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Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

Want Ad Newspaper People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy!

541-567-2230 www.thenickelonline.com 541-276-7039




1995 MUS TANG: very good body, interior, 302 V-8, $2200; 541-5677950, Hermiston.

4’ ROTOTILLER, 3 point, PTD, very low hours, excellent shape, $925; 541571-3845, Hermiston.

HARD WOOD DIN ING Table with 1 leaf and 4 match ing chairs $100; 541-922-4150, Irrigon.


1st & 2nd CUTTING, Pasture Grass for sale: 2 string bales, $155 per ton; 541561-7281, Hermiston.



STK #18H703B






STK #18H672A

TWO BEAUTIFUL Large hard wood Rocking Chairs with matching table $150; 541-922-4150, Irrigon











STK #18UH175



STK #18UH128A


STK #18H723B

BOTTLE CALVES for sale: Angus and Limousin cross, local delivery, free banding; 541-371-6700, Hermiston

5 FREE KITTENS: 2 yellow, 2 gray & white, 1 black, beautiful markings; 541-371-9951, Hermiston.

1995 PETERBILT: 60” walk in flat top sleeper, ex­ cellent condition, $1,375; 541-377-9995, Pilot Rock.

Melisa Ann Webb NMLS #311680



STK #18UH144

Branch Manager 541.701.0545 office 509.936.6111 fax melisa@htmgroup.co

Apply Online! apmcfamily.com

505 E. Main Street Suite A Hermiston, OR 97838 1st & 2nd CUTTING, Pasture Grass for sale: 2 string bales, $155 per ton; 541-561-7281, Hermiston.




STK #18H642B



STK #18UH120A


NMLS 1850


STK #18H710A

STK #18UH169

STK #18H395A










STK #18H798A

Hold the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. 2 Timothy 1:13

2006 DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 DIESEL

STK #18H825A



1997 Northland Polar camper: fully self contained, excellent condition, always has been stored inside $4250; 541-9227940.


2014 28 BULLET UltraLite trailer, half ton tow-able, rear LR, big slide, island queen, pow er awn ing, super buy at $17900, 800338-6562.


2007 SUBARU Tribeca: ful ly load ed, new tires, 180k miles; 541-5612270, Hermiston.

September 6, 2018 Vol. 41 No. 35


1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00

FREE KIT TEN to good home: dark male tab by, 1st shots given; 541-5714126, Hermiston.




STK #18H714A



STK #18H785A


2017 RAM 1500 4X4 ECODIESEL

34,900 STK #18UH168



STK #18UH151A

18,900 STK #18UH176







2008 FORD F350 pickup with dump bed: 66,845 miles, $11,000 OBO; 541564-1181, Hermiston.

STK #18H300A



STK #18H731A







STK #18UH145

16,973 STK #18H845A



STK #18H350A

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 2 WANTED


CARS/TRUCKS WANT­ED!!! 2002 and new­er! any con­di­tion, run­ ning or not, com­ peti­tive off­er! Free tow­ing! We’re na­tion­ wide! Call now; 1-888416-2330. SHARE YOUR Nickel with a friend!

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks; Call 541-314-5077, Her­ mis­ton WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 TOOLS & MATERIALS


2 1/2 HP SHAP­ER rout­er on table: $200, 541-701-4448, Her­ mis­ton. DEL­TA MIL­WAU­KEE Tool Mak­er Grin­der: se­ri­al# 116-9670, do have some lit­er­a­ture, $650; 541-567-3196, Her­mis­ton.

Challenger™ 550

Challenger™ 400 4x4



• 546cc Engine • Loaded standard equipment package • Automatic CVT transmission with park

• Subaru EX40 404cc aircooled engine • 400 lb bed capacity • 4x4, Locking differentials

2 BLACK Angus steers: all natural, no hormones, been on cracked corn for 3 months, these are 2 year old steers, more flavor great shape, $2.50lb hook weight; 541-567-8179. thenickelonline.com


• 25 HP Cub Cadetcertified Kohler® Confidant 747cc EFI engine • 48" deck with 10-gauge shell, 5/16" side reinforced and 1/4" leading edge • 12cc Hydro-Gear® ZT3400 transmission • 47" track width ††










1950 CHE­VY & 1950 DODGE PICK­UPS: body in good con­di­tion, have mo­tors, don’t run, will ne­go­tiate; 541376-8125, Echo. 1995 F250 XLT Ext. Cab: 2WD, 460 mo­ tor‘, 5 speed man­u­al, new clutch & tires, In­ teri­or very good con­ di­tion, doesn’t leak or burn oil, Grand­pa’s truck, well main­tained, $3800; 541-571-3156, Her­mis­ton. 1995 PETERBILT: 60” walk in flat top sleep­ er, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $1,375; 541-377-9995, Pi­lot Rock. 1997 FORD F250 DIESEL 1997 Ford F250 heavy duty long bed, extended cab pickup, with 7.3L Power Stroke turbo- diesel eng, 269k mi, in good cond. It has 2 fuel tanks. Lightly loaded, I have seen 22 mpg on the highway. This is a great work truck, very reliable & in great cond for its age, $4950. Rob, 509-9472154. BntnCity. 1998 FORD F150 XLT: extended cab, Triton 4.6L V-8, 4x4 off road, great condition; 541567-3258, Hermiston. 2011 F450 TRUCK: 4x4, club cab, Lar­ iat, leath­er, 6.7 die­sel, ex­tras, tow haul, du­ als, 30k miles, coat­ed flatbed, 5th wheel in bed, side tool box­es, Like New! $42,500 or of­fer; 509-520-4083, Day­ton, WA.

2 FAMILY Yard Sale: Sat­ur­day, Sept 8th, 9am-??, 1395B Sun­ land, Her­mis­ton, couch that turns into a full bed, new con­di­ tion, old wheel bar­row, Col­um­bia jack­et win­ ter coat, oth­er size M jack­ ets & vests, lots of items, priced to sell, no rea­son­able off­er re­ fused 541-567-8232.

PRO Z 148 L




BONNEY’S AG & AUTO REPAIR Ag & Auto Repair 81600BONNEY'S HIGHWAY 395 NORTH 81600 HIGHWAY 395 NORTH HERMISTON, OR 97838 HERMISTON, OR 97838 BONNEYSAG.COM BONNEYSAG.COM 541-922-1213 541-922-1213 *Product Price – Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications.†† As rated by Kohler, all power levels are stated in gross horsepower at 3600 RPM per SAE J1940 as rated by engine manufacturer. Utility vehicles are intended for off-road use. Cub Cadet Commercial products are intended for professional use. **See your local Cub Cadet Independent Dealer for warranty details. © 2018 Cub Cadet3PV_Q_ECOMMERCE

4x4 MINI TRUCKS: 4x4 Japanese Mini Trucks, Honda, Suzuki & others, truck capability, quad maneuverability, dump available, starting at $3,995. Portland OR. www.oregondieselimports.com; 503-8052684.

Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el.

AL­VI­NA PAD­BERG ES­TATE SALE Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 7th & 8th, 9am-6pm. Sale lo­ ca­tion is 370 E 2nd Street, Ione, OR. If you have any ques­tions you may call 541-6765289. Lots of items dat­ing from pre 1900 to 2010, in­clud­ing, hand made quilts, Chi­ na cup and sau­ cer sets, glass­ware, sil­ver­ware, spoon col­lec­tion, ce­ ram­ics, old fab­ric (pre 1950) trea­dle sew­ing ma­chines, bed­room sets, desk, old sad­dles and lots more! LET US turn our Nick­ els into your dollars! Call us today! 541567-2330. AUC­TION! Thursday evening, September 6th. 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston, Oregon. Sale starts at 6:30 pm. A preview will be at 5:00 pm. Some items included are, Back pack blower, Dewalt cordless vac, Bev Doolittle prints, Stereos, Mechanics tools, Tool boxes, Indian dress, Compressor, Pyrex, Hutch, Drone, Ladder, Wheel barrows, phonograph, Lawn mower, Weed eaters, Foot locker, St. Croix fishing rod, Other fishing rods, Toys, Baseball cards, Angry birds, Bicycles, Stroller, HO trains, Train videos, Canoe paddles, Old bottles, Sports cards, Vintage postal scales, Table saw, Power tools, Lamps, Too much to list.

Kevin’s Custom Spraying

MISCELLANEOUS A PLACE For Mom: has helped over a mil­ lion fa­milies find sen­ ior liv­ing. Our trust­ed, lo­cal ad­vi­sors help find so­lu­tions to your unique needs at no cost to you, call; 855741-7459. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­GEN Ther­a­py Us­ers! In­o­gen One G4 is cap­able of full 24/7 ox­y­gen de­liv­ ery, only 2.8 pounds, FREE in­for­ma­tion kit; 800-984-1293. 4 WHEEL MO­BILI­TY SCOOT­ER like new heavy duty, hard­ly used, sup­ports 500 pounds, goes 60 miles on one charge, $2500; 541-571-8386, Her­mis­ton. BEAUTIFUL Baldwin piano for sale, tuned regularly, sounds wonderful, $800 obo. 509-430-3544 (text or call). TriCities. BLACK WAL­NUTS washed and cleaned: cracked $4/lb, un­ cracked $3/lb; 541564-9273, Her­mis­ton. BOX TOPS FOR ED­U­CA­TION The box tops help our schools to pur­ chase play­ground equip­ ment, books, sup­ plies, and many oth­er items. If you have any that you’d be will­ing to donate, we would be hap­py to pick them up, or feel free to bring them by the Nick­el. It is great­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed, thank you; 541-5672230. FIRE­WOOD FOR SALE: Tamarack, Red­ Fir & Lodgepole mix, 16 inch length, split & ready to burn, $200/ cord, no de­liv­er­ies; 541-276-6296 or 541969-3232, Pen­dle­ton.


Quality Work at Reasonable Rates Brush Control • Fall Bare Ground Weed Control Office (509) 529-6385 cell (509)520-6385

SECONDS - by the box, Lefore Family Farms, many varieties, 1 mile west of drive-in theater, Sunnyside Rd. , M-F. YOUR BUSI­N ESS is “our” busi­ness! Call a sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive to­d ay! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039 or visit us online, www.thenick­ elonline.com

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 MISCELLANEOUS CAN­ON T5i: zoom lens, $400; 541-5615548, Her­mis­ton. CASH FOR cars: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Com­peti­tive off­er! Na­ tion­wide free pick up; call now 1-800-8645960. ARE YOUR dol­lars get­ ting squeezed a lit­tle TOO tight? Check the Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains!

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY JOB! Home owners, industrial & construction, visit us for all your rental needs; 80907 N. HWY 395 HERMISTON, OR., 541-969-0013.

BUSI­NESS CARDS at the Nick­el! Come check out the dif­fer­ent vari­ eties you can choose from! DISH TV: $59.99 for 190 Chan­nels + $14.95 High Speed In­ter­net, Free in­stalla­ tion, smart HD DVR in­clud­ed, Free Voice Rem­ote, some re­stric­ tions ap­ply; 1-800718-1593. Check Us Out ! SHOP Main Street -HER­MIS­TON VIN­TAGE PED­AL CAR, 2 roll top desks, Ar­tley Bass Clar­i­net, Star Hot Dog Cook­er, an­tique fur­ni­ture, 2000 ster­eo al­bums, misc, cam­eras, an­tique floor safe, 2 1930’s gas pumps, 50” TV, misc books & shoes, 2 gas home heat­ers, ster­eo speak­ ers, mig weld­ er, books, clocks, yard tools, late 1800’s drop front desk, art work by Mary Corp and a bunch of things you didn’t know you need­ ed !!! And yes we pay CASH for gold jew­el­ ry, sil­ver dol­lars, sterl­ ing and coins. Lots of an­tique fur­ni­ture that needs to find a new home, all pric­ es are sub­ject to HUGE dis­ counts. we’re mak­ing room to have emp­ty space. KC Art & Col­ lect­ ib ­les, 167 E Main St. 541-289-1800. Tues-Sat. 10:30am6pm THE NICK­EL hours are: 8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri., Her­mis­ton. Dead­line is Tues. by 5pm. Chang­es & can­cel­la­tions Tues. by 11am.

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 3






ESTATE SALE: Friday September 7th, 9am-4pm, Saturday September 8th, 8am2pm, 225 NE 10th, Hermiston, sofa, fainting couch, living room chair, glider, roll top desk, dining room set, end tables, shelves, fire place screen, patio cushions, pillows, dryer, BBQ, lots of odds and ends.

A MAN’S TRUCK! 1997 F350 XLT, Pow­ er­ stroke, auto, air, cruise, PW, 270k miles, Sharp! looks & runs like new, $10,750, call Bill; 541-720-8680, Uma­til­la.

11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. 2006 EXISS LQ 3 horse trailer, auto jack, extra lights in tack room, good shape, asking $30,000 or best offer. Call or text, 541-561-4471. 9-N FORD TRAC­TOR: all­ new elec­tri­cal in­ clud­ing gaug­es, al­ ter­na­tor, new brakes, bear­ ings & seals, re­ built carb, 12 volt tu­ ned up, good tires, new paint, $2850, No Texts; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA HAY 100 Tons of 2nd & 3rd cut­tings, 4x4x8 bales, $165 a ton; 541-9804234, Ar­ling­ton, OR. ALFALFA HAY: $185 a ton or $9.00 a bale; 541-571-4457 or 541571-4456. Hermiston. AL­FAL­FA OR GRASS: small bales, $7 per bale, $175 per ton; 541-379-0693, Pen­ dle­ton. ALFALFA SEED $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-3016699.

1989 MO­TOR­HOME by Mal­lard: 27’, V8, 45,600 miles, 4K Owen gen­era­tor, new tires, $6900 or best off­er; 541-571-2881 or 541-571-4836, Her­ mis­ton. 1993 FORD F-350 Class C Mo­tor­home: in per­fect con­di­tion, 41k miles, in­ cludes gen­era­tor, A/C ca­ bin coach, like new tires, well main­ tained $11,000; 541-3790851, Pen­dle­ton. 1997 BOUNDER Mo­ tor­home: 36’, good con­di­tion, $11,500; call 541-379-1422, Pen­ dle­ton.

1967 FI­BER­FORM 16ft: com­ plete with fish­ing ­gear, 85hp John­son out­board, elec­tric troll­ing mo­tor, trail­er, 5 life vests, an­ chor, 4 fish­ing poles with re­els, fish find­ er and ­ much more, $1200 OBO, call; 541567-8056, Her­mis­ton. 1977 21’ Bayliner, I/O, 305 Chevy, cuddy, sink, stove, ice box. All original, excellent condition, has 8hp Yamaha 4 stroke, electric start, power trans, new top and side curtains. Trailer has double axle. $7,500 obo. 541-571-6814

FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, refrigerators, freezers, lawn mowers, hot wa­ ter tanks, scrap metal ... Call Dave, 541-3145077, Her­mis­ton HUGE GA­RAGE Sale: Sep­tem­ber &th & 8th, 8am-??, 585 Sat­ er Court, Her­mis­ton, fur­ ni­ ture, lots of stuff even the kitch­en sink! HUGE SALE: Fri­ day Sept 7th, Sat­ur­ day Sept 8th & Sun­ day Sept 9th, 120 W The­a­ter, Her­mis­ton, 8am-DARK, 2 stor­age units full! bikes, table, chairs, clothes, tons of stuff. HUGE YARD SALE: “You don’t want to miss this one” Fri­day Sept 7th 7 Sat­ur­day Sept 8th, 8am-4pm, 2175 Di­ag­on­al, Her­mis­ton, Someth­ing for eve­ry­ one, house­hold items, name brand cloth­ ing, fur­ni­ture, tools, Nordic Trak Tread­mill & much misc; 541-289-3215. MUL­TI FAM­I­LY Yard Sale: Plus 2 oth­ers on the SAME block! Fri­day Sept 7th & Sat­ ur­day Sept 8th, 865 E Ken­ne­dy Ave, Her­ mis­ton, 9am-5pm, 33 ft Mo­tor­home, ex­cel­ lent con­ di­ tion, all in­ side Mo­to­home items, clothes for all ages, too to much to list. SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale: Fri­day Aug, 17 & Sat­ur­day Aug, 18th, 9am-2pm, 85 Tru­man Ave, Uma­til­la. Fur­ni­ ture, eve­ry­thing baby imag­in­able, kitch­en, house wares, decor, TV’s, books, clothes, re­mo­del­ing ma­te­ri­als and ap­plianc­es.

Come See Us For All Your Powder Coating Needs: • Wheels • Truck Beds • Trailers • ATV’S • Motorcycles • Fencing • Railing Give us a call for a FREE estimate:


80496 N. HWY 395 • Hermiston

ATTENTION OUTDOORSMEN! Premium bumper, black, with 12,000 lb Warn winch with synthetic rope & remote, fits newer Chevy pickup, exc cond, $1800 obo. 509366-8827. ME­CHAN­IC SPE­ CIALS: 2005 Kia Aman­ti, $1900, 89 Ford F250 Su­per­cab 3/4 ton 2x4, $1000, 91 Ford Bron­co Ed­die Bau­er, mo­tor froze, $1000, 71 Ford 3/4 ton F250, $800, 98 Toyo­ ta Cor­ol­la, $700; Let’s Ne­go­tiate! 541-9229251, Uma­til­la. RANG­ER EX­TRA Cab: rear side glass left or right $15, rear slid­er glass $45, 2.9 five speed trans­mis­ sion $200; 541-7014448, Her­mis­ton. RARE 1972 Ford F100 PU: sport cus­tom, V-8 auto, origi­ nal paint & in­teri­or, only shows 78,250 miles, runs great, Must See;$9999 OBO; 800-338-6562. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. WANT­ED 10” rear Brake back­ ing plates for 88-97 Ford Rang­ er with a 7.5 rear end; 541-481-4800, Board­ man. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­ la­t ion of over 19,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­l iam coun­t ies. For more in­for­ma­tion, 541567-2230 or 541-2767039. WANTED: INT’L Scout 800, 1965-1971. Parts or whole. 509551-9307 or email: GoLuke@frontier.com

FOR RENT: 120 acr­ es dry­land cat­tle pas­ ture: wheat, rye, grass, fenced and cross fenced, Wa­ ter tanks pro­vid­ed; 503-7934776, Pen­dle­ton. BRUSH HOG mowing, 541-2401229. CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $260/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities. IN TODAY’S competi­ tive marketplace, you can’t afford not to ad­ vertise in the The Nick­ el! Call today to get the best advertising rates in town! Hermiston 541-567-2230 CRAFTS­MAN LT1000 Rid­ing Mow­er: 42” deck, new mo­ tor, start­er, carb, belts and blades, ex­cel­lent shape, $475; 541-4812557, cell 503-4597456, Board­man.

YOUR BUSI­N ESS is “our” busi­ness! Call a sales rep­r e­s en­t a­t ive to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 1997 9.5’ Northland, camper Polar model, fully self contained excellent condition, always stored inside, $4,250; 541-9227940. 1998 FOUR­WINDS In­fin­i­ty Class A Mo­ tor­home: 34ft, 49,937 miles, 2 A/C, gen­ era­ tor, back up cam­ era, 32” TV, Cap­tain Seats, awn­ing, ex­cel­lent con­ di­tion, $16,000 OBO; 541-571-4663, Stan­ field. WE GET RESULTS!! 2000 AIR Bus motor home, $25,000, 53,600k miles, 36’ length. Located in Eltopia WA. Call Scott Goodwin for more information at 509430-3406.

2001 FIES­TA VEE 242 Rink­er Ca­bin Cruis­er Boat and Trail­er: 350 V-8 stain­less prop, 2 beds, kitch­en with mi­ crowave, re­frig­era­tor, bath with toi­ let, too much to list here, load­ ed, clean, only $13,900 OBO. Call Smi­ley RV; 1-888-338-6562, Mil­ ton Free­wa­ter, OR.

AUTOS & ACCESSORIES 1978 OLDS DEL­TA 88 Roy­ale: vinyl top white, bur­gun­dy 2 door HT, 350 en­gine $2600, Wind­ow mount­ed auto swamp cool­ er $100, 1957 Che­vy Pick­up for parts, no en­ gine $800, 1952 Che­vy 3 speed trans­mis­sion $125, An­tique 2 cy­lin­ der May­tag wash­ing ma­chine en­gine $275, 235 Che­vy re­build­able en­gine $275; 541-9690175, Pen­dle­ton.

2016 MERCEDES VW Buggy Custom, new engine, one of a kinds, $3000; 541701-4448, Hermiston. 1986-1994 Rang­ er Pick­ up doors with glass: $50 each; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el. 1995 MUS­TANG: good con­di­tion, a/c, 302 V-8, au­tomat­ ic, Spe­cial this week, $1900; 541-567-7950, Her­mis­ton.

ALANIS AUTO DETAIL’S Interior / Exterior / Full Detail




1301 6TH STREET., • UMATILLA,OR 97882


September 9th. To be held at the Hermiston Conference Center, 415 S. Hwy 395, Hermiston, Oregon. Auction at 1:00 pm. Preview at 11:00 am.

Firearms include: WINCHESTER (models: 55, 94, 9422M) REMINGTON (models: 700,721, nylon 77, nylon 66, 11-87, 870, 550-1, 788, 03A3, 7400, M88, 600, 597), RUGER (models: Single six, 10-22, Mini 14, Mark 4) , BROWNING (A-5, BPS), SAVAGE(models: 99C, 99F, 99E, 11-E), GLENFIELD, ITHICA, MARLIN, J.C. HIGGINS, SPRINGFIELD, HI-POINT, HOWA, VERONA, H & R, HERITAGE, BENELLI, TED WILLIAMS, BSA, STEVENS, MOSSBERG, THOMPSON CENTER, STEYR, NAGANT, WALTHER, ARISAKA, REVELATION and more. We have 84 firearms to auction at this time. Looks to be over 100.Items other than firearms to be sold after firearms.Smitty’s Outpost will be the FFL taking care of the back ground checks and other paper workAll Oregon State and Federal firearm laws will be adhered to. Oregon background checks required for winning bidders.

Check us out on facebook @ Mbz Liquidations for photos and more information. 10% Buyers Premium in Effect. • Credit Cards Accepted Mike Zook at 541-571-6280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 4 TRUCKS 4X4S, & SUVS


WHEELCHAIR ACCESS VAN Mobility van, wheelchair accessible. 2000 Dodge Caravan, 185k mi, new tires & brakes. Both the driver seat & passenger seats are removable for wheelchair access, or the wheelchair can be secured in the area behind the front seats. The securing mechanism is a Qsystem, just like the Dial-A-Ride lock in devices. 509-9428964.

1995 HON­DA Gold wing: 55k miles, good shape, new brakes, An­ni­ver­sary Mod­el, wa­ter cool, 6 cy­lin­der, has re­verse and trail­er, $6000; 541-571-3107, Ir­ri­gon.

1986 FORD F150 pickup, runs, $1850 obo. I want to sell now! 509-366-9553. TriCities. FINALLY GOT him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold be­ fore he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-5672230.

LIKE NEW two person scooter with sidecar, 150cc, 60mpg, 322 miles on rig, books $2500, asking $3000; 541-7014448, Hermiston. 2004 HAR­LEY DA­ VID­SON Her­it­age Soft Tail: ready to ride, $7200 offer; 541-3842379, Con­don. 2008 HI­SUN UTV Side by Side: $2000 offer, new tires, winch, tilt bed, needs rear seal, runs good; 530-3836824, Uma­til­la. HON­DA YA­MA­HA CY­CLE­TOWN Vis­it us on­line for great deals on new Hon­da & Ya­ma­ha pro­ducts. hon­d aya­m a­h a­c y­c le­ town.com 541-5678919, Her­mis­ton. FOR SALE 1980 Ka­ wa­sa­ki Kz1000 mo­tor­ cy­cle, $600; 541-5614556, Ir­ri­gon.


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LIVESTOCK BEEF! GRASS Fed: An­gus Steers, $2.50 hang­ ing weight, we pay kill costs, Bill; 541720-8680, Uma­til­la. BIG VAL­LEY Calf Chute: used for brand­ ing only 500 calves, for more in­for­ma­tion call 541-938-0118, Mil­ton Free­wa­ter, OR. BLACK AN­GUS Heif­ er: 2 years old, has not been bred, has been raised on grass pas­ ture and al­fal­fa hay, $1000, call 541-3791717 you must pick up, Her­mis­ton. BOT­TLE CALVES for sale: An­ gus and Lim­ ou­sin cross, lo­cal de­ liv­ery, free band­ing; 541-371-6700, Her­ mis­ton. BULLS FOR SALE Black Angus, proven breeders, exc health, multiple to choose from. Located between Grandview & Prosser. Call 509-831-6544. FALL PAS­TURE: ap­ prox­imate­ly 50 head ready for dry cows only, Oc­tob­er for 2-3 months, new fence, good wa­ter, ap­prox­ imate­ly 18 miles from Pen­dle­ton or Her­mis­ ton; 541-969-3444. HAMBURGER 541-240-1229 Home grown, no additives, $3.50/lb. LAMBS FOR SALE Born Feb 2018, six quant­i­ty, $120 each; Tra­vis; 971-707-0049, Her­mis­ton. EAR­LY TO bed, ear­ly to rise! Work like heck and “ad­v er­t ise!” Call the clas­si­fieds to­day to place that ad! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039. or www.thenickelon­ line.com LIMO ­ US ­ IN/ANG ­ US Heif­ers: (3) black, 16 months old, very nice $1300 each. Two aged Lim­ou­sin cows bred and due to calf this fall, $1000 each; 541-3846911 or 541-986-0449, Con­don, OR.




2002 CHE­VY Trail­ blaz­ er: 117k miles, sun­roof, leath­er seats, good tires, nice car, $3900; 541-276-5372, Pen­dle­ton. 2005 PON­TI­AC GRAND AM: 4 door, 3.4L, V-6, 112k miles, nice in­teri­or, 4 stud­ded snow tires on rims, $2500; 541-379-1127 af­ter 5pm, Pen­dle­ton. 2007 Buick Lu­cerne­ CXL: lux­u­ry edi­tion, 36,770k miles, $8600; 541-567-9797, Her­ mis­ton. 2007 SUB­ARU Tribe­ ca: ful­ly load­ed, new tires, 180k miles; 541561-2270, Her­mis­ton. 2009 Maz­da 3: 200k miles $3500, 1999 Hon­da CRV 114k miles $3000, 2006 Nis­san Sen­tra $3900; 541-626-1155, Ir­ri­gon. 69-70 MER­CURY MA­ RAUD­ER fenders: $200 each, front bump­er $150, hood $150 oth­er misc; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton DONATE YOUR Car to Ve­ter­ans To­day! Help and sup­port our Ve­ter­ans, Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible, call 1-800245-0398. FOR SALE: 2018 Camaro 2 SS, 6 speed manual transmission, white (Redline Edition) low miles. Asking $44,000 obo. Call for more info. 509-5211963. TriCities. FOUR MATCH­ING Ford Cra­ gar Wheels, 15x8 for Ra­trod, cruis­ er clas­sic 1960’s look, $250; 541-701-4448, Her­mis­ton. MUST SEE 2014 Chevy Malibu LTZ, with 1LZ trim pkg, 58k mi, pwr seats, heated seats for those cold nights. Air conditioning, dual zone automatic climate control with individual climate settings, front THE NICK­EL gets the re­sults you want!

MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale: Fri­day Sept 7th & Sat­ur­day Sept 8th, 7am-NOON, 2204 NW Dusk Drive, Her­mis­ ton, full size mat­tress/ box spring in ex­cell­ent con­di­tion, an­tique bed frame, pub table and stools, lots of house­ hold items, adult & child­ren cloth­ing, west­ ern sad­dle, ro­to­till­ er, gar­ den items and much much more. MUL­TI FAM­IL ­ Y Yard Sale: Fri­day Sept 7th & Sat­ur­day Sept 8th, 8am-??, 445 E Jen­nie Ave. #60, Her­mis­ton. YARD SALE OF TREASURES Friday, Sept 7th, 4pm7pm, Sat, Sept 8th, 8am-6pm, Sun, Sept 9, 8am-6pm. A wide variety of quality goods from plastic fencing to kitchen appliances, fishing tackle, sit on top kayaks, 3 point ag implements, Honda Big Red. Moving and downsizing. This sale has items collected over a lifetime. Questions/ directions, call Amber, 509-2173012, 46915 N River Rd, Benton City. YARD SALE Sat­ur­day, Sept 8th, 11am-5pm, 3137 SW Hai­ley Ave. Pen­dle­ton, OR. Large as­sort­ment of in­ter­est­ing Misc. items!!! NO EAR­LY SALES... YARD SALE: Fri­day & Sat­ur­day, Sept 7th & 8th, 885 E Ken­ne­dy, Her­mis­ton, 9am-5pm, com­put­er desk, flute, Trum­pet, tires, clothes and much more! YARD SALE: Fri­day Sept 7th & Sat­ur­day Sept 8th, 8am-5pm, 1900 Riv­er­crest lane, Her­mis­ton, off of Min­ ne­ha­ha. YARD SALE: Sept 7th & 8th, 8am-1pm, 680 SE 9th Drive, Her­mis­ ton, ATV trailer, lots of young adult clothes, boys, girls, misc. fur­ ni­ture and kitch­en, camp­ ing stuff, books & toys.

2007 NORTH­WOOD De­sert Fox 21SW Toy Haul­er trav­el trail­er, 1 own­er-only used twice! stored un­der­cov­er, A/C, Onan LP Gen, So­lar! $11995, call; 541-276-4836, Pen­ dle­ton. 2009 KEY­STONE 260FS Like new Toy Haul­er: 31’ ramp or deck, holds 5 Quads, up­grades, im­proved bat­ ter­ ies, built in air com­pres­sor, pro­pane BBQ, 40” TV, elec­tric hitch; mes­sage 541656-7170, Her­mis­ton. 2011 24RL COU­ GAR High Coun­try 5th wheel: (2) slides, gen-AC-pow­er awn­ ing, wash­er/dry­er, lots of ex­tras, only $17900; 800-338-6562. 2011 24RL COU­ GAR High Coun­try 5th Wheel: 2 slides, gen­era­tor, AC, pow­er awn­ing, wash­er/dry­ er, lots of ex­tras, only $17,900. Call Smi­ley RV, 1-800-338-6562, Mil­ton Freewat­er, OR. 2012 KEYSTONE Pass­port 285RL trav­ el trail­ er: great con­ di­ tion w/ large slide out! open floor ­plan, A/C, mi­ crowave, tons of stor­age! price re­duced to $17,995, call; 541276-4836, Pen­dle­ton.

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STILL SEARCH­I NG? Find it in the Nick­el! YARD SALE: Thurs­ day, Sep­tem­ber 6th through Sun­day, Sep­ tem­ber 9th. 127 NE 12th St, Her­mis­ton, lots of tools, ap­plianc­ es, Pow­er Plant 3600, Adams High Bred Irons, (left hand­ed), Tri-pod for 5th wheel and much much more.

THE NICKEL offers custom designed logos and business cards. Call 541-567-2230 for more information. 2012 WIN­NE­BA­GO View 14M: Mer­cedes die­sel-only, 35,839 miles, big slide, gen­ era­tor, AC, pow­er awn­ ing, load­ed, Blow­out Price! $54,900. Call Smi­ley RV, 1-800-3386562, Mil­ton Free­wa­ ter., OR. 2013 NORTH­WOOD Ar­tic Fox 990 p/u camp­er: 1 own­er, great con­di­tion! on board gen­era­tor, A/C, 4 sea­ sons! $25900, call; 541-278-4836, Pen­ dle­ton. 2014 28 BULLET Ul­ tra­ Lite trail­ er, half ton tow-able, rear LR, big slide, is­ land queen, pow­er awn­ing, su­per buy at $17900, 800338-6562. 2014 28’ BUL­LET Ul­ tral­ite Trail­er: Half-ton tow­able, rear liv­ing room, big slide, is­land, queen, pow­er awn­ing, Su­per buy at $17,900, call Smi­ley RV; 1-800338-6562, Mil­ton Free­ wa­ter.

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MISCELLANEOUS HERO MILES: To find out more about how you can help our serv­ ice mem­bers, ve­ter­ ans and their fa­milies in their time of need, vis­it the Fish­er House web­site at www.fish­er­ house.org IN­VEN­TORS - FREE Information Pack­age: have your pro­duct idea de­vel­oped af­ford­ably by the Re­search & De­ vel­op­ment pros and pre­sent­ed to man­u­fac­ tur­ers, call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea Start­er Guide, sub­mit your idea for a free con­sul­ta­tion. HER­MIS­TON LI­ BRARY Book Sale: Sep­tem­ber 20th thru 22nd, Thurs­day 5pm7pm (Mem­bers Only). Fri­day 10am-5pm, (Eve­ry­one Wel­come). Sat­ur­day 10-2 ($1 a bag). Looking for doublewide mobile home we lost ours in a fire this July, looking to replace at little cost due to finances being tight, any help would be appreciated 760-2676981. Hermiston MEAT SAW: 220 volt, good condition: $695. 541-379-4111. MISSING Missing Weiner Dog: from S. Edwards Rd. Stanfield. Seen in Stanfield at the Market and last seen in Hermiston walking with 2 Basset Hounds. Black and Tan with Dapple gray spots, wearing reddish brown collar. Please Call 541377-1130. NEED MORE SPACE? PULL UP some gravel for out­door stor­age for $40/ month. Fenced, well lit lot with 24 hour off­-site security sys­ tem. Park you trac­tor, horse trail­er, mo­tor­ home, heavy equip­ ment. 801 SE Nye Ave, Pen­dle­ton. 541379-0092. NEW AU­THORS Want­ed! Page Pub­ lish­ing will help you self pub­lish your own book. FREE au­ thor sub­mis­sion kit! Lim­it­ed off­er! Why wait? call now; 866-951-7214. OVER $10K in Debt? be debt free in 24-48 months, pay noth­ing to en­ roll, call Na­ tion­ al Debt Re­lief at 866243-0510. PUB­LIC AUC­TION EZ Mini Stor­age 2315 Hwy. 395 S. Her­ mis­ton, OR 97838, auction will be held, September 18, 2018 at 11:00 am, at ad­ dress list­ ed above: Unit B-2 Rogelio Silva Jr. Please call ahead to con­firm; 541-5671003. WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website free of charge!

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 MISCELLANEOUS PREG­NANT? CON­ SID­ER­ING Adop­tion! call us first, liv­ing ex­ pens­es, hous­ing, med­ i­cal and con­tinued support af­ter­wards. Choose adop­tive fam­ i­ly of your choice, call: 24/7 888-652-0785. QUEEN SIZE Brass Bed: mat­tress & box spring, $150, com­mer­ cial roof­ing sta­pler with sta­ples, $50; 701-6906702, Pen­dle­ton. ROUGH CUT LUM­BER House logs, beams, poles, post, stays, cus­tom cut­ting, spe­ cial­ty lum­ber, tongue & grove blue pine, ta­ mar­ack, Doug­las fir, also fire­wood avail­ able; 541-969-9663, Pi­lot Rock. SAVE ON Your Next Pre­scrip­tion! World Health Link, price match guar­an­tee! Pre­ scrip­tions re­quired, CIPA cer­ti­fied, Over 1500 med­i­ca­tions avail­able, call to­day for a free price qu­ote; 1-866-293-9702, Call Now! PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE North Star Storage 30979 Joy Lane Hermiston, OR 97838 Friday, September 14, 2018 at 12:30 PM Personal Property of the following units; N10-Daidra Fisher, H07-Mikayla Foster, K32-Armilda Guererro, Q05-Jason Nichols, Tenants can pay in full up until the auction. Please call the day before the auction to check on auction status. 541-289-7766. SPORTS CARDS col­ lec­tion: sin­gles, sets, au­to­graphs, first sports il­ lustrat­ ed, not a kids col­lec­tion, price ne­go­ ti­able; 541-969-0609, Pen­dle­ton. STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­dard Walk-In Bath­tub, re­ceive up to $1500 off, in­clud­ing free toi­ let, and a life­ time war­ran­ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion! call us at; 1-855-5346198. THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­i­ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale. UTV WIND­SHIELD: brand new, fits Po­ laris Rang­er, 510/900, $300, all hard­ware in­ clud­ ed, $100, Crafts­ man Gen­era­tor, good con­di­tion, 3600W, 5300W, start­ing cord heavy duty, $300; 541561-8475, Uma­til­la. VENDORS WANTED for Holiday Bazaar, Nov 3rd, contact Kennewick Lord of Life, at 509-783-5222, w w w. t h e l o r d o f l i f e . orghttp://www. thelordoflife.org



HAY: ORCHARD grass/ al­fal­fa mix, barn stored, load­er on site, $10 per bale, 32985 W. Walls Rd., Her­mis­ ton; 541-567-1132 or 541-314-2925.

2016 JAY­CO Ea­gle M-306 RKDS, dou­ble slide, roof rack, elec­ tric awn­ ing, jack and lev­el­ers, rear stor­age, tray with bike rack, many more ac­ces­ so­ries, only used 5 times, smell like new, less that 1000 miles on tires, health forces sale, NADA price over $28,500, will sell for $24.500; 541-5675929, Her­mis­ton.

GRAIN FED LOCKER BEEF Black Angus/ Simmental locker beef sold as 1/2 or whole. Oregon born, raised on grass and grain fed for 90+ days. Buyer will pay cut/ wrap and kill fee directly to Eastern Oregon Mobile Slaughter. Animals are scheduled to be slaughtered September 14, 2018. Contact Glen at 541571-0897. Hermiston. HELP WANT­ED: de­ pend­able per­son to help with yard main­ tenance, land­scap­ing, and some ir­ri­ga­tion work. Will work with your sched­ule; 541922-4673, Uma­til­la. HAY BARN Hay for sale, quality always guaranteed, barn stored, green and clean, some discounts, call ; 541-571-5775. EMAIL your clas­si­fied ad to: class­n ick­e l@ eot­net.net LAWN/GAR­DEN trail­ er: $110, Wheel­ bar­ rows $10-$25, misc. lawn tools $5, Briggs & Strat­ton 4 cy­cle small till­er $75, John Deere 4 row trac­ tor mount­ ed cul­ti­va­tor $400, 2 wheel trail­er very nice $600; 541-969-6175, Pen­dle­ton.

FINALLY GOT him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold be­ fore he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-5672230. 2012 WIN­NE­BA­GO View 14M: Mer­cedes die­sel-only, 35839 miles, big slide, genAC-pow­er awn­ing, load­ed, blow out price $54900; 800-3386562. 2016 TRAILER, Timberidge, 26’ M-260-CIS, Outdoor RV manufactured, 2 slides, kitchen & lounge, kitchen island, rear u-dinette, front bedroom, 2 outside doors, many accessories, call for details. Excellent condition, $45,000 new, now $32,000. 509-947-3452. 24’ BLACKSTONE premium trailer, 3 slide outs, solar power, 2 tvs, fireplace, recliners, more! $39,999. 509582-7562, 509-5518102. Tri-Cities.

RECYCLE! Cardboard, Newspaper, Glass, Tin, & Aluminum

NOW 8 Locations to Serve You

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 5 PETS


$500, PUREBRED Boxer puppy, male, brindle. No papers. Parent on site. He is kennel trained & very socialized, very friendly puppy. He is 16 weeks old. Has had first 3 shots, rabies shots, dewormed. 509200-8489.Weston,OR. 5 FREE KIT­TENS: 2 yel­low, 2 gray & white, 1 black, beau­ti­ ful mark­ings; 541-3719951, Her­mis­ton. GI­ANT NICK­EL dead­ line for our pa­p er is 4pm, Tues.

BAREFOOT HORSE Hoof Trimming. Specializing in hoof care for the health, function and longevity of your horse. Serving Washington and Oregon. Call 509-3669385. LEON HORSE CAR­ RIAGE: like new condition, can be used for team of horses or sin­ gle. For pic­ tures & more information, look up TriCities craigsl­ist or call Bob; 541-9380118, Mil­ton-Free­wa­ ter. P E N­D L E­T O N ROUND-Up Spe­cial! 10% Off ALL Sad­dle and Tack re­pair dur­ing Sep­tem­ber at Rod Re­ ther­ford Sad­dlery and Cow­boy Art, at 11 SE Court Ave, Pen­dle­ton, OR; 541-279-9060. PONY BUCK­BOARD with sin­gle shaves and a Pony Cart: have har­ ness; 509-525-0633 or 509-520-6375, Col­ lege Place. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

AKC CHO­COLATE Lab Pup­ pies: born 8/10, smart lov­ing mom, awe­ some dad, healthy ac­tive pup­pies. Rais­ ing in our home, well so­cial­ized, I could go on and on but these pup­ pies can brag for them­selves. Males and fe­ males, dew claws, de­worm­ing and 1st shot by vet, lo­cat­ ed in Pen­dle­ton. $400 de­pos­it saves your choice, and $600 due when you pick up your new­est fam­i­ly mem­ ber. Seri­ous in­qui­ries only please, call or text 541-240-4063.




JOINT­ER PLAN­ER: like new $275, Sears Band Saw 12” with all the blades, $250, Saw Dust Col­lec­tor, $125; 541-626-9549, Her­ mis­ton. NEW 4000 watt Gen­ era­tor: nev­er used $300 firm; 541-7014448, Her­mis­ton.

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com

TOP QUAL­I­TY Lim­ ou­sin bulls: avail­able now, black or red; Wilde Ranch­es 541454-2994, leave mes­ sage. YORKSHIRE Feeder pigs: $60; 541-3790693, Pen­dle­ton.

WE SELL STUFF 2ND HAND Mention this ad and recieve $5 off any $25 purchase!

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0%AllInterest Models

1. Hermiston - 220 W. Harper Rd. 2. Stanfield - W. Wood (by Grange Hall) 3. Echo - across from Park (at City Halll) 4. Umatilla - Hwy. 730 (next to Columbia Harvest Foods) 5. Umatilla County - Hwy. 395 N. (next to Transfer Station) 6. Umatilla County - 81144 N. HWY. 395Station) 7. Irrigon - 198 W. Columbia Lane 8. Boardman - SE Front Street


Newspaper: Loose or placed in grocery sacks. (No plastic sacks, please) Cardboard: Flatten all boxes (Sorry, we cannot accept waxed cardboard.

GLASS BOTTLES & JARS... Bottles & Jars Only:

Give 'em a rinse (Labels are O.K. to leave on.) Separate them by color – clear, green, or brown. (Sorry, but we cannot accept pyrex, china or window glass.)

ALUMINUM ....... Aluminum cans, TV trays, foil, etc. are acceptable. Please flatten all cans to save space.

TIN....................... Rinse cans. Remove both ends. Flatten can. Lids are also accepted.

SANITARY DISPOSAL, INC. Hermiston-McNary Highway • Hermiston (541) 567-8842

http://www.bonneysag.com • OPEN MON - SAT

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 6

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Employment Section EMPLOYMENT





AC­COUNT­ING Po­si­ tion avail­ able: must have ex­peri­ence with Quick­books, ac­count­ ing, pay­roll, ac­counts pay­able and re­ceiv­ able and bank rec­ on­ cilia­tions. Also must have Ex­cel ex­peri­ence and gen­er­al of­fice skills. Wag­es de­pend on ex­peri­ence. Ben­e­ fits in­clud­ed; 541-3768444 or fax re­sume to 541-376-8445, Echo.

MASSAGE POSITIONS Massage therapy positions available in the Tri- Cities & Walla Walla. These are independent contractor positions at $40- $50 per hour, some of these jobs require travel. Send your resumes to t h e s p a t r a v e l ers@ gmail.com, or call 541571-2903.

EA­GLE RANCH is look­ ing for a Ma­ chin­ ery Op­era­tor: the op­ era­ tor will drive and con­ trol farm equip­ ment to till soil, plant, cul­ti­vate, and har­vest crops. The op­era­tor shall be re­quired to op­ er­ate and main­tain the ma­chin­ery. Must have a valid Driv­er li­cense, ex­peri­ence is re­quired; of­fice: 541-376-8444, fax: 541-376-8445, Echo. You’ll find it in the Nick­el!

HELP WANT­ED: de­ pend­able per­son to help with yard main­ tenance, land­scap­ing, and some ir­ri­ga­tion work. Will work with your sched­ule; 541922-4673, Uma­til­la. HER­MIS­TON SCHOOL DIS­TRICT Her­mis­ton School dis­ trict is seek­ing ap­plic­ ants for on-call sub­ sti­tute Cus­tod­i­al po­si­ tions. The suc­cess­ful can­di­dates will work swing shift ap­prox­ imate­ly 16-40 hours/ week. More info and ap­pli­ca­tion form are avail­able at: http://her­ mis­ton.k.12.or.us/em­ ploy­ment The Her­mis­ ton School Dis­trict is an Equal Opportunity Em­ploy­er. THE SPA TRAVELERS Has massage positions available for independent contractors in TriCities, Walla Walla and surrounding areas. Quick turn around on reimbursements. To get on the list of approved contractors, and send for more information, email Deborah Riley at thespatraveler@gmail. com NO­T ICE! IF an er­r or oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­ fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. Dam­a g­e s are lim­i t­e d to only the cost of the advertisement.

YEAR-ROUND Care­ tak­er(s) Need­ed: at a lim­it­ed ac­cess, rem­ote back­coun­try lodge, (trans­por­ta­ tion pro­vid­ed) re­spon­ si­bil­i­ties will in­clude guest ac­com­o­da­tions/ hos­pi­tal­i­ty, cook­ing, c lean­ing, build­ing and yard main­tenance, room and board pro­ vid­ed, and wag­es will be based on ex­peri­ ence, please email your resume to info@ hellscanyonpackers. com AC­COUNT­ING Po­si­ tion avail­ able: must have ex­peri­ence with Quick­books, ac­count­ ing, pay­roll, ac­counts pay­able and re­ceiv­ able and bank rec­ on­ cilia­tions. Also must have Ex­cel ex­peri­ence and gen­er­al of­fice skills. Wag­es de­pend on ex­peri­ence. Ben­e­ fits in­clud­ed; 541-3768444 or fax re­sume to 541-376-8445, Echo.

WANT IT! BUY IT! Sell it! It’s all in The Nick­el.

AIR­LINES ARE Hir­ ing: Get FAA ap­proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­nan­cial Aid for quali­fied stud­ ents-ca­reer place­ment as­sis­tance, call Avia­ tion In­ sti­ tute of Main­ tenance; 888-6861704.

LOOKING FOR a job and in a pickle? Try checking in the Nickel!

25 DRIV­ER TRAINEES Need­ed! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL train­ing! Ste­ vens Trans­port cov­ers all costs! 1-877-2091309. dri­ve4­ste­vens. com

FARM MECHANIC Fulltime Farm Mechanic: Tractors, trucks, implements, welding, handyman, team player. Housing, health insurance, 401k provided. Connell/ Othello, WA. kate@ johnsonag.com

RENT A CENTER OF HERMISTON IS HIRING FOR A ASSISTANT MANAGER IN CHARGE OF COLLECTIONS. Full time with benefits. $14-$17 depending on experience.

WHY SHOULD YOU WORK AT RAC? Move your career to the center of an industry-leading company. Creating opportunity for others is what we’re all about. Endless growth potential? The chance to work with top brands and top talent? Yeah, you can do all that here. And then some.. Do you have what it takes? • Must be atleast 19 years of age • High school diploma or GED • Valid state driver’s license and good record How would you like Sundays off? Yes, every Sunday. We also offer a comprehensive and competitive benefits package that includes everything from health insurance to a 401(k) and generous time off. But you will find the real benefits to joining us come within. Everything we do is about enriching people’s lives. Yours included. You can work your way to the future you want. We’ll help you own it.


NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­curs in your clas­si­ fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­ per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­ ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­ tise­ ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­ rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied.


We offer: Amazing pay - $3,563 - $5,096 a month  Best benefits around Free College Opportunities with AFSCME  Veteran’s Incentives  And more!



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 • 9 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. at Blue Mountain Community College Science and Technology Building 2411 NW Carden Ave, Pendleton, OR 97801 OFFERINGS PROVIDED ALL DAY  Welcome and sign-in with briefing on one-day process  Assistance with scheduling NTN REACT test  Assistance with NEOGOV online application  Register ahead of time to ensure same day testing at: www.nationaltestingnetwork.com/ publicsafetyjobs/index.cfm

SCHEDULED EVENTS ON-SITE  Interviews  1 p.m. and 4 p.m. NTN REACT test (2.5 hours in length) QUALIFICATIONS  U.S. citizen, 21 years of age at time of appointment, high school diploma or GED, must pass criminal history background check, health screening, and NTN REACT test

 

ATTENTION! Bring valid photo ID: driver’s license, military ID, or passport If registering for NTN REACT test at event, bring a valid credit card or debit card ($35 fee) Bring pertinent information to complete a detailed application (resume, DD214/VA disability rating letter)

QUESTIONS? Toby O’Malley – toby.e.omalley@doc.state.or.us – 541-278-3610 Current position openings: odocjobs.com



JM Ea­gle Mc­Nary, OR is look­ ing for pro­ duc­ tion work­ ers for our PVC Pipe Man­u­fac­ tur­ing Com­pa­ny. We are a large com­pa­ny with 20+ lo­ca­tions. We would like to hire seri­ ous peo­ ple who are in­ter­est­ed in a ca­reer with our com­pa­ny. We have many great ben­ e­fits af­ter your 90 day pro­ba­tion in­clud­ing, 100% EPO cov­er­age with NO DE­DUCT­ IBLE health in­surance through Blue Cross Blue Shield with af­ ford­able pre­mi­um. Den­tal, Vision, paid life in­surance for you and your de­pend­ ents, paid ac­cid­ent in­ surance, paid short term and long term dis­abil­i­ty and many oth­er elec­tive ben­e­ fits, plus a gen­erous paid va­ca­tion plan, paid sick leave and 10 paid holi­days per year. Shifts are 12 hours ro­ tat­ing month­ly days to nights. One week you will work 36 hours or 3 days the fol­low­ing week you will work 48 hours or 4 days. Eve­ry oth­er wee­kend you get a three day wee­kend. There is po­ ten­ tial for over­time if de­sired. Wag­es start at $14.50 per hr. over­ time af­ ter 10 hours. There is po­ten­tial for ad­vance­ ment with­in JM Ea­gle Com­pa­ny, we prom­ote with­in whe­nev­er pos­si­ ble. We are lo­cat­ed at the Port of Uma­til­la at: 31240 Rox­bury Rd., Uma­til­la, OR. Come in the front of­fice to fill out ap­pli­ca­tion (must be filled out on site) no ex­peri­ence is nec­ es­sary we will train. If you are a seri­ous per­ son ready to com­mit to a ca­reer op­por­tun­it­y stop by and fill out the ap­pli­ca­tion.

VIA­GRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150 free ship­ ping. NO pre­scrip­tions need­ed. Mon­ey back guar­anteed! 1-800943-1302. VIAGRA and Cialis Us­ers! 100 Gener­ ic pills spe­cial $99, free ship­ping! 100% guaranteed, 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-4455928, Ha­bla­mos Es­ pa­nol. WEIGHT MAN­AGE­ MENT SUP­PLE­MENT Simp­ly pour a pack­et of V-Slim in your wa­ ter & go! This pro­duct is in­tend­ed to re­duce crav­ings, main­tain healthy blood-su­gar lev­ els, boost metab­ o­lism & slow cor­ti­sol pro­duc­tion.This pro­ duct is made with all nat­u­ral in­gre­di­ents, no su­cra­lose. In­cludes Gar­ci­nia Cam­bo­gia, all ve­ gan, non-GMO & Glu­ten free! To learn more about our pro­ duct or place an or­der on­line vis­it us at jvir­gil. va­sayo.com or call us at 541-303-5045, Her­ mis­ton. AIR BORNE TREE SERV­ICE Over 18 years ex­ peri­ence in aeri­al line work. No job too big or too small. Payment plans available, call for es­timate, 760-2676981. Own­er Shan­non & Cas­sie Kack; Her­ mis­ton, Or­e­gon. BEAUTIFUL Baldwin piano for sale, tuned regularly, sounds wonderful, $800 obo. 509-430-3544 (text or call). TriCities. BLACK WAL­NUTS washed and cleaned: cracked $4/lb, un­ cracked $3/lb; 541564-9273, Her­mis­ton. NEW AU­THORS Want­ed! Page Pub­ lish­ing will help you self pub­lish your own book. FREE au­ thor sub­mis­sion kit! Lim­it­ed off­er! Why wait? call now; 866-951-7214. OVER $10K in Debt? be debt free in 24-48 months, pay noth­ing to en­ roll, call Na­ tion­ al Debt Re­lief at 866243-0510. PUB­LIC AUC­TION EZ Mini Stor­age 2315 Hwy. 395 S. Her­ mis­ton, OR 97838, auction will be held, September 18, 2018 at 11:00 am, at ad­ dress list­ed above: Unit B-2 Rogelio Silva Jr. call ahead to con­firm; 541567-1003.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMPLETE SMALL Shop Foundry for sale: furnace, flasks, sand, misc., tools, $3000; 541-969-6175, Pendleton. IN­VEST­MENT Prop­ er­ties: call Al 541-5615515.

DAYCARE BUSY BEE Pre­school & Child­ care: us­ ing Zoo Phon­ics cur­ric­u­lum, large play­ground & play­room, 1001 things to do, ages 2 and up! 541-567-2002, Her­mis­ton.


The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


glasses & contacts

Septic Pumping Repair & Inspection

Robert D. Rolen, O.D. L.L.C. Optometric Physician


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Essence Emporium

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Full Service Dog & Cat Grooming next to Oregon Trail Vet Clinic Thyann Horn Philippi 215 MainMelody Street, Hermiston Tara Rumsey

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541-567-WILD or 509-528-7121

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28200 Hwy 730 Umatilla, OR 97882 Bonded & Insured

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 8

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


Javier Tejeda 541-567-1497



P.O. Box 408 838 Hermiston, OR 97

TRUCKS 4X4S, & SUVS 1950 CHE­VY & 1950 DODGE PICK­UPS: body in good con­di­tion, have mo­tors, don’t run, will ne­go­tiate; 541376-8125, Echo. 1995 F250 XLT Ext. Cab: 2WD, 460 mo­ tor‘, 5 speed man­u­al, new clutch & tires, In­ teri­or very good con­ di­tion, doesn’t leak or burn oil, Grand­pa’s truck, well main­tained, $3800; 541-571-3156, Her­mis­ton. SELF INK­ING rub­ber stamps: start­ing at $19.50 and up. Stop by for information. 1995 PETERBILT: 60” walk in flat top sleep­ er, ex­cel­lent con­di­tion, $1,375; 541-377-9995, Pi­lot Rock.

SERVICES D’HAND­Y­MAN PAINT­ING & Re­mo­ del­ ing: wide range of re­ pairs and main­ tenance, pres­sure wash­ing. Any pro­ject big or small, FREE es­ti­mates, call Dan­iel 541-561-9272. IN GOOD times peo­ ple want to ad­ver­tise. In BAD times, they need to. Call us to­day to place your ad. Your busi­n ess will ben­e­f it from it! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. HAVE TRAC­TOR! WILL TRAV­EL! Disk­ing, ro­to­till­ing, seed­ing, also front end load­ er, brush/ weed mow­ing; 541-9100526, lo­cat­ed in Ir­ri­ gon.

5 AUCTIONS Complete Liquidation of the Original Martin Manufacturing Facility! Seller: Martin Sports, Inc

NowOPEN openFOR for bidding! NOW BIDDING! Onsite Preview: Sept 7th • 8am-6pm

Ends: Sept. 10th - Sept. 14th, 2018




82053 Hwy 395 Hermiston, Or

atkovich Harlene rogers M 541-922-5581 541-571-5580 Mt 6:33 phil 4:6,O7wner

s House of Mowern Perry Allema


Jude 20, 21


day ednesday - Satur ice W pm 30 5: am 10 v ereotnet.net Hours: s@ owrerS mo in h s reegoLna• b n O u a, S ill at m U • t. S ner 1271 6th na Moreno, O w


509-851-0486 Owner’s Phone: e: 541-571-1625 Supervisor Phon ce@gmail.com

ervi SunshineLaborS rvice unshineLaborSe /S m .co www.facebook , on ist m er H Grande Area of work: La nding Areas. ou and Surr ss, and more! Wheat, Mint, Gra in k or W eded, hourly pay. No experience ne g! nce in contractin 10+ years experie

r Designs

Custom Leathe

701-580-8845 .com Justin Alps www.longxtradingco 52 78 139 xtradingco Stephanie Rae 701Facebook.com/long R Pendleton, O

Includes 500 cards must be pre-paid 1055 N. First St Hermiston Oregon • 541-567-2230

RARE 1972 FORD F150 pick­up truck: sport cus­tom, V-8 auto, origi­ nal paint & in­ teri­ or, only shows 78,250 miles, runs great, must see, $9900 OBO, call Smi­ley RV; 1-800-3386562, Mil­ton Free­wa­ ter, OR. THE NICK­EL hours are: 8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri., Her­mis­ton. Dead­line is Tues. by 5pm. Chang­es & can­cel­la­tions Tues. by 11am. SU­PER RARE 1962 Olds Cut­lass F85 con­ vert­ible: 1st year of the HP V-8, auto, pow­er top, origi­nal con­di­tion, Sport Car Col­lect­able, $9900 offer; 800-3386562.


3134 Heritage Road, Walla Walla




Important Note: In June 2017 Martin Sports, Inc. sold all IP and contracts to Martin Outdoors, LLC who continues to manufacture and market Martin & Damon Howatt bows. These auctions feature assests of Martin Sports, Inc dating from 2017 and prior. All items are sold as is, where is, without warranty, expressed or implied.

BOWS & ARCHERY ACCESSORIES 2017 & Prior Martin & Damon Howatt Compound and Traditional Bows (still new in the box); Youth Bows; Quivers; Guards; Gloves; Optic Sights; Bow Fishing Reels; Arrows; Targets & more


New: 2016. Liquid Print One Water Transfer Imaging System, Automated Dipping Arm & Tunnel Conveyor Washing System with Dryer


New: 2016. GFS Open-Face Spray Booth; Pacline Overhead Conveyor; Primeheat Force-Flash/Infrared Oven & Titan AMU


Gail Martin Bow String Serving & Stretching Machines & Fletching Application System; Knock-Point Machine; Arrow Painter; Testing & Tuning Devices.


Assembly Line Conveyors; Rotary Screw Compressor; Bosslaser LS2436; Deburrers; Drill Press; Rivetors; Wire Sticher; Paint Booth; Forklift; Granite Surface Plate; Pallet Racks; Sewing Machines; Serger; Shipping & Receiving Scales, Banders, Conveyors & Much More.


Executive Conference Table & Desks; Display Cabinet; Laptops; Printers; Copiers; Relief Maps; Norman Adams Print & more

www.MaconBrosAuction.com (509)529-7770

WSL 2283

“Announcing The Unlimited club” Monthly Wash Club”, for as little as $17.50 a month you can wash everyday, Promo code: nickel50 for 50% off your first months membership. Go to Umatillacleanspot. com to sign up. Offer good until September 15,2018. DON’T SPEND money to store those unwant­ ed items! Sell them in the Nickel and keep YOUR money in YOUR pocket! SU­PER RARE 1962 Old­smo­bile Cut­lass F85 Con­vert­ible: 1st year of the HP V-8, auto, pow­er top, origi­ nal con­di­tion sports car, col­lect­ible, $9900 OBO, call Smi­ley RV; 1-800-338-6562, Mil­ ton Free­wa­ter, OR.

98 NORTHLAND POLAR 990 p/u camp­ er: great con­di­tion, range, mi­crowave,

1996 31’ Itasca motorhome in great condition, new tires, batteries, air suspension, A/C, generator, camera, stereo, etc., 55,000 miles, $13,500; 541-7014448, Hermiston. Jen­sen­ TV, up­grad­ed mat­tress, ref­er, wet bath, tons of stor­age! $5995; call 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton. NEED A new car, but don’t want to drive far? Check your local Nickel Want Ad paper. Cover­ ing Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties. BE­COME A Li­censed Pi­lot: for less than 1/2 of the nor­mal cost! call 541-215-0822. ECHO ATV TRAIL­ER with ramps, up­grad­ed to 2500 lb axle, new tires and spare, $800 also have Weather­ guard lock­ing tool box­ es, 24”wx12”dx15”h, $100 each; 541-5646163 or 509-844-3906, Her­mis­ton.

$5300 offer

1998 Komfort Thor: 24ft, 1 slide out, excellent condition,everthing works, $5800; 541-567-9472.

NICKEL HOURS: 8:30am-5pm, Mon.-Fri.

“ Lets truly make America great again” Lev26:14-45

The 10 Commandments

1. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2. You shall not make idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. This is a paid for advertisement

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 FARM & GARDEN

NEAR NEW Port­able Chick­ en Coupe: used 1 sea­son for 17 chick­ ens, built by Am­ish in Mon­ta­na, for pic­tures look on Craigs List TriCities farm & gar­ den for more info call: 541938-0118, Mil­ton Free­ wa­ter, OR. NEW HOL­LAND bale wag­ons: sell/ buy all self-pro­pelled and pulltype mod­els/ parts/ tires/ man­u­als. Can de­liv­er/ trade. www. ba­le­wag­on.com, 208880-2889. LAWN­MOW­ER, ROTOTILLER & 4-cy­cle en­gine re­ pair: rea­son­able rates, all work guar­ anteed, 600 E. Elm, Her­mis­ ton; 541-571-3845. TAK­ING OR­DERS: Rasp­ber­ries and Black­ber­ries, nat­u­ral­ ly raised; $28 flat, can de­liv­er, 541-922-4553, Ir­ri­gon. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. WANT­ED We buy cheap trac­tors or us­able parts; call 541-564-0661, Her­ mis­ton.


SECONDS - by the box, Lefore Family Farms, many varieties, 1 mile west of drive-in theater, Sunnyside Rd. , M-F. 11 HP 1-1/8” horizontal Wisconsin Robin pull start, starts and runs, no smoke, needs correct carburetor, $50, 541-922-4150, Irrigon. ALFALFA HAY, $9.50/ bale, 90- 95 lb/ bales. Good alfalfa. 509-8773646, or 509-5846147. BUSI­N ESS CARDS at the Nick­e l! Come check out the dif­fer­ ent varieties you can choose from! GRASS ALFALFA mix, 75-85 lb bales, $7/ bale. Old International loader tractor; 1948 F6 with dump bed. Come make offer, or come take a look at, 1291 Thacker Rd., Granger. 509-954-4607. DEADLINE TO place your classified ad is Tues­day at 5:00pm, to change or stop your ad is Tues. by 11:00am.


’90 CLASS A Dolphin motor home, road ready, only 26k miles, great condition with convection/ microwave oven, twin beds, fold out couch, generator, roof air, very livable. $12,500 obo. Call for appointment, 509-7275747. TriCities POWDER COATING & SANDBLASTING We coat & sandblast anything metal: ATV, auto & marine parts, railings, wheels, bed frames, trailers, patio furniture & more! Custom Coat, 927 S. Lindsay Ave, Pasco. 509-542-9431, also in Lewiston. 2009 KEY­STONE 260FS Like new Toy Haul­er: 31’ ramp or deck, holds 5 Quads, up­grades, im­proved bat­ ter­ ies, built in air com­pres­sor, pro­pane BBQ, 40” TV, elec­tric hitch; mes­sage 541656-7170, Her­mis­ton. 2011 24RL COU­ GAR High Coun­try 5th wheel: (2) slides, gen-AC-pow­er awn­ ing, wash­er/dry­er, lots of ex­tras, only $17900; 800-338-6562. 2011 24RL COU­ GAR High Coun­try 5th Wheel: 2 slides, gen­era­tor, AC, pow­er awn­ing, wash­er/dry­ er, lots of ex­tras, only $17,900. Call Smi­ley RV, 1-800-338-6562, Mil­ton Freewat­er, OR. 2012 KEYSTONE Pass­port 285RL trav­el trail­er: great con­di­tion w/ large slide out! open floor ­plan, A/C, mi­ crowave, tons of stor­ age! price re­duced to $17,995, call; 541-2764836, Pen­dle­ton.2016

SPORTSMAN’S SPECIAL: 1986 Conestoga camper, very clean, excellent condition, 9”-3” with 5”-9” overhang:,$1499; 541-567-3474. JAY­CO Ea­gle M-306 RKDS, dou­ble slide, roof rack, elec­tric awn­ ing, jack and lev­el­ers, rear stor­age, tray with bike rack, many more ac­ces­so­ries, only used 5 times, smell like new, less that 1000 miles on tires, health forces sale, NADA price over $28,500, will sell for $24.500; 541-5675929, Her­mis­ton.

2012 WIN­NE­BA­GO View 14M: Mer­cedes die­sel-only, 35839 miles, big slide, genAC-pow­er awn­ing, load­ed, blow out price $54900; 800-3386562.



AKC GER­MAN Shepherd pups: black and tan, had shots, can de­liv­er; 541-8563497 or 541-975-3843, Haines, OR. AKC GOLDEN/ WHITE RETRIEVER PUPPIES AKC Golden/ English White Retriever puppies, 2 females, 2 males, ready Aug 7th. First shots, dewormed. Family puppies only. $1000. 509-760-6525, MosesLake. AKC YORKIE puppies, 8 weeks old, 4 lb parents. Two males, $1000 firm. More pictures avail on request. 509-5720790. Kennewick.

.22 QT MIR­RO Pres­ sure Can­ner: Xtra gas­ ket, ex­cel­lent con­di­ tion, several quart and pint jars with ac­ces­so­ ries also, $100; 541449-1352, Stan­field. 46” COM­PUT­ER desk with 2 draw­ers and a corn­er desk with some wear on the sur­ face $15 each/ offer. 541922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. BATHROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy One Day up­dates! we spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ing, grab bars, no slip floor­ ing & seat­ed show­ers, call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion; 888-9124745. BEAU­TI­FUL 4 piece King Sleigh Bed­room set by Ash­ley Fur­ni­ ture: 2 night stands, head & foot board, long dress­er with mir­ ror, must see to ap­ pre­ci­ate, $800, call or text; 541-561-7628, Her­mis­ton. CLEAN LA­ZY­BOY Dual Re­clin­er Sofa, blue ma­te­ri­al, $879 new ask­ing $200; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. FOUR MATCH­ING Oak Chairs: $60; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. HARD­WOOD DIN­ING Table with 1 leaf and 4 match­ing chairs $100; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. MOV­ING MUST Sell: re­frig­era­tor, $50, large upright freezer­ , $200 or offer, both in ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion; 541571-5744, Board­man. TWO BEAU­TI­FUL Large hard wood Rock­ ing Chairs with match­ing table $150; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

BORDER COL­ LIE puppies, born 07/03/18, two females, $550 ea, two males, $500 ea. White/ brown. First shots/ vet check. Father papered, cham­ pion bloodlines. En­ glish/Spanish after 6pm, 509-643-2420 or Spanish any­ time,509-305-2934. BOSTON PUPPIES 1 red and white fe­ male, 8 weeks old, vet checked for worms, she is $800, no papers. I have 2 other litters: 1 female, 2 males, black and white, $800. 1 white female, 2 males and a litter of red and whites, 2 males $800. They will be ready to go August 29th, they will be vet checked and dewormed. These are beautiful puppies! More pictures online. 509-225-9119. Yaki­ ma. Visit us on Facebook CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIELS 2 AKC registered pup­ pies, looking for their forever homes. They are black & tan in color, they have their 1st set of shots, & dewclaws were done. They will be ready to go home Sept 3rd. These little tikes will steal your heart. $1500 for the female, $1300 for the male. 541-805-9088. ISO MALTESE Pup­py: or Mal­tese Cross; 541720-0427 or 509-9890066, Her­mis­ton.

36 Papers Only $225 This in the prefect way to sell those special puppies, your motor home, that recreation­ al property or whenev­ er you’d like to reach thousands of readers! 36 papers through­ out the Pacific North­ west for only $225 per week, 25 words or less. (We can even get you into Canada!) Call The Nickel today to find out more! 541567-2230. or online at www.thenickelonline. com


2 LEATH­ER Ri­fle Scab­bards: made for bolt ac­tion with scope, will take 26” bar­ rel, $250/pair or $150/ each; 541-379-7117, Ione. 4 DOZEN HARD­ CORE mag­num mal­ lard de­coys: plus 1 doz. Green­head Gear over­size pin­tails all Col­um­bia Riv­er rigged Texas style with clipon-5-foot 400# test mon­o­fila­ment lines and 8oz. pyr­am ­ id sink­ ers, $400; 541-9223891, Uma­til­la. CASH FOR guns, we buy guns at Or­ e­gon Trail Trad­er, 2312 Adams Ave.., La­Grande, 541-9632913. or­e­gon­trail­trad­ er@gmail.com FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Centralia.WA. GUIDED DOVE HUNTS Sept 1- Oct 30th, only $100 per person. Call now, reservations go fast! Williams Guide Service. 509-3664849. TriCities.



J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: WA li­ censed, bond­ed, in­sured, li­ cense #03372302 Oregon #213691, Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion. Call for free es­timate 970-3669184 or 541-626-2030. ODD MAN OUT ODD JOBS Af­ford­able, pro­fes­sion­ al, qual­i­ty, on time. Call for free es­ti­mates; Own­er Shan­non Kack, 760-267-6981, Hermiston, Or­e­gon. WILL­ING TO WORK Land­scaping, fence re­pair, clear­ing, and much, much more; call Chuck 541-720-6559. NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­ curs in your clas­si­fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ ver­tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­diate­ly! We are re­ spon­si­ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­ li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­ver­tise­ment. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied.

1967 FI­BER­FORM 16ft: com­ plete with fish­ing ­gear, 85hp John­son out­board, elec­tric troll­ing mo­tor, trail­er, 5 life vests, an­ chor, 4 fish­ing poles with re­els, fish find­ er and ­ much more, $1200 offer, call; 541567-8056, Her­mis­ton. 1977 21’ Bayliner, I/O, 305 Chevy, cuddy, sink, stove, ice box. All original, excellent condition, has 8hp Yamaha 4 stroke, electric start, power trans, new top and side curtains. Trailer has double axle. $7,500 offer. 541-571-6814 2001 FIES­TA VEE 242 Rink­er Ca­bin Cruis­er & trail­er, 350 V-8 stain­ less prop, (2) beds, kitch­en with mi­cro, frig, bath with toi­ let, too much to list here, load­ ed, clean, only $13900 OBO; 800-338-6562. WE GET RESULTS!! 2005 ALUMAWELD TALON 17.6ft: Very Good condition, top and side curtains, 60HP Mercury 4 stroke motor e-z loader trailer, $12,500; 541922-7940, Pendleton.

Sunshine Gourmet Shoppe

CHECK THE Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains!

GUIDED DOVE HUNTS Sept 1- Oct 30th, only $100 per person. Call now, reservations go fast! Williams Guide Service. 509-3664849. Tri-Cities.

29 SE Dorian Ave., Pendleton OR


THURSDAY EVENING, September 6th. 80824 Kik rd., Hermiston, Oregon. Sale starts at 6:30 pm. A preview will be at 5:00 pm.

Some items included are, Back pack blower, Dewalt cordless vac, Bev Doolittle prints, Stereos, Mechanics tools, Tool boxes, Indian dress, Compressor, Pyrex, Hutch, Drone, Ladder, Wheel barrows, phonograph, Lawn mower, Weed eaters, Foot locker, St. Croix fishing rod, Other fishing rods, Toys, Baseball cards, Angry birds, Bicycles, Stroller, HO trains, Train videos, Canoe paddles, Old bottles, Sports cards, Vintage postal scales, Table saw, Power tools, Lamps, Too much to list. Firearm auction is on September 9th.

Batteries • Starters Alternators • Solar Centennial Trojan • Odyssey Optima • Deka Booster Boxes • Full Line NOCO Products 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri • 9am - Noon Saturday

Hwy 395 • 2440 North First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-6041 • (800) 233-6041

Check us out on facebook @ Mbz Liquidations for photos and more information. 10% Buyers Premium in Effect. • Credit Cards Accepted Mike Zook at 541-571-6280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 10


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




Limited Edition

2010 DODGE CHARGER Fully Equipped ,

12 998


#9604 V#318123

2012 CHRYSLER 300 LIMITED Leather, $ , Full Power

17 997

#9602, V#263511

2014 RAM CARGO VAN Ready For Work $ ,

10 950

#9545, V#379730



#9572, V#501501

Low Miles, Manual

2007 FORD F150 SUPERCREW 4X4 XLT, $ , Full Power

15 998

#9544B, V#B10921


2008 CHEVY SUBURBAN Z71 PKG $ , Leather & more!

19 996

#9494A, V#223671

2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT Leather, $ , Full Power

11 950

#B7762A, V#132001

2016 JEEP WRANGLER SOCOM Winch, Lift, $ , Light Bar, Leather

33 950

2016 KIA OPTIMA LX Gas Mizer ,

10 950


#G7405B, V#297617

#9547, V#460547




Low Miles, Fully Equipped #B7710A, V#127351


2005 FORD MUSTANG Custom Exhaust $ ,

9 988

#9571, V#209535




2011 CHEVY IMPALA Local Trade $ ,

8 989

#9557A, V#252146


8 950



#G7416C, V#520003

2015 BUICK ECLAVE AWD Nav., Moonroof, $ 3rd Row, Leather ,


2009 GMC SIERRA CC 4X4 Low Miles, Leather $ , & Much More!


31 991

16 996

#9587, V#171395

2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Local Trade $ ,

2015 NISSAN ALTIMA , #9568 #884074, V#9603 V#442892

4 949

#B7792A, V#30693F

2004 DODGE DURANGO 4X4 3rd Seat $ ,

6 969

2006 DODGE DAKOTA 4X4 V8, $ , Auto

11 991

#9582A, V#710730


32 993

#9596, V#B61260

#G7427B, V#717221

2014 CHEVY SPARK Gas Mizer ,

8 989


22 992

#9574A, V#129630

2010 CHEVY AVALANCHE 4x4, Moonroof, , Full Power

15 850

#9488, V#225868

#27002B, V#406462


6 998

#9564A, V#318393

2002 FORD F350 CC 4X4


#G7431B, V#C15690

Local Trade

2014 NISSAN FRONTIER Under 27k Miles $ ,

15 959

#9558A, V#738617

2005 BUICK RAINIER Local Trade ,

5 995


#9581A, V#101267





#9589B, V#236494

2009 DODGE 3500 4X4 Cummins Turbo $ , Diesel

18 998

#G7438A, V#524221

SWAINMOTORS.com SAVINGS AT THE TOP OF THE HILL 1-800-743-9559 • (541)-567-CARS (2277) 80406 Hwy 395 N, Hermiston

*All Vehicles Subject to prior sale, does n Offer Ends 09/5/18 *


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



13 998

#7105, V#7H651971


21 698

Lift Weels Tires, $ , Light Bar, Winch #13881A, V#8L580673


11 654

AWD, $ , Fuel Economy #13883B, V#D6128920


9 445

Fuel Economy

#13908A, V#1C4153673


19 789

AWD, $ , 3rd Row Seat #7093, V#HT529031

not include $75 dealer doc./tax./lic. fee *On Approved Credit

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 11



AWD, Low Miles

19 998

#7011, V#F8276123

2013 FORD EDDGE LIMITED Sunroof, $ , AWD

14 182

#7080, V#DBE34958


39 456

Lifted, $ Premium Wheels & Tires , #7089, V#HF120202

2015 HONDA PILOT $ ,

4x4, Tow Pgk.

AWD, 30k Miles

25 256

2015 CHEVY SONIC $ ,

9 988

Fuel Economy

#13845B, V#F4190138

22 998

#13927A, V#G5261402

2014 LEXUS IS 250 $ AWD , #7075, V#E5015381

17 988

#13917A, V#38218243

4x4, Tow Pkg.

DVD, 3rd Row

40 892



Low Miles

2015 GMC YUKON DENALI Luxury, 3rd Row, $ , DVD/TV #7139, V#FR178598


15 998

#13844A, V#FB006798

2014 FORD ESCAPE $ ,

17 945

#13879B, V#EUE14330


7 495

Fuel Economy, $ , Low Miles #13816B, V#8A041832

2007 GMC 1500 $ ,

9 998

#7108A, V#X7Z155381

1997 FORD F150 $ ,

4 862

#7141A, V#8VKA57277

2013 CHEVY 1500 LTZ


4X4, Tow Package $ Crew Cab #7117, V#DG115947

2014 KIA CADENZA $ ,

Fuel Economy

14 256

#7021, V#E5136442


41 765

Lifted, Winch, $ Light Bar , #7112, V#HL525334

2015 CHEVY CAMARO LT Low Miles, $ , Tinted Windows

18 998

#13890B, V#F9237680


16 965

Fuel Economy, $ , Low Miles #7079, V#G4177765

2014 TOYOTA 4RUNNER SR5 27k Miles, $ 4x4, SR5 ,

29 998

#13576A V#E5178118


Fuel Economy

14 998

#7132, V#76654781



1-888-473-0523 1915 N First St. (Hwy 395 N), Hermiston

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 12

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide REAL ESTATE







3 BED­ROOM 2 bath Sin­gle wide for sale: on con­tract $19,000, cash $17,000, please call 541-276-7632 for more in­for­ma­tion, Pen­ dle­ton. 3 BED­ROOM, 2 bath house for sale in Her­ mis­ton: priced to sell; call Al 541-561-5515.

COMMERCIAL Building for lease or rent in Walla Walla, off Hwy 12 with exit ramp, approx 9000 sq.ft., 7 bays, parts rooms, offices, and more. 509727-4557.

FOR SALE BY OWN­ ER: 2204 square foot home, built in 1996, on 3.85 acr­es, North East of Her­mis­ton, 3 bed­room, 2 bath, plus at­tached ga­rage, sunroom stu­ dio, full base­ment, 36x24 foot shop, air con­di­tion­ing & heat pump, would con­sid­er trade for small­er home on 1 to 2 acr­es out­side of city lim­its. Call; 541-5677467.

LAKE VIEW LOT Lot for sale, Lake CDA, Idaho. Over 1/2 acre, includes boat dock on lake. Property held in family for decades. Water, sewer, power hookup. Timbered. $84,500. John, 208245-4040. NICE CLEAN 2 bedroom, 1 Bath home: with large kitch­ en, fire­place, en­closed at­tached ga­rage, large fenced yard, lo­cat­ed in Mil­ton Free­wa­ter, OR, on cul-de-sac, move in ready, $179,000 OBO, will con­sid­er trades (RVs & au­tos), call Smi­ley RV; 1-800-8336562, Mil­ton Free­wa­ ter, OR.

NORTH RICHLAND HOME Large Richland home near Jefferson School & river. 6 bdrms, 2-3/4 baths. New lifetime roof, includes systems & appliance warranty. $344,000. 509-2054564.

NICE CLEAN 2 bed­ room: 1 bath with large kitch­en, fire­place, en­ closed at­ tached ga­ rage, lg. fenced yard, lo­cat­ed in MF, OR on cul-de-sac, move in ready, $179,000 OBO Will consider tradesRV’s and au­tos; 800338-6562. PENDLETON HOME! New­ly up­dat­ed 3 bed, 1 bath home on North Hill, 1262 SF(m/l) of liv­ing space. 12x14 de­tached ga­rage with pow­er, small out­build­ ing for stor­age, new­er roof, new paint in­side and out, new PEX wa­ ter line from the met­ er to the house. New slid­ ing glass door, new bath­ room wind­ ow. Re­cent­ly up­grad­ ed forced air heat and cool., great start­ ed home! Jer­ry Bak­er is a li­ censed brok­ er in Or­e­gon, call; 541-9696378.

TOLL­GATE PROP­ ER­TY: Ap­prox 6 acr­ es, Hwy 204 fron­tage, easy ac­cess, zoned for Re­crea­tion­al build­ing, great lo­ca­tion, right off snow­mo­bile trails, $85000; 800-3386562, 541-938-6957, Tim.

EMAIL YOUR classi­ fied ad to classnickel@ eotnet.net



P.O. Box 89 398 E. Ridgeway, Hermiston 541-567-4663 • 541-564-2011



GI­ANT NICK­EL dead­ line for our pa­p er is 4pm, Tues.


for 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Duplexes • Washer & Dryer in Unit • Water, Sewer, Garbage paid Income Restrictions Must qualify under Farm Labor Definition.

RANCH FOR sale: 47-1/2 acres +/-, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, stick built home, has grass hay & permanent pasture, barn, shop, corrals, off the road & private. Call Dan, 541-561-5101. Goldendale.

SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing in the Nickel!

PENDLETON HOME! New­ly up­dat­ed 3 bed, 1 bath home on North Hill, 1262 SF(m/l) of liv­ing space. 12x14 de­tached ga­rage with pow­er, small out­build­ ing for stor­age, new­er roof, new paint in­side and out, new PEX wa­ ter line from the met­ er to the house. New slid­ ing glass door, new bath­ room wind­ ow. Re­cent­ly up­grad­ ed forced air heat and cool., great start­ ed home! Jer­ry Bak­er is a li­ censed brok­ er in Or­eg ­ on, call; 541-9696378.

Please call (541) 567-7595 se habla espanol


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981


3,5 $23

9th Sunday September August 19th 11am-2pm 245 SE Crestline Drive Hermiston OR 97838

CRYSTAL GOLD Mine for sale, with Gift Shop & Daily Mine Tours: Authentic 1880s underground gold mine & gift shop, well-lit paved path, 550¹ drift gold-bearing quartz vein, gold & native wire silver, gold-panning, 1.4 acres, Kellogg, ID, great business opportunity! $590,000 adjoining campgroung also available, call Gail Haynes, West Valley Realty; 208661-7054.

REDUCED BY OWN­ ER home for sale on the hill in Mil­ton- Free­ wa­ter, OR. lo­cat­ed 212 Balm Ave­nue, with awe­ some view of the Blues in choice neigh­bor­hood, NEW paint in­ side and out, $189,500, 4 bed­room, 2 full baths, large util­ i­ty, fire­place, 3/4 base­ ment with small at­ tached shop, ap­prox­ imate­ly 2,400 square feet of roo­my liv­ing 100x100 square foot lot, room for large ga­ rage or shop, 509-5200121 for ap­point­ment. TWO BED­ROOM 2 bath for sale or rent, Pen­dle­ton. $41,000 cash or $765 a month and $765 de­pos­it, no pets; 541-276-7632.

RENTALS 3 Bed­room: 1 bath house with ga­rage for rent in Mc­Nary, $900/ month, $900/de­pos­it; 541-314-5373. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at www. her­mis­ton­ren­tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc. AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA, down­town, furnished stu­dios, rent $425+ all util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­ frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure; 509248-2146. DU­PLEX 2 Bed­room, 1 bath in Ir­ri­gon: $675/ month, $675/de­pos­it; 541-314-5373. FOR RENT: 2 & 3 bed­ rooms, 1 bath in Her­ mis­ton, no pets, ref­er­ enc­es re­quired, Frost Prop­er­ties; 541-5615515, 541-561-6222 or 541-561-5310. FURNISHED HOUSE: for rent 3 bedroom 2 bath, single level, no smoking, no pets, $1800 a month plus security deposit; 541567-9797. Hermiston. FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/ sleep­ers: all util­i­ties/ ca­ble, start­ing at $225 plus tax and up per week, plus first, last & de­pos­it; call Til­ li­cum Inn An­nex, Uma­ til­la, 541-922-3236. THE NICKE ­ L can­ not guar­an­tee spe­cif­ ic page or lo­ca­tion of place­ment of any clas­ si­fied. GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ri­gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Rd., $345 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ly, in­cludes Wi­Fi, wa­ter/ sew­er/ ca­ble/ gar­bage, & elec­ tric, large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­dry mat, 6 re­mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

RV SPACES Space rent in­cludes elec­tric­i­ty, TV, Wi­Fi, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, sew­er, wa­ter, gar­bage. Laun­dro­mat on-site. One block from mini-mart, res­tau­rant and lounge. 2 minutes from the boat launch, clean and quiet, $375/ month base, Oa­sis RV Park; 509-667-5087. SMALL OF­FICE for rent: high traf­fic, easy ac­cess, Pen­dleton lo­ ca­tion, $275/ month; 541-477-3113. THREE BEDROOM 1 bath house: large fenced yard, ga­rage, no pets or smok­ ing, $1000 month, $1000 de­pos­it; 509-9485867, Mc­Nary. WAITSBURG: NEWLY RENOVATED House for rent, 868 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 1 bath, hardwood floors throughout, fresh paint, large yard & patio, washer/ dryer included, available mid September. $900/ month plus utilities. Deposit based on credit. $34 application fee. Pets negotiable. 253-693-8231.

FOR SALE: 2006 Mercury Mountaineer, all wheel drive, 206,327 miles, $2600 or best offer; call Nadine, 541-667-9521 Monday - Friday 8am4:30, Boardman. NEED A new car, but don’t want to drive far? Check your local Nickel Want Ad paper. Cover­ ing Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties.

USED ONCE: SMITH & WES­SON MILI­TARY & PO­ LICE 22LR Pis­ tol: semi au­tomat­ic, 12 shot clip, also has case & lock, paid $380 ask­ing $299 ammo in­ clud­ed; 541-969-9325, Pen­dle­ton.

2 1/2 HP SHAP­ER rout­er on table: $200, 541-701-4448, Her­ mis­ton. DEL­TA MIL­WAU­KEE Tool Mak­er Grin­der: se­ri­al# 116-9670, do have some lit­er­a­ture, $650; 541-567-3196, Her­mis­ton. JOINT­ER PLAN­ER: like new $275, Sears Band Saw 12” with all the blades, $250, Saw Dust Col­lec­tor, $125; 541-626-9549, Her­ mis­ton.

45-01 5 7 09



D’HAND­Y­MAN PAINT­ ING & Re­mo­del­ing: wide range of re­ pairs and main­tenance, pres­sure wash­ing. Any pro­ ject big or small, FREE es­ti­mates, call Dan­iel 541-561-9272. J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: WA li­ censed, bond­ed, in­sured, li­ cense #03372302 Oregon #213691, Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion 541-6262030.

CASH FOR un­ex­pired Di­a­be­tic Test Strips: Free ship­ ping, best pric­es & 24 hr pay­ ment! BBB Ra­ted A+, call; 1-855-440-4001. www.Test­Strip­Search. com CHECK THE Nick­e l clas­s i­f ieds for some spe­cial bar­gains! WANT­ED: 60’s mod­el Demo­li­tion car, pre­fer Wag­on and doesn’t nec­es­sar­il­y need to run; call 541-5678204, Her­mis­ton.

metal roofing & siding manufacturer





. ac


Hermiston ProPerty management

541-567-0990 2372 N. 1st St., #A, Hermiston

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

THE NICKE ­ L can­ not guar­an­tee spe­cif­ ic page or lo­ca­tion of place­ment of any clas­ si­fied.

Guided fish­ing trip on the Col­um­bia Riv­er: Walleye, Sal­mon, Stur­ geon, and Steelhead; call Be­ low The Boat Guides; 541-7017536. IT’S ALL in the Nickel!



FIREARM AUCTION! September 9th. To be held at the Hermis­ ton Conference Cen­ ter, 415 S. Hwy 395, Hermiston, Oregon. Auction at 1:00 pm. Preview at 11:00 am. Firearms include: WINCHESTER(mod­ els: 55, 94, 9422M) REMINGTON (mod­ els: 700,721, nylon 77, nylon 66, 11-87, 870, 550-1, 788, 03A3, 7400, M88, 600, 597), RUGER (models: Sin­ gle six, 10-22, Mini 14, Mark 4) , BROWN­ ING (A-5, BPS), S AVA G E ( m o d e l s : 99C, 99F, 99E, 11-E), GLENFIELD, ITHICA, MARLIN, J.C. HIG­ GINS,SPRINGFIELD, HI-POINT, HOWA, VERONA, H & R, HERITAGE, BENELLI, TED WILLIAMS, BSA, STEVENS,MOSS­ BE RG,TH OMP S ON CENTER, STEYR, NAGANT, WALTHER, ARISAKA, REVELA­ TION and more. We have 84 firearms to auction at this time. Looks to be over 100. Items other than fire­ arms to be sold after firearms. Smitty’s Outpost will be the FFL taking care of the back ground checks and other paper work All Oregon State and Federal firearm laws will be adhered to. Oregon background checks required for winning bidders. See photos on Facebook @ Mbz Liquidations. 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. Call Mike Zook @ 541571-6280 Ford Bon­ ney: Auctioneer FREE AD! Found or lost pet ads are free for the first week. Just call the Nick­el at 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. or www.thenickelonline. com


RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston.

TRADE ONLY! 1941 Chev Coupe for something in the 1930s, ’40s, ’50s or maybe ’60s. Extra fenders, extra grill, extra hood, frame with Mustang front end, 350 Chev engine. Car needs total restoration. 509-985-3255. TRANS­MIS­SIONS Re­built trans­mis­sion, over 29 years ex­peri­ ence, qual­i­ty work you can trust for a great price; Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion, closed SaturdaySunday, 541-5671698, Her­mis­ton, Or­ e­gon. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS VAN Mobility van, wheelchair accessible. 2000 Dodge Caravan, 185k mi, new tires & brakes. Both the driver seat & passenger seats are removable for wheelchair access, or the wheelchair can be secured in the area behind the front seats. The securing mechanism is a Qsystem, just like the Dial-A-Ride lock in devices.509-942-8964

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 13 SPORTS & EQUIPMENT


LARGE 3 bedroom apart­ment: wash­er/ dry­er hook­up, wa­ter/ sew­er/ gar­bage paid, no pets, $850/ month plus $1250 se­cur­i­ty de­pos­it base; call for pic­tures and de­tails 503-201-2819, Her­ mis­ton. MINI STORAGE for rent: 10x12, $40/ month, and 8x20 stor­ age, $65/ month, gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541-567-6065, Her­ mis­ton. AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA, down­town, furnished stu­dios, rent $425+ all util­i­ties in­clud­ed, re­ frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure; 509248-2146.





Habla Español


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The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 14

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039



TRUANCY BOARD VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Benton Franklin Counties Juvenile Justice Center is looking for English & Spanish speaking volunteers to participate on the Community Truancy Boards. The only requirements are that you be a least 21 years old, pass a comprehensive b a c k g r o u n d investigation & have a desire to help students successfully obtain an education. If you would be interested in volunteering 3 or more hours a month to help these students, please contact Christy Young 509-783-2151. TOWN AND Country Swine 4-H Club is looking for new members. Come join the fun & enjoy raising pigs! Call 509-5867409 for more info.

’78 EL Camino, $3500. Call for details (no texts) 509-261-0946. Yakima.

2007 Four Winds class C motor home, 30.6’, 2 slides, 6.8L V10, couch is a slide and dinette is a slide with rear walk around bed, genera­ tor. Runs and drives good. $34,900 + doc fee. 211 W Columbia Dr., Kennewick 509582-0923. We finance, trades welcome (dlr) Price good through 09/13/18. www.uze­ drvs4u.com.

WHEN YOU place a classified ad in the Nickel, it also goes on our website free of charge!

DEADLINE TO place your classified ad is Tues­day at 5:00pm, to change or stop your ad is Tues. by 11:00am.


TRADE ONLY! 1941 Chev Coupe for some­ thing in the 1930s, ’40s, ’50s or maybe ’60s. Extra fenders, extra grill, extra hood, frame with Mustang front end, 350 Chev engine. Car needs total restoration. 509985-3255.Yakima. 1973 CHEVY K10 Runs good, new ex­ haust, 350, auto, $6000, leave msg, 509-851-8535. TriCi­ ties. ’65 FORD Falcon 2 door sedan, 351 Wind­ sor motor, 395 cu.in., C4 auto trans, reverse manual valve body, 9” rear end, lots of extras, $20,000. Ask for Mike, 509-967-5230.TriCi­ ties.

2007 Alfa See Ya, 36’, 3 slides, rear living, island kitchen, front bedroom, $14,900 + doc fee. 211 W Colum­ bia Drive, Kennewick, 509-582-0923. We finance, trades wel­ come (dlr). Free deliv­ ery within 100 miles of Kennewick. Price good through 09/13/18 www. uzedrvs4u.com 2004 BOUNDER 33’ motor home, with large slide out, automatic jacks, twin ac, gener­ ator, awning, compres­ sor. Nice, extremely clean, very well main­ tained, & ready to go anywhere. $16,000. 208-503-0235.



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.22 QT MIR­RO Pres­ sure Can­ner: extra gas­ket, ex­cel­lent con­ di­ tion, several quart and pint jars with ac­ ces­so­ries also, $100; 541-449-1352, Stan­ field. 46” COM­PUT­ER desk with 2 draw­ers and a corn­er desk with some wear on the sur­ face $15 each/ OBO. 541922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. BATHROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy One Day up­dates! we spe­ cial­ize in safe bath­ing, grab bars, no slip floor­ ing & seat­ed show­ers, call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion; 888-9124745. GI­ANT NICK­EL dead­ line for our pa­p er is 4pm, Tues.

HORSESHOEING & trimming. Shoeing $60, trims $30. Steve Bishop, 509-346-1286.

PORTABLE GRAIN grinder, $300; Portable metal can sealer, $300; Campbell/ Hausfeld compressor, $125; 1/3 hp electric motor, $100; Rigid orbital, 12 volt Sawzall, $100; Rigid air roofing nail gun, with roofing nails, $100. 509-7834439. TriCities.

DOGO ARGENTINO PUPPIES 9 full blood Dogo Ar­ gentino puppies for sale. 2 male, 7 female. Mom and dad are on site. Mom is an import from Hungary, she is 70- 75 lbs and dad is 90- 95 lbs. Both are phenomenal dogs with very high prey drive and are extremely pro­ tective of their home and family. That said, you’d never know it if you met them in public. They’re both affection­ ate and well socialized. If you don’t know about this breed, they’re probably not for you. This is a strong willed and dominant breed. A $500 non refundable deposit is required to hold your pup. See pics at Giantnickel. com to see parents as well as their registra­ tions. Breeding rights, $3500, no breeding rights $2500. For more information call/ text 509-305-6861. Grandview. ENGLISH LAB RETRIEVER White (reg. Yellow) Labrador Retriever male, born 7/4/18. First shots, dewormed & dewclaws removed. Limited reg (no breed­ ing), $1200, full reg (breeding rights), $1500. Text, 509-2220224. Kennewick.

CLEAN LA­ZY­BOY Dual Re­clin­er Sofa, blue ma­te­ri­al, $879 new ask­ing $200; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. FOUR MATCH­ING Oak Chairs: $60; 541701-4448, Her­mis­ton. HARD­WOOD DIN­ING Table with 1 leaf and 4 match­ing chairs $100; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon.

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BAREFOOT HORSE Hoof Trimming. Spe­ cializing in hoof care for the health, function and longevity of your horse. Serving Wash­ ington and Oregon. Call 509-366-9385. HOT WALKER, 4 horse, $850. Call 509697-3060.Selah. SEAN CULVER’S Horseshoeing & trim­ ming, 25 yearsexperi­ ence. 509-840-1710. Grandview.

COMPLETE motorized apple juice/ cider system, apple grinder, apple press, set up. Cost over $500 new, selling price, $325. 509-547-0707. TriCities.

HORSESHOEING, prompt service! Horse Training, tune ups, long & short term pro­ grams.509-366-0092. Tri-Cities.

ELECTRIC wheelchair, Pronto M51 with Surestep, never used, new battery, paid $5499, asking $3000 obo. 509-545-6998. TriCities.

2 PLEASURE/ trail horses: One 13 year old registered gelding; One 8 year old black/ white Paint gelding. Excellent trail horses, experienced in the mountains. Call 509697-3060.

BUY DUCK RACE TICKETS Perkins & Zlatich CPAs support the Rotary Duck Racebuy tickets at 3616 W Court St, Ste G, Pasco. Call Ron,509-542-9700.

IN TODAY’S competi­ tive marketplace, you can’t afford not to ad­ vertise in the The Nick­ el! Call today to get the best advertising rates in town! Hermiston 541-567-2230.

TONS OF Antiques! Glassware; Cups/ saucers; Books; Knick knacks, lots more! Sept 7 & 8: Friday, 8am-5pm, Sat, 8am4pm. 4020 Wernett Rd, Pasco.

SIX WAYS to place your ad: 1. Walk in. 2. Mail it to 1055 N. First St., Her­m is­t on, OR. 97838. 3. Call it in, 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039. 4. Fax it in, 541-564-8403. 5. Email it to class­nick­el@ eot­net.net. 6. Go to our web­s ite and place it, the­nick­e­lon­line.com

SUC­CESS IN business starts with ad­ver­tis­ing in the Nickel! YAKIMA STORAGE: 10x20 secure storage, $75/ mo or $200 every 3 mos; 10x10 secure storage, $40/ mo or $100 every 3 mos. Call Lars, 509-952-7147. volt, used 6 times, very clean, just like new, paid $14,000, $7500 obo. 509-406-2795.



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F1B GOLDENDOODLES Standard F1B Golden­ doodles will be ready at the end of Sept. Mom is F1 Goldendoo­ dle, and Dad is AKC & CKC Standard parti Poodle. All puppies will be reserved on a first come, first served ba­ sis, $1500. Please call or text 509-947-1030 for more info. TriCities. FREE KIT­TENS: males & fe­males, vari­ ous col­ors, ready for a new home; 541-5711153, Her­mis­ton. GERMAN Shepherd pups, 6 wks, black/ tan, all black, pure­ bred, current on shots, great personalities & dispositions, parents on site, $400 each. 509-830-8283. Pross­ er. GERMAN Shorthair, completely broke dog, 4 year old female. Fantastic hunter, great nose, $1500. 509-9671446, 509-967-4778. GREAT PYRENEES female, 1.5 years, wonderful personality, super gentle, loves ev­ eryone, needs placed in a family home. 509305-9085. LOOKING FOR a job? Try checking in the Nickel! LABRADOODLE pup­ pies, 9 wks, registered sire, papered dam, $850. 3 colors. Please call or text 509-5915881. TriCities.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 15

Buy 3 Weeks Get The 4th FREE 15 Words or less 10 cents additional. Pre-paid

The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 16

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039 YARD & GARAGE SALES

YARD SALE, Sat 9/8, 9am- 4pm, no ear­ ly birds. Household items; Little Lulu, Mick­ ey Mouse, Donald Duck comics; Leav­ enworth beer steins; Baby items; Bicycles; Odds & ends. Please, no small children or pets. 104 57th St,Ter­ race Heights. 657 CEDAR Ave, Richland, Sat, 8am1pm. Nice sofa & love­ seat; Pictures; 6 wood­ en dining chairs; Lane coffee & end tables; Lamps; Bookcases; New p i e c e v i n y l f l o o r i n g , 6’10”x12; Jr size girl clothing; New Creative Memo­ ries products; Stereo & speakers; New canopy tent; Rain gear; Arti­ ficial Christmas tree; Daybed comforter set; Videos; Toys; Sports; Kitchen; Misc. LOTS OF items, last big sale! Bedding; Fur­ niture; Camps stoves; Some clothing, too much to list. Fri & Sat, 9am-4pm, Sunday, 9am-2pm. 90 Hadley Drive, Gleed area,fol­ low signs. BIG ESTATE SALE 2 story home with barn full! Picker’s par­ adise! Tools, tools, tools; Camping gear; Too much to list! Bed­ room sets with mat­ tress; Night stands; Coffee tables; End tables; Hide-a-bed; Lots of kitchenware; Dish sets; Home de­ cor; Lamps; Wool rugs; Leather couch & loveseat; Piano; Organ; Vintage ste­ reo; Dressers; Lots of home linens; Blankets; Clothes; 3 patio tables & chair sets; Outdoor barn wood furniture; So much more not listed! Narrow drive­ way! Please stay to the right when driving in as to not block any­ one! Partial open pas­ ture to provide extra parking & turnaround. See you there! Thurs­ day, 09/06, Fri 09/07, Sat, 09/08, 8am-2pm. 152604 W Richards Rd, Prosser. THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale!


11HP 1 1/8” hor­i­zon­tal Wis­con­sin Rob­in pull start: starts and runs, no smoke, needs cor­ rect car­bure­tor, $50; 541-922-4150, Ir­ri­gon. 2006 EXISS LQ 3 horse trailer, auto jack, extra lights in tack room, good shape, asking $30,000 or best offer. Call or text, 541-561-4471. 9-N FORD TRAC­TOR: all­ new elec­tri­cal in­ clud­ing gaug­es, al­ ter­na­tor, new brakes, bear­ ings & seals, re­ built carb, 12 volt tu­ ned up, good tires, new paint, $2850, No Texts; 541-571-3845, Her­mis­ton. ALFALFA HAY 100 Tons of 2nd & 3rd cut­tings, 4x4x8 bales, $165 a ton; 541-9804234, Ar­ling­ton, OR. ALFALFA HAY: $185 a ton or $9.00 a bale; 541-571-4457 or 541571-4456. Hermiston. AL­FAL­FA OR GRASS: small bales, $7 per bale, $175 per ton; 541-379-0693, Pen­ dle­ton. CRAFTS­MAN LT1000 Rid­ing Mow­er: 42” deck, new mo­ tor, start­er, carb, belts and blades, ex­cel­lent shape, $475; 541-4812557, cell 503-4597456, Board­man. FOR RENT: 120 acr­ es dry­land cat­tle pas­ ture: wheat, rye, grass, fenced and cross fenced, Wa­ ter tanks pro­vid­ed; 503-7934776, Pen­dle­ton. GRAIN FED LOCKER BEEF Black Angus/ Simmental locker beef sold as 1/2 or whole. Oregon born, raised on grass and grain fed for 90+ days. Buyer will pay cut/ wrap and kill fee directly to Eastern Oregon Mobile Slaughter. Animals are scheduled to be slaughtered September 14, 2018. Contact Glen at 541571-0897. Hermiston. LOOKING FOR a job and in a pickle? Try checking in the Nickel! Hay for sale, quality always guaranteed, barn stored, green and clean, some discounts, call ; 541-571-5775.


1989 MO­TOR­HOME by Mal­lard: 27’, V8, 45,600 miles, 4K Owen gen­era­tor, new tires, $6900 or best off­er; 541-571-2881 or 541-571-4836, Her­ mis­ton. 1993 FORD F-350 Class C Mo­tor­home: in per­fect con­di­tion, 41k miles, in­ cludes gen­era­tor, A/C ca­ bin coach, like new tires, well main­ tained $11,000; 541-3790851, Pen­dle­ton. 1997 BOUNDER Mo­ tor­home: 36’, good con­di­tion, $11,500; call 541-379-1422, Pen­ dle­ton. 1998 FOUR­ WINDS In­fin­i­ty Class A Mo­ tor­home: 34ft, 49,937 miles, 2 A/C, gen­ era­ tor, back up cam­ era, 32” TV, Cap­tain Seats, awn­ing, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, $16,000 OFFER; 541-5714663, Stan­field. 2000 AIR Bus motor home, $25,000, 53,600k miles, 36’ length. Located in Eltopia WA. Call Scott Goodwin for more information at 509430-3406. 2007 NORTH­WOOD De­sert Fox 21SW Toy Haul­er trav­el trail­er, 1 own­er-only used twice! stored un­der­cov­er, A/C, awning, LP Gen, So­lar! $11995, call; 541-276-4836, Pen­ dle­ton. 2009 KEY­STONE 260FS Like new Toy Haul­er: 31’ ramp or deck, holds 5 Quads, up­grades, im­proved bat­ ter­ ies, built in air com­pres­sor, pro­pane BBQ, 40” TV, elec­tric hitch; mes­sage 541656-7170, Her­mis­ton. 2011 24RL COU­ GAR High Coun­try 5th wheel: (2) slides, gen-AC-pow­er awn­ ing, wash­er/dry­er, lots of ex­tras, only $17900; 800-338-6562. Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el. 2012 KEYSTONE Pass­port 285RL trav­ el trail­ er: great con­ di­ tion w/ large slide out! open floor ­plan, A/C, mi­ crowave, tons of stor­age! price re­duced to $17,995, call; 541276-4836, Pen­dle­ton.

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The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 17 FARM & GARDEN

LIVESTOCK 2 BLACK Angus steers: all natural, no hormones, been on cracked corn for 3 months, these are 2 year old steers, more flavor great shape, $2.50lb hook weight; 541-567-8179. BEEF! GRASS Fed: An­gus Steers, $2.50 hang­ ing weight, we pay kill costs, Bill; 541720-8680, Uma­til­la. BIG VAL­LEY Calf Chute: used for brand­ ing only 500 calves, for more in­for­ma­tion call 541-938-0118, Mil­ton Free­wa­ter, OR. BLACK AN­GUS Heif­ er: 2 years old, has not been bred, has been raised on grass pas­ ture and al­fal­fa hay, $1000, call 541-3791717 you must pick up, Her­mis­ton. BOT­TLE CALVES for sale: An­ gus and Lim­ ou­ sin cross, lo­ cal de­ liv­ery, free band­ing; 541-371-6700, Her­ mis­ton. BULLS FOR SALE Black Angus, proven breeders, exc health, multiple to choose from. Located between Grandview & Prosser. Call 509-831-6544. FALL PAS­TURE: ap­ prox­imate­ly 50 head ready for dry cows only, Oc­tob­er for 2-3 months, new fence, good wa­ter, ap­prox­ imate­ly 18 miles from Pen­dle­ton or Her­mis­ ton; 541-969-3444. L I M ­O U S ­ IN/ANG ­ US Heif­ers: (3) black, 16 months old, very nice $1300 each. Two aged Lim­ou­sin cows bred and due to calf this fall, $1000 each; 541-3846911 or 541-986-0449, Con­don, OR.

1964 BOLEN garden tractor, 8 hp Milwau­ kee, ran when parked, $200. 907-209-5139. Sunnyside. ALPACAS & RAW FI­ BER FOR SALE Great pets, 4H, & FFA proj­ ects. Large choice of age, color, gender. Great prices! 509-5727708. BentonCity. HEALTHY strawberry plants, .25 cents each, or 5 for $1. Phone, 509-547-0707. Tri-Cit­ ies.


HEAVERLO NW: 10 acres of equipment! Yakima.509-453-4340.



2004 BOUNDER 33’ motor home, with large slide out, automatic jacks, twin ac, gener­ ator, awning, compres­ sor. Nice, extremely clean, very well main­ tained, & ready to go anywhere. $16,000. Clarkston, 208-5030235. class­nick­el@eot­net.net 1994 Skyline Week­ ender camper, 11’10”, fully self contained, everything works prop­ erly. Sleeps 3 adults, or 2 adults & 2 small children. Microwave, outside shower, nice kitchen. $2100. Ask for Don, 509-453-7638. Yakima.

TINY TOY Poodle pup­ pies CKC registered, family raised, first shots, tails docked, dewclaws removed, one litter ready now, 2 in September, $800. 541-969-7986. CKC BOSTON Terrier female, 12 weeks, 1st shots, dewormed, vet checked, $700. 509424-1377. Union-Gap. AKC GERMAN Short­ hair Pointer pups, whelped 8/20/ 18, now accepting deposits, exc pedigrees, affec­ tionate companions & family dogs, $800. Yakima area. 509-9309784.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838



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The Nickel -September 6, 2018 - Page 18

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




PORTABLE GRAIN grinder, $300; Porta­ ble metal can sealer, $300; Campbell/ Haus­ feld compressor, $125; 1/3 hp electric motor, $100; $100. 509-7834439. TriCities.

LUXURY Vinyl plank commercial rated flooring, high end, wide plank, textured wood look, 1450 sq.ft, retails at $5.75/ sq.ft, sell $3/ sq.ft, some or all. 509-547-5115.

FREE APPLES for an­ imal feed. Bring own containers. 509-3964937. TriCities.




FREE FIREWOOD, dry Maple, you split, you haul. 509-5721940. Kennewick. FREE KITTENS, solid black, very energet­ ic, healthy, litterbox trained, 509-380-0122. TriCities. You’ll find it in the Nick­el! FREE RE­MOV­AL: wash­ers, dry­ers, stoves, dish­wash­ers, hot wa­ter tanks; Call 541-314-5077, Her­ mis­ton

SPORTS & EQUIPMENT GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ing Fall Chinook and Walleye. 8 hour trips, ful­ly li­ censed and in­sured; call 541-571-3933 for avail­abil­i­ty. Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el. 4 DOZEN Hardcore magnum mallard decoys, plus 1 dozen Greenhead Gear oversize pintails all Columbia River rigged Texas style with clip on 5 foot, 400# test monofilament lines and 8 oz pyramid sinkers, $400. 541922-3891. Umatilla.



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2001 FIES­TA VEE 242 Rink­er Ca­bin Cruis­er & trail­er, 350 V-8 stain­ less prop, (2) beds, kitch­en with mi­cro, frig, bath with toi­ let, too much to list here, load­ ed, clean, only $13900 offer; 800-338-6562.

2005 ALUMAWELD TALON 17.6ft: Very Good condition, top and side curtains, 60HP Mercury 4 stroke motor e-z loader trailer, $12,500; 541-922-7940,Pendleton. 2005 ALUMAWELD TALON 17.6ft: Very Good condition, top and side curtains, 60HP Mercury 4 stroke motor e-z loader trailer, $12,500; 541922-7940, Pendleton. BOAT TRAIL­ER: over­ all length 15 ft., fits boat 11-13 ft. long, up to 5.5 feet wide at stern, $500 OBO; 541969-7955, Pen­dle­ton.

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80764 N. Hwy. 395 • Hermiston

Lost your pet? Found one?

1993 WELLCRAFT: 22’ inboard, outdrive with custom 454 Chevy and Mercruiser Bravo one drive, power and speed, with dual axle trailer, $5500; 541-701-4448, Hermiston. THE NICK­EL can help you: 1. Save mon­ ey. 2. Save time. 3. Sell items you don’t need. 4. Find things at a val­u e; 541-5672230, 541-276-7039.


ORCHARD equip­ ment: 1989 4610 Ford, 5300 hours, $4500; 1995 Rears 400 gal sprayer, $2500; Two L&W bin trailers, $800 & $2500; Stokes alu­ minum ladders, 10’, 30 ladders, $115 ea; Edwards Brush Spider, $600; Rhino tree au­ ger, $1400; Stihl pole saw, $250; 1 porta pot­ ty, $500; Three 250 gal fuel tanks, $200 ea; Rears pack flail mow­ er, 7’, $2800; Perfect flail mower, 7’, $2400; 1989 374 Massey Fer­ guson, 3400 hours, $8000; Rears 300 gal sprayer, $2300; 5 hand pole saws, $75 ea; 4 wd Heston 7066, 8300 hours, $4500. All equipment in working order.509-388-3832. Zillah.

APPLEHEAD TEA­ CUP CHIHUAHUAS Ready Sept 8. Weight 5 ounces at birth, 1 white male, 1 brown dobbie female, 1 male, 1 femaledobie color, $500 each. Call 509572-5624. Tri-Cities.

RETIRED couple needs help spraying 4 acre field with 24D. Use our sprayer. 509607-1919. Zillah.

AKC YORKIE pup­ pies, 8 weeks old, 4 lb parents. Two males, $1000 firm. More pic­ tures avail on request. 509-572-0790. Kenne­ wick.

ANTIQUE TRAC­ TORS, Loaders: Pull behind hay chopper, conveyer belt, grinder, loader; 1950s Vaughn trackster; 1930s- ’40s steel wheeled walk behind & 1940s- ’50s rubber tired walking tractor, with imple­ ments.509-380-3735. Burbank WA. WHITE MUSCOVY ducks, young pairs; Also Guineas. Very tame. 509-571-7542. Yakima. Cus­tom lo­go design at The Nick­el. YORKSHIRE feeder pigs, $60. 541-3790693. Pendleton. BALER, International 57W, converted to twine, extra parts, $600. 509-453-5922.

MINIATURE Australian Shepherd puppies. Registered, vacci­ nations, dewormed & ready now. $500$1000. Baker City, Or­ egon. 541-518-9284. www.oregonaussies. net DOBERMAN PUP­ PIES Date of birth 06/01/18; 4 year old fe­ male; 2 year old male, tails docked and shots. $500. 509-697-7779. 509-899-9641. 509379-1216. Selah.

GERMAN Shep­ herd puppies, fe­ males, $350, males, $300. Pasco. Text or call, English, 509-572-5401, Es­ panol,509-212-6058. THE NICKEL will bring people to your yard sale! BLUE HEELER/ Bull Terrier mix! Puppies need new homes, all have an adoption fee. Energy filled, some are lazy, they need shots & deworming. Some have blue eyes, just depends which one you want. Great mid sized dogs. Great dogs for cattle, for children, or first dog. Call me at 509-845-5522. Thanks for looking!

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Tinted Windows,Heated & Cooled Leather Seats, Push Button Start, Moonroof, Nav, Back-up Cam

Local Trade, Limited, Automatic, Tinted Windows, Alloy Wheels





Automatic, Cruise, Push Button Start, Keyless Entry, Gas Saver


2.0L Turbo, Auto, Push Button Start, Cruise, PW, PL, Bluetooth, Tinted Windows, Alloy Wheels


Eddie Bauer, Local Trade, 4x4, Automatic, Leather, 3rd Row, Cruise, Premium Wheels

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SAVE Leather, 3rd Row SAVE Seating, Rear AC SAVE Controls, CHICO’S Tow TACOS Pkg, columbia ceNter blVD. 4x4 CUBE $ FLASH BUILDING




On approved credit. Not everyone will qualify. All financing on approved credit. All vehicles subject to prior sale. One vehicle unless otherwise noted. All vehicles plus tax, license, title. A negotiable documentary service fee of up to $150 may be added to each sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Colors may appear different from actual in printed photos, please see autos in person. VINs posted at dealer. Not responsible for typographical errors. See dealer for details. Expires 09-12-18.

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