Connect with us: @C ourt _P layhouse /T he C ourtyard P layhouse
Tel: 055 9673927
IMPROV WORKSHOPS in June 2014 casting for shows in June: The Courtyard Playhouse needs YOU. To take part in either of our improv shows, email
Sat June 7th
8pm - 10pm
Wed June 18th
8pm - 10pm
Visiting instructors: Wed June 4th
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Anne McMaster! - *Intermediate
200 AED
Sat June 14th
12pm - 3pm
Anne McMaster! - *Intermediate
300 AED
Sun June 8th
7:30pm - 10pm
Applied Improv’ with Beline Raffy
250 AED
Drop-in Workshops in June: In these sessions we will practice Keith Johnstone’s story games: Word at a Time; Non-Sequential Lists; Link the Items; Verbal Chase; the Boris Game; What Comes Next and The Keyboard Game. We will attempt to apply our learning to improvised scenes. Wed June 11th
7:30 - 9:30pm
Sat June 21st
12pm - 3pm
Don’t Defend Yourself! with Kemsley Dickinson Stories and Scenes with Kemsley Dickinson
100 AED 150 AED
Book both workshops in advance for only 200 AED. • longer workshop • class sizes capped at 10 participants • advance booking system guaranteeing your place