnmowers, storage trailer and lots of additional things House of Mowers enjoys a large loyal customer load which allows for a great income.

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If interested, call Perry Alleman @ 541-922-6422 Wednesday - Saturday from 10am - 5:30pm

STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­ dard Walk-In Bath­tub. Re­ceive up to $1,500 off, in­clud­ing a free toi­let, and a Life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion; Call us at 1-855-5346198. MO­BILE­HELP, Amer­ i­ca’s Prem­i­er Mo­bile Med­i­cal Alert Sys­tem. Wheth­er You’re Home or Away. For Safe­ ty & Peace of Mind. No Long Term Con­tracts! Free Brochure! Call To­day! 1-888-5102477. UMA­TIL­LA MU­ SEUM’S 2nd Annual Wine & Cheese Tast­ ing Ev­ent! Fri­day Au­ gust 16th, 6-9pm, $10 per per­son at the door. START Sav­ ing BIG on Med­i­ca­tions! Up To 90% Sav­ ings from 90DAY MEDS! Over 3500 Med­i­ca­ tions Avail­able! Pre­ scrip­tions Re­quired. Pharm­a­cy Check­er Ap­proved. CALL To­ day for Your FREE Qu­ ote, 1-866-782-9745. TWO ROOM A/C units: set of 6 an­tique chairs, 265-65-18 tires, coun­ter top dish­ wash­er, 2 sad­dles, pair of heavy speak­ er, 3 an­tique dress­ers, floor safe, Techn­ics key­ board, golf clubs, vin­ tage road maps, 1,487 LPS, vin­ tage post­cards, 2 an­tique gas pumps, elk head, misc. vin­tage dish­es, 4 can­dy ma­chines, com­ic books, vin­tage floor ra­dio, knives, clocks, van­i­ty, an­tique desks, wine/bev­er­ age cool­er, Hasq­va­na chain­saw, weld­er, pro­ pane camp stove, mis­ cel­la­ne­ous clocks an lamps, Gar­ rett metal de­tec­tor, 2 gui­tars, large wag­on wheel, ‘ 59 Ram­bler nice, an­ tique chair/throne, And Art work by Mary Corp, plus a whole lot more! Come vis­it us at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main Street, Her­mis­ton, OR. 541289-1800. And yes we pay cash for gold coins, gold jew­el­ry, sil­ ver coins, sil­ver­ware. CASH.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1996 FREIGHTLIN­ ER: cat en­ gine, 10 speed, 459,000 miles, very very clean, like new, long wheel base, 16ft from back of cab to cen­ ter of rear­ end, would take 22ft po­ ta­ to bed easy, $20,000 or best off­er; call 541969-9054, please no voice mail, text­ing ok. Pi­lot Rock. 1987 CHEVY 1/2 ton pick­up: 2004 29’ 5th wheel, cou­gar Tim­ber, $9,500, Or­gan­ic Buf­ fa­lo eat, 1/2 or whole, $4 a pound; 541-6673301. La­Grande. DITCH WITCH 3500 trench­ er, runs great, $6000; 1999 Dodge 4x4, runs, great work truck, $3000; 541-5611445, Her­mis­ton.

2008 CHEVY EQUINOX LT-127K $6,305, SUV-4D enging: 3.4L V6 SFI, new A/C, tune-up, windsheild, all 3 tranny fluids and ignition cylinder; 503-269-7823, or best, jakelegger@ msn.com 2001 DODGE 1 ton: alu­mi­num flatbed, 4x4, 6 speed 87,000 origi­ nal miles, , rear air bags, exhaust brake, all op­ tions, like new con­di­tion, 1 owner, $20,500; 503-7283562, Clats­ka­nie, OR. 2002 FORD F350 Lariat: crew cab, rear dually’s, automatic, 4x4, new tires, 7.3 diesel, 146k miles, $21,000; 541-9222721, Irrigon. 1988-94 RANGER pickup doors with glass, $50, rear side glass, $10 each, full rear slider, $20; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. 1998 FORD WINDSTAR Van: runs great, cold cold air conditioning, $1,100; 503-383-6824, Umatilla. THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale! DONATE your car, truck or boat to HER­ IT­AGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-day va­ ca­tion, tax de­duct­ible, free tow­ing, all pa­per­ work tak­ en care of. Call 1-866-871-1497. 2002 GMC Sierra SLE extended cab: 4x4, 190k miles, B&W goose­ neck ball, looks and runs real good, new tires, $7500 or best off­ er; 541-5617337, Stan­field. ’62 Ford 2 ton flatbed with hoist, all orig, 292, 5 spd x 2 spd, $2500; Or best offers. 541571-6814. Hermiston.

FRANKS SEW­ER SERV­ ICE Is a 3rd gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness. We pro­vide prompt, cou­rteous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can rely on! Main­ tenance is al­ ways cheap­er than re­place­ ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ ment be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541-567-8612. FIRE­WOOD YOU haul: $185 per cord, most­ ly Douglas Fir, call or leave mes­sage in even­ ing; 541-4227441, Heppner. NEED TO SELL FAST! Price reduced, 12’x24’ engineered insulated cabin, office, studio, man cave, with electrical, 2 lofts, heaters, fresh air fan. Texting is best, 208351-3160. Email: jdtao67@hotmail.com Tri-Cities. AL­FAL­FA: SMALL bales, $200; 541-3771353, Stan­field. PRI­VATE RV space for rent in pri­ vate coun­ try set­ ting: $350 per month plus ref­er­enc­es; 360-921-9928, Her­ mis­ton. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $300/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. 10 ACR­ES zoned res­ i­den­tial: city util­i­ties avail­ able, 2055 NW Geer Rd., Her­mis­ton. Rental in­ come $3000 per month plus farm in­ come; 360-921-9928. AD­JUST­ABLE 8’ pull plow and an adjustable 6’ pull har­row for sale, $175 each or best off­ er; 541-701-1667, Board­man.

The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 15

CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Con­di­tion Ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and New­er. Na­tion­wide Free Pick Up! Call Now; 1-800864-5960.

1997 PROWL­ER 26H: with slide out, in ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, in­cludes EZ-Lift hitch, $5900; call 541-443-4282, Pi­ lot-Rock.

GET YOUR yard sale kit at The Nickel, 1055 N. First Street, only $4.99.

1989 36FT Al­le­gro mo­ tor­home: ren­o­vat­ed to live in not camp­ing, no hold­ ing tank, house­ hold fridge and real toi­ let, $3000 off­ er; 509240-3740, Hermiston.

FLEA MARKET VENDORS No Rhyme or Reason Country Flea Market is taking vendor applications for our 2 Fall Markets in Zillah, Sept 20 & 21 And at Grandview Fairgrounds, Oct 4- 6. 10x10, $60; 10x20, $80, 10x20 with rv, $100 for all weekend. Tons of vendors all over the PNW. Email: Shelleigh77@hotmail. com or call 509-3145181. 10” TABLE SAW: on wood­ en stand, $40, metal wheels 48” di­ a­ met­ er, 3” width $70 pair, Lit­tle Tykes large jun­gle gym $100; 541571-6883 THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale. BLACK­BER­RIES U-PICK & WE PICK 77598 S. Edwards Rd., Stanfield; 541379-9411. IN NEED of house clean­er in Ir­ri­gon, Or­ e­gon: gen­er­al house keep­ ing, 3-4 hours, eve­ ry 2 weeks, most any day and hours are ac­cept­able; 541-9224521. W E S T E R N E X T E R M I N AT O R : providing pest control solutions since 1921. Protect your home from termites, ants, spiders, fleas, roaches & more, 365 days a year! Call 1-844-4722986 to schedule your FREE Pest Inspection.

REAL FINDS found in the Nick­el eve­ry week! You will find great deals on just about an­y­thing that you could want. Pick up a Nick­el week­ly and save your­self some mon­ey! 2005 PROWL­ER Trav­ el Trail­ er: 18ft., good con­di­tion, dual axle, sleeps 4-6, $7200 cash; 541-589-4948, Her­mis­ton. 1998 FLEET­WOOD DIS­COV­ERY Mo­tor­ home: 34ft., die­ sel, clean., lots of base­ ment stor­ age, wash­ er and dry­er, low use and mile­ age, $22,000 or best off­er; 541-5716024, Her­mis­ton, OR.

2018 SUN­SEEK­ER RV by For­ est Riv­ er: 24’, Ford E450, 2 slides, 3200 miles, like new, $59,500; 541429-1193, Pen­dle­ton.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

342 SW 1st Street Pendleton, OR 1(541)969-3073




P.O. Box 408 838 Hermiston, OR 97




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The Nickel -August 15, 2019- Page 16

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




Fully Equipped

#9708 • V#808457


LTZ, Leather, Lots More! #G7613A • V#150885

2012 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, Leather, 85k Miles , Dual Moon Roofs

16 942


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17 950

15 755

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**APR based on a 750 credit score or higher. *All vehicles subject to prior sale, does not include $75 dealer doc./tax./lic. fee. Offer Ends 8/21/19.

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