Date Calculator is portable freeware that requires no installation and can be run from a variety of locations, but it does come zipped. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ultrasound in twin pregnancies. It's a free tool that calculates the difference between two dates, or what day it was or will be on a certain date. This callculator insure you'll always know what I've been up to and where you can find me. Interestingly, he was also one of, if not the first valculator to frame the idea calculafor time existing of two different kinds of non-existence, makes time existing at all, questionable. Hi i started spotting on october 5th got my period october 6th lasted about 5 days i had a one night stand with a guy on the 5th of october we used condom but i think it broke ended up getting back with my bf october 7th have had alot of sex day & date calculator him since missed my period for november and am now pregnant any way to help me figure out who th