home’sCool Winter February, 1st, 2014
Black History Month: Dr. Mark Dean Culture & Society
Wearable Technology and Smartphone Rankings!
The 1st place winner of the Riddle (receiving a Starbucks giftcard is…)
It’s Black History Month! Check out the Unknown History Section
From the EDITOR… Hi Everybody! Thanks to everybody for your participation in last month’s issue, as well as the website. We’ve added a couple more sections for your enjoyment. Let us know how you all like them! We are very sorry for the delay in the ezine’s release, but hope that you still enjoy it!
100 million Is the approximate number of different kinds of Converse sold last year.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Shian and Granny
- Tia Crooks, Editor
I’m Obsessed! NYC Preppy Pink 142
NYC “Preppy Pink” Nail polish is light and girlie and in my opinion it’s one of NYC’s best variations of pink. It reminds me of Pepto Bismol!<3
Post pick of the Month:
CONTENTS Volume 3 Number 2 February/14
8 18 23
The Sociological Perspective Unknown History: Black History Month
Riddle Answers
Dr. Mark Dean Happy Black History Month!
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The Sociological Perspective with Teylor
Culture & Society
Culture and Society Has it ever crossed your mind how we as a society have decided on what is considered beautiful or acceptable? Well, what we choose to be socially accepted stems from culture. Culture is a people’s way of life that is passed on from one generation to the next, and consists of 3 dimensions: cognitive(our values and beliefs), the material and the normative(our behavior). What culture is complete without symbols, language and beliefs? These are various key components that are culturally transmitted. Cultural transmission is the process by which one generation passes culture to the next. Now, I’m going to explain some of what I just said. Symbols are anything that carries a particular meaning that is recognized by people who share a culture. For all you Hunger Games fans out there, (including myself), you’ll understand this example. In the Hunger Games trilogy, the
Mockingjay pin that Katniss Everdeen dons is a symbol to many of the districts. To some districts, it’s a symbol of rebellion and to others it means unity and hope. Another component is language. Language is an indicator of culture. Americans speak English, Germans speak German, people from Portugal speak Portuguese, and so on. The next component consists of norms, values and beliefs, and behaviors that are normal or fall into the guidelines of different cultures. For example, in some cultures, it is a norm and belief that once a boy turns 12, he becomes a man, whereas in other cultures (American cultures), the last thing on a 12 year old’s mind is preparing for his future family.
Culture and Society Culture is the big umbrella category for what we say makes each society, and under this we have subcultures and countercultures. A subculture is a group that is part of the dominant culture, but differs from it in some important respect. As an example, Chinatown, New York. Countercultures are similar to subcultures with the difference that they intentionally oppose certain parts of the dominant culture. Some examples of countercultures would be the Amish, Christians and Anarchists. This being said, many people in each group have the tendency to judge others in terms of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cultural standards, which is called ethnocentrism. Because of this, a cultural shock may be experienced. Culture shock is the personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life. Culture shock is a two way process.
Culture and Society On one hand the traveler experiences culture shock when meeting people whose way of life is dramatically different. On the other hand, a traveler can inflict shock on others by acting in ways that may purposely or unpurposely offend. That’s just like a Texan ordering steak in an Indian restaurant. The Texan is only comfortable ordering what he/she is used to seeing but Hindus consider cows sacred and never to be eaten. And you don’t have to be thousands of miles away to experience a culture shock. I’m more than certain, that almost everyone has dealt with is the simple culture shock between different ethnicities. When someone experiences a situation out of their norm, they may feel uncomfortable and poke fun at it. This is how we get stereotypes.
Culture and Society And finally the last components are non-material and material culture. Non-material is ideas created by members of a society, ranging anywhere from art to Zen. Material culture is the physical things created by the members of a society, like currency. The Sapir-Whorf thesis wraps this article up. People see and understand the world through their own cultural lens of language and culture. SO just know that any and everything is culture.
D.I.Y. “Firefly’s in a Jar” Night Lantern!
PluGGed In
2014: Year of the Wearable Tech Accessory
Remember how “unbelievably remarkable” the gadgets looked in older Spy movies? You know, the mini walkie-talkies you could wear around your wrist? What about the movies like Iron Man? Remember how Tony Stark called Pepper in his iron suit? How he could see vital information, incoming calls, her contact picture etc? Well I hope you were paying close attention, because those crazy awesome gadgets are no longer just for spy movies. They’re attempting to become part of everyday life, they’re on our heads and wrists and are being improved to exceed their movie ancestors’ abilities! Read on to briefly learn about 3 of the most mentionable wearable accessories in my opinion.
The Martian SmartWatch!
The Martian Smartwatch is the most elegant of the currently available smartwatches. Whereas the Pebble is designed as a stand- alone smart device Just as anyone working for that functions in tandem with the Google would tell you, it’s user’s smartphone, the Martian is surprisingly simple. Say “take a designed to be used simply as an picture” to take a picture, extension of the smartphone. Google Glasses look like a pair Nonetheless, the Martian Smartwatch of normal eyeglasses, but the offers hands-free voice commands, lens of the glasses will be an messages and alerts display, and interactive, smartphone-like smartphone camera control. These display, with natural language features, combined with sophisticated voice command support as styling, makes the Martian Smartwatch well as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi a top choice for someone not looking connectivity. to carry a full-fledged computer around 3. Galaxy Gear! on their wrist. Galaxy Gear is one of the smartwatches that can function as a mini version of your smartphone, not only just sending you notifications, but you can shoot video, take pictures and even take phone calls when your smart phone is not in your reach. It also has a plethora of different types of bands and bright colors to choose from. Galaxy Gear has a touchscreen, S Voice command capabilities and a Wi-Fi Radio. Research Sources: Webopedia.com; Techcrush.com; Verizon.com That’s cool.
Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Choice: Official Smartphone Rankings According to phonedog.com
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
LG Nexus 5
Nokia Lumia1520
Dr. Mark Dean With Enoch
orn March 2, 1957 in Jefferson City,
Tennessee, Mark Dean was excellent in school and excelled in math. In elementary school, he took advanced level math courses and, in high school, Dean even built his own computer, radio, and amplifier. Dean continued his interests and went on to receive a bachelor's degree in in electrical engineering from t he University of Tennessee, a masters degree in electrical engineering from Florida Atlantic University and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford. He is one of the most prominent black inventors in the field of computers. Dr. Mark Dean started working at IBM in 1980 and was instrumental in the invention of the Personal Computer (PC). He holds three of IBM's original nine PC patents and currently holds more than 20 total patents.
he famous African-American inventor
never thought the work he was doing would end up being so useful to the world. Mark Dean and his co-inventor Dennis Moeller created a microcomputer system with bus control means for peripheral processing devices. Their invention paved the way for the growth in the Information Technology industry by allowing the use of plug-in subsystems and peripherals like disk drives, video gear, speakers, and scanners. Currently, Dean is Vice President of Systems Research. Dean was named an IBM fellow in 1996 and in 1997 received the Black Engineer of the Year Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Award. Dean holds more than twenty patents.
Matthew 6:14-15 NIV
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
And the STARBUCK’S Gift Card goes to Tim P. from Tennessee!
Last month’s Riddle:
A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trousers, coat, gloves and ski mask. He is walking down a back street with all the street lamps off. A black car is coming towards him with its light off but somehow manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man? The Answer is: It was Daytime.
While Tim P’s answer was comedic and unexpectedly detailed, he got the point and answered correctly first. Here’s his answer: “The reason this man can be seen it's because it is approximately 3:24 in the middle of the day he just got off work and miss the bus now he's trying to catch his transfer which he catches about 40 blocks away so he's taking the shortcut to the dark daytime. It’s a bad neighborhood and he doesn't handle himself too well so he's walking fast.”
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re LOVING the top-to-bottom graphic look, and the bold black and white statement thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s super stylish and modern. Try it out with black and white color blocking, vertical stripes, or mix your black and white high-tops with a contrasting color, like purplethe color of the year.
ON THE COVER: Rilee Photographed by Tia
RIDDLE: This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out.