9.19.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00





9N FORD tractor: 12 volt, tuner up, new paint, runs great, $1500; 541-5713845, no texts, Hermiston.

WANTED DEAD or dying Subaru’s: 2002 or newer, cash paid; 541-963-9328, LaGrande.

WEINER PIGS: for sale please contact Juli; 541561-9871, in the Boardman area.

John L BaLLard attorney at Law

aw ly L i m e Fa fens s e• e c r D Divo iminal cident c Cr I•A I U D

125 Sw 3rd hermiston MAS SEY FER GU SON 570: 4 bottom roll over plow,, $4500; 509-5221480, Walla Walla


1997 FORD F150 cab and 6’ bed: both are off the frame, make offer; 541314-0137, Umatilla.

BOER GOATS for Sale: weanlings and larger, call Wayne; 541-561-0863, Irrigon.

YARD & GARAGE SALES YARD SALE: Saturday, September 21st, 9am3pm, HWY 730 on Southshore Dr., Umatilla. Follow signs, house hold items, electronics, tools, camping and fishing gear, clothing, priced to sell, everything must go. Weath er permitting. YARD SALE: Friday and Saturday, 8am-5pm, tools, power tools, trailers, washer and dryer, furniture and more! 33022 E. Punkin Ct., Hermiston. Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children. Ephesians 5:1


September 19, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 38 TRUCKS, 4X4’S & SUV’S


PETS CHE SA PEAKE BAY female: 5 years old, spayed, hunt ing dog; 541-7203323, Umatilla.

Want Ad Newspaper

1988 35’ JAYCO 5th wheel RV: in Hermiston, must be moved, $2000; 541-5674188 or 541-567-7885.

1991 JEEP Wrangler: 4x4, 2 door, hard top, clean, manual transmission, $3,500; 541-371-0715.

SAme DAY rePAirS! before

Joseph C. Vize, DPD, LD

715 SW Dorion, Ste 1 PenDLeton, or


PASCo: 509-547-8661 toLL Free: 888-806-1800


3 1/4 PAPILLON, 1/4 Shih tzul: 4 males, tri colors, all dewclaws removed; 541962-5484, Elgin.


1999 WILDERNESS 20ft camp trailer: TV, shower, 2 beds, stove, $4200; 510299-4041, Stanfield.

92 FORD EX PLOR ER: 4x4, 5 speed, new clutch, runs great, clean; 541561-3600 Hermiston.



CHALLENGER™ 550 546cc EFI Liquid Cooled Engine Rack & Pinion, tiltlin steering wheel Up to 45 miles per hour 1,200 lb. towing capacity Quick-Attach windshield, side mirrors LED daytime running lights, turn signals Front brush guard, front mounted winch Adjustable shocks, 12" ground clearance Automatic CVT, on demand 4WD Undercarriage skid plates 4 wheel disc brakes Off-road tires & alloy wheels Polyethylene rooftop & doors Open rear diffy Under hood air intake system


$218/ month1

3.99% for 60 Months (4.34% APR)1 PURCHASE PRICE


BONNEY’S AG & AUTO REPAIR 81600 N. HWY 395 HERMISTON, OR 97838 (541) 922-1213 www.bonneysag.com

1 *Example: On a purchase where the amount financed is $11,699, your down payment is $0 with 60 monthly payments of $218 each. Interest rate is 3.99% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 4.34% (E)]. The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield

Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details Rate advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 660. Minimum amount financed $3,500; Maximum amount financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. On a consumer loan, an origination fee of $100 will be added to the amount financed in the above example. On a commercial loan, an origination fee of $150 will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 8/1/2019 and 10/31/2019. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.]

* Product Price — Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications. Attachments shown sold separately - see dealer for details. Utility vehicles are intended for off-road use only. © 2019 Cub Cadet

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 2

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com


ROTTWEILER puppies, $500 each. 509-6287536. TriCities.

BASSETT HOUND Chihuahua puppies: 2 females, ready to be all yours, have 1st shots; call or text 541561-7400. AKC DACHSHUND puppies, female, born 7/10/19, shots, dewormed, $700. 541969-0783. Weston,OR

GRASS FED An­ gus beef: $2.50 per pound plus butch­ er fees, 1 pork for sale, $1.75 per pound plus butch­ er fees. They are to be pro­ cessed Oc­tob­er 5th, can be seen be­fore; 541-567-8204, Stan­ field. LAWN MOW­ER RE­PAIR & WELD­ING 10am-5:30pm, Mon­ day- Sat­ur­day, all work guar­anteed, rea­son­able rates; 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ton; 541-571-3845, no text­ing. ITAL­I­AN PRUNES: lo­ cal, no sprays, .80 per pound; 541-720-4148, Ir­ri­gon.





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C O M­M E R­C I A L WHEEL chair lift, $3600; rare vin­ tage alu­mi­num trail­ er, $350; 1991 Isu­ zu Troop­ er, 4 wheel drive, man­u­al, $1600; mo­tor­ized bi­cy­cle, $300; 21 speed hy­ brid cruis­er bi­cy­cle, 26”, sus­pen­sion fork and seat post, $150; Wol­ver­ine saf­tey boots, men’s size 13, nev­er worn, $95; Car­ hartt in­su­lat­ed jack­et, nev­ er worn, wom­ en’s size XS, $65; 2 nev­er used vin­tage chef’’s knives, Gerb­ er USA, $55 and $65 or set for $110; Dell In­spi­ron 1520 lap­top, re­fur­bished, with ex­ tend­ed bat­tery, $95; snowshoes, $75; 509440-7098, all items are or best off­er.

PARK­ING LOT Sale: Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ ber, 21st. Sale will be at the Agape House, 500 Harp­er Road, Her­ mis­ton. Sale be­gins at 8:30 am, sale ends at 11:30 am, cloth­ing, fur­ni­ture and bins of knick-knacks, cloth­ ing will be 5 items for $1.00, fur­ni­ture priced as marked and bins of knick-knacks will be you name the price!

AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR.

BIG YARD SALE Thurs­d ay-Sat­u r­d ay, Sep­tem­ber 19th-21st, 8am-5pm; 330 W. Buck­ley, Echo.

COM­PUT­ER IS­ SUES? FREE DI­AG­ NO­SIS by GEEKS ON SITE! Virus Re­mov­al, Data Re­cov­ery! 24/7 EMER­GEN­CY $20 OFF ANY SERV­ICE with cou­pon 42522! Restri­cyions ap­ply. 1-866-969-2936

THREE FAM­I­LY yard sale: Fri­day, 9am-4pm and Sat­ur­day, 9am3pm, baby stuff, house­ hold goods, fur­ni­ture and lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ ous: 170 Van Bur­en Dr., South Hill, Uma­til­la.

LO­CUST FIRE­WOOD: cut, split, $200 a cord, de­liv­ery avail­able; call 541-379-4469, Board­ man. BOOKS & MOVIES at Columbia Grange Break­fast on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am11am, Her­mis­ton. CASH PAID for your un­want­ed In­o­gen or Re­spir­on­ics port­able ox­y­gen con­cen­tra­tors. Call now to get a topdol­lar off­er! Agents avail­ able 7 days a week 877-315-7116. Start Sav­ing BIG on Med­i­ca­tions! Up To 90% Sav­ings from 90DAY MEDS! Over 3500 Med­i­ca­ tions Avail­able! Pre­ scrip­tions Re­quired. Pharm­a­cy Check­er Ap­proved. CALL To­ day for Your FREE Qu­ote, 1-866-7829745.

LIV­ING ES­TATE SALE PEN­DLE­TON, OR. Saturday, Sep­tem­ ber 21st, 9:00am to 5:00pm, 2600 SW Good­win Ave #23. YARD SALE: Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 20 and Sat­ ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21, 8am-4pm, 136 John Day Street, Uma­til­la, OR.

BREAK­FAST AT COL­UM­BIA GRANGE Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am-11am, $6 do­ na­ tion to help Pet Res­cue, Her­mis­ton. MOV­ING SALE: last 2 days, Fri­day and Sat­ ur­day Sep­tem­ber 20th and 21st, 1963 Pon­ti­ ac Le­Mans, 1996 Ford F150 and lots more; 1040 W. High­ land Ave., Her­mis­ton. IN­DOOR - SALES 2 LO­CA­TIONS BOARD­MAN, OR. Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 20th and Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ ber 21st., 7am-6pm, 78710 & 78647 East­ regaard Rd., Board­ man. An­tiques, in­clud­ ing iron bed and chairs, col­lect­i­bles, house­hold, fish­ing gear, vin­tage and craft jew­el­ry, large gas BBQ, old oil lamps, fur­ni­ture, jars, Fen­ton, Fran­sis­can ware, De­ pres­sion glass, pot­tery, cloth­ ing, and to much more to list!

CONCERNING STORED VEHICLES OREGON POWER SPORTS will be closing as of October 25th, 2019. All vehicles left for repairs must be picked up and charges paid by October 25th, 2019. Concerning these vehicles, Diamo Scooter, Suzuki RM125, Honda CR-250, and Suzuki DRZ 400E

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

STRUG­GLING With Your Pri­vate Stud­ent Loan Pay­ment? New relief pro­grams can re­ duce your pay­ ments. Learn your op­ tions. good cred­it not nec­es­ sary. Call the Help­line 866-969-3179 (monFri 9am-5pm East­ern) BLAZE KING WOOD STOVES Blaze King pel­let stove, Blaze king gas stove, many Blaze King parts for old­er stoves, some pipe, 8” to 6”, gone out of busi­ness. Call John; 541-969-3309. Eve­ry­ thing must go! VIA­GRA and CIALIS US­ERS: 100 Gener­ic Pills SPE­CIAL $99.00, FREE Ship­ping! 100% guar­anteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-4455928 Ha­bla­mos Es­pa­ nol. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­ GEN THER­A­PY US­ ERS! In­o­gen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE in­ for­ma­tion kit; Call 877929-9587. CHRIS­TIAN GRIEF SHARE SUP­PORT GROUP (Notice: date chage) The 13 week Fall Ses­ sion of Grief Share Re­cov­ery, has ar­ rived: Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm, at the Stanfield Baptist Church, 310 E. Wheel­ er Ave., Stan­field. For more in­for­ma­tion call; Scott Ziel­ke at 541571-6886. HEY! WE have yard art: golf clubs, 2 sets ready for the course, Ham­ley’s sad­dle, 2-1930’s gas pumps, com­ic books, cos­tume jew­el­ry, dress­ers, book shelves, 2-Very Nice Chi­na cab­i­nets priced at $160 each, 2-an­tique ar­moire, 2-1800’s dress­ers, Va­se­line glass, Fran­ cis­can ware, pay­ing cash for gold jew­ el­ ry, sil­ver­ware, coins, sil­ ver dol­ lars. Art work by Mary Corp, plus a whole lot more! Come vis­it us at KC Art & Col­ lect­ib ­ les, 167 E. Main Street, Her­mis­ton, OR. 541-289-1800, hours, Tues­day thru Sat­ur­ day, 10:30am-6:00pm. ELIM­INATE GUT­TER clean­ing for­ev­er! Leaf­ Filt­er, the most ad­ vanced de­bris-block­ ing gut­ter pro­tec­tion. Sched­ule a FREE es­timate to­day. 15% off and 0% fi­nanc­ing for those who qual­ if­y. PLUS Sen­ior & Mili­tary dis­ counts; call 855995-2490. Cash for un­ex­pired DI­A­BE­TIC TEST STRIPS! Call 1-855440-4001 Free Ship­ ping, Best Pric­es & 24 hr pay­ment! BBB Ra­ ted A+ www.Test­Strip­ Search.com

2007 HYUN­DAI ELAN­ TRA: 152k miles, 5 speed man­u­al, in good con­di­tion, runs good, clean in­ teri­ or and ex­ te­ri­or, clear ti­tle, $3800 or best off­er; 541-5718620, Her­mis­ton, OR. CHRIS­TIAN GRIEF SHARE SUP­PORT GROUP (Notice: date chage) The 13 week Fall Ses­ sion of Grief Share Re­cov­ery, has ar­ rived: Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm, at the Stanfield Baptist Church, 310 E. Wheel­ er Ave., Stan­field. For more in­for­ma­tion call; Scott Ziel­ke at 541571-6886.

2001 CHEVY Malibu: front wheel drive, V-6, A/C, 180,000 miles, excellent condition, new tune-up, alternator, starter, computer, belt, 23 plus MPG, good all season radial tires, body straight, interior seats/excellent condition, must sacrifice $1,950, serious calls, leave message; 541-429-0116, Pilot Rock, OR. 2001 CHE­VY MA­ LI­BU: front wheel drive, V-6, a/c 180,000 miles, ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion. New tune-up, al­ ter­ na­tor, start­er, com­ put­ er, belt, 23 plus MPG, good all sea­ son ra­di­al tires, body straight, in­teri­or/ seats ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, must sac­ri­ fice $1,950, seri­ous calls, leave mes­ sage; 541-429-0116, Pi­lot Rock, OR.

AKC REG. BER­NESE MOUN­TAIN DOG PUP­PIES: 4 fe­males, 2 males, born Au­ gust 16, de­ wormed, dew­ claws re­ moved, no fam­i­ly his­tory of her­nia or hip prob­ lems, par­ ents on­site. Find us on Face­book “Bern­ers in the Woods”; call/ text 509-370-7799 or 509226-1223.

AKC STANDARD Aussie puppies: Hall of Fame bloodlines, 1 blue merle, 1 red merle, 3 red tri’s, one dark red, 3 black tri’s, 1 black tri is female, 7 males, ready now, also one black tri female 9 months, $1500 each; 509-540-2040. AKC BOS­TON TER­RI­ ER PUP­PIES, 3 males & 4 fe­males, dew­claws re­moved, first shots, vet check, health guar­an­tee, JHC clear, $1000-$1300 each. Call (leave voi­ce­mail) or text 509-279-9080. BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES Beautiful black & white Border Collies, 4 males & 2 females available, $350. Parents are full time working cattle dogs. 509-627-8615. ENG­LISH MAS­TIFF/ Rott­weil­er bred with Bullmas­tiff: 4 fe­males 3 males, 8 weeks, first shots, $700; 541-7201572, Uma­til­la. DOG KEN­NEL: chain link 10.5’x6’x4’, $100, Igloo style, med­i­um size dog house, $30; 541-571-2718, Stan­ field.

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 3

YARD SALE: Saturday, September 21st, 9am3pm, HWY 730 on South­shore Dr., Uma­ til­la. Fol­low signs, house­hold items, elec­ tron­ ics, tools, camp­ ing and fish­ing gear, cloth­ing, priced to sell, eve­ry­thing must go. Weath­er per­mit­ting. ES­TATE SALE Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 20th and Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am5pm. No clothes, 1930’s table chairs, bar stools, shop vac, pres­sure wash­er, too much to list; 79127 Ag­ new Rd., Her­mis­ton. Watch for signs. ES­TATE AUC­TION SEP­TEM­BER 28, Clark­ston, Washing­ton. Features: Pow­er shop tools, fur­ni­ture, fire­ arms and large col­lec­ tion of Dis­ney, Olym­pic, Coke/Pep­si mem­or­ a­ bi­lia and col­lect­i­bles. Pho­tos www.ti­ger­auc­ tion­eer­ing.com. Ab­sen­ tee Bids 208-503-0235. AUCTION Mansfield Lions Club Auction, Sat, 10/5/19, at 10am. Automobiles; Firearms; Farm equipment; Tools; Household; Saddles; Tack; Antiques & more. Visit soldbybestbid. com for more info. WA Lic #2476. YARD SALE: 78663 Lloyd Rd., Her­ mis­ ton. Sep­tem­ber 21st & 22nd, 8am-4pm, no ear­ly birds, kitch­en mis­cel­la­ne­ous, bed­ ding, clothes, crafts, Boyds bear col­lec­tion and 2017 5th wheel. YARD SALE: lots of hunt­ing and shop stuff, Fri­day and Sat­ur­day; 28535 South­shore Dr., Uma­til­la.

WAG­ON TRAIN West­ ern Style Chuck­ wag­on: Horse dri­ven, full serv­ ice, in great shape, $2,800 or best off­er, 541-561-0863, Irrigon.

1999 WIL­DER­NESS 20ft camp trail­er: no leaks, great con­ di­ tion, TV, show­er, 2 beds, new tires, stove, $4200; 510-299-4041, Stanfield.

STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING and RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­ bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­ pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande.

MOBILE GUY RV Repair, 509-212-4466. MobileGuyRV@gmail. com.

IT’S FINALLY time to plant trees again: We have a nice inventory of trees, come take a look, you will be impressed; Call Al Phillips, 541-571-8572, or Don Jorgensen, 541-980-6042. #AGL1042745ND. MID 50’S John Deer 60 trac­tor; 1955 Dodge 2 1/2 ton flatbed farm truck; 1967 Dodge D500 flatbed dump; 1974 Dodge club cab, 4x4; John Deer Ham­mer­mill ma­nure spread­er; lots of farm­ ing things, stuff and more stuff! You must come out and roam; 541-314-0137, Uma­ til­la. OUR READERS are the greatest! Thanks for reading The Nickel.

PRICE RE­DUC­TION 1997 AL­PENL­ITE: 29’ with 14’ slide, new tires, pos­si­ble hitch in­ clud­ed, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, used very lit­tle, $9,000 or best off­ er; 541-571-2881 or 541571-4836, Her­mis­ton, OR. 24’ 2017 Sa­lem Light: used 4 times, like new, couch con­ verts to a Murphy bed, slide, TV, all the new features, so pretty inside, $15,000; 541567-9660 or 541-7200437, Her­mis­ton.

LONG BED Toyota Tun­dra camp­er shell: like new, $550; 541561-0863, Her­mis­ton.

1991 FORD F150: F/B, 4x4, automatic, runs excellent, looks good, less than 80,000 miles on 351W, 3” custom exhaust, asking $2,100; leave message, 541429-0116 serious calls, Pilot Rock, OR. 1991 JEEP Wrangler: 4x4, 2 door, hard top, clean, manual transmission, $3500; 541-371-0715, Hermiston. THE NICK­E L can­n ot guar­an­tee spe­cif­ic page or lo­ca­tion of place­ment of any clas­si­fied.

Batteries • Starters Alternators • Solar Centennial Trojan • Odyssey Optima • Deka Booster Boxes • Full Line NOCO Products 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri • 9am - Noon Saturday

Hwy 395 • 2440 North First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-6041 • (800) 233-6041


Sunday September 22nd. Morning sale, 11:00 am, Preview at 9 am. 80824 Kik rd. Hermiston, Oregon

Food vendor will be Eats and Treats from Touchet, WA. 4000 watt predator generator, Onan 4000 watt generator, Saddle, Native totum, Log splitter, 6” gas auger, Cabelas tent, Shwinn springer bike, Rail road derailer, Chainsaws, Vintage wardrobe trunk, Couches, Love seat, Lane cedar chest, End tables, Freezer, Book case, Black walnut wood, Wine maple wood, White oak wood, Pine lumber, Nails by the case, Rigid conduit 4’ and 6’, Fishing rods, Brass, Vintage toys, Compressors, Hi-lift jack, Vintage whiskey boxes, Tobacco tins, Disney Infinity figures, Wet tile saw, Parking meter, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Traffic light, Horse prints, Fenton , Westmoreland, Crown, Hull, Hall, McCoy, Russian float, Home brewery, DVD’s, Drum set, Lincoln welding wire, Spittoons, Cast iron, Blackstone flat top grill, Coleman road trip barbq, Stools, Power tools, Hand tools, Crosscut saws, Vintage trunks, Christmas trains, Salt and pepper, Whites metal detectors, Costume jewelry, WW2 Currency, Scrap silver and gold, Die cast banks, Too much to list.. More items coming in until auction day.

See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC. • 10% buyers premium.• Credit cards accepted. • All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. • Call Mike Zook @ 541-571-6280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 4

1955 CHEV­RO­LET pick up: 350 motor, 4 speed trans­mis­sion, pow­er steer­ing, 7 1/2’ bed, $11,000; 541371-0715, Her­mis­ton. FOR SALE: 1999 Ford F550 with long util­i­ty bed, pow­er stroke with chip, runs ex­cel­lent, al­most new tires, 189,000 miles, all hand, air tools and tool­box­es in­clud­ed. Air com­ pres­sor, cut­ting torch, 125a wire feed weld­ er, 5000 watt gen­era­tor, paid over $50,000 for tools over the years, all in­ clud­ed with ve­hi­cle, $28,900, ne­go­ti­able (a lit­tle); 541-2560965.

08 MON­TA­NA 5th wheel price reduction: 4 slideouts, whirl­pool wash­ er/dry­er, ex­cel­lent shape in­side and out! $15,500; 541-2762516, Pen­dle­ton. 2002 FLEET­WOOD UL­TRA L­ITE 26’, with sli­de­out, floor needs work, $2500; 541-571-2875, as is, Her­mis­ton. 26’ 2006 COUGAR 5th wheel by Key­ stone: pull with 5th wheel or gooseneck, cen­tral air, TV, CD play­ er, one tip out, new tires, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $9999; 541-720-1654, Her­ mis­ton.

9N FORD trac­tor: 12 volt, tun­ er up, new paint, runs great, new bat­ tery, gauges, etcetera, $1500; 541571-3845, no texts, Her­mis­ton. LE­FORE AP­PLES ARE READY Several var­ie­ties to choose from. .25/lb. by the box, for sec­ onds. We are lo­cat­ed 1 mile past the DriveIn in Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter. 54195 Sun­ny­side Rd. watch for signs, 541938-7349. CHIP­PER MULCH­ER: elec­ tric start, $300; rear tire ro­to­till­er, tuned up, $225; 541571-3845, no texts, Her­mis­ton.

2008 HONDA Civic LX: 1.8L, 4 cylinder, automatic, $5999; 541-567-5657 or 541571-8616, Lor­e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­mis­ ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er. 2008 MAZ­DA Trib­ ute: V6, 4 wheel drive, load­ ed, $5999; 541567-5657 or 541-5718616, Lor­e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er. 1988 CHE­VY TRUCK 350 V-8 low mile­ age pull out en­gine: runs strong, $450 or $600 with Edel­ brock in­ take, or best off­ er; 541-276-1042, Pen­ dle­ton.









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AKC LABRADOR puppies, ready 9/12/19, family raised, 3 black males, 1 yellow male, $500. 1 yellow female, $650. Full papers. Taking deposits now. Text or call, 509-572-0356. YORKSHIRE Terrier female puppy, $1400. For more info, please call/ text, 509-8201034. TriCities. AKC BRITTANY PUPPIES Brittany puppies, AKC reg, OFA good, whelped 5/4/19, three liver/ white males, $650 ea; Litter whelped 6/4/19, four liver/ white males, 2 liver/ white females. Champion bloodlines. Sire is Zeke Double Barrel Ranch. 509308-4850. BntnCity. THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale! 541-567-2230.

$65 $85

1 Only!

BIRD DOGS For Sale: great hunt­ ers, they want to hunt, I want them to hunt as well, they are great dogs. 2 year old fe­male, Gold­ en Lab and 3 year old male, Le­wel­len Set­ter, $400 each; 541-5610863, ask for Wayne, Ir­ri­gon.


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AUC­TION ! Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 22nd. Morn­ing Sale, 11:00am, Pre­view at 9:00am. 80824 Kik Road, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. Food ven­dor will be Eats and Treats from Touchet, WA. 4000 watt Preda­ tor gen­era­tor, Onan 4000 watt gen­era­tor, Sad­ dle, Na­ tive to­ tum, log split­ ter, 6” gas aug­ er, Ca­be­las tent, Schwinn spring­ er bike, Rail Road de­rail­er, Chain­ saws, Vin­tage war­ drobe trunk, couch­ es, love seat, Lane ce­ dar chest, end ta­bles, freez­ er, book case, Black wal­ nut wood, Wine ma­ ple wood, White oak wood, Pine lum­ ber, nails by the case, ri­gid con­duit 4’ and 6’, fish­ing rods, brass, Vin­tage toys, com­pres­sors, Hi-lift jack, Vin­tage whis­key box­es, to­bac­co tins, Dis­ney In­fin­i­ty fig­ures, wet tile saw, park­ ing met­er, Pep­si, CocaCola, traf­fic light, horse prints, Fen­ton , West­ mor­e­land, Crown, Hull, Hall, Mc­Coy, Rus­sian float, home brewery, DVD’s, drum set, Lin­ coln weld­ ing wire, spit­ toons, Cast iron, Black­stone flat top grill, Co­le­man road trip BBQ, stools, pow­ er tools, hand tools, cross­cut saws, Vin­ tage trunks, Christ­mas trains, salt and pep­per, Whites metal de­ tec­ tors, cos­tume jew­el­ry, WW2 cur­ren­cy, scrap sil­ ver and gold, die cast banks, too much to list. More items com­ ing in un­til auc­tion day. See pho­tos on Face­ book @ Mikes Auc­tion, LLC. 10% buy­ers pre­ mi­um. Cred­it cards ac­ cept­ed. All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280. Ford Bon­ney: Auc­tion­eer.

Gener­ic VIA­GRA 100mg Gener­ic §CIALIS 20mg. 60 pills- Only $55. 100% mon­ey back GUAR­ AN­TEE! CALL: 888669-9343 IN­VEN­TORS - FREE IN­FOR­MA­TION PACK­AGE: Have your pro­ duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ ably by the Re­search & De­vel­op­ment pros and­ pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­tur­ers; Call 1-888-501-0236 for a Free Idea­Start­er Guide. Sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ ta­tion. Mo­bile­Help, Amer­i­ ca’s Prem­i­er Mo­bile Med­i­cal Alert Sys­tem. Wheth­er You’re Home or Away. For Safe­ty & Peace of Mind. No Long Term Con­tracts! Free Brochure! Call To­day! 1-855-4016993. BREAK­FAST AT COL­UM­BIA GRANGE Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am-11am, $6 do­ na­ tion to help Pet Res­cue, Her­mis­ton. BATH­ROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy, one day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ ize in safe bath­ ing. Grab bars, no slip floor­ing & seat­ed show­ers; Call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion 888-912-4745. DISH TV $59.99 for 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free installation, Smart DVR included, FREE Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply; 1-833-872-2545. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

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QUILT RACK, $15; 6 gun ce­ dar gun cab­ i­ net, $75; night stand, $15; stain­ less man­ do­lin chop­per, $20; Pou­lan chain­saw, 18” bar, $110; some firm, some ne­go­ti­able, call or text; 541-6566039, pic­tures on re­ quest.


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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

YARD SALE: Sep­ tem­ber 20th, 21st and 22nd, Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, 8am-?: re­frig­era­tor, lawn mow­ er, large flat screen tel­ e­vision, milk jugs, Bar­ bies, yard tools, lots of mis­cel­la­ne­ous; 11 S. Pre­scott, Echo YARD-GARAGE SALE IRRIGON, OR Motorcycle gear, fishing gear and more! Saturday, September 21st, 7am-4pm, 165 N. 3rd Street, Irrigon. BOOKS & MOVIES at Columbia Grange Break­fast on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am11am, Her­mis­ton. YARD SALE: lots of hunt­ing and shop stuff, Fri­day and Sat­ur­day; 28535 South­shore Dr., Uma­til­la. ESTATE SALE FRI, SAT, 9AM-5PM Huge estate sale Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. Save hundreds on quality furniture: Ethan Allen; Thomasville; Drexel Lane; La-Z-Boy; Lexington. This Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. 75% off blue tagged items, 50% off electronics, & 25%- 50% off select furniture. New arrivals: Thomasville dining set; Ornate dining Chippendale style bedroom set; Gorgeous pair of side chairs; Mission style coffee table; Antique dining chairs; Antique buffet; Drum set; Antique fireplace; Antique game table; Antique dresser; Brass bed; Mantel converted to bookcase; Push lawn mower; Area rugs; Wall art; Early American Tallboy Dresser; Other great stuff: Pine log bed; Bakers rack; Bar stools; Portable air conditioners, set of 8 dining chairs; Arch chrome lamp; Clothes dryer; Antique oak halltree/ umbrella stand; Mid century bedroom set Vintage drum table; Drop front secretary desk; Wood log furniture; Wing back chair; Cocobolo/ Rosewood custom bar; Electric theater seats; Cocobolo. Rosewood massive custom made hutch;; Bookshelves; Wagon wheels; Dressers; Sofas; Dining sets; Bedroom furniture; Nightstands; China hutches; Armoires; End tables. We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. New arrivals every Fri & Sat. Photos on Facebook, https:Facebook.com/ ETEstateSales. Look for most current album. ET Estate Sales, LLC, 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick, WA. Near the Cable Bridge, next to Zip’s. 509-5399775.

HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ers, lawn mow­ers, gar­bage, yard de­bris, fur­ni­ture, ap­plianc­es, you name it, and more! For free es­timate call; 541-5610962. BLACK­BER­RIES U-PICK & WE PICK 77598 S. Edwards Rd., Stanfield; 541379-4111. STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­dard Walk-In Bath­tub. Re­ceive up to $1,500 off, in­clud­ing a free toi­let, and a Life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion; Call us at 1-855-5346198. SEEKING COMPANIONSHIP Active, healthy 75 yr old single white male. Quiet, happy natured, never smoked, non drinker, 6’2” tall, dark hair, likes walks, dinners out, watching movies, have large dvd/ movie collection! Playing table games, own 2 cute older cars, fun drives! I am very affectionate, loyal, 1 woman man. Seeking non smoking, fun loving, gentle lady in her 70s. Enjoying quiet times together. Write: 6921 W Wernett Rd, Pasco, Washington, 99301. OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: used, new, and of­fic­es. Vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers”. In­sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. PARKING LOT TOOL SALE Vintage & antique tool parking lot sale, 7am11am, Sat, Sept 21, 2019. Located at 5528 West Van Giesen, West Richland. Antique & vintage tools of all kinds. Woodworking: Planes, wood & metal; Braces & bits; Chisels; Carving chisels; Draw knives; Spoke shaves; Saws; Levels; Squares. Machinist: Micrometers; Levels; Squares; Rules; Calipers; Leather working; Craftool stamps; Knives; Letter stamps, & a lot more! VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­la­ tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­ liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­tact an sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive at our of­fice. You will no­t ice the dif­f erence im­me­diate­ly! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 5

MAS­SEY FER­GU­SON 570: 4 bot­tom roll over plow, very good con­di­ tion, $4500, 509-5221480 or 509-520-0380, Wal­la Wal­la.

GER­MAN SHEPHERD Hus­ky pup­pies: 4 fe­ males, 1 male, vac­ cine/worm­ing UTD $250 each; call 541571-3957, Stan­field.

TIMOTHY or ALFALFA TIMOTHY 2nd CUTTING: 2-tie, $11 per bale, 3x4 bales, $225/ton Alfalfa Grass 3rd cutting, 2-tie, $11 per bale, 3x4 bales, $200/ton; 541571-7601, Hermiston.

AKC SILVER LABS Unique, smart Silver Labrador Retrievers, ready for their forever homes Oct 4th, 2019. We have both males & females available. All of our Silver Labs are AKC registered. You can ask for full registration, or limited registration. They will receive dewclaw removal, first shots, dewormed, microchipped, & 1 year health guarantee. $250 deposit will hold your adorable puppy, who has been raised with both mom & dad by his side. $1500 limited registration * $1750 full registration. Our family has brought these puppies into a loving home, surrounded by 3 children who love them. Labs are dogs of multiple talents; Silver Labs are unique, & continue the traits of all Labs. Labrador Retrievers are divergent in many roles, from therapy dogs, military, hunting, to a wonderful family companion for life. They are truly a dog that will make your family complete. Located in Outlook, WA. Call today, 509391-0532. Website, https://silver-labradorretrievers-akc.my-free. website/

WHERE’S THE BEEF Beau­ti­ful, or­gan­i­cal­ly raised on pas­ture and grain An­gus steers, Prime beef only $2.50 per pound, half or whole hang­ ing weight 9we pay slaugh­ ter, you pay cut and wrap only). If you are look­ ing for some great beef, we have two left that will be avail­ able late in Sep­tem­ber! These are beau­ti­ful steers! Call Bill or Bea now at; 541-720-8680 or 541-310-8887 to place your or­der. 2017 RTV-X1120 Ku­ bo­ta: 4x4, die­sel, util­i­ ty SBS, ful­ly en­closed, heat­ er kit, 4,000lb., winch, Cam­o­plas­tic side by side tracks, ful­ ly load­ ed, only 106 hours, $19,750; 541571-2772 leave mes­ sage, Stan­field. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $300/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. 3 TIE STRAW BALES Very clean 3 tie straw bales, $9 each or 12 for $100. Call 509-5213505; 509-430-1038. Connell. ALFALFA SEED Fine stemmed. $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-301-6699. JOHN Deere 655 three point rototiller, exc cond, used about 10 times over the garden, always stored inside, $2950. 509-205-0334. WallaWalla. LOCKER BEEF FOR SALE Call for pricing/ info. 541-256-0907. GOOD FOOD! Good for­t une! Good buys! All can be found Nickel clas­si­fieds.

YAKIMA: Beautiful, healthy CKC Boston Terrier puppies, only 2 males left! 1 black/ white, 1 red/ white. $800. 509-248-3088; 509-388-6741. AKC REG LABS American Labrador Retrievers, dewclaws removed, first shots & health checked, 4 black males, 1 yellow female, 7 yellow males. Mom’s hips & elbows are certified. Ready to go home Sept 30, born 8/12/19. Call or text, 509-318-4710. Connell, WA. Y O R K I E P O O PUPPIES with different colors, 6 wks, ready to go, the best puppy you’ll ever have! $450. 425-374-9925. SoapLake,WA.

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2012 VOLKS­WA­GEN Pas­sat S: 6 speed man­u­al, 2.5L, load­ed! $8999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er. 1997 FORD F150 cab and 6’ bed: both are off the frame, make off­er; 541-314-0137, Uma­ til­la. DOUG THE carburetor guy will trade work for firewood; 541-4291042, Pen­dle­ton. 1970 PON­TI­AC: 4 door, H.T., total­ ly re­ built 455, auto, pow­er steer­ ing, air, 122,000 origi­nal miles, vi­nyl top, origi­nal in­teri­or, re­ built sus­pen­sion, new rub­ber, sharp da­i­ly driv­ er, $4950, or best off­er; 541-720-8680, Bill. HYUNDAI ELANTRA 2007: 152,000 millas, manual de 5 velocidades, en buen estado, funciona bien, limpia interior y exterior, titulo limpio, $ 3,800 o la mejor oferta; 541-371-8620 Hermiston, OR. WANTED DEAD or dying Subaru’s: 2002 or newer, cash paid; 541-963-9328, LaGrande. DONATE YOUR car to Ve­ter­ans To­day! Help and sup­ port our Ve­ter­ans. Fast-FREE pick-up. 100% tax de­ duct­ ible. Call 1-800245-0398. $100 PRE­PAID VISA GIFT CARD with your ve­hi­cle pur­ chase of $5000 or more! Only at Swain Mo­tors, Inc.; 541-5672277, HWY 395 at the top of the hill! AVOID A $1 bill­ing fee by pay­ing for your ad when you place it or by that Fri­day by 12pm.


xington Pu mP

1988 CHE­VY SUB­ UR­BAN: 4x4, man­u­al hubs, new tires, runs good, $1,000; 541314-0445, Her­mis­ton. 1991 FORD F150: F/B, 4x4, au­tomat­ic, runs ex­cel­lent, looks good, less than 80,000 miles on 351W, 3” cus­ tom ex­haust, ask­ing $2,100; leave mes­ sage, 541-429-0116 seri­ous calls, Pi­lot Rock, OR. OFF ROAD TIRES (4) 31x10.50x15 Maxxis Bighorn: approximately 40% tread, $250; 541-9804939, Hermiston.

1988 35’ JAY­CO 5th wheel RV: in Her­mis­ ton, must be moved, $2000 or best off­ er; 541-567-4188 or 541567-7885. FRANKS SEW­ER service Is a 3rd gen­er­ a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness: We pro­ vide prompt, cour­teous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­ peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can de­ pend on! Main­tenance is al­ways cheap­er than re­place­ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ment, be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541567-8612.

2002 GMC En­voy: leath­ er seats, good con­di­tion, air con­di­ tion­ing, ex­te­ri­or in good con­di­tion, tires like new, $1500; 541571-7455, Uma­til­la. FOR SALE: 2003 Frieghtlin­er FL50, 28’ box with lift, chains and new bat­ter­ies, $8500 firm, call dale; 541-969-3842, Pen­ dle­ton. FOR SALE: 1982 Jeep Wa­goneer, 1990 Jeep Cher­o­kee, part­ing out, 2000 Dodge 1500, 2000 Dodge Car­ a­ van; 541-983-2603, Meacham.

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section JM EA­GLE Com­pa­ny is lookng for a Class A CDL truck driv­ er with cur­rent med­i­cal card and clean driv­ing record. Lo­ cal hauls, home each night, hours nor­mal­ly 7am to 3:30pm, Mon­day thru Fri­day. Ex­cel­lent ben­ e­fits: No de­duct­ible Med­i­cal, Den­tal, Vision, paid life and ac­cid­ent in­ surance, too many ben­e­fits to list, wage DOE. To ap­ ply, come to the plant lo­cat­ed at: 31240 Rox­ bury Rd., Uma­til­la, OR 97882. Hwy 730 West­bound to Bud Drap­er Rd. (Port of Uma­til­la) go left to the “T” and go right, plant will be on your left.

TRUCK DRIV­ER TRAINEES NEED­ED at Ste­vens Trans­port: Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Train­ing! No ex­peri­ence need­ed; 1-844-452-4121, dri­ ve4­ste­vens.com DRIVERS needed/ necesitados de choferes: Immediate positions avail for CDL Class A truck drivers. Local hauling, home every evening & weekends. Posicion immediata disponible para chofer con licensia cdl clase A. En casa todo los dias y fines de semana. Call today/ llame ahora Ismael, 509-492-1021.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! $500 SIGN ON BONUS SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS AVAILABLE BENEFITS • Part Time (full-time available) • Accident Insurance • Paid Training • Critical Care Insurance • Flexible Scheduling • Dental • No CDL Required to Apply • Medical Plan DIESEL MECHANICS • Vision • $18-$26 an hour DOE • 401K • Diesel Mechanic Exp. (Required)


MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

MED­IC ­ AL BILL­ING Trainees Need­ed: Train at home for a ca­reer as a Med­i­cal Of­fice Pro­fes­sion­al at CTI! 1-833-766-4511 Ask­CTI.com DITCH RID­ER Her­mis­ton Ir­ri­ga­tion Dis­trict is ac­cept­ing ap­pli­ca­tions for main­ tenance crew work­ ers. We need sea­son­al work­ ers to help with win­ter main­tenance pro­jects. This would be a sea­son­al po­si­ tion through the end of the year. There is a pos­sibil­i­ty of a full-time po­si­tion af­ter the first of the year to the right can­ didate. Work will in­clude can­al main­ tenance, pi­pe­line in­ stalla­tion, con­crete work, clear­ ing brush, mow­ing and burn­ing. Must deal cour­teous­ly with the pub­lic. Knowl­ edge of ir­ri­ga­tion prac­ tic­es, gen­er­al me­chan­ ics and the abil­ i­ ty to op­er­ate ma­chin­ery a plus. CDL or pes­ti­cide li­cense a plus. You must have the abil­ i­ ty to work out­doors in all types of weath­ er and to per­form phys­i­cal work. For ap­pli­ca­tions please con­ tact Her­ mis­ton Ir­ri­ga­tion Dis­ trict, at 366 E Hurl­burt Ave­nue, Her­mis­ton or email: Busi­ness@Her­ mis­ton­ID.org.


Camp Host • Administrator • Maintenance Technicians • Operator Technicians • Laboratory Technicians • Cooks • Bartenders/Servers • CDL ‘A’ Drivers • Diesel Mechanics •


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202 N. Main St, Ste 4•Boardman

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LO­CAL WA­TER Dis­ tri­bu­tion Co., seek­ing De­liv­ery Driv­er/Shop per­son: must have clean driv­ ing record. Full-time em­ploy­ment avail­able. If in­ter­est­ed, please call for de­tails; 1-888-745-4642. IM­ME­DIATE NEED Un­lock­ing train, flag­ ging tracks, hand­ ing out seals, roll­ ing tarps, open­ ing con­ tain­ er doors on tip­ pers, Will learn safe op­er­a­tion of the tip­per. Per­form da­i­ly, pre and post in­spec­tions and ba­sic maintenance du­ties. House­keep­ ing and leav­ ing the deck. Knowl­edge in all land­fill prac­tic­es and procedures, must be able to work alone and with­out su­per­vision for ex­tend­ed pe­ri­ods of time. Must pro­vide ver­i­fia ­ ble work his­tory, valid driv­ ers license, and trans­por­ta­tion, pre-em­ploy­ment drug screen and back­ground check. Steel toe boots must be worn. Shifts will be Mon­day- Fri­ day, 6:00am-4:30pm, 40 hours per week with fre­quent over­time. This is a long term po­ si­tion with per­ma­nent place­ment pos­si­bil­i­ties. Train­ ing and cross train­ing will be pro­vid­ ed. Please email: mis­a­ las@peo­pler­ea­dy.com NOW HIRING YARD DOG DRIVERS Boardman/ Hermiston. Medelez, Inc, located in Hermiston, OR, is now hiring full time Yard Dog Drivers in the Boardman/ Hermiston area, two shifts, year round. Salary $15/ hr, no experience necessary. must have reliable transportation. Duties include, but are not limited to, backing & setting trailers. Other benefits offered to those who qualify: Health insurance, Aflac, 401k retirement plan, savings program, paid vacation. Bilingual helpful. 2 seasonal positions also open at Pioneer Hybrid. For application, please call Human Resource, 541-567-4098, or pick up at 30522 Oldfield St, Hermiston, OR. Medelez, Inc is an EEO.

AIR­LINES ARE HIR­ ING: Get FAA ap­ proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­ nan­ cial Aid for quali­ fied stud­ents - Ca­reer place­ment as­sis­ tance; CALL Avia­ tion In­sti­tute of Main­ tenance 888-6861704. THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­c hant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541-567-2230, 541276-7039. DRIVERS needed/ necesitados de choferes: Immediate positions avail for CDL Class A truck drivers. Local hauling, home every evening & weekends. Posicion immediata disponible para chofer con licensia cdl clase A. En casa todo los dias y fines de semana. Call today/ llame ahora Ismael, 509492-1021. JM EA­GLE Com­pa­ny is lookng for a Class A CDL truck driv­ er with cur­rent med­i­cal card and clean driv­ing record. Lo­ cal hauls, home each night, hours nor­mal­ly 7am to 3:30pm, Mon­day thru Fri­day. Ex­cel­lent ben­e­fits: No de­duct­ ible Med­i­cal, Den­tal, Vision, paid life and ac­cid­ent in­surance, too many ben­e­fits to list, wage DOE. To ap­ ply, come to the plant lo­cat­ed at: 31240 Rox­ bury Rd., Uma­ til­ la, OR 97882. Hwy 730 West­ bound to Bud Drap­er Rd. (Port of Uma­til­la) go left to the “T” and go right, plant will be on your left.

BUSY BEE Preschool and child care has 2 openings for children age 2 or over, 1001 things to do, transportation to elementary schools, call for interview; 541567-2002.

YARD SALE: bi­cy­ cles, tools, fur­ni­ture, self con­tained trail­er, good con­di­tion, cloth­ ing, bed linens, kitch­en items, jew­el­ry, books, baby items, small trail­ er, rid­ing lawn mow­er, several weed eat­ ers, too many items to men­ tion. Come and see, best and last sale of the year, clean­ ing out stor­ age, someth­ ing for eve­ry­one. Thurs­day thru Sun­ day, Sep­tem­ber 19th thru Sep­tem­ber 22nd. 9am-4pm, and Sun­ day, 10:00-5:00pm, 738 E Cather­ine Ave­ nue, Her­mis­ton. ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, Sept 22, 2019. 340 W Highway 203, Union, OR. Clark & Daughter Auction barn. Truly beautiful antique furniture & other antiques. Helen was an antique dealer & accomplished artist. Metal wagon wheels; Oak table & chairs; Shaving stand; Entry table; Lamps; Drop leaf table; Oriental tables; Display cases; China cabinet; Dressers; Wonderful clocks; Fenton; Fostoria; Red Wing; Hummel; Butter mold; Vintage table & chairs; Rocker; Recliners; Zane Grey book collection; Keyboard; Coin collections; Original art; Picture frames; Kangaroo hide drum; Flat screen tv; Secretarial desk; Silverware; Toby mugs; China; Old cameras; Ship in a bottle; Reloading supplies; Knives; Spotting scope; Tools; Camo clothes; Archery supplies; Backpacks; Camelbacks; Barber pole, & a whole lot more. 10% buyers premium. All items sold as is, where is. Cash, check, or creditcard.View at www.clark-auctions. com. Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, auctioneer. 541-9100189.

WOOD STOVE: Wood­stock Soap­ stone “Fire­view Mod­ el,” black. This is the last wood stove you’ll ever have to buy pe­ ri­ od. Two 2-inch thick Soap­stone slabs throughout, re­tain and ra­ di­ ate heat, like our steel stoves could nev­er do. In­ter­net search “Wood­stock Soap­stone” and see for your­ self and read re­views. 90 de­gree el­ bow with two sec­tions of dou­ ble wall pipe, and Chim­ ney brush in­clud­ed, $1,000; 541571-2718, Stan­field.

ANTIQUE CHINA cabinet: $500 cash, no items included; 541-571-3529, Umatilla. LIKE BRAND NEW KING SIZE sol­id wood bed­ room set with pil­ low top mat­ tress: in­cludes night stand, chest of draw­ ers, dress­ er, $4,000. Din­ ing room, table, sol­ id dark wood, like new con­di­tion, seats 7, pop-out leaf, $800. Rea­son­able off­ers con­sid­ered. For de­tails or pic­tures; call Teri at 509-910-4303, Ir­ri­gon, OR.

DINING ROOM table with six chairs: 60”x42” with three 12” leaves, $275 cash; 541-571-3529, Umatilla.

YARD SALE: Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, 8am5pm, tools, pow­ er tools, trail­ ers, wash­ er and dry­er, fur­ni­ture PRO­TECT YOUR and more! 33022 E. HOME AND FAM­I­ Pun­kin Ct., Her­mis­ton. LY with Viv­int Smart Home. Call 844-475HORN RAPIDS 6160 to­day to re­ceive Horn Rapids a FREE $50 GIFT­ Community Garage CARD with your pur­ Sales! Sept 20th & chase. Use pro­ mo 21st, from 7am-2pm. code: FREE50 Located off the 240 Vantage Highway, Richland. 3 FA FAM­I­LY Yard Sale part Es­tate sale: Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 20th & 21st, 9am-5pm, 235 N.E. 10th St., Her­mis­ ton, up the hill from Sand­stone school. A var­ ie­ ty of things, to many to name. Cash only.

SOFA AND love seat: excellent condition, $300 cash; 541-5713529, Umatilla. THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want!

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

advertising Covering Hermiston, Pendleton, Umatilla, Boardman, Echo, Walla Walla and Surrounding Areas

Want Ad Newspaper

Ashley Ochoa

Hermiston/Pendleton/Walla Walla

1055 N. 1st Street Hermiston, OR 97838

(541) 567-2230 fax (541) 564-8403


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e-mail: hermnickel@hotmail.com

People buy some papers to read...but they read the Nickel to buy!



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(541)567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 Stop by our Showroom! 30599 Lauback St • Hermiston w w w. m r i n s u l a t i o n . i n f o mrinsulation@eotnet.net • CCB#97049 •Member N.e.o.h.B.v

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The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 8

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

HEY! YOU don’t have to go far to find a great bar­gain! You can find it in the Nick­el!

Family Owned and Operated Since 2003 ‘13 Kia Rio .................................. $7,999 ‘10 Chevy Impala ........................ $6,999 ‘03 Dodge Durango 4x4.............. $4,999 ‘07 Chevy Aveo........................... $2,999 ‘09 Honda Accord ....................... $8,999


‘07 Nissan Quest ........................ $5,999 ‘06 Nissan Sentra ....................... $3,999 ‘89 Honda Civic ............................. $450 ‘00 Kia Sephia ............................... $700 ‘99 Toyota Corolla .......................... $998


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Affordable Used Cars From Our Family To Yours Open 7 Days A Week 10am-9pm 330 SW 11th St., Hermiston 541-567-5657 • 541-571-8616

VIN #’s Posted At Dealership. Vehicles Subject To Prior Sale. Prices Good Thru 10/2/19

JIM & DOTTIE’S GRAND & GLORIUS GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 21st, 8 o’clock in the morning. 1023 SW 19th Court, Hermiston, Oregon USA. After retiring from our vintage shop, Gathered Over Time and just plain stuffing things in boxes for years we are going through every one, and cleaning out the corners of home, garage and storages. We’re selling shop and household overflow, folk art goose decoys, orphaned chairs and doors, lamp shades, old knobs and hinges, vintage flatware, fancy paint brushes, a kerosene heater, an electric radiator heater, a router with bits, wooden wine boxes from Napa, CA. A water bath canning kettle, old frames and books, a Wagner Flexio 890 Paint Sprayer, 1940s serapes, Fiesta plates and holy smokes way more stuff. Way. So, how about you come and buy our stuff? Just the one day. Prices are negotiable depending on how much you buy and how late in the day it is. And if you are nice. Especially if you are nice.

Lube, Oil, & Filter

WOOD STOVE: Wood­stock Soap­ stone “Fire­view Mod­ el,” black. This is the last wood stove you’ll ever have to buy pe­ ri­ od. Two 2-inch thick Soap­stone slabs throughout, re­tain and ra­ di­ ate heat, like our steel stoves could nev­er do. In­ter­net search “Wood­stock Soap­stone” and see for your­ self and read re­views. 90 de­gree el­ bow with two sec­tions of dou­ ble wall pipe, and Chim­ ney brush in­clud­ed, $1,000; 541571-2718, Stan­field.

LAWYERS BOOK case: $150 cash, no items included; 541571-3529, Umatilla. CHRIS­TIAN GRIEF SHARE SUP­PORT GROUP (Notice: date chage) The 13 week Fall Ses­ sion of Grief Share Re­cov­ery, has ar­ rived: Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm, at the Stanfield Baptist Church, 310 E. Wheel­ er Ave., Stan­field. For more in­for­ma­tion call; Scott Ziel­ke at 541571-6886.


Up to 5 qts. oil on most vehicles. Trucks, diesels & synthetics at additional charge.

•Battery •Brakes & Antifreeze

Just stOp In!

NEED MORE SPACE? Need more space ar­ ound your home? We have lots. We can ac­com­modate your needs. Come vis­it our flat, light­ed, fenced facil­i­ty, with a 24 hour off site se­cur­i­ty sys­ tem. 14 x 42 Stor­age Units, 14 x 42 Cov­ered Stor­age Spaces, Open Out­door Stor­age, Blagg Stor­age Facil­it­y, 801 SE Nye Ave. Pen­ dle­ton. 541-379-0092. PRICE RE­DUC­TION 1997 AL­PENL­ITE: 29’ with 14’ slide, new tires, pos­si­ble hitch in­ clud­ed, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, used very lit­tle, $9,000 or best off­ er; 541-571-2881 or 541571-4836, Her­mis­ton, OR. 24’ 2017 Sa­lem Light: used 4 times, like new, couch con­ verts to a Murphy bed, slide, TV, all the new features, so pretty inside, $15,000; 541567-9660 or 541-7200437, Her­mis­ton.


FREE Check

NEED MORE SPACE? Need more space ar­ ound your home? We have lots. We can ac­com­modate your needs. Come vis­it our flat, light­ed, fenced facil­i­ty, with a 24 hour off site se­cur­i­ty sys­ tem. 14 x 42 Stor­age Units, 14 x 42 Cov­ered Stor­age Spaces, Open Out­door Stor­age, Blagg Stor­age Facil­it­y, 801 SE Nye Ave. Pen­ dle­ton. 541-379-0092. MOBILE GUY RV Repair, 509-212-4466. MobileGuyRV@gmail. com.

Complimentary Car Wash & Vacuum!


1998 FLEET­WOOD DIS­COV­ERY Mo­tor­ home: 34ft., die­sel, clean., lots of base­ ment stor­ age, wash­ er and dry­er, low use and mile­ age, $22,000 or best off­er; 541-5716024, Her­mis­ton, OR.

ANTIQUE SECTRETARY: $125 cash, no items included; 541571-3529, Umatilla.

p o t S e n O r u Yo ! e c i v r e S o t Au 541-567-2277

80406 Hwy 395 N., Hermiston Top of the Hill

THENICKELONLINE. COM You can also find us on Facebook.

08 MON­TA­NA 5th wheel price reduction: 4 slideouts, whirl­pool wash­ er/dry­er, ex­cel­lent shape in­side and out! $15,500; 541-2762516, Pen­dle­ton.


NAPR REG. Border Collies, born 5/7/19, 3 shots, dewormed, $100. Near Pendleton, Oregon. Can travel. 541-969-0783.

MY NAME is Kuma, I am an AKC registered standard Aussie, 9 months, my master moved out of state, couldn’t take me, I have a tail, my breeder needs rehoming fee $650.00; 509540-2040. AKC FRENCH Bulldog puppies, well bred, beautiful litter, first shots, microchipped, vet checked, written health guarantee, brindle, blue, & fawn males & females. Parents genetically tested, & puppies are clear of inherited issues. Bred for health & temperament, 35 years experience raising select puppies. Please call or text for more information. Prices start at $1500. 541571-7430. Hermiston. BOXWEILER PUPS Half Rottweiler & half Boxer puppies, shots, kennel cough & deworming done. Those lovable fur babies are ready for their new forever homes. Asking $300 if interested, please call me at 509-969-7296. Yakima. PUREBRED French Bulldog puppies, 4 lilac females & 1 platinum lilac male, $3500 obo. 360-265-7921. TriCities. MINI AUSSIE PUPS Reg., vaccinated, socialized, born late March. Boys & girl avail, $700-$1200. Younger litter also avail. Two 1 yr old males avail, $400. Partial delivery avail. www.oregonaussie. net 541-518-9284. BakerCity, OR.

& Discover ‘What’s in it for YOU’

in 1105 N. 1st St. • 541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Integrity Dealerships





5AT BIG DAYS! COLUMBIA PARK 60 Pre-Owned 90 Pre-Owned


12 Camrys! 13 Corollas! 14 RAV-4’s! 7 Highlanders! 8 Tacomas! 6 Tundras!


25 Foresters! 30 Outbacks! 10 Crosstreks, Imprezas & Legacys! 5 WRX’s!

41 Pre-Owned Mercedes 6 Pre-Owned Cadillacs 40 Pre-Owned Fords! 25 Pre-Owned GMC’s! 15 Pre-Owned Jeeps! 22 Pre-Owned Nissans!

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Wed. Sept. 18th • 9am-9pm Thurs. Sept. 19th • 9am-9pm ON ENTIRE Fri. Sept. 20th • 9am-9pm SELECTION! Sat. Sept. 21st • 9am-9pm Sun. Sept. 22nd •10am-6pm SPECIAL EVENT


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Hondas! 25 Accords! 30 CR-V’s! 10 HR-V’s! 13 Civics! 7 Odysseys!

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LOCAL: 509-547-5555 TOLL FREE:

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*On approved credit. Customer must have certain credit history requirements to qualify, ask any finance manager for more details. A negotiable documentation fee in the amount of $150 will be added to all advertised pricing at the time of purchase or lease. All vehicle offers and special Annual Percentage rate offers will expire on the close of business 9-22-19 when this sale event closes. All offers are based on vehicle availability. McCurley Integrity Auto Dealerships and the advertising agency of Larry John Wright of Mesa, AZ. reserve the right to correct all advertising offers in this publication in the event an error on an offer(s) has taken place prior to or during the publishing of this advertising through the use of a retraction letter written and posted by both the LJW agency and McCurley dealership management.

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 10

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide 2 bed­room 1 bath home in 55 plus com­mun­i­ty: large liv­ ing room and kitch­en, stove, re­frig­ era­tor, wash­er and dry­ er in­clud­ed, par­tial­ly fur­ nished, $7000; call af­ ter 4pm, 541-2150117 or 541-561-4386, 53785 W. Crockett Rd. Space 11, Mil­ton-Free­ wa­ter.


Buttercreek Apartments 405 SW 11th Street Hermiston, OR 97838 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 1 & 2 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Onsite laundry facility. Project phone #: 541-567-7595 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

FOR SALE BY OWN­ER 2 BED­ROOM one bath home West­on, OR: with shop, on 2 lots, al­ most 1 acre; 541-3795246, leave mes­sage. FRANKS SEW­ER service Is a 3rd gen­er­ a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness: We pro­ vide prompt, cour­teous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­ peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can de­ pend on! Main­tenance is al­ways cheap­er than re­place­ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your MANAGEMENT ap­point­ment, be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541567-8612.

PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981

5 TIM­BERED moun­ tain re­crea­tion acr­es at Pov­er­ty Flats: just off the I-84 Free­ way, has pre-sep­ tic ap­pro­val, needs well, for in­for­ma­tion call; 541-379-1380, please leave mes­ sage. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. WIL­DER­NESS RE­ TREAT: bor­ders Uma­til­la Na­tion­al For­est in Gar­field Coun­ty, Washing­ton, near Troy, Or­e­gon. Own­er con­tract. 20 acr­ es $89,500 or 40 acr­ es with lake $200,000; 509-7516751.

NEW­LY RE­MO­ DELED: 3 bed­room, 2 bath­room, $45,000, lo­ cat­ed in all fam­i­ly park, please call; 541-2767632, to set an ap­ point­ment, Pendleton. 4.8 VIEW ACRES YAKIMA West Valley, SP96-26. Subdivided into 4 lots with beautiful views, graded driveways, power & well water to each site. 12 minute drive to Yakima. $203,000. 509-9526552. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­play for your busi­ ness, large or small. Cir­c u­l a­t ion of over 16,000 in Uma­t il­l a, Mor­r ow, & Gil­l iam coun­t ies. For more in­f or­m a­t ion, con­t act an sales rep­r e­s en­ ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039.

3 BED­ROOM 1 bath apart­ment Her­mis­ton: large liv­ing room, new ap­plianc­es in­clud­ed, new car­ pet, no pets, $925 a month, plus $50 monthly for wa­ter, sew­er, gar­bage, and base de­pos­it start­ing at $1,500; 503-2012819. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month. $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi-fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ room and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205. FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/Sleep­ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ ing at $308 and up per week, plus first, last, and de­pos­it, call Til­li­cum Inn Annex, Uma­til­la; 541-9223236.



$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10 $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Storage Units12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.



705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIES inc.

Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St.






PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



2 BED­ROOM 2 bath mo­bile home: $700 a month, plus de­pos­it; 541-701-1520, Her­ mis­ton. ROOM OR ROOMS FOR RENT Ir­ri­gon, Or­e­gon. Price ne­go­ti­able de­pend­ing on your needs; 541377-5555. 3 BEDROOM 2 bath house for­sale in Her­ mis­ton, call Frost Prop­er­ties; Bob, 541561-5510 or Al, 541561-5310, Her­mis­ton.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. Down­town, stu­dios, rent $450. All util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure. Ask about the Sa­voy Ho­tel also. (509) 248-2146. ARE YOU RE­TIRED? You help us, we help you! Would like someone with a wide range of knowl­ edge that likes to stay busy, you pay $200 per month, help us main­ tain our place, we have room for an RV and a small pet, wa­ter, sew­er and elec­tric in­clud­ed; 541-289-3216, Her­ mis­ton. 3 BED­ROOM, 1 bath house: cen­tral lo­ca­ tion in Mil­ton-Free­ wa­ ter, $600 month, $500 de­pos­it; cal 509520-0121 or 541-3771267. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at; www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing. Call a sales rep­re­sen­ ta­tive to­day to find out what The Nickel can do for you! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

BOOKS & MOVIES at Columbia Grange Break­fast on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am11am, Her­mis­ton. COM­PUT­ER IS­ SUES? FREE DI­AG­ NO­SIS by GEEKS ON SITE! Virus Re­mov­al, Data Re­cov­ery! 24/7 EMER­GEN­CY $20 OFF ANY SERV­ICE with cou­pon 42522! Restri­cyions ap­ply. 1-866-969-2936

CASH PAID for your un­want­ed In­o­gen or Re­spir­on­ics port­able ox­y­gen con­cen­tra­tors. Call now to get a topdol­lar off­er! Agents avail­ able 7 days a week 877-315-7116. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. Start Sav­ing BIG on Med­i­ca­tions! Up To 90% Sav­ings from 90DAY MEDS! Over 3500 Med­i­ca­ tions Avail­able! Pre­ scrip­tions Re­quired. Pharm­a­cy Check­er Ap­proved. CALL To­ day for Your FREE Qu­ote, 1-866-7829745. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­ GEN THER­A­PY US­ ERS! In­o­gen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE in­ for­ma­tion kit; Call 877929-9587.

1996 CHE­VY Sil­ ver­a­do: 4x4, 3 door, 138,000 miles, asking $5,850; 541-278-2005, leave mes­ sage, Pen­ dle­ton. $100 PRE­PAID VISA GIFT CARD with your ve­hi­cle pur­ chase of $5000 or more! Only at Swain Mo­tors, Inc.; 541-5672277, HWY 395 at the top of the hill! 92 FORD EX­PLOR­ ER: 4x4, 5 speed, new clutch, runs great, clean in­side & out; 541561-3600 Her­mis­ton.

MINI AUSSIES: 2 red tris, 1 female, 1 male, $850 ea. Ready Sept 23rd. 509-588- 2616; 509-851-8707. Benton City, WA. REG YORKIE puppies, ready for their forever homes. Current on shots & dewormings. Asking $1400 females, & $1100 for males obo. 509-828-9370. Spokane. AKC LABRADOR PUPPIES All colors, parents OFA tested, vet checked, shots/ deworming current. Ready now! Family raised hunting dogs! $700- $1200, limited & full AKC. 509-9473946, text. Facebook: zuhlkehuntinglabs. CKC REG­IS­TERED fe­male Yorkie: cur­rent on shots, 15 weeks old, she will be small, $1,000; 541-371-8875, Her­mis­ton. MISSING IRISH SETTER Please be on the lookout for a 7 month old female Irish Setter. Solid red color. Believed to be stolen on 9/14/19. If seen, please contact Tyler, 509-707-9970. Reward money available.

86 PON­TI­AC FIERO: rare H. O. V-6, mid en­gine, street le­gal, fac­ tory built race car, $2500 or best off­ er; 541-429-1042, Pen­ dle­ton.

FOR STUD or pos­si­ ble sale: black Span­ish bil­ly goat. If you want some good Kids... This is your guy! Off­ers con­sid­ered; 541-3791380, Stan­field.

1968 FORD Mus­tang coupe: strong 289, auto, pow­ er steer­ ing, ster­ eo, vi­ nyl top, mags, new rub­ ber, origi­nal in­teri­or, lots of chrome, great da­i­ly driv­er, pa­rade ready, $9250, or best off­ er; 541-720-8680, Bill.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

Hyundai Elantra 2007: 152,000 millas, manual de 5 velocidades, en buen estado, funciona bien, limpia interior y exterior, título limpio, $ 3,800 o la mejor oferta; 541371-8620 Hermiston, OR. CASH FOR CARS: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Na­tion­wide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1-800864-5960. WANTED: 1981 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. Call/ text, 509-578-8615. 1963 DODGE Dart 4 dr, $400; 1965 Oldsmobile Starfire coupe, $6500; 1980 Geo Convertible, $1000; 1981 Mustang, $800; 1992 Pontiac Sunbird, $500; 1948 Mercury sedan coupe, $8500. Call Gene, 509-308-2482. TriCities.

2 WEST­ERN sad­dles: 1- 15”, 1- 18”, $650; 541-561-0863, Her­ mis­ton. 07 SIL­VER­AD ­ O all alu­ mi­num cus­tom built horse trail­er: 3 horse, 8’wx10’sw, raised roof, 60-30-30 tanks, Oak cab­i­net­ry, 2 bat­ter­ies, 2 pro­ pane tanks, one own­ er, very low miles, al­ways stored in­doors, $37,500; call or text 509240-0700, Wal­la Wal­la.

WEIN­ER PIGS: for sale please con­ tact Juli; 541-561-9871, in the Board­man area.

BUY­ING ALL class­es of Horses: J.A. Ben­ nett Live­ stock; 541523-6119, 541-5192902.

3 TIE STRAW BALES Very clean 3 tie straw bales, $9 each or 12 for $100. Call 509-5213505; 509-430-1038. Connell.

HORSE TRAIN­ING & SALES Cur­rent­ly tak­ing just a few horses. 2 old­er gen­ tle horses, 1 Geld­ing & 1 Mare, $1000 each; Raw­ley Stan­ley, 541561-4789, Her­mis­ton.

SHE­TLAND ICE­LAN­ TIC cross sheep as well as Ne­ bi­ an goat cross, cheap, ready to re­ home; 541-5611728, Her­mis­ton.

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

LIM­OU­SIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail­ able now. Wilde Ranch­es; 541-454-2994.

.375 RUG­ER: 7 box­ es ammo, .338 Winchester Mag­num, 7 box­ es ammo, $700 each, HOWA .308 Kryp­tech Cam­mo, with tri-pod, scope, 12 box­ es of ammo, $800; 541969-4629, Stan­field. AN­TLER BUY­ER Buy­ ing all grades of elk, deer and moose. Pen­dle­ton and Wal­ la Wal­ la ar­ eas, call or text Tom; 541-3794963. Fol­low on Face­ book or In­ stgram at Tom’s An­tler Biz. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA.

Metal Roofing & Siding Manufacturer Custom-Cut Materials Available For Pick-Up the Next Day!

-545-017 9 0 0



The Clean Spot is the best Laundromat in Umatilla. The cleanest, brightest with the most machines for your convenience. 7th and Switzer, Umatilla.

2008 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD, 137k miles, V-6, well maintained, clean rig, runs great, cold AC, fresh tuneup, new windshield, new tranny fluids, new ignition key assembly, selling $6,305, will consider reasonable offers, must see in Stanfield, OR.; text only, 503269-7823 email only, jakelegger@msn.com

3/4 CANE Corso, 1/4 African Boerboel puppies, born July 16, have first shots & are dewormed & ready to go home, 6 females left, asking $500. Located in Yakima, WA. Call or text 509834-9879; 509-8954378.




LO­CUST FIRE­WOOD: cut, split, $200 a cord, de­liv­ery avail­able; call 541-379-4469, Board­ man.

FRANKS SEW­ER service Is a 3rd gen­er­ a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ness: We pro­ vide prompt, cour­teous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­ peri­ence you can trust from a guy you can de­ pend on! Main­tenance is al­ways cheap­er than re­place­ment. Call to­ day and sched­ule your ap­point­ment, be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541567-8612.


C O M­M E R­C I A L WHEEL chair lift, $3600; rare vin­ tage alu­mi­num trail­ er, $350; 1991 Isu­ zu Troop­ er, 4 wheel drive, man­u­al, $1600; mo­tor­ized bi­cy­cle, $300; 21 speed hy­ brid cruis­er bi­cy­cle, 26”, sus­pen­sion fork and seat post, $150; Wol­ver­ine saf­tey boots, men’s size 13, nev­er worn, $95; Car­ hartt in­su­lat­ed jack­et, nev­ er worn, wom­ en’s size XS, $65; 2 nev­er used vin­tage chef’’s knives, Gerb­ er USA, $55 and $65 or set for $110; Dell In­spi­ron 1520 lap­top, re­fur­bished, with ex­ tend­ed bat­tery, $95; snowshoes, $75; 509440-7098, all items are or best off­er.

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 11



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The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 12

1981 (23-1/2’) BAY­ LIN­ER FISH­ING BOAT/Ca­bin Cruis­er (GM 305 V8). One­ Own­er, Trail­er, 2007 Hon­ da 8 HP troll­ ing mo­tor w/ rem­ote con­ trol. Lad­der needs re­ paired. Good over­all con­di­tion. Well main­ tained. Sell­ing at auc­ tion on Sep­tem­ber 28 in Clark­ston, Washing­ ton. Pho­ tos www.ti­ ger­auc­tion­eer­ing.com. Ab­sen­tee bids 208503-0235.

CARS AND trucks want­ed: 2002 and new­er, any con­di­tion, run­ ning or not, com­ peti­tive off­er! Free tow­ ing, we’re na­tion­wide! Call now; 1-888-4162330. DEAD or ALIVE WANT­ED: rid­ing mow­ ers, ro­to­till­ers, push mow­ers. Free pick­up, Cash paid for some. Tune-ups and re­ pairs avail­ able; call 541571-2981, Her­mis­ton.



Irrigon Farm Labor 549 NW 12th Place Hermiston, OR 97838 Now accepting applications for federally funded housing. 2, 3, & 4 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. Income and student restrictions apply. Income from Farm/Agricultural. Units are duplexes with washer & dryer’s in the unit. Project phone #: 541-567-1400 TTY: 1 (800) 735-2900 “Equal Housing Opportunity”

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

FANCY SIM-Angus: 22 quality steers weighing approximately 625-650 lbs., wormed and have all pre weining shots. Asking $885 each for one or more. These steers are all high quality of Fancy Cows and Bulls. For price and more information; log on to Tri-Cities craigslist under farm and garden, or call Bob Hodnefield at 541938-0118, for more information, MiltonFreewater, OR. BUTCHER HOGS FOR SALE Free delivery, discount for multiple purchases. 541-256-0907. FROM MOTOR HOMES to garden gnomes, The Nickel has what you’re look­ ing for! BOER GOATS for Sale: weanlings and larg­ er, for more in­ for­ ma­ tion, call Wayne; 541-561-0863, Irrigon. CENTRAL Washington Livestock in Moses Lake has a livestock auction every Wednesday! Special Feeder Sale on Sept 27th, Oct 18th, Nov 8th, & Dec 6th! Also having a catalog Horse Sale on Oct 5th! 509-765-2131. www. centralwashingtonli vestock.com

CHE­VY 4x4 1/2 ton pick­up: with over­loads, re­built en­gine, and trans­mis­sion, $3,100, 2006 Che­ vy HHR, load­ ed, 28,000 miles, $6,500; 541-667-3301. La­Grande. 1991 JEEP Wrangler: 4x4, 2 door, hard top, clean, manual transmission, $3500; 541-371-0715, Hermiston. 1955 CHEV­RO­LET pick up: 350 motor, 4 speed trans­mis­sion, pow­er steer­ing, 7 1/2’ bed, $11,000; 541371-0715, Her­mis­ton. 2008 CHE­VY Equi­nox LT: AWD, 137k miles, V-6, well main­tained, clean rig, runs great, cold AC, fresh tune-up, new wind­ shield, new tran­ny fluids, new ig­ni­ tion key as­sem­bly, sell­ ing $6,305, will con­sid­ er rea­son­able off­ers. See in Stan­field, OR; Text only 503-2697823 or email only; ja­ ke­leg­ger@msn.com 2009 CHEV­RO­LET Sil­ ver­a­do: HDT, ex­tend­ed cab, du­ra­max die­sel, tow pack­ age, 78,000 miles, 4 wheel drive, ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion; 541561-8037, Her­mis­ton. LONG BED Toyota Tun­dra camp­er shell: like new, $550; 541561-0863, Her­mis­ton.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals online at: www.hermistonrentals.info 541-567-3981

STRUG­GLING With Your Pri­vate Stud­ent Loan Pay­ment? New relief pro­grams can re­ duce your pay­ ments. Learn your op­ tions. good cred­it not nec­es­ sary. Call the Help­line 866-969-3179 (monFri 9am-5pm East­ern)

AKC FRENCH Bulldog puppies! Come with 1 year genetic health guarantee, vet exams, deworming & shots current. From health tested parents, ready Mid-October, $3000. 509-308-3463. TriCities..

BLAZE KING WOOD STOVES Blaze King pel­let stove, Blaze king gas stove, many Blaze King parts for old­er stoves, some pipe, 8” to 6”, gone out of busi­ness. Call John; 541-969-3309. Eve­ry­ thing must go!

AKC JACK Russels, 2 rough coat male pups, short legged, parents are PLL & SCA clear, shots & deworming current, 12 wks, $950 firm. Yakima, 509-4537114; 509-833-1726.

VIA­GRA and CIALIS US­ERS: 100 Gener­ic Pills SPE­CIAL $99.00, FREE Ship­ping! 100% guar­anteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-4455928 Ha­bla­mos Es­pa­ nol. Cash for un­ex­pired DI­A­BE­TIC TEST STRIPS! Call 1-855440-4001 Free Ship­ ping, Best Pric­es & 24 hr pay­ment! BBB Ra­ ted A+ www.Test­Strip­ Search.com HEY! WE have yard art: golf clubs, 2 sets ready for the course, Ham­ley’s sad­dle, 2-1930’s gas pumps, com­ic books, cos­tume jew­el­ry, dress­ers, book shelves, 2-Very Nice Chi­na cab­i­nets priced at $160 each, 2-an­tique ar­moire, 2-1800’s dress­ers, Va­se­line glass, Fran­ cis­can ware, pay­ing cash for gold jew­el­ry, sil­ver­ware, coins, sil­ ver dol­ lars. Art work by Mary Corp, plus a whole lot more! Come vis­it us at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main Street, Her­mis­ ton, OR. 541-2891800, hours, Tues­ day thru Sat­ur­day, 10:30am-6:00pm. Gener­ic VIA­GRA 100mg Gener­ic §CIALIS 20mg. 60 pills- Only $55. 100% mon­ey back GUAR­ AN­TEE! CALL: 888669-9343 CHRIS­TIAN GRIEF SHARE SUP­PORT GROUP (Notice: date chage) The 13 week Fall Ses­ sion of Grief Share Re­cov­ery, has ar­ rived: Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm, at the Stanfield Baptist Church, 310 E. Wheel­ er Ave., Stan­field. For more in­for­ma­tion call; Scott Ziel­ke at 541571-6886. ELIM­INATE GUT­TER clean­ing for­ev­er! Leaf­ Filt­er, the most ad­ vanced de­bris-block­ ing gut­ter pro­tec­tion. Sched­ule a FREE es­timate to­day. 15% off and 0% fi­nanc­ing for those who qual­ i­ fy. PLUS Sen­ior & Mili­tary dis­ counts; call 855995-2490.

7 WK old Border Collie/ Australian Shepherd Heeler puppies, born July 29, 2019. Both parents are excellent workers, & have great dispositions. 8 females & 1 male. $100. Call or text, 509-781-1721. Prosser. WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website free of charge! HUNTING DOGS! Pointer Bay puppies! 3 females, 8 wks old. Sire is purebred Chesapeake Bay Retriever, dam is purebred German Shorthaired Pointer. Both parents are exc hunting & family companions. These puppies were bred for hunting both waterfowl & upland birds, & have the bloodline to point, swim, & retrieve. Dewclaws removed & first shots by veterinarian. $500. 509-973-2377, or 509830-5867. AKC REG­IS­TERED Brit­ta­ny pup­pies: born Au­gust 9, 2019, ready af­ter Sep­tem­ber 27, 2019. Tails docked, dew­claws re­moved, will have 1st shots at 7 weeks. Dou­ ble Cham­pion and Field Tri­al Cham­pion blood­ line, moth­er and fa­ther both good hunt­ ers, 4 fe­males, 2 males; 541922-2536, Ir­ri­gon, OR. 3 1/4 PA­PIL­LON, 1/4 Shih tzul: 4 males, tri col­ors, all dew­claws re­moved, ready soon; 541-962-5484, El­gin. AKC GOLDEN Retriever puppies, proven breeding pair, 3 males & 3 females, $950, including $250 deposit. First shots & deworming. Will be 8 weeks old & ready for homes Oct 6th. Call Daniel, 541-561-2774, or email jeps3448@ gmail.com. Located in Boardman,OR, just off I-84. For pics, videos, & more info, visit www.facebook.com/ DandBGoldens/ CHE­SA­PEAKE BAY fe­male: 5 years old, spayed, hunt­ ing dog; 541-720-3323, Uma­ til­la.

CALL AN­TOI­NETTE: 541-969-3000, for kitch­en re­mo­dels, bath re­mo­del and re­pairs, in­teri­or paint­ing and dry­wall. CCB#190775, Her­mis­ton. HOUSE KEEP­ING We clean homes, of­fic­ es, rentals and stor­age units. Week­ly, bi-week­ ly or once a month, ap­point­ments avail­ able. We will do any job! just in time to get your house shin­ ning for Round-Up! Call us to­day to get sched­uled and for pric­ing. Simp­ly Clean House Keep­ing; 541-612-2259. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­ curs in your clas­si­fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­ spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­ li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied. BE­COME A PUB­ LISHED AU­THOR! We edit, print and dis­ trib­ ute your work in­ ter­na­tion­al­ly. We do the work...You reap the Re­wards! Call for FREE Au­thor’s Sub­ mis­ sion kit; 866-9517214. BOOK­ING CON­ CRETE: Flat work, walls, pour etc. li­ censed, bond­ed & in­ sured, CCB# 167755; Call 541-564-2607, Her­mis­ton. J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, foun­da­tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­timate 970-3669184 or 541-626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­ sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com CALL Adams Phototainment! Photo booth for all occasionsall social events! Reserve now for Holiday celebrations. Make memories & fun for all. 509-374-7869. Attendant provided. Great rates! GREAT BARGAINS are as close as your com­ puter! View our entire classified listing at www. thenickelonline.com.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 13

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The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 14

26’ 2006 COUGAR 5th wheel by Key­ stone: pull with 5th wheel or gooseneck, cen­tral air, TV, CD play­ er, one tip out, new tires, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $9999; 541-720-1654, Her­ mis­ton.

1965 15’ REINELL boat: 65 horse pow­ er Mer­ cury, ca­ no­ py, new up­ dat­ed con­troller, in line gas filt­er, depth find­er, troll­ing mo­tor brack­et for fish­ing cal­kins, trail­ er all in ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, $1800; 541-7201654, Her­mis­ton.

1988 35’ JAY­CO 5th wheel RV: in Her­mis­ ton, must be moved, $2000 or best off­ er; 541-567-4188 or 541567-7885.

TWO EVIN­RUDE KICK­ER mo­tors: 6HP, $600 each, or best off­ er: call 509-240-2459, Wal­la Wal­la.

1999 WIL­DER­NESS 20ft camp trail­er: no leaks, great con­ di­ tion, TV, show­er, 2 beds, new tires, stove, $4200; 510-299-4041, Stanfield.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

1981 SU­ZU­KI mo­tor­ cy­cle: GS650L, 27,000 miles, good rub­ ber, $500; 541-215-2891, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter.




IN­VEN­TORS - FREE IN­FOR­MA­TION PACK­AGE: Have your pro­ duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ ably by the Re­search & De­vel­op­ment pros and­ pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­tur­ers; Call 1-888-501-0236 for a Free Idea­Start­er Guide. Sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ ta­tion.

2000 YAMAHA 1100 V-Star Classic: well maintained, garaged, cruiser with numerous aftermarket upgrades and accessories, Vance Hines chrome exhaust pipes, hypercharger, custom mirrors and lights, Rifle windsheild, chrome engine guard with foot pegs, Mustang seats and backrest, luggage rack and Nelson-Rigg tail bag, leather saddle bags, G Max helmets, leather vest and chaps, smooth running and comfortable ride. 37,740 miles, $3,300 OBO; 541-314-3447.

1995 MONARCH 16’ aluminum fishing boat, 90 hp marine outboard eng, elec & gas Yamaha trolling eng, 2 live wells, really good cond, $4800. 509-4301507. BentonCity.

THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

Mo­bile­Help, Amer­i­ ca’s Prem­i­er Mo­bile Med­i­cal Alert Sys­tem. Wheth­er You’re Home or Away. For Safe­ty & Peace of Mind. No Long Term Con­tracts! Free Brochure! Call To­day! 1-855-4016993.

2008 HONDA TRX300 4 Wheeler: has reverse, nerf bars, LED Under Glow lighting, great condition, well maintained, OHV tags good until June 2021, $3,000; call evenings 541-314-5465, Hermiston.

BREAK­FAST AT COL­UM­BIA GRANGE Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 21st, 8am-11am, $6 do­ na­ tion to help Pet Res­cue, Her­mis­ton. HAVE TRAIL­ER will haul: 4 wheel­ ers, lawn mow­ ers, gar­ bage, yard de­ bris, fur­ni­ture, ap­plianc­ es, you name it, and more! For free es­timate call; 541-561-0962.

GRASS FED An­ gus beef: $2.50 per pound plus butch­ er fees, 1 pork for sale, $1.75 per pound plus butch­ er fees. They are to be pro­ cessed Oc­tob­er 5th, can be seen be­fore; 541-567-8204, Stan­ field.

SALMON FISHING! Booking now: Guided salmon fishing trips, Priest Rapids/ Hanford Reach fall Chinook. Sept 19th through Oct 16th. Limited dates available. Call or text Dave, 503-997-2279. www.hookedonfishing guideservice.com

LAWN MOW­ER RE­PAIR & WELD­ING 10am-5:30pm, Mon­ day- Sat­ur­day, all work guar­anteed, rea­son­able rates; 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ton; 541-571-3845, no text­ing.

PRI­VATE COL­LEC­ TOR: 6.5 Creed­ moor, 26” Bar­ tlein 5R with comp, sur­geon ac­tion, A1 stock, Leu­pold MK5, 5-25x56 H59 scope, bi­pod, dies, prim­ers, bul­lets, La­pua brass case, nev­er been fired, $4,500. Anschutz .22 Bench­rest har­rel tun­ er, 2 trig­gers, Lue­pold 35x45mm and Lue­pold 25x40mm scopes, Sin­ clair rest, flags case, 2,000 rounds ammo, $3,300. Bies­ sen cus­ tom .308 handgun, 5-shot, bolt ac­tion, 13” bar­rel, 4x Leu­pold EER scope, $4,500. Smith & Wes­son .617, 10-shot, 6” SS bar­rel, 22 LR, $620. Call/text for pic­ tures & in­for­ma­tion, 509-690-0148, Her­ mis­ton, OR.

ITAL­I­AN PRUNES: lo­ cal, no sprays, .80 per pound; 541-720-4148, Ir­ri­gon.

4 PNEUMATIC tires and rims, 31x10x20, fits most skid steers, tires 80% tread; call 541-571-7625. 3 TIE STRAW BALES Very clean 3 tie straw bales, $9 each or 12 for $100. Call 509-5213505; 509-430-1038. Connell.

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WINCHESTER MODEL 88 CARBINES One of 7000 produced in .284 caliber, one of 10,000 produced in .308 caliber. Call for more information & price. Photos available upon request. Serious inquiries only, please. Jim, 509-901-7310. No texting. .375 RUG­ER: 7 box­ es ammo, .338 Winchester Mag­num, 7 box­ es ammo, $700 each, HOWA .308 Kryp­tech Cam­mo, with tri-pod, scope, 12 box­ es of ammo, $800; 541969-4629, Stan­field. SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing. Call a sales rep­re­sen­ ta­tive to­day to find out what The Nickel can do for you! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

CEMENT MIXER: medium sized, new electric motor with less than one hour run time; 541-571-2718, Stanfield. 2 SOL­ID stain­less steel work bench­es: heavy duty, in­dus­tri­al qual­i­ty, stack­able, per­ fect for a large shop or work sta­ tion, $400 for both or best off­er, cash only, no de­liv­ery, you pick up; 541-9691518, Stan­field.

MORTAR MIXER by Essick: runs like it’s brand new, very little use, Honda motor, stored inside, price recently reduced, $1,495, will consider reasonable offers; Text only, 503-2697823, email only; jakelegger@msn.com PARKING LOT TOOL SALE Vintage & antique tool parking lot sale, 7am11am, Sat, Sept 21, 2019. Located at 5528 West Van Giesen, West Richland. Antique & vintage tools of all kinds. Woodworking: Planes, wood & metal; Braces & bits; Chisels; Carving chisels; Draw knives; Spoke shaves; Saws; Levels; Squares. Machinist: Micrometers; Levels; Squares; Rules; Calipers; Leather working; Craftool stamps; Knives; Letter stamps, & a lot more! MOR­TAR MIX­ER by Es­sick: runs like brand new! Very lit­ tle use, Hon­da mo­tor, stored in­ side, price re­cent­ly re­duced, $1,495 will con­ sid­ er rea­son­able off­ers; Text only; 541-2697823, email only; ja­ ke­leg­ger@msn.com

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804 Zillah West Dr.


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

2000 YA­MA­HA 1100 V-Star clas­sic: well main­tained, ga­ raged, cruiser with nu­merous af­ter­mar­ ket upgrades and ac­ces­so­ries, Vance Hines chrome ex­ haust pipes, hy­ per­ charg­er, cus­tom mir­ rors and lights, Ri­fle wind­shield, chrome en­ gine guard with foot pegs, Mus­ tang seats and back­ rest, lug­ gage rack and Nel­son-Rigg tail bag, leath­er sad­dle bags, G Max hel­mets, leath­ er vest and chaps. Smooth run­ ning and com­fort­able ride, 37,740 miles, $3300 or best off­ er; 541-314-3447, Her­ mis­ton. 2008 HONDA TRX300 4 Wheeler: has reverse, nerf bars, LED Under Glow lighting, great condition, well maintained, OHV tags good until June 2021, $3,000; call evenings 541-314-5465, Hermiston.

QUARTER HORSE colt, 1 yr old, large & beautiful, black/ chocolate buckskin, $400; Grulla mare, 5 yrs old, all correct, beautiful & tall, $800; Quarter Horse palomino stud, black in background, he throws color, $1000. All for $2000. All have exc bloodlines. 425-3749925. SoapLake,WA. AQHA RED ROAN FILLY 2018 filly with great bloodlines. Halter broke, great disposition. Awesome potential for ranch or rodeo horse! $2000 obo. 509-627-8615. 2 WEST­ERN sad­dles: 1- 15”, 1- 18”, $650; 541-561-0863, Her­ mis­ton. HORSE TRAIN­ING & SALES Cur­rent­ly tak­ing just a few horses. 2 old­er gen­ tle horses, 1 Geld­ing & 1 Mare, $1000 each; Raw­ley Stan­ley, 541561-4789, Her­mis­ton.

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 15

BATH­ROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy, one day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ ize in safe bath­ ing. Grab bars, no slip floor­ing & seat­ed show­ers; Call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion 888-912-4745.

WAG­ON TRAIN West­ ern Style Chuck­ wag­on: Horse dri­ven, full serv­ ice, in great shape, $2,800 or best off­er, 541-561-0863, Irrigon. STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING and RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­ bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­ pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande.

DISH TV $59.99 for 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free installation, Smart DVR included, FREE Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply; 1-833-872-2545. GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty.

MAS­SEY FER­GU­SON 570: 4 bot­tom roll over plow, very good con­di­ tion, $4500, 509-5221480 or 509-520-0380, Wal­la Wal­la. TIMOTHY or ALFALFA TIMOTHY 2nd CUTTING: 2-tie, $11 per bale, 3x4 bales, $225/ton Alfalfa Grass 3rd cutting, 2-tie, $11 per bale, 3x4 bales, $200/ton; 541571-7601, Hermiston.

QUILT RACK, $15; 6 gun ce­ dar gun cab­ i­ net, $75; night stand, $15; stain­less man­do­ lin chop­per, $20; Pou­ lan chain­saw, 18” bar, $110; some firm, some ne­go­ti­able, call or text; 541-656-6039, pic­ tures on re­quest.

FRANKS SEW­ER service Is a 3rd gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly owned and op­er­at­ed busi­ ness: We pro­vide prompt, cour­teous serv­ic­es, you can rely on. Ex­ peri­ ence you can trust from a guy you can de­pend on! Main­ tenance is al­ways cheap­ er than re­place­ment. Call to­day and sched­ule your ap­point­ment, be­fore prob­lems ar­ise; 541-5678612.

CHICK­ENS WANT­ED: and need­ed; call 541379-4469, Board­man.

FREE TWIN beds: 2 beds, box springs and new mat­tress­es, you haul; call 541-5669442, Athe­na.

LOOKING FOR a job and in a pickle? Try checking in the Nickel!

IN GOOD times peo­ ple want to ad­ver­tise. In BAD times, they need to. Call us to­day to place your ad. Your busi­n ess will ben­e­f it from it! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

WANTED: GAS heating stove, preferably Blaze King. No Friday night or Saturday calls, please. 509-301-2177.

Sports & Surplus Inc.




GUN RAFFLE $5 PER TICKET Ruger PC-Carbine 9mm 100 Tickets available drawing held after all tickets sold! Licensed Pawn Broker #PB0362

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* Prepaid ads, customer provides picture, No refunds or changes.

The Nickel 1055 N. First Street Hermiston Or 97838 thenickelonline.com

The Nickel -September 19, 2019- Page 16

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


PREPAID VISA GIFTCARD 2014 TOYOTA PRIUS 5 Full Power, Leather, Gas Mizer ,

2014 MAZDA 3 GRAND TOURING Moonroof, $ Leather, Nav. ,

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2007 DODGE DAKOTA CC 4X4 V8, Auto, $ Low Miles, & More! ,

14 844


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16 976


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#9649 • V#169066

with your vehicle purchase of $5000 or more.

2014 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 Moonroof, Heated Seats, $ , Bluetooth, & More!

2013 GMC 1500 DENALI 4X4 6.2 V8, $ Fully Loaded ,


10 995

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2015 DODGE CHARGER Auto, Custom Wheels, Tinted Glass, & More! ,

16 996


#9705A • V#120856

2003 CHEVY 2500 CC 4X4

2019 RAM 1500 4X4 REBEL

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2007 CHEVY 1500 CC 4X4 Local Trade, Tow Pkg., $ V-8 & More! ,

12 998

28 988

#9719 • V#286591

#G7654B • V#182217

#9714A • V#072278




Under 14,000 Miles, V8, Full Power

2009 TOYOTA COROLLA Auto, Air, Local Trade ,

8 998


15 985


Low Miles, Moonroof, Lots More!

16 966

#9599 • V#272673


Fully Loaded

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2016 TOYOTA TUNDRA TRD 4X4 5.7 V8, 1 Owner, $ Fully Equipped ,

25 995

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2017 CHEVY CAMARO SS 6.2 V8, Leather, $ & Full Power ,

36 969

#B7789A • V#101524



Auto, Air, Power Windows

2011 CHEVY MALIBU Local Trade ,

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2007 GMC 3500HD 4X4 Local Trade, Duramax ,

17 600


#9715 • V#198151

2010 CHRYSLER 300 S $

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Sale Price $15,995 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

Sale Price $33,995 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

Sale Price $12,910 W/Ø Down for 72 Months @ 6.99% APR OAC**

Sale Price $8,950 W/Ø Down for 60 Months @ 5.99% APR OAC**

Sale Price $10,945 W/Ø Down for 48 Months @ 6.99% APR OAC**








#9678 • V#022704



Low Miles, HEMI V8, & Much More!

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Manual Premium

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Under 7,000 Miles, Moonroof, & More!

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Sale Price $16,915 W/Ø Down for 84 Months @ 4.99% APR OAC**

#G7630C • V#002702


1-800-743-9559 (541)-567-CARS

80406 Hwy 395 N, Hermiston, OR

**APR based on a 750 credit score or higher. *All vehicles subject to prior sale, does not include $75 dealer doc./tax./lic. fee. Offer Ends 9/25/19.

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