beginner polymer clay
Add a lustrous finish to translucent color blends to give polymer clay the look of glass. by Nancy Pollack
olorful slices of extruded clay can be layered on any bead shape to add pattern and visual interest. By including slices of translucent clay, these patterns achieve more visual depth. For a subtle effect, combine closely related colors; for more
contrast, mix complementary colors. You can find inspiration by looking at the color palettes and patterns in lampworked glass. To make colorful clay slices like the ones in this project, a hand-crank pasta machine and a clay extruder are well worth the investment. Instead of using the large, triggerstyle extruder shown with the project, you can purchase a smaller, twist-action version.
Bull’s-eye-patterned beads are buffed and sealed to mimic lampworked glass.
ar tjewelr