Nuggets Developing Managers

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Developing managers

Nuggets specialises in interactive learning and development workshops using unique and exciting techniques that challenge traditional methods. Beverlie Wilkinson Director



Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. Stephen Covey



Setting the scene

Pushing the right buttons at the right time An average year for a Manager will mean many different

challenging situations. It is

often about knowing which button to press, which skill

Drivers & passengers

The main thing

Hire tough

Doing the right things


Filling buckets

Learning zone


or expertise to deploy.

Managers are leaders and therefore the expectation is higher on what

role they are being asked to fulfil.

They often have to wear many hats and are asked to be counsellors, coaches or mentors.

Knowing what role to be

in and how to act is about

pressing the right buttons.

This programme is split into eight short workshops.

Effective management always means asking the right question. Robert Heller

Drivers & passengers Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions

An exercise called ‘Assumptions’,

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)

knows what drives your behaviour.

relationships through personal

to the scene that no one really Each delegate will be asked

to introduce the person next to them by guessing their: • Favourite food

• Favourite music

• Favourite holiday destination

Setting the Scene for the Manager’s Toolkit

An overview of the sessions,

understanding individually what

everyone wants from the Toolkit, by collating objectives.

Enabling positive, enjoyable


• Setting the scene for the Toolkit • The five key components of emotional intelligence

development, effective

• Understanding what


• Understanding where conflict

communication and conflict Based on the theory of Relationship Awareness, Elias Porter has created a questionnaire which discovers your motivational value system.

The Dynamic Triangle

There are 7 motivational value systems which can be plotted onto a triangle.

The Motivational Value System (MVS) is:

• The basis for which a person seeks to be valued, by self,

others and in all life situations

Managing Difficult Situations - Conflict

Understanding your own sequence allows you to: • Manage your own

sequence more effectively

• Recognise the signs early in others

• Move away from your own preferred style to another

which could be more effective

Review of the Session

motivates you

can occur because of different

motivational values and how it can be resolved?

• The gear change from

operational to leading a team - Transactional to transformational

What will you gain?

• Strength Deployment Inventory

(SDI) profile of your motivational value system

• Identifying your leadership style • Acknowledging what drives your behaviour

• Your approach to difficult situations

The main thing Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions

Being a Role Model

explaining what they mean to them.

your Facebook profile to the look

Choosing images from cards and

Vision and Values – Impact The Vision & Values of the

company will be presented to the group to discuss how to keep it

alive and vibrant within their teams.

Team Briefings and Motivation Lively Card Sort exercise on

what are long term and short

of the email you send. Linking

• Learning how to conduct

models in their behaviour and etiquette.

• What to share? • When & where • How


of what it does look like.

What will you gain?

they don’t want it to be. Actions

• Clear understanding of how to

communicate Vision & Values

As a result of attending the

• Ensuring that objectives

capturing the learning and

accountable measures

behaviours that they want to change.

We ask everyone to add

their key Nuggets of Learning

onto postcards which we will

hold by until the next workshop.

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. Roy E. Disney

team briefings and team

• Being a role model

Flip charts simply labelled:

into the Main Thing

Reverse learning exercise, what

workshop what will be different;

how often to conduct them.

the management group

the brand and leadership role

Values. Being ambassadors of


include in team briefings and

What does this mean to

• Setting objectives that fit

Action Plan and Key Learnings

Practical exercise on what to

• Vision & Values

back to impact from Vision &

term motivators to get the team thinking about what are their

Exploring what this means, from


and values are used as

• Practical tips on how to conduct team briefings

• Knowing how to keep the team motivated

• Actions around your own individual profile

Hire tough Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions



by telling the story of their best

current legislation surrounding

• Understanding pitfalls of

and worst interview.

Behavioural Interview Techniques

Developing practice questions,

based on the technique that you are looking for the behaviours

True and false quiz on the

recruitment and selection in the UK.

Talent Management

Identifying high performers and

• Developing interviewing skills recruitment and selection

• Succession planning

• Roles and responsibilities

knowing how to develop them.

What will you gain?

Roles and Responsibilities

• Understanding the company

behind the actions.

Being fair and reasonable and

Company Recruitment and Selection Process

consistent approach.

maintaining a transparent and

• Behavioural interview technique recruitment and selection procedure

• Being aware of common

sense legislation there to protect both parties

Everyone to understand the

• Being able to identify

standard process of their

talent within your team


When hiring somebody, I never ask to see a curriculum vitae. I feel that since I didn’t have one myself, it would be a bit presumptuous to ask to see anyone else’s. Richard Branson

Everyone to introduce themselves

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker

Doing the right things Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions

Coaching Techniques

had in your career and what was

to see how coaching can be

Describe the best Manager you have it about them that inspired your performance.

Practising the GROW model efficient and effective and

most importantly empowering.

1:1 Meetings


conduct them and what to cover.

of how to find them internally

Practical exercise on how often to

Many Hats of Managing

The team will flip chart what falls into the categories of counsellor, coach and mentor.

Sharing advice and guidance and externally.

Review of the Session


• How to conduct regular 1:1 Meetings

• Coaching techniques to

get the best performance

• Assigning mentors in and outside the business

What will you gain?

• Practical steps to conduct 1:1 Meetings

• Managing performance effectively • Understanding the GROW model • The difference between

coaching and mentoring

Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count. Anon

Prioritisation Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions

Prioritisation Grid

by answering key questions about

your time in a matrix by asking

Everyone will introduce themselves where they spent time the day before.

A very practical tool of charting whether each task is important or urgent.

Big Rocks First

Meeting Guidelines

how important it is to get your

• Purpose

A very visual exercise to explain priorities in life working for you.

The delegates will be invited to put big rocks into a jar of sand and

each rock has to be labelled with a role or area of life.

The team will flip chart the 4Ps • Place

• Papers • People

England Nets Captain Natalie Miller took place before the

Nets World Cup.

• Time management practices that are effective long term

• Team priorities - Doing the

right things at the right time

• Prioritisation grid – mapping your workload

• Meeting guidelines

What will you gain?

• Identifying what you value

in life – where is your time going

• Practical planning tools using the prioritisation matrix

Practical Steps

• Time saving techniques

the prioritisation grid.

• Practical meeting steps

Plan your week ahead by using

This workshop featuring


in every area of work

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve. Bill Gates

Filling buckets Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions

Rewards and Recognition


feedback each delegate will be

available rewards and recognition

• Giving constructive feedback

To set the scene on giving

invited to praise one another.

The team to flip chart all the

tools within their organisation.

Giving Praise


evidence and accountability

scenarios from work.

Structured feedback that has to the individual.

Giving Constructive Feedback The SBI model (Situation Behaviour Impact) that demonstrates all the

areas to explore: Behaviour, Effect, Expectation and Result.

Checklist to practice on real

Review of the Session

• Giving praise

• Rewards & recognition • Promotion and extra responsibilities

• Delegation of tasks and projects

What will you gain?

• Feedback model for praise and constructive commentary

• Being aware of the

organisation’s approach

to reward and recognition

• Motivating team members with extra responsibilities as well as promotion

• Delegation checklist

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell

“ Learning zone Workshop overview

Welcome and Introductions The team will share their most recent learning experience.

Learning Styles

The theory will be explained and

Team and Individual Development Plans


everyone on track, with visual

• Tips on how to share knowledge

Ideas around on keeping displays and metrics.

each delegate will be given various

Formal Vs Informal

how they learnt in this particular

on the opportunities to learn

scenarios and asked to explain

circumstance. This will be a lively

exercise with the styles positioned around the room to create movement.

Collate as many ideas as possible formally and informally.

Review of the Session & Practical Steps

• Team development plans

• Individual development plans • Imaginative responses to

learning – formal and informal

• Celebrating success – teambuilds

What will you gain?

• Being open about development plans as a team

• How to appeal to all learning styles

• Practical tips on setting up a teambuild


Workshop overview Welcome and Introductions

Mind Workout


by asking key questions on their

flip chart all the concerns they

• Managing change

Everyone will introduce themselves well being using the 8th Habit by Stephen Covey.

The delegates will be invited to have currently on their mind, by

introducing Stephen Covey’s theory of circle of concern and circle of

Signs and Symptoms

Delegates will be asked to identify the signs and symptoms of stress

in the following areas, mind, body, behaviour and physicality.

Managing Change

An exercise using Elisabeth

influence this will identify that

for healthy mental well being it

is advisable to influence as many concerns as possible and ideally

• Keeping every one motivated

• Refining processes to be effective • Being resilient and robust

What will you gain?

• Recognise the difference

between pressure and stress

as quickly as possible.

• Mapping out the journey

Review of the Session & Practical Steps

• Revisiting short and

Kubler-Ross change curve to

Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris

long term motivations

• An action plan as to how work on your well being

emotions encountered.

The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.

of change

you as an individual will

explain the behaviours and

• Managing pressure

Interactive learning & development using accelerated techniques that incorporate colour, sound and creativity.

Nuggets brings learning to life making it a

motivating, memorable and collective occasion.

ake m e W rning lea ick! st

By bringing your five senses into play we stimulate the brain to increase the ability to learn.

We offer personal and management development

workshops using accelerated learning techniques that incorporate colour, sound and creativity:

90 Minute Nuggets Half Day Workshops Full Day Workshops Colourful Coaching

Nuggets of Learning Limited Bramley Manor, High Street, Bramley, Surrey, GU5 0HS. Tel

01483 898936


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