How did you attract/address your audience? We used Mise-en -scene that the audience would recognise and identify Costume The costumes worn by the actors in our thriller attract and address our target audience, the age demographic of 15-19. This is because the costume worn by our actors is the same contemporary clothing our target audience would wear. For example you can see here the characters of Louisa and Hammad wearing fashionable clothing that our young target Audience would identify with, this would then attract our audience To continue watching our film as they can relate with the young Fashionable characters.
Another way in which we attracted and addressed our audience is by Addressing our target audiences love for TV shows like ‘The Bridge’ and ‘Marcella’ by using a thin sophisticated font in our title which is commonly Used in contemporary Thriller TV shows. This helps to present our Thriller as aesthetically pleasing to our audience Lighting therefore addressing their love of similar titles used in thriller TV they watch. The lighting used in Thriller attracts and address our target audience by using generic thriller conventions in our lighting by using chiaroscuro Lighting. This lighting is commonly used in thrillers that our Target audience will enjoy watching and in classic movies such as ‘The third man’ that they will of watched. Therefore our use of Chiaroscuro lighting will address our audiences expectations of a Thriller by using generic Conventions. The chiaroscuro also helps to present the enigma of the character of Hammad in our Thriller as it is unclear if he is involved In the murder of the character of Fin. The chiaroscuro lighting used helps to present him as mysterious and therefore builds up tension. This Addresses our Target audience’s love for Thriller films therefore by building up tension which is the main aim of Thriller films we are meeting
The young ethnically diverse characters In our Thriller production help to address and attract our Target audience because of the age of our Target audience (15-19) The same age as the characters in our Thriller. Therefore they can Relate more to the way the actors look and act in the situation They are placed in. They also will be attracted by the ethnically Diverse characters because our Target audience love TV shows Like ‘Marcella’ with ethnically diverse casts.
Soundtrack Our Thriller also will attract our target audience by it’s use of Soundtrack. The soundtrack we used helps to build up the feelings of tension In our audience which reflects the actions displayed. This will help to attract our Target audience as the soundtrack is fairly contemporary And builds up a lot of suspense. It is similar to the soundtracks used in many Thriller TV shows that are in their interests therefore it Will appeal to them.
During the action taking place in the beginning of our Thriller Film anticipation is built up between the character of Tillie And the characters of Louisa and Hammad as they approach The shared house. We achieved this by cuts of them walking To the house and Tillie in the house to show the audience how They are in proximity to Tillie building up Tension as they get Closer. The audience remains on edge throughout our Thriller By our use of Shot reverse shot, close up’s and use of lighting. This helps to address our Target audiences’ love for Thriller Films and being Thrilled and shocked by the Thriller films / TV Shows that they watch. Therefore our Thriller film will satisfy This love. The cliff hanger at the end of our Thriller opening is the Final aspect of our film which will attract our audience to watch On further as they will be intrigued as to where the story goes.
Inter-textual references The inter-textual references used in our Thriller opening are essential in addressing and attracting our target audience to watch the rest of our Film and it enjoy it. This is because the Inter-textual references used will be Identifiable by our target audience which will add to the enjoyment Of our Target audience by them being able to recognise links made to other films and TV shows that they love, also making them feel clever For making this link.
Here you can see the main interTextual reference we used referring The Thriller film ‘Once Upon a Time In America’ where the character of Eve Pulls up bed covers to discover bullet Holes then is shot. We developed this Idea in our Thriller so Tillie reveals the Covers to find Fin’s dead body. But this Reference is clearly defined by the use Of the light being switched off as in ‘Once upon A Time in America’. A metaphor for eve’s death And The character of Tillie’s fate.
Target audience feedback Around halfway through the making of our Thriller we decided to design a questionnaire to give out to 10 people Aged 15-19 years old, the age of our target audience. The feedback we received was extremely positive therefore We knew that we were addressing our audience’s needs. Although despite this one criticism of our Thriller Opening was that the blue saturation effect used didn’t make sense. So we decided to take this out to assure We were addressing our Target audience.