DB514 Activating your Innovation Radar

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DB514 Activating your Innovation Radar Date: November 16, 2012 Responsible Lecturer: dr. Y. Lu Co-lecturer: S.E. Baha MSc Team Connexxion: Marieke de Rooy - Program Manager Tijmen van Gurp - Public Relations and Communication Sietse Dols - Lead Designer Mark Kwikkers - Executive Director


Abstract The overall goal of this module was to innovate the meaning of mobility for elderly. Connexxion challenged us to design a self-supporting transportation system that makes sure all age groups are mobile. We had to take into account that this system was sustainable, flexible, profitable and people would use it because they want to and not because they have to. Next to this, we would have to consider how this solution helps the company in getting or maintaining contracts with their clients. In our concept, IRIS, we have tackled this broad goal into a relatively simple and cheap solution. IRIS transforms mobility from merely transportation, to a social event. For elderly public transportation becomes more social, accessible and comfortable. Through IRIS a community of volunteers is build up with a sense of responsibility. IRIS reflects the ambition of Connexxion to contribute to society.


Introduction In this report we describe the design process of the one week module Activating your innovation Radar. In this module, Connexxion challenged us to design a self supporting transportation system that makes sure all age groups are mobile. The process of this design challenge is described in chronological order, starting with sensing the different meanings on mobility of the stakeholders: Hermes, Elderly people and Bus drivers. These insights were used as inspiration and input for a brainstorm session, of which we describe the two resulting concepts. One of these concepts was developed further with the use of another Bus-driver validation session and the Experience Flow model. The result of this process was IRIS, which is a service to built a community that is there to help elderly to have a comfortable trip while travelling with Connexxion busses. We have developed a Roadmap to propose a way to test and launch IRIS first very locally and low cost, and in the end as a nationwide community.


Table of Contents Page Visions on Mobility..........................................................................................................................1 Connexxion....................................................................................................................................1 Elderly...........................................................................................................................................1 Bus drivers......................................................................................................................................1 Designers Vision.............................................................................................................................2 Opportunity.....................................................................................................................................2 Midweek Concepts.........................................................................................................................3 Enhancing the position of the bus driver.........................................................................................3 Changing the meaning of the bus from transportation to connecting people..................................3 Evaluation...................................................................................................................................4 Experience Flow model..................................................................................................................5 IRIS...............................................................................................................................................6 Concept.......................................................................................................................................6 Scenario......................................................................................................................................6 Roadmap.....................................................................................................................................7 Pilot.............................................................................................................................................7 Phase two........................................................................................................................................7 Phase three.....................................................................................................................................8 Final Phase.....................................................................................................................................8 Values .............................................................................................................................................9 Connexxion..................................................................................................................................9 Elderly.........................................................................................................................................9 Customer.....................................................................................................................................10 Bus driver......................................................................................................................................10 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................11


Visions on Mobility


In getting to know and ‘sense’ our design work area and the stakeholders in the field, interviews with these stakeholders were arranged. We met up with Connexxion, bus drivers in the field and elderly who were making use of the transportation services offered by Connexxion. Connexxion Hermes is a daughter company of Connexxion. Connexxion focuses on sustainability and innovative services. Connexxion wants to provide a transportation service for all ages. They are constantly trying to innovate their services but this is limited by their complex organizational structure and financial limitations. As their segment of the market has a limited lucrativeness and is dependent on a strong competitive pricing, they do not make enough profit to invest in elaborate innovation projects.


Elderly For the elderly mobility is something that is offered to them as a convenience, but there are physical limitations as well as financial ones that threaten to limit this mobility. Bus Drivers For bus drivers mobility is something that they deal with in their everyday life as a profession. They execute their profession with a love for people and travel but do encounter passengers who are not aware of their own responsibility for safety and wellbeing on the bus. Some elements of these responsibilities are not communicated clearly enough by the transportation companies.

Visions on Mobility


Designers Vision As a starting point we as designers formulated our own vision on mobility for the project. We described mobility as the ability to go wherever you want, whenever you want. Being able to get around and do the things that bring meaning to your life. An essential part that is needed for this ability is clear communication between the travel companies and the end user. Opportunity A clear design opportunity that is perceived by our design team is the improvement of communication on many different levels. From the communication within the organizational structure of Connexxion to the communication towards the end user on the busses themselves. As the improvement of the communication in the organizational structure would not be a feasible goal in a one week module, the choice was made to look into the direct communication between customers and Connexxion that takes place in the busses in Eindhoven.

The video report of our sensing sessions can be found by scanning the QR code below or at the following link: http://youtu.be/0kx9J2LFVQc


Midweek Concepts


Based on the various insights concerning mobility two concepts were proposed during the midweek presentation of the module. Enhancing the position of the bus driver The first concept had as goal to change the position of the bus driver from being part of the bus to being the host of the bus. This is because we think the contact between client and bus driver has become more impersonal and there is no room for extra service anymore. By making the bus driver the host the personal service returns and a better atmosphere is the result. To reach this, we proposed a few ideas: - People who need some extra help when entering the bus, like elderly or people with babies, can notify the bus driver on beforehand. This can makes the bus driver feel needed. - Another idea is to communicate the safety and responsibilities of the passengers via the on-board video screens. - The last idea is to ask people to communicate damage in a bus. The mechanics can return feedback to these customers when the damage is resolved. As a reward the customers receive a reward, such as free check-ins.


Changing the meaning of the bus from transportation to connecting people For the second concept we wanted to change the meaning of mobility from transportation to connecting people. Therefore we proposed the debatebus. This bus connects governmental organizations with citizens and other stakeholders: we aim to restart communication of stakeholders on neutral ground in a transparent way. For example: city of Eindhoven can go in conversation with the citizens of Eindhoven about topics living under their citizens. This bus would make recurring trips (such as every Tuesday at one o’clock) and hosts changing speakers. The bus will be financed through stakeholders that propose debate topics and benefit from the discussions. Therefore participants can travel with this bus for free.

Midweek Concepts Evaluation Both concepts were evaluated with bus drivers, Connexxion and fellow designers. Additionally we received the results of the Rondje Woensel, lijn 100 pilot and the results of a questionnaire amongst users of De Witte Raaf service (a transportation service to mobilize elderly in Eindhoven). When talking to the bus drivers we found out that having the bus driver as a host is an unrealizable goal. We asked them if they could function as a steward if they were given more time. As an answer this we heard this would be very impractical because they would have to close the coin case, put it in their bag, wait before all the people have entered the buss, open their door, stand up and help the elderly. This process was too inconvenient and inefficient.

IR S Another option would be to have a steward, such as in the Lijn 100 test, as extra service in the bus. But, using paid stewards in real life is not feasible since this is too expensive for companies which focus on profit. A learning experience stated in the report of the lijn 100 pilot, Rondje Woensel, suggested that the bus driver could however be a familiar face.


Experience Flow model A next step was to take a look at the experience flow of an elderly person taking the bus. We noticed getting in to the bus and leaving the bus are crucial factors influencing the threshold of using a bus. Research regarding the member of ‘De Witte Raaf’ states that 41% of the respondents who are (fragile) elderly don’t take the public transport because they feel they have not enough time or the ability to enter or leave the bus. Also the time planning and getting from the bus stop and back was a problem for the (fragile) Elderly. From this point on we had a clear overall picture of the possible points of improvement. We decided to focus on one part of the process on which Connexxion can have a direct influence: Entering, traveling and leaving the bus. To enhance the experience flow of an elderly of this particular part of travelling by bus we propose the concept IRIS.




IRIS Concept IRIS is a community of people who voluntarily help elderly to travel by bus, without experiencing any discomfort or stress. The people from this community will help elderly entering, travelling and leaving the bus while they are traveling themselves.

IR S Scenario In the scenario video, that can be found by scanning the QR code or through the following link, the use and process of the IRIS system is demonstrated: http://youtu.be/4oVWQU-DTSo




In the following roadmap we will discuss how this community will grow and take shape, and to what extend technological and financial resources are needed. This roadmap suggests the implementation of IRIS in Connexxion busses over four phases. In between the phases the progress of the project is evaluated with the target group. Pilot The three month pilot phase is started with a small group of people who already have an connection with elderly, e.g. nurses, and are willing to volunteer. The pilot is only conducted on two bus lines that cross traffic veins important for elderly. The volunteers of IRIS people pledge to help elderly on their bus ride. People part of this community will notify themselves to the bus driver when they get on the bus in. The driver will signal the IRIS volunteer.When an elderly is in need of extra help the driver signals the IRIS volunteers to cooperate. He does this without any additionally technology.

Phase Two The second phase of the implementation of IRIS while take approximately six months. During this period people who are already participating in IRIS can invite their friends to join via a website. Members of IRIS receive a sticker that can be attached to their public transportation card. Additionally the number of bus routes partaking the project is increased. Green lights in and outside the bus that can be triggered by the bus driver indicate when the bus driver expects an elderly in need of help. The green lights in and outside the bus will indicate when the bus driver expects an elderly in need of help. These lights will be triggered manually by the bus drive.




Phase Three In the one year of the third phase, the membership of IRIS is incorporated into the public transportation card. Check-in with your regular public transportation card will then also notify the bus driver that an IRIS member is on board and is willing to help the elderly. Furthermore IRIS is introduced on all the bus lines in Eindhoven. Apps for mobile phones are introduced that allow the public to quickly become member of the IRIS initiative, and allows them to indicate whether they are available to help or not.

Final Phase The fourth phase of the IRIS project would be a nationwide introduction including a marketing push to gain a large presence and community. In the end, a community like IRIS might disappear into the background as the consensus in society changes and the needs of the elderly in transportation are catered to without an active stimulation system. But that is of course still speculation.




Connexxion A community that is active to enhance the experience of their service is very valuable. Their service will be better, there will be more involvement of their customers, and more elderly that can travel with the bus without having to invest a lot. The approach of our concept also will also include the younger customers from Connexxion giving them an important role within their company. They will have a strong connection towards the company from a young age. Pilots for this project can be done relatively cheap. During this pilot period no extra employees or hardware is needed. In return the in-bus service is higher.

Elderly IRIS reduces a lot of stress factors for elderly when going by bus. Getting on and off the bus, finding the right place to get out, is easier to achieve with a helping hand. The social contact will improve their vision on traveling, it is no longer a burden but can even be thĂŠ social intervention that they needed.



Values Customer For the common customer we be believe it can be valuable to know that help is expected. No longer do you have to hesitate before you stand up and guide someone towards the bus. You get an intrinsic reward and feel that you belong to a community which contributes something valuable. The social contact during traveling can even make your trips less impersonal en boring.

Bus driver The bus driver has experienced a shift from a personal and socially rewarding job towards an impersonal job with less freedom. With our concept we believe we can bring back the interaction between bus driver and customer. There will be more interaction during the trip and with entering the bus. A societal shift can take place when people start helping of which you don’t expect help at first.


Conclusion The overall goal of this module was to innovate the meaning of mobility for elderly. Connexxion challenged us to design a self-supporting transportation system that makes sure all age groups are mobile. We had to take into account that this system was sustainable, flexible, profitable and people would use it because they want to and not because they have to. Next to this, we would have to consider how this solution helps the company in getting or maintaining contracts with their clients. After meeting all stakeholders (Connexxion, bus drivers and elderly) we concluded that a clear design opportunity was to improve communication of this transportation service on many different levels. The choice was made to look into the direct communication between customers and Connexxion that takes place in the busses in Eindhoven. We focussed on one part of the process of elderly travelling by bus on which Connexxion can have a direct influence: Entering, traveling and leaving the bus. As a solution we propose IRIS: IRIS is a community of people who voluntarily help elderly to travel by bus, without experiencing any discomfort or stress. The people from this community will help elderly entering, travelling and leaving the bus while they are traveling themselves. IRIS transforms mobility from merely transportation, to a social event. For elderly public transportation becomes more social, accessible and comfortable. Through IRIS an community of volunteers is build up with a sense of responsibility and intrinsic motivation to help elderly. With our concept we believe we can bring back the interaction between bus driver and customer. There will be more interaction during the trip and with entering the bus. Next to this, IRIS reflects the ambition of Connexxion to contribute to society. For Connexxion this means the experience of their transportation service will become better, there will be more involvement of their customers, and more elderly that can travel with the bus without having to make large investments.



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